#Vine vera
leaderwebseo · 1 year
因為一罐潔面乳愛上 Vine vera,同時體驗超貼心換貨流程
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工作關係時常要跟客戶面對面開會,化妝是一件不可避免的事情,雖然平時只有淡妝加口紅,但是皮膚太敏感的關係,雖然每次卸完妝都會把臉洗得很乾淨,還是非常容易長痘痘,對我造成很大的困擾。不過意外使用 Vine vera 的產品之後,已經解決我的問題跟困擾,今天就來跟大家分享這次的購物經驗。
某天假日跟著朋友一起去百貨公司三樓逛街,打算挑一個好用一點的洗面乳,正巧看到旁邊專櫃的客人跟櫃姐買了一罐橘色外型的保養品,還聽到客人跟櫃姐說「每次洗完臉都很清爽,皮膚也慢慢變好了」,聽到這幾句關鍵字的我,也馬上拉著朋友靠櫃,想要試試看那位客人說的產品,這也是我跟 Vine vera 開始結緣的時刻。
櫃姐首先先從我最有興趣的維生素 C 潔面乳開始說起,她說這罐洗面乳在上妝前或者卸妝後,都能很完整地清潔髒汙,同時也加強後續保養品的吸收!因為裡面有添加維生素A、C、蘆薈,還有它們主打抗氧化的白藜蘆醇,所以是不少人回購必買的熱門產品;另一罐紫色瓶身的則是卡本內化妝水,一樣也能加強保養品吸收,早上化妝之前可以搭配使用,這樣化妝品也不容易脫妝、浮粉。
聽完之後我其實已經很心動打算結帳,不過櫃姊還是堅持要先拿手背來試用。首先潔面乳一接觸到右手手背,原本短暫的黏膩感變成非常保濕的感覺,櫃姐幫忙按摩吸收之後,有種皮膚變得很潔淨的感覺,手指摸過去也不會覺得很乾燥非常光滑;接著櫃姐塗了一些化妝水在左手手背,輕輕拍開後沒有任何殘留感,皮膚覺得很乾爽透涼,短短大約 15 分鐘的試用過程,已經讓我相信這兩款產品是真的很有用,也非常開心地帶著兩罐產品回家。
我先上網查詢一下 Vine vera 的政策,他們的規定是 45 天內帶著發票跟完整外包裝,到購買的專櫃可以換貨,所以趁著休假日到了百貨公司三樓的 Vine vera專櫃,很意外地是竟然又是同一位櫃姐,她認出我來笑著打招呼,我有點不好意思地開口詢問能不能換貨,她嚇一跳詢問我發生什麼事,我也據實以告說化妝水用不太到,櫃姐隨即馬上幫我現場處理,同時問我有沒有打算換哪個產品,我當下毫不猶豫地選擇再換一罐潔面乳來使用,因為對我來說真的是皮膚的救星,整個換貨流程不到 5 分鐘就結束了。
而且這也是我第一次買保養品打算換貨,靠櫃前一直很害怕自己會被當成奧客對待,但櫃姐一樣很貼心地幫忙迅速處理,這又讓我對於 Vine vera 的印象更好了,而且我還把潔面乳拿來跟媽媽分享,她也覺得非常好用,打算下次要跟著我一起去買其他產品來用用看,雖然這次因為換貨又拿到一罐潔面乳,距離下次靠櫃可能還要一段時間,不過心裡還是非常期待能再靠櫃回購,也很感謝那位櫃姊的貼心服務。
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lotuslia · 1 month
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Still working on that portrait page! Three more to go.
Redheads of clan Lavellan! Rissa is a shapeshifter and my old ttrpg character who just slid into my main worldstate to be Deshanna's Second. I posted Andri once already I think but she turned out very orange and misshapen, so I redrew her face entirely.
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levoiddreamer · 6 months
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Good morning vibes only today.
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rheya28 · 1 year
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Summit Lane Apartments ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC
♥ Hi guys, today's build is a New York inspired apartment block located in San MyShuno. It consists of three units with different layouts suited for all your beautiful sims!
I furnished 1 out of the 3 units. Feel free to furnish the rest! You also have the option to download a non-furnished version.
READ ME ♥ Please make sure to turn on bb.moveobjects on! ♥ Please DO NOT reupload or claim as your own. ♥ Feel free to tag me if you are using it (videos, photos, etch) I love seeing my build in other people's save files!
0:02 Intro
1:10 Speed Build
22:16 Photos
♥ Lot Details:
Lot Name: Summit Lane Apartments
Lot size: 30x30
Location: Spice Market, San MyShuno
TOOL MOD by TwistedMexi
Note: I have all parts of all sets in this list, so I highly recommend you guys dl them since I frequently use them in all my builds!
Awingedllama: Boholiving, Blooming Rooms
Greenllama: The Woodwind Collection
Joyce : Simple Living
Veranka: Ivy Vines (optional)
The Clutter cat: Dandy Diary
Harrie: Bafroom, Brownstone, COastal, Country, Octave, Shop the look 1 & 2, Spoons
House of Harlix: Baysic, Harluxe, Jardane, Livin RUm, Orjanic, Kichen, Tiny Twavellers
Felix Andre: Berlin, Chateau, Colonial, FLorence, Georgian, Gothic, Grove, Kyoto, London, Paris, Shopthelook, November 2017 , petite Trianon
CharlyPancakes: Much, Maple & S Construction, The lighthouse Collection, Chalk, Insomnia, MIscellenea, Modish, SMol, Modish
Kiwisim4: Blocklhouse bedroom, Blockhouse Outdoor Dining
LittleDIca: Chic Bathroom, Countryside Cabine, RIse&grind
MadameRia: Basic luxe
Mycupofcc: Maple manor- Modernist Collection
Marvell: Sienna COllection
Mlysim: Simple Clothes Racks
Myshunosun: Freja, Gale Dining, Lottie, SImmify, Teenage Dream
Peacemaker: Caine, Coba, Creta, Elsie, Hamptons, Hinterlands, Hundon Bathroom, Myra, Shaker Kitchen
Pierisim: Auntie Vera, Calderone, Coldbrew, David Apartment, Domaine Du Clos, MCM, Oak house, Teeny Weeny, The office, Tilable, Unfold, Winter Garden, Woodland Ranch
Charlypancakes x Pierisim: Precious Promises
Simplistic: Restoration Hardware , Distressed Floral Area
Sixam: Boho Bathroom, Cozy family room, SMall Spaces Laundry Room
Tuds: 2ndwave, Cave, NCTR, SHKR, Wave
Veranka: Ivy Vines (optional)
Charlypancakes: Munch, Maple & S Construction
FelixAndre: Chateau, Berlin, Colonial, Florence, Georgian, Gothic, Grove, Novermber 2017 set, Paris, Kyoto, Petite Trianon
Harrie: Brownstone Collection, Coastal
LittleDica: Countryside Cabin, Rise & Grind Cafe
FelixAndre x Harrie: Orjanic
Attention: This will be up on my Gallery later this evening! Tray files are all available now
♥ Tray file: Furnished (V1) , Unfurnished (V2)
♥ Origin ID: Applez
♥ Twitter: Rheya28__
♥ Tiktok: Rheya28__
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skele-bunny · 9 days
Anything Swissalps please!!
Rubs my grimey little hands together
(obligatory tag for @hypnoneghoul !)
Mountain doesn't really like the caterpillars and worms on his plants in the room, but knows they're very much needed. He's started to get used to them more bc Swiss names them and it's kinda their thing.
"Martin is fuckin' chowing down on this vera right now..."
"I thought Martin eats the peonies?"
"No that's his twin brother Jake."
Speaking of the plants!!! Swiss is VERY accustomed to them. His stand in Mountain when they aren't there. Always super reactive and love Swiss so so so much. They love holding him, helping him with tasks in the room, and just making sure he's okay. Swiss used them for... Self pleasuring reasons and literally only a minute in before Mountain stumbled in with the biggest hard on ever. He then learned that day that, yes, Mountain can feel and know everything the vines are doing/receiving.
Mountain who courts Swiss with wreaths and bones, flowers delicately picked and meaningful, and even down to foraging for him. Swiss who doesn't know how to court besides quintessence, but it just doesn't feel right. So he does what he does best!! Makes a song for Mountain!! It's kinda an air/water thing, but it's so specifically him that it doesn't really need an elemental label.
I'm sharing part of my hibernation Mountain propaganda and y'all are dealing with it. Mountain is GONE during the winter and Swiss is his hibernation mate even tho he doesn't really sleep like Mounty does. Lottt of grooming, breeding, and feeding as Mountain is running purely on instincts and can't really form coherent thoughts outside of those instincts. He just knows "my mate needs to eat." "my mate doesn't smell like me and I need to fix that internally and externally." Swiss doesn't mind it as he's still able to get up and move around, sometimes leave the room for quick trips to the kitchen and back. Swiss usually curls up on Mountain's torso and he's held sooo tenderly by this big furry beast. He LOVES it.
Mountain wears glasses but he loses them a LOT. Swiss always has an extra pair on him just in case which has come in handy multiple times. Swiss always demands them back once Mountain is done using them. "I'm not letting you lose the only backup pair you have, dork."
Big boy is embarrassed about wanting to be topped, but ohhh Swiss knows. He knows. Loves putting Mountain in the most submissive positions like doggy, missionary, or a mating press, but fuck does Mountain love it. He loves feeling smaller for once, loves watching his yin on top of him just whispering the most embarrassing things you could ever think of.
I've talked about Mistress Judas a few times, Swiss' bdsm persona, but... With Mountain? Ohh at her feet for anything she says. She makes him feel stupid. Weak. Lower. Small. It's what he wants and needs, and she's more than happy to provide. Big on breath play, boot play, and her whip. Best aftercare in the world, and Mountain wouldn't have it any different as he's massaged and given such tender kisses, words, and affections.
Mountain who sees Swiss as his art form—as art itself. As yin and yang. As everything right in the world. Something something, he's so dumb in love he can't think and just writes all of his love frustration on paper and hands it to Swiss who keeps them safe in a folder he reads through a lot.
Something something they're so in love it's sickening.
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
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[Image description: Digital fanart of Vera Misham from Ace Attorney. The lineart is wobbly and expressive, and the shading places particular emphasis on the wrinkles in the clothes. Vera is shown from the waist up, looking off to the side with a small smile. She wears her usual pink bandana on her head, an oversized blue overcoat, a striped salmon pink button up shirt, and brown high waisted pants. She holds a blue sketchbook under one arm. The background is purple and is filled with heavily stylized vines and lilies of the valley. Two tall, wobbly leaves frame her on either side. End description.]
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brenayla · 24 days
I don't think I've stopped thinking about eldritch Mulder and Scully since I read your fic about them yesterday. If you're taking requests I would love to read about their first meeting.
hi! I'm always taking requests it just might take me a minute to get to them depending on irl stuff. here you go:
The separation burned.
There is an oft-repeated Scully family tale that goes something like this: one Thanksgiving, little Dana climbed into her father’s lap as he slumped back in an armchair, complaining of indigestion. Mom had gone to fetch him an antacid.
“Daddy,” she’d said solemnly, “I have heartburn, too.”
The adults thought that she was just darling. At that age, she did not have the wherewithal to insist. No, but Daddy, it burns.
In college and med school, she’d blamed the stress and her poor diet for the pull in her chest, yanking her around without a discernable direction. Mom carried each of her siblings to full term – just past 41 weeks with Bill – but Dana came early and was walking at ten months. She had places to be.
She was different.
The basement office is dim and soft.
When the man inside turns around in his chair, she cannot resist stepping forward any more than she could stop her gut from digesting her lunch or will her heart into going still.
Purely out of habit and Catholic school manners, she tells him, “I’m Dana Scully.” It feels pitifully superfluous.
How silly to give him her name when he already knows her deepest, darkest secret; the vibrant, shifting thing inside her that she has learned well to mask.
They are different.
Fox Mulder’s hand is made of aloe vera and lush emerald vines that spiral warm up the inside of her wrist. He swells with crisp jungle rainwater; pupils woven with liquid gold. He dims the spring sun in the middle of the afternoon.
The meat of her palm melts into his, dripping with pearls of oxygen rich blood.
“Hi,” he says, sizzling with invigoration so strong it flickers the lights. “Hi, Scully.”
“Hi, Mulder.”
soulmates as cryptids AU
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I was intrigued when I read that you can eat your way thru the backyard. It has a tier garden and so many features that the description says, "If you love this home, know that it loves you more." (I wonder if my apt. loves me.) It was built in 1987 in Escondido, California, has 4bds, 3.5+ba, $5.990M.
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Everything about this house revolves around nature and the living room certainly brings the outdoors in.
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This is so pretty, I love the airy, colorful look. It's comfortable and has that conservatory vibe.
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Notice the natural crack in the wood countertop on the island.
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The table is placed in a vertical corridor of the home.
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There's the use of natural woods in the architectural design.
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View from the 2nd level.
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Open, yet hidden from view, bathroom.
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Isn't that an interesting sauna design- it's an infrared light therapy sauna.
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There's a bedroom that must be the primary.
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The large baths on the ground floor have seating areas.
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Smaller secondary bedroom can sleep 2 guests or 2 children with this built-in bunk.
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There's a rooftop deck outside the family room.
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But, this house is all about outside. A tiered deck leads down to a lap pool. The waterfall reminds me of some sort of mine.
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Your dog(s) will love this b/c they can run wild- the entire perimeter of the property is fully fenced in.
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This yard is like a resort, isn't it?
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Here's a built-in hot tub.
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The garden includes everything from apples and bananas to aloe vera; berries, figs, peaches, pears, plums, Meyer lemons to pomegranate, grapefruits, avocado, lime, grape vines, sprouts ....you name it.
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There's so much land to explore. This looks like a gardening area.
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The garden beds are protected with fencing and the trees on the hill must be fruit trees.
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They don't mention what this building is, but it looks like a guest house.
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 This home has a private well with a whole house filtration system, and owned solar.
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quis-on-flightrising · 3 months
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A big day for Wild Orchard Hatchery!
Wild Orchard Lore: Arc 1, Arcane Nightmares, Chapter 1
The Obelisk and Fathom half landed, half fell through the underbrush, winded and stumbling.
"Are we close?" the Obelisk panted.
The Fathom nodded. "There's definitely a strong source of magic near by."
"You still think it's strong enough to get this thing off our backs?"
"I think so. We'd better hope so, it's getting close."
The Obelisk nodded, helped the Fathom untangle a leg from a vine he'd become snared in, and the two of them struggled on.
Towards the Orchard that they didn't know was there.
Cirrus checked her speed before entering the clearing up ahead. It felt disrespectful to just go crashing right up to your clan matriarch's nose as if it was nothing. She took a moment to catch her breath- a messanger who can't talk is no use- before approaching the Guardian sitting in the leaf litter between the massive trees.
"Dusk, I'm sorry to bother you, but important news," she announced. Dusk turned her head, and Cirrus imagined that she could hear the creak of wood like a tree groaning under a strong wind.
"Go ahead."
"Vera and Rosa both agree that they can sense something big coming this way. It's not close yet, but it's on the edge of their senses, and it's not going away."
Dusk rumbled and stood up slowly. "I'll come closer to the orchard in case I'm needed at home. Make sure Brocade is warned too, if you can find him." She stopped and chuffed a laugh. "What am I saying. You can find him."
"I'll make sure he's ready to go to work."
Chittam flared his wings as full length as the trees and vines around would allow, bracing himself in the path of the two dragons that were rushing his way. They skidded to a stop when they saw him and one fell over, from exhaustion by the look of it. Chittam mentally switched gears from 'stop the intruders' to 'help the travelers' and lowered his wings.
"You're in Wild Orchard territory," he called out to them. "Do you need help?"
"Territory… what?" the dazed Fathom said as he strugled back to his feet. "You don't mean there's dragons living in this area."
"Quite near by, yes."
"There's some kind of terrible magic contamination near here! It's too dangerous!"
"We know about it," Chittam said guardedly. "We have it managed."
The Fathom and Obelisk exchanged openly terrified looks.
The Obelisk spoke next. "There's something dangerous chasing us. We led it to the magic here because we thought it would be deserted."
Chittam swore softly. "You should come back with me and tell our people what you can before whatever it is gets here."
"You don't understand," the Obelisk insisted. "You need to evacuate."
"We don't evacuate the Orchard. We defend it, or we die in it. I'm happy to take you with me to a safe place where you can rest, or to let you go onward, but I have to go report this in right away so we can prepare."
"So you're why our Arcane girls have been having nightmares," Salica said, checking his newly arrived guests over and applying smears of salve to the scratches and cuts they'd gained from charging heedless through the Labyrinth.
"Nightmares?" the Obelisk, a lady named Tisana, asked.
Salica nodded. "Whatever you've led here has enough of an aura to set their sense off. They've been having terrible nightmares for days."
"So let me make sure I have this right," Chittam asked from off to the side. "You don't know what it is, you just know it's hunting you, and you can feel it coming?"
"It sounds silly when you put it like that," the Fathom, named Velare, said with a flinch as Salica's treatments sank into his cuts. "But yes. My father was cursed with a haunting, and I can feel that something is tuned in on me, coming after me. My only thought has been to get away from it."
"We'll be ready," Chittam said stonily whil Salica delicately wrapped a bandage around Velare's tail. "Everyone is getting into place. Whatever it is, we'll meet it."
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mysteryideasgroup · 3 days
MSA X TMNT 2012: Within The Woods AU: Search for Raph
[In the woods, Raph is trying to chop some woods... but then someone's shadow arrives... ominous music plays.]
Raph: What was that? Who's there?
[Raph sees a deer.]
Raph: [Sighs in relief.] Just a deer. Phew. Easy, Raph. Don't get paranoid.
[A massive figure approaches her and covers her up with vines, causing Raph to shriek in terror. This shriek continues, until the figure lunges at him and his shriek stops. Cut to the farmhouse. Outside, everyone is calling out for Raph.]
Mikey: RAPH! He's been gone for hours. RAPH!
They waited for Raph to return from the woods... They realize that something has gone wrong... They are split up into teams. Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu are staying. Master Haruki and Mistress Chelsea are staying here looking after them. 
[The others look for Raph.]
Casey: Raph! Can you hear us?!
April: Don't you think he'd answer?
Leo: All right, we split up. April, Bart, Josh, Matilda Miles, Molly, Jaxson, Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, Varian, Stephanie, Sammy, Jerry, Sandra, Gary, and Casey, you guys take that way. Mikey, Cera, Maisy, Mike, Ecole, Misti, Terry, Paul, Randy and Donnie, you take that way. Sarah, Sapphire, Samantha, Ruby, and Starletta with Laura Sylvia, Sardonyx, Sparkle-Sprinkles, and Sueanne, you take that way. Mystery Investigator Teams, Mystery Demon Hunters Teams, Mystery Skulls Teams of Associates, you take that way. The Amazing Mystery Teams, Mystery Hunters Teams, Mystery Slayers Teams, and The Heroes of Mysterious Teams, you take that way.
Mikey: [stubborn] Split up? 
Sarah: Right, we need to stay together, teams.
Vera: Are you loco, homey?
Donnie: [disappointed and jealous] April and Casey go off alone? Together?
2012 Nick Leo: Mikey, Cera, Maisy, Mike, Ecole, Misti, Terry, Paul, Randy and Donnie, you take that way. 
[Donnie groans in frustration.]
April: What about you?
Leo: We’ll wait at the farmhouse in case Raph comes back. We won't be much help out there, anyway. 
Haruki: … We think he’s right hope… 
Chelsea feels not good about Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu 
[Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu limp away sadly, Mistress Chelsea and Master Haruki are staying with them. April frowns with sympathy for Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu, and then Bart, Josh, Matilda Miles, Molly, Jaxson, Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, Varian, Stephanie, Sammy, Jerry, Sandra, Gary, and Casey take her away. They begin to leave into the forest.] 
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my MSA ocs sonas and my New MSA ocs sonas, (my MSA X TMNT ocs sonas and my New MSA X TMNT ocs sonas)
All belongs to her MSA ocs sonas and her New MSA ocs sonas, (her MSA X TMNT ocs sonas and her New MSA X TMNT ocs sonas)
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows 
TMNT belongs to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
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I want to fill you all in on my current obession.
Plant Preds.
(Botanical Humanoids, Carnivorous Plants, etc.)
There are countless examples in media of plants nomming people so it got me thinking about the details of what being eaten by a plant/plant-person would probably be like.
Is the mouth textured like a flytrap?
Would their stomach be like a pitcher plant or just a tangle of vines?
Or just like the inside of a head of lettuce?
Would it smell sweet? Floral? Or like something else?
Instead of saliva would it just be aloe vera?
Or like an essential oil?
What kind of noises would it make?
Maybe the sounds of vines moving?
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unexpectedplantblr · 6 months
running list of identified plants on my property:
lemon 🍋 (myers suspected)
cherry 🍒 x 2 (one is tagged rainier cherry)
peach 🍑 x 3 (one is tagged black boy dwarf peach)
apple 🍎 x 3 (one is tagged vanilla ice cream apple, which i suspect is a unique hybrid.)
pear 🍐 x 2 (one i am still not positive of)
plum x 3 (one is tagged coe’s golden drop)
fig (and fig and fig and fig. i see chainsaws in my future)
mulberry x 2 (will remain in their pots until further notice)
lemon cucumber 🥒 (new addition, my garden pick)
cherry tomatoes 🍅 (new addition, my moms garden pick)
grape 🍇 x ? (1 found living vine, tagged thompsons seedless. other vine scraps pulled that may not have quite given up yet)
rose (tagged david austin)
easter cactus (struggling. was my grandmas)
daffodils (were flowering before house purchase now wildly overgrown)
geraniums (hot pink!)
false shamrock
redvein chinese lantern
giant sequoia
aloe vera x 5+
foxtail fern
teensy lil asparagus (not very edible)
venus flytrap
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vera-deville · 1 year
Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 5 - Moonlight (Kyoya Ootori)
09/19/2023 - 09/23/2023
Pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Reader
Word Count: 405
Warnings: Tamaki's shenanigans
Gender: AFAB
Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover
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Kyoya has seen that look on Y/N's face before. Multiple times, in fact. The joy that seems to light up her entire face as she twirled around and in-between the guests and the hosts. Her laughter was hard to describe.
Sometimes it would sounds like fairies twinkling (or at least Kyoya believed that's what they'd sound like), and other times, Y/N sounded not unlike a horse guffawing. There was no in-between.
"C'mon Kyo! Dance with me!" Y/N latched her hands into his, effectively dragging him onto the dance floor. Allowing a small grin to take place on his face, he lead Y/N into a classic waltz. The music soon changed into something more upbeat, "Let's see how well you can tango Ootori~"
Taking her challenge to heart, Kyoya swept Y/N of her feet into a deep dip, deliberately moving his face closer, to her face, until right at the perfect moment, he pulled back, leaving said girl feeling flustered.
After some time, Kyoya and Y/N decided to have a break, (Y/N's feet were killing her), but they still wanted to spend time together. Locking her arm around Kyoya's, she lead him to the outdoor garden (conveniently placed right outside the ballroom, for dramatic escapes during lovers' quarrel, one could only assume).
The pair sat inside the gazebo nearest to them (because that gazebo was most definitely not the only one in existence on school grounds, knowing the minds of Suoh men). This gazebo in particular was one that was not surrounded at all sides with rose bushes, and instead had vines that crawled around it. It was very open, and Y/N could see the moon from where they were sat in the structure. "Isn't the moon so pretty?"
"The moon is always pretty," Kyoya replied.
"But she looks exceptionally beautiful tonight. Something's different tonight."
Kyoya looked at Y/N's face. The way the moonlight hit her face wasn't like the way the lights in the ballroom hit her face. It was much more gentle, much less artificial, and so perfect for her. The dim lighting of the gazebo should have tampered with how the lighting enhanced her beauty, but somehow, it didn't. She looked just as lovely as he always saw her.
Y/N started talking about something, Kyoya couldn't tell what. All he knew was that he had the moonlight to thank for this beautiful view.
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Author's Note: I swear I was absolutely stuck on this one, because I had no idea how to write this-
I had a concept, only to butcher it immediately after I start writing. #writingthings
See you in the next fic!
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triptychofvoids · 5 months
Any particular plants you like? Flowers, vines, trees, all that. I know you like the physiology side of biology, but botany is also a fun branch as well! Only curious is all :3
well im certainly far from a botanist aheh,, but i do like plants! i just havent given it much thought.... i like flowers! lavender, forget me nots, rosa banksiae, lillies, camomile, just about any red flower, etc. hm... i dont think i have a favorite tree but i do like them. i think it would be a little strange if you didnt like trees. and ive always found venus fly traps very interesting!! and aloe vera too
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snugglesquiggle · 2 months
what is your ideal evil lair
not sure we could agree on one
Ambivalence would want a ruined lighthouse, whose guttering light shines like a fading hope in the fog of the world, with collapsing stone walls that form perches on which to brood and ponder the desolation of all things
Astore would want a resplendent castle, staffed with servants, ornamented with gilded and crystalline wonders, vaults collecting treasures only rivaled by libraries cataloguing rare tomes, together a hoard of glory and wisdom, as secure as it is envied
Amiri would want a underground lab filled with greenhouses and gadgets. halls trailing with cords and creeping vines. automatic doors, automatic dispensers, little robots, and except the central computer is half digital half fungus, interfacing with mycorhizzal network. imagine a mycellia with cable management.
Selena would want a colorful little house in the clouds, plush with fluffy carpets and furry animals, and maybe a dungeon to chain up cute girls. there would be spooky thunder sometimes to make it look menacing from afar (and also very cozy inside). maybe it's always raining a little bit
Haven would want... okay Haven can't be assed to come up with one, so i guess she's cool being the monster in Selena's dungeon. or just taking a page from Vera's book and sinking into the depths of the abyss
and like, i guess they're not so incompatible you couldn't combine this all together into one mega-lair for the whole system, with a little compromise
not sure if that's a complete answer to the question but it is past 2 am over here so i think we should implement the evil scheme advised in this image:
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ninadaily · 1 year
freshvinewine :
"Meet the Rosé Refresher 😍
2 Parts Fresh Vine Wine Rosé
1 Part Aloe Vera Liquor
1 Part Fresh Lemon Juice
Shake in a cocktail shaker with ice and pour over ice in your favorite glass! Top with sparkling water or soda water and garnish with fresh rosemary and a lemon slice. Cheers! #FreshVineWine"
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