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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years ago
!Bakugou with a reader who has a “hyper feminine pink sanrio themed room"!
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scenario:-bakugou with a reader who has a sanrio themed room and is scared to show him~
pairing:- bakugou x gn!reader
this was written for @cloudy-zephyr who has allowed me to post it here!
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You were the pinky pink one if the bakusquad
Okay so was mina but like YOU were mainly the pink sanrio one
Soo everyone was PRETTY FUCKIN CONFUSED when u and bakugou ended up dating
Everyone wondered how the hello kitty kid managed to snag the orange and black colour scheme dominated explosion murder god
But despite everyone’s whispers,yall were a happy couple
Bakugou never made u feel like ur likes were TOO feminine or like it annoyed him
But u made sure that he didnt come to ur room often
Makin sure that if he was pickin u up for dates youd be ready five mins before he came to immediately come out the door without him getting a peak inside
You really REALLY liked bakugou and you didnt want to lose him over something as ‘silly’ as an ‘overly feminine pink sanrio themed room’
But one fine day(as fate would have it!)you fell asleep at his place after a movie with the bakusquad
He was all for u spending the night but his friends were just bein too dam loud😑
So he did the very rational normal thing of pickin u up (bridal style!) and takin u to ur room
He had a key of his own,for emergencies ofcc.
And the moment he stepped in and (somehoww) switched on he light,he was BLINDED by colour
And well
he looked around curiously as you lay asleep in his arms and just as he was abt to place u on ur pink cinnamonroll-sheet-clad bed u tightened ur grip on his arm(when did u grab his armm???) he knew pulling away would wake u
It always did,you could just sense eachother like that
Even in sleep
So he saw no other choice but to climb on in
He switched off ur lil lamp and got into ur bed
The introduction of his weight to the bed causing plushies to spill out off the bed and onto the floor
Luckily they didnt make a sound
And just like that he fell asleep while studying ur room even in the darkness
The next morning you were confused as to how u hd gotten back to ur room and when you looked to ur right u saw how...
FUCK was the first word to cross it mind
But bakugou seemed to be peacefully asleep so u decided to either just not address it or address it later
Later in the day when u woke up he was gone, a lil note left on ur bedside table telling u he went out
And when he got back you seemed nervous and on edge
Worried him
You were always so cool and chill but now you were the exact opposite
He dropped the bag that he was holding and rushed over to you,cupping your face
"What happened?"
"Nothing, dont worry"
"Okayy i just okqy its stupid but i just didnt want u to see my room cos like i dont wanna piss you off and annoy you and then lose you and-"
"Woah woah woah. Lose me???? y/n im not gonna leave u ovet a fuckin decoration style choice whatever its called"
"I love you for YOU not ur room"
You looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and determination
"Oh and," he said as he went back to the bagel he’d dropped
"This is for you,"
You took the bag with a suspicious look and a thank you
You opened it and lo and behold
you were ECSTATIC
You jumped into his arms and kissed him all over his face(like in those silly lil cartoons)
pfft I love you too y/n he said with a half smile and little laugh
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
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nathanbatemanfucker · 3 years ago
All Grown Up: Graduation
summary: reader supports aaron and jack when graduation pours salt in both their wounds. it helps her tend to her own too.
pairing: fem!reader x aaron hotchner, teen!jack hotchner x estelle ‘tess’ sanders
warnings: just a little family angst, feelings/sadness/grieving, kissing, fluff
an: our baby jack hotchner is graduating so he’s not so baby anymore. i genuinely cried while writing this (in my office at work, i know its bad). jack and hotch deserve moments like this and its a privilege to get to write them. i hope yall enjoy :’))))
word count: 1.7k
series masterlist | masterlist
When you wake, the spot next to you is empty and its no surprise. It’s an early May morning, the early May morning. Jack graduates from high school today in the late afternoon and in August, he and Tess will be off to Columbia.
Aaron’s been trying his best to be okay, he’s usually great at compartmentalizing but you can see the filing cabinet that is his mind about to burst and scatter. While it’s a huge accomplishment for Jack, you know it’s just a reminder that he’s going away. And with Jack’s departure to college, Aaron relinquishes some of his control.
When you make it out of your room, you peak into Jack’s to find him soundly sleeping. You continue down the hall to the living room stopping at the french doors that lead to the backyard. Since moving into the house, Aaron has this habit of sitting at the small pond in the backyard when he needs a moment. It doesn’t happen often, usually just around dates surrounding Haley or when there’s a particularly bad case. But you knew today you’d find him here.
You step out into the backyard, staying a healthy distance away from him as he sits on the small wooden dock. Studying him for a moment you watch his fingers thrum against the wood, bedhead dancing in the gentle breeze.
“I know what you’re thinking.” He says without turning around, picking up a rock and examining it.
“I thought you were a profiler not a mind reader.” You quip back, walking towards him.
He sighs before throwing the rock into the pond. “You’re thinking that he’s graduating and it shouldn’t be a big deal.”
“No, I’m thinking that he’s graduating and it is a big deal and that I’m terrified but happy for him.”
He looks up at you with an eyebrow quirked, completely unconvinced. “You’re terrified?”
You can’t help but laugh at his surprise as you take a seat next to him on the dock, grasping his hand.
“Of course I am, he’s our son and he’s leaving. But we’ve both had to do this and I think we turned out okay. You and Haley raised him right and I think I’ve done my fair share as well.”
“You have done your fair share. You raised him too.” He kisses your hand before tacking on, “And you’re good at concealing your panic.”
“That’s because I know your brain is going haywire and one of us has to be sensible.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked you.”
“I’m not sorry. And I’m fine, really, it hurts but I know it’s different for you. He’s always been yours.”
Aaron hates when you minimize the impact you’ve had in Jack’s life. His mouth drops into a frown, before he rests his forehead against yours. “He’s as much yours as he is mine.”
“Mom, Dad, what’re you doing?”
You and Aaron lean away from each other, turning around to look at Jack who’s hair is sticking up in too many directions to count.
You bite away your smile before starting to stand. “Just talking. You hungry?”
“Duh.” He replies with a smirk on his face.
“Start the coffee, I’ll make us breakfast. Do you wanna have Tess over?”
“No, she’s with her girls, but we can pick her up for graduation right?”
“Absolutely.” Aaron agrees easily.
“Sweet, thanks dad.” Jack heads back inside, whistling some random tune that you can’t place. It always made you soft how happy and light Jack turned out given everything.
Aaron moves to rise to his feet but you put a hand on his shoulder to keep him down, shaking your head. “I’ll leave you out here to brood some more, I’ll call you in when breakfast is ready.”
He places another kiss on your hand, looking at you with lovestruck, molten eyes. “I love you.”
“And don’t forget it. I love you too.”
Aaron is about to walk out of the room after getting dressed when you notice that his tie is crooked.
“Aht, come here.”You reach for his arm and he allows you to pull him close so that you can fix his tie. “There, you’re perfect.”
He leans in to give you a few thank you kisses, eventually pulling away before he starts something he has no time to finish. “I need to make a few calls and then I’ll start the car. Will you go check on him?”
“Sure.” You follow Aaron out of the room, heading in the opposite direction to Jack’s room. “Jack? Can I come in?”
There’s some grunt that comes out of him so you take that as an invitation. When you step into Jack’s room he’s standing in front of his dresser, a picture frame you immediately recognize in his hands. It's a picture of him and Haley.
He turns to look at you, an apologetic smile on his face, eyes wet with tears. He looks so much like his father. “I miss her.”
You close the door behind you, and take a seat on his bed, patting the space next to you. “I know honey, I know, come here.”
Taking his place next to you, he rests his head on your shoulder. “I wish she was here.”
“I wish she was too,” And you mean it when you say it, “but she’s watching, I promise.”
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, and you just hold him, smoothing his hair as you rock him gently. He pulls away to look at you, taking a deep breath. “You know how you told me to talk to mom before prom last year?”
You nod, tilting your head at him in question.
“Well usually, dad does it with me, and we light a candle and talk to her. But I thought maybe you could do it with me this time. Just so I can tell her.”
“Of course.”
You get a candle and lighter out of your bedroom and shoot Aaron a text to give you a few minutes. You sit next to Jack and light the candle, watching him with wet eyes as he talks to Haley like she’s there. It’s bittersweet, and shows you just how grown up he is already from everything he’s endured. He mentions his university, and Tess and even you, and it takes everything in you to keep the tears in. His talk ends with some sniffles and I love you before he blows out the candle.
Your arms circle around him as soon as the flame is out. “I’m so proud of you Jack. And she is too.”
“Thanks, mom. I love you.”
“I love you so much, handsome boy. Are you ready or do you need a minute?”
“I’m ready.”
Though Jack is only talking about himself being ready at this moment, you can’t help but feel that his words are truer and deeper than he realizes. You’re ready now too, for this and for all the moments after, including being away from him.
When Jack walks across the stage and is handed his diploma, Aaron is the loudest you’ve ever heard him in the 9 years that you’ve been together, whooping and clapping like his life depends on it. You don’t know how you could love a person so much, watching him be so excited and supportive in a moment that you know has caused him so much anxiety. You yell just as loud, and when they call the next name Aaron pulls you into a hug before kissing you slow and deep.
“What was that for?” You look at the people around you who are trying hard not to pay attention, your face warm from the pda.
He murmurs, his lips brushing yours with each word. “I’m just really grateful I get to do this with you.”
You smile so wide it makes your cheeks hurt. “Me too, sweets.” You whisper before the two of you turn back towards the stage.
Tess’ name is called long after Jack’s and the two of you stand to your feet again, yelling and shouting just as loud as you did for Jack. Knowing that her family couldn’t make the time to be here for her breaks your heart and pisses you off, but you and Aaron are happy to be stand-ins for her.
You and Aaron meet Jack and Tess outside, scooping them both into tight hugs and showering them with flurries of kisses on the cheek. Jack can’t even bother to be embarrassed by the affection because his heart is so full. He’s with his mom and dad, can feel the presence of Haley, and he’s got his girl next to him. In his eyes things can’t get much better.
You snap some pictures of just Jack, Jack and Aaron, Jack and Tess, and then some of all three of them. You make sure to get some of just Aaron and Tess, noticing the twinkle in her eye when you ask. Switching positions with Aaron you get the same combination with yourself before he asks some random dad to take some pictures of all four of you.
“Can we go find some friends and then head to the diner?” Jack asks, his hand in Tess’.
“Of course, you two take your time. I’m proud of Jack, and I love you. The same goes for you Tess.” Aaron gives him one last hug, before planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Thanks dad, I love you too.”
“Thank you, Mr. Hotchner.”
“Aaron.” He corrects, reaching out to give her arm a comforting squeeze. All Jack can do is smile before he and Tess run off towards a sea of other graduates.
“How are you feeling?” You loop your arm through his.
Aaron lets himself think about it for a moment. There are a lot of feelings and thoughts swirling around in him but there's only a few words that can describe the feeling. “Full. And ready.”
“Funny, I was gonna say the same thing. Maybe I’m the mind reader.” You joke before pulling him into a kiss.
An hour later the four of you are at the diner with a buffet of greasy, delicious food spread across the table. Through the entire meal you continue to sneak pictures of everyone while conversation about you and Aaron’s graduations spill out of you both. While Aaron pays you invite Tess over for a movie night and Jack asks if you can build a fort. You say yes because it's become a tradition of sorts; big moments warrant forts. It makes things feel right.
let me know if you’d like to be on the taglist for this fic in particular!
tagged: @ssahotchsbitch, @shyhotch, @azenpal, @chelseyjoyce, @hotchwhore15, @dadbodhotch11, @ssamorganhotchner, @choppa-style, @kuolonsyoja, @heliotropehotch, @averyhotchner, @zetasaturno99, @art-and-thoughts, @spngirl05, @g-l-pierce, @scuttling, @akira-155, @j-cat, @laurensprentiss, @ssa-montgomery, @thinking-bucky, @silvermercy, @lilacprentiss, @fightingdragonswithreid, @vintagesubmariner, @ashhotchner, @moonshine-evelyn, @emlynblack, @ssahotchnerxx, @sunshinexhotchner, @dindjarinneedsahug, @angelfxllcm, @ssahotchslover, @wheelsupkels, @multiverse-mxdness, @jaspxr , @gspenc, @sadgirlml, @jhiddles03, @hotchs-bitch, @marvel-mars, @hotched
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mgg-theprettiestboy · 4 years ago
my girls
matthew gray gubler x fem!reader
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request: REQUEST FOR FLUFFY DAD MATTHEW HEHE!! you and matthew are in bed cuddled up in the morning and just talking, then your 4 year old(imma name her adria but you can change it!!) daughter comes running in the room and throws herself on the bed with you two. matthew grabs her and starts tickling her and is all around being the BEST dad. matthew and adria go and start breakfast while you shower. when you come and go into the kitchen they are singing and dancing, matthew is doing most of the cooking but lets adria put in the chocolate chips for the pancakes. Yall have a wonderful morning together and at the end maybe you tell matthew that you want another baby but a boy this time and he’s like okay! as soon as yall get adira down for her nap matthew carries you to your guys room and says “baby time now.”
in which matthew is the dad of the year
warnings: insinuation of sex, getting a little handsy ;)
the best feeling in the world, and you would argue this until you died, was waking up in matthew’s arms. your head tucked under his, with both your arms wrapped around him, and his around you, while your legs were tangled together; it was perfect.
you heard him yawn softly, so you hummed and nuzzled your face into his neck, “morning.”
“hmm, morning,” he mumbled. his morning voice made you feel things.
“how much longer do you think we have until we’re interrupted?” you asked, and matthew smiled, “give it ten minutes. any longer than that and somethings up.”
you nodded in agreement, sighing happily as your husband traced patterns on your back lightly with his finger. his voice broke the peaceful silence, his voice dreamy, “you’re so pretty.”
you pulled your face out of his neck to look up at him, meeting his gaze as he smiled softly at you, “and don’t you dare try deny it. you’re the prettiest woman in the whole world, bubba.”
“hmm, and what about adria?” you asked, propping yourself up with your elbow. he moved his hand that was on your back to your side, humming, “she’s the prettiest girl.”
“good answer,” you laughed, and he grinned.
“i know,” he said, before pushing you back down on the bed, hovering over you as you giggled. your giggles quickly turned to soft moans as he began to kiss down your neck, sucking at those sensitive spots that drove you insane.
“tickle fight?” adria’s voice came from the door, and matthew slowly moved his face back from your neck, before smiling at your daughter, “sure is. and daddy won.”
you gasped, “that’s not fair, you’re stronger than me. i didn’t stand a chance!”
“save mommy!” adria yelled, before letting out a battle cry as she barrelled towards the bed. you didn’t know how a four year old could move so fast, but she was a miracle of movement, your daughter.
next thing you knew, she had jumped on top of matthew at the end of the bed and was trying to tickle him, but instead was screaming with delight as her father tickled her instead.
“mommy, help me!” she cried out, and you quickly scooped your daughter into your arms and sat back up at the top of the bed, laughing as you wrapped your arms around her, “i got you, baby.”
matthew pouted, “you stole my princess.”
adria stuck her tongue out, making matthew gasp dramatically, which made her giggle. you patted your daughter’s back, “okay, up you go addy, mommy’s gotta go for a shower.”
“momma,” she whined, wrapping her little arms around your neck, “stay.”
you gave matthew a pleading look, but he was one step ahead of you, standing up beside the bed, “ok, i’m going to start making the pancakes then.”
“pancakes?” adria’s head turned to her father, and you grinned. he was the best dad, and he always knew exactly what to do. you were one lucky woman. matthew nodded, “mhm. i’m going to put something extra special in them too.”
“blueberries?” she whispered, mesmerised by the mystery of the pancakes that her father was creating. he shook his head, “even better.”
“what is it daddy? can you tell me?” she asked, standing up on the bed to stand beside her dad, her eyes wide. he nodded, leaning down and whispering something in her ear as you watched with amusement. she gasped and covered her mouth, as matthew nodded. she moved her hands away to whisper, but you could hear her as she spoke, “can we surprise mommy?”
“sure thing, sweetheart. you wanna help me make breakfast? that means whenever mommy’s done in the shower, the surprise pancakes will be ready to eat,” he said, and she nodded, her little brown ponytails bouncing, “yes yes yes! smart daddy!”
he chuckled and lifted her into his arms, before looking to you, “we shall see you after you shower.”
“sower momma!” adria grinned, and you laughed and nodded in agreement. you stood, kissing adria’s forehead, before kissing matthew, and then heading to the bathroom.
after a quick shower, you opted to put on leggings and one of matthew’s sweaters, before heading downstairs. you could hear your husband and daughter from upstairs, grinning at hearing them singing.
you peaked your head into the kitchen, to see matthew doing a very dramatic rendition of ‘part of that world’ from the little mermaid, and adria clapping her hands as she sang along from the counter. he used a wooden spoon as a microphone, pretending to pass it over to adria as she sang off-key.
“mommy!” she squealed when she saw you, hopping off the counter. you gasped as you began to move, but matthew was closer, and quicker. he managed to catch her with one hand, the other hand holding the bowl of pancake batter. he let out a sigh of relief as adria ran over to you, clearly unbothered. you lifted her up, sighing softly as well as you hugged her, “you have to be careful addy, you almost hurt yourself there! what if daddy didn’t catch you? you’d have a bump on your head.”
she pouted, before turning to face matthew, “thank you for catching me dadda.”
matthew smiled softly, walking over to both of you before squishing both of adria’s cheeks with one of his hands, “that’s okay addy. next time, just ask for help, okay?”
“mkay,” she said, giggling as her cheeks were squished. she turned her face to look up at you, “watch a movie, mommy?”
“which movie?” you asked, and smiled as you watched her tap her chin in thought. she was such little drama queen. she definitely took after her father.
“lil mermaid!” she yelled, before squirming until you set her down again. you smiled as you watched her sprint into the living room, smile widening when you felt matthew hug you from behind, “why don’t you two go watch the movie while i finish up breakfast?”
“sounds good. i love you,” you hummed, leaning your head back to kiss him softly. he returned this kiss happily, murmuring against your lips, “i love you too.”
you smiled as he moved his hands to your hips, pecking his lips once more. you gasped as you felt his hand squeeze you ass, whacking his arm as he grinned.
you rolled your eyes, smiling as you walked into the living room to see your daughter standing in front of the tv, gripping the remote with both her hands and pressing buttons while she tried, and failed, to find the movie.
she perked up as she saw you, holding out the remote, “mommy! help pease?”
you smiled, nodding as you took the remote, before scooping her up in your arms as she giggled in delight. you sat down on the sofa, adria in your lap, as you turned on the movie for her. it kept her attention for five minutes, before she jumped off of your lap and ran to one of the many baskets of toys in your house, beginning to pick out toys to play with.
matthew walked in with two plates, and adria dropped her toys as she ran and jumped onto the sofa. he laughed, handing a plate to you and a plate to your daughter, “chocolate chip pancakes for my two favourite girls.”
you pretended to gasp, looking to adria, “chocolate chip?”
adria nodded excitedly, “yes! daddy’s idea, and i and i and– i got to put them in!”
“wow! good job addy,” you smiled, beginning to eat your pancakes. matthew went back into the kitchen to get his own plate, before joining you both on the sofa as you all ate. adria went back to her toys after she ate, running around the sofa as she sang along with the movie, as she swung her dolls around. matthew moved the plates to the side, before pulling you close as you both cuddled together, chatting as you half-watched the movie.
“we made a cute kid,” you mumbled, smiling softly as you watched adria play. he smiled as well, nodding in agreement, “we really did.”
“maybe we should make some more,” you said, glancing up at him. he looked to you, before his smile widened, “yeah?”
“yeah,” you nodded, and he leaned in and kissed your cheek softly, “i like the sound of that.”
you grinned, before moving to nuzzled your face into his neck as his hand began to rub your back. after a while, you felt him move before chuckling, and you moved your head to see what he was looking at. adria was sitting down and playing with her dolls, but her eyes were closed.
“are you tired baby?” matthew asked, and adria shook her head. you had to bite back a laugh, “you wanna come here and cuddle with mom and dad?”
she nodded, dropping and dolls and rubbing her eyes, before standing and waddling over to you guys. you both pulled her up to you and wrapped your arms around her, as she whined softly, cuddling into her parents. matthew moved to lift her so she was against his chest, pulling back slowly before walking upstairs with her. you turned off the tv, tidying up a little before following them up the stairs.
you reached adria’s room just in time to see matthew tuck her into bed, kissing her head softly and ticking her hair behind her ear, “daddy loves you so much, baby girl.”
“love you too,” she mumbled out, before closing her eyes completely and rolling over in the bed. he smiled, kissing her head once more before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. you smiled up at him, “you’re such a good dad.”
he shrugged, smiling bashfully, “it’s not always so easy.”
“don’t i know it. she can make it hard sometimes,” you laughed. you took a step back as matthew took a step towards you, and did it again, until he had you pinned against a wall. you bit your lip, before gasping as matthew picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. you laughed, shaking your head as he took you back to your bedroom and making sure to close the door behind him.
“we’ve got a few hours now. i figured we could get a head start on the baby making,” matthew said as he threw you back on the bed, making you grin and nod, “i want a baby boy this time.”
“i’ll try my hardest,” he joked, making you laugh, before leaning down and kissing you deeply.
i’m soft
taglist: @slutforthegubes @pinkdiamond1016 @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @fallinallinmendes @beyonces-breastmilk @spencerlikesapplejuice @pastathighs @gcblers @hushfakebitches @ijustcomeheretoread
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jeonfiiction · 4 years ago
Kitten - J.K.
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Pairing: jungkook x reader genre: smut word count: 1142 warnings: dom!jk, female!reader,sub!reader, hybrid!reader, a little bit of brat!reader, light degradation (he calls reader a bitch), hair pulling?, honestly light eh smut and fluff
A/N: My first fiction, on this account. I have posted this on a different account but that one was deleted and I wanted to post something. This is very old and kinda..very much so sucks in my opinion but I hope yall enjoy!
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The sunlight seeped through the slightly open windows of the bedroom. Soft purrs and a light chuckle is the only sound that echoed off the walls this early. Jungkook had known when he had met you that dating a Cat Hybrid would be different and the early morning wake ups had become a part of his daily life. 
"Good Morning Love." He softly whispered. Your head nuzzling into his neck, ears brushing his jaw. Your lips left soft kisses on his skin and your arm slowly moved to wrap around his neck to pull him closer. He could feel your tail brushing against his leg from under the sheets and a sleep filled smile spread across his lips. 
"Morning." You replied after a moment. The deep hum from your chest ceasing as you slowly looked up to him. Free hand moving to rub your eyes. His brown orbs looking at you with love and softness. 
"Breakfast?" Jungkook asked gently. Leaning up on his elbows. Sheet sliding down his bare chest and the action gaining your attention. Those sharp eyes moving to the contours of his muscles and slight smirk forming on his lips at how you soaked him in. "Kitten, breakfast?" He repeated and stopped a chuckle when your cheeks flushed a soft pink and you nodded. Jungkook watched as you climbed from bed. His shirt on you, your favorite thing to sleep in, falling to your thighs. Tail waving a tiny bit where it peaked out from the shirt. His teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he watched you walk away with a teasing shake of your hips. 
Jungkook hummed as he moved around the kitchen to cook. Solely focused on the task at hand and paying you my mind when you strolled into the kitchen, still wearing your night clothes. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly as he concentrated. Even if the task was simple, he always seemed so focused and intent on doing his very best. 
Your eyes however, didn't linger on his facial expressions long. Slowly running down his still bare chest. Ears twitching at the sight of your fading nail marks on his chest from a few nights ago, when a part of Jungkook had come out. Your normally sweet giver of a lover had turned almost feral and the thought of seeing that side of him again made a shit of arousal go through you, your tail stilling. The way his sweatpants hung low on his hips had more nasty thoughts developing in your mind. 
Like how his eyes had turned dark. 
His hands running over your skin, tugging your tail. Face pressed into the pillows as he…
"Baby?" His voice made you jump. Eyes snapping up to his face and you felt your cheeks grow hot. The human man's eyebrow rose slowly at your reaction before chuckling. Your ears are pressing against your head in shyness.
"Ye...yes?" You said softly. Ears twitching up a tiny bit and your tail wrapping around your leg. 
"Come here." Jungkook said quietly. Beckoning you over with one finger. Your ears pressed down again. Biting down on your lip and deciding to test the water. His eyes narrowing when you shook your head. "Hm? No Kitten?" Jungkook asked slowly. He knew you were playing. You could see the way his eyes sparked with a knowing glare. Something dark underneath the usual sweet caring man. That very thing making your thighs pressed together. Tail unwrapping and swaying a little. 
Jungkook's eyes flickered to your legs before raising an eyebrow. Moving a little to turn off the stove. Your lips twitched almost into a smile but you stopped yourself when he turned back. 
"You are going to get yourself into trouble, kitten." The nickname came out as a low growl. Even if he was human, it made your ears go up and tail still. Your lips spread into a shy smile as he started towards you. 
Your face was pushed down into the pillows the second Jungkook had taken you to the room. Your (his) shirt had been taken off somewhere along the way and you were grateful for it. Loving the way his hands ran down your bare back before reaching your hips. Tail of yours brushing against his hand. 
"Still not satisfied?" Jungkook hummed. Your response coming in the form of a muffed whine when he ripped off your underwear. Hands of yours holding the sheets, lifting your head a bit. "Head down." He ordered and watched as you dropped it back down. 
His fingers slowly ran down your ass before you felt the bed shirt. Legs of his being forced between yours to spread them and his bulge being pushed into your ass slowly. 
"Feel that?" He growled. His free hand leaning and wrapping in your hair to yank your head up. Ears twitching as you whimpered. Enjoying the pain the tug had caused. "Little girl. Makes me so hard." Jungkook's lips moved to your neck slowly. The hot breath coming from them sends shivers down your spine. Legs spreading more and pushing your ass back against him. 
"Want...more." A soft purr escaped from your lips as he let your head drop to the bed and slowly grinded into you from behind. Your ears twitched when he pulled away a little and after a moment, felt his bare cock brush against your folds as he pressed himself back against you.
"Ready baby?" Jungkook whispered, a subtle change in his demeanor. Your head nodding quickly and pushing your hips back more. He hummed before slowly pushing his thick shaft on whilst gripping your tail. Enjoying the loud purr that escaped you. "Fuck...such a tight bitch of mine." 
Your mouth fell open as he thrusted hard into you. Feeling so full of him. Always so full of him. The addicting drag of his cock against your inner walls bringing out loud moans and whimpers. Clawing the sheets. His free hand moved down slowly. Pressing himself against you and rocking his hips. Skilled digits finding your clit and slowly rubbing it. 
"Come kitty." He ordered. Feeling your walls tighten and finally the pleasure exploding behind your eyes. Eyes rolling as you cried out. Tail wrapping around his hand to try and help ground yourself. "Fucking hell." Jungkook groaned. Letting himself release inside you at the feeling of your tight walls around his cock. "My good kitty." 
Your legs still shook as he finished lotioning them. Rubbing the inside of your thighs gently before pulling his shirt down to cover you. Your ears twitch as he laid beside you. Arms wrapping around your body. 
"I love you Kitten." Jungkook whispered, pecking your lips. Eyes of your closed but a soft smile spreading across your lips. Heart growing with your love for him.
"I love you too Guk."
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xsarcasticwriterx · 4 years ago
Wonderwall-part 6
Summary: The aftermath of drunken boys from the night before has repercussions
Warnings: swearing,angst
Pairing: Tony x reader, Stucky x reader
Notes: agh i love writing this story, it includes all my favorite x readers even if the tony x reader is more a one way thing
Wonderwall masterlist
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You wake up hearing small groans, lifting your head you see bucky leaned over the toilet. you laugh "i hate everything" bucky groaned puking up well nothing "welcome to my world" you sit up rubbing your eyes.
bucky moves to the sink washing his face. "ugh move over" you said walking over, kneeling and puke up everything in your stomach. you stand groaning "think we need a new toilet after this" you look down at your stomach. bucky laughs "definitely"
The bucky went off to do some paperwork that needed to get done and you well you're still pregnant, so you just moved from one place to the next. So there you were on the couch watching your 5th movie.
you hear footsteps and peak over the edge. tony. he looks at you. you look at him. he starts to charge off and if there was a pregnant women's marathon you'd be the winner because you chased down stark and shoved him down.
pinning him down you hold him there "stay" he moved around "god for a pregnant women you sure have some strength," he said. "stop" you grabbed his shoulders. he stopped moving and laid still. "good"
you held him down still just in case "what the fuck do you mean you love me? you can't just drop that on me and run" you said. Tony's face dropped "nothing" he groaned. "tony stark if you lie to me once more will slap you" "it's nothing really I just.....the reality of us having a kid set in ok. we created another life. me and you. that happened for a reason ok the world didn't let it end in space for a reason hell we slept together for a reason. Were the same and it just makes me feel less alone and I love my baby so much already and in turn..." "you love me" you nodded looking to the side.
you understood, of course, you did. this all started because you dreamt of him and that's because you cared for him deeply. you still care for him deeply but then it was because you two were alone and now...well now it's only because whenever you see him you remember he caused the best thing to happen sure it wasn't meant to happen but it's sure the best thing.
"tony...look whenever I see you whenever I'm around you remember this beautiful baby inside of me and I feel happier than ever but...that the baby and while ill always care for you and be connected to you through them..." you couldn't say it and see his heartbreak from you. tears filled his eyes and your heart shattered. he nodded "can I go now?" he asked. "tony...please don't avoid me" you whispered. he shrugged well as well as he could with you on holding him down "I'll be there when our baby is born, ill be a father, ill be there for the ultrasounds but uhm us...I don't know just give me time please" and with that you let him go. getting up and walking back to the couch.
you hated to hurt him, but you also knew that you couldn't give him false hope. He's your friend and the father of yalls baby but you were with bucky you'd always be with bucky and depending on how things go...
the door slams open from a hallway cutting off your thoughts. "y/n!" bucky called for you. you saw him turn the corner with a confused and stressed and anxious face "buck?" you walked over to him grabbing his face. "have you- have you spoken to steve?" he asked out of breath. you gave a small breathy laugh "yea last night he was wasted" you smiled. "so you- you- he- huh?" bucky was clearly freaking out. "ok ok come here babe" you pulled him sitting him on the couch.
"babe how do you feel about steve?" you asked slowly. "baby we're together I can-" "how.do.you.feel" bucky just looked at you confused "honestly id love to go out with him," you said with a shrug. bucky looked confused and shocked now "baby," Bucky said with a soft sad tone "oh no no no babe with both of you"
well, now bucky was just really confused. "bucky baby just answer the question, please. how do you feel about steve?" you asked gently setting down on his lap while stroking his hair. bucky sat thinking back on his bond with steve. sure there were times when he looked at steve and thought how beautiful he was. like the trip that steve and bucky went on and they sat in the son, god how bucky thought steve looked so beautiful and his hair glowing blonde. Then there was the day they met and bucky saw the bloody beat-down boy in the alley, all he wanted to do was hold him and protect him from the world. Then, when Steve first got ditched on a date and steve went to buckys house at midnight, they sat by the road talking till the sun came up. Steve started laughing, then crying and bucky did hold him then but when steve sat back up all bucky wanted to do was hold him close again and beat the women who hurt him.
bucky looked up at you, the beautiful woman in his lap who was casually playing with his hair. he wanted to say no and things just go back to normal but looking at the beautiful girl in front of him he knew that he just needed to say it. "I love him," bucky said looking down.
you stood up "stay here," you said walking into the hallway towards steves room. you knocked and waited, you had a plan. Steve opened it with wide eyes. You grab his hand yanking him to the living room. "Tell him" you state. Bucky blinks a few times. You stare at him. "Speak boy speak" bucky clears his throat. "Steve uh i uh like you too" bucky slowly spews out. Steve blinks. Bucky stares wide eyed he said that at the floor, you smile and clap your hands. "Great ok now me you steveo here are going out. Tonight. So get ready and be prepared by 7 tonight." You state and run back to your room proud of yourself.
It was 6:00 and you decided to shower. after you curled your hair [if you already have curly hair then just imagine your fav hair style] ad put on some eyeliner and lipstick. you put on a nice dark red dress with lace at the top and bottom. you checked the time seeing it was 6:50 and walked out into the living room. A few minutes later bucky came out in a nice suit and his hair in a bun. you smiled wide at him walking up to him. he had two bundles of flowers. "uh here" he said handing you a bundle.
"thank you buck" you kissed his cheek. soon after steve came out also in a nice suit. he looked very nice and he also had flowers. you smiled at him and bucky grinned. you were glad bucky seemed to be loosening up some. "looks like we had the same idea" steve smiled. "ah my '40s boys and their flowers" you smiled. steve and bucky laughed while steve and bucky exchanged flowers and steve gave some to you. "guess we should do something with these" you said looking down at the flowers. you each separated to put the bouquets in yalls rooms.
after you all joined in the living room again. "so what're we doing?" bucky asked looking at you. you smiled grabbing their hands "she's smiling....i'm worried" steve said. "me too" bucky replied. you dragged them to the screening room. you had set it up to have candles down the walkway and a ton of movies and all three of yalls favorite food.
"the screening- whoa" bucky said seeing the beautiful scenery. stark had wanted the room to be comfortable so instead of chairs yall had couches and some personal chair. the avengers often gathered here after long week of missions. "this is beautiful y/n" steve said smiling. you three took a seat at one of the sofas you had food in front of it and blankets. "what are we watching?" steve asked. "well i figured i'd take this time to catch you two up on what yall have missed and since i knew bucky loved reading the hobbit were watching the movie" "THEY MADE A MOVIE?!" bucky said looking at you. steve laughed "oh no y/n you may have just won this date already" you smiled.
you three mostly sat in silence but slowly you three started to cuddle. you head was on steves should and bucky had gotten tired and layed on steves lap. steve was holding your hand and stroking bucky's hair. honestly your not sure if any of you were really watching the movie or were more focused on the contact between you three. after the movie ended bucky had seemed to fall asleep. steve smiled down at him and gave a small laugh. "looks like a 3 hour movie is too long" steve said. steve picked up bucky bridal style and you two walked quietly to bucky's room.
steve layed bucky down and tucked him in smiling down at the boy. you loved seeing steve so enthralled by the man. you always knew of steves feeling towards bucky and finally seeing them act on it was more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
steve nodded out to the hallway. you two were right outside bucky's door but far enough that you wouldn't wake him. "i had fun thank you y/n for pushing us to this it was really nice" steve smiled "of course i'm just glad to see you finally admit to how you feel bout bucky" you smiled. you two were just smiling softly at one another. steve leaned down and you leaned up both meeting halfway.
steves lips were softer than you expected. it wasn't a long kiss, it was short and soft and kind. pulling away you smiled at steve "do this again sometime?" you asked. steve nodded "id like that as long as buck is ok with it" you smiled and kissed steves cheek "night steevie" you said walking to your room "night y/n"
"steveeeee" bucky groaned out half asleep. steve laughed walking in and up to bucky. kneeling down to be at face level he could see bucky's half asleep eyes. "what is it buck?" steve asked. bucky pulled steve into a kiss. it was rougher than yours and steve's but still short and kind. "i didn't see it fair for her to kiss you and not me too" bucky gave a sleepy smile. steve smirked. bucky scooted over and patted the bed. "little soon isn't it?" steve tilted his head. steve could barely see it but bucky rolled his eyes. "were not fucking just sleeping in the same bed don't act like we haven't done this before" bucky groaned "but that was different" "steve. just get in the fucking bed" bucky huffed. steve got in and bucky snuggled up to steve. "you cant be comfortable that way" bucky said poking his shirt.
"seems like an excuse for you to get me naked james" steve said with a smirk. "again....nothing i haven't seen before" bucky said. while the boys were close and they had seen each other undressed before this time was different. when steve removed the button up shirt and bucky removed his and his nice pants the tension of the room rose. laying back down bucky snuggled up to steve. while the two would love to just jump each other they knew they needed to take things slow and talk about how stuff like that works in this case. And bucky was really tired and fell asleep as soon as he was comfortable. snuggled up to bucky steve too fell asleep peacefully and comfortably.
Tag list:
@solielsfanfics @vicmc624 @mylifeispainandiloveit @frostay
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heyitsyn · 5 years ago
'Siri Am I Having a Stroke?’ Sofia the First
Soulmate!Daichi x Reader Soulmate!Tendou x Reader
a/n: lmao, yall finna know what kind of soulmate au this
when your soulmate gets hurt, you kinda get hurt too
the music your soulmate listens to or constantly sings is always playing in your head
request:  Can I request a daichi, tendou, and aone soulmate au headcanon 🤲🏽😩 they're my faves, I wanted to add some more but there could be a limit? I'll request again next time ^^
a/n: sorry anon but ill only do daichi and tendou bc im not very familiar with aone :( but theres not really a limit so go ahead!!
requests open!!
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so anyways
for most of your life, you thought you didnt even have a soulmate
there were no scars, no bruises,
this other half of yours was completely silent and you really thought that youd die forever
but, you
you were a wild chile and you were the type to go playing outside w your brothers and get a lot of cuts
maybe that was why you thought you didnt have a soulmate bc when your soulmate does get hurt, you wouldnt see it since youd think it was one of your own
now, daichi
he worried for you
new scars and bruises would appear on his arms overnight and he fussed over the fact that you would constantly getting hurt
were you in a toxic environment?
were these intentional?
but he would try and heal them, thinking that it would heal you too bc he didnt want you to be hurt
uwu daichi luv
he would even kiss them better bc his mom told him that kisses help them heal faster
during middle school, daichi found his love for volleyball
he started training and being more active and that caused him a lot of bruises and pain
meanwhile w you,
youve mellowed out a bit
so when you entered middle school,
you were actually ecstatic to find that you had a soulmate bc you would find bruises on your hands and arms
you found out the afternoon of the first day of middle school
daichi was in the gym, practicing during lunch, and he hit a spike that bruised his fingers and he received a really powerful ball
you were sitting in class, completely bored out of your mind so you just doodled on your paper
then you flinched at the sudden pain and saw the formation of the beautiful mix of blue, purple,green, bruise
yall are in different schools btw
you shrieked and stood up, cutting off your teacher and surprising everyone in the room
‘my soulmate!’
they were like, ‘okay and?’
the entire day, you admired the colors, not even minding the hurt bc this was it!!
your soulmate was real!!!
but daichi was worried that you were also going through the same pain and soreness from practice
and you were
after the shock and happiness of knowing you in fact do have a soulmate,
youve started getting annoyed
was this what he felt whenever you injured yourself during your younger years?
bc this waas annoying
you were constantly fatigued, tired, sore
even the mere action of getting up in the morning sucked and you actually fell down the stairs due to the soreness of your legs and you dropped your chopsticks due to the hurt in your fingers
youve concluded that your soulmate was either an athlete or in a toxic environment
during the walk to school, you raised your arms and watched a new bruise forming
it was a truly beautiful sight but the stiffness and hurt weighed it down
this was your only form of communication with your soulmate and you were sad bc you wanted to be there for him and help heal his bruises and scars
one of your friends suggested a crazy thought of hurting yourself to write a small message which you instantly turned down bc thats too crazy and you will not do that
as the years went on, you were starting to get more worried each day that you wont be meeting your soulmate soon
for almost 6 years, youve wandered over to every athletic club in your school or nearby schools to find if there was even a person who had the same bruises as you
ngl, some lied just bc they wanted you as their soulmate uwu
one of your classmates in seijoh, iwaizumi hajime, has understood your dilemma since he was one of the ones youve expressed this concern to
youve been classmates for 3 years and youve always been coincidentally sat next to each other so youre close
i really cant resist my mans
‘y/n, i really think your soulmate is a volleyball player’
you rolled your eyes as you continued taking out your bento
‘iwa, ive checked your team, multiple times, and none of them are my soulmate! ive even checked other schools too since my brothers have connections there. but still nothing’
he felt bad for you, truly
he already found his when yall started high school, almost immediately, and you were so jealous
‘but those bruises on your arm can only be from volleyball. the way its placed, its like receiving an intense ball while the fingers might be because he spikes the ball’
you sighed before leaning your chin on your hand
‘okay, great buddha iwa-chan. enlighten me as to why you think so’
his eye twitched at the ridiculous nickname
‘y/n, im a volleyball player. ive been playing since i was like 6 and im the ace. i have those same exact bruises’
but you mulled it over for a few days
yea, it would make sense, right?
but it still doesnt add up that youve literally visited every single club around with the help of being iwa’s friend and going to their matches
due to karasuno not having practice matches w seijoh or not advancing far enough to play against them, youve never really interacted with that team
besides, the times they actually played against each other, youve been busy due to having to do interships, part time jobs, and studying since it was your last year of high school
it was during the second interhigh that iwa finally got you to go watch them play
‘come on, y/n. shittykawa misses you and matsun and maki keep demanding your support’
‘iwa, what-’
so you found yourself at the stands, just watching the games until seijoh actually plays
then you saw the team, known as karasuno, enter the gym to start their warm-ups
your heart started beating really fast and you were kinda freaking out bc what was happening
‘siri am i having a stroke?’
daichi was feeling the same thing
he thought it was just the adrenaline of playing a game but in all of his years of play8ing volleyball, he hasnt felt this intense beating of his heart
he even had to lean on suga for support bc it felt like his heart was going to jump out of his chest
‘daichi, you okay?’
suga worriedly asked and placed a hand on his forehead to check his temp
daisuga rights yall
he didnt want to worry the team so he nodded, just waving it off
he was captain so he shouldnt worry the others
oikawa and iwa entered the stands and were confused as to why you were looking around with wide eyes like an owl
fukurodani vibes
‘y/n-chan, what’s wrong?’
oikawa asked and you looked at them, surprised and shocked
they were lowkey freaked out bc what was happening
‘oikawa-san, my heart-’
you mumbled and pointed to your chest
his smile wobbled bc you just started at him and it was starting to scare him a bit
since oikawa hasnt found his soulmate yet, he wasnt familiar with the feeling of being in the same vicinity as his other half
but iwa did
and he was smiling
‘you owe me so much, y/n’
karasuno was going against johzenji and daichi wasnt exactly in his best game
to others, he looked like he was doing great but he wasnt feeling good and the beat of his heart was still very fast
this distraction caused him and tanaka to collide and everything went to hell
the entire time, your arms were crying and you were just sweating from the pain but you were also sweating w the possibility of your soulmate being either in johzenji or karasuno
but that was answered when daichi got hurt and you just collapsed, also falling unconscious
iwa, who returned from getting drinks, ran to your slumped form and oikawa, who was focused on the match and didnt notice, shrieked at your unconscious form
‘y/n? y/n, wake up’
everyone in the stands stared at your unconscious form and they started talking, eventually catching the attention of the karasuno team
suga, who was fussing over daichi, heard that a girl also fell unconscious
omg what if
oikawa was grinning at the sight of your bruised cheek bc you finally found your soulmate so you would shut up about it
iwa carried you to the nurse and you actually woke up as he placed you on the bed, conviently beside the karasuno captain
but he only smiled
‘congratulations, y/n’
bih what
congratulations for what
the nurse went over from beside daichi and she giggled at the meeting of soulmates
you sat up, wincing at the pain in your tooth
that caught daichi’s attention and he stared at you and your arms before looking at his
they were the exact same
‘i think,,,, i think we’re soulmates’
that made you quickly look at him and noticed the big bruise on his face that was like copy paste on you
‘oh god!’
you cowered and had your hands over your mouth in surprise
he froze, starting to feel insecure that he wasnt what you wanted
‘is something wrong-’
‘you’re HOT!!’
you shrieked unconsciously and when you finally realized it, you hurriedly pulled the blanket over your form
lmao gurl noooooo
daichi started laughing and he thought you were cute
but cute
‘oi, come on. i want to see your pretty face’
yes police officer. this is the man who stole my uwus
you peaked your head out from your blanket cocoon and he smiled softly
‘i’m sawamura daichi, by the way. 3rd year’
‘l-l/n y/n. same y-year’
‘so? you expected me to be this?’
you shook your head
‘i mean, iwa told me you could be a volleyball player. but i didnt expect the universe to like me enough to give me a greek god as my soulmate’
im disowning y/n yall
he turned flustered and looked away to hide his blush
‘youre not too bad yourself, you know. youre actually more beautiful than i thought’
‘sir! dont say that to me i be catching feelings way too fast for that!’
i-i cannot w you
he laughed out loud before wincing, causing you to wince too
‘but are you okay, though? i mean,, it must hurt’
but you shook your head
‘i should be asking you that. does it hurt as much as it looks?’
‘nah, its bearable’
you continued talking about your childhood and you actually clarified that you were just rambunctious when you were younger so you got hurt pretty often
‘i really thought you needed to be saved or something’
you smirked
‘oh? my prince charming? knight-in-shining-armor? knight prince daichi?’
he stared at you, a blush creeping up again
‘are you always this bold?’
you shrugged
‘meh. im friends w oikawa tooru’
‘oh. makes sense’
you both completely forgot about the fact that his face literally got hurt and his tooth was gone bc you have been talking like two best friends who got separated
but you had to separate at some point too
the beautiful manager entered the clinic and asked if daichi was okay enough
‘yea, im fine. i can go now, i guess’
you nodded sadly
‘okay. bye, daichi’
he furrowed his eyebrows
‘but wait for me later, okay? ill treat you to something after i win this match’
from your bed, you crossed your arm with a smug smile
‘oh? youre confident, captain’
‘of course. ill win bc this victory is for you’
you bashfully smiled and chuckled
‘go hurry and win! i expect that date as soon as possible, captain!’
the deadchi memes are literally scaring the new fans and i feel really bad
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bruh hes so cute for what
for his entire life, he had the sofia the first song stuck in his head
it was maybe bc his soulmate was in love w that show or just in love w the song
but either way, he constantly hears it and thinks about it
meanwhile you,
you constantly heard bye bye bye by nsync
of all things, it had to be a boy band
however, you were lucky bc for years it varied on what song would be playing
but for him, it continued to be sofia the first
this drived him to watch the show and he did see the appeal and soon, he started singing it too
omg its such a bop
you were triggered bc the song then switched over to sofia the first and you were like, ‘does he like it too?’
you would be going around the store, holding your mom’s hand, and singing it out loud, hoping to find your soulmate
but he never seemed to hear it
instead, hearing the song in your voice, instead of the show’s
he thought you had such a beautiful voice
then in elementary school, his bullying started and ngl, he was actually hurt by the words other kids said
he still had his cute smile on and acted like it didnt bother by teasing others but he was still sad
did nobody like him?
was he always going to look like a monster?
would you be revolted if you saw him?
then he heard this song in the radio ‘dear insecurity’ and he just couldnt help but keep listening to it
ofc you noticed and you were sad that he was listening to such sad song
he was insecure and you couldnt do anything about it
then you started looking up motivating songs and you started singing the one that you really liked
‘i see your monsters, i see your pain, tell me your problems, i’ll chase them away’
he heard your voice as he was hiding behind the school building and his tears instantly stopped, hearing a different song but he couldnt help but smile
he knew that song was for him
you were out there somewhere and a complete stranger to him but you were the only person who seemed to care
because under that teasing and cheerful personality, he was still human and he was very insecure about himself
but you were always there to encourage him, your voice instantly chasing all the fears away
when he started playing volleyball, he became famous for his efficient blocks and you could hear him singing different songs, all of them just under a minute
you concluded that they were his own songs
sometimes, you laughed bc they were funny songs and catchy so you would memorize it and sing it back to him
this was your only way of communicating back of forth and you were so lucky that you even got to hear your soulmate’s voice
then high school started, meaning your friends started meeting their soulmates one by one until you were the only one who didnt
your school, karasuno, had no one that had the same voice as your soulmate’s
some people even saw you as an extrovert and a people person since you started conversations with strangers easily but this was just your way of finding your other half
with no luck, you started singing your concerns
in no time, ‘thousand miles’ was playing on loop in tendou’s head and he was already feeling your antsy attitude
in retaliation, he starts singing ‘lucky’ by jason mraz and you always turned red, slightly happy that he was practically calling out to you
so even though you suffered through years being alone, you didnt give up on hope and continued your search
now, youd be asking, ‘why cant you or tendou just sing each other’s location?’
yes, young grasshopper, there is an explanation to that
you and tendou collectively agreed to let fate do its work and just wait for the time it happens bc if its meant to be, its meant to be
besides, tendou likes to tease you and he wants to make you wait for him so that the moment you do meet, it would become more special
in your last year of high school, you ended up helping kiyoko in being manager and you were so proud of these boys for making it to the finals
you were excitedly waving an orange flag in support of your team and you screamed with the others as they entered the court
you and yacchi ended up helping tanaka’s sister, saeko, and was setting up the plan for their cheers so you werent exactly focused on your soulmate
but tendou did keep hearing a fight song in your head
then they walked in
shiratorizawa made their presence known and you turned to look at them but locked eyes at the unique looking player
his red hair glinted against the bright lights of the gym and his smirk curled in such an attractive way that you were leaning forward to get a closer look
tendou noticed a stare at him and he saw your surprised yet flustered look
that eye contact made everything fall deaf in your ears and you just heard silence
no song, no cheer, just absolute silence
but you and tendou are practically the same so you thought for the worse that your soulmate has died bc of the silence
dread filled your stomach and you started singing sofia the first in instinct
your mouth moved with the words and you shut your eyes, trying to calm yourself down
his jaw dropped, hearing the familiar voice and song that correlated with your mouth’s movements
‘there you are, little birdie’
semi turned to tendou and saw him with a smile hes never seen before
it was so soft and genuine that he got a little scared
the entire game, you were all depressed bc it continued to be silent in your head
tendou was just teasing you a little bit and he didnt want to think or sing a song bc he wanted it to be a special cliche reunion after he crushes your team
but his famous song ruined it
it blared in your head and it got 2x bass boosted when he sang it out loud, completely disregarding the fact that everyone was listening
you shrieked and pointed to him
he was your soulmate
and he was alive
not dead
everyone, including all players, looked at confusion between you and him but he just waved at you
‘ill talk to you later, little birdie!’
great, he embarrassed you in front of everyone
but you didnt care bc omg he was your soulmate!!
‘omg universe and fate, you actually like me to give me such a handsome soulmate!’
now, youre actually cheering on both teams
one was your home school the other was your soulmate
there could only be one winner
and that winner was karasuno
you noticed the defeated looks of your soulmate and his teammates and you almost bursted into tears
you quickly maneuvered yourself through the people and found the familiar spiky hair standing at the doorway, looking at the gym with a forlorn expression
the others noticed you there, especially ushijima who gave you a nod and a small smile
‘i trust you’ll take care of him’
you nodded shakily, raising a hand in salute
you approached him and his teary eyes almost made you bolt into his arms but you calmed yourself
instead, you didnt say anything
but you did sing
‘come stop your crying, it will be alright. just take my hand, and hold it tight. i will protect you, from all around you. i will be here, dont you cry.’
tendou looked to his side and saw you there, not looking at him but also looking at the same direction he was previously
‘my name is tendou satori’
despite already hearing his voice, you still turned red and you looked at him, warmth and love present in your eyes
‘and i’m l/n y/n’
‘you have a beautiful voice’
‘and you are beautiful’
that ending for shiratorizawa physically and emotionally and mentally broke me
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cozyteez · 5 years ago
types of kisses w/ san
first kiss;
smooth operator this guy
he goes to pick you up for your first date and wow you look fantastic
and i'm sorry if this is too forward, but may i kiss you?
he's already like 4 inches away from your lips and oh my he smells great and you just nod your head yes because he's already taking up your sense of sight, smell, hearing, and touch
you might as well taste him too
and you do and he tastes like very minty toothpaste and plain chapstick
its probably a bit too intense for a first kiss but really he's just giving you a sneak peak into what's to come
the kind where your eyes flutter closed on their own
the kind where you're at risk of dropping whatever was in your hand to hang onto his bicep
and where you have to take a deep breath through your nose because he literally took your breath away
so now that youre all flustered he guides you to the car w his hand on the small of your back (already having won your heart)
sweet kisses;
oh san, always the romantic
they say humans are made of 70% water, but that cant be possible because san is 90% full of love
he's so full of it he just had to spread it around !! all the time !! or he literally might explode !!!!!!
so maybe yall r hanging out and you say something funny
it's not like super funny like maybe its just a cute lil pun, but it makes him look up at you with that beautiful, beaming, dimply eye-smile of his
"you're so cute!! come here and let me kiss you"
so you do and he gives you a very soft and very sweet kiss
he holds your cheek gently with one hand and rests his other hand on top of your thigh
or maybe he wakes up before you one morning and before he pulls you closer for an extra tight snuggle
he just looks at your peaceful resting face
tries to remember how perfect u look with all of the muscles in your face completely relaxed, with your lips slightly pouted and your eyelids slightly twitching ever so often as he moves some hair from your face
eventually your stir awake too and slowly open your eyes only to catch him shamelessly staring
n his lips curl up into a small but tender smile before he softly kisses your forehead, then the tip of your nose, and finally your lips
"good morning beautiful"
playful kisses;
sometimes san just has a lot of energy okay
and also he is a very affectionate person
which means sometimes he just gets rushes of love !!
he'll take your hand n kiss every single one of your knuckles
then leave light little kisses all up your arm
and it tickles and youre giggling and he's also giggling n then he blows a raspberry on your cheek !! now there's more giggles !!
or maybe youre cooking or something and you accidentally knick the tip of your finger with the knife :((
but dont worry !! doctor san to the rescue !!
he'll fix your finger really well, clean the cut, but neosporin on it, and put a special band aid on it just for fingers
"only the best for you~" he coos
finally, the most important part, a quaint lil kiss right over the band aid
just to make sure it heals quickly
or lastly his favorite:
sometimes when he gets a rush of love he'll just grab your face and sprinkle kissies all over it because !! oh my god he loves you !! he loves you he loves you helovesyou and he just ?? doesnt know what to do w himself !!!
san best boy :(( just make sure to always kiss him back please !! he loves them !! in fact he can’t live without them !! 
so b sure to kiss him at least twice a day to ensure growth and a healthy life style :((
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comfyswitcherblanketfort · 5 years ago
Snowed In p6
This gave me such a hard time but I needed this conversation to happen for like 50% of the plot shit down the road, plz forgive me. 
Pairing: Geralt x fem!reader
Warnings: hella awkward convos, pining, self depreciating undertones?, talking about sex? idk yall im tryinna tag these with everything i can think of but if i miss something plz let me know!
Summary: (Last part was pure smut, but for those who skipped, it was basically them justifying a good roll in the hay bc it would help them sleep) The day after some completely pragmatic and not at all monumental sex they’re figuring out where to go from there. Boundaries and such?
part 5 here!
You woke slowly, uncomfortably warm and… sticky? 
As reality came into focus you realized the stickiness was sweat from being plastered to Geralt's bare chest as you slept. You wriggled a little, loosening his hold on your hips so you could scoot back and see his face. He was still fast asleep, hair sticking to his stubble and mouth slightly open. He looked so much more innocent, almost juvenile when he slept. It made you want to protect him, as ridiculous as it sounded. 
Your hand reached up on its own to brush the strands of hair away from his face. When he didn't stir you trailed your first two fingers down his jawline, gently dragging the backs of your knuckles up over his cheekbones. You knew he could wake up at any moment, and it would be uncomfortable to explain why you were staring at him like he alone breathed life into you every day, but you continued tracing the peaks and contours of his face. 
If you let yourself think about it, he technically did. He got you up every morning, did anything you asked to help you, and everything you didn't have the stones to ask. This man made space for you like no one ever had and accepted the mess you brought with you, going so far as to help you sweep it into a manageable pile. 
You swallowed back the lump forming in your throat as you realized just how much of a mess you'd made for yourself this time. You'd fallen in love and set yourself up for nothing but pain.
The snow would melt, you two would join Jaskier on the other side of the pass, things would go back as they were, and you would fall asleep alone. 
You took a slow deep breath in and savored the peace for the last couple of moments you could before your heart would burst. Gently lifting Geralt's arm, you rolled up to sitting as slowly as possible, watching him the whole time. When he still didn't wake, you snatched up your clothes and tiptoed to the bathroom. 
He was still asleep after a towel bath and meticulously braiding your hair, softly snoring now. You couldn't help but feel a little proud of yourself for tiring him out so thoroughly.
Sitting down next to him you squeezed his shoulder, "Geralt. Hey, wake up." 
He grumbled something about it being early and patted the bed where he thought you were supposed to be before his eyes snapped open.
"There he is." You cooed, reluctantly pulling your hand away.
He squinted and furrowed his brow against the morning sun, pushing himself up on one elbow, "You're up. And dressed." 
Now, you knew you were manufacturing the disappointment in his words, but it still hit you just as hard. You sprang to your feet, kicking the contents of your bag back toward the corner with a little more vigor than necessary, "Woke up hungry. C'mon, get up." 
"Alright, alright." He grumbled, rolling over and reaching for his neatly packed bag.
Breakfast was uncomfortable, to say the least. 
Geralt didn't lean his knee against yours and you weren't sure if you missed it or were relieved he spared you the adrenaline rush. Though when he brushed against your arm reaching for the salt and you nearly jumped out of your skin. The neighbors sat across the table from you and one of them winked at you, almost making you choke on your oats. As soon as Geralt was done with breakfast you cleared both your plates and made a beeline for the door. 
You lead the way out to the barn, excited to see the caverns in the snow your fight had left the week before were still uncovered by fresh snow. You fumbled with the latch, not entirely paying attention, so Geralt reached over your shoulder and flicked it open himself. He was so close you felt his breath on your neck and the heat coming off of his chest. Everything in you wanted to lean back into him, but that might be breaking a rule and these rules were becoming ever more nuanced. 
You went about your usual business feeding and examining the horses and were about to leave, but Beau looked so sad and bored. Poor guy hadn't gotten more than a walk up and down the breezeway in a month and you could see the pent up energy in his eyes. You sighed and grabbed hold of his mane, swinging up onto his back and laying back over his haunches while he ate. This felt like a good place to slow down and examine your options with this whole "friends" business. 
Or it would have been. 
"Stall." You answered, not sitting up even when you heard him slide the door open. 
"What're you doing up there?" Geralt's voice had that same confusing, unidentifiable tone he'd used when he'd left you in the bath. 
"He looked so lonely. You don't just spend time with Roach?" You spared him a glance, noting how casually he leaned against the door, arms crossed so that his collar slipped down to show the marks from your nails digging into his skin.
He shrugged, "She gets tired of me." 
Beau walked across the stall to sniff Geralt’s pockets and nudge his hand when he smelled what he was after. You shifted to stay balanced on his back, absolutely no intention of coming down any time soon.
The silence between you that crept on and on was in no way comfortable. You fidgeted while Geralt pet Beau, giving him a treat here and there when he smiled for him. Normally you’d be amused, now you were just angry at yourself.
You swung a leg over Beau’s withers, spinning to sit sideways facing Geralt, “You’re rather quiet.”
“I’m always quiet.”
You shook your head, frantically searching for the words you needed, testing the waters,“I ah… I had a good time last night.”
He quickly glanced at you before focusing back on Beau trying to eat his gloves, “Mhmm... Haven’t slept that well in months.”
There was a beat where you debated leaving it there, but you were never one to quit while you were ahead, “This doesn’t have to be weird, does it? I don’t want things getting tense.”
Geralt finally locked eyes with you, searching your face for something, “No… if you’re uncomfortable-”
“Which I’m not.” You interrupted.
He tilted his head, a softness taking over his face that you rarely saw, “You’re my best friend. As long as you’re okay with it, I am too. It’s just sex, after all.”
You nodded, “Just sex. Yeah. We- heh, we didn't even kiss...”
“Exactly. What are friends for?” Geralt playfully swatted at your boot, giving you a grin. 
What are friends for…
You plastered a smile on your face, changing the subject before the emotions bubbling in your chest boiled over, “Jaskier is gonna kill you when I tell him you said I’m your best friend.”
He moved to stand in front of you, crossing his forearms and resting them on your knees. His touch was calming, grounding you back into reality as he usually did.
He squinted up at you, “That’s if you tell him.”
You patted his hand, “Oh, I’m definitely telling him.” you teased. 
He gripped your wrist and quickly spun to face away from you, pulling you forward and off Beau's back. You squeaked and gripped onto his shoulders when you landed on him. He laughed, giving a little jump to get you higher on his hips and get a hold of your knees. A giggle slipped from your lips, partly due to surprise, but partly because his grip on your knees tickled.
"I'll tell him it was you who dropped the sword on his lute strings." Geralt made his threat halfheartedly, carrying you out of the barn only to have you steer him back to grab your gloves that you'd left on the hay. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, taking your opportunity to hold him close to you as possible, resting your chin on his shoulder. His warmth and his scent lulled you into a state of content as he took his time meandering back to the inn. Just before he reached the door you noticed a fresh snowflake on your elbow. 
"Motherfucker." You shouted, "It's snowing again." 
"Shit! Y/N, you're right in my ear." He tried to turn to look at you but you tucked your head against his neck, hiding almost like a child. 
"Sorry. I forgot…" you whispered, more out of embarrassment than anything.
He hummed, the vibrations permeating your whole body from where you were perched as he yanked the door open and stomped inside. You wiggled, communicating you could once again walk just like a toddler, but he just hoisted you up higher and trudged up the stairs. You bit your lip, hiding a smile on the basic principle of not wanting to feel it, not necessarily because anyone important could see you. 
When you reached your room Geralt rather unceremoniously collapsed onto the bed, sending the two of you bouncing for a bit before he came to rest with his shoulders on your hips. 
"Tired?" You asked, fighting the urge to rake your fingers through his hair.
"Exhausted." He made no effort to get up but rested his hands underneath the outsides of your knees. 
You sighed in agreement and rested your hands on his shoulders, "Post breakfast nap sounds nice."
I can handle this. I know the boundaries. Just don't kiss him. That should be easy enough ...
part 7 here!
gotta edit bc im a scatterbrain and forgot to tag! If you want to be tagged plz let me know! 
@ab-haya @fire-in-her-veinz @cavillhavoc
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scandeniall · 5 years ago
sneakerhead suna
pairing: suna x reader
note: yes another suna drabble. this one probably sucks bc i tried to be a sneaker head once but yeah it was too much and all i know are coLORwAYs and GOAT. anyways idk what this is ignore me suna lowkey sneajerhead
wc: 641
Mentally suna is a sneakerhead (whether or not he drops the coin to actually be one is debatable). He always keeps up with the latest releases and has like a million tabs open of sneak peaks, unboxings and all that shit. Now dating him, you're going to hear about it a lot. He's up at like 3am and spam sends you so many sneaker pics like “babe would u get these for me” and “if you really luv me.” You truly put him on DND at night (and he knows this so if hes feeling extra then he’ll just spam you with so much shit like dumb memes and late night thoughts just so you can wake up to them). 
Take a shot everytime he talks about shoes when you're together (might have alcohol poisoning depending on the day.) You literally know all the terminology because of him. Like if you're physically together he’ll constantly hand you his phone/laptop to get your opinion. Just chilling on the couch your legs draped across his lap while he just shows you shit and occasionally caressing your leg is a fav pastime. When you go out shopping he's always like “you always get the more exclusive shit online” but that doesn't stop him from at least walking past the shoe store and glancing. 
When he gets sent shoes (bc you know PRO athlete) he gets pretty hype, but pretends it's like “yeah cool whatever.” He’ll either facetime or literally make you come over while he unboxes. He puts the shoes on to walk around the house “I gotta see how they feel” headass. If he hates the shoes though he will be on GOAT or StockX in 5 seconds flat. “Babe hold these up while I get a picture.” Pretty lucrative side hustle let's be real. “If I help you take these pics you gotta give me a cut when they sell” yeah he ignores you. 
Get him some real nice shoes he's been eying but refused to pay for himself for his birthday or like a celebration/milestone and he doesn't even attempt to hide how hype he is. Will post 10000000 pictures of the shoes HIS baby got him. Acts like an actual bf for once instead of the homie with the hugs and cuddling and kisses. Probably wears them for like a week straight and again posts a “fit pic” everyday of the week too. (Suna’s not a bad bf, yall love is just more like yall are literally homies- but with that he always makes milestones worth it for you too and returns the love)
If he manages to get you into sneakers too then whew (but even if not you’ll definitely own at least 2-3 pairs of pricy/exclusive sneakers just by nature of dating him). But do not let this man catch you being rough with your shoes, “DONT crease them” Shit you better walk flat foot af when you're around him. He posts shoe pics of you both with “goals” but is he joking or serious? Probably both. 
When you're wearing expensive sneakers it's probably the only time he’ll tie your shoes. He will show you the right way to lace them too “can’t have you looking dumb yk.” “how sweet,” and you're kinda just rolling your eyes. But back to him tying them. He knows how to bend the right way so that he doesn’t crease his shoes and mentally dies everytime you crease yours when you have to tie them. So to prevent that? He ties them. To outsiders it looks cute bc aw your bf is tying your shoes. But no, it's because he cares about your shoes more than you do.
You: you should just date your shoes
Him: Ok
You: ok yeah i'm out of here
Him: wait babe come back
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wkemeup · 5 years ago
Guiding Light (6)
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summary: It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get the intel and go home. Until everything goes wrong and you’re taken captive by Hydra and now, Bucky can’t breathe without you. Not until he brings you home. If he even can. pairing: bucky x reader chapter word count: 7.3k warnings: torture, angst™, graphic descriptions of violence, the peak of the angst ive been warning yall about 🖤series masterlist // series playlist
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You laid on your stomach upon the hard lumps and broken springs of the mattress, the weight of your body heavy, impossibly aching, and somehow feathery light at the same time; like your body was not your own, like you were just barely inhabiting your own skin covered in bruising and dried blood caked into your hair, bones protruding where thick muscle once sat. Unrecognizable.
Lids heavy, you dragged your arm up to the corner of the ground under the mattress, shifting slightly and taking up all of your energy to do so. A few scratches in a single line amongst forty-seven marks of the same; tiny white lines along concrete.
Forty-eight days in Hydra’s captivity.  
“How you doing over there, Y/n?” Danny’s voice called carefully through the wall.
You closed your eyes, turning your head to face the wall, staring at the crack that allowed you an ounce of sanity in your imprisonment. Your fingertips reached out and brushed the line in the wall. Tiny rocks fell from the fracture, sharp edges scratching at your skin.
“M’okay,” you replied, though the rough tone of your voice betrayed you.
You could still feel the worn muscles and aching joints from where Cain had beat you senseless for the sake of the camera a few days prior. He had yet to explicitly tell you what your purpose was in Hydra or why they bothered keeping you alive at all, but you could tell they were ramping up to their endgame soon. Whatever it was, had to do with Bucky.
You suspected it from the beginning. They were too quick to taunt him in your face and he had become the main subject of your interrogations as of late. You had handled the videos up to this point as best as you could. It was what you were trained for, but the moment you saw Bucky’s name listed upon the cue card, you broke.
You had outright refused to say his name aloud in such a place and Cain, in his unending frustration with you, had cut off your air supply with the grip of his hand until you lost consciousness. He only released long enough for you to come back to, and then he’d close his gasp again. He did that four times before he relented.
So, despite the tears in your eyes, the awful break in your voice, and the sickening guilt in your stomach, you spoke his name at the demands of the same nature of men who had tortured and mutilated Bucky Barnes until he resembled something outside of himself.
You spoke his name and you told him he was at fault just before Cain nearly beat you to death for the second time.
When you regained consciousness hours later, you couldn’t stop crying. Heaving and desperate to catch your breath, just to picture his face as you spoke those words, words you had so carefully worked to convince him of otherwise in the three years since you’d known him. Those words were never supposed to come from your mouth, never should have parted your lips, echoed in your voice. They were lies; vicious and cruel because you knew that Bucky would latch onto them and take any excuse to give into the dormant fears in the back of his mind that constantly wondered if he really was to blame for all the bad in the world.
You had so vigilantly kept your mind away from Bucky since you’d been here, focusing only on old memories, on his smile and the blue in his eyes, on something warm and kind you could hold onto, but then suddenly, all you could think about was what he was doing without you, if he’d retreated so far into himself he resembled the withdrawn, self-loathing man you first met in the kitchen before sunrise drinking coffee or if it was worse than that, if he dove back into missions and reckless behaviors and gave into the empty part of himself he reserved for the soldier.
You weren’t sure which was worse, but having to think of him being anything other than the incredibly kind, gentle, wonderful man you knew tore at your heart in ways you couldn’t explain. You didn’t want to think that you could hold that kind of power, that being ripped from his life would alter him in such a way. His recovery was too important for that. And yet, if you let yourself think of it, if it had been Bucky that was taken forty-eight days ago and you were the one left behind, you knew with certainty that your world would have come crashing down. It has.
“When's the last time you ate?” Danny asked as a tear slipped over the bridge of your nose, bringing you out of your thoughts. You brushed it away, glancing through the small hole in the wall. Danny had been working on making it bigger, just enough so to slip a few spare bites of food to you in the days Cain ordered the agents to withhold your food as punishment.
It wasn’t large enough to catch a real glimpse of the kid in the cell beside you, but the most you could gather was the orange waves of his hair having grown from the buzzcut over the month since he arrived. Soft freckles on his paled skin and the tan camouflage pants of his military uniform.
“Don’t know,” you replied honestly. Your body had stopped growling for food weeks ago. The pangs turning into numb aches that never quite seemed to go away. Danny didn’t say a word as he pushed a bite of bread throw the wall and it dropped to the concrete by your mattress.
“Danny, don’t,” you urged, though your fingers brushed over the bread, your mouth already watering as you touched the spongey surface. “You need to eat, too.”
“They feed me on a daily basis, Y/n,” he countered, pushing through another piece. “I can afford to share with you. Please, eat.”
You brought the first bite to your mouth and swallowed it before you could even taste the stale texturing. It brought relief for a brief moment, though not nearly long enough, and you picked up the second piece.
Danny let out a groan as he attempted to push another piece of breath through the wall for you, a side effect of the beating he took shortly after yours. He estimated he had a few bruised ribs and some swelling around his eye, but insisted he was unharmed, better off than what they did to you, he would say.
You still didn’t know why they took Danny in the first place or why they were keeping him alive. This young, inexperienced soldier who was too kind and too naïve to second guess breaking protocol to help a stranger start their car. It didn’t make sense. He had no information he could give, no secrets he could expose. He was just some kid.
You mumbled a thank you as Danny took a steady breath, ripping the bread into pieces.
“You're the Avenger here, you know,” Danny chimed in light-heartedly as another bite landed into your outstretched hand and you smiled through your cracked lips, “you need to get your strength anywhere you can grab it so you’re ready for when your team comes for you.”
As easily as it came, your lips fell back to a straight line. You swallowed back the last bite he was able to offer you.
You spent the rest of the day curled up on the mattress, trying to find sleep despite the horrible aches in your body and the likely concussions you had sustained. You were still waking up after you fell asleep, so that was a decent sign at least.
The only good thing about filming those awful videos was the fact that Cain and his men left you alone for a few days. Even if it meant no food, it also meant no torture, no questions you’d refuse to answer, no nails pulled from your skin, no knives carving into you or fists barreling against your bones. It meant peace, if only for a little while.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah, kid?”
Danny paused before he spoke again, a nervous shift as he turned on the squeak of his mattress. “Will you tell me about the Avengers? What they’re really like?”
You turned so your back fell against the mattress, a wash of relief over your muscles. Staring up at the ceiling, you studied the water stains and fractures in the tiling as you considered his question.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want,” Danny quickly retracted. “I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“No. No, it’s okay,” you sighed, the soft semblance of a smile aching over your lips as you tried to find comfort upon the mattress. You had tried to keep your friends away from this room for so long, that the thought of having them with you, in memory, in spirit, in conversation, brought a kind of warmth to your chest you hadn’t experienced in a long time. “Who do you want to know about?”
First, he asked about Steve, which made sense as Danny had enlisted young without any other prospects. It didn’t surprise you that he idolized the man who went from the small, scrawny kid to a decorated war hero. What did surprise you was that Danny was more interested in who Steve Rogers was than Captain America.
So, you told him the story of when you first met Steve; how he was shyer than you would have expected and had a serious aversion to following rules. He was reckless for the right reasons and passionate for what he believed in. You told him about how Steve volunteers with Sam at the VA and helps facilitate support groups for veterans with PTSD.
Danny listened intently as you talked, asking questions here and there. He was still so young and full of the kind of awe you’d see on the streets of New York when you’d race through the city on the back of Bucky’s motorcycle as Tony and Sam flew above the crowd, chasing behind Steve as he ran at exceptional pace. It was the kind of genuine excitement of a generation who grew up with superheroes in their backyards.
Then, you told him about Tony, how he was far kinder than the media gave him credit for. You told him that he was a good man under all that sarcasm and wit and about how he routes his charity donations through international banks just to take measures to keep it anonymous. You told him about the lavish parties he throws to raise money or help improve the Avenger’s public image and how he somehow became known as the modern day Gadsby, which he had explicitly states he resents.
He asked about Natasha with a slight tremor in his voice, like he was almost fearful of even saying her name, but you told him she was witty and compassionate and fearless unlike anyone else you knew. You told him she was your closest friend and that she had spent countless hours of her own free time to train with you when you first joined the team. You told him that she always wore socks around the compound, even on the hottest summer days, and made the best homemade bread you’d ever had in your life.
You told him about Sam, who was always your main source of laughter, who had a comeback for just about everything and the heart of someone twice his size. You told him about the time Sam once drove five hours just to get a specific type of chocolate from his childhood in the days after you came home from a mission that had more casualties than anyone had expected, hoping the sweets would bring back even an ounce of your smile.
Danny was enthralled the entire time, so eager to learn more and asking the kinds of questions you’d only get from someone who genuinely cared, who spent most of their life looking up to superheroes and wanting to embody them as he got older.
He asked about what it was like living at the compound, if superheroes ordered pizza, what kind of shows secret agents watch on Netflix, and what you did when you weren’t on missions. He got you laughing enough to forget about the pain in your body and the warmth of the memories allowed you a brief distraction from horrors of the room you laid in.
“They sound awesome,” Danny exhaled with a laugh and you could only picture the grin that spread over his lips, cheeks aching from smiling for so long.
“Yeah, they kinda are,” you chuckled, surprised to find you had been smiling too. Even through cracked lips and discolored bruising on your jawline, a smile still found its way back to you. How it was possible this kid was able to bring that out in you, you didn’t know.
“What about, um,” Danny started with a nervous tick in his voice, “what about Sergeant Barnes? You haven’t mentioned him...”
You clenched your jaw as you focused on the watermark on the ceiling above you, suddenly a dry ache burning in your chest that wiped away your smile.
“I know the papers talk a lot of crap about him,” Danny went on to say, “but I don’t believe that garbage. He served his country, spent decades as a prisoner of war for it, and this is the way we treat him when he comes home? It’s bullshit. He’s a veteran who got dealt a shitty hand and he shouldn’t be treated like an enemy. All these assholes talk a big game but if it came down to it, none of them would have been able to survive what they put Sergeant Barnes through, let alone resist all the brainwashing Hydra forced on him. They’re all a bunch of cowards. He’s a hero if you ask me.”
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes. It wasn’t often you came across someone who so adamantly and without persuasion believed in Bucky’s innocence. Sniffling back tears, you pressed your hand to the crack in the wall, like it was an extension of you, like maybe Danny could feel your appreciation through the barrier. The small glimpse of him you were able to see through the hole in the wall turned to you, a soft smile on his face as he pressed his hand to the crack.
You let your hand fall away, taking in a deep breath as Danny settled in against his own mattress.
“Bucky is the best man I know,” you said, the words flowing out easily, because they were true and because just being able to talk about Bucky, to have him with you like this, might have been the only thing keeping you from falling apart. “He still has a hard time accepting what Hydra did to him, what they made him do, but he’s come so far. The progress he’s made has been just... amazing to watch. He’s so strong and he cares so much but he holds the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. I just wish the rest of the world could see him the way you do.”
“I’m sure they’ll get there,” Danny replied. “They just got to get to know him, right?”
“It’ll take time,” you chuckled softly, thinking back on fonder memories.
So, you told Danny about your first interactions with Bucky nearly three years ago; how he had sat at the kitchen table hunched over his coffee at the early hours of the morning, silent and brooding for weeks before he so much as spoke to you. You told him about the first time Bucky stuck around in the kitchen as you stretched before your run and how avoidance turned to tight lipped smiles, which turned to mumbled greetings until he stood dressed in running shorts and worked up the courage to ask to go with you.
“Takes a while for him to warm up then?” Danny chuckled.
“Didn’t let me carry a conversation with him until after a few days of running in complete silence,” you confirmed, smile brimming at your lips.
You told him about the day you dragged Bucky into Brooklyn and brought him to the bookshop where you purchased a series of novels on your catch-up list. The first one he read was To Kill A Mockingbird and he had latched onto the character of Scout, pulling you aside at every opportunity to talk about what she stood for and why she was so important as a character. He asked if you would help him find essays and articles about the author and what inspired her. It was the first time you had seen him excited, eager, like he had a kind of hopefulness and light in his eyes he was lacking.
You told Danny about the playlist you started for Bucky, how it had started out as records of music from the decades he missed and the best of your generation before it turned into something else. He learned he leaned towards the acoustic trends of the 70s and 80s in bands like Fleetwood Mac and artists Jim Croce, but he’d find himself asking about your favorite music, songs you’d put on when you need uplifting, songs that made you cry, songs that he’d relate to, and he’d ask if you’d put those on his playlist, too, even if you weren’t sure if he’d like it. He told you he’d love anything you did. You’d hear the playlist echo down the hall at all hours of the day.
You told him of your first mission with Bucky in Vienna, how you would have bled out in the combat zone if Bucky hadn’t carried you out of there. You told him that Bucky was incredibly brave and selfless behind all those layers of guilt he carried upon his shoulders. Even in the months he was suffocated by the shame of it all, before he was able to start swimming back to the surface, he was still impossibly kind for the cruelty he had experienced.
He found a way to step back into the light and you could only pray he hadn’t fallen back to the darkness.
“You really care about him, huh?” Danny sighed.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to picture Bucky’s face. Details were starting to fade away, like the two freckles in his forehead and the patterns of gold trimming on his left arm, and that was what scared you the most. But you could still picture the blue of his eyes, the soft wave in his hair, the smile that left crinkles along the side of his face, and that was what kept you from succumbing to Hydra’s torture, to their demands.
“I love him,” you exhaled as tears slipped from the corners of your eyes. You had only said the words aloud once, from behind the glass barrier that kept you from him on the day you were taken. Saying it now, so far away from the man who needed to hear it tore at your chest but it made it real. It reminded you that it happened, that you had loved someone so deserving and so beautiful and that it was worth it, even if it led you here. Even if you’d never get the chance to tell him again.
Danny didn’t say anything, but you could hear the gentle sounds of his breathing as he listening intently. His hands brushed over the crack in the wall, the shadow casting into your room, and you mustered a sad smile, knowing it was his way of letting you know he was still there, still listening.
You brushed your nose, sniffling back more tears. “I um, never had the courage to tell him until I realized Hydra was going to take me prisoner. Thought I might not ever get the chance again and I couldn’t let him go on thinking I didn’t love him, that he wasn’t worth it or didn’t deserve of something more, because I know he thought those things of himself.”
“Does he feel the same way?” Danny asked cautiously, sincerely.
“Don’t know for sure,” you shrugged, running your fingers under your eyes to wipe at the tears. “I think he might. It’s hard to believe he would so willing open up to me the way he did, trust me with his burdens and the horrors in his dreams if he didn’t, but I...” you let out a heavy sigh, one that crushed on the weight of your chest, “I don’t think I’ll ever know.”
“I don’t understand,” Danny paused, a soft shuffling as he adjusted on his side of the wall, “of course you’ll know. You can tell him again when he gets you out of this hell hole and I’ll knock sense into him myself if it’s not the first thing he says to you.”
You chuckled through the tears on your cheeks, biting at your lip to keep your voice from breaking. “I don’t know about that, Danny.”
“But you said they’d come for you,” he questioned and a lump burned in the back of your throat.
“I know,” you confessed, “but things don’t always work out the way they should. I know my team is doing everything they can to find me. I know Bucky is doing everything he can but… people like me, in this job, we don’t always get happy endings. I’ve done more good than bad, saved more people than I’ve killed, than I’ve lost, but… the universe doesn’t take that into account. We’re all the same in her eyes and she won’t favor me because of who my friends are or how much evil I’ve prevented.”
Danny took in a careful breath after a moment of consideration, and then, “you don’t think you’ll make it out of this, do you?”
You wiped your hand over your eyes, wet tracks on your skin.
You thought of Steve and Tony, who you were sure were tirelessly working around the clock and overworking their staff to track down leads they ultimately wouldn’t find. You thought of Sam and Natasha who would spend every waking hour in the gym if they weren’t out in the field because neither of them ever learned how to sit still when something was out of their control, how Sam would resort to his charm and wit to pull the rest of the team from their hopelessness and how Nat would put on a smile and pretend like she was handling it better than she was.
Then, with a broken heart, you thought of Bucky; of ocean eyes and warm smiles, of the smell of old bookshops in Brooklyn, and sitting at the floor of your bedroom listening to music and introducing him to new books. You thought of sitting at the kitchen counter at five in the morning and the bitter taste of black coffee. You thought of morning runs and sparring in the gym, of his laugh and the glances he’d steal in your direction.
You thought of the look on his face the last time you saw him, how he had promised he would find you, lips read through the glass barrier, and how wholeheartedly you had believed him.
But that was forty-eight days ago.
“I’m not sure anymore.”
Later that night, you found Bucky in your dreams. At the end of an impossibly long hallway, dark shadows in overcast shielding the lights, locked doors on either side as you sprinted towards him. He stood still, impossibly so, and the floor seemed to stretch under you as you ran. Your legs were too weak, pace too slow. He was getting further and further away despite the hot breath in your lungs and the ache of your legs.
You screamed for him, but your voice was gone, broken and raspy, coming out in only a whisper. He reached out for you but the darkness was pulling him in. It wrapped like tentacles around his wrists, his ankles, his neck, but you were gaining on him, just a step away and your fingertips brushed his in a sweet moment of relief until he was yanked back sharply from your grasp.
Into the darkness he fell and you tried to follow, but you couldn’t see. You felt around aimlessly but there was only the cruel mask of empty space around you. Heart beating painfully, sobs racing through your body, and you shouted his name. A broken, desperate plea, to be unanswered.
Suddenly, you were pulled from your sleep with the series of loud clicks at the door; locks unfastening quickly resulting in a sharp twist in your chest as your heart rate increased, a conditioned response even on the verge of consciousness.
“Rise and shine, princess!” Cain’s voice barreled into the cell as the door slammed open.
You groaned, pressing your face into the mattress as the influx of florescence filled the room. Even your nightmares were better than whatever Cain had in store for you. At least you saw Bucky in your dreams.
Harsh hands gripped onto your arms and yanked you from the mattress. You tried to walk, to carry yourself to the chair bolted to the center of the room, but these men wouldn’t allow you the dignity of that. They tossed your body around like a rag doll and threw you into the chair, quickly fastening the restraints.
They were cowards. If you were at your full strength you could have taken the pair of them down, and yet, even weakened and starved and beaten, they still felt the need to cuff you under metal sheets that punctures and burned at your raw skin, red and swollen.
You turned to Cain who was leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest, and an obnoxious, smug smirk curved upon his thin lips.
“What do you want?” you rasped, voice still altered from the last time his hand was wrapped around your throat. He chuckled at that, whether it was your taunt or the state of your voice, you weren’t sure.
“You should watch your mouth,” Cain warned, “especially since I’ve come with news for you.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Means your little boyfriend and your team of insufferable idiots just captured one of our men,” Cain replied casually, though the hardened tone of his voice remained. He pushed himself from the wall and he began to pace around you. His hand touched your shoulder as he rounded your chair, fingers sliding up your neck, around your back, and down your left arm until he faced you again
You watched him carefully, chest panting a little harder, heart in your throat.
“Jennings is a seasoned agent and he will bide us time, but it won’t be enough,” Cain continued.
A dread settled in your stomach. “Enough for what?”
“The Avengers are getting too close,” Cain said, blatantly ignoring your question, “and we will have to resort to drastic measures to get them off our tracks.” He looked to the door and Moira, the blonde woman behind the camera you had come to know, stepped through the door. Cain pressed a kiss to her cheek and she kept her eyes on you the entire time, like it was meant to be an affront. The video camera hung from her left hand.
“We’ve got a new video to shoot today,” Cain smirked, “ain’t that right, baby?”
Moira nodded. “Got something real special in store.”
They stepped aside and a new figure was shoved into the room, bound and restrained by agents, one that made your heart stop completely. It wasn’t possible, not as far as you knew and you knew pretty well from your trips to see Shuri with Bucky. This kind of technology was far beyond SHIELD’s capability and Wakanda hadn’t even breached the surface on this yet.
It wasn’t possible.
Heart in your throat, your lips parted in shock, unable to process what you were seeing.
Cain smirked, amused by the panic coursing over you and he turned to Moira, black mask curling into his right hand.
“We go live in ten.”
Bucky’s breaths were heavy in his chest; calculated as he filled his lungs every few steps, legs burning as he raced down the busy streets of Manhattan. A silver Toyota Highlander weaved in and out of traffic fifty feet ahead, carrying inside a Hydra affiliated scientist who had been rumored to know where they were keeping you, had maybe even laid eyes on you in person within the last three weeks.
Jennings was the one to give the scientist’s name after days of interrogation: Anton Sokolov, a geneticist known for his work on those with enhanced abilities. Sokolov’s father was one of the men Bucky became familiar with in his years under Hydra’s rule. It appeared an affinity for experimenting on unwilling human subjects ran in the blood.
“I’ll cut them off on 42nd,” Steve’s voice echoed through the coms, accompanied by the roar of his motorcycle.
“Why the hell are they heading to Times Square?” Sam grunted from several hundred feet above Bucky’s head. Wings expanded as he dove through the sky, just ahead of Bucky, enough to keep a watchful eye on the SUV. “They’re not going to escape through there. What are they playing at?”
“Capture first, ask questions later, Wilson,” Nat said through the coms in her usual teasing tone. Wind captured in her mic as she held onto Steve’s back.
Bucky skirted out of the way of a cyclist passing through the intersection as he ran straight through a red light in effort to keep up with the SUV. He was gaining on the van, closing the gap the closer he got to Times Square, the heavy traffic of pedestrians increasing with every block. Only, Bucky wasn’t running any faster. If anything, he was losing energy from the sheer exhaustion of running after a car for nearly thirty-six blocks.
They were slowing down.
“Something’s up,” Bucky panted into his mic. “They’re leading us to a trap.”
“There’s nothing out ahead of you,” Tony reported. “I’m above 42nd and 7th. You’re clear.”
“Bucky’s right,” Steve said, the roar of his engine pulling to a halt. “If they were trying to run, they took a wrong turn about forty blocks ago. They planned this.”
“Guess we better be ready for anything,” Nat replied, a tone of excitement in her voice. She was always ready for something like this. Wasn’t trained for anything else.
“Here we go,” Tony sang as the SUV passed 41st street. From above, Bucky could spot the red and gold shimmer of the iron man suit suspending in the air as he aimed an open palm at the ground ahead of the van, shooting a single blast that took out the front two wheels.
Pedestrians were screaming, running away from the scene; tourists paused to pull out cameras and iPhones at the sight of the Avengers in action while native New Yorkers kept their heads down, headphones in as they continued their commute without interruption.  
Tires broke and tore from under the van, rubber flying out to the sides as a deafening screech rang through the streets. Electric sparks burst from under metal as it scrapped along the pavement until ultimately, the SUV skidded to a stop.
Tony and Sam touched down on either side as Bucky sprinted up to the side door, denting the frame as he crashed into it. He released a guttural scream and ripped the car door from its hinges, throwing it several feet down the street.
Inside, he was met with a man in a white button-down shirt, glasses, and a black tie, holding his arms out to the side in defense. The two men in the front seat were hunched over the dashboard, the blast from Tony’s suit rendering them unconscious as blood dripped down the side of their face from the impact.
“Soldat, it’s so wonderful to see you,” Sokolov smirked, thick Russian accent as he taunted the very man who carried vengeance in his veins. Bucky gripped the cold metal of his left hand around Sokolov’s collar and yanked him from his seat, tossing him into the street and he skidded along the pavement on his back.
Bucky pushed Sam aside and stalked towards the Hydra scientist until he stood above him. Sokolov laid on his back, making no effort to run away as Bucky slowly knelt above him, his right hand curling into a fist as he raised it, ready to strike.
“I’m done with these games,” he growled. “Tell me where Y/n is, now!”
“Buck, you’ve got an audience,” Steve said carefully, appearing just a few paces ahead of him. Bucky glanced up slowly, eyeing the crowd of people who had gathered on the sidewalks, standing at a careful distance though they held their cameras and phones out to capture the Avengers in action, to capture the Winter Soldier beat a man to death.
“Yes, Soldat,” Sokolov taunted, “don’t want to upset the balance of your public image any more than you already have. You’re already a monster in their eyes. Do you wish to prove them right?”
“Shut the hell up,” Bucky spat, clenching his metal fist around Sokolov’s shirt, his right arm shaking as he held it above his head, closed into a fist. He looked up at Steve, panting, sincerely trying to bring himself back from the brink of darkness but he couldn’t find the end of the tunnel, not without you. “He knows where Y/n is.”
“That’s right, I do.”
Bucky’s eyes widened, gaze snapping back to Sokolov, who seemed quite pleased with himself. Even Steve and Sam, who stood above him wore the shock evident upon their features. Nat and Tony who had been carefully controlling the crowd to keep them from coming closer froze as they heard it through the coms. It was one thing to hear it through rumors, but another for it to be confirmed.
“But you’re too late,” Sokolov finished, pursing his lips, satisfied with the way desolation quickly replaced the ounce of hope swimming in the blue of Bucky’s eyes. “You wasted too much time, Soldat. She cannot be saved.”
“You’re stalling,” Bucky sneered, glancing up to Steve for support and he mustered a short nod.
“I was with her just days ago,” Sokolov grinned through yellowed teeth and dried lips as Bucky’s heart dropped, his stomach twisting into painful knots. “You have not seen her the way I have. She is weak. Pathetic. You do not see how she cowers in fear, how she cries out your name, begging for you to save her while we tear her apart!”
“No, you’re-- you’re lying,” Bucky accused but his throat had run dry.
“Am I?” Sokolov jeered, a laugh on his tongue. “Do you really think so, Soldat? You think that she is strong enough to withstand what we did to you? You think she could survive the torture and the pain you remember so well? You think we would even allow her to live!?”
Bucky let out a scream and dove his fist to the side of Sokolov’s face, a deafening crack of cheek bones as his knuckles hit flesh. He couldn’t stop himself, tears in his eyes and weeks of desperation and hopelessness rushing to the surface, and he swung again and again until his fist was bloody and broken and Sokolov had stopped laughing, stopped smiling, stopped taunting Bucky of the very nightmares he couldn’t remove from his head.
“Bucky,” Steve gasped, his voice distant, fearful, looking elsewhere, but Bucky could hardly hear him over the ringing in his ears.
Sokolov had slumped over, his body limp; unconscious, though still alive. Bucky panted, sweat dripping from his brow onto the man’s white dress shirt now dampened in red. He fell back from his knees, muscles aching and tiny rocks of the pavement imbedded into his right hand.
“Buck,” Steve said again, an urgency laced through his name that made Bucky narrow his eyes up at his friend. Steve swallowed, glancing down at Bucky with a kind of horror he had never seen in his eyes. For the first time, Steve Rogers was speechless.
It was then Bucky noticed the crowds had silenced completely save for a few murmurs behind hands clasped over mouths. A pin drop could be heard in the middle of Manhattan, at the center of Times Square. Steve nodded up to the sky and hesitantly, Bucky followed his gaze.
There, upon every screen in Times Square, replacing each advertisement and billboard down 7th avenue, was you.
Bound and strapped to that same God forsaken chair, silver tape covering your mouth for the first time, and tears streaming down your cheeks. Your heavy, exasperated breaths could be heard echoing through the street, your eyes frantically searching for something Bucky couldn’t see. In the top right corner of the screen was a single red dot. He realized with a horrible pang in his stomach, that the video was being streamed live.
Bucky scrambled to his feet, rushing a few yards forward, though he had nowhere else to go, no way to reach you through the projection of the screens. He spun in a circle, catching every monitor you were visible on, surrounding him from all sides.
“People of New York,” a voice called out, grainy and distorted, as a man in a black mask stepped into view of the camera. Hushed gasps came from the hordes of pedestrians watching in horror as the man grabbed a tight hold of your hair, enough for you to whimper. Bucky’s hands were shaking at his sides.
“Hydra has no demands. Only, a message to the Avengers,” the man continued. He pulled a silver handgun from behind his back from the waistband of his jeans. Bucky’s heart was in his throat as the man dragged the barrel of the gun suggestively up the side of your arm, over your collarbone, along your cheek, until he settled it at the nape of your neck.
Your breaths were coming in too fast, panic in your eyes Bucky hadn’t even seen the day you were taken, a kind of helplessness that shook him straight to his core.
“You are nothing compared to the reach of Hydra,” the man growled as he pressed the gun harder against your neck, forcing you to twist your head in search of relief. “These so-called heroes are weak, defenseless, and they cannot save you. They are made up of war criminals, assassins, soviet spies, washed up army brats, and arrogant billionaires. They will turn on you. They will turn on each other. They. Are. NOTHING.”
Bucky glanced back at his team, wide eyes fearful and powerless, his own voice lost to him.
Tony was cold faced, jaw clenched tightly as he watched the monitors. Sam knelt by the edge of the SUV, hands clasped over his knee, head bowed save for the moments he dared to look at the screens. Natasha was pacing back and forth relentlessly, hands curling and uncurling into fists by her sides, muttering under her breath as she glanced up at the projections, only to turn away as quickly because seeing you like that wasn’t something she ever thought she’d have to face. Steve stood just a few paces behind Bucky, watching him more than the monitors, his chest rising and falling at a speed that betrayed the calm nature of his expression.
There was nothing they could do. Entirely helpless but to watch.
“You will learn,” the man stated, straightening his back as he took a step away from you, withdrawing the gun and Bucky sighed of relief, though it was impossibly short lived. “You will learn that your heroes are no better than us and that, above all else, they are... mortal.”
Bucky heard the gun fire before he saw it.
The worst of his nightmares paled in comparison to the fear that coursed through his veins, the paralyzing shock that ripped and tore at him in ways Hydra had never been able to when he was held under their fist; not even under the sharp edge of a scalpel, or the machine that obliterated his memories.
The sharp echo of the sound punctured straight through his heart and he stumbled backwards, breaths short, uneasy, excruciating; watching in horror as you slumped forward in the chair, blood spraying onto the wall, dripping down concrete in thick beads.
“N-no,” he gasped out, rushing forward, staring up at the screens as blood soaked through your hair, your body unmoving. His hands curled against his pants, his jacket, shaking violently, and he couldn’t breathe. His vision was closing in, too blurry from the wet tears burning in his eyes.
Upon the screens, the man gripped at your hair, yanking your face up to the camera and Bucky heard a wail from behind him; Natasha. Your features were slack, eyes staring off far beyond where he could see and clouded over in a cold, unforgiving stare.
“No!” Bucky cried out, his voice breaking in the effort and burning raw in his throat, “no, n-no, please... God, no...”
The man shoved the chair until it tilted on its side until you fell from frame. The man laughed, a cold sinister kind of sound that curled its way into Bucky’s chest and lit him aflame. He stepped towards the camera, close enough that Bucky could see the color of his left eye, green, and the scar that rendered his right useless.
“And you dare to worship the Avengers like Gods,” the man sneered, his lips curving in a satisfied grin.
Bucky let out a scream and it echoed through the silence of the streets as he yanked the gun from its holster on his thigh and fired the entire clip into the closest billboard he could find. Bullet holes pierced the monitor, altering the image’s frame as it fragmented around it, shards of glass and plastic falling from the sky, and then it turned black. He felt no relief as he turned to the dozens of projections lining the streets, taunting him.
Then, the man stepped away from the camera and the video went dark.
Silence took over Times Square and Bucky stumbled on his feet; legs too weak to hold him. Muffled whimpers could be heard from the sidewalks, tearful cries as bystanders huddled together, holding one another, hundreds of pedestrians rendered witness to the murder -- the execution -- of an Avenger.
Bucky heaved, desperate to catch his breath, but he was too light headed, darkness tunneling in his vision and he fell to his knees. Rocks in the pavement punctured his skin through the layer of his pants but he couldn’t feel much of anything. Hands grasping at the fabric of his suit, trembling violently as a sob racked through his body, enough for it to echo amongst the silence.
A pain so indescribable burned and festered in his chest, unable to find a release, he pushed it from his body in a cry so heartbreaking, it cracked his voice, tears streaming down his face; no energy to care about the hundreds of onlookers.
He’d been subjected to so much evil in his life, so much hatred and cruelty, and you had been the good to come out of it. The one thing that led him through the darkest parts of his mind to the end of the tunnel where the warmth of light touched his skin again. You held him and encouraged him and helped him find his own footing so they he could walk there himself, towards the light he so desperately craved.
But that light had extinguished. Smothered and suffocated.
It died with you, leaving Bucky surrounded by the cold arms of darkness.
This is the serious angst I’ve been trying to warn you about... Theories anyone? 😅
tags 🗽 @musiclover1263​ / @pies-wands-and-more​ / @buckygrantbarnes​ / @mywinterwolf​ / @breatheeagainnnn​ / @jewelofwinter​ / @panic-naran​ / @fairislesheets​ / @kaliforniacoastalteens​ / @captain-hammer-of-asgard​ / @daydreamsquad​ / @deanssweetheart​ / @maybesomedaytho​ / @montypythonsholysnail​ / @saharzek​ / @jillybeaner13​ / @chubby-dumplin​ / @searchingforbucky​ / @alohafromhell1​ / @tabalugax​ / @shesalatesh​ / @whyamidoingthistomyselfhelp​ / @aliensbecameourstyle​ / @bucksgoat​ / @serpensortiaaa​ / @trash-rats-unite​ / @hungry-pasta​ / @nervosaa​ / @lbuck121​/ @get0verit​ / @obama-mia​ / @imsoft-barnes​ / @this-broken-band-girl​ / @michelehansel​ / @itz-kira​ / @forever157​ / @grey-water-colors​ / @sebastianstan-posts​ / @sarcastic-and-cool​ / @no-clue-whats-happenin​ / @capsgrl​ / @happyeyesandsunshine​ / @slithredn​ / @13sunken-ships13​ / @thefandomplace​ / @sweetheartbarnes / @jennmurawski13 / @galaxkay / @moonlessnight14 / @wxstedhexrt
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propsandmayhems · 5 years ago
illicit affairs (pt. 3)
ok yall lets get angsty! ps sorry this took forever i just couldn’t find the right words i’m still not entirely happy with it but whatever 
part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | read on ao3
And you wanna scream / Don't call me "kid," don't call me "baby"
James didn’t say another word to Cordelia the entire rest of the walk home. Even when they reached the house, he opened the door and held it for her without a word. She passed by him silently and crossed the foyer, making her way towards the stairs that lead to their bedrooms. She reached the foot of the stair and turned back toward James; and upon realizing she was finally a good two meters from him, she let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. He had just clicked the door closed and lifted his head up to her. Although the house was only illuminated by the light that flowed in through the windows from the street, it was if his eyes absorbed every bit of excess light in the room and refracted it, causing them to glow and stand out against his shadowed face. 
His right hand was still on the door handle and his always-present silver bracelet peaked out from under his shirtsleeve. Removing his hand from the doorknob, he took his hat from his head and placed it on the coat rack by the door. “Well, I think I’ll stoke up the fire and read for a while,” he spoke, flashing her a smile that still managed to clench her heart. “Good night, Cordelia.” With that, he swept past her and into the parlor, witchlight blazing up in the room as he entered. She and James decided to replace all the candle fixtures with witchlight as the previous owners had never converted the townhouse to use electric lighting; they figured it would not be worth the cost to install electricity since they would only be living there a year. 
Cordelia was simply entirely over the evening. She turned on her heel with a huff, hitched up her skirt, and bounded up the stairs. She had left the door to her room open when she left and she kept it open as she entered. She wanted to let James know that she wasn’t upset with him but that she just couldn’t continue to play the image of a content and loving wife. She knew James was not upset about Cordelia not wanting to sleep with him tonight - he didn’t expect sex from her - but rather, he was upset that she didn’t share what was burdening her. James was raised to always share his concerns with someone; whether it be his sister, his steadfast parents, or his dedicated Uncle Jem.  
She made her way to her dressing table, James’s eyes burning like heavenly fire in the back of her mind, and dropped down on the bench. She immediately started pulling the pins she had carefully placed in her hair earlier from her curls haphazardly and watched in the mirror as her hair began to fall in waves around her shoulders. Combing her fingers through the strands to check for any more pins, she decided that she would have James do her hair for next week’s dinner. James had made the mistake of telling her that Lucie forced him to learn how to braid hair, although, Cordelia suspected he was not ‘forced’ as James would do anything to please his little sister. Regardless, James had tied Cordelia’s hair back into a tight, neat plait multiple times for training or patrol now. Cordelia was sure he could manage to knot her hair into an updo and would love to see the look on Will’s face when she told him it was his son that did her hair. 
Hair freed, Cordelia stood to work on undressing herself. The dress she had worn to dinner tonight had a high neck, and she had nearly dislocated her shoulder in her efforts to secure the clasps at her back. Easily, she undid the fastening at the back of her neck and the middle of her back, but again, she struggled to reach the clasp between her shoulder blades. She knew she could reach it if she tried a little harder, but she desperately just wanted out of her corset and simply didn’t feel like struggling to contort her arms when James was downstairs - and as her husband, there was no reason he shouldn’t help her.
Moving out of the room carefully with the dress hanging around her strangely, she called down the stairs, “James, this dress is just impossible to unfasten on my own. Would you mind helping me?” 
She heard a book shut and within a moment James appeared at the bottom of the stairs. He had rid himself of his jacket and had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. Despite being left alone for only a few minutes, he had already managed to dishevel himself with his tie askew and his hair sticking out in all directions as if he had been running his hands through it. He looked up at her with a soft expression, gold eyes illuminated by the witchlight sconces that lined the stairwell, and gave a nod, “Yes, of course.” 
Cordelia moved back into her room as James moved soundlessly up the stairs. She watched as he entered the room with trepidation; their usual casual air was replaced with an awkwardness. Turning around, she gathered her hair to one shoulder so James could see the clasps that ran up the back of the dress. “If you could just undo the clasp between my shoulder blades.”
Behind her, she felt James move forward and take hold of her dress with his long, nimble fingers. She willed herself not to shiver as his calloused skin brushed her exposed back while he worked on the fastening, which quickly came undone under his touch. “There, you are freed, Lady Cordelia,” he said lightly. 
Cordelia knocked the dress off her shoulders and let it pool around her ankles as she turned to face James. She heard her mother’s voice in her head that she should be scandalized to be standing in front of a man - even her husband - in her petticoat, but this was not the first time James had seen her in a state of undress and would most likely not be the last. She gave him a small smile, “thank you, Lord James.” 
Returning her smile, his eyes flicked down to the marriage rune that was placed on her left breast and was now peaking out from the top of her petticoat. Returning his gaze to hers, his smile fell. “Daisy, I-” He began, hesitantly, but didn’t get to finish. 
“Don’t call me that,” she spoke, cutting him off. The words had left her mouth before she could process what she was saying. 
James recoiled, taking half a step back from her. “What?”
Cordelia thought a very unladylike word while the silence spread between her and James for a moment. She had backed herself into a corner and cursed the fact she had no training in fighting her way out of this type of situation. Breathing in, she steeled her voice, “I said, don’t call me that, James.” Her hands came up as she spoke, flying around and enunciating each of her words. She had gone this far, and everything just came spilling out of her. “I can’t bear to hear you say it, as to you it’s just a name. But for me, it’s us as children in Paris and us in the Whispering Room of the Hell Ruelle. It’s the times when I feel a sliver of hope that not every part of this is a farce. At night, when we are together, your touch lays trails of fire on my skin, and in your eyes I see desire and I can imagine that maybe there is a part of you that truly does love me as I love you. Then we wake up and you depart to your room and your stone mask replaces itself. You are unable to give me more than telling me I look beautiful, but even those words feel hollow and empty, as if you are an actor who has rehearsed their lines one too many times. 
“I thought our evenings together would be enough for me; to escape into the illusion that you love me, but the more I have felt the smallest spark of something real between us, the less I can take pretending. I can’t face your mother and the way she embraces me as if I am her own daughter, knowing that I will lose that in just eight more months.” She stopped for a moment, stepping out of her dress and moving towards James. His golden eyes were wide and shimmering and his mouth was open in surprise. His hands were hanging limply by his side, unsure of what they should be doing without a book or throwing knife in them. The bracelet on his right wrist shone in the witchlight, and she had the strangest feeling that the light glinting off the bracelet was winking at her mockingly. Ignoring her absurd thoughts, Cordelia placed her own hands on James’ chest and looked up to him, continuing, “I’m not telling you all this to hurt you. I never wish to hurt you, James; but I need you to understand that I cannot continue on this way. I know you never intended for this to happen when you proposed, you couldn’t have known the way I truly feel for you. I feel like an idiotic fool even thinking this, but the colour of your eyes is my favorite colour in all the world. Some days I cannot even bear the thought that in just a few months I will never again look into your eyes as you lean in to kiss me. I don’t need you to apologize - I won’t apologize either - it’s neither of our faults for how we feel. I- I guess I just need you to know that for me, it needs to be all or nothing.” 
Cordelia truly had no idea how James would react to her confession, but she hardly at all expected him to nod and merely say, “I understand.” Backing away from her hands, which still rested on his chest, he bid her goodnight again and swept out of the room. Cordelia stood for a moment with her hands frozen in mid-air, still warm from the heat that radiated off James. Mindlessly, she turned to finish undressing and once she made it into her nightgown, she laid on her mattress and stared at the ceiling until she was pulled into a restless sleep. 
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sweets-fanfics · 5 years ago
Homecoming 8
Title: Aftermath
Word count:2561
Warning: Angst af
A/N: Next episode will be fluffy as shit to make up for the darkness. But It’s important to know that everyone reacts to traumatic events differently. I also wanted to make it known I wasn’t in anyway attempting to romanticize sexual assult. As a survior of it I know first hand it’s not to be romanticized and it’s a serious ass topic.
 The faces of horror you saw when you rode into camp on Arthur’s horse is something you won’t forget for a long time.
 The one that broke you the most was Hosea’s. He had just wanted to do something nice for you. Let you be on your own.
 And it backfired horribly.
 Of course, people had questions all they saw was an angry Arthur and you looking beat up to all heck. However, Arthur didn’t seem to have the intention of letting anyone talk to you. He hopped off his horse and lifted you off.
 “My God, what happened?” Hosea asked calling attention to the few who hadn’t seen you an Arthur ride in.
 “We ain’t gonna talk about it right now.” Arthur simply put. He carried you to his tent since it was a bit more spacious than your own. He laid you on the cot and turned around to shut the flaps to give you privacy.
 He turned around and helped you out of your boots. He looked around his tent until he spotted what he was looking for. He held up his blue shirt only then bringing it to your attention he was wearing a white button-up you hadn’t seen before. “Here,” He handed it to you. “Put this on. I’ll go grab you some water and somethin’ t’ clean you up with.”
 He started to leave but then hesitated. “People are goin’ to ask… Is there anyone I should tell only?” He looked at you with such sad eyes. It made you feel weaker than you felt.
 “Maybe just, Hosea, Henry and Dutch…” You mumbled softly. “Also… can you get Abigail for me?”
 Arthur smiled sadly, “Of course sweetheart, I’ll be back.”
 After he left you didn’t change right away. You felt wrong. Like you weren’t in your body, and you didn’t know how to work this one. You let out a long sigh and slip off Arthur’s coat and slip on his blue shirt. Since Arthur is so much bigger than you you don’t even have to unbutton. You sit on the cot and hug your legs tightly to you even though it’s still sore.
 “Y/N?” You hear Abigail outside.
 “Come in,” You mumble.
 When Abigail enters the tent you see the other girls outside waiting. And behind them you see John, Charles, and Javier looking worried as well. Abigail sits on the other end of the bed and quietly waits for you to speak when you want to. She seems so sad but she doesn’t push you. You can feel tears rolling down your cheek, you quickly try to wipe them on your skirt but she notices.
 “Oh, my sweet girl, what happened to you out there.” She asks softly looking on the brink of tears herself.
 “I was attacked…” You mumble.
 She sighs and scoots a bit closer to you. “Is that all they did to you, honey?” You shook your head quickly starting to cry again. “Oh, no honey.” She pulls you close and softly rocks you back and forth.
 “I’m in so much pain…” You admit. “I need help cleaning down there…” You say embarrassed.
 “Let me help you. I’ll just ask someone to make sure we aren’t disturbed.” She peaks out of the tent and mumbles to someone. When she pulls herself back in shes holding a bowl with a rag hanging out. “Alright, John is out there makin’ sure no one comes in until I say.”
 She puts the bowl down and begins to help you stand. “Alright… I’m going to lift your skirt okay?” She asks making sure.
 “I’ll be okay.” You say not believing yourself.
 She starts to lift your skirt and you jerk away from her breathing heavier. She stops right away and lifts her hands up showing she means no harm. “We can take as much time as ya need, Y/N.”
 “I’m sorry..”
 “Don’t be sorry. You have no reason to be.” You lift the skirt to show her and you see her heart drop the moment she sees the damage. “Oh, dear girl… I may just kill that man myself.”
 Arthur walked up to Dutch and Hosea, “Where’s Henry? Y/N asked me to speak t’ yall.”
 “Are you going to tell us what’s goin’ on?” Dutch asked. He tried to step towards Arthur’s tent but Arthur held out a hand stopping him. “You best move you hand Mr. Morgan.” Dutch threatened him.
 “Abigail is helpin’ her clean up right now. Best we go to your tent and talk. How about you go wake up Henry.” Arthur could see Dutch was a bit thrown off at Arthur telling him what to do but he simply shook his head frustrated and walked to Henry’s tent.
 “It’s worrying me even more that you won’t tell us right away, Arthur,” Hosea said sitting in the chair in Dutch’s tent.
 “Just know, it ain’t your fault,” Arthur mumbled pacing back and forth.
 “How can it not be, I sent her out there.”
 “She don’t blame you in the slightest. Dutch still doesn’t know you sent her out.” Arthur tried to reassure him. Hosea didn’t look convinced.
 “What happened to my sister?” Henry demanded stomping up and grabbing a fist full of Arthur’s shirt.
 “Calm down, boy, and I’ll tell ya.” Arthur rips Henry’s hands off of him and sitting him on Dutch’s cot. Dutch leans on the post holding up the tent. Arthur looks at the three men in front of him. He finally sighs trying to psych himself up so he won’t get angry again telling them.
 “Y/N had snuck out t-”
 “I sent her out,” Hosea admits without looking up. “I felt bad so I sent her to deliver a letter to Trelawny.”
 “Well… while she was on her way to Saint Denise she got stopped in the swamps and some bastard…” Arthur didn’t want to say the next word. It made him sick to his stomach just thinking about it.  
 “Say it, Arthur,” Dutch demanded.
 “Some asshole assaulted her.” Arthur started getting angry again and turned around to calm himself down. “Hosea was gettin’ worried so he sent me to get look for her and I found her passed out in the mud.”
 Henry stood up and started going for Arthur’s tent with Dutch close behind. “Boy, get back over here,” Arthur yelled.
 “No offense Mr. Morgan but fuck that.” John attempted to tell them to stop but Henry pushes him away as he and Dutch stormed into the tent scaring both you and Abigail.
 “No,” Abigail yelled. “No men right now.”
 “Stand back Miss Roberts,” Dutch says.
 “No not this time. She doesn’t want to see anyone right now. You boys gotta respect that.”
 Henry pushed Abigail and grabbed your shoulders. “Y/N, who was it.” He says loudly. You just shake your head silently close your eyes hiding your face in your knees. “Y/N tell me right now so I can kill the son of a bitch who-” Arthur picked Henry up forcing him out of the tent.
 “If ya had let me finish I woulda told ya that she doesn’t know.” Arthur turned back grabbing Dutch’s shoulder and pulling him out of the tent with John’s help. “Now you two need to go clear your heads.” He sees Hosea looking angry too, “You too old man. Lord knows I need to as well. But let miss Roberts take care of her for the night.”
 None of the men liked that idea. Hell, Arthur didn’t either but he knew he would at least attempt to make an example. Eventually, after a staredown, Dutch stomped off to his tent closing the flaps. Arthur swears he could hear him throw something. Henry hops on to Lightning and takes off. And finally, Hosea pulls up a chair near Arthur’s tent and sits outside of it guarding the tent so no one tries to go in.
  “Will you be okay if I go make sure the boys have calmed down?” Abigail asks as she tucks you into the cot. You nod tiredly. “Get some rest, I’ll check on you in a bit.” She kisses your forehead and walks out of the tent.
 It’s too quiet as you lay in the cot. Abigail had wrapped a blanket around you so you felt cocooned and safe. But you couldn’t shake the feeling you weren’t.
 Eventually, you had fallen asleep you didn’t have any dreams or nightmares it was just quiet sleep. When you opened your eyes in the morning you could see the shining through the cracks in the tent. There was a slight movement making you shoot up. Arthur quickly raised his hands to calm you.
 “Whoa.. sorry Y/N I just came in to grab somethin’.”
 “Where are you goin’?” You asked. He didn’t make eye contact. “Arthur…”
 “I know you didn’t know his name. But… what did he look like?”
 You shook your head. “I’ll handle him.” You said threw your teeth. You rubbed your eye only to wince at the pain. “Be honest Mister Morgan, am I scary lookin’?” You pull his sleeve so that he can look at you.
 He gives you a kind smile but you can see the sadness. “You could’ve had your face half-eaten by wolves and you’d still be the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.”
 “Watch it…” You hear John mumble outside.
 “John, go to bed…” you sigh. “Thank you though Arthur.” You start to get up but he places a hand on your knee.
 “Y/N you should just rest today, and go on the murder spree I feel you are ‘bout to go on tomorrow.” Arthur chuckles softly.
 “I… I gotta do somethin’, I feel like you won’t stop lookin’ at me with sad eyes until I do.” Arthur sighs and kisses your forehead.
 “How about, you rest, I’ll track him down and then bring you to him once I do.” You stare into his eyes for a bit quietly. He does better to hide the sadness in his blue eyes since you pointed it out.
 Finally, you give a soft sigh, “Okay… But promise me you won’t do anythin’. Just observe. Killing is my job.”
 He smiles and kisses your nose, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You knew he was lying, Arthur wanted nothing more than to kill and torture the man who did this. It was all over his face and the way he tensed up for a moment when you made him promise.
  But he also knew you wanted to be the one to end him.
 You crossed your arms and sat on the cot. “Be safe.”
 You tried to fall back asleep but it wasn’t working. You sat up and slipped your boots on. You tried to peak out of the tent but saw too many people close by.
 “I wasn’t expecting you to be up.” You hear Hosea say. You look to your left and see him sitting in a chair with a book in hand.
 “I can’t sleep.” You mumble. “Uncle Hosea…” You noticed he wouldn’t look at you. “You aren’t to blame…”
 “You say that… But I sent you out there.”
 “And I would have snuck out eventually anyway.” You cut him off, “It’s what I’m best at.”
 He sighs and lets out a small laugh. “That is very true.”
 “Uncle, may I use your hat?” Without another word he takes it off and hands it to you.
 You duck back in the tent and put on your head. Adjusting it and your hair until your black eye is sorta covered. Then you take a deep breath and step out next to him.
 “I look normal?” You ask.
 He looks up at you softly, “Look like you forgot to comb your hair.” You hum in a sarcastic agreement. “Also… Henry hid Suzie.”
 “Son of a…”
 “You need to rest, my dear.” You sigh and leave him to walk to your tent.
 You can feel the stares. You can’t tell if they are of judgment or worry, but you feel them. You try to keep your head up. You don’t want to be weak. You had this ever-growing rage inside to prove to them that you were strong.
 “Miss Van Der Linde, you should not be outta bed,” Abigail warns as she cleans Jack’s coat.
 “I’m just headin’ back to my tent.”
 “Mhm, better be.”
 You duck into your tent and pick up your violin case right away. You open the case and pick up the instrument. You tighten the bow hair and add a bit of rosin before heading back out into camp. You walk past it and down the shore a bit for at least a bit of privacy.
 Once you find a place you are comfortable with you began to play anything that comes to mind. It seemed today was a sad song. But you weren’t shocked. You figured it would be. Your fingers keyed the notes perfectly as always since you perfected this particular song.
 Slowly without realizing it, the song begins to turn angrier and angrier until you suddenly hear the note go flat and the steel-string smacks your cheek making you jump. You open your eyes praying the string only came loose. Your heart breaks a bit when you see the string snapped in two.
 “Shit.” You have a sudden urge to throw the violin into the lake just from the string breaking. This anger coming out of you from one action of another. Your grip begins to tighten on the neck of the violin. You wished you had the strength to just snap it in two.
 “That was a pretty song,” Arthur says behind you. “Got a little scary at the end.” You turn to look at him. He’s sitting on a log in the sand smiling at you. “I bet the store in Rhodes knows where to get a new string for it.”
 “I have an extra in my tent.” You feel yourself relax just being near him. You sit by him and place your violin in your lap. “How was your day out?”
 Arthur shrugs, “Went hunting for the camp for a bit.” Hands you a candy bar. When you look up confused he chuckles a bit, “Give it to Jack.”
 “Thank you, I had forgotten completely.”
 “How are you?” He asks throwing you off a bit. “Like… really?”
 You look at the ground, “I feel so scared of everythin’, but I also feel so angry. I’ve never felt this kinda anger before. Like… like rage. Hell if you didn’t speak up I may have destroyed my instrument.”
 “I found the guy I think.” He mumbles in his wonderful gruff voice. “But I’m not going to tell you where just yet. I want you to rest for today and tomorrow I’m gonna take you somewhere to get your mind off of it all.”
 You look out at the lake. “Then you tell me?”
 “Then I’ll tell ya.”
 “I love you.” You mumbled and then snap your mouth close realizing what you said.
 He chuckles and kisses the side of your head.
  “I’m really glad you said it.” You look up at him, “I’ve almost said at least three times this past week.” You laugh as he carefully wraps his arms around you.
 “I love you too.”
Tags: @rollyjogerjones
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thecardsimagine · 6 years ago
Of shipwrecks and seafoam
Summary: Let me tell you a story about a pirate and a merman, finding a love that goes beyond insecurities and death. Let yourself be taken away onto a journey about doubt and secrets, understanding and a bond that even goes beyond the deep blue of the ocean.
Pairing: Merman!Julian Devorak x Pirate!Reader (Nonbinary) Rating: Mature because of swearing and suggestive content Warning: Blood, Death, Killing Genre: Romance, Drama, Alternate Universe
a/n: Here we gooo. Honestly, I was a bit insecure in this chapter. But I decided against overwriting it as if would have turned out worse I think. I hope yall can enjoy it, the next chapters will be better I promise. As always, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think!
Chapter 3 - Things to learn
At least, that's what it said. It could speak, and its name was Julian, so much you knew. It tried to say something else but you passed out before you could hear the end of it and either you were dead or crazy by now. Some part of you still wanted to believe it was a dream. Whether it was good or bad didn't matter if only it was a dream of yours.
And you really did wake up, back on the dry shore, to a familiar, hummed tune sounding from somewhere close. When you opened your eyes, you saw the cloudy sky above you. The sun was nowhere to be seen anymore, hidden behind the white and grey fluffs before it so you couldn't make out how long you had been asleep.  Groaning, you brought your hands up to your face, rubbing them over your features, noticing too late how wet and slimy they felt against your skin.
With a disgusted groan, you were sitting upright, wiping your face on your shirt before staring at your hands in bewilderment. There it was again, the green seaweed you really had come to dislike by now. As if you were stung by a bee, you pried it off your palms, or at least tried too, as it was wrapped around them tightly.
The humming disappeared promptly and was replaced by a firm, "Hey!" accompanied by some shuffling next to you. In almost as much surprise as fear, you looked up at the source of the voice, glancing into a nearly as perplex face as your own. Your own expression must have been getting visibly uncomfortable, and you felt the tears shoot up into your eyes as you looked into the grey ones of the creature.
"Oh, did I upset you? Don't do that, don't release water from your eyes… Come on, I patched you up nicely, oh, please don't look at me like that…"
Pulling itself closer to where your body was, the creature needed to claw its hands into the sand and push its body off to move forward. It wasn't a nice view to observe for you, and it seemed to take its toll on the creature too. You weren't sure if it was actual sweat - or if the beast was just wet in general - that seemed to drip from its body, but you had other things to worry about.
There was no way you'd feel sorry for flinching as it reached out its claws towards you, trying to take your hand in its. But it pushed on, and eventually, you complied to its wishes. Maybe it was your survival instinct setting in, not wanting to upset it and risk your head. Its touch was… tender. Almost soft. Perhaps because you couldn't feel its skin against yours really because of the seaweed, but it worked with careful touches.
From the very close up you had of its fingers now, you found them to be more human than you had initially thought. Their ends were claw-like nails, but the joints seemed proportional to its body, just generally a little longer than human ones. In your previous fear, your mind must have exaggerated its build too, making you wonder now that it was close. Yes, its whole body construct was big, but at least the human half was that of a tall man at most and seemed less scary now that you could properly see it.
Shooting a small glance behind it, you mustered its tail. Even though you were a good few feets away from the water, you couldn't see the end of it before it got swallowed underwater. You couldn't even make out where it was supposed to end, though for a moment you were mesmerized by it's beautiful red scales, sparkling even without sun rays clashing on them and changing color slightly when the tail moved.
"That's not right…" you mumbled, feeling the pressure on your hand as the creature tightened the seaweed around it again, making a knot. "Hm?" it hummed. You hadn't noticed before, but its voice was irresistibly melodic. Even the smallest gasp sounded like a full orchestra going off in the back of your head, something you had never even experienced in your life before.
After being content with its doings it followed your gaze behind itself, letting its eyes brush over its own tail. You heard the splashing of water as a large fin erupted from it, further down in the ocean. Losing the control of your own jaw, your mouth dropped open as you stared at the full length of its body, while the creature's brows furrowed. "What's not right?" it asked in confusion. "Something wrong with my tail?"
You attention shifted back to its face, its eyes following yours soon after and meeting your gaze. A toothy grin crept over its lips, revealing some very sharp, pointy teeth. Slowly but surely, your mind began piecing things together. The tail, the claws, the immense size of the whole being. The piercing beauty, the beautiful voice, and if you saw that entirely right - gills at the side of its chest. "A mermaid," you mouthed, your voice so small, you thought you had lost it.
"Well, to be technically correct it's merman."
Shaking your head a little as you tried to process what you had just heard, you gave your damn best to understand the situation you were in. Coming from what it said it not only understood you very well, it also was an intelligent being, able to hold a conversation. "Merman, is that not the right term?" it asked. Concern washed over its face as you kept looking at it flabbergasted. "Did you hit your head too? Should I have a look-"
Reaching out its hand, it wanted to place it behind your head to push you forward to have a better view at the back of your head, though, in a second of panic, you slapped its claw away, croaking, "Don't! It will hurt!" Instinctively your own hand came up to your side, being greeted with more slimy feeling and moving things from your touch and under your shirt. Confused you lifted the hem, only to be greeted with more seaweed and the same green goo as before.
At first, you didn't notice how the creature seemingly took a 'step' back, giving you more room, until you looked up. It seemed shocked, holding its hand in the other large one and you feared for the worst. Now you had gone and made it upset. "If you don't let me see, I can't determine if you are hurt, turn around then, will you?"
By now there were no words that could explain your perplexion anymore, and out of sheer fear that still lingered in your body, you did as it instructed, turning your back to it so it could see whatever it wanted to see. Only after you had turned you realized your grave mistake of turning your back to a predator who could easily bring you down if it wanted to. But instead, you felt it's hand come up against the back of your head once more, pushing away hair to inspect it better.
It had stopped talking, and though you didn't mind the silence per se, it was unnerving to have it touch you while being quiet. "So… Merman, huh…" you finally picked up your words. "Ah, yes." Immediately, its voice chimed up again, pleasantly, like the ringing of a bell. "It's the name you gave us though. I mean you - the humans. We don't call ourselves that."
"Strange," you mumbled. "What do you call yourself then?"
Behind you, a chuckle erupted from the creature's throat. For the first time, it didn't sound human or pleasant at all. For the first time it was animalistic. "You wouldn't be able to speak that, human," it purred, its fingers still creeping around over the back of your head and pushing into it sometimes, presumably to see how stable your skull was. "Why not?" you asked, genuinely curious. You flinched as the creature let out a shrill, high-pitched sound, scaring you. "That's what we call ourselves."
"Yeah…" you laughed nervously. "I can't say that." The creature gave an understanding but thoughtful hum. "Don't blame yourself. You're just not built for that." Its claw came up to your throat, tapping against your skin to mark its own words. "You lack some of those… Oh, what do you call them?"
"Vocal cords?"
"Vocal cords, yes~" It seemed pleased with that answer. While it kept inspecting your head, your eyes nervously scouted from side to side. You could probably outrun it, you had witnessed it slowing down on land before. If only you could get up fast enough, there was no way it could follow you into the forest. Some part of you was still in denial because after all you had witnessed, that just couldn't be happening. Mermaids - or merman - were not real after all, right? They were just fairytales to keep sailors away from dangerous cliffs they might crash into… Right?
But no matter how much you tried to convince yourself that it was all a fantasy, the feeling of its hands against your body was real and it still seemed to be able to grasp you well enough if you by any chance messed up your only chance to flee. Your own thoughts were harshly disrupted by a loud rumble from your stomach. Even though you were in a panic, your body apparently had already come clean with the situation. Or this was just a reminder that you had no energy to flee anyhow.
"What was that?" It asked, peaking around your side to inspect your front. "M-My stomach," you admitted meekly. "Are you hungry?" Eyes shooting up to meet yours, it gave you a small smile. There was no way you'd expose your own weakness to it, so you bit your lip, avoiding its gaze. You could feel its eyes linger, before it slowly backed up again, giving some more final pushes to your head. "That seems fine," it let you know.
You heard the noise of it moving away again, scales rubbing over the beach and raising your head, you could watch it awkwardly crawl back to the water. There was a small, pleased sigh that left its lips as it sunk back waist-deep into the ocean. Turning back to you, it propped its head on his hand, elbows in the sand. "So you were trying to hunt back then when you were standing in the water?" It asked, eyes fixating on you while a smile danced over its lips. You only huffed, feeling as if it was making fun of you.
"And if I was, what is it to you?"
"Oh, no," it waved a hand dismissively into your direction. "I think you did great. You just lacked the exercise." Laying its arms down in the sand and putting its head on top of them, it seemed to look you over. "But that wound is bad, I guess it can't be helped." Shooting up only to sink right back into the water, you heard something sounding like a giggle coming from it. "Fear not, human! For I, the great Julian, will help you!" It gave you another toothy grin before it added a small, "Be right back!" and ducked into the water.
You could only stare on in disbelief as you saw the tail end rise out of the water and then vanish into the deeper areas. As if the situation wasn't weird enough, now it seemed you had found someone - or something - to take pity on you. Normally, you would have been glad if someone had taken care of you like that, but your distrust of the creature was too big to let you think more rational of the situation. Snapping out of your thoughts you realized now was the perfect time to get away. Looking around frantically you searched for your stick, seeing the branch lying a few feet away from you close to the rim of the water.
Carefully, you turned over onto your legs and hands, trying to ignore the squishing of the seaweed all on your body and crawled to the branch, picking it up. It was far but yet you were so close to the freedom, you even accepted the burn in your whole body because of your movement. But when you were finally in reach of the wood, a big, wet claw laid over your hand. With shock in your face, you looked up at the creature's face. You were faced with a worried expression as it shook its head. "You shouldn't stand up, you will only get worse from moving too much."
Its eyes shooted down to the branch, inspecting it. They suddenly began to widen as the realization dawned on it, its head snapping back at you. All of a sudden they were much darker, and much feral too. "Did you want to… defend yourself?" For a second you found it strange that it would come to this conclusion, but then you realized that you had made the branch a weapon.
All you could do was stare back at it, both pairs of eyes meeting each other in silence. "I can't trust you," you stated, though your voice was slim, stricken with fear that you didn't want to show. Pulling back its hand, it muttered a small "Right," driving back into the water behind it. If not for you not believing that it really understood your reasoning, you thought you saw sadness in the gleam of its eyes. For a few moments, it ducked away into the ocean, only eyes and hair remaining at the surface, before it shot up again, letting out a gasp. "Food!" it announced, a smile on its lips, though you noticed that its eyes didn't seem as happy as it tried to give itself.
Before you landed two decently sized fishes, or at least what was left of them. Their heads had been severed, and you didn't want to know why exactly. You glanced nervously between the fish bodies and the sea creature up and down. 'Julian' only smiled and nodded encouragingly. "Thanks…" you muttered, picking the bodies up. Your eyes shoot back to the stick, then to Julian who seemed to follow your gaze. Its smile had faded when it saw you looking at the branch, but upon noticing your stare, it quickly perked the corners of its lips up.
Though you had a hard time crawling back to the fire with the two fish in your one hand and them also repeatedly slipping out of your wet, seaweed grasp, you managed somehow. Julian just followed you back to the fireplace, still submerged in the water and keeping its distance. For the first time, you noticed that the fire was out, though you were sure it had still been on by the time you had tried to fish yourself. "You're not going to relight that, are you?" For a split second, you thought to see disgust hush over the merman's face, though it was replaced by concern soon after.
"Yes, I will. I can't eat the fish raw." It hummed thoughtfully, laying down on the sand again, though with a noticeable distance to the fireplace. "But first I need to take these off…" you mumbled, again pulling at the seaweed bandages around your hand. There was another audible gasp from Julian which gained your attention. "But how will it heal if you keep taking it off!" You must have looked really confused and startled by him, causing him to back down again from his jumped-up position.
"What do you mean?" you asked, vaguely realizing what he could be saying. "You keep taking the seaweed off, but it's supposed to heal your wounds! I had to redo the one on your side for a few times now because you keep throwing it off and away!" The creature sounded genuinely upset about what you were doing, and it actually made you feel a bit bad about being so careless with its efforts.
"Wait," you said, your voice finally having its usual strength behind it. Furrowing your brows you gave it a stern look. "Are you saying that it was you who kept wrapping me in this damn, puke-green weed?" Surprised by your raised voice, Julian withdrew himself from you, something that caught your attention, as he obviously was the more dangerous of you two.
"I mean, what should I have done otherwise? Let you die?" it defended itself, averting its eyes. Opening your mouth you wanted to say something back, but you couldn't actually come up with a remark fast enough. "Listen," the creature spoke up, crawling back further on land. It seemed very serious again, its face wrinkling. "I understand you can't trust me, but I fished you out of the waters back when those big, brown… things were fighting."
It seemed unsure about what to say for a second, biting its lips thoughtfully. "Seaweed helps, okay?" You felt yourself get a headache with all the small pieces that Julian was throwing at you. Not only had he been your nightly visitor and probably deposit all the seaweed close to the shore before, he had also been the reason that you were on this patch of earth now? "I… I didn't get swept up here? After I fell off that boat, I mean…"
Holding your head, you were a little thankful for the cooling of the seaweed, a headache spreading fast. "No…" it mumbled, glancing up at you through its eyelashes shyly. "How… How far from here was it? Where you found me?" After thinking for a second, Julian shook its head slowly and then more expressively. "I can't tell, your measurements are not something I can use in the water."
"I see…" you muttered, turning your attention back to your hands. "But I need a good grip on the wood to start a fire. Can I just… take them off for now?" you asked him. Admittedly, he didn't seem content with the idea, but he begrudgingly agreed. "Here, let me…" he offered, and this time, you didn't mind putting your hand into his as much as before.
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theemarsrover · 6 years ago
Hello! I finished TAZ book 2 and yall know I was crying at the end. Anyways, to work through it all here’s a Taako/Magnus (shocker) version of the last few pages in the book! The rest is under the cut but if you’d rather, here’s the link to it on Ao3.
The three of them had gotten very close, very quickly. Maybe if Taako would stop steam rolling high on his emotions he could take a moment to reflect on that. He doesn’t just get close to people. He never has and most importantly, he’s never wanted to.
He doesn’t know why he wants to be around them all the time. He doesn’t understand that pull inside of his chest when one of them is hurt, when it’s obvious they need him. It’s foreign and it’s terrifying.
But that doesn’t stop him from leaning into it.
Merle’s been knocked out for hours now. The loud rumbles of his snores are certainly enough to keep him awake, he’s surprised Magnus wasn’t. Since they’d laid their heads on the pillows Magnus had been restless. At first he wondered what it was that caused such a fitful sleep. Then he began mumbling.
“No one noticed.”
But they did.
They had done very well.
In every sense of the word it should have been disastrous. A complete failure just like Phandolin. Ending in destruction, flames, death.
So much death.
But they’d done it this time around. They had saved almost every person on the train and prevented even more deaths.
So when Magnus’ anxieties air out unconsciously… it hit a nerve. They did do really well.
He saved people this time.
Taako knows a lot about bragging rights and he has plenty himself. What they did to save those people? Hell, what Magnus did alone?
He’s been flipped over in his bunk, watching Magnus for a few minutes now.
His forehead creased, face shining lightly with sweat. Not that Taako knows much about it, but Magnus is young for a human. Yet, he has worry lines all over his face.
Taako knows what grief looks like. He drops down from the top bunk.
There’s a few things he knows for sure in the time he’s known Magnus. One, he loves physical affection. Literally even thinking about it Taako is already cringing. Except he’s a hypocrite because at this point, Magnus does it so often Taako is used to it. Which means he at least doesn’t mind it. Awful, just awful.
He probably doesn’t want to be bothered. Slowly he kneels down in front of Magnus.
Seriously, we’ve only known the guy for what? A month? There’s nothing here! That’s the other thing Taako knows for sure, Magnus trusted Taako the first day he met him. 
He’s shaking a bit, but he swallows his anxieties. They’re unnecessary.
He won’t turn away.
He’s been in this position before and at the time he didn’t need someone to hold him. Because he didn’t think he was deserving of it.
Magnus is different though. He’s good, and humble, and as he always says, hospitable.
Taako smiles at himself.
“Hey,” he says. He pokes Magnus in the nose.
The burlier man wakes up with a snort, grabbing at his nose and itching.
“Taako, wh-?”
“Listen, big man let me talk before I change my mind.”
Taako gives Magnus a moment to wake up. He needs to at least somewhat absorb the information so Taako knows he’s not taking advantage of him.
“You’re not sleeping. Like, at all.” Magnus goes to open his mouth but Taako lifts a hand. “Don’t try to argue, I’ve been awake this whole time. And whatever sort of nightmare you’re having? It ain’t sleep. Now scoot over.”
Taako rolls his eyes.
“Don’t make it weird. I’m just going to cast a spell so both of us can catch some sleep. I’d do it from up there but it’s easier to do with minimal distance. And since we both need it better to cut out the distance all together, hmm?”
Magnus blinks. He’s certainly registered something.
“I- I mean, thanks? I really appreciate that. You’re… going to be okay with this?” Magnus asks. Taako shrugs.
“I’m comfortable, my dude. If you don’t make it weird I won’t make it weird.”
“Okay…” Magnus says. He looks behind him and then around the bed. “It’s kind of small in here.”
“Okay,” Taako snips. He stands up from his position on the ground and makes a waving motion. “That’s a technicality now move over. I don’t know about you but I want some fucking sleep.” 
Magnus complies scooting to where the wall and the bed meet. Taako slides under the covers and is pleasantly surprised by how warm it is.
“Ohhh boy,” he says contentedly. “Remind me that you’re a furnace when we’re out in the middle of the woods. Am not about to suffer in the cold with you around.”
“We wouldn’t want that.” Magnus chuckles and the warmth of his breath tickles the top of Taako’s shoulder. It sits in the crook of his neck, begging to turn into something more. But Taako focuses on his spell.
“Ready to sleep my man?”
“Yeah,” Magnus says. It’s hoarse with exhaustion. This won’t be a hard spell to use on him, but really it’s going to help the fitfulness.
“Wait, Taako.” Magnus’ voice peaks with interest, suddenly a little more awake. Taako turns his head to look at Magnus. He feels vulnerable staring at him like this but he doesn’t look away.
“Why couldn’t you fall asleep?”
“Oh, psh, that’s easy.” Taako waves his hand and turns sideways facing away from Magnus. “Elves don’t need sleep, darling.”
And yet, he’s exhausted every day. He’s tried to stay awake, meditate and everything but by the end of the day he’s drained. There’s not any answers for it either. Every book he’s ever read, every elf he’s ever spoken to about it, they all say elves don’t need sleep. He’s defected somehow, he doesn’t know why.
He casts the spell and lets sleep blanket over him. Magnus shifts and their arms brush, Taako remembers his presence and lets himself relax. No need to have such intrusive thoughts. Not tonight.
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singt0mecalum · 6 years ago
we talked about this a while ago and I still love this concept so much: Living in London and befriending Mali. She sets you up with Calum because she thinks yall would be perfect together
Lena you know all of my weaknesses and I don’t like it.
Like she’s super lowkey about it and both of y’all are oblivious but Ash catches on to her plan and then they start working together to get y’all together. And ofc y’all are both quiet and shy people so the flirting and attraction is super subtle and one night when Cal is in London and staying with his sister she invites you over and y’all have a quiet night in and y’all are watching a movie and Mali gets up to go to bed before it’s over because she’s starting to fall asleep and after she’s in bed is when he finally makes a move and y’all are cuddled up on the couch completely ignoring the movie and talking quietly to each other and during a lull in the conversation he leans down to kiss you and it surprises you but you’re definitely into it and it turns into a lazy slow makeout session with hands softly touching everywhere and neither of y’all are rushing and just enjoying the feeling of each other. After a while of lazily kissing and him keeping his hands on your ass with small squeezes here and there he asks if you want to move this to his bed in Mali’s guest room and is that even a question? because you’d be stupid not to and y’all would spend the night between the sheets with slow, giggly, gentle sex going at it for HOURS and y’all finally fall asleep when the sun is starting to peak and when y’all finally wake up a few hours later you’re curled into his side and you look up at him with a small smile on your face and he just smiles he beautiful eye-crinkling smile back and whispers “good morning beautiful” and his voice is just so deep and you whisper good morning back and y’all just lay there talking and then at some point you’re giggling at something he said and you both hear a thump outside the door and Mali opens the door and she’s got a huge shit eating grin on her face and y’all both just stare at her with wide eyes and “it’s about fucking time i’ve been working to get you two together for months let me go call ash he owes me fifty bucks” and runs off and y’all both just look at each other and he just leans down to give to a small peck and smiles at you and y’all both get up and he gives you a tshirt and it falls to the middle of your thighs and y’all both wander into the kitchen and brews a pot of coffee and while y’all wait for it to finish he pulls you into his chest and just holds you and drops a kiss to the top of your head and you hear a snap and look over to Mali holding her phone up with a huge smile on her face.
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mascaracoffee · 6 years ago
Lil Minnow (Arthur Curry/ Aquaman Imagine)
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I have not been able to go see Aquaman due to studying for boards so keep that in mind if something is off-script. Let me know what you think I have a part 2 in mind if yall like it.
No warnings- slight cursing
A gasp scratched past my parched lips, resting eyes flying open frantically scanning my surroundings as my chest ached, eager for my heart to return to normal rhythm versus its current erratic state in my throat. Light split the dark sky outside my window drawing my attention to the thunder rumbling amongst the ominous clouds that raged with the firepower of rain. The Atlantic an eerie, swirling mass of dark ink highlighted with harsh, angry waves tipped in foams of white as the wind danced along its surface.
Glowed back at me from my desk across the room, reminding me I had only fallen asleep half an hour ago before being jolted awake by the thunder I assume.  Begrudgingly I kicked the blankets off my bare legs and sat straight, grounding my palms into my eyes in annoyance.
I peaked over my fingers to my closed door as the sound vibrated through the house.  My foggy, sleep brain was slow processing the possibilities, maybe the wind?
Thud. Thud.
I stood from my bed and softly opened the door. The cabin was dark, soft shadows dancing through the windows creating softer grey shapes amongst the walls as the danced with the storm outside. My bare feet took the steps one by one, being careful to skip over the one that creaked obnoxiously, number 14 on my ‘at home to do list’ that seemed to be ever growing.
Once I reached the landing I peeked around the corner into my kitchen, all seemed to be in place.
My body jumped at the much louder disturbance just to the right of me.  Stepping into the dining room I released a sigh at the root of my problem; swaying back and forth on their hinges, my French doors stood agape, rain and wind spluttering inside from the gaping opening to the outside.  I skidded against the wet wood floors and managed to latch the doors shut before I glared down at the mess at my feet.
After drenching three towels, I tossed the laundry into the bin and trudged back up the stairs to my room stretching my neck of the stress settling in my bones.
“bout time”
My body jolted and a scream left my lips as my body registered the tall, muscled frame standing before my window.
“Easy lil bit”
The voice chuckled catching my small fist as it swung through the air aimed at the perp. They stepped forward a chuckle falling past their smirk and a beer, no doubt from my fridge, in their hand.
“Jesus Arthur” I sighed releasing the tension in my body as I fell into his bare chest “you scared me to hell and back.”
“Sorry doll” he mumbled using his much larger hand to guide my face up to his. His lips were tart with salt and his hair held the grit of the ocean as I explored him, desperate to get reacquainted with the man I missed so much.
Arthur set his beer bottle aside, now devoting both his hands to my body slipping beneath my sleep shirt. A whine escaped my lips as he jostled us, pulling me up his frame to wrap my legs around his trim, tattooed waist, a hand moving back to caress my head the other firm around my waist .
I got lost in his kiss, savoring the taste of sea salt and beer that embodied Arthur’s persona so perfectly. His lips left mine to pepper kisses along my neck, his beard tickling the sensitive skin creating goosebumps in their wake.  Suddenly, I was dropped onto my bed, Arthur’s body still entwined with mine, his bulging biceps straining as they caught his weight as to not crush me.
“You left the door open downstairs” I gasped, tangling my fingers into his thick, mane as he latched onto my throat. “bout broke my damn neck on the wet floor.”  Arthur lightly bit my flesh in response.
“You really want to talk right now” Arthur growled, grounding his core between my legs.
I pulled his lips back to mine in response the kiss rough and desperate as we both shed our remaining clothes.
Arthur’s arm was tight around my waist as his free hand swirled affectionately against my ribs, my nose tucked into the junction of his neck and shoulder.
“So how are things down below?”  I mumbled, running my leg along his beneath the covers.
“Good” Arthur nodded, the tone in his voice coated with hope “Finally getting things in order.”
“But still bad enough to have to keep me a secret?” I whispered, focusing my gaze on a particular pattern in Arthur’s tattoo.
Arthur’s chest rose and fell with the heavy breath he released.
“Its complicated” Arthur began with a shake of his head, raking a hand through is hair  “Even now there are some that still think like Orm did, hate the surface world and everyone in it. I don’t want to-“
“Put you in danger” our voices echoed together, having heard this time and time again since Arthur’s return to Atlantis. I blinked back the tears that burned my vision “I know, I just miss you is all.”
Arthur sighed sadly “I miss you too sweetheart” he pressed a kiss into my hair “more than you can imagine.
I bite my lip and sat up out of Arthur’s embrace as the tears began to slip down my cheeks, the tightness in my throat constricting my air.
I stood, yanking on a t-shirt and loose shorts prepared to escape downstairs when Arthur’s arms trapped me to him.
“Hey, hey” he soothed tucking my hair behind my ear “What’s going on?”
I shook my head, my hand covering my mouth to keep my tears at bay.
“Hey look at me” Arthur ordered in a soft but stern voice. Our eyes met. “Talk to me, what wrong?”
“Atlantis” I spat out, the city’s name tasting like vinegar in my mouth. “After all you’ve done, how much you’ve proved yourself worthy of being king and there’re still those that are blinded by hatred. That they would hate me, they would hate-“
I turned away cupping my mouth to keep a sob, or bile, at bay.
“Babe,” he said softly pulling me to his chest. “Where’s this coming from?”
I steadied my breathing, my eyes tracing over the intricate pattern adorning his abdomen, taking my time to focus on the ink work and steady my breathing before I reached his eyes.
“I’m pregnant”
Moments passed, Arthur’s eyes grew in size as he stared at me. I could almost see the wheels turning in his brain.
“Please” I begged my voice breaking as I reached for one of his hands in hope for a response “Please say something.”
“Say it again.”
I blinked up at him in confusion as he squeezed my hand in return, prompting me once more.
“Say it again?”
I reached for both his hands, placing them on my lower abdomen on the firm bulge that could have passed as the result of an all you can eat taco bar.
“I’m pregnant, Arthur.”
I had to blink rapidly, blinded by the large, white smile that broke out over Arthur’s tan face.
“Pregnant! When did you find out? How far are you? Oh my God, you’re pregnant!” he spluttered out questions one after another as he fell to his knees, face level with my stomach.
“I found out about a month ago, after your last visit. I’m about 10 weeks.”
His grin looked as if it would split his face in two, his eyes shining through slithers as his cheeks crinkled around his eyes. He gently pulled up my tshirt and lowered the waistband of the shortss, he took a moment and just gazed at my belly. Gently, he pressed his lips to my navel repeatedly before he looked back at me and stood straight, his hands remaining on my stomach.
“I love you” he beamed pressing his lips to mine feverishly. “I love you, I love you!”
Arthur tightened his arms around my waist before lifting me from the floor and spinning me his laugh booming off the walls in joy. 
“We’re gonna be parents!” my feet found the floor again “Baby you’re gonna be a mama and I’m gonna be a dad, I mean a cool dad, not an embarrising-”
 He studied my face his expression falling slightly at my lack of excitement.
“Why aren’t you thrilled about this?” Arthur chuckled awkwardly “Baby you’re pregnant! We’re gonna have a baby! You and me!”
“That’s what I’m scared about” I admitted pulling away from his grasp “Atlantis will hate our baby, just because they came from me! Think of how they saw you and you’re half Atlantian. They basically exiled you, your own people because you were different! What will they do when they find out your heir is only a quarter Atlantian? You said so yourself the council was pushing for you to marry, Atlantis is gonna want a full blood as their leader, not my baby! “
My face served as the battleground of my emotion, tear-stained and flushed with a trembling bottom lip. My arms ghosting around my abdomen protectively as my gut twisted sickeningly at the thought of anyone hurting my child emotionally or physically, especially my child’s own people.
“Sweetheart,” Arthur said softly stepping toward me, his expression torn and dejected. He hated seeing my cry, he always voiced it when I cried over The Notebook, in that situation Arthur knew what to do; cuddle me with beer and pizza before we ended the night in the bedroom. But this? Arthur woulnd’t have a clue how to fix this.
I stepped into his open embrace, allowing what was left of my guard to crumble. I cried softly into his chest as he held me tight, his fingers running along my spine soothingly. The tips of my fingers curved into the cords of muscle in his back, desperatly clinging to him. Once I wept the last of my tears, Arthur pulled me back to lock eyes.THe swirls of blue and gold were lit with emotion; determination and devotion.
“Do you trust me?”
I nodded dumbly, afraid to speak in fear that my voice would break. And I did. I had known Arthur for most of my life. We grew up together on the water, his father a lighthouse keeper mine a fisherman. When the rest of our classmates pointed and made fun of us, Arthur especially, we would reciprocate by spending our time swimming with dolphins and playing tag with fish, I trust him and his gift with my life. When Arthur took his throne, I trusted he would come back for me and forsake all others in my absence, he did that.
“Then trust that I will do everything in my power to protect you, both of you.” He ended the comment pressing his palm to the small swell of my belly.  “Atlantis has changed and for the better, they will be more welcoming of my heir than you would think.” Arthur smiled affectionately.  “They will love you both, how could they not?”
“Arthur” I shook my head “Atlantis doesn’t even know about me! The council told you to keep me a secret because they were afraid of how the people would react for this very reason, I don’t think Atlantis would be ready for a ruler with any less Atlantian blood. How are they gonna handle the news their now beloved king is sneaking out at night to warm the bed of a land walker” I sniffed “And besides you said so yourself, there’s still those that openly hate the surface. What do you think they would do to our child?”
Arthur’s face fell at my question as if he had forgotten about the rotten apples poisoning his tree. From the stories I had heard, I had no doubt those with ill intent toward the surface would have no moral dilemma in ridding Atlantis of anyone with surface blood.
“Not a damn thing that’s what. All the more reason for me to beat their asses out of Atlantis”  Arthur growled, pulling me back towards the bed. “I don’t want you thinking about any of that. Its not good for the baby.”
“Oh so now you’re an expert Mr. ‘I’ve known I’ll be a dad all of five minutes.’?”
I smiled adoringly up at him.
“Details, details” Arthur scoffed pulling my body to his under the covers.
We lay side by side, legs intertwined, his hand on my belly as he tucked my head under his chin. With Arthur wrapped around me I felt all my earlier worries melt away, I knew Arthur would do everything in his power to ensure our safety. God, how I wish he could stay above water a little longer.
“I don’t want you to worry sweetheart” Arthur’s voice rumbled through his chest “I’m gonna have someone keeping an eye on you all the time. No one is gonna touch you or our lil minnow.”
I chuckled at the nickname as we casually talked about our baby. What would they look like? What would we name them?  Who would they grow up to be?
When I opened my eyes the darkness of night was kissing the warm oranges and yellows of the morning as the sun and moon shared the sky for the briefest moment. I stretched my arms out only to be met with a cool bed. My eyes snapped out the window toward the ocean to see the lone figure walking along the beach toward the water. His broad shoulders stark against the rising sun, as he reached the lapping water he paused and seemed to turn his head and look directly at me. After a sorrowful moment, the body turned back toward the water and began to descend into the depths and within a blink of an eye, his body had disappeared from view and back to the world below like so many times before. Another night hid away between us.
I sighed heavily already missing Arthur. As I fell back into the bed I felt crumpling beneath my head. I retrieved the crumpled note with scratchy handwriting.
‘I’ll be back soon. Take care of yourself lil mama and the minnow. Love you both so much.
I gently reached down and cupped the small bump, rubbing my thumb along it soothingly.
“I guess its just you and me for a little while minnow.”
Let me know what you think! Part 2, maybe?
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