#Vi and Jinx discussion
chronicsyd · 1 month
"oh you can't say 'Vi doesn't love Jinx like she does Powder' cause with that logic Jinx doesn't love Vi either"
okay, I'll bite. Jinx and Vi Both don't "love" who the other's grown into. Because after being separated for seven years they Both had misconceptions on how the other would turn out like. Vi thought Jinx would be still Powder who was simply being Forced to work with Silco, not that she was Willingly working for him and took the insecurities both Vi and Mylo bestowed upon her and made it her new name/self. Jinx, on the other hand thought that Vi would continue to love her unconditionally no matter How she turned out.
But they were both Wrong.
Despite Sevika telling Vi that Jinx calls herself "Jinx" now, she calls out "Powder" when the two first meet up again, most likely being overwhelmed by seeing her for the first time in seven years, but she continues to treat Jinx like the 11-12 year old that Vi Used to know, much to Jinx's dismay. But you can see the cracks start to form for Vi when she A) talks about her regret in even calling her "Jinx" in the first place and B) when the two are fighting the Firelights and she sees the glee in Jinx's expression in killing them, and it just gets worse from there on out for her. Because that's not the girl that Vi knew, she's changed. And despite everything Vi can't bring herself to love who this new girl is now. Yes, Vi has sat in denial saying she can "get her back", which is part of the problem, Vi's too stuck on trying to get "Powder" back and having things go back to the way they used to be (so yes, Vi doesn't "love" Jinx in the way that she does Powder, people aren't wrong for saying that). And the way Jinx deems that Vi Can "get Powder back" is too much for her, and Vi can't agree with what her sister Wants. She tries to compromise with her sister by "leaving everything behind" but Jinx's own demons don't trust her, and Vi can't see how much distress she's putting her sister in when she tells her to remember Mylo, Claggor and Vander (cause Vi's still set in her ways of "getting Powder back" during this moment).
But on Jinx's side, she claims that Vi "changed to". And it doesn't solely have to do with Caitlyn. She thought that Vi could bring herself to love who Jinx's turned into, despite all her flaws ("I thought, maybe you could love me like you used to. even though I'm... different."), Vi would always be there for her, because that's how Vi's been in the past. Vi's voice from Jinx's past were the thing that kept Jinx going all these years, she said so herself. Despite everything (Mylo's bullying, Powder's insecurities, etc.), the two always had each others backs growing up. The old Vi probably wouldn't've thought twice about hurting an Enforcer, but This Vi can't bring herself to shoot Caitlyn, she simply couldn't do it. And that's too much for Jinx to comprehend. I don't think Jinx can comprehend how or why Vi has let herself grow so attached to this enforcer that she's met merely a couple of days ago but can't show the same for Jinx herself.
Honestly, it's an issue for the both of them, they're both remembering how the other Used to be. And expecting them to still behave in that same way, and grasping with the changes that the other have made has been hard for the both of them.
So, keeping all that in mind; let's talk about "being opposite of what they were in S1" for the both of them shall we? (I'm also gonna add Christian Linke's (co-creator) thoughts from a few days ago as well. I have a lot more to say on Vi than Jinx)
Vi: The main change for S2 compared to S1 is her relationship with Jinx. She probably loses that last remaining hope/denial that she'll ever get Powder back, and with that grows a newfound determination to put an end to the suffering that Jinx has caused. And probably harbors anger and resentment towards Jinx due to her actions. Now deep down would I say there's still love for her sister? hard to say (she probably does in her heart, but her head is going to be leading her this season more than ever) but what I Can say with certainty is that outright forgiveness is off the table. Vi joins the enforcers because she feels what she's doing is right; whether or not you agree is irrelevant. Vi believes she's responsible in the "creation" of Jinx and that what Jinx has done is her responsibility, harboring Vander's words from her past (Christian goes on to ask "can you forgive a monster?" and I think that's what Vi's head sees Jinx as right now, the monster that she created). There's also a discussion of Vi's amnesia from League lore but I don't have certainty if that's going to be put into play this season or not, so something to keep in the back of your mind (for now at least).
Jinx: In S1, Jinx had an unhealthy codependent relationship with Silco due to being tormented by the demons of her past. But with Silco being dead and Vi being committed to taking her down she'll have no one to turn to in the way that she did with Silco. Sure, Sevika's there but their relationship will look nothing like it did with Jinx and Silco. Jinx will have to live for herself and discover her own identity and her own wants for her future; whatever that future holds for her.
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arowyn-m · 1 month
I meant to do this ages ago but knowing the leaks exist is driving me insane so I’m devoting my energy to it now—
Obsessed with the idea of Arcane characters becoming their opposites in S2 so I’ve attempted to summarize each character in 3 words—a good quality or strength, a bad quality or weakness, and a neutral trait.
Vi: Protective, Hotheaded, Sentimental
Caitlyn: Empathetic, Naive, Perceptive
Jinx: Creative, Impulsive, Childish
Ekko: Nurturing, Aggressive, Distrustful
Heimer: Patient, Unresponsive, Pessimistic
Jayce: Charismatic, Shortsighted, Proud
Viktor: Self-sacrificing, Stubborn, Reserved
Mel: Wise, Manipulative, Perfectionistic
Singed: Calculated, Sadistic, Cryptic
Sevika: Loyal, Impatient, Honest
Ambessa: Cunning, Ruthless, Selfish
Assuming that these are solid descriptors for each character, and S2 will show these characters becoming their own opposites, we can expect good qualities to become bad ones and vice versa. Neutral qualities may also be turned on their heads:
Vi: Vulnerable, Apathetic, Repressing
Caitlyn: Cold, Experienced, Blinded
Jinx: Destructive (in maybe a different context than S1), Deliberate, Mature
Ekko: Neglectful, Avoidant, Trusting
Heimer: Impatient, Proactive, Lighthearted
Jayce: Unlikable, Farsighted, Humble (or Humbled)
Viktor: Selfish, Compromising, Outspoken
Mel: Foolish, Sincere, Self-accepting
Singed: Careless, Empathetic, Unambiguous
Sevika: Independent, Patient, Aloof
Ambessa: Candid, Merciful, Self-sacrificing
Further analysis below ->
A lot of these qualities are probably going to be tweaked. I don’t think we’re going to get a wildly empathetic Singed, but rather we’ll see some more of his personal motivations, which will show him to be more feeling than he seems.
I honestly don’t see us getting a straight-up self-centered Viktor, so part of me believes that he’ll be “selfish” in the context of his personal ambitions. He’s been working in tandem with Jayce for years; been willing to give up time for other projects that aren’t Undercity-centric. Viktor’s focus is going to be entirely on physically healing the Undercity—a project that only he seems to see the value in. That’s probably going to be the “selfish” aspect we see from him.
Or at least I really hope so.
Viktor’s selflessness is such an integral part of his character that it’s hard to imagine him suddenly becoming self-absorbed, but if the writers handle it well, then 👍
Similar issue with Jayce—I don’t see Jayce becoming humble so much as being humbled or put in his place (maybe by Ambessa, who looks poised to usurp Piltover’s Council judging by previous story beats and her strong presence in the S2 poster.
I like Jayce as a character and really think the fandom doesn’t give him enough credit for caring about those around him—but he’s pretty full of himself, and I only see him leaning further into that trait as those he trusts (Mel, Viktor, Caitlyn) are either pulled away or abandon him.
Sevika’s possible development in particular is quite interesting specifically because she is a follower by definition. In S1, Sevika would not have made a good leader, but maybe she will in S2.
Sevika could start acting independently to contrast her previous loyalty. Even when in an alliance she can have independent motives. We know she’s going to team up with Jinx but it’s unlikely that Sevika is going to be personally devoted to her, and maybe this alliance is a temporary, spur-of-the-moment decision.
If Sevika starts being independent, I’ve no doubt she’ll later become Renata Glasc.
okay that’s it! Feel free to add to this or take away or completely contradict me I’d love to continue to think about and discuss what defines these characters :)
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rnadett · 3 months
There is one thing I noticed in the teaser.
So, the correct order for these scenes will be:
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Then this
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Based on the wound on Caitlyn's lips, it is very fresh and almost bleeding in the first picture. In the second, it is still fresh but less inflamed. This means she most likely encounters and tries to end Jinx more than once, and she will definitely fail the first time.
Based on how broken and angry she looks on the second Image, I'm also guessing that this scene
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Is also before the first two.
I don't want drama between my girls, but I think the teaser only showed a couple of the first episodes, which could mean that Vi will leave not after Jinx kills the council, but after she becomes an enforcer (and quit from that too), which breaks Caitlyn again like their breakup in the rain.
I hope I'm not right.
What do you think?
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something-awful1 · 11 days
hot takes all around, don't get me wrong, but the conflict between "jinx fans" and "caitlyn/vi fans" is actually insane. like guys, we're all fans of the same show, stop gatekeeping your favorite characters and stop starting wars over what should be a mature, nuanced discussion
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machineheraldbabe · 2 months
my arcane hot takes/predictions
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i believe all of these things but! it's all in good fun. there isn't a character i genuinely dislike; every one serves their purpose, their motivations are fully realized, and every dilemma they endure/represent is morally complex and super fascinating!!
i love reading/talking about this show :)
If we had to nominate a single character as the show's villain in s1 (rather than the enforcers as a unit, or silco's shimmer operation, etc.), it would be marcus. if he hadn't taken silco's blood money, none of this would have happened.
jayce is "worse" than viktor in season 1 morally; "worse" comes with a lot of weight, ofc. i think season 1 follows jayce's story especially closely, from starry-eyed genius, to political initiate, to chess-master-in-training. the narrative indulges and displays his darkest traits and contrasts his narrative of moral emptiness with viktor's story of lonesome self-sacrifice. this is why i think it's VERY interesting that jayce allows viktor to break the news about his deal with silco for an independent undercity.
BUT! viktor will completely flip this dynamic next season, and viktor fans like myself will find ourselves in jayce's shoes! i can't wait for this!
relatedly, i am eager for a complete villain arc for viktor. it's mostly agreed upon that his story is incredibly sympathetic, but i'm hoping that the writers push him a few steps too far. i don't want to be comfortable - i want to watch a true degradation of morals to complicate what it means to redeem or condemn someone with such a tragic past. it'll blend very nicely with our initial impressions of vi's s2 story.
jinx is the main character of arcane and i love that for her.
vi's alleged enforcer arc makes Perfect sense, especially when contrasted with her dialogue with vander in act 1: "i grew up thinking that i am less than them." she can't be less than them if she's one of them.
mel hates viktor and was worried that jayce prioritized his relationship with viktor too highly. this comes from the scene where jayce confides in her that viktor is dying and her first remark is: "i didn't know you were so close." not long after, she silently belittles viktor when convincing jayce that the hextech weapons are a necessity by looking down upon him and refusing to consult him. i also want to be So Clear that i adore her character and that this is NOT a criticism; both scenes are phenomenal and are integral into their tripartite dynamic.
caitlyn was way out of pocket for her aggression in ep 9 and it definitely revealed her character's darkest tendencies that i think we'll see more of in s2.
viktor will be the sleeper-agent for s2. i know i'm projecting here but think about it - even visually, he has his own shade of purple amidst shimmer's fuchsia and hextech's blue. much like how powder's stealing was the initial conflict in s1, i think viktor has the same catalyst potential.
the worst things s2 could do are a) killing off a champion too early (save the deaths for ep8/9!) and b) giving viktor a love interest.
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Just hit me that Episode 1, a big seed of insecurity is planted in Powder when she overhears Mylo and Vi arguing about her, but she leaves before Vi stands up for her, and then in Episode 9 she overhears Silco musing about how he has his dream in his hands and all he needs to do is give up Jinx. It cuts away before we see anything happen next but it can be surmised that she knocked him out before he was made aware of her presence.
At her most tenuous and uncertain of who she was—awkward Powder, frenetic Jinx— Fate decided to have her stumble upon important conversations had by those she loved about her worth and value as a person, and understandably she fled before she could hear the final verdict.
In Episode 1, she ran from the door with the impression that her sister thought she would never be strong enough, never be good enough, and any conversation to the contrary were just lies that family tells you to make you feel better. In Episode 9, she knocked out Silco before he could monologue his decision (lol) because she has been this man’s shadow for 6 years. She knows that he values utility, ruthlessness, and his dream of a free Zaun at all costs. No matter how fond he was of her, how gentle or patient or allowing, it all culminated into her being the powerhouse that would land him Zaun, and now he has it, so what good is she now? By all metrics that she herself has witnessed of him, all signs point toward him favoring giving her up.
It’s a mixture of Jinx’s own insecure attachment and Silco’s almost pathological refusal to not define their relationship as her being an exception to his personal policy of cutthroat zig-zagged loyalty that led to Jinx jumping to very logical conclusion that he would give her up to Piltover. Because he delayed having that very important internal conversation with himself about how important she was to him, he had to have that debate right at the finish line instead of, I don’t know, at Singed’s operating table when he was in danger of losing her?? Life comes at you fast and you don’t have time to sort out your feelings, I suppose. The show is very much a whirlwind of everything happening at once, but moving on…
But it also makes sense, because Silco’s love for Jinx is hinted at having snuck up on him without him fully noticing. He thought he was in control of his fondness for her. He must have thought it was an understandable and unavoidable side effect to raising a protegè that you genuinely respect for her cleverness and usefulness. But he grew to genuinely love her in his unfulfilling, disparate way. It filled some holes, and left others bare. The question of unconditional support and love was broken with Vi, and Silco by his nature, his behavior, his endeavors ensured that Jinx grew up in an environment where social darwinism reigned supreme and that faltering or failing rendered you lesser in Silco’s eyes. Silco never outright said it to her. We never see him denigrate or threaten her, but kids don’t need to be told anything to get the general feel of “how things are”. The general air around Silco was one that encouraged her penchant for gadgets and engineering, but left her suspended in a limbo where she felt compelled to be strong, be the best, be perfect, otherwise he would look elsewhere. He would drop her, because the strong eat the weak and he only values her because she is uniquely strong. A gem in his collection, almost. It’s a girl whose abandonment issues have her seesawing back and forth between cavalier “I don’t caaaaare, I’m irreplaceable and you know it” and “Please don’t drop me, I’m strong, I’m good, I can do this, I can, I can, I swear I can” which, in Episode 9 culminated in her Shimmer psychosis as “How dare you. After everything I’ve done, after everything you’ve lectured me about Topside, you want to give me to them? Who do you think you are? I made you. I’m this broken fizzing-wire thing whose sister gave me up for a Topsider, I killed my childhood best friend with a bomb, and now you want to throw me away for your shiny dream city? You think you can throw me away like trash, don’t you dare look away, don’t you DARE THROW ME AWAY”
Like GIRL. I usually hate the “left before they heard the context of someone’s seemingly damning conversation” but it works here because it aggravated therapy-needed Powder/Jinx’s insecurities.
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Something something when an Arcane character lets themselves love and care for someone they’re inadvertently loving and caring for themselves.
Vi allowed herself to relax in Caitlyn presence and comfort, she took care of Caitlyn and looked out for her, proving Caitlyn right about her having a good heart.
Silco by the end says he loves Jinx and would have never given her up. We’ve all already talked about Jinx and Silco’s parallels and how he sees himself and his struggles in her.
Vander loving and caring but also fearing for Vi because he knew of the things he has done and these two are very similar, particularly how they developed as people. He’s accepted and moved past it but he still feels guilty.
Letting yourself love and accept someone means accepting the fact that you’re capable and deserving of the experience of love and acceptance. Even more so in Arcane because of the parallels between characters and how guilt ridden they are.
+ just how do you show love and adoration to someone so similar to you while turning around and hating yourself, that’s straight hypocrisy.
Anyway lemme distract you from my incoherent thoughts and make your reading this worth it with a funny
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tinseltrinkets · 15 days
A lot to say of the trailer but one quick thing that I wanted to note:
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An ‘X’ on Ekko’s chest. I don’t know if it’s by Jinx. It looks like her style of graffiti but how would she have time to do that and what would it mean. Is it marking him as a target? If she was, she’d probably use the monkey bomb symbol.
And so I was thinking he probably did it on purpose. But why?
At first I thought it might’ve been to pretend to be one of her followers because he’s with Vi and wouldn’t buy into that.
But now I’m thinking that at this point, him, Vi, and Jinx probably are all allied, begrudgingly or otherwise.
With a lot of the posters, people are speculating that Jinx is going to manipulate Vi in some form (maybe using Vander-Warwick as leverage somehow).
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Also, on Ekko’s poster, the symbol is engraved, not painted. Even if it’s not literally there in the series, it can still be symbolic
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kathviolet17 · 6 months
“If Powder stayed and heard Vi's words, there wouldn't be a misunderstanding ”,
except there would still be one.
Lets see, we have the scene here.
"She made a mistake", "She's young"
Vi is only excusing Powder's inexperience, she's in her sister's side. Still, if you think like Powder, It still would feel like she doesn't truly trust you.
"You know what, Mylo? You are right. There's a bunch of thing that Powder just can't do [...] Like complain about everything, and brag non-stop, [...] Take fights with the group when we need to focus [...] And tell strangers on the street that we got a nice call"
All the "good things" Vi says about Powder actually only are a (very direct) indirect way to call on Mylo's flaws.
"Powder's my problem, Okay? Your problem is you never know when to shut up"
Even in defending Powder, she still takes responsabillity of her actions. She's note saying she's capable or a good item for the group; only that she answers for Powder's mistakes.
So, does It change so much the scene if Powder heard the rest of the conversation? Not really.
Powder's mental health was already compromised, and even if she knew her sister had her back, it wouldn't wash away her feeling of guilt. Hell, maybe she would try even harder to prove Vi she's not a liability, that she's not her sister's problem and she's as capable as Vi at her age.
Actually, my "biggest complain" about that scene is that, had Powder stayed a little more, the writers could have used the "I'm still your problem, right sis?" Or something similar after their reunion. Maybe not even say something to Vi, but when she talks about her with Silco she would say "I thought she believed in me, but she considered me her problem"
Ah, maybe It's a little bit too corny?
Anyways, the "leaving the scene before hearing the twist" trope fits the moment, but in the greater scheme of the series It didn't change significally the plot. I totally can see people only recognizing the trope and feeling frustranted by it; very understandable.
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
Greetings and salutations!
For the breaking down characters ask game, how about Vi? :)
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Alright let’s do it
How I feel about vi…I do feel like fandom has fucked her over a bit. I think she’s undergone hot and gay syndrome (fatal) when she’s actually a complex character. I’m super excited to watch her spiral into depression. I also think thatttt Caitlyn makes her better and more interesting <- number 1 cait fan I fear.
CAITLYN KIRAMMAN is there even any other answer??? Literally no other answers jus them
Is there non-romantic otp? I guess her and jinx 😭.
I…don’t think she’s that hot. I wanna look like her, for sure (gender envy like you wouldn’t believe) but like. She’s competing with sevika and mommy abassarda and Mel and jinx and Caitlyn and that’s just counting the women. So like. Also maybe it’s finding out the VA for vi is a Zionist. And I feel like her voice was a main appeal for her (at least to me) so
Canon caitvi. I wanted it in the first season. If it’s not in the second season I will genuinely cry
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pastel-peach-writes · 4 months
Hello! I adore your writing. Can I request a fic with female arcane characters when they have a touch starved gf? (Definitely asking for a friend ahah 😅)
RAHHH. ARCANE LADIES LETS GOOO. tbh, im not that in tune with Mel and Sevika as characters so they may be OOC. Thanks for requesting!
Arcane Ladies w/A Touch-Starved Reader | Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Mel, and Sevika with a touch-starved lover and/or discovering said trait.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Lower Case Intended (Kinda?), Suggestive Themes (Mel/Sevika), Not Proofread, Short
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
JINX ᝰ๋࣭𝜗᭡
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- In a romantic setting (or really any setting), Jinx is touch-starved herself.
- when taking hostages or messing with those in her way, she will often touch them such as stroking her nail along their jawline or grabbing their chin when they're hurt and on their last limb.
- now she does this not because she's a bit insane and wants to add salt to their wounds but because she's curious. "What would this feel like?" "What would happen if I do this?"
- Much like most things in her life, curiosity is the main thing that gets her into trouble
- in terms of touching, you're not exempt from her touching curiosity.
- she'll drag her nails along your spine. cup your cheek and chin, and squeeze you like the baby you are to her.
- it's not until you linger after a hug that she notices your touch-starved like her
– since that moment, she made a mental note to cuddle you, kiss you, or poke at you more
– even if you tell her to stop annoying you or that she should focus on her work and not mess with you, she'll continue to poke and hold you.
– why? well because you're smiling through your complaints and she can't get over that smile you try to hide when you let yourself melt in her touch
VI メ
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– much like her sister, Vi is touch-starved herself.
– y'all saw how she acted with Caitlyn and when she reunited with Jinx. She was all OVER them. With you, she's the exact same
– With her, you're more reluctant with touch. You want to hug her, cuddle with her, cling onto her like the clingy thing you are but you're scared to.
– you didn't grow up in an environment where that was normalized so it was out of your comfort zone to go out and cling to someone.
– in the beginning of your relationship, Vi was touchy until she noticed you weren't super comfortable with it.
– when she noticed, she had a discussion with you. – "Hey, are you comfortable with me hugging you 'n stuff? I noticed you get kinda tense when I first hug you." She'll ask you on a random night in the living room. You were hesitant at first, wanting to immediately ease her insecurities and tell her everything was fine.
– But if you lied, even if the lie was more a half-truth, your initial reaction to her touch would be the same. Tense at first then ease seconds into the touch.
– So, because you couldn't do anything but bite the bud, you told her
– Since telling, Vi said she'll help you work on getting more comfortable with touch.
– She'll even tease you when she notices you're more hesitant than normal.
– "Oh, come on," she'll tease you with her arms squeezing around your torso and your cheeks smushing to another. "You know you love it! Ease up, Mufifn."
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- With Caitlyn, you literally CANNOT get off of her. Can't blame you though.
- 6' foot something to cling onto? YUM.
- Caitlyn didn't mind your touchiness. She assumed you were that way so she didn't think anything of it.
- It wasn't until she met your family that she saw that your touchy side is something you keep hidden from your family, if not the world.
- You were so stiff around them, uncomfortable dare she say. You kept to yourself, restricted that pretty smile of yours, and you wouldn't let yourself ease into her touch.
- At home, she brought this up to you and you told her that being affectionate wasn't something your family did. To them, holding each other, hugging, expressing hellos and goodbyes with kisses was weird. Unfortunately for you, you're a naturally touchy person so you had to keep that part of you concealed.
- Caitlyn didn't like the thought of you hiding yourself from your blood kin. You didn't deserve that treatment so at home, after the event, Caitlyn went out of her way to be more touchy with you.
- she cradled your head when cuddling on the couch, gave you kisses on the cheek, and when she complimented you on something or congratulated you, she kissed the top of your head while giving you a polite squeeze.
– being super-duper-mushy-gushy-affectionate wasn't something she wasn't used to but she'll do anything for you. Plus, a couple extra kisses and squeezes haven't killed her yet.
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- You didn't care about touch all that much before your relationship with Mel. At the start of your relationship, you and Mel were younger so you had fewer responsibilities. All your free time, literally all of it, you guys spent with each other
- walking arm-in-arm while shopping, resting on each other on hot Summer days with your feet in a body of water, and mindlessly playing with each other's clothes or hair during late-night talks.
- but as she got busier, you saw her less, and seeing her less meant fewer touches.
- Mel wouldn't call herself touch-starved but starved for your touch.
– She'll miss your lingering touches on her fingers while you lay in bed, your lips on her back as you held each other, and your face in the crook of her neck.
– In a way, you both were touch-starved for each other. Maybe even a different word but this is a PG-13 space LMAO.
– at night, you would wrap your limbs around her tight and in the morning, you'd cling even tighter. What do you mean it's time for her to go already? She just got in bed!! (it's been 7 hours.)
– with Mel, your touch-starving-ness doesn't go unnoticed. In fact, whenever there's a time she notices you're more touchy than normal, she'll make it up to you
– And you never once complained about her way of making it up to you.
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- oh lord, where do i start with this one, hm?
– One, Sevika loves the crap out of your touch-starved-ness. She won't admit this out loud but she thinks its the cutest thing in the world.
- She'll see you go in for a hug or maybe a wrap around her arm but then decide against it because of your own insecurities.
- Sometimes she'll take matters into her own hands and wrap her arm around you, pull you into her lap, or sneak a kiss on your cheek but other times she likes to make you suffer.
– "Mm, what was that?" she'll tease with a smirk on her lips. "Oh, did you want to hug me? Kiss me? Cling onto me or something?"
- Tbh, if you're with Sevika, you gotta be a little bit of a brat, right? right. So, you'll refuse the allegations she put on your name.
- That is until she pushes and pushes and boom. Like a perfectly boiled egg, your shell has been cracked and peeled, and the softness of your personality has been brought to light.
– with embarrassment plastered along your body and face, you'll do what you were too shy to before. (Cling, hug, kiss, etc).
- Sevika plays a big game but she loves it when you cling to her because just like you, she's a bit touch-starved too. The only touches she gets on a day-to-day basis are punches, kicks, etc.
- When you swallow your pride at home, you'll pull her down to your chest and hold her tight. She'll ask what's up but you'll just ignore her and she'll melt into your body like you intended.
WC: 1,229
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nickeverdeen · 8 months
arcane charaters with knowing the reader has a crush on them and like them back? How ould they react?
Arcane characters knowing reader has a crush on them and their feelings are mutual
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Vi's tough persona doesn't disappear, but it softens into a teasing banter
She might playfully tease you about your crush, often accompanied by a smirk or a wink
Vi, being a protector by nature, would subtly demonstrate her care for you
Whether it's offering an extra jacket in the cold or keeping an eye out in crowded situations, she shows her protective side
Vi would actively seek out opportunities to spend time with you, engaging in shared adventures or missions
These situations allow her to be close to you while maintaining a sense of camaraderie
Vi, known for her straightforwardness, would genuinely show interest in your thoughts and feelings
She might ask about your day or share aspects of her own life, fostering a deeper connection
While not overly affectionate, Vi might incorporate subtle touches—a hand on the shoulder or a reassuring pat
Or the cupcake moment she did with Caitlyn
These gestures convey her comfort with you and add a layer of intimacy to your interactions
Vi may initiate friendly challenges or competitions, showcasing her competitive side
It's a way for her to bond with you and share moments of triumph or friendly banter
As the mutual feelings deepen, Vi might find herself gradually opening up about her own vulnerabilities and past
This creates a sense of trust and intimacy between her and you
Vi's loyalty extends to you, and she becomes a reliable source of support
Whether it's standing up for you in tough situations or providing a listening ear, she ensures you know she's there for you
Vi's affection is expressed in more subtle ways
A genuine smile, a lingering look, or a thoughtful gesture—these moments showcase the depth of her feelings without compromising her tough exterior
Although she will definetly flirt with you
Vi becomes comfortable in shared silences with you
These moments, where words are unnecessary, speak volumes about the connection they share
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Caitlyn maintains her professional demeanor but subtly lets her guard down around you
She still prioritizes her duties but might show a softer side in your interactions
Caitlyn engages in conversations that encourage you to share your thoughts and feelings
She's genuinely interested in getting to know you on a personal level
Caitlyn discovers and explores shared interests with you
Whether it's enjoying a mutual hobby or discussing topics they both find intriguing, she creates connections beyond their professional relationship
Caitlyn, in her own reserved way, expresses admiration for your qualities
She may offer subtle compliments, acknowledging your skills or unique attributes
Despite her busy schedule, Caitlyn carves out quality time to spend with you
Whether it's shared meals or quiet moments, she values their time together
Caitlyn becomes a reliable and trustworthy presence for you
Her commitment to upholding justice extends to ensuring the well-being and happiness of those close to her
Caitlyn's protective instincts may surface subtly
She might take extra precautions or subtly intervene if you find yourself in a challenging situation
Caitlyn, though reserved, allows moments of vulnerability to surface
She may share personal stories or experiences, allowing you to see a more genuine side of her
In a composed manner, Caitlyn acknowledges the mutual feelings between them
She might express her sentiments indirectly or through actions, allowing you to understand the depth of her feelings
Caitlyn shows her affection through thoughtful gestures
Whether it's a small gift, a handwritten note, or acts of kindness, these actions reflect her appreciation for you
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Jinx thrives on playful banter and teasing
She'd likely playfully taunt you about your crush, using a mix of sarcasm and genuine interest, creating a dynamic and unpredictable atmosphere
Jinx would involve you in her mischievous escapades
From planning pranks on Sevika or Silco to causing a bit of chaos together, these shared adventures become the backdrop for their budding connection
Jinx might enjoy the thrill of secret rendezvous with you
Sneaking away for clandestine meetings adds an extra layer of excitement to their relationship
While maintaining her tough exterior, Jinx may allow occasional glimpses of vulnerability
These moments could be brief and fleeting, revealing a more complex side to her personality
Jinx's expressions of affection may be unconventional
Instead of traditional gestures, she might gift you something quirky or set up unexpected surprises that align with her unpredictable nature
Jinx, in her own impulsive way, may unexpectedly come to your aid or defend you when the situation calls for it
Her actions reflect a sense of protective loyalty
Jinx seeks out experiences that provide an adrenaline rush
Whether it's daring stunts or exploring abandoned places, she involves you in activities that fuel your shared thrill-seeking tendencies
Jinx communicates a lot through body language
From playful nudges to intense eye contact, her expressions convey a range of emotions that add depth to their interactions
Jinx's emotions can be unpredictable, swinging between intense passion and moments of vulnerability
You experience the full spectrum of her feelings, creating a unique and dynamic connection
Jinx's loyalty to you is fierce
She stands by you in moments of chaos, showcasing her dedication and willingness to go to extremes for those she cares about
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Jayce would be naturally friendly and approachable, making you feel comfortable in his presence
His charismatic nature would shine through, creating an inviting atmosphere
Jayce would actively seek out shared interests with you, whether it's in the realm of technology, innovation, or personal hobbies
He sees these commonalities as opportunities to deepen the connection
Given Jayce's intellectual pursuits, he'd engage you in meaningful conversations
From discussing the latest inventions to exploring ideas and theories, he values stimulating intellectual exchanges
Jayce would be genuinely supportive of your endeavors
Whether it's personal goals or professional aspirations, he encourages and believes in your potential, providing a strong pillar of support
Jayce, with a thoughtful nature, might express his affection through small gestures
Whether it's surprising you with a meaningful gift or arranging a special experience, he invests effort in making you feel valued
(And yes I do realize I keep writing “Wheter” 🥲)
A touch of chivalry might be present in Jayce's interactions
He could exhibit traditional gestures of politeness and consideration, reflecting his respect and admiration for you
Jayce will 100% flex his muscles from time to time when you’re alone
While maintaining a respectful tone, Jayce might engage in occasional flirtatious banter
His charm manifests through playful remarks and subtle compliments, adding a layer of romantic tension
Jayce recognizes the importance of quality time in building a connection
Whether it's shared meals, outings, or quiet moments, he ensures you have meaningful experiences together
Jayce is attuned to your emotions and needs
His empathetic nature allows him to understand and navigate the complexities of your feelings, fostering a deeper emotional connection
While maintaining a level of professionalism, Jayce may display subtle forms of public affection
A reassuring touch, a shared smile, or a glance that communicates your connection without being overly conspicuous
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Ekko's interactions would be filled with playful banter and teasing
He enjoys keeping the atmosphere light-hearted and fun, making you comfortable in expressing your feelings
Ekko would actively involve you in his adventures and experiments
Whether it's exploring new hextech creations or navigating the undercity together, he values shared experiences
Given Ekko's interest in hextech, he might engage you in collaborative projects
Working together on inventive ideas becomes a way to bond and strengthen your connection
Ekko, as a natural inventor, might surprise you with unique and thoughtful inventions
These surprises reflect his creativity and the effort he puts into making you feel special
Ekko's time-manipulating abilities may add an interesting twist to your interactions
He might create moments where time seems to slow down, emphasizing the significance of your connection
Ekko is perceptive and empathetic
He pays attention to your feelings and is understanding of your emotions, creating a supportive environment for open communication
Ekko's adventurous spirit means that he actively seeks out exciting and daring activities
Whether it's exploring hidden places or taking on challenges, he involves you in his quest for excitement
Despite his playful nature, Ekko is capable of having deeper conversations
He might share his thoughts and feelings, creating moments of emotional intimacy that strengthen your bond
Ekko might express his feelings through physical affection, such as playful nudges, high-fives, or even inventive ways of showing closeness without being overly romantic
Ekko sees the relationship as an opportunity for mutual growth
He encourages you to pursue your interests and supports you in your endeavors, fostering a sense of personal and collective development
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Viktor values deep and meaningful conversations
He would engage you in discussions about innovation, progress, and your personal interests, creating a connection through shared intellectual pursuits
Recognizing your passions and talents, Viktor might involve you in collaborative projects
Working together on scientific or technological endeavors becomes a way to strengthen your bond
Both driven by a desire for progress, Viktor and you would share a common vision
You collaborate on projects that contribute to the betterment of Zaun and Piltover, emphasizing your shared goals
Despite his stoic exterior, Viktor is empathetic
He provides emotional support to you, understanding the complexities of your feelings and offering a steady presence during challenging times
Viktor might express his affection in subtle and thoughtful ways
Whether it's a shared moment of silence, a reassuring touch, or a small, meaningful gesture, these actions convey his feelings
Viktor and you would reflect on the progress of your relationship and personal growth
He values a partnership where both individuals contribute to each other's development
Viktor's strategic mindset extends to relationship dynamics
He might plan thoughtful dates or experiences, considering your preferences and creating moments that deepen your connection
Viktor understands the balance between ambition and personal life
He ensures that you feel valued and prioritized, demonstrating that your relationship is an integral part of his life
Viktor sees the relationship as an opportunity for continuous learning and growth
Whether exploring new areas of science or embracing personal interests, they embark on a journey of discovery together
Despite the seriousness of his work, Viktor would appreciate the importance of light-hearted moments
He might engage in occasional humor or playful activities, allowing the relationship to have a well-rounded dynamic
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ohnoitstbskyen · 11 months
The Beautiful Animation Touches of Arcane, act 2
It's not exactly a hot take to say that Arcane is one of the most striking and visually compelling animated series of the last few years, the animators and directors at studio Fortiche threw everything but the kitchen sink at this show, creating something intensely dense, layered and absolutely soaking in little animation touches, clever bits of cinematography and just straight up good direction and filmmaking.
It is impossible to discuss everything compelling about Arcane and its animation in one video, but I'm at least going to do my level best to talk about some of my favourite scenes from the second act (episode 3-6), and oh god oh god oh f*** my video about the animation is longer than all three episodes it discusses combined.
In this video we'll focus particularly on Jinx's custom animation rig that lets her swap between the Jinx and Powder personalities, how Silco visually asserts power over Marcus when they argue, how Viktor's entire character arc is contained within a single scene from his childhood, how Vi and Caitlyn speedrun an enemies-to-lovers trope via body language, and the seduction of Jayce Talis and his unfaithfulness to Viktor.
You have no idea how many Netflix copyright blocks I had to edit my way around to get this online.
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rnadett · 14 days
Be careful, someone sent me an anyonimous ask here with full Arcane s2 leak spoilers.
I responded to them, but I deleted it so I could share this with you after censoring the leak, in order to warn you all.
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Maybe if you don't want to run into this absolute human trash, the best thing you can do until the season's release is to turn off this feature on Tumblr.
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grimmcheems · 2 months
Piltie Jinx💖🎀
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I always thought it’d be interesting to see what would’ve happened if Powder had been left behind or caught at the scene when she triggered Jayce’s lab experiments, when I watched the show like a yr ago that was one of the thoughts that always lingered and I like to think she would’ve been more cut out for Piltover society than the undercity bc she was neglected so much there and I think she’d be more charming to Piltie citizens with her docile nature and intelligence.
No hate to the other characters or Vander but the girl clearly had problems and they all wanted to pretend like they didn’t see it so they could feel better about taking her in and looking after her. She was also weaker and more unexperienced than the rest but they all somehow expected her to pull her own weight in high stress situations.[This unintentionally overlapped with the trailer drop bc I was completely unaware they even released them when I was making this like two weeks ago.]
That’s a whole can of worms that I’d rather not open rn bc then it becomes a whole discussion on her trauma along with poverty and a bunch of other things having to do with the people that were around her. She is given the name Jinny bc they got tired of having to refer to her without a specific name, and becuase she begged Jayce to give her one and he blurted out the first thing he saw lmao.
Anyways. In this the kids and Vi basically leave her at the scene out of fear of getting caught and because they aren’t confident that she could have even survived the blast. They all think she’s dead and Powder experiences memory loss, so law enforcement dumps her on Jayce as a punishment and reminder of how dangerous his lab was and how lucky he is that she’s alive, but along the way Viktor sees her potential in becoming a scientific inventor of some sorts based on the items she had with her when she tried escaping along with the intelligence she displays and he adopts her and takes the load off of Jayce after his probation period form the academy. Her and Jayce have a sibling bond.
I need to draw more of this but her young self experiencing this and growing up in their thriving society and blending into their society. I added makeup on her to show how well she’s managed to integrate into Piltover society and because she indulges in the riches there so much that people even forgot she was originally form the undercity, she pretty much looks and acts like she was born there. The pinkish color she puts around her eyes is her remembering Vi and the purple comes into play later when Viktor’s sickness gets worse.
I originally only drew her as an enforcer bc I got inspired by an edited pin on Pinterest but also wanted her to be an academy student so it’s a bit of an awkward mix but I figured she probably picked up becoming an enforcer as a pastime and way to make money(idk if they make money lmao) bc she can’t rely on Viktor and Jayce to provide for her forever, and because Grayson sort of inspired her a bit (though she is subconsciously reminded of Vi when she’s around Grayson). She also has a funny dynamic with Marcus, with him already being a double crossing loser he tries to be this cool older guy around her and miserably fails every time but only because she’s still young and carefree and because he basically kept it under wraps that she was alive the whole time after finding out that she was Vander’s adoptive daughter. So I guess you could say he just has a fatherly instinct towards her but who knows.
Might draw more of this later and have better details but for now this is it oop.
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nylloth · 3 days
Being in Arcane fandom is so much fun. Here are Vi fans who take apart screenshots of her emo era on a daily basis. There are Jinx fans who “color everything blue”. There's Ekko fans who constantly discuss his relationship with Jinx. And these are Viktor fans by the way.
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That's all we can discuss. What gorgeous light! And did you notice the surroundings? Oh, my God, Viktor is gorgeous. Do you believe this footage exists? It's amazing. Goddamn, we're so lucky.
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