future events: hphm ship week 2025,hphmtember 2025. Interest forms for both are posted!
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Don’t forget!! HPHM Ship Week 2025 is open for voting!! Please go and vote to help choose the timing of the event as well as prompt options!!
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Quick little poll everyone! Many people wanted to have game characters as prompt options for HPHMtember- however, I obviously won’t be able to include many characters if there’s one prompt per day. Sooo, new question: Would you rather have two prompts per day (One being a voted on prompt, one being a game character), or only one prompt per day, with 5-10 prompts being game characters?
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Thank you all so, so much for 50 followers!!! I absolutely love this fandom and community, and the support has been wonderful!! I hope you all are as excited for the upcoming events as I am!!
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Welcome!! This is a blog centered around fan-led fandom events for Hogwarts Mystery!! Future events are:
HPHM Ship Week 2025
Thank you so much for your participation and support!!
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REMINDER FOR THE FUTURE EVENTS!! Please fill out the forms attached for HPHM Ship Week 2025 and HPHMtember!! Thank you all so much for your support <333
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I want to say a very big THANK YOUUU to those who participated in Girls Weekend 2025!! To @ladyofsappho , @helenadurazzo and @anachriva - I truly enjoyed each of your submissions and I hope you had fun participating!!
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Absolutely lovely work!! You capture Ismelda very well, major props for doing her so much justice! I’m excited for part two!
An Unlikely Pair
Helena finds herself teaming up with Ismelda to help the latter confess her feelings to Barnaby Lee. Not only is it awkward due to Helena and Ismelda not getting along in the past, but also because Barnaby is Helena’s ex boyfriend
Theme: Unlikely Duo
Characters: Helena Tremblay (OC) and Ismelda Murk
Note: Part Two of this story (The Love Potion) is coming out tomorrow for those who are interested in a continuation
The Midways belong to @melodymidway

Helena Tremblay’s POV, April 1989
Helena expected a calm walk as she headed outside with Andre after their transfiguration class with the Hufflepuffs. Classes weren’t the same without her brother but she kept motivated with the truth that they would free him, they had to. And with Melody heading over to practice her dueling with Bill, it was just her and Andre. Her eyes traveled over to quite a large crowd gathered in a corner of the courtyard. Normally, she would avoid such crowds, especially when she had better things to do, but her ears heard something that caught her attention.
“If you won’t say sorry I’ll make you.” An individual who Helena couldn’t put a name to taunted.
“Give it back you git!” Helena heard Ismelda demand with a growl.
Helena turned to Andre who had also was looking at the scene, “What do you think is going on?” She asked in a hushed tone.
“I’m not quite sure to be honest.” He shrugged. “But whatever it is it’s drawn a crowd, come on.”
As they approached and weaved their way through the crowd, it gave Helena more context. Emily Tyler, dressed in her fancy pink clothing rather than her school robes held a book, a diary of sorts, and was gleefully flipping through the pages. She had cornered Ismelda Murk who stood rather helplessly. Normally Helena would have expected Ismelda to fight back yet something seemed to stop her and Helena was perplexed on what that would be.
“What’s this?” Helena heard Emily’s voice once again, “Don’t tell me it’s a love letter!”
Ismelda clenched her fists, “If you read one more word, I swear-“
“Oh please.” Emily smirked confidently, expressing her superiority as a seventh year over the fifth year. “You can’t stop me. And you know it. Now let’s see.” Emily cleared her throat as if she was about to give an important speech as she started to read out the love letter for all to hear. “*I watch you from afar, wishing for the day you finally look my way. For your eyes are a forest I’d willingly lose myself in, your smile a beacon of light in the darkness. I’ve yearned to tell you how I really feel, to stop hiding behind my poisoned tongue. Because I love you, Barnaby*. This is hilarious!” Emily exclaimed. “How daft are you? To think Barnaby, or anyone for that matter, would like someone like you? I mean look at you! A greasy haired, spotty faced toad who smells like she never bathes. Give me a break.”
“Ismelda has a crush on Barnaby?” Andre whispered to Helena as her eyes seemed glued to the scene in front of her. “That’s a pairing I couldn’t have predicted. Though I thought the way she teased him seemed suspicious.”
Helena didn’t look at him, only listening to Emily as she continued on. “This is undoubtedly the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read! I’m almost embarrassed for you! It didn’t even rhyme! Aren’t the weird ones supposed to at least be ‘creative’. Honestly you should be thanking me. You’d make a fool of yourself if you actually gave this to him”
Helena broke her daze with a shake of her head, “I can’t watch this anymore.”
“Helena, wait-“ Andre attempted to stop her, but Helena was already walking towards Emily and Ismelda. Standing firmly in between the two of them, facing the Seventh Year Gryffindor with all the confidence she could muster.
“That is enough!” Helena glared daggers. “Give Ismelda her book back, Emily.”
“Excuse me?” Emily seemed rather appalled by the proposition. “Who do you think you are defending that piece of filth! She was rude to me! And why should I? Last time I checked, you two aren’t friends, though I doubt she has many friends at all, not like me.”
“Because you have gone way too far.” Helena narrowed her eyes, she disliked Ismelda as much as the next person, but no one deserved such public embarrassment.
At long last, Andre came to her side, standing confidently next to Helena, “We aren’t afraid to report this to the professors. But I suppose if you hand over the diary we could just sweep this under the rug”
“Whatever.” Emily rolled her eyes, “I’ve done my day’s work, she can have her lame book back.” She added, and rather than handing it over, she threw it on the ground like a piece of rubbish. She then turned to her so called friends, like a ridiculous queen commanding her delusionaly loyal subjects, “Let’s go”
Helena shook her head with distaste. Once Emily was out of her sight, she picked up the diary and gestured it towards Ismelda, “Here you go.”
“I didn’t ask for your help.” Ismelda gritted her teeth as she snatched her diary back. “Or your pity.”
“But Ismelda we just-“ Andre attempted to explain.
“I SAID I DIDN’T NEED YOUR HELP!” Ismelda yelled so loud Helena swore the creatures in the forbidden forest could hear her, “Just leave me alone!” Ismelda demanded before making a swift exit, not giving them another glance.
Helena sighed as her eyes followed Ismelda as she left. She didn’t follow her, she didn’t want to be on the other end of a curse after all. But that vulnerability wasn’t what she had expected, and it was rather peculiar.
Helena walked into the Great Hall alone for an early dinner. She planned to study for her Transfigutation exam the next day, especially since the subject wasn’t her strong suit. As she looked over towards the Ravenclaw table to find a suitable seat that could ensure her quick meal. An unwelcome voice caught her off guard.
“Tremblay!” Merula Snyde called out loudly causing Helena to flinch.
Helena sighed, knowing she couldn’t avoid what was to come, “What is it now Merula?” She asked in as kindly and patient of a tone she could muster.
Merula suspiciously narrowed her eyes in an accusatory fashion, “What did you do to Ismelda?”
“I did nothing!” Helena insisted, “I swear!”
Unluckily for her, Merula was clearly not convinced, “I know it was you or Midway who did something! She’s acting even stranger than normal”
Helena could tell Ismelda didn’t tell Merula of what happened in the Courtyard, and it puzzled her. They had always seemed to be friends since their early Hogwarts Days, yet it seemed Ismelda refused to be honest to her, perhaps it was for the best. “Merula, please, it was-“
“Don’t lie and push the blame.” Merula threatened her causing Helena to instinctively take back, not wanting to start a duel. “I know the truth will come. It is only a matter of time.”
Helena sighed with frustration as Merula stormed out of the Great Hall. Though she did know such behavior was in character. Merula had always antagonized her, her brother, and especially Melody. Everything that went wrong, Merula always placed the blame on them. Merula acted like she was strong and powerful, yet if Ismelda wasn’t being honest with her, how strong were Merula’s alliances truly were?
“Helena?” The voice of Ismelda broke Helena out of her own mind’s questions, causing Helena to turned to look at Ismelda who sat alone at the corner of the Slytherin table.
“Yes?” Helena asked as she hesitantly walked over, hovering over Ismelda, secretly hoping for a quick discussion. Yet it was rare for Ismelda to be like this to anyone, and it made her curious.
“I wanted to say…” Ismelda gulped. “for standing up to Emily for me… th… tha… than… look don’t make me say it”
“It’s alright.” Helena accepted Ismelda’s peculiar expression of gratitude. “I get the point and you’re welcome. But I thought you said you didn’t need anyone’s help. Or rather, yelled”
Ismelda sighed, was she regretting that? “I suppose I say a lot of things that I don’t mean”
After a few moments of silence and flimsy eye contact, Helena awkwardly cleared her throat. “Well… if that’s all you want I-“
“Wait!” Ismelda called out as Helena was about to head towards the Ravenclaw table.
Helena turned her head. Ismelda looked quite embarrassed, still not looking at her directly, as if she was trying to figure out what she wanted, “Yes?”
“I hate to admit this.” Ismelda started as Helena took a seat across from her, not bothering to stand when she knew this encounter would be longer than she initially planned, and at the very least, she wanted to act like a decent person who wasn’t in a rush. “but I’m desperate. The truth is… I need someone to talk to. And I was hoping that could be you”
“Me?” Helena was flabbergasted, why her out of everyone? “Why? It’s not like we are friends. Wouldn’t you rather talk to someone like Merula”
Ismelda only shook her head. “I can’t talk to Merula about any of this, not truthfully. She’d only mock me. Although I did try asking the Bloody Baron but he refused to comment. You’re the only one who’s really approached or talked to me recently. And if anyone could help me with Barnaby, I suppose it would be you”
The whole situation was awkward and the fact that Helena had once dated Barnaby herself had added to that. Barnaby was a nice guy, and Helena could see why someone would fancy him. She wondered how long Ismelda had felt this way, perhaps it went even back to when she herself was dating Barnaby, was she jealous? Maybe? But eventually, while Helena enjoyed her time with Barnaby, she found herself not being fulfilled and initiated for them to go their separate ways, Barnaby deserved someone who could love him truly without hesitation, the way she currently loved Erika. And now Ismelda pondered if Ismelda could be that person for him
While Helena was confident she knew what was being implied, she had to be sure, “Is this about what happened in the courtyard with Emily?”
Ismelda shyly but honestly nodded, “The more I thought about what she said, the lore I realized she is probably right. The only way Barnaby would like someone like me is if he was forced”
“Wow…” Helena breathed out, and upon Ismelda’s glare she was quick to apologize, “sorry, it’s just, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you talk like this before.”
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it” Ismelda rolled her eyes, but then putting her hand to her face as she sighed. “Ugh, that came out wrong. It’s just… ugh can we talk or not?”
“I suppose I can hear you out at least.” Helena shrugged not seeing why she should reject. As much as she disagreed with Ismelda, she couldn’t help but feel for someone who was showcasing vulnerability, even if that was going to be a rare, once in a life time occurrence. “So… you want to confess to Barnaby?”
“I guess I have to try.” Ismelda attempted to muster some confidence but it quickly faded, “but what’s the point. You heard what Emily said about me… and it’s all true. Why would anyone love me?”
“If you confess.” Helena pondered out loud, “You will finally know if he feels the same. And perhaps he will, you two have been friends for a while… I think.”
“I suppose you could say that.” Ismelda weakly confirmed, supporting Helena’s own uncertainty, “I hate to say it, but you make sense. I won’t know how Barnaby reacts until I confess. I just don’t know how. I’ve fancied him for years. But I’ve never been able to tell him, and he was dating you for the longest time. How did you get him to date you?”
“I guess I just tried to be myself.” Helena admitted to answer the difficult question. Yet she wasn’t even sure if it was true, for it was also trying to figure out who she was which led her to break up with Barnaby in the end, it was all still very confusing, but all Helena knew was she was happy with where she was now, truly loving Erika. Helena sighed, it wouldn’t be like her if she stopped someone from trying to figure out who they were and what they wanted, especially if it could change them for the better, “Fine, I’ll help you. We might not be friends but you shouldn’t be sulking around”
“Really?” Ismelda’s eyes - or eye rather since one of her eyes was blocked by her bangs - widened with pure surprise, “Guess I won’t need that im- never mind”
“The only problem is this might be too big of a job for me to do alone.” Helena told herself it was for the best that she didn’t think too hard on what Ismelda was originally going to say. She was Ismelda after all. And upon thinking of it further, a plan did come into motion, one she knew she would need assistance with, “Luckily, I know just the wizard for the job”
Ismelda shuddered and muttered under her breath, but Helena heard her, “Please don’t tell me it’s Egwu.”
“Don’t be like that.” Helena did her best to reassure her, “Andre is the most confident and stylish person I know. He has helped me with my relationships and I’m sure he can help you to. If anyone can raise your self esteem it’s him”
“He seems pretty shallow…” Ismelda admitted, “but I guess he was kind to me back in the courtyard, and it does seem like he knows what he’s doing. And if he’s willing to help me, I guess I’m willing to listen”
Helena was quick to organize a meeting for the next day. Luckily with no classes that day, the places to meet drew exponentially once you made sure to not pick places where big crowds of people would be. Many classrooms would be freed up as Professors tended to stay in their quarters or offices and wouldn’t have known the difference. Even more so that the History of Magic classroom which was where her meet up with Ismelda and Andre would occur. And to Helena’s delight, he was already there, as fashionable as ever but surprisingly not fashionably late
“Thanks for meeting us here Andre.” Helena expressed her gratitude and she and Ismelda joined him at the round table. “Lucky for us Binns is out, so we shouldn’t be disturbed here”
“No need to thank me.” Andre insisted. “I’m always up for a makeover. I’ve been wanting to brush that hair out of her face since we were first years. This might be the toughest case I’ve yet to face but I am determined to succeed”
“I suppose that could help.” Helena quickly spoke before Ismelda could threaten Andre for her fashion choices, causing her to slump back in her chair, “But I was hoping you could also help Ismelda work on her confidence so she can confess her feelings”
Ismelda sighed, her dark green eyes directed towards Helena, “You are lucky he overheard everything in the courtyard or I’d place a silencing charm on you Tremblay with that blabbering mouth of yours.”
“Don’t be embarrassed Ismelda.” Andre soothingly assured her, “I think it’s nice that you have a crush on Barnaby. You two have the potential to be quite the couple, especially with the right outfits.”
The Slytherin’s eyes narrowed at the Ravenclaw guy, “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t cast a Memory Charm on you right now”
“Because I can design you a fancy dress for your first date?” Andre patiently pointed out, “I have had plenty of happy customers, take Helena here as an example. I designed her outfits for her dates with Barnaby and now with Erika.”
Imelda pondered the thought in silence for a few moments. Eventually her own words interrupted the silence she created, “Could it be the color of blood and have skulls all over it?”
“I guess?” Andre confirmed with a puzzled look on his face. Helena guessed he was trying to sketch out an idea in his head, something that he was struggling with greatly. “If that’s what you want I could make it work…”
“Deal.” Ismelda gave a rare smile.
Helena took a sigh of relief as things were going much smoother than she initially worried they wouldn’t, perhaps helping Ismelda wasn’t the worst thing in the world. And now there was only one thing left to do, “Now that that’s settled, let’s get a plan in order”
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Oh I LOVE this!!! Your artwork is so beautiful, the expressions are so well done and the demiguise looks INCREDIBLE!! Beautifully done!!

Day 4 - Unlikely duo, pets
Are demiguises considered pets? Probably not, but Jules is sure cool enough to keep one
I chose these two because it's not likely that they ever met, but if they did, they'd be besties
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Day 4 ~ Unlikely Duo
this is actually based on my hc that bea becomes a magizoologist after the war. so liz is showing her a thestral cuz bea was curious about them :)))
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Oh this is so beautifully written- so beautifully written. I love the care taken to portray such a subject and how well Chiara and her fears are written, as well as the twins. Absolutely gorgeous work!
Words of Support
Chiara is heartbroken after a misunderstanding and bad timing causes a rift to form between her and Leathan. It is something that Leathan’s twin sister, Lileas notices, and knowing her brother didn’t mean any harm, tries to close the distance by telling Chiara some long awaited information.
Theme: Girls Supporting Girls
Characters: Lileas MacFusty (OC) and Chiara Lobosca

Lileas MacFusty’s POV, December 1989
Lileas MacFusty walked through the castle’s cold corridors and a particularly chilly winter day. She wore heavy winter clothes and her Gryffindor scarf to relax by watching the snow fall, perhaps it was just what her racing mind needed. She had to figure out how to help her brother and Chiara after that horrid misunderstanding.
Lileas knew her brother, and knew exactly why he reacted the way he did when he found out she was a werewolf. The death of their older brother Radley never faded from either of their minds, witnessing the tragedy when they were just six years old. They both carried different fears and were changed after it. Lileas was always petrified in the face of fire, especially when it was uncontrollable flames that burned anything and everything in its path. But for Leathan he feared beasts such as dragons, it was quite ironic as the MacFustys were known by the wizarding world as being a dragonologist family. Leathan never took Care of Magical Creatures, claiming that the small and calm creatures weren’t worth having to study dangerous magical creatures. And in his eyes, werewolves reminded him of that destructive dragon that took Radley away from them.
Suddenly Lileas spotted the silvery haired Hufflepuff sitting alone in the cold. She work a grey winter coat, a Hufflepuff scarf and a winter hat. She seemed to be doing nothing in particular, like being stuck in a daze while try to contemplate everything. Lileas couldn’t imagine her struggle, having to live with such a secret, fearing to share it for this very reason. She likely felt hurt, even though it wasn’t Leathan’s intention. Both of them deserved happiness, one that a misunderstanding wouldn’t snatch away from them.
Lileas breathed to retain her confidence as she got over her hesitation and walked over to Chiara. She had to say something, she couldn’t just let her peer suffer in silence. Chiara was no monster, and Lileas knew that.
“Hey.” Lileas started, trying to stay firm in her mission as Chiara looked up at her with her bright blue eyes, but they seemed dimmer than usual. “Could I sit with you?”
Chiara was silent for a long few moments and Lileas was sure she would reject her request, but luckily for her it wasn’t the case, “Sure.” Chiara gave in, having already turned her head back to the sky and the falling snow.
Lileas looked at the silvery haired Hufflepuff. She seemed lost, confused, and hurt, even if she tried to hide it in the presence of others, “You know you have people who care for you.” Lileas gently reminded her, “right?”
“So you know.” Chiara’s eyes widened as her face turned to Lileas, she gave a mixture of a sigh and a groan, “Leathan told you didn’t he? I should’ve known…”
“He told no one else.” Lileas assured her confidently. “I actually might have pushed it out of him. I couldn’t stand his sulking, it’s hard to see him struggle. Look, I know it’s hard to believe but-“
“He loved me didn’t he?” Chiara interrupted her, “Or… I suppose he used to. But now everything has changed. I didn’t think I would be able to feel loved, but Leathan gave me hope, I shouldn’t have let it take so firm of a hold of me. I shouldn’t have known he would have turned away the second he found out the truth. I am… a monster.”
“Don’t say that!” Lileas exclaimed. “You are not a monster and you know that. You can’t let the voices in your head or those of others who want to mock you tell you that. It isn’t true.”
“Then why.” Chiara firmly pressed. “If I am not a monster why would Leathan flee and ignore me as if I was one?”
“You need to trust me.” Lileas softly insisted, “It’s not you that Leathan is afraid of. It is what it reminded him of in the moment, and that brash memory is causing his distance. You deserve to know.”
“W-what do you mean?” Chiara’s eyes flickered like a diminishing flame of a candle. “What could he be afraid of it not me? It would be a simple explanation. Many are prejudiced against werewolves, it’s so common I wouldn’t have questioned it.”
Lileas closed her eyes and sighed as she braced herself for the story that was so hard to tell. “It happened when we were six years old. We used to have an older brother… his name was Radley, and he was two years older than us and the best older brother we could have asked for. Radley was with two of his friends outside when it happened, two muggle girls his age. We were inside with the rest of the family, Mum was preparing dinner, our maternal grandparents had even came to visit us, it was supposed to be a happy time, but it wasn’t. Radley showed his friends a dragon, not telling our parents his plan, but the dragon, it became rogue and attacked them with fierce flames. Grandmother stayed with us inside - she couldn’t have helped with even if she wanted to due to the smoke - while Dad, Mum, and Grandfather rushed out to try and save them. Yet Leathan and I, we just couldn’t look away. The dragon took Radley and one of his friends, his other one only survived because of our grandfather’s his sacrifice being symbolized by the burns on his body. From that day on, Leathan feared dragons, or anything monstrous really.”
“And he’s still scared…” Chiara realized.
Lileas nodded with gentleness. “But I think he is starting to realize that you are not like the dragon. You are more so a victim of your circumstance. One that he wouldn’t be able to protect. I believe he is afraid of losing you but is having trouble with communicating that. If you trust me on one thing, it’s this, don’t feel like he fears you, he doesn’t and he never has. He just needs time to take everything in. But deep down, he truly does care for you, and I want you both to be happy.”
Chiara shook with uncertainty. Her eyes looking down at the ground and her hands fidgeting as they rested on her lap. “Maybe that is true. But how would other people react? This is something I have to live with, something I have been living with. People like me have trouble achieving things, so many werewolves have to live in dark alleys and on the edges of societies, facing rejection at each and every corner. People see me as a monster, like Leathan initially saw me when he witnessed my transformation, it’s why I tried to hide it from him, I wasn’t ready to tell him, but bad timing forced my hand. All my life I have wanted to be a healer, but who would hire me if they knew the truth? How much longer do I need to wait until Leathan feels comfortable again?”
Lileas put her hang on Chiara’s in an attempt to comfort her. “I don’t know how long he will take but trust me, he will come around. He cares about you, I care about you. As for the rest of the world…” Lileas pondered on what to say and eventually formulated her words into coherent sentences, “People will always fear what they don’t understand and often won’t make an effort to understand it. But you should always fight for what you want, you deserve the chance to prove the world wrong. And I will certainly stand by your side, I am your friend after all.”
“Your loyalty would make me think you were a Hufflepuff.” Chiara attempted a lighthearted laugh to try and comfort herself, “But I am afraid it is easier said than done.”
“Perhaps.” Lileas partially agreed. “But always remember that the people who care about you will come around. They may take a while to show it, but they will come to your aid when you need it, and will show their support. Give Leathan the time, and he will come around as well. I know it.”
“I want to believe that.” Chiara expressed, “I wish I had your confidence.”
“You’ll see soon enough.” Lileas smiled, “The way you carry this makes you strong, stronger than a lot of people. It may be a secret strength, but it is strength nonetheless.”
Chiara suddenly hugged her and Lileas hugged her back, “Thank you.” Chiara whispered in Lileas’ ear, “For being a friend. I needed that.”
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This is such a beautiful piece, you are so talented at writing! The scene with them entering the common room is especially well written- I love the descriptive detail, it really brings the room to life in such an incredible way that I can imagine myself there! And lovely work on the characterizations, too!
Spreading Her Wings
In this story, Melody and Helena are both sorted into Ravenclaw and follow their prefect to the Ravenclaw tower. They move into their dormitory where they meet their new roommates, with Helena quickly finding some new friends in the form of Rowan and Badeea
Theme: Dorm
Characters: Helena Tremblay (OC), Melody Midway (OC), Rowan Khanna, Tulip Karasu, and Badeea Ali
The Midways, Kai, Isadora and Miles belong to @melodymidway

Helena Tremblay’s POV, September 1984
“RAVENCLAW!” The sorting hat shouted to the crowd gathered in the Great Hall.
Helena beamed as Professor McGonagall gently took the sorting hat off of her head, allowing her to join the eagles at their table decorated with blue and bronze. She always knew since her childhood she would either be a Ravenclaw like her father or a Hufflepuff like her mother. Both were possibilities she was quite fond of due to the positive recollections her parents told her and her siblings when they were children. And now, Helena was joined the house of her father, as well as the one her older sister, Renée, was in right now as a seventh year.
She easily found herself a seat next to Melody and Andre, the former wearing her scarf that was gifted from Jackie wrapped around her neck. And the latter wearing his signature Pride of Portree Scarf. She gave Melody a comforting and happy smile although Melody still seemed to not be interacting with people around her, being much less animated in her demeanor than she had been when she, Andre, Miles, and her, shared a train compartment on their trip to the school from London. But a small part of Helena felt reassured when Melody gave her a small smile back.
“I’m glad you are a Ravenclaw.” Melody softly spoke.
“Me to.” Helena grinned back at her cousin and dear friend.
“Welcome to the eagles!” Renée welcomed her with open arms, her light brown hair tied in a singular braid. To her left sat her boyfriend, Kai, a guy with tanned skin, white hair, and glasses. And to her right sat a red haired girl with a head girl badge. Helena tried to recall her name, Isabella? Isadora? Yet, each seemed undeniably shaken, undoubtedly due to the disappearance of Helena’s cousin. Renée then turned her head back towards the front of the Great Hall, “Looks like Miles is up next.”
Helena followed her older sister’s gaze to see her twin brother wearing the sorting hat and looking rather nervous. Yet it didn’t take the sorting hat long before it yelled out its decision.
“Mum will be quite pleased with this news.” Renée smiled with a nod.
“True but Dad does have two Ravenclaws.” Helena replied, before focusing on the rest of the ceremony. Watching the back and forth between Professor McGonagall call out names and the sorting hat making its decisions.
“Tuttle, Elizabeth!”
“Warrington, Vanessa!”
“Weasley, Charlie!”
“Winger, Talbott!”
And with that, the sorting ceremony concluded. The headmaster gave some words expressing hope for a fantastic year that would allow them to hone their magical abilities. Helena hoped all the same, her herbological studies she would gain here would allow her to follow in her mother’s footsteps after all. And while she adored her mother’s own teachings, it would be nice to learn from a professor.
The welcoming feast was a delicious collection of various foods. It had been quite a long day with the ride on the Hogwarts Express. It was remarkable to watch as it all manifested upon the tables, even though Helena knew about it many times before. Helena herself enjoyed some roast chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, and peas, topped off with a deliciously looking pumpkin tart for desert.
Soon enough the feast and the first day’s ceremony came to an end. Isadora and Kai were the first to stand up from the Ravenclaw table, quickly followed by four older students. And they stood in front of the group of Ravenclaws.
“Attention Ravenclaws!” Isadora called out, “For those who do not know, I am Isadora Darkwood, seventh year Ravenclaw and the head girl. This is Kai Westland, my fellow seventh year and prefect. The six of us are here for you if you need any guidance and make sure you are achieving your success and potential while also following the rules and ensuring your safety.“
“The Ravenclaw tower awaits!” Kai cheerfully called out as he, Isadora, and the four other prefects led the way towards their dormitory.
They were nearby the Gryffindor students for the majority of the journey while the Hufflepuffs departed for the basement and the Slytherins departed for the dungeons. Eventually they went their separate ways as the Gryffindors walked up the stairs that led to their tower and the Ravenclaws walked on their own set of stairs. The many floors and staircases of Hogwarts would certainly be something she would need to get used to. But Helena knew the views from such heights would be breathtaking.
At long last, the Ravenclaw dormitory came into view. A magnificently decorated door stood before them, with no keyhole or doorknob. The only thing that was present was a bronze door knocker in the shape of an eagle. Helena watched as the door knocker spoke and gave the group a riddle, one Isadora answers effortlessly allowing the large group entrance into their common room.
The airy space felt freeing, as if they were all birds in the immense sky. The wide and circular room was further accentuated by arched windows, decorated with blue and bronze curtains made of fanciful silk. Around them were a bunch of tables and chairs and bookcases, encouraging them to find a good book to read or perhaps study for an upcoming exam.
Helena was about to follow the rest of the people along the path towards their dormitories, eager to finally get settled in the place she would call her home while at Hogwarts. Yet upon glancing to the side and noticing Melody wasn’t seeming to plan going on the same path stopped her. Helena turned to her cousin, who seemed to be looked at the ceiling, an outsider would think she was just admiring the common room’s interior but Helena knew better.
“Mel?” Helena asked comfortingly in a quiet voice, “Are you ok?”
Melody turned in her direction, “I suppose… just… thinking.”
Melody didn’t even need to elaborate for Helena to know she was thinking of Jackie. Someone who should have been sitting with his fellow seventh years, Isadora, Kai, and Renée. The one that was cheerfully preparing for his graduation, but now it was something that would never come. For Jackie had gotten himself expelled and went missing shortly after only a few months ago. And the loss was still an open wound, especially for Melody.
“Come on.” Helena encouraged her, “It is probably more comfortable in our beds in our dormitory and it’s getting late. We should properly move in.”
Melody only silently nodded which Helena took as a yes and led the way up the stairs. Each year had its own dormitory with one staircase leading to the girls dormitory and another leading to the boys dormitory. Luckily, they were each helpfully labeled one through seven making it easy to figure out which one was their own dorm.
The other three Ravenclaw girls were already in the room and getting settled when Helena and Melody entered. The first girl was organizing many stacks of books on a bookshelf; occasionally adjusting her glasses to get a better look at the titles and moving strands of her black hair out of her face, the hair that went just a bit past her shoulders. The second girl had red hair of a similar length to the first girl. She wasn’t unpacking as tidy as the others and even had a toad who was sitting on her bed. For now it wasn’t causing much trouble but Helena pondered on how long it would take for that to change. And the girl wore a hijab decorated like the stars of the night sky. She wore fingerless gloves that were already splattered with paint. She must have been the first one to get there as she was comfortably seated near the window, gazing out and painting the view.
“Hey!” The girl with messily dyed red hair that looked like she did it herself cheerfully called out, “You must be our other two roommates, I’m Tulip! And this.” She said as she picked up the toad, “Is Dennis.”
“I’m Rowan.” The dark haired girl introduced herself with a hint of awkwardness, nearly dropping the books she had in her hand but managing to keep them secure.
“And I’m Badeea.” The other girl waved from where she had been painting, her paintbrush still in hand, “And you two are?”
“I’m Helena.” Helena happily introduced herself with a friendly smile. She paused for a second, assuming Melody to introduce herself but instead she was silent, and looked rather pensive. As if she was stubbornly refusing to hand over her identity in fear of the rumors that could spark. “And this is my cousin, Melody.”
“Is she alright?” Tulip asked after the three girls were silent creating an awkward stillness, “She knows we don’t bite right? I mean Dennis might randomly jump on someone but that’s about it.”
“I’m fine.” Melody finally spoke as she went over to one of the two empty beds, not elaborating more. Getting quick to unpacking her things, her back turned from the group.
“Just give her time.” Helena softly informed Tulip. “She will open up… things have just been… tough recently.”
“Sure.” Tulip nodded before turning to her bed, her eyes widening when she noticed her toad was no longer on her bed, “Where did he go?” Her eyes traveling to the barely cracked door into their dormitory, “I better go catch him.” And with that she made her exit
“Well let’s not let these dark clouds loom over us, we at Hogwarts now.” Badeea cheered as she added some twinkling stars to her painting. “What are you most excited for?”
“Definitely Herbology.” Helena beamed, “My mum is a herbologist and I want to make her proud.”
“I’m excited for Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall and the headmaster seem so knowledgable and I am sure the other professors are just the same. I want to join their ranks someday.” Rowan added
“I am excited to learn more about charms and the incantations.” Badeea answered. “What classes do we have tomorrow?” She pondered, the answer having slipped her mind.
“I know we have charms and potions.” Helena recalled.
“I’ve been reading so many books to prepare myself.” Rowan added as she showed off her version of Hogwarts A History, “It is fascinating how the additions of this book have evolved, perhaps one day we will be within its pages.”
“With that enthusiasm you could be the youngest professor at Hogwarts.” Badeea pointed out.
“It would be amazing to accomplish.” Rowan smiled.
They continued their conversations late into the night. Badeea taught them about the specific brush strokes she had used for her painting, Rowan showed off her books, and Helena herself talked about the plants she knew of. Melody initially had added a few conversation points which was a success in Helena’s eyes, happily watching her cousin beginning to blossom, especially when she and Rowan talked about books. But Melody had gone to sleep much earlier than Helena would have expected, as if she was waiting for tomorrow to quickly get here. And Tulip was still gone chasing Dennis, the toad likely causing her loads of trouble. But for now, Helena could only hope for the bright future ahead
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Day 3 ~ Girls supporting girls
rowan’s helping her in the hospital wing <3
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Absolutely incredible writing! I love the detail to each scene, it makes what’s being described practically come to life in the best way! Phenomenal work!!
Arriving in Manaus
In this story, Helena has graduated from Hogwarts and is ready to go on her own adventures. The first place she travels to is to Brazil to visit her pen friend, Alanza Alves. Helena is quick to realize that her summer in Brazil will be one to remember even in her first few moments in the country and its beautiful atmosphere.
Theme: Summer (and I guess also side character lol)
Characters: Helena Tremblay (OC), Alanza Alves
Melody and Miles, who are both mentioned in this story, belong to @melodymidway

Helena Tremblay’s POV, June 1991
Helena immediately felt the thick air and humidity as soon as she manifested into the city of Manaus with the assistance of the portkey that allowed her to travel across the Atlantic at lightning speed. As she walked from the isolated alley into the bustling square, she took in her surroundings. She had grown up in Ireland and went to school in Scotland, she was used to the rolling hills that a layer of fog and mist would settle on in the early hours of the morning along with the common drizzle. But Brazil seemed to be quite different, she doubted it was as hot as she thought it was but her mind convinced her otherwise. If she hadn’t mentally considered it, Helena felt like she possibly could have collapsed from the sudden change in temperature, but at least she did acknowledge it and was able to maintain composure. Still, the intense heat was making its presence known.
“There you are!” A familiar, cheerful, and energetic voice called out. Helena turned her head towards the sound and smiled upon seeing Alanza. She hadn’t changed much since they last saw each other back at the beginning of their seventh years, then again it had only been a few months. “Welcome to Brazil!” She greeted her with open arms and embraced her.
“Alanza!” Helena cheerfully smiled and hugged her back. She retained her smile once they broke their embrace. “It’s good to see you.” She looked once again at her surroundings, the colorful city square she was in, the rainforest in the distance, and the sounds of tropical birds filling the air. “You weren’t kidding
in your letters, this place is incredible!”
“I knew you’d love it.” Alanza beamed. “Trust me though, this is just the beginning. Just wait until we get to explore the rainforest. There are so many magical plants and creatures there. But for now, let’s get you settled. My family’s home isn’t too far from here, and Mum is cooking a wonderful welcome dinner as we speak.”
“Sounds great.” Helena smiled as she readjusted her hand that securely held her bag. “Lead the way.”
It was clear that Alanza knew her way through the city the way she weaved through the crowds with ease with her light steps. Her determined caramel eyes leading the way with confidence. Helena glanced around her, taking in all of the colorful buildings and the fruit stalls. At least it did help distract her from the heat that she knew would be a challenge to get used to.
“So,” Alanza glanced over her shoulder. “How’s life been since we last saw each other? What sort of adventures have you been on? How have the others been?”
Helena chuckled, “Nothing too much actually but I am grateful for that. After dealing with the cursed vaults and R we could all use a break.” Helena pointed out, recalling fondly of how Alanza’s visit was one of the highlights of her seventh year, one that started to feel strangely normal, as it should have been. “Everyone else is doing well. Melody is starting some freelance curse breaking, being mentored by a friend of her brother’s. Though I will say Melody hardly needs it, the cursed vaults were experience enough, but suppose it helps in the professional context. And Miles, like me, is practicing herbology.” Helena named a handful of examples.
“Sounds like you all have been getting some much needed rest. I guess you needed it given what you have told me about the past few years.” Alanza acknowledged. “You know, I’ve been working with plants myself a bit, and creatures to. Although music has been taking up most of my passion, not that I mind.”
“What types of music have you been working with?” Helena asked curiously.
“I’ve been practicing with nine different instruments, you could say I am a one woman band.” Alanza cheerfully answered. “I know the Berimbau, Cavaquinho, Rabeca, Viola de Cocho, Pifano, Atabaque, Maraca, Pandeiro, and the Accordion!”
Helena laughed with amusement, “I knew you were gifted musically but I wouldn’t have guessed you knew that many instruments.”
“I like to think music creates its own magic.” Alanza stated proudly. “I am actually in a band, I’ll have to introduce you to them at some point during your visit.”
As they continued walking. The most bustling city square became a more calm collection of houses, albeit still colorful and bold in their designs, with a touch of nature shining through with the vines. Eventually, an impressively sized house came into view with two stories that was much larger in scale compared to own her home which was more modest. Then again, she was familiar with big homes with her visits to the Hearst Hall and Midway Estate as a child. Vines crept up the sides of the house creating a unique design element against the painted exterior walls and the roof that was made of red tiles.
“And here we are.” Alanza finally announced. “My family has had this house for generations, as you know, we are known in Manaus for our contributions to the wizarding world, particularly in Magizoology but also a bit of herbology to for good measure.”
“It’s beautiful.” Helena smiled. “I can see why you enjoy it here.”
“Now come on.” Alanza insisted, almost like an excitable child, “Let’s get inside.”
The first thing that caught Helena’s attention upon walking into the house was the colorfully painted wooden carvings of various magical creatures of all sorts. The room she had entered was spacious and filled with portraits and other paintings. And Helena appreciated the shade that the interior of the house provided.
“Mãe!” Alanza called out to the woman who was working in the kitchen, the wonderful smells filling the house. “I’m back.”
Alanza’s mother seemed to be a bit younger than Helena’s own mother. Her dark hair was tied in a low bun, likely so it didn’t get in her way while she cooked. She smiled as she turned, using her wand to enchant the spoon to help stir the pot at the proper speed. Helena noted that Alanza inherited her eyes from her mother, as they shared her caramel shade.
“Ah, so you’re the famous Helena that Alanza talks so much about.” Mrs. Alves observed. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you.”
“It’s great to finally be here.” Helena smiled back, appreciating the hospitality. “The food smells great.”
Mrs. Alves nodded in approval, “Thank you. I hope you enjoy it. Now, dinner is almost ready, so you can take a piece of fruit if you’d like.” She offered while gesturing to a bowl of fruit on the table. When Helena looked over there, Alanza already had grabbed a green fruit with a red inside. When Helena turned back she noticed how Mrs. Alves eyes looked towards her bag, “And Alanza can help you get settled.”
“Thank you.” Helena gave a friendly smiled as she gently grabbed a papaya from the bowl with her free hand.
“The room is just up the stairs.” Alanza revealed as she motioned her hand to the proper direction, “Come on!”
Helena was quick to follow Alanza up the stairs. By the looks of it, the bottom floor was where the family would gather, either for leisure or to enjoy a meal, while the upper floor was where everyone’s rooms were. Alanza opened up the door with a smile. The room was painted a golden shade and the window provided an excellent view of not only the city, but also the surrounding rainforest.
“Hope you like it.” Alanza smiled from the doorway.
“It’s perfect.” Helena assured her as she gently sat her bag on the bed as she enjoyed the last few bites of her papaya. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Alanza beamed. “I can’t wait to introduce you to the rest of the family. And I’m sure you’ll love dinner too. My Mãe makes the best dishes, especially Tambaqui and Tacaca. Then tomorrow, the real fun will begin.”
“I can’t wait.” Helena’s eyes lit up at the thought of exploring the flora and fauna of Brazil, embracing the rainforest as a place to explore.
“Let’s get back downstairs.” Alanza waved her over. “Dinner should be just about ready.”
Helena silently nodded as she followed Alanza out of the room and following her friend’s rapid pace down the stairs. As Alanza had predicted, dinner was indeed ready as plates and bowls were being placed on the table. The smells continued to fill the air. She took a seat next to Alanza at the table as Alanza’s many siblings, father, and grandmother did, with Alanza’s mother being the last to sit once she placed the last dish on the table.
Helena could tell the food was delicious before eating it and as she took her first few bites she could confirm it full heartedly. The cuisine was certainly different from what she was used to back home but it made it all the more interesting. She had to remind herself to ask Alanza of other dishes that she should try during her visit.
“I hope the portkey didn’t give you any trouble?” Alanza’s father asked.
“Not at all.” Helena shook her head with a smile. “Took a minute to get my groundings but it’s worth it for such a quick trip.”
“Alanza mentioned you were from Ireland right?” Alanza’s grandmother recalled, “How is it over there.”
“It’s been good, much more peaceful, especially at Hogwarts which is in Scotland.” Helena explained, “It’s a welcome change. I have had more time to focus on my herbology work.”
“Alanza mentioned a bit of what you have gone through last year” Alanza’s older brother, Luis, Helena believed his named was, stated. “It sounds like you are in need of a well deserved rest.”
“Definitely.” Helena nodded, “Me, my brother, and cousin have been through a lot. But I didn’t come here just to sit around and watch everything from a distance.”
“That’s the spirit!” Alanza cheered, “The rainforest is beautiful in the summer. And life in Manaus is so alive with the yearly festival. Even though it meant it was a season away from Castelobruxo, it did give me the freedom to explore closer to home.”
“Alanza’s been talking about taking you to the rainforest ever since you two finalized the plans for your visit.” Alanza’s father chuckled, “She has a lot to show you.”
“I’m sure.” Helena smiled knowingly, “and I can’t wait.”
“There are so many plants and creatures to show you.” Alanza added, “Although we might run into some mischievous Caipora, they can be quite tricky.”
“But don’t you worry.” Alanza’s mother assured Helena, “Alanza knows the rainforest in and out. You are in good hands. She started learning about the rainforest since before she could walk, just like the rest of her siblings.”
As the conversations continued on in a lovely animated fashion, Helena found herself thinking in her own head. Her first summer after her Hogwarts graduation was bound to be a memorable one and this new adventure was just beginning.
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Day 3 ~ Fall
just had to draw merula for this prompt!! she’s just chilling in the pumpkin patch :))
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Absolutely beautiful work once again! I love the design on the dress, especially the trail of fabric along her arms- it’s beautifully colored and so well done overall. Lovely piece!!

Alanza in formal wear for @hphm-fandom-events girls week
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Day 2 ~ Side character
Alanza!!!!! I’ve never drawn her before but I had SO much fun drawing her <333
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Day 2 ~ Ballgown
i had so much fun drawing badeea. she’s so beautiful and underrated rahhhh
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