#Vrepit Sa
vldvoltroncrap · 2 years
So I’m Re-watching Voltron cus I clearly hate myself and….is it just me or did it seem like the creators were really pushing a Shiro-Allura romance. Like I never took Lance seriously as a romantic partner for Allura because it was played off as a complete joke until the last season and Shiro just seemed to fit. Before I knew Adam existed I legit thought it was gonna be Shero and Allura, Keith and Lance, Hunk and Shea, and I didn’t see anyone with pidge because she felt too young (that changes when Rommel is introduced). Just…here’s a brief rundown on how I thought the whole thing was gonna go before the last season that just make it make more sense.
So in the beginning I really only saw Lance and Keith and Shiro and Allura (Hunk had Shea but I could also see him just chillin)
Axia gets introduced and I can see Keith and Axia as the story progressed so both keith and Axia and Keith and Lance made sense to me
Enter Rommel and I could see her with Pidge or Lance. This is after Pidge has developed and grown more mature and I think they just complement each other even though they have few scenes to back this up. Much like how Lance foils Keith Rommel kinda foils Pidge in a way that is refreshing to see.
I hated Allura and Lotor for the soul purpose of what they did to Lotor and literally them making Allura basically racist until she started dating him. However the relationship did make sense story wise so I will give them that
I saw Allura with Shiro until the point where Shiro dies and is replaced with a clone after that it’s just void (and I think Shiro should’ve stayed dead but that’s another rant).
I have a whole rant about how much I hate Adam as a character but love him as a concept. I don’t think he fits with shero but I 100% believe Shiro is either bi or gay
But yeah I feel if they would have kept the whole thing had us see Adam die then show Shiro and Allura getting closer together the we could jump to a future relationship. (No I don’t think Allura should’ve “died” because just why?) Keith and Lance could develop a little more together hunk and shea could get to know each other more Rommel and Pidge (maybe) could start dating. I think with that Shiro gets a grieving period while also allowing him to move on (or of course, alternatively shiro could’ve just STAYED DEAD)
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palidinus · 1 year
14 also :)
14. What was the most traumatic moment in your muse’s life?
he won't talk about this with anyone to an extent, under any circumstances, and after all these years has only mentioned it in passing to pidge (@victorlimadelta), but! it would have to be kerberos for sure. kerberos is always on his mind, since it is the focal point for which everything started with the galra. it would have to be having been prisoner of the galra, in which he was held captive by them and tortured to the point that his hair turned white from the stress. there are memories within memories here— i liken this torture to what hydra did to bucky barnes, since the black paladins was inherently inspired by the winter soldier. this would mean attempted brain washing, experiments that included drugging him, abusing him in various ways (physically, mentally, emotionally), trying to get information out of him about earth (in my canon for my shiro, he exclaims to the galra that they are just scientists, and the galra scoff that they are primitive scientists, terrans that are the lowest of the food chain), and haggar/honerva trying to turn him into a servant of zarkon— a mindless zombie that would obey their every command. this only resulted in shiro's escape, later down the line, and it lasted for about a year, but it was a hellish enough time that it caused him to develop PTSD, soooo... well, yeah, you can imagine!
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voltrohgodwhat · 6 months
Krolia joining a Mom Forum just to troll people:
Post: "My son is in junior varsity now!"
Krolia: "That's nice. My son recently spearheaded a covert operation to take down a terrorist column, and liberated a burning planet with nothing but his squad of lesbians and a barely-functional black market cargo ship."
Post: "Share your pictures! Here's my child on their first day of college!"
Krolia: [posts grainy, blurry cryptid shots of Keith stalking through the desert at 3AM]
Post: "How do you guys teach your kids to deal with problems? We're having some bullying issues at school."
Krolia: "If they're not decimating their enemies by at least age 5, you're doing it wrong. Vrepit sa."
Post: "Ladies! Camping beauty tips? We're off for the weekend!"
Krolia: "Remember the S's of camouflage: Stillness, Shape, Shadow, Shine, Silhouette, Signature, and Spacing. You must adapt to resemble your environment, and disrupt your presentation to the enemy. When disguising your weapon, avoid wrapping foliage or cover around the functional portions of a firearm-"
Post: "Creative ideas for hide and seek and tag games?"
Krolia: "Remember, when stalking a target, avoid looking directly at the back of their head, as they may be able to sense your approach."
Post: "Is it okay to let my son go out with his friends late?"
Krolia: "Group bonding is essential. The warriors your son spends time with will help teach him right from wrong in battle. He must learn how to operate within a small unit."
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discordiansamba · 9 months
good afternoon, thinking about Haggar slowly breaking down Keith and Shiro.
She keeps them both separate on purpose. She lets them see each other- she can't completely keep them away from each other, or they'll become suspicious that she's not following through on her promises. They need to be able to confirm that the other is alive and well, or her plans won't work.
She starts simple with them both. They must show the proper respect to those around them. Learn to salute, learn the importance of phrases such as vrepit sa. They don't have to wear prison rags anymore- Keith is given the attire of a druid acolyte, and Shiro is given clothing that a Galra civilian would wear. They are both taught Galran, and are instructed to use it over their native language- or there will be consequences to face for the the other. They are both given instruction on Galra culture and history. They cannot say no.
Haggar also lies. She's still sending Shiro to the arena.
Not often. Just enough. She always makes sure he's healed before she allows him to meet Keith. And Shiro doesn't say anything, because he doesn't want his brother to worry. He has to keep winning for Keith. Haggar promised that she would ensure he's treated well as long as he keeps winning.
She actually uses very little magic. Magic can be undone. She desires something more... permanent. All she needs to do is goad on their progress here and there.
They stop being prisoners at some point. There are no longer any guards watching them. They can move about freely on Central Command. They slowly forget they were ever prisoners. Shiro fights in the arena by choice. Keith is studying druid magic by choice. When they are allowed to see each other, it doesn't cross their minds to switch from Galran to English.
Shiro talks openly about the training he is undergoing at the arena, regaling Keith with stories of his recent victories. How if he keeps winning, he'll be rewarded with a spot in Zarkon's army. Keith talks to Shiro about his studies and the progress he's making- about how Haggar thinks he'll be able to become a full druid soon. Shiro tells him how proud he is of him. How he knew he always had potential.
They are no longer kept apart. They share quarters together now on Central Command. Keith watches his brother fight in the arena, cheers him on alongside the rest of the Galra. Shiro drags Keith to bed when he's otherwise too engrossed with his studies to sleep. This is their normal daily life now.
They hold a joint celebration when Karrion becomes a full druid and Shiron is promoted to Commander, given a stronger Galra body to go with his new rank. Shiron tries to cook. Karrion does not let him. His memories of his past might be hazier now that he has taken the druid mantle, but he knows his brother well enough to know he can't cook for shit.
A week from now, they will move onto Shiron's new command ship. It will be sad to say goodbye to their home on Central Command- but serving the Galra Empire is a great honor. They won't fail the trust that Emperor Zarkon has placed in them.
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From Krolia to Keith
Okay I found this random angry speech in my drafts with absolutely no context, but whatever. Let's roll with it. (Because I don't feel like coming up with ideas right now.)
What if Texas died and Krolia took Keith with her?
Keith is a Marmoran soldier. He may look different that his fellow fighters, but he was raised the same as them and now battles the Galra with them.
He doesn't know much about where he comes from, just that his father was from a planet called Earth and died a week after Keith was born.
In some ways, he's more driven than most other Marmoran soldiers, because he fights to avenge his father and the Earth culture that he was robbed of.
But that all changed when he was taken in by Voltron.
They had discovered the blade and landed their castle near to the base. The second Keith entered the castle he could feel something calling out to him. After he found red and fought off several Galran spies, he was accepted as a paladin.
He can tell that the other paladins are slightly wary of Keith thanks to his large fluffy ears, curving horns, and fiery temper, along with several other Galra traits that he inherited from his mother.
Or so he assumes, his mother disappeared on an assignment when Keith was 3, and he has no memory of what she looks like.
He does remember words, lessons, things that she had told him before leaving him behind.
Every time he thinks about her, he can remember a particular conversation clearly.
Krolia is moving quickly around the small dorm that she shares with her young son. She's about to be deployed on a mission, and she knows Kolivan doesn't appreciate lack of punctuality.
However, as she walks toward the door, she feels a soft tug on the tight material of her suit. She looks down to see Keith staring up at her with his large, deep eyes. He reminds her of Texas, both of them with their knowing gazes and endless hunger for knowledge.
“Someone told me about soulmates. They’re made for you and love you forever” He whispers out in his small voice.
Krolia immediately sours. If there's anything she's taught Keith, it's that he's self sufficient, and doesn't need silly reassurances like love to get by. She'll have to talk to Keith's instructor about planting futile ideas in children's minds.
“Ha. Bullshit. I met your father by crash landing on his planet. Those earth people have a way of spinning tales and lies that they create to make themselves feel something like permanence. But you know what? I watched your father die at the hand of my own kind after only a couple years of knowing him. The universe doesn’t care if you’ve finally found happiness, or that you want things to last forever. I watched my heart die along with that man. And when I die, don’t lie to yourself thinking that I won’t because I will, I’ll leave you behind too. And you will be all alone. Sure you’ll feel crushed and empty, but you know what? You’re gonna suck it up! People are a waste of time. The only person you can trust is yourself, got it? Families are only going to steal the breath from your lungs and claw your soul out. And if you are stupid enough to fall into that trap, you will go kicking and screaming. No one can pin you down if you don’t give in. We may be fighting them, but the Galra empire has the right idea. Vrepit Sa, victory or death. There is no in between.”
Keith tries to latch on to that, to keep himself from giving in to the false hope of belonging and security.
But it's hard to ignore the pleasant feelings that flutter through him whenever one of his team mates, his family, sends him a warm smile or gives him a firm pat on the back.
Here, he feels important, like he belongs to this band of chaotic people.
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🌈Happy Pride Month!!!
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For this special occasion, I decided to draw the two gays who deserved to be gayer in both sense of the word! (Shiro had ENOUGH trauma for Adam to just up and die like that. ToT) Man, what I'd give to be in the room where the writers decided THAT ending and, yes, I'm never moving on from these homosexual color coded space cat war veterans and there's no hope of rescuing me. Thanks for trying anyway. XD Hope you all have a safe and happy June as you show off all the colors of your rainbow! Remember: Be crime. Do gay. (Die not like Adam and Shiro.) Vrepit sa! 💜🧡
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Vrepit Sa.
Means "Killing Thrust"
Is used commonly amongst the Galra as a response to commands or a term of encouragement to oneself or their fleet.
-VREPIT SA (Kindly donated by Anon)
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kseniyache · 11 months
46. Lotura
glad to see you're active again!
Lotura — my great love. I was glad to write smth about them. Never get tired of this pairing. Here you are! Thanks for the request!
Lotor was standing in the hangar. His soldiers were bustling around, completing preparations for departure. The Prince himself did not take his eyes off the door. Won't she come?
“My prince,” Acxa came up to him. “Everything is ready for the flight.”
Lotor nodded curtly.
“Thank you, Acxa. A couple more doboshes.”
“Of course, my prince. Vrepit-Sa.”
Acxha walked away, and Lotor didn’t even notice the long sad look she gave him. He was still looking at the hangar doors. His posture expressed confidence: legs wide apart, hands behind his back, chin upturned and a determined look. But despite this, his soul was full of confusion. She has to come, he thought.
Ticks became doboshes again and again, and he really began to think that it was stupid to wait for the one he was so eager to see. But he stubbornly stared at the door, unwilling to admit one simple truth: that first kiss meant nothing…
Behind him he heard whispers: the generals began to lose patience. Lotor glanced over his shoulder. Acxa crossed her arms over her chest and stared gloomily at his back.
“Take your seats,” he ordered, and turned away before Acxa rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Lotor knew what they were thinking: their prince had completely lost his mind from love. Perhaps. But he flew away only the stars know how far, and hoped that Princess would come at least to say goodbye. Engines rumbled behind him. Well, he would have to accept that he wouldn’t see Allura.
Lotor’s lips tightened into a thin thread, and he abruptly turned on his heels to sit in the chief pilot’s seat.
The hangar door finally opened, letting the princess inside. She was running towards him, tangled in her skirt. And he, terrified of the joy he felt when he saw Allura, took a few steps in her direction.
The princess practically fell into his arms.
“I… couldn’t… not to say goodbye,” she said breathlessly. “It’s… Coran. He…”
“It doesn’t matter, Allura. You are here.”
“Here,” she smiled, looking up into his eyes.
He ran his palms down her shoulders and took her hands in his. He brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles, never taking his eyes off her for a moment.
Allura stood on tiptoe, reached out to him, closing the distance. Lotor stifled a sigh of relief. She came. She’s here. She misses him as much as he misses her. Lotor bent down to her and pressed his lips to hers, feeling tenderness and gratitude.
The kiss deepened, Lotor felt the warmth that spread throughout his body. He didn’t want to break away from Allura, and he held her closer to him.
Finally, barely able to breathe from an overabundance of feelings, he let Allura from his embrace, touching her lips with a light kiss for the last time.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” Allura whispered.
“And I’ll come back for you.”
Lotor lightly squeezed Allura’s fingers and walked towards the ship, noticing how his generals quickly rushed to their seats. Great… They saw everything. Okay. Let it be.
Flying out of the hangar of the Castle of Lions, Lotor did not hold back a happy smile.
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marrmora · 2 months
TLDR: Do not know if we’re delusional or a system, most of our identities come from being mentally deranged and from trauma, and we’re still figuring out stuff. We are taking the figuring out about ourselves part slow.
If you are sensitive to alterhuman discourse, some very angry talk, and mentions of being insane and mentally deranged, please don’t read this. I wrote this because I’m so tired and so mad it’s awful.
Just gonna put this out here: we don’t know if we’re a system or not. We don’t know if we’re delusions, either. We’re just… here.
Yes, it does tie into our alterhuman identities, but more or less most of our identities are from being mentally deranged and trauma. We’re still making our intro, but we just WANTED to put this out before we finished it. Cause we may be like… 7 creatures in this body, but we don’t know what it is.
Most of my Keith and Lance fictotypes come from my trauma, while my others come from either being mentally + physically delusional and deranged, or I just am them. I am the blade of Marmora. I am a vampire. I’m a mother fucking god and I’m amazing at my job. But I’m mentally deranged and that shows. Im not human. I never was. So why call me that? Even the term “nonhuman” or “alter human” makes me icky, even if we use it. Stereotypes, whether you like it or not, are still in safe spaces. I’ve seen so many. Like yes, most peoples alterhuman identity stems from their past life or such, and I’m not saying that’s bad, but mine stems from neurodivergence, trauma, and being deranged. I’m fucking insane, don’t romanticize that shit. Don’t give me a damn flag and call it off, don’t even bring it up. Being insane isn’t something to be proud of.
^ (This barely has anything to do with the post, but I wanted to say this so bad. So so bad. And if you like the flags, that’s awesome, but I really don’t.)
We constantly feel like we’re faking, and honestly? Don’t think we’re a system. Just think they’re delusions. And I mean that in a good way. Being a system? Perfectly fine, that’s okay. I don’t think I am, though. I don’t think I’m plural.
And if I am? I’ll figure that out later. I just want to be the blades and do my honor, I don’t want to figure out everything so quickly. It takes time to figure things out.
I’m not even gonna tag this besides my usual tag and one for bat.
Vrepit Sa.
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cosmic-gemstone · 1 year
@vrepit-sa from here
It had been…quite a roller coaster of a time.
This was Sendak—or rather, a version of Sendak. Younger. From the past or a different reality entirely, she didn’t know yet. But he was hurt when she found him, and needed help. She couldn’t turn away.
And if her commander found him…she didn’t want to think about it.
So she’d done her best to hide him in a forgotten corner of the ship, while they figured things out.
Folding her arms, she pursed her lips. “I’m…not completely certain on all the details, myself. They don’t tell the lower ranks much of anything. But he’s been around as long as Emperor Zarkon has. Ten thousand deca-phoebs.” A sigh. “He’s something of a hero to the Galra. Of course, you see what our society is like. So his…violence is celebrated.” She frowned. “I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you more. Or be more helpful in figuring out how to…get you back to where you’re supposed to be.”
She rubbed her forehead; the damn birth mark felt like it was burning and throbbing. “Does anyone else know? On the ship, I mean. About you. Who you are, where you came from. Clearly not the commander, else he would be ripping the ship apart to find you.”
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alivegoast · 2 years
Hc that all Galra learn "Vrepit Sa" as their first words
there's heavy military/nationalism there
They wouldn't really learn mama or whatevs bc they were raised by governesses
Imagine being a baby that doesn't know how to show respect? shame
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palidinus · 1 year
3, 4
3. What is your muse’s biggest fear?
probably have to say it's letting down the people he loves, or being the one to let them down in any capacity. for example, part of this was realized with the kuron debacle— shiro has a lot of complicated feelings about it, none of which are good feelings. shiro feels like he is to blame for having been cloned, and even though he knows that's not based on logical thinking, to him, it makes sense. he feels as though from the start, when he protected matt in the ring, haggar/honerva put a target on his back— and he'd be right about that, because later down the line, she wound up using kuron to infiltrate voltron from within, knowing that the real him was dead. he feels that, although he couldn't possibly have done anything to prevent it, he should have gone after both haggar/honerva and zarkon— maybe then he would have been able to put a stop to the cloning process, or at least halt it for a little while. no one knows for sure why shiro, out of all other prisoners, was cloned— or why he was cloned so many times. he blames himself for everything that happened with haggar/honerva, thinking that he let voltron down, too weak, too helpless to stop it. there are a lot of ways this fear manifests in general, and it branches out to other things having happened in a canonical sense, but this is just one of them.
4. How easy is it to anger your muse?
not terribly easy, unless you know which buttons to push and when. shiro is very passive unless it comes to protecting his loved ones— protecting earth, for instance— or protecting others in general. shiro is all about doing good and being good and showing kindness, so to him, anger needs to be justified before it is to be acted out on.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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Tagged by: @sansloii​ (thanks!)​​
Tagging: @vrepit-sa / @apexulansis , @precognitor , @weeping-gospels, @warhammer-fantasy-muses, @tinkering-skaven, @alphabitchnkari, @serpentofslaanesh, @alteia-underground, @vehxmence, @zhuangshii​, @hhemeraa​
Name: Jaxter or “Jax”
Star Sign: Leo 🦁🦁🦁
Height: 6 Foot Even
Middle name: [REDACTED]
Put your itunes/spotify/youtube on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
Farthest Frontier - Wander ( muh hart, muh soul)
Grailz Beni - It’s Not So Bad
Them’s Fightin’ Herds - The Woodlands
Headlock - Imogen Heap
The Wolf - SIAMES
MGRR - Red Sun
Ever had a poem or song written about you: Nah
When was the last time you played air guitar: Probably a week ago lmao
Who is your celebrity crush?: Ya’ll crush on celebrities? For real?
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: Children coughing. Hate it, hate it, HATE IT. Dunno why it just sounds extra gross when they do it? As for Love....Play Station 2 Intro Sound Effect. What do you chaps know about this?
Do you believe in ghosts?: No lol
How about aliens: Yep!
Do you drive?: Yep, and I enjoy it!
if so have you ever crashed: I’ve been hit bad enough to where I’ve needed to get a new car, yeah
What was the last book you read?: "books”
Do you like the smell of gasoline: Yup
What was the last movie you saw?: Guardians of the Galaxy 3!
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: Knocked out a few of my upper teeth when I was a kid. There was a LOT of blood but weirdly no pain that I can remember. I definitely didn’t cry.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: I guess warhammer sorta counts? I wouldn’t call it an obsession. It’s been a steady and reasonable interest for the last four years!
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vin-robles · 1 year
"Yeah, yeah, sure. Thanks a lot!" Sucker.
She almost blurted that last bit under her breath. Almost. She was already pushing her luck pocketing the weird little chit she'd found amid the piles of fresh junk. There was no use in drawing attention to the fact that she maybe-probably-definitely kind of stole something right out from under the shop clerk's nose while he had his back turned, fetching something from the locked case that she completely didn't ask for just to distract him.
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"Gimme a yell if you get any more of those resistors in. I need like a billion of 'em and nobody has the stupid things."
Before the clerk could even respond, Vin bowed out through the ragged curtain covering the exit and skipped down the five or six concrete steps to the main street below. She looked left, then right, then double-checked her left just because before she ducked into the growing noontime crowd milling about the shopping district.
She emerged into a familiar alley a few minutes later, under the flickering neon bar sign that signaled the beginning of Little Mido. Not that she had much fear of the city these days, but she felt way more comfortable assessing her spoils on her home turf, where pursuers were at least a little hesitant to go.
Funny how being a species renowned for being a bunch of ill-tempered berserkers could be a deterrent to visitors.
Smirking to herself, Vin flopped against a dumpster and dug into her pocket to fish out the triangular, grey thing she'd pilfered. It didn't look like much at first glance, but the purple, chameleon-like sheen it took on when she angled it in the sun was interesting, at least. Probably Galran in origin. And the lens in the middle hinted at it being a projector of some kind. Maybe it was a message? A map? Directions to a supply cache?
She depressed the flat, silver button on the back and waited a moment to find out.
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 10 months
Helping Love - Part 1: Commander Yjok
Lance wanted to cringe at the ringing in his ears, but he couldn't move. His body ached terribly, and his arm hurt more than ever. He sucked in a shaky breath and even that hurt to do. He wanted to cry, wail in the pain he was in, but refrained from doing so, he wouldn't gain more pain but doing that. Crying never saved him but he still cried. 
He heard footsteps and closed his eyes again; he heard the floorboards creaking as someone walked over him and he was kicked just a bit that he nearly winced loudly. Listening to the sounds around him he heard his father speak through something, a phone maybe? No, no, no, it was something different. "Have you located the lions?" The voice was deep and gruff almost, Lance wanted to shudder, he didn't like the sound of whoever this was. "No, not yet. I will locate them I won't let you down. Sire" his father replied sharply, who was even talking too? He dared not to move, his father couldn't know he regained consciousness, that'd be a death sentence almost if he was caught to have listened to something he shouldn't. But for some reason, the more Lance listened to the deep voice the more something pinged in his gut. This... man, sounded familiar almost. Foreign, but familiar. Without seeing the face, he wouldn't be able to tell. "You are to locate the lions and bring them to me, your mission is still clear. Do you understand Commander Yjok?" The demanded order was clear and stern, but Lance was confused, Commander Yjok? No, his father's name was Jospeh McClain. Who names someone Yjok much less Commander in this day and age. "Understand, Sire. Vrepit Sa!" What does that even mean! "Vrepit Sa. Do not fail me, Commander Yjok" he heard the voice disappear and his father chuckle, "I will find those lions and bring them to you, Emperor Zarkon. Don't you worry. I may even add in a little mistake I've got as a prize" Lance froze but kept his eyes closed. He could fear returning to his limbs; however, he remained still as if he was still unconscious. 
Jospeh grabbed Lance by his shoulder and limply, Lance was held in the air, begging himself not to show any emotion or jerk from the pain. "You are a prize worth the same amount as those lions, and once you've been trained enough, you'll never even think to disobey an order by your owner. I'll make sure to it" he could hear the grin and he was scared, forcing his body to remain limp. He needed to remain limp for as long as possible. Veronica came home today from an overnight shift, and he knew she'd be livid if she ever found out the truth. 
He could feel his father walking and the creaking of the stairs, seems they were going upstairs, and he prayed that nothing else would happen, he basically pleaded to whatever god there was that nothing else was going to happen and thankfully nothing did. He was tossed in his room, his body rolling painfully on the floor and the door shut with a click. Great, the door was locked. But at least he could move now. 
Pain filled him completely as he whimpered quietly, it hurt. It hurt so much! But he needed to see the damage, he knew his arm was either broken or sprained but he didn't know which it was however he knew the pain he just couldn't decipher which pain it was. Guess he'd have to ask Veronica when she came home. He's the only one he can really, really trust. She was his sister, his mentor, his best friend. She was his safe place, Joseph prevented doing anything to show injury on Lance when Veronica was there, he prevented that, but she was the only one in the dark of what was happening within the walls of the McClain house. And he was afraid for tomorrow, it was presentation day. Status was everything. Alphas were considered royalty. Betas were the normal folk. And Omegas were treated like dirt from what he's heard. He prayed, hoped even, that he wasn't going to be an Omega, he'll be doomed to death if he presented that status. 
Sighing he shifted so that he was resting against his bed, thanks to Veronica not taking crap from anyone, not even their parents, she bought him a better bed like hers and a few other things, but she did notice how Jospeh liked to single him out and vowed not to be that kind of person. He loves his big sister. Feeling his arm to try and figure out the pain, he pressed down and shut his eyes tightly and inhaled sharply, definitely broken. Oh boy, this was just great. He needed to put it back into place, looking around he caught sight of one of his old shirts that Luis destroyed and snagged it, ripping it apart with his non-broken hand and his teeth before he again used his teeth to tie it tightly above the area where the bone was broken before he took a breath. Make this quick without shouting out in pain, he could do this. He's done it before which was sadly last week, and he had to do the same thing now. Just breathe. He could do it. 
Grabbing his arm and inhaling slowly biting his lip, he pushed in and wanted to yell and cry, the pain was too much it hurt. He wanted it to end. Slowly the pain began to descend into painful tingling sensations but at least the bigger pain was gone, why did the presentation have to be tomorrow? His arm needed at least a full week to heal completely. 
Feeling around he could still feel the pain but not as bad as when it was broken so, good news on that part. Bad news is that Veronica's going to see his arm in pain and the other injuries. Oh man, he didn't want her to know, she'd blow a fuse and she has a temper. He could hear the front door open and Veronica calling out in Spanish, oh man, he's doomed. 
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astraei · 1 year
@vrepit-sa ✦ she is not having a good time right meow
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she always missed home.
grief still holds her tightly and she mourns just as fiercely. an inner conflict that black finds more troublesome by the day. a sense of loyalty and possessiveness that should not exist curls itself inside her chest, willing her to find HOME. so when the sudden change in lighting occurs, it puts her at ease with the familiarity. she was used to the lights of the castle, but THIS? this brought back a sense of yearning in her chest, a homesickness that she has not been able to shake since waking once again.
there was no reason for the change, but if the rumbling of an explosion was anything to go by, then something was WRONG by all accounts. even if it was something that made her reminisce in days of old. it only makes sense to go to the bridge, sword unsheathed and ready to strike. that is, until she sets eyes on who it is. black isn't one to hesitate, especially when it comes to the safety of her siblings and the princess, but she knows this galran. her blade stays by her side, a lapse in judgement for something her HEART cries for ( an irreturnable past! ).
❝ sendak? ❞
physical appearance aside, there was a more CONCERNING matter. one that makes her hair stand on end. because he shouldn't BE here, not if -
❝ you've changed ❞
( just like him )
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