Alice Fanfictioning
31 posts
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alicefanfictioning · 3 hours ago
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Harry x Hermione
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alicefanfictioning · 1 day ago
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Practical Magic (1998) dir. Griffin Dunne
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alicefanfictioning · 1 day ago
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Matilda (1996) dir. Danny Devito
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alicefanfictioning · 1 day ago
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The Princess Bride (1987) dir. Rob Reiner
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alicefanfictioning · 1 day ago
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THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1965) dir. Robert Wise
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alicefanfictioning · 2 days ago
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THE PRINCESS BRIDE 1987, dir. Rob Reiner
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alicefanfictioning · 2 days ago
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She was amazed to discover that when he was saying, 'As you wish,' what he meant was, 'I love you.'
The Princess Bride (1987) dir. by Rob Reiner
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alicefanfictioning · 2 days ago
I think a lot of people are forgetting that on tumblr fandom used to be practiced very differently. now everyone fucks off to their discords or tumblr groups to discuss everything with a select few, making tags be nearly only used for posting some finished fanworks or not at all
a decade ago people didn't have tumblr groups. people didn't even have dms. if you wanted to talk to anyone about anything you had to make a post, or send an ask (which more often than not would get published and thereby become a post in the end too)
so next time you think "I have a fandom thought but I have to find a small group of hyperspecifically like-minded people to share it with in private" remember all the freaks you could be missing out on meeting by keeping the tags dead. use tags, make friends. fuck discord.
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alicefanfictioning · 3 days ago
The fourth task / La cuarta prueba
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"Let's go back to Hogwarts. He might still arrive at one, just like he said."
Harry nodded, but instead of moving, he kept staring at her. Frustration still burned inside him, mixed with something else he didn’t fully understand. His chest rose and fell heavily, his breathing still erratic from anger and disappointment. Then, driven by the suffocating emotions within him, he kissed her.
Hermione's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know how to react. It was the first time anyone had kissed her, and her body tensed immediately. What was she supposed to do now? She didn’t want to hurt Harry’s feelings, but she also wasn’t sure if she wanted this kiss or not.
AO3 link link
"Vamos a Hogwarts. Aún puede llegar a la una, como te dijo."
Harry asintió, pero en lugar de moverse, se quedó mirándola. La frustración seguía ardiendo en su interior, mezclada con algo más que ni él mismo entendía del todo. Su pecho subía y bajaba con pesadez, su respiración aún alterada por la ira y la decepción. Entonces, siguiendo el impulso de lo ahogado que se sentía en ese momento, la besó.
Hermione abrió los ojos de par en par, sorprendida. No supo cómo reaccionar. Era la primera vez que alguien la besaba, y su cuerpo se tensó de inmediato. ¿Qué se suponía que debía hacer ahora? No quería herir los sentimientos de Harry, pero tampoco sabía si quería ese beso o no.
AO3 link link
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alicefanfictioning · 3 days ago
The fourth task / La cuarta prueba
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A pink mist filled the air in front of her.
The world froze.
No. No. No.
The sob that escaped her lips was barely a whimper, but the echo in the walls magnified it, as if the entire castle now knew her secret.
She clamped a hand over her mouth, stifling a scream.
There was no turning back now.
AO3 link link
El hechizo salió de su varita en un leve destello.
Un vapor rosado llenó el aire frente a ella.
El mundo se congeló.
El sollozo que escapó de su garganta fue apenas un gemido, pero el eco en las paredes lo devolvió amplificado, como si el castillo entero supiera su secreto.
Se llevó una mano a la boca, ahogando un grito.
Ya no había vuelta atrás.
AO3 link link
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alicefanfictioning · 3 days ago
The fourth task / La cuarta prueba
"Nothing was happening."
👗 But the dress fit differently. 👁️ her reflection felt unfamiliar. 🫀 And for the first time, she dared to touch her stomach.
"Her hands trembled as she brought them to her belly. Barely a touch, barely a touch.
She had never done this before. Ever since the spell, she had avoided looking. Avoided touching herself. As if the simple act of ignoring it could make it go away.
But now she was here, fingers splayed over the flat curve of her abdomen, holding her breath, hoping to see… something.
Nothing was noticeable.
Nothing could be noticed.
But she felt it."
💬 If you love angst, slow-burn stories, and deeply emotional character moments, this fic is for you. Reblogs & comments are always appreciated! 💫
📖AO3 link| 📖 link | 📖 Wattpad
✨ Versión en español:
"No estaba pasando nada."
👗 Pero el vestido le quedaba diferente. 👁️ Su reflejo le resultaba ajeno. 🫀 Y por primera vez, se atrevió a tocar su vientre.
"Sus manos temblaron cuando las llevó a su vientre. Apenas un roce, apenas un toque.
Nunca lo había hecho antes. Desde el hechizo, había evitado mirar. Evitado tocarse. Como si el simple acto de ignorarlo pudiera hacer que desapareciera.
Pero ahora estaba aquí, con los dedos extendidos sobre la curvatura plana de su abdomen, conteniendo el aliento, esperando ver… algo.
No se notaba nada.
No podía notarse nada.
Pero ella lo sentía."
🔗 Lee más en: 📖 AO3 link| 📖 link | 📖 Wattpad
💬 Si te gustan las historias de angustia, dilemas internos y momentos llenos de emociones, este fic es para ti.
¡Los comentarios y reblogs siempre son bienvenidos! 💫
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alicefanfictioning · 3 days ago
La cuarta prueba / The fourth task
📖 "Todo había empezado en la Casa de los Gritos. Allí, en medio del polvo y los secretos, donde no debió haber ocurrido nada… pero ocurrió."
🖤 La soledad, el cansancio, la confusión. La presión demasiado alta. Algunas cosas se salen de control sin que lo queramos, sin que estemos listos.
💭 A veces, cuando todo se derrumba, cometes un error que lo cambia todo. Pero, ¿realmente fue un error?
🔗 📖 Capítulo 1 aquí:
AO3 link link
Wattpad ___________________________________
📖 "It all started at the Shrieking Shack. There, among the dust and the secrets, where nothing should have happened… but it did."
🖤 Loneliness. Exhaustion. Confusion. The pressure was too much. Some things slip out of control before we even realize it, before we’re ready.
💭 Sometimes, when everything falls apart, you make a mistake that changes everything. But was it really a mistake?
🔗 📖 Read Chapter 1 here: AO3 link link
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alicefanfictioning · 4 days ago
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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alicefanfictioning · 5 days ago
i'm gonna be real honest here: i rarely leave comments or kudos on works on ao3. i usually just bulk-download a shit-ton of fanfics onto my ereader and thats it.
but i realized thats not fair, so ive been thinking about going back to all the fics ive read last year and leave at least one kudos and one comment on every single one of them. this is probably going to take some time, but the authors deserve it.
they do the gods work for free, the least i can do is thank them for it. they are the reason i still have my shit like one-third together, without them it would be zero-third.
ill probably need to take days off from work for this project.
but i am determined.
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alicefanfictioning · 6 days ago
"actions speak louder than words" unless you’re a writer, in which case you’ll spend 300 pages describing a character’s inner turmoil while they stand perfectly still in a room.
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alicefanfictioning · 6 days ago
i get so happy when people that are new to fanfic writing, or just writing in general, post their work on ao3. despite their doubts, despite their fear of something so personal and vulnerable being perceived, they still press that button, and i turn into the equivalent to a proud mom cheering on the sidelines. like yes! you did that! your work is worth seeing! you deserve to share your passion for and be part of a community! i’m so proud of you!
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alicefanfictioning · 7 days ago
Appreciation post for all the beginner artists who work hard despite the AI ​​looming over us. You are fabulous. You are precious. Keep up the hard work, you are needed.
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