#Vic Mignogna
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zebrazebra44 · 21 hours ago
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Omega making an Ouran highschool host club reference
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matt0044 · 7 months ago
Neil Gaimen’s time has come. Is anyone ever surprised by this point?
Not because “Oh, I never really liked them” or “I knew they were bad news.” Rather because… no one gets this famous without something to hide.
Here's something a lot of people have to understand: EVERYONE has skeletons in their closets and those with fame especially. Some more grotesque than others and in need of clearing out but either way, there's a reason "Never meet your heroes" is a terribly timeless cliche.
This artist, that writer, this actor, that director? Each of them have some sort of dirt that can be used against them. Be it something they did long ago they hoped to bury rather than make right or a reoccurring pattern of bad behavior behind the scenes. There's something.
For those who made a big impact on the world or in a niche of said world, their work was not a fluke. They were or became very bad people but produce works of art that spoke to the human soul. J.K. Rowling's queen of the TERFs but Harry Potter was still a worldwide phenomenon. It wasn’t a fluke, it didn’t trick us, it was just that good.
Vic Mignogna has been a creepazoid since the nineties for those willing to do actual research on the claims. BUT many of his roles in Anime are considered legends even among sub-onlies. His voice acting as Edward Elric speaks for himself. Still a sleezeball.
I could go on but the point is we can and should recognize these artists for their bad behavior but know that they garnered fans for a damn good reason. That's nothing to be ashamed of in this age of Social Media where more are empowered to have a voice compared to real life.
There will be many more Rowlings, Gaimens, Austin St. Johns that either reveal their true colors or change into something nearly different from who they were before. We weren't "swindled" or "tricked." We just didn't know. And some of us, I bet, wish we never did know.
It's selfish but natural to wish that these allegations weren't coming out of the woodwork and up-ending your escape from the world that's already a crapsack. But we can never truly escape reality. Take a break, sure. But our letter to Hogwarts was always a pipe dream.
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traegorn · 2 months ago
So Marzgurl put out an excellent 11 hour video on anime voice actor and notorious sex pest Vic Mignogna.
I've been live-posting my reactions to it as I watch it in hour chunks to a thread on Bluesky for anyone curious about my thoughts.
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gay-pirate-anime · 2 months ago
Everyone talking about their experiences meeting Neil Gaiman got me remembering when I met the voice actor Vic Mignona, who was canceled a few years ago for SA and so many other similarly gross behaviours. I met Vic when I was around 16 at Fanexpo. I was a huge Ouran/FMA fan. I approached him at his table with my male friend, same age, and we all chatted for a while and I got my manga signed. Things turned weird when Vic whispered something in my ear using his Tamaki voice, a dub quote or something, and then after saying goodbye he kissed me on my cheek. Without asking. My friend got a hug although I can't remember if he was asked first. Anyway I was on cloud nine for the rest of that day, but over a decade later... knowing now about the nasty allegations and charges against him... its just so obvious to me how wrong that was. He was a grown ass adult man kissing a 16 year old girl without consent.
Back to Gaiman— I see a lot of folks struggling to reprocess their fan encounters with him and I just want to say I totally get it. It's okay if at the time your interaction with him made you the happiest nerd in the world. It's hard to deal with memories like that tarnishing, so don't beat yourself up over your own ignorance and innocence. These predators are getting what they deserve.
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marzgurl · 1 month ago
Is farah in like witness protection or something? I knew her, and she just up and Vanished one day, and now I'm finding this blog. Is she ok? Are her dogs ok?
I have no idea! I touched on all this information in a recent video I released, too (linking here, for anyone who's curious). There is a portion of the video near the end that is specifically about Farah that kinda covers all this, if you wanna just skip straight to that (I get it, the video is not in any way a quick breeze).
But the end result is the same. Every piece of social media I've been aware of that she owns just stopped updating by about November 2023, including various alts under different names across all platforms. I am hoping for her sake that she just decided this whole thing was absurd and too much for her and that she just chose of her own volition to unplug from the internet and that it's all by her own choice, but I genuinely have no idea.
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boogiepopmeup · 2 months ago
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capesandshapes · 4 months ago
I love that vampire knight's legacy is just being that one fucked up anime that everyone watched for the visual aesthetics
And that like eventually kaname overwhelmed literally everything else in that show with his weird ass bullshit
I've never seen anyone going like "god that what a masterpiece of an anime," or "wow the clothing designs and the attention to detail when it comes to movement in them was amazing"
It's always "yeah the fucked up incest anime. She really did end up with her brother who was also maybe her grandpa. It was really unclear. They got vic to show up and do that yelling thing in the English dub, but the rest I can't tell you. Shit ton of plaid tho. That kaname's a creepy fucker."
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thingstrumperssay · 1 month ago
I watched this eleven hour long video on Vic Mignona while I was really fucking sick and it confirmed something that I kind of had a feeling was going on.
So basically thanks to his creepy behavior to women in the workplace and towards children his audience went from teenage Edward Elric and Tamaki fan girls to middle aged conservative men.
My whole view on Vic was basically "I heard that there's a law suit going on. I'll just wait for the results of that." And then he complained about COVID restrictions and I decided that rather he did those things or not I don't like him anymore anyway. Then I forgot about the lawsuit until the video came to my attention. (The lawsuit was apparently practically a joke.)
Anyway, even before that I've noticed a pattern between the people who would defend him and the people who would defend other right-wing pedophiles, and not those who would defend somebody who they're a legitimate fan of.
Like, when people defended the developer of FNAF to me they didn't defend his donations towards massive queerphobes. They defended the games and used "Markiplier got popular thanks to FNAF!" (which isn't true, for the record) and had nothing to do with the man himself.
But with Vic the arguments weren't "but he's a really good voice actor and he helped dubbed anime's reputation" or even "what proof is there?" It was shit like "the Me Too movement is going to enslave all men with false accusations!"
I've even noticed the weird amount of blank reviews on any anime that dared crawled above Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood on MyAnimeList. (That's not even the better one of the two.)
Frieren is currently at the top and if you look at the profiles for some of the low-effort 1 star reviews they also happen to have Brotherhood at a 10 without a review attached to it. (By "low-effort" I mean they use some of the most basic language to describe Frieren, like "it's uninspired," while not talking about the anime itself.)
At least unlike some people, Vic Mignona actually seems to be right-wing for a while, and not overnight when he knew that the accusations are coming.
This might also explain the trend of weird right-wingers who pretend to be anime fans while clearly having no clue what they're talking about.
So... I guess it feels nice to have confirmation on this?
...No, I lied. It's not nice.
What's weird is that I was going to meet him in 2019, but he got kicked (lol) from the con I was going to go to. I was able to meet some of the best voice actors that year (I got to meet Jerry Jewell, J. Michael Tatum, Ian Sinclair and D.C. Douglas while there!) so I really didn't actually care.
And from what I've seen in that video it didn't look like I would have enjoyed meeting Vic Mignona. (We'd probably get kicked out since I was there with my husband and with a couple of friends who are a couple. I dunno who would've punched him first.)
Then again we were all in our mid-twenties, so maybe he wouldn't have bothered us since we were at least ten years too old for him.
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kirinfishace · 9 months ago
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I know Sabo would PERSONALLY smack down Toru Furuya & Vic Mignogna if he was real
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 months ago
Fuck it, I'm still not finished yet, but I'm just gonna go ahead and link to the video.
If you're still on the fence about Vic, or still adamantly defending him because the only thing you've heard is that stupid jelly bean story, please give this a watch. It goes into SO MUCH DETAIL.
I mean, you'd expect it to, right? Considering it's over 11 hours long
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anarchic-miscellany · 9 months ago
Conflicted tales from physical media: "Persona 3" got a re-release, and the dubbing job was redone pretty much entirely from the ground up. On the one hand: hooray, no more of the terrible (and honestly kind of always overrated, I never got the hype. Kirk Thornton was where it was at) Vic Mignogna as Junpei, so well done there guys. But no Tara Platt (best actor, playing best girl), no Michelle Ruff, no Karen Strassman, no Liam O'Brien (though honestly, dude must be exhausted by now!), no Grant George, no Dan Woren (great as the villain, damn!), and no more credit to the (rather unusually) unknown actor who played Fuuka. Hell, even the Wikipedia article on the characters doesn't credit a lot of them from the original (for the record I think it was Mona Marshall who played Ken, if memory serves). Kind of sad really. "Hey, here's some great work, some wonderful performances, some from actors who we don't even know, and some from actors before or around the time they were really hitting their stride! Well, gone now!" I appreciate the remaking of these games to update the jank and keep them around, but games are honestly kind of a time capsule and should be preserved as all art should. Kind of sucks man.
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creaturefeaturecommando · 4 months ago
I love when in dubbed anime where a character is voiced by Vic Mignogna and then in the next episode it’s someone completely different. Like when I was watching The Morose Mononokean and we got a voice reveal of The Executive and it was Vic and then literally his next appearance he was replaced by Ian Sinclair. I love it because they wasted zero time to get him out of there and replace him
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sonicspeeddemon · 1 year ago
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For junpei fans that’s no longer an issue
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daystarvoyage · 4 months ago
He is the perfect replacement for dark mousy AKA phantom dark FROM DN ANGEL
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Why I’m saying this we need VA men to do shojo/josei anime cause it’s obscured daily then shonen so here’s the effect time since dn angel is getting a comeback
But I hope we discuss the great aspects of shojo and josei anime impact
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theboyonthehighcastle · 1 year ago
Rooster Teeth Just Got SHUT DOWN Forever! Clownfish TV Was RIGHT?!
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marzgurl · 1 month ago
Should clarify, qhen I say "I knew her" I mean we were irl friends for a short time before she dissappeared. If you need proof im not lying, here's some pics i took of her dogs.
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They were very sweet dogs
Thank you, and don't worry, I did suspect when you mentioned the dogs that you very likely meant IRL. Though it's certainly concerning to think that she not only disappeared from the Internet, but that people who have known her in meatspace also haven't heard from her in a long time. I'm very sorry to hear this. I don't necessarily need to know where she is or what she's doing, but it would put my heart at ease if I just knew she was all right, as I'm sure you must also feel.
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