#Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch
trumen-indore · 1 year
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Trumen is a technocrat driven organization aimed at providing top-of-the-range and high quality level measurement and process control instruments. Formed by the pioneers who devoted their respective lives in development, design and delivery of solution to the problems faced in the field of level sensing and process measurements. Trumen has a fixed point agenda about “sensing matters”, and each device created at Trumen is thoroughly tested to pass the quality norms set in-house, in order to give the best performance in all operating conditions.
The products designed and manufactured by Trumen confirm to various international quality standards. Instruments having best in class IP-68 certified enclosures, Ex-proof enclosures suitable for hazardous area and gas group IIA, IIB and IIC and PU Epoxy coated enclosures suitable for harsh environment. Trumen also produces instruments with SS enclosures suitable for food and pharma industries and PU enclosures suitable for chemical industries.
Address: 39, Mangal Nagar, Behind Sai Ram Plaza, Near Rajeev Gandhi Circle, AB Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001
Web: https://trumen.in/
Contact: 0731 497 2065
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kiranbeleuniverse · 3 years
Jayceetech is best Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids supplier, Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids Manufacturer Company in pune, Maharashtra, India
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vishalnimbalkar1325 · 4 years
Jayceetech is best Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids supplier, Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids Manufacturer Company in pune, Maharashtra, India
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jayceeech · 5 years
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Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch For Solids
Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch For Solids utilizes a piezoelectric crystal that vibrates the rod at a natural frequency for level detection of powders and bulk solids.
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malibumiu · 3 years
haha hi fuck- This is my first lil fic on here please don’t bite me...
[Naegami: Makoto givin kuya head while he’s driving](So this clearly a lemon (aka smut!)
Please note that I use he/they pronouns for makoto and switch between them (also he has boobies because I said so.)
happy reading!
“Makoto I swear to god if you make me crash-“
“Well then you better keep focus -Ah mmm~ come back here you~”
Byakuya hitched a breath as he felt Makoto’s mouth rap around his dick, suck and bobbing him. God fuck… a moan ripped out slightly from his throat, the car swerving abit at that. The last thing he needed was for this car to crash into another one..especially on his birthday.
The way their tongue swirled around his pillar made him grip the steering wheel in vigor, normally he would have his hands in Makoto’s hair fingers eagerly threading through it all the while he stared down at their face, the soft pants and moans. All that made him stir but what got him most was the lewd look on his partner's face and the bulge in his throat when he shoved it all in-.
A loud slurp filled his ears as Makoto went deeper, he could feel his partner’s spit shined breasts resting on his dress  pants leg. His hips bucked slightly as Makoto continued bobbing his head up and down his now throbbing shaft. 
It was all becoming too much, the sensations of his partner were giving his shaft sent soft waves of pleasure through his body, at some point his hand found its way from the wheel to brunette’s head, fingers entwined in now messy locks. His hips began to move on their own as the tingling faded into pressure that was quickly building up. 
He began to buck his hips faster, the pressure was building up too fast it was all becoming too much-. At this point he nearly forgot he was in the car, his pleasure filled haze broken slightly once he heard a car horn blown by him (thank god the windows were tinted) reminding him that it was indeed on the highway. That's when Makoto decided to remove his head from his dick, lip gloss and spit covered it while his hot breath made his shaft tingling with an urge.
“Enjoying yourself birthday boy?” “Y-You could say that…” “Good,” They gave him a sultry smile, “Why don’t you pull over and we can finish then hm?” He didn’t need to be told twice, quickly pulling off to the side of the road. He pushed the seat back as far as possible, Makoto getting the message and quickly climbing over him to get underneath the wheel and in between his legs, where his cock was stiff waiting anxiously.
Makoto smiled against his cock, first sucking his balls toying with them, then finally moving back to his manhood. Throating the rod more quickly, their hand gripped the base tightly, the softness like magic to his dick as he pumped him.
“GH-Fuck!” Byakuya growled arching his back, his pants growling heavier, his hands finding their way back into brunette locks pulling at them to let him go deeper.
With permission granted, he couldn’t wait any longer shoving his full length down their throat, the warmth and vibrations from their throat making him buck faster, fucking hell he was so so so close just a little more-
Something in him told him to look down at his partner looking down. He was greeted with crossed eyed Makoto eyes glazed over and tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, their eyeshadow smeared and ruined. A thin line of snot slowly trickled from his nose, spit definitely drooling down his chin. They looked like an utter slut for his cock, and then his muscles tenses up, crotch firmly pushed against Makoto’s face and his vision went white for a moment. 
..Now he found himself panting as he tried to cool down while his dress shirt stuck uncomfortably to his skin. “Fuck… that was..”
“Kinda hot?” Makoto chuckled from below him, giving his now soft member a gentle kiss. “Could you pass me the tissue?”
He did as told, letting his eyes close as Makoto wiped him clean, he was honestly tempted to tell him to do it with his mouth but didn’t as he knew he would probably get worked up again. He rather not have full on sex in a car especially without a condom.
“You know if you're too puckered out I can drive us back.” He peered down with one eye, as he watched them zip him up. It's not that he didn’t trust Makoto but they weren’t exactly known for being a good driver. 
“And let you actually get us into a crash? Please Makoto I have enough stamina to still be level headed-“ a knock from the window startled them both.
“Damn..” he rolled down the window and was greeted by a flashlight along with a guy. “Can I help you??”
“Just checking to see if you're alright sir.” The green haired man smiled, “As I  noticed you- Oh.”
Makoto smiled shyly from between his legs, pressing his arm closer to his chest eyes darting from the side to the stranger. Meanwhile Byakuya gave him a annoyed glare 
“Ah.. I see you need no help. I’ll be going. Have a good evening!” With an awkward chuckle as quickly as he came he left, leaving the two alone. “Soooo,” Makoto started, staring up at Byakuya, his arms resting on the cushion of the seat, a teasing glint twinkled in their eyes, “Are we doing round two in here or at the hotel?” “The moment we reach the hotel I hope you weren’t looking forward to that little after party sleepover, cause I plan to make sure you won’t be able to walk for the next few days.” “I’m looking forward to it sir~” 
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rainbowcaleb · 4 years
{thirty solar years ago}
Essek understood that what he was planning could be considered reckless endangerment, or it would be if it wasn’t him planning it. He’s attempted spells before that were adjacent in nature, even if not quite at the same strength, and he was certain he knew the theory precisely and accurately.
The only true lingering problem was one of components.
Essek needed stardust.
He had already poked around his own lab, in-disguise around town, and even sent a few coded messages to his less than above board contacts. In a fit of frustration he had re-read six tomes of arcana and triple checked his already-scrutinized spellwork. There was no getting around it. Meteorite shavings did not work, attempts with star ruby spell gems did nothing, even a mote of pure energized light was no replacement. The spell needed stardust, freshly collected and as close to alive as it could be. Essek was confident in his own power, and graviturgy was a delightful field of study, but he could not possibly be expected to yank down a star from the very sky just to use for a component?
Perhaps that’s why this particular magical feat had never been attempted before; it required a long life of patience to wait until a star fell your way, or the power to rearrange fate into a more favorable position.
Essek left the familiar space of his lab to head up to his observatory. If he had to pace fruitlessly while pondering this problem, he might as well have a more pleasing visual. He strode up his stairs to the highest point of his tower, stepping outside the lab space onto the narrow balcony that surrounded the top. From here he had a full view of the spread of the city beneath him, lamplights bright among the ever-darkness. Above him it was mirrored, distant pinpricks of stars scattered across the sky, twinkling in a frustratingly joyful way. Essek could be patient. He had centuries ahead of him, perhaps more. He gripped the edge of the banister, the cold metal sharp under his palms. He had not gotten to where he was now by waiting on something to randomly click into place. As he watched the slow turn of the interlooped rings that charted the ley lines of magic in the world, he knew what he had to do and how.
He pushed back inside his tower, raising his arm as he did so. One quick movement later and he pulled his spellbook from the air and into his hand. Essek felt he was stacking risk onto risk in his pursuit of this goal, but if he was correct (and many years of life had taught him he usually was) then with adding this spell he could trade centuries of waiting for mere decades. 
He stepped into the middle of the room where the carved sigils and runes on the floor were most concentrated. A stripe of crushed agate here, a dusting of fossilized wood, bones of a mouse trapped in amber set in the middle, and then Essek stood above his little pile with a forked metal tool in hand. With a sharp burst of power, he struck his metal rod into the pile like a match and the components burst into flame. The bright red only lasted a split second before the flames rolled into yellow, pure white, and then into a simmering grey. Essek kept his hand to the illusory fire to ensure an even burn across the tool in his hand, clenching his teeth from the unsettling chill of the spell, until the last of the flames flickered out with a last dusty gasp.
He stood up straight, turning the rod over in his hands. The once-gold metal had burnished into an iridescent black that seemed to eat up the light in his room. He stepped out into the night air once again, keeping his eyes on the sky above. He raised the tool up, and without looking away from the stars on the horizon, he flicked the fork. Essek could feel the rod reverberate in his hand, but the sound was too high for even his ears to pick up on. He held the fork skyward until the very last of the tremors in the metal stopped.
Essek sighed. That was the easy part.
Now he had to wait.
{present day}
It had become a habit. Every day before meditating Essek would traverse the familiar steps up his tower, and up and up until he reached the highest point. He would step outside onto the balcony (now since widened for easier access) and walk a slow circle around his ever-swirling ley links to observe the night sky. He would hold his fork in his hand as he paced, hoping that tonight the rod would ring again.
At this point it had been three decades of waiting. And while Essek had grown accustomed and somewhat fond of his slow nightly stroll around his observatory, there was the smallest nagging voice that perhaps in the overconfidence of his youth he had performed the spell wrong.
He was beginning to believe those thoughts tonight. He continued his circular pace, the rod loose in his hand, and instead he started to ponder improvements, experiments, and another attempt….
Essek dropped the rod suddenly as he was utterly shaken from his thoughts. He picked it quickly back up, bringing it to eye level. Even if the trembling metal in his hand wasn’t confirmation enough, he could see that the fork element of the rod was ringing, and the glossy black surface seemed to shift and warp.
A star was nearby. 
He scanned the horizon quickly. It was possible he was distracted, or facing the wrong way, and had missed the telltale streak of light. But the fork would tell him, it would point him the right way. Essek floated down his stairs, opting to put on an illusion disguise rather than wasting any time with his mantle as he rushed out his door. The rod was singing under his hand, the metal growing warmer as it rang. Some force of power was pulling him down this path, guiding his movements left, right, right again, as he hurried through the city. He felt magnetized and the fork was yanking him towards the very thing he sought. The missing piece of his spell. The final piece.
In a matter of minutes he was outside of the Lucid Bastion. Essek knew in his disguise he would not be let past the guards, he would have to switch to Shadowhand Thelyss if he wanted to venture in. It wasn’t that unusual for the Shadowhand to arrive at the Bastion very late or very early, depending on what work needed to be done. The magnetic pull of his path was almost forcing his hand out in front of him, so Essek snapped his generic drow disguise off and pulled his mantle from his pocket dimension. It took a moment longer than usual, as he did not want to let go of the trembling metal fork for even a second, but with the Shadowhand persona firmly reaffixed, Essek swept into the Bastion and started down its labyrinthine halls. 
He floated as briskly as he could without catching attention, but his giddy anticipation sped him through salon after salon, the wind of his movement sweeping his mantle out behind him. He only paused when he heard noisy overlapping voices, accents he couldn't quite place, and most interestingly all speaking Common. 
Essek slowed and peered around the corner, the fork tremors shaking up his wrist into his forearm now. He caught the tail end of a group being led past the double doors at the end of the hall, into the antechamber before the court of the Queen. Even at this distance his eyes were drawn immediately to the two humans in the ragtag group. It was extremely unusual to see in Rosohna. He had just seconds to catalogue all details he could see before they disappeared behind the tall doors. Essek’s gaze flitted last to the human male, bright red hair catching his attention. 
The vibrations in his hand surged in intensity, making him pull away from the wall in fear of involuntarily knocking against it. Essek could barely hold the rod anymore. It wanted him to go forward and now. 
Even as he was conjuring up a plausible excuse to enter the antechamber, a message rang through and interrupted his mind. It was a summons. The Bright Queen had called a meeting of the full court within the hour.
Essek summoned his full concentration to open his pocket dimension and forced himself to drop the fork within. He could not have that distracting him or alerting any prying eyes. He did not need questions about his private affairs. He drifted back down the hall from where he came and his thoughts pondered that odd group of strangers and the redhead human. Essek did not believe in coincidences, and so the meeting must involve these people. And the fork...it’s pull had definitely directed his hand in their direction.
He had many questions (how did such commoners stumble upon a star? what would they want it for? how were they containing it’s essence alive, and not letting it fall chill and inert as stone?), but all answers seemed to point, once again, to patience. 
The star was still potent, he was sure of it, and it was within hand's reach somewhere in the Bastion. This was the closest he had ever been to his goal. Essek couldn't stop the uncharacteristic grin from spreading across his face. 
Nothing could stop him now.
{ day 2 prompt from @finelyfrenzied ‘s fictober list, I am so slow to write these haha. I’ll catch up eventually! }
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What Might Have Been - 19
@goodomenscelebration - Themes
Quite a lot has gone up! Read all chapters on AO3!
Still trying to post as many as I can but my computer is going wonky. The final 2 may have to wait for the morning (and then a break as I write more - it’s outlined, I swear!).
(CW: cliffhanger that I’m not resolving tonight! we are overdue for a POV switch)
(Also CW for Aziraphale being injured)
For those who missed the previous sections, “Kasbeel” is the name Aziraphale is traveling under. He is in an alternate universe, and the AU Aziraphale is not nice.
Kasbeel landed on the far side of Milton Keynes and hummed his wings. They would hear it, even at this distance, but it would take his godchildren some time to find the parking lot. Time they didn’t have.
He set Alex down beside the glass doors of the enormous steel building. They didn’t slide open automatically, but few things worked anymore. “I’m going to need to leave you here while I gather the others,” Kasbeel explained. “I believe there is a café of some description inside. See if any food survived the last seven years, you should know what to look for.”
“Ok,” Alex glanced nervously at the nearly-black sky. “They…the angels aren’t coming back, right?”
“I don’t know.” A metal fence ran beside the walkway, each pole twisted and rusted through. He picked out one that looked mostly solid and snapped it free. “If anyone tries to bother you, hit them with this repeatedly and scream as loud as you can.”
��Yes, sir!” Alex grinned, taking the metal rod.
“Oh, and as our people arrive, let them know they’re to gather at the covered area over there.” He pointed right. “I will return shortly.”
As he turned away, a wave of nausea – exhaustion – overtook Kasbeel. He ignored it, wiping more golden blood from his forehead. Not yet. Not yet.
Two hours later, Lyla stood just past the covered walkway, watching Kasbeel return from the dark sky. He flew much lower than he usually did, though he only carried Sofia. He stumbled as he landed, but carefully placed the nine-year-old girl onto the ground. “That’s…that’s all I could find.”
“Inez is still missing,” Lyla said. “And Ravi.”
“No, they were with me,” Sophia said, tears in her eyes. “Angels got them. They told me to hide under a car and…it worked…”
“That’s everyone accounted for, then,” Kasbeel said. She’d never realized an angel could look so pale. “Seven taken. I…I’m truly sorry…I did my best…”
Lyla pulled his arm over her shoulders and he leaned on her, heavily. “Look, you need rest. Why don’t you find someplace to stay for the…the night…” she glanced up at the blue-black sky, cinder sun still well above the horizon. Stars were already coming out. “We’ll be fine here.”
“No. You won’t.”
A murmur ran through the crowd. Ella was gesturing at Lyla to bring him over, several others were talking to Mickey. Some of the looks shot towards Kasbeel were grateful. Most weren’t.
“I think…I think they’re going to have some questions for you.”
“Ah. They saw him. I’m surprised I was able to keep it secret as long as I did.” He pushed himself upright. “Do you still trust me, Lyla?”
“I…don’t know. Should I?”
Instead of answering, he shuffled forward, resting his hands on the railing. “I suppose you’ve all heard by now.” A hush fell over the gathering, and his weakened voice seemed to carry, reverberating through the air. “And I want to tell you…it’s true. I am Aziraphale. Angel of the Eastern Gate, Principality of Earth. But not this Earth.”
To Lyla, it was just a rush of voices; she couldn’t make any sense of the shouts. But he just nodded as if he heard every word. “You’re right. It doesn’t make any sense. I fell through a – a hole in the sky, and I wound up here. On my Earth, none of this happened. We stopped the Apocalypse. No, I was barely involved. The humans stopped it, mostly.” He looked around the crowd. “I don’t know why that didn’t happen here. But I am…truly sorry for everything you have suffered.”
Another roar from the crowd, backing away, pulling the children from him. “This isn’t a trick!” He lost his balance for a moment, almost bending double over the railing. “What would I have to gain? The Guardian…the other Aziraphale…he could have taken all of you…”
Lyla stepped up beside him, rested a hand between his wings. “Kasbeel…I mean, A – Aziraphale…perhaps you should go. We can find our way to London from here. It’s only another week, maybe less.”
“You won’t make it!” He pointed to the sky. “The sun is already being extinguished. Next the moon, then the stars will fall – three days at most, almost certainly less.” He looked around the crowd, struggling to regain his composure. “I don’t know if you’ll be safe there, I don’t know if anywhere is safe, but…I will get you there. I promised.”
“How?” she demanded. “You’re half-dead and it’s forty miles away.”
“My dear Lyla. Don’t you know where you are?” He gestured around the enormous parking lot, towards the oversized vehicles left abandoned by the covered waiting area. “This is a bus station.”
Aziraphale leaned against the largest bus, trying to catch his breath. Not that he needed to breathe, but it really shouldn’t hurt this much to do so. He was only bleeding from a few spots, but he suspected the damage was worse than he’d originally thought.
He didn’t know what would happen if he discorporated here. So, he would simply have to do his level best not to.
Lyla stepped off the bus, shaking her head. “Well, it’ll only fit about seventy-five people, but you’ll be lucky if that many are willing to let you drive them.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I never learned to drive.” He shifted, pressing a hand against his ribs. “I’m going to fly it.”
“Fly it?” She glanced down the length of the bus, about seventy or eighty feet, several tons of steel. “Is that…something angels can do?”
“Well, I managed it once.” He smiled as confidently as he could. “Er, with two bodies on a scooter. But the principle is the same, and if I can replicate the feat, we should be in London in, oh, a matter of minutes. And across that energy barrier. I believe I know how to cross it.”
Lyla leaned closer, running a finger over the cut on his forehead. It stung, in a strangely bright way, causing stars to flash across his vision. “Fine. Is that something you can do? You look like you’re in a lot of pain.”
“I am.” He grimaced. “But my friend is in worse pain.” He could still hear the screams from the video. How long had Crowley been screaming? “I will see you all safe, and then I will rescue him and…”
“And what? You just told me the world ends in three days.”
“Well, precisely.” He smiled, trying to make it more hopeful than he actually felt. “Plenty of time. Once Crowley and I start working together…”
His eyes fell on the moon, just past first quarter, rising above the horizon. It was red as blood.
“Everyone on the bus.”
No one moved.
“Please. I promise I will get you there.”
Ollie started to walk forward, but Mickey grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
“My friends…” He pushed himself to stand up straight, ignoring the flashes of light at the edges of his vision. “No. I suppose I can’t call you that. If I were really your friend, I would have told you the truth from the beginning. But despite that, you trusted me. For nearly three and a half years, you’ve followed me, and I tried to keep you from danger.”
He shuffled forward, and the crowd pulled back slightly. “I know. I failed. We lost seven people today. I’ve led you, without supplies, without shelter to Milton Keynes of all places. But I won’t abandon you here. Let me lead you, one more time, to safety. And then you can…you can all leave, and spend what time you have left as you wish.”
Silence settled over the bus station.
“Wow. You know we don’t care about any of that, right?” Alex stepped forward still holding the metal bar. “Look, can that freaky double read your mind?”
Aziraphale blinked. “Er. No, not in any meaningful way.”
“Can he sense where you are?”
“Not at all, I should think.”
“The first time, he stood as close to you as I am now,” Lyla remembered. “Never even turned his head.”
“Alright.” Alex turned and waved to the crowd. “You heard them. Everyone on the bus.” And immediately, two hundred and seventy-three humans surged forward, filing quietly onboard.
“That’s…why…?” Aziraphale stared after them, at a loss for words.
Alex stepped next to him and scoffed. “You really think we didn’t trust you? Come on, Kasbeel, have a little faith.”
It would have taken much more than a miracle to sit that many people comfortably. They sat in each other’s laps, stood in the aisle and the doorwells, pressed as tightly together as the human body allowed. Someone even attempted to ride in the loo, but quickly abandoned that idea.
“I imagine this is how it feels to ride the Underground,” the angel commented, looking for a button that might start the bus.
“So if you never learned to drive,” Lyla asked, pressed against the back of his seat, “and you never rode public transport, how did you ever get anywhere? Flying?”
“Heavens, no. Crowley drove me.” A pained smiled fought across his face. “Ah, this must be it.”
He pressed the button.
The engine revved, and kept revving, several octaves above its usual pitch.
The bus jolted, pressing two hundred and seventy-four humans (and one angel) even closer together. Several in the aisle would have fallen from the change in balance, except there wasn’t even room to move.
“Right. Everyone hold on to…something!”
The whine of the engine reached a level humans couldn’t even hear.
And the bus shot forward.
The speedometer topped out at 150 mph, but they accelerated past that in the first seconds.
All along the M1, abandoned cars vibrated, bits of rock trembled in the still air.
A flash of blue-shifted light, shaped something like an inter-city bus, streaked past ten feet above the ground, vanishing in a blaze of red against the star-speckled sky. Five seconds later, anything on the motorway that was still flammable spontaneously ignited.
By the time the sonic boom arrived, the bus was nearly to London.
“What’s that? Is that it?” Lyla leaned over the angel’s shoulder straining to see through the windscreen.
“I hardly think that could be possible, we haven’t been driving for two minutes.”
“But we’ve got to be going nearly the speed of light!”
“My dear child, no. That would be dangerous.”
“We wouldn’t have passed that quickly if it was London,” Mickey pointed out. “Looked like a couple of warehouses.”
“There! That’s it!”
“No, that’s a service station,” said Mrs. Sherwood, somehow managing to stand despite carrying a child on each hip. “Used to be where you’d stop to put petrol in the car.”
“Oh. Hey,” Lyla leaned forward again. “Do we need petrol? Because if it takes more to drive fast, than we’d probably run out—”
“Lyla, please!” The bus lurched upwards, dodging above an overpass. “I am trying to break the laws of physics here, I do not need distractions!”
“Are we there yet?” called a child’s voice.
“Yes, yes!” Lyla slapped his shoulder. “There it is! A city! Just ahead! London!”
“No, that’s too soon…”
“I see a map!” Mickey pointed to a pocket on the side of Aziraphale’s seat.
“Got it!” Lyla leaned down to grab it at the same time Mickey did, cracking their skulls together. “Ow! Come on, I’m the navigator here, I should get to read the map.”
“Who said you’re the navigator? Navigator’s the one who calls—”
“Shotgun!” Alex squeezed between them, elbowing Mickey hard in the stomach. In a flurry of paper the map spread between the teenagers, showing the whole of England.
“Right. London’s over here, isn’t it?” Lyla jabbed with a finger.
“Don’t you even know how to read? That’s Sheffield!” Mickey traced a finger across the endless squiggles. “London is…here. And we’re coming down this road, so that’s…Luton! We passed Luton.”
“Wonderful,” the angel said, jaw tight. Lyla suddenly realized the strain he was under – his forehead broken out in a sheen of sweat, the cut on his forehead dripping golden blood again.
“Are you going to make it?”
“I can…keep this up for hours,” he assured her, though his smile wasn’t very convincing.
“Hey, Kasbeel?”
“Is this important, Alex?”
“I think so.” Alex’s voice was much more subdued than normal. “I think one of the stars just fell.”
All eyes turned to the windscreen, at the stars that filled the sky between the grey sun and the blood-red moon. Ahead of them, Arcturus trembled, broke loose, and streaked down towards the horizon.
The bus accelerated.
Aziraphale was nearly gasping, bent over the wheel, trying to hold everything together. He had to think of everything, the shape of the bus, the bodies inside, the air – humans needed air, this wouldn’t work if it all pooled at the back. The edges of his vision were already fading dark, and still the stars, Crowley’s stars, fell from their appointed places.
But there, ahead, the strange heat-haze glow of the M25, the demonic sigil surrounding London, sealing everyone in. “Ha,” he said, too tired to actually laugh. He could just make out beyond it – the fields still green, still lit by a sun he couldn’t see, the towers of the city rearing high. The rumors were true. The city was safe.
As he had seven years before, Aziraphale concentrated on the counter to the sigil Odegra, which would allow him to pass across the barrier unharmed.
Nothing happened.
“Who has the map?” His hand reached frantically towards the children behind him. “Someone! I need to see the map of London!”
Paper hit his hand, and he tore his eyes away from the road just long enough to look at the shape of the M25, the crooked ring looped around London.
It was a demonic sigil.
It was not Odegra.
It wasn’t anything he recognized.
Different Earth. Different Crowley.
“Oh…fuck,” Aziraphale said weakly, as the bus careened at full speed into the wall of light.
(Is that cliffhanger enough? Also, can you believe that I nearly went straight to London after “Miracle”? Look at EVERYTHING we would have missed! Quick shout out to @angel-and-serpent who suggested having the sigil NOT be Odegra. Surprise! I don’t think this was what you expected.)
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chaniters · 5 years
Sidestep makes his case against Elyise before Reaper, and reveals the data rod. Things take a twist for the worse.
Following @kruk-art Awan’s fiction i’m writting! Only a few more parts to the end.
His empty skeletal sockets stare right into you, a red shimmer the only indication that there’s something inside. He listens to you without saying a single word. You can sense his mind rushing to assimilate all the information you’ve brought to him.
Reaper’s angry… no, he’s furious, but doing everything he can to remain calm. 
You’ve told him everything, laid out all the evidence. He’s the one who handed Elyise her new costume, gadgets, a new suit, a movie, sponsored her to join the rangers... 
Of course, he’s mad at the possibility that he got played. 
“I’m glad you brought this to me first Sidestep” he in a glacial, calmed tone. “But there must be some other explanation… Anyone could have just bought those drill drones, my company sells them everywhere.”
“I’m sorry. I know how much you appreciate her, but you have to face the facts…  I wish it didn’t have to be like this”
“No. I refuse to believe this Sidestep. It’s can’t be...!”
“That’s not all Reaper. I’ve got this,” you say extending your hand. “The Loanshark had a data-rod with her name on it. It’s encrypted and I couldn’t open it so far”
He runs a hand through his white forehead, before letting out a long sigh. 
“This just keeps getting worse,” he says frustrated, shaking his head. “Fine. Give me that” he states in the end.
“Here,” you say passing it over. He studies it with his skeletal fingers, before pushing the lever that makes his wheelchair move forward towards the mainframe. A panel opens revealing a slot, in which he inserts the rod.
“Charon, can you identify the encryption in this rod?” he asks.
“Of course master. Processing.” it states. It takes much less time than you’d expect. Charon must be more advanced than anything the farm had before you left. 
“It corresponds with an outdated version of an encryption system originating in the Ministry of State Security of China, master”
“Good. Please begin decryption protocols and show us the contents once you are done.”
“Processing” Charon replies, the red logo on the screens flashing a few times.
He seems really devastated. You can’t bear to look at him in this state, trying to deny Elyise’s involvement with all his being. You wander through the room instead. 
You’ve never seen an Artificial Intelligence before, and Charon does not disappoint. Your hacking toolkit of a phone looks childish compared it with the futuristic mainframe. So this is what money can do...
As the story goes, this one was created by the Defenders Society former scientist, Vitruvian, before he decided to switch to the dark side. 
There are all kinds of memorabilia in the old Headquarters of the Defenders Society, including old pictures of the team’s composition through the years. 
Reaper looks… skeletal, just like now in them, though his bones look whiter in the past. He’s surrounded by legendary heroes. Miss Luck, Vitruvian, Hood before he joined the Rangers, Captain Blaze,  Lady Airstrike… the list goes on. The last one has only a handful of members, the year Hood left to turn into a Ranger, and then there are no more pictures, as the team dissolved after Reaper retired.  
He waits by the mainframe while you examine the trophies until Charon announces the decryption’s complete.  
“Let’s get this done,” he says disgusted “Charon… whenever you’re ready”
“It would seem to be video footage master. Allow me to play it”
The screen lights up with a black and white video, displaying an unsteady visual from what seems to be some sort of hovering drone camera, filming an alley with a small store on the left. 
A limousine stops on the street at the far end, the doors opening. A man and a woman come down, their backs to the camera. The man wears a suit and a round clear mask, and as he turns to say something to the driver, you can see  it’s a smiley mask. 
He wraps an arm around the woman, who seems rather reluctant, motioning her to walk forward. She looks back at the limousine with concern in her face… and there’s no doubt about her being a younger Elyise. She says some words to the man, who simply shakes his head and keeps motioning her forward, his other hand in his pocket…
Suddenly the glass window of the shop explodes, as a hulking figure comes trough, falling flat on the pavement. It tries to incorporate letting you take a good look at it. It’s a man inside a power suit that becomes easily recognizable. Psycopathor. 
Another figure comes trough, walking over the glass. Marshall Hood, arms raised. His powers make the debris start floating around Psycopathor, who looks to be about to get it. Hood doesn’t seem to have noticed Smiley man or Elyise…
The Smiley man shoves Elyise forward, and she stumbles a few steps ahead. She looks back at the Smiley man as if to plead for something, but he simply looks at his watch. She has a defeated look on her face as she turns to face Hood. 
Extending both palms towards him, she advances, making all of the floating debris falls down back to the floor. Hood turns to her, startled, but quickly responds, waves his own palm in her direction forcefully. The camera shakes violently. The Smiley man takes one step back, as everything in the alley seems to be vibrating. 
Hood and Elyise stare down at each other as their powers clash. Several empty glass bottles on the ground explode under pressure.   Hood looks as if he was exerting an incredible amount of strength. 
Elyiss falls on her knees, visibly screaming something, but the Smiley man steps behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder as if to encourage her to continue. 
She stands up and manages to advance again onto Hood, who seems to be weakening by the second. Finally, it’s Hood who stumbles backward, his abilities negated. 
Psycopathor, having had time to recover, gets to his feet and leaps at  Hood, who’s too slow to avoid him while resisting Elyise… Psycopathor takes Hood into the arms of his power suit, in a brutal bear-hug, crushing him. Hood seems to be screaming something… 
Psycopathor finally lets go of him, his suit bloodened. Smiley man pats Elyise’s hair, satisfied with her work, advancing onto the fallen Hero as he tries to crawl away from Psycopathor. Smiley sends a few kicks at Hood’s stomach. 
Elyise leans on a wall and throws up on the floor as he does.  
Smiley forces Hood to roll over with his shoe, as he screams in pain. He kneels to whisper something in Hood’s ear before standing up again. 
He puts on a pair of gloves from his pocket… and then produces something else… a gun. 
Two quick shots, one to the chest, one to the head, and Hood is put out of his misery.  It’s over.
Smiley hands over the gun to Psycopathor, who crushes it with his powered gauntlets and throws it aside. Smile walks up to Elyise, pointing at the limousine. 
Elyise takes a last look before rushing behind them.  
The car starts, and they are gone. A few minutes after, you can see another man walking up to the fallen Hood. It’s Charge, who tries to reanimate him. You can see him looking for a heartbeat in his chest… crying for help… 
The drone turns and flies away, following the limousine. It comes down to its level, next to the back seat. Smiley opens the window, catching the camera with his hands, and the video ends.  
You are speechless.
“Who… “ you start.
“Hollow Ground”. Reaper answers drily. “Smiley mask was his thing for a short while back then. He likes to follow trends”
“So Elyise…”
“And Psycopathor yes…”
The slot opens once more and the rod comes out, Reaper taking it back in his hand. 
“Alright, you’ve made your case Sidestep. We need to arrest her. Do you believe she’ll resist?”
“Given everything she’s done…” you say still looking at the black screen. “If she’s using her own mother as a weapon then I wouldn’t take my chances.” 
“I understand. Tell me, does that gun of yours, have a stunning setting?”
You nod slowly.
“Let me see it… I’m not sure it can go through her suit” he asks, his mind unsettled by the idea of shooting an ally.
“Here,” you say.
He fiddles with it for a moment, before raising his glowing gaze.
“I’m sorry, Sidestep”
“For what…?�� 
Too late you realize his thoughts of regret were never about shooting Elyise. 
The blast is almost instantaneous, making you recoil with every muscle as you watch him hold the smoking gun, still aimed at your chest.
“I’m afraid I already knew about Riley’s past sins. She was so eager to achieve some form of redemption… Her mother used her, then Hollow Ground did the same... and when she decided to stop running and face her demons, she came to me. People looking for a savior are very easy to manipulate you know? She was the perfect tool, but it was her mother who became the true star in the end.” 
You try to move, but your arms are legs don’t respond as they should and your suit smells of burnt plastics and nanofabric. You are struggling as it is to cling to consciousness and the words coming from Reaper’s mouth aren’t helping. 
“I’m sorry for the charade... should have knocked you down sooner, but I needed to see how much you knew… Also, I had never seen how my friend actually died,” he adds looking at the data rod. “This was a good reminder of what’s at stake”
You try to speak, but your mouth’s completely numb. 
“I’m impressed that you went this far, even if you were following the wrong lead. Didn’t think the Loanshark would be in good enough condition to rat on Elyise, I mean Catastrofiend hit him really really hard! Got to love the miracles of modern medicine, right?  This will force me to rush my plans quite a bit”
“W.. why?” you manage to gurgle, your tongue still numb with static.
“That’s really your question right now?” he says rising from the wheelchair he clearly doesn’t need. “What happened to the more obvious stuff like ‘What are you going to do with me, Reaper?’ Shouldn’t you be worried about that instead?”
“Tell me… w... Why…”
You can sense he is smiling, as he kneels down to talk to you.
“I really like you kid. Why… alright, I’ll tell you why. I’m doing this because this country is going straight to hell, and I’m the one who’s going to save it. I’m doing this because people like Hollow Ground...” he says pointing at the screen “...still exist unchecked! But no more. In just one month I’ve slaughtered his entire organization and run him out of town. This city is now drug-free. Catastrofiend is the future! It can sense the drugs wherever they are! Just Imagine the possibilities.”
There is something different in his mind as he speaks. Something new, unraveling like a nightmare that had remained hidden… 
“Y..ou are … mad.”
“That’s a funny word Sidestep. Perhaps I am. Perhaps I’m mad with rage. Perhaps these drugs ruined everything I’ve done in my life. All my friends, dead or turned to criminals and murderers. All my aspirations ruined. I don’t even have a face to look in the mirror thanks to them…  And I tried to convince myself I could achieve my goals through peaceful means, but you saw how that ended, right…? Didn’t it make your blood boil? I sensed the fire in you, that day the hospital burned down. It’s time to take the gloves off and let everyone get what they have coming. The Corporations, the politicians, the cowards like Hollow Ground and Psycopathor… I will make them all pay. Their power comes from drugs, so I’ll take it away.”
“You can’t... do that...” you say almost in whisper. 
“Oh I can. With the Catrastrofiend’s help, I’m going to ignite the flame and start a war on drugs the likes this country has never seen. I’ll save the whole world If they let me, Sidestep. I really hope you’ll want to be on board with it.”
His mind is different. Something happened to him… something bad. It reminds you of… that monster’s thoughts. Whatever he’s planing it will make the massacres look tame. 
 “I trusted… you…”
“I haven’t changed. It’s this world that keeps sinking lower and lower. You must have seen it already…”
F… fu... ck… you…” is your best answer, given the circumstances.
“Shame. That’s the same thing Elyise said. You have really bad timing, you know? If you had joined forces this could have gone very differently. I just hope that the two of you’ll come to your senses eventually. I’ve got places to be so sweet dreams” he says pointing the gun at you once more. 
All you can do is close your eyes as the second painful blast puts your lights out.
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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siddhichothani-blog · 6 years
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The vibrating rod point level switch is the ideal answer for single point level exchanging in free flowing solids over a wide density range, from fine powders to grains. A single rod design provides the answer for tuning forks which may wind up blocked or crossed over. Vibrating rod level switch is intended to identify the nearness and nonappearance of powder and mass strong materials of moderate to heavy weight.
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Solid, Liquid, and High Level Switch in India at Affordable Price.
Trumen at a Glance
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We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer & exporter of level sensing, measurement, indication and control instruments. Trumen came into existence in 2009 and initially started with the manufacturing of Tuning Fork Level Switch for liquid and solid applications. With time, the manufacturing range increased with the addition of Capacitance Level Transmitter & Capacitance Level Switch, RF Admittance Level Switches, Rotating Paddle Level Switches, Conductivity Type Solid Level Switch, Vibrating Rod Level Switches, Hydrostatic Level Transmitter, and Radar Level Transmitter & Ultrasonic Liquid Level Switch Transmitter
“To be among the leading solution provider for process sensing, control & automation by working for continuous excellence and innovation in process sensing, measurement, indication and control instruments contributing to dependable process control.”
 Solid Level Switch
a)     Rotating Paddle Level Switch for Solids
Rotating paddle type Level Switch are basically a spring-loaded, eccentrically driven rotating vanes or blades which rotate at a very slow rotation of one revolution per minute, using an ace synchronous motor.
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b)    Vibrating Fork Point Level Switch for Solids
Electronics of LSV excites the piezo-electric-crystals inside the tuning fork, which makes the fork tines vibrate at their natural resonance frequency in free air.
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c)      Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids
Vibrating rod is a single element tunned mechanical element-type Solid Level Switch sensing device. Electronics of LSV-R excites the piezo-electric-crystals inside the tuning rod, which makes the rod vibrate at its natural resonance frequency in free air.
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d)    Compact Vibrating Fork Point Level Switch for Liquids & Solids
Electronics of LFV11 excites the piezo-electric-crystals inside the tuning fork, which makes the fork tines vibrate at their natural resonance frequency in free air.
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Level Switch
a) Admittance Point Level Switch
RF Admittance is a static level sensor with no moving parts. Its sensing parts are:- 1) Earth Extension (body) 2) Compensation Shield 3) Sensing Rod
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b) Capacitance Point(s) Level Switch
LMC Capacitance type limit Level Switch is a static level sensor, Sensing parts of LMC capacitance level limit switch is: 1) Earth Extension (metallic process connection may be used as earth in-place of earth extension tubes). 2) Sensing Rod (or Rope as per application).
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c) Compact Capacitance Level Switch
LMC30 is a compact capacitance Solid Level Switch limit switch for solids specially intended for see-through plastic window material sensing in packing hoppers. LMC30 can be mounted on any M30 compatible mounting hole and it is supported by two supplied mounting nuts. LMC30 deploys touch sense on its rear, so as to set its switching point and no potentiometer or touch button is presently enhancing the operational life of the device.
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d) Top Mounted Magnetic Level Switch MLS20
It operates on the basic buoyancy principle. It uses a float that glides on the surface of liquids. This Level Switch consists of – Terminal Enclosure, Float Stem with Hermetically sealed Reed Switches and Float with magnets assembled inside. As the float rises or falls with a liquid level, the internal magnet moves in or out of the field of the switch resulting in its opening or closing. A non-magnetic barrier tube containing the reed switch isolates it from the process. These type level controls are available for controlling level at up to four different preset locations and can virtually be made of any length. This switch is highly effective and costs shedding and also finds use in a wide range of industries.
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 Liquid Level Switch
a) Rotating Paddle Level Switch for Solids
Rotating paddle type Level Switch are basically a spring-loaded, eccentrically driven rotating vanes or blades which rotate at a very slow rotation of one revolution per minute, using an ac synchronous motor. The Level Switch LMFS is capable of faithfully detecting industrial fluids and powders using Frequency Sweep technology. Utilizing the resonance of electrical capacitance created by media di-electric and conductivity, LMFS learns the signature of the media to be sensed and thus performs better than other level detection methods for fluids and powders.
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b) Conductivity Point(s) Level Switch for conductive liquids
LWS Conductivity Liquid Level Switch is static rendered furnished devices with no moving parts. A low voltage sine-wave is provided into the liquid using a reference rod (or electrode). The electronics continuously scans the sensing rod (or electrode) for the presence of a sine-wave signal on it.
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c) Compact Tuning Fork Point Level Switch for Liquids
Electronics of LFV12 excites the piezo-electric-crystals inside the tuning fork, which makes the fork tines vibrate at their natural resonance frequency in free air. When the fork tines are immersed in liquid, the frequency of fork vibration falls due to the density of the liquid.
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trumen-indore · 1 year
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Trumen came into existence in 2009 and initially started with manufacturing of Tuning Fork Level Switches for liquid and solid applications. With time, the manufacturing range increased with addition of Capacitance Level Transmitter & Capacitance Level Switches, RF Admittance Level Switches, Rotating Paddle Level Switches, Conductivity Type Level Switches, Vibrating Rod Level Switches, Hydrostatic Level Transmitter, Radar Level Transmitter & Ultrasonic Level Transmitter. Trumen is a technocrat driven organization aimed at providing top-of-the-range and high quality level measurement and process control instruments. Formed by the pioneers who devoted their respective lives in development, design and delivery of solution to the problems faced in the field of level sensing and process measurements. Trumen has a fixed point agenda about "sensing matters", and each device created at Trumen is thoroughly tested to pass the quality norms set in-house, in order to give the best performance in all operating conditions.
Address: 39, Mangal Nagar, Behind Sai Ram Plaza, Near Rajeev Gandhi Circle, AB Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001
Web: https://trumen.in/
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kiranbeleuniverse · 3 years
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Jayceetech is best Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids supplier, Vibrating Rod Point Level Switch for Solids Manufacturer Company in pune, Maharashtra, India
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dbmrmarketnews · 3 years
Vibration Level Switch Market Size, Share, Growth and Regional Analysis by Segmentation and Country Forecast to 2028
The Vibration Level Switch Market study formulated by Data Bridge Market Research, presents a detailed analysis of the influential trends prevailing in this business sphere. The Vibration Level Switch research report highly intends to analyse historic, current and future trends of the market. Major historic and current occurrence in the market has been analysed in the report to provide through assessments of market trends, segments, competition, share, size and growth of the market.
Vibration level switch market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.2% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research report on vibration level switch provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecasted period while providing their impacts on the market’s growth.
Vibrating level switches are broadly used as low-level indicators or overfill security devices in liquids and also in powdery and granular bulk solids. These switches identify the dampening that happens when a vibrating probe is flooded in a process medium. Vibration level switch comprises a wide range of applications such as overfill or dry run protection, pump controls, dry and wet indication in pipes and high and low fail-safe limit switch.
Avail Exclusive Sample Report + Graphs & Charts@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-vibration-level-switch-market
Vibration level switch market is segmented on the basis of technology, application and end user. The growth among segments helps you analyze niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets.
Based on technology, the vibration level switch market is segmented into vibrating fork and vibrating rod.
The application segment of the vibration level switch market is segmented into liquids and solids.
On the basis of end user, the vibration level switch market is segmented into oil and gas, chemicals, water and wastewater, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, power generation, metals and mining and others.
Key Pointers Covered in the Vibration Level Switch Market Industry Trends
Market Size
Market New Sales Volumes
Market Replacement Sales Volumes
Market Installed Base
Market By Brands
Market Procedure Volumes
Market Product Price Analysis
Market Shares in Different Regions
Recent Developments for Market Competitors
Market Upcoming Applications
Market Innovators Study
Access Full Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-vibration-level-switch-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Vibration Level Switch Market:
Market segmentation
Executive summary
Premium insights
Impact analysis of covid-19
Market overview
Global Vibration Level Switch Market, by battery type
Global Vibration Level Switch market, by hub motor location
Global Vibration Level Switch market, by mode
Global Vibration Level Switch market, by battery power
Global Vibration Level Switch market, by class
Global Vibration Level Switch market, by usage
Global Vibration Level Switch market, by geography
Global Vibration Level Switch market, company landscape
Swot analysis
Company profile
Related reports
Get Detailed TOC@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-vibration-level-switch-market
The major players covered in the vibration level switch market report are Endress+Hauser Group Services AG, VEGA Grieshaber KG, Emerson Electric Co., KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH, Siemens AG, ABB, AMETEK Inc., Magnetrol, Pepperl+Fuchs, Nivelco zRt, Matsushima Measure Tech Co. Ltd., Dwyer Instruments, Inc., Flowline, WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG, Schneider Electric, OMRON Corporation, Honeywell International Inc., Baumer, Zimmer Automation GmbH and Gems Sensors, Inc. among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
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sublimeheartwizard · 3 years
How Liquid Filling Machines Benefit the Paint and Coatings Industry
Using Filling Machines to Increase Efficiency and Profitability
Liquid fillers are integral to liquid packaging lines, with automated models capable of maximizing efficiency. Without this equipment, the filling process wouldn’t be reliable enough to ensure that no product loss occurs because of inaccurate fill levels.
Technological developments that are creating more automation and computerizing many of the components in filling machines have made them more dependable than ever before, with many of the best models designed to allow for full customization and user friendliness.
One type of liquid filler that can meet the needs of the paint and coatings industry is the net weigh filling machine. Designed to handle products of low to high viscosity, net weigh fillers are ideal for filling liquids in bulk quantities, such as 5-gallon pails, with consistent weight levels for each container.
Net weigh fillers work by using independently timed valves with custom programming through the filler’s computer. They can then fill precise amounts of liquid by gravity into containers, stopping once the liquid reaches the specified weight.
These fillers can fill many different types and sizes of containers, with many of the top models capable of lasting for many years.
What is a Piston Filling Machine?
At Liquid Packaging Solutions, there are a number of different types of filling machines manufactured to handle different product viscosities, different fill sizes and other variations in packaging projects. The piston filling machine can solve many issues for products with particulates or high viscosity liquids, though it can also handle thin and medium viscosity products as well.
As product sits in the hopper, the valve, which sits between the hopper and the nozzle, will be open from the hopper to the cylinder. The piston will begin to withdraw from the cylinder, typically after an operator activates the fill by stepping on a foot switch. As the piston withdraws, product from the hopper will fill the empty cylinder. Once the piston has withdrawn to the desired point, the valve will rotate to allow product to move through the nozzle. At this point the piston push back in to the cylinder and move product through the nozzle and in to the waiting bottles or other containers. This process creates a highly accurate volumetric fill as the interior volume of the cylinder will never change, meaning the volume of product released to the bottles will never change.
The hopper sizes can vary from project to project based on the size of the containers or fills. Not all piston filling machines, and in particular, the automatic piston fillers, will use a hopper from which to pull product. Automatic lines will likely include a tank or pull from a bulk source. The cylinder and piston combination are also available in different sizes to accommodate different projects. The speed with which the piston moves can be adjusted, different piston sizes can be used to meet volume requirements and even multi-piston, automatic filling machines can be designed for use with inline packaging systems. LPS piston fillers allow the operator to adjust the length of the piston stroke, which in turn adjusts the volume of product that is pulled in to the cylider with each fill cycle. This way a single piston size can handle a range of container sizes. While multiple strokes of the piston can also be used for larger fills, at some point the efficiency of using multiple strokes will become low enough that simply changing out the piston for large containers will be the better solution.
The nozzle used on any piston filler will be chosen to meet the needs of the particular project at hand. For instance, a product with large chunks of fruit or vegetables will not work well if a narrow nozzle is used to move product in to the bottles. On the other hand, a very large nozzle will be cumbersome with a small mouthed bottle. There is virtually no limit to the type of nozzles that can be used, including custom manufactured nozzles where special projects are concerned.
Though a simple concept, the piston filler can be an ideal solution for many projects and for liquids thick and thin. Though these machines are known for handling viscous products, in the right circumstances they will handle free-flowing liquids as well. For assistance finding the best type of filling machine for your own packaging project, contact Liquid Packaging Solutions today.
Overflow fillers, gravity fillers, automatic piston filling machine and other liquid fillers all vary in the way that they move product into a bottle or container. However, the automatic versions of these machines almost always have certain features in common. These features are intended to add efficiency, consistency and reliability to the packaging equipment. Below are a few of the most common features of found on Liquid Packaging Solutions' bottle fillers.
Heavy Duty and Portable Stainless Steel Frame
For consistent and reliable fills, the machine must be stabile throughout the process. The heavy duty stainless steel frame protects against shifting, vibrating and other movement that might effect the volume or the level of the fill, while also avoiding splashes and spills. The stainless steel material is compatible with a vast majority of products, though there are exceptions. When corrosive liquids are run on the machinery, other construction materials may be used for the frame, including HDPE. Ultimately, the material used will be that material which will better extend the useful life of the equipment.
Easy Adjustments From Height to Heads
Many packagers fill more than a single product, or at the very least fill into bottles of multiple sizes and shapes. Changing over from one product or bottle to another means stopping production on the liquid filler. These machines include simple adjustments to minimize downtime and maximize production. Fill heads can typically be moved using simple fingertip adjustment knobs, while power height comes standard on automatic equipment, allowing up and down movement with the flip of a switch. Even auxillary equipment such as power conveyors include knob adjustments or other simple components for railing and other changes. Other adjustments, such as time and delay settings, can easily be made from the operator control panel, discussed in more detail below.
Gravity filling is the simplest filling method. The uncomplicated construction and operation of gravity filling machines permits them to run with a minimum of maintenance. The supply tank (more properly called the filler bowl) is the upper, central part of the machine. Filling stems are attached to the bottom surface of the bowl at each container filling point. A vent tube extends upward into the filler bowl to a point above the liquid level. To begin the filling operation, the container is raised by the platform until it contacts the filling stem. The platform then continues to raise the container against the stem, opening the filling valve. With the filling valve open, the liquid drains into the container. The air in the container flows out trough the vent tube into the space above the liquid in the filler bowl. Although the container becomes filled, the liquid continues to flow in. The excess fluid rises in the vent tube until it reaches the same height as the liquid level in the bowl. Because the vent tube extends above the bowl liquid level, there is no overflow of liquid from the container into the bowl. If the product is foamy, the foam will rise in the vent tube above the liquid level in the bowl. If it is stable foam and will not break down, it will ultimately overflow into the bowl. For this reason, gravity fillers are not often used for foamy products. At the predetermined time after the container is filled, it is lowered from its filling position, closing the filling valve. Liquid left in the filling stem is removed from the vent tube in several ways. For most applications the liquid will fill drain into the next container. For high viscosity (thick) liquids, the vent tube is usually brought out beyond the side or top of the bowl. Here its outer end can be connected to a device that applies pressure or vacuum to the liquid in the tube to assist in the liquid removal. The total differential pressure that allows the fluid to flow is caused by the gravity head pressure in the bowl. This is usually no more than two or three feet of head, or about one psi. On this basis, it can be seen that these fillers will not permit rapid filling of viscous liquids unless they have larger diameter filling stems. To accommodate the stem, the container must also have a large neck opening; otherwise machine modifications have to be made. ElGravity 150x150 Gravity Filling Machine PrinciplesAnother type of gravity filler uses electronics. It consists of a fixed liquid reservoir or bowl with open-end filling stems. The containers are conveyed on the filling line with an intermittent motion, stopping beneath the filling stems. Inside each filling stem is a ball check connected to a long rod. A pencil shaped magnetic block is attached to the top of the rod and passes through a magnetic coil. As the container moves under the stem, it is detected by a sensing device such as a limit switch or electric eye. This device stops the conveyor, and energizes the magnetic coil. The magnetic field causes the magnetic blocks to lift, raising the rod and the ball check from its seat inside the stem. The rate and amount of fill is controlled by the size of the stem orifice and time delay relay connected to the magnetic coil. Because a direct insertion filling tube is not used on this type of gravity filler the filling stem orifice must be smaller than the inside diameter of the container being filled. On small size containers a more positive means for positioning the bottle beneath the filling stem is used. Fill Height Control In addition to controlling fluid flow, control of the filling height is also important. In general filling machines that elevate the container control the fill height from the bottom of the bottle to the liquid level. The rise of the container is positive, and variations in overall container height are compensated for by greater or lesser seal compression. On rising container machines, a compression spring is often built into the tray elevating mechanism. In this case, container height variations are compensated for by the spring, and the fill height is then controlled from the top of the bottle to the liquid level. Controlling the fluid level from the top can be important if the bottle to be filled has square shoulders, because even a slight under fill is noticeable. In rising stem fillers, variation in container height is taken up by the stem itself. It is usually lowered by gravity or light spring pressure, so the fill height is controlled from the top of the bottle to the liquid level. If the product contains a volatile liquid, such as alcohol, control of the fill height is especially important. In this instance, excessive headspace could allow dangerous vapors to form and the bottle would possibly burst if it were stored in a hot warehouse. Therefore, controlling the fill height is an important function of the filling machine. Normally, a fill height tolerance of 1/32″ is acceptable. Container Control There are several devices used to control the containers coming into the filling area. Included are star wheels, worm or screw sorters, and lug chains. They can be used independently or in combination, depending on the type of container, the filling machine, and the product being placed in the container. The majority of all liquid filling machines operate as continuous filling devices. In most applications the machine has a large rotating filling head, which must be constantly supplied with containers. This is accomplished by a continuously running flat top chain conveyor feeding a star wheel or lead screw device. From here the containers are fed into the filling section. Star wheels when used alone separate the containers so they will be properly located beneath the filling stem. They can be made to handle a variety of container designs, although in some cases, the containers may have to be guided into the star wheel to ensure proper separation. Worm sorters are often used to guide containers into a star wheel. They can be short in length and only located near the machine in feed, or they may be full length of the machine’s main conveyor. The amount of container control determines the worm length. In most cases, worm sorters are very much like a wood screw; starting out small in diameter and then increasing to full diameter. A continuous pocket is formed at the root between the raised portion or crest of the thread. This pocket carries the container into its position on the filling machine by a rotating action. Because each container is different in design, worm sorters are usually made for individual applications and are not an “off-the-shelf” item. Lugged chains are normally used with inclined conveyors and semiautomatic filling machines. These machines can be either continuous or intermittent motion devices. The chain lugs are spaced to match the filling nozzles or stems. For example, if the filling stems are on four-inch centers. The chain is adjustable at the drive sprocket for timing purpose only. Position adjustments are usually made by moving the filling heads. Whatever method is used for container control, it is an important part of proper machine operation.
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crazyfreckledginger · 7 years
The Joker x Reader x Batboys - “Hiding From The King” [Part 4]
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Part 3 This is part 4
The last thing that echoed through my ears was,
"Good night, sleep tight sweetheart!"  
Warnings: Angst maybe, violence, slightly obscure themes, kidnapping, unhealthy amount of switching point of views.
Your PoV
A painful ache inhabited my skull as I tried to open my eyes, but the single neon light above me blinded me. The recurring buzz of the light travelled through my ears and vibrated around my brain as I tried to sit up from the cold surface under me. I licked my now chapped lips as I started inspecting my surroundings. Chills ran up and down my spine as the darkness surrounding me, I swalloed the painful lump in my throat and tried to steady my breathing. The longer I examined the room, the more I could feel the goosebumps forming at the surface of my skin. From what I could see, the walls were a dirty concrete colour, with dry red stains in parts, God I hope it’s not blood! I thought, gritting my teeth. I sat still, trying to seem inexistent and hoping that the dangerous people who took me would forget about me. My stomach started trembling at the cold, my nose and ears felt frozen. I curled myself in a ball and tried to warm myself up. I sighed as it was no use, the wall I that supporting my back sucked the little body heat I was producing. I held my legs closer, closing my eyes and trying to take my mind off my situation, hoping it was just a horrible nightmare. My eyes started to watering as I thought of the memoried I had with the boys. Tear drops started falling from my eyes as I knew that it would never be the same after this, if I’m still alive. Part of me hoped that they would find me and bring me home.
My breathing hitched when I heard the increasing sound of footsteps. I cowered back into my corner, hoping that whoever was coming in my direction was simply going past. I stopped breathing when the footsteps stopped and the doorknob starting rotating. The door made a grinding noise as it opened, revealing the same man that ordered me to follow him to the Joker in the club. He was still wearing a tuxedo and a purple tie. He walked towards me, with a plate of food.
“Here you go,” He said in a low voice, which was oddly comforting. He handed the plate to me as he crouched down at my level. 
“Thank you!” I whispered, my voice painfully sore. He stood back up and started walking away, until he looked back at my weak figure before sighing. He turned back towards the door and increased his pace. He disappeared, leaving the door wide open. My mind raced with thoughts Shoud I make a run for it? But that question was quickly answered when he came back in with a dark red material. He gently set it beside me, then walked back out without glimsing at me. Locking the door behind him. I gazed upon the fabric. It was soft. I put it around me. Even though I was terrified, I slightly relaxed as I draped the blanket around me.
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Back At The Cave...
3rd Person PoV
“I can’t find her...” Tim whispered from the computer.
“I can’t belive I let this happen!” Jason mumbled from a chair, holding his head in his hand.
“I’m going to make a few calls to see who can help us out!” Batman stated.
“It’s not your fault Jaybird!” Roy reassured.
“You okay little D?” Dick asked from the other side of the cave.
“Tt, I’ve been better..” He simply answered. Looking at his feet.
“We’ll find her little D!” Dick reassured.
“We better!” He simply stated.
“A few members of the League have agreed to help.” Batman informed, sitting back in his chair.
“Who?” Roy asked, shooting up from his crouching position beside Jason.
“Diana, Arthur and Barry!” He answered.
“That’s a start,” Jason mumbled.
Back in the room...
Your PoV
I shivered at the thought of what might happen to me. How long have I been here? Am I going to stay here until I starve to death? My breathing hitched once I heard footsteps again, not the one from the Joker’s first man, they were quicker and heavier. The door opened and my eyes widened. I slowly brought myself closer as the madman’s eyes followed my movements. He crouched down at my level.
“Ya made a decision yet?” I opened my mouth to talk, but simply looked when I didn’t have the energy to speak.
“Too tired hmm?” I didn’t answer. Gazing upon my fearful expression, he talked again.
“Scared eh?” He chuckled.
“If you join me, you won’t have to be. We would be invincible. You could be my queen. With your level of skill and fierceness and my men and money, we could get the whole world at our feet.” He explained.
“And you won’t ever have the feeling of being forgotten, because that’s what you have now hmm?” 
“And turn me into a Harley? I don’t want to become a sick psycho like any of you! I don’t want to become a sex symbol for you to display in your club on the basis that it’s love!? That’s not love that power! You want to show how powerful you are by ‘making’ someone fall in love with you! But we all know that you only show how big of a monster you are!” I barked. He smiled at my outburst, but his sadistic smile soon turned into a frown as he slapped me across the face. I gasped as he put his hand around my neck and applied pressure to it. He lifted me off of the ground.
“You belong to me whether you like it or not, you will do as I say with no second thought. If you dare question my methods, I will do much worse than what I did to the second robin.” He let me go, making me fall to the floor. He walked out of the room as I choked to try and get air back into my lungs. 
“Frost, keep an eye on her!” The Joker ordered. 
“You only get to have a nice room when you start having decent manners!” He added, turning towards me one last time before shutting the door. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. 
Back at the cave...
3rd Person PoV
“I think I found (Y/N)’s location!” Barry exclaimed once he raced back into the cave.
“Let’s move!” Diana stated.
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------Time Skip------
Your PoV
The door opened again.
“Ya goin’ to be hard to crack doll, but have no fear. In the meantime, why don’t you tell me the Bat’s identities, along with his little birdies!” He cackled. I shook my head in response.
“Hm!” He hummed. “Guess I’ll have to make you sing.” He smiled. Opening a box full of metal ustensils and looking for an appropriate tool.
“Too small, too harmless. Frosty, put her in the other room, this is too easy for her!” He ordered. The man that was previously decently nice to me, gave me a worried look before lifting me up from the floor, and pushing me towards an unknown room. He stood in front of the door. I looked back at him. He simply sighed when I gave him a confused look. 
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“I’m sorry kid, but what he’s about to do is the same as what he did to Harley. I would help you but I can’t” He explained.
“Why are you so nice? Why would a good man like you work for a monster like the Joker?” I asked.
“It’s not always that simple, I didn’t really have a choice.” 
“Thanks Frosty, I’ll take it from here!” The Joker informed, walking into the room. He nodded and gazed at me before walking out.
“Now now, where were we?” He asked rhetorically. He strapped me to a metal table and took metal rods, one in each hand.
“What’s that?” I asked, my eyes wide.
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“You’ll feel it very soon!” He cackled, turning a box that was connected to the metal rods. It made a loud buzzing sound. Within seconds, he placed them on my temples. Electricity dashed through me, making me release a bloodcurdling scream. His action was halted when gunshots and loud thumps resonated in the hallway. I began to fall into unconsiousness as the door slammed open. My eyes closed. Loud footsteps came towards me, but my brain shut down soon after.
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Tagging: @lumifuer @ marlenej1  
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obabujiweb-blog · 7 years
The vibrating rod point level sensor, or vibration level switch, is a tried and tested technology, proven to work in most applications and materials. We have an experienced team for design the best quality products for customers.
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