#Visit Santa
you are pitting Jesus and Santa Claus against each other. I am acknowledging Santa as both a mythic symbol of Christ and a cultural legend based upon a real man whose faithfulness to Christ was used by God to grant common grace not just to the people of Myra but throughout the entire world. we are not the same.
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revitalizationrat · 9 months
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Shout out to this amazing creature that scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it
Now it's my favourite interpretation of Santa Claus to ever be created, I love it >:D
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larissa-the-scribe · 11 months
Terrarium Lights
Part 1 of 3 for @inklings-challenge
An older lady befriends and adopts a ghost she found in her garden
Next part >>here
Michael Goffrey bid his wife farewell as he left for his next shipping job, and Gail Goffrey was once again faced with the fact that her house was cavernously empty.
She had expected the house to feel empty after her children grew up and moved on with their lives; that was the sort of thing one always heard about from the mothers and wives left behind. However, everyone seemed to stress the loneliness—not the rather more intense boredom.
Gail had always preferred quiet and alone time, so she did not take issue with the solitude. However, though she still had to cook and mend and clean and tidy and all the other tasks, it was one thing to do so for six people and quite another, shorter thing to do so for two. It was even less of a thing to do so for one, since Michael had been promoted to first mate and now had to accompany the airships personally, no longer simply loading and unloading at the cloudends as he once did.
Empty and meaningless. That’s what it felt like. With her family, she had people to help and care for. With just herself, she felt as though she were wasting time walking in circles for no other purpose than to exist.
She made it to the second day without any significant issue.
She was out tending to the herb garden when it happened—a bug wandered in front of her. That shouldn’t have been a problem. Bugs were some of her favorite creatures. But after the first smile, it hit her that she hadn't seen a new kind of one in months—this one already had three sketches in her notebook.
She’d run out of garden bugs to document.
Bugs, of all things. Bugs were everywhere, bugs had never-ending variations, bugs were constant. And she’d run out of them.
Stabbing the trowel into the earth perilously close to the offending bug, she sat back on her heels and looked up at the sky.
"Well, Lord, I reckon you put me on your good Earth for a reason. And I don't think it was just to sketch bugs." She smoothed her apron out, flicking bits of dirt off of it. "I also doubt I'm done with what I'm supposed to do down here, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But if you don't mind me saying, I'm awfully bored of where I am, though I do love my house and my husband and my town quite fierce. But I have all the time in the world, and I'd like to do good with it, if I could. So if you could show me what to do where I can—give me eyes to see as who I can do good towards—then I would appreciate it mightily."
Gail had prayed similar prayers before, with varying regularity. She knew the good Lord had heard her, as he always did. And if he answered with more solitude and time and boredom, then she supposed that was where she was meant to be for the moment. But she dearly hoped there might be something new this time.
So, really, she shouldn't have been surprised to see someone under the loquat tree. But then again, it had been raining since before dawn, so no one in their right mind would have been outdoors. She should know, since she herself had been out gathering moss for terrariums and hadn't heard a breath from anyone all day, even near the city.
Her first impression was that the lad was quite young. Younger than her youngest, in fact, who had not too long ago started her career as a professor at the nearby university. Looked perhaps like he could be one of her students. Very slight of build, as though he needed to eat more, and small looking as he sat hunched in the rain and letting the wet drip down his messy hair, full of loose ends that had gotten free from his ponytail.
Gail stood at the edge of her garden for a moment, resting her pail of moss against the stone border as she observed him.
He didn't move, just sat there with his face turned towards the soil, and didn't seem to see her. Part of his shoulder seemed stained, perhaps with mud. With the house not a few feet to the left, she wondered if he'd tried to knock and not gotten an answer, what with her out and about.
Well, unexpected or not, there was really only one thing to do.
Gripping her pail handle resolutely, Gail marched her way through the garden paths and stood in front of him. He shifted at the sound of her approach, turning his face up towards her—his eyes were pale, as if someone had sketched them on and not bothered with paint. What's more, up closer, the brownish stain on his shoulder looked rather like dried blood.
He tilted his head, as if trying to tell where the sound had come from.
"Well then," she said after a long moment of trying to figure out what to say, "who might you be?"
"Oh." He looked more directly at her, and somehow the eyes looked a bit more colored in, like they remembered they could be brown. "Dreadfully sorry, ma'am. I seem to have gotten lost in the rain. I hope you don't mind me taking a few moments here under your tree?"
He hadn't answered the question, but he seemed more surprised than shifty. "Not at all. Unpleasant weather to be lost in, for sure. If you'd like, you can wait it out under a roof."
"Oh," he said again, and looked to his left; this time it seemed like he understood what he was seeing. "I suppose that would be nicer."
"Well, you're welcome to my roof, if you’d like," she said. She wondered how long he would take her up on that.
He awkwardly stumbled to his feet before she could offer her hand. "That's very kind of you, ma'am."
"Would you like anything to eat?" She went ahead and led the way to the kitchen door.
He hummed thoughtfully. "Thank you ma’am, but I don't think I'm hungry."
She didn't think he would be, but, well, it wasn't like she had experience with this. Which concerned her—she had no idea what she was supposed to be doing. At least he didn't seem to be wicked. She supposed he must need a helping hand and, while she needed to figure out what that help was, he was still just a boy; she would do him the courtesy of treating him accordingly.
The porch and floors, old and creaky since long before she and her husband and infant son had moved in decades ago, greeted them with typical fanfare as they trudged over the threshold. She dripped her way over to the stove, where she put the kettle on; it was unlikely that her visitor would want any, but she most certainly did. Setting her pail of moss by the stove to deal with later, she glanced back to see the lad standing in the middle of the space, staring up at the roof.
Gail wondered if he noticed that he wasn't wet.
"Say," she said, carefully pulling teacups out of the cupboard, "what did you say your name was?"
He looked at her sharply. "I… I don't think I did."
"Hmmmm. Well, how should I call you, then?"
He stared at her.
In the background, the rain continued on.
"Should I just call you ma'am, then?" He said, smiling faintly.
Gail squinted at him. "Now then, young man, are you dodging the question deliberately, or do you just not have an answer?"
"Oh." He glanced around the kitchen, then back to her, and blanked. "Sorry, what was the question?"
Gail rested back against the counter. She picked up her glasses from where she'd left them this morning, and stuck them on, pushing the temples through her sodden mess of hair. "I was just asking what your name was."
His eyes widened. "I… don't… Didn't I answer that?"
"Not as I can recall."
"That… that was rude of me, then, wasn't it?" His eyes were still wide, and the brown was fading.
Maybe it was rude of her to keep pressing the matter. He seemed not to know. Gail pressed her glasses firmer on her nose, trying to reach some kind of decision—but whatever was going on with her guest had been set in motion.
"What is my name?" He asked, his voice rising. "I can't remember my name."
"That's alright, dear," she said, trying to distract him, calm him down. "Do you remember where you were before my garden?"
It had the opposite effect.
He stepped back, towards the door, and glanced around with eyes that no longer understood where he was. "No… I-I can't remember… where am I? Do you know my name?"
"I'm afraid I—"
The kettle shrieked into the space between them with a rush of steam.
The lad cast a wild glance in its direction, stepped backwards. Gail, startled into motion, scrambled to shut the thing off.
When she turned back, the space where he had stood was dry and empty. She and the rain and her pail of terrarium moss had been left alone again.
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christophermtaylor · 2 years
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Santa Monica, California
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avmlsu · 3 months
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Finished about 2/3 of my new set tonight. Here’s a couple of photos of the inside of the house and the Christmas tree (which lights up) 😀
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cityzenchick · 9 months
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Erling Jack and Phil 'Flying Home for Christmas' 🎄🎁🎅
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gobbluthbutagirl · 4 months
packing for my trip this week and i’m like when was the last time i actually went on a vacation that involved a flight…well it was 19 years ago. and 19 years ago i was 7 so i’m sure i was only minimally involved in the packing process
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
would anyone like to decorate my tree? this is the cutest shit ever I love it 🫶🏼
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No pressure tags for @undercoverpena @5oh5 @tightjeansjavi @swiftispunk @hier--soir @secretelephanttattoo @mrsmando and anyone else who wants to have a go!!
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kitxvoss · 11 months
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This year, instead of Kitbell Secret Santa, we'll be launching our Kitbell Advent Calendar! Every day in December, you'll unlock a new treat to countdown to Christmas! If you wish to contribute to the Advent Calendar and sign up for a day, please message us.
This can include: fan art, fics, playlists, edits-- there is no actual requirement of what it must be, it is totally up to your imagination. All we do ask is if you do sign up for a day, please let us know ASAP if you're going to be unable to fulfill it.
Because we are creating this on our own site, you are not required to be an actual member of any social media site or be credited by your social media tag if you don't wish to be -- it is completely up to you how you'd like us to credit you!
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loptrcoptr · 7 months
Lmao one of my friends is getting married in August so the friend group is planning trips etc. and my friend and her partner were thinking of flying into the us and then roadtripping from here (New Mexico) to LA, which I had volunteered to drive for and to take everyone to the Grand Canyon on the way, you know, all that jazz
So they are trying to buy tix from Heathrow to Denver and then not fly here but instead drive which is six hours and I’m kind of like… have yall ever driven for that long before, let alone on the wrong side of the road in a backwards car? Like my American ass did the 5 hour drive from London to wales once, first time doing the wrong car on the wrong side thing, and let me tell you I loooove long driving roadtrips and six hours is literally my preferred length of driving day but that 5 hours s u c k e d oh my god I was so scared the whole time, just white knuckling it the whole way.
They want to spend as many days in Colorado as possible, which is great and all, but still need to come here to meet me and, theoretically, take my truck to LA instead of a rental car. And I just know that if they drive all day to get here they won’t want to do anything the next day because they’ll be exhausted, so we won’t do anything fun and I won’t get to show them around and stuff and then we’ll get right back in the car for two more days. And I get a little irked when people don’t consider that there is, in fact, tourist stuff to do here. Honestly tourist stuff is the only stuff to do in this whole damn state, and where I am is just Colorado Adjacent™️, same damn landscape. but when I moved out here I thought it was gonna be like the Sahara or some shit, so I assume that’s what they’re thinking, and I don’t know how to make it clear to them that they should spend two days here if they intend to drive from Denver so they can see stuff, and if they tell me the kind of stuff they want to see, then I can plan accordingly. Because I think we’ll all be sad if they don’t get to spend any time here, because they’ll get here and go “oh wow it’s actually pretty, I would’ve liked to check it out” and idek? I don’t want to be pushy but may have to be like “listen if you bypass me because you think there’s nothing to do here I will be butthurt about it and feel like I missed out on sharing my new life with you” because I mean I’ve never been to Denver so maybe it’s awesome and they should just stay here but… don’t you want to come crash for free and let me chauffeur you around and go to ruins and tourist traps and national parks and go swimming in beautiful mountain streams and have a ride on my pony? I guess it’s one of those “I would love this, why don’t other people love this” kind of things
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larissa-the-scribe · 20 days
Terrarium Lights, Draft 1—Masterlist
An older lady finds a ghost in her garden, with no memories of who he is or where he came from, and together they set out to find the answers.
Story originally written as part of the 2023 Inklings Challenge, which took place over on @inklings-challenge
Part 1
Gail Finds a Ghost in Her Garden
Part 2
The Ghost Apologizes
Can You Touch a Ghost?
Gail and the Ghost Get to Know Each Other
The Ghost Doesn't Know He's a Ghost
Walking to the Graveyard
Names on Gravestones
An Unfortunate Lightbulb Moment
Part 3
Outside the Lighthouse Café
Haunting for Answers
Answers Cause More Questions
Inside the Lighthouse Café
Mrs. Seward's Story
Confirming the Ghost
A Ghost Has an Existential Crisis, pt 1.
A Ghost Has an Existential Crisis, pt. 2
The Fear of Unbeing
What's the Right Choice?
To Visit a Ghost
The Body
Bringing Him Home
A New Hello
Epilogue, of Sorts
Someone New in the Garden
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inamindfarfaraway · 10 months
A Visit From the Dark Knight
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and Gotham was calm,
Without even the blare of the Arkham alarm.
The city looked beautiful, dusted with snow.
But where were its heroes when crime was so slow? 
Oh, they were busy; their plan would ensure
That no child went wanting, no matter how poor.
Oracle - who sees not much less than Santa -
Had plotted the paths they each took, trading banter.
Now, Robin! Now, Batgirl! Now, Black Bat and Nightwing!
Leaping across streets and on rooftops alighting!
On, Red Robin! On, Signal, to the Narrows!
Away they all went, just as speedy as arrows!
Up and down Park Row, children shivering in rags
Would awake to Red Hood’s bountiful gift bags.
In the East End, Catwoman and Catgirl raced
To have every kid’s present purr-fectly placed.
Huntress fired stockings with her trusty crossbow.
Batwing soared overhead, dropping presents below.
No slum, shelter or shanty missed a donation,
Funded by the Martha Wayne Foundation 
(Or in Catwoman’s case, she’d rather not say, 
But Lex Luthor did lately have quite a bad day).
Batman himself carried over his shoulder
A Bat-sack of toys as big as a boulder.
No crisis or crime could have given him pause,
But a small murmur of “You’re not Santa Claus” 
Froze him in his tracks. In a thin, shabby nightgown,
A little girl stood and was staring him right down.
Not scared, but confused, because surely tonight 
Batman could rest with St Nick taking flight.
Could he not afford this one night off a year?
And of all parts of Gotham, why would he be here? 
Well, Batman crouched down and said, "I know it's strange.
Us heroes are doing Christmas for a change.
Santa Claus is having a night in this year.
Superman lives next door; it was his idea. 
I’ve left you some presents, but you mustn’t peek,
And you needn’t worry about food this week.
Although I'm afraid I haven't been as good. 
I just woke you up, while Santa never would. 
So let’s keep this between you and me, understand?”
She swore that she would and shook his gloved hand.
But then she asked softly, “Don’t you want to be
Back at home, safe and warm with your family?” 
He thought of his mansion, his riches, his gold,
And his loved ones out spreading joy in the cold.
He met the girl's eyes and felt no need to bluff.
“My family is Gotham, and I’m warm enough.” 
Batman, whose piercing, unwavering glare
Could flood wicked hearts with terror and despair,
Was smiling, though that may be hard to believe;
For he was the night - and it was Christmas Eve. 
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ghastspidergwen · 9 months
it's my birthday today! 19 now!
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avmlsu · 3 months
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Finished up the Santa’s visit set this afternoon. It was missing one piece on the chimney that I’m getting a replacement for. All in all it’s a very cute set even though I had a little trouble attaching some of the roof pieces the first time around. And as you can see Santa can even drop down the chimney.
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sometimes i randomly wonder what christmas movie characters are like year round
like, what would kevin mcallister be doing in the summertime bruh???
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francy-sketches · 2 years
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merry cringemas again
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