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flyingwargle · 6 months ago
flufftober day 4: market day
amagasaki is home to several indoor and outdoor markets that appeal to different audiences. the indoor market attracts artisans and small businesses that produce household items, jewelry, and crafts. the outdoor market is where independent grocers, farmers, and most food trucks congregate, occupying parks wreathed in autumn colors, accompanied by music from local artists and bands.
osamu borrowed everything for his booth. the tent is from inarizaki’s volleyball club. the metal trays are on loan from his old home economics teacher. the folding tables are from aran, the cash box and chalk sandwich board from omimi. the disposable plastic gloves, napkins, and takeout bags are from kita. the truck that he used to transport everything is from his uncle.
it’s only his onigiri that belong to him.
he opens the tent, sets up the tables. he slides the trays of onigiri into the transparent food displays, stickers already in place with the price and filling. he places the cashbox beside it, along with a stack of business cards, which only has his name, phone number, email, and ig. the storefront will come in the near future.
atsumu joins him after he’s set everything up and takes a piece of chalk to draw on the sandwich board. in uneven letters, he scrawls onigiri miya and doodles onigiri in the corners. he takes a handful of flyers that osamu printed with the available flavors, and atsumu starts walking around to distribute them. the morning is still young; business will pick up, hopefully.
“hey, osamu! nice booth ya got here.”
his smile widens at the pair of familiar faces. “aran! kita-san! good morning!”
aran waves, and kita nods. “how’s business so far?” aran asks.
“the market just opened, so i haven’t sold anythin’.” he gestures at the empty park. “’tsumu is walkin’ ‘round ta advertise.”
kita picks up several flyers. “i can take a handful ta bring back ta the farm an’ distribute ta the neighbors.”
“oh, same here. my team is nowhere nearby, but it helps ta spread the word, yeah?” aran does the same, tucking them under his arm. “well, i should show some patronage. i’ll take a tuna mayo, please.”
“konbu fer me, please,” kita adds.
osamu packs their orders, deposits their change into the cashbox. “thank ya both. will y’all check out the rest o’ the market?”
“of course. we’ll come back ta say bye when we leave.” aran steps away, giving him a final nod of encouragement. "good luck!”
he sells a few onigiri, and atsumu returns to deposit the remaining flyers in hand. “didja see aran an’ kita-san?” osamu asks him.
“yeah, i saw ‘em walkin’ round. i saw akagi an’ omimi-san too, they said they’ll come by.”
as if he summoned them, their upperclassmen arrive. “look at ya, osamu,” akagi says, slightly teary-eyed. “workin’ on the other side o’ the counter fer once.”
omimi rolls his eyes, although his expression is soft. “shinsuke gave us a glowin’ review. can we get one o’ everythin’?”
“thank ya both, akagi-san, omimi-san,” osamu says, beaming as he packs their orders. “i hope ya’ll enjoy ‘em.”
“ya better,” atsumu adds. “that’s yer kouhai’s cookin’ yer ‘bout ta eat.”
“i’mma enjoy the hell outta ‘em,” akagi reassures him. “if ya aren’t sold out by the end o’ the day, i’ll come back an’ buy the rest.”
the height of the afternoon approaches, and the crowd thickens. atsumu, after a brief phone break, goes back out to advertise, and osamu continues to sell a few more. a small line forms but quickly dissipates, and he’s left with another pair of familiar faces. “gin! kosaku! yer back in town?”
“we came ta support ya!” ginjima knocks his fist against his. “it’s yer first gig at the market, yeah? it better not be yer last.”
osamu shakes his head. “i’m gonna be at two others after this. gotta balance it with work.”
“which restaurant are ya at?” kosaku asks. “are ya still at the teppanyaki place?”
“nah, the owner recommended me ta his colleague’s kaiseki restaurant. it’s been hard, but i finally got on his good side. good thing, or i woulda had ta work today.”
“hey, guys!” atsumu returns, empty-handed, knocking fists with their friends. “ya’ll came back just ta support ‘samu?”
“obviously. we gotta support, ya know?” ginjima’s eyes gleam as he takes his wallet out. “i’ll take a negitoro onigiri.”
“i’ll take bonito flakes,” kosaku adds.
the onigiri steadily decrease from the trays. business is steady, with many eager to support him online or await his physical shop. for now, they’ll have to contend with his appearances at various markets in town, until he’s able to expand further out.
“tsum-tsum! so this is where you’ve been!”
atsumu straightens from behind, stepping next to his twin at the owl-haired young man and his dark-haired companion with glasses. “bokkun, keiji-kun! nice of ya’ll ta come by.” to his brother, he introduces them. “bokuto koutarou, my teammate, and akaashi keiji, his friend.”
“it’s nice to meet you, mya-saam!” bokuto says cheerfully. “your onigiri look amazing! i could buy all of them!”
“please don’t, bokuto-san. you don’t have enough luggage space for all of that.”
“oh, that’s true! okay, i’ll take your last mentaiko and one salmon!”
“i’ll get salmon, please,” akaashi adds. “i wish your business the best of luck, miya-san.”
osamu hands them over. “thank ya. yer support means a lot ta me.”
meian, atsumu’s captain, also stops by, along with inunaki, barnes, and adriah. atsumu converses with them while osamu bags their orders, dwindling his stock further. there’s still an hour until the market ends, with three onigiri left. he wonders who’ll take the last of them.
his answer comes as soon as his brother’s teammates leave, replaced with another trio, this time led by a familiar face. “hey.” suna has his hands in his pockets, a smile on his face. “hope we’re not too late?”
“so this is the humble beginning of an empire, huh?” his companion asks. “i’m lucky to be part of it.” there’s another person lurking behind him, and atsumu immediately singles him out.
“ya lied ta me, omi! ya said ya wouldn’t come by!” atsumu shouts.
sakusa glowers at him, the lower half of his face hidden behind his face. “it wasn’t a lie. i was brought here against my will because of motoya.”
“we have to show our support! it isn’t every day that a new onigiri restaurant is in the works,” his cousin insists. “we came just in time to snag the last three!”
it’s easy for them to decide who gets what: sakusa gets umeboshi, komori with kombu, and suna with tuna mayo. osamu slides his gloves off, satisfied that he’s sold out.
they stay to help him dismantle the stall, and promise to meet with the twins for dinner after. atsumu loads everything into the truck and climbs into the passenger seat beside osamu, clicking his seatbelt on. “that was a pretty good first day, yeah?” he says. “just wait ‘till ya get yer storefront. the line will go fer blocks.”
osamu smiles, inserting the key into the ignition. it’s so easy to imagine it, to envision the happy customers with his onigiri in hand, to visualize a full house. “i can’t wait, either. thanks fer yer help, ‘tsumu.”
“any time, ‘samu.” they knock against each other’s fists.
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artsymeeshee · 11 months ago
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More aroace Ford! Idea I had this time with Stan wanting to know what being aroace is. Even though he won’t fully understand, he understands it makes his brother happy and that’s enough for him.
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snows-2am-thoughts · 7 months ago
Uh so Gravity Falls x The Owl House is canon?! This is the best moment of my life guys
I'd like to think Luz decides to investigate anomalies on Earth when she can since Eda had told her weird stuff on Earth was just magic leaking from the Boiling Isles. She decides on Gravity Falls because it seems that's where the biggest traces of weirdness are. Mabel and Dipper decide to go back to Gravity Falls or attend college near there after high school because it's their home and they've already been away for long enough (and lets be real, everyone besides the stans are probably still there because it's a small town and families hardly ever leave those). Dipper studies paranormal sciences or an applied research major or both and helps continue studying Gravity Falls after he graduates since Ford is off on adventures with Stan. Mabel is studying Fashion Design or Graphic Design with a minor in Photography (the sweaters and scrapbooking stuck) and is now determined to make something (I'm thinking like a fashion line, plushies, or even a cartoon/comic series since she's very creative) inspired by the weirdness of Gravity Falls. 
Luz and the twins end up meeting by chance when they're researching some of the more elusive creatures and they just kind of pause when seeing each other.
Luz: *is sweating nervously because she thinks the twins are freaked out*
Dipper and Mabel: *are sweating nervously because the last time someone found out about the weirdness the FBI got involved*
I think after a very long and awkward conversation they'd actually be really excited to know there are other humans who are open to the weirdness! Luz spent her life not thinking she'd be able to fit in around other humans and the twins have probably felt a little outcasted since they'd been through something no one outside a select few in Gravity Falls can relate to. 
Hijinks ensue. Luz and Mabel feed off of each other's bubbliness and high energy personalities. Luz and Dipper are now combining their research with Luz's knowledge of the Boiling Isles and Dipper's knowledge of the mysteries of Gravity Falls. Luz ends up taking them to the Boiling Isles to introduce them to everyone and suddenly the twins feel like they're at home. Everything is going great until they recognize Eda as a woman from one of Grunkle Stan's old pictures and now they're on a mission to locate their grunkles from whatever adventure they're on to bring them to the Boiling Isles. Stan and Eda reunion (very awkward at first because they're cautious of lingering feelings from the other but they're both well established in life now and so the awkwardness fades, chaos buddies are back) as well as both sets of twins getting to explore the Boiling Isles.
Luz now has a human based support system that isn't her mother which helps her feel ok in her humanity. The twins are able to talk about their experiences with someone who understands and even thrives in the weirdness. 
Dipper and Luz experiment and find new combinations of King's titan glyphs while Mabel and Luz work on a campaign to introduce the two worlds to each other while preventing the creation of more witch hunters or the FBI from being scared because yeesh they don't wanna repeat their trauma. 
Dynamics between the gangs! I think Hunter and Soos would be an awesome pair of bros and I could totally see Amity and Wendy being the cool and composed duo of their respective groups. Luz, Willow, Amity, Mabel and Wendy having a girls night because lord knows they need it. The boys (Hunter, Gus, Dipper and Soos) simultaneously have a boys night but it’s Dipper introducing them to BABBA and Hunter having them carve wood while Soos and Gus try to spook them. Somehow the two groups end up combining and now it’s just a big sleepover with everyone getting into shenanigans. 
King and Mabel would be besties and I can totally see her making little sweaters for him so they can match. Luz catches on and now we have three matching besties. Eda and Stan fuel each other’s gambling habits while Ford and Raine stand on the sidelines getting ready to bail them out. Dipper and Willow would totally get along and I can see them researching the more unique plants of the Boiling Isles together. Gus and Dipper discuss the differences in the worlds of witches and humans. Hunter would introduce the palismans to Mabel and she’d start sprucing up their homes and making them little sweaters. Waddles meant everything to her and if she could help them find homes then she would. 
The Collector visits and all of a sudden the GF group gets PTSD from Bill because ‘oh looks its another all powerful interdimensional being.’ When questioned about it the Collector gets concerned and decides to look into it.
The Collector: *concerned because he knows how he was when he didn’t understand human mortality and thinks this ‘Bill’ just needs to be informed* “YEESH nevermind this guys a mess, you don’t have to worry, he’s being forced into interdimensional therapy. I wouldn’t put it past him to try his old tricks though so don’t make any deals or trust anything triangular’
The GF crew: “HE’S ALIVE????”
The GF group is lowkey paranoid after that because they risked so much to make sure Bill couldn’t hurt them again and the TOH group has to comfort them because they understand. The Collector is assuring them that he’s watching out for them so they don’t have to be too paranoid. The groups go back to doing what they're doing. 
I lowkey wanna see Mabel learning magic while Dipper is lowkey just fine studying and researching since actually doing the magic stuff lost its appeal when Bill possessed him. I haven’t even thought of what Mabel’s palisman would end up being
Or maybe like a squirrel or beaver, Stan’s would definitely be a crow but he and Ford probably are a little put off of doing magic themselves because of similar reasons to Dipper. Actually, maybe Stan would be a little more open since Eda is there and he knows that while she’s mischievous and a troublemaker, she’s nothing like Bill. If Ford and Dipper did wanna learn magic I think Ford gives off hawk palisman vibes while Dipper’s is definitely an owl. I just realized that all the Pines besides Mabel have bird palismans in this. That’s actually pretty good angst potential. 
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owl-falls-au · 5 months ago
How do the Mystery Twins meet the Owl House gang? I wanna know their opinions on the entire cast there, hell, I want to know their opinions on the Boiling Isles! I also want to hear any and all headcanons on how the Twins will interact with the Hexsquad (Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus (esp Gus!!!) and Hunter)!!! Feel free to use this post to rant about it. *GASP* How does the end of season 2 happen? Does the Hexsquad still get stuck on Earth with no portal???
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I can't say this enough! I love your questions!
How does the Season 2 finale happen? And how do the Mystery Twins meet the Owl House gang?
During the events of season two, Stan, Luz, King, and Eda prepare for Unity Day, and as Eda's last request, Stan stays with the Hex Squad to protect them.
After the events of the fight against Amity's mother, Alador joining the good guys' side, and Luz's capture, Stan takes the reins and leads everyone to a safe place to plan something quick
The rest of the events of the season finale occur the same, with the exception that Stan protects Luz's back and supports her, defends her and says that none of this is her fault, that helps her to deceive Belos and thus put a coven mark on him to weaken him
To make matters worse, the Collector is freed by King and although he stops Belos, he causes more chaos, Stan, seeing the door that could lead home, decides to do something to save his remaining family, ordering Hunter . Let him take everyone to the door while he is in charge of taking part of the investigation of Belos and the portals
Oh, right, and he also tries to get Luz to the door to save her from all the chaos, because he's a very protective foster father.
In the end, King pushes them both out the door and the portal, which leads directly to Ford's cabin, is destroyed, leaving the Hex Squad, Stan and Luz trapped in the human world.
There, the Mystery Twins and Ford meet the Hex Squad, and in the process, try to comfort a group of scared children, along with a very nervous Uncle Stan, eager to recreate the portal, thanks to the titan who was able to bring Belos' research with him...
The Gravity Falls Squad's opinions on the entire Hex Squad
Ford: he is not at all happy that Stanley has continued with his attempts to return to his dimension of origin, on the other hand, as soon as he saw the children injured and showing signs of exhaustion, he did not hesitate to give them a place to sleep, especially Stan, although we all know that there is too much to talk about between them
Stan: When he saw him for the first time after his appearance in the comic "A tale of two stans", he believed that it was Bill's trap, until he saw that it was indeed the real one, the next thing he knew, Stan was determined to reopening a portal, now to take those children home, he had to admit that that was something noble, but dangerous, he still thinks he is irresponsible and even an idiot, at least until he discovered that he has a magic staff and very interesting knowledge... .
Luz: reminds him a lot of Dipper and Mabel, she is a combination of both, since she is very intelligent with wild magic and is also strange, but she has a good heart, she cares a lot about her actions
Hunter: He is worried about his health, he notices how tense he is, he likes him, but he knows that he is very distrustful, apparently, he is more attached to Stan
Gus: He sees him as the weakest, yet he sees his maturity and his desire to learn about the human world, sometimes he reminds him of Stan, but he doesn't want to think about that.
Willow: Is it normal for her to be the strongest in the group? At first he thought she would be the smart girl, until he saw how she controls the magic of plants and thought a little more about it, he has his doubts about whether she is okay after these months.
Amity: he respects her, not only because of her determination, but also because she is very intelligent, although somewhat shy and clumsy at times, she reminds him of Dipper since she is very studious, it is also like seeing a small version of himself
Dipper was excited to meet his Uncle Stan in person, he didn't expect it to be so soon or with several extra guests, but when he heard that they were young witches, his desire to learn helped him interact with them naturally.
Stan: Dipper will never lie when he tells you that what he was most excited about was meeting Stan in person. When the door opened and he was finally able to talk to him, the first thing Stan said was that they needed to remake the portal to take the children. Home, since then, Dipper helps Stan with his work as best he can, while listening to his stories and adventures on the boiling islands.
Luz: he likes her, she looks a lot like Mabel, she is very kind, and being almost the same age, she is great in Dipper's words, he likes talking to her about Eda and King, he really likes hearing about that other one. world he comes from
Hunter: they are both similar, curious, they were interested in wild magic and palismans Hunter is one of the few people I would consider a "brother" or something like that, he likes to tell her what he has discovered in Gravity falls and what dreams of finding once they manage to open the portal
Gus: To be honest, Gus is like a little brother he always wanted, someone who is amazed by everything he tells him, someone who listens to him and asks him questions about his discoveries in the human world, someone who also wants to take him to carry out these types of investigations, practically, Hunter, Gus and Dipper are the trio of young investigators looking for mysteries to uncover
Willow: okay, you have to admire that this girl is the toughest of her group, in fact, Dipper openly admits that he had a slight crush on her, but like in all his few crushes, it hasn't come to anything, yes, admire Willow's strength and determination
Amity: Curiously, he likes her very much, since they are both considered the star students of their respective schools, although nowadays this is no longer the case, they understand the pressure of having to be perfect, get good grades and try to be better than the others. Furthermore, in fact, thanks to her, Dipper understood that he should not be like Ford, because that was damaging his friendship with Mabel, she is a good girl, she gives excellent advice
Mabel is the happiest to have her new friends living in the cabin, it's like having a sleepover all summer. What could be better than that?
Stan: she was the one who most wanted to have Stan at home, when he appeared with the Hex Squad, Mabel was the first to come up to hug Stanley, he is protective, responsible, to a certain extent, he keeps a good eye on all the children, he is playful and charismatic, he spends a lot of time with her and asks her for help with the portal
Luz: "She's my older sister! Say no more!" She wants to be like her when she grows up.
Hunter: "my dream boy..." She once said while smiling dumbly, she was one of the ones who helped Hunter the most, now she sees him as her best friend, although Willow fights for that position, since she also loves him a lot to Hunter "Oh my god, looks like I found a new couple to make!" He said while already making dating plans between Hunter and Willow
Gus: she loves him a lot, she plays with him at things like sleepovers and I teach him the interesting concepts of human dating and his way of courting, something tells her that Gus is very comfortable with her, and although he is just starting, he doesn't It bothers him, it's actually nice...
Willow: "And she's my other big sister!" He once said enthusiastically, "She's very strong! And very tough!" He loves playing sports with her, although he also likes to do her makeup and comb her hair.
Amity: He likes her, but since she is closer to Dipper, he doesn't talk to her much, although when he does, he loves to see her with Luz, he is very happy for the Lumity couple.
Gravity Falls Squad's opinions of The Boiling Islands!
Stan: A living hell... At least until you meet the right people...
Ford: A fascinating place But dangerous, it should not be possible to access that place, it would be best not to open more portals...
Dipper: I could have answers to many of the questions that have never been solved before... I could learn magic, real magic... I wish I lived there...
Mabel: I wanna be a witch! And do magic like Grunkle Stan!
Coming soon: headcanons about the Twins' interactions with the Hexsquad
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¡No me canso de decir esto! ¡Amo sus preguntas!
¿Cómo ocurre el final de la temporada 2? Y ¿Cómo conocen los Mystery Twins a la pandilla Owl House?
Durante los eventos de la segunda temporada, Stan, Luz, King y Eda se preparan para el día de la unidad, y como última petición de Eda, Stan se queda con el Hex Squad para protegerlos
Después suceden los eventos de la pelea contra la madre de Amity, Alador uniéndose al bando de los buenos y la captura de Luz, lo que hace que Stan tome las riendas y dirige a todos a un lugar seguro para planear algo rápido
Los demás hechos del final de temporada ocurren igual, con la excepción de que Stan protege la espalda de Luz y la respalda, la defiende y dice que nada de esto es su culpa, eso la ayuda para engañar a Belos y así ponerle una marca de aquelarre para debilitarlo
Para empeorar las cosas, el coleccionista es liberado por King y, aunque detiene a Belos, causa más caos, Stan, al ver la puerta que podría llevarlo a casa, decide hacer algo para salvar a la familia que le queda, le ordena a Hunter que lleve a todos a la puerta mientras el se encarga de llevarse parte de la investigación de Belos y los portales
Ah, claro, y también trata de llevar a Luz a la puerta para salvarla de todo el caos, porque es un padre postizo muy protector
Al final, King los empuja a ambos por la puerta y el portal, que da directamente a la cabaña de Ford, se destruye, dejando al Hex Squad, a Stan y a Luz atrapados en el mundo humano
Ahí, los gemelos misterio y Ford conocen al Hex Squad, y de paso, tratan de consolar a un grupo de niños asustados, junto a un tío Stan muy nervioso y ansioso por recrear el portal, gracias al titán que pudo traer las investigaciones de Belos consigo...
Las opiniones del Gravity Falls Squad sobre todo el Hex Squad
Ford no está nada feliz con que Stanley haya seguido con sus intentos de volver a su dimensión de origen, por otro lado, apenas vio a los niños heridos y con señales de agotamiento, no dudo en darles un lugar donde dormir, en especial a Stan, aunque todos sabemos que entre ellos hay demasiado de que hablar
Stan: cuando lo vio por primera vez después de su aparición en el cómic "A tale of two stans", creyó que era una trampa de Bill, hasta que vio que efectivamente era el verdadero, lo siguiente que supo es que Stan estaba decidido a reabrir un portal, ahora para llevar a esos niños a casa, debia admitir que eso era algo noble, Pero peligroso, sigue pensando que es irresponsable y hasta un idiota, al menos hasta que descubrió que tiene un bastón mágico y conocimientos muy interesantes...
Luz: le recuerda mucho a Dipper y a Mabel, es una combinación de ambos, Pero tiene un buen corazón, le preocupa que ella esté más interesada en el bien de todos, sin importar las consecuencias a largo plazo
Hunter: está preocupado por su salud, nota lo tenso que está, le agrada, pero sabe que es muy desconfiado, aparentemente, está más apegado a Stan
Gus: lo ve como el más débil, aún así, ve su madurez y su deseo de aprender sobre el mundo humano, a veces le recuerda a Stan, pero no quiere pensar en eso ....
Willow: ¿Es normal que ella sea la más fuerte del grupo? Primero pensó que sería la chica inteligente, hasta que vio como controla la magia de las plantas y reflexionó un poco más al respecto, tiene sus dudas sobre si ella está bien después de estos meses
Amity: la respeta, no solo por su determinación, sino también porque es muy inteligente, aunque algo tímida y torpe en ocasiones, le recuerda a Dipper ya que es muy estudiosa, también es como ver una versión pequeña de si mismo
Dipper estaba emocionado de conocer a su tío Stan en persona, no esperaba que fuera tan pronto ni con varios invitados extra, pero cuando escucho que eran jóvenes brujas, su deseo de aprender lo ayudo a interactuar con ellos con naturalidad
Stan: Dipper nunca mentira cuando te diga que lo que más le emocionaba era conocer a Stan en persona, cuando la puerta se abrió y por fin pudo hablar con el, lo primero que Stan dijo fue que necesitaban rehacer el portal para llevar a los niños a casa, desde entonces, Dipper ayuda como puede a Stan con su trabajo, mientras escucha sus historias y aventuras en las islas hirvientes
Luz: le agrada, se parece mucho a Mabel, ella es muy amable, y al ser casi de la misma edad, ella es genial a palabras de Dipper, le gusta hablar con ella de Eda y King, le gusta mucho escuchar de ese otro mundo del que viene
Hunter: ambos son similares, curiosos, se interesaron en la magia salvaje y en los palisman/taliamigos, Hunter es de las pocas personas que consideraría como "hermano" o algo así, le gusta contarle lo que ha descubierto en Gravity falls y lo que sueña encontrar una vez que logren abrir el portal
Gus: para ser sincero, Gus es como un hermano pequeño que siempre quiso, alguien que se asombre con todo lo que él le cuenta, alguien que lo escuche y le haga preguntas sobre sus descubrimientos en el mundo humano, alguien que también quiere llevar a cabo ese tipo de investigaciones, prácticamente, Hunter, Gus y Dipper son el trío de investigadores jóvenes que buscan misterios que descubrir
Willow: okey, hay que admirar que está chica sea la más ruda de su grupo, de hecho, Dipper admite abiertamente que sintio un leve enamoramiento por ella, Pero como en todos sus pocos enamoramientos, no ha llegado a nada, eso sí, admira la fuerza de Willow y su determinación
Amity: curiosamente, le cae muy bien, ya que ambos son considerados los alumnos estrella de sus escuelas respectivas, aunque en la actualidad ya no se así, entienden la presión de tener que ser perfectos, sacar buenas notas y tratar de ser mejores que los demás, de hecho, gracias a ella, Dipper entendió que no debía ser como Ford, porque eso estaba dañando su amistad con Mabel, es una buena chica, da excelentes consejos
Mabel es la que más se alegra de tener a sus nuevos amigos viviendo en la cabaña, es como tener una pijamada en todo el verano ¿Que mejor que eso?
Stan: ella fue quien más quiso tener a Stan en casa, cuando esté apareció con el Hex Squad, Mabel fue la primera en acercarse a abrazar a Stanley, el es protector, responsable, hasta cierto punto, vigila bien a todos los niños, es juguetón y carismático, pasa mucho tiempo con ella y le pide ayuda con el portal
Luz: "¡Es mi hermana mayor! ¡No sé diga más!" Quiere ser como ella cuando crezca
Hunter: "mi chico de ensueño..." Dijo una vez mientras sonreía embobada, ella fue de las que más ayudaron a Hunter, ahora lo ve como su mejor amigo, aunque ese puesto se lo pelea Willow, ya que ella también quiere mucho a Hunter "¡Oh por dios, parece que encontré a una nueva pareja que formar!" Dijo mientras ya hacía planes de citas entre Hunter y Willow
Gus: lo quiere mucho, juega con el a cosas como las pijamadas y le enseño los interesantes conceptos de las citas humanas y su manera de cortejar, algo le dice que Gus está muy a gusto junto a ella, y aunque apenas está comenzando, no le molesta, es agradable de hecho...
Willow: "¡Y ella es mi otra hermana mayor!" Dijo una vez con entusiasmo "¡Es muy fuerte! ¡Y muy ruda!" Le encanta hacer deporte con ella, aunque también le gusta maquillarla y peinar su cabello
Amity: le cae bien, pero como es más cercana a Dipper, no habla mucho con ella, aunque cuando lo hace, le encanta verla junto a Luz, está muy feliz por la pareja Lumity
¡Opinión del Gravity falls Squad sobre Las islas hirvientes!
Stan: un infierno en vida... Al menos hasta que conoces a las personas adecuadas...
Ford: un lugar fascinante Pero peligroso, no debería de ser posible acceder a ese lugar, lo más recomendable sería no abrir más portales...
Dipper: podría tener respuestas a muchas de las preguntas que jamás se han resuelto antes... Podría aprender magia, magia real... Desearía vivir allí ...
Mabel: ¡Quiero ser una bruja! ¡Y hacer magia como el tío Stan!
próximamente: headcanons sobre las interacciones entre los Gemelos con el Hexsquad
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atopvisenyashill · 2 years ago
my favorite targaryens are the women who have bastards. i am obsessed with the similarities and differences in circumstances and how they related to motherhood, because every goddamn lord in westeros has a bastard but NOBLE MOTHERS OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN. oooh hell yeah. see my love for
saera, my jaehaerys hating teen idle icon who never married and didn’t want the iron throne (bc she’s smarter than the rest of her family) but definitely told her 3 sons to call themselves targaryens just to fuck with her dad
gael, all we know is that she literally slept in her mother’s bed bc alysanne was so clingy, fucked a singer, had a stillbirth, then killed herself but i’m obsessed with her for having pre marital sex in known prude bitch jaehaerys’ court, i find her so iconic and tragic i want to know more
rhaenyra, my precious meow meow who really stuck to her guns by getting her husband AND his daddy on her side only to fumble last minute by letting corlys name alyn and not joffrey as heir to driftmark or pushing for baela's inheritance. rip to a queen tho.
elaena not only manages to have THREE bastards from TWO DIFFERENT BABY DADDIES but she set all three of them up nicely by being insanely good at politics and math so everyone just ignored the fact that viserys plumm was obviously aegon’s and the waters twins established their own lil house without starting a civil war or succession crisis, something these people are famously bad at! elaena did that shit!!
daena the defiant, we do not know when she died but i keep imagining her raising daemon in the maiden vault and living vicariously through him, encouraging him to make these dodgy alliances with these dodgy lords because despite a lot of the blackfyre supporters being incredibly socially regressive, it's only through them she's ever been allowed even the dream of freedom and power, just imagining all the mommy issues daemon has gives me life
visenya since i feel her having a baby thru blood magic was probably like half of why aegon never showed an interest in maegor lmao he knew that baby was as visenya’s and the goat she sacrificed to make him, that’s why maegor has daddy issues, but also he has mommy issues bc she loved him but also made him with her witchy powers.
daella or rhae, whatever one of egg’s sisters that fucks dunk and passes the baby off as the evenstar’s kid, if that theory is what actually happened you’re an icon and i will stan you until the day i die for successfully pulling what rhaenyra, elaena, AND cersei all tried but couldn’t succeed and that’s your bastard inheriting the seat of your husband who is NOT the baby daddy and not causing a huge scandal over it, well done baby girl
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goodnight-bloodsucker · 6 months ago
Terri Pines
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(Picrew by @potatolordofficial, hand drawn art by myself)
Yup, I made a Gravity Falls oc.
Teresa Ann "Terri" Pines (Née Ross) was born on February 14th, 1954 to Virginia and Howard Ross in Newark, New Jersey. She was the middle child and only girl of five children (Her brothers are Warren, Clarence, Leroy, and Seymour).
She was a pageant girl, her family lived pretty much solely off of the prize money she won.
She went to school for cosmetology in '72 (Her parents were not thrilled, they expected her to find a rich bachelor instead) and graduated in 1973 (Apparently, cosmetology school programs are pretty short!) . The money she earned doing what she loved wasn't good enough for her family and so she left home in 1974.
She drifted around, using her looks and charms to steal and con people, and met Stanley Pines in 1980. He was getting hassled by the police and she was like "Guess I'll use up my one good deed for the year" and helped out by pretending to be his wife ("Oh, honey, I've been looking for you everywhere! Sorry 'bout that, officer-"), and he evaded arrest.
Seeing her con artist ways and good looks, Stan was convinced that this was his dream woman- He tried to woo her for a bit, but she wasn't interested.
Because she's gay.
Even so, the convenience of having somebody that you can pretend is your partner worked for both of them, so they just went with it and slummed around the U.S., cartels and scams galore, what a wild ride.
Stuff went downhill, they were out of money and cons, when they were contacted by Stanford Pines.
You know the story from here.
Terri was kinda just waiting in the car when the portal incident happened, Stan came outside looking like he wanted to vomit and explained (through a very shaky voice) what happened.
They hid out in the house before running out of food, yada yada, Lazy Susan's eye is zapped, Stan takes Ford's name, fakes his death, you know what happens. Terri knows about the portal and all of Stan's secrets, she's his confidant and best friend.
In 1985, Stan and Terri got married. Partially because of the tax benefits, partially because they wanted the money and gifts that came with a wedding (Also, marital law says you can't be forced to testify against your spouse. Convenient!). Caryn Pines came to the wedding but Filbrick didn't (Fuck you, Filbrick). Terri's family also came but left pretty fast when they didn't get a hand out.
In 2013, Dipper and Mabel came to Gravity Falls. Terri is their Grauntie, she loves those kids. She also takes a motherly role towards Wendy, despite being pretty different in personality.
Terri is very similar to Stan, rough around the edges and always looking to make a buck, this is why he thought he was in love with her lol. She is a beauty queen, her pageant roots and love for cosmetology has always influenced her significantly. She is desperately trying to stall the effects of age (Hard to do that since she's 60 during the show), hence the spray tan and makeup and the hair dye. She also wears a corset (ooh la la!) and likes to join in on makeovers with Mabel and her friends.
She's also pretty badass- She has a lipstick taser and packs a mean punch. Being on the streets for so long has left her rugged and a bit grizzled and we love her for it.
A very motherly lady, she always wanted children of her own but the time was never right (Stan wouldn't mind being a donor, so long as he gets to skip out on any child support-). Wendy and the mystery twins fill that gap, she gets to mother them to her hearts content.
I will write up some unique episodes that center on her eventually, but it's 1 am rn and I need to get this done-
In Roadside Attraction, Terri flirts with Darlene alongside Stan. She's chill when Darlene only responds to Stan, she's a good wingwoman. It's also implied at some point that she went out with Lazy Susan before.
She was arrested alongside Stan in Not What He Seems, and escaped alongside him, also trying to stop Mabel from pressing the button.
Okay now here is where I deviate from canon pretty majorly-
So, I guess you'd say that Terri's whole existence in itself is an au. At first glance, the only difference would be her being there and extra interactions. That'd be wrong-
I know that the tweet about Ford being transfem was fake, but I still really love the headcanon. I headcanon Dipper as being transmasc and Ford being transfem would further the parallels between them without just making them a copy of each other.
So yeah, Ford is transfem here. She discovered it in the portal ("The author of the journals...my...sister??"). She chooses the name Nicole, after Nikola Tesla.
Back to Terri and how she changes the series!!
Mabel and Dipper are pretty shocked that she knew everything, they're definitely mad as well. This is also the reveal that Stan and Terri are only really married for legal reasons.
Here's that reveal, written out:
Stan: -and then me and Terri got married. But we're just friends with benefits.
Dipper and Mabel: *Disgust*
Terri: What? The tax benefits! Duh!
Nicole addresses her briefly but the rest of the episode pretty much goes on as normal except for the ending, Nicole and Stan would both mention her.
"Okay, Stanley, here's the deal. You and Terri can stay here for the summer to watch the kids. I'll stay down in the basement and try to contain any remaining damage. But when the summer's over, you give me my house back, you give me my name back, your wife and I divorce, and this Mystery Shack junk is over forever. You got it?"
"You really aren't gonna thank me, are you? Fine. On one condition: you stay away from the kids and Terri; I don't want them in danger. Cause as far as I'm concerned, they're the only family I have left."
Well, Nicole didn't listen because she and Terri get together (I call it "Terrole" hehe). I don't have their whole romance written out, but Nicole has no clue how to date and tries to woo her with stuff she learned in other dimensions. Hilarity and cuteness ensues. And hey, legally Terri is married to Nicole anyways, so it would work out in the end! Yeah, Stan isn't a fan of all this-
Weirdmageddon goes down, she hides in the Mystery Shack with Stan. She's pretty damn worried about Nicole. She's part of the zodiac, her symbol is lipstick. Blah blah blah, she gets turned into tapestry like the others and then everything goes on as usual. She joins Stan and Nicole in their adventures.
Boy that took ages to write. It was fun though! And I hope you guys like Terri as much as I do!
(My dear friends @ghosty-seapancake and @i-overanalyze-musicals helped loads with creating Terri! So much love to them! The timeline I referenced is by @fordtato so lots of love to them as well!!!)
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honey-ca · 7 months ago
15.06 pm. California
Clear afternoon, the sun at its brightest, ushering in the summer. Squeals of children saying goodbye to each other for the summer, hoping to see each other again, and some were just happy not to be going back to school. This was the case for the seniors, in a few months some were going to university and others were going to start their working life. The corridor of the school was full of people who were gradually disappearing and the summer holidays were beginning.
'Finally' Dipper Pines sighed as he stuffed his last book into his backpack 'Vacation is officially starting.' Dipper closed the locker with the intention of going to meet his sister.
'Aaaaah!' The Pines twin put a hand to his heart in an attempt to calm himself.
'Aren't you excited?' .Mabel wiggled and jumped up and down with excitement. ”After a long time we'll be back in Gravity Falls."
The Pines twins hadn't been back to Gravity Falls in about 5 years; high school had taken up a lot of their time and besides their mother, she didn't support the idea of them going back after the big mess with Stanley and Stanford. So this year they were going to Gravity Falls before entering college.
“What about Kai?” They started walking.
“He'll still be in recovery, you know what that old man, like." Mabel put a hand to her chest, "How can he do that to my Kai? It's torture!
“Don't complain, it's been good for Maths.”
The twins walked in the direction of the class where their classmate was, they talked about how they were looking forward to going back and the things they had to teach their friend.
“Are we going to talk to her about what happened to Kai," Mabel asked.
“Obviously not," Dipper replied confidently.
“But he has a right to know something," his sister said.
“I don't want Kai to think we're crazy and take him away from us.
“Oh! Dipper got sentimental” Mabel started laughing as she patted her brother's shoulder. Dipper grabbed his sister's hands and tried to stop her from slapping him on the shoulder, but Mabel started kicking him; people passing in the hallway gave the twins a strange look.
“Mabel, stand still," Dipper tried to defend himself with his limbs.
“You leave my hands alone," Mabel replied.
“I really can't leave you two alone for a minute.
The brothers stopped fighting at the sound of the third voice that had joined the conversation.
“Kai!” shouted the twins in surprise at the same time.
‘Shall we go? I can't wait to get out of this prison," he pointed to the exit.
The trio headed for the exit, talking about the last few classes they'd had and the excitement of the holidays starting.
“We have a lot to show you, you're going to love it, there's a beautiful lake, on that same boat I met one of the loves of my life!” We also have to introduce you to Uncle Stan and Uncle Stan..." Mabel spoke with excitement.
They continued walking while Mabel narrated all the things they could do in Gravity Falls, Kai listened to her attentively while he hugged her arm and Dipper was just making sure they didn't pass the street of his house. “There's an arcade and there's also an..." Mabel was talking until she was interrupted. “We're home, Mabel," interrupted Dipper.“So soon," complained Mabel, throwing a tantrum like a little girl, "I want to keep telling Kai things!“You'll talk to me in the morning, don't worry," Kai soothed as he hugged her goodbye.
Then he turned to Dipper to say goodbye with a fist bump.“Tomorrow at seven o'clock at our house. Dipper pointed out to him.” Not a minute more, not a minute less. Kai lifted his right arm and his left arm could be in his heart, "I promise I'll be at your front door at six in the morning.“Yes, yes," Dipper pushed Kai friendly across the pavement and they each went their separate ways out of sight.
6:57 a.m ,California
'We're going to be late," the younger Pines twin was spinning around, looking like he was about to have a stroke. 'Don't worry, Dipper," Mabel tried to reassure him, who was putting the harness on Bamboleos. 'You told him at six o'clock, he's probably just around the corner. Dipper sighed and rolled his eyes as he saw that his sister wasn't helping.
The bus was leaving at 8 a.m. and the bus station was 20 minutes away. Dipper looked back at his digital wrist watch "6:58" The younger twin put his hands to his face and rubbed them all over his face trying to control himself. 'Are you ready yet?" asked the twins' mother as she came down the stairs. She had offered to drive the three of them to the bus stop. 'Kai hasn't come yet.' Dipper said as he anxiously swung his leg.
'Well, it's not too late'. His mother replied. She took the suitcases with her children and put them in the car while they waited for Kai. "7:00" Dipper was about to get an ulcer, normally Kai was on time but he didn't understand why he wasn't on time today, and it was getting on his nerves.
He stared at the street Kai had to pass through in the hope that he would just show up and they could get to the bus station in time. 'Go start the car, Mom, I'll get the bags in'. Dipper grabbed one of the suitcases when he saw his mother nodding in agreement. Once again he looked at his watch "7:02" His body began to sweat from nerves, so to forget about Kai's tardiness he put the suitcases back in. Until he noticed that one of the suitcases was missing, as if that wasn't enough now he had lost a suitcase. He intended to go and ask his sister but she was too busy dancing with Bamboleos.
'Sir, there's a chance you might let me ride with you in your car," he said. When Dipper heard the voice that interrupted his head, so he turned his head to find Kai. Her hair was a bit messy, her breathing was ragged and her jacket was misplaced, but she was still smiling. 'You're late," I said, squinting at her as I pointed to my watch. She just sighed as she rolled her eyes. 'I know you're glad I came," he said as he handed me his suitcase to put in the boot.
I took her suitcase ignoring how she had repeated my words in a more childish and sharp tone, when I put everything in the boot I closed it and turned around to look at her with the intention of leaving, but she started to look for something in her backpack. I watched her as she took something out of her backpack, I could see that sparkle in her eyes that always fascinated me, the light brown colour of her eyes, that small red mole near her eye, and the mascara on her eyelashes which had smudged a little. "She has very pretty eyes. I thought to myself as I stared at her until...
"Here, for my lateness". She interrupted my thoughts by holding out a chocolate bar.
"Hmm, thank you" I said as I moved to the back door of the car to open it, she gave me a grateful smile. When I closed the door I went to the passenger seat next to my mother.Mabel was overjoyed when Kai sat next to her. She hugged Kai and they went on like that for quite a while, until Bamboleos stepped in to greet Kai. 'I missed you too, fatty'. He said to Bamboleos as he dragged him along.
'Are we all ready," my mother asked as she walked out of the neighborhood. To which we all responded in unison with a yes.-I thank you again, Mrs. Pines, for letting me go on holiday with your children. Kai spoke to her with some embarrassment. We had known each other for almost 5 years and I was still shy with my parents; even when I was at our house I still asked if I could have a glass of water! 'Don't give them to me honey, I'm glad you're happy. You're like part of the family now," my mother explained. My mother had always adored Kai, since the first day Mabel brought her home to do biology work together my mother had been delighted with her; even though she knew I didn't like her at the time.
The rest of the trip to the station went by in the blink of an eye, Mabel kept telling Kai everything she couldn't tell him in the middle of the day. My mother was humming a song that had been on the radio, and I, I was dying of nerves, it had been so long since I had been back to Gravity Falls, how everyone will be, how everything had changed, how... how everything was going to be without him.
7:52 ,Bus station
We had arrived at the bus station a few minutes ago, we had already done all the checking, and my mother had already cried. We were in the back of the bus, getting ready for the journey. Mabel was next to Bamboleos, and I was next to Kai, who was putting her suitcase on the top shelf.
'OK, so right now we only have 6 hours to go and we'll arrive in Gravity Falls, we'll be there by lunchtime.' Dipper said.
He was sitting by the window with a brochure of Gravity Falls, the last stop. Mabel was sitting behind Dipper next to Bamboleos, and Kai was putting the extra suitcases on the top shelf. When Kai finished and moved with the intention of sitting down, but when he couldn't, he stared at Dipper waiting for Dipper to telepathically know what he wanted.Dipper felt a look on his face and turned his gaze to Kai.
'What's wrong with you?' he asked, Kai was still staring at him waiting for him to guess the answer.
A shiver ran through his body as he felt Kai's gaze on him. Though it all made sense as soon as Kai pointed to the window and then to his spot, then made a heart shape with his hands.
Dipper rolled his eyes back as he shifted in his seat, once he had his belt on Kai stepped over him and sat down on the seat next to the window 'Was that so hard to tell me,' Dipper reproached him, narrowing his eyes.
Kai gave him a big smile in response. 'It was so much more fun in that way, you get really bitter when there's a lot of stress involved'.
Dipper just sighed as he pulled out a book for the trip, then looked at Kai who was already prepared with her helmets and finally Dipper looked back to see how his sister was doing, but it was no surprise when he found Bamboleos and Mabel already half asleep.
Dipper sighed again as he smiled faintly, 'It's going to be a long summer.
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thereareeyesinsidethetrees · 3 months ago
ae like to think that if filbrick somehow survived long enough to visit the shack, the stan twins absolutely would not be having it
stan is fully within his right to be scared of filbrick after everything, and ae think he would still be intimidated by him, even with putting his mr. mystery mask on
ford is pissed. beyond livid. filbrick picks up a snowglobe and says something insulting about it. stan says something along the lines of ‘if you break it, you but it’, pretending to not even be looking at him. ford just straight up threatens to slash filbrick’s ankles if he drops it
he quietly puts the snowglobe back
this is stan’s business, something he worked thirty years to build, something so successful he was able to retire and pass it on to his son. ford is not going to let filbrick come in here and make his brother feel like it (like he) isn’t good enough
(filbrick sees stan counting money for the day for soos and says something about how that’s the money stan owes him. ford gives him a mini history lesson, explaining how thieves used to have their hands cut off as punishment. the message is extremely unsubtle)
filbrick tries to go back into the actual house only for stan to hit with the ‘that’s family and employees only’
‘i AM family. i’m your father’
stan is…getting to be unsure. would it be better to just let filbrick back there…? could the mess he leaves behind be cleaned up…? he’s been up against literal demons, but somehow he’s still scared of a confrontation with filbrick
ford replies ‘no you’re not. you lost the right to say that when you disowned your son. he doesn’t have to do anything for you’
stan finds it much easier to deny filbrick with ford supporting him (and, well. he never thought that he could just…not consider filbrick family anymore. the idea is freeing)
the instant filbrick says something about the niblings, stan kicks him out (ford seethes from behind him, ready to rip and tear and gnash and bite if filbrick tries anything)
half the time, after filbrick says something, stan has to do the verbal version of making ford put his gun back in his holster (ironically, joking with his brother so he calms down a bit does actually make him feel better about the situation)
(the headcanon we have that shermie ended up developing lung cancer as a result of second hand smoke from filbrick certainly does not help his case. the stwins would be angry as fuck)
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cheemscakecat · 1 year ago
AI Art mistakes Episode 1: Gravity Falls as an 80s mystery movie.
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Like usual, AI struggles to replicate text. There are a number of reasons why an AI generated background image is a bad idea under most circumstances, especially as a final draft.
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Here is an actual picture of the Mystery Shack from the show. This design was based off of research done by the team working on the show. They travelled to actual tourist traps in order to find objects to draw as background details, like the signs and decor around the shack.
The AI version doesn’t scream tourist trap house, it screams random gas station [which is what I assume the rectangles in the far bottom right are supposed to represent]. The scale of the signage on the real design gives us insight into Stan Pines, the owner of the business, and what we can expect to find on a tour. The moss, missing S laying on the roof, and big board underneath all tell us something important: This is an old building, and the owner is cheap.
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The scale of the full shack is much larger than the little AI version, so much that the Gift shop area feels around the same size as the whole thing. The AI version isn’t believable as a house/shop combo because of how small it is, and the broken window!
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There’s a room big enough for two children to have separate beds and a large room with a window nook in the attic area of the mystery shack. We don’t know where this bathroom is on the ground floor, but given the fact that there’s an outhouse, we can assume this is meant for the family living at the Shack, not tourists.
The detail of the non-suspicious triangular windows is lost in the AI image, and since none of the posters even spell words, there’s no good details gained from including them.
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This support on the porch roof doesn’t connect back to the building, it connects to this tree trunk. And the supposed gas pumps don’t make sense either because there’s usually only one or two, and they’d all be the same height.
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AI Dipper Pines just looks like that one kid from Stranger things.
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Another issue with AI art is that the texture on “Dipper’s” hair is super soft and fluffy like a cat’s fur. You can see this actor’s curly hair leaves actual gaps and is more wiry and shiny… because it’s human hair. Also, the image from the show has this grainy texture on the skin and cloth, because the show is set in the 80s and cameras weren’t high definition. AI art looks too smooth and buttery because it doesn’t have the human understanding of aesthetics and texture.
He also looks like Frodo, but I don’t know why the AI would pull from a non-80s themed film.
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That ain’t Journal 3, thats Diary 9!
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The AI didn’t even make it red! Made it massive and square, but the rest wasn’t allowed.
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“Dipper” isn’t looking at anything because an AI drew this and had no plan for what he’s supposed to be staring at. Also, one of his nostrils is smaller and his right eyebrow is trying to escape AI purgatory.
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Don’t let ro-bro cook, AI “Mabel” looks like Minecraft Brett Cooper.
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Naw, because why is AI Mabel’s jawline stronger than her Twin Brother’s?!
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That is NOT Mabel bro, that is a thirty year old married woman on Pinterest!
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With a sock puppet for a thumb.
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They made Stan into a fusion of Walta White and Stan Lee, which makes sense. But his empty black eye socket and deep wrinkles give me a fight or flight response.
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This is what real eyes and wrinkles look like. Once again the text on Stan’s jacket makes no sense [and being AI has no design thought put into it], and the hair looks like cat fur. Walta’s beard is a good example of what “Stan’s” mustache should look like texture wise.
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This isn’t Soos, this is Deter Diffin!
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Literally what is the same? Got bro out here looking like a slapstick mobster with 3 offended brain cells.
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Look, I know Mabel saved that 8 legged cow, but even she’s wise enough to get stranger danger vibes from bro. AI waddles looks like one of those cursed 3-D Peppa Pig animations from the depths of YouTube.
So this next one, I didn’t even know who it was supposed to be, but the video had timestamps in the description…
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So Ford… isn’t a ginger, first of all. Second of all, he’s literally wearing a baseball cap with a beanie over it. Because that would do anything for you.
Doesn’t look like AI Stan. Doesn’t even look like his painted self, much less the actual Ford. The AI latched onto the author thing and made him do a book signing or something. I promise you, if Ford got the chance to do a book signing he would not look this depressed. Maybe he can feel the disappointment through the screen, IDK.
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AI Bill Cipher. Apparently. Bro looks like a Demonic Discord Mod who found out his Lemon Demon concert ticket is counterfeit the night of the event. I’m not even going to waste time explaining this one.
So yeah, that was episode one of critiquing/roasting AI art.
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fakeusernamelol · 2 months ago
What if teen stan got kicked out when filbrick found out he was pregnant?
assuming we are talking about the original one i got two possible ideas:
first alternative: Caryn had already found out that Stan was pregnant and has been trying to hide it from Filbrick along with ford because although she is angry at how incredibly irresponsible her son was she can't help but see a bit of herself when she got pregnant of the twins making her empathy overcome her anger. She knew that sooner or later filbrick would discover it but she already had a plan for it. Filbrick was the man of the house and Caryn knew that he would definitely try to enforce his word no matter what she or Ford told him so she has been talking with some of her familiars in order to let Stanley living with them if things in house get bad and already talked to stanley and ford for them to prepare themselves if the things they suspected about become true. Stan and ford were both sad about it because it would mean to be apart for at least some time but ford tried to consolidate both stanley and himself thinking it would be just for a short time until his father's need for blood ceased and stanley could come back.
Stanley could come back? Well, It would be hard but there was still a chance for this, Stan was just 15 and Caryn wouldn't get used to not have his kid in home and tried to convince Filbrick to allow him going back, but the issue would be that if he did it, he couldn't do it with the kids. So, or the newborn babies stay with Caryn's family or they go to a adoption center but Filbrick wouldn't allow them to stay if stan wanted to go back home.
Second alternative: Unfortunately for Stan he didn't have a place to go and the screams of his mother and Ford did nothing to end up thrown out on the street by his father. And so a pregnant 15-year-old drifter stan? Just two ways, or he ended in a shelter/foster home or an adoption center himself or he fuckin dies because no way he could be able to do it alone being so young and pregnant with twins lol
Sorry but if Filbrick didn't let the kids in house the chances of stan to keep them are pretty pretty low, child services will do their way if someone reports a homeless teenager with babies or nature itself because teen pregnancy is already a high risk and now in the streets without support of anyone yeah no way that could end good 🤷🤷 That's kinda why even if it would be the most logical thing to happen i will stay with a repressed Filbrick for the sake of this au lol
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vampzyb4tz · 1 month ago
A/N: Hi again!! I have a lot of motivation, since my classes got cancelled bc of weather, so I decided to update. I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night. Enjoy, loveys ♡ And please excuse any mistakes, English is not my first language!!
If you like this, reposts are welcome!!
Chapter 2:
Kyle's POV:
"Dude!! Why are you staring at my sister?!" Stan asked him, his eyes narrowed. There it was, the reason I would never be able to get the love of my life... She was Stan's twin.
I cleared my throat, tearing my eyes from the beautiful girl who was a few seats away. I looked at my best friend again, and sighed. "I'm sorry, Stan. They were being loud. I got distracted." I mumbled, trying to make an excuse. It was a lie and I knew it. But I couldn't help but love her. She was perfect... Stan wouldn't understand, though. That's why I kept it to myself.
"Oh." Is all that fell from Stan's lips, as he glanced at his sister and her friends. He sighed, and put a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "I'm sorry for getting mad, man. It's just... I dunno. I'm protective, I guess." I forced a smile, trying to hide my disappointment. "Yeah, I get it."
No, I didn't get it. She was perfect, and yet I couldn't have her because she was related to my best friend.. If only he knew that she had the same issue.
I returned my eyes to her, only to see that she was no longer looking at me. I sighed, and reluctantly went back to looking at my book. She was the one who supported me at my basketball games, the one that never made fun of me when I studied hard, she never made fun of how neat I kept things, and she was always around when I needed her. But, I couldn't help but wonder if all those longing stares secretly shared at their family dinner, or secretive hand holding under the table, if all of that meant nothing..
Just as I felt like crying at the possibility of my mind playing tricks on me, and the love of my life being absolutely uninterested, the bell rang. Cartman began talking loudly to us all, and we began making plans, but I kept quiet.
I watched y/n and Bebe leave, with their bags. School was over, and they'd probably hang out.. But, she'd be home eventually. I turned to my friend group again. "Yeah, I'm down." I said when they asked who would come to Stan's to play video games.
Then, a thought popped into my head. "Hey, Stan? Can I stay over tonight? It's been a while since we hung out." I said, even though we hung out every day. Despite what I said not being true, Stan nodded. "Hell yeah!! Pack your stuff. You already know that your parents are gonna agree." He responded, smiling.
He was right. Since our parents were best friends, we could hang out whenever. Plus, since I kept my room clean, and my grades as straight A's, they wouldn't keep me home. I felt a little bad when I saw his smile, since I knew that he was only 30% of the reason I was staying over. His sister was the main reason.
~Timeskip kinda~
I ran into my house, gently patting Ike on his head. "Hey, Ike." I said, as I passed my younger brother. Then, I ran into the kitchen. "Hey, mom." I piped up, making her turn around. "Oh, hi bubbleleh!! Do you need something?" She asked, looking at me.
"Yeah. I was wondering if I could stay over at Stan's tonight?" I asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. She thought about it, pausing to give it her full attention. "I guess so.. But make sure to text us if you need anything." She said, as she went back to cooking.
My eyes lit up, and I nodded. "Thanks. I love you, ma!" I said, and walked to my room quickly. I packed a bag of the stuff I needed, and then went back downstairs. "Bye!! I'm heading to Stan's. I love you all!!" I yelled, before walking off. I had butterflies, feeling extremely excited.
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dark-twist-fairytales · 3 months ago
( Yeah ur probably right, that does sound like what happened-)
His first words being "I love you" AUGHH-
Honestly my meeting for them is quite weird i'd say.
(I hc Clayton as trans but Clara i kinda headcanon as both every now and then, this goes of the idea that she was born a girl)
The Azran family and her family have been in contact for a while, the Azrans suggesting an arranged marriage between Clara and Clayton's brother, so she's at their manor a lot
One day she decides to just walk outside onto the property, knowing theres some woodland there. She goes to the Forest to get away from all the chaos of the house when she hears rustling from the trees.
Barely dodging she sees as another child just falls out of the tree, a small notebook landing a bit away.
She picks up the journal and sees some small quite crude, drawings of insects and other small animals.
The kid who fell out of the tree says her name is Charlotte (you guessed it thats Clayton), and Clara hands her journal back to her.
They start hanging out more when she visits the manor, Clayton condfiding in her how he feels that his body isn't correct, and she fully supports him because she's fallen in love (we stan a bi couple)
15 comes and Clara starts courting Clayton, her family saying that "hey, she's still marrying one of ur kin"
They get married young and the rest is history ig-
(Clayton has a painting of his wife framed in his Office, and after Emmy and Arabelle join he updates it)
(If its T4T then maybe Clara was a friend of his brother and just went out into the Woods, the rest plays out the same.)
BI WIFE ENERGY. Clayton "I'm a woman lover" Azran and his wife Clara "Pretty people are pretty" Azran is just- Mwah.
Honestly? Clara picking the 'weird kid' of the twins feels very on brand for her. Like, yeah, his twin is nice and a gentleman, but this one? Yeah, Clayton's it.
Going back home and talking with her parents about the normal things of "soon, how'd it go?" and all, ya know being nosey parents, and Clara just stating "His twin is better" and not elaborating whatsoever-
I love them picture in his officeeeee, he loves his family so much it's unreal <3
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kitpanthera · 6 months ago
I have a ton of questions (in a good way!). No pressure to answer all of them, this is just some I came up with off the top of my head.
- Does Stan realize anything is wrong with Dipper? Or does he genuinely believe what he's telling Mabel (that it's just him being a teenage boy)?
- Is Dipper really as magically talented/inclined as Bill has said? Or was that mostly him giving Dipper said power and/or Bill flattering him to get him on his side?
- I mentioned it in my comment on Chapter 22, but I would literally any more info on what Dipper's home life is like. Are their parents getting a divorce? Trying to do couples counseling with the twins out of the house? Do they support Mabel's interests and hobbies more than Dipper's? Are we ever going to see/hear from them?
I'm sure I'll come up with more but these are just my thoughts for now. Thank you so much for the amazing story! Really looking forward to the next chapter 🩵
1. Stan believes what he's telling Mabel, for sure. Dipper hasn't really been around for Stan to get to know, and before this, Stan wasn't exactly around much for their lives, so as far as he knows, what he's seeing is honestly that Dipper is just getting to that age of defiance.
I think in his mind, Stan almost thinks it's kinda inevitable for siblings to grow apart because that was his experience with Ford? So he's trying to reassure Mabel (and to some extent, himself) that it won't last, that Dipper is just in that phase. He kinda wants to believe that Ford's breaking away from their plans was just that, too, a phase he would've outgrown if not for the drastic consequences of everything that happened.
2. It was a little of both. In this universe, everyone has some potential for magic, but no one ever unlocks theirs because that ability doesn't really exist without interference from someone more powerful (like Bill). He definitely went overboard on the flattery, and some of his power is from Bill, but not all of it. The thing about the birthmark is... not true, though. More on that later in the fic :)
3. Their parents will come into play! They've been a little unintentionally absentee for both siblings, actually, since they started fighting, and there's sort of been this dynamic where because Mabel is louder and more social, she's easier to support from a bit of a distance, so that's left Dipper feeling increasingly sort of neglected for the past year or two, where as far as he sees, they are sort of unintentionally favoring Mabel. As for their marital issues, they're trying to work it out, because they want to stay together for the twins' sakes.
I'm so glad you're enjoying this fic!! I really love it a lot, and I'm very happy to have anyone invested in it 💙
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wrongmentalstate · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday Maki!
Kasy? Nadia? Lydia? Those weren’t it.
Maki was struggling. She remembered meeting the brown haired girl when Megumi introduced her but she couldn’t remember her goddamn name. 
Kuja? Kugisaki! That was it. Kugisaki Nobara. 
Maki was entranced the minute she had met the first year, happy she wasn’t the only woman there anymore, but Nobara had more interesting aspects than just being a girl. Nobara was feisty; she never let anybody put her down, if they did, they would be asking for a needle in the lungs. 
Maki loved that about her. 
She wondered if Nobara would be up to hang out one day, maybe at her own dorm. Maybe they would talk about boys, girls (we stan the lesbians in this house), manga, anime, periods, k-pop or just be teenagers. A break would be nice, just one day of chilling and talking without lives on the line and a risk of being horribly mutilated. Maki smiled and took note of the thought. 
She would ask Nobara later. 
Mechamaru’s voice blasted into Maki’s ear. 
“Kugisaki’s dead. She was killed by Mahito. We need to rethink our coordinates.”
Nobara’s dead. 
Maki’s throat tightened. Things were starting to get real. 
She swiveled around to face Nanamin. Nanamin raised his cleave, waiting for a nearby attack. 
Fire engulfed Maki’s vision. The once blond man that stood before her was charred black. 
Heat seared into her back. She was on fire. Holy shit she was on fire. She fell to the ground, the pain too much to handle. Mechhamaru’s voice came into her ear, glitched and bothered. The earpiece must have been burned. 
“Gojo Satoru has been sealed.”
Fuck this day couldn’t have become more shitty. 
Maki couldn’t remember a single day in her childhood when she wasn’t with Mai. They were glued to each other's side from day one, a popular thing between twins. The two used to do everything together, whether it was eating or bathing. 
One thing she definitely remembered from her childhood was birthdays. Since Maki and Mai were twins they would celebrate their birthday with one party. That and their father called them a waste of time and money. She could recall her mothers pained attempt at singing happy birthday, how the words came out gritted and short. How her mother thought they were burdens. 
Maki remembered Mai’s hand in hers. 
She remembered the warmth in Mai’s hands, how it made her feel safe and grounded. She remembered Mai’s face as they blew out the candles on their cake, how her face seemed passive but her eyes were filled with determination. 
“That’s why I told you not to go!”
Nishimiya’s voice brang Maki back to reality. She looked down in her arms. 
Mai stared back at her. 
The eyes that once held life were blank, lifeless. 
The body that once supported her, that was once her ember was dead cold. 
Mai Zenin died on May 7th, 2021.
With her, died Maki’s hope for human kind. 
According to the report, Megumi Fushiguro had unlocked some technique that could be dangerous to humans. The shikigami’s name was Mahogara, and it seemed to be causing the raven-haired boy some trouble. So as the amazing upper classmate she was, she volunteered to help him. 
Somebody should have warned her that she was going to have a mental breakdown after their session. 
How come she just noticed how creepily similar Megumi and Mai were? 
They both had stoic faces and determined eyes. They both had warmth that radiated off them. They both talked the same cut short mannered way. 
Soon, Maki found herself becoming closer to her underclassman than she would have liked. 
They would train every single day to try and get better at controlling that shikigami. Maki catched herself wanting to call Megumi Mai way too many times. 
Was Maki just noticing Megumi now that she had a Mai sized hole in her heart? Or did she actually like being around Megumi? She shrugged all of those thoughts off. 
She’ll let herself indulge just this once. 
“You should be the one trying to stifle this misery!”
Oh yeah. 
Maki eternally slapped herself. Why’d she let her guard down? She’s a jujutsu sorcerer for fucks sake. 
Itadori’s cries got louder. He shouldn’t have gotten close to Megumi. For fucks sake she shouldn’t have gotten closer to Megumi. Though who would have thought that Sukuna would have tried to take over Megumi’s body? Even so, Itadori should have known that being a jujutsu sorcerer ment shutting everybody away. 
So then why did she let Megumi weasel his way into her heart?
“Sorry I’m late. Give me a brief run-down.”
Maki grit her teeth. She was hoping for a more peaceful day but she was a jujutsu sorcerer. 
A bitter thought sunk into her head but she shook it away. She had more important things to worry about at the moment. 
Happy birthday to me. 
gege when I catch you gege
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ceslatoil · 10 months ago
Day Two: Situation remains dire, but stable. Contact with the Nine Houses is severed, we have no documentation, nor capital on this planet. Nav, in a rare show of meager usefulness, has secured us lodging at the “Mystery Shack,” the hovel owned by the ghastly old man. This comes with the condition that we work in servitude for our keep— 25 hours labor a week in the shop attached to the house in exchange for meager wages and a place in the spare room. Upon this negotiation I suggested we instead take our chances living out of the shuttle, but Nav pointed that this will not gain us any supplies while we wait for a rescue that may never come.
Day Five: Nav has been caught stealing pornographic materials from Stan Pines, she often complains of their inferior quality to her usual magazines. (“Who wants to get off on *Fully Clothed Women*? Is he stupid?”) This was instantly discovered by our landlord, who seemed less perturbed by the theft and more curious about Gideon’s sexuality. It appears this planet is socially heteronormative. There was much hemming about being “Fine with that sort of thing,” and something about a couple of agents of the state who are a couple and how that was “completely fine.” Nav was confused but seemed relieved she would not be punshied for the theft. Crux would have punished her to the fullest extent of his authority back on the Ninth, but Pines is a fool who defers to Nav, calling her nauseating pet names like “Beefcake” and “Big G.”
After that conversation, Pines commissioned one of his kin, a young girl child named Mabel, to paint rainbows on a number of trinkets in the shop where we worked. Apparently support of same sex attraction is marketable during the early summer for some businesses. He then put up a sign outdoors that said “We Support The Gay” right by the shop’s entrance. His nephew, the twin of Mabel, asked if that meant the staff were only supposed to support Gideon, as the phrase was singular. Pines then shouted for Mabel to bring more markers and paint to correct the sign’s grammar. Another employee, a corpulent man who goes by Soos, sprayed a bright purple ‘Z’ on the sign shortly after. It now says “We Support The Gayz!!!”
From the Diary of The Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House, Harrowhark Nonagesimus
Day One: Disaster has struck. The shuttle meant to transport myself and Gideon Nav to the seat of the first house has somehow been misappropriated. We have arrived instead to a thalergetic planet unclaimed by the Cohort; I was unable to use my necromantic skills when we were first approached by locals. Nav called me a “complete dickhead” after my defense failed, and of course she instantly began spouting vulgarities at potentially hostile nonadepts. The land is some sort of coastal forest, coniferous, with a small settlement nearby. The shuttle landed outside of a dilapidated hovel on the border twixt the two.
It belongs to an elderly man, rotund and pungent, who runs it as some sort of outpost that sells trinkets and offers exhibits of poorly constructed taxidermy. Nav, the weak minded rube, is enamoured with them. She and the old man share the same rude charisma and base sense of humor to my horror. Does she not realize that we are now trapped on a planet outside the jurisdiction of the Emperor Undying? What is to become of the Ninth in my abscense? And what of the Emperor’s Lyctorial trials? Who would even come looking for us, and how will they ever be expected to retrieve us from such a place?
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zoeology31 · 3 years ago
Gary Sánchez hit a 473-foot home run, the longest non-Coors homer of the season and the longest at Yankee Stadium since his own in 2019! We love to see it, he may not be playing all that well but he is thriving nonetheless
(do not check the final score. it’s fine)
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