#WAIT. Dr. Yuu too
llumimoon · 1 year
i wanna do art fight sooo bad but i dont have any ocs for ppl to draw 😭
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hanafubukki · 30 days
Yuu being a little afraid of being pregnant, but the world of twisted wonderland has much better healthcare and overall treats children better
They're not getting any younger and neither is Lilia, so why not have a baby before they become too old to engage and raise them?
It doesn't take long, between the prescribed gummies from Riddle (their family doctor and old friend) and Lilia's ahem- enthusiasm, they start showing signs 2 months after they popped the question to Lilia
They remember how Lilia literally flew with joy when they told him they're ready. Of course after the initial joy they started discussing how they will go on about this, how Yuu will probably need to go on a vitamin rich diet, start doing pregnant yoga and require daily massages the farther along they get.
However Yuu's pregnancy seems to get harder everyday. A fact so alarming that they bring it up at their next checkup
"well? How's everything?" Lilia asked tentatively
"weeellll...." Riddle began with a sigh as he discarded the gloves " I have some good news and some.... neutral news?"
"neutral news?"
"I'll start with the good news!" He quickly added
"Good news is the baby's healthy! The growth rate is normal and they seem to be doing well"
"and the neutral news???"
Riddle but his bottom lip wincing "Neutral news is... The babies are healthy. Plural. There's 3 in there."
Yuu and Lilia's faces were complete opposites. Moving at the same time, Yuu's face pulled into a horrified open mouth look while Lilia couldn't hide his grin. He fixed his expression once he noticed Yuu's horror.
"Luckily, we have magic here that'll make your labour be as easy as blinking, however you'll need to eat more. The reason why you've been exhausted is because you were only eating on account of one baby, sometimes if you're not consciously aware of the fact you're pregnant the body will not experience any additional cravings. In your case, you weren't aware just how pregnant you are"
"I.... How did this even happen- I mean what are the chances????"
"are we happy with this?" Riddle asked, looking only at Yuu with a gaze that told them they're his only priority
Yuu held eye contact and thought about it.
"...Yes. It'll be difficult but I want this"
Riddle smiled at both Yuu and Lilia. After everything, they deserved this.
"Very well then! I advise investing in a pump so that can lessen your load when the babies are born. If you need an extra fridge or an electric kettle please don't hesitate to ask, I know a guy" he says with a wink
Lilia smiled, trying to tone down his excitement "we appreciate your help Dr. Rosehearts"
Riddle scoffs "Oh please we go way back. Consider this my personal 'thank you' for helping me out back then, Yuu"
As they walked from the clinic to the nearest portal Yuu could practically feel the joy radiating from their husband. It was impressive how he managed to keep a hold on them and help them walk rather than outright carrying them and flying away
They decided to break the ice "soooo?"
They hear him him take a deep breath before scream-laughing. It honestly startled them
"I GOT A 3 FOR 1 DEAL!" of course this is how he chose to express his joy
Yuu groaned " anymore of this and I'm telling grim you hid his tuna away"
"aww so mean~ can't an old man be happy?"
"you're a particularly loud old man, and I too am old with a terrible headache so have some sympathy, sir!"
"ah anything goes for my cranky old spouse"
He peppered Yuu's face with kisses before carrying them through the portal
It's a good thing they preemptively bought multiple baby clothes (mostly because Yuu was scared of leaving the baby and Lilia in the kitchen together would lead to unsalvageable tatters)
"Well at least now Silver, Malleus and Sebek won't need to fight about being the favourite older brother"
"let's not kid ourselves batsy, they will still engage in petty competition"
"but we did kid ourselves.... 3 times kfufufu"
"no more cuddles for a week"
"wait no-"
Hello Anonie 🌷💞💚
THERE WAS 3!!! 😆😂 not only was lilia enthusiastic but so was his seed it seems omg 😆
Which makes sense because bats do tend to have more than one at once.
Everyone gets a baby! One for brother mal, one for brother sil, and one for uncle sebek. 🥳🥳
You get a baby and you get a baby and you and you 🤣
Riddle is so sweeettt 😭😭💞💞 I’m so happy. He’s attentive.🥺🥹
…”3 for 1 deal”!!!!! LMFAOO I’m crying 😂
This was adorable. 💚
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Congratulations! If it’s alright, for the event could I have prompt 6 with Riddle, Floyd, and Idia. Thank you!
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6. Crowley has decided to put together a murder mystery for the whole ball and you've been the first one "killed." Whoever is playing detective seems really upset about that.
Hello hello! Thank you so much for your patience with me (シ. .)シ In place of Floyd we have Ortho per your request, I hope you enjoy it friend.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this was a really fun line up of characters and I really should write for Ortho more, he deserves all the friends in the world. The other requests can be found on my masterlist.
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Riddle is not fully aware of his reputation. He knows he has one of course, but he is very much under the impression that this reputation is a good one. He very much thinks that the glances going back and forth right now are because the other NRC students know just how intelligent Riddle Rosehearts is and that they stand no chance at winning this game when Heartslabyul's academic reputation is on the line. Because clearly
The steam pouring out of his ears and vein popping free from his skull are not something he is remotely aware of as he stomps through the crowd searching for- well he doesn't really know what. The Headmage had very pointedly said that wild accusations were not allowed in this game.
"The detective only has one chance to make the correct guess, so please make sure you are confident when you make your submission!"
The ballroom is filled with potential suspects, and it's not like he saw who tapped Yuu on the back to single them as their first choice. Really he can't decide what was more brazen, snatching them away while he was literally holding their hand or choosing to pick on the only person who wouldn't complain. The music pauses just as Riddle has managed to get some sort of baring on his surroundings, indicating he was once again too late.
"Our killer strikes again! Our second victim for tonight is Trey Clover, would you please set aside your mask and step up to the balcon-" The headmage's words are drowned out once again, but Riddle's not angry anymore. Frustrated certainly, but not mad, if he didn't know any better he would assume the killer was deliberately targeting him.
"Aww Goldfishie." Floyd has the audacity to look dissapointed, as if his favorite people were getting picked off and not Riddle's. "Aren't you gonna scream a whole bunch over Sea Turtle like you did with Little Shrimpy?"
"I did not scream." He crosses his arms and a bit of amusement returns to Floyd's face.
"Did too. It was really loud and super funny, everybody heard it." Floyd is provoking him on purpose, Riddle looks up towards Yuu to ground himself, but his scowl only deeps when he sees them giggling over something Trey's said.
"Excuse me but I really don't have time to waste talking to you." Both Floyd and Riddle are surprised at how certain he sounds, though one of them is certainly more disappointed. "I need to get back to my... friends and this game is getting in the way of that."
"Aww you're not going to scream any more at all?" Floyd doesn't bother looking up at the balcony, boredom turning his attention away from his role just as Riddle is finally hitting his stride with his. "Fine here," a card is thrown at him that he barely manages to catch, "I don't wanna play anymore if you aren't gonna be fun about it."
"Wait! That's against the rules you can't just-" Floyd is already gone and the Headmage already announcing the game over before Riddle can even think about how not actually upset he is. He feels small, useless, robbed of yet another chance to be normal even if Floyd's behavior is sort of normal for the school. Why can't he just get out of his own head for long enough to have fun? He promised his dorm, he promised Yuu, that he would try, didn't he?
"Riddle?" Speaking of Yuu, they've come straight to him, the trace of a smile is still there even if it's been dropped in favor of concern. "You ok? Did you not have fun?"
"Fun." It's a strange word. He doesn't really think he understands the appeal.
"I'm just annoyed with Floyd's behavior." He crosses his arms, but he is surprised to find that he's smiling. "But no matter, are you ok? Sitting around can't have been fun." You shrug.
"Well it was fun to watch you once Trey told me you were the detective, we were rooting for you!" And just like that the strange disappointment is back. There's pride and affection in your look he hasn't rightfully earned through the rules of the game. But perhaps, he thinks idly as you make no move to leave and stay chatting with him against the backdrop of the party, he was lucky enough to have it from the start.
"Night One, the town has elected me Sheriff to address the serial killer preying on our people. Oh or should it be a werewolf? Pity the headmage didn't say..." It's always a bit strange to see Ortho "frown" but tonight it feels extra serious. This Masquerade was his first school event as a full Night Raven first year, AND he had made his own costume. You all had actually, Ace had suggested your little group make them together so you would be able to easily spot each other in case of emergency. And to make things even more extra important, Crowley had decided to assign him (you are pretty sure it was actually random but Ortho was so excited you didn't bother to say) the role of detective in his murder mystery game. You shouldn't be surprised that he was so eager to win, but it was still such a cute sight that you couldn't help but be a bit excited.
"I don't think it's against the rules to pretend the killer's a werewolf, actually that's one of the things we call this game in my world." You really hate adding that caveat onto the end of things, it makes you feel like an annoying old person who can't understand that times have changed. But Ortho never minds when you do, it's more data for him to catalogue and this tidbit seems to really excite him.
"Oh really?! I thought you said it was called 'Town of Salem?' That was how you pronounced it right?" You really should not be surprised Ortho remembers you telling him about a video game, but the mention of it still surprises you.
"Oh no that's just a computer game version of it. Sort of..." You don't want to waste more of the boy detective's time explaining the concept of the Mafia to him, the last time you tried something like that he had started calling Azul "oyabun" and you both had been made to "apologize" by waxing the Lounge's floors.
"Aww so I don't need to record what I do each night?" Thankfully Ortho doesn't push it further and just bounces back to his normal happy self with a shake of the head. "That's ok, I'll do it anyway! It'll keep me from wanting to review the security cameras hehe." And with that he bows and flies into the crowd, eager to start collecting clues and fulfill his duty as the "long arm of the law." You salute him just as someone taps you on the shoulder and the music pauses.
"And our killer strikes!" Crowley is the one saying it but you can almost hear it in Ortho's voice being added to his notes. "Yuu whatever your last name is I didn't write it down did I please set aside your mask and make your way up to the balcony!" The music resumes as you make your way off the dance floor, making sure to stick out your tongue at Ace who makes fake crying motions as you go.
"Night Two, we lost the prefect! That's just not going to fly with this Sheriff in town..." Ortho stops to consider his movements as the music begins again. Yuu had been "killed" approximately thirteen point two seconds after he left to survey the scene. That means the killer would have to be someone who was around them at the start of the game, either directly next to them or within a brief walking distance. And since they had been bold enough to "kill" just in front of the detective they would have walked away almost immediately, wanting to put as much distance between themselves and the scene of the crime as possible.
"IT WAS YOU!" Ortho joyfully yells, sternly pointing at an extremely surprised Pomefiore student, who drops his incriminating card in shock. Ortho gleefully snatches it up as you begin to make your way down the stairs to congratulate him, something that turns into a sprint as soon as you see the gathering magical energy. "Now awfully sorry partner but this town just ain't big enough for the two of us!"
"No bad Ortho! No lasers! And that's the wrong movie genre!!!!"
"Aw I was just kidding~" Ortho has the audacity to giggle and hit his head in another wrong genre move "If the ballroom goes away we won't be able to play again, right?" Oh you really wish you could explain why him saying that sounds so creepy without sounding insane.
"What a fucking drag." Idia pities the poor fool who decided to let him keep his tablet during the ball. So what if Ortho was technically another "player," did they really think that meant he didn't have access to the security cameras? It was literally taking him seconds to ID their stupid ass and then this it was going to be GAME OVER. This was always going to be the outcome, no matter who the killer was as soon as they were unfortunate enough to have to face off against him.
So why are his hands shaking so badly?
Yuu is standing confused about what to do, looking around for Mr. Grim probably, he can't help but zoom in on their face, thumb pausing the video as he runs it over their cheek before flinching back to the feed. They speak briefly to their friends before deciding to move towards the edges of the ballroom, looking to get away from the people probably, it's a feeling he knows well. Before they can make it to safety, Cater taps them on the shoulder and the music pauses as they sigh. Maybe they're disappointed at being the first one out, but Idia can't help but feel like they expected it. It sort of makes sense that the magicless one would be the first to go, like deleting irrelevant lines of code. It's fitting in more ways than they know.
"Fork it over." Idia is glad that he's taller than Cater, who seems really surprised that he's listening to his actual voice and not his tablet. The extra inches and flaming hair is really giving him a boost to moral even if he is going to go right back to hating himself for it later. "And don't play dumb I know you're the killer."
"Aww really?" Cater looks slightly annoyed, his finger comes up to twirl one of his annoyingly perfectly messy locks of hair. "#sad, I thought I made off with the Prefect perfectly." He hands over the card and Idia rolls his eyes, he had a speech he wanted to give. Something really cringey clowning on just how stupid Cater had to be to think he was going to get away with-
"Idia!" Yuu manages to tug him away from that train of thought, they must really have booked it here fast with just how breathlessly they called his name. They smile and give him a shakey thumbs up, something that would normally send him into cardiac arrest but doesn't effect him much at all to his surprise. The strange emotion he felt earlier, the one that is still making his hands shakey, is overriding any logical thought or normal behavior forcing him forward towards you rather than back into the shadows. "I just wanted to say good job! I mean I really shouldn't be surprised that you won so fast but it was still really co-" His shakey hand finds purchase on your neck, brutally aware that it's still un-gloved forcing skin to skin contact that he knows will be stuck in his brain for weeks to come. Sure, he should probably just have Ortho do a scan rather than look you over himself, technology doesn't make mistakes, or asses situations off of impulse. But he knows, even if he still asks Ortho to check on you later, that no amount of data would ever reassure him. He needed to feel the strangely fast beat of your heart himself.
"Sorry." Idia doesn't stutter, nor does he pull his hand away. "Can you just... stay like this with me. Just for a little longer." You simply nod, stay still not bothering to close the gap between you so as to allow Idia his space but relax into his touch enough to assure him that he is welcome to do it himself.
If he was forced to tell the truth and not spew his pessimistic drivel, Yuu's care and understanding would be what Idia would say he liked most about them. He didn't say he was afraid of them dying, but they heard him all the same.
When you are ready I am here. And while he might not be ready to say anything out loud, he can say it in the tender way he holds onto you for the rest of the night.
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Hello I saw your post about super villain y/n can I request about the supervillains fighting over who kidnappes reporter yuu today when villain y/n just swoops in dragging yuu away while grim taunts the villains idk
It's been a long time since I wrote for that Au...! Thank you for requesting it! A HUGE shout-out to @britishassistant because it's their Au and it's one of my favorites!
[Yuu has no date life]
Based on the imagine above!
Knocking on the door to the apartment. You impatiently tap the heel of your shoe, holding the box of mini cakes and red roses.
"J-just a second (Y/N)!" Yuu called out behind the door, a bit of whisper-shouting and shuffles being heard after.
The well-known reporter had asked your civilian self on a date, so you decided, "Why not?" The two of you planning to meet at their home and make the date as you go.
Here you were, standing outside, waiting, and feeling like a fool. The sky had just turned into a warm sunset color, and you could have sworn your pretty bouquet of roses was starting to droop.
Leaning against the door, you stare down at your nice attire for the evening.
"So... While we wait, uh.. Talk to me about your day?" Yuu's voice was heard once again through the door. You perk up slightly, smiling happily, recalling the odd events happening during the day.
You weren't one for fashion, but you wanted to look nice. It wasn't every day you went out with someone as famous and cute as Yuu Radcliffe.
Your villain suit was on the board list of what you could wear... But you chuck the idea away, deciding to head into the city and find something nice.
Browsing through the clothing rack of a store more expensive than the machinery you made for evil schemes, you pause when noticing a tall lean figure a few steps away from you.
'Oh shit, they look so cool..'
Trying to be as chill and not creepy as possible, you go over to them.
"Hi.. I.. Like your clothes, where'd you get them?"
The person turns around, a pair of black sunglasses and a hat adoring their figure.
"Custom made, designed by me."
"Wow really?!" You get closer to them, looking over them once more and showering them with compliments by the second!
They smile at your fluttering, enjoying the way they were given attention without the need of even knowing his true identity.
"Hey, can I ask a personal question?"
"You may..."
"(Y/N) that's my name, but... Does this suit or dress look better?" You ask, holding up the two sets of clothing shyly.
Your clothing rack buddy lowers their shades and shoots you a look.
"Neither, dear apple."
You soon find yourself modeling with your new found clothing rack buddy. With him mostly choosing outfits that would suit you nicely.
Even paying for your outfit and deciding what cosmetics you should apply, he even gave you his number!
You smile at the warm air surrounding you when you step inside the bakery. Breathing in the intoxicating scent of bread or cake. Walking up to the counter, your grin becomes bigger towards Trey. Whose family owned the tasty establishment, but from the small conversations they've had with each other. Trey had somewhat of a second job like you, yet you doubt he knew that you were a villain for fun.
"Hey Trey, mind if I order a small box of mini cakes?"
"Your lucky I got these out of the oven," he replied with a soft laugh. Heading behind the counter to the kitchen.
"(Y/N), it's good to see you." A voice states behind you, turning around, you stare down at the well-off pharmacist. "Dr. Riddle! It's good to see you too, you' on a lunch break?" You ask, noticing his face become a lighter shade of pink on his pale skin.
"Ah, yes actually. How can anyone resist Clover Bakery," Riddle joked. Causing you to let out a small chuckle.
Trey comes back with the box of mini cakes and tells you your total, handing you a receipt once you finished paying. Waving goodbye as you and Riddle step out of the way for the next person in line.
"I didn't know you liked Trey's mini cakes as much as (favorite food)." The red-headed stated quizzically when noticing the small box in your hand, along with a few bags of items you had possibly bought during the day.
"They're not for me, I'm meeting someone today, thought I would surprise them... Ya'know?"
Riddle frowns at the idea of you hanging out with someone other than him, but he controls himself. Wishing you a pleasant evening and a promise of the two of you heading to the city gardens for tea and tarts.
Hearing full-on arguing and yelling, the door busts open as The Royal Flush and King were seen holding onto Yuu's arms while Charon and Leviathan were looking around the simple apartment.
Poison Queen scowled at the attire the reporter was wearing as Snake Charmer and Tsunotaro noticed you.
Tsunotaro strides up to you, his presence more domineering than the other villians.
"What makes you think yous earned a place to even be in the reporters' presence?" He hissed darkly, raising your chin to stare at him instead of Yuu.
"I.. I wanna to get to know them, that's how things like that work. Sure maybe I'm not "worthy", but I'd like to try."
You state plainly, shrugging your shoulders. Having known Tsunotaro when you were in costume, so you weren't that scared by him.
The villain hummed, letting go of your skin, "I see."
Gazing back at your roses, you came up with a idea.
You out one rose towards Tsunotaro, who looked shocked at your gesture you grin sheepishly.
Heading to the other quiet super-villians. You hand them all roses, saving at least two for Yuu and leaning one on the counter for Yuuken.
"Is it cool with ya'll for me to steal Yuu for a date?"
They all look at each other, then back at you. Letting go of Yuu as they stumble next to you.
"When I come back. All of you. Please leave my house."
{Ta-da! I hope you enjoyed! I'll be writing a bit more twst again so get ready! For my batman fans, I got something amazing for yall too!}
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raptorsaurusmelain · 1 year
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 12
Little chapter by chapter, the story is following the game. (Am I reading the manga in parallel to be sure I miss nothing ? Yes.)
Anyway, today I pre-ordered Vil's figurine, I can't wait to be in december and receive it.
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
After her day, the brunette went to the school store to prepare for the overblot after care.
She was browsing through the shelf of the shop when Sam interpelled her. “Hello Dr Devi ! What can I do for you today ?”
[Of course he knows. But time to lie.] “Hello Sam, I am preparing for… My periods.” She said, whispering in his ear the last part.
Sam was a little embarrassed (as if it was possible). “I do not have everything prepared for ladies hygiene… Do you wish to order ? Like this I will have stock next time !”
[Actually… It wasn’t a bad idea.] She thought. Her basket was mostly full with cakes and chocolates, but she didn’t think about what would happen if she really needed pads or tampons. Damn, what a clever lie. What a smart woman.
That’s how she was at the counter, with a catalog on feminine products. She was very entertaining to watch, her face morphing from a simple surprise to an horrified expression reading the list of products that could be purchased.
She gave her list to Sam, with the brand and quantity on it. She also purchased wax stripes and razors because she was doing a chase of body hair. She added a headset to listen to music while doing her job. It was a Wony wireless sh-1000-xm5 with active noise balance, like the one she had on Earth.
Sam did a little chit chat with her, to get to know her better you know ? “So you have a thesis in artificial intelligence ? You should speak with the Ignihyde little imps, they would be thrilled to have a young woman understanding their craze for technology !”
She smiled “I know I should speak with them, I need to buy a gaming computer and some games !”
Sam’s eyebrows rose. “You are a gamer ? What a woman ! You will become popular with the boys.”
The woman pondered. “Well, I hope it is not masculine toxicity here too. I had a lot of misogynist men when I played online… Plus I am an old lady for them, I doubt they will be a ‘Victoria’s fanclub’.” She laughed at the second part.
Sam dared to ask. “How old are you ? You don’t look a day over 22 !”
Victoria's laugh doubled. “Oh boy, I am 29. Don’t flatter me too much !”
Sam was astonished. “What’s your beauty secret ?”
She winked. “Anti-aging cream, moisturize, sleep and not have infants. The holy quartet, my dear.”
The man laughed. “I love you already.” 
With her order ticket and her aftercare basket she went to the dorm. She prepared a dish of bolognese pastas with parmesan on the side, since she didn’t know if Yuu liked cheese. While waiting for her children, she finished setting up the old TV to see if it was still working under the eyes of the 3 ghosts. She cursed a lot seeing that the rats had eaten the alimentation cord. Well… Tomorrow she will order a new TV apparently. She needed a source of information and with this the children could watch movies and series on the weekends. They needed to blend like they could so they wouldn’t be bullied.
She was cut in her thoughts by a “We’re home ! We have a gift for you Victoria !”
The woman was surprised. “Oh ? What it is ?”
Yuu opened a box and revealed a slice of Mont Blanc tart. “Tadam ! We made them earlier !”
Victoria, put a hand on her heart, melting from the cuteness. “Ooooh Baby, you shouldn’t have…”
Grim interrupted the moment. “So I can eat it ?”
Victoria answered in 0.5s. “No, it’s mine. How was the afternoon ? The supper is ready.”
Grim began his eventful story of how they went to the dorm that morning with Deuce, met Cater, had a meal with Trey and Cater, met Riddle, got to gather chestnuts and…
“And we made the tart with magic !! Aren’t I cool ?” Finished Grim.
Victoria clapped “You are the best Grim. You will be a great mage if you continue like this.”
Grim puffed out his chest. “Of course, my underling. I won’t forget you !”
The Child finished their pasta. “We can get dessert now… Tell us if it tastes good !”
The woman could see that Yuu was borderline praying for it to taste good. She took a bite and hummed. “It is very good ! Very chestnut-y ! I like it.”
The adolescent exhaled, cheered up. “Trey did most of the baking but..”
Victoria placed her finger tip on Yuu’s lips. “Shhh, you participated in the baking and it is enough for me. I hope tomorrow will go well.”
Even if she knew it wouldn’t go well…
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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kudosmyhero · 9 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan: Part 1
Read Date: April 12, 2023 Cover Date: January 2013 ● Writer: Mateus Santolouco ◦ Erik Burnham ● Art: Mateus Santolouco ● Colors: Joao Vieira ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the art is beautiful ● damn, did his leg just get chopped off? ● (btw, if you’re a TMNT fan at all, read the IDW stuff. it’s some of the best comic stuff I have ever read.) ● o_o foot… ● the boys attending a lecture. I feel Mikey’s “Dude!” it has been my reaction through so many of these IDW issues
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● god the art and story! 8_8 ● my first time seeing Kitsune in this form ● Kitsune is terrifying ● Dude, I wasn’t expecting that!
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● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: The story is split between present day New York City and flashbacks to Feudal Japan during the Muromachi period. April, Casey and the turtles (hiding in the rafters high above) attend a lecture by a Dr. Miller, an expert on the history of the Foot Clan. He details the history of the Yuu Clan, ruled by Daimyo Ashikaga Yuu, a candidate to become Shogun of all Japan. There was a member of the Yuu Clan, Takeshi Tatsuo, who was the greatest and most feared swordsman who had ever lived. His skill was so great, that even Daimyo Ashikaga feared him, and so he sent Tatsuo into the mountains to patrol for bandits, where a legion of the Daimyo's men were waiting to ambush and kill him. Tatsuo's skill was great, but the men were too great in number. Although he managed to slay every last one of his attackers, he was mortally wounded, his right leg completely severed. As Tatsuo lay there dying, however, a mysterious stranger brought him to a hidden temple in the mountains, where he was given powerful medicine. The medicine was so powerful that when Tatsuo awoke, his leg was completely regrown, only missing the skin. Everyone assumed Tatsuo slain, but Daimyo Ashikaga feared the worst when Tatsuo's body was not found amongst the remains of the men sent to kill him. Eventually, Ashikaga was found slain in his own bed.
Dr. Miller explains that he learned all this from the Ashi No Himitsu - a book detailing the secret history of the Foot Clan, which he found in the very temple Takeshi Tatsuo was restored. The book provided information on how the Foot Clan influenced the politics of its day, recipes for medicinal salves, and even tales of the black magic used by the clan. Dr. Miller discovered that the book was authored by Takeshi Tatsuo, years after his supposed death. Dr. Miller deduced that Tatsuo had formed the Foot Clan from the remnants of the Yuu Clan after killing Daimyo Ashikaga. Furthermore, he learned that the source of the Foot Clan's power was its alliance with a witch, Kitsune, who served the powerful Tetsu Oni, the Iron Demon. The clan became extremely ruthless, carrying out atrocities in the name of the Oni, including burning villages to the ground and slaughtering women and children. Many members of the clan, led by Oroku Maji and Masato, disagreed with the path the clan was taking and were becoming fed up with its brutal tactics. One night as the clan was carrying out the Iron Demon's orders, Maji and Masato had their suspicions confirmed, seeing the witch Kitsune using magic. They formulated a plan to take down Takeshi Tatsuo and restore their clan's honor. Once a month during the full moon, Takeshi Tatsuo isolated himself in his quarters while Kitsune left with an empty satchel, returning two days later with it full. Maji spies on Tatsuo during the next full moon, witnessing Kitsune give Tatsuo, now an old man, the elixir she received from the Iron Demon, restoring his youth. The next month, Maji staged a surprise attack, interrupting Tatsuo before he could ingest the magic elixir. A battle ensues, and Oroku Maji slays Takeshi Tatsuo. Kitsune warns Maji, claiming he does not know the consequences of what he has done. She curses him, stating that his downfall will come from his own house. The honor of the Foot Clan had been restored.
In the present day, April, Casey and turtles decide to ask Dr. Miller for further information on the Foot Clan, after consulting with Master Splinter. As Dr. Miller leaves the lecture, Oroku Karai, posing as a private collector's assistant, approaches him about getting his appraisal on another part of the Ashi No Himitsu. Karai reports back to the Shredder that she spoke with Dr. Miller as instructed. She asks why they are allowing Dr. Miller to live, when all the information he has on the Foot could harm them. Shredder says that his plan is to force Dr. Miller to find more information on the Foot Clan for him.
In Feudal Japan, Kitsune approaches the shrine of the Iron Demon, beseeching him to aid her. She states that she cannot provide him with what he requires at that time, but she would repay him in the future. The Iron Demon steps forth, revealing himself to be an Utrom.
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Fan Art: Foot Clan by art-of-moore
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Shellheads - episode 44
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britishassistant · 3 years
Oooo oh! The post you just made is so interesting! Can you do a version with how things go down in the supervillain universe? Like all the dorm heads call Yuu Prefect and Yuu freaks out internally as to how these younger version of the supervillains know their secret?
@ectopus said: ok now i wanna know more on whats happening with older Yuu with the dorm leaders from twisted wonderland
Anonymous said: Finding out your crush is also your enemy sometimes ally is amazing funny! Reporter Yuu gots their hands full with these teenagers and twenty-year-old.
Yuu the Reporter isn’t exactly happy to hear frantic banging on their apartment door late at night. Unsurprised, but not happy.
“I know I told you all I have the 6AM shift tomorrow.” They grouse loudly as they go to open it. “So I don’t care what amazing scheme it is you want to kidnap me for, it is not my pro—”
They stop short when they see what looks like younger versions of Tsunotaro, Charon, and...is that Viper-san? The aide to Kalim Al-Asim?
The trio are huddled together miserably on their doorstep, all dressed in similar school uniforms. Tsunotaro and Charon have a blazer and a hoodie held over their heads, as if that will in any way disguise them.
“This just became my problem, didn’t it.” The reporter says glumly to the three...teenagers? They look like teenagers, Great Seven they’re so lanky and baby-faced, it’s making Yuu feel old.
Teenage Charon lets out a squeak, the edges of his hair flaring hot pink under his hoodie. Teenage Tsunotaro is just staring at them, wide-eyed and mute. Teen Viper-san swallows and says “You think?” in what is probably supposed to be a sardonic manner, but the effect is kinda ruined by his voice cracking halfway through.
It says a lot about Yuu’s life that they just open the door wider and stand aside to let the teenagers shuffle in with only a weary, “Age ray or alternate selves?”
Of course, it can never just be two or three afflicted with the supervillains.
Malleus, Idia, and Jamil are in the middle of explaining how they each came to in different lairs, running into each other on their way to the only recognizable name in the lair’s databases and running away from the screaming townsfolk in Malleus and Idia’s cases, when there’s another violent pounding at the door.
The reporter has to get Jamil to put his...magic wand? thing away before they can go see who it is. Yuu’s not sure how much damage that thing can do, but they’d rather their apartment not get turned into the scene of a brawl again, please and thank you.
The teenager insists on hovering though, as though Yuu is not a grown ass adult who can open doors on their own and not shatter like glass. He promptly gets bowled over by the three other uniformed teenagers and young adult (?) that burst in the moment the handle turns.
The younger King slams the door shut behind them, tail lashing up a storm and ears nearly flat on his head, a growl still rumbling in his chest. The teenage Octo Dealer’s glasses have been snapped clean in half. Yuu still doesn’t get why younger versions of Dr. Rosehearts and Schoenheit-san are with them, but the pair of civilians look understandably shaken.
They are all covered in glitter.
The reporter recognizes that look well. “A RSA hero found you, didn’t they?”
Schoenheit-san sneezes on glitter as he scoffs, “Hero? An overgrown manchild courting indecent exposure and awful fashion sense is more like it!”
White Neige it is then.
The reporter goes to get the first aid kit and lint roller to begin patching up the high schoolers like they’ve done countless times for the minions and supervillains before them.
So Yuu’s little apartment is now filled with high schoolers. High schoolers who are having some trouble absorbing the fact that they’re in a world where four of them are highly feared supervillains, and three of them are hapless civilians. All of them seem to be united in glaring at Grim when he strolls out of the reporter’s bedroom and asks how they all got so small.
By now, Yuu’s phone has begun blowing up with messages from the Game Night group and the other minions asking where their bosses are.
The reporter texts back that they have no idea where Snake Charmer, Poison Queen, or Royal Flush are, but they do snap a picture to send in a group message of the teenage boys who are currently bickering over who gets to sit on the couch versus the floor, and whether Leona lying down on it and taking up the whole thing is “fair” to everyone else.
Uproar in the chat.
Lilia is squeeing over how small and cute Malleus is, lookit him in his little fancy school uniform!! Sebek is both joining in with this praise, and terrified about how they can turn the young master back to his old self! Silver is asleep because he has that luxury, the lucky bastard.
Ruggie is disappointed that his boss doesn’t have anything embarrassing that could potentially serve as blackmail material to get himself a pay raise. Jack wants to arm wrestle young Leona if he’s still there tomorrow and see who would win.
Floyd and Jade want to come over to pick on Azul! Yuu says no! They say they’re coming anyway!!
Ortho is coming too!! His nii-san is now younger and needs him and there’s nothing Yuu can do about it!!
Lilia heavily implies that they all can wait until tomorrow or else.
Suddenly Yuu is no longer anticipating any more house guests tonight. Yay?
Waterboy’s weirdly excited at the picture of Jamil, and Huntsman keeps rhapsodizing about Vil’s youthful beauty, but they’re both a little odd so the reporter purposely thinks nothing of it.
Just like they think nothing of Trey’s oddly monosyllabic mother-henning over the young Riddle. He’s much smaller than the other boys—he probably just set of Trey’s big brother instincts is all. And if the rest of the Heartslaybul minions have gone strangely quiet too? They’re likely just busy searching for Royal Flush. Nothing to read into here, no sir.
Yuuken tells Yuu to call if they need any extra food or blankets for their guests or anything. He’ll try to convince their boss’s boss that Yuu’s taken ill tomorrow. For a moment, all seems right with the world.
Then Azul calls for the “prefect” to come settle the couch argument.
Yuu promptly drops the cup they were about to pour lemon tea into.
They wave off Malleus and Riddle’s concern, Azul’s apologies, and Jamil’s attempts to clear up the shards up for them, saying they were just...startled at being addressed like that.
The reporter explains that, while the students’ version of Yuu might be known as a prefect back at their school, here The Prefect is the name of a...controversial vigilante. One who foils the villainous schemes of the top seven supervillains in the city, and usually takes quite the beating while doing so. The supervillains’ ire even extends to their friend and cameraman, Yuuken, who’s only suspected of being the Prefect.
Yuu likes being on good enough terms with the supervillains that they know even if they get kidnapped, they won’t get seriously hurt. If they or any of their minions were to be given reason, however flimsy, to believe the reporter was The Prefect...
Well. Yuu doesn’t like to think about what would happen then.
The high schoolers keep shooting Yuu looks that suggest they don’t buy this flimsy explanation, but they let the subject drop mercifully, turning back to serving tea and dividing up who will be sleeping where.
Another argument erupts when the reporter offers to sleep on the floor so one or two of them can share their bed. Leona and Malleus come close to almost burning the apartment down before Yuu takes a page out of Uncle Divvy’s book and breaks out the rolled up newspaper to restore order.
Later that night, after it’s all settled and the students are all fast asleep, Yuu the Reporter has a panic attack in the privacy of their bathroom.
They don’t know how much longer they can keep this up.
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deus-ex-mona · 3 years
a weirdly long event “summary” of the honeypre harumiou event!
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this got weirdly long, so here’s a tl;dr: dumb himbo serizawa haruki tries to cook for his cute not-gf aida miou
Chapter 1:
Our protagonist for the first 5 chapters is Serizawa Haruki.
The season is Spring.
During lunch, Haruki and Miou talk about the season of spring, and about how nice it would be to go flower viewing.
Miou asks Haruki to go flower viewing with her.
Haruki: How about next Sunday?
Miou: Sounds great!
Haruki: Nice! I'll invite everyone else too! See ya!! [runs off]
Miou: ... :/
In the classroom, Haruki tells everyone else (Natsuki, Yuu, Mochita) about the flower viewing plans.
Natsuki: :/
Haruki: What’s wrong? 
Mochita: ...you haven’t realised it? Aida was asking you to go flower viewing alone with her.
Haruki: ... eeh!?
Yuu: ...from that reaction, you clearly didn’t realise it.
Haruki defends himself, saying that Miou didn’t explicitly mention going alone with him.
Natsuki all but calls him dense and wonders what Miou sees in him.
Natsuki muses that all they talk about is movies.
Haruki says that Miou always looks interested when he talks about movies... then he comes to the realisation that he has yet to listen to Miou talk about her interests.
Natsuki, Mochita and Yuu all look at him like :/ and all but internally pity Miou for her horrible taste in men.
Natsuki: If this carries on, what if Miou gets taken by another boy?
Haruki: Another boy!? What do you mean by that?
Chapter 2:
Natsuki explains her point, saying that Haruki’s insensitivity to Miou’s feelings may result in her falling for another guy instead.
Natsuki returns to the topic of the flower viewing, asking Haruki if he had even considered Miou’s feelings on the matter. 
Judging by his resulting expression, the answer is “no”.
He admits as much after thinking it over for a moment.
Haruki: You’re right. I should have considered Miou’s feelings.
[Cue timeskip]
The school day has ended and Haruki is walking home with Miou.
As they walk together, Natsuki’s words (regarding the consideration of Miou’s feelings) keep revolving around in his mind.
Haruki ponders so hard about Natsuki’s words to the point that Miou gets concerned about the troubled expression on his face.
Haruki: It’s nothing!
Miou: If it’s really nothing, it’s fine but...
Miou: I’ll be willing to listen to anything that’s troubling you!
Haruki: Miou...
Cue Haruki’s internal monologue, where he praises Miou’s kindness and consideration for his feelings.
Inner Haruki: Miou is always looking out for my feelings, and she is always willing to say kind words to me...
Inner Haruki: On the other hand, I've never really considered Miou’s feelings nor spoken kind words to her.
Inner Haruki: Natsuki was right. If this carries on, Miou will fall for someone else.
Having made up his mind to consider Miou’s feelings, Haruki makes a suggestion to Miou.
Haruki: Hey Miou, for next Sunday’s flower viewing... why don’t we go, just the two of us?
Miou: Eh? Just the two of us?
Haruki: Yup. Just us two.
Miou: ...yes. I’ll go!
Haruki breathes a sigh of relief.
Haruki then asks if Miou wants him to do anything special for the “event”.
Miou can’t come up with anything, so Haruki asks what she wants the most as of that moment.
Miou: Hmm... I want to eat delicious food.
Cue Haruki deciding to cook food for her for their “date”. 
Haruki then apologises to Miou before running off to make preparations for his upcoming cooking exploits, leaving a confused Miou behind in his wake.
Chapter 3:
The next day, Haruki calls Yuu and Mochita out.
Haruki: I need your help to make this mission a success!
Mochita: What is this mission, anyway?
Haruki: Take a look around the room we’re in for a clue.
Mochita: We’re in the Home Ec. room..
Yuu: I haven’t got a clue as to what’s going on.
Yuu: Stop talking in circles and just explain your plan already.
Haruki: As I was saying... I want to make a reeeealllyyyy delicious bento for Miou when we go flower viewing together!
Mochita: ...oh. As I suspected.
Yuu: Have you even cooked before?
Haruki: Nope! But if I try my best, it’ll all work out somehow!
Mochita and Yuu: [visible doubt and confusion]
Mochita: I’m worried about this... extremely worried, in fact!
Yuu: Same here.
Haruki: Hey... everyone has to start trying from somewhere, right?
Mochita: That’s true... but it’s difficult to start off with a bento.
Haruki: Really? Well, I brought some ingredients with me!
Haruki places the ingredients he got at the supermarket onto the table.
Mochita considers the ingredients before him and guesses that Haruki intends on making karaage.
Haruki affirms Mochita’s guess, saying “It’s a staple component of bentos, right?”
Haruki: Well, let’s get cooking! [starts cooking]
...only to be immediately stopped by Yuu for trying to put the (unseasoned) chicken into the oil as-is.
Mochita begs Haruki not to rush through the cooking process.
Haruki: I’m making karaage, right? So what's wrong with putting the chicken into the oil? Why are you guys stopping me?
Mochita: ...he’s hopeless.
Yuu: Okay, Haruki. What's on the karaage you always eat? Think carefully.
Haruki: Eh? Um... lemon?
Yuu: ...let’s leave, Mochita.
Mochita: Yeah.
Haruki: Oi! Guys, wait! Just what’s on the karaage?
Yuu: [sighs] It’s coating. In other words, you have to coat the chicken in batter.
Haruki: Oh! If you say so, it must be true!
Yuu: Saying something like that... you’re really... 
Mochita suggests giving up on making Miou a handmade bento (and bringing her a ready-made one instead)
Haruki refuses the suggestion, vocalising the fact that (as Natsuki had said earlier) he had not taken Miou’s feelings as seriously as he should have, and that he was basically being spoiled by Miou. 
He finally says that he wants to do his best to make the bento for Miou as a way of doing something for her, despite him being bad at cooking.
This wins Yuu and Mochita over and they agree to help him with his cooking shenanigans.
Chapter 4:
Aided by Yuu and Mochita, Haruki begins his cooking shenanigans.
“Thanks guys! I’ll do my best!” - Serizawa Haruki, moments before disaster.
[a few moments later]
Haruki: What is this…
Yuu: Isn’t it supposed to be karaage? :/
Mochita: Isn’t this too burnt?
The result of Haruki’s first attempt at cooking karaage: basically charcoal.
Haruki: I suck at cooking :(
Yuu and Mochita: You just realised it?
Yuu encourages Haruki anyway, saying “Don’t be too depressed, Haruki. You’ve been so focused on filmmaking, so it’s only natural that you’re bad at something (like cooking).”
Mochita jumps on the encouragement bandwagon, saying “That’s right, Haruki. We’ve only just begun, so keep at it!”
Haruki brightens up at his friends’ words of encouragement and strives to do his best.
[mini transition here]
Yuu: [instructs Haruki on his cooking]
Mochita: It’s rare to see Haruki so focused on something other than his filmmaking.
Haruki: Everyone calls me a “movie idiot” because I’m always thinking about movies… But when I think of Miou, I forget all about movies because my head is filled with thoughts of her.
Yuu and Mochita are mildly stunned/amused by Haruki’s honesty.
Haruki is embarrassed.
Mochita laughs and tells Haruki to carry on with the tamagoyaki.
And so, Yuu and Mochita helped Haruki out until he was finally able to make a decent bento.
[cut to Sunday]
Haruki brings the bento he made to meet Miou at the park.
Haruki: (thinking) The sakura have started to bloom, huh… 
Haruki thinks about how he immediately contacted Miou when he saw some info about the blooming sakura on the news the previous day, and about how he woke up extra early to make the bento for the two of them.
Haruki: (thinking) I want Miou to eat the bento soon…
Haruki walks towards the park, holding the bento carefully so that the contents don’t spill.
Suddenly, Natsuki appears.
Natsuki: Where are you going with such a big grin on your face? Wait… is that a bento?
Haruki: T-this is…
Natsuki: That’s right! Your date with Miou is today!
Haruki: I-it’s not a date…!!
Natsuki: Did you make that bento yourself? It can’t be… Making a bento for a girl is so unlike you, Haruki…!
Haruki: Is that a bad thing?
Natsuki: Not at all! This is definitely a good change! Haruki, you’ve always been focused on movies, so it’s definitely alright to focus on something else every once in a while!
And with that, Natsuki leaves with a “Do your best, Haruki! :)”.
Haruki thinks about the “focus on something else every once in a while” part of Natsuki’s words for a bit… and is late for his meeting with Miou.
Chapter 5:
Haruki reaches the park that he arranged to meet Miou at.
Haruki thinks about how amazing the bloomed sakura look.
Haruki spots Miou standing under a tree near the entrance of the park.
Haruki: (thinking) Miou looks beautiful… 
While Haruki was thinking, Miou approached him with a wave.
Miou: Haruki, you’re here! Is anything the matter?
Haruki chickens out of calling Miou beautiful, saying  “N-no…” in response to her question instead. 
Miou notices the large bag that Haruki is carrying and inquires about its contents.
Haruki takes out the bento, saying “I made this for us to eat together.”.
Miou is shocked that Haruki made a bento for them.
Haruki shrugs off Miou’s surprise and urges her to “Hurry and eat the bento!”.
And so, they sit on a bench under the sakura and uncover the bento.
Miou compliments the bento (“Wow…! It looks delicious…!”)
Haruki agrees with her (“Right? I added karaage and tamagoyaki to this!”)
Miou is amazed by Haruki’s karaage. 
Haruki responds with an “It was easy!”. 
Miou laughs. Haruki asks her what she was laughing at. 
Miou says that she saw the small burn marks on Haruki’s fingers. Haruki is displeased that she had noticed it. 
Miou laughs and says “Haruki, you’ve really done your best, yeah?”.
Haruki is highkey embarrassed because “It isn’t cool to have difficulty with making a bento…!”.
Miou asks if Haruki made the bento for them because she said that she “wanted to eat delicious food” a few days ago.
Haruki affirms this, saying that he just wanted to make Miou happy because she was always kind to him.
Haruki: But, I can’t ever do anything for you, Miou.
Miou: Haruki…
Haruki: I always talk about movies… Sorry for always being so uncool during times like those.
Miou: No, I'm happy. Thank you.
Haruki: Miou… 
Haruki: (thinking) I see… I’ve wanted to see this expression on Miou’s face.
Inner Haruki: This feeling is different from the sense of accomplishment I get when filming goes well in the Movie Research Club… This feeling warms me from the bottom of my heart. I wonder what this feeling is… It only comes up when I’m with Miou… 
Miou: Hey, let’s hurry and eat this bento.
Haruki: Y-yeah…!
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And so, the two of them began to eat the bento.
Miou: Haruki, that looks delicious.
Haruki: Wanna eat this? [raises food to Miou’s mouth]
Haruki: (thinking) Feeding Miou like this… Just what am I doing?!
Miou: [softly and shyly] Yeah… I wanna eat it.
Haruki: [embarrassed] A-ah, please eat up! There’s plenty of food to go around!
Miou: Okay. So, thank you for the food. [opens mouth]
Haruki feeds Miou a piece of tamagoyaki. Miou smiles.
Miou: This is delicious…! Haruki, this is really delicious…!
Haruki: (thinking) Whoa… This is kinda amazing.
Haruki is surprised by the fact that Miou is eating his handmade bento with such a happy expression.
Inner Haruki: Maybe Natsuki was right. If I can see this expression on Miou’s face, it’s not so bad to turn away (from my movies) every once in a while.
It’s now in Miou’s pov.
The two of them are still at the flower viewing.
Inner Miou: The bento that Haruki made was a little ugly, but it was delicious.
Miou: Which part of the bento are you most confident about, Haruki?
Haruki: Of course it’s the karaage! There were many failures… not because I didn’t put in the effort or anything! 
Miou: I see. :)
Inner Miou: (laughs) Haruki seems to suck at cooking fried foods… 
Miou: [eats the karaage]
Food critic Miou: The karaage looks ugly, but its taste is decent.
Miou: Yup! It’s delicious!
Haruki: Really!? [blushing]
Miou: Yup, it’s really delicious.
Haruki: I’m glad…!
Inner Miou: Haruki really did his best, huh…
Miou: You should eat as well, Haruki. It’s delicious.
Haruki: Okay! [enthusiastically eats the karaage]
Inner Miou: He must have skipped his breakfast in order to make this bento.
Miou: [imagines Haruki panicking in the kitchen]
Miou: [laughs]
Haruki: What’s wrong, Miou?
Miou: Nothing! 
Miou: Ah. Geez, Haruki, a grain of rice has fallen onto your lap.
Haruki: Ah…! M-my bad! 
Miou picks the rice off Haruki’s lap. Haruki is flustered.
Inner Miou: Haruki seems different from usual today… He’s kinda cute like this. :)
Inner Miou: But I can’t say this to him in-person… [getting depressed] 
Miou: … anyways, I didn’t know that you were doing things like this in secret. Let’s do it together next time! (probably referring to cooking/bento construction)
Haruki: Yeah! Hey… Miou.
Miou: Yeah?
Haruki: It’s nice to make plans like this, huh.
Miou: … Yeah. [blushing]
Inner Miou: We’d have graduated by this time next year. Will we still be able to spend time together then? 
Inner Miou: [mentally shaking off her previous line of thought] For now, I should just enjoy the time I have with Haruki.
Haruki: Miou, want another piece of tamagoyaki?
Miou: Yes! Thank you for the food. [gets fed by Haruki]
The tamagoyaki: CRUNCH
Miou: …
Haruki: What’s wrong?
Miou: There was an egg shell.
Haruki: A-are you okay!? 
Miou: Yeah. I’ve already swallowed it.
Haruki: I’m sorry, Miou…!! This happened even though I practised cracking eggs like crazy!
Miou: [laughs] Is that so.
Haruki: [is embarrassed]
Miou: [laughs at the flustered look on Haruki’s face]
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Week 1 - Classic Horror - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
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Author’s Note: Happy October everyone! Here is my promised start of TWST Halloween 2021! Starting off with a classic story, the story of Jekyll and Hyde, one of my favorite psychological horror/thriller books! It may not be super well-known, but it’s well known in the old literature community as most likely one of the first psychological stories about the human condition! So, as celebration of the story I love so much, I will be putting a spin on the classic tale with my OC Quentin! I hope I did the story of Jekyll and Hyde some justice!
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death and rape, and an ending that. . . Is kind of ambiguous. 
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Crow’s Dusk is a quiet town. 
It’s always been that way, ever since I moved into this small town with my spouses. 
I’ve always loved this small town. Despite the fact it’s mostly divided into eight parts and everyone mostly keeps to their part of town, it’s often so calm and quiet in this town, you can take a stroll at night, meet someone new without being afraid of being killed, and meet them again the next day at one of the many schools in this town and become friends. It’s so much different than my home where being murdered was a very real threat.  
For the most part, this town doesn’t stand out compared to others that make national news for things like plagues or mass murders despite this small town holding some of the most advanced schools in the country. Sure, we have bar fights that our police gave up on cracking down on, a church whose not really all that serious about it’s work, and celebrities that stop by the town so often or live here that I can call most of them by name. Hell, a world-famous actor came by my house the other day to ask for more sugar and flour and I called him by his first name and offered a drink at the bar next time I saw him.
It’s quite strange, thinking about this town in the grand scheme of things, really.
We’re all so different, and yet, we live in the same area.
It almost makes me-
“Quentin, darling?” Eadwine called from the balcony in a white shawl covering her nightgown.
“Yes, Eadwine, my love?” I called back, walking back to her.
“You’re still dressed, dear. Come inside, it’s almost midnight.” Eadwine pouted in that cute way she always did when she was worried, as she came and took my shawl that I wore. “Have you slept at all?”
“Forgive me. I just was clearing my head after an meeting.” I must’ve said, guilty, as she pouted more.  
“Geez. I swear, they keep you so late.” Eadwine said, opening the door to our home and putting my shawl on the rack. “I might have to go to a meeting myself to see what all those late night meeting are about.”
“Well, you know the council, paranoid as always.” I sighed, as I followed Eadwine to the kitchen. “At least I have no paperwork this time.” 
“With all these incidents happening, I almost don’t blame them for their worries, my loves.” Another familiar voice chimed in, and sooner after, I felt a warm kiss on the forehead. “I’m glad you got home safe, Quentin my dear. I was getting worried.”
“Indeed.” I smiled as best as I could at him. “I am home. And can eat some wonderful food instead of food from the bar.”
“Then, let’s go eat.” Eadwine smiled. “The fireplace is still going. You can tell me all about the meeting while we cuddle!”
“Yes, yes. No time to waste.” I joked, as I was guided to out living room by the loves of my life.
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There was knock at the door. Strange, the paper came in a few hours ago, it wasn’t the milkman or mailman, way too late for them. 
Who was it at this early in the morning? 
“Ah, yes, coming!” I called, and opened the door to see. . . Epel Felmier. “Epel? What’s the matter?”
“Is Quentin up?” Epel asked very seriously, panting and out of breath. 
“Yes, she went to visit the asylum to check on the patients, as she normally does in the morning.” I said, “Why?”
Epel seemed relieved, tried to get inside the house. “I need to use your phone, right now.”
“Epel, please tell me what’s happening!” I said, preventing him from getting inside. “You can’t just say that and expect me to not ask any questions!”
“I can’t.” Epel said, trying to push past me. “Vil said this isn’t something I say to just anyone. It needs to be to council members only.”
“Well you know, so I’d say that’s off the table.” I said, sternly while holding my ground. “You clearly know! Just tell me!”
Epel seemed so surprised he stopped trying to push past me, blinked a few times. 
“Fine.” He said, stopping trying to push past me. “But we have to be inside and you have to swear to me not to say a word about this.”
I nodded. “Alright.” And I move aside, letting Epel in. 
So, after I sat him down and started to make tea right in front of him, I simply asked. “So, what’s the matter?”
“Old man Crowley’s been murdered.” 
“What?” I said, almost dropping the cup I was preparing for Epel. “I’m sorry, are you serious?”
“Yeah.” The lavender haired boy said. “He was found by Yuu while walking Grim.”
“I-I see.” I simply said, giving him his cup that he took and took a drink of.
Crowley’s been killed? 
Who would do such a thing? This town- It’s so quiet and peaceful. Nobody really hates anyone else. Sure, we fight with each other, but we make up soon after. It’s impossible to not in such a small town.
Who would be so mad that they would kill Old Man Crowley?
“Mrs. Eadwine?” Epel asked.  
“Sorry. I’m just so shocked. It’s just. . . It seems so strange in a town like this.” I said, as I stood up, fixed my dress. “Yes, you can use the phone. This way.”
“Thank you.” Epel said, as he followed me to the kitchen, but upon seeing a steak I’d made last night. He stood there, watching the steak. I stopped upon noticing, “Do you want it? It will take a few moments for me to get Quentin.”
To which Epel’s face light up, showing a genuine smile I haven’t seen from him yet. “’Eally Ed-wine? ‘Ank you!” He smiled, as he took the meat for himself, and after a few seconds, he seemed embarrassed. “A-Ah. Sorry about that. Got a little to excited there. Where are the cutlery?”
I laughed because of his cuteness, and pointed to the drawer he was standing in front of “Right below you.”
Which earned another smile and a ‘thank you’ from Epel as I picked up the phone, and put in the number to the asulyum. 
“Yes, this is Dusk Asylum. How can I help you?” A voice on the other side said. I didn’t know this person, nor did I quite care. 
“I’m Quentin Nighty-Sallow’s wife, Eadwine Nighty-Sallow. I need to speak with her right now.”
“Huh? I mean, yes, I can do that as Quentin is free right now, but what is the matter?” The other person on the other side asked. “It’s not often you call.”
“Something has come up in our family. And I need to tell Quentin about it.” I said, which seemed to make the other person on the other side of the line stay quiet for a few minutes but simply make a ‘hmph.’ noise. 
“Alright. Please wait a few minutes. I’ll be right back.” The person said, and sure enough, soon after the person came back. “Here she is.”
“Eadwine?” Quentin concerned voice made me soften for a moment. Her voice full of concern. . . It’s so. . . motherly it makes me want to be in her warm, loving embrace so badly. “What’s the matter?”
“Epel needs to speak with you. It’s urgent.” I said, making sure to be serious. 
Quentin was silent for a few minutes. “Is he with you?”
“Yes. I’ll hand it over to him.” I said, and made a gesture to Epel to make him come over. He did, and then he took the phone as I stood to the side, making sure to give the two space to speak, but close enough if Epel needed me he could see me. 
The conversation was actually quite short. Epel’s side of the conversation went something like this, “Good afternoon Mrs. Quentin. . . Yes, it is wonderful to hear from you, it’s been so long, but unfortunately I didn’t come to talk, I’m actually here for Vil. . . Yes. . . No. Old Man Crowley’s been killed. . . And we don’t know who did it but Yuu’s panicking really badly. . . .Yes. . . Yes. . . When can you get off work? . . . Ah? . . . Yes, he did. . . And, yes, I was planning on it, to help out. . . Really?!” Epel’s eyes lit up. “Thanks a lot Mrs. Quentin! I owe you one! I’ll go be with the others, then! Thanks so much!” 
And then he hung up with a smile. 
“Everything alright now?” I asked which earned a nod from Epel. 
“Yes, she said she’d take care of everything and I should go back home for today to rest from that startling revelation and she’ll pull some strings to let me get off school for today so I can be with Yuu and the others. She’s the best!” Epel smiled happily again, to which I nodded. 
“That’s why I married her. Go on.” I smiled. “Go enjoy your day off.”
Epel then nodded, and almost took off out of the house before he stopped. “Ah. Would you mind if we stop by since you, well, know and we have no place else we can be in?”  
I laughed and then nodded again. “No, I do not mind at all. But normally Amiel, Azazel and Quentin all come home around twelve to have lunch with me so I don’t feel alone in this big house all day. I hope you don’t mind if we all have lunch together.” 
Epel shook his head. “No, it’s quite alright. What’s on for lunch?” 
“Amiel asked for breakfast foods since his work has been hard lately. So I was thinking of egg sandwiches since our chickens have been making too many eggs lately.” I smiled, which earned a nod for Epel. 
“I see. Deuce will love it then.” Epel smiled, as he turned back towards the door. “I’ll be back then.” 
I waved to him as I walk towards him, and as soon as Epel left, I waved goodbye. 
“Oh dear. How am I going to make food for eleven people?” I then asked myself, as I closed the door. 
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I'd never been to an emergency meeting before.
In a small town like this, meeting happened once a month, if at all that month.
So, to say I was nervous was. . . A bit understating things. Though luckily, I wasn't the only one who was a little nervous about this meeting.
"What? The mayor's dead?" Kalim Al-Asim, the head of the Scarabia district said, as if he wasn't informed.
"Yes. He's been killed." Vil Schoenheit said. "Someone stomped him to death."
"What?!" Riddle Rosehearts said. "How?! How do you stomp a person to death?!"
"You'd be surprised how easy it is for some." Azul Ashengrotto sneered, looking at Leona.
"Shut it Octopus." Leona Kingscholar growled at the mafia man. "Our guys said it wasn't them. They are at the bar when this shit went down."
"Moving on," Vil said. "Yuu and Grim need a home now. And, they said that they saw who it was."
The whole room went silent.
"They saw the person who killed Crowley?" Riddle clarified, which Vil nodded.
"Then who was it?" Ortho Shroud, who was standing in for Idia Shroud spoke up.
"According to Yuu, the person. . . Had really black hair. And didn't even look human." Vil said. "They couldn't even tell if was a boy or a girl."
"Eehhhhh." The group seemed to say.
"That narrows nothing down." Leona said. "We have lots of people with black hair and a black cloak."
"We'll be here all night debating who it is if we keep this up." I spoke up. "I'll take in Yuu and Grim. No matter the case, those two need a new home. My house is pretty big. I'll take them in."
"I figured you'd say that." Vil sighed. "Quentin, we can't tiptoe around this. We need that information."
"I know." I sighed. "But Yuu won't talk if they don't feel safe, plus, there’s no point debating this. We’ll just end up putting someone’s head in a noose without evidence."
Vil sighed again. "Fine. You're the master at this, so I'll trust you on this."
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Mrs. Quentin’s Mansion was bigger than I thought it would be. 
Yes, it was rumored that she was pretty rich, but I didn’t think her house was. . . At least three stories high! From how she normally acts, she doesn’t seem to be quite as rich as her house says she is. She even has a fountain and personal gate in front of her house!  
“God, Quentin has a huge house.” Ace Trappola said. “She definitely can house at least you and Grim, if not a good amount of the city comfortably.” 
“I know she’s a world-famous psychologist and a diplomat for a royal family, but, it’s strange seeing her house when Quentin is so different than the other council members who are so stuck up with their money.” Deuce Spade said. 
“Yeah.” Epel Felmier sighed. “But I like her home. It has a homey-feel to it.”
“True.” Ace smirked. “It’s so much better than Section Mayor Rosehearts house. His house is so clean and proper it makes me sick sometimes.”
“Pffft.” Jack Howl laughed. “You should see Section Mayor Kingscholar's place. It puts all the others houses to shame.”
“Master Draconia’s house is the best!” Sebek Zigvolt piped up. 
“Yes, yes. We all know you like Section Mayor Draconia.” Ace sneered, causing Sebek to give a look of shock. 
“What’d you say?!” 
“Oh, there she is.” Das Alvah spoke up, and sure enough, there was a female figure coming towards them. 
A woman with long brown hair, wearing a green and brown dress, surprisingly not so formally dressed. The woman then opened up the gate, letting the young townspeople in. 
“Good afternoon!” The woman smiled. “Welcome to my home! I’m happy you all made it safely!” 
“Thanks for inviting us!” Deuce said, politely seeming rather embarrassed. 
“And thanks for you food~!” Ace smirked, as he walked towards the big house, with a few of my bags in hand. 
“Come now, no need to be polite since we all know each other already, Eadwine just finished lunch. Let’s all eat before it gets cold.” Quentin smiled, and gestured the group to come in. And, the group did and Quentin closed the gate behind the group, and lead the group inside the home. 
“Hey, Mrs. Quentin?” Deuce asked, as the group came inside the home. 
“Yes, what is it Deuce?” Quentin smiled at Deuce and then others.
“Where should we set Yuu and Grim’s stuff?” Deuce said, gestured to the things the others where holding for me. 
“Oh, anywhere is fine, really.” The council member smiled. “Eadwine said she’ll pick it up later.”
“Eh?! Is that really okay?!” Jack said, nervously. “This is your house after all.” 
Quentin laughed. “We’re here to have lunch and hang out together, not to worry about luggage.” 
“Are you sure?” I asked. “Because we can-”
Quentin sighed. “No, no. It’s alright, really. I know my house is pretty far from town and a lot has happened lately, so it must’ve been hard to get here. There’s no need to worry about things like luggage. We’ll take care of it later. For now, let’s eat and relax for a bit.”
“Yeah~!” Ace smiled, as he set down my stuff. “Quentin’s my kind of Council Member!”
“Alright, if you say so.” Deuce said, setting down my stuff with Epel, Jack, Sebek and Das following suit soon after, following Epel to the kitchen. 
"Hey! Amiel! You can't eat all of it!" A masculine voice said. "We have guests coming over!"
"Yeah, so?" Another voice said, as we entered unto the kitchen to see. . . Two men, one with blonde hair, one with dark brown hair. It seems the brown haired man was eating a bunch of food, while two blonde people where trying to stop him. "The chickens will make more!"
"Darlings, please!" A woman with blonde hair said, "The guests are here!"
As soon as the brown haired heard the guests where there, he stopped eating and looked up and upon seeing us, he blinks a few times, and then seems to turn into a prefect gentleman. “Ah! Welcome to our home!” Amiel said. “You must be tired! Come now, let’s all eat!”
The blonde male let out a tired sigh, while the blonde female let out a laugh. Though, it was hard to tell if it was awkward or mischievous in nature. 
“Ah~ Thanks for having us~!” Ace said, as he immediately started to eat some of the food. 
“Ah! Ace! Be polite!” Deuce said.
“Pffft! Not like you don’t want to do the same!” The red-haired boy said while gathering his food, which made the other boy nervous. 
“W-Well, you’re not wrong, but the host is here! Show some respect to them!” Deuce said, as he also started to gather food as well. The others started to follow suit, gathering the food and going into a sunroom, from all the windows in the room. 
And, for the most part, the day was spent in that room. I mean, we did explore Quentin’s house, but the sunroom was the place all of us decided to hang out with in for the day. Surprisingly, Ace, Deuce and the others stayed the night. Despite my insisting they go home, they stayed for dinner and we had a party until late into the night. 
Which, surprisingly, didn’t really affect our school day the next day. 
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It became more and more often after the murder of Dire Crowley. 
More murders in the streets at night, but now more was happening during the nights. 
People where being raped by this ‘Figure in Black’ as the town dubbed them, houses where being robbed in the night as people slept with their valuables being destroyed, people being almost kidnapped by the figure, people being beaten in the streets by this figure, all sorts of bad things happening in the small town. At this point, everyone in this town had seen the figure and distrust was blooming like flowers in spring. Sections of the town where divided, gangs where formed in hopes of stopping this person, wearing black was practically forbidden, and rumors where spread of people possibly being suspects. Nooses where tied on trees, hoping the Figure in Black would happen to be nearby and be caught inside one of them. Innocents where being beaten in the streets in hopes of someone being caught. 
It was getting terrible. 
Years and years of trust and familiarity all out the window because of a figure we haven’t even seen. 
The Figure in Black haunts our streets, and the only thing we know about them for sure is they have black hair, yellow eyes, and look almost inhuman with a walking pattern. . . that seems both snooty and inhuman. Other sources contradict each other, like when Vil’s home was robbed he says the figure was wearing a full outfit under their iconic black coat that went to the floor. While local gangs who’d encountered the Figure in Black says the person wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and when the Figure would fight they’d see skin. Dirty skin, but skin nonetheless. There was just so much in the air about this Figure in Black. 
And, honestly, it’s so hard. I can’t do my job like this. 
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Recently, there had been something left by the Figure in Black at one of the Professor’s houses. Professor Ashton Vargas specifically.
The word, “Narcissist” was written outside of the poor Professor’s house. In blood, according to some. 
And, it was a speculate. People from all over town came to see it in person, no matter the section of town you came from, people came to see. Council members, townspeople, all walks of life came to see it.
“Oh Gods! The Figure in Black actually wrote that in blood?! Whose blood is it?!”
“Maybe the person they murdered yesterday. Did you hear? They murder the head priest!”
“Argh! I’m gonna nab that guy myself! And in my territory too! He’s got some balls to pull that shit!” 
“I bet it was him! His handwriting is close to the writing!”
“Urgh. I’m not cleaning this up. It’s so gross.”
“The gangs and police are useless. They aren’t even doing anything, look at them. They’re just standing there, dumbfounded. Absolute nimrods.”
“Yeah, useless bastards. What do we even let them around for?”
I’d come by just to speak with the council members there to inform them that Quentin. . . still refused to come out of her room. 
Quentin says she’s been sick the past few days, and from the crying and throwing up coming from her room, I’d be inclined to believe her. But, I myself haven’t really been with her in days, since she doesn’t want anyone to visit her while she’s like this. Yes, I’ve fed her, and helped her sleep and things like that, but other than that. . . She’s mostly kept to the bed. 
I hate when she’s like this. . .Because I can’t cuddle with her! She gives the best cuddles after she’s back from work! And her boobs are so warm and soft-
“Eadwine?” Riddle Rosehearts said, as the other council members turned around to look at what Riddle was talking about. “Tell me you have good news for me.”
I tilted my head. “I suppose that depends on what you mean by good news.”
“As in, your wife is suddenly better and can help us.” Vil Schoenheit said, putting a hand on his hip. 
“No. But she does feel awful for this happening. She’s tried to come out of her room multiple times, but she always ends up going back to bed or passing out.” 
“W-Well, that’s much better than yesterday.” Kalim Al-Asim offered, though he himself seemed pretty unsure of what to actually say to keep the mood up. 
“Not by much.” Azul Ashengrotto said. “What in Twisted Wonderland did she get sick with?”  
“But, there is a silver lining in this.” I stated. “She said she was up really late at night because she couldn’t sleep, and she made up some macrons.”
“Huh? Why was she baking at night? Doesn’t she know that she could get into trouble if she stays up?” Leona asked. 
I shrugged. “I asked, but she said she wasn’t thinking straight and she probably used up her luck for a year with not getting hurt by the Figure in Black.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” Riddle said, as he took a macron and others followed suit. “That woman must’ve gotten pretty lucky.”
“Despite being sick, Mrs. Quentin Nighty-Sallow makes good food.” Ortho smiled, which Kalim seemed to agree with as he made a happy noise. 
“Indeed. I must get her recipe for this. it’s pretty good.” Azul said. 
“Meh. Trey does better.” Riddle simply said. “But it’s pretty close, I’ll give her that.” 
As the Council Members took the macrons, I looked at the writing on the wall. 
Wait. . . That handwriting. It look familiar. 
“Ah. I see you’re no better than the other housewives.” Azul teased.
“I suppose.” I said. “But, isn’t the Figure in Black right though?”
“What do you mean by that?” 
“Well, Vargas is a narcissist, according to Quentin. It’s well know throughout the town he is pretty full of himself, and Quentin says that it is also called being a Narcissist. While I don’t like the blood on the wall, why would they do such a thing if the town already knows Vargas loves himself?”
The other seemed quiet for a moment, but after a few moments of silence, Azul spoke up. "You're right. This narrows things down."
"It does?" I asked.
"Yes. Since Narcissist is such a lesser known word, even I didn't know what the word meant, only people like Quentin would know it, hence they could use it." Riddle said simply. "We just need to narrow down to Quentin and those close with her, and keep an eye on them, and we'll catch the culprit."
“Well, that’s one way to see it.” I sighed. “But, are we really going to track down every person who knows the word Narcissist?”
“If that’s what it takes, yes.” Riddle said. 
I sighed. It was a foolish idea. But, well, I didn’t have one that was better.
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I don’t have much time now. I wish I had more time but. . . She’s done something that has sped up the process of finding out it’s me. 
But. . . I haven’t been able to stop her yet! 
What am I supposed to do?! It’s only a matter of time before they find out it’s me! My days are numbered!
I. . . I haven’t avenged them! They. . .They! They can’t rest in peace with a woman like her wandering the streets! She can’t be allowed to wander the streets! She’ll destroy everything in this world without mercy!
That monster-she has to erased from this world.
For all those who’ve suffered! 
No one know must ever know the truth.
I have to stop her! 
I don’t know how, but I will!
I don’t know if I can stop her anymore, but I have to try! 
I. . .I did this! I’m the only one who can stop this!
I may not know the difference between what is right and what is wrong anymore, or even have a say in it, but. . . she cannot be allowed to walk the streets.
Winifred must be stopped, no matter the cost!  
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Mrs. Quentin. . . Hasn’t come out of her room in days. 
She hasn’t come out for anything. Food, water, not even to use the bathroom. 
Mrs. Eadwine, Mr. Amiel and Mr. Azazel keep trying to get her to open the door and help her, but she’s boarded up the door and she’s begged us to let her out.  
I’ve. . . I’ve never heard her sound so desperate. Every time we try to talk to her. . . She sounds like she’s crying. She screams for us to please leave her alone, and that she doesn’t want us hurt. . . But what does she mean by that?
She’s been screaming other nonsense as well. 
Talking about a woman named Winifred. . . Saying everything it’s all her fault and she’s so sorry for everything. . . How she should just die already. . . It’s scary. 
I. . . I hate to see the woman who took me in act like this. Mrs. Quentin. . . She’s worked so hard as a council member. . . She’s helped out so many people in Crow’s Dusk, and yet, I can do nothing as she rots away in that room.
 Mrs. Eadwine also is starting to break. She. . . Can’t listen to Mrs. Quentin cry. She’s become less of a housewife and has wandered town, crying in hopes Quentin will leave one day. Mr. Amiel and Mr. Azazel aren’t much better. 
What are we supposed to do? The Nighty-Sallow house is falling apart, and I-
What am I supposed to do?
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It’s hard to go home anymore. 
Quentin. . . I love her but. . . She’s tearing herself apart. 
I don’t get it! 
I’d wandered off from town again. I’d gone to Professor Vargas’ house again. I don’t know why, but i keep coming here.
“Urgh. Now’s not the time for this.” I said, wiping away my tears and then I saw it. 
The message written on the wall of Vargas’ house. 
He still hasn’t washed it, has he? Gods, what a-Wait.
I got closer. That letter i. That’s looks like. . . how Quentin does her i’s. The way the dot is-Wait.
No. No. No. 
It can’t be! 
There’s no way! 
She won’t do such a thing! She’s too kind, yes, she’d get mad at others, but she won’t hurt others! 
This doesn’t make sense!
I raced to our home, straight to where Quentin had locked herself up. “QUENTIN DESMONA! OPEN THIS DOOR! RIGHT THIS INSTANT!”
Still silence. 
One hit. It moved.
Two hits. The door made a strange noise.
Three hits. The door broke, I could see on the other side Quentin has stacked chairs and tables by the door. 
Four hits. The door broke even more.
Five hits. The door was gone, and all that was left was the chairs and tables.
After some pushing they where at one side too. Until I could finally-
And on the floor, there laid Quentin.
Covered in blood.
“Quen. . .tin?” 
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Hi @toffeemochabear​, I hope you don't mind me making a different post to explain 😭 some very very bad things happened in the newest All Stars chapter and I empathized with the events too much so now I’m hurt and sad and can’t function properly 😭😔🤧🥺 I will put this under the cut because it contains spoilers of the second season of All Stars!
Okay I don't even know where to start because this is so messed up;;; basically Lanzhu said the school idol club sucks and made her own, even bringing professionals in to work for her. The worst part is that she's actively preventing the original club from doing any activities till they join her club, and no one, not even Shioriko, can stand up to her because she's the chairwoman's daughter.
Crazy, right? Wait till you hear this. Shioriko, Karin and Ai all left the school idol club to join Lanzhu's. As her back dancers. BACK DANCERS.
Lanzhu is a spoiled rich girl trying to be Queen Bee and Karin and Ai are following her because, according to them, she's so talented and everything is so professional and awesome. When Karin and Ai have ever cared about becoming professional idols, I don't know. They joined the club to have fun with Emma and Rina, and now they abandoned them and they don't care that Lanzhu is trying to destroy their club, or that she was super mean to Yuu, the person who always supported them and the one who invited them to be school idols in the first place.
Shioriko is having a hard time because she doesn't like this conflict and what Lanzhu is doing but she can't stand up to her since she's her childhood friend, and Emma is upset at Karin because... look at what she's become.
But that's not even the part that upset me the most... it's Kasumi. I can't handle seeing what all of this is doing to Kasumi 😭🥺 Kasumi cares about her friends and the club a lot (heck she defended that club when she was ALL ALONE and did everything in her power to keep it going) and this is absolutely destroying her.
So, you know what the club decided to do, since they can't perform anymore? They decided to do a surprise live and Kasumi was going to sing, so Lanzhu couldn't stop them since no one knew because it was a surprise right? However, rumors spread and when the live was about to start Lanzhu made an announcement that she was also going to sing somewhere else, and almost everyone left to go see her. Kasumi was HEARTBROKEN and she was crying sooo hard I am still crying thinking about it. But with the club cheering her on, she managed to do her best and perform anyway.
....but it's not over yet. At that moment, right when Kasumi was starting to cheer up, Shizuku, her best friend, announced she was joining Lanzhu's club as well. That was nowhere near the moment to say that in any way, shape or form and Kasumi understandably ran away crying. My poor Kasumi was BROKEN. 😭😭
Neither Ai, Karin, or Shizuku care in the slightest about Lanzhu doing this, apparently, and the friendships they made in the first season of AS were all for nothing. No level of professionalism could justify them turning a blind eye to what Lanzhu’s doing to their friends. I am hurt and upset and sad over this and I have been sobbing for hours now 😭 I don't know why this is happening... weren't they all friends? Don’t they CARE?
Tl;dr: Lanzhu poisoned our water supply, burnt our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses 😭
I know she's probably gonna become "good" later but I don't see how I'm ever gonna forgive her if I'm being honest. We've never had a character do such evil things in Love Live before... she might be the first LL character I can't like. I can't even look at Karin, Ai and Shizuku right now... they disappointed me. I didn't think they were like that...
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words-in-air · 4 years
Mikan sets her phone down on the nightstand and rubs her eyes, keeping them closed as she stretches. It's been a long day. Mikan looks next to her, where her boyfriend grunts peacefully. In his sleep, Natsume looks like an angel, the juxtaposition within him of elegance and something raw and ethereal.
As if he can sense her eyes on him, Natsume's eyes flutter open. When he sees Mikan very much not asleep, he props himself up sleepily on one elbow, his eyes asking a question.
Mikan obliges. The kiss is salty. "I'm nervous," she admits.
"I wish you would have let me done it."
"It wouldn't have worked, if it was you. Hotaru and I have a special connection that can't be explained, just like Alices can't be explained."
"Still, I'm the one who owes Imai," Natsume says quietly. "I owe her my life."
"No," Mikan smiles. "I owe her my life. I get to go to bed and wake up in the morning to this bad breath. Go to sleep already."
"Only if you spoon me, Polka," Natsume smirks.
"Big baby." Mikan tugs the bedroom lamp, plunging the room into darkness. She wraps her skinny arms around Natsume’s hot skin. I love you, she mouths against his back.
“”MmLove you too,” Natsume mumbles. He’s already dreaming. As usual, Mikan is in his dreams. They are sweet.
When Mikan and Natsume arrive at the Alice Academy Hospital Wing, Narumi and Yuu are there to greet them. “Narumi-sensei!” Mikan cries, running into his arms.
“Mikan!” Narumi crows, hugging her tightly to his chest. He catches Natsume’s eyes playfully. Natsume glares and ignores him: “Hey, Yuu.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like shite.”
The two men share a laugh. “You know what I remember?” Yuu says, almost wistfully. “That time my Alice was stolen, and how Hotaru got shot, and how you and Mikan and Ruka and Tsubasa-senpai tried to find the antidote. You were all trying to out hero each other even then. I hope that you know you don’t have to do anything. Hotaru wouldn’t want that.”
“You know Mikan. It isn’t about debt or trying to be heroic,” Natsume replies. “It’s about love and necessity. That Hotaru is Mikan’s soulmate I’ve already known for a long time. Because I know she needs to do this, I’m standing back and letting her make her decision. Because I understand. It’s like me and Ruka.”
Yuu is raising his eyebrows.
“What,” Natsume says, a little embarrassed at the passion he put into that little speech.
“Just waiting for you to say no homo.”
“Yes homo, dude. I love Ruka. No need to hide anything.”
“I love how humorous you’ve become after dating Mikan,” Yuu remarks.
Meanwhile, said subject is going over paperwork. “Mikan, are you sure?” Narumi sensei asks. He thinks of Mikan as his own child. He also thinks Mikan has never resembled Yuka more than in this moment, determination emanating ferociously from her expression.
Of course, her response is relaxed and chipper. “Yes, sensei. It’s not that she’s done so much for me. It’s that I don’t know who I am without her. And I don’t want to know who I am without her, either. I’m sick of living a half filled life. I want to live with Hotaru by my side.”
Before Narumi can say anything, Mikan cuts him a look. “Please don’t say anything about her body and soul still being in the hospital. I know. I come here to see her everyday. And I also know that she’s not going to get better by herself at this rate.”
“You don’t know that though,” Narumi finds himself arguing. “This is a gamble. You’re gambling half of your organs away, not to mention a significant portion of your lifespan—“
“Sensei,” Mikan says kindly. “I know it as well as I know Mr. Bear, or Jii-chan, or Natsume — I feel it in my bones — that it will be fine. Me and Hotaru, we will make it work.”
Natsume is allowed one last hug before Mikan disappears behind the double doors. “I love you,” he whispers gruffly.
“Love you,” Mikan says, remembering the way that his heart beats. “I’ll see you soon, so stop looking at me like that.”
“I always look at you like this,” Natsume says, but he’s averting his gaze. Subaru’s coming his way, and he’ll be damned if he actually cries in front of someone. Why couldn’t Imai be like her brother, he thinks not for the first time.
Subaru and Hotaru were successfully brought back from the time warp a few months ago, after nearly half a decade of studying and experimenting with the full efforts of the Academy, who made the Imais’ return a top priority. Subaru recuperated quickly, the only traces of the time warp now left in his head as memories, because he has the Healing Alice. As for his younger sister, well... once again she was on life support.
Natsume thinks of the way Mikan had looked the first time they visited Hotaru’s room. He coughs. Yuu pats him on the back.
“She said she was coming back,” Natsume reasons.
Yuu finds that watching his friend is too painful. He can only silently nod.
Inside the room, Mikan begins the procedure of removing her clothes. Subaru goes through the clipboard, marking errant notes awkwardly.
“You can speak, Dr. Imai,” Mikan laughs as she puts on the hospital gown.
“I just don’t understand you girls.”
“I don’t understand what you’re about to do to my body, but as long as Hotaru gains consciousness, consider it a job well done.”
Subaru shakes his head. “Anyhow, thank you for doing this.”
“Thank you,” Mikan says. “For helping me do this.”
Hotaru is alone, walking on a beautiful garden filled with flowers made of metallic petals. Penguin is here, next to her.
So I’m dead, she thinks bluntly. Then: why is death so boring?
She has been walking this same path, listening to the same electronic hum, for the past few months. At least she thinks it’s a few months. She didn’t know how to keep track of time when she first arrived, but then her instincts clicked into place after a certain amount of time and she built herself a clock.
It’s boring, she thinks again. Penguin heees. “What’s that, Penguin?”
“Hee! Hee!”
“Mikan? What about Mikan? She’s in danger?”
Penguin only hees again, urgently. It must be this place messing with its reception, Hotaru thinks frustratedly. Stupid place. Stupid Penguin. Stupid—
“Hotaru. HOTARU!” She hears, and looks up right as a dark mass drops onto her.
For one split second, Hotaru thinks she’s died again. And then she hears something: “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Hotaru, it’s really you...”
Hotaru knows this voice. She hears it often in her head, in her memories that surface like gifts in her dreams. “Mikan?”
“This place is so weird,” Mikan says. She sniffles. The first hour she wouldn’t stop crying, and the past two hours she has gone over everything that’s happened in Hotaru’s absence. When it was Hotaru’s time to share she took Mikan for a stroll along the path.
“I know,” Hotaru says.
“It’s very you, though. Look at the robotic flowers. Look at these baby robot bees. Where even are we?”
“I don’t know,” Hotaru said. “I’m still amazed you even found me.”
“It’s the power of our love,” Mikan smiles. “Right, Penguin?” Penguin hees.
Hotaru feels a surge of emotion for her best friend and she combats it by taking out her Baka Gun, Heaven Edition. “Look what I made.”
Mikan shakes her head. “Of course you did. Oh my gosh, Hotaru, look!! There’s a turtle!!”
The two girls watch as it leisurely crosses the path ahead of them.
Hotaru takes this chance to say what’s been on her mind: “Mikan, what if we’re stuck here?”
Mikan doesn’t even miss a beat. “Then at least I’m stuck here with you.”
“Hotaru,” her best friend says. “I think the reason you haven’t come back Earthside yet is because.. you don’t want to. And that’s okay, as long as I get to he by your side. When you’re ready we can go back. But we have all the time in the world, so there’s no rush.” Mikan pauses. “Do you think we get to bring Penguin back?”
“No, you idiot,” Hotaru replies. “I think this is a place for wandering souls. Like in a time warp, but not in the sense of time. Like you said, there’s an element of indecision, I agree.”
Mikan peeks over at her best friend.
“What?” Hotaru feels compelled to ask.
“Don’t you think I’ve become, like, smarter? And more intelligent? Subaru said— OW! Hotaru!”
“The Baka Gun Heaven Edition thinks otherwise,” Hotaru says. “My sincere condolences.”
“Hey, what’s Ruka been up to these days?”
“Why’re we asking? OKAY okay, no need to pull out the cannon. He’s a vet. In France. He’s flying back this week to see us though. By us I mean me and YOU.”
“Why do you ask—Hotaru! Stop running! Wait up!”
“Do you think we’ll remember this when we wake up?” Mikan wonders. “It’s so beautiful. I want to remember this.”
“Probably as a dream if we do,” Hotaru says. “We’re actually really close to the real world. Hear that electronic hum? It’s hospital equipment, I think.”
Mikan’s mouth makes an O. “Hotaru, you’re so smart!”
“Damn straight.”
“It surprises me that Hyuuga hasn’t asked to marry you,” Hotaru remarks. She and Mikan are laying down now, watching the periwinkle sky ripple with color.
Mikan hums. “Even if he did, I wouldn’t say yes.”
Hotaru turns her head to look at her best friend. “What if I never woke up? You never were going to get married?”
“Yep,” Mikan says cheerfully. “It’s okay, Natsume understands.”
“You’re crazy,” Hotaru states simply.
“You’re my most important person! And don’t lie to yourself, Hotaru. You would do the same!” Mikan exclaims.
“No,” Hotaru argues. “I would find a way to wake you up way sooner because I’m a genius.”
Mikan sticks her tongue out and shuffles closer to Hotaru, draping her arms around her best friend. “Was it lonely?”
“No,” Hotaru thinks. “Just boring. I might’ve been lonely if you hadn’t found me sooner, though.”
“What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that when I come home, I want to be brought home on an elephant. The time warp once dropped me and Onii-chan in India once, and that’s how they carried royalty.”
“That actually sounds really nice.” Mikan muses.
Penguin hees softly. Mikan snuggles in. Hotaru smiles. She’s content, in this moment.
She’s ready.
“You’re ready?”
Hotaru squeezes her best friend’s hand. “Yeah, let’s go back.”
“Natsume,” Mochiage urges. “You need to stand up straight. Natsume.”
The entire class of 2B is congregated in the hospital’s waiting wings. Natsume’s face is gray. Mikan’s been under operation for 12 hours now, during which Natsume has refused to eat or drink or move from his spot.
Ruka shakes his head. “Leave him be. It’s been a long day.” Mochu sighs, throwing his hands up.
In another corner, Sumire is pacing, biting her nails. Koko pulls her hand from her mouth, encircling it within his own hands.
“I’m not nervous, because there’s nothing to be nervous about,” Sumire declares sharply, looking at her husband.
Koko only smiles. “I know, Mire. I know.”
“They’ll come back. Where’s Anna and Nonoko? Anna! Nonoko!” Sumire pulls her hand from Koko’s grasp and marches purposefully across the room. “I swear I told them to...”
Koko sighs. He doesn’t need to be a mindreader right now to know what everyone’s thinking. He wishes he had an Alice limiting bracelet, because at a hospital especialy, everyone’s thoughts are so damn loud. His hearing is amplified to an exponential amount.
Hey, Hotaru, Koko suddenly hears.
What? Koko thinks, alert. That was definitely Mikan’s dumb voice.
What, you idiot.
This voice is so familiar and heartbreaking to Koko that he falls to his knees. He’s spent the past few years trying to remember and memorize this voice, as proof that she had existed. Hotaru Imai had existed, because she had a voice in his mind.
“Koko?” Yuu rushes over. “Koko, what’s wrong?”
Natsume knows. Natsume knows, and his head whips up and focuses on Koko with a burning intensity.
Do you remember? Mikan now, her voice clear, a little weak.
Yeah. Hotaru responds, quiet. Yeah.
So it wasn’t a dream. Then, I’m glad.
Koko nods at Natsume, who is up on his feet in less than one second just as Dr. Imai appears through the doors. He’s sweaty, exhausted. His bangs are sticking to his head. Natsume thinks he’s never seen anything more angelic when he speaks.
“The operation was a success.”
Subaru finally cracks a smile.
“You can go see Hotaru and Sakura now.”
。o° ✧༺ ✿ ༻∞ ❀ ∞༺ ✿ ༻✧ °o。
It’s been a week since the two girls’ release, and every single day Mikan has fallen asleep next to her best friend. Natsume, grumbling, has been relocated to Ruka’s place in Tokyo. Today, though, Hotaru is moving out. Mikan sits as Hotaru goes through her suitcase one last time.
“Do you have to move out,” Mikan says, for the umpteenth time.
“Don’t lie and make this about Natsume.” Mikan is petulant. “We spent so many years apart, the least we could do is—“
“No,” Hotaru breaks in. “You are a slob, you never clean up after yourself, there are crumbs in the bed. Plus, you drool, and you move around in your sleep. And you sleeptalk. Only Hyuuga deserves to put up with this. Not someone like me.”
Mikan pouts. “Where are you going to stay?” Upon seeing Hotaru’s face, horror dawns upon her. “Hotaru, no.”
“Nogi was kind enough to offer, who am I to refuse his hospitality?”
“Is Ruka not going back to France?” Mikan is shocked. “He’s just leaving his entire house to you?”
Hotaru looks into her luggage. “Well, it appears that he’s staying in Japan for the time being. To open a Japanese branch for his clinic.”
Mikan is scandalized. “So you’re willing to be roommates with him, but not with me? Hotaru!”
“He’s not going to bother or distract me. I have a multi billion dollar corporation to launch. I have all these years to catch up on. Stop pouting, you look ugly.”
“Hmph!” Mikan snorts. She takes a different angle. “At least let me visit.”
“Twice a month.”
“Hotaru! Twice a day.”
“Twice a week.”
“Seven times a week.”
“Seven times a week for half an hour each.”
“One hour. I’ll be quiet. I can be quiet, you know.”
“No, I don’t know,” Hotaru smirks. “Fine. You have yourself a deal.” She closes the suitcase and secures the clasp, pulling it as she drags it out of the room. Mikan follows, a little woefully.
“How are you getting there, at least?”
“Oh,” Hotaru smiles. “I called in a few favors.”
Outside the house, a familiar blonde Frenchman sits atop a big, grey elephant. The two of them are happy, playing around, unawares of the gaping brunette and the pair of unimpressed violet eyes.
“It’s just as sickening as I remember,” Hotaru mutters.
“You’re insane, Hotaru!” Mikan whispers.
When Ruka notices them, he blushes. “Hi, Mikan! Hi, Imai! Are you ready to go?”
“You heard the man.” Hotaru turns to her best friend. “Wanna ride with me?”
“HOTARU! I love you!” Mikan leaps and crashes into her best friend. “You know the answer’s forever yes.”
Yes, it was forever Mikan and Hotaru, and Hotaru and Mikan. They had found ways to be together no matter how big the obstacles that faced them were. The future was going to be no different — there was undoubtedly going to be a great amount of uncertainties, but Hotaru and Mikan would find a way to be together through it all. Because it was Mikan and Hotaru and Hotaru and Mikan. They belonged to each other.
For @crimsoncitrus who requested a Hotaru and Mikan fic! This got so much longer than anticipated, sorry (*´ω`*) hope you enjoy!!
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rx-ven · 4 years
the one that got away (Shinobu  x Giyuu)
In which Giyuu is being haunted by a past he is not even sure if it’s his own.
----- Chapter 1: meet me again
5:54 P.M.
Six more minutes until my shift is over.
Shinobu sighed as she felt the exhaustion for having 15 hours shift.
“Shinobu-chan, are you alright?” asked Mitsuri.
“I’m just exhausted, Mitsuri. Nothing to worry about.” Shinobu said while fixing her things, getting ready to clock out.
“Oh, I see. Here-,” Mitsuri handed Shinobu a discount coupon, “-a discount coupon from the Kamado Café! I thought you might need it, and besides, it will be expiring tomorrow so you better use it now, Shinobu-chan!”
Humming to herself, Shinobu accepted the coupon, “Is that really it, Mitsuri-chan?” Shinobu said with a teasing tone while removing her lab coat, “or are you giving these to me because you want me to buy something for you in the bakery too?”
“That,” answered Mitsuri smiling, “and I want for you to buy something for me in the bakery too hehe.”
Shinobu rolled her eyes while shaking her head, fully knowing the antics of the pink and green-haired maiden. “Well then, I better get going. I’ll see you later, Mitsuri.”
The journey to the Kamado Café was relaxing, to say the least. The thought of eating delicious pastries, and the smell of coffee surrounding the café made Shinobu relax. Adding to the list is the warm bath she’ll be taking, and the comfy bed she’ll be sleeping after the meal made her excited for the evening ahead.
As she pushed the door of the Kamado Café open, Shinobu was greeted with the smell of coffee and sugar, just as she expected. She went straight up to the counter as there are fewer people inside the café given the time.
“Welcome to Kamado Café!” greeted Tanjirou.
“Good evening, Tanjirou-kun.” greeted Shinobu back.
“Ah! Shinobu-san! It’s nice to see you again,” beamed Tanjirou, “are you here for your regulars?”
“Yes, please,” answered Shinobu, “I will also be adding a slice of blueberry cheesecake, and two choco muffin, take out.”
“Oh, are you pulling up an all-nighter, Shinobu-san? It looks like you’ll be needing a lot of sugar.” Questioned Tanjiro while encoding the orders.
“Not really, Tanjirou-kun. The take out is really for Mitsuri,” Shinobu said while getting the coupon Mitsuri gave her earlier, “she also gave me this-,” she waved the coupon, “-a discount coupon from your café. She told me to use it today since it will be expiring tomorrow. It’s still usable, right?”
“Of course, Shinobu-san! I’ll be preparing your order. I’ll be right back!”
While waiting for her order, Shinobu made herself comfy in a table beside a window.
As she’s staring out, watching people pass by, a black honda civic pulled up right in front of her making her blind because of its headlight shining right at her.
What a fucking asshole.
A man with black, tied messy hair emerged from the car wearing white long sleeves and slacks, walking straight to the cafe. That’s all she could make out while adjusting her sight. She was interrupted by Tanjirou who was already serving her her orders.
“Here’s your order, Shinobu-san!”
She returned her attention to Tanjirou, “Thank you so much, Tanji-“
Her appreciation was cut off when the ‘asshole’ appeared beside her, gaining the attention of Tanjirou.
“Ah, Tamioka-san! You’re back!” Tanjirou was only answered by a nod.
Wow, so much for a conversation. Shinobu rolled her eyes.
“Ah, Shinobu-san, this is Giyuu Tomioka-san, our guardian. Giyuu-san, this is Shinobu-san, Nezuko’s doctor.” Tanjirou introduced him to Shinobu.
Shinobu gave a warm smile, hoping that her smile will cover how irritated she is with the man. “Nice to meet you, Tomioka-san.”
Tomioka only stared at her making Shinobu pop a vein.
Tanjirou can sense that Shinobu isn’t pleased with how Tomioka responded. Panicking, he responded, “I-I’m so sorry for the lack of response, Shinobu-san! Giyuu-san is… ano… A man of few words hehehe.”
Before Shinobu can reply, Tanjirou excused himself and Tomioka, bidding her enjoyment on her order. Shinobu took a sip on her tea as she wondered how strange Tomioka-san is.
That woman… She looks familiar. No, she feels familiar… It’s like I’ve met her before, but where?
“…yuu-san? Giyuu-san? Hello?”
Tomioka’s thoughts were interrupted by Tanjirou waving his hands in front of him, “...The lady…”
“Hm? Who?” asked the confused Tanjirou.
“The one with the butterfly pin.”
“Ah, you mean Shinobu-san? Dr. Shinobu Kochou is Nezuko’s doctor. I told you that over the phone months ago. Have you forgotten?”
“Have I met her before?”
Tanjirou shook his head, “No, I don’t think so. Why, Giyuu-san?”
“It’s Nothing, Tanjirou,” Giyuu shifted the topic, “you better start closing, Nezuko might be already waiting for you to come back.”
“You’re right,” Tanjirou handed Tomioka some of their baked goods, “here Giyuu-san! Some baked goods for tonight.”
Tomioka accepted the baked goods, “I’ll be checking on you guys tomorrow. Good night.”
Driving to his Condo, he cannot stop thinking about the small lady he encountered earlier and how familiar she feels to him.
I cannot remove the feeling that I knew her from somewhere. I may have seen those eyes somewhere. Maybe she came from the university I am teaching…
As soon as he got inside his condo, Tomioka started to prepare himself for sleep, already feeling the tiredness from his 3 hours journey from his work back to his hometown.
After his head touches his fluffy pillows he started to drift to dreamland.
A laugh.
Tomioka scanned his surroundings to know where the laugh came from which landed him on someone in front of him.
Right in front of him is a lady wearing a butterfly patterned haori, black hair with tips ending with a dip of violet is tied in a bun with… a butterfly pin?
Tomioka’s eyes widened. It’s the same as the lady he met earlier.
“...mioka-san? Tomioka-san?”
He snapped back his attention to what the lady is saying.
“Isn’t the moon lovely tonight, Tomioka-san?”
And that lovely laugh again.
The laugh made his heart warm and smile too.
Tomioka’s eye shot open. He was breathing heavily.
That dream again… I always forgot what that lady looks like. Ugh.
In haling deeply trying to calm himself, he reached for his phone to check for the time.
5:30 A.M.
He groaned while rolling back to his bed. He is indeed a morning person but it is still early for his liking especially for traveling for hours yesterday. Either way, Tomioka knows it is no use to go back to sleeping so he started his day.
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darkzorua100 · 5 years
In works of fiction, one of the hardest things to do isn’t so much as writing a solid story but trying to find a way to end it with a satisfying conclusion. It could be a happy, sad, or all of the above as long as it fits the story that you have building up to at this point. After all, this is the last thing your viewers are going to be seeing. The last big take away before they have to move on. What is going to be the legacy of this fiction? A ending can make or break a series after all. Just look at Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V for example. Looking back at it, it was such a groundbreaking entry into the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise for being the first series to make all the Extra Deck Summoning Mechanics relevant to the story instead of pushing them off to the side for the newest one in Pendulum at the time. It was a huge nostalgia trip by paying homage to the past series that came before it from using their locations for the different dimensions to bringing back past characters, in a way anyway, to the forefront. There is just so much more I could say about that spin-off but to put it in a nutshell, ARC-V just did so much right at the time but of course we all can’t forget that damn ending. The way that ARC-V ended just left pretty much everyone who had watched it from the very beginning with such a sour taste in our mouths. I don’t think I need to explain why, anyone who has seen the final knows exactly what I’m talking about, but yeah, it goes to show that a finale leaves a lasting impression and is pretty much why, even to this day, a majority of people consider ARC-V to be the worst Yu-Gi-Oh series to date. 
So with all that being said, how did Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains finale do? Was it able to wrap everything up into a perfect little package with a nice bow on top? Well honestly, the package itself was a freaking mess and a half but I will say the bow on top wasn’t half bad for what it was worth. We all knew with Vrains ending way to early compared to the previous series that things were going to be getting rushed at the end but I will say that even if things were rushed, and it wasn’t the most satisfying ending they could have given us, what they did give us still left me feeling fulfilled and with Vrains being the absolute train wreck that it was, at the end of the day, I’ll call that a win. 
So let’s start off with the final part of the Playmaker vs Ai duel. These two really were just full on neck and neck that it literally came down to their aces (because yes, Decode Talker is Playmaker’s true ace monster of show) batting each other, once again like from the opening, with Yusaku only being able to pull out the win in the end because Ai wanted to make sure that he was going to be able to finish him off during his turn. If his greed didn’t get the best of him, he would have actually won. That is actually really crazy to think about. At one point, just before Playmaker summoned Accesscode Talker, I seriously thought he was going to summon a Link 8 since he had the total Link Rating on his field with his three monsters plus Darkfluid being a Link 5 but nope, he summoned basically his new combination of the six Ignises in the form of a Code Talker (which all seem to be model after an Ignis anyway). I mean how he was actually able to summon out Accesscode was kinda BS but that’s just normal BS when it comes to the final duels in a Yu-Gi-Oh final. I’m still questioning how in the actual world did Yusaku not deck himself out during this duel. Seriously just how many cards did this boy go through? Way to many from the looks of things.
Now let’s talk about Playmaker and Ai scenes. My god, those shouldn’t have hurt as much as they did. Just at the beginning when Yusaku was telling Ai about how the bonds between others were the things that created the future, not predetermined simulations, and how Ai just couldn’t understand it just hurt right off the bat because I can understand why Ai can’t think that way. Just like he told Yusaku, he is data. To find a situation to a problem is all he knows. To base something with nothing to support it makes no sense to him especially when he can’t chance it. He has seen the alternative and my god, Ai. We didn’t even see the full simulation play out (but what we did see is definitely getting censored in the dub no questions there) but I could already tell what exactly played out. If Dr. Kogami was right about anything, it is that it is inevitable for humanity not to turn against artificial intelligence out of fear that they would one day surpass humanity and try and take us over or just kill us on the spot. I think the future we saw in that simulation was just that with Yusaku trying to convince them that Ai was no danger to humanity and well....we all saw how well that ended. Honestly I lowkey wished we got to see more of that simulation just to see the moment that Ai snaps and murders anyone. Because lets face it, Yusaku literally is the only family that Ai had left at that point. If something happened to him, Ai was actually going to snap. And it wasn’t even if something terrible would happen to him. Yusaku is still human while Ai is an artificial intelligence. If nothing happened to him, Yusaku would have just aged over time and eventually pass away while Ai would always remain immortal which once again would probably lead to a snap. I honestly don’t blame Ai for picking the path that he did in the end. Even if Lightning never showed him the first simulation, I don’t think it would have been long before Ai would have put the pieces together and start doing his own simulations. Ai was just a goner since the moment he was created as a A.I. with free-will. As for his death scene, I almost did start crying because things shouldn’t have had to have ended this way. I don’t care what Yusaku said. You should have took the fusion deal, young man. It worked out pretty freaking well for Judai and Yubel. Heck, regardless how stupid it was, the Yuu Boys and the Bracelet Girls were all still their own individual people too. I don’t see how that would be any different for you two, especially considering that Ai came from you, Yusaku. I have a lot of feelings about this but I will say that the moments that really hurt for me was when Ai asked Yusaku if he was a good partner, to which Yusaku answered “yes”, and when Yusaku explained to Ai that his name meant “love”. I actually didn’t think they were going to explain the meaning of Ai’s name in the show but I’m so thankful that they did but damn, that freaking hurt! Also Aiballshipping is canon. I actually find it hilarious that Ai stole Yusaku from Ryoken at the last second XD
As for everyone else’s endings. As much as it is still the most convenient bullsh*t ever, I am happy that Jin was able to move on after freaking years of being tormented by his PTSD and by Lightning in season 2 and is now happily working with his brother at the hot dog truck just like Kusanagi always wanted. I’m glad that they are slowly starting to make up for all the time that they have lost together because of this one incident. Aoi seems to be doing okay but I won’t lie, I was bit salty that Miyu wasn’t with her when she was visiting the brothers since it seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to be together and to show that their friendship is still strong after all of these years. Like what the heck? If they are going to force this stupid storyline on us, at least commit to it damn it! It has been three months and wait? Is she still in the damn hospital? Like we literally don’t know what happened to Miyu after all of this and I just find that infuriating but what’s new there? Akira is now CEO of SOL Technologies and I’m kinda mixed on how to feel about this. I mean we all were expecting this since the very beginning but again it is one of those things like what happened to Queen? Vrains threw away the rest of the Chess Pieces long ago but Queen was still a character. I mean I like to think that Queen just up and give Akira the company out of fear of being attacked again by someone else in the future but it is still one of those things that you wished you knew what happened to her as to how Akira got this position. It seems that Vrains has continued to grow and expand during this three month time skip and I don’t know if it was intentional or not but all the connections make it look like The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister and if that truly was the case that was a really nice detail to add, Vrains. Emma and Kengo seemed to have teamed up as a brother and sister bounty hunter team in the network which is fitting. Go is back to being his entertainer self to please his younger fans. I’m planning on giving my full thoughts about Vrains sometime later this week hopefully so I’m get into more detail about him and everyone else there. The Knights of Hanoi are taking Takeru’s declaration to heart and are watching over Link Vrains from Ryoken’s freaking cruise ship apparently while Ryoken and Spectre are watching over everything inside of Link Vrains. Now that Vrains is over, I officially have to ask. Where the actual hell is Ryoken getting all of this money from? Correction, WHERE IS HE GETTING ALL OF THESE BOATS FROM?! Geez and I thought we as a fandom were the shippers. This boy has a freaking navy of them in hiding.
No but seriously, before they showed the duel disks and just them sitting on the bed, my brain went places. The dialogue did not help. Yes my brain is extremely dirty but that’s besides the point. 
I like to think that wherever Flame ended up in the A.I. afterlife, he is looking down at Takeru with a proud smile during this moment. I also just find it fun that since Kiku doesn’t have an avatar, if anyone knows her in real life sees her in Link Vrains with Soulburner, they are obviously going to put the pieces together real quick about who Soulburner actually is. I’m in just such amazement right now over this even though I had any idea that something like this was going to happen. During the closing interviews from the VAs, Kaji Yuuki made a comment about how we were going to be seeing Takeru getting “unmasked” during the finale and I just knew that something like this was going to happen and I was not disappointed at all. I’m sorry but I just have such a huge sh*t eating grin across my face because of this. 
How is it that Kiku, a freaking SIDE CHARACTER, ended up being my favorite female of Vrains? I don’t know, I’m just going to move on before I start freaking out again about these two being so freaking adorable. 
I do like how Naoki, as soon as he saw these two, makes it his new goal to get himself a special someone of his own. I don’t know how that’s going to work out for him but hey good for him.
And as for Yusaku, the shows ends with him going on some kind of journey, leaving his final fate obscure which is pretty normal for a Yu-Gi-Oh series as they did the same in the past with Judai and Yusei. My guess he’s going around the network to try and find a way to bring back Ai and maybe the rest of the Ignis.
Speaking of which, the last scene we get of this series is that Ai is apparently alive. Maybe. Who actually knows. He could be in A.I. heaven for all we know but if that’s the case I feel they would have shown us a scene of him being greeted and welcomed by the rest of the Ignis but what we got of him instead was him in his eyeball form looking to be restored. Man Ai is literally like a cockroach and I am saying that in the nicest way possibly. He gets his data eaten by a dragon, tore to pieces by a Data Storm, destroyed by a powerful program, and even kills himself by his own hand and yet he still lives. I am very curious to know if anything is going to come from this reveal, such as if YGO 7 actually is a crossover series, or if this was just the writers giving us a break and letting us know that Ai is still alive and there is hope of him returning. I mean I’m happy he is alive, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like it would have just been fine keeping him dead with the rest of the Ignis. Because if he is still alive, won’t Ai just try and kill himself again? Seems kinda counterproductive but I digress.
So yeah, I very much enjoyed the final episode of Vrains. The series had a lot of problems, and I mean A LOT of them, but it had its shining moments, such as this. Like I said, I’m planning to go into more detail about my full thoughts about the series but when it comes to its ending, I think it delivered what it needed to. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains. You were a freaking struggle to watch at times but you were a joy to have around all the same. I guess the best compliment I can give you is that you literally are Ai. You are insufferable at times but you had your charm that kept me coming back for more and I’m sad to see you go just like I was with Ai.
Now it is onto Yu-Gi-Oh 7th and who knows. If it actually is a crossover series, Vrains might just be back sooner then we expect. I hope so because I’m not ready to say goodbye to my meme-lord and my fire child and his new girlfriend yet! I don’t think it has fully hit me yet that Vrains is actually over and it is going to suck when next week comes around and there is just no more episodes.
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hoshigomi · 5 years
God of Stars//Éclair Brillant review, Hoshigumi, 2019
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I may not have a real summer vacation from work, but my schedule allowed me to take a break this weekend to go down to Takarazuka to catch some of the first/second week of Hoshigumi’s God of Stars and Éclair Brillant! 
(I WILL be seeing this show more in Tokyo and I will probably/maybe be able to refine these thoughts by the time it ends there, but let’s start off with first impressions, shall we? ♡)
First thing’s first, I love Hoshigumi. That’s not a secret. It’s not that I think they can Do No Wrong it’s just that I love them even when they Do Wrong. Thankfully, this is a case where I truly BELIEVE they did no wrong. Both the show and the revue were well suited to Hoshigumi and their cast of characters, and well suited to Kurenai Yuzuru and Kisaki Airi, the retiring top stars, as well. 
God of Stars
Ooh BOY. Whatever you expected when you saw this poster,  multiply that by about a thousand and you’ll maybe be a little closer to right. The English language website has released this plot blurb - feel free to read for some context, if you want! 
Tl; dr-  It’s kind of about the dangers of gentrification, it’s kind of about two idol groups vying to rise to the top, it’s kind of about loving someone despite their flaws, it’s kind of about being loved as you are, and it’s kind of about Iron Chef. It’s zany and it’s FUN and the music (some of which is by famed anime and other-things composer Hyadain) is catchy and memorable. (I have seriously had the main theme and one of the big group numbers stuck in my head all week.) I would call this the most anime play I have ever seen, and I’ve seen anime plays. I would also compare it to Om Shanti Om, if you’ve seen that. There are STACKS AND STACKS of references to new media, actual people, mythology, popular culture, and the actresses themselves (half of their characters are plays on their names, if they’re not playing someone real, like Chow Yun-fat, literally the lead actor from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.)
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If you’re generally a fan of comedies, slapstick, BIG group numbers, anime plays, or things that don’t take themselves too seriously, you’ll love it. It’s just pure fun.  It’s light. It’s loving. It’s energetic. It’s happy. It’s Hoshigumi. There are a few very touching scenes between characters - one in particular between Hong (Kurenai Yuzuru) and Lee (Rei Makoto), made someone within earshot of me cry every time I saw it. For me personally, this show REALLY shone in the group scenes- I never knew quite where to look (not because the main action wasn’t engaging, just because WHEREVER you looked in the group scenes, someone was making a specific, motivated, and usually HILARIOUS character choice), and I sincerely wish I could have a star angle of every actress in every big scene.  So, let’s talk about some of these actresses! 
Kurenai Yuzuru plays Hong Xing -Xing, the chef. He’s an asshole. He has a heart of gold underneath it all, but spends the majority of the play having that bit of him excavated. Again, if you’ve seen Om Shanti Om, think act II Om. I loved it. Beni does shine at this kind of thing, playing loveable assholes. The music ROCKED for her, the over the top RIDICULOUSNESS of this show is where she shines the brightest. She worked with everyone around her to create great moments for some little characters and lent her comedic timing to the whole troupe, it seemed like. I missed the depth that her role in Elbe allowed her to show, and the stillness and emotional intent she’s so heartachingly beautiful at was missing here, but that’s the show’s fault, not hers. I loved this as a taidan role. I’ll miss Beni. I can’t wait to see how her and Hong have grown by Tokyo. 
Kisaki Airi as Eileen Chow particularly kicked ass (figuratively and literally, with slipper kung-fu.) She DEFINITELY wasn’t shafted here (hooray!!) with two solos in her wheelhouse and honestly, I feel, a stronger character than Beni even got. She was spunky and sassy and she looked so damn GOOD in all her costumes. Nothing but respect for MY anime heroine, Eileen Chow. 
Hanagata Hikaru from Senka played Eric Yang of the Golden Star Group, a straight man to everyone else’s completely whack roles, unfortunately a little unremarkable (she’s so comedically GIFTED, but this role was strictly there to advance the plot.) Rei Makoto, the-soon-to-be-top star, was sweet as Lee Long Long  Dragon, Hong’s rival. He’s the classic trope of complete nerd-turned- absolute hottie, when he meets his idol (and literal idol) Christina Chang (Maisora Hitomi, next top musumeyaku). Some of the most universally appreciated humor in this show came from Lee being absolutely FLUSTERED by Christina- and it was really NICE to see these two play together as a couple. They have some SWEET SWEET moments, particularly with their scene together at the end of the play. The seeds of good chemistry are there, and they have the potential to sound really great together. I really hope they don’t sacrifice humor and personality in the long run for pure skill, but I’m optimistic. ♡) 
Yumeki Anru as Kitty, Hong’s Kind Of Girlfriend (and later Chow Yun Fat’s arm candy) was a COMPLETELY INCREDIBLE, SEXY, Sailor Moon Villain-esque nuisance- also may or may not have been directly lifted from Crazy Rich Asians.  
The boy band, Paradise Prince, made up of Kiwami Shin, Amato Kanon, Amahana Ema, Amaki Homare, leader Seo Yuria, and long suffering (but LOVING and mature and full of her own life and opinions and things to Get Done- my only complaint is I wish they let her sing more) manager Arisa Hitomi were a COMPLETE delight. If I could give them the small group ensemble award for just the sheer bullshit they were CONSTANTLY giving us, God I would.  If you didn’t know where to look in God of Stars and you defaulted to them, you’d NEVER be disappointed. From choreographing small routines on the side of the stage to taking selfies and making Tik Toks, they were 100% on all the time. (Also, sounded vocally great and looked great dancing, technical skill wise. I would honestly buy this group as a boy band. Let me know when they release their first single. I’ll buy 10.) (Distinguished performance award goes to Amato Kanon, who is Ken 3 but has the raw power of six upperclassman otokoyaku combined, and is going to be absolutely UNSTOPPABLE in a few years once she learns how to refine ALL THAT.) Kozakura Honoka, Sakuraba Mai, Mizuno Yuri, Seira Hitomi, and leader Maisora Hitomi, make up the girl group, Eclipse, who are used more for transitions and set dressing (albiet FUN set dressing), than plot devices of their own. (Sorry girls, the boys win this idol group battle.) 
Kisaragi Ren (Ren), Mao Yuuki (Mao), Miki Chigusa (Lao Hu), Kizaki Reo (Leo) (see what I’m saying about character names....?), and Shizuki Otone (Michelle) are the working class, good people from Eileen’s life who have stakes in the food hawker stalls, and GOD, they, along with the boy band and the underclassmen ensemble characters, really bring the story to life. Every one of them makes a specific character and sticks to it with care and love and humor and stakes and it’s clear and it’s big and it is, in my opinion, so Hoshigumi. (Also, the roles weren’t huge, but these were still nice for Mao Yuuki and Kisaragi Ren’s last roles in Takarazuka. They were usually together and always funny and got to be in PLENTY of the show, which is all we can ask for.) 
Tenju Mitsuki and Otoha Minori both got to flex their acting chops as Eileen’s parents. Even if I am a little sad that the two of them are now officially playing parents, they ARE old enough that that shouldn’t really be surprising. Tenju Mitsuki especially got to be funny, and Otoha Minori got to be loving and maternal, and I feel that both really milked their roles for all they could. Also, for PARENT ROLES, they were hardly shafted, so I’ll count my blessings now.  
Natori Rei, Mari Yuzumi, Hiroka Yuu, and Sazanami Reira as Demon Bull King, Princess Iron Fan, and The Bodhisattva Candraprabha and Suryaprabha respectively (y’all PLEASE look these characters up I am BEGGING you) were Beni’s family (see the show before you decide whether I’m speaking figuratively or literally) and while the show could have happened without that side plot and only a few tweaks, were a really lovely and worldly addition to the cast. It was FUN to see the Gods and People Of Legends giving context to the story and the other characters, and even more fun to see normal people interacting with them at the end of the play. 
As the newswoman and MC Vimmy, Shirotae Natsu was LITERALLY playing her character from Om Shanti Om, and was just as delightful now as she was then (and one of the times I saw the show, worked INCREDIBLY seamlessly and quickly with Beni to fix a mic issue that could have made a whole scene fruitless.) Iroha Reo was Shirotae Natsu’s assistant MC, and Shidou Ryuu was the producer, both in small but still lovingly crafted roles. Haruto Yuuho’s incredible voice was completely wasted as the silent role of cameraman, but she looked cute as hell in a beanie and glasses. Murasaki Rira as Madam Yang was an absolute joy in the back (or front) of every Golden Star Group scene, playing a little batty and a little flirty and a little spacey and a lot wild and fun. Yuunagi Ryou as Chow Yun Fat, actual Real Life Actor (and for the purposes of this play, the deciding judge of the cooking competition,) was a lot of fun if you love looking at the complete storylines people can come up with in the back of scenes, and your kind of character if you’re into the whole bad boy but also kung fu actor guy thing. Toudou Jun (Sheik Jahuli), Asamizu Ryou (Monsieur Lobchamp), and Minato Rihi (Michiba Juusaburou, NOT to be confused with Actual Iron Chef Michiba Rokusaburou) were the other chefs featured by the Golden Star Group, and MAN, they were all funny.  Toudou Jun had a particularly fleshed out take on her character, more naan jokes than I can count, and a surprising amount of heart in the group scenes with Eileen and co. Ooki Makoto as the priest had one of the best lines in the show, correcting Hong’s reading of a sign, and Otosaki Itsuki, while onstage very little, got a KILLER solo as the dragon boat singer at the start of the Singapore scene mid-show.
If you get a chance, I really recommend you see this show in person. It is a lovingly crafted, well performed, slapstick ride in an Iron Chef meets Cutthroat Kitchen vehicle. It ends with rainbow gyoza and a RAP battle, y’all. The LIFE of it is so shockingly full force in the theatre, as is the volume and the humor and the love that I think endears Hoshigumi to its fans. God of Stars is worth a watch- and even if it ends up not for you, at least you’ll be able to see you saw Naan used as a weapon in a stage fight. ♡
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Éclair Brillant,
(which I learned TODAY is not called ‘Éclair Brilliant’). Is, well, Brilliant. While I wouldn't call this the best Benigumi revue in my eyes, (it's no Killer Rouge, and I am PARTICULAR to Estrellas as fair as Hoshigumi Energy goes), the fact is, everyone has different taste, and besides that, Éclair Brillant is BEYOND good. Here's a quick number by number breakdown (as it goes in my memory.) The opening is CLASSY and CLASSIC. It actually is NOT AT ALL unlike the opening to Bouquet De Takarazuka, but it's silver, not beige. The choreography and music both have moments that DEFINITELY struck me with deja vu. Something interesting is that this revue DOES NOT have a title screen/sign/marquee. I am not SURE why that is. In its place, the music starts (a low hum, very space-y), and the theatre slowly fades to complete darkness, before Kurenai Yuzuru (Beni) is illuminated from the back, the light shining through her gauzy, spacey, alien costume in a VERY cool way that made the audience all ooh and ahh, then the lights come up on her face and we begin. The theme is SWEET. Beni sounds INCREDIBLE in this part of her vocal range. Then, enter the rest of the troupe, Rei Makoto (Coto) gets her solo, Seo Yuria (Seo) and Hanagata Hikaru get time on the bridge, Kisaki Airi (Airi) gets her solo. It's all structurally sound, predictable, and good. This opening is the only place in the revue with a kyakusekiori (actresses in the aisles.) 
The opening ends, and Beni is left on the bridge for a solo number. It's playful and uptempo and and not stylistically unlike Leaning on a Lamppost from Me and My Girl, only a little more introspective and slower. She sits on the stairs to the audience for part of it and really focuses on just singing and acting and being present and it's lovely. 
From there, the curtain rises on a very pastoral, calm, almost blank stage, save for a tree, a couple outdoor tables, some underclassmen playing couples and waiters and waitresses, and Maisora Hitomi with a hat. You can tell this is going to be a dance scene immediately, and it is. (Side note: The underclassmen in this scene ROCK. They have a lot of moments of complete stillness and freezes into very fluid natural movement, and they all maintain their storylines and relations throughout. It's nice to see.) Anyway, Maisora is minding her own business and then a sudden gust of WIND blows through the beautiful scene, her hat is whisked away offstage, she briefly chases after it and then ah, gives up. She goes back to her table presumably to like continue having a normal day and mourn the loss of her hat but surprise, there is the personification of the wind itself (Coto) sitting on her table like a little wind nymph. They dance. It's beautiful. I'd say more but that's all there is to say- they dance and it IS beautiful. I think right now dance is looking like it's going to be their strength because boy, they move REAL WELL together. They're both pretty top tier dancers, and it's cool to see them move so naturally together despite having just met. Maisora also VOCALLY sounds better in this number than she did in God of Stars, in my opinion- it's a pretty, lilting slow tune that she definitely sounds good on. The dance ends with an attempted kiss and some falling feathers, and suddenly, all the people from the scene come running back on, breaking the fantasy (with the hat! They found the hat!), and Maisora ultimately runs back off with them after a pensive glance out, as if wondering if the Wind Spirit who visited her Will Ever Return. Then Coto sings some more. It’s predictably beautiful.
Cumbanchero (the start of the chuuzume, despite being only three songs into the revue) is one of my very favorite numbers in the revue, probably because I have a big ol’ Takarazuka Crush on one of the dancers, but also because it’s just really high energy and it’s danced so WELL. It starts ABRUPTLY and features Kurenai Yuzuru, Mao Yuuki, Shidou Ryuu, Kizaki Reo, Sazanami Reira, Hiroka Yuu, Yuunagi Ryou, Minato Rihi, and Amato Kanon. Man, they can all DANCE. If Coto’s Hoshigumi features these actresses in dance numbers, they’re gonna look GOOD. It’s a nice reprieve from the so far calm and pretty revue and starts to take things over to the sexier/bolder/more sensual Latin-inspired side, where a lot of the rest of the revue sits, musically. (Though like, Takarazuka “Latin” is what it is and we all know that.) Airi gets a turn in the spotlight next, singing a song I WISH I knew the title of, with either a long curly blonde wig or a short brown bob  depending on the show while Ooki Makoto and Kisaragi Ren (hell yeah) get fawned over/pawed at/pushed around by musumeyaku. It’s sensual. Also sensual (but leaning much more towards playful and flirty) is The Next Number In The Chuuzume, sung by Amahana Ema, Kiwami Shin, and Arisa Hitomi. Arisa Hitomi SPECIFICALLY sounds mature and sexy and GOOD and everything a musumeyaku learns to be when you give her a chance to grow up. Some of the kids do coupley samba around them. They’re VERY cute.  The stage goes dark and Beni, Airi, and Coto appear- they dance around each other and with each other in every combination possible while Mikkii sings on the stairs- and God, I could talk for ages about how much I love when they let Mikkii sing for duet/trio dances. She brings out all the emotion in the songs and gives the dancers so much space to play in. The END OF THE CHUUZUME is set to The Gift (by Eydie Gorme). It’s too short. The music rocks. It’s all samba stepping and teasing grinning and I loooooved it. Otherwise though, it was a very standard chuuzume. (One of my ONLY complaints about this revue is that I DO wish they took the chance to do something a little more BeniAiri. Anyone can do a Nice Chuuzume. These two have such play and humor in them, and I would have loved to see something more like Championne from Estrellas as their last chuuzume. It was still VERY solid and very good, but lacking in personalization.)
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After the chuuzume, Seo comes on surrounded by eight musumeyaku (Seira Hitomi, Mizuno Yuri, Nijou Hana, Kuresaki Rino, Miyako Yuuna, Sumika Amane, Ruri Hanaka, and Ayane Miran. You didn’t expect Seo Yuria to sing Mas Que Nada with the dirtiest bass line I have ever heard, but here she is, singing it (well!). Seo sings across the bridge and it feels filthy somehow and I have NO idea what to do with it. Everyone in this number is trying to ooze sex appeal out of every pore in their body. Some of them ARE succeeding. This number makes me more uncomfortable than excited, but I think your mileage may vary here.
Ravel’s Bolero is the best number in Éclair Brilliant, and may be one of the best numbers in any revue ever. It’s very long, but I don’t think it’s long ENOUGH. There is NO singing. There is no sound from the actresses save for stepping and clapping and the occasional stomp. 
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These are two pictures from the number but they don’t even BEGIN to do it justice. I am PRAYING the DVD captures it, but the real magic in this number is how groups of dancers use the stage, how they line up SHARPLY and PERFECTLY in place, how they move on and off the stage with incredible fluidity but INTENSE movements, how groups move in sync or against each other, the lighting being low and shadowy- this number was perfect. I am a HUGE sucker for loud flashy funny in your face- and this sharp, understated, stripped down dance number could have brought me to tears. This was one of the most incredible things I have ever seen in any Takarazuka show, and deserves a spot in ANY Best Of list that’s ever compiled from here on out. 
It’s hard to top Bolero, so for a tonal shift, next we have our Taidan Number/Rockette. And honestly? It’s well timed. The taidan medley is Hanagata Hikaru (not retiring), Shirotae Natsu and Yumeki Anru (ALSO not retiring), and our incredible, wonderful, brilliant taidansha, Kisaragi Ren and Mao Yuuki, singing Frank Sinatra’s That’s Life. It’s full of heart and earnesty and smiles and it’s honest and fun and these people on this stage love each other, and they love what they do, and it’s so EASY to see. Renta dances and sings with the same 200% she always gives, and Mao Yuuki takes in everything and everyone around her every time I see her do this number. It’s gonna be BRUTAL on the last day. The four upperclassmen join the rockettes for the first part of their dance (which is CUTE), and then run off to let the girls do their thing.
The rockettes end and a new set of feathers takes the stage- Beni, Airi, Maisora Hitomi, Kiwami Shin, Arisa Hitomi, and Amahana Ema in a slinky, sequined leotard bird of paradise number (Beni has some notes in this song that give me CHILLS in the best way)- and they’re eventually shoo’d off by Coto, Amato Kanon, Aomi Sario, Sakishiro Kei, and Kisa Kaoru, in MORE exciting bird-of-paradise costumes, and a more upbeat and aggressive and slinkier dance. (It was COOL to see Kisa Kaoru and Sakishiro Kei included in here- I don’t feel like I’ve really seen them do anything to date, and they’re both solid! Aomi Sario is familiar and Amato Kanon is climbing the ladder quick.)
The next number is nothing short of beautiful. It’s a Beni dance solo (again, no singing at all- the ending of Éclair is a little sparse on vocals), until she is joined by most of the Hoshigumi musumeyaku, all in flowy pink petals, with an electric shamisen. It was VERY falling-sakura-esque. It was STUNNING. They fall and they scatter and they twirl and Beni is in the midst of it all, and by the end of the song...
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-the petals have all fallen and we are in place for one of my favorite kuroenbi ever. In fact, the whole rest of this revue is beautiful. This kuroenbi is more electric shamisen, a lot of high kicks, a lot of sharp and bold movement and interesting lines and groups of younger actresses and groups of older actresses taking turns centerstage and (a beautifully funny moment between Beni, Renta, and Mao Yuuki that IS a tonal shift for a brief few seconds, but doesn’t interrupt the flow of the dance at all, and is just so ... heartwarming to see. It’s lovely to see the taidansha honored in a way that’s so purely them.)
All the otokoyaku save for seven (Rei Makoto, Hanagata Hikaru, Mao Yuuki, Seo Yuria, Shidou Ryuu, Amahana Ema, and Kiwami Shin) exit the stage, and Airi enters. Coto sings a beautiful song to Airi as Airi gets to dance with all her otokoyaku in turn, it’s also playful and flirty and loving and Mao lifts her and spins her SO well- the dance only ends at its climax when Beni runs onstage from behind Airi and catches her- Airi has found her real partner and the duet dance begins in earnest with just the two of them. It is, as you’d want for the two of them, very sweet, very loving, very kind, and very much just two people who love each other and have gotten to know each other so well.
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 It suits them, and their smiles and the amount of HUGGING in this dance is exactly what they deserve. It’s a good taidan duet dance. It’s a good Beni/Airi taidan duet dance. 
Overall, I think Éclair was very good. It honored a lot of what has made Beni and Airi’s Hoshigumi what it was, in the little moments, but didn’t drown itself in kitsch. That said, I might have liked to see a LITTLE more of their personalities in the revue- I can almost say it felt like Éclair was ushering in Coto’s new era of Hoshigumi a little early and a little rushed. This would have been a BRILLIANT mid-top-run revue for this pair, because GOD did it show that they’re capable of more than the humor and energy that they’re too often pinholed into by Takarazuka fans in general. That is without a doubt their wheelhouse, but both Kurenai Yuzuru and Kisaki Airi are a LOT more than funny. It was incredible to see so much of that in a revue, because while we’ve seen it in plays, they haven’t really had a revue that feels this classic (to me), to date. It was a good revue to pair with God of Stars, though, because the full three hours gave you little bites (haha) of the incredible range that both these actresses have. 
I loved God of Stars and Éclair Brillant. I loved them as a pair. I love Kurenai Yuzuru and Kisaki Airi as a pair. I love Hoshigumi for everything they are and everything every actress brings to the table, and I can not wait to see how this show and the actresses have grown by the time it reaches Tokyo. ♡
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awkwardbsd · 5 years
What do you think of Yosano, Kenji and Junichiro?
Thank you for the ask! I really like the ADA, so this ask was fun! I got halfway through this ask when this window closed (because I instinctually pressed Ctrl + W). Have I ever mentioned how much of an idiot I am? 
3. Junichiro Tanizaki
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I’m not a fan of the “sibling” relationship, but I do like his ability and the uses it has had during the series, his devotion to his fellow agency members, and the wit he has when supporting with his ability. Plus, Ayres, who runs @awkward-tanizaki and @awkward-naomi is a great person and is a lot of fun!
2. Kenji Miyazawa
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I think the points of the last comments I made about Kenji apply here too!
“My sunshine boi! He’s such a ray of light. He has a manga chapter where he gives some advice and tells a story, and honestly, that made me appreciate him so much more! I think that’s one of the few manga parts that resonated with me enough that I thought of it in my life. I also thought he was voiced by a woman at first and thought, “Couldn’t they pick a more masculine voice– *searches* WAIT WHAT?” Plus, the admin of @awkward-kenji is so nice too! They really remind me of Kenji.”
1. Akiko Yosano
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Finally! We get to the doctor! Dr. Yosano is awesome, she’s amazing, and when we get to her train scene in the anime where she not only defeats Kajii but also says one of my favourite lines, 
“What’s death, you ask? Let me tell you, death is the loss of life. No matter how hard we doctors try, our patients’ lives just slip through our fingers!”
To me, that line had a very strong impact especially with her development in the recent manga chapters where she finally got a couple of chapters to really show her stuff. It was tragically beautiful and gave so much light into the person she is. She isn’t just your local sadistic doctor, she’s your local sadist doctor with a backstory. 
Also, kudos to Yuu Shimamura for giving Yosano (and a lot of other female characters) such an awesome voice. I mean, I don’t think the Attack on Titan fans will be forgetting Annie anytime soon. 
Not only is Yosano one of my favourite characters of the series, but she also has a really cool real-life counterpart who was quite a trailblazer herself. She had many controversial opinions on feminism, and I’m glad they kept that true to her character. “A woman can do what a man can do!”
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softfuzzyships · 6 years
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ok wait as long as we’re sharing dr ocs....... here are two of my main dudes
ginjiro iori is the protag! hes a gangly mess and thinks hes worth absolutely nothing. he has no friends because he thinks everyone else is too good for him, but he would jump in front of a bus for anyone at hopes peak because he puts way too much of his hope on ultimates. hes the ultimate juror and hes damn good at his job. hes really passionate about justice.
yuudai muto (u guys know them) is the ultimate detective and theyre terrible etc etc whatever.
they would work really well together if gin didnt hate yuu’s guts, but yuu just annoys him 24/7 and its all bad
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