storms are terrifying, disability is bullshit, and my friends are fucking awesome<3
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Word Count: 2.4k
Warning/s: stalkers, bucky being a creepo, reader being a creepo. dark!IT!bucky x dark!reader :-) female & male masturbation, voyeurism (i think), cyber crimes being committed.
A/N: this is my birthday gift to @babyboibucky <3 to my boo, I love you and you have a special place in my heart. this is gonna be a multi-part thing, it's too long to be considered as a one-shot, oops.
please enjoy! :D
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
CTRL playlist
CTRL moodboard
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4:49 PM
Just 11 more minutes until he can pack his bags up for the weekend.
One new ticket - URGENT
Goddamn it.
Bucky pulled his earphones out in annoyance, just another office idiot who doesn’t know how to print A4 sheets. If the office were to be held hostage and printing out was the only thing that can save them, half of the floor would be dead.
The new name caught his eye, Y/N Y/L. A new hire, it seems like.
Subject: One new ticket - URGENT
Hi, this is Y/N, employee number 0008675309. I’m new here and was told to send a ticket for the equipment request.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Oh, Bucky’s gonna have a great weekend indeed. Out of pure curiosity, he’s already pulled up your employee file. A cute smile to a cute name. His annoyance dispersing already, just by thinking of ways how he can spend time with you.
Hey, Y/N! Bucky types into the text field, Welcome to the company. I’m Bucky and I got assigned to help you get settled. Do you prefer having a desktop or a laptop? I’ve attached a form in this thread, send it to me once you’re done.
Have an awesome weekend too!
As much as he hates sending out chirpy emails, he can’t help but to smile when you immediately send a reply back.
Thanks, Bucky! So sorry for sending in the request super late. Got caught up with the onboarding. Is it okay if I use my laptop until we can get a unit to my place? PC or laptop is fine with me.
Bucky fights off another smile, rubbing his hand over his stubbled cheek as he carefully types out a reply. Unlike other days, he doesn’t mind staying beyond 5 PM today. It’s not like he has other plans for his Friday night.
No worries, Y/N. He’s already loving your name. Happy to help!
Do you have your laptop with you? I can set it up before you go home for the weekend. I can probably send in the ticket to the guys so you can have your work equipment next week.
His deft fingers are dancing over his mechanical keyboard, clacking away while the clock ticks closer to the weekend.
A ping, another reply from you. You’re new, you’re still excited to make friends in the office. If you only knew how stupid they are, though.
Yeah! I have it on me right now. I actually work on the same floor, I can drop it off there right now.
Bucky glances around his office, looking for any reflective surface he can check himself on. He runs his hand through his hair, taming any stubborn locks that fell out of his low bun. His shirt hangs just right against his huge frame, his pants hugging his figure, accentuating his silhouette even more.
Just as the clock ticks 5:00, a soft knock raps against his door, “come in!”
You are cuter, prettier in person. Your perfume hits his nose and he’s floored—metaphorically.
“Mr. Barnes,” you say, your demeanor somewhat meek and shy. Well, of course, you are. Your frame is nothing against the hunk of the man who just stood up to greet you.
“Bucky.” He prompts, smiling. You reciprocated the smile, but you really weren’t sure what to expect. Maybe a scrawny little dude mousing away on a keyboard?
“Bucky, thank you so much for doing this. I know you’d rather get off of work since it’s Friday and all.”
He hums, taking your laptop in his hands. You notice the rings adorning his fingers—complementing his tanned skin tone and—it’s not appropriate to stare at a stranger’s hand.
Heat creeps up your face as he turns to look at the stickers stuck to your laptop, “you know, I like this band.” Bucky says, pointing to an old sticker, he carefully sets down your laptop on his workstation.
“They’re great,” you muse, taking a seat on a plastic chair by the door.
You take a gander around his small office. There was nothing out of the ordinary but the big black server blinking at the back, so why do you feel trapped?
“Sorry about the temp, we have to keep the room cold for the server in the back,” Bucky explains, noticing how your arms are crossed over your chest. The skirt you’re wearing isn’t doing you any better too.
You stammer out an it’s okay with a small smile.
Bucky worked on your computer quietly, using a USB stick to load all the applications you need to set up a temporary work account on your laptop. After a few minutes, he beckoned you to come here. You scoot over to his desk, rolling the chair forward and beside him. Not too close though.
“So, this note has all your generated passwords. Type those into the app when you first log in, then you can change it if you want to.” Bucky explains, the cursor idles on the screen. He tries not to get too close to you, to give you personal space. It’s a professional workplace after all.
“This app,” he drags a window, pulling up an application, “tracks your hours and your keystrokes. It’s company-mandated because managers want to micro-manage their people, I guess.” Bucky shrugs, his disdain showing through his voice. His tone shifting lower than what you’d expected.
“Sorry, I just hate their new protocol,” his face and voice softening as he looks at you, “it’s a total privacy breach if you ask me.”
You’d normally disagree but something tells you that maybe he’s got a point. Your breath hitched in your throat as he leans closer as if to whisper something, “this note right here? It’s a nifty thing, a little script so your computer doesn’t go to sleep when you’re away. It enables and disables your numlock pad so it counts as a keystroke.”
A smirk finds its place on your face, “well, that’s…something, isn’t it?”
Never in your life would you find yourself flirting with a co-worker but there’s something about Bucky that made you excited. Interested. Intrigued.
Bucky nods, rolling his chair away to fetch a pad of sticky notes. “Another thing from your friendly neighborhood IT guy,” he peels off a leaf and sticks it on your laptop’s built-in camera, “keep your cam covered.”
You give him a chuckle and a playful salute, “yes, sir.”
Bucky’s a modern man. He sees a pretty girl and he gets giddy. He talks to a pretty girl and he gets flustered. But you—you make him feel more than giddy and flustered. There was something familiar about you, and your eyes. Has he seen you before? Met you, even? No, that’s impossible—if he had met you before, he’d surely remember you.
It was 5:34 PM when he gave you your laptop back and sent in an urgent request for your equipment. While taking down the elevator to the lobby, Bucky gave you a few tips on how to ‘survive’ working in the office. According to him, as far as you go in on time and kept your head above the rumors, you’d do fine.
He asked about your first week and he told you about this joint near the building that serves the best burgers and fries.
You’ve got a good feeling that you just made your first friend.
The sun was already setting down when you pulled into your apartment’s parking lot. At the very last minute, you turned into a drive-through and got some food on the go. The side trip took out 10 minutes of your time but at least you dodged the awful traffic that was building up by the highway.
Along with your laptop bag and your food, you trudge up to your third-floor apartment. It wasn’t what you wanted—the windows faced the street, the screen door doesn’t lock all the way—but it’s the one you got. As long as it’s got four walls and a roof, right?
You slip out of your work clothes and into some comfy jammies after a rewarding shower; the sooner you can get your food heat up, the sooner you can eat, and drink and then go to sleep.
So while waiting for the microwave to beep, you pry open your laptop. You told Bucky not to shut it down after he worked on it as to not lose your work on another profile, which he understood.
The work account he set up greeted you, along with the bright pink sticky note he stuck to your webcam. That wasn’t real, was it? All those cautionary tales of hackers using webcams to peep on you. Maybe he’s just trying to scare you, like some kind of initiation. Without a second thought, you took off the sticky note. It was kinda annoying anyway.
Clicking the Log Out Work button, your personal account popped into the frame. Your opened apps and documents displaying themselves for you to use. You pulled up Spotify and clicked on the first playlist you saw—which happened to be your intimate playlist.
Sure, the Pavlov reaction is real because halfway through the first song, you already found yourself getting all hot and bothered. This one’s your favorite song too.
You groan in annoyance, your food’s no longer a priority.
Picking up the laptop from the table, you walk to your bedroom, not bothering to shut the door. You live alone, it’s fine. You put the laptop on its loudest setting, setting it on your desk and you plopped down on your bed, the pillows and the comforter pooling on one side.
Your room is illuminated by a streak of light from the street. Your curtains flowing softly with the breeze that just came in.
Glancing at your laptop, you remembered Bucky. How his office smelled when you first walked in. How he stood tall when he greeted you. How he smiled. Those goddamn rings of his.
Before you caught yourself thinking rationally, your fingers are already splayed even over your thighs, caressing the soft flesh of your legs.
Bucky’s smirk and his cologne finding purchase in your fogged brain. Thoughts of him pulling you aside into his office to fool around—voices above hushed whispers as your skin erupts in goosebumps, the chilled air of his office finding its way up to your spine.
Oh, fuck it.
You undress fast, flinging your shirt over your head, dropping it somewhere below the bed. The air in your room making your nipples hard and erect as you pinch them. You breathe out a sigh, the heat of the moment creeping up your torso.
The material of your panties dampening as you imagine yourself bent over his desk, your skirt bunched over your hips as he laps your sopping cunt. Bucky’s tongue exploring your folds up and over until your pussy’s a quivering mess of drool and spit.
Your fingers slip past the band of your underwear. Even you surprised yourself by how wet you are.
God, you met him once and he’s already inching his way into your mind.
But who could blame you? You’ve been all over his Facebook profile when you learned his name via the office’s organizational chart. The first time you saw him, walking around the office with a laptop in his hands, you already knew you wanted to at least formally meet him. A scroll on his page, you found a band that you could tolerate listening to. (They’re okay, just not your taste in music.)
A plan came to mind when your department head told the team that you can work from home from time to time—only if you agreed to use a work laptop, a company-owned one. Your manager advised you to put in the request as soon as you can, for you to secure a unit before the on-hand supplies dwindle.
Deliberately sending in the request late—way, way later—than what your manager told you just so you could pull up the ‘new hire’ card and act dumb.
And it looked like he bought it too.
The image of him fucking you quiet while he grabs you from behind played inside your mind like a memory—a vision. Of how his thick cock would fill you up until your pussy is clenching around him. Would he pinch your throbbing clit, making you squirm and cream around him?
Your fingers are compared nothing to his, that’s for sure. But it does the work for now.
A breathy moan comes out of your mouth as you play with your clit, your cunt dripping down wetness as you continue to fondle your tits.
His hands would make a great addition to your chokers.
Your toes curl and your breath quickens, the coil in the pit of your stomach tightening—white-hot heat creeping up your limbs.
Oh, fuck, Bucky!
His ears perked up as he heard you moaning his name.
Bucky was busy watching you enjoy yourself when he got caught in the moment and decided to enjoy himself too.
He was barely keeping himself behaved when you first walked into the floor wearing a button-up and slacks that accentuated your backside. Bucky wished he was the one who gave you the tour and know your name for the first time, but that was impossible—he was in the IT department.
So when he got the news that new hires will be given the chance to work from home, he hoped that he gets to be the one to help you set up.
He was losing hope by the time he got your request, he thought that you opt not to work at home but then there you were, sending him an apologetic email on a late Friday afternoon.
Of course, he happily obliged. He even set up himself a little virtual camp in the background of your computer just so he can continue spending time with you.
Just thinking about you is already making him hard again. Bucky already came in hot spurts of white as he watched you desperately undress earlier. What can he say—he was waiting for you to show your tits already. As such, he correctly guessed that you’d be annoyed with the glaringly bright sticky note he used to ‘cover’ your webcam with.
But seeing you fingerfuck yourself all alone just wasn’t enough for him, he has to have you all by yourself.
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Still on hiatus. But I found an old piece of writing and I revamped it just a smidge! It was originally published in 2018 on calumh-excess. Which is now deactivated. Hooray for finding pieces!
Calum's been watching Jay for a while. She's cute, talented, but a bit of mystery. Should he really give into her? What will it take for him to admit he has a crush?
Enjoy my masterlist (on hiatus)
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He watched her sometimes for far too long. The way her tongue stuck out as she pulled the skin and her hand worked steadily with the needle made it hard for him to resist. Her face always seemed to catch the harsh fluorescent lights and reflect it back so that it twinkled against her skin. A slight sheen, but nothing just of ethereal. He wasn’t even interested in any new ink, not seriously anyway. He had slowed on the ink train, but the shop his tattoo artist owned was a nice place to hang out sometimes. When he wanted to get out of his house but didn’t want to actually go somewhere, he could hang out here, listening to the buzz of the tattoo gun, poke his hand at trying a design here or there. They weren't great. He hadn't considered him this kind of artist, but the shop felt like a second home.
Besides, having her around was a more than welcomed bonus.
He wasn’t even sure what it was about her. She showed up about a year and a half ago, under an apprenticeship. Calum’s artist was unsure of her, much like everyone else that asked to work under him. A hazard of the job, according to the job, according to Calum's artist. However, her drawings spoke volumes; the colors and line work were impeccable. She had talent and knew it without being cocky about it. Well, sometimes she wasn’t. Calum watched her run into the occasional asshole that tried to belittle her; she always put her foot down in those situations. He didn’t fault her.
Today’s no different. When Calum walks in, he greets the guy at the front desk, eyes searching for her. He spots her in the back with her oversized frames creating a small glare over her brown eyes. He never quite got the appeal of the grandma-shaped glasses trend, but on her, they worked. She looked wise but soft. The glass pulled him in, felt like she was seeing into his soul. Maybe she was; maybe the pain made people more vulnerable than they anticipated--entrusting someone, a stranger in some ways, to permanently mark you and not fuck it up. Whatever the reason, looking at her felt timeless. Like she had seen it all, and you are just waiting for you to spill all the secrets.
“You finally going to get some new ink?” Calum’s artist teases.
Calum shakes his head, turning his attention away from her. “You finally took her training wheels off?”
“Your girlfriend’s got mad skills. I couldn’t baby her forever. Jay works hard on each piece, learned fast. Got a steady ass hand and pretty gentle for handling a needle.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Yeah, because you haven’t hardly even talked to her. Go for it, you wuss. What’s the worst she says? No?”
Calum exhales a chuckle. "I mean, the worst she stabs me with the tattoo gun. But considering the ink I'm already sporting, I doubt that's really all that bad.”
“Jay would not do that unless you asked for it, ff course. But really, go on, ask her out.”
Calum glances back at Jay. It’s a nickname. No one in the shop calls her by her full name. The only reason Calum heard it was when a client came asking for her. Jay was quick to correct them.
She wipes, clearing excess ink, before dipping back into the small cup. Jay smiles up at her client. Calum's sure they appreciate the reprise. Getting tattoos weren't always fun, but bearable enough to forget about it and get more.
Calum turns his gaze away. “I recommended you to a friend,” he says, hoping that he’ll escape the teasing. It’s not likely to happen. But at least he tries to minimize the ridicule.
"I appreciate it. Are they a first-timer?"
"A second-timer, but they're visiting town and want some new ink. I figured best not to fuck them over."
The two men laugh before Calum's escorted back to look through some new designs. Just in case something sparks his interest. Calum's visit is supposed to be short, but there's not much else on his to-do list for the day. He could kill a few hours here.
When Calum comes out from the back, after spending too much time pretending art was ever a talent of his, he looks for Jay again. She’s not in her corner, nor is she at the front. Calum shrugs, figuring she might have gone for lunch, or home depending.
As Calum walks to his car, he checks his phone. Nothing major's happened.
“Leaving so soon?” A voice states. Calum knows that voice, a little gravelly, mostly sweet. He’s dreamt of it every so often. He prays to hear it when he visits the shop.
He turns to Jay, who leans against the bricks. A vape is wrapped in her fingers. “Gotta get some dinner, maybe make a run to the grocery store," Calum returns. "I've gotten lazy."
She nods. “This reminds me that I can't survive off BLTs forever," she laughs.
"You could try, but I think you'd need other vegetables and some fruit in that mix too."
She pushes up on her glass with a nod. "Ah, yes, gotta get the whole food pyramid." It goes silent between them and Calum gives another nod, raising a few fingers to signal his departure while still keeping his phone in a secure enough grip.
"Hey, wait!" Jay calls out again, taking a half step forward. Calum turns to her. "Can I give you something before you leave?”
Calum nods, not trusting his voice. What would she give him? She nods back to the front door, taking back that initial half-step. “It's inside. Give me like two minutes.”
She disappears inside and Calum stands, his phone still in his hands, staring at the spot she once stood. Just as quickly as she disappeared, Jay reappears. In hand is her portfolio. She flips through before stopping and slides the heavy-duty drawing paper out.
Calum stares down at the green and black drawing. It’s his face, for the most part, that stares back at him. It’s distorted by a crystal ball that glows green. Inside are some instruments and something else, but right now he can’t really put it all together. His eyes keep moving over the lightning bolt, the crystal ball, the uncanniness of his face on a piece of paper, his three-dimensional face somehow translated perfectly into a 2-D space.
“Holy shit, this is amazing,” he breathes. “Thank you,” he says looking back up to her.
She shrugs with a smile. “You’re welcome.”
“Seriously, this is so fucking awesome. I’m going to frame it,” he gushes. He’s too excited to be nervous, or be embarrassed. "What are the dimensions?"
“I'm just really glad you don’t find it too creepy. I was watching you a couple weeks ago when you stopped by. It just sort hit me, the image of the crystal ball and lightning bolt; I had to draw it,” Jay elaborates. "And it's 8.5 by 11--standard printer paper size."
Calum shakes his head, staring over the drawing again. It feels so delicate suddenly in his hands. It’s almost like Jay recognizes the change in his handling. She shuffles her load in her hands and pulls out an empty plastic over. “Here,” she laughs handing it over. “So it doesn’t smudge or anything if you're worried."
Calum slides it in. “Thank you. Again. Seriously.”
“You’re welcome, Calum. Good luck with your grocery store trip and dinner,” Jay nods and then heads back inside. Calum watches the way the denim stretches across her hips, the way her hair billows just a little in the breeze of her strut.
For a moment, Calum can't move. The weight of the paper in his hand is hardly ounces, but it holds him--traps him to the point of the sidewalk. Jay thought enough of him to draw him. What did it all mean? Should he have found the courage to ask her out? He could walk back inside. But what if she didn't like him like that? Would it be too weird?
Calum blinks up into the hardly settling sun and thinks to himself, the second he can come back here, it better be with a bit more courage and possibly a gift certificate. No one can be made about free food, right?
It’s months before Calum can visit the shop again. The tour is a whirlwind and he only gets a few days off between legs. Not long enough to get back home or feel like he had any energy to drive out to the shop. But now that he's settled back in at home, he knows exactly where he's going.
It’s not his typical practice to just walk in and ask for a tattoo. But given the ink already on him, worse things could happen. When he pulls open the door, he notices it's kind of slow. Jay greets him at the front desk. “Hey, stranger,” she grins.
“Hey, how are you?” he asks in return.
“Pretty good. How was it? The tour? See any cool places?”
He nods. “Yeah, got to explore a few cities.” He taps his fingers against the wooden desk. “Do you have an appointment anytime soon?”
Jay shakes her head. “My 2 o’clock had to reschedule. I’m here until 4 before I see anyone. Why? What's tickling your fancy?”
“I was wondering if you could do a tat for me? I know this is very last minute and if you need me to come in another day this week, I totally can.” His words run into each other; his palms start to sweat. He wipes them on his jeans.
Jay laughs, holding up a hand. “Whoa, pump the brakes. One, what are you looking for?”
“You know that drawing you did for me?” She nods. “I was kind of hoping you could create something with just the crystal ball and lightning bolt. I know the drawing itself is kind of big.”
A grin lifts her cheeks; Calum’s heart settles for a second. “I think I can do that. Where are you thinking to put it?”
“Inner bicep.” He watches her gaze land on his arm. The t-shirt is baggy, he at least thought about that with enough advance.
“Give me 30 minutes to come up with some sketches.” Jay pushes away from the front desk and heads to the back, but not for calling to the shop to watch the front desk.
Calum slides into the seat at the front, leg bouncing as he settles down. This isn’t even his first tattoo, but the nerves flood his body. His scalp tingles. The thirty minutes move by too fast, but also too slow simultaneously. The seconds feel like hours but move by milliseconds.
Eventually, Jay resurfaces, waving him over to her. He walks back and looks at the sketches she places out in front of him. There are two different ones. One’s a bit more minimalistic, which is her style, with the lightning bolt in the background and a simple crystal ball at the point. The other is a bit bolder, the ball has a slightly warped edge where it connects to the bolt. It looks like the bolt is melting the glass ball.
“I can whip up more if neither one of them are quite right. But I wasn’t sure if it wanted something a bit more crisp and sharp or not,” Jay explains.
Calum admits that most of his tattoos are more cleaned up and sharp. He likes the idea of playing with a new style. “I like the second one,” he says, tapping it.
“You sure?” He nods, he’s never been more sure of something in his life. “Which bicep? Let me line it up and make sure it’ll fit.”
Calum lifts his left arm up for her. Laying the stencil over his skin, Jay notes she has to make a couple small tweaks. But after that, she’ll be ready. They discuss full color, or just outline, or shading, price, and a few other details before Jay concludes with, “Hop in my seat. I’ll be there soon.”
Calum nods and walks over to her station. Her stuff is already laid out, probably for her canceled 2 o’clock. It’s about five more minutes before Jay returns with the final stencil. Calum rolls up the sleeve of his shirt before she places the stencil. Happy with the placement, he stretches out on the table.
Jay gets herself ready before she brings the needle over his skin. The first puncture always makes him jolt a little, the first jab of pain causes his heart to race. “Do you plan on relaxing now that you're back home?"
"Yeah, for a little bit. I might go see my family, but I know we'll be back in the studio soon. Anything exciting happen while I was gone?"
"I mean exciting things happen every day at this place. But it's not like I could recall them all now."
Calum hums, acknowledging her statement, but not quite sure what to say next. Luckily, Jay's faster to fill in the silence. "You do realize you didn’t have to get a tattoo to have a real conversation with me?” Jay teases, pushing up her glasses.
Calum’s cheeks heat. “It’s not like that,” he chuckles.
“Well, that’s how it seems.”
“You were always busy when I stopped by. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Not always,” she laughs. “But it’s alright. You’re going to have plenty of time while I’m stabbing you to say all those things you didn’t.”
A chuckle escapes him; of course, Jay would have this sense of humor. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m paying so much for people just to stab me and act as a therapy. Maybe I am a masochist.”
“So are a lot of people. Sometimes you just take the emotional pain out in the physical realm.”
“I always imagined people that worked in a tattoo shop to be more heavily tatted,” Calum hums, taking in scattered ink across her arms and one pokes out from the V in her t-shirt.
“I focused it more on my back and legs and not so much my arms. I’m getting there. So, why this one today?”
Calum goes to shrug, but stops himself as he hears the gun nearing his skin again. “Not really sure. It looked cool. I guess it also serves to remind me that fate isn’t linear. There’s going to be twists and turns, maybe some trouble. And that’s okay. Don’t be afraid of the journey. Also, it's really fucking cool art.”
Jay hums her laugh, “Why thank you. Wise brain you got there. Besides, it seems like you also have people you keep close to you.” She eyes the initials and the name under the bird. “Whoever they are to you, I hope you all stay close.”
“Those are my parents' initials,” he explains. “And my sister’s name. They’ve been with me through it all--I love them dearly.”
“So sweet. I wish my parents and I were closer. I tattooed my brother’s jersey number on me. It was my first tattoo.”
“What did he play?”
“Soccer, or for your kind, football.”
“Hey now, it’s played with the feet, it makes much more sense.”
Jay laughs, wiping off excess ink. She cocks her head to the side a little, then goes back in for the black ink. “I’m only teasing. Us Americans are so dumb sometimes. Like why is our football not called something else? Literally, the only thing that happens with the feet is the running. We carry the fucking ball.”
“I’ve wondered that as well!” he laughs. "Does your brother still play?"
“Yeah, the whole knucklehead still plays for his college.”
“What position?”
Jay laughs. “I'll have you know my job as the older sister is to show up and cheer him on. Something defensive? I don’t remember off the top my head.”
“I’ll give you credit for that. I’m sure he appreciates it.”
“He does until he sees with me in face paint on and then he’s acting like he doesn’t know me. Oh, oh wait, I think remember what he does. It’s defensive,” she pauses, lips pursed together, “something fielder.”
“Defensive midfielder?” he asks.
“Yeah, that. But like I said, I show up when I can and scream. That’s it. When he’s old enough, I’ll buy him a beer after his games too.”
“How old is he?”
“Nineteen, we’re three years apart.”
“The only sibling you have?”
“Nah, got a baby sister too. She’s fifteen. If you’re impressed by my eyeshadow thank her. Because she’s the one that taught me how to do it.”
Calum finds himself staring at the red and gold coloring her eyelids. “It looks really nice,” he breathes.
“Why thank you.” She pauses to bats her eyelashes. “I even managed to get those godforsaken falsies on right too. They look good, but the raise hell.”
“I think you’re the first woman I’ve met in LA that’s not obsessed with makeup,” he notes.
“Oh, you were doing so well. There are a lot of people of who aren’t huge in the makeup scene.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he tries to backtrack. “I’m sorry. In my experience, it’s not like that. They’re hiding the fact they aren’t wearing makeup--embarrassed by it or something.”
Jay nods, pushing up her glasses yet again. “Yeah, it’s not easy. We’re told to be perfect, but in reality, we’re just like everyone. We’re human, imperfect and flaw-full and beautiful.”
“Not in spite of, but because of.”
“Exactly,” she chuckles. Silences settles in around them. Calum wonders why she said she was closer to her family, but the way she talks about her siblings doesn’t match. She’s cheering her brother on at his game; she’s sitting down to learn makeup with and from her sister.
“Can I ask a bit of a personal question?” he asks.
“What kind of personal? Do I get a lifeline?”
Cal exhales a laugh. “You can always say no.”
“Hit me with it.”
“Why say that you’re family isn’t close but you clearly take a lot of pride in your siblings?”
“An observant one on my table, I see. It’s my parents. They don’t like that I’m pansexual, say I’m going to hell. My siblings don’t fucking care. I’m still the crazy-ass sister that loves and supports them.”
With a hum of acknowledgment from Calum, it goes quiet again around them for a moment. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. He knows it doesn’t really fix anything for her; it doesn’t take away the potential years of her suffering. It’s the only thing he can offer her though. It feels right to say.
“Oh, no need for you to be sorry. It’s not like you threw me out of the house.”
“Ouch. You’re making it though right?”
“Yeah, now that I work here, things are on the up and up.”
“That’s good; I’m glad.”
“Favorite tattoo you’ve done?” he asks, wanting to hear her voice again.
“This one,” she laughs. “Though I had someone ask for a pin-up witch, which was also pretty fucking cool to do.”
Calum remembers seeing that on her Instagram. “That one was amazing! Her lips looked so good; I know that’s a strange thing to admit.”
“Don’t worry. I am quite proud of that myself.”
“Do you have a favorite tattoo on you?”
“The blue jay on my shoulder. My parents would take me on walks when I was still an infant. According to the legend, while they were sitting on a park bench a blue jay landed on me. I didn’t cry; it didn’t hurt me. It just landed for a second and then flew off. They called me Blue Jay ever since. I just shortened the nickname as I got older.” She gives one more wipe. “Finished. Check it out.”
Calum sits up, walking over to the mirror. He grins seeing the melting ball sitting against his skin. He grins over to Jay. “It looks amazing. Thank you.”
“No problem.” They head back over to her station. Jay cleans it and wraps the fresh ink. Calum carefully gets his sleeve back down with a little help from Jay. He pays their agreed price with his card, but slides two fifties over to her. “You do know that’s more than double a twenty percent tip right?”
Calum shrugs. “Is it? I’m bad at math,” he grins. “Treat your sister to a new palette or something. Treat yourself to something.”
“Thank you. Now next time, you come by, I hope we don’t talk while I’m stabbing you repeatedly.”
Calum shakes his head, a grin still on his face. Of course. He had forgotten to get the gift certificate. But possibly asking Jay to dinner wouldn't be such a bad idea. “Give me your number and I can promise the next time we talk, it won’t in your chair.”
She holds out her hand, waiting. He hands her his phone, after unlocking it. She puts her number in. She goes to hand the phone back but just before his fingers touch it, she draws it back. "I mean it--actually text me. I adore memes, dogs, TikToks, your favorite songs."
"I'll actually talk to you. I promise."
Jay hands over his phone with a smile. Calum steps outside the glass doors. Why should he wait? He could do it now. For fuck sake, the last hour had been the groundwork for a clear sign a date was absolutely an option. His fingers hovering over her name. He taps it, and then presses for a call. Holding the phone to his ear, he listens to it ring for a second.
“I can still see you, you know?” Jay laughs.
Calum turns around, catching her leaning against the front desk. “I told you the next time we talked you wouldn’t be inking me.”
“What can I help you with, Calum?”
“Dinner, tonight-- I may have ordered too many appetizers for just little old me."
Her laugh trickles in over the speaker. She drops her head, giving it a shake before looking back up to him in the afternoon sun. “I think I can help you with that. Give me the time and place."
Calum rattles off the name of a restaurant that he had been wanting to try. Nothing too upscale, but not something that would be too casual. "How does 8 sound?"
"I love it there. I'll see you at 8."
“Bye, Jay.”
“Bye, Calum.” As he walks to his car, his phone buzzes yet again. This time a text from his artist, I’m being fucking replaced, I see. I can’t be too mad since it’s Jay. Calum laughs as he slides into his car. Maybe he is getting replaced; maybe he’s not. Calum’s not sure. He is sure that he needs to figure out if he can make reservations and what to wear for tonight.
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jubilantwriter · 3 years
It All Began with a Big Crash
Summary:  It's the one year anniversary of Boyfriend and Girlfriend's growing relationship, and Boyfriend absolutely, totally, DID NOT forget that today is that special day. And yet, that one single DID NOT FORGETTing leads to a domino effect, resulting in quite possibly one of the best nights of their lives.
After all, what's the point of a performance if no one's having fun during it?
Word Count: 7154
(A/N:  Happy 1st Anniversary of Friday Night Funkin’!  I literally wrote and edited this all in one day.  Got home at midnight, started writing, and then I posted it at 10 am, took a nap, went to work, AND NOW I’M HERE ON TUMBLR :D  Anyway, FNF has been a big comfort for me these past months, so it’s only fitting that I put myself through hell to get this little bit out.  I hope you all enjoy!)
Now, Boyfriend isn't a forgetful man.  This thought crosses his mind as he stands up abruptly after paying for his lunch and racing for the door.
But sometimes things... slip from his mind, and while he's not one prone to panic, THIS is something worth panicking over.
"My dishes!"  A blonde server kneels on the ground, surrounded by the clumsy carnage created by Boyfriend inadvertently crashing into her on his rush out.  She glares accusingly at him as the boy jogs in place.  "Again, really?!"
"Sorry, sorry!"  He waves his hands in front of him before looking over his shoulder.  "I'll pay for the dishes and shit uh, later!"  He dashes out the door as she calls out behind him.
"That's what you said LAST time!"
Well, last time he was dirt poor, but now that he's pretty famous around town, he's actually got the moolah to pay for damages!  So yeah, next time!
...Is what he meant to tell her, but he's already busting into the conveniently placed flower shop, panting as he looks around wildly for help.  The florist in question glances at him completely unbothered by his entrance.  
"Forgot an important date again?" she quips, staring back down at her phone as she drapes herself over the counter.
"BAP!" he says defensively, because he DIDN'T forget!  It just... slipped his mind a little.  In his defense, he'd gotten so used to being with Girlfriend that it felt ... normal!  Like they've been together for YEARS and being with her just felt so right, and every day was the greatest day of his life because he had her by his side.  So yeah, maybe the days slipped past him in a blissful sort of way, like when he gets super focused on his music or some arbitrary task, and the hours slip by and suddenly it's the next morning!  It's kind of like that, but with a girl who makes him smile and laugh and forget that life is supposed to be difficult and hard, and not fun and invigorating.  And to think they've only been together for a year...
...A year.
He's doing it again!
He bustles over and slaps a fifty on the counter.  "Bop!" he announces in a rush, tapping his fingers impatiently as the florist holds it up to the light. 
With a low whistle, she puts it back on the table.  "Wow, you're really going all out this time, huh?"  Before Boyfriend can respond to her sarcasm, the florist calls out to her partner in the back.  "Flower!  Miku's lil bro is back at it again, dropping a fifty and hoping for the best."
"Again?"  A husky voice makes its way over as a familiar bush of thick hair pops out from beyond the doorway.  "Boyfriend, you should know by now that apology bouquets are at least a hundred."
"Ba- skida- AUGH!  It's not an apology bouquet!"  He stomps his foot, irritated to break out the English but knowing full well it’s a matter that needs clear communication.  So not really a waste of words, just a waste of energy on two ladies who will give him shit regardless of the noise he makes.
"Oh yeah?  What's the occasion?"  The taller florist - Lily, hilariously enough - leans forward with a smirk as Flower keeps her deadpan stare.  
"It's for my anniversary!"  He crosses his arms and harrumphs as Lily whistles again.
"Damn, and you didn't invite us to the wedding?  Harsh."
"No, not that-!  Ugh, you know what I mean."
"Do we?"  Lily and Flower exchange a look before Lily's smirk widens.  "I dunno, you don't give us the dirt anymore.  Remember when you'd come in here all the time, red in the face trying to get apology bouquets for that one boy?  What's his name-"
"Pico," he answers, a bit flustered as the memories rush through his mind before shaking his head, "and he liked them all, by the way!  But this isn't about him-"
"No, it's about your new girl, right?"  Flower cuts in, leaning against the doorway with a bored expression.  "What's her favorite color?  It's not green, is it?"
"It's red, and please can you make it quick?  I dunno when she wants us to meet up, so...!"  He flashes them two thumbs up and is about to bounce, but Lily grabs the collar of his shirt with a chuckle.
"Not so fast, dumbass."  She pulls him back to the counter as he whines pathetically.  "You really think a fifty is enough for an anniversary bouquet?"
Oh no.  He starts to sweat, feeling his wallet tremble in fear.  They're doing it again.  "What do you mean?"
"What do I mean, Flower?"  Lily turns back to the shorter florist as the other makes a thoughtful hum.
"One hundred, at least."
"Yeah, at least one hundo."  Lily holds her hand out.  "C'mon, cough it up, shorty."
This is beyond unreal, but at the same time, it is completely expected from people who teased him relentlessly since he was a kid.  "If it wasn't for Miku, you guys wouldn't even be here!"
"We're only here because of convenience, please."  Lily snorts as the boy continues to struggle.  "So you aiming for an apology bouquet or an anniversary bouquet?"
"Just cut me a deal, please?  For old time's sake?" He clasps his hands together and bats his eyelashes.  "I'm still that cute little kid who used to pretend to be like Miku!  Who could forget good ol' Mikuo?"
"One hundred."  Flower cuts off the potential reminiscing and steps up to the counter.  "Or it's an apology bouquet."
Grumbling miserably, Boyfriend digs around in his pocket and manages to snag something.  He pulls out his hand and counts out four quarters.  Quietly, he puts it on top of the fifty.
Flower and Lily both look at it silently.
"...Well," Flower begins, slowly taking the money, "I did say one hundred."
Roll with it roll with it roll with it-
"Yeah, and uh, four twenty-fives makes one hundred, right?"
"What, are we speaking French now?"  Lily asks with a sneer.
"No," Boyfriend begins, blinking slowly, "pretty sure we're speaking English." 
"Oh my god."  She slaps her hand over Flower's.  "We are not doing this."
"I gave you one hundred," he argues, sweating miserably as he turns up the confidence.  
"He did give us one hundred," Flower agrees.
"You are not giving this to him.  You know he didn't even plan this!  He's too stupid to pull a slick move like that!"
Boyfriend just smiles and gives them a double thumbs up.
"It's not like anyone else is gonna be coming in to give us another job."  Flower hums and stows the money in the register, much to Lily's chagrin.  "And besides, if I get bored making it, I'll just take a nap."
"Flower-!"  Before Lily can protest even more, Flower disappears into the backroom, no doubt to either work on the bouquet or take that nap.  Lily turns back to Boyfriend and glares, jabbing a finger against his chest.  "Be back here in a few hours.  You're taking whatever the hell she makes for you, stingy little bitch."
"That's all I have on my person!"
"We accept credit and debit."
"I have bills to pay."
"You're such a little-!"  Lily makes a strangling gesture with her hands before grabbing and shaking him.  "You better give this girl a helluva anniversary."
"I'm trying!"  He backs up and shoots the tall florist finger guns before vacating the premises.  Okay, one thing down.  Next: chocolates.  Easy-peasy.  What place sells heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and other cutesy, anniversary items?
Boyfriend makes a beeline for the local grocery store and spends only a total of thirty minutes there, making the proud purchase of a box of chocolates, a little teddy bear holding a heart, and even a balloon that says, "I Love You".  Score!  Damn, he's doing great so far.  And it was such a quick purchase!  Maybe Miku's friends could learn a thing or two about making quick sales instead of harassing him over every little thing.
What's next, what's next...
A place for dinner, right!  Girlfriend loves the local bar.  Great food, a nice atmosphere, open mic nights, a server who's familiar with them...
A server that he crashed into and made her drop all those dishes to the floor... like that other time he did it to her and held up the service for a sizable amount of time...
He gulps.  Hm.  She's probably still mad at him too.  But uh, huh.  He's not sure what to do.  Maybe, maybe...
He takes out his phone and dials a familiar number.  It rings only twice before a gruff, annoyed voice answers on the other side.
"I'm busy, the fuck you want?"
Without missing a beat, he gets on his metaphorical hands and knees.  "Pico, can I ask a favor, please please pretty please?"
"Wow, English.  Must be desperate."   There's a loud crash on his end before Pico's voice yells at a pair of playful, young laughter.  "Hey- hey!  Watch it!"
"Pico, so uh, could you-?"
"Hey- give me that!"   More raucous laughter fills the line as Pico sighs.  "Sorry, Bee, don't think I can help ya today.  I was supposed to just watch these two kids 'til Lila came back, but then I got a call from a pal who needs help at her joint and- Skid, Jesus fucking Christ -"   There's some shuffling and a grunt as a playful squeal rings a little too close to the phone.  Pico continues as though nothing happened on his end.  "-and so basically I'm double booked for the night."
"Oh, okay."  He tries not to let the disappointment seep into his voice, but another sigh from Pico suggests that he heard it regardless.  
"Look, I'm real sorry, wish I could help, but a line's formin' and I can only do so much."   Pico grunts and a soft thump is heard.  Two voices chatter away distantly in the background, but Boyfriend focuses solely on Pico.  "Why?  What happened?"
"Well, today's me and Girlfriend's anniversary, and I wanted to take her out but-"
"Can't figure out a place to take her?  C'mon man, you- Jesus, you two, slow down, I'm comin'- you already know one."
"Yeah, the bar but-"
"What, ya worried about 'bout lines or somethin'?  I know it's busy and shit, but I'm sure Serv will get ya guys' a table easy.  It's just you two, you'll be fine."
"Okay, but-"
"Oh my GOD, what the HELL is THAT?!"  
A faint, childish voice answers Pico's horrified question as Boyfriend listens in.  "That's Moloch!"
A roar sounds from Pico's side of the phone call.  The voice - uh, Skid, was it? - laughs excitedly.  "Yeah!  He's our friend!"
"He lives in Skid's attic!"
A demonic voice nearly blows out Boyfriend's eardrums.  "GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
"...Does your MOM know about this?!"
"Sorta!  She thinks he's a rat."
"Hey hey HEY, back OFF-!  Sorry, Bee, I'll call ya later!"  
The last thing he hears is another roar before the line hangs up.  Pico will probably be fine - he's handled worse after all, and even Boyfriend's faced off a demon or two!  Maybe three, if that Lemon Man those two kids were friends with counted as well.  Man, demons are just everywhere, huh?
...Speaking of demons.  There’s one demon he really should be focusing on.  Like getting their dinner date set up at her favorite bar in town.  Even though he’s probably on that bar’s shitlist for knocking over their number one employee again .
But Girlfriend really does love going to that bar, and if it's for her...  Fuck it, he'll suck it up and take whatever Server-chan's got against him.  He'll just challenge her to a quick rap battle, win, and THEN they can have a nice dinner!  Yeah, that's what he'll do.  Lily's words replay in his mind as he walks off to his apartment to change into something nicer.
"You better give this girl a helluva anniversary."
Fuck yeah he will.
"Damn, after all these years, you still can't tie a tie."  Lily frets over his outfit as she helps him tidy up a bit.  A colorful ribbon now decorates the box of chocolates, tying it together with the teddy bear with the balloon also tied around its wrist.  He grabs the tied together present after she rolls his sleeves up to his elbow.
"Bouquet?" he asks hopefully as Lily dusts off his shoulders for the hundredth time.  
She huffs and shakes her head, blowing a stray hair out of her face.  "You're lucky Flower didn't take a nap halfway through.  It's her best work so far!  All for the low, low cost of $51, tax not included."
"There's tax?!"  He almost falls over, but Lily grabs him by the collar of his dress shirt.
"Chill out, we'll charge it to Miku's account."
"Oh, thanks."  He swats away her hands when she tries to tuck in the other half of his shirt.  "Fuck off, it's part of my style!"
"What, being sloppy?"
"The ladies love it."
"Your lady deserves better."
"But I'm the best there is!"
"Oh, God," Lily groans as her expression falls into despair.  "Egotism really does run in the family."
"Enough about the family ego," Flower pipes up, her hands full with a large, beautiful bouquet.  "These flowers need to be appreciated."
"Holy shit."  Boyfriend takes the entire bouquet, admiring the reds, pinks, and whites.  There's a smattering of small, lavender flowers here and there, making the other colors pop.  "Roses!" he points out, the only flower he recognizes.
"Yup, and there's also lilies, alstroemeria, and-"
"Don't waste your breath," Lily cuts in, covering Flower's mouth before she can list them all out.  "He won't remember any of the names."
A disappointed sigh escapes Flower, so he gives her the biggest grin he can muster.  "Yo, I still think it's hella bomb to look at.  I really think she'll love it!"
Flower perks up a bit, a small smile forming on her usually stoic face.  "...Cool."
"Alright, get outta here."  Lily shoves him back to the door with a grin.  "You got a hot date, yeah?  Go give her the night of her life!"
"Yeah!"  He waves to the pair before leaving.  "Gonna have a great night at the bar!"
Lily's smile falters as Flower's smile immediately disappears.  "...The what?"
"See ya!"
"Wait, Boyfriend!  You're taking her out to the fucking BAR?!"  
He doesn't have the time to turn back and answer Lily, so he goes along his merry way, bouquet clutched tightly against his chest with the bear.  Hopefully the incident from earlier today has been swept away.  He really doesn't want to have a rap battle with Server-chan, but if he has to...
"Boyfriend!"  A sweet, melodic voice pulls him from his thoughts as he looks over to see his beautiful, wonderful Girlfriend.  Her iconic look now sports a sleek, black jacket reminiscent of her mother's own jacket.  It looks stunning on her, and a soft, longing "beep" escapes him as she giggles and kisses his cheek.  "Hey, hun.  Happy anniversary!"
"Happy anniversary!"  He holds out his gifts for her to take, and he delights in her unabashed joy as she takes them.
"Oh!  This teddy bear is so cute, and these flowers are lovely!"  Another giggle escapes her as she points at the bouquet.  "Roses!"
"That's what I said!"  They both share a laugh before her smile settles into something soft and relaxed.
"Now I wish I got you something too..."  Girlfriend pouts a bit, but he kisses it away with a grin.
"Hey, don't sweat it!  Lemme spoil you for the night instead."  He offers her his arm, and she happily loops hers with his.  They walk into the bar together and are met with a familiar face standing behind a podium.  Despite being the hostess, Cassette Girl keeps her iconic cap on as she notices them and greets them with a lazy smile.
"Wooow," she drawls out, giving Boyfriend a knowing grin.  "Back again so soon?  And after that huge fuss you made."
"Fuss?"  Girlfriend gives Boyfriend a curious look.  
"Uhh, beep bah."
"Didn't tell her about your mishap, huh?"  Cassette Girl raises an eyebrow and shakes her head.  "Well, if you wanted to know, Serv got it figured out.  Called in a favor last minute, and luckily he was nice enough to help out."  
"Sorry about that," he says sheepishly, and Cassette Girl merely shrugs.
"It's whatever.  Not the first time you messed her up real good.  And besides, you're not even the first person to make her crash and burn for a hot minute."  
"Is this still about the fuss you guys are talking about?"  Girlfriend looks between the two as Cassette Girl chuckles.
"Yeah, but don't worry about it.  Lemme take ya to your seats.  Bar or nah?"  
"Nah, it's our anniversary date today!"
"And you guys are spending it here?”  She pauses for a second in thought before shaking her head.  “Alright."  Cassette Girl takes it in stride and seats them near the miniature stage.
"Oh, is it open mic night tonight?"  Girlfriend sits down, already excited for the night as Cassette Girl chuckles and hands them the menus.
"Nah, originally we had a band booked tonight, but their back-up vocalist got injured, so they called it off last minute.  It's gonna be a quiet night instead."
"Aww."  The pout on Girlfriend's face lasts only a second before her smile returns.  "Oh well!  Sometimes quiet is nice too."
"Right you are.  Anyway, your waiter will be with you guys in just a sec, so take your time.  We're not too busy tonight, so feel free to cause more havoc."  She flashes a grin before walking back to her station.  
Girlfriend waves goodbye and turns back to Boyfriend with a smile.  "Cassey is so nice!  I wish we could talk to her more."  
"Maybe we'll catch her on the street one of these days."  He cracks open the menu, perusing the contents before deciding on getting his usual.
"Maybe!  Should I try something new tonight?"
"Wouldn't hurt."
"But I don't know what to get..."
"Maybe we can ask the waiter?"  He looks around for their supposed waiter, but all he sees is an unimpressed Pico standing at their table.  "Oh!  Pico!  You're dressed like a waiter!"
True to his observations, Pico is dressed similarly to Server-chan; a black long sleeved shirt replaces his usual green sweater, and a pair of black slacks replaces his usual beige cargo pants.  The only splash of color on his outfit is the bright orange apron that all servers seem to wear as per uniform, and it absolutely clashes with Pico's own bright, red hair.  
"That's because I am the waiter, dumbass."  The bite from his remark is lost from the tired slump of his shoulders, and the ginger begins to resemble Server-chan with each passing second.  "At least for tonight.  She called me in for a favor, and I agreed to help."
The conversation from earlier today pings in Boyfriend's memory.  "Is this what you meant when you said you were double booked?"
"Yeah.  Told me some blue-haired douchebag steamrolled her on his way out, and she ended up breaking a whole buncha dishes.  She went out to go replace the whole set, so I'm coverin' for the rest of her shift while she takes care of it.  Now that I think about it," Pico fixes him with a stern, knowing glare as Boyfriend shrinks under his sharp eyes, "I kinda already know about a certain blue-haired douchebag."
"I'll pay her back, I promise."  
"You fuckin' better."  Pico looks over to Girlfriend and offers her a tired grin when she waves cheerfully.  "Hey, Red, he treatin' ya well tonight?"
"Yup!  He got me chocolates, a bear, a balloon, AND a bouquet!"
"Really spoilin' ya there."
"Only the best for Gigi, right?"  He nudges Pico playfully, the earlier irritation already melting away from his expression as he rolls his eyes and ruffles Boyfriend's hair.
"Yeah yeah.  Ya guys ready to order?"
Pico takes their orders and departs quickly, the couple watching him disappear somewhere in the bar as their collective thoughts gather on one thing only.
"Mm, Pico should wear uniforms more often, huh?"
"It definitely looks flattering on him."  They both hum before taking sips from the water Pico had set down earlier while taking their orders.  With no ginger to distract them, Girlfriend's attention centers back on Boyfriend as she smiles.  "Thanks for taking me out here for dinner!  I know it's not easy for us to go out on dates since my parents still hover, so I'm really happy that we went out like you planned!"
"Oh yeah, totally."  His easy grin hides the absolute panic he had for the entire half of his day when he realized he had nothing planned.  "I wish I could treat you out for something better, but nothing else is really happening around this time of year-"
"Except for Spooky Month!"  Two voices pipe up out of nowhere as the costumed duo surprise the couple.  
"Oh, goodness, hello!"  She laughs as Skid and, uh, Pump?  Stand by their table looking curious.  "How have you two been?"
"Okay!  Mr. Pico has been babysitting us since Mom's been busy with her work stuff."  Skid bounces on his heels as Pump looks up more calmly.  "We wanted to introduce him to Moloch, but..."
"He didn't like him too much.  He said Moloch is more scary than spooky."  Pump sticks his tongue out and laughs.  "Silly Mr. Pico!  He does not understand that Moloch is our friend!"
"Moloch?"  Girlfriend hums as bobs her head in thought.  "That name sounds familiar.  There was a demon that went missing months ago by that name..."  
"Oh, weird!"
"Moloch came to us months ago too!  But now he stays in Skid's attic."
"It's like a sleepover every day!"
"That sounds like fun!"  She giggles as the kids bounce around her.
Boyfriend watches with a smile before remembering that “double booked” thing that Pico mentioned earlier.  Were these the kids he was watching when Boyfriend called…?  "So why are you guys here?  If Pico is supposed to be babysitting you guys, but is working here instead..."  Boyfriend wonders how Pico manages to balance so many jobs at once.  He himself can barely handle the one!  
"Mr. Pico said that he didn't trust Moloch and wanted us to stay somewhere safer."
"Which is weird, because Moloch is our friend!  But it made him happier, so we came here with him."
"It's boring here, so Pump and I have been teaching lots of people how to spooky dance!"
"Oh?"  Girlfriend indulges them and smiles as they crowd closer to her.  "Can you show me too?"
"You don't know the spooky dance?"
"We should show her!"
"It goes like this!"  The pair of children do a little dance for her, and a happy laugh escapes her as she watches.  Boyfriend leans back and enjoys her happiness as the kids continue to chat with her.
"That looks like fun!"
"You can do it too!"  Skid tugs on her hands, and it's enough to get her to stand up.  "Just hold out your hands like this-"
"-and then you move like this!"  The two of them demonstrate one more time before looking at Girlfriend expectantly.  It takes her a few times, but the kids are surprisingly patient and more than happy to show her as many times as she requests until she gets it right.  The sight of her having so much fun melts his heart, and he sighs as he watches her enjoy herself.  
"Damn, look at you, meltin' into the table."  
Boyfriend nearly slams his face against the table, making Pico guffaw as he puts their meals on the table.  "Dude!"
"What?  Just spittin' facts.  Hey!"  Pico's hands come to rest on his hips as he glares at the kids.  Both Girlfriend and Boyfriend exchange a look, hiding their amused grins behind their hands as Pico takes on his caretaking role.  "Skid, Pump, what did I say 'bout botherin' the customers?"
"Uhh..."  The two kids freeze in place, looking at each other before looking at Pico.  "Don't?"
"And what are you two doin'?"
"Bothering your friends!"  Pump grins as Skid nods in agreement.  "They are not customers, right?"
A puff of a laugh escapes Girlfriend as Boyfriend nudges Pico.  "Yeah dude, we're your friends, not customers.  We should get a de-"
A glare is enough to silence Boyfriend, but Girlfriend's composure quickly falls apart as a fit of giggles escapes her.  Pico ignores her as he focuses his attention on his two charges.  "They're still customers."
"But it's boring here!"
"Yeah, it's too quiet.  You said there'd be music!"
"But there's no music, except for the soft elevator music."
"But that's boring too."
Both boys pout as Pico sighs and massages his temples.  "Look, I didn't know the band would cancel today.  After I'm done here, we can do something fun , okay?"
"Like getting candy?"
"Yeah, like gettin' candy."  The two kids cheer and run off somewhere before Pico can stop them.  "Hey-!"
"Damn, Pico, I didn't think you'd be good with kids."  Boyfriend snickers as he eats a fry, watching as Pico sighs for the umpteenth time.
"You call that bein' good with kids?"
"It's better than I'd ever expect outta you."
"Rude little bitch."  Pico snatches a few fries and chomps on them, ignoring Boyfriend's protests.  
"When do you get off, Pico?"  Girlfriend spins her fork around in her pasta before feeding the first bite to Boyfriend, keeping her eyes on Pico as the ginger hums thoughtfully.
"Technically nine, but I gotta watch the kids 'til ten.  That's when Lila comes back from her shit."
"Do you wanna come over for movie night?"  She looks over to Boyfriend who nods in agreement.  Pico laughs and shakes his head.
"Ain't this supposed to be ya guys' anniversary date?  Why the hell am I bein' invited?"
"'Cause it's more fun when you join us!"  Boyfriend pipes up, making his eyes go wide with hope, knowing how much of a sucker Pico is for his puppy dog eyes.  Like he predicts, Pico grumbles and looks away, a slight blush to his cheeks as he tries to regain his composure.
"Touchin', but nah.  It's y'all's day.  It's not my place to interrupt."  
"You wouldn't be-!"  A ringtone goes off in the middle of her sentence.  Girlfriend pauses, taking her phone out as her smile vanishes.  "Oh, just a minute."  She leaves the table quickly as she answers her phone with a faint, "Hi, Daddy..."
"Hm."  They watch her go outside before Pico turns back to Boyfriend.  "I hope you have somethin' really good planned for tonight."
"Well, I don't have anything planned, per se-"
"Oh for fuck's sake-"
"But!  Movie night is gonna be a thing!  Or, was."  Boyfriend frowns, not liking how it was her dad who called her.  Knowing him, he could be asking her to come home earlier than planned, ruining their romantic movie night.  "I was gonna play it by ear, y'know, in case something like that happens."
"Fair."  Pico crosses his arms and fixes Boyfriend with a stare.  "So how are you gonna save this night then?"
"Dunno yet."  Boyfriend bites his lip and scratches at the table.  "Like I said, I don't have much planned, so like..."  His eyes wander over to the stage.  A keyboard is the only instrument present on the stage alongside the stereos.  He blinks slowly at the sight of it, a hum low in his throat.  
"What?  Ya suddenly got an idea?"  Pico follows his gaze and whistles low.  "Gonna sing a love song?"
"What?  No."  A pause.  "Maybe.  I dunno."
"You dunno?"
"I don't really have a song lined up."  But it would be perfect.  She loves it when he sings.  Or raps.  Or does anything really.  And she did seem a little disappointed when she found out that there wasn't going to be a show tonight...
"You're a rapper," Pico supplies easily.  "Just freestyle."
"But I don't have any beats."  Which is true, unless he gets some help.  His eyes wander up to meet Pico's gaze.  "...Can I ask a favor?"
"You still beatbox?"
And Pico smirks.  "Only if ya got a plan."  
Boyfriend looks around the bar, his eyes landing on the Spooky Boys and Cassette Girl.  Music flows behind his eyes as he maps out the beats and flows on the spot.  Fingers tap out the rhythm he wants to follow, and Pico taps his foot in tandem.  "I think," he says, watching as Girlfriend comes back into the bar with a gloomy look on her face, "I've got a plan."
Pico leans forward, and Boyfriend quickly whispers it to him before shooing the ginger away.  When Girlfriend takes her seat, Boyfriend takes it upon himself to buy some time for Pico as he keeps Girlfriend's attention on him.
"Something up?"
"Oh, it's just Daddy."  Her frown deepens, and Boyfriend can feel his heart drop from the sight.  She shouldn't be unhappy on their anniversary - of course her dad would ruin things for her.  "He wants me to come home early, says he doesn't want me to stay over too late since he doesn't trust you to keep your hands to yourself."
"Tch.  Your old man needs to lay off."  From the corner of his eye, he sees Cassette Girl wander to some backroom, only to reappear with a few more coworkers as one of them takes over her position by the podium.  Pico follows her next, helping her set up a couple of mics as she tests out the keyboard.  The noises catch the attention of the patrons, including Girlfriend as she turns in interest at the ruckus.
"What's going on?  Oh, is there a show happening after all?"  A small smile forms on her lips as she watches the prep.  "I wonder who they managed to get!"
"Yeah, I wonder."  Boyfriend lets her watch them for a second longer before taking her attention again.  "So how long can you stay out?"
"Mmm, at most, maybe an hour?  Daddy's imps will come and pick me up, regardless of where I am."  She puffs her cheeks out, which would normally be cute if she wasn't so distressed.  "Mommy was okay with me spending the night!  But Daddy won't even let me stay before midnight, so that ruins movie night..."
"Hey, don't worry about it.  We can always have movie night whenever."  He reaches over and takes her hand, giving it a firm, comforting squeeze.  
"But today was supposed to be our day."  She frowns again, holding onto his hand as she sighs softly.  "We were supposed to have a nice night doing whatever we wanted.  And now that's going to be ruined because my dad is being... himself again."
Random beats start playing.  It takes them both by surprise as they turn around to see Pico messing with... some kind of pad?  Is that a launchpad?  Cassette Girl shakes her head and points to some buttons before Pico nods and- ah.  So he didn't steal it from someone.  Clearly, it was Cassette Girl's own device.  
"What are they doing?"  Girlfriend watches with more interest as the two kids clamber onto the stage, Pico talking to them softly as they nod along to whatever he's saying excitedly.  He wags his finger like a metronome, and the boys both follow its movement before nodding furiously as he grins and pats the tops of their heads.  As Pico looks up from the boys, he meets Boyfriend's gaze and gives a small nod before standing up.
"They're getting a show ready for you."  Boyfriend grins when Girlfriend looks over to him bewildered.
"What do you mean, for me?"
"Heeeellloooo, everyone!"  Cassette Girl speaks into the microphone with her familiar drawl, getting the patrons to quiet down as they watch with rapt attention.  "Now, as you know, our booked gig for tonight ended up cancelling, but at the very last minute, we managed to snag another performer instead!  You may be familiar with his bright blue hair and obnoxious voice," a rumble of laughter rolls through the crowd, but he takes it all in stride as he waits for the intro to end, "but he's gotten pretty famous throughout these parts for his amazing freestyle rap!  Dedicated to his lovely Girlfriend of one year, we have Mr. Boyfriend, here to perform for one night only!"
"Boyfriend?!"  Girlfriend's eyes widen in excitement as he stands from his seat, grinning confidently as he winks to her.  It's not often he gets to perform for the sake of performing, so he wants to make this the best performance she's ever seen.
"You better give this girl a helluva anniversary."
As if he wasn't.
He takes the offered microphone from Cassette Girl as she takes her place behind the keyboard.  
"Heya, folks!"  He waves out to the crowd as the people who recognize him from his many rap battles cheer him on.  Girlfriend cheers from the crowd, for once enjoying the show as just a normal person, instead of being in the thick of it.  "Like Cassey said, this show is dedicated to my Girlfriend.  I started this whole career for her, and if it weren't for her, I never would have found this flow in my life.  I love her more than any song can convey, so I hope a show's worth of songs can get the message along.  Now are you ready to get funkin' lit?!"  
The crowd erupts into cheers as Girlfriend stands and cheers the loudest, her smile wide and bright as she pumps her fist in the air.  They wait for the crowd to calm down before Pico starts his beatboxing.  The beat begins slow, the notes sounding familiar as recognition settles on Girlfriend's features.
"Yo," he begins, holding the microphone close to his lips as he gets into the beat, "it's the remix."   Pico's beatboxing continues before Cassette Girl joins in with her keyboard.  The beat plays from the launchpad as the beatboxing ends, and that's his cue to start rapping.
"Don't look complacent, wearin' those rags, you ain't adjacent.  Lookie, I'm fly, and you look basic.  Look in her eyes, and I feel like takin' it for the win."   He meets Girlfriend's gaze with a grin as he waves his hand back and forth, pumping the crowd up as he continues to rap.
"Her dad be evil, no twin.  Skin purp' like the Sprite, sippin'.  He open his yap and you wouldn't believe it's the sound of an angel when he spittin'."   At Pico's cue, Skid and Pump join in with a chant of, "Go man go!  Go man go!"   They keep it up as Boyfriend continues to rap, the energy high and exciting as he performs for fun.
"Even though he look like a demon, hold my blue nuts as I battle for the takin'.  Of this girl, I just wanna hold her hand.  Look in our DM's and it's like candy land."   Boyfriend kneels on the stage and gestures for Girlfriend to come closer.  Without missing a beat, Girlfriend makes her way over, her head bobbing in time to the rhythm as she smiles blissfully.
"Yo, I really can't bust when her evil ass dad tryna make my ass be grass.  So I got one shot, learned to spit real hot, and it might just go like this."   As he takes her hand, he pulls her onto the stage and the Spooky Boys go quiet for his next lines.
"I don't mean no disrespect, but there's something about her I can't let go.  Baby, you know that I love you, even though my balls are blue."   The joke gets a giggle from Girlfriend, and it takes all his willpower not to stop rapping just to kiss her right there.
"I want to spend my life with her, even if her dad is evil or some shit.  Now spit it like this: we gettin' freaky on a Friday night, chyeah!"  The crowd goes wild as he scoops Girlfriend up in one arm, cradling her against his body as he continues to rap.  Her arms wrap around his neck as she leans against him, warm and happy in his embrace.
As she should be.  
The Spooky Boys return with the chant, pumping the crowd up some more as they cheer loudly with the rap.
"I just want to hold her tight, chyeah!  Her hair, her eyes, her thighs, yeah.  If I die, it'll all be worth it.  Just to get a chance to show she's worth it!"  He sways with the beat, watching as the crowd gets into the performance.  Besides him, Cassette Girl is grinning, nodding her head to the beat as she plays the mellow tunes on her keyboard.  Pico meanwhile focuses his attention alternating between beatboxing and playing the right beats on the launchpad, all while paying attention to the song and directing when the boys start and end their chant.  Despite the amount of tasks on his shoulders, he holds himself high and proud, enjoying himself with a smile as he moves with the beat.  Even the kids are enjoying themselves, bouncing on the spot and watching Pico intently for his cues.  A part of Boyfriend wonders if they're even paying attention to the lyrics or if they're too engrossed in the beats and sounds coming from the keyboard and launchpad to even care.
Not that it matters.
All that matters is that they're all having fun .  He looks out into the crowd and sees smile upon smile as they're all enjoying themselves to the music.  This.  This is what performing is all about.  The energy, the enjoyment, everyone losing themselves to the music and forgetting their woes and worries for even just a minute-
That's what makes it all so worth it.
He raps the chorus one last time before letting the beat peter out, Pico ending the song with his beatboxing increasing in tempo before ending it abruptly.  The crowd continues their cheers as Boyfriend yells into his microphone.
"You guys ready for more?!"
There's no doubt in his mind that he will absolutely be banned from the bar after this show, just with how rowdy the crowd is getting.  But it's all worth it in the end as he nods to his friends to play whatever beat that comes to mind.  He'll come up with the lyrics on the fly, all of them dedicated to Girlfriend as he sets her down and holds her tight to his side as they sway together.
He doesn't know how long they go for.  All the hype and excitement pushes him to continue, and when he looks over to see if Pico or Cassette Girl or even the boys look just a little tired, he's surprised to see them too excited to even consider taking a break.  The night is filled with raps filled with jokes and love as the clock finally strikes ten.  
Time to end the show.
"Alriiiight, everyone!"  Cassette Girl takes the microphone back from Boyfriend, panting slightly as she gestures to the crowd that grew during the performance.  "Unfortunately, that's it for this show!  Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed your meals, and please, come back again when we host another gig or open mic!"  The crowd applauds as they all bow.  Cassette Girl pats his shoulder with a grin and turns back to help Pico clean up.  Girlfriend clings to his side, giggling and burying her face against his neck.
"Ohhh, that was so much fun!"  Her giddiness makes him laugh as he hugs her tight, covering her face in kisses as he breathes for the first time since the performance began.
"Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Are you kidding?!"  She laughs and picks him up, twirling them together in a circle before cuddling him midair.  "That was the most fun I've had in ages!"
"I'm glad," he admits, relief washing over him that their night was a success after all.  "Sucks we didn't finish our dinners though."
"I can get boxes for them."  Pico shows up next to them, both kids curled up in his arms as they cling to him.  "Or, uh, I can get Cass to get 'em for ya."
"Aww, are they tired?"  Girlfriend sets Boyfriend down to take a look at the kids.  "They did a really good job tonight!"  Skid lifts his head up, a tired but bright smile on his face as he giggles.
"That was fun!  I wanna do it again, Mr. Pico!"
"I'll think about it.  Remember what we promised before the show?"
"No repeating the bad words around mom," both boys respond, although Pump's words are muffled against Pico's shirt.  He chuckles and nods towards the couple.  
"I gotta get these kids home.  You guys get some rest too."
"We will."  Boyfriend stretches, feeling worn out from the show.  
"See ya."
"Bye, Pico!"  Girlfriend waves as Pico walks off, the two kids waving from Pico's arms.  "He really is good with kids, even if he won't admit it."
"He's always been protective of them."  They both hum, the thought sobering them a bit as they watch the ginger disappear in the crowd.  "We should visit him later and make sure he's okay too."
"Sounds like a plan."  Girlfriend smiles and takes his hand, swinging their arms between them.  A waitress comes by quickly, helping them pack their barely eaten dinners and shooing them out of the bar.  As they leave, Boyfriend passes by Server-chan, her expression still looking exhausted as their eyes meet.  But despite this, she smiles when she sees him, and he hopes she had fun too during his show.
He and Girlfriend walk for about five minutes before a limo pulls up beside them.  She sighs and turns to hug him tight, her face buried in his shoulder before she kisses him softly.
"Thanks for the lovely night," she whispers, soft and tender as the warmth from her cheek seeps through his shirt.  "It really was the best night of my life."
"I'm glad then," he whispers back, pressing a kiss to her temple.  "'Cause I'm gonna make sure I make every night the best night of your life from now on."
She giggles, pulling herself away reluctantly before climbing into the limo.  He watches as it drives away into the night, leaving him alone.
The night air is cold and brisk, but he finds himself warm regardless.  A smile wide and bright on his face as he stuffs his hands into his pockets, a tune coming out in the form of a whistle as he walks home.
What a night to remember.
19 notes · View notes
missinghan · 4 years
give it a chance ⤖ lee minho
❖ genre : college au; roommates au; friends to lovers au
❖ word count : 9,6k.
❖ warning : explicit language, slightly suggestive & mentions of alcohol
❖ summary : you convinced yourself to attend a party in order to prevent Lee Minho from doing stupid things; however it’s not so stupid anymore when your roommate said he needed to tell you something important.
❖ a/n : the continuation of what if we is dedicated to @chaninfused, so *clears throat* this is where I hereby declare that she deserves more than what the entire universe can possibly give her; oh hi furat, this is why I’ve been so cryptic all this time. I know this isn’t much but I want to thank you for tolerating me and letting me be mean to you even though we only started talking for a few months; you’re an incredibly great friend and an amazing writer, don’t ever forget that 🖤
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It’s been almost a week since Jisung last talked to Minho (albeit texts and FaceTime) and he wakes up to his best friend roaming around his crusty kitchen, struggling to find a bottle of honey. Seungmin’s mom has been constantly sending them thirty packets of rib soup per week. And Minho thinks the sight of Han Jisung slurping on nothing but distorted rice with pork ribs while stressing over his paper for seven days straight is more tragic than his non-existent love life.
“It’s like you’re trying to turn us into gym rats,” Hyunjin snickers lazily, flinging his bangs away from his face. “You even brought us Tupperwares, are you really expecting us not to order tacos impulsively on study nights?” He’s a little dubious about stuff like this because he can feel the actual horror of only eating chicken breast and string beans just by seeing Chan cooking them up. 
Seungmin chucks a piece of lettuce towards his direction, “Don’t you have anything else to do other than complaining?” He knows that when Jisung and Hyunjin decide to order food on study nights, they’re gonna do anything but study.
“Uhm, I actually do,” he replies nonchalantly. “I’m going through Minho’s phone.”
Jisung takes a seat next to him by the counter, propping his head onto his hands, “What’s the point? There’s nothing but cat photos and cat memes...and also Y/N as his background.”
“That angle is hideous, by the way,” Hyunjin comments like the true photography geek he is, which is completely ignored by Minho because he’s too cranky to start a fight at ten in the morning. “But it’s kinda cute for you to do that, so I’m gonna turn a blind eye.”
Jisung asks out of the blue, “Who’s going to BamBam’s party this Sunday? Well, besides the other two-thirds of 3RACHA.” 
“I have a midterm on Monday, dumbass,” Seungmin mumbles while washing his vegetables at the sink. 
“And I’m sleeping over at Lix’s for a project,” Hyunjin informs him lamely, having no intention to attend another single frat party. At least not BamBam’s frat parties—that guy has the weirdest friends; a chick was so drunk that she thought Hyunjin was her boyfriend and almost tried to make out with him on the dance floor. 
Jisung secretly hates going to parties without his friends- no, actually, he never goes to parties without people from his social circle because he dreads the whole introduction part that requires formalities and inevitable awkwardness. But it’s not like that with Minho, ten minutes into their very first conversation and he feels like he’s known him for years. 
In short, he will die if Minho doesn’t come to the party. Chan can only chat with him for so long until his DJ duty occurs and Changbin’s probably gonna be too busy doing keg stands to care about his antisocial friend. 
“Fine, I’ll go,” Minho gives in while chopping up the chicken breasts and this prompts Jisung to clap happily like a seal for the next twenty seconds as he skips over to the fridge to fetch a water bottle. “But we’re gonna need a ride, I’m not taking my motorbike for some crackhead to puke on it. Ask Chan later when you crash at his place.”
Jisung tosses his head back to take a peek at the clock hanging by the bookshelf, and it reads 10:07 AM. He really should be getting for his class at eleven because traffic sucks but he’s not feeling like sitting through two hours of Park ranting about marketing strategies. “Can’t Y/N just drive us? I don’t think she’d let anyone else take you home when you’re not sober,” he ponders, earning a nod of agreement from both of his roommates. 
Just when Minho opens his mouth to brush it off, he stops himself to process the information again and holds back a ‘you’re right’ because he hates letting people know that they’re not wrong. He wouldn’t let anyone drive you home when you’re drunk either. “Her car’s with her dad right now,” he tries to sound casual when three pairs of curious eyes are glued onto his back. “I, uh, sorta had it run into a tree last week.”
“You what? How are you still alive?” Hyunjin’s jaw is on the floor and Seungmin accidentally dumps too much vinegar into his salad while Jisung’s choking on the iced cold water, coughing furiously after into the sleeve of his hoodie. Guess Chan’s gonna have to drive them both. After all, he can never say ‘no’ to J.One. 
Minho murmurs, “A dude rear-ended me, fucking idiot.” He finishes marinating the chicken breasts and arranges them nicely onto a tray with aluminum foil on top, pushing it into the preheated oven. “And basically she’s never letting me touch her car again,” he sighs while staring into midair dreamily, flashbacking to last Friday when you immediately Ubered yourself all the way from campus to downtown after picking up his call. All he got was thirty seconds of affection; you made sure that he’s not hurt and the rest was just a monstrous tantrum. He ended up sleeping on the couch that night. 
“My my, you two are just like an old married couple,” Hyunjin chuckles lightheartedly and shakes his head, scrolling through the series of texts in amusement, “What even is this? I swear your conversation consists of 60% ‘when are you going home?’, 40% ‘your lunch is here’ and 20% terrible cat memes.”
“We’re roommates,” Minho drags the word through gritted teeth, holding back all the murderous thoughts inside his head because he feels like Hyunjin’s just asking for a death wish. It’s too early for this. 
Unexpectedly, Seungmin decides he’s in a pretty good mood today since he aced his OChem pop quiz yesterday; meaning, he’s gonna stick his nose into his friend’s business whenever there’s a chance. “Don’t you guys share a bed too?” he pretends to play dumb only to receive a kick in the shin from the older boy. 
“We’re also broke,” Minho cranes his neck tiredly, washing the dirty knife under the tap. “Besides, the heater in the living room sucks.”
“You both even smell the same, it’s getting kinda creepy. Please don’t tell me you guys also share showers to have a light water bill,” Jisung makes a gagging noise and Minho thinks he’s already said too much. His grip on the knife tightens for a split second before letting it drop into the sink. He doesn’t trust himself with anything sharp the moment Hyunjin started this unwanted conversation. He also regrets stealing Changbin’s meal prep recipes to feed his trash friends. 
Minho questions callously, “We just use the same shampoo and shower gel, what’s the big deal?” His hands go for the box of oatmeal that Felix left here last time in the cabinet full of random food. He doesn’t get why Seungmin would buy so much groceries like he’s in a pandemic knowing damn well that his idiotic roommates can’t cook for shit. 
Hyunjin purses his lips, trying to prove his point, “Don’t you think that it’s weird? You don’t do those things with us.”
“Because none of you would fucking house me when I was on the verge of being homeless!”
“And why is she yelling at you through texts anyway? Bro, there’s like ten missed calls here with at least a hundred ‘where are you?’. Why is she terrorizing you this early in the morning?” Minho immediately snaps out of his semi-angry trance, chest heaving up and down. 
“Oh shit,” he facepalms himself. “I promised to pick her up at ten from class, what time is it again?”
“You’re fifteen minutes late, my friend,” Jisung supplies unhelpfully. “It’ll take another ten to arrive at campus, without traffic that is. You’re so dead. D-E-A-D.” It feels weird to hear something correct coming out of Jisung’s mouth (twice in a row) and now Minho wishes he could just whack his friend unconscious on the floor with the new set of microphones that Chan gave him last year for Secret Santa. 
“Oh, I left your rice sitting at ‘warm’, by the way,” Minho makes a grab for his biker jacket and helmet on the counter before fleeing out of the apartment with his sneakers half-way tucked in. It’s not even been thirty minutes since they’ve seen each other for the past week and Jisung’s already choked on water, not once, but twice because of Lee Minho. Sometimes he wonders if the universe is telling him that he needs new friends. 
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“Your boyfriend is late.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you hiss at Yeji while staring at Minho’s contact on your phone anxiously. There’s no reason for you to be; worst-case scenario, you can just take the 0325 home and lock him outside for the night so that he’ll have no choice but to endure Chan’s embarrassing sleeping habits. He wouldn’t even notice either way because he’d be too busy swearing in his sleep to be annoyed. 
Yeji puts her hair up into a ponytail after stretching her limbs tiredly. She only has one class today and no choice but to stay on campus for her shift at the café before lunch break. Too bad Woojin can’t cover her today because of midterms. “I’m only speaking facts,” she tells you with a yawn and notices the slight pout on your face. “Hey, don’t be sad just because your stupid boyfriend can’t pick you up. I can call Chaeryeong if you need a ride here and there, she wouldn’t mind.”
“I’m not fucking sad!”
“Y/N, you look more depressed than Ryujin when she got a B+ in calc.” That’s irrelevant, Shin Ryujin already has a GPA booster after signing up for Kim’s stats class, one B+ won’t make it any less sparkly.
You only let out a prolonged sigh after checking your phone for the tenth time in the past half an hour. He isn’t picking up any of your calls, your messages probably can’t even reach him and now you’re sitting at M.I.A Cafe with a cup of plain water after standing outside at the front gate for so long like an idiot. An idiot, who’s hopelessly in love with her roommate- wait what? 
Listen, you already know that this is going to happen. It’s awfully inevitable and it’s getting harder and harder as the days pass by because summer is almost here. Meaning, Minho’s gonna move out soon, according to the contract. 
Are you sad about that? 
Yeah, kinda.
The more you think about it the more you regret your decision that day to let him stay with you. Because now you don’t think you’d be able to sleep without him next to you, hogging the blanket all to himself; you get angsty when he’s not home even if he’s just at dance practice; you’re definitely getting way too used to sharing an earphone with him while you both are dreading your assignments silently at the kitchen counter. And now you’re getting nervous just because he’s thirty minutes late. He’s never late, not even to your Monday Movie Night where you both can pig out and binge-watch the Avatar: The Last Airbender series until you’re sick of it. 
Maybe you’re relying on him too much. Hypothetically speaking, it’s not his fault for the damage of your car but you’re just making excuses to be with him. You even set him as your emergency contact. It’s kinda tedious to be your roommate, you realize. All of those things aren’t mandatory and he can simply mind his own business without having to feel obligated because of the ‘roommates’ label yet he’d still choose you, over everything else. Perhaps he’s dealing with his own first world problems and forgot to leave you a message this time. 
Yeji inquires breezily, wiping a cup dry with a towel, “Also, are you going to BamBam’s party this weekend?”
“For me to carry your ass home after getting shitfaced and sit through another two-hour lecture from Lia? I’ll pass thank you very much.”
She indicates with a quirk of her perfectly dark brow, “What if I tell you that Minho’s gonna be there?” Now she sounds like she’s the one who’s crushing on Lee Minho and not you. Never knew that your friends can be this creepy but the more you learn… “Jisung just told me he found a plus one aka Mister Celebrity to attend that frat party with, you wouldn’t have the heart to let me be the loner right?” she pouts with her nose scrunched and it reminds you too much of Light Fury so you look away, knowing that you wouldn’t stand a goddamn chance if she kept this up.
“How is that my problem?” you merely roll your eyes, slightly annoyed. “And also, isn’t Jisung supposed to have his marketing class now?”
Yeji doesn’t give a damn about what on Earth Han Jisung is doing with his life so she just brushes your question off. “Would you let Minho drink irresponsibly?”
You nod without hesitation, though it feels wrong coming out of your mouth, “He can do whatever he wants...as long as my carpet remains clean after his hangover.”
“Would you let me drink irresponsibly?”
“The same goes for you,” you tell her monotonously. “And I only picked you up because Lia sounded like she was hyperventilating when you attended that one law brat’s birthday party. Na Jaemin, wasn’t it? Hate that guy, by the way.”
Yeji thinks it’s time for you to open up even more and not despise people that much. Having Lee Minho as your roommate is already a huge step-up but it’s not like there have been any modifications to your routine except the fact that another human being is simply enduring your bitchy ass of a loner. She wants you to be really out there, just not messing with shit like doing keg stands because Seo Changbin is a terrible influence. Woojin once had to drop his shift at the sushi place to drive Jeongin home because Changbin left him hanging on the beanbag chair for a game of beer pong. Jeongin has never gone to another single party since. 
“You hate literally everyone!” Yeji’s getting impatient, you can feel it.
“Are you telling me it’s my fault that people are shitty?” you bark, massaging the sides of your temple tiredly. You wish you could just drop the entirety of your current presentation to Yeji because your brain cells are already evaporating one by one into thin air.
She barks back, merely sneering, “C’mon! Y/N, it’s not like you ever have plans for the weekend.”
“But I’m having midterms on Monday, I didn’t spend my time on those notes for nothing.”
She shakes her head at you almost in disapproval. Sure, you’re a coward for backing out on this because BamBam’s no stranger to you. That Thai kid has been hanging out with Chan since middle school and he always offers to buy you coffee whenever you happen to drop by as they’re working on a project together. He’s a nice guy, but you don’t know him that well. Something in your gut is telling you that he has weird friends (he totally does). And you’re not about to overdrink only to blurt out an awful confession to Minho while being surrounded by a bunch of crackheads that aren’t in your social sphere.
“I heard kids are vapi-” Yeji stops herself, thinking she should just give up, and get ready for the next batch of sleep-deprived customers coming in at lunch break before Jeongin chucks an avocado at her direction for chit-chatting too much about your gigantic crush on Minho. “Nevermind, it’s not like you’d care anyway, have fun with reviewing I guess.” And with that, she leaves you alone with the cup of plain water to dump the used coffee grounds in the trash.
It takes you at least ten seconds to comprehend what she just said. And you’ve come up with a new yet very last-minute decision: screw midterm because you’re making sure that Lee Minho’s going home in one piece. 
Very timely, your phone buzzes on the wooden counter.
[10:38 AM]
lino | hey you still on campus?
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The blush scattered across your cheekbones just grows ten shades darker when you see Minho at the front gate leaning against his black Kawasaki; disheveled hair, hands stuffed inside his pockets, occasional puffs of smoke escaping his lips, and unbothered gaze. You’ve never told him this, you’re not telling him this now, and you’re never gonna tell him; but he looks stupidly good in that biker jacket. Again, you don’t get how someone can look this good early in the morning. 
“What are you doing here?” you murmur grimly, approaching him from behind. It feels like he’s doing this to your heart on purpose, without even trying. And those girls over there are making you very uncomfortable by eyeing your roommate up and down like he’s an expensive piece of steak with a gold leaf sticking to it.
Minho turns sideways and flashes you a smile; your little heart just did a perfect cartwheel because of that, it can only take so much. “Sorry, I kinda lost track of time, but I still promised to pick you up, didn’t I?” he says casually as your face morphs into a deep frown because you’re basically confused. The only problem is: you don’t even know why you’re confused. There’s this fluttering feeling at the pit of your stomach and now you feel as though someone just gives you a blow to the head when Minho looks straight into your eyes, brows slightly knitted together.
This is not healthy. 
“You didn’t answer my calls or my texts.”
Minho thinks you look cuter than usual when you’re silently fuming because you’re not the type to lash out on people. But it’s not so cute anymore when you threatened to flush his AirPods down the toilet that one time when he spilled ketchup on your carpet. He just hopes he doesn’t end up sleeping on the couch tonight like last time. 
“I put my phone on silent, as always,” he reminds you of how much of a pain in the ass it is to receive a call-back or a simple reply from him. 
You make a face, “Whatever, didn’t I tell you not to make a scene? Have you seen those chicks back there? They’re watching me as if I’m sabotaging their dreams of eating you alive.” Well, you can’t exactly blame your roommate for having girls gushing over him wherever he goes because...it’s his fault for looking like a snack all the time. 
Minho quickly detects how you’re not overly fond of his admirers and needless to say, he’s fairly amused. “Then let them,” he puts an arm over your shoulders and pulls you flushed against him, ruffling your hair. Moments later, you’re already hearing scandalous gasps along with hushed whispers going through your eardrums like a never-ending train. It’s really setting your nerves on fire. 
“Don’t you think that this is weird?”
“What?” Now it’s Minho who’s confused here. 
You slightly push him away and avert your gaze elsewhere to avoid eye contact. “We’re roommates, right?” you mumble, slightly unsure about...all of this. 
“Hmm, what about it?”
“Well, I don’t know…” you fiddle with the hem of your jacket and sigh. “What if people keep getting the wrong idea about us?” You sound somewhat regretful as if your decision of taking him in as your roommate was a mistake, as if you feel like it’s better off if he wasn’t in your life at all, as if the past month was completely meaningless. Since when did things become this complicated? It started with a harmless one-month contract and now Minho’s not sure of what he should do next. But that’s not it, is it? Maybe he’s just overthinking too much. 
He looks hesitant for a moment there, very not-Lee-Minho of him. “We’re still cool right?” Minho tilts his head to the side, the afternoon sunlight slips through fluffs of white clouds and brings the constellations in his warm brown eyes to life. Though he looks like a scolded child, you can’t help but want to put this moment into a frame and simply cherish it for the rest of your life. 
“Beats me,” you breathe out, silently hating yourself for not being able to get angry at him. It’s harder than you thought, really, and it doesn’t help when his eyes keep doing that thing to your poor little heart. “Make me pasta and we’re good,” you end up chuckling when Minho’s expression turns a solid three hundred and sixty at the offer.
“That’s not a very smart move for a business major, your loss,” he replies with a goofy smile, tossing the helmet that he got you yesterday in your direction. And if you pay attention enough, you can almost see Minho exhaling out of relief. But you’re too busy staring at the ground to douse yourself in your own giddiness to notice. “Oh crap, I think I left my wallet at Hyunjin’s,” he tells you after swinging a leg over on his shiny vehicle. 
You narrow your eyes at him, “You don’t need your wallet to make me pasta now do you?”
“By the way, are you going to BamBam’s party?”
“Only if you’re going,” you scratch the bridge of your nose with your ring finger, a little embarrassed to admit that he’s the only reason why you’re ditching midterms. 
Minho’s hearty laugh fills your eardrums, shit-eating grin and all. “If it makes you feel better, Chan’s driving us,” he voices without looking at you, but your chest still swells either way. 
You fucking hate how you have the softest spot for him. 
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You’re already regretting this although you’ve only been sitting in Chan’s back seats for less than twenty minutes. Crankiness takes over your body as a result of reviewing for the whole afternoon, your eyelids are getting droopy, and your head seems to be all too big for your neck at this rate. More reasons for you to not drink tonight. 
“Ugh, why am I even here?” you groan, and Jisung scrunches his nose, slightly alarmed because you’re not usually this loud unless you’re high on caffeine. 
Minho tells you in the most lighthearted way possible, “Because you love me.” 
You wish you could just put his head through a wall because everything and anything coming out of his mouth are never healthy for your mind, or heart. “Uhm, no I don’t.”
“But you did confess your love to me,” he singsongs as if he just hit a jackpot with his lottery ticket, angling his head to toss you a wink. “I have receipts, ma’am. They’re right here, in my heart.” Minho’s never seen you so giddy before so he recorded everything, but he’s not planning on putting himself on a chopping block by telling you that. 
You shove his arm and purse your lips, flaming cheeks but the car’s too dark for him to see it. “I was sick, asshole, I talk shit more when I have a fever than when I’m drunk,” you defend yourself helplessly, not enjoying the fact that he had to bring it up when you’re in a confined space with Seo Changbin and Han Jisung. 
“Minho doesn’t like it when Y/N raises her voice.” Great, now he’s talking in third person. 
“What are you even? Four?”
He winks at you, “Baby me, baby.”
“Oh my god shut the fuck up and get away from me!”
“You’ll never get rid of me, baby.” Eventually, you give up because you’re too mentally exhausted and there’s still a long night ahead of you. You’re not wasting your energy in pointless arguments with him because you both yell at each other on a daily basis anyway. 
“Maybe he’ll zip it if you tell him that you love him,” Jisung suggests innocently with a not-so-innocent look on his face. He’s already acting dumb when he’s this fucking sober so you’re not looking forward to two hours later when vodka’s practically replaced his own blood. 
“I’d rather chew off my own foot.” Changbin snorts involuntarily at your stiff remark, Chan mutters a small ‘ouch’ while Jisung’s too busy laughing his ass off. And a demeaning silence descends after that. 
Minho’s right next to you, oddly unresponsive to the situation, his head leaning against your shoulder as he gazes dejectedly out the window. You don’t see how stormy his eyes are. He also misses his motorcycle tremendously because Chan’s the safest (slowest) driver to ever exist. No joke, if he keeps going at the pace of thirty miles per hour then you should just skip the party and watch a movie while getting drunk at his place altogether. 
“Can you go any fucking slower?”
“Excuse me?” Chan laughs in disbelief, he’s a little offended because he personally thinks he’s a good driver, maybe a little bit too obedient when it comes to the law. Hey, at least you know you’re in good hands. “I’m not trying to get us all killed before BamBam could poison one of you guys.” 
Jisung purses his lips as he’s reminded of the last party where he ran into that Thai dude. He gave him a plastic cup, telling him that it’s merely a harmless fruity vodka only for Jisung to get kicked out by an Uber driver after throwing up in the back seats. Turns out, the lemons and oranges in the cocktail were relatively spoilt. 
“I’m gonna die from boredom before we could even get into a car accident,” Minho informs him unconstructively, staring at some random notifications from Instagram of people commenting on his cats’ photos, text messages from his mom and swipes them all away. Mostly to chuckle to himself like a moron because of his lock screen. Yes, your stupid face is still on there after three weeks and you don’t know if you should be crying or laughing.
Chan narrows his eyes at the rear-view mirror, “It seems like you’re entertaining yourself just fine by looking at Y/N’s face.” 
“This photo does make me laugh because it’s priceless,” the younger boy states without turning his head to look at you. “But still, bored.” 
The car grows silent again soon after because Chan’s already been stressed out enough from traffic since clearly, people can’t drive to save their own lives. But it’s not like your friends can keep their mouths shut for the rest of the trip anyway. 
“Boreddd,” Minho voices randomly while a J.One’s song is blasting through the speaker. It’s a terribly soft song and it doesn’t help when Minho feels like he can downright sleep through an earthquake, potentially falling into an enormous crack on the Earth’s surface and still being able to nap like there’s no tomorrow. He’s just glad that Jisung grew out of ‘Wow’ and embraces his awkward self through his own music. It’s..sentimental but what’s a J.One song without that element?
Changbin looks up from his phone for half a second, wholly uninterested. “Then shut up and sleep,” he says expressionlessly. Very timely, his most recent track comes up next on the playlist and he starts rapping along with it. Minho thinks he can really use a good eye shut as SpearB is performing live right behind him because Changbin can only stay sober like this for so long until he gets his hands on one of BamBam’s sketchy-looking concoctions. 
You’re starting to get bored too at this rate because usually, during times like this when the car is filled with nothing but music and everyone (except for the driver) feels like they’re falling into a food coma, a certain idiot will—
“Y/N, don’t you have a midterm on Monday?” Ah, there it is. 
Jisung bends himself forward and drapes an arm over the leather seat, scrunching his nose at the sight of Minho sleeping soundly against your shoulder. He’s still bitter about the fact that Minho refuses to drive anyone other than you with his motorcycle for some reason. Exclusive things are always so annoying. 
You exhale deeply because Jisung reminds you of that one kid who always asks questions that stress the hell out of the teachers back in high school. Would it kill for him to just shut up once in a while? 
“I do, and I haven’t got a wink of sleep since yesterday afternoon,” you tell him rather lazily, shifting when Minho snuggles himself closer to you, his hair tickling your jawline. You pray he doesn’t know how fast your heart is beating. “A little alcohol might spare me a night of crying myself to sleep.” 
Jisung lets his bottom lip stuck out like he’s a fucking five-year-old not allowed to get his favorite ice-cream flavor. “Aww, you should have asked Minho for cuddles then, pretty sure he’d be more than happy to—,” he remarks sarcastically and you wish you could just throw him in the middle of an intersection. He’s lucky because Minho’s a heavy sleeper or he would have been knocked senseless or something. The last thing Chan needs is being forced to pull over for having wild animals wrestle the shit out of each other in his vehicle. 
“Hey, fuck off,” you snarl at him, knowing you should have chosen the passenger seat instead. That way, you wouldn’t be fuming inside because you can’t physically strangle Han Jisung to his imminent death. He has already tattooed that image into the back of your brain and you swear you’ve never heard a creepier chuckle from your friend. 
Jisung notices the coral tint on your cheeks and sneers, leaning back against his seat. “Yeah right, as if you’re actually gonna get drunk,” he says snarkily. “You’re just gonna be there to prevent Lee Minho from making bad decisions.” 
“I decided to come because Yeji wanted me-“
“Yeji who? In what world will you have time for her when you’re too busy staring at Minho like a total creep? Wanna bet ten bucks?” 
That’s bullshit because Lee Minho is already your entire world. 
Chan butts in, “Make that fifty.”
Changbin raises his hand, “I’d bet my Tesla.” Your friends really spelled out ‘a bunch of fucking clowns’ in bold, gigantic capital letters and you’re this close to facepalm yourself against Chan’s steering wheel. This is why you don’t go to parties with them that often because you’re stuck with cleanup duties with Seungmin until these crackheads grow out of their amateur drinking habits. 
“You’re just jealous because he would rather call you an Uber than give you a lift himself,” you say pointedly and Jisung lets out the loudest, most scandalous gasp. So dramatic. 
“You,” he jabs a finger at you, eyes wide in accusation. “Need a nap.”
You laugh dryly, ignoring the urge to snap a picture of his flabbergasted expression and turn it into a new meme for your group chat. “You don’t say, Han, you don’t say.”
And Changbin rolls his eyes over the moon, vividly picturing where this disastrous conversation is gonna go. Basically, he wants you to get shitfaced as soon as you step foot into BamBam’s house so he’ll have a sappy, drunk confession video to toss on Twitter tonight because Woojin just posted a picture of him with a drumstick dipped inside a glass of what looks like a watered-down Margarita. He’s highly concerned since there hasn’t been anything juicy on his feed other than his friends creeping people out with their questionable content. 
“If you two don’t end up getting drunk and kiss, I’m gonna be pissed,” Changbin says casually as if it’s just an afterthought. This prompts you to chuck your phone in his direction—you can care less about your screen protector at this point if it means stopping him from taunting you further. 
He asserts like a snake, “Hey, remember that time where you tripped over Kkami and totally crushed Minho under your weight?”
“I blame gravity for that.”
“But Albert Einstein said you can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”
“Who cares about Albert Einstein?!” you whisper-shout harshly, cautiously eyeing Minho’s sleeping figure. He scrunches his nose and murmurs something that you can’t quite hear before turning over to face you completely. His arms unexpectedly slip underneath yours like second nature. He furrows his eyebrows occasionally, other times he’d be grinning like an idiot and his lips are slightly agape, full eyelashes framing his eyes beautifully. Sometimes you wonder how weird his dreams are whenever you caught him talking (and cursing) in his slumber. 
Changbin wants to pry aloud when you start staring at Minho for too long; he might as well be tossed on the freeway at this point before exasperation squeezes the little amount of oxygen left out of his chest. This is worse than Hyunjin’s terrible rom coms. He props his head onto his hand in boredom as Chan pulls over and turns off the engine. “Hey we’re here, why not wake your prince up with a kiss—”
“I’m gonna kick your ass,” you threaten. 
Now there are two distasteful tattoos at the back of your head. And you will not hesitate for a heartbeat sacrificing the entirety of your bank account to get them removed. To get Lee Minho removed from your mind.
If only it were that easy.  
“Mhmm,” the figure beside you lets out a low grunt and hugs your arm closer instinctively. His warmth seeps through the fabric of your denim jacket and sets your heart on fire. You’re ready to flick his forehead any second now to interrupt his slumber but before you could even do anything, Seo Changbin aggressively opens the door and you widen your eyes in horror. Where the fuck did he get a megaphone? And what for?
“Bitch wake up! Those drinks aren’t gonna finish themselves!”
It’d be a miracle if you ended up finding him alive by dawn. 
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“Y/N you ass, give it back!
“No, we’ve only been here for three hours and this is your fifth cup already,” you tell her in a mildly serious tone before dumping her cup of whatever the fuck of a yellow substance that Ryujin gave her ten minutes ago into the sink. 
Yeji plops herself onto the sofa in the living room after you drag her out of the kitchen where people are making out on the marble counter. Glad to see nothing’s changed...idiots. “God, you’re such a party pooper, I shouldn’t have told you to come,” she complains in between small hiccups, alcohol tinting her cheeks beet red. 
“I’m here to save your ass and this is how you’re repaying me?” Your question didn’t come out as coherent and threatening as you imagined and every single cell inside your body is shaking for no specific reason. 
Your friend narrows her eyes down into a mere glare like a detective in those crimes shows that you spend way too much time on and you’re debating whether you should be laughing or pissing yourself. She fucking knows that you’re lying. She fucking knows the sole reason for you to be here. “Give me a break, it’s not like you’re doing anything besides staring at your boyfriend from afar,” Yeji scoffs dejectedly. 
“God forbids ‘Lee Minho’ and ‘my boyfriend’ go in the same sentence,” you grit, subconsciously averting your gaze around the living room to spot your roommate. All he’s been doing is being held back by Chan when he tried to murder Changbin once, catching up with his old friends from high school and hanging out with some of his classmates, ranting about how much he dreads Kim’s eight AM, gushing with Hyunjin over some senior’s choreography set. By the looks of it, Jisung must have handed him at least seven of those red party cups from the bar—thanks to BamBam who keeps restocking them every hour. 
Yeji chuckles creepily when the alcohol finally hits her hard, you think you just got chills by the way that she’s leaning closer. “Of course not,” she hiccups into your ear, words slurred, “Lee Minho’s not my boyfriend, he’s your boyfriend.” You look at her in the eye, and mentally regret your life choices. How insufferable. 
“I mean, seriously,” she slams her body back onto the couch and groans; you can’t tell if it’s out of frustration or the cushion is too soft for her back. “It’s like you’re living the life of the main protagonist in a Harry Styles fanfiction! Do you know how many girls and boys would kill to live in the same apartment as that?” Her index finger is pointed directly at the person you’ve been watching and avoiding all night, across the room with a dart in his hand as he stands in front of the dartboard. 
“Were you aiming for the board or were you plotting to kill me? Because I can’t tell! I-can’t-fucking-tell!” Changbin shouts over the music and you momentarily cringe at the crack in his voice; it’s never a college party without one of your friends riling each other up over the dumbest things. And also, who thinks it’s a good idea to lend an unstable Lee Minho a sharp object of any kind?
You look away as heat flares through your nostrils when Minho accidentally glances at you after laughing at some corny joke that Chan made. He’s more than mildly hammered right now, you suppose, because, well, Chan can only make people laugh when they’re exceptionally drunk. 
A stupid question then slips out of your lips. “With what?” It sounds like you only have one brain cell and are perpetually dumb. It makes you feel even dumber when there’s nothing but a can of Coke inside your body. 
“A hottie who dances, cooks, has a good sense of humor, lowkey a genius, highkey a tsundere, shares a name with a famous actor. Far more handsome than the actor himself, if I dare.” Yeji has no hesitation whatsoever naming every reason as to why people on campus shamelessly throw themselves at your roommate on a daily basis. And now your head grows ten times fuzzier, floating mundanely in the clouds above. Basically, you feel like you’re drunk—except your confidence isn’t sky high enough to do something stupid—which makes no absolute sense. 
The silver-haired girl next to you puts an arm around your neck and giggles, you’re highly perturbed that her vocal cords are gonna give in tomorrow when she convinces you through FaceTime that you should be extra careful with your notes since she won’t be showing up to class. “Oh! And he has three cats, right? Cat people are said to be more intuitive and thoughtful, that’s a bonus,” Yeji asserts and your jaw is on the floor at this rate. She doesn’t even spare him a second glance during lunch break and she already knows this much?
No wonder Minho never talked about his cats with Felix and Seungmin again.
“I bet you read that off a Buzzfeed article.” 
“Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong!”
You inhale and exhale deeply, linking your fingers together, “Yeah, but that’s all people will ever see.”
“Well, what else can they like about him?”
“I don’t know,” you say bluntly, but the rouge on your cheeks is anything but ‘blunt’. “They don’t see how stuck-up he is, how he loves hogging the blanket all to himself, how he secretly stocks up a stash of trashy snacks. They don’t see the way his eyes sparkle when he looks into their eyes during a conversation because he’s actually a very attentive listener.”
Yeji pats your back without turning her head, slightly amused, “I think you meant how he looks into your eyes during a conversation.”
Your eyes scan the room one more time to find Minho hugging his stomach from laughing too much, there are actual tears in his eyes because Changbin just lost a bet and apparently he has to belly flop himself into the pool as a punishment. You haven’t seen him this happy in a while, even when he’s potentially dying from a really bad stomachache but it still puts your heart at ease knowing he’s having fun tonight. 
Needless to say, he always knocks the breath right out of your lungs without much effort. Even when he’s ditched the leather jacket and ripped jeans, you still think no one looks better than him in a large t-shirt and sweatpants. 
“But I don’t get it,” Yeji looks over at you this time, real carefully because your tone just grows firmer and more serious. “How can he just stand there, laugh...and look so beautiful?”
“I told you—”
“Yeah that’s exactly what I need to hear right now, Yeji,” you facepalm almost immediately, highly disappointed in yourself. 
Jisung’s getting his ten dollars on Monday when you surprise him with two slices of cheesecake from his favorite dessert place. Changbin can keep his Tesla and Chan...Chan isn’t getting anything.
You push yourself off the blue velvet couch and groan, you’re getting sore quickly because the cushions are far too soft. “Let me get some fresh air, I feel like I’m gonna to lose my mind,” you tell your friend but you doubt that she caught it since the music is all too loud for students to communicate properly. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why fistfights during parties are a thing. 
“Uhm, wait,” Yeji tugs onto your sleeve and jerks her head towards the direction of Minho. “I’m sorry but what the hell does your boyfriend want now?”
“Huh where—“
Like..three feet away. Or a whole lot closer. 
“Why didn’t you answer my texts?” And you find Minho standing in front of you with his arms crossed stubbornly, eyebrows knitted together and tinted pink cheeks. He looks a little pissed off, and you don’t think you’re both on the same page here. 
When you give him a ‘what do you mean’ look, your roommate feels the need to unlock his phone and jab his index finger against his poor crusty screen as he shows you at least fifty messages that he’s been spamming in the last half an hour. This reminds you of the yellow Post-It note that Minho violently smacked onto your fridge the very night when he first moved in. 
‘I hereby fucking declare that if we did end up going to the same party (doubt btw), we would keep our phones with us 25/8 so one can save the other’s ass from stupid decisions— lee minho’ he wrote. Minho knows all too well the only ass that needs to be saved is his. And you’ve thought about taking the note down several times but you don’t think you’d have the heart to. 
“Oh,” your head draws a blank canvas and you look for your phone in your pocket. But then, “I left my phone in Chan’s car.”
Minho rolls his eyes at you and decides that he’s too impatient to wait for Chan to sober up and remember where he left his keys. “Whatever,” he manages to crack a small smile, one that shines through the dimmed LED light on the ceiling and makes your heart stuck in your throat. “Let’s get out of here, I have something to tell you.” 
“Hey hey hey,” Yeji tries to get up from the couch but her limbs are too wobbly. “You can’t just tap out all of a sudden and steal her from me like that. Don’t even think for a minute you second rate—”
“Yeah, no, she’s mine.”
You’re downright baffled. But you’re not sure if it’s because of what he said ten seconds ago and your heart is going haywire, your brain cells are giving in on you or it’s because he’s tugging you by the wrist and piloting you through the impending chaos of sloppy college students. 
You’re not sure if you want to know. You’re not sure if you’re ready. 
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Fall arrives sooner than you thought and it almost makes you miss summer. Though you didn’t really have anything exciting besides an internship that refrained you from living on YouTube for too long. 
The evening is oddly cold, but you’ve never had a problem with the tips of your fingers growing chilly. It’s different tonight—it’s the kind of coldness that slips through your flesh and into your bones, coming in contact with the thumping force of your heart, causing it to shiver. There’s nothing to do but keep your gaze straight forward, your feet moving on their own with the one and only goal of heading home. Clouds with the murky color of wet ashes pass by, and the ground as its dank reflection—a reminder of how humanity is ruining the planet. 
The streets are so quiet and tranquil; you’re afraid that Minho might be able to hear your heartbeat. Now you’re pointing a finger at society in accusation because it’s the weekend yet no elder couples are taking their night strolls, no middle-aged ladies in fluffy jackets are walking their spoiled teacups dogs and no wasted college students are roaming the streets with ‘trouble’ spelled out on their forehead. Really, you’d rather stare at people in a creepy way and zone out than constantly thinking about Lee Minho when he’s right beside you. 
This is terribly suffocating and you don’t think if you can keep this up in the next thirty minutes until both of you get home and melt into the comfort of your bed. 
“Sober up, Mister Celebrity, that’s too much fun for tonight.” Minho winces slightly when you press a can of cold green tea against his cheeks as he’s about to doze off on the wooden bench next to the vending machine. While he’s taking a swig, you feel a silent obligation to take a seat but your eyes are determinedly fixed on the curb. 
The bench suddenly feels far too big and the night breeze is far too cold for Minho’s liking, so he shifts his body closer, fingers brushing over yours and sending electricity down your spine. “What do you mean?” he scoffs, finding it hard to not look at you so his gaze is temporarily glued onto the can of green tea in his palms. “Tonight was nothing compared to Jisung’s birthday.” He can still feel the remaining warmth from your hands, it makes him wonder how it’d feel to actually hold them. 
“Ugh, god,” you shake your head in disbelief, internally cringing. “Don’t even remind me.”
You still don’t know what Hyunjin fed him that day to the point he couldn’t remember what happened. All hell broke loose Felix posted a video of him pretending to be a stupid ostrich and trying to do a mating dance towards Jisung on Twitter. No one dares to talk about that scarred video since. Now that he’s reminded you of it, you wish you didn’t own brain cells in the first place. This is why the internet is scary. 
“What is it that you wanted to tell me anyway?” 
Minho stops for a second at your question and places his beverage down on the bench. He stares distantly at the space ahead as if he’s fighting with himself inside his own head, seriously contemplating something. It’s come to your attention that this isn’t very like his usual self. Minho never hesitates for a second when he has something in mind. Even when he knows that you might rip his head off.
He exhales deeply, turns his head, and makes direct eye contact with you for what seems like an eternity. His eyes are as wide open and honest as a child’s, they possess something so much more the longer you stare at them. A warmth, safety. Your heart is gonna combust if he doesn’t get this over with soon. 
Then, “I think I forgot to put yeast in the batter.” Wait what?
“Minho!” you punch his arm, earning a low grunt from the blond-haired boy. “Don’t fucking scare me like that!” He’s looking at you as though your eyes are turning red with rage and smoke is coming out of your ears, scared for his own life but truthfully, you’re just relieved. Surprisingly. 
“Wait, so you’re not mad?” he asks you with a wide-eyed expression, trying way too hard to keep a straight face. “Aren’t we supposed to bring homemade bread for the get together at the nursing home tomorrow?”
“Old people still enjoy Bingo for some reason, they can have that instead of bread.” His mouth forms a small ‘o’ as he scoots closer to you and you can tell that he reeks off alcohol, which is making you a little dizzy. When your gaze falls elsewhere but Lee Minho, you attempt to appear casual, “But if you wanna bake so badly, I can still pull an all-nighter and start over with you.” That was doable, but you could have done better—should have sounded like you didn’t really care. 
Minho flings his bangs away from his face and tosses his head back, chuckling breathlessly. “Don’t you have a midterm to stress over instead of me? I don’t want you to pick out every single strand of hair on your head after baking with me.” He finally said something nice once in a while, you sorta appreciate it. “It’d be embarrassing when my parents FaceTime me and see you as bald as my great grandfather.” Nevermind, he’s still the same old jerk. 
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, you’ll be moving out in two weeks, either way, right?” Your tone sounds sad and grim all of a sudden; it really dampens the atmosphere because Minho is now looking at you with concern laced in his brown eyes. “Look, I get that it’s bothersome to be my roommate so there’s no need to feel bad. I’ll be fine going back to my old life where my feet don’t get cold in the middle of the night because no one would be there to hog the blanket anymore.”
Minho feels the need to clear things up here. “I never said anything about moving out,” he grabs you by the shoulders and hopes you could just look at him when he’s being serious for once. “Y/N, who even said anything about moving out? Was it the landlord?”
“No,“ you say, still not willing to face him directly. You’re such a coward. 
“If so, why would I move out? Did I do something wrong? Did I piss you off or something?”
You’re trying so hard not to snap at this point. “No!”
“Then why can’t you just fucking look at me?!”
“You’re still drunk, let me buy you another—“
Minho shakes you forcefully, hoping to knock some common sense into that brain of yours. “For fuck’s sake, I’m not drunk!” he cries helplessly, not caring about the fact that he’s waking up every cat possible in the neighborhood. “Just- just look at me, will you?”
You stubbornly keep your eyes anywhere but him. “Why would I look at your stupid face?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. You’re not usually like this.”
Every single cell inside your body quivers simultaneously when he says so—good god, no, he’s testing you. Minho knows something’s off. Now to think about it again, you’d rather let him dirty your carpet than being put on trial like this.
“You wanna know why I’m acting like this? It’s because of you! You’re making me nervous! It’s your fault for making me feel this way!”
“What?” he blurts, eyes blinking numerous times in disbelief. “What did I ever do to you?”
“God, Minho, you can’t possibly be this dense. Tell me, that you’ve never, not even once, seen me turning beet red when you simply look at me in the eye. Or when you’re just sitting there, laughing your ass off about something stupid. It makes my heart flutter, okay? You make my heart flutter. Do you know how much of an effect you can have on me? You don’t go around juggling with others’ feelings like that,” your voice grows smaller and smaller towards the end until there’s nothing but an oddly comfortable silene floating midair. A sense of relief washes over you; you unknowingly exhale.
Minho stares at you in awe for a moment there, until he also speaks up for himself. “Maybe you should take your own advice,” he almost snickers, and this causes you to peel your gaze away from a random bush to gawk at his response. “You’re telling me to not go around juggling with others’ feelings? If anything, you’re the one who keeps messing with my heart. What am I supposed to do? Not get drunk so that I won’t be able to get away for doing dumb things?”
“What dumb things?”
“I don’t know, kiss you?”
“Fuck, you can’t get away with it this time now, can you?”
You’re already regretting this and there’s no turning back. Because when Minho subconsciously runs his tongue over his bottom lips, you’re already fighting the rouge spreading on your cheekbones. He shortens the distance between your heads until your lips are practically a breath away from his. Impatient, you grab a fistful of his shirt to smash your lips against his. Minho stays frozen for a nanosecond, taken aback by your boldness before pulling you closer by the waist. You’re hesitant at first, but he guides you through it, telling you that it’s okay by embracing you more tightly. Dear god, Minho’s kissing you and the world just falls away. It’s slow, comforting in ways that words can never be. He slackens his jaw to deepen the kiss, smiling into it when giddiness bubbles up inside his stomach. 
The world still feels like it’s spinning when he parts away, an alcoholic taste mixed with the green tea ghosts your lips, and your face grows ten times hotter. Even in this cracked darkness, Minho sees you blush hard and is fully aware that his cheeks are mirroring yours—he doesn’t even bother to convince himself that it’s from the alcohol, because it isn’t. 
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Minho questions though his breath is still a bit shaky from the kiss. He really didn’t lie when he said that he could never stop bothering you. 
You can’t help but smile at him brightly; this causes his heartbeat to spike inside his chest. “Well, do I have to?” He shakes his head and stares down at your hands until he musters up every strand of courage left to finally intertwine them with his own. Fits like a glove. 
“Come on, let’s go home,” he tells you softly, eyes crinkling into a pretty crescent moon shape. But you stop him right there when he attempts to stand up and wordlessly lean your forehead against his. Minho understands that you simply need a moment so you both hover right there, simply melting into each other’s touch. But what you say next just makes the ignited passion inside his heart flare-up. He’s at a loss for words, utterly speechless. 
“I am home.”
“Welcome home then, Y/N,” Minho whispers.
Everything feels like a dream that you’d never want to wake up from. His hands are clasped on either side of your face, resting just below the lobes of your ears. His thumbs gently caress your cheeks so that you won’t drift away, your breaths mingling. Never before has your own name made your heart flutter. But you guess it’s only because Minho said it. You do know that it’s not an afterthought, nor out of impulse. It’s a promise, for whatever’s coming your way on this path, he’s never gonna leave you behind. And the moment he feels that thing beating inside his chest is in sync with yours, he slowly leans in again.
Albert Einstein once said you can’t blame gravity for falling in love. And you have every right to argue with him in the afterlife because you’ve confirmed that Minho is your gravity. Gravity keeps you grounded, always get a hold of you so that you won’t ever have to wander off too far away. It’s there for you but it doesn’t have to act like it cares. Minho’s kinda like that too—he picked you up every time you said you’re good walking home, he only stocked up the stash of candies to secretly feed your midnight cravings. They only differ so much where his heartbeat for you is loud, undaunted and he loves you fearlessly; nothing shall meddle with his feelings for you as long as the way your eyes light up when they meet his doesn’t change. 
Before you met Minho, you didn’t know that it was possible to just look at someone and smile for no reason. The way his lips curl up when he smiles, his sarcastic remarks, his kindhearted nature though he’s awfully good at hiding it. That’s what people do when they’re in love, they say—to fawn over the littlest things but they’re what makes you fall so hard for him. But as time passes by, you’ve learned that it’s actually quite nice to be in love with someone. Because then, you get to spend your time and effort on their happiness as well, not just your own. In exchange, that person is capable of bringing colors to your dull world, tearing down your walls, and showing you just how beautiful life can be. Surely, Minho might not stay by your side forever in this crazy game of Monopoly but you’d risk it all for him even if the sky comes crashing and the universe turns upside down. 
After all, you can’t love alone. 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Under the Mistletoe
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warning: smut, cursing, fluff
word count: 8,467
a/n: I didn’t want to edit this last night so lmao... sorry!!!!! anyways, this is super cute and yall should like.....read it :D
Synopsis: The mistletoe tradition is known by all, and if used correctly it can end in a sweet moment. Too bad Todoroki Shouto believes that people fuck under the mistletoe and not kiss under it.
“So you’re telling me that when two people meet under a mistletoe they have to...” Shouto trails off as he looks at the green plant nestled in between his fingers. “They have to—”
“They have to fuck, yes,” Kaminari nods his head. 
His arms are crossed over his chest, his eyes closed as he nods. His words, of course, are a flat out lie, but to Todoroki Shouto it seems as if his friend is speaking the truth. “It’s why it was never put up during our Christmas celebrations at school! With some of you guys not turning eighteen until after Christmas and all. That could have turned out to be child porn or something!”
“I haven’t had sex though,” Shouto huffs as he throws the mistletoe towards the blond who yells as it hits his head. “I don’t think I want to be caught underneath it. Didn’t Mineta wear a hat with it attached to it last week though?”
“Yeah, but that’s the only way Mineta can get girls, plus didn’t you see how the girls avoided him like the plague?” Sero pipes in, a large grin on his face as he takes the mistletoe and throws it above Kaminari’s head.
Shouto, however, sees this as a substantial poof.
“Bro, are you telling me you wanna fuck?” Kaminari winks as he looks up at the mistletoe.
“No, I just don’t think you’ll ever get to smash without this either!” Sero laughs as Kaminari slaps the mistletoe from Sero’s grasp.
“Would you fucking bastards GET OFF YOUR ASSES and come fucking help out?!” Bakugou roars as he enters the living room where the three men were sitting around.
Shouto stands up first, his eyes looking at the mistletoe that lays innocently on the floor. White people were pretty weird for starting that tradition.
Of course, it wasn’t to say that Shouto didn’t want to meet anyone under the mistletoe! Had it been a tradition where he would get to kiss someone it would be different, but fucking? Having sex only because you were caught under a plant was a bit too much.
“Todoroki-kun, are you okay?” Midoriya asked as he walked while hold two tables to put up for the dinner. The boys of the since graduated class 1-A were in charge of hosting the first annual Christmas party. Of course on because Iida volunteered them all.
Shouto nodded his head as he smiled strained, “I’m going to be avoiding the mistletoe all night.”
Midoriya looked at the fallen plant as he quirked an eyebrow, “Really? I thought it could be a great idea to get— mmph?!”
Shouto’s eyes widened as he saw Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima covering the One for All user’s mouth. They began dragging him away, their mouths at his ear as they whispered at him.
“Todoroki-kun, Kirishima-kun!” Iida yelled as he brisked over with red cloth in his hands, “I need your help in spreading snow out in front of the house! It hasn’t snowed enough yet!”
“Iida, what do you think about mistletoe?” Shouto asks as Kirishima jogs over to them.
“It’s a weird tradition,” Iida admits as he rubs the back of his neck. “But there’s too much to do, and the girls will be here within an hour!”
“Don’t worry bro,” Kirishima laughs as he slings an arm around Shouto’s shoulder. “Just avoid the mistletoe! Unless... you want us to send y/l/n-chan your way!”
Shouto couldn’t hide the flush the built on his cheeks at those words. The joyous laughter of Kirishima’s teasing didn’t help either.
Shouto stared at himself in the mirror.
Iida had insisted on formal wear tonight. He believed their first Christmas celebration outside of U.A. was a cause to ditch the Santa gear. It was definitely weird celebrating Christmas with his friends and not wearing the Santa suits.
But Shouto chose a dark navy blue suit, a white button-up, and a slim black tie. His fingers buttoned one of the buttons on his jacket before putting in silver cuff links. He was ready.
Stepping out of the bathroom, Shouto placed his clothes into the designated room. It seemed, however, that he was the last one ready as everyone else was sitting at the grand table. It had been beautifully prepared by Sato and Tokoyami. The aroma of the cooking food filled the air causing Shouto to sigh, he was quite hungry.
“Bakugou, where’s the mistletoe?” Shouto asked his ash-blond friend who was walking around with his hands shoved into his pockets. Shouto watched as Bakugou groaned as he whipped around towards him.
“What makes you think I would fucking know, hah?” Bakugou grunts as he rolls his eyes. “It’s hidden for a goddamn reason, you’re not supposed to know!”
“Would you help me look for it?” Shouto asks as he rubs the back of his neck.
“HAH?! Why the hell would I look for it with YOU, half and half bastard?! Are you trying to—?” Bakugou’s mouth was then taped shut. Shouto watched on in confusion as the ash blond’s attention was stolen by Sero; who was now running away in his white tux from the storming blond.
“Why aren’t they just being bizarre!” Aoyama dramatized from Shouto’s left. Glancing over, Shouto chuckled at his friend dressed in a literal suit of armor that was blinding to the eye. “Now, are you confessing your feelings to Mademoiselle y/n? Christmas is the most romantic time to do so!”
Before Shouto could speak to the smirking blond, Iida bursts into the dining area with coats in his arms.
“The ladies have arrived!” He announced.
Shouto watched as six girls entered the room talking amongst themselves.
They all wore Christmas appropriate formal dresses, and yet his heart fell as he was quick to see that you weren’t there.
Where were you?
“I know I’m very late!” You exclaim into your phone as you struggle to shove the dark red evening dress over your body.
You weren’t supposed to have stayed as late at work as you did.
Missing the bullet train back to your apartment, you had completely missed the preparation for the party. Lucky for you, your neighbor had a useful quirk that let him do makeup and hair in ten minutes. So after offering him your soul (a promised meeting from his favorite Pro Hero Froppy), he agreed to do it.
The formal wear, however, was a bit too much in your opinion.
One month ago Iida had sent out appropriate outfits to gather ideas of what to wear for today. To put it simply he wanted a full-blown ball gown for a party for twenty-one of you.
So there you sat in your room, pulling the dark red dress into place. It had a semi sweetheart neckline, the bodice was made of soft velvet, and the skirt was multiple layers of red lace. Overall it was cute and simple. Slipping on your white heels you grabbed your coat and presents for your friends. Placing your phone to your ear you raced out to where the taxi was waiting for you.
“Iida won’t let anyone eat until you’re here! And I’m positive Bakugou is going to kill Midoriya out of a hangry fit if you don’t get here quick!” Mina once again tells you as you give the taxi driver the address.
“It’s not my fault villains decided to be villains where I work! Had it been my decision I would’ve been there with you guys! Plus it’s starting to snow,” you sigh as you pinch the bridge of your nose. “Tell Iida you guys can start eating, I’m not offended!”
“Girl, I told him that one hour ago, and again right before I called. Trust me, we’re not touching the food until you’re here!”
“Wow, you didn’t even want to wait for me?” You tease as you watch as the taxi drives into familiar areas.
“You know I’m teasing, besides loverboy here won’t let anyone eat until you get here too~!” Mina giggles in her sing-song tone.
“Don’t call Shouto that!” You groan as you try to calm your flaring cheeks. “We’re friends!”
“Friends who have the sexual tension that brings god to her knees! And the romantic chemistry that makes the cutest couple tremble in jealousy!” Mina exclaims. “Don’t worry, we saved you the seat right between him and me!”
“Oh, gotta go! Bakugou AND your precious Shouto~ are demanding an update, see ya soon cutie!”
The line went dead as you puffed out your cheeks.
Sometimes Mina was too slippery for her own good.
The rest of the taxi drive was quiet. Your taxi driver most likely wanting to get you out as soon as possible to go home themselves. Your eyes focused down at your cellphone that was getting text messages demanding your location.
Most of which was spam from Kaminari and Uraraka who seemed to be the most starving. Sighing, you shared your location with the class’s group chat for the next twenty-four hours. So they could track you for the next few minutes it would take for you to get there.
kaminari: i dont think ive ever been this excited to see y/n in my life… ever… and im 98% sure i had a crush on her 0.0
you: omg i told you guys you could EAT stop HARASSING ME
sero: tru lets blame iida
iida: You all would have been very upset had we eaten without you! Besides, this is our family so we have to wait, it’s only polite. - Iida Tenya
mina: …
you: …
midoriya: …
kirishima: i thought someone ingrained it into iida that he doesnt have to text… like that…
momo: I believe it is okay, Iida-san! It is confusing to know who’s texting on this chat! Sincerly, Yaoyorozu Momo
bakugou: hurry the FUCK UP Y/N
you: id rather die
“We’re here,” the driver sighs as they turn around. “That’ll be 2,000 yen.”
You smile in gratefulness as you pull out two 2,000 yen. “It’s a tip for working on a holiday, thank you!”
“Happy holidays.”
“To you as well!”
You stepped out of the car and closed the door behind you. Your eyes fluttering as you watch the snow fall in front of you. A shiver runs through your spine as you pull your coat tighter around yourself. Holding the presents closer to you, you walk down to the front door. You take notice of the heaps of snow in front of the lawn and grin. Although you had no evidence, you bet Iida made Shouto and Kirishima create snow unknowing that it was going to snow this much.
Opening the grand door, warmth and the waft of cooking food invaded your senses. Removing your coat, you heard chairs scraping against the floor as a small mob of people raced to greet you.
“Merry Christmas!”
“Season greetings!”
“I’m so fucking hungry, thank Santa you’re here!”
“Move bitches I get the first hug!”
“Let me grab her coat first!”
It had been a while since you had last seen everyone. But in this moshpit of who you would consider being among your best friends, it warmed your heart. “Thank you, Iida,” you smile as he nodded in response.
“You followed the guidelines quite well, you look great!” Iida compliments as he turns to put your coat away.
“Of course she looks great, we all went out together to a dress shop!” Jirou sighs as she pulls you into a hug.
You greeted everyone, hugging them all as you went until you finally found the one person you wanted to see. His hair styled slicked back and his hands rested in his pockets as he smiled at you. Your face felt like it was heating up as you stepped closer to him.
“Merry Christmas, Shouto,” you smile as the dual-colored man smiles at you. You pull him into a hug.
“Merry Christmas, y/n,” he mumbles into your hair. “I’ll take those from you?” Shouto offers as he grabs the bag with the presents.
“Thank you,” you say letting go of the bag.
Shouto nodded as he turns on his heel to put the presents away.
“TIME TO EAT!” Kirishima and Kaminari roar as everyone starts making their way back to the dining table.
“Just to let you know, there is a mistletoe somewhere here, in case you want to make a move,” Mina whispers in your ear.
Oh, this dinner seemed like it was going to get increasingly harder to stay composed.
“It’s present opening time!” Iida exclaims as he ushers the class into the living room where the tree and presents resided. “Please have a seat, Yaomomo and I have organized the different piles for everyone! Until you have been seated will you receive your pile!”
You were talking with Tsuyu as you entered the living room. Your eyes shining as you took in a beautifully decorated living room.
“You boys did an amazing job at decorating!” You exclaim as you grin, the night had been going perfectly so far.
Dinner had been lively and hilarious. Old banter and topics bleed into the night’s conversation made your heart ache for the old days. It seemed so long ago when you spent every day for three years with these guys. You missed it.
With Mina at your left who discussed her new fighting style. Shouto at your right who talked about his life at home. His family had finally was becoming something he loved completely. While you two had late night discussions talking about it no one else knew about it. It was invigorating to see Shouto grin and laugh in conversations. His old dense self was still ingrained in him yet he’s grown so much since his fifteenth year. You were proud of him.
You watched as Tsuyu took a seat on the couch, her eyes trained on you as she spoke. You moved to sit next to her until something shoved you to the side.
“Oh, that’s my seat!” Mina exclaimed as she sat next to Tsuyu, her smile large as your eyebrow rose. “There’s more, don’t worry!”
You turned around and saw a seat near Midoriya who was near Tsuyu. It seemed you could continue your conversation about her position as a Hero Commander. Midoriya would like that conversation as well.
“That’s my spot!” Uraraka shouts as you were about to sit down. You sighed as you stood back up, your eyes raking the couches for a place to sit.
“There’s a spot by Todoroki-kun,” Midoriya said pointing at Shouto. Shouto was sitting on a seat that was a bit too large for one person, but too small for two.
“Thanks,” you smile as you walk over to Shouto. “You mind if I squeeze in next to you?”
Shouto looks at you, his eyes intense as he shakes his head, “No, go ahead and sit.”
You sat at his left with a grin. Your body pressing into his left arm as he concentrated on Iida, and with a nudge, you captured his attention. “I hope you like the gift I bought for you,” you whisper as Iida begins handing out the piles of gifts to each person. Ojiro helping as they were big.
“I don’t think I could hate anything you could give me,” Shouto whispers back as he grabs his pile from Iida.
“Random panties I find on patrol?”
“I’d be honored you thought of me.”
“That’s so gross, Shouto,” you laugh as you take your own pile from Ojiro.
“You’re the one touching random panties from the streets of Japan!” Shouto retorts as he helps you settle your pile onto the floor.
“Touche, Shouto,” you grin as you shove him with your shoulder, “touche.”
“Because it is Uraraka-kun’s birthday coming up, she should go first!” Iida suggests and everyone agrees.
“Oh, I need to tell you something,” Shouto whispers as you cheer on Uraraka who is lifting a gift over her head.
“What is it?” You ask turning your head towards him.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he whispers before focusing back in onto Uraraka. She lifts out multiple bags of strawberry mochi with a triumphant scream.
“You look handsome tonight, too.”
It doesn’t take long before presents are being opened and you’re feeling content pressed into Shouto’s side.
From Aoyama, you got a crystal mirror that sparkled in the light. The poem about the North Star engraved into the back of the mirror.
From Mina, you got workout clothes specific to a dance class you and the girls were planning on attending together. They were in your favorite color and came with a jacket with your name stitched into it.
From Tsuyu, you got a plushie. It was of your favorite animal and held lots of tiny little snacks that you could carry during a patrol.
From Iida, he presented you with a pair of exercise shoes you had been needing for a while. After all, sparring with Bakugou and Midoriya left your old ones disintegrated.
From Uraraka, she bought you a charm bracelet that had two charms on it already. One of the U.A. building and another of a small group of girls.
Ojiro gave you got a new winter coat. It was white, waterproof and insulated. Your jaw on the ground as you tried it on because it made you look like a marshmallow and you adored that.
Kaminari gave you got his mixtape. On the cassette were a bunch of Kaminari originals he had been promising you for years now, and now you had a copy. That and a gift card to your favorite restaurant.
Kirishima gave you a new ankle and wrist weights. Something to help with your manly journey to becoming the best hero!
Koda bashfully announced that you were getting an all-inclusive trip to an animal and tea shop. Something he gifted everyone in the class, and an event you girls were quick to plan.
Sato gave you a free pass to let him bake you anything you wanted. Another gift given to all the girls, and another gift you girls were excited to use.
Shoji had gifted you a massage gun. Something you had enveloped him in a hug for minutes afterward because it was something you had been meaning to buy.
Jirou’s gift was in a white envelope, two VIP tickets to your favorite band. A very discounted item because her parents knew them and the fact that she was a Pro Hero too.
Sero’s gift was something that made you laugh, it was a high-quality blanket. Soft to the touch, with the ability to keep you warm in a blizzard! It had a class picture printed on it photoshopped with Kaminari’s wheey face onto everyone’s picture.
Tokoyami gave you a picture album with the class’s best memories. It also had many more blank pages for your own pictures.
Hagakure bought you a new set of makeup and brushes. Brushes that you had been eyeing the time you two had gone shopping together too!
Bakugou bought you a new outfit. It was definitely an outfit for warmer weather, and he got annoyed when you went to hug him.
Midoriya made you a present. It was two notebooks full of analysis and suggestions that you had asked for when sparring. You wanted to continue improving and Midoriya was definitely going to help you.
Mineta bought you a gift card to use at a local lingerie store. On the one hand, it had a lot of money on it, on the other hand, you wanted to destroy it.
Momo blushed as she stood up, her grin wide as she looked at everyone. She apologized about being able to properly buy everyone an honest gift as she had been busy these past few months. Nut she promised she made up for it. She had paid off everyone’s apartment/house rent or price. Or in Iida’s and Shouto’s case their groceries for four months.
“This is for you,” Shouto whispered as he handed you a thin rectangular box. “I didn’t want it getting smashed so, I held onto it. I didn’t forget to give you a gift.”
Your eyes focused on the gift that was wrapped in red and silver wrapping paper. Your fingers gently taking it from him as you nodded. Shouto had been giving everyone else gifts with things that reminded him of them. It had some of the most hilarious items to date. But the box told you nothing, no hint, no clue. The attention of the group was on Aoyama who was modeling the new outfits that were gifted to him.
His eyes bore into you as you opened the gift, your eyes widening as you opened the box. “Shouto…” you trailed off as you looked down at the simple yet gorgeous necklace that lay in the box. It had a single diamond on it, yet you knew that it was more expensive than anything you’ve ever bought in your life. “W-What?”
Shouto remained silent as he gently pulled the necklace from the box, he asked you wordlessly to turn around so that he could place it on you. You complied as you shifted in the seat.
“I promise I looked everywhere else for you before choosing this!” Shouto admits as his warm fingers push your hair to the side. The cold chain presses into your skin as you look down at the jewel. “But no matter what I looked at, this was the only thing I liked for you. So, no, I don’t regret or worry about buying you this because I know it was meant to be yours.” His breath teased your exposed skin and it took everything within you not to melt as he fixed your hair.
Not knowing how to thank him, you pulled him into a tight hug, your arms holding him near as he returned the hug. Your lips pressed gently against his cheek, “Thank you, Shouto.”
You pull away and look back to your friends who were still focused on Aoyama who did a spin. Your fingers grazed the shiny jewel, and you lay your head against his shoulder as you consume the fashion show laid out for you.
“You’re confessing to him, right?!” Mina hisses as the girls called an impromptu meeting seconds before you were "about to kiss Shouto" on the couch.
“Mina-san, she was about to kiss Todoroki-san right before you ripped her from his grasp!” Momo sighed as gave you an apologetic smile.
“Y/n has liked him since high school! Her first kiss with Todoroki-kun is not going to be while Bakugou is modeling his clothes!” Hagakure defended Mina as she crossed her arms.
“First off, I was not going to kiss him,” you defend yourself as you point a sweeping finger at your friends. “I was going in to get lint in his hair!”
“There wasn’t lint in his hair,” Tsuyu chimed in to which everyone agreed.
“Leave her alone!" Jirou waves her hands, to which you thank her. "She was going to take the lint out with her teeth! To show him what that mouth do!”
Jirou snorts as you shove her.
“Do you see that rock on her neck?! You know she’s not gonna show him only what that mouth do, but also what her—!” Uraraka snickers as she was interrupted by the kitchen door opening.
“Y/n?” Shouto asks, his eyes wide as he sees that you’re flustered and pointing your fingers at them all. “Um… I was wondering if we could talk?”
“Right now?” You squeak as you smooth over your dress. “Of course right now, um, yes let’s go!” You declare, glaring at your friends as you walk towards Shouto. Grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the kitchen the door closing behind you.
“They put up the mistletoe outside right?” Momo whispers as she looks at Jirou who gives a thumbs up.
“Yes, Kaminari said they convinced Todoroki to talk with y/n outside.”
“Does… does Todoroki-kun even know what to do under the mistletoe?” Uraraka asks as she realizes her sheltered friend was still learning new things to this day.
“The boys must’ve explained it to him,” Hagakure insists as she nods. “You can’t fuck up explaining that you kiss someone under the mistletoe. Besides, they want them to get together too!”
“Fuck, it’s cold,” you shiver as you wrap your jacket around you.
“Sorry,” Shouto apologizes as he grabs your hands in his. Heat immediately spreads through your skin. He was warming you up, the cold winter air is ignorable, as you and Shouto walk towards the edge of the porch. “There wasn’t any room in there that was private enough, and I needed to talk to you about something important.”
“Oof, don’t tell me you meant to give this necklace to some other girl named y/n,” you tease as you rest your back against the snow-covered railings. “If so, I’m going to need to fight both you and her for it.”
“No, no,” Shouto chuckles as his thumb rubs smooth circles into your skin. “But it is about the necklace.”
You nod your head as you squeeze his hand reassuringly, “What about it?”
“It’s not… too forward is it?” Shouto asks as he takes his right hand to brush your hair from your face. “If you think it’s too much I can take you to return it for something else you’d like.”
The worry and concern that are heavily etched into his face make you laugh softly as you shake your head. “Even though I can’t give you something as great in return, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”
“What do you mean? I liked your gift.”
“Shouto, it was a two paid in full all you can eat meals at that soba joint you love, of course, you were going to like it!” You tease as you think back to the hole in the wall you had introduced Shouto to a few months ago.
“Yes, I have to starve for a week to make the most of your gift,” he teases and you snort as you shove him. Your eyes roll as you focus your attention back onto him.
Wait, what was that?
Your eyes flew back up to the ceiling as you saw the powdered with snow mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. Your jaw dropped as your heart rate spiked. The hands that were in Shouto’s felt sweaty as you ripped your hands from his.
“What’s wrong?” Shouto asks as he follows your gaze up to the ceiling.
“Mistletoe,” you breathe as your eyes widen. This screamed like a setup to you, but how could the girls know the two of you would have made your way out here?!
“Oh.” Shouto’s voice nearly squeaked.
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to,” Shouto whispers, his cheeks glowing in embarrassment or from the cold, you had no idea at this point. “If you’re okay with it, um... I’ve never done this before.”
You lick your lips in anticipation and the feeling that Shouto wants to kiss you back. Your heart hammers in your ears as you smile. “It’s okay, I have,” you laugh gently.
“... you have?”
“It’s okay, it’s something I try not to remember,” you input as you shake your hands. His disappointed, flustered, and jealous aura screaming at you as you cup his cheeks. “You’re the one I wanted to meet under the mistletoe anyways.”
His hands slip through your jacket, holding your waist in his grasp as he lets out a shaky breath. Shouto’s eyes rise to lock on yours finally, and you nod at him.
“Wait you want to do this outside?” Shouto whispers as you near him.
“You’re supposed to do it under the mistletoe,” you mumble as your lips connect with his. Your lips end all arguments that he has as Shouto stills.
The kiss was slow, your eyes closed as you gently coaxed his stiff lips to move with yours. Shouto moved with you smoothly, the kiss gently growing in passion as he pulled you in closer. The kiss burns you as your lips languidly move against each other. Your hands moving from his cheeks to tangling into his gelled hair.
It was perfect, and you found yourself pulling away, ready to confess your feelings for him. But Shouto didn’t seem to be on the same page as his lips pressed against your throat. The feeling of his heated and soft lips against your colder skin made you suck in a sharp breath of air. Your head tilting backward as he peppered clumsy yet attentive kisses against your skin.
“S-Shouto,” you moaned as your fingers grabbed onto the collar of his jacket. This wasn’t what you were expecting from him. Nor was it something you believed to come from a visit under the mistletoe. Your peaked breaths soon calmed, they smoothed into soft and shaky moans as his teeth teased your sensitive skin.
Shudders flew through your body as his tongue caressed your skin. your mind was sinking into a sinking pit that is until he trailed his tongue to the cleavage of your breasts.
“Shouto!” You squeak as you shove his jaw up, his eyes locking on yours confused and drowning with lust.
“What’s wrong, love?” Shouto asks as a strand of hair falls into his eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Is this how you meet everyone under the mistletoe?” You pant as your mind is racing too many thoughts a second, you can’t keep up as there is a heat building in you. A heat that begged you to get over your shyness and just let him kiss you in such a lewd way. But this wasn’t Shouto, it couldn’t be.
“I’ve never been under a mistletoe before,” Shouto mumbles as his lips press together. In this brief hesitation, it seems that he remembers something. “Who have you… met under the mistletoe…”
Your face warms as you sigh, it wasn’t a memory you much enjoyed.
“It was Bakugou, but only because the damn store owners were so insistent on it!”
This confession made Shouto still. His eyes turning a near black with emotions you hadn’t seen on his face in quite a while.
“Shouto? Are you okay--mmph?!”
His lips were back over yours immediately. His bruised lips fervently danced against yours as he held his right hand to the back of your neck and the other firmly onto the small of your back. His kiss was demanding, sultry, and overwhelming.
Your questions of his emotions out of your mind as your ass hit the porch railing. The cold snow burning through your dress made you cry out, and Shouto’s tongue presses into your mouth. Your back arches as his left-hand leaves your body. It slams against the railing and the snow melts, and the tongue in your mouth warms you as you shudder in his hold.
Not wanting to be manipulated like this, you ignore how your body feels like it’s melting in his hold. Your mouth suckles onto his tongue. Your hands fist into his hair, making him moan into your mouth as you tug on it sharply.
You can feel the falling snow hitting your cheeks, but your body temperature has spiked so high that it melts before it can make complete contact.
Ripping your mouth from his, your lips trail down his neck, nipping and sucking hickies onto his pale skin. The harsh pants that escaped his mouth and the shaking of his form further incited you as your painted lips met the collar of his shirt.
“Should we go back to my place?” You ask as you pull away, your hands fisting around his tie as you look into his lust-fueled eyes.
“I thought you said we had to do it under the mistletoe?” Shouto questions, his upper lip in almost a sneer as he uses your hands to loosen his tie. Your eyes widened as he stripped off his jacket. He placed it onto the railing that was turning the snow into steam whenever it made contact. “Did you take Bakugou home after finding yourself under the mistletoe with him?”
The words were a near snarl, his eyes angry, his face jealous.
Some part of you wanted to utilize this. You wanted to use this surplus of emotion Shouto was emitting to get him to fuck you against this railing. Another part of you, a louder part of you, demanded to know what was wrong.
“Why would I bring Bakugou home?” You ask as you take Shouto’s flushed cheeks in your hands. “It’s mistletoe, not a porno.”
Shouto blinks once, twice, thrice.
“Mistletoe, not porno,” you repeat confused. “Shouto, you’re supposed to kiss under the mistletoe.”
It’s then that Shouto’s body freezes. His eyes widening as he stares at you.
His face flushed, lips were swollen from kissing, and hair messy.
“You’re… you’re not supposed to fuck?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he shakes his head.
The small sentence causes your heart to beat wildly as you stare at him, your hands moving from his cheeks to your mouth. “NO!” You squeak as Shouto takes a step back from you, his head dropping.
Coldness envelopes you as Shouto nods his head, “I’m sorry for forcing myself on you, y/n. I… I should go.”
You watch as Shouto turns on his heel, his back stiff as he walks towards the door.
Everything in you screams at you to make him stop, pleading that you pull him back and say you’ll still fuck him. The kissing itself had ignited a fire within you. And there was nothing else you wanted but Shouto to subside the need and desire that had built within you.
“I like you,” you reel as you find yourself taking several steps forward as Shouto’s hand touches the door handle. “I have feelings for you, and when I found out that I could kiss you tonight I took the chance! I know you might be feeling a whole bunch of different emotions that I can’t list. But I want to let you know that I wasn’t letting you do that because of the mistletoe, Shouto! I genuinely really like you and I was going to let you fuck me against the porch railing I was that ready.”
Shouto is frozen at the door, his back tense as his hand drops. You watch in what feels like slow motion as he turns around, his eyes locking on yours. It clicks, his confession is silent as he walks back towards you.
The world has gone silent as Shouto cuts the distance between the two of you before you could react. His mouth pressing against yours as you’re sent walking backward. Your hands grasping his biceps as you’re pressed against a familiar railing.
“I like you,” Shouto gasps against your lips. “Fuck, y/n, I like you so much.”
You don’t answer him as you instead sink your teeth into his lower lip, a groan leaving his mouth as you pull away. His eyes flash dangerously, something new stirring within him as your lips come crashing together again. In a tangle of lips and tongue, his hands leave your waist and grab your ass through the fabric of the dress. The cold is ignorable and the jacket around you is making you sweat as you moan into the kiss.
The melodious sound escaping your mouth stirs Shouto on and his leg slips between your thighs as you arch into him. His leg presses indescribably into your crotch, so you do what you must and grind your hips against his leg.
The grip on your ass tightens as Shouto begins to guide your hips into wide circles against his leg. The grinding pleasures you. The slowly building pressure overwhelming you as you whine against his mouth. His name escapes your mouth like a prayer, soft and hopeful as your mouth suckles against his tongue.
“It’s too hot,” you whimper as you pull away, Shouto trying to follow you with his mouth as you tilt your head. His wandering lips press against your neck and you sigh as you shift to take off the jacket.
“You’re going to get sick,” Shouto warns. His hands leave your rotating ass as he tries to slip the coat back over your shoulders.
Taking his hands and instead press them onto your breasts. As his eyes shifted to your breasts, you dropped your coat to the floor and you stare at him with a growing smirk. “Then you better fuck the cold away.”
His eyes take you in and he slowly nods, his hands groping your breasts as he growls in response, “Don’t think I won’t.”
“Big words for a virgin,” you moan as warmth spreads throughout your body.
“Those are fighting words for someone who’s at my mercy,” Shouto snaps as he pinches your side.
A pained moan escapes your lips as Shouto’s teeth sink back onto your neck. His tongue then lashing out to smooth the wound that was left in its place. He continues to mark your neck as your gasping praises and grinding hips gives him the confidence to continue. His touch is intoxicating and you find yourself whining for more, begging that he do more. Finally, with a deep chuckle, Shouto pulls away from your neck, his lips red and raw.
His eyes trace your body as his hand’s trail from your breasts back onto your ass. Your eyes widen as he picks you up as if you weigh nothing, his hands massaging your flesh as he places you onto the rail. A low sigh escapes your lips at the feeling of the warm wood underneath you.
Your chest heaves with your quickening breathing as you see that this position gives Shouto the perfect entrance to fuck you out here.
There wasn’t much you could do outside. With snow blanketing the world, your friends indoor, and both you and Shouto craving the other there was only so much you could do. Fully expecting Shouto to start unbuckling his pants, your eyes shot open as he lifted the skirt of your dress. His heated fingers trailing up your cool flesh.
Trembling you watched as his fingers reached your panties. His finger stroking your folds as your hands held tightly onto his shoulder. Your pussy aches for more. Your panties soaked from the thigh riding and the being so overwhelmed with emotions for Shouto.
You can do nothing as you feel your panties being peeled from your skin. The soft fabric trailing down your legs and you watch as Shouto looks at them before pocketing them. A smirk overcomes his facial features as you watch him. He takes your wrists in his right hand and moves them behind your back. Your eyes widen as a familiar sound hits your ears.
“I might be a virgin, but I’m not a prude,” he whispers into your ear as cold ice encloses your wrists. “You have only a few minutes to get yourself to cum against my fingers, or else… well, I don’t want to find out.”
Unintentionally, you whimper in both pleasure and pain as the coldness seeps through your skin and your pussy throbs at the threat. Should you heed his command or make him recant. As you contemplate that, you rub your legs together. The slickness of your essence much more noticeable without the fabric in place, and you moan.
Shouto smirks as he looks at your moving legs, and he takes his left hand to trace your inner thigh, teasingly, barely touching your skin. Your eyes flutter as they brush against your slit right before he plunges two fingers into your wet heat. Cursing his name, your walls tremble against him as you press your forehead onto his shoulder. His fingers are warm, but your heat is even warmer.
“Is something wrong?” He feigns innocence as his fingers curl against your wall. They circle within your cunt as you whimper lewdly.
“N-No!” You stammer. The freezing sensation of the ice is almost ignorable with his fingers beginning to push within you. He nods as he begins to move his fingers slowly. Your body squirms in his hold as he increases his speed. Soon his fingers pump within you at unimaginable speeds, your head throwing backward at the pleasure. Your hips find themselves bucking against his fingers as you mewl.
The ice begins to burn as his thumb brushes against your clit.
Your eyes clench close as you surge forward. Your lips pressing against his as you attempt to stop your loud moans. Shouto swallows your moans as he continues to pound his fingers in you. A third one soon entering as his thumb flicks against your clit.
So close, you’re so fucking close.
You can feel the pressure building in you, the coil tightening as you cry out his name, pleading for him to make you cum. Shouto muses at your desperation but does not relieve you of your desires as his fingers leave your cunt. You cry at the expulsion, your pussy craving for him to reenter your needy cunt.
Instead, your wrists are set free from their icy cage. Your skin feels like its burning as Shouto places his fingers into his mouth. He's licking your essence off his skin and you whine at the visual.
“I decided that I want you to come around my cock instead,” Shouto chuckles as you glare at him.
“You’re a dick,” you whine as you watch as Shouto loosens his tie after removing his jacket.
“You’re the greedy one who wanted to fuck right here,” Shouto hums as he unbuckles his belt. You stare at him feeling your pussy throb at the impending sex.
Your eyes fall onto his cock as his pants bunch at his knees, and your mouth dries at the sight of him. Eight inches and thick, his hand fists against his length, low grunts escaping his mouth as he steps near to you.
“Are you okay with this?” Shouto asks as the head of his cock brushes against your wet folds.
You nod your head as you shudder at the sensations that run through your veins, “Yes, are you?”
He nods too as he grunts softly. He begins to grind his cock against your folds. The increased pressure than what he was doing before makes you moan as he coats himself with your juices. Your hands hold onto his biceps as he continues to move his cock between your folds. teasing your clit instead of penetrating you and you whine in protest. The stimulation of your clit appreciated but you wanted him to fill you up.
“Will you just fuck me already?!” You rasp as you pathetically circle your hips against his length.
Shouto chuckles as he locks eyes with you, “Maybe.”
Your mouth opens to argue, but you’re cut off by him pushing himself into your needy pussy without warning. His length barely fits entirely within you, and his girth causes your head to spin as he stretches you out. “FUCK!” You hiss as your head presses into his collarbone.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Shouto shudders as your walls spasm against him, overloading him with sensations as he tries to calm himself. “Y-You’re so fucking tight.”
“Move, Shouto,” you beg eagerly needing more friction from him. “Please fucking move.”
With a grunt of confirmation, Shouto rolls his hips. You curse as his hips move outward before bottoming back into you. Your hips move in time with his, and intermingled moans resonate within your now joined mouths. His thrusting picks up speed the more comfortable he gets. His moving hips slamming against yours as you cry into his mouth. His hand grips your waist as he pulls you from the railing, one of your legs hooked around his waist as the other shakily stands. He slides his other hand down your back so that he can cup the bottom your ass. It’s a stretch and it adds to his vigorous thrusts into your cunt.
The feel of Shouto’s pelvis slapping against yours is your remedy — you’re craving him even more and he is well aware of that fact.
You’re swelling with euphoria and lust when he decides to amp up your pleasure by bringing his right hand to your clit. His fingers circle against your clit with his ice-cold touch, it shocks you as your heated body jerks under the new temperature. With the added temperature play, it feels as if your body is breaking under his will. Your pussy clenching at sensations he’s giving you. Your hips rolling against his pounding hips, and he moans in return to how your walls clench against him.
Your head lolls to the side as you’re overwhelmed by the blazing heat in your core. The pressure of your cunt heavily evident throughout your entire body. You needed to keep it together, you wanted to keep going. The head of his cock finally comes to press against your sweet spot as he shifts your hips and you shriek.
“Fuck! Please, right there!” You beg as Shouto shakily nods, his hips coming to snap into that same spot over and over. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you’re no longer able to speak. You’re completely overpowered by his snapping hips.
“Will you come for me,” he groans out, his voice a pleading hope.
Your head nods frantically as you're unable to trust your voice. The action satisfies Shouto as he hisses lowly. Faster and harder, his fingers switch from pressing small circles to large figure-eights on your clit, while his hips slamming faster into you. You can’t handle the pleasure any more, and you feel your high coming.
“Shouto,” you gasp as he presses a kiss against your mouth again. His hands moving to lift you up, you can only cry in pleasure as he slams your back against a pole. His hips continuing to snap into you at insane speeds. You’re not able to keep up as sparks ignite in your veins as he slams into you over and over.
Your orgasm hits your body and it’s as if you’re falling away into ecstasy. Your mind spinning and dazed from the continuous world-altering sensations. You cry out his name as he still continues at his unmerciful pace. That is until he suddenly pulls out and drops you onto your shaking legs.
Whining at the loss of his cock, and the fact that you’re now on your feet, you open your shut eyes and stare at him unable to speak.
“Turn around,” he growls. You can’t believe he wants you to go for his own orgasm with you in a whole new position. Was he really a virgin you question as he fists his cock as you reposition yourself onto the railing. Your chest presses weirdly onto the wood as your knees buckle, and you look over your shoulder to see Shouto raising the skirt of your dress.
Shouto doesn’t ask to insert himself in you again. Your fingers grip the railing as he slams back in and you let out a sharp cry as you seize forward.
He starts up a brutal pace with his hips slapping against your ass with each and every thrust. Your hands move to your mouth as you cry as you rock forward with every thrust. His hips remain steady as his pace accelerates. You watch on a dazed high as snow falls onto your moving hair. Your fingers shoved into your mouth like a gag as he grips your hips. You use all of your willpower to push your hips back against his to meet him thrust by thrust.
Slowly, he starts to vocalize more and more. His lips moaning your name and crying out. He keeps one gripping hand on your hips while the other slips to your clit. Your mind snaps as he begins rubbing meticulous shapes onto your puffy nerves.
You can tell he’s close.
He’s chanting your name against your spine like some mindless prayer to you. His hot breath fanning onto your exposed skin. The hand on your hip grips you tighter, definitely bruising your skin. So you grip the railing with one hand and the other remains in your mouth.
“Are you ready?” Shouto growls while nipping at your skin. “Ready to take my cum?”
“Yes! Please, Shouto!” You choke out from your fingers, the pleasure and overstimulation reaching their tipping point once again.
“Then fucking come.”
Your toes curl as you let out a sob of pleasure. Your arm is unable to support yourself anymore as you let your torso slam against the railing. The circles on your clit finally stop and your abused cunt clenches around Shouto’s cock. Your body reaches its second orgasm of the night, and Shouto arrives with you.
He cries out a “Fuck!” and your name as his speed spills within you. It’s the loudest he’s been all night, which makes you whine at the sound of your name being said so vulgarly from his mouth. As your cries become breathless pants, you press your hands against the railings. The saliva on your fingers turning cold as the two of you stand still for what feels like some time. You feel him slide both of his hands on top of yours to intertwine with yours as cum spurts out of his cock, filling you up.
He rubs circles on top of your hands with his thumbs as he slides himself out. The feeling of him gone makes the both of you whimper at the loss of each other’s fill. You feel some of his cum seep out, and you shudder at the emptiness your cunt now feels.
You slowly stretch back up, your body hurting and now quickly turning cold with the lack of his heat.
Shouto is two steps ahead of you as he grabs your tossed coat from the floor and wraps you tightly within its fabric. “There,” he smiles as he pulls up his own pants, his face still flushed for different reasons.
You giggle as you shake your head, “Did I really get dicked down because of mistletoe?”
A snort escapes Shouto’s lips as he nods, “You did.”
“Well, I do like you, Shouto,” you whisper as he finishes dressing. “It’s not just because of the mistletoe.”
“I know,” Shouto whispers as he takes your cheeks in his hands. “And now this is me asking you on a date and if you’d like to be my girlfriend.”
Joy fills your heart as you laugh softly. “I’d love to be,” you say as your lips meet his in a gentle kiss right under the mistletoe.
taglist (message to be added):
@flayvus @antigenius @mariahschoices @cherry-pie-shay @the-secret-thief @vampire-dumbass @monst
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
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A/N: Here it is....the last part to Afflicted. Enjoy!
The first day of Dean’s ‘vacation’ he busies himself with changing the oil in Baby and replacing the brake pads and fluids in my car, a 2015 Dodge Charger. He had told me they were both overdue on maintenance. So while he is in the garage I do a couple loads of laundry and take care of our daughter.
When I had become pregnant with Mavelin, Dean had insisted we get rid of the car I had been driving, an old hunk of junk Honda Civic hatchback, and get a more dependable vehicle. At the time, the Civic was all I could afford. That was way before I’d even heard of the Winchsters. To say I wouldn’t miss my car was a bold and inaccurate statement. That car held many memories for me but I had to agree with my husband, it wasn’t the safest option.
I am just hanging the last of his never-ending abundance of flannels when he walks into our bedroom, grease covered and dirty. Dean Winchester with grease splatters and stains is a sight that I can’t help but squeeze my thighs together at. The man is always sex on bowed-legs but with specks of oil and grime makes him even sensual.
“Hey baby,” he says as he spots me walking out of the closet. “How about after I take a shower and we have lunch we take Mav over to that park on 9th? Let her watch all the wildlife.”
“Yea, that sounds good,” I answer with a smile. “Do you need help getting those hard to reach areas?”
“Fuck yea! Is she asleep?”
I nod and follow Dean into the bathroom, where we quickly strip and step into the shower stall. Dean immediately steps under the stream, grabbing the soap and lathering it up to wash his hair.
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After a couple of minutes he rinses by running his hands up over his face and hair and turns toward me. As sexy and lustful he is when he is dirty, Dean Winchester wet and naked is downright titillating! He is standing there, the water hitting his head and shoulders and rolling down his body.
“Like what you see?” he asks with a smirk when he catches me watching the water slide down his body.
“Duh.” I answer and he pulls me into his arms, hugging me close to his body and allowing the water to cascade over both of us. I can feel his cock grow against my hip. His head lowers until his lips meet mine and I instantly open for him.
The water runs frigid by the time we exit it and wrap ourselves in towels. Dean used to complain that shower sex was complicated but over time he and I have figured out the logistics of it and have used needing a shower as an excuse to get some quality alone time with one another. Especially when the Bunker was overrun by the people he and Sam had saved from the apocalypse world. 
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Sam and Mary return three days later, with tales of how the ghost almost got the upperhand by jumping from location to location until they realized that the great-granddaughter of the woman was carrying around a broach that she was linked to. 
The next few weeks, it is quiet. No one calling for help with cases, the supernatural seems to be taking Dean’s lead and enjoying a vacation themselves. Life in the Bunker is mundane and normal. It is eerily comforting, not having to worry about where the next threat is going to come from and just being a normal-well as normal as the Winchesters could be-family.
But as with all things, the good times must end too. Dean is into his fifth week of his break when the call comes in. Donna Hanscum, sheriff in Stillwater, Minnesota calls early one morning, profusely apologizing for interrupting but in major urgency for some help. After both Sam and Dean speak to her on the phone, you find Dean in your bedroom packing a duffel. 
“So,” I begin as I sit on the edge of the bed. “Guess vacation is over huh?”
“Yea, sounds like Donna has sometthing on her hands,” he explains as he rolls up the dress shirt to his suit and places it in the bag. “Are you okay with this? I know you weren’t feeling the best this morning.”
I look up at him, confused. “I heard you in the bathroom. Sounded like you were hacking up a lung. I can send Mom and Sam if you think I need to stay back and take care of you; if you’re coming down with something.”
“No I’m fine,” I assure him. “It’s probably just something I ate or maybe too many whiskeys. I think you were trying to get me wasted last night so you could take advantage.” I finish, smiling up at him. 
“Nah, I don’t need you wasted to do that,” he jokes and he cups my cheek in his palm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Dean, I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. It was just an upset stomach. I am allowed to not feel well all the time you know?” I tell him, laughing at his mother hen tendencies that he denies.
He goes back to packing and within an hour, the three oldest Winchesters pull out of the garage in Baby, headed to Minnesota. Adam stands beside me while we wave them off. 
“Why didn’t you go?” I ask as the Impala disappears. 
“Dean asked me to stay back and keep an eye on you. Said you weren’t feeling well,” Adam says. “Are you alright?”
“God, that man! Yes, Adam I am fine. Got a little drunk last night and it didn’t settle on my stomach well so I woke up nauseous.”
I stalk back toward the entrance of our home, leaving him standing there.
I am not about to tell my brother-in-law or anyone else that this has been going on for almost a week; waking up nauseated and rushing to the bathroom to puke up whatever is in my system. There could only be one reason for that and I do not want to even consider it.
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As I’m going to bed that night, my phone vibrates and lights up on the nightstand. It’s a text from Dean.
D: Hey babe. We made it. Got to catch up with Donna and introduce her to Mom. This case has really taken a toll on her though. 
Y/N: Hey. I’m glad you got there in one piece. I had no doubt you would. What does your mom think of our lovely sheriff friend? Her and Donna hit it off? And why do you think that?
D: That’s because I’m an awesome driver. :) Mom is like Sammy and me. Even though she just met the woman, she says Donna is acting strange.
Y/N: Really? Strange how? I mean Donna is kind of strange anyway. So it’s more than usual?
D: Like she was surprised when we walked into the station. I mean she covered it well, but I saw a brief look of shock. I don’t know maybe it’s just been too long and I can’t get a good read on her. 
D: So what are you wearing?
The next morning I am met with the same queasiness that has been tormenting all week. Before I could even tend to Mavelin, I was bent over the toilet puking my guts up until I was dry heaving. Knowing that what I have been worried about is more than likely happening, I decide to find out for sure during Mav’s morning nap.
I brush my teeth and rinse my face off before heading toward her room. When I get to the door, I hear Adam talking to her. I push the door open to see my brother-in-law with my daughter on the changing table and he was changing her diaper.
“Who’s a good girl? You’re a good girl. Just like your Mother.” 
Mavelin coos and Adam laughs. “Yea your mom likes being called a good girl too.”
I finally make my presence known by walking into the room and standing beside him, pretending not to have heard what he said.
“Good morning, sweet face,” I sing to Mavelin. “Is uncle Adam changing you? Yea, then you’re almost ready for breakfast aren’t you.”
I turn and head toward the rocking chair. Once I am seated I pull the flap of the nursing bra down and reach for Adam to hand her to me.
He turns with her in his arms and stops in his tracks.
“Oh come on Adam. It’s a boob,” I tell him as I take the baby from him. “It’s not like you haven’t seen them before.”
I help Mavelin latch on and look back up to see that my brother-in-law has left the room. I shrug it off and continue feeding her.
That afternoon while Mavelin is finally down for a nap-she fought her morning siesta- I head to the bathroom where I know the extra pregnancy test is.
The wait for the timer on my phone to go off seems excruciatingly lengthy. When the buzzer finally rings, I take a breath and turn the stick over. Two blue lines. I’m pregnant again! There is a human growing inside me and I am not 100% sure who the father is.
My heart is pounding in my chest as I get rid of the evidence and walk out of the bathroom. So many emotions are running through me; so many thoughts in my head. Mavelin is only 4 months old and is already going to be a big sister. I always knew I wanted more kids, Dean and I had discussed that when I was pregnant with her and he was on board to have one or two more. 
But now that it’s actually happening, I can’t be happy; I can’t be excited to be adding another member to our family. Because it might not even be his.
I sit on the end of our bed and contemplate everything. How will I tell him? Do I tell him? Do I just pretend that there is no other possibility that he isn’t the father? That would destroy him, destroy us. 
I stand and take a breath before I head out into the hallway and into the kitchen.
Adam is sitting at the table, reading a lore book.
“Adam,” I say to get his attention. “Can we talk?”
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A/N2: Did you really think this story was going to be over? SIKE! Ha! Watch for an announcement on Tumblr today at 3PM EDT. <wink wink>
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @sandlee44​​  @internationalmusicteacher​​ @kricketc29​​ @natura1phenomenon​​ @blacktithe7​​ @spnbaby-67​​ @travelingriversideblues-x​​  @keymology​​ @tftumblin​​ @markofdean79​​ @thevelvetseries​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @winchester-fantasies​ @akshi8278​ @michellethetvaddict​ @larajadeschmidt13​  @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​ @hoboal87​ @atc74​ @maddiepants​
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 1 - "I know the game will pick up eventually" ~Shaad
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chile lemme not get thrown out for making all these stan twitter bitch references I'M LICHERALLY HARMLESS I DON'T MEAN MOST OF WHAT I SAY DKJFHASJKLDG
ngl tho i'm kinda shitting myself over these challenges bc i don't wanna get tossed on the first round JKAHFSJKDGHJ my ant eye et tea is through the ROOF
oh girl, first impressions? ngl, the gays and girls here seem quite lovely, hopefully they won't have to carry me the entire time LMAO
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Okay like the only person I like/talked to is Jodi but she seems like a smart cookie so ima sleep with one eye open. But idk I'm ready to put on my fake ass smile and my fake ass kind words and get through this part. It's interesting with 6 people per tribe like if we lose I don't have that solid "core" yet but theres a chance that it would be me, jodi, amy because we were the first three on and active so idk. the immunity challenge is cool, the hunt challenge is cool too. im not good at timed puzzles, so I don't think I'm gonna go for it but a part of me feels like everyone across the tribes isnt gonna do it becsuse theyre scared so thats a good opportunity to sneak in and play with less people against me? idk idk idk ahhh
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🎶Oh my god we're back again🎶 Hey peeps!! :DDD Here I am againnnn, how fun! Tbh I forgot this was today lowkey and Dylan reminded me and I was like oop 😳 also I am so sorry to everyone that I cannot help but sprinkle the fact that we are now dating in all of my first convos bc IM VERY GAY apologies✨ for how often I'm mentioning it I mean 😂 My tribemates seems so cool, Jennifer and Babs are newbies but seem up to the challenge, Jay A and Colin already giving off immaculate vibes✨ Me and Dyl are hosting Ingary in a month and I do have like work and everything so I don't know exaclty how active I'll be in this game/ how far I'll make it but we'll see won't we!!
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not me being a leader of whateva
it's the lack of reading comprehension for me (that was shade directed towards myself)
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In the fools tribe !!! Moth is in my tribe which is good because we have played together before. The immunity challenge is divide and conquer! So I believe I will be doing the endurance one. I think I’ll be okay... and the hunt announcement is a good twist !!! I’m not sure if I’ll participate in the first one.. but I’ll probably change my mind. ANYWAYS, I’m ready to kick some ass 
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Hey guys it's me Brayden and I am so here. I'm so excited to be playing again and stuff and I have already predicted the future that I'll be the winner. Anyways I was at an award ceremony for like the first 3 hours of the game which is kind of scary bc I feel like I missed alot but I'm trying to talk to people and stuff and see what's going on. I've briefly talked to Jodi, Amy, and Ginnifer (who is so hard to talk to btw I like send her messages trying to start a real conversation and she will just respond being like same or something). Anyways the other 2 people on my tribe are offline rn so ig I missed my chance to talk to them tonight so I'll do that tomorrow. Anyways I signed up to do counting and I'm so excited bc I literally KILLED the counting challenge on Kyoshi Islands so I'm so excited to hopefully kill it again. I also decided to play the hunt challenge even though I only have 3 chances bc I'm hoping alot of people will be scared to use one of their three chances to play in the first round and I can have a better chance of winning it. But I think I'm bad at puzzles. I didn't think it through that hard I think I got excited to play a challenge but whatever I'll probably win the advantage then in a few weeks win the whole game anyways see u later.
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SO its the morning after the premiere!! Everyone's settled in!! and I kinda don't know how to feel?? Overall the premiere was kinda quiet, nothing happened worth noting tbh. Everyone on the tribe showed up, so thats good, but i think we're all just feeling each other out at the moment as for the people on my tribe! everyone seems chill but also i can't put my finger on it but SOMEHOW this tribe radiates chaotic energy. I don't know HOW or WHY but I just know it DOES. The way we're interacting in the tribe chat it seems like there's a very wide range of personalities and vibes. They're either gonna complement each other or clash, and I guess we're just gonna have to wait to find out which one!!! here are my quick night 1 first impressions that no one asked for :) Anastasia - she showed up kinda late bc she had life happening, understandable. BUT she kinda just jumped right in and started vibing with everyone!! so I think she's gonna be a strong social player. I talked to her and she seems really funny, I think I might really get close with her if I'm able to talk to her more Babs - IF our tribe does end up being chaotic, it's going to be because of Babs. They're definitely the most talkative and prominent person on the tribe, but I think they might come off as messy to others. they're really funny though!! so again I can see myself wanting to work with them if I can get to know them more. They are the biggest question mark on the tribe for me currently Elle - AH. I LOVE THEM ALREADY. Within minutes of us talking they mentioned Dylan and then I found out that they're DATING and I was SCREECHING. cutest shit i've ever heard. I'm so excited to meet and play with them. Dylan is one of my fave people in the org community so ofc I wanna get to know Elle and connect with them as well!! Jay - I think Jay seems like just a very genuine open person?? Like we talked for quite a while yesterday just about games and he was asking me questions about my experience with them and all that. idk if it's because he sees me as a threat or if its because he just actually wanted to get to know me. He lowkey gives me heterosexual vibes and idk if thats true or not but idk how to bring it up. but I def wanna keep talking to him and getting to know him!! I think he might be someone I can form a genuine friendship with Jennifer - kinda have no opinion so far. I think shes the quietest on the tribe. at least for me I didn't get the chance to hear from her much. kinda gives catfish vibes. kinda gives early boot vibes. idk. we'll see what happens!
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Not too much yet tbh. Just finding my footing. People are loving my energy so hopefully they’ll keep me around
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So i realized Amy is runner up from the season before mine in another org and so we connected over that... of course we are not going to tell anyone else but we did have that going for us to get started. brayden is only 16 but he told me he loves magic and wanted to learn more about it so i told him id teach him some stuff! dennis and i called and connected well BUT hes kinda playing SUPER hard and wanting to throw challenges already to vote people out.. this has never worked out for anybody!! josh is cool, he works at a grocery store so he's gonna kill the "b" challenge. ginnifer has been the most MIA but i have faith that we'll work together well for the popularity contest. yall know i cant play the reverse flirt game i so badly want to coin, but i do have romance tea for yall tomorrow. stay tuned........
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Jay and I talked last night so i guess we're best friends. We decided to make an alliance and try to get Elle in it. But everyone has been pretty inactive besides Jay and Collin. I've only slightly talked to Jessica this whole game and Babs hasn't even said one thing to me and I texted them hi. And apperently Babs has left Jay on opened too so they might just suck at talking right now. Hopefully Babs will talk to me they seem so funny and cool D:
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I won endurance 👑!!!! Hopefully the fools tribe wins this!!!! I played against Jennifer and Dennis. I could see myself playing with Dennis down the line if we merge. I haven’t talked to anyone but Moth. So I messaged my whole tribe Introducing myself. Hopefully things work out for me! 
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Thoughts after the first 24hrs: https://youtu.be/I62bDSzgf68
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You hear something ??? Same. Why is my tribe so quiet 😂😂😂😂 I’m trying to read off the vibes but I see nothing. 
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I really love my tribe and the fact that they don’t know I played last season is a good strategy to play on my end
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tbh i wish we lost i wanted to go to tribal and vote one of these people out :(
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Welp we got second place in the first challenge :| which isn't bad!! But it's not first place 😂😂. But I had a fun day taking pictures so whateverssss. I said I would be chaotic in this game but the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet... Guess we'll have to wait and see✨
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I think at this point, my team is shady and won't say anything to me so I am nervous.
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The challenges were way harder than I thought. I didn't do well at all and let my tribe down. I feel like I will be the first to get voted out if we have a tribal hearing.
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We lost yay. I had a feeling. Hopefully the tribe will keep me around for now since I won endurance.... lhsisowjshwowpwpwheowowhfiwpqpqpjw. Jared thinks we can vote Bri out. Which I’m fine with, I haven’t really talked to her at all. Jared and I are going to message the others and see where everyone’s head is at. Honestly I don’t care who goes home as long as I’m safe. Everyone is quiet which is so annoying. Blahhhhhhhhhh 
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Well it’s my 3rd time playing and it’s not off to the best start, no one seems to be talking to anyone. And we lost meaning we are going to tribal council. So fuck- I have no idea what about to happen. I’m just hoping it’s not me or Jess
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if i must confess, my strategy is to have a 4-3-2 alliance. i need a 4 to have a majority, but i dont have a 4 yet. within the 4, theres a three person alliance w me jodi and amy, but within that three i believe that the core 2 is myself and jodi. i really dont care who the 4th is. i like having jodi and amy as an alliance because theyre both doing wayy too much which is great for me :) i dont think any of these people have idols but who knows. i would love to throw the next immunity i wanna go to tribal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Looks like we’ve got something good. We’ve got an alliance that’s set to (hopefully) vote out bri due to inactivity. Let’s just pray it works
Trying to talk in this tribe is so difficult In both my other seasons I was pretty quiet all the time It is like that x10000 I was hoping to stay under the radar but that doesn’t work if no one talks at all I suppose it depends on if I’m being played or if everyone just doesn’t talk. I think there’s a plan. Let’s hope it goes well 
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OKAY SO. Moth, Jared and I have a little alliance going on. We are set on voting out Bri. I just talked to Danny and Shaad and they are down with voting Bri out. I have high hopes that I’ll be safe at tribal. 
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Better communication.. in sticking with that fact, our communication in my team could be better and we need to put more effort into what we do, I believe in us!
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The start to this game has been a freaking snails pace...it’s unbelievable to me that these people do not want to talk that much, especially when it’s a tribe of 6. Colin and I talk the most, I’ve gotten a decent amount out of Anastasia, and to me it feels like those 2 wants to work with me and I am fine with working with them. Usually in a larger group you want to figure out who you can work with long term and use the first few tribals to establish trust, I may throw that out the window since there’s only 5 other people on this tribe. My strategy needs to be who the hell can get me past these first few votes before a swap happens, and I feel like I can rely on Colin and Anastasia for that. I’d like to pull in Elle, because she’s the one who’s talked to me the most out of her, Babs, and Jennifer. Everyone seems nice, but it would be lovely if people would be more active. 
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I’m enjoying the fact our tribe won the first challenge everyone is very nice I love it :)
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This round has been pretty smooth sailing. I know the game will pick up eventually but for now, we are just going with the flow as a tribe
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ok so apparently ginnifer isn't famous. she's just a bit quiet and mysterious. ok with me, just gonna take a while because I'm a loud and outspoken person (and player). amy, dennis and I have an alliance called "fang gang" (it's really just 3 emojis of vampires) and we're going to run the premerge hopefully. I do like brayden a lot, and maybe I'll propose a 3 with him, amy and myself to have a solid 4 control the votes until a swap. round 1 not bad so far!
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: I believe Jodi is thriving on this tribe. She is very obviously a social player who picks up on the littlest details. I’m sure she can sniff out a plot if it comes down to it. However, Jodi is the plot. She is the leader of her tribe and is easily the most active person in the game at the moment. So long as she keeps a smile on her face and doesn’t overextend to do something messy, she will find that she will make it safely to merge. Allying with Amy could be dangerous however since Amy has stated she needs to be voted out before a certain date. This means that Jodi needs to socialize with other members of her tribe and get new allies before hers will inevitably be voted out of the game.
Amy: Even though she wants to get voted out, Amy has set herself up perfectly at Jodi’s side. She can take the heat off of herself using Jodi and is able to hide better than others. As always, her UTR game has come out to shine. She hasn’t had anyone call her out and even though Jodi has seen her play she is still able to gain her trust.
Josh: Doing so well in the challenge has earned Josh’s place here. He makes his worth known early and has a great personality as well. This makes him very safe for any early tribal councils as no one is going to want to take him out; they want him on their side. Similar to Amy, he just seems to be using an under the radar social game which he is executing well at the present moment. And, as the star of the challenge, he makes himself safe for future tribals before the swap. However, I do fear that this early impression of competition prowess will come back to haunt him if he makes it to the merge.
Dennis: I would put Dennis higher, but Jodi, his ally, already is suspicious of him. She seems to think of him as a bit of a sneak and, as the tribe leader, her opinions matter the most. It is good that he is able to be Jodi’s ally so she might stray away from voting him out. However, his desire to go to tribal and play the game so early may bite him in the butt later down the line. I can definitely see him being called out for trying to play too hard too fast. At the moment, he remains high because he seems to be decently social and no one except Jodi has sniffed him out.
Brayden: There’s not much to say on Brayden’s game. He doesn’t seem to have any allies, his challenge performance wasn’t as good as others on his tribe, and he is not in any alliances yet. This spells disaster for Brayden if his tribe goes to consecutive tribal councils. Additionally, even though he was one of the few to play in the Hunt, he didn’t win and wasn’t even close to doing so. He even gave up part way through to do the immunity challenge. I would be saving them if I were Brayden, but hindsight is 20/20. If Brayden can squeeze into being the fourth of the Jodi, Amy, Dennis alliance instead of Josh then maybe his game forecast will be better.
Ginnifer: The thing that lands Ginnifer on the bottom is that she said that her tribe could vote her out if they lost the challenge. This primes people to already be willing to get rid of her in this game. Additionally, some people have expressed difficulty with talking to Ginny such as Jodi and Amy. The former still wants to give Ginny a try at being an ally while the latter was ready to vote her out if necessary. Ginny just needs to pick up social steam and outperform in the next comp if she’s going to have longevity in this game.
Jessica: In lieu of a clear leader, Jessica has stepped up as she started the first alliance on her tribe with Moth and Jared. No doubt, Jessica’s prior relationship with Moth helped facilitate. Additionally, this seems to paint them as the “active” members of this not active tribe. Therefore, it will be very easy for Jessica to dictate votes without getting labelled as a threat since her tribe is not active enough to do so. I can definitely see her leaning on Moth as a crutch, but for now she is the topdog of her tribe. Especially so since she was the only member of her tribe to win a challenge in Divide and Conquer.
Moth: As Jessica’s right-hand person, Moth is a secure spot. It also helped that they have played this game before and is on a not active tribe. This vibes well with Moth’s gameplay style since they aren’t a social powerhouse like Jodi or Colin. Instead, she keeps it more lowkey which makes this tribe in particular a great tribe for her to thrive in.
Jared: While he hasn’t provided a confessional yet, it’s clear he’s positioned himself well with Moth and Jessica. As the topdogs of the tribe, they are key people to get in with. Besides that, he seems to be a little more active than some others, but there’s not much else to say as of right now.
Danny/Shaad: Him and Shaad can trade spots on this ranking because they are playing similar games at the moment. They are both quiet and inactive, yet are not part of the core alliance of this tribe. This could spell danger for them in upcoming tribal councils if they don’t start working on people now. They seem to be safe for now based solely on Bri’s inactivity, but, otherwise, they need to pick up their socio-strategic game before it is too late.
Bri: She seems to be the most likely person to get voted out. She was not online at all for the first two days of the game and has since remained inactive. She is easy pickings for the top 3 of this tribe which really hurts my heart. I know her in real life and she is very sociable and easy to get along with. I have no doubt that in a real life game of Survivor or Big Brother, she would kill the social game.
Colin: Similar to Jodi, Colin is the most social person on his tribe at the moment. However, unlike Jodi, he has not taken a leader position which works to his benefit. Despite being social, Colin has been able to slip under the radar of most people with a lot of them wanting to work with him. Colin is easily going to survive until the swap, but I will caution him from getting too many allies too quickly. This tribe in particular has a wildcard willing to blow things like that up so he needs to be careful.
Elle: Similar to her previous games, Elle plays an extraordinary social game and becomes very well-liked very easily. They have no problem fitting into any situation and I foresee them making it far if they gain the right allies. What puts her at number 2 as opposed to number 1 is that she hasn’t made any strategic comments yet. Instead, she is focusing on a social game which is not a bad thing. Colin has just shown more of his gameplay in these rounds.
Anastasia: Anastasia, despite being late to the premiere, has been able to socialize with key people such as Colin and Jay. Her prior connection with Elle has also sparked an interest in Colin in working with the two of them as an alliance. Overall, her and Elle sort of share the 2 and 3 spot since they are both well-liked, did well in the challenge, and are prime allies for Colin whose word will feel like law if this tribe ever goes to tribal.
Jay: Jay is neither here nor there. He isn’t in the bottom, but he is not calling the shots either. It is good that Colin wants him as his number 1 and that Anastasia likes him. Out of the three outside of this potential Elle, Colin, Anastasia alliance, he seems like he will be most likely to be saved until a swap occurs. His calls with people have certainly been helping with that as people are able to bond more with him through there. His activity could use work, but he doesn’t need to be active if he’s liked.
Babs: With another Jodi comparison, Babs has taken the leadership position of their tribe. However, they are not as social and, in fact, considered a big threat since they are so willing to talk freely and openly in the tribe chat. Their gameplay is going to be Messy, and people have already pointed that out, making them a clear target if this tribe goes to tribal council. Despite that, they aren’t at the bottom since some people, like Colin, have expressed interest in working with that kind of player as a sort of shield. If Babs were to tone it down and be more social with people (another problem with their game), they may be able to crawl up these rankings.
Jennifer: Sadly I have to put another phonetic Jennifer at the bottom. She did the worst in the challenge across her tribe and isn’t active either. For this round, it seems she would be the easy vote if this tribe had gone to tribal. She needs to start being more social and be more of a presence in people’s minds.
1 note · View note
ateezcity · 4 years
almost there
pairing - Jaehyun x fem oc Maia
warnings - angst but not too much, enemies to lovers trope, slight cursing (vv slight), a bit cliche ajsjs and fluff.
a/n - please don't hate me this is the first fic I've ever written and it was a very last minute thing for my two best friends (ly guys but LOOK WHAT you made me do). And yes I might be able to write better but 2 days will only give this so🤷🏻‍♀️
word count - 4.6k
Neither of them could hear the other but both would surely have reeled if they knew they said the same thing at the same time.
They glared at each other from each of the farthest corners of the lecture hall, praying, for many reasons, that they had heard wrong.
“Excuse me.”
Maia looked up to see the blonde sitting in front of her call out to her. His name started with J too she thought but she wasn’t sure.
“Hi um hi my name is Jacob and I’m the third person part of your team for the uh final project that Sir Michael just assigned but aha um you knew that cause well you heard him too and- wait sorry I’ll stop now,” he broke off sheepishly all the while rubbing the back of his neck.
Maia let out a small laugh and released a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Hi, it’s okay. I’m Maia.”
“Of course I know who you are you always sit here.”
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry for not knowing your name all this time,” she replied hastily, “but I’m glad we’re in this group together. It will help me get over my social awkwardness more and maybe we’ll end up good friends, who knows.”
“Same here. I would like that,” he said with a slight smile.
“So,” he continued, “shouldn’t we go over to meet our other teammate?” Jacob hesitated before he looked down and said, “I don’t want to go alone he seems too intimidating and not to be rude or anything but also mean.”
“You got that right,” Maia muttered under her breath though quickly and out loud she said,” He’s not too bad don’t worry, though I wouldn’t want to go alone either. Come on let’s go over.” She figured they had to make the best of things considering this was a part of their finals and had 40% weightage.
As she turned to gather her belongings she heard Jacob. “You were saying?” as he indicated someone leaving in a flurry, with a tilt of his head. Maia gaped as she just caught a glimpse of Jaehyun practically running out the door.
“Great,” she uttered as she plopped back into her seat. “He just proved how much of an asshole he is.”
“Maybe we can catch him at lunch and ask him to speak to us privately. He would be forced to give in not wanting to prolong the questioning stares of others.”
“That’s a good idea although I’m not sure how long I, or for that matter either of us, can go before spewing curses left and right.”
As they came out into the corridor, Jacob seemed to be taking in her words and when he finally replied he said, “ I’m guessing you guys have a history and this won’t be the first meeting would it?”
Maybe it was the way Jacob talked so innocently but Maia shaking with laughter replied, “You guessed right. But more than history it was just him going from us trying to get to know each other because of mutual good friends, to him unnecessarily becoming hostile towards me? Just one day out of the blue? You better believe I wouldn’t back down and so here we are.”
“Ah oh.”
“Anyways I’m sorry but for the sake of everything I’m not going to let him ruin this so don’t worry about it and just let it float...slowly....out of your mind...and into that trashcan rightttt over there.”
The only reply was Jacob’s laughter ringing throughout the corridor.
Maia and Jacob proved to work amazingly well and they had somehow made Jaehyun agree to spend 2 hours every day on the project (except weekends) all the while alternating between Jacob and Maia’s homes.
All Jaehyun could do was watch. Watch as those two joined forces to make him do his part. Watch as Maia’s beaming smile when he sighed and said okay, was quickly replaced by a resting face as she realised what she had done. He had screwed up his face as if in annoyance so it made sense. He knew all of this was his fault yet he didn’t dare give in. So he didn’t. But he always watched. Even today. He watched as she declared how she was about to die of hunger and was going to go buy some snacks. He watched as Jacob jumped up to go with her and playfully linked his arms with her. He watched their excited selves skipping and grinning to the door, only pausing to grab the money and to tell Jaehyun they would be back in a few minutes. At that moment all Jaehyun wanted to do was push Jacob against the wall and tell him to keep his hands to himself. He caught himself before he actually could knowing fully well Jacob had done nothing wrong and he was a good kid. Better than him at least. Much better. So he just watched as the door closed behind them.
It was finally Saturday.
Maia slept in and would have slept longer than twelve had it not been for the doorbell ringing. Running her hands through her tangled hair and looking down at her pyjamas and cropped hoodie, she opened the door hoping it was no one important. The sunlight glinted off her visitor’s chiselled jaw and in the next second she found herself slamming the door shut again. Suddenly Maia found her breathing had become laboured. “Wait why do I care if he sees me like this…” she thought, “I don’t right?”
With a low whatever she finally opened the door back again and was well surprised, to say the least, to see a flustered Jaehyun. Since when was this man ever flustered?
“So what brings you by to my humble abode today Jack Frost?”
“I- wait first why do you always call me that?”
“What? Jack Frost? Why should I tell you hm,” she replied with a click of her tongue. “Anyways get back to answering my question.”
“I well, um thought I could come by and work on the project.”
“Why? We agreed to keep our weekends free. Why on earth would you of all people want to work on your day off.”
He hesitated.
“I just thought it would help get us a good head start. Just please let me work on it.” He said something else under his breath but she didn’t catch it. He seemed agitated so she let it go and finally let him in.
“Okay go ahead. But I’m not helping you though I need to catch up on sleep. Also, why didn’t you go to Jacob’s?”
“Just because…”
“Hm ok,” she replied turning away.
Maia tried and truly she did to go back to sleep. However, knowing that the Jung Jaehyun was alone downstairs did not help. At all. More than anything it made things worse. She felt like screaming because she had no idea as to what was going on with her right now. She let out her frustration by screaming into her pillow, praying it was muffled enough. She ended up showering, putting on a fresh pair of pyjamas and a hoodie and tiptoeing back downstairs. She found Jaehyun sitting on the table with his laptop out and his back to the door. The table was already a mess from the stuff they were using for the project. She went up behind him bending down to his ear and said, “Whatcha doing Frost?”
To say Jaehyun jumped out of his skin would be an understatement. She didn’t think she was being too quiet when approaching him but Jaehyun hadn’t heard her. He let out a loud “What the fuck!” before falling from his chair. To no one’s surprise, Maia collapsed into uncontrollable laughter. Jaehyun was about to tell her to stop but realised he had never heard her laugh like this. Maia stopped and bit her lip from laughing, unable to read his expression. Seemed like awe but on Jaehyun’s face? Surely no.
“Um sorry? I didn’t realise you didn’t hear me come in. You wanna get up now or are you going to work down there?”
“Uh yea no I’m getting up just announce yourself or something before coming gosh.”
“Aw did I scare the big baby?”
“No you didn’t- yes, of course, you did loser I didn’t fall for fun or for you to call me a baby,” he retorted getting up. He turned away before adding under his breath, “Though I wouldn’t mind being called that by you.”
“What was that huh? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Nothing,” he said quickly.
“No no, tell me. It didn’t seem like nothing hm. Go on,” she kept insisting going over to him and putting her face inches from his. Jaehyun took a sharp intake of breath as their glowing eyes met but a split second later he spat out the words “nothing” again.
“Fine. Are you done now? I need to leave.” Maia had had it with his bullshit attitude.
“What you’re going to leave dressed like that?’ he said smugly. His eyes travelled over her and Maia shuddered.
“Yea sure you have a problem with that?”
Jaehyun began gathering up his stuff and began to head for the door but stopped beside Maia and bent down, whispering, “Not a problem to me sweet cheeks.”
Maia didn’t even have time to register what had just happened before Jaehyun was out the door but she could bet he had a grin plastered on his face. What the heck was wrong with this boy?
The rest of the days working on their project went by without significant hitches and Jaehyun never did or say anything to acknowledge what happened that day. Maia stayed puzzled and a little flustered for a short while but went back to her usual self. Somehow it felt like it was only yesterday they had gotten the project assignment and now here it was. D-day. There was a presentation included and the amount of anxiety and stress Maia and Jacob had gone through was astronomical. Mainly because Jaehyun was going to cover that. None of them could remember how they agreed to that. Fortunately, Jaehyun carried it out smoothly or as close as he could to doing that. Now they just had to wait a week for their grades.
As the three of them left the lecture hall, Jacob turned to both of them stopping them in their tracks.
“Okay, I have a proposition for you both. What do you say we take a trip to the amusement park as a celebration? I feel like I haven’t gone out to have fun in ages,” he whined.
“I’m in!” Maia replied jumping up and down.
They turned towards Jaehyun in expectation. Even though he was annoying they had come to bear him and his mood swings. He was fun and nice when he wanted to be, which was rare but existed. Just then his friends called out to him to hurry up. He started towards them but not before letting out a soft, “sure see you two.”
Maia and Jacob faced each other with mouths gaping open. This was going to be fun.
All three of them looked up to the entrance of the amusement park which almost seemed to reach the sky.
“Let’s get to it shall we!” an overexcited Jacob exclaimed.
“Looks like he really hasn’t been anywhere fun in long,” Jaehyun let out with a slight chuckle.
Maia stole a glance at him and a smile crept up to her face. “Yeah looks like it.”
The next second Jacob was dragging them both everywhere inside and the three finally let themselves relax, explore and let go. They finally sat down to rest awhile and fill up their starving selves after three hours of running about and trying rides. They each got cotton candy, hotdogs and popcorn.
While laughing at Jacob wolfing down his food trying to eat everything at the same time, Jaehyun pulled his hand out towards Maia and in a swift motion snatched the top of her cotton candy.
“Oh Woah mister no you don't,” she cried out as she reached over to snatch it back.
Jaehyun was quick though and he pulled his hand further back and out of reach. Maia was determined to get it back though and reached towards it without noticing her hand was on his thigh to balance herself. Jaehyun noticed it though and instantly dropped the cotton candy as he held his breath in.
“The hell Jung Jaehyun you just wasted good cotton candy,” Maia pouted but it didn't take her long to realise what she was doing or rather what position she was in. Her face hovering inches from Jaehyun’s and her hand on his thigh.
“Oh fuck,” was all she said before she jumped back to her seat.
Jacob looked up just to see beet red faces of his two companions and how they both excused themselves at the same time. The two glanced at each other before taking off in different directions.
Maia, oh poor Maia, her heart was hammering in her chest and she had no idea if it was because she was attracted to Jaehyun or just embarrassed. She ran the scene through her head again as she leaned against a wall, dark shadows dancing on her face. Then she realised what she was doing and shook her head attempting to somehow get rid of that memory. It didn't work. What a surprise. Maia knew though she needed to get a hold of herself and what she felt towards Jaehyun. How exactly did she feel?
Not too far off Jaehyun too was leaning against a wall but the difference was he knew why his heart was threatening to jump out of his chest. He had liked Maia ever since they had first been introduced. A month later, however, one of their mutual friends closer to him, had sat him down and told him to not get close to Maia. He had spewed all sorts of stuff about her and her family, how she was just nice to people to get them to do things for her and how she broke friendships. Practically nonsense. Jaehyun being a loyal and innocent boy then believed his friend and tried to be nasty and rude to get her to stay away when ignoring hadn't worked. After two whole years in university, he finally got exposed to her real side. That and the friend who had told him all that shit was expelled. He learnt the hard way to not be too trusting. It was still hard for him to lose that attitude towards Maia but he was trying. This project. It had done wonders. He had woken up one day his first thought being about Maia and he realised he had started to fall for her. She never noticed but he used to spare her glances anytime he could. Every little thing she did was embedded so deep in his mind it would hurt physically and mentally if they were to be removed somehow. But all he had done was watch.
They returned after quite a while, only for Jaehyun to say he was leaving first as he had to be somewhere. Jacob’s protests died on his lips as the crowd engulfed Jaehyun. It was only the two of them left and Jacob was just very very confused. Before he could say something though Maia got up first and said they should continue with their dinner plan.
Jaehyun was face down on the bed when he heard a ping! It was a notification of a post by Maia. Obviously, he had post notifications on for her. It was a picture of her and Jacob at the place they had decided to go for dinner. What caught his eye next was that he was tagged in the caption with a “missing Jack Frost.” Huh. He put in a heart but debated it for a solid five minutes before hitting backspace. Unfortunately or fortunately, it wasn’t the backspace key that he pressed but the send key. Almost immediately he received a like on it from none other than Maia. The colour that had drained from his face was slowly replaced by a crimson red creeping up. Suffice to say Jaehyun did not sleep at all that night.
The month of finals came and went and no one could catch two of the top graders, Maia and Jacob, who had become the best of friends, out of the library except for eating and sleeping breaks. Sometimes Jaehyun joined them too but little conversation was made. When they were finally done they slept for two days straight and Jaehyun was slightly worried when he couldn’t contact either of them. Cobie and Maia had gotten used to Jaehyun like this and had just labelled him as shy though Maia still sometimes thought he was an ass. They made a plan to hang out and just chill. The location they chose was Maia’s place. Again. They were obsessed with her house it seemed like. They watched movies, threw popcorn at each other, ordered takeout and made Jaehyun laugh more than he ever had with them. Maia caught herself staring at Jaehyun whenever he let out a laugh or even when the corners of his lips turned up. Jaehyun knew she was watching him but he didn’t want her not to so he didn’t acknowledge it. Once their eyes accidentally met for a bit too long and suddenly both of them were having a coughing fit. Jacob sometimes thought they were telepathic or something. At around eleven pm Jacob got a call to get back home. Jaehyun offered to stay back and help clean up. It was mostly done in silence when Maia broke it by asking him, “Why are you always acting so differently?”
Jaehyun was taken aback, to say the least, and only let out a, “huh?”
“I mean you look like you have fun when you are with us but then you catch yourself like you shouldn’t? Why?”
“I don’t do that.”
“Yes, you do. Don’t deny it. Look if you don’t want to explain that’s fine but I still think we deserve to know. I can’t believe I’m saying this but, we like you and we’re your friends. Let us in.”
“I- “ he broke off and hesitated before finally snapping,” I can’t just drop it.”
“Okay fine but this is exactly what I was saying. You start getting bitchy when we just try to be helpful or nice.”
“Well excuse me if I’m not always acting like a perfect goody-two-shoes like you,” he spat out.
“What’s your deal, Jung?” Maia lashed out as she strode over to him.
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know, pretty face,” he sneered.
Maia was fuming. Her expression hardened and she bit out the words,” get out.”
“I said get out. And stay the fuck out.”
Plastering a smile on his face he responded with a, “My pleasure.”
It had only been a few minutes since Jaehyun had left and Maia was still frozen in place. It was getting harder to breathe but she finally calmed down. It had now been twenty minutes and something else overtook Maia suddenly. Worry. Half of her was still raging but the other half was begging her to see the fact that he might be hurting or just misunderstood. She pulled out her phone to give Jacob a call. He picked up on the second ring and immediately asked if everything was okay.
“Yea. I think so. Actually no I don’t think so. More than me though its Jaehyun. We, um fought. And screamed at each other. I told him to leave and he smiled but it was scary. Like he was possessed or something. I don’t know like his actions and intentions were conflicting. Just call him and check on him I guess.”
“Yea okay definitely I’ll call you back.”
“Thanks, Cobie you’re the best.”
“I know,” and he hung up.
Maia let out a long sigh and flopped down on the couch. What in the world was happening. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it. She soon got Jacob’s caller ID flashing on her phone and she hastily picked up.
“Maia,” he started and she immediately knew there wasn’t going to be good news.
“He’s not picking up. I called him five times and on the sixth try his phone was powered off.”
Just then she heard her doorbell ring. She checked the time. It was just a few minutes after midnight.
“Jacob are you outside?”
“Um no? Should I be?”
“I’ll call you back.”
Maia walked over to the door and faltered a bit before opening it. Standing in front of her was the same man she had seen almost an hour ago. She took a step back and almost fell.
Jaehyun’s jaw tightened. It was like he was mustering up all his strength to open his mouth and say it all out. Let out everything he had hidden from everyone. For some reason though, he wanted to tell her everything the most. Still, even now, he could just watch. He stared at her as if trying to memorize her face. Every line, every curve, the way her nose was slightly scrunched up in confusion but her eyes, they were glowing. Neither spoke for a while, the tension around them evident. Then Maia spoke.
“Are you okay?”
That was all it took. The corners of his eyes crinkled and he looked heavenward. He was fighting back the tears but they raced down his cheeks. Maia’s throat tightened and she felt her heart shatter. Without thinking she reached out in a brisk movement and pulled him in. Jaehyun felt her arms around him as his body wracked with an onslaught of sobs. He let her. It had been too long. Too hard. It was time to let go.
Maia gradually led him over to the couch in the living room when he had gained some control over himself. He wouldn’t look in her eyes. He stared at the wall. The unforgiving walls the same as everywhere. He was always alone when he stared at them like that. Except today. Beside him, he had an anchor. Someone who he had wished for so long to be beside him like today. Maia couldn’t take it anymore. She took his face in her hand and turned it towards her.
“Can you speak now?”
He took a moment to just bore his eyes through hers. As if somehow he could tell her everything telepathically. He wasn’t sure if he could move his lips. And then he felt Maia’s hand on his own rubbing small circles. And he spoke.
He told her everything.
Maia knew her eyes glistened with tears as Jaehyun kept speaking and as she registered his words, but she willed herself to not let them fall. He had ended up with no one to connect with. He was living with burdens in his heart. He poured out every single emotion he had held onto. His family breaking apart, almost to the point of disowning him and cutting down everything. He had learnt to watch only because speaking would lead to consequences that always had him on his knees.
Maia had finally made him want to risk everything. He finished with a breath of relief and wondered when the last time was when he felt so...light.
He had turned away at some point staring at his fidgeting hands and Maia didn’t dare interrupt in any way. He looked back to her then. He found her with glinting eyes and a reassuring smile. He had never wanted to keep someone so close to him more than her, then.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
It was then that Maia let out everything that she herself had been holding in.
“Don’t you dare say that. I don’t want to hear you say that. You have nothing to be sorry for. Well except for all those times you were mean as hell but I was too and I’m sorry for that too.”
“Then...Thank you.”
“Always. Do you understand? I will always be here okay. I- okay I’m just going to go for it. I want you to know I’ll be here for you not out of pity but because I want to be. Because you make me want to. Probably not the best time to say this but I think I’m falling for you Jung Jaehyun,” she ended in hushed tones.
It was too quiet and too still. Jaehyun heard it as clear as day. Maia watched as his eyebrows rose and his eyes looked deep into hers to see the truth. He saw it. The same look he had often seen in the mirror these past few days. It was there now too. Maia saw it. She understood. But Jaehyun felt the need to say it out loud.
“I already have fallen for you.”
And all he did was lean in to attach his lips to her’s. It was quick and instant. But it was all and everything. As he pulled back their eyes met and the sparks in them didn’t help much. So this time Maia leaned and their lips fused as if they were the last pieces of a puzzle just waiting to be finally met. Both determined to make it last as long as they could, Jaehyun pulled Maia close by her waist and Maia, in turn, deepened it by putting one hand on his neck and running the other through his messy hair. They pulled back gasping for air but their foreheads still touching. While Maia bit her bottom lip, Jaehyun’s lips curved up into a smile. He made their lips meet again, just a peck and she felt his lips turn upwards into a smile against hers. Their hearts were barely in control but Jaehyun laid his head in the crook of her neck, breathing her in and holding her close. They stayed like that for a while until the easy silence was broken by the ring of Maia’s phone. They pulled away as Maia reached over and answered it.
“Hi Cobie yea, sorry I got distracted. Listen, he’s okay. He texted me so we don’t have to worry. Yea okay see you in class. Byeee.”
“You were worried huh?” she heard Jaehyun tease with a slight smirk on his face.
She smacked his arm and he exclaimed as if it hurt more than it actually had.
“Oh shut up Frost. I just declared my love for you and you’re teasing me about worrying? Nice. What about you huh why did you come back may I ask? Had you forgotten something?”
“Yes. You,” he said with a straight face.
Oh, Maia tried but the red still crept up her face. Jaehyun was no less, however, as she noticed his ears turn scarlet.
They both ended up giggling and then laughing.
They were in each other’s arms, Jaehyun not wanting to let go after getting to her finally. The movie was almost about to end so Jaehyun finally asked the lingering question in his mind.
“Why do you call me Jack Frost?”
“Huh?” Maia responded as she looked up at him breaking her concentration.
“You know. You’ve always called me Jack Frost and you still do. Why?”
“Quite the dumb one arent you?” Maia teased.
“Excuse me are you talking about yourself?” he replied in mock offence.
“Well if you must know. I used to call you that because you always came off as cold and frosty but it stuck so I still call you that but maybe the meaning has altered a bit now.”
“Oh really? How so?” His smile was smug but his eyes gleamed with adoration.
She grinned before saying,” You’re still a bit cold and frosty but just how I like it. You’re my Jack Frost.”
#first fic oh god #i hope i dont die of embrassment #jung jaehyun #nct #nct imagines #nct au #jaehyun au #jaehyun fluff #jaehyun angst #enemies to lovers #cringe maybe
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thebluenebula · 4 years
I don't have a whole pile to say but enjoy.
Day 4
Day 6
The New Bat Day 5
06:46. That's what my phone said when I looked at it. I groaned and sat up. After stretching, I got up and went about my morning routine, then headed down to the kitchen.
I flicked on the light and glanced round the room, empty. Must be too early for anyone to be up. No one would mind if I made a sandwich, I'm sure. After a minute of looking I found the ingredients for a sandwich. I sat down and munched on my sandwich. Not bad. Then again, how can you fuck up a sandwich.
After I was finished, I washed my dishes, plus some more that must have been from the night before. "My goodness!" The voice startled me. I turned around and saw Alfred standing in the door. "It's not too often anyone else around here washes their own dishes, never mind someone elses."
I giggled. "Good morning Alfred.
"Good morning Miss Ashleigh." Alfred said as he threw on an apron. "How did you sleep?"
"Okay, yeah. You?"
"Like a rock Miss Ashleigh. Any plans for the day?"
"No. None." I watched as Alfred took the dishes I had cleaned and began putting them away. "Sorry. I didn't know where everything went."
"That's quite alright."
"Do you have any coffee?" I asked. I was dying for some coffee.
"Yes. Over there's in the cupboard. I'll put on the kettle."
"Thanks." I opened the cupboard and spotted two jars of coffee. I grabbed the nearest one.
"I would recommend putting that back, unless you wish with losing a finger." Alfred stated. "That's Master Timothy's personal jar."
I put it down and grabbed the other jar. "Tim must really like coffee. That looks like a really expensive jar."
"Master Timothy lives on coffee. Sometimes I think it's what runs through his veins."
"Honestly wouldn't surprise me." Dick said as he entered the kitchen.
"Good morning Master Dick. Omelette?"
"No thanks Alfred." Dick walked over And grabbed some sugary looking cereal from the cupboard. "How are you settling in Ashleigh?"
"Good." I took a seat at the table. "Are you usually up this early?"
"I try to be." Dick sat down beside me with a bowl of cereal.
"You go out at night and wake up early in the morning?"
"Yep." Dick replied, taking a spoonful of his cereal.
"So you're both a night owl and an early bird?"
"So when do you sleep?"
"Mornin'." Jay interrupted, arms stretched, and yawning.
"Morning Master Jason. Omelette?"
Jay grunted and nodded before walking over and sitting down across from Dick and I.
"Morning." Dick looked curiously at Jay. "Speaking of early birds. You are not one Jay."
Jay grunted. "Nope."
"So why are you up?" Jay looked up at Dick then gave me a cheeky smirk. Dick looked between me and Jay. "What are you two up to?"
Jay smirked. "Don't worry about it Dick."
Dick looked at him. "I'm extremely concerned."
"Well you can be concerned after breakfast." Alfred said as he set down a plate of omelettes in front of Jay.
"You not eating Ash?" Dick asked.
"I already ate." I looked at Dick. "Ash?"
"Yeah." Dick took another spoonful of his colourful cereal. "Like a nickname. Ashleigh. Ash. I mean I can stop if you want me to."
"No. No. It's okay. It's kinda a cute name."
"Ash." Jay said to himself. "Sounds kinda deadly. Like a name for a pyromaniac."
"Cute and deadly." I smiled.
"That's should be Cass's tagline." Steph said as she walked in.
"Morning Miss Stephanie. Omelette?"
"Sure thing Alfred." Alfred handed Steph a plate as she walked by and sat down beside Jay. "So what is it we're talking about?"
"Ash." Jay said bluntly
"As in the stuff from fire?" Steph asked curiously.
"No, as short for Ashleigh." Dick corrected her.
"Sounds like a pyromaniac."
"Told you." Jay said triumphantly.
"I still think it's cute." I stated.
"And deadly." Jay added.
"Ashleigh doesn't look like she could hurt a fly." Steph commented.
"I could hurt a fly."
"She definitely could hurt a fly." Jay laughed.
Dick looked at him. "I feel like I'm missing something."
"Ditto." Steph looked at Jay.
Jay took out his phone. "What is this?" Dick asked.
"Just watch." Jay replied.
We watched as I lifted a rifle and fired it at the target. Kate standing beside me. I watched as Dicks eyes widen. The video ended.
Dick took a deep breath. "You gave her a gun." He said slowly. Jay nodded. "The one thing I specifically asked you not to."
"To be fair. You gave us a long ass lecture, and specifically told me not to do a lot of things. I cant be expected to remember them all." Dick silently stood up and gestured for Jay to follow him as he walked out of the room. "I think I just earned myself another lecture."
"Should I tell him that it was my idea or something?" I asked, trying to help Jay out of trouble.
"No." Jay said as he stood up. "I knew a lecture was coming." He stood up and walked towards the door. "See you three later."
We watched as he left. "So that's what you two got up?" Steph said.
Alfred took the half empty plates. "You don't seemed surprised Alfred." I commented.
"Once I seen you go off with Master Jason I knew there was probably guns involved."
"Very rarely that something happens that Alfred doesnt know about." Steph said.
"That includes what you and Cass got up to in the garden last week." Alfred stated.
Steph's face reddened. "Anyway..." She quickly changed the topic. "You up to anything after dinner?"
"No, and I don't think Jays gonna steal me today."
Steph giggled. "Do you bake?"
"Bake? Not often."
"How about this evening? Cass and I were going to do some baking this evening. Maybe you wanna join us?"
"I thought all the kids were banned from cooking?"
"Miss Stephanie and Cassandra are allowed to bake once a week." Alfred explained.
"Are you claiming I'm not a competent cook, Alfred?" Steph questioned.
"That is precisely what I'm claiming."
"Yeah. That's fair." Steph admitted.
"So who is a competent cook?" I asked.
"Myself, of course." Alfred said. "Master Jason, and Miss Kate."
"There's like..." I started trying to count all the people I'd seen around the house, and gave up. "Fifteen people in this house, and only four can cook?"
"No. They can all cook." Alfred corrected me. "Only three can cook without setting the kitchen on fire."
"It was one time Alfred." Steph said. Alfred stared at her. "Okay, twice." Alfred continued staring. "Fine. A handful of times." Alfed smiled and walked over to the sink. Steph turned back to me. "So what do you say?"
"I'd love to." I said. "If that's okay with you, and Cass?"
"Of course." She replied and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Cass and I are excited to get to know you."
I smiled at her. "Me too."
"Speaking of Cass, I wonder where she is? She's usually up about now." Steph looked to the door. "I'm going to go check on her. You want to come?"
"No. That's okay."
Steph nodded and said goodbye as she headed up stairs. I said goodbye to Alfred and headed to my room. I passed Harper on the way. She groggily said hello and headed into the bathroom. I smiled and headed into my room.
A couple hours passed as I sat around in my room scrolling through my phone. I glanced at my messages. I had a dozen missed texts from my friend back in Ireland. I honestly agent even thought to text her since I'd arrived.
"Hey." I texted her.
A few minutes later she responded. "Hey. How have you been? How's the move gone?"
"Its been good. It's different."
"How are the Waynes treating you?"
"Like family."
"That's greats. I'll have to come visit one day."
"One day. I'm still settling in."
"Call later???"
"Maybe. I think I'm baking later, but I'll see afterwards."
"You? Baking? That can only end in disaster."
"Haha. Let's hope not."
A knock on my door startled me back to real life. "Come in."
"Hey." Bruce said as he entered, holding a tray of food. "Dinner. Courtesy of Alfred."
"Thank you." I took the tray from him.
"Mind if I sit for a while?" Bruce asked.
"Not at all."
Bruce sat. I quickly checked the message I was sent. "Tell me how the baking goes."
"Will do. I gtg rn. Ttyl."
"Friend of yours?" Bruce asked.
"Yeah. From Ireland."
"If you ever want to bring someone over or go... back over," Bruce said. "I can arrange it."
"Thank you, but I'd like to settle in more first."
"Right." Bruce nodded. "Sorry I haven't been around as much as you had probably expected."
"It's alright." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed, but I know Bruce did his best to set aside as much time for me as he could.
"You still want to go shopping tommorow?" Bruce asked.
"Yes. I'd love to."
Bruce attempted to hand me some money. "Kate mentioned you were afraid to ask."
I pushed the cash back to him. "Yeah but it's alright. Kate gave me some yesterday."
Bruce chuckled. "Of course she did. Take it anyway." He forced the money into my hand.
"Thank you."
"Never be afraid to ask me anything Ashleigh." Bruce smiled at me. "For money, if you need do be brought somewhere, anything."
"Thank you." I smiled. "I'm starting to sound like a broken record." Bruce laughed.
"Hey Ashleigh, you ready-" Steph stopped as she spotted Bruce. "Oh hi Bruce."
"Hey Steph."
"I was just looking for Ashleigh."
Bruce stood up. "I'll leave you two up to- whatever it is you two intend to get up to."
"Bye Bruce."
"See yah B."
Bruce stopped. "What time do you want to go tommorow Ashleigh?"
"I don't mind."
"How does eleven sound?"
"Yeah that's fine."
"Great. Talk to you two later." Bruce left Steph and I alone.
"I came to tell you that Cass and I were about to start baking."
I hopped up. "Oh cool."
We headed out of my room and down the stairs. "So you and Bruce going shopping tommorow?"
"What are you going to buy?"
"Furniture and clothes."
"Got space for two more?"
"You and Cass?"
"You'll have to ask Bruce."
"Bruce never says no to Cass." Steph stated. "She's like his kryptonite."
I giggled as we walked into the kitchen. Cass stood by the kitchen island with a chef hat and apron on. "Hello."
"Hey." Steph grabbed a apron and hat and handed them to me.
I threw on the apron and looked at the hat. "Is the hat necessary?"
"No." Cass said.
"I think they're hilarious though." Steph added.
"Fair enough." I put on the hat. "So what are we making?"
"Strawberry shortcake." Cass said longingly.
"Cass loves strawberry shortcake." Steph explained, while grabbing a mixing bowl.
"So how do we make strawberry shortcake?" I asked.
Steph held up a sheet. "Got it all written down."
We began baking and chatting. I learned a lot about Steph, not so much about Cass. Almost two hours later and we placed the cake into the oven. "That was very enjoyable." I said.
"Yeah." Steph said. Cass nodded in agreement. "Now we wait."
"How long?" I asked.
Steph looked at the instructions. "Uhh... a while, I guess. I forgot to write that down. We can just guess."
"Like an hour?" Cass suggested. Steph and I nodded in agreement.
"I'm amazed we didn't make too much of a mess." Steph looked around.
A bit of dough here and there, some flour on the floor, but nothing more then should be expected. "Alfred made it sound so much worse." I said.
"Oh me and Cass aren't too bad but if you get a couple of us together, it can be..."
"Messy." Cass finished her sentence.
"How so?" I asked.
She looked off into the distance dramatically reminiscing. "You ever try to get honey out of your hair?"
"Don't." She warned me
"I didn't intend to."
We both turned to look at Cass, who was giggling. "You smelt like honey for a week."
I began giggling, half at the thought of Steph smelling like honey, and half at the fact Cass was giggling. It was a contagious laugh.
"It wasn't funny." Steph insisted. Cass and I's laughter stopped as Steph slapped a handful of flour into our hair and stepped back. "You know white suits you two."
I blinked as flour dropped down by my face. "Oh." I began laughing again.
Cass leaned into me and whispered. "There's honey in fridge."
"That seems mean." I whispered back.
"I get flour hair, she gets honey hair."
"What are you two whispering about?" Steph asked as she watched Cass walk over to the fridge. "Cass?" Cass took a jar of honey. "Cass, no!"
Steph immediately ducked behind me as Cass came forward. "Don't get me involved."
"I'm using you as a human shield. Cass won't hit you." Steph insisted.
"Sorry Ashleigh." Cass said as she took a handful of honey. " Going to be messy."
Five minutes, and a jar honey later, and all three of us and the kitchen was covered in honey. "So now I understand what Alfred was talking about." I said as I took a glob of honey out of my hair.
"Sorry." Cass apologised. "Had to get Steph."
"That's fair."
"I hate you two." Steph moaned.
"No you don't." Cass said.
"No I don't." Steph admitted.
"You love us."
"I do, but I hate that I love you."
"What in the name of Barry Bee Benson happened in here?" Tim asked as he and Dick walked in.
"Cass started it." Steph said.
"Steph started it." Cass said at the same time.
Dick looked us and sighed. "Go take a shower, you three."
"At least it's not as bad as last time Steph and honey was involved." Tim said.
"That was your fault and you know it Tim." Steph angrily said as we walked by them.
"We'll clean it, after showers." Cass said as she followed.
"Don't worry about it." Dick said. "I'll clean it."
"Sorry." I said.
"Don't worry about it. It happens regurly here." Dick insisted.
"Also I- Im umm, sorry about... you know. The guns and stuff with Jay." I said.
Dick sighed. "No need to be. You get to choose what you do. Jay might be reckless with his own life but he'd never needless endanger yours."
"Thanks." I smiled at him.
"I'd give you a hug but... you know,
"Now go have a shower." Dick said. "You know you're going to smell like honey for a week."
"So I've heard." I said as I walked out.
I walked up the stairs to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. After about two hours of washing honey out of my hair, I headed back to my room, and sat on the edge of bed and sighed.
"Something up?" Bruce asked from the door.
I hadn't heard him enter, perks of being Batman I guess. "No. Just thinking."
"Doesn't matter."
"Are you okay, Ashleigh?"
"I'm fine," I smiled. "Just need some sleep."
"You sure you want to go shopping tommorow?."
"Yeah. Absolutely."
"Okay. I heard you and the girls were baking?."
"Yeah, strawberry shortcake."
"How'd it turn out?"
"I'm not sure. It was in the oven when we left it."
"Why'd you leave it?"
"We had to-" I stopped myself. Am I allowed to tell him? "Wash... uhh honey off... Yeah. "
Bruce sighed. "That's why Tim wouldn't let me in."
"I think Dick was going to clean it, while we washed."
"I won't ask the why."
"Probably best."
"You coming down to taste the cake?"
"No. I think... I'm going to go to sleep."
"Thats alright. We'll save some for you."
"Thanks. Good night."
Bruce shut the door and I lay into bed. I'm glad Jay didn't get into too much trouble with Dick. I felt kinda guilty for that. At least the baking was good. Steph is so nice and even though she doesn't say much Cass is sweet. A faint smell of honey filled my nose as I drifted off to sleep.
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kello-unknown · 4 years
Summary:  Max lives an... entertaining life.  She just got out of a relationship she thought would last forever.  Meeting one person leads to more people in her life, and before she knows it, she’s falling in love with someone she never expected to fall in love with.
Words:  1,261
Warnings:  implied smut.. nothing else really.
Author’s Note:  i’ve had this idea for months and now that quarantine is forcing me to stay home, i figured i would actually write it.  not sure how many chapters it’ll be, but we’ll see as i go along... apologies if misspells happened, i read it over a bunch of time but i got sleep so there still may be some mistakes :D
SOMETIMES, life is just really hard.  Sometimes, breakups are really hard.  Some, more than others.  Sometimes, breakups lead to other things in life that are positive.  Breakups may also lead to negative issues.  That’s just the way life is supposed to go. 
               Mornings are sometimes one of those negatives.  Max would know.  She has had plenty since that one night….
               Speaking of mornings with Max, this one is one that she doesn’t really mind.  Why would she?  She’s with Casey.  In bed.  After a little too much alcohol at the club they both like to go to on Friday nights.  Tangled up with the shorter girl in front of her, Max starts to finally wake up.  She groans.  Morning.  Again.  Of course.  That’s just life. 
               She starts to stir as her body wakes up.  Casey doesn’t move a muscle.  Max laughs softly to herself.  Casey is a heavy sleeper, she thinks to herself.  Here’s another fun fact about Casey; she’s currently on top of Max’s right arm.  So what if they like to spoon? Two people in a bed together tend to do that.
               Max, with her arm that isn’t captured below a human body, reaches for her phone to check for her daily important notifications.  No New Notifications.  Just the way she likes it.  She puts her phone back down and lowers her head back to the nape of Casey’s neck.  Before she knows it, she’ll be asleep aga-
               Knock knock knock.  One of her eyes open.  Was it just her imagination or was it an actual, real human being knocking on her front door at 8 a.m., because no one would do that if they enjoyed their life?
               Okay, it’s been a few seconds.  Nothing.  No more knocks.  Must’ve just been her then.
               KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.  Guess not.  Max slips her arm out from under Casey and, carefully, takes the covers off.  Naked.  Huh.  Must’ve been one hell of a night then.  She goes to grab the closest sports bra and sweatpants and throws it all on her bare body, all while trying to stay quiet so she doesn’t wake up her lover. 
               She shuts the bedroom door and walks to the front of her house and just as she does she hears more knocking.  “Coming!”  Just as she starts to yawn, she opens the front door.
               A giggle emerges from the opposite side of the door.  “Not awake yet, Max?”  Max opens her eyes and sees Alex, her ex-girlfriend’s sister.
               “Alex?  The hell are you doing here so early in the morning?”
               Alex rolls her eyes, followed by a laugh.  “Eight a.m. is not that early in the morning, Max.  At least, not the way you’re implying it is.”  Max moves out of the doorway to let her in.  “Anyway, I’m here to pick up Nat’s stuff like we said I would earlier in the week?”  She nudges Max’s arm as she enters, practically telling Max what she obviously does not remember.
               Still slightly confused, Max shuts the door.  “Oh, yeah.  That.  Sorry, I guess I forgot.  Clearly still in sleep mode.  Can I get you a drink?”
               Alex declines.  “I wanna try and be out of here as quick as possible.  Today is my errand day and I don’t want to be out of my apartment all day.”
               Max feigns offense.  “What?  Did I say something already to drive you out of my house so quickly?”  They both laugh.  “You could never, Max,” Alex states.
               “Good.  Anyway, it’s about time we get her stuff out of my house.  It’s taking up a whole room, and I refuse to go near any of her stuff unless it’s to throw it out.”  She opens the door to the spare room that holds all the boxes of Natalie’s stuff.
               Alex gasps slightly.  “Wow.  I didn’t realize there was this much of her stuff in your place.  Had I known I would’ve brought Devin’s truck.”  A confused look comes her way.  “My husband.  He’s out of town, and his car is way bigger than mine.  I might need to make two trips to Nat’s place to get all of her stuff there.”
               “Well, that’s what happens when you live with someone for almost three years.  Tend to have a lot of stuff.”
               Moments of silence ensue.  Meanwhile, Alex opens some of the boxes to see what is in them.  After about a minute or so, she starts to pick them up to start the move.
               “Here, let me help you,” Max says, while she goes to pick up two boxes behind her.  Alex protests, but Max insists.  “It’ll be an early start to my workout.”  Alex giggles, and Max sends a smirk towards her.
               The two work together to bring the twenty boxes out to Alex’s car.  After nearly a half an hour, Max emerges out of her front door with the last of the boxes and places it into the trunk of Alex’s car.  Max closes it, turns to Alex, and smiles.  The latter thanks her for the help, even though it was “unnecessary.”
               “Oh, stop.  It’s no big deal.  Besides, I guess it was time I got out of bed.”  Alex smiles and goes to the driver’s seat.  “Even though eight a.m. is too early,” she mumbles to herself while going to the passenger’s side of the car.  Alex starts her car and rolls down the window to her right.
               They say their goodbyes to one another, and out of nowhere, and totally platonic reasons, Max asks, “Hey, before you go, do you wanna grab lunch or something sometime soon?”  She mentally curses herself out for sounding so weird.  For being so good with the ladies, this is probably very low on Max’s list of ‘low-key asking someone on a date but it isn’t really a date because she’s CLEARLY in a relationship.”  Alex makes a face that, to Max at least, makes it seem that she’s thinking.
               “Well, obviously not today since you already know I’m going to you-know-who’s house.”  Max chuckles, then says, “Obviously.”
               “I’m picking Devin up tonight, so I think I’d probably be able to do tomorrow if that works for you?”  Max nods.
               “That works perfectly.  I’ll send the details over to you later, so you know where to meet me.”
               “Sounds great.  Can’t wait.”  They both smile.  Max removes her head from the car and backs up, and watches Alex pull the window up, wave goodbye, and drive off.  Max goes back inside her house and shuts the door but stands there, thinking….
               She’s pulled from her thoughts by a voice.  “You coming back to bed or do I have to drag you back myself?”  It’s Casey.  Max turns around and smiles, leaning her back against the door.  Casey walks toward her.  Max leans down and kisses her forehead.
               “I didn’t expect me, much less you, to be up this early.  Did I wake you?”  Casey nods.  “Oh, fuck.  I’m sorry, babe.  After a while I just wanted to get the boxes out of here as quickly as possible.”  Casey smiles.
               “Don’t worry about it.  It’s still early, and the bed is still warm…?” she suggests.  Max picks her up by her waist.  Casey, knowing what’s about to happen, wraps her legs around Max’s waist, and starts to kiss her neck.  Max starts to walk quickly towards her bedroom and shuts the door behind them.  Maybe it is eight in the morning, and yeah, Max said she would start her workout early, but she knows that she’s about to get a workout of a lifetime.
tags: @maggie-elise13, @elizabethfictionwriting, @lesbian-deadpool, @solaettristis, @the-very-tired-gay,  @timelords-13, @tangled-up-in-bad-decisions, @natashaswhitesuit, @its-a-me-mario-hihi
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namuyoung · 5 years
caramel macchiato || knj
Tumblr media
pairings: namjoon x reader
genre: fluff uwu, barista!namjoon, bookworm!namjoon, university!au, f2l!au
word count: 3k words
desc: what do you do when your usual barista is the person you meet every day at your university?
a/n: helo yes i mad this thing like, out of pure boredom(??), cause like yEa i am just a mess and a bag of anxiety so yeehaw :^) also!! i’m really sorry if it’s sappy and bland cause lit’s my first ff :’D
"hhhhhhh,, i’m so sleepy” you mumble to yourself as you shut your alarm clock off
you took your phone that was charging overnight on your table side to see the time
“08:02 saturday, 22 september 20xx”
seems like you don’t have any classes today
you know what that means
you went to the nearest cafe that was only a few blocks away from where you study
you’re new in your university,
being your first semester here
and you are cool as a cucumber B)
just kidding
you are scared as sHIT--
and you can feel the outstanding weight of anxiety on your back
but you’re lucky that taehyung is in that university
taehyung is your best friend that you met during high school
he’s a good guy and he’s always there for you :D
and you wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts taehyung in anyway  (ง •̀_•́)ง
but anyway
last week you asked taehyung if there was any cool cafes near your university
and taehyung told you a neat cafe that served the best caramel macchiato 
and you loved that shit
and so you arrived in front of the cafe
you pushed open the glass door and you were greeted with the smell of java beans
the smell of coffee made you drowsy and high
or maybe it was the cute barista greeting you ;)
he seemed like a big dork with his turtleneck and square-shaped glasses
but he looks cute anyway
so you went up to the counter and he’s smiling and u swOre u saw a dimple forming on his cheeks
can this guy be any more cute
“hello! welcome to moonchild cafe! what would you-- wait, have we met before?”
the barista suddenly questions you as he focuses at you
he knows you?!
is he from your class??
he looks like he takes biology tho
seems like a big nerd so he’s probably a smart guy
“oh, i’m sorry?? but do we go to the same university??” you blurted out of surprise, still puzzled by his sudden question
“that’s it! you’re the new student from chemistry class! y/n, right?” 
i mean you were right about one thing
that he was smart
he sat at the very front of the class
and when you entered he smiled at you
so he must be a good guy
“yes, i remember you as well. you sat at the very front of class, didn’t you?”
the barista chuckled as to how you remembered that fact about him out of all the other things
“look, i’d love to talk, but there are other people behind me waiting as well” 
you spoke up and the barista looked at the line of customers behind you
“oH riGht of course! what would you like?” he quickly took out his notepad  and a black sharpie from his apron.
“venti caramel macchiato, two pumps vanilla and a dash of cinnamon. oh! don’t forget the foam and a drizzle of caramel on top!” 
he jotted down your order and told you the price
you payed him and waited at a seat by the glass window
he made your order in such a quick motion without any type of mistake
i mean he has been doing this for so long
it’d be embarrassing if he messed up
he basically had a master degree in making coffee
after a few minutes, your coffee arrived on your table
you took a sip of your caramel macchiato
and holy sHIt-
it was the bomb.com
it’s so good tho???
like the gods of caffeine had blessed your drink
but then u noticed a note on your cup
“kim namjoon, 2nd year. hope to see u at uni! :)”
you can help but chuckle at how adorable this guy was
your cheeks flustered everytime you took a sip of your coffee
and now classes are starting
and you are frustrated
and you are tired
philosophy is sO bOriNG thO :’(
not to mention that you have taehyung beside you poking every second you try to focus
you were this close to choking him in the middle of class
but you decided to spare him
and choke him outside of class
“oW hEY i am sOrry okay??? now can u let me go? :((” taehyung pleaded for mercy as u let him go and walked with him to the cafeteria
“i sweAr to gOD if you do that again i WILL cut your dick off >:((” you say as you sigh
“i promise!!” tae answered batting his eyes as innocently as he can
if you have other classes with taehyung you are sure he is definitely paraprosexia to you.
tae may be a morosis at times
but you loved him anyway
cause he bought you lunch!!
as u were both eating together and talking about the classes you guys took, someone caught your attention
you saw namjoon outside the cafeteria under a tree reading a book
seems like he’s reading a book about stephen hawking’s theories
“hey tae, do you know anything that guy over there?” you asked as you pointed towards namjoon’s direction
“oH yea, his name’s kim namjoon. he’s a philomath. all he does is read and does science-y stuff. he always works part time at moonchild cafe.” tae answered while munching down on his lunch.
a philomath huh
he must be a big introvert 
but he’s such an extrovert when he’s working!!
he’s probably a good guy!!
and you’re gonna find out!!
cause now you are right in front of him
he looks away from his book only to see you smiling at him
“y/n!! what bring you here?” namjoon beams up and closes his book
you sat a few inches away from him, hugging your knees to your chest
“i saw you and kinda wanted to talk to you, y’know?” you answered honestly
faint pink tinted visibly on namjoon’s cheeks, feeling touched over your comment
you guys talked for a while until it was time for class :((
but u guys walked together cause you both had chemistry after this!!
so then it became a daily routine for both of you now
going to chemistry class together and sitting next to each other
then every evening you would stop by moonchild cafe to have your regular caramel macchiato order
venti caramel macchiato, two pumps vanilla, a dash cinnamon, foam on top and a drizzle of caramel
sometimes as you do your assignments in the cafe, you would see namjoon sweeping the floors
or even see him interacting so well with the rest of his customers
your hearts goes so s o f t for this guy 
then after work, namjoon would study with you and even help you with your assignments, especially in chemistry
you even introduced taehyung to namjoon so that they could even hang out and be friends
despite on how different those two were
and you were even acquainted with namjoon’s brother, seokjin :D
seokjin even gave you the nickname pancake
cause you immediately fell in love with seokjin’s pancakes
seokjin owned a restaurant just across the cafe namjoon worked at
so those two would go home together after work hours
you really liked having namjoon around!! :)
taehyung and you were watching a movie at his apartment
yalls were watching a horror movie but instead of being afraid, both of you just made fun of every single move the ghost does 
bzz bzz
“hey y/n, isn’t that your phone?” tae said when he saw your phone vibrating on the table
“oh yea, imma go get it real quick” 
you got off the couch and reached your phone
it was a message from namjoon
joonie: hey y/n! are you free tomorrow? 
you: yea! i am, what’s up?
joonie: well, i wanted to go to the art museum with my hyung, but he had to bail on me cause he had to work.
joonie: i was wondering if you’d like to go with me instead?
you’re heart’s beating pretty fast right now
“taEHYUNG OH MY GOD” you screamed frantically that scared taehyung to deAth until he fell of the couch
“the hELL Y/N WHAT’S WRONG?!” taehyung said as he got off the floor, walking to your direction
you shoved your phone to taehyung and he read the text message namjoon sent you
taehyung shrugged and started to type out a message
“whaT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KIM TAEHYUNG” you screeched as you attacked him to get your phone
“i am hELpinG yOu-” taehyung finished typing “-and sent.”
you pushed taehyung on the floor (again) and looked the text taehyung sent at namjoon
you: of course joon! i’d love to go with you! send me the place and i’ll see u there xx
...“taehyung you are fucking dead”
so now you are in front of the place namjoon told you about
you looked at your watch 
are you too early?
you both promised to see each other at 11:00
yea you are too early
after rummaging your wardrobe for like, almost an hour
you wore a lemon turtleneck and a pair of jeans with matching black boots and sling bag.
you even wore a beret cause you think people at the art museum wears this(??)
dammit y/n you’ve been watching too much dramas
you turned around to see
not the nerd namjoon
but the
hot hot namjoon
hot namjoon
he wasn’t even wearing those boxy glasses of his
he’s wearing skinny jeans, a white tank and a red plaid shirt unbuttoned
dear lord do not let any nose bleeding to occur at this very moment
“namjoon?? i almost didn’t notice you there!! gosh you look so,, different” 
admit it hun you are in complete awe
look u can even see a bit of his abs
fuCK nO diRTy thOugHTS
“is it a good different or a bad different?” 
u can see that he looks insecure
but he shouldn’t!!
bOi he be looking like a greek g o d
“of course good different!! i think you look great joonie! :D” 
namjoon isn’t sure why but his heart is going doki doki for you ;)))
(spoiler: he likes you)
so you guys spent your day well!!
both of you went in the art museum 
but you didn’t really understand what was so fun???
cause you weren’t much of an artsy person
but you looking at namjoon awing at every painting makes you soft inside <3333
*coughs* i mean he himself is a masterpiece too *coughs*
afterwards,, you guys went for ice cream!!
namjoon bought you mint chocolate even if he didn’t like mint 
but cause he knows you like it so he just has it too!!
(he chugged a couple bottles of water to wash off the toothpaste sensation in his mouth)
some people even mistaken the both of you as a couple
you blushed every time someone makes that comment
namjoon becomes very flustered seeing how red you can be 
you two were just adorable :(((((
so you made your way to moonchild cafe
but you don’t see namjoon???
but you ordered your usual anyway
when it was given to you, it didn’t taste the same way namjoon did it for you
you wondered where namjoon went
i mean, he never misses work??? before?????
so you assumed that maybe he wanted to focus for his studies today
so you went to your university
and you saw taehyung
you asked taehyung if he had seen namjoon today
but taehyung only shrugged it off
“nah y/n, i haven’t seen him, what’s up?”
something’s not right :((
after philosophy, you went to his usual spot where he reads
just a tree
nothing else
he wasn’t even in chemistry class
ok now you are being paranOid
you tried texting and calling him like a million times
no answer :((
after all your classes you went to moonchild cafe back
still no joonie
you looked at jin’s restaurant
it’s closed
the doors were chained up
you were on your knees in front of jin’s restaurant
without realizing it, tears started forming on your eyes
taehyung’s here comforting you at your apartment
as soon as he finished his phone call with you saying that you needed him, he bought two tubs of mint chocolate ice cream to help cheer you up
taehyung’s hugging you closely and allowing you to cry on his shoulder
“he....he just left tae....i thought we had something tae...” you muttered out, still in disbelief
tae caressed your hair and told you everything will be okay
“thank you for buying your coffee here! have a nice day!”
you say as your customer gave you a tip
you decided to work as a barista as your part time job
something about making coffee just makes you feel a bit better about yourself
you were working as a computer programmer as your full time job
but what’s cool about it is that you were able to work at home, and at night
so you can do extra cash in the morning brewing coffee
you as a javaphile just can’t get away from caffiene
the bell rings implying that there is a new customer
you smiled at the customer and kindly asked what he wanted to purchase
“venti caramel macchiato, two pumps vanilla, a dash cinnamon and foam on top...”
you recognize this order
he looks up from his cap and opens his mask
“...oh, and don’t forget the caramel drizzle on top, please?”
oh my god
you were completely speechless
he could only smile faintly
“are you busy after your shift?” he cooed, awaiting your response
you can’t believe this
there’s so many thing you want to say to him
“oh my god like you disappeared for like 4 years and you never contacted me at all or even tell me anything about it so what the hell was that about and i fell for you for no reason only for you to leave me and shut me out so yes i am free”
“...it’s 4.99$ sir” is what you said instead
“oh, r-right.” namjoon payed his drink and sat at a table a few tables away from the counter
namjoon was devastated that he left you
and now he feels stupid for even showing up
especially since he never told you anything
i guess he was just afraid of being rejected by you
but leaving you felt even worse
when namjoon’s drink arrived, he saw a few scribbles on his cup.
it was your address with a little note you wrote on it
“i’m free after 6, come to my apartment if you want to talk, xx, y/n”
so now namjoon’s in front of your door
“hey y/n it’s me namjoon! haha, you know, the one that left- no wait, that’s stupid” namjoon blabbered at himself
you then open the door of your apartment
“o-oh, hey y/n.” namjoon finally muttered out some words
“hey namjoon. long time no see?”
“oh, hahaHaAH, yeA, right...” 
you allowed namjoon inside your apartment and sat on the couch, you being a few inces away from namjoon
there was a moment of silence between the both of you
the quiet atmosphere is just causing the situation to be more and more awkward
you knew that someone had to break this silence
*deep breaths*
both of you spoke up at the same time
both of you apologized
and you insisted namjoon to start talking first
namjoon took a deep breath and finally started talking
“y/n, first of all, i truly am sorry for disappearing out of the blue. i really wanted to tell you, but i guess i just got scared”
you kept your reaction blank
“i was really afraid if you would’ve hated me if you knew i had to move away. hyung got a promotion to work in the us and he found me a spot for university, so i had to move out.”
“yea, well congrats. i am very mad at you for just disappearing out on me joon. it was great.”
that’s a lie
you don’t want to be mad at him
it hurts you doing so
“i’m really sorry y/n. i thought that maybe not telling you might make it less hurt, but i couldn’t bare the fact that i was far away from you.”
namjoon saw your eyes change
“what do you mean?” you questioned him
“i mean, i can’t help but really like you y/n. the further i was from you made me realize even more that i really like you”
is he for real
he likes you too????
and it took him this long to tell you
“i get it if you still hate me, but i hope that we can still stay as frien-”
his sentence was cut off with your lips on his
his lips were soft and it tasted like the caramel coffee he had earlier today
namjoon was surprised by your action, but he immediately kissed you back, placing his hands on your waist
the kiss was sweet and tender yet needy, as if you guys were yearning this moment for so long
after breathless kisses, you decided to break the kiss
“you have no idea how long i had to wait to hear you say that to me”
namjoon couldn’t hold in his joy and wrapped his arms around you tightly
“i’m so sorry y/n, i won’t leave you now, i promise” he says as he pampers kissed all over you
you accepted his hug and embraced him even more
your apartment door was opened
“hey y/n, i finally bought the groceries that we were supposed to buy this saturda...”
taehyung stopped his sentence as he saw you and namjoon cuddling
“see y/n? i told you he’ll come back for you.” taehyung winked towards namjoon and goes to his room
“wait, what does taehyung mean by that?” you asked namjoon, absentmindedly
namjoon smiled and kissed your forehead
“i had the help of a friend to help me keep track of you, so that i can find you and finally tell you in person”
“tell me what?”
“that i love you.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
1. If you found a baby turtle on the side of the road, would you pick it up and keep it? No. 2. Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? Nooo. 3. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Yeah, a few times. 4. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? It’s only 3 in the morning. We’ll see. I have a doctor appointment this morning; though, so it’s not going to start off great. 5. Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? Nope.
6. How about you, do you have a bf/gf? No. 7. Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t give a shit how attractive they were if they were like that.  8. So do you have a best friend? Yes. 9. What would you do if your best friend kissed the last person you kissed? My mom would never do that. 10. Do you dislike anyone? No one I know. 11. Did you message your best friend today? No. I’ll see her later on, we live together. 12. Do you think you will be in a relationship two months from now? Nope. 13. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? Always. 14. How do you feel about your hair right now? I love the color since I just got it done a few weeks ago and it looks healthier since I got it trimmed, but still I hate that I don’t do anything with it besides throw it up in a pony tail. I’ve never been good at styling my hair, it never comes out good. I have long hair, it would be nice to actually do something with it. 15. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? Well, I’m sure there’s people with “Stephanie” tattooed on them, but not anyone I know. 16. Who did you last see shirtless? An actor on TV. 17. How would you feel if you got the person you liked? I don’t like anyone in that way. 18. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months without cheating? Yes. 19. Do you like to make the first move? Noooo. 20. Do you think you will ever be married? No. 21. Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? I’m a big disappointment to myself and everyone else I feel like. 22. Is it possible to be single and happy? Yeah. I mean, I’m single and unhappy, but it’s not because I’m single. 23. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? It’ll be male (my brother). 24. Do you remember who you liked on New Year’s? No one. 25. Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m barely a person. 26. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I’ve gone 7 years so far and have no desire for it. 27. Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? I’ve always felt that way. 28. Is there anyone who likes you? Not in the romantic sense. 29. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? Ha, no. They wouldn’t give a single fuck. 30. Do you understand football? I get there’s touchdowns... that’s about it. ha. 31. What’s the first thing you heard this morning? It’ll be alarm. D: 32. Who last called you beautiful? My hair stylist did after she finished with my hair.  33. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No. 34. How many kids do you want when you get older? Zero. 35. Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week? Uh, no. I’ve been single for 7 years and haven’t even talked to anyone in that way in 4. 36. Ever been called a jerk/bitch? Yes, playfully. 37. Do you have feelings for anyone? Not romantic ones. 38. If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? “Fell pregnant.” I’m a virgin and can’t have kids anyway, so. 39. What’s your full name? Stephanie is all you need to know. 40. Are you young or old? I’m old. 41. What’s the gender? I’m a female. 42. How’s your heart been lately? Physically, it’s fine.  43. Why aren’t you in bed? I am. 44. Did you do laundry today? No. 45. What kind of computer do you have? A MacBook Air. 46. Are there always other fish in the sea? So they say. 47. What can your tongue do? I can’t curl it or make a clover or anything. 48. What do you think your mum does when she goes out? My poor mom doesn’t do much outside of work, taking care of my family, especially me, and caring for a family friend. She hardly gets any time for herself.  49. Do chickens have feelings? Yes. 50. Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? We’re made in God’s image. I need to learn to love myself and my body, though, cause I definitely don’t. 51. So how are you feeling today? Blah. 52. Where is your sister right now? I don't have a sister. 53. Name five things you did today? So far just YouTube and surveys. 54. What kind of phone do you have? An iPhone XR. 55. What are you listening to? An ASMR video. 56. What do you smell like? Like me. 57. What colour are your eyes? Brown. 58. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? No. 59. Do you know someone named Betsy? No. 60. What colour is your mum’s hair? Black. 61. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name? Yes, a 3 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix named Princess Leia. <3 62. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? Yeah. A lot of Barney songs, especially. 63. Are you married? Nopeee. I’m very single. 64. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? Last night.  65. Do you play an instrument? I played some piano back in the day. I regret not keeping up with it, though. I wish I took it more seriously. 66. Do you like fire? I like bonfires or fire in the fireplace. I love that autumn fire smell. However, you’ll never catch me lighting a fire. Not even a candle. I’m a big scardy cat. 67. Are you allergic to anything? Tangerines. 68. Have you ever been to a spa? Nope. 69. Do you miss someone? Always. 70. Views on premarital sex? I’m just waiting to be in a loving committed relationship. Someone I’m very comfortable with. He’ll have to be someone very patient and understanding. 71. What is a noise that you cannot stand? Eating sounds--slurping, smacking, sucking... I CAN’T. 72. Do you know how to do a cartwheel? I can’t do that. 73. What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses? I don’t wear sunglasses as someone who has to wear glasses because I’m basically blind without them. I’ve had the transitional glasses in the past, though. I don’t have them currently cause I didn’t want to pay for that. 74. Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? No. 75. Do you shower naked? Uh, yeah?  76. Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? It can. Doesn’t make me look smart, though ha. I’m not fooling anyone. 77. Are you ADD or ADHD? No. 78. Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? No, we just have the boring plain ones. 79. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? No. 80. In one word, how would you define yourself? Disappointing.  81. Tell me about a dream you had recently? Nah. 82. Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? I haven’t been around drunk people in a long time. 83. How did you feel when you woke up? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I know I won’t be happy when my alarm goes off. I have a doctor appointment in the morning. :/ 84. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? It’ll be “ughhhhh I don’t want to get up.” 85. Name something great that happened on Friday? I don’t know, it’s Thursday. Ask me tomorrow. 86. When was the last time you saw your father? Last night. 87. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now? No. You know... it’s weird. I heard from Ty out of the blue yesterday for the first time in almost 5 years and it didn’t stir up anything in me like it would have in the past. 88. Have you ever been kissed by a person whose name starts with J? Yes. 89. Do you crack your knuckles? Yeah. 90. What were you doing twenty minutes ago? This. 91. You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you? I am now cause of that question where I talked about Ty. 92. Have you held hands with anyone in the past twenty-four hours? No. 93. What would you do if your partner still kept pictures of their ex? I would have an issue with that. 94. What if your partner went through your cellphone? I don’t want that kind of relationship. Like yeah, we should have nothing to hide, but still there’s just no reason for it. 95. What if your partner was flirting with another girl/boy? I’d most definitely have a problem with that and would say something. 96. Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? Yes. 97. You want someone/something? I’m already looking forward to lunch. 98. Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? There absolutely is. Coke all the way. 99. Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now? I’m hungry, but it’s 330 in the morning and I’m not going to get anything. I’ll get something later after my doctor appointment. 100. Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed? It really doesn’t matter anymore. 101. Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? Yeah, my mom many times whenever I was sick. That’s even still to this day as an adult. One of my former friends was with me a few times after getting sick from a littleee bit too much to drink. :X 102. Background on your computer? Alexander Skarsgard. 103. Have you cried recently? Yes. 104. Who has hurt you the most? Myself. 105. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? I’m perfectly fine with being single. 106. What language do you want to learn? I want to be fluent in Spanish. I should start practicing again, it’s been yearsss so I’m definitely rusty. 107. Your ex’s car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response? I don’t drive, so I’d be of no help. 108. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? I’d only hit someone out of self-defense.
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aceofwhump · 6 years
Would you mind writing a fic were Klaus is All nauseas And dizzy from being sick but everyone thinks he’s just “recently getting sober” or drunk but he’s actually been sober for months now, and he’s actually sick. Diego believed him and he helps take care of him along with Ben’s help; who’s been with him the whole time and actually gives a lick about him? Pls and thank u!
So last night I sat down to write a completely different story but had a sentence for your request pop into my head. I opened up a document and wrote it down, thinking I’d go right back to the other story once it was written. Well, one sentence turned into two. Which turned into three. And about three hours later I had written the entire fic. Just needed some editing. 
I guess it’s safe to say that the Umbrella Academy has my muse in a stronghold at the moment. If the massive amount of gifs I’ve been making wasn’t evidence enough this fic should do it. I don’t think I’ve ever written anything so fast before. It came so easily.
Anyway, I loved writing this. I hope you like it :D
Klaus had been feeling off for a few days now. At first he just had a headache and the occasional body ache but today was the worst of it. He felt like all the times he’d sobered up because he ran out of money to purchase another bag of drugs. Or the last time he sobered up, willingly, so he could focus on harnessing these dumb powers of his.
He alternated between sweltering hot and blistering cold, sometimes mere second in between the two, leaving him confused about how the fuck he should dress. One moment he wrapped himself in his fluffiest jacket to stave off the chills racking through his body the next he was desperately tearing it off himself before he roasted to death. The spinning room did nothing to quell the nausea rolling through him. He’d thrown up earlier this morning which was very unpleasant. He always hated puking. It was gross and made him feel even worse once he was done.
It he hadn’t been four months sober now he’d know exactly how to fix this. A couple a pills, maybe some weed or a bottle of whiskey and he’d be as good as new. But this wasn’t him getting sober. And besides, he wasn’t going back to that. He was clean and he intended on keeping it that way.
Ben did what he could to help but without a corporeal body there wasn’t much he could do besides comforting words and advice. They had been practicing Klaus’s powers to make him corporeal again but he hadn’t been quite able to do it every time yet.
So when Klaus ran into the bathroom at 6 in the morning and violently threw up everything he had for dinner, Ben anxiously kneeled by his side offering comforting words until he was finished.
Ben tried to get him to tell someone he was sick but Klaus didn’t want to. He’d be fine. And they wouldn’t care anyway. Ben scoffed and said things were different now but Klaus knew better. Yeah some things were different but it’d be a long time before any of them changed that drastically.
He fell asleep in front of the toilet that night, sweaty and exhausted, with Ben close by watching over him.
He woke up to Luther pounding on the door shouting that they were all meeting in the living room and to get his butt down there now.
It took a couple of minutes but he managed to pry himself off the floor, clean himself up a bit, and head downstairs.
The seven of them were now all gathered in the living to discuss how best to go about avoiding the apocalypse again but Klaus wasn’t paying attention. He sat on one of the stools at the bar, arms wrapped around his stomach in a vain attempt to prevent himself from throwing up all over the floor and tuned out the spinning world around him.
Eventually he noticed that the room had grown quiet. Klaus looked up to see everyone staring at him. “What?” he croaked, baffled as to why everyone was looking at him expectantly.
“They asked you how it was going with your powers,” Ben offered with a worried look.
Oh. Whoops.
“Klaus, if your not going to even pay attention why are you here?” Luther asked with a hint of impatience. Ben scowled at him.
Cause you made me you jackass. “No, no. I was paying attention. Riveting stuff as always. As for me well everything’s going just ungh!…” Klaus’s stomach rolled suddenly and he clamped a hand over his mouth to stop himself from puking.
“Klaus, please, just tell them you’re sick. They can help. And you need help,” Ben pleaded with him. Maybe Ben was right. He really wasn’t feeling so great. He nodded slightly at Ben and removed his hand to speak but Luther interrupted before he could make a noise.
“Are you drunk? Jeezus Klaus, can’t you stay sober for one second. God dammit, go sleep it off! I swear if you puke on me.” Luther hissed. Klaus looked at the faces of the others, all disapproving and disgusted, as usual. He had been right. No point in saying anything to them. They didn’t care.
His stomach rolled again and he closed his eyes tight and fisted his hand over his mouth again, willing himself not to upchuck right then and there. The room spun around him. He was having trouble keeping everything in focus and the spinning making his stomach even angrier.
“Klaus? You okay?” Diego pried himself off the column he was leaning against and came closer to him. He could see the sweat on his brow, the way his frame shook. Something was wrong.
“Leave him Diego, he brought this on himself and we have bigger things to focus on at the moment, remember? That pesky apocalypse thing?” Five said.
Diego ignored him and placed a hand gently against his forehead. Klaus closed his eyes and leaned into it with a sigh. Diego’s hand felt so cool against his burning face.
“You’re burning up. Not drunk then I suppose. Withdrawal?”
Withdrawal? They thought he was in withdrawal? Of course they did. They didn’t know. “No. ’m not drunk. No drugs. Sober.”
Diego’s mouth opened slightly in surprised but he recover quickly and placed a hand on Klaus’s shoulder with a nod.
“Klaus just go do whatever you need to do to sober up, okay?” Luther said dismissively turning his back to his brother and facing the rest of the group.
Klaus watched as Diego got that look on his face that usually came before knives starting flying. He whipped around and shouted, “Fuck off, Luther! Something’s clearly wrong with him.”
“Yeah he’s a drunk and drug addict. This isn’t news here Diego.” Five said with an air of annoyance.
“Guys, come on. That’s enough.” Allison tried in vain to get them to stop arguing.
“Fuck you Five,” Diego spat before turning his attention back to Klaus who was busy trying to control the spinning. The world tilted sharply threatening to thrown him off his precarious position on the bar stool so he grabbed hold of Diego’s holster to steady himself.
Diego caught Klaus by the elbow as he started sliding off the stool, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there. I got you. Let’s get you upstairs, okay Klaus? Can you walk?”
“Don’t think so. Erng….dizzy. Gonna be sick.”
“Alright, just hold on okay? No puking til I get you to a bathroom.”
Diego put an arm under his knees and another under his arms and carefully lifted him clear off the stool and up into his arms in a bridal carry. The sudden change in altitude made his stomach flip and he groaned.
“Hey, hey, hey what I’d say! No puking! Don’t puke on me, man, I mean it!”
“Shit. Okay, hold on,” Klaus had only a moment to close his eyes, hold his breath, and pray, before Diego raced off to the bathroom around the corner and deposited him in front of the toilet. It was just in time too because Klaus’s stomach chose that moment to violently get rid of everything he’d eaten or drank in the past day, as if there were anything left after his adventures during the night.
Klaus heaved and gagged for what felt like forever. By the end he was dry heaving, nothing left to throw up. He could feel Diego awkwardly lay a hand on his sweaty back and rub small circles in a comforting gesture as he heaved over and over again.
When his stomach finally let him go he collapsed, exhausted, onto the tiled floor of the bathroom. He heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on briefly.
Klaus felt a cool cloth wipe across his face cleaning away the sweat from his forehead and the sick from his mouth. “You think you’re done?” Diego asked.
Klaus opened his slightly and hummed, “Think so.”
“Okay then. How about we get off the bathroom floor, get some medicine in ya.”
“That sounds nice.”
Klaus tried to sit up but his arms were too weak to lift himself up so Diego hauled him slowly up and held him steady while he got his bearings back.
He swallowed several times, tamping down his nausea and dizziness. When he was sure he wasn’t going to puke again he nodded at Diego who helped him up. He deposited him on the side of the bathtub and nudged him to get his attention.
“Here. Take these. For the fever. You need to drink some water too. You’re probably dehydrated.”
“Don’t think I could keep the water down right now,” Klaus said, taking the pills from Diego and dry swallowing them.
“Mmm. Later then. Think you can make it to your bed?”
Klaus nodded and together they slowly made their way to Klaus’s room, Diego bearing most of Klaus’s weight. Ben hovered close by at all times, unable to help but worried for his brother.
Diego helped Klaus get out of his sweat covered clothes and into some sleep clothes, Klaus being too out of it to comment on the fact that he was being undressed and Diego sure as hell wasn't’ going to point it out. Klaus then collapsed onto his bed and promptly curled up with his pillow pressed to his chest.
Once Klaus was comfortably snuggled up in bed, Diego pulled a chair next to him sat down. Klaus was almost asleep when Diego’s voice brought him back into consciousness, “How long you been clean for?”
He hesitated but seeing Ben smile at him, prompting him to tell Diego, he said, “Four months. ’m four months sober. Not that anyone cares.”
Ben took exception to that, “Hey I care. And I’m proud of you Klaus.”
Klaus smiled at Ben and turned back to Diego, “‘cept Ben. Ben’s been very helpful now that he knows he can punch the pills out of my mouth”, he said with a smirk.
“And don’t you forget it,” Ben countered.
Diego looked at his brother with a proud smile, “That’s amazing, Klaus. Way to go, man. Must have been hard. Sorry I wasn’t there.”
“S’okay,” Klaus said as his eyes closed once more, “Wasn’t completely alone. Had Ben.”
“I’m glad,” Diego smiled, pulling Klaus’s covers up to his shoulders. He directed his next words to the room, not knowing exactly where Ben was but knowing he was in the room somewhere, “Thanks for keeping an eye on our bro, Ben.”
“Someone had to do it.”
Klaus giggled lightly and felt himself falling asleep. He was warm and comfortable for the first time in days. Whatever Diego had given him was helping with the nausea. Exhaustion pulled at him and he drifted off knowing that both Ben and Diego were watching over him.
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Who wants to read my FIRST EVER posted fanfiction? It’s from 2008, but was written even before that.
I won’t be posting it on ao3, so this is going to be where it sits for now.
It was one of those deliciously lazy days at the beginning of summer. It was warm enough in the house that Gojyo was feeling drowsy and cat like, but not hot enough that he was sweating buckets just sitting in the livingroom. He was laying on the couch, his feet up on the arm of it, his hand thrown over his eyes to keep the light out of them. Not asleep, but not totally awake, he had been there for about a half hour, dozing while Hakkai was at the market in town. His roommate had walked, so the little dragon was curled up in a potted plant near the front door. Every so often Gojyo heard a contented little sigh coming from that direction.
One of those days. He thought to himself, scratching at his stomach, and giving a great yawn. Even Hakkai hadn't been feeling overly industrious today, only wanting to go to town to pick up some mushrooms since they couldnt grow it in their little garden. Barbecue tonight. Four large steaks were marinating in the fridge right now. The two extra because Sanzo and his pet Monkey usually invited themselves over for dinner and Hakkai, ever the good host, wouldn't dream of feeding them less than he could give. Gojyo had cut a deal with a butcher nearby, in exchange for redoing his roof and bathroom, they would receive a cow and pig, pre-slaughtered of course. It hadn't been a very hard job- Gojyo finding himself enjoying working with his hands in something constructive- and now the two of them had enough meat to last nearly a year. More if Goku didn't come by so often during meal time. That, combined with the prosperous garden in the backyard, they were fairly comfortable.
Gojyo sipped on a glass of lemonade sitting on the floor beside him. The day was too nice to sully with beer. Shifting to put it back on the floor had given him a rather unpleasant wedgie. It took him a few moments to dislodge it, and when he finally readjusted himself, he now hard a swollen hard on from rubbing against the inside of his jeans. Ignoring it for a while did nothing, before he finally decided To hell with it. He was by himself anyway, and he had been a good boy lately. Taking a glance to the frontdoor to make sure that the dragon was asleep before quietly unzipping his pants. He hitched up his shirt, tucking the hem under his chin and began running his fingers through the silken dark crimson hair around the base of his cock. He was fully erect now, laying had against his stomach, the tip bumping into his belly button. He reached lower and massaged his balls and tugged on his scrotum. Moaning softly, he bit his lip and started to stroke himself, his thumb describing a slow circle around the head to spread his pre-come over it.
Brown hair brushing his thighs, smirking lips suckling on his flesh. Oh shit. Green eyes looking up at him through dark lashes. Not... Slender, sure hands stroking him in just the right way. "...Hakkai..." he moaned aloud, gritting his teeth wondering what fucked up being was putting these images in his head. Yes, he knew he was attracted to Hakkai in more ways than one, but this was the first time he had really thought about him while touching himself. He was pumping his hips into his hand while picturing his best friend kneeling between his thighs "Gods....Hakkai..."
He froze at the sound of paper crinkling and refused to open his eyes. If I can't see him, I can't see the the look on his face, he reasoned, cock still in hand. He heard Hakkai chuckle softly and walk to the counter. He must have come in through the door in the kitchen, which opened much quieter than the front door. "Sanzo and Goku will be hear in about a half hour. Would you mind finishing up, then helping me with supper?" He could hear the humour in his friend's voice. Clearly enjoying tormenting the halfbreed.
"Nngh, no, I'll uh, just wash my hands and then we'll get supper d-done." Cracking and eye open, he saw Hakkai had his back to him. He tucked himself back into his pants, carefully zipping up - his hands were still shaking.
"Well as long as you're not going to be too uncomfortable."
He wobbled into the bathroom, washed his hands and splashed water on his face. "You are so totally fucked." He told his reflection softly.
Back in the kitchen, as soon as Gojyo closed the bathroom door, Hakkai collapsed against the counter, his body quaking with silent laughter. Oh, he knew that Gojyo had been trying to be secretive about his feelings towards his roommate, but he never thought he would catch him jerking off while groaning Hakkai's name. It shouldn't have been so funny, but they were comforable enough in their relationship that Hakkai would be snickering about it for weeks, with no one really being hurt.
Gojyo came back from the bathroom, and Hakkai smiled his evil little smile. The redhead nearly lost it at the sight of his friend holding a pair of tomatos and a cucumber. "Salad?" He asked, slowly running the cucumber under the tap, stroking dirt off, watching Gojyo out of the corner of his eyes.
"You are an evil, evil man. You know this, right?" Gojyo snatched the tomatoes and washed them as well.
Hakkai reached out and took one from him, hefting it in his open palm. "Don't you just love sun ripened tomatoes? They are that perfect texture, and they still hold some of the risidual heat of the day." Oh, this is just too much fun. He brushed a fleck of dirt of with his thumb, Gojyo's right eye twitched.
"I hate you right now." His voice was getting low and husky. His erection came back with an aggressive demand. "I'm about to bust a seam here."
"Don't worry. I know how to sew remember." Hakkai tossed his head, his hair falling to one side of his face. His good eye twinkled with mirth and... something else. He very slowly licked his bottom lip, then caught it between his teeth.
With a low grunt, Gojyo tossed the vegetables onto the counter, grabbed Hakkai's hips and pushed him hard against the counter. His lips slammed into his friend's and he ground their crotches together. Hakkai grabbed handfuls of scarlet hair and twisted his head for a better angle to kiss.
"Heeeyyyy! We're heeerrrrre!" They heard feet pounding up the front porch.
"Kill me. Now." Gojyo groaned low and long before going to let the rest of their party into the house. I'm going to be humping trees before the day ends, I can see it now. He glanced back at Hakkai, who was slicing the vegetables. How the bastard could go back be to being so calm, he had no idea.
Goku tumbled into the house, practically buzzing with energy. "Hi guys! We brought a pie!" The boy held it up proudly. "I made it myself. From those apples we bought the other day."
"Why thank you Goku, that was very nice of you." Hakkai took the pie and put it on the counter. Taking the steaks from the fridge, he lead them out to the backyard. "Gojyo, if you would be so kind as to light the barbecue? Thanks." He jerked his chin to the barbecue that was just off the back patio.
The steaks were great, Hakkai knew how each of them liked theirs. Sanzo- medium well, Goku- medium, Gojyo- medium rare, just on the rarer side. All seasoned perfectly. Gojyo had made his baked potatoes, and the salad they had made together with the pie made a wonderful meal. The preist and his pet stayed late, until Goku was nearly nodding off. Hakkai wrapped up the rest of the pie to send home with them, and ushered them out the door.
"Sleep time." Hakkai said, as soon as the door was closed. "You would think that those two would want to spend less time with us now that we are back from India." He shook his head in wonderment, ignoring the pained look on Gojyo's face. He had already made up his mind that they would explore what had happened in the kitchen further tomorrow, but now, he was tired.
Hakkai turned down the bedcovers and fluffed the pillows. Gojyo followed him with his eyes before changing into a new pair of underwear to sleep in. Horrrny. Must bend him over bed. Must... He shook his head and climbed into his side of bed. Hakkai slid into the bed, and turned on his side for Gojyo to spoon. Their bodies fit together perfectly, but Gojyo had to pull his hips back to keep from poking his friend. "Sorry." he mumbled and reached down to tuck himself into the waistband of his boxers so he could snuggle against Hakkai's back.
"It's alright. Have sweet dreams."
Teeth grit together with force enough to pop his jaw.
Gojyo was surprised to find that he didn't wake up sticky. They made breakfast, Hakkai read the newspaper, and Gojyo fixed the showerhead. Neither brought up what happened the day before. It was early afternoon, and Hakkai was kneeling in his garden, weeding. Stripped to the waist, Gojyo watched him from the kitchen window, a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked ridiculously adorable in his straw hat with a big plastic daisy on the side. Even his gardening gloves had flowers printed on them. Gojyo finished his coffee, rinsed his cup and went out the back to kneel beside Hakkai. He stared stupidly at the plants, unsure what he was actually looking at.
"Those are weeds." The healer pointed at the dandilions then at the red peppers. "Those aren't." He chuckled quietly.
They stayed like that in companionable silence for several minutes before Hakkai dropped his trowel. "So, do you think about me often when you masturbate?" He asked softly, turning to his friend.
Gojyo couldn't read his expression. "I haven't jerked off that much since we came home. Like maybe once every few weeks. I don't think of much, I usually have a magazine or something like that."
"Ah. Would you be uncomfortable if I told you I've thought about you any time I have touched myself in the past three years?" He brushed hair away from his eyes. "That I've wanted you to kiss me like you did yesterday for so long, so badly."
"Uh... Um."
Hakkai grinned and tilted his head to one side. "Does it?"
"Not at all." His voice was deep and throaty, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed loudly. "Fucking, hell no." He reached out, grabbed the front of Hakkai's shirt and pulled him roughly to him. His tongue probed into the brunet's mouth, and he relished in the little sounds of pleasure coming from his partner. "I want you so damn bad, 'Kai." He kisses a line down his throat, nuzzling into the collar of his shirt to lick at his shoulder, then up to suck on his ear. Gojyo tugged Hakkai's shirt up and off, tossing it to the side before ducking down to suck on a nipple.
Soon Hakkai was panting, his hips moving gently. He pulled back and shoved Gojyo down onto the ground. Peeling off his gloves, he ran his hands over the muscled lines of Gojyo's stomach and chest. He dipped his head down to lick his bellybutton. Gojyo buried his fingers in chestnut hair to guide his face lower. Enjoying the look of hunger on his partner's face, Hakkai reached to the garden and snapped a bean vine off a pole, one of the ones that wasn't giving forth any pods. He wound it around Gojyo's wrists and dropped them to the ground.
"Well, you certainly aren't subtle." Hakkai smirked as he popped open the fly of Gojyo's snug jeans. He tugged them down his hips, pleased to see that he wasn't wearing any underwear beneath them. "Out of clean shorts?"
"Nnh, didn't feel like wearing any to- Ahh!" He cried out when Hakkai wrapped his tongue around the head of his cock. With one hand he undid his own pants, with the other he twirled a finger around the head of Gojyo's cock. "Im sorry Im not cut." the red head mumbled somewhat incoherently.
"That's perfectly alright, I'm not either. Catholic orphanage and all. Besides, the foreskin helps with this:" Hakkai wrapped his hand tightly around the shaft, and pumped up and down. Without loosening his grip, the foreskin made it easier to pump hard and fast. "I wouldnt be able to do this otherwise. Plus:" He bobbed his head down and nipped gently at the skin, sucking it into his mouth.
Gojyo began chanting obscenities, his hips bucking up. His head lolled from side to side, the rich earthy scent of the garden filling his nostrils. Right in the damn yard, he thought, trying to watch as Hakkai was stroking himself slowly while sucking Gojyo. "You've done this 'fore 'aven't you?"
There was a wet pop as Hakkai let go of his cock. "No actually, just thought about it a fair amount." He repositioned himself between Gojyo's thighs so his friend could see him touching himself. He leaned forward and rubbed their hard shafts alongside eachother. He was interested to see that they were nearly the same size, Gojyo being just the smallest bit longer and thicker. Holding himself up on one hand, he kissed him deeply while fondling them both with his free hand.
"Tell me you love me." Gojyo moaned, eyelids fluttering, face flushed. "Tell me, please."
A happy laugh, none of the cruelty the halfbreed was terrified to hear. "Of course I love you, you great dolt. The blood in my veins." He murmered against scarlet hair.
At the sound of his voice, Gojyo's hips bucked upwards. Taking the cue, Hakkai crawled down and began sucking again. He was so damn good, Gojyo didn't know how he did it. When a gentle hand reached up and began cupping his balls, he started to writhe. "Uhnn, 'Kai, I don't know how long Im gonna last." Those unbelievably sexy lips, his cock disappearing almost entirely into that gorgeous mouth, peeking out and slamming back in. Hakkai pressed two knuckles beneath the base, massaging. Gojyo suddenly felt a great pressure building almost as soon as he began pressing like that. "Fuck, gonna come babe. Its gonna happen, now!"
Hakkai pulled back, lifting himelf up, the sun behind him haloing his head, letting thick ribbons of semen strike him. Gojyo's eyes bugged, it was getting everywhere, splashing across his lover's stomach and chest, hitting his face, even getting in his hair. It was something that turned him on when he watched a video or looked at a magazine, but actually seeing his come covering his lover kept him hard. When he finally stopped shuddering, Gojyo snapped the vines that bound his wrists. Hakkai was still kneeling, his tongue poking out of his mouth to lick at the corner of his lip to taste Gojyo's come, with a look of interest on his face.
"Shower, now." He grabbed the waistband of his pants, and hobbled into the house, toeing his boots off just inside the door. Hakkai followed after him. Gojyo pushed him roughly against the bathroom door, licking his neck. "Ohh, I can taste myself on you."
They started the water, and Hakkai found himself slammed against the wall under the showerhead. Since Gojyo had fixed it that day, the pressure of the water was more powerful.
"I've never, uh, been with a dude before, Hakkai. You're gonna have to tell me if Im hurting you." He knelt in front of him, pressing Hakkai back so the water streamed off his chest, soon they were both soaked. Hakkai was guiding him by the hair, showing him where it felt best. The first man he had ever touched, and he was going down on him. Gojyo couldn't really believe it. He could taste pre-come building in his mouth, bitter at the back of his tongue. "I want you Hakkai." He kissed the tip of his cock almost tenderly before rising. "I want to make love to you, fuck you, gods, I just want you so fucking bad." He was trembling, his breath coming out shakily as he bent his head to kiss him. "Can I?"
"I thought you'd never ask." Hakkai reached for the soap and began lathering them both up. He stroked Gojyo's length until the suds had built up to a thick froth. He handed the bar of soap to the redhead and turned around. He heard the slapping sound of Gojyo rubbing the bar between his hands. He gasped when those hands reached down between his thighs, using the soap as a lubricant. His spine arched as first one finger pressed against his enterance, then a second. Rubbing his cheek against the cool tile of the shower wall, Hakkai forced himself to relax. The wrong sound: a whimper, or a gasp of pain, and Gojyo would lose all confidence, and this wouldn't be finished. The fingers moved in and out, slowly at first, gainly speed gradually.
"Are you ready yet?" Gojyo's voice shook with need. He had never needed someone as much as he did at his moment.
"I am. I'm ready for you." He spread his legs slightly. Being so close in height was going to make this easier on them both, Gojyo didn't have to bend his knees so much to be able to press into him. He did so, agonizingly slowly. The soap helped to ease the resistance, but Hakkai was still virgin tight. It took several minutes before he was fully inside, and another long moment that seemed to last for an eternity before he was able to start thrusting. He had both hands gripping on Hakkais hips, partly to help them move, partly because he wanted to touch as much of the other man as he could. Gojyo pressed his chest against his lover's back, kissing his ear, tugging on the silver cuffs. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He pulled out long enough to turn Hakkai around. Hakkai braced a foot on the soap dish on the wall, one hand gripping the shower head, the other the curtainrod. He wrapped his free leg around Gojyo's waist, tipping his hips up invitingly. Gojyo flipped his wet hair back from his face and took him more roughly this time, passion starting to take him over. The water from the shower was pooling between them. The halfbreed laced his fingers with Hakkai's around the shower head, his other hand jerking his partner off, fondling his balls.
"Getting close? I'm gonna come again Hakkai." He dropped his head back as he felt the pressure building inside him. "Nngh, come with me Hakkai. Please babe!"
Hakkai's breath quickened. He began nodding, biting his lip, and grunting softly. "Yes Gojyo. I'm almost with you." He cried out when Gojyo pushed him hard against the wall, slamming into him as he came with a violent shudder. Hakkai's orgasm hit with an almost blinding force. Gojyo caught most of the semen in his fist, bringing his hand to his lips to lick it clean. "I love you Gojyo." They pressed their foreheads together, panting heavily. Gojyo drew himself out slowly.
"I love you 'Kai." He was slurring his words. "Orgasms...fun...whee...must do that again."
Hakkai turned the water off and wiped his hair back from his face, smiling with eyes half closed. "Of course. Later. Food now."
It was several weeks later when the preist and the monkey came back for another visit and couldn't find the roommates in the house. Venturing into the backyard turned out to be a horible idea for the preist.
"Sanzo, why are Hakkai and Gojyo fighting? ....Oh...oh.... um, they're not fighitng, are they? Um." He broke into a grin. "Hey, so thats where you got that position!"
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poisonivysparks · 5 years
Love and Paintbrushes {Hank McCoy X Reader}
"Okay, all you guys need to do for homework is read pages 267-270. Now, get out of my classroom!" I told all of my students, laughing, while they walked out of my class.
"Miss Y/n?" Ororo walked up to me, her books in her hands.
"How many times do I have to tell you, Ororo? Please just call me Y/n." I told her, picking up my own things.
"Alright," She smiled. "I was thinking maybe you could teach an art class. You are an amazing artist and I think that everybody would love an art class, since we do not have one already." She asked me, her pretty accent shining through.
"Do you really think I could do that?" I asked her, a little skeptical, maybe somebody had put her up to that, taking advantage of her.
"Yes, I really think that you should do it. Scott, Jean, Peter, Warren, and Kurt all agree with me." She told me while we walked out of the classroom together.
"I'll go ask Professor Xavier tonight, okay? I promise." I told her as we parted ways.
"Have a good afternoon, Miss Y/n!" She waved back at me while I started walking towards the teacher's lounge.
"Hey, Hank!" I waved to my friend, who was also walking into the teacher's lounge.
I kind of had a crush on him since we had met in '61, I had stayed with him and Charles most of my adult life, I had stayed when everybody went to war, when we had to save Raven from killing Trask in '73, and I had to stay when the weird blue guy had kidnapped Charles and tried to take over the world. It was more of a schoolgirl's crush than anything, and maybe it was all of the time that I spent with teens, but I didn't know. I had a feeling that he liked Raven, instead of me, so I never thought to chase any of my feelings.
"Hey, Y/n." He smiled at me while I caught up to him. "Did you have any trouble with your classes today?"
"I didn't have any trouble at all, but Ororo suggested that I should start an art class." I told him, grabbing a cup of coffee.
"That's a great idea, Y/n." He poured coffee in his thermos and started drinking it, completely black, just like I liked it. "You're a great artist, and I have no idea why we didn't think of it sooner. I bet Charles'd like that idea."
"I heard my name, are you two talking about me behind my back?" Charles wheeled in behind us, making me jump, and make my coffee float.
I quickly put it back in the mug and said: "Nah, Ororo had suggested I start an art class, and I wanted to run it by you first."
He chuckled a bit, "I think that's a wonderful idea, my dear. When would you like to do it?"
"I was thinking that maybe it could be an extracurricular after school," I told him, sitting on the couch with Hank.
"That's a great plan, should I say something at dinner?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"That'd be nice, how about, for the time, 3:15 tomorrow." I smiled as he started wheeling out of the room,
"Alright, I will see you guys at dinner." He waved while Hank smiled brightly at me, his teeth showing.
"You're going to do great, I know you will." He encouraged me. "I have to go to the Danger Room to teach, do you want to come with me?"
"I don't have anything better to do, so, yeah." I got up and he grabbed my hand, leading me through the crowded hallways to an elevator, my face beet red.
He let go of my hand once we reached the elevator and pressed the buttons to go down to the Danger Room, Peter zooming in at the last second.
"So, you two, huh?" He asked, crossing his arms and smirking.
"Peter, you ask that every damn time Hank and I are in a room together. How many times do I have to tell you no?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, he was fucking annoying sometimes.
"As many as it takes to get you two together." He smiled and shot out of the elevator, once it opened, and my face flushed, once again.
We walked to the Danger Room, everybody was already lined up in a neat and orderly line.
"Miss Y/n, what are you doing here? Mr. McCoy usually teaches training." Kurt walked up to us, breaking the line.
"I was invited, don't worry about it." I smiled at him as he smiled at both of us.
"Okay." He went back to the line, all of them had slight smiles on their faces, I had no idea why, and I doubt Hank had any idea either.
Raven came in and briefed them, gave them a pep talk, and Hank started the machine up, sentinels came out of the wall, but they weren't the same as the ones in '73.
The teens did really well, not getting hurt or anything. It lasted for about a half hour, Raven yelling at people to straighten their form, things like that.
Hank shut it off and everybody was sweaty and tired from working, Ororo was still smiling widely when she came over to me.
"Did you ask yet?" She asked, obviously excited.
"I did, and it starts tomorrow at 3:15, in my classroom." I smiled at her while her eyes widened.
"Yes!" She cheered, pumping her arms in the air. "The others are going to be thrilled! I must go tell them." She ran off to the others as Raven walked over to me.
"So, you're starting an art class?" She asked.
"Yeah, 'Roro suggested it." I told her while Hank pressed some buttons, probably resetting it.
"Well, I think it's a great idea."
"Thank you, also, are you doing anything tonight? I thought that maybe we could go shopping together." I asked her, kind of nervous, since we hadn't really hung out before.
"Sure, I'd like that." She smiled. "We haven't done anything together in a while."
"How about after dinner?" We walked out together, leaving Hank behind.
"I'd love that, Y/n." She got in the elevator with everybody else, but I stayed behind to wait for Hank.
"I had to reset the Danger Room, sorry about that." Hank rushed over to me, his hair becoming disheveled.
"It's alright, Hank. We can just catch the next elevator up." I told him positively.
"I actually need to grab something from the lab, real quick, want to come with?" He asked, trying to fix his vest, but ultimately failing.
"Well, yeah, do you need my help or anything?" I asked eagerly, while we started walking to Hank's personal lab, not the lab that he taught chemistry in.
"I need help moving some things to the chemistry classroom, liquids. I don't want to spill anything." He told me, smiling.
"I can definitely do that." I smiled brightly at him while we walked into his lab, it was cluttered and messy, but it was cute how he rummaged through his things, not finding what he needed for a few minutes.
I brought what he told me to into the chemistry classroom, until he found a notebook with scribbles and doodles on the front cover.
"Okay, let's go, I found my notebook." We walked to the elevator in comfortable silence, I almost ran into the wall a couple of times, though.
~Time Skip~
"Hey, Raven!" I called out to the woman and her face lit up as I did. "When do you want to leave?"
She walked over to me. "We could leave now, if you want to." She told me while I picked up my purse.
"Well, let's go!" I energetically walked to the garage, getting in my favorite convertible that Charles had.
We silently got in the car, and I turned the ignition on, the radio blasting out some pop music.
"Goddammit, Scott!" I yelled, knowing exactly who it was, because we had the same taste in cars. Raven laughed and I turned down the radio, turning it to a rock station.
We drove about halfway there, singing along very badly to the songs that were playing, when she turned down the radio and her demeanor turned serious.
"Okay, I have to ask you something." She turned to me, a slight smile on her face. "I've noticed it ever since '60 and it's been bugging me." I knew exactly what was coming next. "Do you like Hank?"
My cheeks flushed red, and I slowed down a little bit. "N-no I don't. W-we've always just been friends, and, besides, he likes you a-anyways." I brushed it off as she laughed.
"He doesn't like me! He loves you, he's always loved you. He told me a long time ago, and he's always looked at you the same way." She told me, and my face somehow flushed an even darker shade of red.
"Noooo..." I told her, concentrating on driving.
"Don't deny it, Y/n."
~Hank's PoV~
I was hanging out with Charles in his office, we were talking about random things, and, somehow, Y/n came up.
"You like her, don't you, Hank?" Charles asked me with a sly smirk.
"No I-I don't." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. I really did like her, she was adorable and she loved helping people and her art.
"Aww, you do. That's adorable." He chuckled and my face turned tomato red.
"I d-don't, w-we're just friends. W-we've always just been f-friends." I told him, stuttering and hiding my face.
"You really do like her, don't you?" He pushed and I gave a little nod, removing my head from my hands.
"A little bit." I admitted, the heat in my face dying down.
"I knew it!" Charles celebrated, smiling widely. "You two are so close, and it's amazing that you two haven't gotten together yet."
"She likes you, I don't have a chance." I said bitterly, looking down at the ground.
He laughed, making me cock my head in confusion. "She told me a long time ago that she likes you."
My cheeks flushed red. "Is that really t-true?"
"You tell me." He smirked and wheeled out of his office, leaving me blushing and completely confused.
~Time Skip (Y/n's PoV)~
It was time, about twenty people were lined up outside of my classroom, whispering to each other and smiling.
I invited them in, incredibly excited about what I could teach them.
Easily, I explained how to draw a landscape and the fundamentals of painting/sketching/drawing.
They were having fun as they sketched a landscape, laughing and talking with their friends. Ororo was talking with Peter, Scott, Kurt, and Jean, they were all agreeing on something as Oro giggled.
Everybody was doing very well and some of them were coming up to me, asking for paint and brushes, including Oro's group.
I was incredibly proud of myself, teaching a class besides stupid history. I was jumped out of my thoughts by a tapping on my back. I turned around and was face-to-face with Hank, well, more like face-to-chest. He was so damn tall, it was amazing.
"H-hey." I gave him a little awkward wave, a faint blush spreading across my cheeks.
"How's your class going, so far?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
"Really well, Hank. I'm surprised this many people showed up." I smiled, hugging him.
He looked taken aback, putting his arms up, slightly. Suddenly, he realized what was happening and hugged me back.
I was just so glad that maybe, just maybe, there was a slim chance that he liked me back. He quickly mumbled something, but I didn't quite catch it.
"What did you say, Hank?" I let go of him and some of the teens, mostly from Oro's group 'aww'ed.
"N-nothing." He stuttered, adorably, he was still that same, little, shy boy I had met all those years ago.
"I'm going to go help some people, I'll be right back, you can just sit at my desk if you'd like." I walked off as he sat in my small desk chair, his knees banging on the top of my desk.
I walked over to the group who was giggling. Quietly, I brought one of the unused stools and sat in front of them.
"Alright, what the fuck are you guys laughing about?" I smiled at them, while they laughed even harder.
"We can't help it if you two are oblivious," Peter said between fits of laughter. I frowned, confused.
"You guys are totally perfect for each other!" Ororo said, waving her paintbrush in the air. My cheeks were flushed, my own students were telling me that I liked him.
"I'm surprised you guys aren't together, already!" Kurt said, his amber eyes shining.
I suddenly noticed Peter was gone and looked around the room, finally spotting him talking to Hank. Hank's face was bright red, I assumed that Peter was doing the exact thing to Hank that everybody else was doing to me.
"Okay, how the hell do you know this?" I asked them, laughing slightly.
"It's obvious." Jean shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh God, how obvious is it?" I asked, covering my face with my hand.
"Pretty fucking obvious, Miss Y/n." Scott said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
"I'll leave you guys to your paintings." I smiled, a tiny bit more confident in myself.
Peter had gone back to his seat in a flash, and I quickly pulled Hank into the hallway. My breaths were short and quick, I was completely filled with anxiety and nervousness.
"What did you want to talk to me about, Y/n?" He asked in the most innocent way.
I took a long, deep breath in. "Okay, I've been told that it's obvious that I like you, and I wanted to know if you like me back, or not?" Fears were running through my mind, and I felt like I could've died, right there and then.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, suddenly, he smiled.
"I'm, honestly, glad you asked me, because I really like you too and I've had no idea how to do anything about it and I thought you liked Charles, and I'm just so awkward around you, even though we're best friends an-"
I cut him off by smashing my lips into his, he was instantly taken aback, his lips unmoving. After he realized what was happening, he feverishly moved his lips with mine, pushing me against the wall. He was surprisingly rough, contradicting his nerdy, shy and gentle exterior. It was complete heaven, fireworks going off between us.
"Hank, we should stop, I'm teaching a class," I mumbled against his lips, my face completely red.
He pulled away and started fixing his glasses. "It's probably too early to say this but, I love you." He chuckled as I fixed my clothes and hair, making myself look like I hadn't just been making out with my best friend.
"I love you too, Hank." I kissed him one last time and went into the classroom, where everybody was looking at me like they just saw their two of their teachers making out in the hallway.
"We all saw what happened!" Ororo screeched in glee. I sat on top of my desk, ignoring the looks of the teens.
"Yeah, we saw you making out with McCoy in the hallway," Scott smirked as I turned away from them, my face red.
"Just go paint." I laughed, waving them off.
"Whatever," Peter said, grabbing his paintbrush.  
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