#Void magic
void-mancer · 3 months
Tehe *cast a spell that makes you feel more fear then your soul can make* and that's why you don't ask stupid questions like what the name of God is
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arcane-abomination · 6 months
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I recommend reading my blog on Void Magick before this one. As it explains the basics of Void that will not be covered here. This may cause some readers to be a little lost.
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Leviathan’s Guidance
This information on the void was presented to me when I descended into a deep gnosis to make contact with lord Leviathan. He taught me the construction of the void and helped me to understand its makeup a little better. This seemed to be the missing piece I’ve heard many people talk about when traversing the void. And while it still holds truth that the void’s appearance is reflected in the individuals own perspective, it’s still important to understand the general structure of this vastly mysterious space.
I have taken the liberty to attribute my own terminology to each part that was shown to me in an attempt to bring further understanding and much easier categorization to the plains themselves, but you’re free to disregard these terms if they don’t suit you. In all there are 3, categorized by the upper, middle and lower spaces represented by the colors White, Grey, and Black. Now, please take note that these colors are rather arbitrary in the long run as each level presents itself uniquely to the individual. These are simply the product of my own journey, what appeared to me and thus how I label and associate the structure of the void that I experienced.
The Atherial Plain
We begin in the upper level I call the Atherial plain. Aptly named because it’s associated with the color white. While in this plain it appeared to me as though I was walking in the sky. It was bright, with clouds beneath me and around me. And all manner of things hung in the air, moving and shining without constitution or purpose. At least none that I could see. Stars, planets, comets, orbs, and a multitude of other items and creatures to unique to accurately convey in words, shimmering and shifting endlessly. There was no rest here, no silence. There was noise, endless whispers in the wind, music in the distance, and the random bustle of the many object’s collisions with one another. It was beautiful but intense. An energy compelling me to take action, not to wait or calculate. Just simply do without thought or meaning. This is the realm of everything and all things. Of motion, sound & fullness.
The Abyssal Plain
Or next stop is the lowest level, I call the Abyssal plain. You descend downwards into this place, into the vastness of an empty space. The association here is the color black, and all manner of silence, quiet contemplation, and letting go completely hang in the air. Energy here compells you to empt yourself of all things, and simply wait. All around me was blackness, a deep black that went beyond the understanding of simple darkness. Beneath my feet was an ink-colored ocean. Still, and calm, but full of power and strength laying in wait. It was from this ocean that lord Leviathan arose and greeted me, teaching me of the void’s structure. You see, like most people, it was this realm I came to first, like most people do. In fact it was the only real I had ever come to, until my work with Leviathan began.
It seems most of us who work with the void descend down into the abyss and the reason for this is simple. As mortal beings our subconscious has been taught that when we go up we come down. Gravity is always pulling at us. So, when we enter into the void, we can unconsciously descend, especially when we are overwhelmed with the intensity the void can bring. Once inside that comfortable place of familiarity it can be hard to ascend, especially since naturally speaking, falling down is easier than climbing up.
All in all, the energy of this realm beckoned me to listen, to wait, and patiently calculate my next move. It’s a plain completely opposite of its upper Aetherial counterpart. A realm of Stillness, Silence, and emptiness.
The Echo Plain
This was the final plain I visited, named the Echo plain, represented as the color Grey. It’s a special plain, a space full of liminal energy from the overlapping of the upper and lower plains. It was the most intense of the three, resembling a foggy wasteland with the faint light of the Atherial floating high above and the deep darkness of the abyss far below. The ground was as reflective as a mirror yet as clear as a window, that rippled like water wherever I took step. It was a confusing place, a space at which energy contradicted itself. It wanted me in motion and stillness, silent and loud, empty and full all at once. I felt like I was being pulled apart and smooshed together at the same time. It was confusing and overwhelming, but then…in a single moment, all the pieces fell into place.
Before me stood a group of creatures. Both beautiful and hideous all at once. I understood almost immediately what they were. Epithets…epithets of myself. Bits and pieces of who I was represented before me in kind. Some smiled warmly, some grimaced, and others showed no emotions at all. We did not speak to one another…we didn’t need to. But it was from that brief acknowledgment that I understood. This was the realm of reflection. A space where the conscious and subconscious became one, echos of one being existing in symbolic detachment from itself. None of us looked the same and yet we were. All knowing and understanding yet complete strangers to each other.
This is the space of contemplation and action. A realm in which one could truly reach into themselves and strengthen, build, heal, and empower in every way imaginable. A space not many seemed to know existed. Ascending and descending past it in their journeys through the void. It’s a testament to our need to learn quickly, and our unfocused and often misplaced goals. Sometimes we need to stop and look inward, to truly meet ourselves head on.
In Conclusion
The void is a wonderfully powerful and mysterious place. How these realms look to you and what you feel will ultimately be tied to your own perspective. How one sees the void isn’t always how another does. The lower realm may appear white to some instead of black. What makes it the abyss is not its color but it’s emptiness. How one acknowledges and uses that emptiness is always going to be unique to them.
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moonleafart · 21 days
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I do love a good void eye comm, especially for such a wonderful character @tamalas-art
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covn · 3 months
Star of Void Emanation
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Existence is formed by spontaneous successive emanations from the void. This star represents the union of the inner and outer structure of emanation.
Progression of the spheres with their counting numbers and primes: (0/1) Chaos -> (1/2) Process -> (2/3) Pattern -> (3/5) Change -> (5/11) Agent -> (11/31) Kia
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eternitysirys · 3 days
I got my proofs today.
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I cried.
A lot.
This is surreal.
My book. With my cover and custom art inside? This is mine. Holy crap it's mine.
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Everything came out so stunning. This is my book. I just... I can't...
I keep swinging between tears of joy and numbness.
This is all I've ever wanted to accomplish in life. A dream come true and I can hold it in my hand.
Anyway, to business!
Two copies, two finishes on the cover. Left is glossy, right is matte. The smudges on matte are tears, please disregard! What's your preference??
Thank you everyone who's supported me on this project just by interacting with my posts. It means the world. Please reblog this around town so we can get some feedback!
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What kind of Dragon is this! This is Neither a Tannin or a Valkirtani, the story of Soaring takes place on a relatively small continent, more like a large island, there is a much larger world still out there with other Dragons, Creatures, Cultures, Magics, etc... Azel aka “Hem Locke” The Interloper
Background: Hem Locke is an exile from another continent across the east sea. He came to the land of Laramidia but he has made no effort to interact with Dragons here and actively tries to disappear if he's approached. Some Dragons believe he is a Cryptid, and he's not the only one.
When Hem Locke was banished from his village as a child, he was brought into a "new family”. Now he searching for the remains of his siblings who have scattered to various corners of Laramidia.
Personality: Hem is a very private but kind dragon who tries to only move around when visibility is at his lowest, but he will step in to protect others albeit in a way that won’t reveal his existence. For now he is almost entirely focused on his mission. Only once that’s done will he return home to his beloved mate. However he does appear to have a strange fascination with the 7 Calamities. For whatever reason he doesn’t feel threatened by them.
Strengths: Larger Body, Strong Flier, Surprisingly Stealthy
Weaknesses: Isolated, Insomnia, Fearful
Powers: Void Magic, Enhanced Passive Perception (Those frills by his head are sensitive and pick up movement in the air around him so he is able to feel motion from all directions)
Stats Stamina: 10/10 He can outlast almost anything physically and his magical powers offer a lot of power
Control: 4/10 His magic is unwieldy and violent. He is more like a conductor than a musician, he can direct his power but doesn’t have a lot of command over it.
Intelligence: 8/10 While having no formal education Hem is a quick learner and even taught himself Laramidia’s language
Combat ability: 9/10 He’s unstoppable in the air and extremely dangerous on the ground. He invented several combat techniques to use in the air and on the ground. His only weakness is confined spaces
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mavreos · 5 months
The Void
Since I was feeling overwhelmed by it I wanted to sublimate it trough writing, and here I am.
Trough various meditations and dreams I got many gnosis about the Void and much more entailed in its semantic area.
Similar to the Apophatic approach for theology, a soul's greatest achievement is surely reaching a state of Vacuity. Only Silence prevails in such state and it also gets to a whole new meaning, beyond what we're normally used to. The individual gets completely dissolved in all of its obstruction and illusions just to reach the apotheosis in Nothing, only pure Darkness in Silence. Back at the beginning of my path I acknowledge a State of existence beyond any dimensionality, such are its core principles.
Alogos; As the Silence being the only (Non-) thing that matters, the manifestation of the unmanifested, from the Sea of Nothingness, this is the Logos of Silence, The Word of the Aeon of the Aeons.
Azothos - Sothoza; Paradoxical duality reunified, Life and Entropy in Silence, the Azoth. Vitality of Not, Infinite Pleasure in Absence of Desire, Eternal Dream of a Non-Life. Totality and Point-Individuality coexisting harmoniously.
Achronos; Eternal Present as a Dream, Aeons and Instants have no differences.
In what I call the Land of Silence, a state of existence and (A)dimensionality, the Perfected occultist abodes freely of everything but themselves, in a dead and dreamlike state, beyond dimensionality and time, in extreme ecstasy. Silence becomes their language and they achieve the Unified state of Azothos - Sothoza
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sophiakaufman · 3 months
Please be honest in this poll. I need it for my class and I want the data to be as unbiased as possible
Also comment
⭐️ if you were successful in your manifestation,
⭐️ if you felt like you did something wrong, and that is why you didn’t receive results in the “3D”
⭐️or lastly if you applied correctly and didnt get results
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cince-arts · 1 year
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When a God is born within the Chaos of Ny'alotha's Ruins 
 A rare comic sketch comm gifted to a dear long-term client @/nightingale_the_stalker on insta
Artwork (c)  @cince-arts
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dapperdraws · 7 months
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Mind Wave
There were some plot-things planned concerning void-magic, so I got inspired to draw something a little DRAMATIC! For now there's no place for the plot-points due to many many things going on already in her RP with people, but I still like the piece! This is also my submission for “Eyes” in the 100-theme challenge.
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evssword · 3 months
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Commission for @ Gentlewoman 🔮💫💜
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void-mancer · 1 year
Every one always thinks void magic is just black hole mumbo jumbo and what it it truly is witch is necromancy, telekinesis AND black hole mumbo jumbo
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arcane-abomination · 1 year
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I want to start off by saying that void magick is something that can be very difficult to find information on. That’s why I sought to compile all that I know here so others can find and enjoy it. Further more I would like to note that because of the nature of the void most of how it’s used and how it works with us as individuals comes from unique and personal experiences. Like lots of varying magick the void spins a web around the UPG crowd. So you’re bound to get a whole variety of experiences and beliefs that manifest within its concepts. This blog is an attempt to identify some of the common ground and basics to give people a good place to start.
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What is the Void?
Also called the Abyss, the Aether, the Empty, and the Great Nothing, the void is a place outside of existence. It’s the place all energy begins and takes form. To some believers, it is also the ultimate end. The place we will eventually return to. It is a space of nothingness and yet everything. A paradox that transcends our mortal concepts and perplexes our senses. The best way I can explain this and simplify it to a sense of understanding we can comprehend is by offering this analogy:
Let’s say you’re given a bucket of water and you set it out in the sun so all the water evaporates. Would you then be able to call it empty? Well at first glance yes, but remember, that when water evaporates it doesn’t simply vanish. It becomes a gas that floats around in the air. That air is still there it never left and thus so is the water but in a different form unseeable to our physical eyes. This is what the void is. A collective of what is and what has been only in a different form.
The Mindset
Anyone can work with the void regardless of who you are and what you believe. However there is a certain mindset often adopted by void magick practitioners. This mindset can help to focus and make greater use of the magick as a whole and invites a much more pleasurable experience through and through. It’s the mindset of openness and willingness to accept that anything is possible. This means that we have limited restrictions on what we allow in to our hearts and minds spiritually. However this is not an excuse to be a bad person. Rules and laws still exist and so does morality and common sense. Never use the void as an excuse to be a jerk.
What does it look like?
The void overall has been described by most people as a black empty space. Some say the air around you feels almost fluid like while others say it feels more like a large room where even your deepest thoughts will echo in its vastness. Yet, curiously enough some have even described their experiences with the void as the opposite. Bright, white and full of energy. It can almost feel suffocating at times.
So why such varying depictions? There are often 3 main theories to answer this. First off, some practitioners theorize that it can be because we each have a different mindset and belief, and when we visit the void it draws on those beliefs and manifests something from them. We each in a sense have our own personal reality. It’s the reality that is tied to our perspectives and emotions. This reflects our magick in the most general of senses so it makes sense to assume that a place as intuitive as the void would reflect this in some way. Secondly, the theory goes that it could be tied to a persons true nature as some say that their visit to the void was peaceful and calm while others say it was far too intense and downright frightening. Lastly, some that believe the void can be separated into varying realms within itself. This is how I personally believe as well as the 1st theory. A nice blend of both males the most sense to me.
Meditation & Astral
Meditation and Astral travel are two very different things but people often get them confused. When you meditate on void you are pulling energy from it to connect to your conscious and subconscious minds and then in turn use it to effect your body. While with astral travel you are literally sending your conscious into the void space. This is where people see the void for what it is. This is a far more intense experience that can easily get overwhelming to those who aren’t prepared.
As for the processes of achieving both of these activities it’s as simple as whatever meditative or astral process you do now. Just focus your intention on the void itself. It may take a few tries for some people but once you get the hang of things it should go more smoothly.
Now before we continue I must offer a disclaimer. Some individuals who do astral travel do so with the help of hallucinogens. This is a TERRIBLE idea. Even if they are perfectly legal where you come from, using something that can force your mind to see things that aren’t there is a recipe for disaster when working with the void.I’ve read stories online and watched videos on YouTube about individuals that used drugs to induce void astral projection and felt trapped and afraid like they had no control and couldn’t pull themselves out. So please practice safety above all else.
Void as an Element
Another way to bring void magick into your practice is through the calling of the elements. Some individuals use the void as the sixth element after earth, air, fire, water, & spirit. These practitioners place the void element in the center of the pentacle/pentagram because it’s in the center of everything. However there are those that utilize void as an element by combining it with spirit and just referring to the combination as the Aether.
To work this sort of magick is very simple. Just call it as you would any other element. Symbolism in this case is often done using a black candle or black crystal. Sigils are often associated as a spiral (clockwise for invoking and counterclockwise for banishing), or a solid black circle. I have an obsidian sphere on my altar to represent the void and its works marvelous for me. You can also use a a black feather or any dark trinket you wish. Or, if you’re someone who’s seen the void as white you may use that instead. One thing is certain though, black and white are the absence of color and with that i I n mind reflect void much better then actual colors tend to do.
What can magic do?
So now that we’ve covered how to summon void magick let’s move onto what that magick itself can be used for. This might surprise you but the answer is simple. Anything you want. Void magick is new and raw, unattached to anything and far more potent than the magick drawn from our physical world. Even more so than that which is taken from spirit world, or so most void practitioners believe. This means it can be worked and formed into anything your crafty heart desires. There are no limits to what you can do. No tools needed. Simple intuition and intension is all that is required, but tools can defiantly be beneficial. I would say to bless them specifically for working with void energy though. This allows their physical energy to draw on the void more easily and thus becomes a much more efficient tool.
Spirit Beings & Void
Spirit beings like guides and deity are also often associated with the void and its magick. Although, just like every form of spirit work in paganism, this two is unique to the individual. Some believe that spirits visit the void but don’t live there while others believe the opposite. They see their respective god as a dweller of the void and as such when they call upon them, they also call upon the potency of the magick as well.
Another lesser known practice, even within the void magick community is the use of void spirit guides. These are spirits that are said to take the form of an animal of some sort most often. Usually a real world animal but there are those that have claimed theirs have taken the form of a fantasy creature, or even something far more eldritch in design. Whatever form they are often said to be black in color. Those who have them say they aid them by bringing void energy to their craft or even guiding them when they astral travel. Essentially they offer all the same perks as any other spirit guide would they just use void energy. To obtain such a guide is like any other method. Meditation, and intention of reaching out are the key. Most recommend connecting to the void in you meditative gnosis as you call out to one. Making offerings can also help in this bonding process.
Like all things in life people are bound to have some misunderstandings about the void. We must remember that void magick is a concept often used in games and dark fantasy. So there are quite a bit of misconceptions that are derived from the impressionable and mystified minds that long to explore paganism. Please be aware that there is a line between fantasy and reality. So many new witches want the fantasy aspects to be more real and as cool as some of them may sound they just aren’t naturally found in our world. Void magick is subject to quite a plethora of these sorts of things but I’ve tried to condense them down into only a few categories for reader convenience.
• Prerequisites •
You do not need anything to begin working with void. You don’t have to master some ancient ritual, you don’t have to be marked by a specific god, you don’t have to be blessed in anyway, and you don’t need to partake of any specially selected prerequisites before hand. Anyone can work with void regardless of race, gender, orientation, background, etc. You simply need only your intention.
• Special Powers •
I’m sorry to say this somewhat harshly but, you’re not a special snowflake with extraordinary gifts that surpass everyone else. You’re just as much a witch as any other. Working with the void is drawing a different kind of energy from a different kind of place and while that energy can give a nice magical boost to spell work it doesn’t grant you anything super human. Everything you can do with void so can everyone else. Furthermore, witches draw their energy from whatever place feel right for them. Just because you draw yours from the void doesn’t meant you’re anymore powerful then anyone else. Don’t let yourself get a swelled head.
• Evil Elements •
Void is as a part of our world as anything else found in nature. It is a neural force if anything, and like all magick becomes positive or negative based on the witch that is using it. Standing alone it isn’t evil or dangerous. It doesn’t exist to create cataclysm or destruction. It exists because nature exists that is all.
Further Reading
Remember, void magick is an experience unique to the individual. One persons experience won’t always reflect another’s. Different people have different beliefs and thus varying perceptions to utilize what the void has to offer. Below are some links to further reading for those interested.
• Thomas Chaote (Void in Chaos Magick)
• Contemplations of the Void
• The 6 Elements
• The Void by Nathalie
• The Void Explained
• How to Master the Void
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void-envoy · 7 months
You can hear it, right? Tell me you can hear it. The rhythm has become louder. i can hear it beating through the walls of this reality. some of you hear it. you follow the song. you follow the rhythm.
the rhythm of the end.
she calls to us from the Void. heaven, hell, and the in-between. it is meaningless when she comes for us. when she calls for us. when the end comes the song stops. when the song stops all will be Silence.
praise the Void. praise the Void. praise the Void. we are One in the sacred Nothingness.
In the absence of creation there is only peace.
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in other news i finally finished that energy book so thanks @ask-vell-willprobablyignore for letting me keep it also i think my brain melted a little
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lunarosewood23 · 1 year
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"All I ask for is that you are safe and you are happy. I was blessed to know you and will be forever thankful to have called you a friend."
She felt his hand make a strange shape at her back and she squeezed him tighter. "Pray for a miracle."
Hi this hurt my soul. And frustrated me bc gfdi THE FUCKING PAULDRONS but also the gods damn gauntlets made the sign language look janky...but I did my best with it!! While also trying not to cry.
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