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kerosene-saint · 4 months ago
my bad memory effects me in such weird ways.
#something I've noticed in my life is that i have a lack of memory for certain sensory things#like i can remember sound extremely well#but that has to be triggered either by hearing the song or having the lyrics in front of me#which is shit because a lot of the time i can't remember what songs sound like based on their title if it isn't a lyric in the song#WHICH MEANS I AM TERRIBLE AT REMEMBERING FALL OUT BOY SONGS.#I'LL WANT TO LISTEN TO A FALL OUT BOY SONG AND IT'S LIKE ''okay so i think the one I'm thinking about is in this album... but i don't know#which one it is at all because none of these sound like it....''#ANWAYS THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT#WHAT I WAS GONNA TALK ABOUT IS#the fact that i can't remember tastes or feelings almost at all#i say almost because there are a few things i can remember under the taste category#but it is literally so few#like off the top of my head i could maybe think of three or four things i can remember the taste of#which doesn't seem like that much of a problem right#BUT IT IS.#IT REALLY IS#because i don't remember how it tastes i can't say if i liked it or not!!!#unless it was extremely recent or i REALLY liked it or REALLY hated it!!!!!#it's very easy for me to completely forget what something i really love tastes like#it's sort of similar to when you're trying to remember someone's name and it's just not quite there#that's what it feels like a lot of the time#i just can't remember tastes!!!!#i can remember smells really well#and i can do pictures!!!#(i can't remember in video format tho that has to be a slide show or approximately 5 seconds lone like a vine)#and i can't remember how certain fabrics feel#that i can usually remember if i like or dislike it though#not like with taste where i lack a memory on my opinion#but it can be still annoying#especially when i go to put on a shirt and be like ''i don't remember why i didn't want to wear this- oh. oh god no.''
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btr-rewatch · 1 year ago
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 1: “Big Time Audition” PART 4
Links to parts ONE, TWO, and THREE
Final post for this episode!
Highlights: Kendall can't stop questioning authority, the band falls apart before it can even get started, and we finally reach the end of this very long journey through episode one.
I must say that, so far, I'm finding the show to be every bit as funny as I remember it being. There are lines that are delivered in such a quick, snappy way that they sort of smack you in the face before you have a moment to process it. The woman from the marketing team saying, "Boys, we researched and electro-shocked focus groups to determine the exact look and name that will sell millions of records," is one of those lines.
I think part of what makes the BTR experience such a unique and enjoyable one is the fact that they basically live in a world that's like ours, but they also don't. It's our world cranked up a few extra notches, which I know is intentional (isn't the point of the show that it was supposed to feel like a live-action cartoon?) but it's still very funny to imagine this as being reality. Sometimes it seems like there are no rules in the BTR universe. People just do what they want. Ridiculous, off-the-wall things happen on the regular. Something is deeply wrong with the structure of their world, but it's never addressed in the slightest. Love it.
After going through a series of terrible makeovers (James thinks all of them are good), Gustavo introduces the guys to their first song, "Girl Time." And I love Kendall's expression as Gustavo goes through the whole spiel. I can't tell if this is Kendall Knight smiling mockingly at how ridiculous Gustavo is or if this is Kendall Schmidt breaking character. Either way, it's delightful.
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Meanwhile, James is so serious about it. He's like, "Yep, it's Girl Time. Got it."
I'd also like to bring attention to the various ways Kendall has been addressed in this episode.
By Kelly: "Tall, blond, and eyebrows."
By Gustavo: "Mr. Make Us a Pop Group"
Also by Gustavo: "Mr. Question Everything I Do"
Biggest laugh of the episode goes to when Gustavo is reading all the girl-themed songs on the record wall and goes, "Girl Like You, Girl You Are My Girl, Hot Girl, Cold Girl, Girl to My Heart, Yard Squirrel Christmas—I forgot that one was there..."
That caught me totally off guard, and I'm glad I wasn't taking a sip of water at that moment because I would have choked on it.
Anyway, after screaming at the guys, Gustavo—who thinks he might've finally gotten the upper hand on his smart-mouthed band leader—decides it's a very good idea to do this to Kendall.
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And the LOOK Kendall gives him.
This kid is seriously considering whether or not he wants to have his picture shown on the evening news tonight because he strangled famous music producer Gustavo Rocque with his bare hands.
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Listen, I love Original Kendall, and I am going to hold onto him for as long as I possibly can. There was this restrained, vaguely threatening air that surrounded him. Kendall was playing this character as if he was a guy one wrong step away from snapping, and I am here for it.
Ultimately, Kendall opts to make a joke instead of doing anything that will get him thrown into juvie, and we get a funny news scene reporting on the small earthquake that struck the surrounding area as a result of Gustavo's anger.
When the time rolls around to finally get into the recording studio, Kendall continues to have his disruptive behavior on full display.
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This episode really is just The Kendall Show, isn't it? I feel like the other three have hardly said more than a few lines?? They're mostly there so far just to react to things and occasionally chime in. For the most part, it's been forty minutes of "Watch Kendall Do Things." I mean, the other guys have their personalities pretty laid out, but there's no depth yet, and they feel more like sidekicks. Kendall is the one running this show. He's living his life, spewing out pep-talks as needed, causing trouble, kicking butt and taking names, etc.
Naturally, things only escalate from there, and Gustavo ends up resigned to his new boyband project being a lost cause.
I had to screenshot the exchanging of looks while Gustavo announces their failure via song because it's just so indicative of the way the guys will "divide" up over the course of the show. That, I remember very clearly. While they were all tight-knit, there was a prevalent pairing of Kendall with Logan and James with Carlos in terms of the ways the boys gravitated toward each other, specifically with the two who need that leadership and guidance the most: Carlos and Logan. You can see it right in this scene—both in the order they're standing in and where the glances are directed.
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Carlos looks to James, and Logan looks to Kendall, which explains the overall dynamic nicely, I think.
Back at the Palm Woods, James is furious that his friends (mostly Kendall) have sabotaged his chance at being famous, and you know what? He's right. They all knew James wanted this the most out of all of them. It's literally his biggest dream! But they (*cough* Kendall *cough*) made a big joke of it at every possible turn. They (KENDALL) could have tried harder.
After getting into a fight and being pushed into the pool by Katie, the guys end up sulking around the fire.
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James: "I could stay here and be a model; I'm still great-looking. Or the star of a reality show."
Carlos: "Which one? Project Idiot?"
Super funny, yet uncalled for. This fiasco really isn't James's fault, Carlos. Please direct your anger at your reckless, defiant leader, Kendall Knight.
Kendall muses that after all they've gone through, they never even got to sing together, which leads them into another—and the best—rendition of the "Giant Turd" song. They get a rousing round of applause, Kendall delivers his fourth inspirational speech (with musical accompaniment!) and they all decide they should give this thing a try.
Also I have such vivid memories of the commercials Nick played in the weeks leading up to the show's premiere. Kendall's line "One, I love singing. Two, I love singing with you guys," was always featured prominently in it, and I remember seeing the commercial and thinking, "Looks like such a lame, cheesy show." I had zero intention of watching, but then my sister and I were lounging around channel surfing on that Thanksgiving weekend and happened to catch it just as it started. It was one of those, "Might as well. There's nothing better on" moments.
Cue me proceeding to never miss an episode, seeing them in concert, and meeting them three times over those next three and a half years. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Our four lovable goofballs decide to behave and pull themselves together enough to start to resemble a band.
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And they do it! They become a full-fledged boyband in two days and impress the pants off of Griffin.
Gustavo is pleased, though he still does have his nitpicks. "Carlos still can't sing. Logan still can't dance. And I still can't stand James."
No critiques for Mr. Knight, I see.
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This brings us to the end of the episode. Everyone celebrates! They can stay in L.A. for the next three months! And we've learned the very important lesson that if you fly into an angry rage, get security called on you, and start a physical fight at a talent search audition, you get REWARDED with fame and fortune.
Haha, I kid. The lesson is, of course...
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Well, that's a wrap on episode one! This is so much fun. I am thriving, everyone.
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songsforthepierce · 2 years ago
Odd Tracks: We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel & Fall Out Boy Cover
So...uh I legit don't know how to start this. Okay, look, we all know the only reason I am doing this is because of the whole Fall Out Boy's quite not so good cover of it. But before I can actually talk about the cover itself we have to start with the original.
You know, as I listen to this I realized I had actually never listened to the full version of the song before. I would always hear the chorus but nothing else. This is not to say I had NEVER heard of the song before. It was that when people would use it in Anime Hell AMVs to Abridged series they would only play the chorus. Which I get why, it's the most memorable part of the song that and in my opinion the strongest part of the song.
So what is the significance of the song? Well the reason it exists in the first place was because at the time Joel just turned 40 and while he met Sean Lennon's friend who just turned 21 in the recording studio. Supposedly they had a conversation where said 21 year old talked about how it was a terrible time to turn 21 and Billy said,
"Yeah, I remember when I was 21 – I thought it was an awful time and we had Vietnam, and y'know, drug problems, and civil rights problems and everything seemed to be awful".
The young adult replied back with,
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it's different for you. You were a kid in the fifties and everybody knows that nothing happened in the fifties".
This took Billy aback and retorted with, "Wait a minute, didn't you hear of the Korean War or the Suez Canal Crisis?"
The main dismissal from the young adult would be the main inspiration for the creation of the song while the two headlines would be the main framework of the song. I do find it weirdly funny he mentions the Suez Canal crisis at the time when in 2021 the canal would be blocked leading to another historical event. Within the song there are 118 brief references to significant political, cultural, scientific, and sport events between the birth year of Billy Joel, 1949, to 1989. These would be listed in predominantly chronological order which makes the song feel very concise and easy to follow. That and it has a very clear intention, the world has always had chaotic events and always will. I do feel like here Billy's intent is from a genuine place of telling people of the era and even before that major historical events be it good or bad have always been a constant. That it is not new nor are the events that happened in the past any less significant than the issues in the current era.
So one of the main talking points sprouted from the recent cover is people debating whether or not the song is a low tier Billy Joel song or not. Well for me, it is in the middle. I do not think it is his best song but I do not think it is his worst. It gets the job done. But how does Billy see this song? Well in the 1993 film, Billy Joel: Shades of Grey, he talked about how he felt about the song on the more musical end with documentary director David Horn. Joel would compare the more melodic content in a more unfavorable light to his song, The Longest Time,
"Take a song like 'We Didn't Start the Fire.' It's really not much of a song … If you take the melody by itself, terrible. Like a dentist drill."
Then on chapter 14 of the book, In their Own Words by Bill DeMain, he interviewed Billy about the song and he states,
"I started doing that as a mental exercise. I had turned forty. It was 1989, and I said, “Okay, what’s happened in my life? I wrote down the year 1949… It was kind of a mind game. [It’s] one of the few times I’ve written the lyrics first, which should be obvious to why I usually prefer to write the music first, because the melody is horrendous. It’s like a mosquito droning. It’s one of the worst melodies I’ve ever written. I kind of like the lyric though."
While one could see his views on the more musical side of his song as mean I do get where he is coming from. As he stated, he prefers to write the music first then the lyrics second. When you write the melody first then you can figure out how the lyrics go but for some writing the lyrics first makes it so you have to figure out "Okay, what is the music going to sound like?" So while he may not really care for how the song sounds, it is clear he liked what he wrote. My own view of the song itself is in the middle I genuinely respect the intent behind it. The concept of showing that every era has it's negatives and positives historically is a good one. A reminder to anyone from the past and to the future. While I was listening to the song I saw these comments beneath the video,
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Censoring the usernames because I don't want people to bother these people. But seeing these comments are from 1-2 years ago is funny. A forty year anniversary remake of the song would be a good idea. A lot has happened since 1989 and having an updated version of the song going from then to 2023 would be a neat expansion on the original's intent and a reminder to people about how while the era we live in now does suck in a lot of ways so too does the past.
Wait...we got that. The monkey's paw oh so curled...
Okay so let's start with a positive, the instrumental is fine. Not great but serviceable. But again, the original melody is not hard to screw up. But my main critique of the cover is the verses. The list of events are not in chronological order which makes the song feel like a mess of words. In the original the order is important, it emphasizes all the major events in a way to show the broad scope of what has happened throughout time. That and the events are in phrases. While that is true here it is bizarre to have "Michael Jackson dies" but then just have "Kurt Cobain" Like Michael Jackson dying is the only notable event of Michael Jackson's significance in the pop world while Kurt Cobain's existence lets the listener make the informed thought of BOTH his life and death are important.
You know what this cover makes me think? It really reads like a first draft. Like the band got together and went "Hey, what were the major things that happened from 1989 to 2023?" and just started shouting out what they remembered in no particular order. Then when they were done went "Yeah, that's good enough. Lets record" because I notice certain historical events are not mentioned like Occupy Wall Street, Kony 2012, Gamergate, Ferguson, Flint Michigan water crisis, Hurricane Katrina, Covid-19, and many more. It just feels so incomplete and emphasizes that his cover is such a big miss opportunity. While I don't want to assume no effort was put into this cover it does come off like the effort to passion wasn't really there. It makes whatever got intention they had get so muddy. Though the lyric change that stood out to me was in the chorus,
We didn't start the fire It was always burning since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No, we didn't light it but we're trying to fight it
This is the strongest part of the whole cover. The intention of that while all this shit has been happening that we are trying to change things for the better. But the fact this is just a tiny nugget within a mess pile just makes said pile look more disorganized than before.
I know this is like the only to first time I have really made a review on something one would consider relevant I only did so because I am just baffled by it all.
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littleragondin · 2 years ago
Thai BL Favorite List
I have been tagged by @troubled-mind thank you so much!
Credit to @thatgirl4815 for the original.
Favorite Thai BL:
Until We Meet Again. I have seen my fair share of BL now, especially Thai, but somehow, I always come back to this one. I think it just packs up SO many things I love. Soulmates, sure, but also great friendships, two very different romantic dynamics I both really enjoy, tragedy but with the hope and reassurance that things actually do get better, and maybe most of all incredible family and siblings’ history and relationships. I love the story, the way it’s told and the time it takes to weave itself, I love the characters and the cast, how it looks and the music. I have seen it a few times now and it still has the same grip on my heart than when I first watched it week after week when it came out.
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Favorite Pairing:
While I don’t really like the concept of fixed pairing (let actors mix up! Surprise me! Make me fall in love with improbable pairs!), I’d lie if I say there are no actor duo I really enjoy seeing together so. I will say that I am very fond of and happy to get to see JamFilm again and will 100% track whatever they do together after that if it ever happens.
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And there is something I find especially adorable in JoongDunk, I have to say (don’t ask me to explain, just cute).
Most underrated actor:
I pondered over that one for a long time, as there are many actors I’d love to see more recognized and all. But I will go with Big Thanakorn. I greatly enjoyed him in everything I have seen him in, and at this point I really would like a nice main role for him (where he f i n a l l y get the goddamn boy please and thank you).
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(*whispers* also please look at him)
Favorite Character:
Just… just one? Do you also want me to pick a single child to save? CRUEL. PITILESS. (ಡ‸ಡ)
Okay, okay, OKAY. Probably the hardest one of the whole bunch because my heart is huge and houses many m a n y characters whom I love dearly. But I think if I had to pick only one, I would go with In Chatpokin from UWMA. He is so bright and so brave, he loves so much and so sincerely, and he is so tragically young. He's flawed, in the way humans and young people are, but he's just.. he feels like someone I would also love in real life, and I do think he is fantastic as a character. So, yeah, I'd pick In.
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 Favorite Side Character:
Once again after long deliberation etc etc... I will go with Rit from Triage. I was so incredibly invested in his survival and happiness it was borderline ridiculous. He was sweet and tragic and deserved so much better than the cards he had been handed at the start! I could have handled any end where he was doing ok that's how much i loved him (tho to be fair all the secondary characters in that show were great). Could not find a gif so have a still for him!
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Favorite Scene in a BL:
That one is subject to change as often as the weather because I am a fickle beast, but brain provided the 'morning after' scene from Ghost Host, Ghost House. The quiet normalcy of it, the way they laugh and smile at each other, I really adored that scene.
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Favorite Line in a BL:
I have a terrible memory and I can't really remember a lot of exact lines from the BL I have seen. EXCEPT I actually know a lot of lines from "To Sir, With Love" which must means something (it means i have khun chai brain rot, mainly) so that's where my pick will come from. And I think, both because of what it says about the character and his struggles and desires, and the way it is delivered (which always breaks my heart) it has to be:
"So my mother had to keep the secret that I like men. If everyone knows, the Song family will be ruined because of me. I don’t want to be the head of the association. I never wanted to. I just want to be me."
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(not the scene I'm quoting but the emotion is The SameTM)
Most Anticipated BL (and why):
Right now I think it has to be a tie between I Feel You Linger in the Air (time travel! Costume drama! Pain! Women in love! Also excited to see more of Nonkul whose cameo in “Oh No! Here Comes Trouble” I really enjoyed)
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and The Whisperer (horror! Fluke with long hair! Murder and mystery! Blood! Horror again! Did I mention Fluke with long hair?!).
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Healthiest Relationship in BL:
We are getting more and more of those, aren't we? Making the choice more difficult but for once, a nice problem to have I'd say. I have seen some excellent choices but I think I will go with all the relationships in Secret Crush on You. Intouch and Daisy are OBVIOUS in how respectful and adorable they are, SkyJao make an excellent show of being respectful of your partner's desires and boundaries as well as the importance of being open about your vulnerability, and even TohNueah ok? Yes, yes they both are SUPER weird and borderline (to straight up) creepy BUT they learn to talk it out and to compromise so they can harmonize their weirdness into something that is respectful of the other. I'll pick the rainbow babies.
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Most Toxic Relationship in BL:
I mean, I saw TT so … But ignoring this one, my mind immediately went to Mork/Pi from FUTS. As much as I wanted to like it, I just think that between the manipulation and the way it always follow the 'Mork insists it's best and Pi yields despite his objections and discomfort' formula, this is a recipe for disaster. (also I love Pi SO DAMN MUCH and I just want to pluck him out of there)
Guilty Pleasure Series:
I try to not feel guilty about things I enjoy, especially not on there. But if it's something I would not necessarily recommend when I want to look like I have refined tastes... I'd pick Rakdiao I think. It's a sitcom with all the genre imply from the humor to the taped laughs and over played reactions but I loved it! It's super silly and the characters are a bit cartoonish, but it's pretty and fun and when it picks up the relationship between Rak and Diao is actually really nice. And there are some genuine moments of really well acted emotions that I love replaying (Rak's realization that he loved Diao? ART)
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Most Underrated Series:
So many of them! I’m so happy to see “He’s Coming to Me” second rising because it’s deserved, I do hope Suar’s success in La Pluie will lead people to give “You’re My Sky” a chance (because it’s great and so so SO pretty), and I hope people will watch “To Sir, with love” for more JamFilm post Laws of Attraction. But for this one I will pick two other shows (I know I know) that I feel deserve to have more people give it a chance (and that will feed into my ‘a sad story is not a bad story’ agenda).
First is “The Miracle of Teddy Bear”. It took me some time before I started this one because the echo I heard about it were so negative it kind of turned me off. And I think it’s a tragedy! Not only because I loved it (which I obviously did), but also because it has an extremely talented cast, it had so much to say about so many important things, while being very honest all along about the story it was telling. I think it’s underappreciated mostly because people wanted another story told (I know some people said the ending came out of nowhere and like… I could not disagree harder! It was the natural conclusion to that story!) and because I think Nut is an incredibly misunderstood character (I loved him beyond words, and he made me think so much of when @bengiyo said “y’all don’t like gay men when we’re not pretty, funny, sexy, or entertaining” because yes, most of the time he really is none of those things, he’s hurt and angry and he has ugly reactions and MAN I felt SO much for him). I mean sure, be aware that it’s not just a fluffy comedy before you get into it, and it has its flaws too, but I think it told a beautiful story that had a lot of heart in it – and for that it does deserve more chance, and if you were toying with the idea of watching this one, consider this your sign to actually try it!  
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Second, I will say “Something in My Room”. I really enjoyed that one, not only because I have a soft spot for ghosts (tho if you follow me, you know I do), but because I thought it had a pretty solid story in there, and once again it’s a story that stayed true to what it was telling. It’s necessary to watch the uncut version (the cut one is apparently taking off huge plot-central moments), but I think it deserved more attention than it got. The cast is really good once again, it has a lot of fantastic and complex female characters, I think Nut Supanut was an absolute DELIGHT in this one (with an adorable smile), and while it sometimes wavers a little on some of the things it touches upon, generally speaking it was a solid little show (I especially liked the theater show, and everything with Big’s character alien metaphor). (also it has Big in glasses and that HAS to count for something)
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Favorite Setting/Location:
Look, listen, listen. Give me an aquarium, ok? You can NEVER go wrong with an aquarium, there is something about the light in those either it’s blue, green, or slightly purple, about the overwhelming immensity of all that water while you’re safe behind the glass, about the pretty fishes… I do adore an aquarium. Peak romance peak colors peak location.
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I know most everyone has done it, and I may tag people who already answered (if so please forgive me) but maybe @petrichoraline @benkaaoi, @silverquillsideas @nonkul and @heretherebedork if you felt like it?
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chaos-is-beautifvl · 2 years ago
𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: steve harrington x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you can’t remember the last time you attended a school dance, and you get a little reminiscent when seeing the snow ball. but who’s to say you’re too old to have a dance? || the song in the fic is faithfully - journey
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠: fluff (they’re in love, your honor), special appearance: eddie, the kids being wingmen/wingwomen (wing boys/wing girls), flustered!steve + slick!steve
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: ~2.1k (2082)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 💌: requested by @stinkyraccoon12 || this is my first time writing for steve so i hope i did this request and his character justice! happy reading! p.s. check out my writing here and my other steve story: dear (not so) secret diary… here p.s.s. if you’d like to support me, buy me a coffee ☕️!
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When you begrudgingly agreed to be a chauffeur for the big Snow Ball, you hadn’t expected that your night would end with you slow dancing with the one guy you never thought would give you a second glance.
A few hours prior
You were relaxing on your couch, feet hanging over the side and head cushioned with a pillow. Eddie was mumbling to himself on the other end. Amid your relaxation, he had come over, claiming he needed a change in scenery to finish planning the next D&D campaign. But you think he just wanted to mooch off your snacks.
You couldn’t complain much, though. Eddie’s endless talking and shuffling were the correct stimuli to help you fall asleep. Or, well, you almost fell asleep.
Before a singular snore could escape your mouth, a loud banging came to your front door. You practically tumbled off the couch as you shot up. Shooting a wild look at Eddie, he only shrugged, shoveling a handful of cereal into his mouth.
Once you gathered your bearings, you dragged yourself to the door. You swung it open to see Max with one hand raised like she was about to start knocking again. Your eyes narrowed, “Max, dear little Max. Please explain why - and an emphasis on the ‘why’ - you’re trying to break my door down this late at night?”
The girl rolled her eyes, which made one of yours twitch. The audacity of these kids. “Do you remember what today is?”
Furrowing your brows, you said slowly, “Fri…day?”
Max huffed, clasping her hands like a patient teacher on their last straw, “No, not the day of the week. What’s today?”
Her response left you blinking, struggling to understand what she meant. When you voiced your confusion, you thought she would murder you with the look she gave. “Hint: Snow.”
“Snow- Oh! The Snow Ball!” You exclaimed, glad your sleepy brain was starting to function. Your enthusiasm did not match Max’s or her lack of it. “Yes, the Snow Ball. And do you remember what you promised?”
You racked your brain for a second before looking up, mortified. Your “no!” was simultaneous with Max’s “yes!”
“You promised, Y/N!” Max all but whined, and you suddenly remembered you were dealing with a kid. 
You pressed your hands to your face, “I’m terribly sorry, but I certainly didn’t mean it when I said I’d drive you around and be a chaperone. It was a joke.”
“But what about that thing I did for you?” Max grinned, raising an eyebrow. “You know, the whole setting you up with Steve?”
You hissed her name, glaring at her. Her grin was triumphant, and if you could, you would sink into the floor and never return to the surface again. Why she brought that up, you didn’t know until a laugh of surprise sounded behind you.
You slowly turned around to see Eddie with the most bewildered expression. He looked utterly shocked, but when he made eye contact with you, he grinned like Max. 
God, why am I always put in these situations?
“Steve?” Eddie sputtered out. “Steve, as in Steve Harrington? As in Steve “the hair” Harrington?” 
Before you could stop his slew of questions, Max confirmed them. Eddie chuckled with a shake of his head, “So that’s what you’ve been hiding from me? You’ve got a crush on little ole Steve?”
“Max, you did not set me up with Steve. And most importantly, screw you, Eddie.” You frowned, eyebrows pinching together as you sought a way to escape your two predicaments. One being attending the Snow Ball with Max, and the other being Eddie finding out you have a crush on Steve. You definitely weren’t going to live the latter down anytime soon or ever knowing Eddie.
Eddie shook his head again, a breath of laughter escaping, “Don’t think I’m the one you want to screw.”
You were one millisecond short of attacking the brunet when Max spoke. “Anyway, where’s your closet? You can’t wear that to the dance.” You couldn’t even process her words before she was waltzing through your house like it was her own.
“Max! I didn’t even say yes-!”
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You’re sure you’ll have permanent frown lines from your sulking by the end of tonight. Max had a surprisingly good fashion sense, not that it was difficult to put together something dance-worthy. You almost got out of your first predicament when you pointed out that your car was in the shop for repairs, but the ginger was quick to gesture to Eddie, whose van, albeit with issues of its own, was perfectly okay to drive.
So, there the trio of you were, in Eddie’s van, traveling to the Snow Ball. You sat in the passenger seat, watching the passing scenery. You couldn’t believe you let them rope you into this, but what choice did you have?
Now, this is not to be confused with you having the worst time of your life. When Max initially proposed the idea, you had no problem with it. But the more you pondered, you realized your last school dance was years ago, and you only went to get pictures for the school newsletter. 
While you’re not so inclined to such social events, it would have been nice to go, or at the very least have someone to go with who wasn’t your friend. You love your friends, but it’s nothing like having someone genuinely interested in you in a non-platonic way.
The three of you arrived at the school quicker than you realized, and you began dreading getting out of the van. You played it off like it was too cold outside, but you were nervous.
Alas, much to the annoying persuasions of Max and Eddie, you found yourself exiting the vehicle. Eddie spotted one of his friends dropping their little brother off, so he stepped away to speak, and Max ran up to El, both gushing over each other’s outfits, leaving you on your lonesome.
You breathed shakily, the cold air making your nervousness apparent. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you silently cursed Max for not including something more winter-protectant in your attire. Then again, she might have considered that you would be inside the gymnasium and not lingering outside like you were now.
“You don’t look like a happy camper.”
That voice. You knew that voice from anywhere.
“Aw, really? I thought I was hiding it well.” You turned to face Steve, who leaned on the side of his car. You tried to stop the smile fighting for its spot on your face, but you succumbed when his hand came to tousle his hair.
Steve was glad that the cold winter air masked his reddening cheeks. At least he had an excuse for the flush that overcame him when he saw you smile. His eyes traveled down your body, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by you. He’d never really seen you dressed up before, but you looked so-
“Doesn’t Y/N just look so nice?” Dustin asked, nudging his older friend with his elbow. “Huh, Steve?”
Steve side-eyed Dustin with a look that all but screamed, ‘what are you doing?’ The younger boy’s eyes widened as he not so discreetly gestured to you, watching their interaction with amusement.
“Yeah, of course,” Steve finally said after the non-verbal communication with Dustin. “I mean, she looks really pretty… Not that you don’t always look pretty,” Steve attempted to clarify when he saw the change in your expression. 
Little did he know your face shifted because Dustin had asked if you looked nice, and Steve saying you were pretty was far different.
“T-Thank you,” you smiled bashfully after recovering from your shock. This man will give you a heart attack one of these days. “And you look nice as well. Well, you usually do. You actually have a good fashion sense, like Max - she’s the one who picked this out,” you lifted a piece of your skirt. “And you have nice hair, which adds to it all.”
After your confession, Steve grinned like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. His nose scrunched most endearingly, his head tilting, “You like my hair?”
You mimicked him with a nose scrunch of your own, this time in laughter. “Well, yeah. People don’t call you Steve “the hair” Harrington for no reason, you know?
“Uh, okay,” Dustin interrupted, a slight look of disgust painted on his face as he blinked his eyes, attempting to purge the memory from his brain. “I’m gonna go. You two are gross. Bye.”
“Hender- Anddd, he’s gone,” Steve pursed his lips, and you hid your snicker behind your hand. “Kids these days… What are we going to do with them?”
“I have absolutely no idea.”
A comfortable silence settled over the two of you after Dustin left, the rest of the kids following after him. The parking lot was practically empty, everyone having their fun inside. 
A shiver racked through you, and you remembered the whole reason you were here in the first place - to be inside. But you didn’t want to go inside. At first, you dreaded it because of the dance, but now you didn’t want to leave the little bubble you and Steve were in. As you pondered what to do, something warm surrounded you.
“You look cold,” Steve explained, adjusting the collar of his jacket to fit you properly, which unintentionally brought you closer to him. He did it so coolly that you couldn’t help admiring his boldness. But little did you know his hands were shaking and his heart was beating so hard in his chest, he was so sure you could hear it.
You motioned to give it back to him, pointing out that he would be the cold one. He brushed you off with his hand, “I’m not even cold.” A lie. He was freezing his balls off, but he’d be cold any time to see you looking so cozy in his clothing.
“I’m assuming you dropped Dustin off?” you asked, Steve responded with a nod. “You came with Max?”
“Yeah, her and Eddie. She forced me to come and him to drive,” you smile, prompting one from Steve. “You know how convincing the kids can be. Funny enough, I’ve never actually gone to a dance. That’s a lie, I have, but I’ve never danced at a dance. Is that weird?”
Steve’s brows furrowed in confusion. You had to be kidding, right? No one had ever asked you to dance? Were they idiots? 
The brunet shook his head, bringing himself back to the present. “No, no, that’s definitely not weird. The only weird part is no one had the guts to ask you for a dance. You probably made them nervous with how cute you are.”
You look up at him with widened eyes. All night, he kept surprising you over and over again. You’d always assumed someone like Steve wouldn’t be interested in you more than as a friend, but he was proving you wrong every step of the way.
Time was standing still as you looked into each other’s eyes. Music penetrated the bubble surrounding the two of you, which you recognized as a Journey song.
Two strangers learn to fall in love again
I get the joy of rediscovering you
Steve held a hand out, “Dance with me.”
You raised your eyebrows, “Dance with you?”
Oh, girl, you stand by me
Steve grinned, taking your hand, “Yes, dance with me. It’s not a crime to have a little fun.”
The crazy bastard… you mused, allowing him to bring you closer to him. His hands settled on your waist as yours rested on his shoulders. You never in a million years would have thought you would be slow dancing in the parking lot of a school gymnasium, outside in the cold winter air, with Steve Harrington of all people.
I’m forever yours
As the two of you swayed to the music, dopey smiles plastered on your faces and eyes locked onto each other’s, an unknowing audience had formed.
“They grow up so fast,” Eddie placed a hand on his heart, wiping away an imaginary tear. Dustin nodded somberly, patting his friend’s back, “It’s okay, Eddie. It’s okay.”
“Why are you boys always so dramatic? It’s not like it took a thousand years for them to get together,” Max sighed, annoyed. But even she couldn’t hide the little grin that her master plan had worked. Girls are always right.
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celestialrry · 4 years ago
I wish you would write a fic where...
the main character is the daughter of a really important producer harry is working with and he has a major crush on her but 1) he doesn’t want her dad to feel like he’s taking advantage of her 2) she has a rule of not dating musicians
too young
HIIII GUYS..... i started school again and honestly for the longest time i've had no inspiration to write but then i got this ask!!! (thank you for your patience anon ily) and was like i love this prompt but then i wrote the first part and had no idea how to continue it,,, but I finally finished it!! ε(♡'-')з (this is me giving you all my love and affection for sticking with me) 
warnings: alcohol consumption
Harry was in a dilemma.
Usually, he could sweep all his issues under the rug, save them for another day, but this one... he couldn't do that. Not because he didn't want to, but because this problem was more than just a dust bunny on his hardwood floor.
Y/N was the problem.
Or to be more precise, his feelings for Y/N were the problem.
Harry had confidence when it came to his crushes. He was smooth, flirty, and snagged almost every single person he's caught feelings for.
But not Y/N.
No, she was almost unreachable, for quite a few reasons.
One, the only reason he knew her, met her, was through a producer he had been working with the past few months. Arlo was massive in the industry and Harry was flattered when Arlo approached him with interest in collaborating. And only a month into working together, he met Y/N.
Harry's head snapped towards the door that had just burst open, a girl barging into the studio that he had never seen before. She was gorgeous, he had to admit, but he couldn't ignore her blatant disrespect for coming in and making a scene while he, Arlo, and a few of his bandmates were working annoyed him to no end.
"Dad! Oh my god, you will not believe what just happened, I was on my way over here and I fucking bumped into Zach," The girl began ranting, approaching Arlo and huffing as she stood next to Arlo's chair. "Of all fucking people I could see just walking down the street, it had to be him. The world is against me today I swear. Anyways, I brought that drum pad you wanted."
She dug into her big brown bag that was slung over her shoulder and pulled out the music board, placing it on the table in front of Arlo.
"Where'd you see him, Y/N? We're about to go on break and I can leave and go kick his ass in," Arlo checked his watch. "7 minutes."
Y/N, Harry now knew her as, sighed and crossed her arms. "He's long gone by now, think he shit his pants when he saw me walking near him."
"Atta girl, thanks for bringing my board too," Arlo smiled up at her from his chair. He then turned to see Harry, and Mitch staring at the two of them. "Oh sorry guys, this is my daughter, Y/N. Y/N, this is Harry and Mitch."
She turned to look at them and smiled wide. "Nice to meet you!"
"You too." They both said in unison, looking at each other with a smile, before focusing back on Y/N.
"We'll be done soon, if you wanna go out and get lunch." Arlo said, turning back to his daughter.
"Sounds good, just text me," Y/N replied, giving him a smile before turning back to the boys. "Nice meeting you guys, again."
And before they could even respond she was gone.
Two, Y/N was younger than him. 6 years younger to be exact. It didn't seem like much, but when put into perspective, she was 21, only just being legally allowed to drink in the States, and Harry was 27. Practically 30, if you ask him, and he was positive Arlo would have his head if he found out Harry liked his daughter. 
And three, she doesn't date the people her dad works with. 
He had found this out one night when he, Arlo, Y/N, Mitch, and a couple other writers were hanging out at the studio, drinking some wine (she had even exclaimed that this would be her first time drinking red, and Harry was yet again reminded of her age) and chatting after a long day of working. 
Harry and Mitch were laughing with Arlo about the first time they met Y/N, and her comments about this “Zach” guy. 
“He’s my ex, and had worked with my dad on one shitty song that never got far because he’s just so-- music is just not his thing, to put it nicely. But he was an absolute asshole and after him I made rule to never date anyone Dad works with. It would just go terribly.” She explained, letting Arlo take a few more jabs at the guy before stopping him.
So yeah, Harry was in a dilemma. 
In all the time he’d known Y/N, he just kept falling for her. She was kind, funny, beautiful, lit up any room she walked into, and treated Harry like fine porcelain. 
She was just fucking perfect. 
Y/N had probably been in a lot of worse positions than the predicament she was in now.
For example, that time her dad walked in on her and her ex making out in the studio, or her 21st birthday when she got completely wasted and almost got into the wrong car instead of her uber, and the next day found out that the man driving that car was actually a convicted criminal.
So there’s worse things that could happen than her liking Harry.
But it doesn't mean it wasn’t bad.
The thing is, Y/N didn’t fall for anyone easily. Her one and only ex Zach treated her like a queen until he could officially claim her as his. The flowers he gave her before every date remained at the shop and the consistent compliments turned into insults and muttered claims of discontentment. 
Hence why he was her ex. It took Y/N quite a long time to work up the courage to end things with him. He was her first kiss, first time, and first boyfriend. She was yet to find her first love, she never really loved Zach. The way he used to treat her in the beginning, she thinks she loved, but him? No, she would never call him her first love. 
So when Y/N’s time crush on Harry began to develop into real feelings in such a short span of time, it terrified her. She had really never felt this way about someone before; butterflies would erupt in her stomach every time he shot her a smile and her mind would erupt into pure chaos when his body brushed up against her own. 
So yeah, it could be worse, but it certainly wasn't good.
Y/N enjoyed spending time at the studio with her dad, and surprisingly, spending time with her dad’s “co-workers”. Even though she didn't usually hang out with the pop stars and spent time mostly with the backing band/producers (they were usually 50 year old men, but they were pretty nice) she enjoyed herself fully, having lunch breaks and talking about where their children when to school and whatnot. 
Sometimes though, every blue moon, Y/N would hang out with a super star her dad was working with. Usually when most stars are at the studio all they did was record, which was understandable, but she never had the chance to meet a lot of them.
With Harry though, everything was different. It wasn’t just lunches at the studio, or dinner at someone’s house, no, tonight they were going out to a bar. 
It was completely unexpected too, they had just wrapped up a song, and Harry, being in a particularly good mood had yelled out about going to a bar to celebrate. Of course, Y/N ignored his shout, knowing she wasn’t invited, and after Arlo had said something about “not being able to party as much as I used to”, she gave her dad a hug good night and waved a little goodbye to the band. 
“Wait!” Harry had exclaimed, chasing after her in the hallway. “Where are y’going?”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she looked behind her before looking back at Harry. “I was just gonna head back home.”
Harry’s head tilted, and looked at her questionably. “Y’not comin’ to the bar with us?” He practically pouted.
Her brows shot up in surprise. “Oh! I- yeah I’ll go out with you guys.”
Which lead her here, decently tipsy, and sitting in a booth between Harry and Sarah, laughing at a story Adam had been telling. Every now and then she would glance over to Harry just to find his gaze already on her.
Her heart fluttered every time, and if Harry’s cheeks weren’t already flushed from the alcohol, Y/N would have noticed him blush every time they locked eyes as well. 
“M’gonna get another drink, does anyone want anything?” Y/N piped up, a resounding chorus of “no, thank you’s” answering her question. Except for Harry who spoke softly, “A beer? Go ahead and put it on my tab.”
She shook her head at him as he stood up to let her out of the maroon leather booth. “Can’t make you pay for that, I offered.” She said, standing to lock eyes with him yet again. 
“Nope,” He grinned. “You can, and you will.”
“No buts.” He chuckled, giving her a dimpled smile.
Accepting her defeat she nodded and squeezed his arm with a murmured “Thank you.” before making her way to the bar.
Harry sat back down again, eyes trailing her figure as she walked away before looking back at the table to be met with knowing eyes. 
“What is it?” He asked, glancing around at everyone.
“You’re whipped, mate.” Charlotte grinned, everyone else nodding in agreement.
“What?! I am not.” Harry pouted, eyes flicking over to Y/N, who was making her way to the table, one drink in each hand, before back to everyone else. 
“She’s really sweet H, you should go for it.” Mitch said.
Harry shook his head, eyes now on Mitch. “I’m not interested in her like that, she’s way too young for me, anyways.”
Just then did he hear the soft hit of his beer and her cosmo land on the table. His gaze trailed up her hands to see Y/N’s shattered face. “Here.” She practically whispered to him.
“I just remembered I have an early class tomorrow, so I should go, but thank you guys for inviting me out.” Y/N explained in lighting speed as she leaned over Harry to grab her purse and toss is over her shoulder. 
Words of confusion were tossed around the table but she was already booking it out of there, leaving Harry just as devastated as she was.
“I think she heard you, H.” Sarah said, frowning. 
Harry let out a muttered “Fuck!” before taking out large bills from his wallet and tossing it on the table. “For my tab, m’sorry, I gotta go.” And he left just as fast as Y/N did, weaving through the tables and people before bursting out the door to see her standing on the street, arm wrapped around her waist and another holding her phone.
Her head whipped around to see Harry bustling towards her and she quickly wiped her eye as he approached.
“Wait, don't go,” He said, struggling to find the words. “We all want you to stay, I want you to stay.”
“I have to get to class Harry, plus, I’m too young to be staying out this late anyways.” She grimaced at her own words. 
He sighed, eyes flickering from her own to her lips then back again. “I-fuck, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”
This time, she fully turned to face him, brows knitted in distress. “Then how did you mean it? Because honestly I don’t think there is another way to mean it.”
This was his only chance, Harry knew it. 
“I just, I tried for so long to tell myself it was wrong to feel this way about you because you’re so much younger than me, and m’pretty sure your father would have my head if he knew but m’fucking infatuated with you, Y/N. M’so sorry I said that earlier, age is my only excuse for not asking you out and it’s not a good enough excuse anymore.”
With this her mouth was gaped like a fish, and her face was akin to a deer caught in headlights. In a flash her arms were wrapped around his neck and he was holding her waist, reveling in her touch. 
“Oh, Harry,” She pulled away. “I really like you too.” And with that she pressed a swift kiss to his cheek, leaving him a blushing mess. 
“Good, thats... thats good.” He stammered.
“So,” she nudged his arm. “Y’gonna ask me out now?”
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years ago
Under The Floorboards (Pt. VIII)
(Technoblade x Reader) First Part: Pt. 1 Latest: Pt.VX
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(Feel free to play this while listening to this chapter! Full credit to @Alexx-Kun on Wattpad for suggesting this gorgeous song)
Day 1: Forgiveness
Step one you needed to find a venue, you had assigned Ranboo as your honorary maid of honor. The young boy was just as thrilled as he was confused, did you not have any other friends? You were Technoblade’s perfect match if that was the case. Ranboo had no problem voicing that to you and you pouted at him, you argued that everyone who lived with Techno was antisocial. He reluctantly agreed and you smiled proudly, he rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder with his hand. You laughed, glad you were sitting down, or else you would’ve for sure fallen. Technoblade and you had decided to split the jobs for the wedding between the both of you. You were in charge of the invitations and flowers, basically anything to do with decorating and interacting with other humans. Technoblade meanwhile was in charge of the venue and the official rings, it’s not that you didn’t trust him with more duties it was more that he didn’t trust himself. That and he also believed that you both could just get married in the woods. You at least wanted a small wedding with a few people you cared about, you rubbed your pointer finger and thumb together with a frown.
    “You alright?”
     “Just thinking about the invitations. Who will come...stuff like that.” Ranboo glanced over at the minuscule stack of letters by the table, it was clearly small, but Ranboo hand wrote them for you in swirl print. They better show up, Ranboo would be pissed if they didn’t, he put a lot of work into those invites.
    “They’ll come.” He nodded his head picking them up with his claws, one was for Tommy, another was for Ghostbur, and Ranboo also suggested an invite for Captain Puffy he figured the both of you would get along considering you both had a habit for adopting misfits. You also needed a female friend. “We can deliver them and search for flowers, then tomorrow we can search for a dress for you that sounds okay right?”
    “For someone with such a bad memory, you’re surprisingly good at planning,” You watched the boy preen at your compliment.
     “Thank you, I also figured we can use the stasis chamber so you only have to walk one way with your ankle.”
     “Smart boy.”
    “Why thank you,” Ranboo smiled proudly over at you reaching out his hand for you to take. You grabbed it and he pulled you to his feet, he kept his hand interlocked with yours, it was minuscule in comparison to the half enderman’s. “Ready?”
Slowly but surely the two of you made your way over to the nether portal and into the once-great country. Ranboo placed his hand on your lower back and helped guide you through the rubble of the city. He knew much better than you did where everyone resided, even if you didn’t meet them face to face you’d make a chest and drop it off. Ironically the first person you ran into was the woman Ranboo insisted you meet, Captain Puffy. She’s gorgeous, was your first thought, she was some form of a sheep hybrid dressed like a pirate, two of your favorite things, sorry Technoblade you might’ve met your new wife. You talked with her well into the afternoon, she was just so easy to talk to,
    “Can I just say I feel like I’ve known you forever,” She gushed, taking your hands within her own and squeezing fondly. “I’m so happy Ranboo has found someone to watch out for him,” Ranboo flushed in response but didn’t argue against Puffy’s words which warmed your heart.
     “I’m happy too. I just want to help these kids in whatever way I can,” You smiled a little forlornly thinking once again of the obnoxious blonde. “They just don’t deserve all the shit they have to deal with, they’re kids you know? They should be living their lives.”
    “Yeah keep talking like I’m not here,” Ranboo mused over your shoulder which caused you to laugh with a shake of your head, “no need to stop please continue.” Puffy smiled at the both of you,
     “She’s right though Ranboo. You should be out causing mischief or getting into trouble, not fighting in a never-ending war.”
    “Oof getting into trouble? No thank you, I just wanna tend to my pets and go on adventures with my friends.”
     “You’ll get to do that I promise. Once my ankles healed we’ll go woodland mansion hunting, I’ve been to a few in my time. They’re a lot of fun.”
     “Yeah of course!” You beamed and Ranboo smiled right back at you, he brought his journal out of his bag and quickly scribbled something down in it. In the end, Puffy ended up accepting the invitation with a blinding smile,
     “You’re going to be a gorgeous bride. Could I bring my girlfriend Niki? You’ll love her!”
     “I don’t see why not. I can’t wait to meet her!” You assumed Technoblade wouldn’t mind one more person, especially because he’s never mentioned Niki which was a good thing in your eyes. Usually, if Technoblade talked about you, it was because he wasn’t a fan. You all said your goodbyes, you felt warm inside you couldn’t believe you were about to have TWO friends who are girls.
     “I love her.”
     “Told you so,” Ranboo smirked. He was proud of himself for forcing someone else to socialize so he didn’t have to. Ranboo was relieved that list of people to invite wasn’t long; considering Technoblade had more enemies than friends. The only thing that rubbed him the wrong way was he didn’t even know that you had invited Tommy in the first place.
So if Tommy did show up, your wedding might be a bloodbath.
You and Ranboo stood outside of Tommy’s house, he glanced down at you and watched your hands clench the envelope. He brought his hands over yours and rubbed them gently, you looked up at him with wide eyes.
     “Deep breath and relax okay? He’s Tommy so I won’t say he won’t flip out at you, but I can say you’re a wonderful friend, you’ll be fine.”
     “I can’t believe Mr. Panic Room is telling me to relax.” You let out a nervous laugh, he made an offended face.
     “Ya know what, never helping you again. You can walk home.”
     “Ranboo it was a joke!”
     “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you stuck your tongue out and headed up to Tommy’s door and knocked. You already knew Tommy might not even be home, the boy was a wanderer by nature. Yet, much to your surprise, the door opened with a loud BANG, and in the doorway stood Tommy looking better than you’ve seen him in all the time he spent with you and Technoblade.
     “Hi, Tommy.”
     “(Y/N)?” He blinked looking surprised before he steeled his face, “What’re you doing here wench!” Tommy pointed an accusatory finger at you and you raised an eyebrow,
That wasn’t going to fly.
    “Try again.”
Tommy sputtered as you narrowed his eyes accusingly, his eyes trailed down to the netherite sword at your side. His entire demeanor changed when he spotted it at your side,
     “(Y/N)! My friend! Good to see you! How’ve you been? Good? Good!” The boy rambled wrapping an arm around your shoulder with a big smile, there’s the Tommy you remembered. “I’m sure you’re doing good fo’ sho’! Now what do, I owe this pleasure women!”
    “I wanted to invite you to Technoblade and I’s wedding,” Your voice was soft and hesitant, holding out the invitation out to him. The teenager blinked a few times before taking it from your hands, he flipped it over confusion was etched deep on his brow.
    “You’re getting married? To Technoblade? He’s going to have a wife and I’m not?”
You blinked a few times trying to process what Tommy said, was he more mad at the fact that Technoblade was getting married in the first place? “Well yeah, considering I’m his fiance and all…”
    “That motherfucker! He gets to have a wife! I want a wife! (Y/N) acquire me a wife!”
You let out howling laughter at his response, tossing your arms around the boy, he went silent and a confused look came across his face. His ears turned red as he looked over at Ranboo with a face that screamed help me, Ranboo simply looked away holding up a prominent middle finger at the boy. “Okay, okay! Enough hugs,” Tommy ranted shoving you away from him with a huff, “I don’t know what’s so funny about me needing a wife.”
    “You’ll find a wife eventually,” You couldn’t help but smile as he frowned down at you. “So? Can you make it?” Voice quiet as you looked up at him, the nervousness from before creeping back into your body, he chewed on his bottom lip while looking at you. Tommy wasn’t about to be soft while Ranboo was standing less than a foot away so he did the next best thing which was whacking you on top of the head.
    “I-well-...” Tommy rubbed the back of his neck looking nervous for the first time in his life, “I can’t.” He saw your face fall and he grabbed your shoulders tightly, “Not because I don’t want to! I… I guess you’re not TERRIBLE.” He admitted begrudgingly, “Tubbo and I...we have some unfinished business we need to deal with before things get any worse for people.”
     “I don’t know what you mean Tommy.” You suddenly grew very concerned, “You don’t have to hold the entire world on your shoulders.”
     “Yeah, I do,” Tommy responded with enough seriousness to shake you to your core, you didn’t know about his past with the discs fully, but you knew enough to know this situation was about that. “Just know I’m happy for you, seriously I am,” He gave you a sad smile.
    “Stay safe Tommy. Please don’t be stupid.”
     “I’m never stupid you BITCH!”
     “Call me a bitch again you BRAT!”
     “MAKE ME!”
You frowned, hitting him in the side so he would double over, while he gripped his stomach you pulled him into a headlock and began digging your knuckles into his skull. “Apologize!”
Ranboo looked sheepish as he stared at the scene, his shoulders slumping forward. “(Y/N) we have a schedule-” Reluctantly you released Tommy and he stumbled back, he huffed dusting off his shirt. You smiled slightly over at the boy,
     “See you soon raccoon boy,” you gave him a proud salute.
     “Hasta La Vista Miss Blade,” Tommy responded, saluting you right back.
You turned away from the boy and headed back over to Ranboo’s side, “You ready?” You nodded in response with a little smile on your lips. “Good. Next, up is Ghostbur right? We need to find him.”
     “If we can locate Friend we can locate him.”
It took a while, but eventually, you and Ranboo found Ghostbur and Friend wandering around a forest nearby the crater. Immediately spotting you a bright smile spread across the ghost’s face, “(Y/N)!” He shouted, throwing his hand in the air with a wave, “How’re you doing darling!”
    “I’m good Ghostbur! Have you met Ranboo?”
     “Briefly. Nice to see you again!”
     “Ugh, ditto,” Ranboo responded with a shy smile shuffling a little behind you.
You smiled and pulled an envelope out from your bag, you held it out to him.
     “You and Friend good sir, are invited to Technoblade and I’s wedding.” He gasped loudly, eyes lighting up with pure and utter joy,
     “Technoblade getting married! Oh my god, that’s phenomenal! You’re going to make the most beautiful bride,” he praised excitedly as your face turned red at the compliments, “Gosh, you two are so lovely together, I wouldn’t miss this for the world! Do you have a dress? You have to show me!”
You rubbed the back of your head, rocking on your heels, “Well...about that.”
     “Do not tell me you don’t have a DRESS?” He practically yelled crossing his arms, “I’m disappointed in you!”
      “It’s in two days Ghostbur! I had no time! I’ll make do with something. I’m sure I have an old dress somewhere-”
     “UNACCEPTABLE!” He grabbed at your hands, “I’m getting you a dress. I’ll meet you at Technoblade’s tomorrow, just hold on!” Ghostbur ran his hand through Friend’s wool with a smile, “You’re going to be one of the most gorgeous brides, only second to Sally.”
     “Well I’m honored, I’ll see you then.” You smiled adoringly at the little ghost as he floated off his sheep buddy by his side.
    “Do you think he’s getting you a dress?”
     “I have no idea,” You responded with a shrug, “It’s sweet he’s willing to put in the effort though.”
      “Or creepy.”
     “It’s sweet you jerk,” You nudged him with your arm Ranboo smiled,
    “I’m just glad it’s off our to-do list for tomorrow.”
     “True that means you can sleep in,” You teased as his multicolored eyes lit up,
    “Hell yeah.”
Day 2: Ghostbur’s Gift
You woke up to sleepy kisses and tender touches, one of the loveliest ways to wake up if you might add.
    “Morning big guy,” You cooed fondly as he made a soft purr-like sound in his throat. You turned over to face him and he immediately pressed a kiss to your lips. The voices couldn’t help but point out how cute you looked in the morning.
    “Helloooo...How’s your ankle?” He asked his thumb brushing against your cheek, closing your eyes you let out a soft,
    “Much better.”
    “Good, I heard from Ranboo Ghostbur’s supposedly stopping by today. Any particular reason?”
     “He says he has a dress I can wear for tomorrow.”
    “How does he have a dress exactly?”
    “No idea, but I’m going with it.”
     “If you’re sure. Just don’t look bad.” You frowned and bonked him on the side of his head, “it was a joke!”
     “It better be a joke or I’m leaving your ass. I look good in everything so fuck off.” You hissed as Technoblade groaned,
     “Heard you loud and clear Princess. Scouts honor, you’re the most beautiful girl to me you know that.”
    “I do. Just don’t joke around like that, makes me feel bad okay?”
He frowned a little and moved to hover over you, his hair framed his face and fell past his shoulders. It tickled your cheeks and you ran your hands through it meeting anything but his eyes suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Technoblade kissed the tip of your nose,
     “Hey, Princess look at me.”
Turning your head towards his voice, the two of you locked eyes, a sense of calm washed over you, the only thing in his eyes was pure, unadulterated love.
     “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me. No matter what I’m always going to think that you are, you could grow a third eye and I’d still want to marry you tomorrow. I’m sorry I made you feel bad, it was a joke but I won’t make it again. I swear.” You felt your eyes water as you tossed your arms around his neck, the sudden movement caused him to fall forward crushing you beneath him.
    “I love you too bubba. Thank you for listening to me.”
     “That’s part of my job idiot.”
You smiled against his neck and held him tighter, Technoblade reciprocated the hug and decided the both of you could stay in bed just a little while longer. The two of you shared soft kisses, every once in a while Technoblade would reinforce how precious you were to him, eventually, it all got to be too much and you shoved your hands in his face.
     “Enough is enough! I’m embarrassed now.” Technoblade laughed at your flustered expression and pressed a fond kiss to your lips, obviously you kissed him back, your fingers threading through his hair.
      “Princess…” He let out a pleased sound in the back of his throat, “you’re making it hard to get out of bed. I still have some stuff set up for tomorrow and you gotta look out for Wilbur.”
     “Or hear me out. You can stay in bed with me all day, and keep giving me kisses,” You pressed your lips to his own before whispering in his ear, “Anywhere you’d like.” You nipped teasingly at his earlobe and suddenly felt the heat radiating off his face. As you expected his face was a deep red color and you felt his head fall against your shoulder,
    “You’re going to kill me.” You only laughed in response, finally pulling away from him you swung your feet over the side of the bed, “you can’t just say that and walk away.” He whined loudly with a little pout on his lips, “Especially since I won’t see you until the wedding.”
     “Suck it up buttercup,” You stuck your tongue out at the man “I’ll just be at Ranboo’s if something goes wrong I’ll be within reach.” He reached his hand up and threaded his fingers through your hair, you sighed pleasantly at the physical touch, “I love you.”
      “Love you too, see you tomorrow.” You gave him one last fleeting kiss before standing up leaving the warmth of the covers and your half-naked fiance behind much to your dismay. You tossed one of Technoblade’s old shirts over your head, it came down past your knees and Technoblade let out a happy sigh from behind you. You let out a little laugh, looking at him over your shoulder his eyes were half-lidded as he stared at your now bare legs. “Hold on don’t change just yet I wanna stare a little bit longer.”
     “Perv.” You snickered ignoring his wishes and sliding on a pair of pants, afterward, you tied a corset around your waist. He responded with a ‘heh?’ of disagreement before he groaned loudly and flopped over in the bed, “see you soon Bubbas.” You leaned over and pecked his forehead before sliding down the ladder and out of the house. Ironically your timing was perfect as you greeted Ranboo right outside Technoblades cabin, “Good morning!”
     “Morning, you and Techno sleep okay?” You nodded with a bright smile, “Good Wilbur should be stopping by any minute now by the way. He sent me a note earlier this morning that said he’d be around this time.”
     “Works for me, wanna wait by your house?”
     “You just wanna pet my bunny,” You smirked and laughed,
     “Can you blame me?”
     “I suppose not. Whatever makes you happy.” Ranboo sighed but there wasn’t any real defeat in his tone, “Let’s go.” Ranboo and you walked a little ways away to his humble little shack so you could play with Ranbun. You were set up in Ranbun’s pen holding him in your arms and cooing softly at him, Ranboo joined you after a few moments of jealous staring. The two of you spent the next hour playing with his bunny and feeding him lots of treats, he was one happy bunny. Ranboo was the first person to see Ghostbur coming through the trees, a large box in hand, had he actually managed to get you a dress?
     “(Y/N)! Ranboo!” Ghostbur shouted excitedly floating over to the both of you, “I managed to find the dress I promised you! So long as it fits of course.” Your jaw fell open as you stumbled out of Ranbun’s pen,
     “How the hell did you manage to find me a wedding dress?”
     “Oh! It was Sally’s.” A fond smile spread across the ghost’s face, both you and Ranboo looked at one another brows furrowed. Ranboo put a hand to the side of his face and whispered loudly to you,
     “I thought Sally was a fish.”
You whispered back in the exact same manner,
    “Me too, but at this point, I’m too afraid to ask for clarification.”
Ranboo nodded seriously and stood back up to his full height, you stepped forward and took the box from the hands of the ghost he stared at it longingly like he was afraid to let it go. You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before speaking up,
     “Are you sure?” Your voice was barely above a whisper but it was still as tender as ever, the ghost of Wilbur snapped his eyes up to meet yours. He seemed to be reading the expression in your eyes before smiling almost fondly, handing the box over to you officially. He pulled out a small patch of blue and fumbled it around in his hands, like a nervous tic,
    “I’m positive love. I trust you to take good care of it and Sally would want you to have it, she was wonderful like that. Just please take good care of it.”
    “I’ll protect it with my life. I promise you.”
     “I know you will, you’re going to be a beautiful bride, my dear.” He somehow took your hands and pressed a faint kiss to them, “Go on then try it on.” Your eyes sparkled in delight and he turned to Ranboo,
     “Well go on, we’ll still be here to judge you immensely.”
    “Oh fuck off.” You laughed heading into his shack to change, you managed to find an area not completely out in the open. The only nerve-wracking thing was you didn’t have a mirror so you had to pray you looked alright and that Raboo and Ghostbur wouldn’t lie to you. You opened the box and pulled the dress out, Sally really knew how to pick a damn good dress; the dress was stunning, you definitely wouldn’t do it justice. The dress fell past your feet and pooled a little ways behind you, it was more of an off-white creme color, and was made of soft lace. It was sleeveless so the winter wind gave you a chill, you hoped Technoblade picked a place that wasn’t freezing cold. You took a breath to hype yourself up and stepped out of the shack, the dress trailing behind you, you had left the veil in the box figuring you didn’t need it right now. The first person to spot you was Ghostbur, who gasped loudly bringing his hands up to his face after spotting you. You shrunk in on yourself a little bit and your cheeks turned a light pink in response, “That’s a good expression I hope.” You meekly laughed as Ranboo turned around and let out a shaky break of surprise. He reached forward with his claws to touch the soft fabric,
     “It’s perfect! Fits like a glove.” Wilbur hummed happily floating around you, “I was right by the way, you look beautiful. Techno’s going to pass out.”
    “Shut up I can’t look that good.”
    “You do though!” Ranboo shouted excitedly, “It suits you perfectly not that I had any doubts or anything.” He jumped a little on the balls of his feet, he pulled out his memory book quickly scribbling something down inside it, as he did so he muttered “I’m the best honorary maid of honor ever.”
     “You definitely are.” You praised the halfling who only seemed to grow more excited at the praise, Ghostbur cleared his throat, was he looking for a compliment too? “Ghostbur you’re a lifesaver, if it wasn’t for you I’d be walking down the aisle in Netherite. Thank you.” Ghostbur seemed to preen a little as he smiled proudly,
    “I know. I’m pretty great aren’t I? I basically saved the day.”
    “You certainly are.”
    “Oh! Just return the dress the next time I see you after the wedding okay?”
     “I will have no fear, it’s in safe hands.” The ghost nodded, “I can’t wait to see it in action tomorrow.”
     “Me too,” you sighed lovingly, doing a little twirl in the dress you could only imagine the look that would appear on Technoblade’s face when he saw you.
You hoped the voices would approve because Technoblade was absolutely going to short circuit and go feral, you could hardly wait.
Day 3: The Wedding Day
The night before the wedding Technoblade couldn’t sleep his body was buzzing with nerves, which was a foreign feeling to him. He was worried about you not sleeping by his side, this was the first time since you’ve officially gotten together that you weren’t there. He didn’t realize how much he missed your presence and warmth, he pulled the pillow you usually used close to his chest. He felt like a love-struck teenager cuddling the pillow of his missing girlfriend because that’s basically what he was, except instead of a girlfriend it was his fiance. The voices didn’t help his longing either; they were roaring in his head asking where you were and when you would come back.
Where’s (Y/N)? I miss her! Can Ranboo protect her if something goes wrong? What if Dream gets ahold of her in the meantime and you’re up here sleeping? I wanna squeeze her thighs again right now. E. That’s disgusting, stop, don’t sexualize her like that. B U T T. Can I get a big pog for butts? Thighs for the thigh god.
His entire face went a deep scarlet, “What does that even mean guys.” Technoblade let out a loud groan of embarrassment, some of the voices laughed, some others rumbled with anger. “I just want her by my side is all, I miss her. I miss her touch...I don’t know when I became such a sap. I hate that I care about her this much, but god without her I’d be lost.”
     “You shits.”
The morning rolled around and Technoblade woke up as soon as the sun shone through the windows. He fell asleep around three in the morning, tired as shit, bees buzzing around in his stomach.
Today’s the day! Gotta get ready as soon as possible, you’re gonna look so handsome! I bet (Y/N)’s gonna be equally as beautiful! Don’t fuck it up. Celebratory murder spree pog? She’ll think you’re so hot covered in blood. No! E. Normalcy is key!
He shook his head to get rid of the nagging voices rattling around in his head, he knew what he had to do, and listening to the voices wasn’t one of them. Phil was going to come soon and Technoblade had to look presentable so they could head to the venue and Phil could set up some last-minute decorations. Techno would say he felt bad making Phil do most of the work, but he honestly didn’t, especially since he was so inept at romance in the first place. Never one to wear a suit Technoblade decided his best outfit would be his arctic retirement one, a suit would be too constricting. After all, what if it was attacked and he needed to jump into action, Phil had told him that he was absolutely not allowed to bring weapons which he was not happy about at all. Although the man did reassure him that he would be armed and have an extra weapon just in case something was to occur, he guessed that was FINE. With a soft huff, the man stood up from his bed and pulled out his outfit, the soft blue made him yearn for the days before they found Tommy living under the house. In a way wearing this symbolized a time in their relationship before he was forced into bloodshed once again, plus he knew you loved the fuzzier outfit.
Putting on everything, he brought the fur cape around his shoulders, his crown glittering on his head in the light. He looked regal, he would say he looked like a king but he hated all forms of government so he just looked like his usual badass self. In his closet sat his wedding gift to you, it was a gold tiara that matched his crown in his own way finally solidifying the both of you as a blood god duo.
Turning away from the tiara he grabbed a hairbrush to tame his wild hair, he wanted to do something different with it. It spilled around his back and down to his waist, he managed to tame the frizz with some product that he ‘borrowed’ from you. In the end, he had two small braids framing his face, he grabbed both of them and pinned them together on the back of his head. A half-up half-down look almost made him look like a Viking, he liked it. Technoblade placed gold earrings along with his ears and added some gold accents on his wrists and fingers, none overshading his engagement ring.
His ears twitched hearing the door open downstairs, Phil was here, it was time.
     “Hellooo!” Technoblade called from upstairs and Phil responded with a cheerful,
    “Hey mate!”
As Technoblade descended the ladder, Phil smiled fondly at his old friend, he immediately adjusted the cape on his shoulders. Technoblade huffed a small laugh, “Was that really necessary?”
     “Obviously. I’m the married one, I know what I’m doing.” He shot back snickering, “You ready to go?”
     “As I’ll ever be I suppose.”
    “I’m proud of you man,” Phil responded with a fatherly smile “You’re never going to forget today. It’ll be the best of your life.”
    “Ehhhh I don’t know about that. Spawning those Withers and blowing up a country really gave me a rush.”
     “Oh fuck off,” Phil howled with laughter while shoving the snickering piglin. “This’ll be an entirely new feeling, I would know.” His wings puffed out happily remembering his marriage fondly,
     “Didn’t you marry a fridge?”
    “You’re literally the worst.”
Technoblade smirked just happy he steered the conversation away from any of that mushy crap. He was going to get enough of that as it is in a few hours, oh look at that the bees are back. Phil gave him a pat on the back and the two of them left the house side by side. The spot Technoblade picked out for the wedding was one both of you would like, a snowy taiga, it was warm enough that you wouldn’t freeze to death but still had the beautiful powdery snow that Tecnhoblade loved. Phil had done an amazing job of setting everything up, on the arch, there were beautiful blue flowers interspersed with white roses (both of which you picked out prior), they stood out beautifully against the wooden trellises. There was a carved stone pathway leading the way up to the arch and a few wooden benches decorated with light blue silk so whomever (Y/N) invited could sit down. He knew most of them would only be there for her, he was okay with that, all he needed was Phil and Ranboo and he was content. Next to each booth was a stone pillar, on top of them sat a bouquet of white and blue roses.
     “You really outdid yourself, thank you.” Technoblade whistled,
     “You know I’d do anything for you mate. Glad I could provide, I do have one last little decoration though.” Phil mused reaching into his bag he pulled out a small gold bell similar to the one he had inside his house. He placed the bell above the arch so it would chime softly when the wind blew against its side. Technoblade smiled fondly at the sight and wrapped his arm around Phil’s shoulder.
     “I love it. (Y/N)’s gonna love it too.”
     “Thanks, man.” Phil said softly bumping against the blade, “Do you know who’s going to show up by the way?”
    “Absolutely no idea.”
     “Guess we’re gonna find out, look.” Technoblade stepped away from Phil and looked in the direction of his friend, cresting over the hill seemed to be two girls, Technoblade was immediately confused because he didn’t realize you had friends who were women. Phil let out a small laugh, “Oh it’s Niki and Puffy, Ranboo must’ve introduced (Y/N) to them.” Technoblade only nodded his lips twitching into a frown, new people...gross.
     “Hi, Phil! Technoblade!” Puffy chirped brightly, her hand intertwined with Niki’s tightly, “Congratulations to you Mr.” She lightly tapped Technoblade in the chest he blinked in surprise,
     “Thank you?”
     “I may have just met (Y/N), but just know if you do ANYTHING to hurt her at all I will slaughter you.”
     “Darling please…” Niki sheepishly smiled, “you realize you’re threatening Technoblade right? Not the best idea.”
    “It’s alright. I admire your gumption,” Technoblade gave the both of them a thumbs up in response, “I’m glad (Y/N) has someone else like that looking out for her. But, just so you know. The same to you.” He eyed the both of them with a sharp look in his eyes, Puffy let out a nervous laugh and Niki narrowed her eyes warily.
     “That’s fair.”
     “Anyway!” Phil cleared his throat, “let's not ruin this before it even starts.” He led the two girls over to their seats with a small smile, “(Y/N) will be super happy to see you both by the way. Thank you for coming.”
      “Of course, (Y/N) and I are soulmates after all.” Puffy swooned happily as Niki giggled fondly at her antics, “Technoblade better watch out. Niki and I will steal her heart.”
    “I’ll be sure to warn him,” He snickered, glancing over at his friend who was sniffing at the flowers in the pots. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask, Wilbur should be here soon then (Y/N) and Ranboo will come and it’ll start.”
    “Sounds good,” Niki hummed playing with the sleeves of her blue dress “I’m super excited to meet her.”
While Puffy reassured her that she would, Phil noticed his son floating over to the area. “Hello, Phil!” The ghost’s eyes lit up seeing all of them, “Oh wow everything is so beautiful!”
    “Thanks, Ghostbur.” Technoblade hummed walking over to Phil and the ghost,
     “I’m proud of you too Mr. Engaged!” He snickered as Technoblade’s nose scrunched up in distaste, “Who knew the big, scary Technoblade would settle down with a wife, maybe start a family eventually.”
     “I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear any of the cringy nonsense that just came out of your mouth; so I can enjoy today in peace.”
    "Boo! I’m just happy for you!” Ghostbur huffed in annoyance, “I was telling (Y/N) yesterday that marrying Sally was the best day of my life! I’m so making fun of you when you get all mushy.”
     “IF I get all mushy, which I won’t.”
    “Sure you won’t man,” Technoblade glared at his friends in frustration if this teasing was going to continue. He was kidnapping (Y/N) himself and getting married to her elsewhere.
     “I do love all the blue though!” The ghost of Wilbur swooned happily at all the flowers, “This just makes the entire day even better!-”
However he didn’t get to continue as Ranboo cleared his throat rather loudly, the enderboy looked dapper as always, a rose was pinned on his lapel, obviously from (Y/N).
     "Ready Techno?” Phil looked over at him, the pigman’s frustration and confidence fell from his face all at once. Even Ghostbur was shocked at the way Technoblade tensed up and fumbled with the soft fluff on his cape, “Techno?”
It’s time. Holy fuck! She’s going to be stunning, he’s going to be a husband! HE’S GOING TO BE A HUSBAND? Oh fuck.
     “Techno mate you alright?”
     "Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Let's do this.” Technoblade took a deep breath walking over to the altar with Phil, Phil was obviously officiating the wedding. He didn’t want anyone else doing it, Ranboo smiled at the two of them as he walked down the aisle throwing little flower petals everywhere before standing on (Y/N)’s side of the altar. He gave him a happy little nod, Technoblade nodded back at him in a sign that he was happy to see him. Music began to flow through the air, Technoblade just knew Wilbur had managed to bring a jukebox, but he didn’t mind it was fitting.
He turned towards the rich sound and for once in his life the voices...stopped.
Technoblade could hear the music perfectly, he heard the chiming of the bell every time the wind blew, everything seemed clear and for all the sounds that were playing around him without the rancorous voices, it all seemed deadly quiet.
The true reason the voices stopped though was because he saw you.
Elegant. Magnificent. Royalty.
The words spun around in his head, because god you looked angelic as you walked towards him. He wished your face wasn’t obscured by a veil, he wanted to see you, to cup your cheeks and pull you into a desperate kiss. He wasn’t worthy to marry you, he was barely worthy to breathe the same air as someone so pure. Technoblade bit down on his tongue rather harshly, for once in his life he wished the voices would speak up so he wouldn’t feel so small in his head.
Your silvery voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he drew in a shaky breath and looked at you.
     “Hi,” His voice cracked a little and he flushed all the way up to the tips of his ears. He reached out to squeeze your hands tightly, he felt you squeeze back and he knew that everything was okay. Fuck, he was tearing up a little and he hasn’t even seen your face yet, fuck...Ghostbur was right. He was a mushy gross mess, you giggled a little at his flustered expression.
     “You look handsome,” You whispered softly tilting your head to the side.
     “You’re Aphrodite herself.”
    “Take it back. Take it back right now.” The teasing tone your voice took made him relax considerably, you were still you. His lovely almost wife who’d he got to spend the rest of his life with, it was perfect, you were perfect.
    “You know I do, even if it kills me to retract the statement.” His hand reached forward and gently pushed the veil back over your head.
It took all his strength not to kiss you senseless. Phil cleared his throat and smiled at the small crowd of people who came to the wedding, Puffy seemed to already be emotional, Niki rubbing her back with gentle circles. The both of you barely paid any attention to the introductions and the little details too engrossed in one another to truly listen to anyone that wasn’t each other. They both snapped to attention when Phil spoke their names with a tender smile and their wedding rings were in his hands.
     “Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you two hearts in love. Groom, place the ring on Bride’s finger and repeat after me….I give you this ring…”
     “I give you this ring.” Technoblade swallowed thickly listening carefully to Phil’s words as you smiled adoringly, the pink spreading across your cheeks was adorable. He shakily slid the diamond ring on your finger,
    “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “As this ring has no end, My love is also forever.”
    “As this ring has no end, My love is also forever.”
    “Good job man.” He winked teasingly at Technoblade breaking character to complement his friend, “Bride, place the ring on Groom’s finger and repeat after me….I give you this ring.”
     “I give you this ring.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.”
     “As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.” You breathed softly staring into Technoblade’s eyes and right into his soul. No doubts, only love. Phil continued on,
     “May the wedding rings you exchanged today to remind you always that you are surrounded by enduring love and so now by the power vested in me by...me, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss.” You didn’t need to be told twice as you threw your arms around Technoblade’s shoulders smothering him with a kiss. He let out a breathy laugh against them, before kissing you back just as passionately. Technoblade’s hands rested on your lower back and he held you like you were a perfect porcelain doll. “I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs… ugh Blade! We’ll go with that.” The man laughed as you pulled away from Technoblade to join in his laughter, you pulled Phil into a hug and motioned for Ranboo to join in, both did so, although Ranboo’s was slightly reluctant.
     “Thank you both for everything. My sweet Borealis boys.” You cooed, Phil only laughed and Ranboo’s entire face flushed deeply at the nickname.
     “We love you obviously,” Phil hummed “You don’t need to thank us. Right Ranboo?”
     “Do I really have to say it?”
    “Yes.” Technoblade spoke gruffly, “If you don’t she might cry.”
     “Yeah, Ranboo don’t make me cry on my wedding day.”
     “Oh, Christ...Fine! I love you too…thank you for giving me a home. Caring for me...all of that. You don’t know how much that means to me.” Ranboo looked up at you and you immediately wrapped him in another tight hug, he let out a little whimper and buried his face in your hair.
     “You’ll always be welcome here Ranboo. We’ll always be your home so long as you’ll have us.”
     “Shit,” He laughed a little wetly pulling away from you, “I’ll have to write that down.”
    “You mean you’ll forget it? Rude.” It was Technoblade who chimed in this time and Ranboo flushed in embarrassment once again. He hunched in on himself before sputtering,
     “No, no, no not what I meant! What I mean is like-”
    “Ranboo you’re fine mate.” Phil snickered, reaching up to ruffle his hair, “loosen up a little.”
     “(Y/N)!” You turned towards the shouting of your new friends and your face lit up,
    “Puffy!” The two girls threw their arms around you in a warm hug, even though you didn’t know Niki yet you’re never one to turn down a hug.
Your final conclusion of the night: Niki was absolutely lovely and she and Puffy were relationship goals.
Candles were littered around the room as you and Technoblade swayed gently to soft music in your bedroom. The both of you were finally alone, and officially married, the first thing Technoblade wanted to do was have the first dance with you. It surprised you that a dance was that important to him, but you came to the conclusion that he just wanted to hold you as close as possible. “I have a gift for you,” Technoblade spoke up rather suddenly and you frowned,
     “We said no gifts.”
     “When have I EVER listened to authority Princess?”
     “Touche,” You snapped your fingers in his direction and he snickered. He pulled away from you and you flopped down on the bed, you watched him walk over to the closet and pull out a medium-sized velvet box. “Bubs what the hell…” You murdered as he placed it into your arms, “please tell me you didn’t go too crazy.”
    “I didn’t. I made it by hand,” Technoblade urged you to open it. You did so pulling off the top, jaw-dropping onto the floor. He knew that reaction was positive and pride swelled in his heart, he knew his girl well. He watched as you lifted the golden tiara out of the box, it was littered with gems that matched his crown, your thumb brushed against them in awe.
     “You made this?”
     “Just for you Princess. Thought you needed something to fit your name.”
     “I’m so in love with you.”
     “Good thing you're my wife then,” he felt his stomach swoop happily and by the way you gently caressed the crown, he knew you felt the same about him. “Put it on Princess I wanna see how it looks on you.” Your face turned red as you did as he asked, his eyes grew half-lidded and he kneeled down in front of you, “Stunning.” He kissed the inside of your wrist, his voice turning gruff, “beautiful.” A kiss was placed on your forearm, “gorgeous,” On your shoulder, “My princess. My good girl.” Technoblade pressed a hot kiss to your neck, you leaned back your breath hitching in your throat.
     “Techno…” You whined softly, “I love you.”
      “Love you more.”
     “Love you most,” He purred, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
The dogs' rapid barking stirred you from your rest, Technoblade grumbled beside you as you sat up in bed letting the covers fall from your shoulders. The air nipped at your bare skin and you frowned, you couldn’t help but wonder what bothered the dogs so suddenly, “Go back to bed.” Technoblade demanded his hand caressing the small of your back, you leaned back against the warm touch but you couldn’t shake away your worry.
     “I’ll be back in two seconds.” You leaned down to kiss the top of his head, he only hummed in response. Big guy knew you could handle yourself just fine, n’ that’s why you loved him. You slipped on a robe and your slippers before making your way to the dogs, stepping inside you heard quite a few of them whining, they just seemed genuinely bothered. “What’s going on huh guys?” You cooed scratching them behind their ears, sensing your comforting presence they seemed to calm down considerably, “What’s got my fearsome guard puppies so spooked.”
      “That’d probably be me.”
You jumped halfway in the air, whipping around you came face to face with the hollow white mask that Dream commonly wore.
    “Fucking shit Dream what the hell?” You pressed your hand to your heart, your dogs growling lowly all around you. “You scared the shit out of me!”
    “My bad.” He smirked in a way that showed he wasn’t at all sorry, “I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get an invitation to the wedding.”
     “Would you have even shown up?” You raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer to you, Nightmare was at his hip making your bad vibe senses light up like a wildfire. He hummed thoughtfully rubbing his chin,
    “Probably not. But, I decided I’d drop by and give you my congratulations.” He was close enough that you could smell him, he smelled like burning wood and dirt; like a little pissbaby worm.
     “Well thank you,” You wrapped the robe tighter around your body like it suddenly dropped ten degrees. “You can go now-” You started before you were pressed up against the wall, his fearsome blade Nightmare at your throat. The dogs began to bark and howl at the man’s heels but they couldn’t do much without a direct command, but you hoped it would be enough to draw Technoblade out of the house.
     “Clearly Technoblade cares about you much more than I had originally calculated. It’s kind of pathetic if I’m being honest. Someone like you who's so small, so pathetic, could bring Technoblade, the fearsome blood god himself, down like that. Make him soft. We can’t exactly have that now, can we? We need him...How do I say this...a bit feral, unhinged.”
     “You realize you kill me, you can count on him hunting you down and slaughtering you right? I can’t say for sure the ‘favor’ is completely off the table but he’ll half-ass it that’s for sure.” You snarled right back in Dreams face, tempted to spit in it.
    “Oh, I’m not going to kill you, babe.” His voice dripped like honey, its sickly sweet tone made your stomach churn. “But we’re going to get really comfortable with one another, for the time being, you’re under my custody.”
     “What the fuck does that mean you freak-” He hit you on the back of the head with Nightmare, successfully knocking you out. That caused one of the dogs to absolutely lose it, jumping up and tearing off a piece of Dreams bright green hoodie. He snarled at the dog and jolted when he heard Technoblade call for (Y/N), it was close. He quickly messaged his accomplice and was teleported out of the situation, via his own stasis chamber, appearing back in his home base. He smiled wickedly under his mask, as Enderman noises could be heard behind him. He adjusted the girl in his grip, the next few days were going to be a lot of fun.
: )
Leave your comments below and I hope you enjoyed! Memes and fanart is also always welcome your girl is thirsty for any scrap of content. 
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tyongxnct · 4 years ago
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 - 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑔
Tumblr media
pairing: Taeyong x reader 
special guest: Jaehyun, Jungwoo, mention of Mark, Johnny & Yuta
summary: your relationship with Taeyong was falling apart and you knew that you had to let him go, but you loved him so much, so you chose to be selfish. You tried to ignore the fact that he was cheating on you, that he spend nights with someone else next to him in bed and that his lips tasted like her lipstick whenever you kissed him. Taeyong is perfect and he deserved someone perfect, that’s why you decided to change yourself for him, to make him stay and love you again, but no matter what, in the end you weren’t her.
song: perfect - Selena Gomez
genre: cheating!au, idol!au, angst
warnings: cheating, mentions of sex, self-doubt, 2 mini smut scenes they’re really short
word count: 4,1k
A/N: Here it is, the first short story! I hope you enjoy reading this. I really recommend you to listen to perfect by Selena Gomez while reading!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
Different inflection when you say my name Kiss me, but your kiss don't taste the same Is it real or am I going out of my mind? Curious 'bout the company that you keep Cause I hear you talking 'bout her in your sleep And now you've got me talking 'bout her in mine
“Y/n,” Taeyong said your name as soon as you pressed the green button, “I’m out with friends tonight, you don’t have to wait for me.” You could hear a female voice in the background, but maybe it was just your imagination playing with you. You were curious, about who exactly Taeyong was with, so you closed your eyes and asked him. “Okay, w-who are you with?” you asked softly, scared of the answer.
“Oh, just with the boys, Jaehyun says hi.” You wished he’d say Johnny or Yuta, or just anyone else except for Jaehyun because you’re friends with Jaehyun’s girlfriend. When you talked to her earlier that day, she told you that she was going to the movies with Jaehyun, it was their date night.
“T-Tell him I also said hi.” Your voice was about to break, tears almost streaming down your face, but you held them in, you didn’t want him to hear you cry.
“Yeah - oh my god I was just about to say that-“ Taeyong was distracted and didn’t even hear what you just said. You heard the female voice talking before he hung up without saying goodbye.
You felt like you were losing your mind.
You weren’t sure If you misheard Jaehyun’s girlfriend, but when you checked your social media and saw her story with Jaehyun, hand in hand, you knew that Taeyong lied to you.
03:27am, You couldn’t sleep the whole night, you were still awake when Taeyong came home. “Why are you still awake?” he asked you as he took off his clothes to change to his pajamas. “Couldn’t sleep without you.” Which was true. He didn’t say anything, he hovered above you, pressed his lips for a second on yours and then he entered the bathroom to brush his teeth. Your hand was on your lips, the taste on his lips was different, the cherry taste on his lips left a bitter taste on your lips. His lips tasted unfamiliar.
Taeyong fell asleep, you were facing his back as you also tried to fall asleep. You wanted to know why his lips tasted like cherry, why he lied to you and why he didn’t love you anymore, because you could feel that you were drifting apart which scared you so much. Taeyong mumbled something while he was fast asleep, you could understand him better as he turned around to face you. “Miyeon.”
Were you with Miyeon tonight? Who is Miyeon? How did you meet her? Do you love her?
Oh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love like you, like you
Taeyong is the most beautiful human being you’ve ever seen, and you didn’t even know why he was dating you. His face was perfect, every inch of his face was pure beauty. His mouth was slightly open, he softly breathed in and out. Your eyes landed on his lips. Did she kiss you with her cherry lips? Is she as beautiful as you are? She has to be, Taeyong deserved the most beautiful girl on this planet, but here he was, stuck with you. Did he fall in love with her just like you fell in love with him? Is she also an Idol just like Taeyong? She must be. You never shared many interests with Taeyong, you always thought ‘opposites attract each other’, but what If he fell in love with an Idol who did the same thing for a living as him? Who was also talented, with a perfect face and body? They’d share the same passion, dancing and singing whereas you couldn’t even remember the simplest steps.
Taeyong was probably attracted to someone who shared the same interests and passion, who was beautiful inside and outside just like him.
I can taste her lipstick And see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance Every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And, she's perfect And, she's perfect
The first time you saw them together was when you decided to visit Taeyong at the studio. You wanted to surprise him or maybe, just maybe, you wanted to see the woman he fell in love with. The woman with the cherry lips.
And you did. You saw them, Taeyong was laying on the couch with her on top of him and her head was on his chest, she was listening to his heartbeat, like you did so many times. You could see Taeyong placing his hands on her jaw and pulling her closer to press his lips on hers. You were secretly watching your boyfriend of 4 years making out with another woman. It was so quiet, you could hear your heart breaking.
You rushed to a restroom, tears streaming down your face, you didn’t notice that you were holding your breath, the walls around you suffocated you and you just wanted to vanish.
When you calmed down, you called Taeyong to tell him that you were on your way.
“I’m busy in the studio-“ he lied.
“I know, I mean, that’s why I’m bringing you some food. I cooked your favorites.” You smiled trough the pain.
“Fine, but you can’t stay, I have to, uhm, finish that one track I was working on.” Taeyong looked to Miyeon who was listening to your conversation.
“Okay, I’ll be there in two minutes. Love you.” Is he going to say it back?
“Yeah, bye.” He didn’t say it back.
After wiping away your tears, you put on your fake smile and entered Taeyong’s studio. Taeyong was sitting on the chair and was working on his laptop and Miyeon was still in the room, sitting on the couch. She looked as beautiful as you thought she would. Long blonde hair, skinny and a perfect face.
“Hey.” you acted.
“Hi, Miyeon this is Y/n. Y/n this is Miyeon. We’re working together on the new track.” Is that how he met her? Is that how he fell for her?
“Hey Miyeon, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that Taeyong had company, I didn’t bring enough food.”
“No, it’s fine, I’m on a diet anyway.” She checked you out, you didn’t miss her eyes going up and down you body.
You felt bad, really bad. You were in a pair of jeans and one of Taeyong’s hoodies and here she was, in a short skirt, her long legs looked tempting for Taeyong, he always asked you to wear shorts at home, but you felt uncomfortable with your legs and sticked to your sweatpants.
You wanted to know If Taeyong would kiss you next to her, so you leaned forward and pressed you lips on his. The cherry taste was back, and he didn’t move his lips. So he liked the taste of cherries, that’s how Miyeon tasted. Your kiss ended up as a peck and every passing second got painfuller. “I’ll leave you two now, don’t overwork yourself- I’ll see you at home.” You smiled at them, Taeyong couldn’t even look up, he felt bad for you.
How does she touch you? Can I try it, too? I know you're twisted, but baby, I'm twisted, too I wanna know if she can make a man lose his mind
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
You were pathetic, you knew that you were, but still, you tried to be like her.
You dyed your hair blonde, not exactly the same blonde as hers, but it was still a huge difference to your hair before.
After straightening your hair, you put on some make-up and your new red lingerie you had bought.
You felt uncomfortable, the lingerie covered almost nothing, and you felt cheap.
Were you really going to try to impress Taeyong with sex?
Did he even think that you’re sexy?
He was probably just going to laugh at you.
When Taeyong came home, he didn’t see you anywhere but when he entered your shared bedroom and saw you laying almost naked on the bed, only candles lighting up the room, his mouth opened wide. “Y-You’re blonde.” he stuttered, and you could see that he tried to stop himself from laughing. “I felt like I needed a change. Do you like it?”
“It looks so bad.” He busted out in laughter. “Did you dye it yourself? Oh god, it looks terrible.” Taeyong kept on laughing. You were half naked in front of him and he choose to mock you? You didn’t dye your hair yourself, you paid so much money to get it like this. “I can change it If you don’t like it.” You walked up to him. He didn’t move. “Yeah, change it back. Go to a professional.” He said as he watched you. You helped him taking off his jacket, his eyes following every move you make. Your hands were slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “I will, but first, let me make you feel good.” You whispered as you pressed little kisses on his chest.
You softly pushed Taeyong down on the bed. Your hands were unbuckling his belt, you could feel him getting nervous, it’s been so long since you had sex.
While you were pushing his pants down, your mind travelled to her. Did she touch you like this? Did you touch her? Have you had sex already? Was she good? Better?
You pushed down his boxer briefs and wrapped your fingers around his cock. You started pumping his shaft and you softly licked his tip. Taeyong was stiff under your touch, even when you put his cock in your mouth. You started sucking and pumping his cock and a moan left his mouth.
“F-Fuck. N-No stop-“ he pushed you away. You landed on your butt and breathed heavily. “Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry it’s been so long that I-“
“No, no. I just- it’s… The boys are waiting, and we can’t- can’t have sex right now I’m gonna be late.” He pulled his boxers and pants up and nervously buttoned his shirt back up and he left without saying anything else.
He doesn’t love you anymore. He is disgusted, he doesn’t even want you to touch him. You felt so worthless and disgusting.
You entered your bathroom to shower, you wanted to rub everything off of you. When you looked at yourself again at the mirror, you felt uglier than before. You took your phone which was on the counter and threw it. The mirror shattered to pieces and you felt like you just watched an illustration of your life.
Just like the mirror, your heart broke into many pieces.
With the smell of her perfume I could love her, too, like you, like you And I can almost hear her laugh Curving on her back for you, for you
While you were crying yourself to sleep, Taeyong hurried to Miyeon’s apartment. “Taeyong? I thought you-“ he pulled her in for a kiss before she could finish her sentence. He pressed her against the door and his hands were all over her body. She responded happily, pulling him closer and moaning into his mouth. His tongue was exploring her mouth for the nth time, and he fucked her so hard that night, until you left his mind. Until he stopped thinking that it was you, until he moaned Miyeon’s name and came inside of her. The red marks on his neck and scratches on his back to remind him that he just wanted to fuck Miyeon and not you.
“Well, that was amazing.” Miyeon said exhausted as she poured herself more wine. “We never fucked like that, we should do it more often.” She laughed. “Poor Y/n. If she only knew how good you fuck me.” Miyeon giggled and pressed kisses on Taeyong’s bare shoulder.
He ignored her sneaky remark and closed his eyes. He saw your face whenever he closed his eyes, he wanted to get you off of his mind, and then he fucked Miyeon again, until his mind was full of Miyeon naked under him.
Taeyong came back home late that night again, he breathed in and out, his heart was beating against his chest, it almost hurt.
He thought that you were sleeping already, but you were wide awake, thinking about the events of the night and feeling ashamed.
You could feel the bed sink down next to you. This time, Taeyong was facing your back. He smelled different, Taeyong smelled like all the times he smelled after he had spent time with her.
I can taste her lipstick And see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance Every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And, she's perfect
You didn’t change your hair back. After hanging out with Jaehyun and his girlfriend, you felt a little more confident with it. Even Jaehyun had told you that you looked really pretty.
You didn’t even need to tell Taeyong that you were hanging out with Jaehyun and his girlfriend, Taeyong was also not at home.
You needed to spend some time with friends, you were drowning in your insecurities and in self-doubt, that you had to be with someone. Spending time with your friends helped you stop thinking.
“Oh, wait Taeyong is calling-“ you told them. “Yes?” you said, “Hey, uhm, I’m out with Jaehyun tonight, you know, boy’s night and stuff.”
Jaehyun was sitting right in front of you. “Oh okay, tell Jaehyun I said hi.” Jaehyun and his girlfriend looked at you confused. “Yeah, I will.” And  you ended the call.
“But I’m sitting here with you?” Jaehyun said confused. “I know. He’s lying to me.” You looked at them with a sad smile. “Why would he lie to you?” she asked you. “He doesn’t want me to know about his affair.” You said casually. “W-What? Taeyong? Our Taeyong?” Jaehyun couldn’t believe what you just said. You nodded.
“Are you sure about that?” he asked.
You nodded again, scared that you’d break out in tears.
“Do you know who-“
“Miyeon, they’re working on a track together, I don’t know If that is true though.”
“But that’s impossible! I was with them a couple weeks ago, they were just talking about the track and they were so distant, and I-I just can’t believe that-“
“Jaehyun calm down, you’re not helping her.” His girlfriend said. “It’s okay.” You whispered. “I’m sorry that you had to find out about it.”
“What no! Why are you… Why are you still with him?” she asked you. “Because I love him. It’s okay, I understand that he needs to satisfy his needs… with someone else.” They looked at you with shocked expressions. That night, you talked to them about everything, you even told her about the night you wore the lingerie when Jaehyun excused himself to go to the bathroom. Her eyes widened in shock as she heard about the way Taeyong treated you. “I hate him so much right now.” She said. “No don’t hate him. Even I don’t hate him, so you guys should forget about what I told you and act like this never happened.”
They looked at you with sad eyes, “Are you still coming to the company dinner with him?” Jaehyun asked. “If he wants me there.” You shrugged your shoulders.
I can see her body rushing into you Crashing on your skin, burning within Burning so deep, deep on your skin, skin Next to me She's crashing on your skin, settling in Burning so deep, deep on your skin, skin While you sleeping
You looked breathtaking, but you didn’t know that. The dress you were wearing, hugged your body perfectly but you didn’t dare to look at the mirror, scared that you’d need to change again. Scared that you’d find another failure, no matter If it’s on your face or on your dress.
Taeyong looked perfect as always, his tuxedo was made for him and his hair was styled up, exposing his pretty forehead. “You look really handsome.” You told him as you entered his car. He muttered a thanks and focused on the street.
Taeyong’s colleagues and his group members didn’t know about Taeyong’s affair, so he had to take you with him since everyone thought that you were happily dating.
When you arrived, he didn’t even open the door for you. “Hurry up, it’s cold.” He said as he walked to the entrance with you trailing form behind.
It was a great atmosphere, everyone was laughing or sipping on their champagne. It felt like the first time Taeyong introduced you to his members, the first time he took you to such an event, but of course, your happy memories were destroyed by Miyeon who glanced at you and Taeyong.
You were chatting with Jungwoo, when you noticed Taeyong looking back at her with a small smirk.
“I’m going to the restroom.” He excused himself and you just nodded, knowing exactly where he was going. When he was gone, you saw Miyeon following him. You told Jungwoo that you had to talk to Jaehyun for whatever reason and went after them.
“I missed you.” You heard her voice. “I missed you too.” And then their bodies and lips crashed. They were so bad at hiding, anyone could see them making out If they just went to the restroom. “You’re so hot tonight, yongie.” She called him yongie. You called him yongie. “I need you inside me now.” She said loud enough for you to hear. “Patience, you need to keep your hands to yourself. She’s here.”
“I don’t care about her-“
Jaehyun accidently bumped into you. “Oh sorr-“
You hushed him, he looked to the direction you were looking at. He was about to move but you stopped him. His eyes were full of anger. “Please don’t.” you asked him.  “Let’s go back.” The image of Taeyong kissing her was burned in your mind and now in Jaehyun’s too.
Taeyong came back and took his place next to you. Jaehyun was angrily playing with his food in front of him, as someone who was also cheated on by his ex-girlfriend, he felt so much empathy for you and you were his friend after all, he cared for you. “Jaehyun, you good?” Taeyong asked him. “Mhm…” Jaehyun mumbled. “You sure? You look like you saw a ghost.” Taeyong joked. “Not a ghost, no. I’m fine.” He whispered the first part, but Taeyong still heard it. He just couldn’t figure out what Jaehyun was talking about.
After a couple hours of fake smiling and acting like you were in a happy relationship, Jaehyun’s girlfriend asked you to stay with her for the night, she was worried and didn’t want you to feel alone.
“Yongie, I’m having a sleepover with Jaehyun’s girlfriend tonight.” Taeyong’s eyes light up. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow?” you nodded.
You left the party with Jaehyun’s girlfriend and talked to her about the thing Jaehyun also witnessed.
I can taste her lipstick And see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance Every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And, she's perfect
You woke up and your heart missed Taeyong. Did he arrive home safely? Was he alone? Was she with him?
Questions were floating in your head and you just wanted to go home and take a long hot bath.
You unlocked the door and entered your apartment. The second you stepped in, you knew what was waiting for you in the bedroom.
You slowly opened the door and the first thing you saw, were clothes messily on the floor. Your eyes stopped at the black lace bra, it definitely didn’t belong to you.
Your eyes wandered to the bed, she was laying on your bedside, naked.
They were both naked under the sheets, still asleep after last night.
He fucked her in your bed.
There was a wine bottle on the floor with two wine glasses.
It was over, you held onto something which was over for a long time now. Your luggage was in your closet, you pulled it out and started packing.
Taeyong woke up to the sounds of your sniffing and packing. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his side, Miyeon was next to him but the sounds didn’t come from her. He sat up and looked through the room and his eyes finally landed on your small figure. “Y/n?” he stuttered. You ignored him and when he finally understood what was happening, he got up and put on his clothes. “I-it’s not what it looks like… I-I… what are you doing? Y/n? Please listen to me.” He begged you as he bend down to you. “Stop packing… don’t do that please, just listen to me.”
“I’m not even saying anything, Taeyong. I am listening. You can say whatever you want, it’s just that you don’t have anything to say because it is as clear as water.” You still didn’t look at him as you continued packing.
“I’m sorry, I am so sorry okay, it’s just a one-time thing, I was so drunk last night-“ he lied to you, nothing new. You scoffed, “And you still choose to lie. I’m not dumb, Taeyong. I know everything.” For the first time in weeks, you looked him in the eyes. “Y-you knew? W-Why didn’t you say anything?” his body trembled after your confession. “The actual question is: why didn’t you just break up with me?”
“I can’t break up with you- I need you! Please believe me.” He begged again.
“You don’t need me. Look at me Taeyong, I’m not angry. I understand. You deserve so much more than me. I tried to be like her, I really tried. But you don’t want me. You want her, and I understand. I’m sorry for holding you back-“
“No! Don’t- just, don’t say things like that! You’re so pretty and cute and…” he stuttered, it was his last chance to tell you that. “I need you please, please, don’t go. Don’t leave me.” He started crying. “Why are you crying? I’m not going to hold you back anymore. You finally got what you wanted.”
You left the apartment with all of your things that day. You didn’t even know where to go. The first thing you did was crying loudly in your car, the next thing you did was driving to Jaehyun and his girlfriend.
Two weeks later, you found a little apartment, far away from Taeyong. You moved in with the help of Jaehyun and his girlfriend.
Two months passed and you were hanging out with Jaehyun and his girlfriend again, even Jungwoo Mark and Johnny came to visit you. They were on your side and supported you fully. They never mentioned Taeyong, for which you were thankful.
But if you only knew how much Taeyong was suffering right now.
That day you left Taeyong, Miyeon listened to your conversation and knew that Taeyong would never love her like he loved you. He begged you to stay with him, even though he had promised Miyeon to leave you. Miyeon and Taeyong’s relationship ended the same day.
Every night, Taeyong looked at your pictures and cried himself to sleep. Your side on the bed was always cold, the space on the couch was always empty and even at work, he felt lonely.
One day, he and Jaehyun got into a fight. “You have no idea how much she suffered because of your stupid ass. You can’t act like you got cheated on!” Jaehyun yelled.
“I know that! I know that I hurt her- that I cheated on her… but I miss her, Jaehyun.” Taeyong cried out. “It’s not just about the cheating, Taeyong. You didn’t value her. She did so much for you but still, she wasn’t enough for you.”
“She’s more than enough- and I don’t deserve her,” he sobbed, “I’m a heartless jerk, and she’s perfect.“
SEQUEL: die for you
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swinterr · 4 years ago
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
699 notes · View notes
write-orflight · 4 years ago
Settle Down: Chapter 4
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**Gif Not Mine**
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Pairings: SpencerXReader (kinda enemies to lovers)  
Rating: M
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: Smut!! (Oral, male receiving. Sexual conduct. language.)
Summary:   Y/N and Spencer don’t get along but turn to each other for the one   thing you need someone else for… A baby. You can plantonically start a   family, right?
AN: Unedited because I was scrambling to finish before work. Comment on this chapter or inbox to be on taglist. thanks! much love, Cia.
                Chapter 4: Frozen, fuck you.
Misfortune came in the form of spots in your underwear the following week. You weren’t pregnant despite your best efforts. You took a personal day because of how bummed you were feeling, assuring Hotch that you could do your job from home. So you spent your morning eating terribly and reviewing the files Garcia sent you. Once you finish all your work for the day, you curl up on the couch with a pint of ice cream, bourbon and National Geographic. You’re hours in when you get a knock at your door. You stumble over and open it to reveal Spencer. He looks at you concerned as you very drunkenly head back to your couch, leaving the door open indicating you were inviting him in. He closes the door behind him looking at you concerned. 
“Have you been drinking?” 
“Wow, is this why they say you’re good at your job?” You say, rolling your eyes. 
“Y/N, should you even be drinking? You might be—“ 
“Did you know elephants are pregnant for almost 2 years?” You say pointing at the TV. “Why am I even asking? You know everything.” 
“Do you wanna tell me what’s got you so upset?” Spencer says, kneeling in front of your perch on the couch. 
“Did you know it’s very difficult for female pandas to become pregnant?” You say, you feel your eyes becoming wet but you blink back the tears. “That makes two of us.” You shrug. 
It clicks for Spencer in that moment. “You’re not…” he asks. You shake your head. 
“Spencer, I’m sorry. Maybe you should ask someone else. Maybe someone without a broken uterus.” 
“Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with you.” He says, cupping your cheek with his hand. You can’t help but nuzzle back into it. “I went to the doctor with you. Just because it didn’t happen this time doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Not everyone gets pregnant their first time trying.” 
“But people not trying at all end up pregnant the first time. What’s wrong with me?” The tear that’s been threatening the whole time finally falls down your cheek. Spencer swipes his thumb across it, looking sympathetically at you. 
“We can just try again next month, Y/N. We’ve got time, ok?” He says, you nod. 
“Thank you, Spencer.” You say. 
“No problem. Now come on, lay down.” He says, sitting down on the end of the couch and pulling you down to lay down onto his lap. “And stop watching National Geographic if it’s making you sad. We can even watch that movie with the talking toys if you want?” 
“All three?” 
“God, there’s three?!” 
The following weeks are pretty uneventful. You guys caught murders and went to bars afterwards. You were in one bar after a particularly hard case with the team sans Spencer and Hotch when Derek asked you. 
“Ok, apparently you swore my girl to secrecy but I have to know.” He says to you from across the booth. “What is happening between you and Pretty Boy?” 
You throw a pointed look at Garcia, who just looks at you guiltily. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Morgan.” 
Emily chimes in at that. “Please! Before the two of you would either never talk or when you would, it’d end in an argument. Now suddenly he’s calling you on cases, not interrupting you when you’re presenting--” 
“Maybe, he just finally got some sense.” You interrupt. 
“See, I would say that too.” Emily says. “If he hadn’t asked me where to get that korean tea you like so much.” 
You knew what she was talking about. When you found out you weren’t pregnant and came back to work. You were still hopped up on extra hormones so when you went to make your favorite tea that morning and realized you had forgotten to get more so you were out. When you saw that, you started crying softly. You just wanted tea. Spencer walked in at that moment and you wiped your face furiously so he wouldn’t see the evidence of your tears before speeding out of the kitchen. The next day you walked into the kitchen, expecting to have to make shitty coffee instead, but there was a new box of your tea. You didn’t think much of it. You assumed Garcia got you the box. 
“He probably just wanted it for himself. The box has been feeling a little light lately.” You lie. “I’m serious though. Nothing’s going on.” We just have really hot sex in hopes of him impregnating me. You think. Everyone let’s it go at that point, changing the subject. You were thankful for that. 
The day came around again and Spencer wordlessly just got in your car after you guys’ shift and you didn’t question it, you knew the drill this time around. Spencer hums along to your music playing in the car. You look at him confused. 
“You know California Dreamin’?” You ask. 
“I uh-I heard you tell Garcia about how you liked The Mamas and Papas so I listened to some of their songs. I thought it’d help me understand you more.” 
You don’t turn towards him. You keep your eyes focused on the road so he wouldn’t see the marshmallow soft look that crossed your face. “Did you learn anything?” You ask. 
He clears his throat. “You listen to a lot of soft melodic music. I wouldn’t have thought that considering how you are.” 
“And how am I, Spencer Reid?” 
“Opinionated, loud.” You narrow your eyes at that one but say nothing. “Yet you listen to soft love songs, your favorite movie is Wizard of Oz and you watch nothing but Disney movies in your spare time. You’re not as scary as you think you are.” He says, getting out of the parked car. You speed out the car after him immediately. 
“I’m plenty scary!” You say as the two of you enter your house. 
“Uh-huh, and which Disney movie are we watching tonight?” 
“Frozen, fuck you.” You say leaving behind a laughing Spencer to go take your ovulation test. 
After discovering you were in fact ovulating you went to the living room to put on Frozen. You were about halfway into the sister’s adventure when you asked. 
“Spencer?” You asked from your perch laying on his shoulder. He turns his head down towards you, humming inquisitively. “Emily told me it was you who got my tea.” 
“I did.” He says. 
He shrugs. “It was upsetting you.” he says, like it’s obvious. 
“I mean, I was upset I was out, sure but it’s not your job to make sure I’m not upset.” 
“It’s specifically my job to do that, Y/N.” He says, turning so he can look you in the eyes. “Y/N, you’re literally about to be the mother of my child. That makes your happiness just as important as this child’s happiness. I’m going to take care of both of you so if buying a 10 dollar box of tea is what will make you happy, I have no issues doing so.” 
The look he gives you is so sincere and your heart flutters when he says it. You don’t know why but you’re suddenly bombarded with thoughts of kissing him and before you can stop yourself you do just that. Spencer hums in shock for a second. But quickly deepens the kiss, tongue tracing over yours. You moan slightly as his hands come up to cup your face. Eventually, the two of you separate, gasping for breath in the small space between you. 
“What was that for?” He says. 
You couldn’t say the real reason that you kissed him was because you wanted to, so bad. It would make things awkward and ruin what was an amazing plan. You needed to remember that you were doing this for the end goal, a child.
“I’m ovulating, so I figured we should start now.” You say. It was only half a lie. 
Spencer looks slightly disappointed for a second before he shakes it off. He stands and grabs your hand tugging you towards the bedroom wordlessly. Once inside, his mouth is on yours again. You smirk against his lips, hands going for each other’s respective clothes. Once undressed he deposits you on the bed, settling into the space between your legs. He’s leaving open mouth bruises on your neck and chest as his hands travel down your body. You stopped him, it wasn’t that you didn’t want that, but you had other plans. 
He looks at you confused for a second. A look that’s replaced completely with wanton desire when you start trailing a hand up and down is underwear clad length. You watch his eyes flutter shut for a second, relishing in the feeling. You smirk at that. You lean up to speak in his ear. 
“I want to ride you.” You say, you feel Spencer’s member twitch in your palm as you say it. “Can I?” 
Spencer nods fast, moving off of you to lay flat on his back. He goes to take off his underwear but you stop him, wanting to do it yourself. You tugged them down his body and as you crawled your way back up you found yourself face to face with a certain predicament. An intrusive thought pops in your head and before you can stop yourself you ask. 
“Can I?” You whisper, you didn’t finish the question but your face was right next to his dick so you figured he’d get the gist. 
“You don’t have to.” Spencer says, though his dick betrays his words as it violently twitches when you bring your mouth slightly towards it. 
“I know.” You whisper before taking the head into your mouth. You hear Spencer hiss above you as you let your tongue swerve over the head. You moan, taking him deeper into your mouth, hand covering what you couldn’t reach. You hear a strangled gasp above you and opt to look up. Nothing could’ve prepared you for that sight. Spencer’s head was thrown back, face and neck flushed and he was biting on his fist to keep from making too much noise. Spencer was always so complimentary of you during these times and you realized you never said what you thought,  that the man above you was beautiful. You still held your tongue though. It was preoccupied anyway. After sometime, Spencer’s hand cups the side of your face, moaning softly as he feels his member through your cheek. He gently pulled you off of him. 
“I need to be inside you.” He says. “Now.”  
You nod, crawling back up his body to straddle his lap. Spencer moves your hips so you’re right above him, allowing you to sink down on his length. The two of you groan at first contact, Spencer gives you a second to adjust, massive hands circling your waist as you rocked yourself back and forth in his lap. You already felt close despite the short amount of time. You look down at the man and he’s looking up at you with a glassy expression. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He moans, hands tightening on your waist. “You look so hot like this, I’m not going to last long.” 
“Me neither.” You say, Spencer takes that moment to drift his hand to your clit, thumb drawing small circles on the bundle of nerves. You moan out loud, moving your hips faster as Spencer thrusts his hips up to meet yours. 
“Spencer, fuck, I’m gonna--” you cut yourself off with a moan. Spencer is thrusting up into you faster now. 
“Cum for me, baby.” He says, and as if you were waiting for permission, you release moaning Spencer’s names and expletives. Spencer rides you through it, moving your hips on top of him. Before you know it, you’re on your back and Spencer is thrusting back into you hard. You practically scream out as he sets a fast pace chasing his own release. 
“Fuck, you feel so good baby, I’m gonna- fuck.” He says as you feel him release inside you. He thrusts shallowly inside you, riding out his orgasm before pulling out. You wince slightly, lifting your hips so he can slide the pillow under you, knowing the drill by now. Spencer runs, his fingers through your hair, you hum pushing your head into him, like a cat. 
“You ok?” He whispers. “Do you need anything?” 
You shake your head. “Will you come sleep with me?” You ask. 
Spencer smiles softly at you. “Of course, Y/N.” 
A month passes and cold February winter turns to soft March spring. The weeks that pass are fairly uneventful. You work and come home to an unfortunately empty house. You and Spencer talk about not as much as before and hardly about anything not baby or work related. You could admit that the last time you guys had sex, some lines got blurred and you both needed space from each other to remember that this was still platonic. At least, that’s how you felt and though you never voiced it, Spencer seemed to understand that.
The team was out on a case when you realized. You and Garcia had been on video call with the team when you heard Derek say.    
“Woah, Oz. You look like death warmed over.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’m fine.” 
“She’s not fine.” Garcia butts in. “She’s been throwing up all morning.” 
“L/N, if you’re sick--” Hotch starts. 
“I’m not sick! I feel completely fine, I think I just had some chinese that didn’t sit right. I’ll be fine, can we focus on the case?” You plead, Hotch nods. You see Spencer looking at the screen wide eyed but you don’t understand why. 
“What did you find?” Hotch asks. 
“Ok, Sebastian Henry’s financial records were a little hard to go through. Everything looked pretty normal. So I did a little--” You gag for a second but manage to keep it down. “A little digging and found a s-secret account he’s been m-making large donations to a church that, through more digging, doesn’t exist--” Garcia is already there with the bucket which you snatch and empty your lunch in immediately. 
“We think it’s mafia.” Garcia says, grimacing at the sound of your vomiting. You lift up to see the team giving you empathic looks and Spencer with a deep thinking expression. 
“Great, Garcia, look into that more. And Y/N, go home.” Hotch says. 
“What? Hotch, I’m fine!” 
“And I wasn’t asking.” He says, in that authoritative voice that made you know he meant business. 
“Fine.” you grumble as he ends the call. 
You’re on the way home when you get a call from Spencer. 
“Spencer, what’s up? Does Hotch need me to go back in?” 
“Oh, uh-no.” He says. “Listen, I know you said you’d tell me if something was up but Penelope saying you’d been sick all morning is making me overthink and well, did you take a test?” He asked. 
You look up at that. The two of you had been so busy with cases and work that the one thing you had been waiting for had completely slipped your mind. 
You were late.  
Taglist: @moonshinerbynight​ @crimeshowtrash​ @no-honey-no​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @chenlemure​ @sizzlingclamturtlesludge​ @tclaerh​ @k-k0129​ @takeyourleap-of-faith​ @trashyhipsterfangirl @haylaansmi​ @spencerreidlivesrentfreeinmyhead​ @waspyyy​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @octaviaxanadu​ @whxt-to-write​ @meowiemari​ @b99andsoc​ @boba-king-iroh​ @punkndisorderrly​ @richardrosejpeg​ @underratedmisfit​ @gredvb​ @criminalminds4days​ @fanfictionislifetho​ @justpeachykeeeen​ @kopfkinomind @moonchildkei @appleblossoms-posts​ @urguardiandevil​ @cm-imagines-07​ @ajeff855 @reidsconverse​ @isknowplaces @ashwarren32​
@cielo1984​ @rainsong01​ @dracoxmgg​ @m0rce1ddd​ @daviddobrikandyn @mcntsee​ @debiwolf-t​ @jellokangaroo​ @honeyboysteezy​ @sadassflatass​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @itsdars​
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tendousthoughts · 4 years ago
You’re getting so popular now. Don’t forget me when you become famous
ANYWAY I will say you have great taste in anime
And also
To make a request: how would some of the setters react to their s/o pranking them by saying “I’m glad I didn’t break up with you that one time”
I saw it on teesumu’s page and thought it was hilarious
Have a wonderful day!
- 🍍 anon
HQ boys reacting to “I’m glad I didn’t break up with you that one time”
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Character(s): Atsumu & Kenma
Warning(s): Cursing
Song of the day: Bubble Gum by Clairo
A/N to ask writer: I won’t! You’re my first ever anon so I don’t think I could ever lmao. You’re amazing and the main reason I came back! Ngl I was like having major writers block but to see you coming back to my account made me so fucking happy. >~< You didn’t hear that! Ah, thank you! Anime is so good lmao- I chose Atsumu and Kenma. If you want I can do a part two for Akaashi and someone else- (Aghh I can’t remember if you had any other setters in your top 5 at the moment)
A/N: So here I go- I passed 150 followers and I’m close to 200! Thank you all so much. Part three to my series will be out soon so stay tuned! [Disclaimer: all credit goes to @/teesumu for the idea, I haven’t read theirs yet! I hope I did this right but again! I didn’t come up with this thanks to my amazing anon, I know @/teesumu did!]
All my works
Got a request? Or do you wanna be a anon? Or just wanna talk?
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You had been on your phone a bit when you came across a dare video. So maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea. But what harm could it do? Hm? You stood up stretching. “Babyyyyy!” You called out. Your stomach growling. “Tsumu!” You called out again.
“Coming babe!” He called from the room over, soon getting to you. “What ya want cutie?” He chuckles a bit. That stupid grin on his face, as he leaned his body on the door frame.
“I’m hungry!” Your stomach growled again as he walked up and held you. God his arms were almost too perfect. If that was even a thing.
“Ah okay what does ma Angel want to eat then..?” He asked. He was nowhere near as good a cook as Osamu. Both of you knew it but he liked to deny it. He didn’t like to say Osamu was better than him at anything. Though he was.
“I wanna get a burger please..” you muttered. Your is voice soft. It had been awhile since you felt comfortable enough in your own skin. After all that had happened before you had been put in a terrible mindset.
“Mhm. Anything for ma angel,” he laid a kiss on your soft lips. Before pulling off smiling. “Let’s get a good juicy burger. With fries! I want a soda too,” He smiled, already walking to grab his keys from the drawer.
“Sounds good.” You laughed softly. It was great how quickly Atsumu reacted to knowing what you wanted. Already grabbing the keys and such.
After a few minutes you guys were already in the car. You look to the floor thinking before shaking your head. Atsumu looked over a bit confused but just gently hummed. “Ya okay baby..?” He whispered softly.
“Mhm.. I’ve just been thinking and.. I’m glad I didn’t break up with you that one time.” A small smile on your face to see his reaction. But he is already looking back at the road.
“Ah I see.. I’m glad that I didn’t either,” He chuckles softly.
What? What does he mean ‘I didn’t either’? Did he actually regret it all at some point..?
You just shook your head softly, pulling your knees to your chest slightly. So maybe you did something to him, to make him think that way. By the time you got to the place you were lost in a prison of your own thoughts. Just wanting an answer.
It took him a moment to notice you weren’t answering him when he parked. He gently kissed your head. “Baby ya okay..?” He whispered softly. He hadn’t been serious. It was just a way to fight that nasty feeling inside him. That feeling of not being perfect. So maybe if he pretended not to be with you either at some point it would balance it out.
It didn’t, it clearly didn’t. Now you were at the part back to how you looked. Fuck. It wasn’t just the way you looked. It was your voice. It was fucking everything that made you insecure.
You finally looked up. Trying to not let you stupid tears fall. “I’m sorry..” you muttered softly. It wasn’t what you wanted to ever hear. But you almost felt like you needed to apologize for not being enough.
“What?” He looked confused. Underly confused. He really didn’t think about the outcome. Because now you’re crying, even though you’re trying so desperately to hide it.
It took only a brief second for him to have his arms wrapped around you again. “I am sorry for ever making you regret being with me..” you muttered trying to stop the tears from falling. “It was supposed to be a prank and.. and..” you couldn’t breathe. At least that’s what it felt like. Your heart was pounding hard as you closed your eyes.
It took him a moment to get what you were saying. “Angel..” he mumbled, holding you closer even though you tried to move away. He felt terrible. “Hey.. I didn’t mean it too.. I just.. I thought.. I thought it might make me feel better. I didn’t want it to hurt ya.” he whispered softly, holding you to his chest. You knew he didn’t have any ill intentions. He wasn’t like that. He never was like that, and maybe that’s why you loved him so much.
“It’s okay..” he knew you were hurt but didn’t want to press you.
“I love you ma angel..” he muttered softly. It took some time but soon after you felt comfortable enough and both of you got out of the car. You and him were a pair. Forever. He was your soulmate and you were his.
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He is a professional gamer now. Times were rough sometimes. It was common for you two to go hours without talking, almost forgetting about each other’s existence. But you loved that. You both had busy lives and when you did spend time together it had hours of talking about that day. You guys had a ‘weird’ relationship that no one else would understand. But it was perfect for you two.
It had been about an hour when you decided to do the prank. When you saw it, it kind of flooded all of your thoughts. The only problem is that you were worried about his reaction. The relationship had problems when it started, which you thought you both worked to fix. It just worried you that it might start up again.
You walked to the door and knocked. You bit your lip, opening the door when you heard you could. “Hey kitten..” he mumbled softly, his voice raspy from lack of sleep, you guessed. He turned towards you, and opened his arms for you.
“Hey love..” you crawl on his lap and hugged him. His chest touched yours as he held you.
“Everything okay..?” he asked softly. His hand gently rubbed circles on your back as he held you close. His hand was warm and soft. You felt so safe and second guessed your decision on doing the prank.
“Mhm.. just glad I didn’t break up with you that one time..” you muttered into his chest. Almost immediately the air felt like it had thickened.
He had slowed a bit. “Huh..?” He slopped a moment later, confused. It wasn’t something you would say normally.
“I was just thinking about how I’m glad I didn’t break up with you..” you muttered softly. Now regretting your decision.
He heard you loud and clear the first time. Though he wishes he didn’t. He bit his lip and shook his head. “Me too..” he muttered softly “I’m glad you didn’t..” His voice cracked softly. His arms tightened around you subconsciously.
“Babe..?” You looked up at him. It was like him to hide his feelings. You knew that. He knew that. Everyone knew that. Kenma wasn’t social. He never was and he probably will never be. You were worried. Of course you were. You loved him. You really loved him.
“Mhm?” He wasn’t looking at you anymore. His eyes pinned on his desk. It was a tactic of his, if he didn’t look at you maybe it would make it less awkward. It didn’t.
“Are you okay..?” You asked softly. You knew he wasn’t. You knew he was overthinking again. He always did. God fucking damnit. You shouldn’t have done this fucking dumb prank. He won’t even look at you at this point. You know you screwed up.
“I’m fine.” He blurted out. His responses were short and to the point. Which made you more worried.
“I’m joking baby.. I didn’t mean to worry you. It was supposed to be a prank okay? I love you so much. I never have and never will stop loving you..” you muttered softly.
A long much needed sigh of relief was heard, and then warm arms wrapped around you. “Thank fucking god.” It took him a moment to continue talking. “I don‘t know how I would react if you didn’t tell me it was a prank.. I would probably cry later or something.” he whispered.
It took a moment to take in the weight of the words. Not only had he told you how he felt, which was rare by itself. But he told you that he was going to cry. It might have been one of the only moments where you came to the realization of how much he loves you. Of course there was the occasional I love you’s and stuff but that just felt.. forced or something at times. So to hear that made you feel special.. or maybe a warm feeling inside to know everything was perfect right where it was.
“I’m sorry baby..” you whispered softly as your eyes met again. God, everything about you was.. perfect. Too perfect. Like you were a god sent from above and he was just some random person. You loved each other and that’s all that ever would matter.
“It’s okay..“ His eyes pinned on yours, as his grip was tight. “I love you, y/n..” he mumbled softly.
“I love you too.” You smiled a bit. It was everything you have ever needed. Him. The way he said your name just gave you butterflies. This was perfect. It wasn’t a bad idea in the end. It worked out perfectly.. and you were so glad.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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yonkimint · 4 years ago
So Show Me, I’ll Show You
Part 28.2
This part has written parts with pictures in between.
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TAGLIST (send me an ask or leave a reply if you want to be added!): @esteemedsalt @halesandy @historicalgigi @seaoffangirling @secretlycrazyhummingbird @kiwimash12 @aviwasabi21 @sehun096rainbow @darkskin-buttercup @rainfallingfromthesky @yoongiofmine @lucedelsole97 @pleasegivemearemedyyy @kim-jias-den @unadulteratedlyunique @thesweetest-peas​ @joyfullyobsessed​ @irishhbamb ​
When you come to, the lights are too bright overhead like someone is shining a laser beam directly into your pupil. You splutter and groan, squeezing your eyes tightly shut. Someone is leaning over you, smoothing hair back from your face and speaking words you don’t understand.
“Don’t,” you moan, “I can’t take it anymore.”
“y/n? My name is Doctor Yang. You’re safe now,” a gentle voice says but it sounds like it’s coming through a tunnel. They keep talking and whoever is stroking your hair moves to pat your cheek. An image of Mark holding a knife flashes against the back of your eyelids.
Somewhere far away, someone starts screaming. The bright light and the pressure of the hand on your hair disappear and you fall back into the safety of the dream they’ve awoken you from. This memory you have shared with no one and it’s, perhaps, the safest one of them all.
The delicate strum of the guitar combined with your already drained emotions has your eyes drifting shut. Somewhere in the back of your mind you remember that Yoongi wants your opinion on this song and you make a mental note to tell him it’s the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard.
You barely register when Yoongi stops playing but you rouse a little when you realize he’s come to sit next to you on the couch. The two of you have never been this close before and you can feel the heat radiating off his skin. 
You have a feeling if you ‘wake up,’ he’ll back off so you keep your eyes closed and wait to see what he’ll do.
He clicks his tongue and sighs almost like he’s scolding himself and you force yourself to keep your face free of emotion. You’d like to know what’s going through his brain but you don’t dare give away that you’re awake.
Soft fingertips brush your cheekbone, tracing the tear swollen skin beneath your eyes, and move to tuck a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. You can’t help the gentle sigh that comes from your lips and you hope he attributes it to a dream you’re having.
This feels like a dream.
“Why can’t I get you out of my head?” Yoongi whispers. Your heart leaps into your throat. He’s been thinking about you too?
You almost jump when he wraps his arm around you and pulls you out of the ball you’ve been curled in. This would be the perfect time to pretend you’ve woken up but you still want to know what he’ll do. It’s taking all your best acting skills but you let out an indignant moan and fall against his shoulder.
He laughs, the sound of it making your whole body tingle. “You silly, beautiful girl,” he whispers, turning his face so his lips brush the crown of your head, his breath warm against your scalp.
His palm presses gently against your cheek and his thumb skates the skin beneath your lower lashes again. You squirm a little, taking liberties as if you were asleep, and he must believe you are because he keeps whispering the things he won’t say to you out loud.
“I know I said we can’t be friends…” he trails off. You crack your eyes open just a sliver and peer through your eyelashes as if you will discover what has interrupted his thoughts. He sighs and his hand moves from your face, his fingers curling in your loose hair.
“I know that,” he says again, “but I hope you can tell how badly I am lying.”
You hope he can’t feel the warmth rising in your cheeks.
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The press of something warm against your face has you convulsing again. You think you might scream again, anything to stop whatever pain you’ve been roused for, but you find that your fear response has been replaced with anger. How dare he take you away from that dream? How dare he take you away from Yoongi?
How dare Yoongi take himself away from you too?
You are so angry, you try to jerk away but find that you’ve been strapped down, every limb suspended in place and your head locked. Hot, fat tears well in your eyes and spill down from the corners to drench your hair. Vainly, you give a thought to how awful you must look in your final moments and that pisses you off too.
“Just get it over with, you asshole,” you spit.
“Baby,” a voice whispers in your ear, so familiar to you and so absolutely not Mark that your eyes snap open. You wince at the bright lights overhead and groan. Yoongi is leaning over you, smoothing your hair back from your forehead and smiling so sweetly that a deep ache fills your chest. You have missed him.
“It’s okay,” he tells you, his free hand coming up to wipe away the flood of salty liquid still dripping from your eyes, “You’re okay. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
You blink at him. You aren��t sure how Yoongi got here — or how you got here, honestly — but all the emotions you have been put through today come to a head and you settle on anger once more. You glare at him, this boy who has pushed you away and abandoned you until this very moment when it is almost too late. His smile falters and you can’t say you aren’t happy to see it.
“Oh, you can get it over with too, you asshole,” you spit again, “Jimin said you went all the way to Daegu to get away from me. You didn’t have to come all the way back just because I almost died. A breakup text would have been fine.”
They’ve given you painkiller and you can tell because you’re starting to ramble but you can’t stop. You desperately wish you could fall back into your dream where Yoongi would hold you and whisper the sweet things. You don’t want to be awake for this part.
“y/n, I know you’re mad—”
“MAD?” you screech, “Mad is an understatement. How are you gonna abandon me when that’s the ONE THING you were so afraid I was gonna do to you? Mad, tch! Why did you even come back? How did you get in here?”
“Do you…?” he trails off, looking very uncertain and suddenly very boyish. Your heart thumps uncomfortably in response. He’s making that little pout that has had girls swooning for a decade and suddenly you notice the cut across his cheekbone and the bruise blossoming across the bridge of his nose.
You jerk against your restraints to grab his face but you are securely locked in place. He presses his lips together and finishes his question, “Do you want me to leave?”
“No!” you nearly shout, “What happened to your face?”
His hand springs back from your face and he goes to touch a cut at the corner of his mouth that you failed to notice. He must see the frantic look in your eyes because he is quick to shrug it off, “It’s nothing. I got into a little confrontation on my way up here. I’m fine. Honestly, you should look in the mirror because you really look like shit.”
He’s deflecting. You’ll allow it for the moment because the longer you are out of your delusions, the more you realize you actually are safe, and now you have other questions that need answering.
“Gee, thanks, pretty sure my psycho ex-manager just tried to kill me so I would expect nothing less,” you tell him sardonically, “You wouldn’t happen to know how I got out of that mess, would you?”
He smiles, relief flooding his features that you aren’t pressing him about his own injuries, and says, “Well, I was on the train back from Daegu when the girls found you missing. They thought one of the boys had tried to break you out of jail but they were secretly trying to keep you here too until I could get here—”
You cut him off, “What do you mean until you got there? Is that why Jimin was taking so long? You were really coming back to break up with me?”
You can’t help it. The tears are welling up in your eyes again. His eyes bug out and his hands are suddenly aflutter around your face as if there’s some secret button hidden there that he can push to stop you from crying. He wipes at your eyes and then carefully presses both palms to either side of your face, making you look at him.
“Are you stupid?” he asks. Your despair shifts back into rage but he doesn’t give you time to speak, “I was coming back for you. Because I was stupid to have ever left you in the first place and I was coming to beg you for your forgiveness and to promise you that I would never leave you again unless you wanted me to go. And to tell you that I love you.”
You squirm, trying to alleviate the sudden soaring of butterflies in your core, but it disturbs your injuries which suddenly light up in flames of pain. Yoongi sighs, peeling one hand from your face to press his palm flat against your stomach so you’ll stop moving. It doesn’t stop the butterflies from their maddening dance.
“You are a terrible boyfriend,” you mumble. He nods in agreement.
“The absolute worst. I’m so, so sorry, y/n. I should have been here with you. I should never have left your side from the moment I dropped you off from the arcade. Then you wouldn’t be like… this.”
You see the glassy look come into his eyes and the lump bobbing in his throat and you realize he’s about to start crying too. He’s been blaming himself for this awful chain of events ever since that night and he never gave you the chance to tell him it was always inevitable.
You wish you could lift your arms and pull him down against you. That you could stroke your fingers through his hair and calm the ache that must be tearing through his chest. You frown at him and ask, “Are you stupid?”
“You cannot blame yourself for anything that Mark does. If you had been there that night, that guy could’ve killed you. If you had been here at the hospital, Mark still would have come. He still would have waited until I was all alone and he would have taken me. This wouldn’t have turned out any different so stop blaming yourself. 
“It’s probably not even your fault that Mark found me in the first place. If he had Lauren’s twitter and Lauren’s phone number, that means he probably found me months ago. He’s probably known all along. He was just waiting for the perfect moment, okay? There was nothing you could have done,” you tell him.
He takes a moment to consider this and then lets out a long sigh, “I should have been here.”
“You should have,” you agree, “Speaking of my would be murderer, what happened?”
“Oh,” Yoongi says as if he has completely forgotten about that asshole, Mark, and then he scowls, “Well, the police arrested him and I actually caught him in the elevator on my way up to you… which is why my face looks like this.”
“Yoongi!!” you cry.
He throws his head back and laughs, “It was worth it! Honestly, y/n, you should see his face. These are actually from one of the police officers trying to get me off of him. Mark looks a lot worse!”
“He’s gonna sue you for assault,” you scold him, wishing more than ever that you could reach for his face and erase the marks left there.
“That’s fine,” Yoongi says with a shrug, “I’m rich, remember? And nobody is going to be upset with me for throttling a man who tried to murder my girlfriend. I won’t even get negative press over this, okay? And it made me feel a lot better knowing he was hurting after what he did to you. He’ll never hurt you again.”
His nostrils are flared and there is hatred in his dark eyes. You sigh, upset that he risked getting hurt for you but so overwhelmed by the fact that he cares enough for you to have done it in the first place.
“I love you, Yoongi” you whisper.
Your words catch him off guard and he stares down at you blankly for a long moment. You wait, patient for the first time in your life, for your words to register and when they do, he breaks out in his wide, gummy grin.
“I know you’re still mad at me,” he starts, his fingers fiddling the fabric of the hospital gown at your waist. There’s a fire starting down there that makes you want to squirm for relief but you don’t dare move. He presses his lips together, thinking carefully of how to make his request, and asks, “Do you think I could start making it up to you?”
You raise an eyebrow. “I suppose that would be acceptable.”
He leans down, the one hand still pressed to your stomach, the other gently caressing your face, and presses his lips softly to yours. He’s kissed you before. Shy kisses in his bed the night you finally confessed your feelings to each other and more frenzied makeouts in dark corners of loud arcade rooms. Coffee laced kisses on early mornings. Lazy kisses in his studio that you’ve mentioned to no one.
But you are determined that this one should top all the others.
You open your mouth to let his tongue tangle with yours and sigh when his fingers move to loop not so gentle knots in your hair. Your fingers curl, aching to hold him but secured firmly at your sides, and you break the kiss briefly to whine at him about the straps holding you down.
He laughs a husky, breathless chuckle that catches in his throat. It’s not fair that he holds all the power in this exchange though, and you demand to be freed. Kissing the tip of your nose affectionately, he loosens the strap around your torso just enough for you to slip your arms free.
You do, snaking them around his neck, your fingers tangling in the soft hair at the base of his neck as you pull him as close to you as you can manage. It is a mixture of pain and pleasure as the weight of him jostles your injuries but you don’t want him anywhere else.
Your lips meet again hungrily and you don’t waste time parting them. Your tongues dance as if they’re meeting for the first time and a low moan hums in your throat. Yoongi pulls back, his dark eyes fiery with his desire for you.
“Oh god, y/n,” he gasps, “You can’t make noises like that when you’re injured like this. I’m going to get carried away and forget to be gentle with you.”
You only laugh and coax his lips back down to yours. You’d like to trace your lips across his jaw… and down his neck… and lower… and lower… but you settle for letting him explore your mouth instead. His hand, splayed across your stomach, begins to explore too and the fire in your core grows almost too intense.
You gently bite at his lip, a warning to cool it when you both know you can’t go much farther than this in the condition you’re in. He pulls back, whispering an apology against your lips, and you decide to offer him a promise in return, “I heal fast, sir. And when I do, I don’t want you to be gentle with me at all.”
He whimpers and it’s all the satisfaction you need.
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themadlostgirl · 3 years ago
Treasure Hunt
*Some wholesome fun with a little Panlix tension to garnish*
We had new toys on the island. New to me anyway.
The Lost Boys and I crowded around the beach and stared out at the ship anchored on the horizon. Pirates.
Where they had come from or why there were here was a mystery to us. But one thing was for certain, they were certain to be fun. Peter ordered all of us back to camp while he spoke to the captain. Not that most of us listened anyway. We stuck around hiding at the entrance to the jungle to see what would happen.
A single rowboat came ashore with a trio of men. One was covered head to toe in tattoos, one was short and portly with a bright red hat, and the third I had to assume was the captain. He had a tall, dark, and dangerous look about him that I’m sure plenty of tavern wenches falling all over themselves.
“Holy shit,” the boy next to me muttered softly, gaze locked on the captain.
“Snap out of it, Teddy,” I slapped the back of his head, “What would Sanjit think if he saw you drooling over someone else?”
“I think he would understand.” Teddy shrugged, “Come on, even you have to admit the man looks great.”
“He looks good, I will give him that,” I peered closer, “Does he have a hook for a hand?”
“Nice,” Teddy grinned wider. I slapped him again.
Peter and the captain talked and argued before the captain and his men got back into their boat and left for their ship. Peter turned around and addressed us hiding in the trees. “You can come out now you disobedient tree stumps,”
Half of the boys fled at having been found out while the rest of us emerged. “So what brings them here?” I asked first.
“Youth and revenge, not the first time I’ve come across that salty sailor. Have to say, he has a lot more backbone as a pirate than he did when I first met him.” Peter said. “Captain Hook he calls himself now. Sounds much more fun than leftenant Jones.”
“Is the revenge he craves against you?” Felix asked. “I could see him blaming his brother’s death on you.”
“No. He’s upset about that for sure, but apparently the Dark One killed his lover and cut off his hand. That’s who he wants to get revenge against. Figured he would have more than enough time staying here while he concocted something. Idiot doesn’t even have a way back. It’s clear he didn’t think any of this through.” Peter scoffed with a smile. “His idiocy is our gain. Tell me, what do pirates always have?”
“Drinking problems?”
“Yes, but not what I was looking for.”
“Big hats.”
“Terrible songs!”
“Treasure!” Peter snapped, “They have treasure!”
“Oh...that makes more sense.” I nodded. “What is treasure to us? Not like we have any shops to purchase things from using any of their shiny baubles.”
“True. But it means a great deal more to them.” Peter grinned. “Tomorrow morning, we’re gonna go on a treasure hunt.”
When we got back to camp those of us that stuck around informed the others about what had happened with Peter and the pirates. Many of them were excited about the idea of a treasure hunt. By the time dawn broke the camp was abuzz with anticipation.
“Morning everyone,” Peter greeted his camp, “Last night your fearless leader, me, snuck aboard the pirate’s ship and stole their chest of treasure right out from under their nose.” The camp whooped with cheer. Peter held up his hand to silence the boys. “I have now hidden it somewhere on the island. First person to find it is King for the day. That is...if any of you flopping codfish can find it.”
The boys jeered and raced off in all directions to find the treasure. I had started to run off with them when I remembered I didn’t have a weapon. Knowing the boys they would get violent and try to steal the treasure from one another when it was found. I needed something to defend myself with. I turned around to head back to the now abandoned camp.
I ducked into my tent to find a suitable weapon when I heard voices in the camp. I poked my head out and saw Felix and Peter were the only ones still around. I understood why Peter was still here but why was Felix?
“How long do you think they’ll be out searching for the treasure?” Felix asked Peter.
“They’ll search all day and probably into the night before giving up.” Peter laughed, “The whole time they’re digging around dark caves and in rotten tree trunks the chest is safely buried by the mermaid lagoon. None of them are going near there and even if they do none of them will think to start digging.”
“Maybe I should go dig it up then,” Felix said, “Let myself be crowned king for the day.”
“Now where is the fun in that? Let them struggle for a good while first.” Peter looked around the camp and I quickly closed the flap of my tent. I don’t think he would be too happy about my eavesdropping. “It’s nice to have some peace and quiet around here for once. The noise can get grating at times.”
“I understand that better than most,” Felix’s voice answered. “Even rarer that our Lost Girl isn’t hanging about. Seems she sticks around you more than usual.”
“Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Felix?”
“You’re not funny.”
“I’m hilarious and she’s a good friend.” Peter said. “I still cannot believe that you and those other idiots thought that we were interested in one another. As if I would actually even want to be with her.”
Okay. Ouch. And incorrect! He was the one that assumed that I was confessing my love to him the night I came out to him and said he was okay trying to have a romantic relationship with me. We agreed it wouldn’t work out between us after I told him I was gay but this was needless slander. Got to keep up appearances for the boys I suppose. Can’t let them know he actually considered me at some point. However brief it may have been.
“Not your type, huh?” Felix joked.
“No…” Peter said, “Has a lot of traits I do like. She’s straightforward, bloodthirsty, knows how to have fun, doesn’t take any of my shit, which is refreshing,”
“What are you talking about? I don’t take any of your bullshit either.” Felix said, his voice rising a tad.
“I know, Felix, that’s part of the reason I like you too.”
The camp was silent.
“You know, makes you a good friend too, a great second in command.” Peter continued after a beat.
“Good to know,” Felix sighed. “I’m going to refill my canteen.”
“What?” Felix snapped at him. The harshness in his tone made even me freeze and it wasn’t even directed at me.
“Nothing…” Peter’s steps receded, “I’m going to go watch the boys run in circles.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Felix muttered before trudging off.
I waited a few more minutes before poking my head out to make sure the coast was clear. That was something. Those two have more issues than I thought. If they could get a nudge in the right direction--no! No! I am not getting myself involved in their problems.
I grabbed the sword I had come to retrieve and fled the camp. At the very least I know where the treasure is now! I ran towards the mermaid lagoon. It was deserted of Lost Boys but I could see the ripple in the water of the mermaids lurking right below the the surface, waiting and hoping I would venture closer so they could pull me down and drown me. I only made that mistake once when I was very new on the island. They were very pretty and I thought maybe they would be friendly towards a girl. I was soon proven how very wrong I was when one of them pulled me under the water and the Lost Boys had to come in and rescue me before I drowned.
Scanning the sand I found a patch that looked like it had been pretty recently disturbed. I started digging with my hands until I felt the solid weight of wood. I dug around it until the very top was uncovered. How was I supposed to get it out by myself? It was firmly stuck in the ground and getting it free by myself would be near impossible.
Maybe I could just grab something to prove that I had found it and cover it back up. I dug my hand down into the sand for the latch and pried it open. Inside laid a wealth of gold coins, gems, jewelry, and other shiny baubles. I stuffed a handful of coins and gems in my pocket and slid a pair of shining, jewel encrusted bracelets onto my wrists. That should be enough. I closed the lid and covered the chest once more. I decided to mess with the boys while waiting for it to grow later and dropped random coins and jewels around the jungle so they would think they were heading in the right direction.
By the time night fell the boys had returned to camp despondent. Some holding up the coins and jewels I had strewn about with a small amount of disdain. Peter was back to his jovial self but looked confused at the boys holding coins. Surely he hadn’t let anything fall out when he stole the chest.
That was my cue. I strolled into the middle of the camp and raised my glittering wrists to the sky. “Bow before your queen!”
“What?” Peter gaped at me. “There’s no way you found the chest!”
“Oh but I did,” I dug into my pockets and tossed the remaining coins I had onto the ground. “That chest was so big and heavy though I couldn’t take the whole thing myself but I think this is sufficient enough evidence.”
“Wait, were you the one leaving coins and jewels all over the island?” one of the boys pointed at me, accusingly.
“Duh,” I rolled my eyes, “I needed to have my own fun.”
“Never let it be said that I’m not a man of my word,” Peter gave an exaggerated bow, “Our dear Lost Girl shall be Queen for the day...or at least for the rest of the night.”
Some of the boys cheered, a lot more of the jealous boys booed. I didn’t care. I basked in the attention and laughed with the others at the silly antics the boys did to entertain their “queen” like court jesters. It was all in good fun, Peter even fashioned me a crown of sticks and leaves.
I pulled him over to dance with me. “So,” I spoke up to be heard over the pounding music, “How long till the pirates find out you stole their treasure and come to hunt us down for taking it?”
“Who knows,” Peter shrugged, “it’s sure to be fun though.”
I laughed along with him as the night grew late and my night of queendom came to an end. The game would begin again tomorrow but with the chest in a new spot. Looks as if I’ll actually have to hunt for it this time. Not a problem, I liked a good challenge.
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wickedwitchoftheemidwest · 4 years ago
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Happy New Year, everybody! I know that Literally no one cares or will read this, but I have to rate and talk about what I’ve read this year and this is my page, so deal with it.
2020 may have been a dumpster fire of a year, but I did read so me pretty good books. I didn’t get to read as many books as I wanted (like always), but that’s life. If you couldn’t tell, I do have a preference for romance novels, and these selections are very... 🌈 and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Here we go:
- Lies we Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley (4/10)
- I think I could write a dissertation about why I have a problem with this book, but I think I can just stop with “a white lady writing an interracial queer romance in the 1960s where the lead white character is literally a racist” should about cover it. Absolutely disappointed.
- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (10/10)
- Oh my god does Casey McQuiston know how to write a book. Classic enemies to lovers, my favorite trope. This is my comfort novel that I use as a form of escapism, and probably the reason I didn’t read many new books, as I reread it about five times. It’s my comfort novel, and I come back to it every time I need to feel happy. I’ve made three of my friends read this book, and I recommend it to everyone
- These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling (8/10)
- It’s sapphic, it has witches, and it’s adorable; what more could you possibly want? The ending left me wanting more. I was finally able to buy the sequel and I can’t wait to get into it.
- Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan (7/10)
- I think this book is sort of a classic when it comes to gay YA. This was a pretty good book, but it took me awhile to get into it.
- Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins (9/10)
- What did I say about enemies to lovers? HRH was regarded as sapphic Red, White, and Royal Blue, which I think is all you need to know to be interested. This book and short, sweet, and to the point. It’s an easy read (I read it twice, both times in one day). I think there could’ve been some more character building, but it’s so adorable I literally do not care. When I say I want more cute gay romcoms, they should use HRH as the blueprint.
- It’s Not Like It’s a Secret by Misa Sugiura (7/10)
- A cute, interracial sapphic love story where no white people are involved (the main character is Japanese American and her love interest is Mexican American). This coming of age story deals with acceptance, cultural differences, racism, and coming out. I think some of the points it was trying to delve into were too much on the nose at some times, but I really enjoyed this book.
- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee (9/10)
- A fun romp set some time in the 1700s with a chaotic bi as the main lead? Count me in! I read this whole series this year, including the novella (the gentleman’s guide to getting lucky), and I loved every second of it. It’s an adventure series with some romance sprinkled in (a hella slow burn, but definitely worth it). The whole series has gay, bi, lesbian, and ace aro representation, and I was in love the entire time.
- You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson (8/10)
- The black sapphic book I needed. Liz Lighty decides she wants to leave her hometown and go to college, but after losing the financial aid she was counting on, she remembers the scholarship that prom queen gets every year, and decides to run. Sprinkle in a cute love story, and I’m hooked.
- The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (10/10)
- I... cannot put into words how this book made me feel. When I finished TSOA, I cried all night trying to recover. Beautifully written, and I still can’t get over Achilles and Patroclus. One of my favorite books this year.
- Sorry Not Sorry by Naya Rivera
- After Naya’s tragic passing in July, I struggled to find her autobiography anywhere. However, I was finally able to get my hands on it, and am so glad that I did. Naya Rivera was just as genuinely funny and carefree as her previous costars have said, and I wish the world could’ve gotten more of her.
Not pictured:
- Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst (9/10)
- Sapphic love story about a princess who has been betrothed to a prince from a nearby country her whole life who instead falls in love with his sister. The main character, Denna, also possesses magical powers, which is forbidden in their land. One of my favorite things about this book is that it’s set in medieval times, but no one cares about queer relationships. The only problem with Denna falling in love with the princess is that she’s betrothed to her brother and nothing else. I recently bought the sequel to this book as well, and I’m excited to read it
- The After Series (books 1-2) by Anna Todd (-400/10)
- I was curious about this series because of how terrible the movies are, and needed to read them myself. I apologize to myself every day that I every even wasted my time on these two books. If I ever see Anna Todd, it’s on sight immediately. Not only is the writing terrible, but the romanticization of abusive relationships is absolutely unacceptable. I think I could take less issue with these books if the author wrote them as a “what to look for in men you should never date” rule book, but it isn’t. I could actually write an essay on why these books are more harmful than entertaining and how I genuinely think this series should have never been published. Also, Harry Styles did not deserve this.
I also discovered WEBTOON this year, and here are some of my favorites that I have read:
- Always Human by creator walkingnorth, a finished WLW story which was absolutely beautiful to look at and delightful to read.
- Lore Olympus by creator Rachel Smythe. I don’t think you can find too many people who haven’t heard of this story, but it’s a retelling of the Hades and Persephone mythology, and I adore it.
- Novae by creators KaixJu. A historical, queer and paranormal romance about a necromancer who falls for an astronomer.
- My Lady Artemisia by creator rimarza. This WEBTOON is a little bit newer with fewer episodes, about a knight tasked with guarding the princess, which starts to prove difficult once she starts to gain feelings for the princess, and an impending threat might cause her to past to come to the surface.
Of course, I’ve also spent a lot of my time on A03. I know I’ve read more, but here are the ones I bookmarked and have come back to this year:
- kiss me (if you mean it) by nerdybutpunk
- Carry On fanfic, short but sweet, absolute fluff
- Camp Llwynywermod by bleedingballroomfloor
- Red, White, and Royal Blue AUwhere Henry and Alex are camp counselors. It’s so good and I find myself waiting every wed and sat for the updates.
I read more this year than I have in a long time, and I enjoyed it most of the time. My goal for 2021 is to read at least two books a month and to expand my horizons to something that isn’t YA and isn’t romance. Also to find Anna Todd and tell her off. Hopefully we can accomplish some of that.
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thearvariblues · 4 years ago
A Valentine’s Day Non-Date (AKA Lambert Was Fucking Right)
Because it’s Valentine’s Day and even though I definitely don’t celebrate it, I still got this funny little idea that simply refused to go away until I write it down. So... Yeah. Enjoy the Witcher boys and their Valentine’s Day non-date!
“It’s just… So unfair!” Jaskier whines, downing his glass of wine and holding it out to be refilled.
“Yeah, I know. I know,” Geralt murmurs, turns the bottle upside down and frowns confusedly when only a drop falls out. “Fuck. Are we out again?”
“Looks like it,” Jaskier nods solemnly. “Ugh, it’s probably for the best. I think I’m a little drunk, Geralt.”
“No shit,” Geralt chuckles.
“You don’t understand. I’m just… I’m a very romantic person, you know?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it romantic–”
“But I am! And it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow and I’m not gonna have a date for the first time in years!”
“Good. Valentine’s Day is bullshit, anyway,” Geralt mutters. “That’s your biggest problem?”
“Is it not enough?!”
“Boo fucking hoo. Look at me. I’m single too, you know?”
“Trust me, I know.”
“Good. Because I am! I’m almost forty, I got a divorce last year, and I’m so fucking broke I can’t even get my own apartment and have to have a thirty-year-old–”
“Excuse me? I’m twenty-nine, you asshole, I’m nowhere near being a coffin dodger like you, thank you very much!”
“Yeah, whatever. When’s your birthday again? I’ll buy you a cane.”
“See? I’m single and old! I’ll spend the rest of my life all alone, die alone and then I’m gonna be eaten by my cats.”
“You don’t have a cat.”
“I will. Because I’m gonna turn into a little old cat lady!”
“I wouldn’t worry about it, because I won’t be able to afford an apartment on my own anytime soon,” Geralt laughs. “I’m just gonna keep living with a twenty-nine-year-old roommate who plays in a semi-famous local band, fucks everything that moves, steals my gaming laptop to play Sims and serenades my ass when he’s bored.”
“It’s a gorgeous ass,” Jaskier smiles dreamily. “So perfectly round and firm…”
“Oh, fuck off, Jask,” Geralt chuckles.
“You know what we should do tomorrow?” Jaskier frowns, thinking. “We should go on a non-date together!”
“Non-date! Like a date, but like… as friends. Because we are. Friends.”
“You wanna go on a date that’s not a date… On Valentine’s Day.”
“You said it was bullshit, didn’t you? So what’s a bigger fuck you to the day than going for a friendly dinner with your roommate slash friend?”
Geralt sighs, closing his eyes. The world is beginning to spin a little.
“Just for the record, if I refuse to go,” he mutters, “are you gonna spend the whole evening drinking, crying, listening to terrible pop love songs and, well, being all miserable?”
“Probably, yeah.”
“Oh, whatever. I’m in.”
Geralt opens is eyes just in time to see Jaskier grinning at him.
“Are you? Oh, Geralt! I promise it’s gonna be the best non-date you’ve ever been on!”
And then Jaskier wraps his arms around Geralt and kisses him on the cheek and Geralt knows he’s just made a horrible mistake.
“You,” Lambert says when he finally stops laughing, “are a fucking idiot, Wolf.”
“I know,” Geralt sighs, hiding his face in his hands. “It’s a horrible idea.”
“What, to go on a date–”
“A non-date.”
“Even worse. To go on a non-date with a roommate you’ve been madly in love with for the past eight months, on a fucking Valentine’s, knowing he’s not even gonna fuck you when you get back home – because, let’s face it, getting laid is the reason why people really go to those pretentious dinners… That’s incredibly stupid even for you!”
“You’re right. I’ll just cancel it.”
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s stupid!”
“It is, but you can’t do that to poor Jaskier, can you? And who knows, maybe you will get laid in the end.”
“That’s bullshit, Lambert,” Geralt sighs.
“Is it? I don’t know. He likes sex, doesn’t he?”
“Yes, but he’s my roommate, for fuck’s sake!” Geralt shakes his head. “What about you? How are you spending Valentine’s Day?”
“Oh, we’re gonna stay at home. Aiden’s bought a new strap and he refuses to show me, so there’s no way in hell I’m gonna wait for a whole fucking dinner.”
“Patience is a virtue, you know?” Geralt chuckles just as Lambert’s boyfriend places two cups of coffee on the coffee table in front of them. “Thanks, Aiden.”
“You’re welcome,” Aiden smiles. “And don’t listen to the asshole. He’s the one who started it. He said he bought me something special for Valentine’s Day and then he refused to tell me what it was. This is just a little revenge.”
“What did you buy?” Geralt asks, turning to Lambert.
“An engagement ring,” Lambert shrugs, smiling.
“See?” Aiden smirks. “Every time I ask him, he just thinks of another stupid thing he could give me. I’ve heard like fifty of those already, from lace lingerie to a puppy. This one’s probably the best yet, though. As if you’d ever propose, you bitch.”
He slaps Lambert on the head playfully and returns to the kitchen.
Geralt raises an eyebrow questioningly and taps his left ring finger.
Lambert smiles and nods.
For real? Geralt mouths silently.
Lambert just nods again.
“Well, fuck,” Geralt chuckles.
“Yeah, well. At least one of us is gonna get laid tonight, right?” Lambert laughs.
“What are you wearing, anyway?” Aiden asks, coming back with his own cup of coffee.
“Oh, you know, the usual. It’s not a date, remember?” Geralt shrugs.
“So, black jeans, black shirt, that wolf medallion of yours… Poor Jaskier,” Aiden nods.
“More like poor me,” Geralt sighs. “I don’t even want to know what he is going to wear…”
The answer is purple jeans, white shirt, a dark grey waistcoat, an excessive amount of silver rings… and dark red lipstick.
Geralt nearly faints when he sees Jaskier for the first time, and then every single time he looks at him.
Jaskier looks simply beautiful, more beautiful than Geralt has ever seen him, and Geralt simply cannot take it. It wasn’t just a stupid idea, it was a completely idiotic idea, and the only thing that keeps him from running away is the fact that he’s doing it to keep Jaskier from being sad.
He’s near oblivious to everything that happens during the dinner except the parts which directly involve Jaskier. That’s why he, when asked later, has no idea what he was even eating but can easily describe the way a stray drop of red wine stained Jaskier’s lower lip.
No matter what he tries to tell himself, it’s not a dinner between two friends – at least for him it isn’t. It’s a date. The only date he will ever have with Jaskier, probably.
And perhaps that’s the reason why, when the door of their apartment closes behind them and Jaskier smiles at him and thanks him for the dinner and says that it was the loveliest evening he’s had in months, Geralt does the one unthinkable thing he just can’t stop thinking of – he grabs the back of Jaskier neck to bring him closer and then simply kisses him.
He feels Jaskier hesitate and he’s nearly sure he’s royally fucked up just now, but then Jaskier sighs and wraps his arms around Geralt and kisses him back…
And that’s the point when Geralt stops thinking at all.
“Well, that was… unexpected,” Jaskier chuckles into Geralt’s hair.
“Mhm,” Geralt smiles and snuggles up closer to him. He feels light-headed, perfectly fucked out, content… happy.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?” Jaskier continues, his fingers drawing lazy circles on Geralt’s skin. “Melitele’s tits, it was even better than I imagined.”
That makes Geralt lift his head and look into Jaskier’s eyes.
“You imagined it?” he asks.
“You really have no idea how hot you are, do you?” Jaskier laughs. “Oh, Geralt. The serenades to your ass were no joke. I just never thought you’d be interested.”
“Interested? Jaskier, I’ve been in love with you since… Fuck,” Geralt whines and buries his head in Jaskier’s shoulder. “Forget I said that. Please, forget I said that.”
“Never,” Jaskier says, wrapping his arms around Geralt. “I love you too, you big moron.”
“Oh, indeed,” Jaskier murmurs as Geralt lifts his head again.
“So…” Geralt says, licking his lips. “I guess it’s safe to say the non-date didn’t go very well, did it?”
“Quite the opposite, dear heart,” Jaskier grins. “I’d say it went splendidly.”
“I thought the point of a non-date was to have a nice dinner and stay… friends.”
“But you are still my friend, Geralt. My best friend,” Jaskier smiles and runs his fingers through Geralt’s white hair. “You just happen to be my lover now, too.”
“Does that mean you’re gonna be serenading me much more often from now on?”
Geralt chuckles, pressing his lips against Jaskier’s.
“All right. I guess I can live with that…”
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seventfics · 4 years ago
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Autumn Birds
Written for @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo
Prompt: We fell in love, but your previous lover reappeared/returned Relationships: Eskel/Jaskier (w/ past!Geralt/Eskel and past!Geralt/Jaskier) Rating: T Content Warnings: None Summary: They’d met just as the leaves were turning yellow. 
Read on AO3
* * *
They’d met just as the leaves were turning yellow.
Jaskier had heard of a witcher staying in town and, as was his prerogative since his acquaintance with a certain White Wolf, he’d ventured to see what the man was all about. It was not so often one got to meet someone of their caste. Why not have a little courage to break the ice himself?
The whispers spoke of a witcher with a terribly scarred face. Two swords strapped over his back, their pommels shaped into wolf heads. The women said he had a voice like a dog’s growl, so grave that when he spoke, it made children cry.
He thought that last bit was rather mean, and followed the trail of curses into a grimy tavern where a fight was about to break out.
“You promised fifty.”
“The best I can do is half.”
Jaskier’s hand freezes on the door. Whatever he’s come to doesn’t look good. The witcher’s back is to him, his padded shoulders raised with tension. The village’s alderman paces in front of him, fuming over a contract’s fee. There’s a few antsy people in the crowd too. The anger written on their faces makes him nervous.
He’s seen how this ends a dozen times. It’s gotten his own arse kicked butting into the middle of a witcher’s bargaining, actually.
“Now, now, gentlemen,” Jaskier interjects boisterously from the doorframe anyway. “This is no mood for drink and cheer. Calm your spirits with a little of the former—”
The alderman grumbles under his breath about merry idiots meddling in what they shouldn’t. “Shut up, bard. This here’s serious business. And I’m not about to be robbed by a witcher’s ridiculous high prize.”
“It’s not ridiculous. The contract says fifty, and,” the witcher stops to lift the bloody stump of a water hag’s head, “it’s already done.”
“That contract was up weeks ago. The reward’s gone down. You’re lucky half’s on the table at all.”
The witcher grunts—a familiar sound to Jaskier’s ears which translates to wordless annoyance—and drops the head on the floor. “You’re lucky the hag didn’t move closer into the village in that time.”
“Is that a threat?”
At the rising outrage in his tone, Jaskier slips closer to stare at the alderman over the witcher’s swordless shoulder. “Ah, I believe the witcher means more of your people would have died, had he not taken care of the problem so promptly. The reward hardly sounds like an unreasonable amount. I could get twice as much on a profitable eve of singing. In fact,” he flips to the witcher, who does not yet deign to look back at his unforeseen defender, “I could turn this place around and earn us both a decent share in one night. I’m no fop on the job!”
It’s then that the witcher looks towards him, but the bard only manages a quick glimpse of an incredulous set of eyebrows before the alderman starts shouting.
“Get out! Both of you! Out of my town or I’ll have the dogs chase you out!”
They both take that as their leave, Jaskier with a bit more speed in his jog.
At the outskirts the witcher turns fully, and at the sight of his whole face Jaskier almost gasps out loud. A long scar runs through his cheek, from eyebrow to jaw, and over his lips. It puckers the skin all around it, disfiguring half of his face.
Whatever caused that scar must have hurt a lot.
The witcher shifts in place, quiet for a long second as Jaskier does his best to hide his nerves. “I’m sorry to have involved you.”
“Oh, please, don’t be. I involved myself. Jaskier’s the name, by the way,” he introduces himself, hand extended in greeting.
The witcher scratches the back of his head. His lips twist to one side, bashful. One of his teeth peeks through the scarred tissue over his mouth. “Uh. Eskel.” He takes the offered hand and shakes it.
It’s the firmest handshake Jaskier has ever received.
“Well, Eskel. Are you short on coin? Because so am I.”
The snort he gets is—soft. Not at all like the gruff from before, with the alderman.
“I’m not doing too bad, I’d say. Just currently fifty short of what I expected to have at the end of the day.”
"How about I help with that? I wasn't lying when I said I could earn both a decent share, given the right crowd."
It's the sunset hour, and the leaves were falling on top of them. Everything is gold. The sky, the trees. Eskel’s eyes when they blink at him and he breaks into a genuine laugh.
Jaskier knows he’s a romantic. His heart flutters every odd day over strangers with pretty smiles. He’s just never seen such a shy, sweet smile on someone with such an intimidating facade.
Making him smile again became a personal quest.
* * *
At the next town over, Eskel speaks to the alderman there. This one is more reasonable at least, and up front about the sort of beast that lurks in the northern farms. Which brings up a whole new conversation as Jaskier doesn’t part from Eskel’s side despite the obvious danger.
Eskel grunts and sits him down, not unlike the times Geralt tried—and failed—to convince him to stay put. Jaskier just blinks his pretty blue eyes and says, “and how will I write a song of your prowess in battle if I am not there to witness it?”
“This is a dangerous contract, bard. It would be best if you let me handle it alone.”
“Oh no. No, no, I’ve heard that before a dozen times.”
Eskel pauses at that. “What?”
“I am perfectly capable of staying out of your way.”
The wyvern they encounter says otherwise.
To be fair, he had done a good job of staying out of the witcher’s way for most of the fight. It is only when the beast slams its tail into Eskel’s side on a backswing that Jaskier shouts in worry from his hiding place and brings undue attention to himself.
Wind whips around him for a split second, scattering dust into his eyes. It takes a moment to wipe them clean so of course he doesn’t see the great shadow flying at him. Doesn't realize the immediate need to hide or flee for his life until a giant claw snatches him by the bunched fabric on his back.
Jaskier's stomach plummets as he soars up. The ground recedes. His clothes start to rip. This is it, he panic-screams in his mind, this is his final day. Either as monster food or a blood splatter on a rock, his time has come.
A severe overreaction, and his own mistake for not trusting in a witcher's skill. He doesn't realize it in all, what with all his flailing about, but Eskel fires a crossbow bolt perfectly at the wyvern’s eye.
The beast screeches terribly loud in his ears. It flaps its wings once, twice, before twisting midair and letting him go.
They both fall, but Eskel catches him.
By the silence that follows after an earth-shaking crunch, he knows the witcher's won. Victory is not immediately on his mind, though. The way his sight spins and the sun paints a halo behind Eskel's hair, Jaskier dumbly thinks, oh—I've quite literally fallen in love.
“See?” he says instead, breathless with terror at almost having died, “I’m perfectly fine.”
Eskel raises a thick brow at him. And he's smiling too, the bard thinks. Could just be the scar making it look like a lopsided smile, but he wants to believe that he's made the witcher smile again with his foolish sense of humor.
“Are you alright? The tail,” Jaskier frets once his vision settles. Some of these monsters have poisoned stingers on the end of their tails. Are wyverns one of them?
But Eskel waves him down before he can consider the worst. “Relax. I cast Quen in time.”
“That’s a, uh, magic shield, right?”
Surprise colors Eskel's features. So it seems he's right. A point of pride on Jaskier's belt for remembering witcher signs.
Getting proof of a contract well done takes the witcher a good minute to collect. Wyvern skin is tough. The head would normally satisfy as proof, but it's too heavy to be lugging around town. He will have to make do with the wing tips. Should they question him, the remains aren't going anywhere.
“Come on, bard. Time to get our day's work done. And after that, we're going west.”
“'We'?” Something about the proclamation has his heart beating fast.
“'Course. I'm not letting you out of my sight now.”
He makes a show of bowing dramatically. “I wouldn’t want to be elsewhere.”
* * *
“You’re a friend of Geralt’s.”
Jaskier looks up from his notes.
Traveling with someone is always interesting—with a witcher even more so. So far he's learned that Eskel has far more routines than Geralt ever did, like counting his coin at the end of every week, and making sure he has two of every potion ready.
Jaskier quirks a half-smile. “I am. How did you figure? I never said his name.”
“Your song.” He points to the scribbled mess on his lap. “Or, I guess your work in progress. I see an expression he uses a lot, that he learned from me.”
Eskel sits by him and nods, as if finally understanding Jaskier’s odd ease partnering with a witcher, and starts the story of where the expression in his handwriting originated from.
It’s funny at first, imagining a much younger, somehow more foolish Geralt together with this huge, frightening man who is not frightening at all to talk to. Eskel speaks so softly, so tenderhearted about the old memory—two boys, witchers-to-be, practically joined at the hip, making crude jokes. So he reciprocates with a tale of where he comes from, as destiny deigned to put them in each other’s paths.
As it happens, a lot of their first stories aren’t even their own, but Geralt’s.
And Eskel has many more over his. He’s more than happy to share them over camp.
Some of it leaves Jaskier’s throat aching. This is someone who clearly cares about his big grumpy friend. It's someone he can understand.
Then Eskel claps a bare hand on his back, his thumb and forefinger a hot press just under his nape, and oh, he’s more than a little foolishly in love actually, as his head is emptied of all reason at the small touch.
“Am I to become your travel bard,” Jaskier quips with an airy giggle. “I’m excellent entertainment at parties.”
“Not for long. It’s almost winter. Soon I’ll have to head north to meet my brothers.”
His heart sinks. “Oh.”
Eskel squeezes his shoulder with careful strength. “You better keep out of trouble while I’m gone, you hear?”
“Of course. I don’t go looking for trouble.”
“No, trouble just finds you.”
Well, if ‘trouble’ is a scarred, smirking witcher, he sure hopes that to be true.
* * *
They meet again when the trees are just beginning to color with spring blooms.
There is also a griffin tearing through the town's cattle, but that’s besides the point. Easily dealt with. Which is good, seeing as Jaskier had been near the scene and probably next on the menu. No one had told him about the griffin, so really. He's just as surprised to find Eskel as he is about the beast.
“You alright, bard?”
“I am now.”
Matter resolved, Jaskier walks in step next to Eskel. The town opens before them, welcoming the witcher not with smiles, but grudging gratitude.
“You sure? Trouble didn’t come knocking while I was gone?”
“Only a man with a lover’s grudge come to kick my ass out of a wonderfully luxurious establishment. Didn’t even get to enjoy the hot bath I paid for, which is such a terrible waste of hot water.”
A deep hum comes out of the witcher. “A lover’s grudge?”
“Just a past dalliance that won’t forget me.”
Eskel stops and shifts on his feet, like he wants to say something but he doesn’t know how to start.
Oh, witchers and their awkward conversation skills.
“You know what, I’m starving. I think a good, hearty meal is owed between us. What do you say we go collect your reward and we break fast at the alderman’s recommendation?”
“We don’t have to get the coin right now. I could go for some food.”
“First tavern we see then. Come on.”
Right as he says it, he wraps his arm around Eskel’s, and maybe he’s just being too obvious, too hopeful, but Eskel doesn’t shrug him off. They make their way to a large and welcoming tavern, him talking his head off about the barn smell that permeates the whole town and ignoring the dark looks people give them down the street, as Eskel listens, not a word coming from his mouth. It worries Jaskier a minute that he’s becoming more annoyance than the teasing meddler he wants to be. But Eskel is just scratching his chin, looking down and letting Jaskier lead.
When it becomes clear that Eskel doesn’t have any rented lodgings yet, Jaskier offers his own. “I’m sure the innkeeper won’t mind us bunking if we pay for two, at the end of our stay.”
Eskel doesn't say no. He also doesn't say yes. It takes them finally being settled in a table of their own, full of fruits, cheese and bread, neither of them taking the first bite to eat, for Jaskier to nervously ask, “What is it?”
“Nothing,” comes the too-quick response.
“If I overstepped in some way, please tell me.”
“It’s nothing like that, I—uh.” Eskel shakes his head, his expression scrunched up unpleasantly.
“Whatever it is, I won’t be offended.”
He's already writing a million apologies in his head for any of his imagined offenses, that he's not quite prepared for what Eskel says instead.
“You are...different from what I expected.”
Jaskier blinks. “How so?”
“I don’t know. You’re just. Human. You’re normal.” He makes a point of gesturing at the table, the people keeping their distance. “I don’t get why you do all this for me.”
It's slow-creeping, but once the pieces align, Jaskier starts to understand what he means. That confusion, he’s known it with Geralt. Why do you stick with me? What does a witcher have to offer a human that isn’t the service of a silver sword? What does a human want with a mutant when there are plenty of other ordinary, uncomplicated folk in the world to have for company?
“Because you’re a good man,” he tells the witcher gently. “Because you saved my life and I want to repay you in kind. Most reasonably of all, because we’re friends, and friends take care of each other.”
Of course there’s more to it than that, but if a friend is all Eskel wants, then a friend he shall be.
The rumble of the tavern fills the air as Eskel stares at him a little wide-eyed. Jaskier gives him a slight smile. As a close, he pushes the platter of cheese forward with an encouraging, “now eat your fill, my friend.”
Once Eskel returns his smile, he thinks that, well, that everything will turn out alright.
And they’re happy eating their food when Geralt shows up for the griffin that’s already dead.
At his distinct silhouette, Eskel stands up. “White Wolf.”
“Eskel,” Geralt calls back gravely.
They clasp arms and pat each other’s shoulders in sync. It might not seem like much to outsiders, but what a rare sight to behold—two witchers, two mirrored grins on both their faces.
Eskel is the first to part from the hug with a chiding, “You didn’t come for winter.”
“I know. I had a lot going on. Saw your handiwork hooked to your horse’s saddle.” Then he looks down, and spots Eskel's table company. “Jaskier?”
Their held eye-contact feels longer than it is. Looking away, Jaskier half expects the whole tavern to be staring at them, but as it turns out, no one cares to pay the witchers and their odd bard any attention now that the monster's been dealt with. It's just him, imagining his heart hanging out of his sleeve for everyone to judge.
And maybe Eskel senses something's up between them, because he leaves them with the excuse to collect his coin.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Jaskier says after Geralt takes Eskel's abandoned seat. “Have you really been so busy that you couldn’t let your friends know you were alive?”
Geralt's silence is its own answer—a little shame, a little remorse. He remembers how Eskel had said that as time went on, Geralt just, lost touch. There had been something heavy in Eskel’s eyes when he said it, and Jaskier had felt it in his soul. Now he understands why. Him and Eskel, they'd both gone through the same impossible task of loving someone who doesn’t believe he can be loved.
By gods, he still loves Geralt, but Geralt's heart is a rusty cage, and neither of them can coax the old bird that lives in it anymore. Soft words and gentle promises have run their course.
“So,” the witcher starts, “you and Eskel? Didn't know you knew each other.”
“Maybe if you’d met either of us during winter you would have heard.” The phrasing's rough, but there's no resentment in his voice. He would have liked to know that Geralt had been safe in his wintering home, with Eskel.
“Yeah. I’m...surprised.” Jaskier raises his brow at him. Which just earns a quick shake of Geralt’s head. “He doesn’t make friends easily.”
“Neither do you, and yet look at us.”
“Look at us,” he echoes, staring at the empty plates.
“We missed a lot of opportunities together, didn’t we?” It doesn't make the truth any easier to swallow, but acknowledging the what-could-have-beens has always made him feel better afterward. Like closing a book, and getting ready to open a new one. He hopes Geralt knows that there's no bridges destroyed between them. Only those missed moments.
He still very much cares for Geralt, and he knows that Geralt does as well. They just have to come to terms with what's over—and what might come next.
“I won’t lie to you,” Jaskier adds more seriously. “I don’t want to miss any opportunities with him.”
The 'him' in question is unmistakable. Geralt nods. He looks down, one end of his mouth drawing up to dimple his cheek.
He says, like an olive branch offering, “His favorite flower is yarrow. Not because they’re pretty, but because they’re useful in the most surprising ways.”
* * * 
They spend the day catching up, all three of them, before Geralt is on the road again, taking his own path. Jaskier sees how it brightens Eskel’s spirits to have seen him off, and cheers up twofold. 
“I’ve known him practically my whole life,” Eskel tells him.
“I’ve known him half of mine.”
“So you understand.”
“That he’s a prat? Oh yes. Good at heart, backwards about verbalizing it. Cheeky when he wants to be. Oh by the way, here.”
From out of his little travel bag, Jaskier pulls a swathe of yarrows.
“Saw some at market street,” he explains, presenting them. “Thought you might find use in them for your potions.”
Eskel turns to him, his bright witcher eyes bouncing between him and the yarrows. Jaskier feels his heart climb up his throat, wondering what runs through Eskel's mind that makes him pause for so long.
Then Eskel takes them with one hand and with the other, he touches Jaskier’s face. It's big, warm, calloused against his skin. And sudden.
“‘Cheeky when he wants to be’, right?”
Jaskier stutters to say, “Well, yes, I mean, but this isn’t about him—”
He forgets how to speak after Eskel kisses him. It’s the lightest peck on the corner of his lips, so light that once he draws back, he wonders if he's not still dreaming back in their rented room.
“Thank you. I know just what to use them for.”
The yarrow gets tucked away with the other herbs in Eskel's saddlebag. A few glasses clink together as he moves things around so they don’t get crushed. And then, as Jaskier stands there, stupefied and slack-jawed, Eskel mounts his steed, a soot-black beauty that neighs softly at Jaskier’s face.
“Where are you headed for now?”
“Nowhere. Anywhere.” Wherever you’ll go, he thinks to himself. Wherever you'll have me.
Eskel grins wide at him, and it's the most beautiful sight, his smile, with all his teeth gleaming.
“That sounds like trouble.”
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