salemsweats · 13 hours
ALSO wags tail. Wolverine...
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lunarcrown · 7 months
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Renthubs commission for @dioslab from @plumelagoon from their fic "eros and psyche" ~~ please read it and get all misty eyed like I did at a tale of curses, arranged marriage, lunar kings and demon princes! And also check out the official matching art piece that @briseise did for their collab a bit back right here!!!! it's beautiful as all things honey does of couuurse!!!
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valtsv · 1 year
hey I just got done watching The Terror and my friend said you have good analysis about it, and I concur after binging ur terror tag, so I was wondering if you had any idea why Edward(?), like Did That, to his face? You know who I mean right, chains guy? It's such a very specific thing to do I feel like it has to be significant but for the life of me I can't see why the hell that happened
so that's a really fascinating mystery actually! it's based on testimonies from inuit people living in the area who encountered the men of the expedition as they attempted to walk out and the corpses they left in their wake, at least one of which mentioned finding the remains of a man with chains attached to or piercing his face. nobody knows what happened there or why, but it's in the show as a nod to that.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
Just thinking of the silly scenario I wrote where my OC Links join the Chain, and…
Forsaken Zelda: *writing something in a journal*
Wind: What are you writing?
Forsaken: Theories. :)
Gerudo Link, rolling his eyes: She’s writing imaginary scenarios about adventures you guys went on.
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birdinabowl · 1 month
Wagging my tail so hard right now (<- me literally anytime when interacting with friends)
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Just woke up from a dream with wolf Yata, so... bunny Saru and wolf Yata? It'd be funny
Sarumi, Beastars version. Fushimi would be just the angriest bunny, he probably carries all these knives around to deal with any predators who even think about getting close to him. Imagine Niki used to tease him a lot about how rabbits are weak and easy prey (even though Niki was a rabbit himself but he was like a creepy one that no one wanted to eat because he’d probably give you a stomachache) and would pretend he was going to sell Fushimi to underground meat markets and stuff, or pay predators to jump out of the bushes and scare Fushimi on his way home from school. As a result Fushimi really hates all other animals in general, he thinks predators are just big dumb idiots and prey are weak and stupid. 
The school he goes to is a mix of both and Fushimi is getting bullied by like some bears or lions or something into giving them his wallet every day, even though they keep threatening to bite him Fushimi just has this flat look on his face and calls them idiots. One day though a wolf comes barreling into the bullies, scolding them for bullying a ‘weaker’ guy. Fushimi gets pissed at that and when they both end up getting beaten up he snaps at wolf Yata for trying to get his gratitude. Yata is stung by that but also imagine for Yata this is the first time any of the smaller, weaker animals have talked back to him, Yata always saw prey animals as beings in need of protection. 
When he and Fushimi eventually become friends that’s one of the reasons Yata thinks Fushimi is amazing, because he’s so strong and cool. At the same time I imagine Yata being even more protective of Fushimi all the time, like if any predator so much as looks at Saruhiko Yata’s already growling. Since Yata would probably be taller than Fushimi in this AU I imagine Fushimi always teasing him about being a ‘stupid dog’ and Yata’s always like fuck you I’m a wolf. Yata thinks it doesn’t matter that he and Fushimi are different species, all that matters is that they’re friends right, but I could see Fushimi having a constant internal crisis worrying that one day he won’t be strong enough and Yata will leave him for someone stronger. 
Imagine the jungle surprise party happens in this AU too and Fushimi does end up in a vulnerable prey position until he’s saved by lion Mikoto and this is like Fushimi’s worst nightmare, that Yata’s finally found someone else that’s more amazing than Fushimi and there’s literally nothing Fushimi can ever do to be stronger than Mikoto. Homra is full of carnivores too (and only one other prey animal, sheep Totsuka). Fushimi feels out of place and vulnerable, like now Yata will be able to see how weak he really is. Maybe S4 however is full of prey animals (oh oh imagine adorable bunny Munakata) and that’s how Fushimi gets lured over, a place where even weak animals like himself are seen as strong and useful. Of course he has to break things off in the worst way and maybe he doesn’t just want Yata to hate him in this AU he wants Yata to eventually become angry enough to eat him, so Fushimi will always be a part of him that Yata won’t ever forget.
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pridesdog · 4 days
My dog has outgrown her toys, so... here. *I dump a huge bag filled with normal sized dog toys in front of him* Go wild.
Arf, arf!!
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bananacat76 · 3 months
bbbbbb eiufhbiruthv krjhbkrjhfgkbg cant words rn but
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youuuuuuuuuuuuu make me feel things
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husbdishsidhskhdksydjsbdjdgjdbdidhdkdfh /pos
lyt ahgsuwbsjs /p
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fitzselfships · 2 months
I feel like Zooble would think it's adorable that I happy stim over them :]
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depravedangelbaby · 8 months
my custom collar is on the way I am 😵😵😵
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
Draw Sheba with Unos?
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📭 inbox open for doodle requests // masterpost
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
I’ve got SO many wonderful heart Asks thanks to the heart meme thingy from a few days ago that I haven't been able to get to all of them but please know that each and every one (especially the wild/super sweet ones whom have BOMBARDED ME you know who ya’ll are) all have made me so happy Q_Q I cant folks - You’re literally the best...Thank you so much for never ceasing to put a smile on my face, be it when I’m aching, when I’m sad or when I’m bored...
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poolsidepanic · 1 year
heather has had to repaint her and chrissy’s home so many times because chrissy just keeps getting so so excited about new colours and will frequently bring home swatches to stick up on the walls and sigh despondently at until heather caves, kisses her pouting face, and goes to buy more paint
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fidgetspringer · 2 years
Had a super cute moment with Røst today.
While he was eating his breakfast in that parking garage from the video i posted earlier, a car pulled into the space next to us and Røst was staring it down. He was already a little spooked because of all the weird noises around us, so my mum asked if he'd get angry when the people got out of the car.
Which for a moment I was like maybe??? But then he immediately reminded me just how good he is with people despite not being super confident around strangers, because the moment they stepped out he started wagging his tail. So he abandoned his breakfast to very politely say hello to these complete strangers and let them give him a little pat <3
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justablah56 · 1 year
your really funny and cool and good at art ily /p
deciding to go through and answer these but still
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thank you so much anon, idk who you are but ily soso much, thank youuuh 🥺🥺
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siixkiing · 1 year
@dxwnxdusk​​ { ☯ }
Marry. He has. Twice. Already.
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“Aw babe. Guess this will make it wedding three, huh?”
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