#Visual Storytelling Techniques
tomoleary · 1 month
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Jim Steranko “Visual Storytelling: The Art and Technique” how to illustrate a comic book scene (1979) Source
“According to the consignor, it was illustrated in August of 1979 at a comic book convention, likely in the United Kingdom, where Steranko was demonstrating how to illustrate a comic book scene. The sequence is inspired by film noir and loaded with emotion and action. It begins with a man entering an office where another man and a woman are seated. The scene quickly elevates to violence with a gun being brandished and a punch thrown.”
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photosbyjez · 3 months
Daily Floral Delight: Origami Transformation of Daisies -- FOTD Jun 20
Check out my latest post for Cee’s FOTD – a patch of #daisies transformed into beautiful origami art using AI. Follow my journey of AI creativity! #AIArt #AIArtwork #AIArtCommunity
Hi all 👋 My latest post for Cee’s FOTD. With Cee recuperating, I’ll be posting flowers daily to give her a bit of floral delight (my version of a bouquet) 💐 Patch of daisies As with my latest Fan Of… post (see link 👇), I’m exploring some DALL-E AI preset styles for my edits. For today, I’ve done an origami transformation; I think these came out quite well. If you follow my blog, you know I’m…
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alhyari-art · 7 months
Creating Characters That Resonate: Some Tips for Memorable Designs
"While tools play a role, it’s our vision that truly matters”
You know that feeling when you see a character from a game, a painting, or a comic and you instantly fall in love with it? It's not just because it looks cool or cute. It's because it has a personality and a story that shines through its appearance. That's what I love about character design: the ability to create characters that make people feel something.
If you are interested in learning the basics of this art form, there are many resources available online 😅. (I will create some tutorials on this soon.) But now I'm not here to lecture you on anatomy or color theory. Instead, I'll share some of my personal tips on how to make your characters unique and engaging for your audience.
Tip 1: Dive Deep into Your Character’s World
Kickstart your design process with inspiration from your own world. This personal touch not only enriches your art but also adds depth and more meaning to your creative process.
Consider this school bully who is based on.. a person I used to know. He’s probably off picking his nose when he’s not on the page! Can you spot him?
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See the bully's backpack 😈? (Illustrated for Swish! by Mahmoud Elzein.)
It’s all about discovering those tiny personal connections that breathe life into a character. Brainstorm with character profiles, create mood boards, and try to figure out “what’s in their pockets”. I’ve found that writing dialogues for my characters helps me visualize their personalities better. Honestly, half the time, I’m imagining how they would annoy each other offscreen!
Tip 2: Play with Shapes to Highlight Inner Conflict
To emphasize a character's inner turmoil, you can use contrasting shapes. By smoothing the edges of sharp shapes, you can reduce the contrast and reveal different aspects of the character.
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“Good or bad?,” I always ask my students.
Experiment with different sizes and shapes and make your characters captivating enough that your viewers accept the visual logic of your art worlds.
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Imagine a gorilla 🦍 and a bee 🐝 as friends in a picture book. How would you draw them in relation to each other?
A good way to enhance the narrative and ease the tension is to break down the character shapes. For example, the bully in Swish! looked threatening at first, but I used his soft facial traits to show his insecurity. I also gave him a loose shoelace to imply that he is not totally in control.
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Even the smallest details can tell a story about your character. (Illustrated for Swish! by Mahmoud Elzein.)
Tip 3: Harness the Power of Color and Value
Contrast is key! Opt for vibrant characters against muted backgrounds, experiment with warm and cool tones, and introduce pops of light against deep shadows for visual drama.
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Contrast and lighting for drama.
Challenge yourself with limited color palettes. This forces you to think creatively and adds an unexpected layer of unity to your work. For the ‘Museum Heist’ piece, I used shades of blue, and it was gratifying when viewers, even those not from the art world, noticed how it influenced the piece.
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The blue tones were a fun challenge 💎
Tip 4: Sprinkle in Details and Accessories
I take sneaky joy in hiding personal details within my illustrations. Maybe it’s my old license plate or a memento from my parents. Details like faded scars and mended clothes add layers to your characters and imply a history, giving them more depth.
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Can you find all the hidden secrets in Ella the Gorilla's room? 🔎 Let's play in the comments! (Book by Mawya Alfadda and Rama Al-Sahreef)
Tip 5: Push the Boundaries with Expressions
Imagine yourself as the director of the scene and your characters as the actors. Hire the best actors and make sure they come with the best: pose, gestures, and outfit, and nail the whole performance.
Don’t just copy the reference! Exaggerate those eye positions, play with asymmetrical half-expressions – this keeps things lively and adds charm.
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Never be afraid to push your reference photos for more whatever-you-call-this characters! 😄
Tip 6: Seek Feedback and Refine
Discord and Telegram groups have been invaluable for me – asking targeted questions (like “Does anything feel off?”) gets me feedback way beyond just “looks nice!”.
How people interact with your WIPs speaks volumes. Don’t just listen to words, watch how long they engage and which elements draw their eyes.
My wife and kids are a great help, especially for children’s book and game art. They notice what I often overlook. I sometimes get annoyed when they don’t like something (I worked on for long), but I know it’s not personal. After all, they’re the best early test for my work.
Bringing It All Together
Character design isn’t just about drawing – it’s about infusing them with personality and emotion that resonates. Let’s keep the conversation going! Share your favorite character design tips in the comments below 👇
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ancientroyalblood · 1 year
Mastering Dialogue: Breathing Life into Your Conversations
Dialogue is the heartbeat of any compelling story. It’s through the conversations between characters that emotions are conveyed, relationships unfold, and plots take shape. Mastering the art of writing engaging dialogue is crucial for writers who strive to create narratives that captivate readers. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of crafting dynamic and…
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Professional content writing for fishing websites
In the digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses in every industry, including the world of fishing. Fishing websites serve as valuable resources for enthusiasts, providing information, tips, and product recommendations. To engage and captivate readers, professional content writing plays a crucial role. This article explores the art of professional content writing…
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ai-innova7ions · 3 days
Revolutionize Your Art with Leonardo AI!
Leonardo AI is revolutionizing artistic creation with its advanced algorithms that transform real-world ideas into stunning masterpieces. This dynamic platform empowers us to design imaginative game assets, including characters, artifacts, landscapes, conceptual visuals, and intricate architectures.
By merging cutting-edge technology with our creative fervor, Leonardo AI enables artists and designers to bring their visions to life. It injects depth and vibrancy into our projects, making it perfect for those looking to elevate their creative endeavors. Discover how this AI-driven toolset offers an unparalleled environment for artistic innovation!
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#LeonardoAI #ArtisticInnovation
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Discover the magic of wipe transitions in film! 🎬 From classic Hollywood to modern sci-fi, this editing technique adds style and flair to iconic movies. Enhance your visual storytelling with creative scene shifts. #WipeTransitions #FilmEditing #VisualStorytelling 🎥✨
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thinkstoryspeak · 4 months
Executive Presentation Skills: Strategies to Impress and Influence
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In the realm of business leadership, Presentation Skills Training is crucial, especially for executives aiming to influence and impress their audience. Whether you're addressing a boardroom, potential investors, or your team, honing your presentation skills can significantly impact your professional success. Here are essential strategies to elevate your executive presentations.
1. Know Your Audience
Understanding your audience is fundamental. Tailor your message to their interests, knowledge level, and expectations. This ensures your content is relevant and engaging, fostering a deeper connection with your listeners.
2. Structure Your Presentation
A well-structured presentation keeps your audience engaged and your message clear. Start with a compelling introduction, followed by key points supported by data or anecdotes, and conclude with a strong closing statement that reinforces your main message.
3. Master the Art of Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool in executive presentations. Craft a narrative that resonates with your audience, making complex information more relatable and memorable. Use real-life examples to illustrate your points and keep the audience invested.
4. Utilize Visual Aids Effectively
Visual aids can enhance your presentation by making information easier to understand. Use slides, charts, and videos to complement your speech, but avoid overcrowding them with text. Keep visuals clean, professional, and to the point.
5. Practice and Refine Your Delivery
Rehearse your presentation multiple times to refine your delivery. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language. Confidence and clarity in your speech can significantly influence your audience's perception of your message.
By implementing these strategies, executives can significantly enhance their presentation skills, leaving a lasting impression on their audience. Effective Presentation Skills Training is not just about delivering information, but about connecting, engaging, and influencing.
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muchemoaboutnothing · 4 months
I just watched fury road after seeing furiosa last night and the difference in the quality of storytelling is just night and day imho. I see what they were trying to do with furiosa and it was very close to good, but it just didn’t hit the mark for me.
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doink · 5 months
Perfecting Composition: Mastering the Crop Tool in Green Screen by DoInk
Welcome to our quick guide on harnessing the power of the Crop Tool in Green Screen by DoInk! In this blog post and video tutorial, we'll delve into how this essential feature empowers you to fine-tune your compositions with precision. Whether you're a teacher creating educational content or a content creator crafting visually stunning projects, mastering the Crop Tool will take your creations to the next level.
Key Objectives:
Introduction to the Crop Tool in Green Screen by DoInk
Step-by-step guide on utilizing the Crop Tool for precise composition adjustments
Real-world examples showcasing the versatility of the Crop Tool
Elevating your projects with polished and professional-looking compositions
With the Crop Tool in Green Screen by DoInk, achieving perfect composition has never been easier. Whether you're cropping out unwanted elements for the real world, resizing images, or fine-tuning your compositions, mastering this tool is essential for crafting visually stunning projects that captivate your audience.
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studiocapturelife · 6 months
Unlocking the Magic: Cinematic Photography Tips for Beginners
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Cinematic Photography Tips for Beginners
Lights, camera, action! Cinematic photography isn’t just about capturing a scene; it’s about telling a story, evoking emotions, and creating magic with your lens.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer looking to delve into the world of cinematic visuals, these tips will help you unlock the secrets to creating stunning cinematic photographs.
Top 7 Cinematic Photography Tips
Here are top 7 cinematic photography tips for you.
Understand Composition: Composition is key to cinematic photography. Be mindful of the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing. Try a variety of angles to give your photographs depth and visual appeal.
Remember, every element in the frame should serve a purpose and contribute to the overall story you’re trying to convey.
Master Lighting Techniques: Lighting sets the mood and tone of your photographs. Experiment with natural light, artificial light sources, and shadows to create dramatic effects.
To regulate the amount and direction of light, think about using diffusers and reflectors. To give your photos more depth and texture, experiment with light and shadow.
Choose the Right Location: Location can make or break a cinematic photograph. Look for interesting and visually appealing settings that complement your subject and story.
Pay attention to details such as architecture, textures, and colors that can enhance the mood of your photographs.
Whether it’s a bustling city street or a serene countryside landscape, choose locations that evoke the emotions you want to convey.
Capture Emotion and Storytelling: Cinematic photography is all about capturing emotion and storytelling. Focus on capturing authentic moments and expressions that evoke emotion in the viewer.
Pay attention to details such as gestures, facial expressions, and body language that can convey a narrative without words.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different storytelling techniques, such as sequential images or capturing a series of shots that tell a cohesive story.
Experiment with Color Grading: Color grading is an essential aspect of cinematic photography that can significantly impact the mood and atmosphere of your images. Experiment with different color grading techniques to create unique looks and styles that enhance the cinematic quality of your photographs.
Whether you prefer warm and vibrant tones or cool and muted hues, use color grading to evoke the emotions you want to convey in your photographs.
Focus on Details: Pay attention to the details in your photographs, as they can often make the difference between a good shot and a great one.
Experiment with different focal lengths, apertures, and depths of field to highlight specific details and create visual interest.
Whether it’s a close-up of a character’s face or a sweeping landscape shot, focus on capturing the details that add depth and dimension to your images.
Tell a Visual Story: Every cinematic photograph should tell a visual story. Think about the narrative you want to convey and use composition, lighting, and storytelling techniques to bring that story to life.
Whether it’s a portrait, landscape, or street photograph, aim to capture images that engage the viewer and leave them wanting to know more.
In conclusion, cinematic photography is a powerful medium for storytelling and expression. By mastering composition, lighting techniques, storytelling, and color grading, beginners can unlock the secrets to creating stunning cinematic photographs that captivate and inspire viewers.
So grab your camera, unleash your creativity, and start capturing the magic of cinematic photography today!
Are you looking for cinematic photographers for your weddings, pre-weddings, or any events? If yes, then connect with Studio Capture Life for the best cinematic photography in town!
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bettreworld · 6 months
Moving from a 2D space to 3D with Emma Ridderstad
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photosbyjez · 9 months
Great Masterwort: FOTD Dec 31 with Magical AI Artistry
Step into Jez's world where photography meets AI magic! 🌼✨ Explore our frosty days warmed by the sunny charm of Great Masterwort. See the transformation on our latest FOTD Dec 31 feature. #AIArtistry #PhotosByJez #aiartwork
Hi all 😃 My latest post for Cee’s FOTD. I am delving into my archives for warm, sunny shots during these frosty days. The Great Masterworts featured over the next couple of days are white (those last featured were pink); this led to a different feel for the images once enhanced. Any of you following my blog, will know I’m currently working on a project fusing my own photography with AI…
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rapid-reels · 7 months
Top Mind-Blowing Fun Facts You NEVER Knew! 3
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ancientroyalblood · 1 year
The Power of Descriptive Writing: How it Brings Stories to Life
In the world of literature, words hold a special kind of magic. They have the power to transport us to new realms, evoke emotions, and ignite our imagination. One of the most potent tools in a writer’s arsenal is descriptive writing. Beyond mere sentences, descriptive writing paints a vivid picture that engages all our senses. In this blog post, we will journey into the realm of descriptive…
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marketxcel · 9 months
Data Storytelling: Where Numbers Speak Louder Than Words
Discover the art of data storytelling where insights are painted through numbers. Uncover how data speaks volumes in this captivating narrative.
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