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Ladyada's desk gets a scope cart
We've always wanted a portable scope cart
for our workspace to have our test equipment either by the desk for firmware work or at the soldering worktable for rework debugging. At our new office, we finally have space for one! We picked up this 'dental cart'
- It is not super fancy, but it is metal, and it came together fairly easily. We like the mini top shelf for the scope and the second shelf underneath for the power supply and electronic load. The drawer can hold leads or probes. We've locked it next to our desk so we have more desktop space, and it's easy to peek over as we bring up new boards like the metro RP2350
We'll also get the VGA output into our video streaming setup to show off signals we're working on.
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…. Beyond live more like beyond words what are those prices
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10. Juli 2024
Hahn essen hinterm Wohnwagen und der Jugendmedienschutz
Der Tagespresse entnehme ich, dass eine weitere Erwachsenenvideoplattform in die Liste der "sehr großen Onlineplattformen" des Digital Services Act der EU aufgenommen wurde, von der ich allerdings noch nie etwas gehört habe. Das erwischt mich unvorbereitet, also muss ich natürlich sofort nachschauen, um was es eigentlich geht. Denn es kann ja nicht sein, dass ich einen Dienst von dieser Liste nicht kenne, wo es doch explizit um sehr große Plattformen geht, die alle kennen. Also anscheinend alle außer mir. FOMO, ick hör dir trapsen.
Die Seite ist erstaunlich lieblos und altbacken gestaltet und zeigt die übliche Rasteransicht mit Videothumbnails und Titeln. Wenn man mit dem Mauszeiger über ein Video fährt, wird eine kurze praktische Vorschau geladen, also alles wie anderswo auch. Ich scrolle über das Angebot, wundere mich wie immer über die überstarke Präsenz bestimmter eigentlich besonders tabuisierter Genres und stocke bei einem Video mit dem Titel "Hahn essen hinterm Wohnwagen". Was zur? Als ich die Vorschau sehe, wird mir schnell klar, wie das Video eigentlich heißt und dass auf der Seite einfach sehr seltsame Übersetzungen der Titel angezeigt werden.
Diese Seuche, also das sinnentstellende und vor allem ungefragte Übersetzen von Videotiteln, habe ich schon öfter gesehen, aber entweder ist die Übersetzung noch zutreffend genug, dass das nicht allzusehr stört (etwa meistens bei YouTube) oder die Seite hat einen domänenspezifischen Übersetzungskatalog, der die entsprechenden Szenebegriffe sinngemäß übertragen kann. Letzteres treibt mitunter seltsame Stilblüten und ist für Leute wie mich, die im Bereich Erwachsenenunterhaltung im Internet mit 15 in den 1990er-Jahren mit englischen Szenebegriffen sozialisiert wurden, alles andere als hilfreich. Aber heute merke ich, wie hilfreich es dann doch ist, wenigstens angemessene deutsche Entsprechungen zu nutzen statt eines allgemeinen Katalogs. Hahn essen … dabei geht es da überraschenderweise gar nicht um das beliebte Imbissgericht 🤔.
Andererseits habe ich so wenigstens etwas zu lachen. Bei dieser Seite lässt sich die Sprache auf Englisch umstellen, was die meisten Videotitel in Ruhe lässt, dafür hat man aber bei deutschen Titeln jetzt das umgekehrte Problem und Deutsch ist auf solchen Plattformen nach meinem Eindruck die mit Abstand zweithäufigste Sprache. Vielleicht bin ich da aber auch nur Opfer eines wohlmeinenden Algorithmus, der mir mit meinem auf Deutsch eingestellten Browser und meiner deutschen IP-Adresse einfach alle verfügbaren deutschen Videos anbietet. Vielleicht bin ich auch vorwiegend in einem Spektrum unterwegs, das besonders viel deutschen Content hat. Wie auch immer, ich wünsche mir eine Welt zurück, in der Inhalte nicht ungefragt automatisch übersetzt werden. Man darf mir gerne eine automatische Übersetzung leicht zugänglich machen, gerade bei der babylonischen Sprachvielfalt da draußen, aber doch bitte nicht ungefragt einfach machen und dann auch noch schlecht und nicht mal als übersetzt markiert. Die anderen Übersetzungen auf der Plattform sind jedenfalls auch selten hilfreich und noch schlimmer sind die übersetzten Kategorien, da muss man schon ziemlich wild überlegen, um seine gewünschte Nische zu finden.
Eine informationsarchitektonische Katastrophe, aber vielleicht bin ich auch einfach alt und die ganzen Zwölfjährigen kommen mit dem Begriffschaos besser klar, ich habe ja auch seinerzeit die englischen Begriffe alle erst lernen müssen und die lernen eben Hahn essen als einschlägig. Apropos Zwölfjährige: Die Aufnahme auf diese Liste hat für den Dienst einige lästige Folgen, vor allem muss nun eine funktionierende Altersverifikation durchgeführt werden und wisst Ihr, wer es seit 25 Jahren nicht gebacken bekommt, eine solche allgemein akzeptiert so zu implementieren, dass man als erwachsener Mensch nicht seine Anonymität bei der Nutzung von solchen Diensten aufgeben müsste, wo man doch gerade hier zuvorderst anonym bleiben möchte? Richtig, die Techunternehmen und auch die Branche der Erwachsenenunterhaltung in condesaströser Untätigkeit.
Als ich 2007 meine Bachelorarbeit geschrieben habe, wo ich mich recht intensiv mit dem Thema auseindergesetzt habe, gab es mit der GeldKarte ein vielversprechendes System, das bereits weit verbreitet war und tatsächlich eine anonyme und nicht bloß pseudonyme und zudem extrem kostengünstige Altersverifikation ermöglichte, zusätzlich zu einer praktisch weitgehend anonymen und ebenfalls vergleichsweise kostengünstigen Bezahllösung für Kleinbeträge. Die kam aber letztlich nur bei Zigarettenautomaten zum Einsatz, weil es in der Zeit vor RFID-Karten und Smartphones mit entsprechenden Leseeinheiten schlicht kaum Kartenlesegeräte an Computern gab. Zur Erinnerung: Das war auch eine Zeit, als man noch Treiber für solche Hardware installieren musste und spätestens da waren die meisten Leute zu Recht mit überfordert. Heute sind wir leider weiter von einem funktionierenden System zur anonymen Altersverifikation entfernt als vor 15 Jahren, wir müssen also weiter dabei zusehen, wie unsere Kinder ungehindert an eine ganze Bandbreite von Content mit sehr sehr fortgeschrittenen Praktiken der Ein-, Zwei- und Mehrsamkeit kommen.
Ich bin da offen gesagt zwiegespalten, weil ich einerseits Jugendschutz als Betroffener immer zutiefst abgelehnt und als absurde Einschränkung meines Informationsbedürfnisses empfunden habe, mir aber andererseits schon vorstellen kann, dass ein sehr merkwürdiges Bild in den Köpfen von noch nicht so weit fortgeschrittenen Menschen entsteht, wenn sie die praktisch unbeschränkten Inhalte der einschlägigen Plattformen konsumieren und auch keine Einordnung dazu geliefert bekommen. Ganz schön kaltes Wasser. Andererseits ist das kein Problem, das ich direkt an das Alter klemmen würde, denn auch die meisten Erwachsenen wären ziemlich aufgeschmissen, wenn sie die ganzen Abgründe schauen würden und tun das daher gar nicht erst.
Und entsprechende Warnungen und Vorab-Einordnungen kann man auch Jugendlichen mitgeben, damit sie nicht selber darauf kommen müssen: Zieh Dir das nur rein, wenn Du Dich fit dafür fühlst. Da gibt es für Außenstehende sehr verstörenden Kram und auch das sich auf solchen Plattformen ergebende Gesamtbild ist hart verzerrt und stellt sehr oft keine "normale" zwischenmenschliche Interaktion dar, sondern bedient zumeist sehr einseitig irgendwelche mal mehr, mal weniger weirden Fantasien. Die kann man einfach mal neutral zur Kenntnis nehmen, sollte sich aber auch bewusst machen, dass das trotzdem etwas mit einem macht. Letztlich ist das wie bei allem Medienkonsum: Man muss lernen, damit umzugehen.
(Gregor Meyer)
#Gregor Meyer#Digital Services Act#Pornografie#Recht#Jugendmedienschutz#Jugendschutz#Erziehung#Sprache#maschinelle Übersetzung#Übersetzung#automatische Übersetzung#Videostreaming#Altersverifikation#GeldKarte
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Experience the power of video hosting with our top-of-the-line server. Our video hosting server offers lightning-fast speeds, unlimited storage, and advanced security features to ensure your videos are always accessible and protected.
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- 링크 클릭 ☞ 호라이즌 시리즈 : 새로운 시작 _ 호라이즌 세계에 숨겨진 이야기를 찾아서 [한국어버전]
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- 링크 클릭 ☞ Stray : 스트레이 _ 나와 고양이의 이야기...
- 링크 클릭 ☞ 디아블로 시리즈 (3탄, 4탄 순서) _ [ 스토리 모드]
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🚀 Take your OTT service to the next level! Discover must-have features like seamless navigation, adaptive streaming, and personalized content recommendations. 🎬✨ Build a platform that keeps users coming back for more!
Read more - https://bit.ly/4fLoMOn
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Lights, camera, action! Empower your streaming business with Media Jungle's cutting-edge solutions
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Top 10 Hurawatch Alternatives for Video Streaming in 2025
Looking for the best alternatives to Hurawatch for video streaming. As a leading video streaming app development company, we can help you create your own innovative streaming solution.
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Live Streaming Hacks: Troubleshooting Livestream Issues
Live streaming has become a powerful tool for musicians, content creators, businesses, and anyone looking to connect with their audience in real-time. However, the success of a live stream can be quickly derailed by technical glitches. Nothing is more frustrating than buffering, poor audio quality, or sudden disconnects when you’re trying to deliver a live performance or presentation. Fortunately, with the right preparation and troubleshooting livestream issues, you can minimize these issues and ensure a smooth, glitch-free live stream. Here are some essential hacks to keep your live stream running flawlessly.
1. Prepare Your Equipment and Setup
Before you go live, it’s crucial to ensure that your equipment and setup are optimized for streaming.
- **Check Your Internet Connection:** A strong, stable internet connection is the backbone of any live stream. Aim for an upload speed of at least 5 Mbps for standard definition streaming and 10 Mbps or higher for HD quality. Use a wired Ethernet connection instead of Wi-Fi to reduce the risk of drops in connection quality.
- **Test Your Equipment:** Before going live, thoroughly test your camera, microphone, and any other equipment. Ensure that your camera is producing a clear image, your microphone is capturing clean audio, and all connections are secure.
- **Update Software and Firmware:** Make sure that all your streaming software, camera, and audio equipment are up to date. Software updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements that can enhance your streaming experience.
2. Optimize Audio Quality
Poor audio quality is a major turnoff for viewers, even more so than low video quality. Here’s how to ensure your sound is top-notch.
- **Use an External Microphone:** Built-in microphones on cameras or laptops often produce subpar audio. Invest in a good quality external microphone, whether it’s a USB mic, a lavalier, or a professional condenser mic, to capture clear, crisp sound.
- **Eliminate Background Noise:** Stream from a quiet environment to minimize background noise. If noise is unavoidable, consider using noise-cancelling software or a microphone with a built-in noise reduction feature.
- **Monitor Audio Levels:** Use headphones to monitor your audio levels in real-time. This helps you catch and correct issues like clipping, distortion, or overly quiet sound before they ruin your stream.
3. Ensure Stable Video Quality
Glitches in video quality can distract your audience and make your stream difficult to watch.
- **Adjust Bitrate Settings:** Bitrate controls the quality of your video stream. If your stream is experiencing lag or buffering, consider lowering the bitrate. A lower bitrate requires less bandwidth and can help maintain a smoother stream.
- **Choose the Right Resolution:** Streaming at a resolution that your internet connection and equipment can’t handle will result in dropped frames and poor video quality. Streaming in 720p is often a good balance between quality and stability if you’re facing bandwidth limitations.
- **Use a Backup Camera:** If possible, have a second camera set up and ready to go in case your primary camera fails. Switching to a backup camera can save your stream if the primary camera encounters issues.
4. Optimize Your Streaming Software
Your streaming software is the control center for your live stream, so it’s important to set it up correctly.
- **Use a Reliable Streaming Platform:** Whether you’re using OBS, Streamlabs, or another software, make sure it’s stable and well-suited to your needs. Test different platforms to see which works best with your hardware and streaming style.
- **Set Up Scenes in Advance:** If your stream involves multiple scenes (e.g., different camera angles, slideshows, or overlays), set them up in your streaming software beforehand. This minimizes the risk of mistakes or delays when switching between scenes during the live stream.
- **Enable Stream Delay:** If you’re concerned about technical glitches or if your content is sensitive, enabling a short stream delay (5-10 seconds) can give you a buffer to address issues before they reach your audience.
5. Manage Your Resources
Resource management is key to preventing your computer from being overwhelmed during a live stream.
- **Close Unnecessary Applications:** Streaming is resource-intensive. Close any unnecessary programs or browser tabs to free up your computer’s processing power and reduce the risk of your stream crashing.
- **Monitor CPU and Memory Usage:** Keep an eye on your CPU and memory usage during the stream. If either is consistently high, consider lowering your stream quality or closing additional programs to prevent your system from overheating or freezing.
6. Prepare for Technical Difficulties
No matter how well you prepare, technical difficulties can still arise. Have a plan in place to deal with them quickly.
- **Have a Backup Plan:** Create a backup plan for common issues. For example, if your internet connection drops, have a mobile hotspot ready to switch to. If your software crashes, know how to quickly reboot and resume your stream.
- **Create a Technical Checklist:** Before going live, go through a checklist to ensure everything is in order. This should include checking your internet connection, camera, microphone, streaming software, and any other equipment.
- **Communicate with Your Audience:** If technical issues do arise, communicate with your audience. Let them know what’s happening and what you’re doing to fix it. Transparency can help maintain viewer trust even in the face of problems.
7. Test Everything Before Going Live
One of the best ways to prevent technical glitches during your live stream is to conduct a thorough test run.
- **Run a Private Test Stream:** Set up a private or unlisted stream to test your entire setup. This allows you to check for potential issues without an audience and make necessary adjustments.
- **Check for Latency:** Latency can be an issue if you’re interacting with your audience in real-time. Test the latency during your private stream and adjust settings to minimize delays.
- **Simulate Real Conditions:** Test your stream under the same conditions as your actual live stream. Use the same internet connection, equipment, and streaming software to ensure that your test results are accurate.
8. Consider a Dedicated Streaming Setup
If you’re serious about live streaming, investing in a dedicated streaming setup can significantly reduce technical issues.
- **Use a Streaming PC:** A dedicated streaming PC, separate from your main computer, can handle the resource-heavy task of streaming. This reduces the strain on your primary computer and improves overall stability.
- **Invest in a Capture Card:** If you’re streaming from a console or using a high-quality camera, a capture card can provide a stable, high-quality feed to your streaming software.
- **Upgrade Your Internet Plan:** If your current internet plan struggles to handle live streaming, consider upgrading to a plan with higher upload speeds and more reliable service.
Live streaming is an incredible way to connect with your audience in real-time, but technical glitches can quickly derail even the best-planned streams. By preparing your equipment, optimizing your setup, and having a plan in place to address potential issues, you can minimize disruptions and deliver a seamless live streaming experience. Remember, the key to a successful live stream is preparation, so take the time to test, troubleshoot, and optimize every aspect of your setup before going live. With these hacks, you’ll be well on your way to glitch-free streaming and a more professional online presence.
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Challenges Facing DVR Market in the Age of Network Video Recorders
Cloud-based digital video recorders (DVRs) are transforming the way we capture and access video content. Offering flexibility, scalability, and remote access, these systems are meeting the growing demand for on-the-go viewing experiences. With the integration of AI and machine learning, DVRs are smarter than ever, providing personalized recommendations and seamless content management. Discover how cloud DVRs are setting new trends in the digital video recorder market.
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Unlocking the Potential of Live Streaming Solutions with Mogi I/O
In today’s fast-paced digital world, where instant communication and real-time engagement are crucial, live streaming solutions have become a game-changer for businesses across industries. As the demand for dynamic, interactive content grows, companies look for reliable, scalable solutions that allow them to engage with audiences on a global scale. This is where Mogi I/O comes in, offering advanced live streaming services tailored to meet the needs of businesses seeking to enhance their content delivery capabilities.
What is a Live Streaming Solution?
Live streaming solutions refer to technologies that facilitate the real-time transmission of video content over the Internet. Unlike traditional media, which relies on scheduled broadcasts, live streaming allows viewers to engage with content instantly. It breaks down geographic barriers, enabling businesses to connect with audiences worldwide without the need for physical events or pre-recorded materials.
Companies that leverage live streaming solutions can conduct virtual conferences, product launches, and even interactive Q&A sessions with real-time feedback. This technology has proven particularly useful in industries such as entertainment, education, e-commerce, and corporate events, where real-time engagement is key to driving success.
The Rise of OTT Platforms and Live Streaming
With the rapid growth of internet accessibility and the increasing popularity of mobile devices, Over-the-Top (OTT) platforms have revolutionized the way people consume content. OTT platform providers allow users to access media content—whether it’s movies, TV shows, or live broadcasts—directly over the Internet without relying on traditional cable or satellite services. As a result, OTT streaming solutions have become the go-to choice for consumers who prefer on-demand, customizable viewing experiences.
OTT service providers like Mogi I/O play a crucial role in supporting businesses with the infrastructure needed for live streaming. These services are not only limited to entertainment but are increasingly being adopted by companies to enhance their marketing strategies, reach wider audiences, and provide seamless digital experiences.
Key Benefits of Live Streaming Solutions
Global Reach and Accessibility
One of the most significant advantages of adopting a live streaming solution is its ability to extend your reach beyond physical locations. A single live stream can attract viewers from across the globe, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling businesses to target diverse markets. Whether you’re hosting a product launch or conducting a live webinar, this ability to scale globally is a major advantage for businesses.
Increased Audience Engagement
Live streaming solutions allow for real-time interaction with viewers through features such as live chat, polls, and Q&A sessions. This engagement fosters a deeper connection between the brand and its audience, making viewers feel involved and valued. The ability to interact with your audience during a live event is something that pre-recorded videos simply cannot offer.
Cost-Effective Marketing Tool
Hosting in-person events, conferences, or product launches can be costly, often involving significant travel, logistics, and venue expenses. With live streaming solutions, businesses can drastically reduce these costs by hosting virtual events. Not only does live streaming offer a cost-effective alternative, but it also provides businesses with the ability to scale these events without the added expense.
Flexibility and Convenience
In a world where consumers demand flexibility, live streaming provides the perfect solution. Viewers can access your content from anywhere, at any time, and on any device—whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. This flexibility makes it easier for businesses to engage their audience on their preferred platforms, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.
Data and Analytics
An often-overlooked benefit of using live streaming services is the availability of data and analytics. These tools allow businesses to track viewer engagement, measure the effectiveness of their live streams, and gather insights into audience preferences. This data can then be used to refine future marketing strategies and optimize content for maximum impact.
Mogi I/O’s Live Streaming Solutions
As a leading provider of live streaming solutions, Mogi I/O delivers comprehensive services that empower businesses to engage audiences and deliver high-quality content seamlessly. Our solutions are designed to ensure reliability, scalability, and ease of use, making them ideal for companies looking to expand their digital presence.
What Sets Mogi I/O Apart?
High-Quality Streaming: At Mogi I/O, we prioritize delivering top-notch video and audio quality to ensure an optimal viewing experience. Our infrastructure supports high-definition streaming, providing businesses with the capability to broadcast live events without compromising quality.
Interactive Features: Mogi I/O’s live streaming solutions come equipped with interactive features such as live chat, polls, and audience feedback tools. These features promote real-time audience interaction, helping businesses foster deeper engagement with viewers.
Scalability: Whether you’re hosting a small webinar or a global product launch, our live streaming platform can scale to accommodate any size of audience. We ensure that your live stream runs smoothly, regardless of the number of viewers.
Customizable Branding: We understand the importance of maintaining a consistent brand image. Our live streaming solutions allow businesses to customize their streams with branded overlays, graphics, and watermarks to ensure brand recognition.
Secure Streaming: Security is a top priority for Mogi I/O. Our platform provides end-to-end encryption to protect your content and ensure that only authorized viewers have access to your streams.
Use Cases for Live Streaming Solutions
Live streaming solutions can be applied across various industries, providing value in multiple contexts:
Entertainment: From concerts to virtual events, live streaming enables artists and performers to connect with their fans worldwide in real time. This interaction creates a more personal connection between the performer and the audience.
Education: Educational institutions can utilize live streaming to host virtual classes, seminars, and lectures. Live interaction with students allows for a more engaging and effective learning experience.
Corporate Training and Events: Businesses can conduct virtual meetings, workshops, and product launches, providing a more convenient and accessible way for employees and stakeholders to participate.
E-Commerce: Brands can leverage live streaming for product demonstrations, real-time reviews, and Q&A sessions. This not only engages customers but also provides valuable insights into their preferences.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Live Streaming
The future of live streaming solutions looks promising as technological advancements continue to reshape how businesses and consumers interact. Innovations in artificial intelligence, augmented reality (AR), and 5G connectivity are expected to enhance live streaming experiences, offering even greater interactivity, better quality, and lower latency.
As more industries adopt live streaming solutions, the demand for seamless, reliable services will only grow. Businesses that invest in live streaming today will be well-positioned to engage their audiences in the future and tap into new opportunities as technology evolves.
Live streaming has transformed from a niche offering to a core part of modern business strategies. Whether you're looking to engage a global audience, host virtual events, or enhance customer interactions, live streaming provides a powerful tool for businesses to leverage.
Mogi I/O stands ready to support your live streaming needs with our advanced, customizable solutions designed to deliver high-quality content while promoting audience engagement. As live streaming continues to shape the future of digital communication, partnering with Mogi I/O ensures your business stays ahead of the curve.
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Unlock the Potential of Multi-Streaming with Mogi I/O
In a world where content is king, reaching your audience across multiple platforms is vital. A multi-streaming platform provider like Mogi I/O enables you to broadcast live content on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and more at the same time. Multi-streaming maximizes audience engagement, saves time, and increases visibility by reaching diverse user bases.
With Mogi I/O, you can manage all your streams from a single dashboard, ensuring high-quality delivery while keeping things simple. For those looking to take their streaming capabilities to the next level, explore How to Launch Your Own OTT Platform for insights into creating your own space for monetizing content.
Are you thinking about developing your app for OTT streaming? Check out How to Build an OTT Video Streaming App for a detailed guide to building an app that supports your multi-streaming and on-demand services.
With multi-streaming, the possibilities are endless. You can reach more people, enhance engagement, and scale your content without the hassle of managing multiple streams manually. Mogi I/O offers the tools you need to elevate your streaming game—real-time analytics, adaptive bitrate streaming, and custom branding options to make your streams truly yours.
To read more — Multi-Streaming Platform Provider: Expanding Your Digital Reach
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🎯ロケーションハンティング™️ 【表参道4分 / 200平米 / ¥40,000/ h / iD : 4377】 安藤忠雄デザインの「THE 青山の展示会場」。 名だたるハイブランドや企業に利用されてきた由緒ある会場です。展示会はもちろんのこと、各種イベントにも。こちらは3F。 安藤忠雄が手がけたコンクリートの外装が重厚かつ美しい、”これぞ青山”感が漂うロケーション。 3Fへと続くコンクリートの外階段がなんとも印象的。内装は白壁に上品なウッドフローリング。 外壁は全面ガラスという80年代後半から~90年代にかけての青山を彷彿とさせる、優雅&クラシックな印象。 これまでも数々のハイブランドや企業に利用されてきた由緒あるこちらの会場。展示会はもちろんのこと、各種イベントやワンランク上のワークショップなどにオススメです。 🏴会場ご提案サービス 提案サービスご利用無料。会場利用費以外にご料金はかかりません。 豊富な知識と経験を持つ担当が ( 展示会 / ポップアップ / イベント / ギャラリー / 撮影 / 動画配信) など、会場のご希望をお伺いし即日提案を行っております。 (用途・エリア・広さ・ご予算・他ご要望 )を記載いただき、下記お問合せ先で承っております。 🏴掲載会場募集のご案内 上質な会場を取り扱うレンタル予約案内サービスです。 タイプを問わず、質の高い会場を募集しております。 弊社の顧客を御社会場にご案内し、御社の会場運営に貢献できればと考えております。お気軽にお声がけくださいませ。 (会場のウェブサイトまたはお写真、住所)を記載いただき、下記お問合せ先までお声がけくださいませ。 *お問い合わせ先 📩 [email protected] 📞 03-6809-0952 *公式ウェブサイト 🖥 https://locationhunting.jp *ロケーションハンティング™️ 製作委員会
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Our online video and TV streaming services make it easy to reach a global audience. With unlimited storage and bandwidth, you'll have all the resources you need to grow and succeed online. Plus, with 24/7 customer support and an easy-to-use control panel, you'll have everything you need to keep your stream running smoothly.
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