#Vulcan jewellery
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purpleenma · 8 days ago
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Today is my birthday and I wanted to do something special. But since life and lack of spoons got in the way at least here you have the royal space gays together for comfort ✨
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infectiouspiss · 5 months ago
not to be gay on main but i think vulcans do have tails and that they put jewellery on them like little bracelets and yes i think this is where the vulcan equivalent of a wedding ring goes
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trekbait · 5 months ago
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THIS is why you keep FAILING to blend in on ANCIENT EARTH!
Getting stuck on Earth of the past is a surprisingly common occurrence for Starfleet crews. Between slingshots, Q, Devidians, orbs, Borg, kemocite explosions, rogue temporal agents and stray tachyons stuck in your ablative armour; we estimate 80% of time travel occurrences land officers specifically on Earth in North America in the 100 years between the 1930s and 2030s (give or take).
This is your guide on how to stay undercover until you escape.
What year is this?
Try not to ask this question. It is not something that comes up in regular conversation so it will look weird. Instead, look for a shop with large folded batches of paper on display. These will be newspapers and will invariably show the date in the corner of the front page. 
If you have 24th-century technology, you might also be able to tell from the level of pollution or radiation in the atmosphere, or from astrometric readings.
Continue to check the news for more information about this era, its society and historical events that you may be influencing.
Where are you from?
Try not to be specific lest they know the place and ask if you know someone there. Keep it to a general “up north”. If you’re quite far north already, substitute with “down south”.
If you stand out a fair bit, suggest that you are from France (unless you are in France, of course, but this is statistically unlikely). But do not suggest your Vulcan officer had a rice-picking incident or that you are a secret agent; such stories may be read as too outlandish. Plan your cover as soon as possible and research your era and location to get your facts straight.
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Funny looking pyjamas
People of this era consider Starfleet uniforms to look like pyjamas. Go with that and say you had to leave your flat in the middle of the night due to a fire or an argument with the “missus”. This is also a good opportunity to appeal for advice on where you can find replacement clothes. 
If necessary, do not be afraid of stealing period-appropriate clothes to maintain your cover. It may not be moral, but you will be less disruptive to the timeline by stealing a shirt than walking around in full uniform. 
You should avoid high-security places when committing theft without technological aid; interacting with law enforcement can be deadly in this era. This is especially true for officers who cannot pass as humans of the local dominant ethnic group; these individuals should lay low as much as possible.
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Non-human officers
The unexpected nature of time travel may preclude preparation for non-humans to hide their more obvious alien features. Some species (Betazoids, Deltans, Baku) can easily pass as humans and will have no problem blending in. Others may pose a challenge. Here are ideas of how to stay covert;
Vulcans, Romulans: Wear a hat, sweatband or long hair to cover your ears and eyebrows.
Bajorans: A band-aid over the nose and pass it off as an injury.
Trill: Pass off your spots as tattoos or wear a hood to cover the sides of your head.
Former Borg: Pass off your implants as jewellery or a body mod. Draw on some extra tattoos to add to the effect. Alternative communities can provide great cover to non-humans due to their non-conformity with the dominant society.
Orions, Andorians, Bolians: Add makeup and glitter to your face and say you’re going to a festival (Andorians should also wear a hat for the antenna - pick a flashy one to add to the festival aesthetic).
Cardassians, Ferengi, Klingons etc.: This is a lot harder. These species should stay hidden as much as possible unless there is a “comic book convention” in town. In this case, steal a lanyard and offer to pose for a photo to anyone who gets suspicious. They will assume you are in an elaborate costume seeking attention
These later examples will protect officers in casual interactions but will be out of place if entering more formal environments.
Clothing items and bags on Earth often used a device called a “zipper” formed of metal teeth. You placed the ends together then pulled a tog up to close the two sides of the fabric. You won’t be familiar with these because they have been banned by the 2274 Oddenbery Accords after zippers were instrumental in the collapse of space-time in the Kandari sector that cost 6 million lives. 
It goes without saying that 20th-century humans should not be made aware of the mortal danger zippers pose to the universe or you may alter the timeline. Holographic versions are safe to use if you wish to practice their function and blend in.
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Old Earth still relied on capitalist economics and the use of currency which had no intrinsic value. This currency often took the form of circles of decorated metal and printed slips of paper; in later decades it was also electronic, traded via plastic rectangles. The plastic rectangles will be unobtainable to you (and if stolen, would allow your movements to be tracked) but you should be aware of their purpose. 
Currency was required to even access the most essential services such as shelter and food so your first priority should be acquiring some of these scraps of paper. 
Theft: Ideally you don’t want to steal from individuals. Poverty was widespread and you could impact someone's life significantly. Instead, if safe to do so you should aim to steal from an institution such as a bank’s currency dispenser (such companies would not be impacted by small-scale theft due to something called “insurance”).
Trade: If you have on you something that holds an intrinsic value that does not contain components from the future, consider taking it to a “Porn Shop”. Tell the shop owner you have something to sell and you can obtain legal tender from them. 
Labour: Those at the bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy obtained currency via performing labour for most of the day. Your best bet is irregular work such as cleaning; this will give a very low return of currency despite intense labour but it is your best way to stay under the radar.
Gambling: Humans of this century gambled a great deal more than they had the resources to. If you have an unfair natural advantage in the games they play then you should find people willing to place a wager. Humans bet on anything, from animal races to elections or their whole economy.
Humans were particularly attached to their money and gave it names like “Abe” or “Benjamin” to create a bond with it. You should come up with your own (human) names for any money you obtain to blend in with capitalist exchanges.
Note that this region was fond of “tipping”. This is when low-wage staff were given extra money by the customer beyond the stated value of the service to compensate for their employer paying their staff less than that needed to survive. This will often be indicated by holding out a hand or a quiet cough.
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Colourful metaphors
Profanity is common on old Earth in a way that is seen as inappropriately aggressive today. Nobody pays any attention to you if you don't swear every other word. So you may need to employ some yourself in casual conversation to truly blend in. Many words used then are now automatically censored by our universal translators such as ****, ****, ***** him, go **** yourself up your ******* *******, **** ** ***** **** then ***, and *. 
North America of this era was obsessed with a highly inefficient and dangerous form of personal transport known as the automobile (or “car”). These will likely end up being your primary form of transport and being a proficient driver of these vehicles is important for blending in. So you best spend an hour on the holodeck familiarising yourself with the control scheme of its interior.
Mass transit also existed, though due to chronic underinvestment in the regions you are statistically most likely to arrive in, you may find it difficult to obtain. The most common of these are “buses” which are large automobiles capable of moving around 50-100 people at a time along major routes. Usage will require currency; be sure to check the fare before boarding as some may require “exact change” to be provided.
And the timeline?
Let’s leave that side of things to the boys at the Department for Temporal Investigations. But what we will say is that this era is particularly savage. You may be tempted to right injustices left, right and centre (there are a lot) but if you, say, save a woman from getting killed by one of those deadly automobiles we mentioned then you could find out that the whole timeline is thrown off course. 
So follow these tips, keep your head down and look for a way home. That is unless you cause the death of a pivotal revolutionary figure and need to take their place to restore the timeline. Naturally.
What tips do you have for passing as a local on ancient Earth? Let us know below and Follow us for more essential tips in your Starfleet career!
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unlimitedhorsepower · 1 year ago
im making an starfleet OC crew exploring the galaxy after events of DIS (im also only on TNG s5 so i dont know everything yet and may be uncultured sorry. i watched DIS first and have also seen LWD)
i have a vulcan butch lesbian/counterculture/punk woman. but i want him to be punk in a vulcan way so heres what ive thought:
asymmetrical/pointedly impractical haircut (eg. can get into your eyes or in your face?), messily cut fringe
wears green (green is the colour of vulcan blood), bright colours in general, absolutely no black/gray/brown/earth tones other than accents
copper jewellery (same reason as above) + jewellery is smtimes worn by lady vulcans but not really guy vulcans as much
non-repeating/uneven patterns
"romulan"-esque clothing shapes eg. square shoulders
belts that serve no practical purpose eg. some romulan belts that are just decor
nonpractical clothing also distinct from vulcan ceremonial attires etc and instead draws from other non-vulcan cultures
wearing ceremonial attire Wrong on purpose
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crowzwrites · 1 year ago
Midnight Love
Spock/McCoy AOS
content warnings: none
Spock let himself smile at Nyota. She returned his affection by placing her hand on his cheek. He could feel her sadness but also her relief that things hadn’t ended badly and instead they had a chance to talk about it, she knew of his feelings for another before he even realised it himself. They had shared a deep and profound bond that likely wouldn’t fade. Never touching but touched, it would turn into a bond of friendship similar to the one he shared with the Captain. Nyota kissed him on the cheek and gave him a knowing look. In front of them, McCoy glanced at him and he was slightly flushed. He quickly looked away and headed towards the window to gaze at the enterprise,
The three of them watched in awe as the construction of the new Enterprise was on its way. They shared a brief conversation and parted their separate ways. He thought about Ambassador Spock again, quite peculiar to meet a version of yourself from a completely different timeline - it made him wonder what it was like in that universe. If he had been in a relationship with McCoy or someone else, when he last spoke to the Ambassador, it had sounded like he and McCoy were in a relationship, though he couldn’t be certain. He decided not to dwell on it too much as even if it was true that didn’t mean it was his destiny to be with him, his feelings for McCoy were stronger ever since he had saved his life at the risk of his own.
The walk to his temporary room went by fast, his thoughts consuming him. Seeing McCoy blushing when he caught him staring at Nyota and himself, if he were to read the signals correctly, then the doctor appeared to be jealous. When they were aboard the USS Franklin and McCoy pointed out that the necklace being used to find Nyota sounded like Spock had put a tracking device on her, it almost sounded like he desired Spock's affection enough to warrant a gift of that kind despite its crude use. Perhaps he could be misinterpreting these moments, but other evidence proved that McCoy did worry about him and valued their tentative friendship even if they argued.
Spock went over to his replicator and summoned herbal tea. After a moment of contemplation, he decided that he would make a necklace for Doctor McCoy in hopes of conveying his deep fondness for the man. It would not be exactly the same as Nyota’s as he wished to make it by hand so that he could weave his love into it, however illogical it may be.
Instead, using an Aitlunaya stone, which roughly translated to ‘stone of desire and longing’, crimson red in colour and native to Vulcan. Often, partners would share pieces of jewellery to demonstrate their commitment and love to one another. It can show familial or romantic love. Sarek had made a ring for Amanda. It had a turquoise gem on it and sparkled in the light. After her death, it had fallen into his possession as his father couldn’t bear to look at it. Spock hoped that McCoy would like the necklace that he made for him.
After hours of precise work, he finished the necklace, and he took a moment to observe his work. He used a gold chain, and upside down diamond en-composed the stone. He also put a small heart above it, then carefully put it in a navy box. Glanced at the clock, it was late into the night. But he couldn’t delay this any longer, so he decided to head over to McCoys. It's now or never he supposed as he rang the bell to the man's cabin.
Spock could hear a few mumbled curses and shuffling, and finally McCoy opened the door. He looked tired, and Spock instantly regretted disturbing the man. He wore boxer briefs and sweatpants, his chest on full display. Spock had never seen him in this state of undress. He noticed faint horizontal scars on his chest, but he was pulled out of his observing when the doctor finally spoke.
"What'd ya need?" Leonard murmured. He rubbed his eyes wearily
"I apologise for the intrusion. Perhaps this can wait until tomorrow,"
"Eh well yer' here now so might as well come in." He stepped aside, Spock entered
An odd feeling started to make itself known in his abdominal region. It wasn't something he felt on a regular basis. Anxiety. Even if it was illogical, Spock had not planned for this encounter, and so he did not know where to start. He stood in place for a moment whilst McCoy went to retrieve a shirt to put on.
"So, did you and Nyota make up then? Or did you break up? Should I go get some strong tastin' alcohol?" McCoy flopped down on his armchair that faced a large window, Spock sat down on a couch to the side
"We have not entered a romantic relationship once again but parted on mutual agreement and still remain friends, so there is no need for alcohol consumption as that would not allow me to become inhibited anyway."
"So why'd you come 'ere at god knows what time it is huh?" McCoy drawled and gave him a look.
"I want to give you something, but perhaps it could have waited."
The doctor looked at him as if he was talking gibberish or if he was 'delirious' again. Spock prepared himself for rejection, even if it was illogical to be anxious about something he had thought about a lot. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea. He let out a breath and retrieved the small blue box from his trouser pocket, then gave it to McCoy, who looked even more shocked. Even in the darkness, he could see the doctor's hazel-grey eyes metaphorically shine. He opened it and gazed at the crimson red stone.
"The Hells this?" He frowned, Spock raised an eyebrow
"It is a necklace…" He looks away. "A Vulcan Mineral, it signifies desire and longing for another. Leonard, I have found myself wanting you… Romantically."
McCoys eyes widened, and for a moment, he just stared at him.
"Is this some sort of joke?" McCoy huffed, but when Spock just tilted his head, it dawned on him.
"You're serious… Fuck, am I dreaming right now?"
"I can assure you this is real, have I overstepped? I did not mean to make you uncomfortable."
Spock looked at McCoy who seemed to be torn as he was biting at his lip anxiously and threaded a hand through his hair. Hopefully that meant he had read the signs right, being rejected again would no doubt affect him. Weeks of continuous mediation may lessen that burden but he loves McCoy deeply and that alone has decreased his work efficiency by 0.699 percent even if he had only just realised his affection for the man.
"Well I'll be damned… you're serious?"
"Quite." He raised an eyebrow
"Spock, when you first came aboard this ship I was smitten with you. Never thought you'd feel the same way, Sugar."
Spock's ears flushed at the pet name, his heart beating fast. It was illogical yet he couldn't suppress it. Leonard smiled at him and handed him the necklace to put on him, he obliged, briefly their skin touched and he could feel the man's anxiety and a hint of buried affection that was making its way to the surface like a whale that needed oxygen. The human exhaled when he broke contact, for a moment he admired the necklace on McCoy. It suits him well. Then McCoy leaned in close, Spock looked into his coffee brown eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" McCoy muttered.
Instead of verbally replying he leant in further and gently kissed the doctor. Vaguely he sensed the humans affection and happiness hint of something more. When they deepened their connection, Spock could feel a slither of doubt and fear in his mind which made him concerned so he broke the kiss. His hand had made its way to Leonards face and his fingers dusted over his meld points. That alone almost made him start kissing him again but he pulled away.
"Somethin' wrong?" McCoy put a reassuring hand on his thigh and Spock reciprocated by putting a hand atop his.
"When we kissed, I sensed uncertainty from you."
"Yeah… Guess I haven't had the best luck with love, I don't wanna disappoint you Spock.."
Idly McCoy fiddled with the necklace. He seemed to be battling with something inside of him, Spock started to put the pieces together. McCoy has been married before, perhaps he felt that Spock deserves better. A common problem humans think themselves unworthy of love because of a past mistake or insecurity that may be plaguing them. He shuffles closer to him and squeezes his hand.
"You won't disappoint me, Leonard"
"I have to tell ya something" Spock inclined his head and gave him a small smile. "Look, Spock. I'm transgender… which means I was born female but transitioned to male 'cuz somethin' didn't feel right, I get if it's a turn off for you." he huffs.
The confession tugs at Spocks heartstrings, it's clear McCoy feels deeply about this issue and that perhaps people have rejected him in the past because of this.
"I understand, however it does not change my feelings for you Leonard. I still cherish you all the same."
"Since when did you become such a romantic?" McCoy smiled, evidently a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
"I suppose when I realised I had feelings for you. Now perhaps I had better leave you to rest."
Spock stood up but McCoy grabbed his hand, making him blush at the scandalous gesture even if it's not meant to be.
And so he did, Spock appreciated the necklace around Leonards throat, the bold red stood out in contrast in a way that looked magnificent. Perhaps he should get a green necklace to match the colour of his heart however illogical it may be. Leonard wordlessly led Spock to his bedroom and sat down, patting the spot next to him so he obliged and laid down. They were facing each other, he drank in the sight of Leonard so close to him that he could count the freckles on his face.
“Thank you, Spock.”
“Of course, Ashya.”
“Night, Ashalik.” Leonard whispered into his chest.
Spock looked down at the man in surprise, Leonard saying a vulcan word made him feel something but it felt natural, he'd have to ask if he knew any more vulcan or merely learn the pretty words and perhaps some vulgar ones too. Leonard was always full of surprises and Spock's finally glad to have him.
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lazarish · 2 years ago
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Cinder: The crystal thief- that’s what they’ve called him, isn’t it?
Sapphire: Oh I don’t care much for whatever the tabloids what to nickname a dangerous criminal. But the stone- if it can even be called that- was deemed utterly worthless. Fit for costume jewellery at best.
Vulcan: It’s a shame I wasn’t here. I would have-
Sapphire: What, burned my entire home down?
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cleverthylacine · 2 years ago
Tag 10 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Relationship status: Extremely divorced. Prowl levels of divorced. Four times! Multiple genders! Still hopeful though!  I would like to be in a relationship but probably nobody who is not a quadruped should live in the same house with me; while the other parties involved definitely had contributing issues and one was an honest-to-G-d abuser, I’m the only one who’s done it 4 times.
Favourite colour: This varies; it’s usually pink, but can also be purple and various shades of light blue, teal or peach.  There are shades of yellow and yellowish green that are deeply, almost physically unpleasant and painful for me to look at. I’m very autistic that way.
I always get the highest scores possible on those colour sensitivity tests, and was almost broken as a kid by my mother telling me I had to match colours because to my eyes almost nothing matched so I just wore whatever I personally thought looked good.  Turns out everyone other than my mother thought so too. I was really good at “matching blacks” during my goth stage.
Something I want right now: universal basic income and to quit my job so I can write and dance and learn how to draw again. Song stuck in my head: Oh No!  by Marina and the Diamonds (it’s one of my Starscream songs)
Three favourite foods: My three easiest to obtain favourites are: 1. Rib eye steak, particularly the outer part, rare but not cold. 2. Salmon and asparagus with brown rice farina and cheese. 3. Haagen-Dazs butter pecan ice cream. I’m autistic.  Other brands are close, but for me close but not quite as good is “nasty” not “acceptable”‘ -- if the brand isn’t available, I’ll get some other gluten free flavour.  Too close is deeply disappointing. Something that doesn’t sound awful can only be mildly disappointing and might be good.
Last song I listened to: “You Better You Bet” by the Who.  I always imagine Grimlock singing this to Howlback.
“I don’t really mind how much you love me--oooh, a little is all right When you say, come over and spend the night, tonight!”
(He is demiro, she is aro. She loves him to pieces, but despite the fact that they are so hot for each other they fuck rather than hug hello, she has never been In Love in her life and is grateful for that because she thinks being In Love makes people of every species act crazy AF.)
Last thing I googled: 1960s brutalist jewellery. That’s what @legendtrainer, who tagged me, googled last, and I, who have only ever heard “brutialist” applied to architecture, wondered what the fuck that was. It turns out that I own a fuck ton of it, though it’s all from the 70s and early 80s. I bought it when I wanted to cosplay my Star Trek: TOS OCs.  I thought it would look like Klingon or Vulcan stuff. I wonder if the ones I haven’t taken apart and strung together with other things are worth anything.
Dream trip: I want to go back to Japan with more time and a lot more money.
Aside from that, though, in terms of practical dreams:  I was supposed to go to TF-Con LA but my brother got cancer and I bought him some of his meds while waiting for his coverage to kick in because, you know, I don’t want him to die. And his special food that insurances just don’t cover.
Don’t live in America.  We’re a beautiful country but we’re a cruel one.
No pressure tags (seriously, NO PRESSURE): @bitegore (who I know very well but not about this kinda thing); @byzantienne (who I was very close to for years but rarely see now because she is Married and writing really good books and it’s Ninety-Three Thylacine, I know animals are weird choices but when have I ever not been weird); @stuffbyshelby2; @guesso13; @inktheblot (who I wanted to be friends with for years because of the videos and finally met in TF-land); @satellitesoundwave;  @shychangling; JD (you keep changing blog titles); @jariktig; @cybervillainess.
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annondraggahart · 1 year ago
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Sauroch Alogo - Vulcan - Common Fire Type
Info >>>
Rarity/Element Type : Common/Fire Type
Natural Power/Talents : Fire Resistant, Acid Breath/Acidic Saliva & Venom
Diets : Flaming Bugs, Magma Lizards & Lava Snakes
Habitat/Herd : Underground Lava Pools, Hot Springs & Boiling Lakes. Herds are made of Groups (45-50 that Never Migrate)
Life Span : 90 - 100 Years ( Average MLP Pony life-span)
Facts/Overview : The Vulcan Sauroc likes to Laze around on Hot Rocks. They love to hangout around their Family & Friends or to make Jewellery or Charms out of Smooth Rocks they find. They dislike Cold areas. They give their Charms to Family, Friends, Offspring or their Partner. 
Personalities : The Vulcan Sauroc can be Cruel, Arrogant, Aggressive or Brash. But not all Vulcan Saurox are like that.
Appearance Details : They have Goat-like Horns. Their  Tail ends are Shaped like a Scorpion Stinger. Their average colours are Bright Warm Tones(Eyes) & Warm Dark Tones(Coat).They have a similar Height to Twilight.
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ohnoo0o · 1 year ago
I did some art of prince Spock! I also thought that because hands are important for Vulcans and I can imagine that having high levels of psychic ability would make you more socially powerful I designed a hand jewellery thing that would be instead of a crown.
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I have this AU that's been bouncing around in my head for weeks and I need opinions on it so. Yeah. Tell me what you think.
Also, for context, they're all about 17-20 in this AU. Details will come later if I decide to do anything with the idea.
Spock is a prince on Vulcan; their society is fairly similar to how it is in canon but certain elements of the pre-reform society remain, so it's more spiritual and there's a monarchy in place. Spock has accepted his role as heir to the throne after his brother's disappearance-- but he's always felt out of place. The monarchy carefully hides his half-human identity from the public, and every aspect of his life is intricately controlled. He's suffering, really, but in his mind it's for the good of his people.
Meanwhile, James Tiberius Kirk is a pirate living on a busted old space craft, having fun, sailing through the galaxy with his stressed best friend Leonard McCoy who regrets receiving military medical training every day of his life, their constantly high engineer buddy Montgomery Scott who keeps the ship from falling apart with duct tape and prayers, Hikaru Sulu who has hit on every person on the ship and slept with every alien they've come across, Pavel Chekov who is Sulu's very tired boyfriend who doesn't really do much but any suggestions that he should leave would be met with someone getting stabbed (they're in an open relationship for context dw Chekov is a manwhore too), and finally Nyota Uhura who was mostly just here to get a ride one time but she realized these stupid fucks needed a Lesbian with some braincells on board so she handles the logistics of their crimes.
The night before Spock is scheduled to marry a barely known noble girl named T'Pring, Kirk and his crew kidnap him for ransom, assuming it will just be another job. But, alas, Jim falls in love and won't let Spock go, not caring in the slightest that he has caused an interplanetary crisis mostly for his own amusement.
Tldr the dumbasses are dumb and I love them
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yel-halansu · 5 years ago
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A second attempt at an IDIC necklace! I like this one much better than the first one I made 😊
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purpleenma · 1 month ago
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"In a Vulcan where Reform did not happen, a young James T. Kirk walks aimlessly through the Royal Palace in ShiKahr when suddenly an unknown force calls to him. He is there as a gracious guest and he should not intrude in this way, but he does not hesitate when he opens the big golden doors he was powerfully drawn to.
In front of him he finds what, in that very instant, he realised he had been looking for his whole life.
Spock, the Crown Prince of Vulcan."
I can finally show you guys my submission for the Gen/Teen ratings category of the Winter Fandom Kombat 2025 🖖✨
Thank you so much to @eldar-of-zemlya for inviting me, it was both so flattering and fun 💜
See the timelapse of how it was made
Original post on AO3
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creativepetra · 4 years ago
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Lava stone bracelet with Buddha head. Sold as 1 piece. Available in color gold and silver. (Gold and silver aren't real gold and silver.) This is a stretch bracelet and made with real lava stone beads. Size: Bracelet size M - 19cm / 7.48inch. Buddha Head - 1cm / 0.39inch. Lava Beads - 8mm / 0.31inch. Material: Lava Stone, Alloy and Elastic. 
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andorianminingconsortium · 10 months ago
If I remember correctly, in one of the movies there was a Vulcan priest who had very slay nails but I don't remember if it was polish or jewellery. So my serious answer: maybe it's used for the religious/spiritual/ceremonial decoration.
Answer I like more: I hope some Vulcans think nail polish is slay and those same Vulcans then think slaying is logical when one wants to make most of this life (or something).
So what do Vulcans think about nail polish?
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gemma-antiqua · 8 years ago
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Ancient Roman gold ring with a carnelian intaglio depicting Vulcan creating a helmet, dated to the 2nd to 3rd centuries CE. Source: Timeline Auction. 
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rgraves1 · 2 years ago
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Vulcan by Pompeo Batani (1708-1787). Source: Greeklegendsandmyths.com
Hephaestus’ Nature and Deeds
HEPHAESTUS, the Smith-god, was so weakly at birth that his disgusted mother, Hera, dropped him from the height of Olympus, to rid herself of the embarrassment that his pitiful appearance caused her. He survived this misadventure, however, without bodily damage, because he fell into the sea, where Thetis and Eurynome were at hand to rescue him. These gentle goddesses kept him with them in an underwater grotto, where he set up his first smithy and rewarded their kindness by making them all sorts of ornamental and useful objects. (Hephaestus’ Nature and Deeds, The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, pp 86-88)
The beauty of Thetis’ jewellery attracted the admiration of Hera, who, once she realised the brooch was the work of her lost son, Hephaestus, brought him back to Olympus and set him up in a magnificent smithy, with twenty bellows working day and night, producing magnificent works for both gods and men. Hephaestus and Hera became fully reconciled, so much so that he criticised his father Zeus for punishing Hera following her unsuccessful attempt to overthrow her husband. This earned Hephaestus the ire of the King of Heaven, who cast the Smith-god from Olympus a second time.
This time Hephaestus landed badly, on the rocky surface of the island of Lemnos, breaking both his legs. Although rescued by the islanders and nursed back to health, Hephaestus never fully recovered and was lame in both legs from that point onward. Zeus eventually forgave him and he resumed his place at his immortal smithy, but remained bitter and ill tempered owing to his deformity. His skill however was matchless, including the construction of both a workforce of mechanical women for his smithy, and the unbreakable net which caught his faithless wife Aphrodite in the arms of her lover Ares.
Graves also reminds us that the later seat of Hephaestus’ worship, Lemnos, is a volcanic island, and its periodic jets of fire will have been assumed to have been emanating from the god’s giant forges.
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captainpikeswoman · 4 years ago
Ya know what we need to give AOS Spock some love, too! Being married to AOS Spock would include?
Hope you like it!
Being married to AOS Spock would include:
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•your relationship is a mix of human and Vulcan. In public or while on duty the two of you are just colleagues and conduct your marriage in a Vulcan way, but in private it’s an entirely different affair- he’s loving and sweet towards you and there’s lots of touches.
•your quarters are very neat and tidy, as you’d expect, but there are lots of photos all over the place- of you and Spock on holiday, of your wedding, your engagement, of your Enterprise crew family and so on.
•he finds living with you to be a great deal of fun, not least because the two of you have a very physical relationship. But he also loves to observe human festive holidays with you- like Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Christmas and so on!
•his Father is surprisingly kind and seems to like you! He gives your relationship his blessing, if it pleases his son then he’s happy too.
•you never got to meet Spock’s mother, but Spock gave you the only bit of jewellery of hers that he has. And Sarek told you all about her and said (in a rare moment of emotion) that he felt sure that she would approve of you and love you with all her heart.
•he is very keen to start a family with you, not straight away after the wedding, but certainly within a few years. It’s something that the two of you have discussed at great length.
•your relationship helps the two of you to grow as people too. You get to spend your time together having fun, or learning, just doing whatever you want with the person who is your very best friend.
•Jim is invested in your relationship and attempts at regular intervals to give Spock advice on how to satisfy an Earth woman- which leaves Spock a little green in the face as he blushes. But overtime as Spock gets comfortable with human attitudes surrounding relationships he fires back at Jim lots of comments that has the Captain choking on his coffee.
•Bones thinks you deserve a medal for putting up with the ‘green-blooded hobgoblin’. But it’s all in jest- you bring out a softer side to Spock that he thinks is sweet.
•all in all it’s a very happy marriage with no arguments and a whole lot of love.
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