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abslvrs13 · 14 days ago
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pairing: bsf!jj maybank x fem!pogue!reader
synopsis: jj notices something when both of you were walking down the stairs, so he assumes he can do it too.
a/n- idk guys, its kinda- 'uhm?', but i thought of it and ran to my computer. set in season 1.
warnings: boob touching, jj being a dumbass perv, boobs.
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it happened a lot. JJ would walk down the steps of the dock, public places and all with you, alot. and whenever he looked over, he saw you- cupping your boobs to prevent them from painfully bouncing- i mean, come on, its an instinct but it does things to jj.
the sun was reflecting off of your skin, the tanned and oily skin- from sunscreen, was practically glowing, and jj couldn't keep his damn eyes off of you. you were like a goddess in his eyes, and he enjoyed every single second of it.
" jj, eyes on the job." mr.heyward spoke from the dock. jj was helping out with the catering at the heywards- pope asked him too. he was supposed to be carrying plastic bags full of food up and down stairs, you were asked to do it too and you kindly accepted, you never ever disrespected adults unless they really deserved it. everyone knew that.
" jj come on, we got stair duty." you spoke, jj grabbed your hand and helped you down from the edge of the boat, like always. " alright, well- i'll carry the bags, you put the stuff away and you can..." he trailed off, realizing he had to watch you walk the stairs- watching your boo- " yeah, come on, we gotta bring the bags up" you said, walking beside his still figure before he mentally shook his head and walked with you towards the old, wooden stairs.
jj and pope are the ONLY people that knew jj had a massive ass crush on you and has had one since the 5th grade when you both met, but over the years you've grown- puberty hit hard and he swore you formed into some sort of greek goddess- like said, earlier.
" so, whats goin' on with you today, j, your like- spacing out each fuckin' second" you said, turning the corner to walk up the stairs, jj tried, he tried not to look at your boobs, but it wasn't working- he wasn't being very subtle either, and it was not on purpose, though you didn't notice, your eyes were focused ahead instead.
" i'm fine..just didn't get enough sleep last night. " he said, his voice almost hoarse, which you side eyed him for. "seems like you didn't drink much water either, dude" that wasn't the reason. he knows its not. its because hes losing his stupid mind over his best friends boobs.
you left the conversation behind and walked up the stairs, on the 3rd step- instincts kicked in and your pushed your ringed fingers up to cup your clothes boobs. 'oh my god. she's doing it, i think i'm going to pass out- lord' jj thought but quickly looked away. jj's boots clicked with the floor, the back of your flip flop hit your heel as you both stepped onto the top of the staircase.
" alright, ill carry the bags back, j" you say, crossing your tan arms in front of your chest, as you both walked towards the destination of where heyward asked to drop off the groceries. jj nodded, clearing his throat- he just doesn't want his voice to be shaky next time he speaks.
jj placed the groceries onto the counter and you walked over to the small, mustard yellow crates. you bent over , jj turned around just as you did and he swallowed hardly. " a-alright, you ready", you picked up the 2 gray plastic grocery bags filled with food, nodding " yep, m'ready"
after both of you walked out towards those damn stairs again, he stood even closer. he had an idea. if you were carrying the bags, your hands would be occupied right?..she cant do her little trick, so, i am. he thought to himself, smiling as well. when you took the first step, he followed. second step. he twitched his finger. he had to do it- right? she'll appreciate..my help, yeah. help.
the third step, your face cringed at the slight pain, but you knew you had to deal with it, you had food in your hands. he cleared his throat and then reached his hand up and placed the palm of his hand in the middle of your chest, his fingers gently pushing into your boob.
" jj!' stop it.." your face flushed with confusion and embarrassment. he held back a bark of laughter, raising his hands in surrender as you both stood on the 5th step. "hey- your hands are full, gotta help my girl" he was honestly amused, he thought you'd appreciate it but your face was full blown red. you continued staring at him with the ' im gonna fucking kill you ' look.
" im just helpin' out"
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sinkableruby · 8 months ago
luffy doesn't have a tumblr but there's a 500k note post about him from one of the crew that does (going with robin)
📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Today officially marks the day my friend has been permanently banned from one thousand restaurants. He's very unhappy about it, but I couldn't be more proud of him. It takes dedication to achieve something like that.
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🐬 nauticalradical Follow
There's no way he got banned from 1000 separate restaurants come on at least make it believable
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
No, it really was a thousand, if I'm counting properly. He's always hungry, so he's always looking for new places to eat at, but whenever he finds one he orders so much food that they usually run out of ingredients and the chefs and other customers get upset. Then he tries to pay the bill with his "treasure tab," which is basically money he doesn't have yet but plans on getting in the future.
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🍐 eating-all-your-pears Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Normally I would agree, but to him it's not. He still intends to pay all of them back, and he thinks all the restaurant owners are being stingy for not letting him back in.
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👹 houseoftwigs Follow
OP I'd like to study your friend in a lab
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
I'm already studying him, so you can't.
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⚓ marine-triologist789 Follow
Wait, hold on, something doesn't add up here. If he really didn't pay for any of those meals, wouldn't he have been arrested by now??? Like, you can't just go to a bunch of restaurants, eat all their food, not pay, and then not get arrested for it, right?? Am I crazy???
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
The police have been after him for a long time now, but he's really good at evading them. He actually broke into prison once to bust his brother out and they still couldn't catch him, which is honestly embarrassing, in my opinion.
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🐸 froghopper47 Follow
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🧊 tumdruh Follow
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✌ be-free-drink-piss Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He had to go into hiding after that, though, or they really might have caught him. When he saw me again for the first time in 2 years, the first words he spoke directly to me were "do you have any meat?"
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🌵 spicegirl Follow
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👗 superdress Follow
this dude isa fucking alien who the fuck walks up to someone and asks them for meat straight up
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He really likes meat.
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🌪 the-windsmeth Follow
"average person has a carbon footprint of 4 tons per year" factoid is actually just a statistical error. Meat Menace, who eats 10,000 pounds of meat each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He might actually eat that much in a day. I wouldn't be surprised. His stomach is probably bottomless. Maybe it's for the best that he can't go to restaurants anymore.
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🐩 yaarrrrp Follow
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
op is there anything else we should know about this guy????
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Not really. He did grow up in the woods, though.
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He's fine. Also, he doesn't know what sex is.
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Good question. Hold on, I'm going to ask him.
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He said it's one of life's greatest mysteries.
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😊 delicate-tempest Follow
OP you told him where they come from right???? OP??????????
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🌃 felldownthestairslol Follow
op please get this man on tumblr we have to talk to the meat menace
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
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mochinek0 · 7 months ago
Looking Back (Part 1)
Adrien couldn't help but look at Marinette across the room. The only thing that bothered him so much was that she was there with her husband, Damian Wayne. He saw the smile he missed; saw her laughing with friends. He could see how close she was to him, every time she turned and looked at him to continue the story.
"How did you meet your husband, Marinette?"
"Yeah he doesn't look familiar."
"Did he go to school with us; I feel like I would have remembered him."
"Uncle Jagged took me on tour when I graduated, half way through the year, and I met Damian during one of the stops." Marinette answered.
Adrien looked away and noticed his friends were uncomfortable. Some people, those closest to Mari, stopped listening to Lila. Kitty Section had launched to stardom with their amazing clothes, lyrics and Jagged Stones backing. The others…..'Did I do the right thing?' was running across their minds.
"Hey, let's get out of here for a bit." Kim spoke, "I need a drink.
"Alya nodded, "It's….unnerving, right now."
"I don't know." Nino declared.
"It'll only be for an hour." Kim sighed, "There's a place to drink a block away. We can walk over and back."
"We can take my car." Adrien smiled, "I'll probably only have one drink."
Outnumbered, Nino groaned, "I'll drive us back."
After a quick round up, they left to a near by bar.
"This isn't how I expected this reunion to go!" Alya whined, "I thought Marinette would be miserable and we would be telling her, 'You should have be nicer to Lila'. Why is her life; her friends' life, better than ours?"
"Odine broke up with me two months after she found out that I had pulled a prank on Marinette when we were twelve." Kim sighed, "She never got over it. She said I was heartless and a monster to do that to a girl. She said she would be terrified of having daughters with me. I wasn't even thinking that far ahead."
"Looks like you are now." Nathaniel stated.
"I- She was the first girl to confess to me and our dates weren't horrible!" Kim retorted.
Alix chuckled, "Thought that was Marinette."
The former swimmer growled, "Shut up! It's not my fault that girls only want some slim-fit guy!"
"Mylene and Ivan are married." Nino pointed out, "Neither of them are 'slim-fit'."
"That's right!" Alya shouted, "You're blaming us, but guys only want model types. Where's the love for curvy girls, huh? Show me thicc love, dammit!"
"I don't know." Kim spoke, "Where did it go, Nino?"
The DJ rolled his eyes, "It was a mutual break up. We had conflicting schedules and barely had time to talk to each other. It was a ten minute talk at most and then class or sleep. Even now, most dates I've had have been coffee because I'm tired after a gig."
Nino realized his best friend had been quiet so far. He was sure he would have defended himself when his long-time ex brought up models. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted five shot glasses.
"Hey, Dude, are you okay?" Nino questioned, "You ususally don't drink this much."
Adrien turned to Nino and pouted, "I should have married Marinette."
The model didn't expect the table to erupt in laughter.
"Nice one, Dude." Nino smiled, "I understand you want to be included."
"I'm serious!" Adrien whined.
"Dude, if you really feel that way, you only have yourself to blame." his best friend stated.
"Huh?" Adrien replied, confused.
"You were the blindest idiot, as a teen." Alix cackled.
Alya rolled her eyes, "Mari was head over heels for you. It's why she bullied Lila, duh."
Adrien tried to shake off the alcohol, "Bullied Lila?"
Alya took another sip, "You know because you and Lila were dating."
"I would never date that Bitch!" the model shouted.
Everyone froze and looked at him.
"What?" Kim questioned.
"I never dated Lila." the Agreste heir snarled, "I would have never-She's not my type. Fuck, I would never date a model, period. I have always hated modeling; both Chloe and Mari knew that. I did it to get my father's attention."
Everyone looked at each other as the web of lies began to untangle in front of them. After all these years, the thread had begun to snap.
"You all thought Mari was bullying Lila because she liked me?" Adrien continued to rant, "You forget she helped me get with Kagami. Kagami even told me she tried to get us back together. Hell, 'Gami had a crush on her, but ended up with Felix instead. She still says that if Mari suddenly wanted to get together, she'd drop Felix."
No one knew what to say. Everything they thought they knew, that kept them as friends was slowly coming undone. They had been 'Team Lila' for the longest time and now….what were they? Adrien never dated Lila. Adrien said he would never date her. He believed Marinette wouldn’t bully Lila simply because Lila had feelings for him because Marinette helped him get a girlfriend. If that was all true, why did Lila say they dated? Why did she say Marinette bullied her? As if a distant echo, they recalled Marinette calling their friend a liar. Had Lila really lied to them all this time?
Kim let out a loud belch, "Like we believe that." his speech slurring.
"You're saying I'm lying?" Adrien questioned.
Mr. 'Just A Friend' had feelings for her?" Kim answered, "Yeah, right."
"Mr. what?" Adrien asked.
"It's your catchphrase." the former swimmer laughed, "I'm sure you all remember. 'Who, Marinette? No! She's just a friend. She's a good friend. She's a great friend. You'll like her once you get to know her and be friends with her. She's an amazing friend'."
Alix yawned, getting bored of the dying party, "You had 'FRIENDZONE' tattooed on your forehead."
Alya relaxed. She had been so close to believeing that she had betrayed the wrong person, but Adrien having feelings for Marinette was laughable at this point.
"Marinette obviously got tired of hearing how much of a 'friend' she was to you." Alya declared, "The shit I had to listen to when we were friends! How 'dreamy' you looked. The names of you imaginary kids! You two gettign a hamster."
"She found someone better." Alix shrugged, "He's taller and looks strong as hell. The only things you share in common are green eyes and wealthy families."
"Gold digging, Bitch." Alya snarled.
"I thought that, too." Alix admitted, "From what Juleka tells me, Marinette makes more than Adrien alone on her fashion commissions. That's without using her muscle hubby or his family name. Rose said that not even Luka compares. Kitty Section went with them to the Caribbean and …muscles and scars. Said Mari couldn't keep her eyes of him and they barely saw her after that."
"Demon God." muttered Nathaniel.
"Demon God?" questioned Nino.
"His brothers call him 'Demon Spawn', but he's chiseled like the sexy Lucifer marble statues that the church said no to." Nathaniel groaned, "I should have taken my chance, too."
Nino glanced at Adrien and saw him tearing up.
"Okay, I think we get the idea." the DJ stated, trying to change the subject.
"Alya's right. We tried to get them together so many times, but he always thought they were 'friendly outings' even though eveyone had a date." Kim continued.
Nathaniel took another shot, "Imagine getting kissed by the most popular girl at school and thinking she was 'just being nice'."
"Lila?" Alya replied, "I thought-"
"Lila was popular in class, only." Nathaniel answered, "Marinette was popular all over school. The true 'Queen' of the school."
Adrien quickly stood up, scraping his chair against the floor, and rushed out. Nino quickly rushed out after him.
"What's his problem?" Kim asked.
Alya's eyes trailed after Nino's back before she took another drink and turned back to the group.
Nino quickly spotted Adrien's car. He slowly approached it and found him sobbing in the passenger's seat.
'At least he didn't think he could drive.'
Nino walked around and sat in the driver's side. He simply patted his friend's back.
"Did-Is what Kim said true?" Adrien asked.
Nino unintentionally paused his hand's movements, trying to decide what would be best.
"Nino!" Adrien shouted, "You're my best friend! Is what-"
"Yes." he answered.
He could feel the weight of Adrien's gaze on him.
"We did try setting you up with Marinette." Nino spoke, calmly, "Everyone in the school could see she liked you. I don’t know when she stopped; we truly believed that she was mean to Lila because Lila was with you."
"Not in a million years." Adrien replied.
"You sure?" Nino asked, looking at his friend.
"Not even if it brought my mother back." Adrien growled, "I can't stand her."
Nino started the car as Adrien sunk into his seat. They drove in silence, but he faintly heard the model's sniffles. He knew Adrien might not possibly remember the night and he didn't want to say anything that was too damaging. It was a conversation for another time…if there ever was.
Adrien thanked Nino as they got out of the car and he took the keys form him, "She looked happy tonight, didn't she? Her smiles were always the brightest."
Nino watched as tears fell down his friend's cheeks. Adrien quickly turned and went inside. Nino sighed and took out his phone.
"Yo, Max. I need a ride." he spoke, "Got a minute to spare?"
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kelin-is-writing · 2 years ago
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FFTB | CH 8: They Danced (Dabi/F!Reader)
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Summary: Why can't you forget him? Why is that kiss still lingering in the back of your head? You're so sick of Dabi's memory that you decide to take matters into your own hands. You need to get out. Do something to get over yourself. The night does not go as planned. Contains: Swearing, Alcohol Use, Drug Mention, Minor Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, A Series Of Very Unfortunate Events, Spice Mild (aka, we're getting a little smutty in here), Men Are Garbage
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Days had gone by since your explosive departure from the League but your thoughts had refused to organize themselves. Your apartment was too quiet, the bed too soft and your day-to-day routine had become mind-numbingly boring without missions to keep you occupied. It left far too much room for contemplation. Which was how you came to the realization that Dabi had you in a chokehold. You didn’t understand half of what went down in that hallway. What you did know was that this had to stop. One way or another, you would force yourself to forget. The best method you found was to get blackout drunk and hit the town. Problems couldn’t follow you if you were never in the same place twice, right?
That’s how you found yourself on the dance floor of a new club every night. Tonight being no exception.
The dancing crowd blurred into one amalgamated being in your eyes. Figures rocked to the beat, bouncing along to the blaring club music as they moved in tandem. You were one in a hundred swaying bodies – eyes closed, arms up as you lost yourself in the moment. For a while, just a brief moment in time, you were able to forget all about Dabi. 
His bright blue eyes flashed in your memory in the quietest moments of the night. Their burning gaze had robbed you of sleep – of peace – for far too long now. Even after severing your ties to the League, the raven-haired arsonist had infested your mind. Some days you even swore he was following you around, seeing his face on every street corner. It was driving you crazy. So much, in fact, that you felt the need to take matters into your own hands. Forgetting about him was the only thing that would cure the ache in your chest.
Why did you care anyway?
Gambling, alcohol, drugs – it didn’t matter. As long as it made you forget. Your Luck would keep you safe. That accursed Quirk was the only thing you could rely on. As long as you were pleasantly numbed by the drink, you wouldn’t be able to think about your feelings too much. The sting of vodka coated your tongue and throat. With each shot you downed, your awareness descended deeper into oblivion. Where it fucking belonged. You had lost all sense of touch around your mouth, you noted, sinking your teeth into the soft flesh of your lower lip. Dabi crossed your mind again – his teeth gnawing at your skin, biting – kissing. His hands wrapped around your throat, squeezing down as he whispered into your ears. A flash of anger snapped you from your stupor, bringing your attention back to the dancefloor. Fuck. You needed to get laid. That would knock some goddamn sense into you. Luckily for you, there was plenty of fish in the sea.
Your eyes homed in on someone in the crowd – a man, not much older than yourself. He was watching you intently. The curve of your ass, the bounce of your tits as you danced. Hunger. Desire. Every nasty little thing he was thinking about doing to you was plastered all over his face. You could have him – you could have whoever the fuck you wanted. Fuck Dabi. Men were easy. Fools you could use for your own enjoyment and pleasure. All you had to do was invite him in. You stuck out your tongue – making sure to hold his gaze – and ran it along your lips. He grinned, depositing his half-empty drink on the bar. Hook, line and sinker. Within seconds the man was next to you – hands grabbing onto your hips to grind against you. 
Now this was more like it.
The music coursed through you – fueling your desire to move even further. Your new partner seemed delighted: his hands wasting no time in groping every inch of your body. He was bewitched. Soft curves, tight dress – you were truly a heavenly creature. The crowd was the perfect cover. No one would see how he touched you. How his fingers wrapped around the curve of your breasts, or how your ass pressed against his aching crotch. You inspired a craving like no other. Lips found your neck, peppering the skin with affection and desire. You closed your eyes to enjoy the sensation – only to be met with a familiar fantasy. The scent of smoke and fire. Blue eyes staring you down. Kisses on your collarbone. His teeth grazed your neck. You wanted to stop – be mad and forget about him – but it felt so good. Even in your inebriated state, all you could think of what that damn villain.
What had Dabi done to you?
Ever since that damned kiss, all you could think of was Dabi. His beautifully intense gaze, his voice, his taste. The way he had looked at you. Your mind was absolutely consumed by the League’s arsonist. That burning desire you had seen within his eyes. It was tainted by his cruelty. Dabi had spat venom at you to push you away. And yet you craved for him. Even if he hated you, you still wanted him. It was pathetic. In your current state though, you found it difficult to care. A pair of hands squeezed your breasts. You imagined Dabi grinding against you. He would taunt you. Call you out whenever you moaned like a little bitch for him. The curve of your ass bumped against his crotch as you swayed to the beat. You could feel his cock through the flimsy fabric of his trousers. To no one’s surprise, you had this man worked up. Unable to keep his hands off you, he grabbed your hips with both hands. An audience of hundreds be damned. Dabi wouldn’t give a shit. Neither would you. You were too far gone to give a single fuck about dry-humping this bastard in public. Dabi needed to know what he missed out on. The music melded with your desperate voice as you cried out for him, throwing your head back against his shoulder.
“You’re so hot, baby–” a voice broke through your self-indulgent illusion, barely rising above the droning music in your ears. Your eyes snapped open. The disappointment that followed was immediate.
Oh. Right. 
This guy. You managed a smile – one that stroked your dance partner’s pride. Fuck. This was a terrible idea, wasn’t it? The thought solidified in your mind as a second pair of hands brushed against you. Squeezing your ass shamelessly. Your head snapped over to the source. Another one. Big, burly frame and a killer smile. How long had he been watching you? The newcomer greeted your dance partner with a casual nod. The pair seemed familiar with each other, exchanging a look you knew all too well. Predatory intent. This party was getting a little crowded. Perhaps you’d gotten a little too carried away on your quest to forget about Dabi.
The big guy leaned over, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “You wanna come home with us, little girl?” His voice bounced off the inside of your skull. Even the music seemed quieter with his words rattling around in your brain.
Stop this, a voice in the back of your head called. Say no. 
You nodded – smiling as the pair not-so-subtly locked eyes and shared a laugh. Idiot, you chastised yourself. His large hand took your own. You felt small. They could break you. Why didn’t that thought deter you? In fact – you’d almost go as far as to say it excited you. Maybe this was exactly what you needed to get over yourself.
The dancing crowd parted for the three of you – just enough to let you pass. Your instincts were on fire. 
Go back. 
Don’t do this. 
But you wanted it. You needed it. The realization was a frightening one. Toga was right. You were down bad and the only way to drown this fucking crush was to overpower it. If you got annihilated in the process then so be it. These men would save you or break you. At this point? It didn’t matter which. You couldn’t tell if the droning in your chest was your heart or the beat of the music. It wasn’t until you made it outside and the music could no longer drown out your thoughts that it dawned on you – you were scared. Their intentions were anything but pure and yet you were willingly following them away from the club. To god knows where. You might not make it out of this. This was stupid even for your intoxicated ass. You knew better. This wasn’t about Dabi anymore. You could admit that you felt something for him now. That much was clear. What was happening to you now was no excuse to act so recklessly.
“I’m sorry –” you said, ripping your hand back. “I can’t go through with this.” 
The men exchanged a glance. Then laughed. Your heart sank into your stomach. They weren’t going to let you walk away, were they? Your feet instinctively moved back as they approached.
“Oh you’re not going anywhere, sweetheart, we had a deal –” 
“Are you fucking deaf? She said no, you idiots.” A voice called from behind – you recognized it in an instant. It couldn’t be. You had to be crazy. It took your inebriated eyes a moment to focus on and recognize your savior. What awaited you was not mere fantasy. This wasn’t some delusion the vodka in your veins had cooked up. Dabi emerged from the night crowd and took his place between you and the two men. He pulled your arm – making you stumble in behind him.
What the hell was he doing here? And more importantly – why was he helping you?
While his expression was difficult to read, Dabi’s voice had a vicious bite to it as he spoke. You’d never seen this sort of intensity from him before. Not even when he called you a liar and a cheat. Usually, Dabi wasn’t all that scary. Not to you anyway. A lot of other villains would probably disagree. But you never once feared for your life with him. If anything, his quiet fury kept you safe. Sure, Dabi was tough and intimidating at times but this was something else entirely. It felt like a quiet storm. A calm, white-hot rage that had even you reeling. 
Palm slowly heating up – a familiar blue glow gathering upon its surface, Dabi raised his hand at the men in silent admonition. “Scram. Final warning, I won’t ask again.”
You held your breath as they stared each other down – the distant thumping of music syncing up with your frantic heartbeat. If these guys didn’t do something soon, you knew for a fact that Dabi was going to turn them to ash. Witnesses be damned. He’d burn down the whole club if he had to. This was someone from the League of fucking Villains. Everyone knew not the mess with them. One of the guys finally seemed to realize this fact. He scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“Whatever – this stupid slut isn’t worth it anyway. Let’s get out of here.”
Dabi’s eyes narrowed in disgust. He really shouldn’t have said that. There was no hesitation in what he did next.  A flash of unbearable heat blazed into the night. Flames shot forth from his palm. Their blistering heat beat down on the two men as they screamed in agony, crumpling to the floor in a smoldering heap. The inferno overwhelmed them both in mere seconds. Skin got torn from bone by the sheer force of Dabi’s attack – only to be incinerated in the blink of an eye. The blast was so large it even scorched the side of the building, leaving behind a sizeable burn on the brickwork. You gaped at the sight. 
Why did he – they had surrendered!
Someone in the crowd screamed and the next thing you knew, you were running. Dabi had grasped your wrist and tugged you along. Dashing through the streets, you did your best to keep pace with him. He wasn’t looking at you – focussing all of his attention on escaping the scene. You stared at the back of his head wondering what he was thinking. Dabi found you. Despite your best efforts to stay away from him. Maybe it was fate. His hand tensed around your wrist. Tightly. Then he began slowing down. Until finally, you came to a stop. 
Now what?
You didn’t get the opportunity to thank him – stumbling as Dabi shoved you towards a nearby alleyway. His treatment of you was anything but gentle as he grabbed your upper arm and pushed you out in front of him. Your back hit the brick wall next to some greasy trashcans. A handful of thugs that had gathered in the alley looked over at the commotion. Wanting no part in what was about to happen next, they quickly made themselves scarce. Dabi huffed out a breath and released you. You reeled – partially from being manhandled and partially from the alcohol finally beginning to wear off.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Dabi spat, running a frustrated hand through his hair. He wouldn’t look at you, choosing to pace back and forth instead. The sound of his voice alone was enough to make you understand he was livid.
Back against the wall – coming down from a days-long bender and staring directly at the man you desired, you were starting to wonder the same thing.
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A/N: Delusional smut is still smut lmao. We're nearing a boiling point with these two! (: Enjoy this cliffhangerrrrrr love you <3
Taglist: @kelin-is-writing @dynamars @dabislittlemouse @simpysheep @ohnoitsthatonekid @tonysttank
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milaisreading · 11 months ago
Confusions, confusions...
🌱🩷: Listen up, Idk what possessed me to write this in the middle of my exam season... but I did. Let me know if you want a pt2..
Warnings: Reader uses a mix of she/her and they/them. The characters are aged up here and they are pros now.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Now, (Y/n) had found herself in a lot of weird situations during her time in Blue Lock, and even when she left. She knew nothing good would come out of Ego forcing her to join Re Al after the project ended. But, he promised he would make her retire as soon as the dust had settled with the project. Surprisingly, nearly 7 years after leaving Blue lock, the dust never settled down, as the team was still the topic of sports channels in and out of Japan. (Y/n) was just glad Ego and Anri somehow convinced the Re Al and the other teams that the former Blue lock players need to be supervised by the medical staff from the project. If it wasn't for that, her cover would have been blown the day she entered Spain.
'Well, it would have been weird if I immediately announced my retirement after Blue lock had ended...' (Y/n) would think to herself, hoping that one day she could leave these boyish clothes behind and go out in dresses with no fear that someone will recognize her. But, for now she would take it. After all, masks were a good cover-up when you leave your apartment.
Now, the other insanities aside, the one she was facing now while being surrounded by Sae and the former World 5 team was something that felt like it was from a sitcom.
"Uh... what makes you guys think I have a girlfriend?" (Y/n) laughed nervously as Luna laughed while Loki held the wine bottle away from Sae.
"We know everything! Sae showed us the pictures and everything. Pablo, Silva,Loki,  remember to pay Adam and I."
(Y/n) felt herself grow even more confused as the three man pouted while Adam pat her head, looking like a proud father.
"I always knew you had it in you to find yourself a lady. Unlike those three who thought you would only be loyal to football." The Brit laughed as he pointed at Pablo, Silva, and Loki, who were going through their wallets.
"I was hoping that..." Loki muttered. (Y/n) noted he looked weirdly sad.
"Come on, the little guy is a football nerd. Just like that Isagi kid."
"Yeah, you really think we would imagine him to look at women." The two South Americans said while taking their money out.
"What's the money for?-"
"Enough!" Sae suddenly grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulder and forced her to face him, and she will admit, never before was she more scared in her life. The glare he was giving her was beyond terrifying.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? I had to have the shock of my life seeing a woman walk in and out of your apartment. And also, letting her leave her underwear like that in your closet?! Do you have no shame?!"
(Y/n) felt her heart stop for a moment as Sae started shaking her. Noticing the state she was in, Luna and Adam went to pull her away from Sae, while Silva, Pablo, and Loki tried to get Sae to let go of her.
"Hey, Sae, stop."
"You are being dramatic, dude."
"(Y/n) is an adult. Let him be happy with his girl."
'He should be happy with me on the field! Not some random chick!' Sae thought in anger as he heard Pablo's words.
'When did he see that?! And by woman... oh shit, he could have only meant me... But, when did he see me? I was always careful!' (Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear as it dawned on her. She felt numb for a moment, she couldn't even feel Luna and Adam pull her out of Sae's grip. She blinked a few times as she watched Silva and Pablo hold Sae back while Loki stood between them just in case.
"How... how do you know all of that?" (Y/n) suddenly spoke up as Sae's eyes narrowed even more.
"Sae said he stumbled upon your girlfriend when she left your apartment last weekend."
Pablo spoke up instead.
"And he decided to follow her. He said he found the... the things when he visited you once." Loki laughed awkwardly at the end, which mortified (Y/n) even more.
'Oh no... oh no...'
Luna, noticing her distressed state spoke up in a much softer tone than usually.
"Kid, it's ok if you don't want to talk about it yet. Relationships are complicated, especially for football players."
(Y/n) looked in surprise at Luna and slowly started shaking her head.
"But I am not-"
"Trust us, we won't judge you. If you and your lady don't want to say anything for now, it's fine." Silva said now as Adam nodded in agreement.
'That woman was me! The underwear was mine!' (Y/n) wanted to yell at them, but she knew she couldn't.
"I just didn't think redheads were your type." Pablo mused.
'That was a wig!' She groaned and sat down on a nearby chair.
"Does anyone else know this?" (Y/n) asked while looking back at Sae, who huffed and looked away.
"Sae... You didn't tell anyone, right?" Luna asked as Loki went to get (Y/n) a glass of water.
"I may have told some..."
'I an doomed!!' She groaned, already awaiting an incoming headache.
Now what had happened? Let's go back to the week prior to the faithful weekend. The whole team could see that (Y/n) was happier than usually, and while Luna was happy that one of his midfielders was doing well, he was a little concerned when he was told she would leave practice earlier than he usually does. Luna knew (Y/n) pretty well, he would say, and hearing the football obsessed midfielder leave earlier was something he never expected.
'Is he sick? Maybe someone is bothering him? But, he would have told me that, right? He would have told Sae at least.' The Spaniard mused as he watched her run out of the stadium while telling the rest of the team goodbye. Luna looked over his shoulder at Sae, only to find the younger have the same confused expression while looking at the exit. So, that's when he decided he would give Sae the job to check this out. Sae was closer to (Y/n), so having him ask her all these questions wouldn't be all too weird.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) was happy for a few reasons the two men would have never guessed. The first reason being that she found a few cute dresses she could wear on Saturday, she finally found a wig that would suit her better than the last one, and the third reason being that Chigiri's sister will be visiting Madrid this week, so she will finally have someone who knew her secret to talk to. Life was good, for now.
Right now, (Y/n) was in her apartment, rummaging through her closet to find something to wear for her trip on Saturday. She had her day off that day, and those days she would spend shopping and visiting cafés in Madrid.
"Hmmm? This pink dress looks cute, maybe putting this white blouse underneath it would be nice! Oh! And these heels as well. Hmm? But, which bag should I pick." She smiled and put the clothes on the bed and then went to look through the box that had her bags in.
'Hmm... I need to contact Chigiri-san later on as well. She said she wanted to stay at a hotel close by, so I need to check if they have free rooms.' (Y/n) yawned.
Meanwhile, Sae was in a video call with the people he least expected to call, Manshine's trio and some of (Y/n)'s closest friends.
"So, he didn't tell you people anything either?" Sae raised an eyebrow as Reo shook his head.
"No. As I said, he was talking to us 2 nights ago, and he looked and sounded normal. Why are you even asking?" Reo raised an eyebrow as Nagi chimed in.
"Is there something we should know?"
"Yeah, aside from him being happier than usually, you didn't say there was anything weird about him." Chigiri said in boredom as Sae sighed.
"He has been leaving practice earlier than usually."
"Earlier? How early?" Nagi wondered.
"Like, right on the clock. The moment the coach announces that practice is over, he drops everything and leaves." Sae answered. Now this was something that caused the trio to look at each other in concern. They knew (Y/n) better than anyone else did, and she wouldn't just leave like that. They remember how they always had to drag her away to sleep while they were in Blue Lock. Heck, Ego would threaten her with punishments I she didn't listen and go rest.
"How long has that been going on?" Chigiri asked, looking directly at Sae now.
"Since Monday."
"That's odd... Did he have a recent interview or match that he was disappointed by?" Reo inquired, only to earn a negative from the redhead.
"No. We don't have any matches this month, and he didn't have an interview that went bad to my knowledge. But, he wouldn't be that cheerful if there was a bad incident." Sae argued, earning a nod from Reo. Nagi chuckled a little as he laid his head on the table.
"Maybe our captain found himself a girlfriend."
There was a silence for a moment before Reo and Chigiri busted into a laughter.
"Please, he is married to football. There is no way." The redhead argued.
'He better only have eyes for football.' Was what he actually thought.
"Yeah, and even if he had any interests, he has no idea how to flirt." Reo added in.
'Thank God for that.'
Sae kept quiet as he watched the trio, frowning at the thought of (Y/n) possibly liking someone, let alone dating. The midfielder was his, and he won't be sharing him with anyone. It was annoying enough that he had to fight off the former Blue lock team at times.
'He wouldn't let some random woman get between him and football. There is just no way.'
It was the next evening on a Thursday that Sae decided to visit (Y/n). Practice ended earlier, and the redhead was sure she already rested enough.
"Hm? Sae?" The woman blinked when she saw the man outside in the hallway.
"What are you doing here at this time?"
"Can't I be here?" Sae raised an eyebrow in confusion, causing her to quickly shake her head.
"Not at all! I am just surprised you are here. Come inside, I am in the middle of making dinner. Want to join?"
Sae chuckled at her nervous reaction and pat her head.
'Cute. There is no way this guy has a woman.' He thought in relief and nodded his head before taking his shoes off.
"Sure. I will use your bathroom first, ok?" Sae said, earning a nod from her.
"Yeah, sure. You know where it is." She said before going to the kitchen. Sae watched (Y/n) leave before quickly walking down the hallway, not to the bathroom, but to the room across from it.
'It looks tidy... as expected from him.' The Itoshi thought as he looked at the bedroom, not finding anything off or anything. That was until he found a odd pink bottle on the bedside table.
"Hm?" Sae mused and slowly walked towards it and picking the bottle up. The man read what was on the bottle, only to freeze up when he realized what the words said.
'A...a woman's perfume? Why does he have it?' Sae took in a few sharp breaths as he slowly took out his phone and took a picture.
'This has to be a coincidence... Maybe he didn't read what was on the bottle. He can be careless after all. He wouldn't... he wouldn't let some woman into his home like this. He isn't like that.' Sae argued to himself and looked at the wardrobe. He hesitated for a moment, but as he looked back at the bottle, he grew more and more agitated. So, he simply opened the wardrobe, as silently as possible and started looking around. There was nothing unusual there. Just some shirts, pants, the two uniforms from Re Al, his underwear- Sae's eyes widened when he saw something that is out of place for a wardrobe from a man.
'A... a bra?!'
Rage slowly subsided as a feeling of numbness came over him.
'Why is that here? Why would he have it? That perfume and now this... this thing! Is he serious with someone? He has to be if he let's her leave stuff like this here...' Sae's eyes narrowed as the anger slowly returned but he couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He quickly took a picture of the item as well and quickly left the room. He needed to calm down, he couldn't lash out now.
'I will find that chick and set her straight. There is no way a nobody will get in my way, or in (Y/n)'s football career.'
On Friday evening, Sae called (Y/n) and proposed to hang out the next day. He had to find out more about all of this. But, to Sae's surprise, she rejected the idea, quite nervously as well. Quickly saying she had some other plans and to maybe do this next week. Before Sae could say anything else, she ended the call, leaving the player even more concerned.
'Is he meeting her today?' Sae wondered. Tomorrow he will visit (Y/n) and finally see what was going on.
The next day....
Now, Sae had expected something to happen. Maybe seeing (Y/n) nervously leave her apartment, looking like a nervous wreck. He expected to see (Y/n), but not some random woman leaving his apartment.
'Who is that now?!' Sae's eyes widened as he hid in a corner and watched the woman lock the familiar apartment door. The man clenched his fists as the woman happily skipped down the hallway and talked on her phone.
"Hey? You are already at the hotel? Good. I will be there soon, we can go shopping then. I have the card with me." She said to the person, oblivious to the redhead being nearby.
'She is treating that place like it belongs to her. That's (Y/n)'s place! Is she trying to take control of him? And who let her have his card?!' Sae felt anger bubble up inside of him as he slowly followed after her. He stopped when he saw her wait for the elevator, cursing a little because the woman worse sunglasses and a mask. He quickly took his phone out and shot a picture before she could leave his sight.
'He isn't dating... there is no way... Maybe it's his sister? Does he have a sister? Why did he give her his key?' Sae felt his whole world spinning as he decided to take a moment and sit down on the ground. This was all too much for him. Where did he go wrong? He made sure (Y/n) stayed back and practiced with him after the regular hours. He even kept an eye on all the fans during interviews after a game.
'So how did that woman get to him? What tricks did she use? Is she just using him till she finds some new player?' Sae clenched his fists.
"This has to be a coincidence... a joke. There is no way..."
A few days later...
"Sae, are you doing ok? You have been glaring and pouting the whole day." (Y/n) asked in worry as she handed him a bottle of water. But, instead of being told an answer, the midfielder sent her a sharp glare and looked away.
"Why would you care? Why would I tell you even?"
"Aren't... aren't we friends?" (Y/n) blinked in confusion as Sae huffed, reminding her more of a toddler than anything.
"Just leave me alone." He said coldly. As much as she wanted to argue, she didn't. Simply putting the bottle on the ground, (Y/n) walked back to where Luna was as the man had some suggestions on her improvement.
Sae turned to look back at her, the same hurt and anger still present on his face.
'What does she even have to offer to you? I will need help here...' Sae sighed as he thought back about the Manshine trio.
Present time...
"YOU TOLD CHIGIRI, REO, AND NAGI ALL OF THAT?! COULDN'T YOU HAVE TALKED TO ME FIRST?!" Now it was Luna and Adam's turn to hold (Y/n) back from lunging at Sae, who looked like all of it was no big deal. Loki and Pablo stood in front of Sae, not wanting to witness a murder. Silva was standing to the side, whistling at how much everything escalated.
"You would have just denied everything!" Sae argued as (Y/n)'s glare intensified.
"Besides, it's just the 3 of them who know." Sae shrugged.
"I have a hard time believing that..." Silva commented as the rest of the World 5 team nodded in agreement. And the Brazilian man was really not prepared to find out how right he was... Nobody was, to be honest.
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defensivelee · 14 days ago
AAHH omg ok ok i'm so so excited about what happened today but i'm going to try to restrain my all caps bc i want it to be very well understood what im about to say but AHHHHH AHHHH I MET JAMES II'S ACTOR FROM THE BBC AUDIO PLAYS UWAAAAA I MET DAVID ACTON!!!!! DAVID ACTON AS IN JAMES 2 FROM THE WILLIAM AND MARY AUDIO PLAY.... i fucking spoke to the dude!!!!! AAHH
ok so it came to be about bc i went out to see a play yesterday with a few others, and we had two question seshes: one directly after the play with all the actors and production team, and today another longer one with just the actor who introduced himself as david, who up til now i'd seen as this pleasant old british actor who did his job very well. nice affable man, very engaging :3 but thats it,,
naturally my ears perked up when he mentioned that he had done bbc radio plays and how annoyed he was that people were moving away from that, so then i brought up the bbc stuart plays just bc i wanted to say that i myself very much appreciated them. i also kinda wanted to add on to a conversation we'd been having about how deftly he switches between accents by mentioning william's actor as a rlly good example of that bc he literally had me fooled.
I DID NOT IMAGINE,,, AT ALL,,, THAT HE WAS INVOLVED IN THE STUART PLAYS,, so my mouth literally flew open when he said 'oh yes, that was mark edel-hunt wasn't it? yes he did very well, i was actually in those stuart plays with him! i think i played james ii?' LIKE I NEED Y'ALL TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS SO OUTTA NOWHERE
obviously i was so SHOCKED i was like 'REALLY? YOU WERE JAMES?' and he was like 'yes!' and i just blurted 'oh my god i love james' bc like. omg i was so excited y'all have NO idea i was literally vibrating, and starting to laugh bc i couldn't believe it was real. and he seemed just as excited as well to find someone who knew the plays ! he just kept saying stuff like 'oh what a lovely surprise!' and seemed very eager to kinda affirm it in my head like YES he was actually there.
he also told the group and i some curious bits of information about mark edel-hunt (william's actor)-- that he very nearly wasn't william, but the actor that was supposed to do him that day of the recording got sick, so they called in mr. edel-hunt. apparently he hadn't read the script at all until that very moment so he just came in and read em off. ofc i was losing my shit at this point so i just kept saying 'omg he did AMAZING everything was so NATURAL he is the PERFECT voice for william it was GREAT' (nvm that no one else knew what I was talking about).
AND THIS,,, ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART OF A MAN,,,, he was literally matching my energy throughout ALL of this, and he sounded SO happy to hear that i enjoyed it so much. then he fucking THREW me by saying 'oh that's just wonderful to hear! I've got to tell mark about this after we leave because it's just wonderful that you enjoyed it so much, I had no idea.' SO AT THIS POINT IM NEAR TEARS I WAS LITERALLY LIKE 'YES YES PLEASE PASS IT ON THANK YOU'
and just bc I still didn't quite believe it myself, i got an autograph !!!! partly blacked out bc he wrote my name but other than that EEEE IT'S HIM IT'S HIMMM
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thank u mr david sir for the brief james appearance and thank u mr mark for the phenomenal william performance and thank u to the random ass actor for sacrificing himself so we could get the william voice we know and love today!!!
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gt-zel · 9 months ago
Help! My classmate is a size shifter!
not so strong tough guy
The first thing that came to mind when i thought of Elijah Stoll was alone. He always seemed to be off on his own and I've never really seen him talking to anyone that wasn't a teacher. Of course that's probably because of the standoffishness and over all cold aura he gives off. Like the kind of person you've never talked to but definitely wouldn't be put against on any kind of tussle.
Anyway, he's wired, and up until a week ago i wouldn't have even considered talking to him. we had our separate lives, i had my place as class rep, popular guy and the one dude everyone could rely on, and Elijah, well he was just alone. Up until that day, last week, when everything changed.
i was walking home after school when i heard a commotion from a nearby alleyway. i went to check it out only to find two of my upperclassmen cornering someone. their backs were to me so i decided to watch and see what was going on before acting.
"heh, get a load of this freak" the one with black hair said.
"yeah, what you gunna do now that all your goodie too shoe teachers aren't around to protect you huh?" jeered the other.
"i'm warning you, b-back off" i couldn't see the person speaking, but i heard his voice behind the gritted teeth with which he spoke.
"aaw, what are you gunna do huh? shoot rainbows at us?" one said, the other laughed at the comment. they both closed in on the boy, fists clenched and raised in a perfect setup to pummel the guy.
i waited to hear if the guy would fight back, but i couldn't decipher anything of the sort. i turned the corner just in time to see the black haired man deliver a mean uppercut, then he proceeded to kick the boy back to the wall. the smell of old garbage mixed with the new fume of blood fumigated the alleyway.
"h-hey!" i yelled without thinking. the other of the group turned to face me.
"well well well, looks like we have a witness" he moved toward me and i caught a glimpse of the victim. it was Elijah, THE Elijah, the one who was supposed to be invincible. the one who no one messed with. i didn't have time to think before the other guy lunged at me.
I'm really glad that i joined the football team because otherwise i don't know how i would've reacted. thankfully, i shoved him off me causing him to land against the wall. then the other guy turned to look at me.
He growled at me. He actually growled and then clenched his fists while talking a few steps toward me.
"listen here punk, you'd better get out of here and forget you saw anything or your next"
"yeah right, like I'd just leave after seeing what your doing to him" i swung at him, my fist balled and made contact with his cheekbone.
he stumbled backward but quickly recovered. he spat liquid red on the cold alleyway floor.
"oh your going to regret that" he threw himself at me, i barely dodged. i know when I've lost, and when facing the both of these two gangsters i realized id have to make a break for it.
i grabbed Elijah's hand and pulled him with me. he quickly realized what my plan was and ran as well. together, the both of us ran out of the alleyway and down the street.
the potent smell of blood and sweat still clung to us as we ran along the hot summer pavement. perspiration trickled down my face as we ran, hand in hand away from the men.
finally we came to a safe space on a nearby balcony. i let go of his hand and gasped for air. my throat stung with dryness as slumped against the metal fence.
he sat down next to me. i could see his pulse thumping rapidly on his neck and he turned to look at me.
"w-why did you do that?" his voice was strained from panting.
"what, save you from those thugs? that was nothing. i could've taken them both but i just uhm..."
"sure...which is why were currently hiding from them on the rooftop of an abandoned building?" he said sarcastically. i laughed at that, he really didn't seem as cold as people said he was.
"yeah yeah, whatever. why were they attacking you in the first place?"
"oh uhm, they tried to inject me with some kind of serum, i got 'em to stop halfway through because i was feeling weird but they did get me pretty good" he showed me a recent stab wound on his arm.
"wait, what the heck, why would you even agree to something like that in the first place??" i exclaimed.
"well i mean, the pay seemed to be good, didn't know it would hurt so bad though" he shrugged, his raven black hair coming down in strands along his face.
"well you shouldn't take shots from random strangers offering money. that's like a massive red flag"
"yeah whatever, honestly i didn't think anything of it. its not like they were trying to kill me or something, i think they just wanted to try out a new vaccine of some kind"
i reached over and tucked his hair behind an ear, we locked eyes and i pulled away blushing "s-sorry, i just-"
"n-no, its...its fine" he blushed cutely and looked away.
we sat there for a few minuets in comfortable silence before Elijah stood up.
"looks like its getting pretty late, i should probably head home." he brushed the dust off his cloths and reached out an arm to help me up.
"yeah, i guess. will i see you tomorrow at school?" i asked, grabbing his hand and getting up.
"yep, oh, what was your name again?" he said, pushing a strand of black hair back.
"see you tomorrow Brian"
"tomorrow." and then we parted ways...
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lovelykil · 2 years ago
Kyle x reader but its an aquarium date, BUT the aquarium has one of those events where you can spend the night in the aquarium 🤭 maybe smut??
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「 Fishy Date 」
kyle x reader older ver.
cw; none I think kaksnhd
note; I love sharks so I projected a little on here sorry 🤷🏾‍♀️ (not) I do this a lot on my stories so 😭 anyway
"You wanna go to the aquarium for our date?"
"Yeah why not? I used to go there all the time as a kid it would be fun to visit again and relive everything." You set your phone down to look at Kyle. He leaned on his pillow looking at the open Google page to the aquarium.
He looked up at you, his expression confused.
"It smells though."
"It's an aquarium.."
"Yeah so it smells fishy." Kyle turned off his phone. You couldn't help but crack a smile, covering your mouth to giggle.
The ginger rose his eyebrow staring at you again "What's so funny?"
"You said fishy, that was corny."
"Oh– you idiot." He caught on, causing a grin to appear on his face as he ruffled your hair. You chuckled some more before going to rest your head on his chest.
He set his hand on your waist and looked down at you.
"Sooo.. aquarium then?" You smiled innocently up at him. You held your bright smile hoping to convince him, after a few seconds of him looking down at you deciding whether or not he should agree he eventually did with a sigh.
"Okay finee."
"Alright good cause I already bought us tickets."
"Oh so if I didn't say yes we still would've gone.."
"Love youu"
When the time finally came to go to your aquarium date you guys got ready packing a sleeping bag since the aquarium you got tickets to was holding an event, to which a specific amount of people to buy the first 25 tickets would sleep over by the various sea animals.
Lucky enough you were the 10th person to buy that ticket, they were selling like hot cakes.. who knew so many people would want to sleep with smelly fish?
Once you guys got to the place you squealed, being at your childhood favorite place really brought you back. Kyle held your hand smiling down at you seeing you get excited.
You guys walked in and began your adventure.
"Oh, and this is an Epaulette shark! They live in shallow water or any tidal pool, I think this one is an adult cause of its lightish brown skin on top you see? Aren't they so cool?" You pressed your hand against the cold glass, admiring the sea creature who swam with no care in the world. Kyle joined you, pressing both of his hands against the glass.
"You know a lot about sharks babe." He spoke with a giggle. You felt your cheeks burn, you had always been a huge fan of sharks you couldn't help but be a little nerd freak when it came to those magnificent little monsters.
"I just really like them, shut up." You defended, walking away from him. After some time of him watching the shark swim back and forth he looked back, looking around to find you.
He wandered the aquarium frantically after a few minutes of not seeing you, you guys have been at the aquarium for about 2 hours now you've seen everything so he had no idea where you could gone now.
Kyle got out his phone about to dial your number when an announcement came on the speaker.
attention all parents and children, the aquarium will be now hosting our fish-tastic sleepover! Everyone with ticket 'F' will now move to floor 2, stay safe and remember to have fun.
As people moved to floor 2 it began to get crowded, people shoved the teen as he anxiously tried to look for you it was far too loud to even call you now. He cursed to himself trying to get his way through the crowd.
"Y/n! Where are you-" Kyle quickly walked into the 2nd floor, sweeping the place with his eyes hoping to find you, there were only roaming kids with their parents until he saw a familiar person, setting down their sleeping mat by the low dimmed tank that held the jellyfish at. He walked toward the person, his suspension rising to see if it was actually you or not.
"Y/n?" Kyle asked, getting closer. You took off your jacket, looking in the direction of who called your name. Once Kyle saw your face his body immediately relax, stepping toward you.
"I was looking all over for you.. I'm glad I found you." He put his hand on his chest in relief. You smirked slightly, setting down your jacket on your sleeping bag. "Awh you were worried weren't you?" You walked to him to hold his face. His cheeks redden, though you could barely see due to the area you were in.
The jellyfish corner was shrouded in darkness, creating the perfect ambiance for a peaceful slumber and a great place to watch the jellyfish gracefully glide through the water to reflect on various things.
Kyle nodded his head, feeling your hand on his cheek. You heartily smiled at your worried boyfriend going in to kiss his cheek to clear his anxiety.
"Sorry I just wanted to wander off but you found me and now we can be together and watch the jellyfish!" You let go of him to sit down. "Why did you choose this spot?" Kyle sat beside you, looking at your side. You stared at the dark tank, your eyes softened as you watched the majestic creature float around in its habitat.
"Because they look so pretty." You spoke, your eyes remaining on the tank. Kyle studied your face, you looked so memorized and lost in thought all you watched was the jellyfish.
"You look so pretty in the dimmed dark blue light.." Kyle blurted out under his breath, he was captured by your beautiful in that moment he couldn't help but compliment you.
"What'd you say?" You slowly turned your head, not hearing what the ginger mumbled. He blushed, clearing his throat. "Oh uh nothing. Yeah the jellyfish are pretty.." He nervously smiled at you. Your confused expression changed to a slight smile, you grabbed his hand to hold.
"You look so pretty here you know?" You placed a kiss on his pale skin, then looked up to see his surprised face. He rubbed his face with his free hand already starting to be in a mess.
"God sometimes you're just too much." He whispered. You giggled at your boyfriend's flustered state, crawling to him to sit in his lap.
He sighed looking up at you in his lap, you smiled down at him he couldn't help but smile back, putting his hands around your waist. You wrapped your hands around his neck going in to kiss his forehead.
"This date was fun, thank you Ky."
"You're welcome, it was fun until I lost you."
You laughed, letting go of his neck to hold his shoulders.
"Sorry! Won't happen again.. considering now I kinda want you." You rubbed his shoulders slowly, smirking. Kyle looked at you oblivious to what you were trying to imply. But after you reached under his shirt, getting close to his neck he finally realized.
"Jesus christ Y/n there's kids here-"
"So? They'll eventually learn about this shit anyway."
"Oh god."
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year ago
First Impressions pt 5
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You get to meet Eric's friends
Status: Ongoing
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You both stepped out of the car and pulled your coat onto yourself tighter. Eric walked closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you towards his side. You smiled up at him and scrunched up your nose making him smile.
"You look stupid." He said kissing the tip of your nose as you both walked inside the bar.
It felt like those movies where everything was going well until you hear a record scratch out of nowhere. It wasn't all that alive in the small bar to begin with but the chatter, laughing, and bad country music stopped the minute you walked in with Eric's arm around your shoulder. You look up and see all eyes on you.
Eric seemed to stiffen just like he did when he saw his mom. You look around and see quite a bit of people of all ages. There were older people, people around your age, and you felt you saw a baby around there somewhere.
You look over to the bar and see three guys your age who seem like they just got told their grandma got hit by a bus. A blonde guy with long hair was behind the bar in the middle of pouring a drink, a guy with red-curly hair who was in the process of choking on his drink, and a guy with black hair who was sipping on his drink watching everything unfold as he patted the red-heads back.
You looked up at Eric to see a crooked smile grace his lips. He slowly leads you both the the three men who couldn't take their eyes off of you two.
"Hey." He said sheepishly lifting the hand that was not squeezing your shoulder.
"Holy shit! Cartman is that you?" The black-haired man said.
"Yeah, I-I'm in town for a bit um..." He said blushing softly and looking over at you. "This is Y/N. My girl."
You blushed softly and looked over at the other guys. "Hi, it's nice to meet you guys."
The blonde man behind the bar speaks first. "Hey. I'm Kenny." He said with a wink.
"I'm Stan." The black-haired man said and nudged the redhead who seemed to be sulking.
"Kyle." He muttered.
"Sorry. He's usually more chatty he just...didn't expect to see Cartman had a girlfriend." Stan said with a smile.
"Is...that bad? Should I give you guys some space to catch up?" You said shrinking a bit.
"W-what? No honey it's ok." Eric said kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulder.
"Yeah. We wanna know all about what he's been up to and now that involves you." Kenny said with a smirk. "How bout a drink?"
"T-that would be great!" You said a bit too enthusiastically which made Kenny laugh softly.
You cringe a bit at your own awkwardness. Eric let go of your shoulders and sat next to Stan and pulled you onto his lap. You heard Kyle take in a sharp breath but chose to ignore it.
"So whatcha been up to?" Kenny asked as he started mixing drinks.
"Yeah, you like dropped off the face of the earth," Stan said sipping his own drink.
"Yeah, sorry bout that." He said with a sigh as his thumb absentmindedly rubbed circles on your hip.
"What were you doing?" Kyle spoke up. "Ya know...after you left."
Eric thought for a second about the question as if he was debating what to reveal. "Was in school. Out of state, just felt like getting out of here."
"Really? What'd you major in?" Kyle said a bit condescendingly.
"History," Eric said curtly as Kenny slid a drink over to you and handed Eric a beer.
"Dude that...fits actually," Stan said with a chuckle.
"So what are you doing now?" Kenny said and you just sat back watching them interact.
As Eric fills them in on his life it all felt familiar and yet so distant at the same time. They listened, but with every word Eric spoke, it was like the three other men didn't believe him. Like it didn't make any sense that Eric could do good for himself.
"What about you Y/N?" Kyle asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, I um...nothing interesting really." You said as you sipped your drink.
"Don't be stupid," Eric said gently patting your thigh and looking up at the other men. "She's smart as fuck. Like she does shit I don't even understand."
"Can't be that smart if she's dating you." Kenny joked making Eric laugh.
Actually, laugh. Throughout this trip, the most Eric would let out was a nervous chuckle but now he's actually laughing. His head tilted back, eyes shut, and his lips in a wide smile. You could feel his laugh reverberating against your back and it was the best feeling.
He was happy. Sure there may have been a part of him that was glad to see his mom but right now he's happy. This is the Eric you fell in love with. During midterms when you both were studying for that stupid English exam, you made a bad joke about Shakespeare or something you couldn't even remember.
All you remember was Eric laughing so hard everyone in the library looked back at you with pure hatred. His laugh was so contagious that you burst into your own laughter. You both had to leave the library and study somewhere else because of how much noise you were making.
You always see that Eric. At least once a day, the Eric who laughed at stupid jokes, the Eric who didn't care who was around to express his overwhelming happiness, the Eric who wanted you a part of that happiness always shone through.
You reached over and gently slapped Kenny's hand with a giggle. "Hey, he's not too bad."
"We'll take your word for it," Stan said holding his hands up with a smile.
You smiled brightly being a part of this intimate atmosphere that was so uniquely Eric's. You hopped off Eric's lap and kissed his cheek.
"I'mma head to the bathroom real quick." You said and Eric nodded giving your ass a gentle pat.
"Here," Kenny said tossing you a roll of toilet paper. "I can assure you there probably isn't any in there."
"Thank you, sir." You said flashing a bright smile and walking towards the bathroom.
Stan cupped his hands to amplify his voice as he called after you. "Don't sit on the seats! You'll catch something!"
You laughed as you entered the hallway and into the women's restroom. God, he was not kidding. The place was a dump. You probably got chlamydia by just breathing the air in there. You did your business as fast as you could and washed your hands. You walked out of the restroom and shivered.
"That bad?" You heard a deep voice ask.
You looked up seeing Kyle leaning against the opposite wall. "Guys weren't kidding that's for sure. When was the last time that place was cleaned?"
"Kenny is the best employee they have here but they couldn't even pay him enough." He said with a chuckle.
You hugged yourself and did an exaggerated shiver throughout your whole body making him chuckle again. After a few seconds, an awkward silence fell and you were itching to do something to break it.
"I-I should get back to Eric.." You muttered, pointing in the direction of the bar.
"Are you really dating him?"
"Yeah?" You said a bit defensively like you didn't understand his question.
"Why?" He said looking down at you with an unreadable expression.
You furrowed your brows and looked over at the bar seeing Eric listening to whatever Stan was saying. You turned back to Kyle and frowned.
"What's your deal? You've been really quiet and now...you don't even get why your friend is dating someone?" You said trying to put as much distance between you and Kyle as possible but it was a bit difficult when you were already pressed into the wall.
"No. I don't understand why anyone is dating Eric." He said crossing his arms.
"That's what I said."
"No, you said 'Why my friend is dating someone.' Eric and I aren't friends." He said with a frown. "You shouldn't be dating someone like him."
You press your lips into a thin line and stare at him. Eric is a bit odd at times but he isn't a terrible person. What is wrong with this guy? You felt a surge of anger fill your body. You needed to say something to defend Eric. How could you just sit here and hear him say this about Eric?
You dropped your arms to your side and stared up at him. "Someone like him? Eric is fucking amazing. I've been with asshole after asshole and Eric is fucking great. When I didn't show up one day in our English class he came down to my dorm and hand-squeezed orange juice because I told him once that my grandma used to do it."
You shut your eyes and continued to basically shout at him, not that it mattered because the music and conversation were much louder. "Eric has been nothing but fucking great to me. He's a great person. And he has enough to deal with, with his shitty mom and now some shitty guy who isn't his friend but always used to hang out with?"
"Great guy? Are we talking about the same person? Oh, he hand-squeezed you orange juice? That man made my life a living hell. He is a sadistic, disgusting, ir-" He started before being cut off by your hand making sharp contact with his left cheek.
You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands. You immediately reached out to touch his cheek. He held a hand up to stop you and backed up.
"I-I'm so sorry. I-I don't I don't normally do that. I don't know what came over me I'm sorry-"
"What's going on?" Eric asked as he entered the hallway seeing you close to Kyle trying your best to comfort him as he held his cheek.
"What happened?" Kyle hissed. "You fucking brainwashed her. She actually thinks you're some good guy."
Eric tensed and it doesn't escape your mind that it is around the tenth time he's done that tonight. You move away from Kyle and look up at Eric.
"I didn't mean to hit him I swear I don't know what came over me. He was just saying all these bad things about you and I-"
"They're true." He whispered, looking down at his feet.
You blink in confusion and try to reach for his hand but he pulls back. He shakes his head and looks up at you with glassy eyes. You turn back to Kyle who was glaring at Eric like he couldn't believe anything that was happening right now.
"I don't get it...I don't know what..." You started as you looked back at Eric. "Baby, what's going on?"
Eric's breath hitched and he opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it. Kyle stepped forward and looked down at you.
"If he can't admit it. He didn't change." Kyle said before walking off.
You watched Kyle leave, his red curls bouncing with each step as he found his spot back in the seat next to Stan. You turn your head back to Eric who was just staring at you like he didn't know what to do next. And truthfully, you didn't either.
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A/N: Hey hope ya'll enjoyed this! Sorry, I've been gone for so long you guys will be seeing more soon just stay patient with me. Thank you love you all ❤
Taglist: @jessiegerl @stephs-inluv @breadandbutter33 @renpoo14 @atanukileaf @minimss
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eatsbop · 9 months ago
In Hansoo's defense Taehoon's the one who owes most to Kim66 anyway. Who was the genius who thought it was a good idea to throw himself in the river when he couldn't swim?
Tssh. It's called rationalizing, guys. He does feel bad. He'd probably get Taehoon in trouble but it's not like he could leave a friend in need. Whatever. Taehoon'll get over it. He'll give him additional allowance.
Hansoo excused himself to the bathroom and ever so gently flipped the lock behind him. He hurriedly took out his phone and immediately hit his emergency contact. "Where are you, kid?"
"Whaaaaat.." Came Taehoon's whine from the other line. "It's hardly afternoon. I said I'd be home for dinner. Can't you believe your son. Why do you hurt me this way, man."
"Don't be dramatic. I need a favor."
"I mopped yesterday! I told you to make the kids rest after they ate for at least half an hour and not let them run around much less go spin kicking right away! You never listen, I've told you millions of times since I was four! They might fucking choke, man! Who barfed this time?!"
"Not that! We don't even have classes today. I'll give you money. Come home quickly."
"How many bodies are there."
"Be serious!" Hansoo hisses. "I need you to distract Mom so I can slip out."
"No way, dude. Why would I get scolded by Mom for you."
"It's an emergency!"
"I'll be in the emergency room one of these days if you keep pulling shit like this. How can you ask this of your son?!"
"Two months worth of allowance. And I'll never make you mop again."
Hansoo's plead was answered with silence he almost bargained a new phone when Taehoon suddenly spoke. "Just tell them to fucking sit still for half an hour, Dad. Make them watch those cocomangoes. Whatever. What's your plan?"
Hansoo bit his lip to keep himself from yelping in joy. "Atta boy. I just need you to come quick, say something outrageous and I'll pretend to have an emotional meltdown and throw myself out of the window."
"The window? Like, you'll break the glass and all? Now that's worth getting scolded for. What do I say?"
"Anything. Make it as shocking as possible."
"Just don't stutter."
"As if, man. Then don't hesitate. Throw yourself out as soon as I said my spill. We don't get a second take."
"I'll say it as soon as I come in. I'll be up in like.. a minute."
"Eh. So you're home?"
"Get it together, old man. You said this is an emergency. Do you need to use the bathroom first?"
"Shut up and just come." Hansoo ended the call. He flushed the toilet and even turned the faucet on for a few seconds to make it seem like he really was there to use the bathroom.
In two strides he was back on the couch next to his wife, fiddling with his phone and humming to himself to feign calm.
He heard the front door open and braced himself.
"You're home early.." Minji greets Taehoon as he comes in.
"Yeah." Taehoon makes eye contact with him and he knew what needs to be done in the next split second. He wound his muscles so tightly he'd bounce like a spring once he loosens up. Nothing could stop him. Even a husband's loyalty for his beloved wife. Real.
Taehoon clears his throat as a signal.. then utters,
"I just found out I'm pregnant."
Hansoo hurls himself out of the window. His laughter could still be heard as he crashes on a car roof below.
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reedfulton · 10 months ago
hii!! I was wondering if we can get some of your charlie/fulton hcs, or just about them in general. I saw on your fulton rarepairs post that they were one of your pairs and i’d love to hear more on what you have to say about them (bc you didn’t get to in the post) bc I really love them and their paring.
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omg absolutely!! sorry, i've totally abandoned tumblr because of school commitments and stuff so i hope this ask isn't too old lmao. but anyway, here are some of my hcs for them!! they're one of my favorite pairs ever and i'm honestly very surprised that more people don't ship them.
i've always said that i think they're childhood friends. i think i posted something about it a long time ago and then proceeded to not elaborate on it, but i always thought that fulton's home life wasn't great and so he was kind of allowed (or forced) to wander minneapolis/stillwater just to get out of the house. i did the math at one point and realized that the diner that casey works at is kind of in-between the heart of minneapolis and stillwater, so it wouldn't be insane to think that fulton might have ended up at the diner a lot as a kid. i think he and casey became 'friends' first (casey practically adopted him) and then when casey brought charlie to the diner because she didn't have anyone to watch him, they became fast friends
their friendship started off so well because fulton was extremely shy and charlie could talk to a brick wall and make good conversation, so charlie didn't really expect anything from fulton and fulton has no problem sitting and listening and retaining information from stories and stuff. that's kind of how their relationship works too lmao. charlie's always talking about random things and his wikipedia deep dives and hockey stats and fulton will definitely talk back if he has something to say, but sometimes charlie just needs a sounding board and fulton is more than happy to be that for him (and charlie is very impressed with all the random stuff fulton remembers just because charlie's the one that told him)
fulton's had a crush on charlie since they were in peewees. i don't think they were still super close when fulton joined the ducks, but they definitely still spoke to each other in class and stuff, and fulton joining sparked their friendship (and fulton's feelings for charlie) again. it's a super cute puppy-love kind of crush, and fulton has absolutely no clue how to deal with it lol. it's also definitely why fulton was watching the D5 games before he ever joined the team, and why he was so ready to fight the hawks the second he had the opportunity.
they definitely have one of those relationships where most people can't even tell if they're best friends or dating. they don't really do PDA (other than charlie laying on him like a cat, which he also does with a lot of people), and 'dude' is their main term of endearment in public lol.
casey LOVES fulton so much it's insane. charlie jokes that when they come home for breaks, she's more excited to see fulton than she is to see him and hes right
fulton's the little spoon but he'd kill anyone that ever found out
charlie is exactly 3 inches taller than fulton and it pisses fulton off to NO END. charlie knows this and definitely teases him about it.
i think once charlie bulks up a bit (probably like junior/senior year) they get to a point where they can wear each other's clothes and then just. never stop. at this point they don't even know who's clothes originally belonged to who anymore.
their first kiss happens after a game where charlie got injured and fulton felt so bad that he couldn't do anything about it that he's fussing over charlie in the locker room afterwards and bumbling his way through apologizes and charlie just. kisses him to shut him up as a funny haha joke but then realizes how fulton reacted to it and is like "oh shit this is actually A Thing"
fulton fell first charlie fell harder
they don't do PDA but they're all over each other the second they're alone. both of them have definitely made the other one irish goodbye at multiple events just so they can go home and make out and cuddle
sorry if these make ZERO sense i definitely was Not writing these at work :D. but i love talking about them so thank you so much for this ask! if you have any other prompts or ideas for them or anything do not hesitate to reach out, now that my semester is over and i'm just working full-time i totally have extra time and want to be more active on here :]
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princess-lvcifer · 1 month ago
Storytime about how a 40 y/o dude tried to flirt with me at the Carcass concert and how he gifted me this, etc etc:
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When I entered the club Brujeria was starting to play and it was full of people. I overcame my shyness and ended up sliding to the front row because I couldn't see anything, and some men, seeing that I was shorter than them, took pity on me and let me overtake them so I could see.
I couldn't see the setlist and the woman next to me let me look at her mobile phone and take a photo.
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A man spoke to me, I think was from Andalucía, from Almería.
The concert was amazing, and I did eye contact with Bill and Jeff two times, but it was very brief. But it felt like one of those Wattpad moments™ for me.
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When the concert was over that man came up to me and spoke to me again, I don't even remember what about. I think he asked me if I was from the city and I didn't want to go into too much detail for obvious reasons, and he told me that he lived in a city in my region for a while years ago. The drummer started to throw picks and he caught one, he offered it to me and I said "For me?" and he said "Yes, but if you give me a kiss- or do you have a boyfriend?" I said no and "I'll give you a kiss but on the cheek". So I did, and we separated ways a bit and after a second the woman from before came up to me and said "He's my brother" and I don't remember what else she said to me because everything happened very fast and the music in the club was very loud but I told her "I don't want a boyfriend", which is a lie, I don't want one that old or bald or who lives in a different city. And I said "You're too old for me", "How old do you think I am?", "40", "Yes, 40 :(" and I didn't tell him my age, which in a few hours it's going to be 22. Also at one point he jokingly told me that I had given him a very strong reality check and I was like 😅
Then, exiting the club, I made eye contact with two young metalheads with long hair and one of them looked like a mix of my ex bf and my most traumatic situationship, so I wanted to meet them and I did the best flirting tip ever: "Excuse me, Do I know you...? Your face is too familiar to me... (In this case it was true) Are you from this city?" and he said that he was from another city of my region, he was wearing a Death shirt and he was slightly shorter than me, and the other one was wearing an Emperor one and was taller. The taller one had a drumstick and two picks, and the other one also had two picks. I talked to them, especially with the one with the Emperor shirt for obvious reasons and because he was talkative. He said he is from another city, but on the beach. I thought they were friends but they also met there and we all exchanged ours Instagrams. Then he went to the bathroom and the other one didn't say shit, I was the one making questions, and I think he had some problem talking and also he didn't do eye contact. Then I left because my mother was waiting for me at the door, and that's everything 👍🏻
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scarl3ttjpg · 2 years ago
Back to Square One (06)
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Stan slowly opened the door with a nervous smile to greet Butters' confused face. The blond took a step in and slowly closed the door, looking at the fist-sized dent before looking back at the still-fuming Kyle. He wasn't sure if he should be mad or concerned, and his friends' apparent emotions were not helping him in the slightest.
"Why the hell would you invite her?" Kyle spoke slowly, venom dripping from each word. "You know what happened, what she did..."
Butters decided on an emotion as he replied. "Because you're being ridiculous, Kyle. Not to mention, an asshole."
Kyle opened his mouth to defend himself, but Butters continued. "You're still mad over something that she didn't even do when we were in elementary school! You know that she didn't do everything Eric said back then. Both of you know that."
"I mean, I am a little surprised you still have full trust in what Cartman said... I didn't read that deep into it. Even Butters didn't read that deep into it," Stan spoke up. "Like, dude, I know you had a huge ass crush on her back then, but its time to move on."
"I'm not even justifying that with a response, dude," Kyle retorted, rolling his eyes. He walked out of the bathroom without another word and made his way to the door into the hall, ignoring Butters' shouts about the wall.
"Is everything okay?"
I quickly wiped my eyes and glanced at the person who had taken a seat next to me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked at her dark hair and clothes, her eye makeup precisely sharp to match her dark, ethereal aura. I was surprised that she was checking on me, especially since I was never close to her in school. She usually just hung around the other kids in her group...
I let out a small sigh before responding. "Yeah, I'm good. Just, needed a minute away from... all of that..." I gestured back to the door behind me, and she nodded in understanding.
"Yeah, I was leaving to get away from the noise. I live right above him. When you go back in, can you ask him to turn the music down? I can't even hear my own over that... pop and rap and all of that."
I couldn't help but smile a bit, seeing that after all these years, she had hardly changed. She moved to stand again, satisfied that I at least claimed to be okay. I had one question on my mind, though, that I needed to get out before she left.
"It's Henrietta, right? We went to school together." She nodded, cocking an eyebrow as she looked at me.
"I'm surprised you know my name. I mean, all your friends would only ever call me 'goth girl' or 'one of those goth kids.'"
I let out a slightly uncomfortable laugh. "Yeah, well those friends are the reason I'm out here, if that makes anything any better. I'm sorry about that." I paused. "I'm curious, did you ever hear about... me?"
Henrietta nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, what Cartman said about you? I would imagine everyone heard it." I let out a sigh before she continued. "Not that many people really cared though. I mean, a lot of people really hated you guys already and could genuinely not care less about all the drama you had. I mean, didn't you all make another kid get deported to, like, Peru or something in elementary school? I think that was probably worse than all your little Dungeons and Dragons drama that was about."
I let out a less uncomfortable laugh. "Well that was before I was friends with them, I can't speak on that."
Suddenly, Bebe came crashing into the stairwell, narrowly avoiding taking a tumble down the stairs. She sat down criss-cross applesauce in between me and Henrietta before frantically speaking.
"What happened? What did he say? What did he do? Do I need to kick his ass? You would hide a body, right Y/N?" The blonde rattled off questions, her slurred speech making it a little hard to understand. "Oh, hi goth girl!" she finished, receiving a sharp elbow in her side from me.
I sighed before responding, tears of frustration stinging my eyes as they made their reappearance. "I mean, it was what I expected to happen. Kyle would still rather believe that asshole instead of hearing me out. I'm tired of having to be the only mature one here. If he wants to act like I'm an asshole, then fine, I'll be an asshole. I'm just so over this."
Bebe's face softened. "Oh, honey..." She thought for a moment before standing up and pulling me to my feet as well. "Come on, Y/N, we're going back in now! You are not going to sit out here all night upset over something a man thinks of you. That's what we're not gonna do! We're better than that!" She began pulling me back to Butters' apartment. I shot a look back to Henrietta and mouthed a quick 'thank you' before following Bebe. I wiped my eyes and stepped back into the LED lit apartment, pretending the whole interaction with Kyle never happened.
Before long, Clyde stumbled his way over to me and Bebe, his words almost incomprehensible from how badly they were slurred. The only thing I could make out was that Butters had taken our car keys. I let out an overdramatic groan before pushing my way through the slowly dispersing crowd to find my key thief.
"Oh, hey, Y/N," I hear Butters say from inside the bathroom where he was standing, staring at the door. I stepped in to see what exactly he was looking at, and I looked at him confused.
"Kyle punched the door... Yeah, I don't know what happened, but he ended up leaving."
I nodded, agreeing that it makes sense. I was just about to ask about the keys when I heard Wendy calling for Stan briefly before he appeared in the doorway.
"Yeah, he's pissed. I don't know how I made him so mad." Stan glanced over at me, and he raised an eyebrow. "I thought you left, Y/N."
I frowned, simply saying 'no.' I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to respond with something to try and put me down, but he surprised me.
"I'm sorry. About all of that, I mean. Kyle can't handle his liquor and he tends to get angry easily when he's drunk too much."
My face softens just slightly as I nod. He spends a minute talking to Butters, offering to pay to fix the door before he makes his way out of the apartment with Wendy and Kenny. Butters shakes his head, bringing himself back into the moment as he smiles at me.
"You, Clyde, and Bebe are staying here tonight. I don't trust any of you driving right now."
I frown but reluctantly give in, making my way back out onto the couch to sit with Bebe, watching the rest of the crowd slowly but surely depart.
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ultimateissuessimp · 9 months ago
One shot
Word count: 616
Warnings: My stupidity (Meaning crack fic)
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Four men were out in the club in Madripoor. Who could that be? Why, Zemo, Bucky, Sam and Y/N of course! They've been there for half an hour and already there were dudes and girls alike trying to get into either of their pants. Unlucky for them, two of them were off limits and the other two while single, they were not there to mingle. Yet that didn't seem to stop the swarm. Especially that one German guy, who seemed to be eyeing Y/N all night long since they've all had walked inside. He was persistent, not giving up until he got what he wanted, oh how ironic. The only thing he didn't account for was how unhinged Y/N could be at times and that a certain baron was highly unamused with his attempts, shooting him distasteful looks and groaning each time the guy said something so stupid he almost lost braincells.
-Oh come on, cutie. Don't be like that, I'm much better of a company than those dimwits that came with you - the guy said, his German accent heavy in his voice as he spoke, leaning uncomfortably close towards Y/N on the bar, staring at him like he was the finest piece of meat on the market.
-I highly doubt that, mein Freund. One of those "dimwits" as you called them is my husband and I would really suggest you stop hitting on me. Well, unless you'd like to leave this building in a body bag - Y/N said, rolling his eyes before take a sip of his drink, turning his head towards Helmut to observe his reactions.
-Yeah? I bet he doesn't treat you right, you could go for a guy so much better, like me perhaps and keep those empty threats to yourself, we both know that if I give you just a little taste, you won't be able to get enough of me - the man kept going, pushing and pushing like a bulldozer. He even dared to touch Y/N's bicep. Moments before Zemo could interfere, smoke almost coming out of his nostrils, something in Y/N snapped and he suddenly stood up and face the man completely, taking in a pose that could only be described as an anime fan doing the stand for their Attack on Titan anthem.
-Nie będzie Niemiec pluł nam w twarz, ni dzieci nam germanił! Orężny wstanie hufiec nasz, Duch będzie Nam hetmanił! - Y/N started singing a Polish song from the times of World War II, a one that he had learned some time ago, not knowing that one day he would actually use it, but holy hell did it feel good to see the absolute shock and confusion on the German's face. He was truly stunned. So stunned in fact that he couldn't even form a coherent answer, further on making a fool of himself and after finally realising that, he simply walked away, leaving Y/N alone.
Over the loud music, he could hear his husband absolutely losing his shit, laughing hard and almost doubling over because of it since he understood most of what Y/N just sang, the two languages, Polish and Sokovian being somewhat similar, letting him catch out certain words or phrases and actually understand them. Y/N turned to his husband with a cheeky grin on his face, leaning back on the bar before taking his drink into his hand and downing it in one go.
-I fucking can't deal with idiots… - he muttered, proud of himself as the grin never left his face for the next minutes they've stayed near the bar, chuckling from time to time as they've reminiscened about the guy's facial expression when he started singing.
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milaisreading · 1 year ago
🌱🩷: So, I had this one sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now. Tbh, this is my first time attempting to write Hetalia x reader content. Hope you enjoy it. And yes, I made Yn a Nordic state, bcs why not. We all love some chaos.
(C/n)- Country name
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. No warnings, really. Requests for Hetalia stories are open
🌍Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya🌍
"Why me?! You know I hate almost everyone." The girl asked her long time friend and ally, Finland, over the phone. The blonde laughed over the phone, which caused the other country to growl a little.
"Sorry, but you know how these meetings go. Every year one of us Nordics have to join these things. This year it's your turn, (C/n)." The said country cringed as Finland used her country name. He only used it on her when the argument was over or she made him mad.
"I know... Let's hope this ends well." She sighed, a little terrified of the meeting.
'8 of the strongest World powers will be with me in that meeting room... let's hope I won't be forced to sit between Russia and America again.' She gulped, finishing her call with Finland.
"It doesn't help that all of them hate me, too."
(Y/n) mumbled to herself and went to get ready.
"France, what's with those flowers?" China questioned, his eyes narrowing at the blonde. This caused Russia and America, who for once weren't arguing, to look at the blonde as well.
"Nothing, old friend~ you know I love roses the most." France smiles nonchalantly.
"Really? Then what's with that paper in the bouquet?" Germany questioned.
"What paper? Oh this?! It's just the bill!" France laughed awkwardly. He tried to take the pink paper, but America beat him to it and took it instead. France frowned nervously as Japan made a observation too.
"And you smell odd today... Did you use some cologne?" The Japanese asked.
"And why did you insist for our Nordic guest to sit so close to you? I thought you found Sweden scary, frog." England added in.
"What are you talking about, old friend? Sweden is a nice guy, I want to get close to him."
Russia and Germany sent him looks of disbelief, but before either could say anything, America let out a yell.
"France, dude?! You really are so uncool! How could you do this to me?"
"What?" England blinked, looking between the duo.
"What are you talking about?" France asked innocently, but America shoved the paper into his face.
"To my beloved (Y/n)?! Really?! And you are so casual to use my girl's human name, too!"
America glared at the French nation. France, angered by his last sentence got up and glared right back at America.
"Your girl? My beloved (Y/n) would never go for a loud mouth like you."
"(Y/n)? Do you guys mean (C/n)-san?" Japan suddenly interrupted them, causing the rest to realize what is going on.
"Wait, why did you buy flowers for her? And don't claim her so casually, pigs." China frowned, getting a little jealous. Russia, who was smiling the whole time looked at the duo, too.
"China is right. The little sunflower is too cute and delicate to be claimed by dirty men like you. So stay away."
France and America shuddered for a moment and the ominous aura surrounding Russia. And before another fight could start, Germany, England, and Japan spoke up. The trio was jealous and pissed as well by their comments, but they couldn't cause a fight now.
"Calm it down, all of you." Germany commanded.
"You all are acting like immature kids." England frowned.
"Let's all just take a deep breath for a moment." Japan suggested. The group slowly nodded their heads and one by one sat down. After a few minutes China spoke up, looking menacingly at France.
"But seriously, what's with those flowers? You are not planning to give it to Sweden so that he can hand them to (C/n)?" The oldest nation raised his eyebrow as France gulped and laughed nervously.
"Why not? Her and Sweden are close friends."
"Cut the crap. What's this all about?"
"Yeah, you have been acting off ever since you sent that invitation to Sweden." Now it was England and Japan's turn to look at him in confusion.
"I might... might not have invited Sweden this year... hahaha."
Now, France was usually a smug and calm person, but he knew this revelation would make room for a hellfire not even he wanted.
"What do you mean by that?" Germany narrowed his eyes.
"Acho!" (Y/n) let out a small sneeze as she walked down the streets of Paris, utterly confused as to where she was.
"I got lost...didn't I?" (Y/n) muttered to herself, getting her phone out to check her location.
'This is bad! If I am late, Germany will be pissed at me! And if he is pissed, he might berate me! Oh, I am so dead.' The nation gulped as she looked at her watch.
"Bella! I didn't expect to see you here!"
The girl jumped in surprise as she heard a familiar voice and quickly turned around.
"Italy?! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the meeting by now? You are always there early with Germany and Japan." The Nordic nation commented, sighing in relief that she wasn't the only one late.
"Oh~ I wanted to get some food before going. Here, take some~" The Italian said happily, handing her a few pastries he bought.
"Ah? You shouldn't give me these." The girl blushed, surprised by his kind gesture.
'But... Italy has always been like this to everyone.' She argued herself as Italy shook his head.
"I want you to have it. I tried some of the sweets in the bakeries already, so I am full. Besides..." Italy grew shy a little, but still kept his usual closed-eyes smile.
"I bought them for you. I remember you told me and China once how you don't eat prior to our meetings."
"Y-you remembered that? That conversation was years ago." (Y/n) blushed a little in embarrassment, but was touched by his gesture.
"It was important enough to remember!" Italy argued.
'He is such a flirt... well, he is a country of passion and romance, if I recall correctly.' The girl smiled gently and nodded her head.
"Thank you, Italy. It's really kind of you. But you came all the way here to buy me food?"
"France said the best bakeries are here. But why are you here? Yesterday I saw that you would be in our meeting too, this place is pretty far away from there."
"I... I kinda got lost." The girl said, genuinely sounding embarrassed. Italy blushed at her cute behavior and nodded his head. Without any warning, the European country took her free hand and started dragging her to a nearby parking spot.
"I-Italy, don't grab people like that!" The other country scolded him, but knew it was futile against him.
"Bella, don't worry. I will drive us there. I did come with a car, after all."
The words caused (Y/n) to sigh in relief for a moment as she thanked Italy for his help. But, that relief soon turned into panic as the words finally sunk in.
'Italy... will drive me?' She gulped as the approached the sports car.
'I should have prepared a will.'
Italy, oblivious to her panic, held himself back from skiping and humming in happiness. He finally gets to spend time with his beloved (Y/n) without anyone interrupting him.
"We will be there in no time!" The Italian said enthusiastically.
'Is this my karma because I ate Iceland's pudding last week?'
"So... you invited (C/n) and not Sweden and decided not to tell us, right? Did I get that right?" Although Germany looked and sounded calm, France could tell the blonde was far from it.
"Surprise." The French nation laughed, pissing the rest off even more.
"You backstabbing frog! Why wouldn't you tell us this sooner?!" England yelled as America held him back from jumping the country.
"Yeah, what even was your plan here? Did you want to impress her or something?" The youngest country asked.
"My dear friend, I don't need to try that hard. (C/n) can tell I am a better pick without me even trying much."
"What do you mean by that?" Japan asked the French country.
"Women love a man who is honest with his emotions, romantic, and most importantly, can cook." The final being more a jab on England than anything.
"Hold up! That would include me, too! I am always honest with her!" America yelled in protest, earning disapproving looks from Russia and China.
"You yell, America. That doesn't mean you are honest. Besides, she always said she likes my cooking more." China laughed as he got a nasty look from Japan.
"Well, in that case she must like me more. She always compliments my cuisine and likes listening to my interests-"
"Same with me! What now?!" The two Asian countries glared daggers at each other while Russia was smiling menacingly at them.
"I think I would be a better fit for the sunflower. After all, we both grew up in the cold and I can also protect her better-"
"Russia, you scare her. You are not a better fit." Germany sent a side-glare at the platinum blonde.
"Same for you, old friend."
The once calm room turned into a screaming match between the nations. Neither noticing Italy and (C/n) walk in, looking at them in astonishment.
"Ve~ let's skip out on the meeting and go get food instead."
"I-" She looked at the Italian man and then at the rest, a feeling of defeat taking over her body.
'Why did I agree to this? I knew I should have stayed in self-isolation! Denmark will pay for it!'
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essencering · 2 years ago
↳ summary: a chance meeting, just like before is all it took to bring the two of you back together for better or worse. despite how baxter wants to keep you at a distance, an arm's length, to be professional he can't help wanting to have you close.
↳ Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Baxter Ward (Our Life B&A), Spoilers for Baxter DLC, SFW.
writer's blurp: baxter's dlc was such a fun little treat oooomg!! what a little dude, what an in love with the PC muppet he is. i care him very much.
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"Oh, and here I thought you were never coming Back-ster," the sound of your voice is enough for Baxter to lose his professional persona for a moment.
His palms cracked against the tabletop in his rush to stand up, to find you, to see you among those who are attending the meeting.
Seeing you standing there with them, in the back trying to avoid being noticed, but seen nonetheless. Another million in one chance in this life to see you again, and it just had to be with him planning the wedding for Miranda's brother.
You stood there. Stunning as ever. The sight of you, the sound of your voice makes his heart do all sorts of quick little beats and flips. All while his entire self sings at being able to see you again despite how his brain is in a right tizzy.
You remembered him!!! You remembered him like he remembers you! You hadn't forgotten about him, what a blessing, because Baxter has never been able to forget about you. Not even after five years. Not even after he said what he did to you without truly letting you speak.
Without truly letting your words reach his heart, but failing miserably since he still has your number, and his memories of Sunset Bird cradled closely to his chest. Little treasures that he takes out every so often to look at again, but then puts away because it hurts.
It hurts because he was a fool. He was an idiot who said something that he couldn't take back, because would you even want to see him again?
"A truly unexpected coincidence, hm?" Baxter couldn't take his eyes off of you. Ever the lighthouse he looks for in the darkness for how brightly you shine. You averted your gaze, looking out the restaurant's window rather than at him.
It was expected but hurt nonetheless.
So Baxter settled on explaining how you, Miranda, and Terry know him, why he is here, and how committed he is to make sure that this wedding is wonderful.
"That's the only reason I am here." after introducing himself, Baxter could see how you looked at him when asked by Jude and Scott if there would be a problem.
Hand resting against your cheek, unamused, closed off, and still most likely able to read him like a book. Waving your hand you give a response and that seems to have satisfied the table enough to continue the discussion.
"I've got business cards for you. It has ways to contact me. My email, phone, the usual," Instead of handing the cards out, he placed them on the table because if he were to hand one to you, and your fingers touch-- Baxter knows he would clam up and become a mess.
"If possible, we could exchange numbers. It will be useful for adding you to the group chat for the wedding planning thus keeping everyone informed. I won't text you privately."
Terry and Miranda agreed, giving their numbers to him easily enough. Jude and Scott's numbers were already added to his phone, so neither needed to give their numbers to him. Leaving only you.
Did you even still have his number? He's stubbornly held onto it in the hopes that he might see something from you-- a foolish hope, but hope nonetheless. Was the number he kept in his own phone still even you're number?
"My number is the same. You should already have it," you spoke casually as ever, looking at him with a confident little smile on your face.
"Would you mind saying it anyway? That'd be for the best." Baxter's heart felt like it would escape past his lips with each number you said and that he typed onto the screen.
"Thank you for your cooperation. It's settled. We've met, exchanged numbers, and the first meeting has been arranged before the others arrived. I don't want to intrude on a meal between friends and family." Baxter could feel how your gaze burned holes into him, but you stubbornly remained quiet, but your gaze spoke volumes.
So he left and prayed that none of you noticed how fast he walked away, or how his face was slowly turning a brilliant shade of red. His thoughts repeated the same thing over and over in his head again, even when he made it to his car.
The same. It was the same number.
No matter how many times he tapped the screen to see if it wasn't true it was. Even after five years, the number on his phone hadn't changed.
But his relationship with you did.
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