#the voltron dictionary
Vrepit Sa.
Means "Killing Thrust"
Is used commonly amongst the Galra as a response to commands or a term of encouragement to oneself or their fleet.
-VREPIT SA (Kindly donated by Anon)
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idoweirdcrap · 5 months
Does anyone else ever get the unresistable urge to just Klance?
Klance [ˈklaːntsɛ]
Being way too fucking obsessed with Keith Kogane and Lance McClain's fictional relationship.
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voltrohgodwhat · 6 months
Not sure how I got from, "I just smacked my elbow and jokingly want to make a fic segment out of it," to, "Extremely weird classic/corny sci-fi horror story on planet of alien skeletons," but here we are.
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ao3isthehomogod · 1 year
Sleep? 🚫
Hand write a fake letter to Lance’s family from his perspective after he arrived in space- in Spanish? ✅
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Alright, I just had a thought.
I get that it's a major plot point that Krolia is part of the Blade of Marmora, but what if she was just another soldier?
What if she had been heading to Earth as a Galra soldier, and was shot down by a Blade member?
And then Keith's dad saves her!
So after that, she either decides to change after falling in love with him and realizing that destroying planets is killing innocent people like this man, oooor she continues to fight for the Galra.
If she continued with Galra, then she most likely would reunite with Keith in a battle, or at least see his picture in some battle briefing and be like, oH CRAP THAT'S MY KID.
And then if we continue on this path, then Keith would see her, and she tells him who she is, either mid-battle to throw him off, or to tell him why she won't kill him.
And if she were to do it mid-battle, Keith would be absolutely crushed and either have a character development arc in which he pushes back his feelings of betrayal and hurt and defeats her, or he gets distracted and she manages to injure him.
If Keith defeats her himself, (and this is all during fighting her) then right before she passes out/ dies they would have a moment where either Krolia apologizes, or tells Keith that he was a the best and worst mistake she's ever made, and either way she would tell him that she's proud of him.
If Keith were to get hurt by her, Lance would shoot her down and rush over to Keith. There would be one of those moments where character A is like dying, and character B places character A's head on their lap and like cries while character A is making some heartfelt speech and giving them a bunch of cliché advice, you know?
And then Keith passes out, and the team is there by then to rush him back to the castle and he makes it.
And then he breaks down when the reality of what happened with Krolia hits him.
And he has a moment with one of the paladins, BUT ONLY ONE OF THEM. More than one other paladin ruins the moment, don't ask me why, it just does.
And then if Krolia were to be still alive (This is assuming that the 'I'm proud of you' moment never happened), then she would rise up in ranks until when Zarkon dies, she's the empress. Haggar and Voltron think that she's controlling Krolia, so Haggar is targeted by Voltron and the coalition.
They CANNOT defeat her, no matter what they do, but then Krolia takes her out in order to gain full power of the Galra empire, and everyone's just SHOCKED. Krolia doesn't even do it in secret, this is like a full-on battle and she goes, "Bold of you to assume that you EVER controlled me, Witch. The only one who valued you was Zarkon, and that made him weak."
And then she straight-up stabs Haggar and leaves the battle saying to the paladins, "We've both won this battle. Now go. We all know that you are outnumbered here."
AND THEN instead of the whole Honerva thing, it's them against Krolia.
Keith would most likely be the one to kill her. Or maybe Krolia would have the same ending as Honerva! Though if that were to happen, then Allura can still sacrifice herself.
And throughout this, KLANCE exists. Allurance shippers can BACK OFF. ALLURANCE. NEVER. HAPPENS. AND NO. I am NOT adding Allurance to my computer's dictionary so that it will stop autocorrecting me, because the only ship that belongs in the dictionary is KLANCE.
*deep breaths*
Thank you for reading my Ted Ta- oh who am I kidding, thank you for reading my rant.
btw, does anyone else simp for Matt and that robot-masked alien girl??? Like, oh my goodness it is SO CUTE. In the clear day episode, (the one where Shiro wins the arm-wresting competition) the girl is INCLUDED IN THEIR FAMILY PICTURE. NO JOKE. LOOOOK!!!
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Sorry about that. I live for this kind of stuff.
If there's spelling errors, (at least more than usual) then feel free to correct me. I'm typing really aggressively right now, which usually leads to a WHOLE lot of mistakes. So, oops.
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fishshit · 2 years
i truly think the "a good show makes you crawl on the floor, cry and suffer" mentality tumblr (2010-2016) created is STILL affecting our perception on what is a blorbo or not.
so first of all, let's look at the urban dictionary definition of blorbo:
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NOWHERE on this page is saying a blorbo should be:
you should have a love-hate relationship with them
i'm definitely NOT saying that a blorbo shouldn't be all those things, but these are not necessary for a character to be a blorbo. [Miette (from real life) is a perfect example of this. she's our beloved blorbo and yet she's strong, a genius and non-toxic.]
now, i know most of yall know why i'm writing this. we all are aware of the active warzone tumblr has got going on. now to get to my point,
i know voltron fandom went apeshit over ships, created langst tags and stuff. (tbh i've learned all of these recently) but let's sit and think why. i've mentioned in one of my posts or rbs that the only thing i vividly remember about voltron is the queerbaiting and i know for a fact that queerbaiting was one of the biggest factors of these... actions. now when we look at yoi, we see a rather more peaceful fandom. is it because the show had a weaker chokehold on its fans? absolutely not.
i can assure you if yoi queerbaited us the way voltron did, there would be a chaos. and i'm not saying it in the way fans going crazy is funny or shit, no. i'm saying this as in real life chaos, like fans would threaten the creators or create their own reality. they WOULD remake yoi. there aren't any ship wars because victuuri (victor nikiforov x yuuri katsuki) is the ultimate ship, like there aren't any other possible options. nearly every single fan fell straight for victuuri. now think about how many fans are there and how many of them ships victuuri like they're praying to god itself. victuuri made me cry for DAYS, the plottwist was absolutely brilliant and no, none of these emotions were negative but god knows no show on earth made me feel the way yoi did. i'm not saying yoi is the best show ever or it's flawless. we all know our shows (blorbos are from) are generally not the best medias ever. but the way me and so many other fans bonded with this show, these 2 characters (or maybe 3, i don't like yurio that much) and that ship is indescribable. after watching yoi, i've realised that your favourite show doesn't necessarly need to make you feel like you've been stabbed in the chest bazillion times and suffer. no, it also can make you feel like you're on the verge of exploding with the white and shining happiness and love. i'm also pretty sure that's what most of the yoi fans feel, and also sure that no other show would make me feel the same way i felt while watching yoi.
yuuri katsuki, the man who made me feel all those things along with his husband victor nikiforov, is:
a canon bi king who had a crush on probably the prettiest girl in his childhood town and then got engaged to his lifelong idol (also probably the prettiest man in figure skating and,, the world)
anxious disaster (like, it's canon that he has anxiety and he was quite relatable and important for the fans with anxiety) who manages to say the MOST ridiculous stuff and yet tries his best to communicate with people about his needs and weaknesses
world's one of the best skater yet he's unaware how much of an pride he is for his country, fans and family and how good he is. STILL breaks his idols (literal legend of the figure skating) score
made irl queer people cry over him and figure skaters fall for him
my point is, just because a character doesn't go through hell or make you feel like shit doesn't mean that he isn't a blorbo. you still can think that lance is more of a blorbo, good for you! but i really don't think we need fantasy to feel good.
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lesbianklance · 3 years
i suggested this a few days ago and holy fuck they actually put it up hejshdw
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i-heart-lombaxes · 3 years
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Someone was so salty about me making an urban dictionary definition promoting Kanti that they made an account just for the purpose of writing their own definition to hate on me XD
What an immature move lol.
It’s hilarious.
(Also contains incorrect info- I’ve never called Kanti my role model, nor is there any inappropriate fanfic on Wattpad about her. If there was, I would have found it by now and thanked whoever wrote it for helping make Kanti famous)
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notdeadjack · 5 years
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futuristic neon space boi definitely not up to something on this fine night, no siree
i’ve legit wanted to draw a dark blue + neon picture for years and tonight i finally managed it! \o/
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nadja-chamack16 · 4 years
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...oh so that’s what it meant...
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QUIZNAKLES and quiznak
-QUIZNAK (Kindly donated by @oh-quiznakles)
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Some gems I found on urban dictionary
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theprojectava · 6 years
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There’s Goodness In The Heart Of Every Broken Man...
Our questions ricochet Like broken satellites: How our bodies, born to heal, Become so prone to die? 
There is goodness in the heart Of every broken man Who comes right up to the edge Of losing everything he has.
-”Mars” by Sleeping At Last
Still not over season 6. And I’ve been waiting to draw something for this song for ages now.
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midnightlie · 6 years
god can you believe keith and lance are legitimate and actual soulmates? 
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Okay so I counted the total number of notes on all of my posts and came to a grand total of:
Oh. My. Goodness.
Thank you ALL so so so much!!!!!!! I'm having a mini freakout over here!!!!!
The MFE pilots and Atlas crew know Shiro as "Captain," or "Takashi" at the friendliest.
They view him as a superior, someone to respect.
Which probably explains why they're so confused about his closeness with the paladins.
Colleen will be speaking to her child about motherly things, and suddenly Shiro will walk over and ruffle Pidge's hair.
Or Veronica will be lecturing Lance about doing something stupid (The other traitorous paladins snuck off and mouthed their thanks towards him for 'taking one for the group.') and suddenly Lance will call out. "Hey Shiro!" before bro-hugging him.
They finally ask about it one day in the lounge when the majority of the Atlas crew and the paladins -even Keith- are all just chilling after a long battle.
Shiro is watching the paladins (read: Keith, Lance, and Pidge) play each other aggressively on the gaming console that Pidge apparently installed into the ship.
Shiro goes to grab them snacks because he's awesome like that.
When he hands said snacks to the three gamers, they all chorus, "Thanks, Spacedad," creepily in sync.
Everyone turns immediately in shock.
Of course, they had already figured out that the members of Voltron are very close with Shiro, but not that close.
Sam Holt feels slightly replaced.
"What is going on? Where is your military hierarchy?" Griffin pipes up.
Shiro is not AT ALL fond of Griffin. Yes, Keith did let the first punch fly when they got into that fight at the Garrison all those years ago, but Shiro will hold a grudge against anyone who dares hurt his baby physically or verbally (and James did both!) and therefore believes that Keith was at least 80% justified in his act of aggression.
WOW, that was a long sentence.
So when Shiro responds as neutrally as possible, it's with a slightly upturned nose and a dignified tone of superiority.
"I gave up trying to stop them a LONG while ago. I've come to terms with it."
Hunk walks in at that moment.
"Hey guys! Are we talking about Shiro's nickname? 'Cuz we gave him a shirt with 'Spacedad' written across it in sparkly letters last year for his birthday that I particularly like."
The other 3 paladins present nod mindlessly as they continue to battle each other virtually.
Shiro gives everyone a look that says, 'See? Totally normal.'
"It's the only way I can keep them in line. They threaten each other saying that they'll call their 'dad' which is me if you haven't figured that out yet somehow, and it actually works most of the time."
Lance snorts. "Yup. Spacedad's gotta do what a Spacedad's gotta do."
Shiro gives him a look.
"Okay I might have to smack you with a pillow for that one."
Lance squeals and wraps his arms around Keith for protection, causing the boy to startle and drop his own controller.
Pidge finally pulls ahead and wins. They jump up and crow out victoriously, "YES! In your FACES you crap-eating WEBLUM FACES."
Keith groaned and leaned back into Lance's chest (because Lance is tryna be sneaky and is therefore taking this as his chance to trap Keith securely in his arms).
"I blame this on you, Spacedad. I have to let Lance and Pidge braid my hair now."
I just added Spacedad to my computer's dictionary so that it would stop trying to spellcheck me. This is how you know that I'm truly way too into Voltron. Oh, well.
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mermaider00 · 6 years
Afterbuzz host: Genocide, genocide, genocide
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