#Villainous Weekend
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waymond-wang · 2 years ago
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I was a 1995 International Players Ball "Pimp of the Year." Show me some motherfucking respect!
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sunderwight · 7 months ago
If Tianxi were T4T they'd both have survived.
Especially if the Old Palace Master didn't know about it (and why would he? I don't think Su Xiyan would tell him and TLJ definitely wouldn't). Somehow word gets around that the demon realms are celebrating because Tianlang Jun is going to have a child. OPM, already aware that Su Xiyan has shacked up with him (and furious about it), takes this to mean that Xiyan is pregnant and does his usual thing of locking her up and forcing an abortive on her while plotting to ambush and trap TLJ.
Except of course, Su Xiyan isn't pregnant enough for the abortive to do more than make her somewhat ill, and Tianlang Jun is too busy giving birth to fall for an ambush. Su Xiyan escapes, Tianlang Jun safely delivers Binghe, and they all ride off into the sunset with Zhuzhi Lang and threats of declaring open war if the other sects ally with Huan Hua Palace to try and make any kind of move against them again.
The old palace master never does figure out why his plan didn't work.
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vebokki · 1 year ago
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do NOT show kindness to the isolated werewolf in the village! you'll suffer terrible consequences (everlasting devotion and clinginess)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
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raineandsky · 2 months ago
This is for @pleasantkryptonitewinner who requested the New Better Villain taking on the villain's hero and gettin a lil too violent with it :) hope you enjoy!!
tw: implied violence, blood
The hero, for lack of a better word, looks normal.
The villain isn’t sure what he was expecting. Most people look normal. But all those years under a mask, a charade… it kind of became all that the villain could see him as. The hero. Even now, looking him in the eye as the person he is—really is—it doesn’t seem real.
That and, well— the villain can’t deny that he’s pretty alright to look at. That was certainly an unexpected twist.
The other villain—the bastard he’s cursed to work with, the jackass taking his job, his nemesis, his city—has the hero in a death grip. It feels like it’s all moving in slow motion. The two of them are tousling, kind of, as much as they can tousle with the other villain raining hellfire on a hero that’s well out of his depth.
It’s strange, that the other villain seems to be the outlier here. The hero and the villain have danced around each other for years. It’s been some sort of unspoken rule that they never quite hit hard enough to truly maim. But the hero came here, probably expecting the villain, expecting their usual song and dance, and instead got met with an entirely different tune.
Does the villain want the hero dead? Does he want their game to end? He doesn’t have time to decide.
“[Other Villain],” he snaps, “stop it.”
The other villain leans back, his fist still balled in the hero’s shirt, his other pulled back for yet another strike. “Oh, sorry.” His chest is heaving, as if he’s the one losing here. “You want a go?”
The villain doesn’t know what his answer would be to that. “I think he’s got the idea. Leave off.”
The other villain doesn’t move. The hero wipes idly at the blood painting his mouth.
Like a child asking a genuine question, the other villain simply says, “Why?”
“Because you’re ruining my fun.” True. “You’re taking over on my nemesis.” True. “You’re on my watch.” Half-true, without the supervillain to take charge. “I know this life better than you. Let me do my job and stop butting in.”
“You’ve been fighting [Hero] for years without any progress.” The other villain’s brow knits, genuinely confused. “I’m doing you a favour.”
The villain glances down at the supposed favour he’s getting. Blood splatters the hero’s face, deep crimson painting his clothes. Something of a black eye is already appearing, and the villain hates that noticing that means he also notices that the hero is looking right at him.
He’s not sure why it’s so off-putting. Should he have caused that? Does he want it to have happened at all? His emotions are clashing together in a horrendous cacophony and deciphering any of them is impossible.
“Let go, [Other Villain].”
The slight frown turns into something more hateful. “No.”
“Your violence isn’t welcome in this so-called partnership. Pull it together, or go tell [Supervillain] you ruined his plan.”
“You’re generations out of date, [Villain].” It comes out of the other villain’s mouth as a spit. “Violence is the way forward. I’m helping in ways you’ll clearly never understand.”
The villain isn’t entirely sure why he lurches for the other villain, much like he hasn’t been sure of anything since the hero showed up here and ruined what was already a fairly shitty day.
The other villain has his work cut out for him with an opponent that’s not already half-dead, it seems. The two of them land in a heap on the ground, the other villain’s grappling for his partner’s throat and the villain’s grip tight on the other’s wrists and the air disappears from the villain’s lungs and the world seems so far away and everything is muffled—
The villain gasps his next breath, scrambling away unsteadily. The world slowly comes back into focus, the hum of the city below and his own haggard breathing tuning back in. He swallows nothing, the feeling a sharp burn in his throat, and whips around to look for the other villain.
The villain finds him on the ground, unmoving, the lightest trail of blood trickling from his nose. The hero is sitting next to him with a battered road sign lying at his feet, staring off into nothing.
“Did—” The word hurts. The villain tries to clear his throat and only makes it feel worse. “Did you hit him with a roadwork sign?”
The hero huffs a sort of laugh that melts quickly into a cough. He doesn’t look at the villain when he says, “Think it was about time I hit him back, wasn’t it?”
“I didn’t know you had it in you. You’ve never hit me quite that bad.”
The hero actually laughs this time, the sound choked. “You pull what he just did and I’ll consider it.”
The villain hums a sort of laugh as well, settling on the floor opposite, and the two of them fall into silence. They’re both too tired to say much anyway.
This is another strange experience. The hero and the villain usually fight and go their separate ways. This sort of… hanging out is new. Different—and thankfully not the type of different that got them here in the first place.
The hero smiles at him, and even through the bloody face paint and the blooming bruises, the villain hates that he still looks good. Looks normal. Looks like a nice civilian that the villain would end up curiously following for a couple blocks because his half-decent face caught his attention.
The hero is, the villain supposes, a person too. Another civilian that looked at the state of the world and took up a side, just like the villain did.
“Thank you,” the hero says through the daze of annoyance, “for saving me.”
“Eh.” The villain waves a nonchalant hand. “It’s not like you were going to do it.”
That earns another choked laugh. “Ah, you’re funnier than you like to admit, [Villain].”
The villain scoffs in offence and quiet falls over them again. “Thanks as well, I guess, for…” He gestures vaguely at the other villain lying next to them. “Hitting my colleague over the head with a road sign.”
The hero’s smile grows. “You’re welcome.”
The hero reaches for his mask, just as stained red and tattered as its owner. He turns it over in his hands for a moment, slow and thoughtful, before carefully putting it back over his face. “Back to the heroics, then,” he says lightly.
The villain nods, but he’s not really listening. He finds that, now he’s seeing the person he’s familiar with, he preferred the hero without his mask after all.
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Gemini/Separated Leo/Tentative Devotee/Villain PB&J Duo vs Empyrean Weeping/Bloodbath/Life Mission
Gemini AU- @tangledinink
Separated Leo AU -@separatedleoau
Tentative Devotee - @s0fti3w1tch
Villain PB&J Duo AU - @onionninjasstuff
Empyrean Weeping - @cupcakeslushie
Bloodbath AU - @bloodbath-au
Life Mission: Save My Brothers - @daedelweiss
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morelikeravenbore · 17 days ago
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How to Make a Villain, final chapter.
It was a wonder she hadn't immediately noticed them; almost decorative in the way they adorned her skin, it was hard to believe that the curlicues of scar tissue had been imparted by torture. Not jagged and hacked as if carved by knifepoint, but delicate brush strokes: a pretty flourish, an intricate filigree, as if whoever had inflicted them had done so lovingly, and with care. 
So softly she barely felt it, Sebastian traced the path the pain had taken with his fingertips, following the thickest scar down her chest to where it disappeared beneath her nightgown. Just shy of slipping under, he let his touch linger there, thumbing the edge of silk and lace.
‘Do they hurt?’ he breathed. 
She shook her head no, then lifted her head to press her lips to the mottled bruises on his throat. 
‘Do these?’ she whispered.  
He swallowed roughly, Adam's apple bobbing beneath her lips. ‘N-no.’
— How to Make a Villain, final chapter [coming soon]
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nighty-amy · 1 year ago
I want a boss like him
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19silvermirrors · 8 months ago
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Qijiu's lilac garden has grown lush for YQY Weekend💜💜
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i-dare-say · 3 months ago
When life has me down, I know that random ao3 comment will save me
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there's just... there is no reason to make yet another cop show in this day and age. copaganda is not only bullshit, it is a failure of imagination.
you want to watch brooding characters with dark pasts investigate crimes in an official capacity? just use private detectives (cops have a miserable solve rate anyway). want eccentric geniuses & their sidekicks solving mysteries? i present you with armchair detectives & neighborhood busybodies. oh, you're craving a workplace comedy-drama starring overworked protagonists doing their heartfelt best to resolve community conflicts? social worker office sitcom! bitch this is ACHIEVABLE
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duchess-of-dilemma · 6 months ago
I’m scared to get therapy because what if I’m talking to the next harley quinn
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raineandsky · 11 months ago
When the doorbell rings, the hero’s kind of hoping it’s the pizza delivery guy.
They open the door to find, tragically, not the pizza delivery guy.
“Uh,” the villain says, “hi.”
The hero isn’t entirely sure what sequence of words would best fit this scenario. “Hi?” is the best they can do.
The villain shuffles on their feet awkwardly. A pause hangs between them, filled by the distant roar of the city beyond. “I thought you’d ask why I’m here,” they say eventually.
“I’m more concerned about how you’re here.”
A smile threatens the corners of the villain’s mouth. “We know where all you heroes live.” The smile fades into nothing again. “Or just I know, now, I guess.”
“Okay.” The hero squints at the villain uncertainly. “I’ll entertain you. Why the hell are you standing outside my door?”
“No one wants to be a villain anymore. Everyone quit.” The villain’s face contorts into some unreadable expression. “It’s just me.”
That doesn’t sound right. From the villain’s slight grimace, they know it too. “Everyone… quit villainy,” the hero repeats.
“There’s nothing to gain from it anymore. We had a vote and I was the only one who wanted to keep going.” The villain’s gaze dips to their hands as if they hold answers. “They left me everything, but… I can’t do it all on my own. So I’m turning myself in.”
The hero stares at the villain for a long moment. “Even [Supervillain].”
“Especially [Supervillain].”
The hero steps aside with a sigh. The villain looks like they’re being invited into a pit of wolves. “You want me to come into your house?”
“My handcuffs are in my living room cabinet and I don’t trust you standing out there. It’s cold, anyway.”
The villain closes the door behind them in an uncharacteristic show of politeness as the hero digs through their drawers. They’re wiping their shoes on the mat when the hero gets back, cuffs in hand.
The villain holds their hands out and the hero clicks the cuffs around their wrists. It’s almost too easy. The question is sitting on the tip of their tongue.
“What’s the catch?”
The villain doesn’t seem surprised by the question. They shrug halfheartedly. “Dunno.” They glance about for inspiration. “All the others have gone into hiding, I guess. You have me, but everyone else will probably evade you for the rest of time.”
“Much like they already do.” The hero manoeuvres them to the sofa in the living room, giving them a nudge to make them actually sit down. “You make it sound like you’ve been left in charge of the entire criminal organisation.”
The barking laugh the villain lets out is entirely fake. Too sharp, too short. “I have.”
“So villany will collapse without you.”
The villain shrugs again, the motion laden with effort. “Not like anyone else was willing to carry that burden—and I’m not either, hence why I’m, y’know…” They gesture vaguely at themself, in cuffs, in the hero’s living room.
The villain goes, villainy is defeated. No more villains, no more big crimes, no more heroes. Everything the agency has worked to be would collapse. The hero would be out of a job. It'd be over.
Yet here the villain is, giving everything up, taking the entirety of villainy down with them. The sole survivor of a shipwreck and wishing they’d gone down with the ship. A ship they don’t seem to realise the hero is on too.
The doorbell rings again, and the hero leaves the villain carefully settling on the sofa to answer it. They return with a giant grin on their face and a giant pizza box in their hands.
“Let’s worry about all this afterwards,” the hero says brightly. They brandish the box at the villain in the hopes of tempting them. “Want some?”
The tempting works; the villain reaches for a slice. “What a last meal.”
The hero sets the box on the coffee table as they flop back on the sofa. “I don’t know, [Villain],” they say with a smile, “I don’t think it has to be.”
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jorbridgerton1 · 8 months ago
I saw another post that people should stop bulling Lando because max is the bad big wolf .... Dude I need to log off I can't anymore this people are really blind. Max is bully every race week! People booing him in the podium throwing him every curse in the world and now you crying because we are calling that whiney brat for what he says in the interview??! Like dude be for real I understand the pressure they are under and that he's upset at the moment but when you have the "villain of f1" being an adult and being mature and then you have the driver of the day the people princess crying and being a bitch you have to revaluate the what you saying. I get it you want to defend your fav but saying that Lando do nothing wrong and saying that he's Innocent in all of this and treating him like a little baby is not it
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naixaie · 2 years ago
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. 🍓🍊🐝✨
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2hoothoots · 1 year ago
It sounds like the Raz in your Villains AU would be more emotionally stunted than the proper FSAU Raz. I can imagine the Performer and Lover archetypes either didn't form to balance out the Agent archetype, or we have a Cassie situation. Maybe the Agent archetype usurped them and Raz ate his feelings.
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It's not that I can't. I just find it more prudent to focus my energy elsewhere.
v!au Raz doesn't have any archetypes. he never really saw the need to develop any. what's a guy like him need a little doodle friend for? he's already a walking one-dimensional paper cutout
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