0rb-weaver · 6 months
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First post 😎
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dare-g · 4 months
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The Theme (1979)
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abstractednotebook · 7 months
Slavic Spring Deities (Post no.1)
Vesna and Kresnik (Vesnik)
(VEES-nah) “Lady Spring”, “Lady of Spring Resurrection”, or “The White Maiden of May”
There are about 15 other names for this deity, the ones that I will focus on in this post in particular are:
Name that means Spring
Derived from the Proto-Indo-European “wésr” meaning Spring.
Zlata Maja
Name means “Golden Mother of Life”
Name means “Golden Hill”
Name means “Daisy”
Fun fact! The daisy is also a sacred flower of the Norse goddess Freya!
She is a glowing radiant goddess, often described as having long golden hair. Vesna is also associated with the day that the Swallows return on approximately March 9th called Strinenija. At this point in the year, another goddess named Striga(Mora, or Morana) would be reborn as this Spring Goddess. The dates however, will vary depending on the climatic differences in the various Slavic countries.
She loves music, dance and song; as well as sensual pleasures (intercourse). She bedecks herself with a flower crown, and the land itself with beautiful flowers. She may be found naked dancing in a meadow, happily surrounded by birds and butterflies.
Like all the tales of Slavic Deities, she too can change her form to the animals she most connects with. These animals happen to be white birds, rabbits, or singing larks. These are also her messengers!
Quick Facts!
Does she have a sacred day? Time? Holiday?: Yes! They are Fridays, the entire month of May, and especially May Day!
Sacred Space(s): Literally; any flowery meadow, garden, or hill!
Sacred Animals: Rooks, Robins, Cranes, Mice, Shrews, Cuckoos, Fire-flies and Glow worms.
Sacred Plants: Maple, hawthorn blossoms, and wild roses.
Offering ideas: Honey cakes, flowers, apples, goat’s milk, flower crowns, bird sculptures (especially of her sacred birds).
(kre-ES-nik) “Living Fire”, “Lord of Spring Resurrection”, “The Lord of Life-Giving Light”.
There’s about 11 names for this Deity!
In folktales, Kresnik can transform into a bird, or really any shape he pleases; or become invisible! He rides in a golden carriage across the sky on a winged horse. We see him in Slovene folk tales wielding a “golden axe” and causing lightning.
Like his female counterpart (or in some tales she is his partner or twin), he too has golden hair (and mustache), he is bright and radiantly handsome; however he is sometimes described to have golden hands (sometimes going as far as to have golden wings).
Oh! And, he lives on a golden mountain where there grows an apple tree; but it’s not just any old run of the mill apple tree—it holds the golden apples of immortality! (Are you sick of the word “GOLDEN” yet?)
The firefly is a sacred animal to him, and I’ll let you guess why.
Quick Facts!
Sacred day, time, or holiday: Spring Equinox, May 6th, Summer Solstice (June 21 or 22), and oddly enough, December 6th and the Winter Solstice. In short, the Winter Solstice was considered his “birthday,” and then he was celebrated at the Summer Solstice with bonfires!
Sacred spaces: Hills.
Sacred Animals: Roosters, goats, red cows, bulls, bears, wolves, boars, oxen, dragons, horses, flying horses, dogs with white spots (specifically over their eyes, but any white spots will do just fine), woodpeckers, and lynxes.
Sacred Plants: Apples, yellow “corn marigolds,” grapevines, buckwheat, blackberries, red cranberries, asparagus, wheat, hay, and various other fruits.
Sacred Objects: Spoked “sun wheels”, flutes, fiddle, a golden hand (think Thanos), a winged white horse, a candelabrum, golden axe, or a club.
Offering ideas: Yellow apples, wine, cooked buckwheat, grapes, candles, incense, Frankincense, wheat sheaves, cranberries.
P.S: If you have any questions, always remember to ask them!! If I personally cannot answer it, I'll find sources that could help you out!
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mojisnovi · 11 months
Ljubičica - prvi vesnik proleća...
U razdoblju stare Grčke bila je poznata kao simbol proleća, večnog života i ljubavi. Uz nju se još od antičkog doba, zahvaljujući lekovitim svojstvima, vežu mnoge priče i legende.
Reč je o mirisnoj ljubičici, (lat. Viola odorata), samonikloj biljci i vesniku proleća, koju ste sigurno već otkrili u vašem vrtu ili u obližnjem parku.
Ljubičica cveta u martu i aprilu, a prepoznatljiva je po nežnim cvetićima većinom tamnoljubičaste boje i listovima srcolikog oblika. I naravno, po neodoljivom, slatkom mirisu.
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
This is a tribute birthday edit to Judith Eva Barsi 1978-1988 10 years old of age and those from gta vice city, poltergeist poltergeist III, Jaws 2 Jaws The Revenge, All Dogs go to heaven, Land before time rest in peace Dominick DeLuise, Burton Leon Reynolds Jr., Charles Nelson Reilly, Victor Tayback, Anna Maria Manahan, Godfrey Quigley, Jack Angel, Harald Juhnke, Michel Modo, Jacques Frantz, Ernest Borgnine, Tony Jay, Hamilton Camp, Pat Cleo Corley, Wlodzimierz Bednarski, Vadim Kurkov, Edeltraud Schubert, William Ryan, Martin Patterson Hingle, Bill Erwin, Joseph Henry Ranft, Roger Carel, Linda Grey, Andrei Yaroslavtsev, Henri Virlogeux, Sven Erik Herman Vikström, Melvin Van Peebles, Elizabeth Lee Fierro, Fritzi Jane Courtney, Jan Rabson, Naomi Ruth Stevens, Marilyn Sue Schreffler, Murray Hamilton, Barbara Alston, Roy Richard Scheider, Marc Gilpin, April Gilpin, Gary Michael Dubin, Susan French Moultrie, Collin Wilcox Paxton, Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Forrest Meredith Tucker, Gilbert Roland, Thomas Lester Tryon, Joseph Peter Mascolo, Barry S. Coe, Herb Muller, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Zelda May Rubinstein, Nathan Davis, Richard Fire, Jane Alderman, John Garfield, Dominique Ellen Dunne, Julian Beck, Beatrice Whitney Straight, Will Sampson, Louis Byron Perryman, Sonny Landham, James Karen, Robert Houston Broyles, Noble Henry Craig Jr., Geraldine Mary Fitzgerald, Fred Rogers, Susan Peretz, Avicii, Michael Jackson, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson, Richard Belzer, Michael Gambon, Matthew Perry, Raymond Burr, Brittany Murphy, Denise Marie Nickerson, Roy Mitchell Kinnear, Nora Denney, Leonard Stone, Diana Mae Sowle, Lisa Loring, Raul Julia, David John Battley, Günter Meisner, Aubrey Woods, Ursula Reit, Robbie Coltrane, Peter Capell, Roberts Blossom, Billie Bird, Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton, Clara Blandick, Shirley Temple, Baby LeRoy, Baby Peggy Montgomery, Werner Heyking, Walker Edmiston, Anthony Newley, Michael Goodliffe, Yevgeny Vesnik, Georgiy Vitsin, Roberto Del Giudice, Manlio Guardabassi, Sergey Aleksandrovich Martinson, Judith Barsi, Maria Agnes Virovacz Barsi, Agnes “Agi” Barsi Lidle, Barna Barsi, John Ingle, we will miss you all stars
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radiogornjigrad · 6 months
Povodom 8. ožujka u NUB „Sv. Kliment Ohridski” u Skoplju ekskluzivno je prikazana digitalna izložba “Žene u rijetkoj periodici”. Autorice izložbe su dr. Marina Mijakovska i Milica Ivanovska. Vesnik “Makedonka: organ Antifašističkog fronta žena Makedonije” je važan naslov iz fonda Zbirke rijetke periodike. To je prvi ženski časopis koji izlazi u Makedoniji. Ovaj časopis ima veliko kulturno,…
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astrolognevenkablazik · 6 months
Živite samo jednom, ali ako živite ispravno, jednom je i dovoljno... Sunce u Ovnu
Sunce u Ovnu vesnik Proleća {i astrološki početak Nove Godine ~ a istog dana je i Svetski Dan Astrologa, naravno} prelazi u ovaj znak 20 Marta i narednih mesec dana tj do 19 Aprila snažnom egzaltiranom energijom će uticati na puno toga u našem životu.  Tamo gde se nađe Sunce u Ovnu u našem natalnom čartu, u narednom periodu će izgledati kao da je Kosmos uperio ogromni reflektor i osvetljava i…
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narkonianews · 1 year
Jesenji kolac sa bundevom VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti
Jesenji kolac sa bundevom VIDEO RECEPT kako napraviti Znate li koliko je bundeva zdrava? Kao pravi vesnik jeseni, osim zbog svoje fantasticne boje, bogata je vitaminima i mineralima. Danas vam predstavljamo jedan pravi jesenji recept za aromatican kolac pun boja i ukusa. U pitanju je kombinacija bundeve, lesnika i suvog grozdja. Ako se tome doda aroma cimeta i vanile, sasvim se sigurno dobija…
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open-mind-dead · 2 years
“Žensko ime Vesna je poreklom iz staro-slovenske grupe jezika, i pretpostavlja se da je ime pak i poteklo od imena slovenske boginje proleća, Vesne ili pak da je „izvedeno“ iz reči „vesnik“, a u značenju onaj koji najavljuje ili oglašava dolazak proleća; radosti i sunca.”
Moja mama. Moja Vesna. Proleće i buđenje proleća. Proleće je godišnje doba koje me uvek asocira na život, na buđenje, na rađanje cveća, na pojavu sunca i oblaka. Nakon tmurne zime, proleće je krenulo da se budi i život je krenuo da se stvara svuda oko nas. Svuda osim kod moje mame, kod moje Vesne, kod mog vesnika proleća. Sve je oko nas krenulo da se budi, dok se moja mama ugasila.
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ligunet · 7 years
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Utrinski Vesnik Logo media http://www.ligu.net/media-brand/utrinski-vesnik-logo-289043
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theforestinme · 3 years
Možda sam patetični pesnik
Ili prokleti vesnik
Budućih rana
L. W.
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crimsonkingart · 4 years
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21° Vesna Vesna was a mythological female character associated with youth and springtime in early Slavic mythology, particularly within Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia and Slovenia. Along with her companion Vesnik, she was associated with rituals conducted in rural areas during springtime.
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wanteddistributors · 2 years
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Become Pantoprazole 40mg Domperidone 10mg Domperidone 20mg Capsules Distributors Under The Brand Vesnik Molecules. For Distributorship Please Call us:+91-11-46710406
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sporadiceagleheart · 4 months
Dominick DeLuise, Burton Leon Reynolds Jr., Charles Nelson Reilly, Victor Tayback, Anna Maria Manahan, Godfrey Quigley, Jack Angel, Harald Juhnke, Michel Modo, Jacques Frantz, Ernest Borgnine, Tony Jay, Hamilton Camp, Pat Cleo Corley, Wlodzimierz Bednarski, Vadim Kurkov, Edeltraud Schubert, William Ryan, Martin Patterson Hingle, Bill Erwin, Joseph Henry Ranft, Roger Carel, Linda Grey, Andrei Yaroslavtsev, Henri Virlogeux, Sven Erik Herman Vikström, Melvin Van Peebles, Elizabeth Lee Fierro, Fritzi Jane Courtney, Jan Rabson, Naomi Ruth Stevens, Marilyn Sue Schreffler, Murray Hamilton, Barbara Alston, Roy Richard Scheider, Marc Gilpin, April Gilpin, Gary Michael Dubin, Susan French Moultrie, Collin Wilcox Paxton, Charlton Heston, Anne Baxter, Forrest Meredith Tucker, Gilbert Roland, Thomas Lester Tryon, Joseph Peter Mascolo, Barry S. Coe, Herb Muller, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Zelda May Rubinstein, Nathan Davis, Richard Fire, Jane Alderman, John Garfield, Dominique Ellen Dunne, Julian Beck, Beatrice Whitney Straight, Will Sampson, Louis Byron Perryman, Sonny Landham, James Karen, Robert Houston Broyles, Noble Henry Craig Jr., Geraldine Mary Fitzgerald, Fred Rogers, Susan Peretz, Avicii, Michael Jackson, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson, Richard Belzer, Michael Gambon, Matthew Perry, Raymond Burr, Brittany Murphy, Denise Marie Nickerson, Roy Mitchell Kinnear, Nora Denney, Leonard Stone, Diana Mae Sowle, Lisa Loring, Raul Julia, David John Battley, Günter Meisner, Aubrey Woods, Ursula Reit, Robbie Coltrane, Peter Capell, Roberts Blossom, Billie Bird, Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton, Clara Blandick, Shirley Temple, Baby LeRoy, Baby Peggy Montgomery, Werner Heyking, Walker Edmiston, Anthony Newley, Michael Goodliffe, Yevgeny Vesnik, Georgiy Vitsin, Roberto Del Giudice, Manlio Guardabassi, Sergey Aleksandrovich Martinson, Judith Barsi, Maria Agnes Virovacz Barsi, Agnes “Agi” Barsi Lidle, Barna Barsi, John Ingle,
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balaclavadotq · 6 years
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>>>INSPIRATION<<< Artist: Ana Vesnik
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Nije važno koliko se sporo krećete, dokle god niste stali... Sunce u Ovnu
Sunce u Ovnu vesnik Proleća {i astrološki početak Nove Godine ~ a istog dana je i Svetski Dan Astrologa, naravno} prelazi u ovaj znak 20. Marta i narednih 30 dana tj do 20. Aprila snažnom egzaltiranom energijom će uticati na puno toga u našem životu. Tamo gde se nađe Sunce u Ovnu u našem natalnom čartu, u narednom periodu će izgledati kao da je Kosmos uperio ogromni reflektor i osvetljava i one…
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