#WARNING: very long post
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It has taken a long while for me to understand that right wing religious seminars are just as popular in the Fundie community as leftwing ones are in the (fragmented) liberal Menno community, and because of where I live, we don't have a lot of them. The Bible says a lot of contradicting things, and there are few things that Christians agree on.
But I keep reading your post and I still would like more information, if you are willing. You don't seem to know what we don't know, and you're taking quite a bit for granted as common knowledge.
Here is my question: What is the logic behind the things that aren't in the Bible, and the things leftwing Christians interpret only as metaphors? The interpretation of Revelation that is so incredibly common regarding spiritual warfare on Earth? When and how did the Antichrist come into play? Disregarding what I believe or don't, what does that even mean? What are they talking about? Why are they so deeply afraid to the point of constant war and such legalism? Even things like the Umbrella of Authority I find confusing, because in my church community, everybody is always equal regardless of gender, and women have always held power in the church's history.
The purpose of their getting involved in politics is to assuage fear and enforce their values, of course. But how did we get these values in the first place? I know you were inside of it, so you will never see what it's like for us from the outside, what we don't know about them, especially people who have been persecuted by various forms of fundamentalists for generations but still try to welcome exfundies openly. But I read your post again, and I guess I just need to keep trying.
You don't seem to know what we don't know, and you're taking quite a bit for granted as common knowledge.
100% true. I'm really struggling with it in the conversations I've been in lately and it's something I'm trying to correct so I appreciate your patience.
I also think part of it is a limitation of my current perspective as well. When I've gone line by line and explained things, it usually leads people to become more entrenched in their negative beliefs about fundies which in turn makes them behave in ways that ultimately fuel their whole bit. So that's why I focus on more overarching aspects.
But if you think it'll help, I'll give it my best shot.
Here is my question: What is the logic behind the things that aren't in the Bible, and the things leftwing Christians interpret only as metaphors?
Biblical literalism has been around for a long long time so I can't speak to all of it.
What I do know is that the thread of it that current day fundamentalists in the US at least have ties to started in the late 1800s as a reaction to the rise in prominence of scientific explanations of the world - think Darwin's work, germ theory, and the discovery of the electron and eventually radioactivity.
What this basically lead to was some Christians believing that a scientific view of the world was compatible with religions and some saying that the Bible took precedent over human modes of knowledge. So the "logic" of Biblical literalism in conjunction with the latter idea was that if God's word took precedent over human knowledge, he would make it very clear - very literal for us
Key to this group's understanding of Christianity was the belief in Christ's miracles as literally happening. With the rise of scientific explanations, there was now this whole new language for trying to discredit those miracles and making fun of people who believed they literally happened. They were a favorite punching bag whenever the scientific community had scandals exposed in particular - "Sure we've basically tortured human subjects in the name of science but at least we don't believe Jesus literally healed the sick, can you imagine?" These groups saw this lack of regard for human life and responded by relying more on God's word which they regarded as perfect in a way humans were not - which essentially meant more literalism.
And you can debate that all you like but that's more or less the basis of it to this day, whether modern fundamentalists know it or not. It's this idea that God wants to be known so why would he obscure himself behind metaphor? And the literal meanings of his word come before all other types of human created knowledge because humans are sinful and faulty and his word is perfect.
The interpretation of Revelation that is so incredibly common regarding spiritual warfare on Earth?
So the interpretation of Revelation varies dramatically between fundamentalists churches. I spent my early years in one that didn't place a big emphasis on it but regarded it as literal and in the future. I spent my middle and high school years in one that regarded Revelations as having begun sometime around the industrial revolution and believed it was already playing out slowly but gaining steam (insert steam powered joke).
Spiritual warfare also varies. Some people think it is angels and demons fighting all around us. Some people think it is in the battle of ideas. My early church believed in the former. My later church believed in the latter. The categories aren't exactly neat and tidy unfortunately.
So it's tough to speak to since it's not terribly unified. I would say in general the literal reading of revelations stems from what I wrote about just before this - why could God obscure himself if he wants to be known?
A common belief I ran into was the idea that a purely metaphorical reading of Revelations was born of fear and a lack of faith in the truth of the Bible. It was kind of a litmus test. People who were unafraid to imagine this terrible future and believe it was real and could happen to them in this lifetime were more faithful than those that wouldn't.
I think it makes sense if you remember a lot of people who left mainline traditions left in part due to difficult experiences which church complacency. The urgency of a literal reading of Revelations speaks to them.
When and how did the Antichrist come into play? Disregarding what I believe or don't, what does that even mean? What are they talking about?
The antichrist is a literal translation of a word made up of the Greek roots for anti and Christ. Its in John's letters:
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichristādenying the Father and the Son. - I John 2:22 (NIV)
This was the one I heard quoted the most but there are other instances too.
I'm less well versed in how he came to have the lore around him that he has with fundamentalists but poking around it looks like it definitely didn't start with fundamentalists. My guess it is a holdover from before their break with mainline Protestantism that took on a new form when it came into contact with biblical literalism. A figure who is against or put in place of Jesus is common in other denominations, my guess is there was a conflation of this figure with the Beast in Revelations due to similar language being used for both.
But that's a guess.
The big "thing" with the antichrist is said to be positing himself as savior of mankind. That's why scientists and the like often get pegged for it. He's also said to bring a quickening to the end of days.
I'm realizing I'm probably taking a lot for granted here. I'm not sure how to explain the antichrist. He's just a real bad guy and he could be anyone. He's the Red Scare but a literal person.
Why are they so deeply afraid to the point of constant war and such legalism?
I mean I don't know what to tell you there. Life is fucking scary.
One day, I'm laughing with my mom. 24 hours later I'm in a hospital watching her on a ventilator and not recognizing me. That's scary.
One day my body more or less worked and the next day I woke up and my hands were in so much pain I couldn't move them. At 24 years old. That's scary.
Think of all the things you can't control that determine the course of your life - war, famine, disease. That shit is scary.
That's admittedly is my generous response.
That initial fear has been coopted by prominent figures who basically draw the line from more universal fears to anxieties people have about their place in the world and then to things like gender and sexuality - things that can be controlled.
The legalism is as much a way to understand it as it is a reaction to it. It's rooting in this idea that if we were to live in alignment with God's word, much of the terrible things we're experiencing wouldn't be happening (which is false but it's compelling to some people).
Even things like the Umbrella of Authority I find confusing, because in my church community, everybody is always equal regardless of gender, and women have always held power in the church's history.
There's also lots of verses about women needing to be quiet and obey their husbands and not wear certain adornments and the list goes on. While yes, individual women have carved out and held on to power in the church, they're more the exception than the rule when taken over the course of the church's entire history. Which is just to say that women's place in the church in any denomination is complicated.
For instance, look how many fundamentalist women have run for office and won. They're playing to a particular archetype within fundamentalist Christianity as the secondary protectors of the family. They tend to focus on issues relating to children for that reason. They have power but it's within the narrow confines of what a woman should be.
Umbrella of protection can be more "natural law" flavored or more "mystical" flavored. I was in a "natural law" family. And that idea held that obedience to my parents but in particular my father was the model by which I would learn to obey God. If I didn't obey them, then I wouldn't know how to obey God. If I didn't know how to obey God then I would sin and bad things would happen to me.
I knew a handful of people who were in the more mystical flavored version but to be honest I'm not completely clear on how that worked. My impression of it was that I guess the dad as the head of the household was granted a certain measure of power to protect his family but he could only use if they obeyed. And in return he was supposed to only ask for their obedience where their safety mattered not merely on a whim but that's not usually how that played out.
The purpose of their getting involved in politics is to assuage fear and enforce their values, of course. But how did we get these values in the first place?
There's a theological component to this answer and there's a political component.
The theological component has to do with that literal reading of and primacy of the Bible. It's read not only as a description of what's wrong with the world but also how it's supposed to be. Their reading of it emphasizes themes in the New Testament as Jesus being the sacrifice that would restore order to the world. So they in turn see an emphasis on Jesus and order to be key to dealing with what is wrong with the world (i.e. whatever scares them). Part of their view of order also emphasizes family in imitation of the holy family.
The political component is that in the middle of the 20th century, conservative strategists specifically started courting big figures in the fundamentalist movement. Both were eager to get fundies more involved in politics but for slightly different reasons. Fundamentalist leaders saw it as advocating for good and a way to distinguish themselves from mainline denominations which weren't generally that politically active. Conservative operators saw how fired up fundies could get as revivals and similar and wanted to funnel that toward their political aims.
There was a shift in how fundamentalist leaders talked about money in particular during this time, emphasizing it as a means by with to do the work of the lord and a sign of God's favor when earned justly. Conservative messaging to their new base emphasized impacts on families and it's the emphasis they still lead with.
So where outsiders see contradiction, it's generally not seen as contradicting when looking through the lens of protecting and benefiting the family. Guns - allow you to protect your family. Regulations - limit how well you can provide for your family. Immigrants - are a threat to your ability to provide for your family. God came into the world via a particular kind of family and we were supposed to live in imitation of that - hence the opposition to queer people and trans folks.
Obviously I don't agree with that and obviously it's more to do with people just being biased and afraid but that's the underpinning by which those fears get organized into a political system of values that we see playing out right now.
I know you were inside of it, so you will never see what it's like for us from the outside, what we don't know about them, especially people who have been persecuted by various forms of fundamentalists for generations but still try to welcome exfundies openly.
You're right that I don't know it the way you know it. That's for sure.
But I would also point out that I am queer and trans and realized both of these things while still inside the church. I got persecuted from within and I got persecuted when I got pushed out. So while I don't have the intergenerational aspect you speak of, I have definitely been and currently am persecuted by them in my daily life so I have a small insight into what that can be like. It's hell, it really is.
I appreciate you wanting to learn. I hope this post is a little more enlightening. It's the truth as best I know it but I know I'm missing information myself.
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Gush about your favourite TSC characters and ships! It's a free-for-all.
This is an incredibly sweet opportunity and now I'm sitting here trying to figure out who and what I want to talk about first. It's probably no secret or surprise that most of my favourites of anything in TSC come from the TLH series. See, with such open-ended gushing opportunities as this, actually, there are sooo many characters I want to talk about. I'm beginning to fear everyone's going to regret you calling this a free-for-all.
James Herondale is by far my favourite TSC character in existence, and I think about him and have talked about him (elsewhere, before I had any Tumblr blogs) the most. If you've read some of my longer fanfics at all, this likely hasn't come as a shock to you, but I love the guy, which is probably why I'm a little weird when it comes to others' posts about him (maybe Jane Austen was onto something when she said that if I loved someone less, I'd be able to talk about them more). We all come away from reading books with different takes on characters, and that's a perfectly normal phenomenon. Because I feel so deeply about James, I tend to dance around the topic of him unless I do agree with someone else's analysis or I have something substantial to say, and even then I tend to curb myself because I don't want to sound like a raving lunatic... and now I realise how long that sentence was. (I'm already a raving lunatic, aren't I?) Anyhow, this is an opportunity to gush, and gush I will (very extensively).
See, I've seen it going around the fandom that people dislike the characterisation of James or the way he was presented in earlier short stories pre-TLH publications and then post when some might argue he was a completely different person. Honourable mention to my fellow countryman, musician, and fanauthor, @faithfromanewperspective, who has some fascinating posts discussing the neurodivergence of the TLH cast, which help further explain their personalities and some of their characterisation across their written existence (seriously, go check out some of Silver's analysis posts, they're such wonderful and interesting reads). Similar to Silver, I like to observe the essentially four different Jameses that exist across the timeline of James Herondale's written existence.
We have the James from the Shadowhunter Academy era, James in The Midnight Heir set several months before the events of The Last Hours, and then, of course, who we have during TLH pre- and post-bracelet influence. I once embarked on a research rabbit warren when I hit a rough patch in fanfic writing where I was trying to decide how best to write James post-bracelet while still remaining as canon-compliant as possible, while also filling in the gaps I and other fans have been frustrated with in James' evolution, all before Chain of Thorns was released. I reread all the stories that involved James and constructed an approximate timeline where I explored the ways his personality was presented at various points. From there, I tried to make sense of him by connecting, essentially, these four Jameses.
James holds a number of insecurities and burdens that pretty much sealed the deal for me when I was reading about him the first time around (don't ask me to count how many times I've read about him overall). Similar to when I discussed the topic of Jem Carstairs and chronic illness (see here), I connected to James Herondale through the avenue of chronic conditions. Other content creators like to interpret characters through lenses of mental illness or disorders, for instance, which definitely have a wealth of analysis and discussion to offer. My go-to instead, I suppose, is chronic illness and relationship dynamics, and how that affects a person's character. I may have talked in part about this before somewhere on here, but I'm too lazy to comb through the James Herondale tag that exists on my fandom blog (@streettealee, where I'll also be reposting this ramble). Anyway, burdens and insecurities.
Goatface Herondale
The academy days were especially rough for many characters, but here I'm talking about James (obviously). He was around the age of 13 when he attended the Shadowhunter Academy (a year, give or take a bit, before Grace would ask him to retrieve her bracelet and wear it, and a little closer in time to when he went to Cirenworth and had scalding fever). We see that he was a rather shy kid, generally self-conscious as one tends to be when reaching teenage years especially, and also quite insecure.
He has a close relationship with his parents and also his sister. We know he's very protective of Lucie, and they were playmates, which naturally lends itself to bonding and frequent squabbles (take it from me, an eldest child with a younger sister born right as I became a toddler -- we were each other's only friends in many respects and we got into a lot of fights, yet I would do anything for my sister, even take ownership for her mistakes just because I didn't want her to suffer the consequences). The nature of his relationship with Lucie is something that does not change as the series progresses (it would have been interesting to see her reaction to him in TMH though). As for his parents: James is what my friends and I in primary school would have mockingly called "The Golden Child" (and not for his eyes, mind you), because he's not simply a mama's boy or father's boy. James is the dreaded combination of both, in which he is always trying to do right by them in some way, shape, or form, without much particular favour for one over the other. It wouldn't surprise me if Lucie was ever bitter about him being the oldest and something of a goody-two-shoes, or if James regarded it the other way with Lucie always getting away with everything because she's younger and so innocent-seeming (she definitely play-acted her way out of things as a child).
As has been examined by others already, James carries the burden of his parents' love (we'll get to more of this in the next section). Not only is he the miracle child of a Shadowhunter and a warlock, never seen before, he is also affected by the trauma Tessa carries as an outsider within the Enclave, and the concern she and Will have for him that borders on overbearing. We see in his academy era that he will not say goodbye to his father because he knows he cannot bear it and does not want to be seen as weak. We also see that he refuses to go home and or do anything that would reflect badly on his mother, because she is already alienated for being a warlock in Shadowhunter society. Furthermore, James is resentful of his father particularly at this time, because James is constantly being compared to him (again, we'll come back to this). He wishes Will Herondale were less than perfect so that James would be allowed to be who he is: less than perfect, a Nephilim child with demon blood.
As a kid, it can be difficult growing up in an environment where you are from two cultures, and everyone around you is constantly trying to get you to pick which you most are between them, instead of unifying them both as elements of your identity (this is from my personal experience). James has been an odd Shadowhunter for most of his life, up until the point at the academy where his warlock powers (thanks to Belial, yay) suddenly manifest. From that point on, where it is seen that some magical capability is possible, James is caught between two worlds. It was bad enough for him to have strange yellow-gold eyes ("Goatface Herondale") which he tried to hide by wearing his glasses more often than necessary, he then had to contend with a more noticeable, alienating feature of his demonic heritage, which drove away even the mundanes he had previously been befriending (outsiders to a particular majority tend to flock together, up to a certain point, as demonstrated).
So, there's that aspect of his shadow powers. When I read about James, I drew connections also with the earlier mentioned chronic illness view. His demonic heritage is not a condition, but his experience of their manifestation in uncontrollable and traumatising episodes of shadow magic are what I would call one. As if he were not insecure enough about not being extroverted enough to break out of his loneliness and enter social circles he's always skirted at the edges of, he is afflicted by a condition that betrays his body and will. This loss of control is difficult for anyone. It's easy to feel helpless, even after a diagnosis of something, because it is incurable and or unpredictable in nature. Self-loathing lends itself to those left vulnerable by such a violent change in their body's nature and their identity. There is a lot to be said about the labels given to us and the ones we assume. To James, this is just another way he is less than perfect, less than his father, a weakness to his mother and family, no longer on totally common ground with his sister, different from his peers, and his ability to tamp down this part of him and appear as some semblance of "normal" for Nephilim becomes tied with his self-esteem.
As a quick side note: it is my theory that James feels like an outsider among Downworld circles and that is why he has always been rather awkward around them. We see he does fine in The Devil Tavern when he gradually makes a second home of it, but there are other instances, such as a brief moment that lives rent-free in my head where, at his introduction in Chain of Gold, he walks past a vampire and avoids eye contact because "[unless Downworlders broke the law, it was none of his business what they did]" (I'm paraphrasing there) and I think there's been a bit of shame instilled in him. James is not wholly a Downworlder, and he is not wholly Nephilim, and because he was raised as a Shadowhunter and alienated anytime he was not quite resembling one, he does his best to try and follow Shadowhunter values and norms and further avoids some aspects of Downworld in some contexts, like when he's just come off a patrol.
Of course, good things come to James too at this time: Matthew finally manages to befriend him, and the two are both insecure people who find security in each other. He also leaves the Shadowhunter Academy, and Matthew declares he and James are going to be parabatai and must therefore stick together, which for James would feel pretty damn good -- not only because Matthew wants to share such a special connection with him, considering his demonic heritage and the inherent angelic ties the parabatai ceremony holds, but also because his father places a lot of stress on parabatai as one of the greatest forms of love that exists (again, we come to that burden of love idea) and so James, I believe, would find this an opportunity to live up to the expectations his parents hold.
All that is to say: this first sort of version of James that we see is shy, insecure, sweet, generally well-intentioned, clever (he's funny and I didn't get time to try and go back to the book to pick up all the instances where he says something amusing, keep off), and reaches this first turning point of burden -- the burden of love and expectations, and of his heritage and abilities/condition. All of this has already brewed into a hero complex (it does not quite rival Cordelia's, but it's up there -- James really likes to handle things himself and on his own, and now it's got me thinking about Batman... anyway).
Helen of Troy
This boy had shining golden eyes, like a crystal glass filled brimful with crisp white wine and held up to catch the light of a blazing sun. If his skin was luminous, his eyes were radiant. Magnus could not imagine these eyes as tender. The boy was very, very lovely, but this was a beauty like that Helen of Troy might have had once, disaster written in every line. The light of his beauty made Magnus think of cities burning.
The Midnight Heir is perhaps the most contentious piece written about James, and I would like to point several things out before we proceed: Cassandra Clare wrote this (as well as Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy) with co-authors who, as far as I know, were not as heavily involved in TLH. Furthermore, this is from Magnus Bane's perspective, and he is known to dramatise just as much as the TLH cast themselves like to drape their lives in drama. Now, going forward...
This occurred before TLH and I have my practical writer theories as to why James wound up so different in TLH compared to TMH. Clare changed her mind about the story's trajectory, about who the main characters would be, what the romances would look like, who she wanted James Herondale to be. And this is where I have to admit, Clare as a writer -- like any other -- is flawed and has a history of inconsistencies. As frustrating as it can be, it happens, and so there is obviously the issue of "well who is the REAL James Herondale? What/who is canon?"
This brings me to my exercise in interpreting James: the different Jameses that exist and my way of uniting them all so that they do indeed make one coherent character who can have the mildness of his academy era, the wild intensity of his midnight era, and have all that remain consistent with who he is by The Last Hours (during and post bracelet).
As you may have gathered from the Goatface Herondale topic above, James' turning point at the academy was just the start of the disasters he was written for--disaster written in every line--which leads up to TMH or his Helen of Troy period. There are some interpretations that his wild and unruly behaviour was simply as it was presented to us: heartbreak taken to the extreme "because he's a Herondale and they love only but once blah blah bullshit blah" and heightened by the cursed bracelet he was wearing at the time (there is textual evidence he had it on him, and we are told Grace merely sent a letter that made him despair and things were quickly made up after). Then, such as done by Silver, there is the interpretation that James may be bipolar or have some other disorder in which he experiences manic episodes, which lead to the vast, seemingly inexhaustible energy he had that night in TMH where we first meet him as he's grown older and the complete mood swing that almost resembles an entire change in character (also look to the dialogue of his parents who say he never used to be like this, he was always so studious, so good, very mild and well-behaved, kept his parabatai in line and shared private jokes). This is where I would have really liked to know Lucie's view, because as his sister, she is more than likely to share a view that is different from the adults gathered (Magnus, Tessa, Will, and Jem), and I almost think she would say he's being dramatic and she doesn't know what got into him except he's still treating her all the same and then she'd just roll her eyes (I'm not saying she wouldn't be concerned, but just that she'd easily disguise it as a mockery of her brother doing dumb shit).
There is also something to be said about masking and "the Mask" that James dons. However, I do not know enough about this to comment much on it. I direct you once again to @faithfromanewperspective who I know has covered this topic in more detail. What I have to add around it (as someone with some form of undiagnosed neurodivergence, but leaning toward ADHD and C-PTSD (I do not yet have the funds or ability to seek professional opinions)) is that this is plausible, and yet not my first thought when I'm considering the totality of James and how we can unite the different stages of his timeline. I say this because I experience bursts and lulls of certain behaviours, and so far I do not have anything concrete to attribute it to, and it may sound stupid, but I have found (in my experience) that sometimes we lose our inhibitions as a result of extreme emotions in difficult circumstances. Who I am when I am at home is different to who I am in the classroom and different again to who I am when I've been drinking alcohol and who I am when I'm wandering the streets of a city late at night (always with friends, notably, because I don't feel safe enough to wander alone at night as a woman). Sometimes, I do not even need a drink in me to loosen up certain aspects of my mentality, but a few hours of sleep deprivation (sort of a lie, I'm almost always sleep deprived and it's yet another chronic issue I'm working on since it affects other areas of my health). I believe I am a product of my environment in many ways. And so is James.
There is some merit to the original idea that James has been ensconced in such profound love his whole life, that when his love life goes wrong and is not at all like the beautiful fairytale he resents his parents for having and pushing on him, it destroys him inside. Admittedly, I'd say this would have greater impact and would be a much more compelling narrative if the bracelet was not cursed and James was allowed to break the dumb Herondale myth of loving once (furthering that alienation but ultimately providing him liberation). But even with the bracelet: James believes himself in love, believes he is damned because he is demonic and nothing good can ever become of him or anything he wants in life, he is going to always get the short end of the stick because the expectations placed on him are too great, and he has received a devastating letter as a hormonal teenager with access to an entire city to terrorise and alcoholic drinks to consume. I'd say it's not far-fetched to assume he was just incredibly drunk and heartbroken that night, and was simply embracing the drama that teenagers lean toward.
It is, though, the sheer cruelness that James demonstrates in front of Magnus that pokes a hole in this framework. The James we knew previously, and even the James we see in TLH, is not who you would call cruel. So where did this come from? Was it his resentment against Downworld rising to the surface, an extension of his insecurities raging inside him? Rebelliousness against his parents? If he embraces chaos and cruelty and vice, can he convince himself he is merely being who he was always meant to be, as someone who is part demon? (Sound familiar to anyone? *cough* Jace Herondale *cough*) Was he as drunk as Magnus thought he was? Was James, in reality, experiencing some sort of manic high where he could be wickedly precise with a gun and still be entirely out of his typical character?
I have no definite answer, except that I urge you to reflect inward. Have we not all at least once experienced a time where we "have not acted ourselves"? Where, for one reason or another, we shed our usual attitudes and embraced a different side of ourselves that only seems out of character because others around us do not know us as we know ourselves? I know I have. I know I can be cruel and nasty when I let go of care, and that a part of me believes sometimes that it is my truest nature because of what some people drilled into me for many impressionable years. That sometimes it is a form of self-harm, because I can still feel empathy and I know what I am doing is hurting someone else, and it hurts me too because I am so aware of it and the whole vicious mental cycle goes on. I know that if I simply stay up long enough at night, I indulge in reckless behaviours and say whatever comes to my mind with little to no filter. I know that I can have periods of energy fueled by recklessness, by some social interactions, by many other factors, and can lead to be attempting to perform feats I typically would not.
James trying to make love to a lamppost and a dog and what have you? That I could attribute to drinking or sleep deprivation. It could just as easily be something else, but I will stand by the fact that this is not out of the ordinary when one is in an extraordinary sort of mental state. I also believe Clare's intentions when writing that was more for humour than anything.
Returning to my earlier point, I do believe James might have been cruel in TMH because he simply could be, because he is unloveable (in his mind), demonic, and for that period of time, dreadfully tired of how hard he had to try to be someone everyone believed he was not. And perhaps because this rebellion, this reckless behaviour, as chaotic as it appears, is actually his form of taking control over his life and his image. If he acts the part of a wild, half-warlock, if he embraces wickedness, he is in control of that and no comments or misfortune that might be attributed to it are as bad in his mind. To him, under the curse, Grace is perfect and he's just Ken James, barely a Herondale. This night in TMH that catches glimpse of his character as of late is actually just the snowball effect of his insecurities that we already saw in the academy.
So, how does that connect to the Jameses of TLH?
Barely a Herondale
Let's revisit my favourite topics of chronic illness and control. We see by TMH, and with context provided in Chain of Gold, that James had begun to master his shadow abilities, so that they became actual abilities and not just a condition that he was struggling with. In a way, I see it as a remission. James has developed this precious view of control because of this, I would argue, and we see him grapple with control and his insecurities in TLH more. When we open the series with Chain of Gold and we see James enter the shadow realm against his will in the middle of a fight, there is a deep sense of body betrayal, I find when reading. I feel for James when his friends go "I thought that had stopped happening/all that rubbish was over" and he goes "me too". I cannot count the times in my life when I genuinely thought my health troubles were over, that the rollercoaster was only going up, just to have a horrible shock when suddenly my body gives out on me and I am plunged for months into chronic pain and illness all over again for usually unclear reasons. I have no cure, just as James doesn't. We simply have methods of managing our respective conditions, if that makes sense. It is a constant fight for control over ourselves. There have been times where I will not tell a single person that my symptoms of something have come back, simply because I am exhausted and I already know the drill of management techniques I'll have to employ myself.
James reaches for his knife, for the pain to bring him back. He contacts Jem because he's worried and has no idea what's going on or why it happened. I am so, so obsessed with this. I can't stress enough how much I relate to his whole shadow dilemma from a perspective of chronic illness. I am shaking you, reader. Please understand. I don't care how flawed this guy is or the fact that Clare might not have intended this interpretation, this is my form of projection like everyone else has theirs and it is so comforting to me, as someone who also struggles to feel in control of my own body, who exerts control over other things in other ways just to cope.
This is one line of consistency I draw from Goatface to Helen of Troy to the James of TLH. Now, moving on...
We see that in TMH that Will and Tessa have been trying to get through to James for ages to try and coax out of him what his problems are and why he is acting out. I discussed this once with an old writing partner, how when the Herondales learned of the Carstairs coming to London to save their reputation and required their help, that Will and Tessa likely approached James and demanded he be on his best behaviour so that they can help the Carstairs. For if the Herondales tried to help while James himself was out ruining his reputation, then the Carstairs would surely be doomed.
And so, we have the image of The Perfect Gentlemanā¢ developed over the next few months ready for the arrival of Sona, Cordelia, and Alastair Carstairs in London. This coincides with the fact that over the summer (after the winter period when he had his wild streak and the spring when he would have been getting his heart and act together) he did not go to Idris to see Grace for the first time in years and the bracelet's hold on him was weakening significantly, which I believe, would mean less of the heightened hurt and insecurity surrounding the topic of love for at least a little while, because he would simply care about Grace (in a romantic sense) less. Who knows? Perhaps becoming the model gentleman was his form of revenge against Tatiana and others, because if he conforms and commits heavily to Shadowhunter society and the rules of propriety, then he cannot be faulted for his heritage so easily by that point. Plus, this is much easier to follow when he thinks he has total control over his shadow abilities at that point in time. For about six months, he can simply put it out of his mind (and get extra weird about interacting with Downworld and how he feels about it. This also brings me to a side tangent about how I think his interest in the occult is the little demon/magic intrigue he allows himself in private where only his friends are likely to be aware of the books he keeps. He says, if I recall correctly, at some point that he finds it fascinating what mundanes think of magic and how close or far they are from it sometimes, and I propose there's like this secret third thing to it about how he likes looking at magic and demonology from the perspective of a third party -- someone who is not Nephilim or of Downworlder origin, because it is the closest kinship he might find).
Also, let's not forget how much people in real life, let alone characters, can change over a period of time, much less several months to a year. I truly do not think his character is as inconsistent between books as it is made out to be. I think the real issue is that Clare left out elements of context that would have helped when characterising James and his journey, hashing out who he is and who he is not. I think another blog brought it up once, how TLH should have been multiple books and not just a trilogy. I agree, I think the dense character work would have benefitted from being more spaced out, particularly when exploring the bracelet in regard to James. Because the James after Chain of Gold especially feels rather like a blank slate that Cordelia is usually projecting upon. Which is valid. I have another theory about this, where the reason James was suddenly the It Guy at social gatherings was because he had "cleaned up his act" in the recent year and the bracelet meant that he was a blank canvas for the girls of the Enclave to project their desires onto. Perhaps it's an allosexual thing, but I know of myself and many others who tend to form crushes on people we know next to nothing about simply because they're beautiful and we make things up in our head based on what little knowledge we have, and the gaps are filled to suit. In Chain of Gold, it felt very purposeful, and the changes between James while wearing the bracelet as opposed to without was much more noticeable.
Genuinely, I think Clare dropped the ball once she got to Chain of Iron, and then dropped even further when writing Chain of Thorns. But still, for the sake of outlining the consistencies of James' character rather than the flaws, we'll ignore my personal frustration with those books and continue on.
We still see his insecurities manifest in various ways throughout TLH. Before we get to that, I'd like to point out that James remains clever throughout this series, always introverted even if he knows how to navigate social situations better now, forever a bookworm, loyal, but no longer so much of a people-pleaser as he seems much more prepared to be an adversary in any given situation as well as embrace rebellion, which I think gets overlooked a lot (do you see how quickly he goes "lock up your daughters and your greenhouses, James Herondale is on the loose and has a penchant for property damage etc." after getting in trouble in Chiswick? I swear, this guy had my heart in a chokehold). LIKE. CAN YOU NOT SEE IT? The way he is still the same guy we saw in TMH? His personality did not change so drastically that he is someone else -- it's still him! He's still there! He's just evolved over the months! And here we are, this is one such place where his insecurities are still pronounced, but in such a way where he tries to own it, to control it, once again.
And in spite of all the Herondale traits James definitely carries, he is still not the typical Herondale like Will and Jace or even some of the others we've seen. James is also Tessa and her trauma and Jem and his teachings and his father and his legacy, and he is influenced by disaster (hello? He was thirteen when he saw another dead kid? Got diagnosed with Greater-demon-for-a-grandfather? Has been brainwashed since fourteen?).
Remember how ready he was to believe he was a murderer? That's his insecurity and history talking. These horrible nightmares he's been having too. James tried so hard to be a hero, and yet he believes he inevitably ends up being someone against the heroes. He is surprised when Cordelia says he's the leader of the group because that's not how he sees himself. And this is what I find so fascinating about James. There's how other people see him, and many people see him differently, and then there's how he sees himself. (I will note that I find the idea of the Merry Thieves having any sort of leader laughable. I truly feel that's not how their group dynamic works. It felt like an excuse for Cordelia to fawn over him (as you do when you have a crush on someone) and have that weird shoe-horned on-the-nose moment where James goes to comfort Thomas and waves the others over when Barbara dies).
Most of what I have to talk about admittedly deals more with Chain of Gold, simply because kind of got lost between Chain of Iron and Chain of Thorns. He's still there, and I still see the strings of his personality, I think Clare just let some of his key character issues fade into the background. Also, I still only read Chain of Thorns once. I haven't been motivated to pick that one back up.
One thing I do like about Chain of Thorns though is that James was allowed to be the bad guy, even if it was via being a puppet for Belial. There was something almost cathartic about him crowning himself King of England. He didn't save the day; Cordelia did. James was merely fulfilling a prophecy he had made for himself.
Also, we don't get to see much of James without the bracelet. I think he's still trying to figure out who he is now that the curse is gone, then after Belial is gone and so are the main aspects of his warlock abilities. James has to redefine himself beyond many of the securities he held (so fucking mad that the "technically I did only love once because it was always Cordelia under the curse š¤Ŗ" happened because it would have made more sense for James to also break through that insecurity, but whatever).
In conclusion... um, this guy's just neat? I think he's beyond interesting. People who say he's boring and blank, I hear you, I just can't say I totally agree with you. He's my favourite character. I'll make all the excuses. I just wrote this to try and defeat the idea that his personality is inconsistent because I think it can be argued that it actually is not when you consider, well, all of the above. Anyway, I spent almost the whole day writing this. Whoops.
My other favourite characters are Matthew Fairchild, Cordelia Carstairs, Jem Carstairs, Magnus Bane, and Ragnor Fell. Love them all so much. I love a great many characters but these ones most of all.
Ships? Look, as much as I will criticise it and absolutely agree with other critiques of them, I love Jordelia. I project on and relate to both characters, what do you want from me. Also, I keep saying I have no faith in TWP and that I will not be actively seeking it out but... I do like Kit and Ty. Sue me. The drama is so delicious. For ages though, I've been wanting an equally juicy lesbian ship, I feel like the ones we have just... aren't it. You know? I think there was a missed opportunity in making Cordelia bisexual and a girl crush for Grace. OH BUT I ALSO LOVE GRACE AND LUCIE. SHUT UP, SHUT UP, I LOVE THEM. THEIR DYNAMIC COULD HAVE BEEN BRILLIANT.
Anyway, The End. That was a very long gush.
#james herondale#the last hours#tlh#tales from the shadowhunter academy#the midnight heir#tmh#herondale#character analysis#I have now thoroughly exposed myself and the amount of brainrot I experience over james herondale#a character who many share many complaints about#and complicated views#WARNING: very long post#this was an oddly healing exercise#I should ramble endlessly about things I love more often
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Short DPXDC Prompts #468
Danny is a Chemistry teacher at Gotham Academy. His favorite student is Tim. He shocks the students by teaching and creating a Fear Antitoxin for the kids to learn as part of their curriculum.
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Part OneĀ / Part Two (You are Here) / Part ThreeĀ
Hopper had undersold Harrington's condition.Ā
Wayne hadn't expected anything pretty, but the face that turned to them as they walked through the door almost had him freezing in place.Ā
Black eye, bruised chin, split lip.Ā
More and more bruises, some faded and some very new, trailing down the kids neck.Ā
Ā The rest was hidden by his preppy little polo shirt, but Wayne didn't doubt that there were more.
Harrington tried to stand when they entered the room and the way he moved--entirely unbalanced, clearly in a lot of pain--made Wayne think the only thing the kid really needed was a hospital.Ā
Because Steve Harrington hadn't just been beaten.Ā
He'd been tortured--and very recently strangled.Ā
(Abruptly, Wayne realized that Hopper had implied the boy had been in the mall fire--just as much as he implied the mall fire was anything but.Ā
He also hadn't stated how Harrington had escaped the Suites trying to break into his house.)Ā
"Sit down." Hopper commanded, and Wayne expected Harrington to do anything but listen.Ā
Say something cocky, or act the part of a demanding little shit maybe, despite the condition he was in.
Instead the kid just sighed in relief and dropped like a stone, right back into the chair.Ā
Hopper came around his desk, talking all the while. "Steve, this is Wayne. Wayne, Steve."
"Hello Sir." Steve croaked politely. His voice was wrecked, no doubt from the necklace of finger shaped bruises around his neck.
"You're going to stay with him for a while, and you're gonna pay him for the privilege." Hopper informed him, as he began digging around his desk. "Money, chores, whatever Wayne wants."Ā
Wayne held his gaze as Steve turned to appraise him.Ā
Would Harrington pitch a fit?Ā
Would he look at Wayne's work clothes, streaked with dirt and sweat, with the name of the warehouse embroidered in the corner and crinkle up his nose, just like his daddy did?Ā
Hopper didn't lie, but a part of Wayne wanted to see just how different this Harrington was. If the respectful demeanor was an act done for Hopper.Ā
Or perhaps, Hopper had mentioned Steve's father for a reason, instead of his mother. Did he adopt her ice-like approach to life?Ā
Micro managing and long-held grudges were Stella Harringtonās game, and she excelled at it.Ā
Steve however, did nothing of the sort, instead settling with the situation in a way that reminded Wayne far too strongly of the men and women who'd come home from war.
"Okay." The kid said simply, after a long moment of consideration. He turned back to Hopper. "But we need to tell the rest of the Par--"Ā
Here he cut a look back to Wayne, correcting himself. "the kids. I don't want them showing up at my house trying to find me and freaking out."Ā
"They wouldn't--" Jim paused, fingers freezing from the rummaging they'd been doing. "they absolutely would, goddammit." He muttered darkly.Ā Ā
"I'll tell the kids. The only thing I want you doing right now is laying low. I need to get a hold of Owens, but it's gonna take time to do that, and more time to fix this, so as of right now, Harrington? You're on vacation." He pointed sternly, as if Steve might argue.
The kid looked too tired and messed up to bother trying.Ā
"I mean it. You're out of the country, where is anybody's guess. No one's seen you and no one better be seeing you, got it?" His voice held firm, and Wayne had to blink because the tone here wasn't one of a police chief warning a teenager--but of a father talking to his son.
He knew, because his own voice did that now. Took on a worried tone that masqueraded as something more like annoyance and seriousness.Ā
"Yes, Sir." Harrington said, remaining weirdly compliant. "Consider me gone."Ā
A hand came up to briefly press above one eye, and Wayne wondered if the kid had been looked over, or if they had just crammed him into Hopper's office without offering so much as a tissue box.Ā
How many painkillers did they have back at the house? Wayne usually kept a good bottle around, but Steve was going to need more than thatā¦
He found himself once again cataloging Steve's wounds, this time comparing them to the medicine cabinet he had at home.Ā
"I expect you to be a damn good house guest, you hear me?" Hopper continued, trying to cut a menacing figure. He finally found what he was looking for; pulling out a large, padded envelope.Ā
He handed it over to Harrington, who took it without looking, shoving it into the duffle bag he'd had sitting at his feet.Ā
There was a smudge of red on the handle of said bag, that matched perfectly up to a shittily done wrap on Steve's right hand.Ā
Wayne mentally added 'buy more bandages' to his list.Ā
Steve nodded at Hopper again. "Yes, Sir."
Jimās eyes narrowed. "Quite that, you know I hate that."Ā
The briefest glimmer of mischief crossed Harrington's face. "Sorry, Sir. Won't happen again, Sir."
'Ahh.' Wayne thought. 'So there's a teenager in there after all.'
Jim rolled his eyes. "Get out of my office."
"Thanks Hop." Harrington said, finally dropping that odd obedience, a hint of a smile on his battered face.Ā
He stood, and Wayne had to stop himself from offering an arm out as Steve reached for his bag and limped towards him.Ā
He paused right before he left Hopper's office, hand on the doorframe.
Ā "You'll check up on Robin too, right?"Ā He asked, and for the first time his tone took on something more alive--and filled with worry. "And Dustin? Erica?"Ā
"Dustin and his mom are finally taking me up on my suggestion to see their family in Florida for a while, and the Sinclairs are taking a sabbatical from Hawkins. I'm working on the Buckley's." Hopper drummed his fingers on the desk. "So far, no one else besides you and El have been targeted, and we're going to keep it that way."
Steve let out a breath, and while Wayne could tell the worry hadn't left him, he could almost physically see Steve force himself to put it away.
Another act that was far beyond the kid's years.Ā
A different officer popped up as they walked down the hall towards the exit, waving his hand madly. "Harrington! Chief says you forgot this!" He barked.
(Or tried to anyway. Callahan wasnāt the most aggressive of officers and frankly, never would be.)
A slim sports bag was held in his hands, and Steve nearly tripped over his own feet when he tried to turn and claim it.
"I'll get it." Wayne said, knowing his tone sounded gruff.
No use for it. He could either sound gruff or sound sad, and Wayne knew better than to start off the relationship with yet another hurt young man by acting sad.
Pity wasn't gonna win him any favors here.Ā
He took the bag, slinging it over his shoulder, uncaring of the wince on Harrington's face until something sharp poked at his shoulder.Ā
Several somethings, in fact.Ā
"What the hell do you got in this thing?" He asked once they hit the parking lot, voice low as he escorted Steve to his truck.Ā
"Just a baseball bat, sir." Steve said, in the exact same tone Eddie used every time he thought he was beinā slick.Ā
Considering the thing in the bag could have passed for a baseball bat if not for the sharp pokey bits, it wasnāt a bad attempt. Steve just hadnāt accounted for the fact that Wayne lived with Eddie.Ā
An unfair advantage, really.Ā
āLeast there canāt be any baby racoons in the damn bag.ā Wayne thought idly.Ā
Went on to gently put the bat in the backseat, watching as the kid struggled to lift himself into the truck.
"You can drop that, I take too being called Sir about as well as Hop does." He said, keeping his tone nice and calm, hoping to ease into calling Steve out on his lie.Ā
Fussed with a few dials on the stereo, giving Steve an excuse to take his time before starting the engine and taking the long way home.
Wayne wanted to talk a little-- without the chance of Edās interrupting.Ā
"Son,ā He started off. āI was born in the morning, but not this morning. I'm hoping to make the next few weeks as easy as I can for both of us, and I can't do that if you're starting off with a lie."Ā
Steve blinked, turning to face him in a matter that was too fast for his injuries. He didn't bother hiding the hurt it caused him, but his voice stayed even as he spoke.
Ā "What do you mean Si--Wayne."Ā
"Nice catch.āĀ Wayne said. āWeāll get you there yet.āĀ
It was a trick he'd learned with Eddie--little tidbits of praise went a long way when it came to gaining trust.
Especially with kids who hadn't ever been given much.Ā
Harrington seemed smart to it, or perhaps was just hesitant to speak in general because he remained quiet, not offering up any info. No further lies, but nothing towards the truth, neither.Ā
Which was fine. Wayne didnāt think a little pushing would hurt.
"That bat of yours was digging into my shoulder like a bee swarm." Wayne continued, when it became clear Steve wasn't talking. "I'm more a fan of football than baseball, but last I checked they hadn't changed the design of a bat."Ā
"What teams?" Steve asked, perking up a touch. "Of football. Which ones are yours?"
Wayne could ignore it of course, or demand Steve give him an answer to the question he asked.Ā
He did neither. "Iām liking the Colts since they got moved here. You?"Ā
"Green Bay Packers, though I like the Colts too--that trade in 84ā was crazy." Steve said. After a second he proved that answering instead of pushing was the right move because he added; "What did Hopper tell you? Aboutā¦" He trailed off, making a gesture Wayne didn't bother trying to interpret.Ā
"He said some things. I've guessed a few others." Wayne admitted. Cut a little look out of the corner of his eye as he came to a stop sign. "I know the feds are real interested in you after Starcourt."Ā
Steve took that in, hands tightening on the handle.Ā
"It really is a baseball bat." He said, a little fast and with the tiniest hint of that challenge Wayne had been looking for. "It just also has nails hammered into one end."Ā
Wayne took that in with one nice, slow blink.Ā
"A bat with nails in it." He said, and it made a hell of a lot of sense compared to the sensation he'd felt carrying the case. "You use it against anyone?"Ā
"Some of the feds." Steve admitted, and even with his eyes on the road Wayne could tell he was being stared at.
Not in the way one expected a rich kid to judge, but in the way Eddie had, those first few months he'd lived here. The times whenĀ he'd push, just a little, to see what Wayne's reaction would be.Ā
Eddie hadn't done it in a damn long time, but Wayne recognized the behavior nonetheless.Ā
"Anybody else?" He asked.Ā
"Nobody human." Steve replied.Ā
"Alright." Wayne said, and made a mental note to drop all questions related to that.Ā
He didn't need to know, definitely didn't want to know, and had a feeling if he did know he'd find himself being watched by the same spooks after Steve.
"I've got a few deck boxes that lock on my porch. Think you'd be agreeable to leaving the bat in one?"Ā
Steve paused, hand clenching tighter around the strap of his duffel bag. "If you gave me a key so I could get it in an emergency,Ā I'd be happy to."Ā
He tried to sound calm, even a little charming in that sort of upper-class businessman sort of way, but the fear bled through.Ā
The kid wasn't happy separating from the bat, and given it sounded like it might have saved his life recently, Wayne understood the hesitation.Ā
With an internal apology to Eddie, he promptly threw his nephew under the proverbial bus.Ā "I've got my nephew at home and he'd be far too interested in it, is all. Blades and weapons and such tend to attract him, and I don't need to be rushing anyone to the ER."Ā
All of which were very true facts (one Wayne learned the time he'd allowed Eddie to bring a swordĀ home, only for him to nearly cut his own nose off winging the thing around) but he figured it might make Steve more amenable to separating from it.Ā
Sure enough, some of the tenseness bled out of Steve's shoulders. "Yeah that's fair."Ā
The truck hit a few potholes as they finally turned into the trailer park, and the kid hissed, a quiet sound.Ā
Judging by the uncomfortable wince, and hands clenched into his jeans something painwise was giving him trouble.Ā
"When was the last time you took a pain pill?" Wayne asked, doing his best to weave around the other holes that dotted the gravel roads.
Steve blinked. "Uhā¦"Ā
"You take any today son?"Ā
Steve his head.Ā
"Didn't have time to grab it." He said, offering a sad look to his pack.Ā
Course he hadn't.Ā
"Let's get you inside then and get you some." Wayne said with a sigh. Thankfully Eddie's van wasn't here--Wayne was fairly certain he had band practice today but knowing him it could be a million other things.
Just meant he had to acclimate Steve as fast as he could, to try and get the poor guy settled before Edās came in.Ā
He just hoped life and lady luck would work with him, for once.Ā
#hands on knees#this is gonna have more than three parts fffffff#FAIR WARNING I do jump between Wayne and Eddieās pov in this.#Everything Ive written so far while in parts for tumblr would basically be chapter 1 on A03#Eddies POV change would be chapter two#Ugh Im gonna have to put this on A03. Dammit brain.#also I updated this very fast for me#no one get excited Idk the brain is doing#steddie#beat to shit Steve Harrington#wayne pov#outsider pov#wayne as a BAMF#I tried to get to the part where Eddie shows up but it just got too long for a tumblr post#pre steddie#wayne and Hopper both as psuedo parents to Steve#tw injuries#0o0 fanfics#stranger things
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I'm once again getting overly philosophical over horror movies, so here's a study of the death angels from A Quiet Place as observed by a very enthusiastic animal loving veterinarian.
Every time people talk about death angels, it is, understandably, about how violent they are. These creatures are brutal and merciless, and will tear apart anything that makes too much noise. Hence the title of the movie.
Death angels are frankly terrifying, and show no empathy towards the creatures of the planet they invaded. No living thing is safe from them.
... so here's why they COULD be--
Look. Death angels are simply not suited for our planet. It's a noisy, chaotic place full of noisy, chaotic animals. From humans, to raccoons, to birds, to cats, nearly everything in our world is a potential trigger for a noise sensitive animal such as these.
But that's exactly what they are. Animals. And no one seems to remember that fact. People talk about them as though they themselves are sentient, anthropomorphic monsters, but the way these creatures act mimic many real life animals. Animals that don't belong here, but are trying to survive here. On a noisy planet covered in water, which they despise and cannot swim in.
Death angels are completely blind by nature, as seen in many other creatures such as cavefish, moles, and my personal favourite, the olm. Due to a lack of sight, they very clearly use echolocation in the film, to scan their surroundings and... well, not get dead. But echolocation is far from their only tool, as their ears are the strongest asset they have.
Their ears are INCREDIBLY sensitive. Just the slight ticking of an egg timer when heard from their perspective in the first film, is like a pounding drum in their ear. This is fine in a naturally quiet planet, but if a very subtle tick is that loud, then imagine the rest of the noise. Screaming. Explosions. Crashing. Little toy planes. Holy CRAP, that's gotta hurt.
Sounds that loud would definitely cause extreme hearing problems from pressure over time, and easily result in lifelong illnesses and disabilities such as deafness, infection, and so forth, if not stopped. It's going to be painful. It's literally bursting their ear drums inside their heads, and you can't explain to an animal why it hurts. You cannot rationalise with wildlife about treatment and self care. An injured and scared animal is always going to turn hostile, no matter how docile they may be normally. You can't explain to a lion with a knife in it's belly that you can stop the pain if it just doesn't attack you. You can't explain to a death angel that it needs to go somewhere more isolated instead of just destroying the source of the noise to shut it up.
Going to backtrack here a sec. Remember how I mentioned echolocation being another asset this creature has? Which means the slightest movement, the tiniest breath, can immediately allow you to be seen by it. With ears that good, too? It can see you from ages away. It knows you're there. Which means they DON'T attack for sport.
'Evil' is a concept rarely seen in nature. Yes, a lot of humans can be evil. And yes, many creatures can be too. Animals hunt for sport as well. Cats, for example! Although even then, I wouldn't describe it as evil. Calling the death angels evil implies they're attacking out of malicious intent, which just isn't true. In moments of panic, they'll destroy. But they are fully aware of humans around them.
Humans need to breathe, and can't stay perfectly still very easily. The death angels would be able to see our main cast at several points, even when they're being quiet. They don't attack whenever they locate a sign of life. For example, the scene in the basement. Being that close, whether the water was running or not, that alien absolutely would've heard Evelyn and the baby's sharp breaths. It didn't care. It was clicking at them almost curiously before it heard the bang of the silo, to which it ditched them to stop the sound.
This scene is a great example of why they don't kill for sport. Injured and young animals are especially easy prey for a creature built so strong and nimble. Evelyn is shown to be terrified of the mere presence of this thing, but it never actually does anything in the scene. It moves about. Ignores her movements in the flooding water. Investigates the baby. Clicks curiously at her while she backs away. It moves slowly and on all fours, when we know while aggressive, they will stand up on their hind legs (unless sprinting) and move very fast.
This implies it was in... well, not a submissive position, but a nonthreatening one. It wasn't baring it's teeth (as best it could), it had it's claws tucked up and unused, and was in no way in a primed-to-attack mentality. Until the silo made a loud bang. And even then, it could've quickly sliced up the two in the basement before running off, but it DIDN'T. It just left, without a moment of hesitation.
Let's also acknowledge the anatomy.

This is a carnivore. With sharp teeth for ripping apart prey, sharp claws for defence, and thick armour for protection from it's natural climate, as well as strong, long legs for running, this is absolutely a meat eater. The fact it's so well equipped makes me wonder if their natural prey is just as dangerous as them, which is why they have such tough skin. Or if they themselves have something above them in the food chain.
They seem to be pack animals, as usually others aren't far behind when one is about. Such as the trio by the Abbott house, the few at the docks, the ones by Emet's hideout, and even that group sliding down the building in the Day One clip I keep seeing as a gif. With their knack for running included, I wonder if they function like lions? Blending into their environment back home, clicking to hear prey, then the whole pack going on the chase when their target is vulnerable, in a way.
I got distracted. My point was, in a year, all the bodies from past victims vanished. All those people in the town who were swiped left and right just vanished from the town. They couldn't have decomposed in such short time, which means something moved them when it was safe. Something like a carnivore needing food after it felt comfortable in the silent aftermath. The argument that they do it for sport is one I see all the time, and it's just not true.
Everything needs to eat. Carnivores need to eat. Animals need to protect themselves from suspected danger. They never eat on screen because whenever they're on screen, they're surrounded by noise and are DISTRESSED. Have you ever had a sick pet? Most of the time, it won't eat when it's ill because it's too stressed, uncomfortable or in too much pain. When having their ear drums assaulted, a death angel isn't going to sit down with a cup of tea and a grilled cheese. Also, I won't add it because there's blood, but in the scene with the old man screaming in the woods, after it attacks, you can actually see it go back on all fours and sniff about the aftermath, like a hungry predator catching prey to eat. This was probably the first and currently only on screen proof of my claim.
By all means, not all animals are meant to be tamed. Jordan Peele's Nope said that best. Yet I can't help but wonder about the individual. Every animal is completely unique. Some will tolerate more than others. Due to their realistic nature and the similarities to actual animals, in specific circumstances, could they be befriended?
Anyway keep an eye out for A Quiet Place 4 where someone has a pet one that wears doggy ear protectors and accepts meat in exchange for pets-- /j
#this is a very roundabout way of saying I want to pet the lizard cats#they can purr they are CATS#.../hj#anyway I do genuinely find them very interesting to study as if they were real creatures#I hope we get more insight into them in Day One#especially considering it adds Frodo to the mix#so we'd already be studying one species' adaption to their being on earth#the opportunity to compare natures is RIGHT THERE#I'm hoping š¤#a quiet place#a quiet place part ii#a quiet place day one#death angel#death angels#long post#zoology#I guess#maybe#let me have this I'm an animal nerd AND a horror nerd#tw gif warning#tw horror#analysis
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smallidarity highschool au
came up with this au like actually 2 years ago where it's mainly empires 2 smallidarity centric, with Jimmy as a student council member and Joel as an honours student who doesn't like the way Jimmy runs things around the school.
As payback for the regulations Jimmy put up that Joel thought was stupid, Joel does these elaborate 'The Office' style pranks on Jimmy (specifically) while Jimmy retaliates by trying his best to dig up dirt on Joel. This banter goes on for a whileā however Joel ends up doing the pranks less as a statement, and instead more just to see how Jimmy would react... with his comical, cartoony villain yells, and... weirdly cute face....? (YAOI YAOI YAOI YAOI)
very very old au drawings below:
from July 2023

šš joel does NOT look like a highschooler here šššš (i also wanted to draw angst in the first two ig idk a year later it's pretty cringe [i am still cringe]) (also partially inspired by when I read "Go for it, Nakamura!" and the mc reminded me of joel for no actual reason. or maybe i was just thinking about that manga while drawing smallidarity. idk)
from November 2022:
I think these doodles were genuinely the first instance of me converting from being against mcyt shipping to for shipping LMAOO
#smallidarity#my art#empiresshipping#finally writing out this au GOSH it's been in my head for so long#despite that I'm still not very sure about the au plot-wise ? š#like idk if i want canary curse limited life angst or not#(eg. Grian is the occult club president and Grian warns Joel about Jimmy's forboding demise#or to keep this au romance drama? without any fantasy stuff yk?#this was my first time making an au idk how else it goes lmao š#anyways hopefully day 2 of posting daily āļø#smallidarity highschool au#<- I POSTED OTHER STUFF ON THIS AU BEFORE PLS CHECK IT OUT MAYBE#also btw this is separate from that highschool isekai harem anime posting i drew a few months ago#extra thoughts: 'solidarity' and 'smallishbeans' are nicknames they got for themselved#'Solidarity' (probably) comes from Jimmy's campaigning for Student Council President (which he's tried for and failed many times)#and 'Smallishbeans' comes from a running gag between Joel Lizzie and Oli from a bit he did when they where kids#where he would act like a 2010's millenial tumblr girl and call himself a 'smol bean'#smallidarity daily#day 2
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Have you seen the recent comment made by Jelly Fish Field on your itch page for Project Hadea. I just read it, and found their view really interesting and extremely important criticism on how you've decided to write certain reactions. I love your writing a lot, so it was extremely eye opening what they wrote. What i'm getting at is, I would just like to hear your feedback on that specific comment! all love, and I do hope this won't be taken the wrong way!
I've seen it, yeah. and... okay, I've discussed my reasons for not using rape as a content warning before, and I stand by them; I'm not revisiting any discussion on what does and does not constitute rape. the content is warned for, by specifics of what occurs in the text, to give people the chance to make the most informed decision they can about whether to play. that's it.
as for the rest of it... there's things in there that I understand. I get being frustrated that you can't fully explore the extent of the operative's trauma, yet; I get feeling like the rest of the crew don't trust you, or like rohan is a bitch. they don't, and xe is.
the thing that I find disagreeable about a lot of these criticisms (and similar ones) is that I think they betray a fundamental misreading of the text: the operative is a war criminal. they are heavily armed, unstable, and trapped on a ship with civilians. they kill multiple civilians in chapter one; they might well attempt to kill rohan in front of everyone, and later succeed in doing so. they are a confirmed murderer, who by and large refuses to tell the civilians why they are so angry with rohan. this is by design.the focus of this story is very much about coming to terms with your trauma - from long before you meet rohan! you've been medically experimented on, had your personhood denied for a long time, and had any kind of human empathy stamped out of you. part of the point of the game is for me to explore how trauma can be expressed in ways that are deeply unpalatable - the operative is not a "perfect victim" (a phrase I loathe) and their trauma impacts the way they move through the world, drawing out reactions that aren't wholly sympathetic or empathetic, because their actions are often unjustified and cause real harm, or seem that way to those who don't have full context.
this is why joia is important, this is why your relationships with the crew are important. the crew aren't intended to be author voices, they're not the moral compass here or audience stand-ins: they aren't supposed to represent the "correct" approach to dealing with other people's trauma. no character in this situation is intended to be seen as perfect, but as a way to shine light on different facets of the story.
the operative is built a very specific way, for very specific reasons: this is intentional. they are a person who has been deliberately dehumanised, used as a weapon, who volunteered and fought for the right to be a scientific guinea pig for the war crimes company, in order to be of greater use to said company. they have had their bodily autonomy violated so habitually, for their whole career - they have been coercively used as a test subject by their employer - that they can't see it as an abnormal violation. this isn't to say it is justified, or to diminish the traumatic impact rohan has, but... it's not the operative's first rodeo here, even if it's the player's.
they're bad at processing their emotions. the operative Does Not Cry: this is a character choice I have made. this is because they have had that emotional response beaten out of them. the operative isn't capable of taking their own trauma seriously, because they're not equipped to deal with it. they can't look at it head-on.
likewise, nash isn't capable of being a gentle, reassuring, sympathetic person, much as they might want to; a big part of that relationship is the idea that the pair of you have to relearn to how to relate to one another in your new contexts, and that isn't a smooth process. nash also has reasons to be reticent with you that are yet to be explored - this relationship is undergoing development, with both of you as violent people who commit violent acts, and who relate through violence. your relationship is built on your capacity to commit violence together. they are not equipped to deal with violence affecting you in the way it might someone else, because you've both spent the last ten years being conditioned and trained to assault other people. part of the theme of this game is to explore the way these people might experience a uniquely traumatic violent event, and the effect this might have on their own capacity to endure and process violence again themself.
I understand that it might not be the way people want to play their characters, but it's the way the character is written, and I am doing that on purpose. all I'm asking is that you trust me when I say that this is not going to be swept under the rug, even in the least volatile relationship you can have with rohan. if that's not possible for you - if you can't trust me to do this - then you're welcome to stop playing.
#honestly i think a lot of the criticisms in that post come from wanting to play a different game.#if you don't like joia: this game is not for you#if you dislike all the characters: this game is not for you#if you believe wholeheartedly that sex under false pretences is always rape. then it is in fact warned for#i always appreciate feedback but this was so comprehensively complaining about every aspect of the game that i have to assume#that they just didn't like it#which is fine! but i'm not going to change everything about it; especially the things that are very intentional and thematic#anon#long post#sorry. got away from me
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5% of a color headcanon.... two versions since b&w emphasizes the dagger more i think but i still like the warm tones ASFSADA
i am not biased towards rainbow daggers whatsoever i promise (lie)
((also friend is streaming now and im there too!! bit more info linked here, its rated mature tho))
#in stars and time#isat#isat siffrin#i think tumblr is chewing on this ah well#its more of a weapon color headcanon than anything else tbh SAFASDA#but its very funny in my mind to refer to this as#insert percent amount of color headcanon here ASDASFA#i do not have many color headcanons tbh???#overall i would say i have like 1.15(ish) color headcanons that are solid in my brain across the cast???#the rainbow dagger has been in my minds eye for a long time#um SPOILERISH talk ahead in tag talk so be warned#i am serious!! turn back now if u dont want SPOILERS!!!#can u imagine if siffrins parents had lovingly crafted that white cloak and helped him pick out the pure black fit when younger#so they could be fashionably black and white like if things were in color or something#but then the first thing siffrin picks out on their own terms is literally the most colorful thing imaginable for the dagger#i do not know if that makes much sense but yeah#it is fun in my minds eye ASDAFA#actually is it ever mentioned where siffrin got the dagger??#was it also passed down????#ik the cloak was for sure from his family#and the pure black fit underneath is up in the air i think#tho if it was a first pass pick from parents#and he continued to pick it again and again after they got older subconsciously or not might be fun to think about#also do not mind the art style shift it might happen again LMAO#probably sparingly tho? who knows!!!#should i link stream in this post??? i dont know???#i feel a lil bad if it isnt related?????#oh well im doing it anyway because friendship :]#honestly did not think i would also have anything to post today but uh oops sorta just happened and it lined up so ASFASDA#anyway tag talk over stream time WOOO and i think i hit tag limit LMAO
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Queerness in Indian Media
ā³Film: RRR (2022, Telugu), dir. S.S. RAJAMOULI
RRR is a historical fantasy action drama that follows Bheem (NTR Jr), a Gond warrior who is in search of a Gond girl who was taken away from their home, and Ram (Ram Charan), the British Army officer assigned to catch him. Ram and Bheem meet under false identities and quickly grow closer, but everything is thrown into chaos once the truth is revealed and Ram is forced to choose between his ambitions and his attachment to Bheem.
Long before any white person had ever heard of RRR, queer Indians were cautiously optimistic that there would be something for us in this movie. There was the song Dosti, which felt more romantic than the average song about friendship; Bheem's intense declaration toward Ram in the trailer; Rajamouli explaining that there is no boy-girl romantic song (a staple of masala Indian cinema in any language) because "the romance angle is between these two guys only...bromance...they are the heroes, they are the hero and heroine, and they are the hero and villain"; the lead actors repeatedly questioning interviewers who referred to Jenny and Seetha as Bheem and Ram's love interests; and the writer, V. Vijayendra Prasad, being a huge fan of Salim-Javed movies, particularly Sholay, whose homosocial pairing has been read as queer by queer Indians for decades.
The movie itself gave us more than we could have hoped for from a project made on such a huge scale. Ram and Bheem mimic many of the "hero and heroine" pairings in so many masala movies, doing everything from the "slow-mo staring" for the first meeting, to getting a whole montage song for the progression of their bond, to dressing each other up, to dancing together at a party, to carrying each other, to rescuing each other.
The final rescue scene is perhaps the most telling, as it twists a well-known myth from the Ramayana by putting Ram and Bheem in the position of heroine and hero. It is not Hanuman who tells Rama where to find Sita in Lanka, but instead Seetha who tells Bheem where to find Ram. Bheem, upon finding him, promises to get him out 'even if [he has] to burn this Lanka down to do it'--then promptly carries him on his shoulders the way Hanuman carried Rama, to do away with any suspicions from homophobic audiences.
Those homophobic audiences still made their complaints--a glance at the oldest comments on any clip or behind the scenes video for RRR will make that clear--but they were drowned out by the many fans of the movie. Ultimately, like with any coded movie, the interpretation is up to the individual, but it is undeniable that a number of queer Indians felt that there was a romantic bond between Ram and Bheem. To dismiss that would do a disservice to the many queer people who have, are, and always will work quietly behind the scenes to write our stories, even if they can never say so directly.
#rrr#tollywood#rambheem#this was the hardest post to make simply bc every time I talk about rrr I feel very#'this article contains excessive information' dot wikipedia warning.#thank you to my beloved ivy who has heard all my Excessive Information. ur a real one.#anyway I really had to restrain myself with this one and still it is the longest post for this series. rip.#anyway. wanted to do this one before pride month ends and before I take a break from this series#to make other gifs for a while bc quite frankly these take a long time to put together and I need. a break.#queerness in indian media#long post
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gentle reminder for everyone to stop invading harmless spaces because you don't like their stuff, the block button is always available for you šš¼šš¼šš¼
#you also don't need to let them know your dislike for them#or the stuff they post#this applies to any blog you see including me#im not here to people please#i will post anything i want as long as i know it is harmless#and i will only content warn when necessary#this is mostly aimed towards people who send very nasty anons#or make very back handed comment#peoples creations are reflections of themselves#so please dont trample over them#with your perception#lets continue to create and have fun together as a fandom <3333
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an incomplete list of terrible but extremely popular Our Flag Means Death takes that I would like to never see again please
(and I do mean popular, as in, lots of people seem to think they're canon, to the point where I feel slightly insane and like I was watching a different show to everyone else)
1. Ed's mum was loving and nice and supportive, if hampered by her bad situation
this comes up more in fic than analysis, to be fair, but good god, what show were some of you watching? this isn't to vilify her, because yeah, she's clearly a product of colonialism, white christian supremacy, and domestic abuse, but like. that doesn't make how she raised Ed good. clearly she was trying to keep him safe, but "we don't deserve nice things", and especially "it's not up to us, it's up to god", speaks to me of someone who squashes down any ambition on her son's part, has fully bought into the lies of christian colonialism, and tries to pass them down to her son.
as does happen in colonised communities, particularly among older generations. I know us white people like to think that every indigenous person is a perfect left-wing anti-imperial activist, but that's simply not the case, and Ed's mum is so clearly an example of an older conservative christian indigenous parent who had to believe the lies told by their coloniser in order to survive, but is now passing on that trauma to their children. and I just...
if I read one more fic where Ed's mum is a perfect loving supportive angel who always believed in her kid and always supported and protected him, I'm gonna scream. yes, it's sweet, and it's fun to sometimes veer from canon and give your blorbo nice things, but it's still veering from canon. and yet, I see very few people acknowledge that, or actually talk about the nuances of Ed's mother, and how she definitely tried to protect him, but was far from sweet, doting, and unconditionally supportive.
2. Ed's loving look when Stede is picking food from his beard in 1x07
like most of these things, I enjoyed it as a joke or exaggeration at first, until I realised that people were actually being serious. but every time I watch that scene, I see Ed looking absently-mindedly over Stede's shoulder, because a) that's what you do when someone leans in to pick something off you, and b) surely the point of the scene is that they're so comfortable and easy together that they don't notice the intimacy of what they're doing, but Lucius, an outside observer, thinks it's obvious. right?? I can't be the only one seeing it???
anyway. finally, the really really big one:
3. Ed is a soft uwu babygirl princess femme bottom sub who loves her cat collar and is teaching Stede how to dom him in the "say you're the captain" scene
I mean, there's not much to say except to link to duke's absolutely phenomenal twitter thread about "how the 'babygirlfication' and infantilization of ofmd ed teach is an extension of racist perceptions of indigenous men being inherently violent and thus needing to be emasculated to be considered sympathetic"
but especially That One Fucking Scene, good lord. talk about taking shit out of context. everyone looked at a slowed-down gif of one shot in the trailer and cried "babygirl!! he's such a simp, he just wants to be dommed!!", when actually that scene is about how a) Stede is cringefail and terrible at being a typical harsh, commanding pirate, and b) Ed is lovingly embarrassed by this. he encourages Stede to assert himself (and give Ed something to do during his probation/help him make amends with the crew), but like. normally. he's acting perfectly normal in that scene, and mostly annoyed by the outfit and embarrassed by how badly Stede fails. but just because he's sitting down while Stede is standing, and he happens to take a breath in that one shot (because, you know, people breathe sometimes), everyone's doubled down on their "submissive babygirl" bullshit, and I can't get the fuck away from it.
which - listen, it's fun for me, too! it's fun to explore exaggerated aspects of a character, it's fun to read/write/draw that angle in smut, I get it! but I keep seeing people keep claim it's literally canon, and I cannot stress enough that that is Straight Up False. for the love of god, please just watch the show without your (potentially kinda racist) bias glasses on, and remember to treat the characters with respect instead of projecting onto their every interaction a shallow dom/sub binary just because you find it hot.
Our Flag is a show very specifically about masculinity, and what it means to be a man; how assumptions about that can harm and restrict men; and how men can grow beyond them. it's a nuanced and sympathetic examination of this. the whole point is that Ed is allowed to like nice fabrics and be tired of violent piracy and still be a man. the point is that two men fall in love - equal, honest, sincere love - and are still men, still exactly who they are.
(on that note, insisting that Ed is canonically trans or femme because of these things often ends up just leaning into gendered stereotypes: men are harsh and active and dominant, and women are soft and passive and submissive, and if Ed's not the former, he must be the latter, right? it also tends to hetero-ify the central relationship, casting Stede as "the boy" and Ed as "the girl", needing one to be masc and one femme. not always, and again, I understand and have enjoyed transformative works that take those elements and run with them, and explore what the story could be like if Ed were trans/nb/etc - but it's still a transformative interpretation. it's not canon.)
relatedly: those fucking wedding toppers! it seemed blatantly obvious to me that half the point of those scenes was that Ed is distraught and blaming himself for Stede leaving because he wasn't the ideal partner. it's his entire arc for the first half of season 2! Ed hates himself and believes there's something wrong about him that makes him unlovable. so he keeps and then discards the wedding toppers, painting himself onto one of them, because he's projecting himself onto an image of ideal/successful romantic love that he thinks Stede wants, and in which he doesn't fit. he's trying to mould himself into someone else to make himself lovable, not realising that Stede already loves him for himself.
so it's important to the whole narrative that Ed's yearning for/projection onto the wedding toppers is false, and born from his insecurity. he gets drunk, and play-acts a stereotypical image of romantic happiness into which he doesn't fit, but real love looks nothing like that, because real love isn't found in stifling hegemonic cultural structures, but honest, emotional connections between people allowed to be their whole, vulnerable selves. Stede is not like the groom, and Ed is not like the bride, because they shouldn't have to be. Ed should not (and does not) have to warp himself into a demure bride in order to be worthy of love: he's already lovable and loved exactly as he is! that's the point!! of the scene!!!!!!
like, it's important that the groom figure isn't actually like Stede, either. yes, it's blond and has a nice, peach-coloured suit, but a) Stede was very specifically unhappy in the posh, heterosexual, married state the figures represent, and b) Stede by this point looks nothing like that figurine. it's directly contrasted with the image of him in the rowboat, scruffy and plain and earnestly in love, rather than fancy, cold ceramic.
[EDIT 29/12/24: I ended up writing a whole Twitter essay about the wedding cake toppers that I then gussied up for Tumblr; so if you want a clearer, more substantial, and better supported argument about those, check that out!]
but no, I have to wade through swathes of art and fic and meta about how badly Ed wants to be a sweet little demure kitty princess, how he wants a wedding night and a ring to prove he's Stede's property, and acting as if this is somehow canon, because people on the internet have zero reading comprehension and are scared of brown men.
the whole point of Our Flag is that you don't need to compress yourself into prescribed social roles, and in fact, doing so will only make you miserable; and that racist, patriarchal, colonial institutions should be resisted and dismantled at every opportunity.
so tell me again why the ultimate message is that Ed and Stede should get married under an arch in front of an altar and their lined-up friends, with flowers and rice falling around them, all dressed in white, one in a suit and one in a dress, with rings and a kiss and a honeymoon after, before they move into a detached house with a yard and a fence and re-adopt the kids that Stede abandoned? and this isn't about promises, fidelity, or even monogamy - I'm specifically talking about everyone in this fandom who seems to think that the ultimate goal is the most stereotypical 20th century cisheteropatriarchal christian wedding, but with the name "matelotage" slapped on top, as if that takes away all of the underlying baggage.
just - I know we're all meant to hate men and masculinity and yadda yadda yadda, but actually, to be earnest for a second, men deserve respect too, because all people and all genders do. and two men are allowed to be in a relationship and still both be men - complex men, with their own, layered relationships to their gender - without having to fall into neatly-arranged dom/sub masc/femme roles, or seal the deal with a hegemonically-approved ceremony.
so please, stop reducing an indigenous lead character to a caricature of a femme uwu princess bottom just because he has long hair, wore a robe once, and you're too scared of brown men to imagine him with proper agency. and then please, for the love of god, stop claiming that that interpretation is canon.
#I can't tag this for my own blog organisation without putting it in the wider fandom tag so uuuhhhhhh#sorry to everyone who sees this but fair warning I'm being very critical of some popular fandom trends. dnr if you wanna avoid negativity.#Our Flag Means Death#gender stuff#Togas does meta#it's not an accident that all of these are about ed -_- i s2g some of y'all just CANNOT be normal about that man...#this was actually going to be a fairly concise post but then i decided fuck it i'm putting that whole last rant in writing#it's been building for a long time. and i've said lots of it irl before lol#it always feels sorta vaguely transmisogynistic but i s2g that's not the point#again i'm all here for trans reinterpretations and you can get off to whatever smut you like but they remain that: reinterpretations#they're not canon and stop saying that they are.
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If I change the events that brought you here, you will never come here and ask me to change those events. Paradox loop. The timeline disintegrates -- your timeline. And yes! Yes? Yes. I did just say no. Throw away the key. I have seen you change time. I have seen you break any rule you want. I know when I can. I know when I can't.
#they are INSANE#and so very toxic#and i have so many thoughts about this episode#i mean his face in the last gif?#that little imperceptible shift when he realizes she really was willing to betray him#doctor who#dwedit#dwgifs#dw companions#twelve#twelfth doctor#clara oswald#dws8#episode: dark water#peter capaldi#jenna coleman#long post#gif warning#i am going to be so annoying about this episode so beware of the influx of gifs#the 'do as you are told' gets me every time#control freaks <3
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what are the classic tennis rpf ships you like that we don't talk about enough?
rubs hands together WELL.
at one point i would have said juanki/ferru. the fic stats could use some work (altho they are moving in the right direction thank you team!) but it's talked about, like, as much as one could reasonably hope for. so. no complaints.
instead, RAFA/ANDY, THE REALEST BIG 4 MINOR SHIP. sorry but it's TRUE. teen andy calling his mom like, i met this boy and now i have to move to spain. the famous anonymous text flirting incident. rafa knowing exactly how to mess with andy and andy ALLOWING IT. rafandy > rafole i SAID IT.
marat safin/everyone. literally no one tour has or had a FRACTION of marat's game. exhibits a, b, c, d, e, i could go on.
andy roddick/mardy fish! what can i say i'm a sucker for childhood friends. (wow no way?) i actually used to know a ton of lore about them that i've completely forgotten but i'm sure it's buried in my gmail somewhereā¦
i must shout out federinka on behalf of my shadow associate who was once a dedicated federinka. i mostly think it's doomed and funny but after years of swiss tennis propaganda i respect it. (stan and mirka throwing down MID-MATCH remains an all-time Moment.)
look there was something in the water with flavia pennetta/roberta vinci/sara errani, in whichever combination you choose. i can't really say people should talk about it more when i myself am fully on board the erralini second act train but. there was something.
azarenka/sharapova where they're angrily hooking up because neither of them is with serena. ok this is not a classic tennis ship this is a niche idea that only i have BUT it's good one!!!!
and. last but not least. very much not least, in fact most. sigh. verdasco/lopez, my formative tennis rpf experience. ship that i can't talk about without immediately regressing to a teenager on livejournal. ship that tests my commitment not to tinhat more than any other. ship that preemptively ruined me for feliferru which is in every way a healthier nicer relationship featuring my actual favorite player.
like. whatever. it's 2025. they got over the INSANE WEIRDNESS that was so weird actual tennis blogs were writing about it. they retired. they both managed against all odds to establish stable long-term relationships. verdasco is writing impassioned paeans to their friendship on instagram that lopez does not acknowledge. it's. fine!
(breathes into a paper bag)
#feliciano lopez the second greatest proof point after n. djokovic#that what we're doing here with our cardboard cutouts has nothing to do with who these people are as people. lol.#i actually AM on board with a very specific iteration of feliferru but it's not built for the long run. that's a separate post.#ANYWAY THEN FERNANDO VERDASCO REAPPEARED IN A TOURNAMENT DRAW AND I FELT THE CHILL OF DIVINE WARNING#ficposting#ask
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If Siegfried is that adorable with the baby this entire season then Iām definitely going to die
#cutest thing i have ever seen#also my man paused for a heck of a long time before settling on āvery smartā. he tried so hard not to call his employee beautiful.#anyway! i am so happy and i have been crying! this was an excellent first episode and itās great to watch it live now#and my james is back so now weāre just waiting on my tristan. i will be WRECKED. warning you all in advance bc i know i wonāt shut up.#all creatures great and small 2020#acgas 2020#acgas s5#acgas spoilers#acgas 5x01#to all our boys#acgas post 2
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Snippets: Free Day Friday
Trespasser, In Which Jak Gets Another Bad Idea
When he'd hastily redressed and stumbled out of the garrison locker room before anything else could happen, Jak quickly found himself confronted by that Strom guy again.
"An hour? Really?" Strom pursed his lips disapprovingly. "You think we have some magic supply of water to spare?"
"Lay off, we weren't washing for an hour -- much as I'd love to," Daxter argued, "The big guy fell asleep!"
"In the shower? Isn't that dangerous?"
Jak shrugged. "How would I know?"
Strom decided after a moment that this fell under the category of "none of my business". He sighed and waved for Jak to follow him.
"The king says we're to put you up in the barracks for now." He eyed Jak's face, somewhat startled by how much younger he looked under the dirt. "How old are you?"
Jak shrugged. "Midway through seventeen-ish. I think. My "guardian" wasn't exactly a reliable source."
More things to file under "none of my business"
"Oh...kay..." Strom did his best to move past one or two odd questions surfacing in his mind. "Well that narrows down which dorm you're in, at least."
"How so?"
They stepped back out into the late afternoon heat, onto the main road through the Gate District. The burning sun barely touched Jak, deflected by his wet clothes as if he were wearing his own air conditioning. He decided to pretend it had been intentional. Just in case someone asked why his clothes were all wet.
They were led towards the end of a row of houses built into the city wall, leading to an impressibly high flight of stairs into some kind of coliseum. Strom did his best to explain as he led them up the stairs, but he wasn't usually the guy they called for rookie orientation for a reason.
"It's um. So- okay look. The Arena sublevels are divided into three floors: the hospital, the armory, and the barracks. Barracks are split between militia, citizen candidates, and teenage Squads."
He didn't explain Squads.
"You're going to end up in that last one -- probably Dorm 4, that's where they put orphans or unregistered foundlings."
"Orphans?!" Daxter chirped indignantly. Then he paused. "I mean. I guess it's accurate, but you didn't have to say it!"
They didn't end up in Dorm 4.
The Resident Advisor took one look at the slightly dusty, slightly soggy, boy and ottsel and assigned them to an empty bunk in the second hall, Dorm 2. Jak was handed a canteen and a folded set of sheets before being unceremoniously ushered down the hall and into a sparse dorm room holding two bunk beds. For the moment, it was empty.
"Lights are out at 9 bells, no exceptions unless you got a case of the screaming meemies," the RA said gruffly. He pointed at a bottom bunk without sheets -- Jak's, apparently.
"You're responsible for keeping that bunk at least clean enough to pass weekly room checks. Check the schedule on the wall if you want to know when mess hall is open. If you miss that, you can hit the markets, but you're on your own for paying for it."
Jak eyed the bunk uncomfortably. He was responsible for maintaining this bed? He probably wasn't even going to be here that long! He cringed when the RA pushed a twelve by six metal box across the floor with a terrible scratching sound.
"That's your footlocker. If you want a lock, get it yourself. You kids keep losin' em and now we're out." The RA snorted. "But most of the squad in your room is on home rotation this week, so you only have to worry about maybe Sam stealing your stuff. He won't, by the way. Too busy training."
He turned to go, then turned back quickly. "Oh. Gotta confiscate your gun mods, so don't lose your marbles when you get your gun back plain."
"The rot you do!" Jak protested, "I earned those!"
"Don't care." The RA shrugged. "None of your dormmates have and I don't want 'em getting ideas about "borrowing" em."
With a stern warning not to start any fights, and to not miss allotted mealtimes if he didn't want to go hungry, the RA keft Jak alone with Daxter. They stood in the center of the room, blinking incredulously.
"Well..." Jak said after several seconds, "It's not a cell."
"Or an alley," Daxter agreed.
He hopped down and examined the mattress. Nothing fancy, but it was miles better than they were used to.
"Here, gimme the fitted sheet."
"What's a fitted sheet?"
"The one with the stretchy corners." Daxter pointed. "That's the one that goes on the bottom. Wraps around so it don't get pulled off if you roll around a lot."
"...oh. Weird."
Jak handed the thing to Daxter and watched in fascination as his friend set about attaching one corner at a time. It looked difficult.
Before he could offer help, his talk-box activated. That was a bit of a surprise. They'd been traveling for two days already and nobody had made a peep. Daxter had thought they'd have noticed the first time he turned off the location tracker!
"Jak! Jak, where are you?!"
Samos. Jak's stomach churned.
"Don't know," he answered flippantly. "I think we just got put in an orphanage."
"Don't be ridiculous! Get out of whatever nonsense you two knuckleheads have walked into and get back to Main Town! Something is going on, and I need time to investigate without those blasted Deathbots shooting at me!"
"Life's hard."
"What did you just say?"
Jak scoffed, feeling a little of the bubbling anger of dark eco in his core.
"You can't handle a little gunfire? You didn't have an issue making a couple kids walk into it daily. You'll figure it out."
"How can you say something so horrible to me?! I raised you to be a hero, Jak! You sound like that mercenary!"
Jak snorted."Well good. Sig's the only adult in that city I still trust."
Samos sputtered for several seconds in helpless, bewildered anger. Then he gathered himself.
"Get over yourself, Jak! Lives are at stake! I don't care what you're playing at, you turn around and get back here before something worse happens!"
Jak rolled his eyes. The sage sounded like Ashelin. He tossed Daxter the top sheet and studied the foot locker, wondering if he should use it.
"Nah, can't."
"What do you mean "can't?"
Jak shrugged as if Samos could see him. As if Daxter hadn't placed a piece of tape over the lens when he got tired of the spying.
"Oracle says I'm not done out here. Wherever "here" is. Lay off, wouldja? The Precursors sent me out here!"
He listened to Samos's stunned silence a moment before dryly asking, "Did you think they only spoke to Onin, or-?"
"But-" the old sage stammered, "But why would the Precursors send you from us when our need was greatest?"
"Probably because yours isn't the only city in the world? There are other people out there, Haven can get over itself," Jak flung the sage's words right back at him.
"What makes you think there's anything beyond the walls other than ruined wastes?"
"Those eco shipments for Praxis were coming from somewhere," Jak reasoned. Then his voice darkened to match his mood.
"There's no law that says I can't investigate. Sandover may have turned into Haven, but that doesn't mean I'm chained to it. You people already tried that, remember?"
"I think the Precursors want me to find out who else survived," Jak said, though he wasn't sure that was it at all.
"I'll let you know if I find any sages."
"But Jak-!"
"Have to go, Samos. That hall monitor guy didn't say comm calls weren't allowed in the dorms but I need this thing, so I'm not taking chances."
He ended the call before Samos could make more than an outraged cough. When he looked down, Daxter was watching him with a funny expression.
"What?" he asked, a bit defensively.
"Nothin," Daxter said, unconvincingly. Then he gave a bittersweet grin. "Just never heard you stand up to Loghead like that before."
Jak looked away. "Should've been fighting him from day one. Like you. You knew he was bad news from the start, didn't you?"
Daxter rubbed his arm ruefully. "I um. I don't got a lot of memories of my folks. I was pretty little when the shark got em. But I remember my old man saying "Never trust a man who won't apologize to a kid", and then Samos came through dragging you. An'...an' you cried that whole first day, kept pointing to the sky and making a circle with your arms. And Samos ignored you."
Jak swallowed hard. "I don't remember that," he said softly. "Or much of Sandover at all now."
He sat down on the floor next to Daxter. The thanks he'd given Samos just weeks ago sat sour in his stomach. The real person he should've thanked had been right there beside him and he'd overlooked him just like Samos always did.
"Daxter?" he said gravely, "Thank you. For everything. All of it. I wouldn't be here without you."
Daxter leaned against his shoulder. "Well duh," he joked, trying to lighten a somber moment, "Heroes don't leave their sidekicks with weirdos! It goes against the bro code!"
Then he sobered.
"For the record, I don't blame ya for not knowing he had his hooks in ya. He um. I mean, you were real little, y'know? I think you maybe stuck with him at first because he was the only familiar face, and he used that against ya."
Jak laughed bitterly. "I wonder if I'd have had the guts to say all that if he was actually here?"
Daxter recognized the beginning of a spiral and elbowed him hard in the ribs.
"Well he ain't! And we're not gonna will that into existence with what-ifs!"
He scurried up onto the bunk and spread out in the middle of the mattress.
"Ahhhh! Hey, are you gonna know which morph gun is ours when we get the key to that gun locker?"
Jak pushed him to one side and, after a moment's debate, unlaced his boots.
"The stock on mine looks striped because of all the tally marks on it. The others are completely blank."
"Oh! Didn't see that!"
Reluctantly, Jak took off his goggles and gauntlets and dropped them into the foot locker. At least if it didn't have a lock, he could get them back out at a moment's notice. His knife and amulet he kept on him.
The Call hadn't subsided. He still felt it, and he still didn't know what it meant. So for now, that seemed to mean staying in this hostel/barrack/orphanage combination with more Wastelanders than he'd ever known existed. At least they were Wastelanders and not soldiers. He would've slept on the streets before letting them put him in a dorm with soldiers.
The wall schedule said that the cafeteria didn't open until 6 bells after noon. That left roughly an hour before they could find out if they were allowed to take anything from it.
For a time, Jak occupied himself by polishing his channeling ring with his damp scarf. Daxter tried and failed to braid Jak's hair, but the condition it was in was just too poor.
"Pal," Daxter said reluctantly, "I don't think these mats are comin' out."
Jak sighed in resignation. He'd wanted to avoid this -- the only haircut he could remember had been a traumatic buzzcut because a KG accidentally spread bugs through the cell block -- and got himself a spot in the cell two doors down from Jak when the bugs spread to Errol. (Who was absolutely hideous with a buzz cut, and was in utter anguish about his "beautiful hair". Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. It had been the absolute highlight of Jak's entire year.)
Jak took his knife, sheath and all, from the back of his belt and held it out to Daxter.
"Do what you gotta do," he groaned, "Just don't cut it all off."
The roommate who wasn't on "home rotation", whatever that was, came back midway through the haircut. In his state of exhaustion, he didn't actually see Daxter.
"Your...hair is falling off," he mumbled in confusion.
"It's on purpose," Jak said.
Sam leaned against the door to pry off his boots, then blinked.
"Wait, what?"
"He's getting a haircut, doofus!" Daxter sniped.
"Ohhhhkay, the kangarat is talking." Sam dropped his boot and stared with very wide eyes. "Cooooolll coolcoolcool everything's cool."
"Ottsel, not rat," Jak corrected. "Daxter is sensitive about that."
Sam swung a gear bag up over the top of the top bunk bed post. With little effort, he swung himself up the ladder after it. Apparently he shared the bunk Jak had been assigned.
"Are you new? I don't remember you," he yawned.
"First day here," Jak admitted, "still dunno what's going on."
Silence for a few seconds. Then, "So...does that mean you came from Outside?"
"I guess? Don't know how I got here from Haven, but I'm not complaining."
Sudden Sam was leaning over the rail of the bunk, spiky blonde hair falling in his face.
"No kidding? Me too! I mean, I ran away from Kras, but. Stowed away on a cargo ship and got caught at the docks."
Kras. The name was familiar. Something to do with racing, but Jak hadn't been paying attention.
"So you planning on the Arena too?" asked Sam.
"I still don't know what the Arena is," Jak said pointedly. "Is it for races?"
"See, that's what I thought at first!" Sam exclaimed, "But apparently the only races they do in there are Leapers. It's kinda a community place? Big meetings, festivals, executions, games, theater, combat trials-"
"Festivals?" Jak was mildly intrigued.
"Executions?!" Daxter was not.
"Yeah man. Though to be fair, there's so many ways to die normally outside the walls that it takes a lot to get the death sentence around here. You have to do something really bad for Lord Damas to kill you himself. Like "engaged in the slave trade" or "abused a kid" or "betrayed the city to enemies" kind of bad. Stuff that dishonors a warrior's name for life. Otherwise he gives you a chance for pardon in combat trials."
Jak squinted up at their temporary roommate. "How...does that work, exactly?"
Sam rolled back onto his mattress with a noncommittal sound.
"Depends on whatcha did I think. Smaller offenses you gotta fight a metalhead. Bigger offenses get you more than one metalhead. If it's bad but not death sentence bad, you fight other Wastelanders who already know how you fight."
"Remind me not to get on these guys' bad sides," Daxter stage-whispered.
"So then why would I enter the Arena if I didn't do anything wrong?" Jak pushed.
"Oh yeah, that's the other thing. Civvy candidates who want to be permanent residents gotta prove they can survive the three main dangers of the Wasteland: enemy shooters, treacherous terrain, and lava. So the king makes us do combat trials simulating those conditions until he's satisfied that we won't like. Immediately die if he lets us outside."
Jak considered this for a moment.
"Fair enough," he decided.
"No??? It's not??" Daxter finished slicing off the last mat and gave Jak an appalled look. "Precisely none of that is normal!"
Jak swept the clumps of hair onto the floor and leaned back to let Daxter continue braiding what was left.
"So...you prove you can handle yourself, and they let you stay?"
Sam reappeared over the rail. "Well, you also gotta prove you're willing to work. They don't like lazy people out here, everybody does at least one thing that keeps Spargus operational, even if it's just sweeping the sand out of the stables -- which is about all they let me do on account of last time-"
"What happened last time?" Daxter asked as he finished tying off three fishbone-braids.
They could almost hear the wince.
"I...kind of...failed so hard at wall patching that I dropped an entire bucket of wet clay on a district representative. He got a concussion. It was bad."
There was a chagrined silence, but then Sam rallied. "So yeah, I'm not allowed near construction equipment anymore and I can't switch chores yet. All kids get maximum one job a day, but you get to pick what you do once you either turn nineteen, or get through the third trial."
Wheels were beginning to turn in Jakās mind. He'd never given much thought to the future, but what if he just. Didn't go back to Haven? What if the crisis ended and he didn't go back? Might be nice to have a place like this on standby.
"So that what the grouch-in-chief said you're training for?" Daxter asked.
"Yep! Already got my first amulet and gun mod!" Sam said cheerfully. "First full trial hurts like a son-of-a-cob, but at least Scatter rounds are non-lethal."
"No they're not?" Jak sputtered.
"Yes they are?" Sam wrinkled his nose. "Scatterguns are what they give kids and civvy candidates because it's not live ammo?"
"No," Jak argued, "You can definitely kill with Scatter rounds. It just takes like six shots."
Sam stared at him with wide eyes.
"What the rot, dude," he whispered.
"You're telling me you've killed people with a practice gun?!"
"Well- well Haven doesn't know they're practice guns!" Jak defended.
"Okay..." Sam grimaced. "Well. Don't do that in your first trial. Only way anyone is supposed to be able to die is if they try to prioritize hunting an opponent over avoiding lava."
"None of this is making me want to try this Arena thing!" Daxter complained.
"What's the second trial?" Jak ignored Daxter's complaints.
Sam looked a little unsure suddenly. "Yellow eco trial. That's um. That's going to be my first combat to the death. And not many candidates signed up for this month's trial so it's just me and three others against a Marauder crew they captured."
"Colonists from the mainland," Sam explained. "They're wannabe Wastelanders and I'm pretty sure they're all insane because they run around out there with no shirts, ever. They also run most of the slave trade between Haven and their colony."
Jak's eyes darkened.
"They're slavers?"
"Yep." Sam shuddered. "I've seen some of the survivors brought back when the Wastelanders raid their camps or when Marauder defectors start a riot. They've been through it. And like half the Arena Guard are survivors of the Marauders, so the ring isn't where you wanna end up if you're a blood merchant."
"It's not the guards they should worry about," Jak muttered darkly. Before Sam could ask what he meant, he looked up. "So if you get through three trials, then what?"
"Full rights as a citizen, same as if you were born here."
There was a glint in Jakās eyes that only Daxter could see, and it Concerned him.
"Ja-aak, nooo-" Daxter groaned, but he knew it was useless.
"I'll go in with you, when they do the trial," Jak offered. "World could always use one less slaver."
"For real?" Sam raised his brows. "You've only been here a day, dude. You need to do some training before you're ready for that."
"Haven's an active warzone," Jak retorted, "and I got forced onto the frontlines for a year. I'll be fine."
"I mean. If you're sure," Sam relented, "I wouldn't mind the company."
"I would," Daxter grumbled under his breath. "I have some objections!"
So, it turned out, did Damas.
#Trespasser Jak au#Trespasser au#fic prompts#writing prompts#free day Friday#long post#jak and daxter#dadmas#king damas#Jak and Daxter and the adventures of dorm life#samos hagai#every time i worry that I'm character bashing Samos i re-watch the games and nope he's in-character#yeah Jak is NOT supposed to be anywhere near that Arena because he hasn't even been cleared by a medic yet#Damas had a very amusing reaction when he saw that gremlin in the ring#he is heard to constantly mutter over the next few months 'I'm either gonna kill him or take him as an apprentice'#he keeps warning Jak that if he pulls too many death-defying stunts in public he's going to end up with a legal guardian as a consequence#jak thought he was bluffing. he was not bluffing.
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Day 3: Asclepius
Interpretation notes and trivia under the cut!!
Woo boy, this guy was another difficult character to settle on both a design and an interpretation for! Asclepius tends to have two big schools of thought for his tale, either he's the tragic doctor who resorted to illicit methods in order to save his patients or he's a strict scientist who was so skilled at his art that his resuscitations were called magic but were just science. I don't actually mind either interpretation, but due to the way I personally see Coronis and the way I chose to interpret Asclepius' birth story, I chose to focus on a different facet of Asclepius; Asclepius the family man. The theme of geneology and the inheritance of 'curses' through blood and birth is one that permeates this work and Asclepius, in a lot of ways, has not only inherited both his mother and father's banes but his actions and talents create new ones for his children. Throughout this, and all the many messy crimes Asclepius will commit in the name of what he thinks is necessary and right, he will willfully ignore the warning signs staring him dead in his face screaming that he will leave the burden of his work to his children and it will be easy. After all, Asclepius has made a career out of ignoring his own father's warnings and cautions, what are a few more red flags to ignore?
Less of a character note and more of a personal thing, but for a very long time I used his teenaged design when sketching out scenes and ideas but after tidying up my timeline, I realised that he would be an older man throughout the events of the story!! Since he's properly mortal, he would have to look his age and while that was slightly intimidating since I've not drawn many older characters, it also made me very excited since characters in the 40+ age range are rarely protagonists of these sorts of adventure/fantasy stories and working in the physical differences between him and his brothers was extremely fun!
Some fun trivia:
Youngest of Apollo's children currently alive and kicking. Maybe it was because Apollo so intensely regretted the way he dealt with Coronis but he doted endlessly on Asclepius and essentially personally oversaw his education and training. Because of this, Asclepius, without a doubt, is the child with the best relationship with Apollo between the brothers and believes unfalteringly in his father even if they have many practical and philosophical differences.
Has a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to necromancy and communing with the dead and spirits beneath the earth. Because he was rescued from the torch of death when he was babe, he has retained a connection with the chthonic. While he cannot exactly see figures like Thanatos or Hermes, he can certainly sense when they are afoot. Is very aware that Thanatos cannot stand him and expects to be taken by Ker when he does finally die.
Always keeps gold coins on him on the off chance he is spontaneously struck down while doing research or healing some previously unhealable disease. His father, upon realising that his warnings would be thoroughly ignored, pleaded for him to do at least that since after Asclepius is dead, Apollo would be unable to intercede for him.
Happily married and has four children! His eldest Machaon chose to follow his footsteps and became a gifted surgeon in his own right while his second eldest Iaso chose to follow her mother's footsteps and become more of a nurse than a doctor. He's endlessly proud of all of his children and hopes his research makes the world a better place for them.
Was recognised by Apollo at 15 and became Doctor Laureate at 17. Lost said laurels at 22 after he revived his second corpse from the dead and since then has been on a strict probation when practicing his medicine. Has a mark on his left wrist that will fill itself out if he commits such an atrocity again and then he will be marked for death and supposedly tormented until he forfeits his soul.
On very good terms with Orpheus and the two often work together and catch up when they happen to meet up while travelling. Never knew Eurydice but he gets the feeling that he would've really liked her.
Despite being a son of Apollo, has absolutely zero musical talent and cannot dance. He can't maintain his hair either and would've cut it multiple times over if Apollo himself didn't stop him and chastise him for even thinking about such a thing. Epione does his hair. The little braids in his beard are courtesy of the twins Hygiea and Panacea who enjoy putting little braids in anything they can get their hands on.
Doesn't resemble his father or his mother actually! The relative he resembles most is his paternal grandfather Zeus, a fact that gives his wife endless grief because his hair is thick but not curly, a trait she covets. Asclepius having thick body and facial hair was also very awkward considering Apollo is incapable of growing body hair and, for a while, his lack of curls and cascade of body hair when Asclepius started puberty made Apollo doubt whether Asclepius was truly his or if he had saved Ischys' child instead.
Has zero self preservation and will hunt monsters and creatures for their blood, teeth, claws and hides for his medicines. Like his father, he has a personal 'wall of horrors' where he stores everything from gorgon blood to pegasus feathers to hydra venom. Sometimes gods in the guise of men will simply give him precious materials because they know Asclepius is the one who will take their unsolveable cases in the face of disaster. It is a very risky exchange and has only barely skirted by Zeus' notice because actual money hasn't been exchanged (yet).
Preferred weapon is the scalpel and doesn't like fighting humans. Has a fire-retardant mantle made from chimera skin Apollo gave him when he was a child that doubles as a very good shield in a pinch.
Favourite colour is withy purple and his favourite food is goat butter spread on bread and topped with celery, tomatoes and olive oil. Has a lot of snake themed jewellry that he's passed on to his son because he thinks they're too gaudy for his old self to be wearing.
#ginger draws#pursuing daybreak posting#the way I want to talk about Asclepius and Artemis but CAN'T because that'll inevitably lead to talking about Hippolytus??#and that is BEEG spoiler nonsense because Hippolytus' whole affair plays out so much differently here than in myth#anyway Asclepius is fun - a fun guy#if I had to describe his personality in a word it would be dangerous#Dangerous in the kind of way you can only be if you're tempting fate and have a family tbqh#Asclepius is well meaning but because he's gotten away with flouting rules for so long he has the confidence#of a man who thinks he'll always get away with it even after Apollo's warned him so many times#He also has what I affectionately call āDad-blindnessā#All of his brothers have gone through it - that phase where they're super disillusioned with Apollo as a father because they haven't seen#how ruthless and cold he can be as a god#most of Apollo's mortal children don't live long enough to actually get disillusioned? but Aristaeus and Orpheus very much#have a much more complicated view of their father than Asclepius' āApollo will always protect me because he's my fatherā view#no one tell him#asclepius#greek mythology#october art challenge
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