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jimmysea · 11 months
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STAY WITH ME 哥哥你别跑 (2023) Episode 19
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aenthroppe · 1 month
one must imagine narcissus happy
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
"Not all men."
You are right, Woo Jin-Chul would never.
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rachelchinouriris · 11 months
*blows a kiss to the sky* for louis
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spacegay-archetype · 9 months
Been replaying Skyrim lately and I was traveling with Derkeethus my favorite argonian and I dismissed him so I could travel with the modded Taliesin follower and then a few ingame days later I got a letter of inheritance saying he died??? Not the dramatics….
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goingmadss · 1 year
they don’t make actors like river phoenix anymore
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sophsun1 · 1 year
I just remembered that it’s Gale’s birthday today so it’s only right that I watch some of his best work even if it does emotionally ruin me. Yes, I am talking about the Prom episode.
Hey anon!
I think it's very rude of him to not appear out of hiding and show his face on this very special day™️ smh. I can't believe he is as old as he is, he still looks great also the clock is ticking for him to reprise his role and give me old grandpa Brian Kinney, so get to it powers that be.
There's never a bad time to watch prom, Gale's performance is stunning especially that hospital scene at the end, kill me wdy.
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mutant-wolf2 · 2 years
I went to a Holistic Health Fair a couple of weekends ago. It was about an hour away. There was one in October that was closer that I wanted to go to but timing didn’t work out.
But I knew I had to go to this one. I even meditated the night before about it and all my guides and Goddesses were encouraging about going. Artemis even said, “It will find you.” Though I couldn’t get any more info about what “it” was.
Uh, so I went. It was a hotel with a good amount of vendors. Stones, crystals, incense, herbal/natural balms and lotions, psychic/akashic/tarot readings, reiki, massages, and a couple others. 
My anxiety was high due to various reasons. I passed by all of the booths but only one felt quiet, a tarot reader. So I signed up and then waited for my turn.
The lady was super nice and very easy to talk to, which is not easy for me. So she did my reading, hit the nail on the head quite a few times and even mentioned something so mundane that I still love it was brought it: basically that I don’t get the best sleep because my cat wakes me up frequently during the night because she walks on my pillow to cuddle. (I said, “my cat means well but is frustratingly clingy.”)
But she mentioned that there will be a man later in my life. I need to kiss a few frogs before I meet him, though. And there will be a marriage.
Which is interesting because I never really thought I’d marry, let alone meet someone to have a long term relationship. That may be my self-esteem and self-belief surfacing but I’ve believed it for a long time.
And now someone has mentioned the opposite.
I’m trying to remind myself that nothing is set in stone, that anything can change that far in the future. But wouldn’t that be nice, to actually have someone stand by my side? Be my companion.
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ikhaberry · 2 years
I've been in shock all day after hearing about Technoblades passing. I opened twitter after a 3h long chem exam in the sch bathroom, absolutely exhausted from cramming. When I read the news I stood completely still for a full minute. I couldn't come to terms with it then, and I can hardly come to terms with it now.
Technoblade has had an incredible, incredible impact on my life. I first watched his content back in 2019, and I had shown my sister his content at the dinner table where we would sit and watch for hours. It was the first media we had ever partaken in and gotten excited about together, and has formed the foundation of any of our relationship now.
To Technoblade; thank you for everything. Thank you for bridging that insurmountable gap between my sister and I, thank you for reigniting my love for my my favourite childhood game, thank you for hours and hours and days worth of happiness and joy. Your tenacity and strength to keep fighting were incredible, and you will forever me one of my favourite content creators. Please rest in peace.
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cementcornfield · 6 days
Yeah Uno is not in Paris because , there is no way he misses Joe and Justin walking 😔
he was there but he died upon seeing it 😔 rip 😔
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kingofdoma · 1 month
best description of morgan spurlock's legacy ever
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hellverse · 6 months
jude. jude st francis. i’m think about you jude st francis.
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cewwart · 3 months
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atsushi with some stray kitties :3
tag yourself (only if you wanna): which cat are you? or which is your favorite? ♡ ♡ ♡ ( *´ ▽ ` *)
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yabakuboi · 3 months
Steve watched Eddie's van turn the corner and shut the front door, closing himself away from the outside world so none of his neighbors could see him as he rested his forehead against the painted wood.
"I'm not going to cry," he told himself.
He said it even as his eyes began to burn and his face began to twist, teeth grinding and throat closing. He wiped quickly at his face, again and again, as he stumbled to the couch to sit, drying each tear as it rolled down his cheeks, clinging to his jaw.
"I'm not going to fucking cry," Steve choked, and then doubled over into himself, arms around his thighs, and he began to sob.
So what if he was twenty-two, living in his parent's house alone, working the same dead-end job with a sixteen year old manager. So what if all his friends and family were in college, spread out from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles. So what if his boyfriend was moving to Seattle for his band and they broke up, because Steve was never going to be his parents, resenting and being resented for keeping his partner from his dreams. So what if he was too scared to ask Eddie to stay, to ask Eddie if Steve could go with him. So what if everyone moved on and Steve couldn't?
Steve grew up lonely. He could get used to it again.
He didn't realize how hard he was crying until the front door burst back open and Eddie hurled himself at Steve's feet, long limbed and clumsy and babbling.
"Baby, oh fuck, I'm sorry," he said, already untangling Steve from himself, tying all his loose ends back up together with his until they were a knot of their own. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Stevie. I never should have— I wanted to—"
"I'm sorry," Steve sobbed back. He gasped and swallowed it all back down. Eddie had already gotten them raveled up again, it would take forever to pick it back apart. Steve knew it would hurt worse this time. "Fuck, Ed, you didn't have to— I'll be okay, I don't want to hold you back—"
"Come with me," Eddie burst.
And Steve couldn't help himself, and began to sob again.
"Please," Eddie begged over Steve's crying, his voice shaking and his face wet enough to match Steve's. "Please, sweetheart, honey, please just come with me?"
Steve took a shaky breath, embarrassed and now too full of hope and fear. "You sure?" he whispered. He pressed his face into Eddie's neck, breathing him in again for what might be the last time, again. "Eddie, don't—"
"I'm so sure," Eddie said. "I'm so fucking sure, Steve, please."
"Okay," Steve breathed. Eddie had always been the braver of the two of them, especially when it counted. Steve leaned back so he could look at him, red faced and watery eyes. He tried to give Eddie a smile, but he knew it was wobbly and weak. "Okay."
All of Steve's fears meant nothing as he watched the happiness break like dawn over Eddie's face.
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lilislegacy · 1 month
who gets custody of leo for christmas? does he go with piper and her dad? does he get mom-armed by annabeth and pulled into the jackson-blofis bunch? does hazel bring him to hang with her, nico, and frank for an official gathering of the dead moms club? like what’s going on during holidays? where’s our boy going?
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