rockzone · 11 months
Vitalines - Wheels Within Wheels
Release Date: 20 Oct 2023
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Vitalines is a new Melodic Rock alliance formed by two luminaries of the genre. It sees US singer Robbie LaBlanc (Blanc Faces, Find Me, T3nors) partnering with esteemed Swedish songwriter, musician and studio wizard Tommy Denander. Having worked together in various capacities on numerous records in the past, their debut album as a duo, ‘Wheels Within Wheels' was released last month.
Tommy Denander says, “Robbie has been at the top of my wish list of amazing singers to work with for a long time, so I am beyond thrilled to have created something this strong with him. Vitalines means ‘life lines’ and both Robbie and I have lived our lives with a sincere passion for music. That comes together on shared ground whenever we work together.”
The pair have been planning to work together on a pure Melodic Rock album for several years. When the right time came, both immediately accepted the opportunity. Setting a high musical bar from the off, the result is a fantastic melodic journey that will be adored by fans of Toto, Journey, Survivor and Foreigner.
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smoqueen · 1 year
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poetyca · 2 months
Vita - Life
🌸Vita🌸Vissuto e presentein tenerezza ed amoreper dipingere vitain ogni seme Nulla rifugge e la vita è gioiaquando si ha curadi ogni emozione 06.11.2023 Poetyca 🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente🌸LifeLived and presentin tenderness and loveto paint lifein every seedNothing escapesand life is joywhen you take careof every emotion06.11.2023 Poetyca
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cerentari · 6 months
Risveglio di Pierluigi Cappello
Ci si risveglia un giorno e le cose sembrano le stessementre invece dietro a noi si è aperto un vuotodopo che tutto è stato fatto per trattenere la vitain mezzo ad un panorama di pietre sparse e tegole rotte.Allora uno mette il dentifricio sullo spazzolinomescola lo zucchero al caffècon l’attenzione che aveva da scolaroquando ritagliava dalla cartafile di bambini che si tengono per mano,piccoli…
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alonewolfr · 11 months
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Ci sono panchinetavolinipunti precisi di stradeche collegati in un reticoloformano il disegnodi un'altra vitain cui potremmo amarci.
|| Michele Mari
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incamminoblog · 1 year
Monastero Matris Domini Lectio "Io sono la via, la verità, la vita"
V Domenica di Pasqua (Anno A)  (07/05/2023) Vangelo: Gv 14,1-12 Io sono la via, la verità, la vitaIn quel tempo Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: 1«Non sia turbato il vostro cuore. Abbiate fede in Dio eabbiate fede anche in me. 2Nella casa del Padre mio vi sono molte dimore. Se no, vi avrei maidetto: “Vado a prepararvi un posto”? 3Quando sarò andato e vi avrò preparato un posto, verrò dinuovo e vi…
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enkeynetwork · 1 year
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444names · 2 years
french and breton (tes) names BUT excluding "e"
Adrin Agavin Agric Alcord Algargid Alingsmir Allonda Alphia Alynd Amain Amarnarya Amind Amptis Ancon Ancyn Annart Anord Anunyvyr Anyna Aoisosamon Apoud Arcilli Arcot Arcous Armillon Arris Arroiss Arrys Ascrorry Ashasand Astont Astyra Atison Aucourd Audou Bador Baninis Baparot Barayn Bardau Barmy Bastanna Bastyn Basumastyr Baudoryalt Bavarasty Bidor Bilval Blorvalin Bodhné Bodyna Boins Bolom Bomhan Bonsort Bormardoin Boryst Bothéon Bouard Boujasolt Boulary Boult Bourpin Bradlozo Braris Brarrint Braux Broyssau Brubuchaux Brunt Brurgysyna Buchrin Buciroyr Bucuth Burin Butot Callovic Camayott Camon Candia Caninist Cançoix Capoult Carain Carbais Carbarta Carbin Carciot Carduck Carry Cartimps Catin Cazurignor Chagry Champal Channam Charbyna Chard Chardin Charding Charissa Chart Chaudouric Chault Chaush Chavilluc Chayonau Chontina Chorboda Choth Claing Clouck Cloufulic Cloult Coliona Collaway Comstyn Consmic Coralya Corgadboin Corstimros Couard Couistin Coulind Coustrun Couva Cramps Crobilart Crodalin Crodyna Croiraux Crort Croxy Cuinan Céléo Daing Damoria Darin Daris Daroist Dasont Dasour Dastory Dhand Domard Dorya Douryst Duain Ducha Ducilt Ducyn Dudau Dudid Dudord Dufflo Duhan Dumil Duncison Dundyra Dunis Dupic Dupin Dupland Duprana Duriau Dusan Dusqur Dywyn Fabin Fartrais Fauddyn Fithryan Fladourd Fland Flois Folysa Fonfrard Forbroft Fouarduchl Frantra Friaugh Gabbis Gabis Gabodin Gabysyn Garaux Garbyth Gardis Gargart Gargo Garris Garturs Gasmah Gastyr Gatonné Gaubois Gaudor Gaudyr Gavais Gaétilis Ghotina Gigon Gillau Gillougil Gilodin Gimoris Ginak Giton Gitrionn Golpill Gonrya Goudrick Goudy Gourrard Gousabak Gouzy Grabihm Grançois Grault Grigond Groux Guadyn Gurarj Gwyctonna Gwynarlass Hagra Hagry Hamard Handrand Hargousa Haron Hassavin Huaris Hurcorygan Huric Hélamund Innic Jaldaillin Jalozond Jarana Jimick Jobinah Judif Jumoryand Jundral Jéranan Jérin Kaulon Kiront Korichau Labois Labon Labrobin Lacan Lafarvult Lafram Lahlau Laisouay Lamon Lanarand Lantart Lantbord Laplaric Larch Laudrion Lauthétu Layotah Lazul Liodans Loirick Lonaël Loranily Losson Luanal Lucain Luchrian Lucop Lumnau Lynadar Lystnoy Lyvycton Mabis Macou Madaus Madyd Mairgass Malam Malarcis Maldricon Malhaux Mandast Marav Marbas Mardrat Mardvall Mario Marolais Marry Marstin Marya Matin Matonna Matonninic Mauny Migry Milholiond Minoir Mithil Moldalt Moloorina Monault Mondanoang Moodst Moora Morannak Morys Mouinn Mouis Moury Muarq Méléninard Noamp Noitra Oldaudois Ontiant Osbour Paquis Pardon Pardt Parya Pauth Phaplanc Phart Pimyon Pitash Plaforyac Plound Poitis Polimiram Pollain Pormir Porna Pougart Prabaux Prant Prong Rabardvail Raninot Rantin Rantolon Riond Robilli Rodail Rodslyna Rolavir Rolouin Ronak Ronyssavon Roscardyna Rossing Roulothin Rouva Rouvilt Sabrabyth Sagnorick Sailiquin Saldis Salodyn Sanard Sarron Sarya Shard Shouf Sicouy Signychry Sojoël Solordy Sonard Sonous Sorry Sortand Soult Stain Stalaux Stimo Stonc Stord Stryctaulx Sumasa Sybau Sylinaurin Syloginvia Synarliand Tagryvyd Taimoory Tantbou Tarigna Thfilil Thiant Thillyna Thosind Thyna Tillavoyé Toirois Tolias Tolys Tonna Toupris Tousit Trallau Ulina Ustinadin Vachoud Valdion Valgard Varda Vassam Vichattais Vigabic Vighincy Vigna Vilais Viravard Vitain Vycton Vyctyr Wichry Winin Wodyrian Wooda Woodin Woodriot Woord Wynalont Xaillory Ylgont Ysamar Yundin Yvargir Yvyramax Zabavossa Zillon Zontyrin Zourt
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Shore Functional Medicine
IV Therapy Point Pleasant Beach & Wall, NJ IV Therapy offering custom nutrient supplementation. Find out how we can help you feel & look your best. We are a functional medicine practice that focuses on anti-aging medicine. We offer consults (live or virtual), and offer bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), IV vitamin and hydration therapy as well as vitamin shots.
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• Injections – vitains, minerals, amino acids and weight lossinjections • IVs – help treat illness, get rid of hangovers, increase immunity, improve athletic performance, etc • BHRT – varies by patient
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norise-feliceserino · 2 years
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nutrition006 · 2 years
GXN Rapid Gain Best mass gainer Supplement | Shop Now
Buy the best mass gianer Rapid Gain supplement enriched with ample amount of carbs with perfect amount of proein, vitain and mineral. Each servin of this best mass gainer delivers 376 kcal, 72.28g cabohydrate and 19.5g of protein in each.
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telodogratis · 2 years
Irrompe in un asilo nido in Thailandia e fa strage, uccisi 25 bambini
Irrompe in un asilo nido in Thailandia e fa strage, uccisi 25 bambini
<img src="” title=”Irrompe in un asilo nido in Thailandia e fa strage, uccisi 25 bambini” />Read MoreIn tutto 35 le vittime. Aggressore un ex poliziotto, che poi si è tolto la vitaIn tutto 35 le vittime. Aggressore un ex poliziotto, che poi si è tolto la vitaRSS di – ANSA.it
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Life is a beach
Life is a beach
Here comes the summer, which is often associated with trips to the beach, splashing around in the ocean, or lazing around perfecting your tan. I love the beach and being born and raised on an Island (Reunion) was very fortunate because the beach is never far away. Life is a beach. You should make the most of it. Did you know that the beach used to be a treatment prescribed by doctors?…
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poetyca · 3 months
Luce senza pari - Unparalleled light
🌸Luce senza pari🌸Respiro di vitain consapevolezzatra albe stabili perché tutto sia luce senza pari16.11.2023 Poetyca 🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente🌸Unparalleled lightBreath of lifein awarenessbetween stable dawnsbecause everythinglet it be unparalleled light11.16.2023 Poetyca
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Mycroft's reaction when he founds out tha his SO Takes birth control pills without telling him
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It really wouldn’t be that surprising to Mycroft as they probably didn’t discuss having children and its her body.
If she’s not up for kids yet and they both haven’t agreed to try for babies she’s very much entitled to take the pills until she feels she’s ready and decides to talk about the possibility of kids with him.
Like taking certain medication in the morning Mycroft wouldn’t see taking the pill as an offense but just managing her daily upkeep.
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incamminoblog · 2 years
Monastero Matris Domini Lectio" Io sono la risurrezione e la vita"
V Domenica di Quaresima (Anno A)  (26/03/2023) Vangelo: Gv 11,1-45  Dal Vangelo secondo GiovanniIo sono la risurrezione e la vitaIn quel tempo 1un certo Lazzaro di Betània, il villaggio di Maria e di Marta sua sorella, era malato. 2Mariaera quella che cosparse di profumo il Signore e gli asciugò i piedi con i suoi capelli; suo fratello Lazzaro eramalato. 3Le sorelle mandarono dunque a dirgli:…
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