#Verse 2
lunarlegend · 7 months
"That's right.
A man who was supposed to be the King of Lucis, until my younger brother killed me."
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claratenebris · 6 months
→ @kiigan
Sakura was dead tired, a fatigue that went down to her bones. The closer she got to Konoha, the more eager she was to return home, hence her breaks were few to none. And it was worth it, she thought, to arrive back home with the sun shining upon the reformed village. It was different - good different - and familiar at the same time. She made her way back to her home, empty as it was, to sort through her belongings and get a bath. Then she would leave again with some of her new research tucked under her arm, get food from the first open establishment she came across, and finally went to the Hokage's office, first and foremost.
"I need Tsunade-sama and Shizune to be notified and to meet me in his room as soon as possible," Sakura explained to Kakashi, who nodded and sent her on her way with a warning that she should get some rest, too. Sakura would. Later.
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She knocked to announce her presence before walking into the room. "Itachi-san. Long time no see," Sakura greeted softly and started going through his chart. "Would you please update me on how you've been feeling lately?"
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theaccursedninth · 1 month
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Another screenshot of Malekith. It’s a little blurry, but I love how eerie and otherworldly he looks. It’s a frightening contrast to the man he used to be.
This is from the opening sequence of The Dark World. The film has a strong start; it’s a shame there was so much nonsense behind the scenes😔
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rogue-and-the-warlock · 8 months
A Sleepless Night for Ember
Spoilers for verse 2 of Ballad of the Nightmare Krew.
Perhaps he’d imagined it. Perhaps, all along, he had been deluding himself into believing it wasn't a solitary sentiment. Perhaps it really was as simple as friendship. Perhaps. 
But it felt too real to Ember. Too raw in a deliciously painful way. Perhaps the sole ache he would willingly endure was this one – the yearning. For almost a year now, he had lived with that ache. Ever since she walked through those warehouse doors. From the instant her amber gaze locked with his, it had started. 
And now, after leaving her. Leaving them all. He was back and she was distant. Too distant from him. It seems his time away had strengthened her bonds with the others. One of the many consequences to his cowardice. Oh, what he wouldn't sacrifice to reclaim those lost months. To get her back. Fully. The Lilith he glimpsed in fleeting moments, when she let down her guard with a smile at one of his jokes. The Lilith she showed him when their day was coming to a close and for a moment, the weight of all they were doing was forgotten and it was them. Sitting together with that exquisitely painful longing humming between them. 
He had glimpsed her after he parted ways with them. Strolling through Reva with Ryujin. She looked determined. Fierce. Beautiful. His heart had seized in his chest at the sight of her and those he’d once called friends. Almost against his will, he’d moved closer to her. Too close. Even in disguise, she’d recognized the scent of his magic. She’d halted in her tracks, grabbing Ryujin by the shirt and whispering Ember’s name. Ryujin had whirled, searching frantically for his lost friend. But Ember had already slunk away. 
That moment lingered in his thoughts for days. He no longer required slumber, yet he found himself imbibing concoctions to evade the yearning. Sleep was his sole respite. And in sleeping, he dreamed of her. Dreamed that he had not departed. That Leonidas had not met his demise. That everything was as it should be, and when the dust settled, she stood before him. She was there, uttering the words he had longed to hear. But always, dawn broke, and the potion wore off before he could articulate what he’d been whispering to himself for what felt like eternity.
He loved her. Had been loving her. He scarcely recalled a time when he didn't love her. It was as though the moment they crossed paths, his world aligned, and she became the focal point. His gravitational force.
If only he knew how she felt. He thought he had. She kept things so close to the vest, yet he prided himself on his ability to decipher people, and he could have sworn, during those final days on the isle of Sissonius, that they shared a mutual understanding. That they were building something small together that they would soon have to address. 
Now, uncertainty gnawed at him. He had wounded her deeply. That much was painfully evident.
His first night back with the Nightmare Krew, after the dressing down she’d given him for leaving, he’d gone to her quarters to talk privately. To apologize as many times as he needed to so she would forgive him. While he never wanted to see her cry, and certainly not be the cause of her distress, her tears had given him hope. 
“I am so angry at you and so happy to see you at the same time.” She’d said. 
There had to still be a chance. Thus, he padded softly down the corridor to her cabin aboard this peculiar living vessel they now called home. Mindful not to disturb the others, he had gently rapped on her door. To his dismay, there came no response. Knocking once more yielded the same silence. The subsequent morning, Kallias had relayed to him that Lilith had opted to sleep beneath the stars on the deck alongside them. Envy surged through him, despite knowing that there was no romantic involvement between the two elves. Still, he couldn't shake the jealousy sparked by their closeness.
Once this was all over. Once Raya One and her cabal had been slain, he would tell her everything. He would lay bare his soul, divulging every secret, every truth. And whether she felt the same or not, he would leave again. It was inevitable. He needed to seek out more power, to extend his lifespan. She only heightened that urgency. His existence was a mere flicker compared to hers. If she did feel the same, it would be but for a season. Unless he found a way to live longer. So he would leave after all of this and pray to all the gods that she would welcome him back. 
Tired of his languishing, Ember rose from his bed, limbs stiff with fatigue. He donned a robe, the fabric whispering softly as he moved, and stole quietly above deck, where the world still slumbered under the cloak of pre-dawn. Sleep should have claimed him, yet what solace lay in rest when his mind churned ceaselessly? He would endure the consequences of exhaustion if it meant a blissful distraction from his own mind. 
Kallias lay beneath the sheltering embrace of the great tree on the living vessel, gentle snores punctuating the tranquil atmosphere. In slumber, they appeared almost childlike, devoid of the formidable mage they had become in the months since departing their cult and the isle of their birth.
Ember climbed up to the captain’s wheel, though it served more as an ornamental relic on the living ship.  He placed his hands on it, remembering not too long ago when they were on a different ship and he was the captain. When for a brief, beautiful moment, he felt happiness like he had never felt before. He let himself live in that memory until it ebbed away. 
He turned to go back under to the kitchens for some coffee when he heard her. The delicate strains of her violin from up in the crow’s nest. Ember froze, not wanting to alert her to his presence and intrude on her solitude. She played only when she sought solace, when emotions threatened to overwhelm her, weaving her feelings into a tapestry of melodies and crescendos. She had confided this to him once, explaining why her music was reserved for her alone, not for the ears of others.
He pondered how often she sought refuge in her music during his absence. Did she ever play in longing for his return? What would such melodies sound like?
Respecting her sanctuary, he retreated with silent steps to the entrance below deck, but not before catching the first notes of a melody that echoed the exquisite yearning that had bound him to her since their first meeting.
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mollys-garden · 1 year
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"Who's there?!"
Her nose sniffs the air. There is a tresspasser in the woods.
Her ears twitch as she hears something move. She pulls out her bow and points it towards where the sound came from. "Alright, you've got three choices: either you show up, get out or get shot!"
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letsgogatsebenguys · 1 year
Happy Anniversary JJ Project!💚
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niragixpsych · 2 years
Self para: Choosing your own fate!
Niragi had just stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself. Once he was done he made his way over to the mirror to stare at his own reflection staring back at him. He could see how the time spend in Borderland had changed him and he was still not sure whether the changes were good or bad. He felt torn on the inside and he was feeling like this for a very long time. And ever since he came back there was this one question haunting him: “Who am I?”
He wasn’t the same guy he had been before he got suck in that world without rules that brought out the worse in him. But strangely enough it had also helped him to grow in some ways and to become someone no one would dare to mess with. But he also wasn’t the guy he was while he was in Borderland. Niragi was well aware that there was no way for him to behave like he had done back there.
In the normal world all actions had consequences and even though as a day goblin nothing could really harm him he wouldn’t risk getting locked away. He had to make a new place for himself, had to figure out in this strange yet so familiar world. And he was going to succeed, Niragi was determined to.
The male stared at his own reflection for a little longer before he grabbed the pair of scissor that lay on the edge of the sink. And then he began to cut his hair a bit shorter because it had been become way too long as he came back. He wanted kind of a new look to make him feel more like this was a new start. A start of something he couldn’t name yet.
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brown-spider · 1 year
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Making jokes about Noir being colorblind/not understanding colors is how we cope with how unbelievably powerful his brain is
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twintongues · 4 months
TITLE: 그 날 (The Day) ARTIST: 진영 (Jinyoung) ALBUM: Verse 2 (2017)
누가 말 걸어 주지 않으면 아무 말 없이 나도 모르게 찾게 되는 건 한가지 너
if no one starts a conversation silently what i look for without realizing is just one thing: you
고요했던 이 바다 위에 햇살이 저물어 갈 때 쯤 어렵게 끝맺은 이 멜로디 위에 서있어 나 혼자
on the surface of this once calm sea around when the light of the sun starts to dim atop this melody concluded with difficulty i stand by myself
그때의 목소리 그때의 공기 파도가 되어서 부딪쳐도 난 기다려 언젠가 가라 앉길 또 기도해 하늘에 닿을 때 까지 간절해져 갈수록 잊고 있던 기억들이 날 찾아와
the voice from back then, the air from back then even if it becomes a wave crashing against me i’ll wait until it settles down someday and i’ll pray until it reaches the sky the more i long for it memories i’d forgotten return to me
모든 게 다 좋았던 거라 믿었던 그날이 눈앞에서 멀어져 가던 걸 보던 그날을 생각해
i think of the day i watched the day i’d believed everything was okay drifting away in front of my eyes
내 뺨을 스치는 바람이 내 맘을 흔드는 파도소리 기도가 하늘에 닿았나 봐 더 크게 소리쳐 빛 바래지지 않게
the wind grazes my cheek the sound of waves stirs my heart my prayer must have reached the sky i shout louder so it won’t fade
바짝 깎은 내 손톱 밑에 새살이 아물어갈 때 쯤 어렵게 끝맺은 이 멜로디 위에
around when the flesh begins to heal under my nails cut short atop this melody concluded with difficulty
그때의 목소리 그때의 공기 파도가 되어서 부딪쳐도 난 기다려 언젠가 가라 앉길 또 기도해 하늘에 닿을 때 까지 간절해져 갈수록 잊고 있던 기억들이 날 찾아와
the voice from back then, the air from back then even if it becomes a wave crashing against me i’ll wait until it settles down someday and i’ll pray until it reaches the sky the more i long for it memories i’d forgotten return to me
모든 게 다 좋았던 거라 믿었던 그날이 눈앞에서 멀어져 가던 걸 보던 그날을 모든 게 다 무너져 버린 것 같던 그날이 아무렇지 않게 잊혀져 나 웃던 그날을 생각해
i think of the day i watched the day i’d believed everything was okay drifting away in front of my eyes the day i laughed having forgotten the day i believed everything was falling apart like it was nothing
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ablueorangeintheocean · 8 months
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lunarlegend · 7 months
okay, now i've fully played through Verse 2 with the subtitles mod. and while i enjoyed it much more now that Ignis doesn't sound yandere for his brother, i still don't think it makes sense. and i know it doesn't technically have to, since it's meant to be an alternate ending anyway, but.
i dislike how quickly and seamlessly it goes from Point A to Point B. that's something the canon game already struggled with, and Verse 2 is even worse. in this ending, the events of Episode Prompto never happened. that's a whole chunk of the game that's straight-up missing. but more importantly, Verse 2 erases Noct's character development.
it's a huge deal for Noctis to slowly start to grow up and accept his responsibilities throughout the second half of the main game. and it takes more than just the Train Scene to do it...it's also dealing with Prompto getting kidnapped, being separated from his friends, losing his father's car, etc. there are several events that all build on each other, resulting in Noctis being truly alone for the first time in practically his whole life, with nothing to protect him but the Ring he initially refused to wear.
that's a lot.
and none of it happens in Verse 2.
in the alternate ending, there is no train ride after Altissia. there is no argument, no reason for Gladio to push Noctis into accepting his role, because the catalyst for that (Ignis going blind) didn't happen. no appearance from Luna's spirit, no visit to Tenebrae, no traumatic journey to find Prompto. none of it.
if Verse 2 were to be believed, that would mean that Noctis (after years of relying on others and a history of not wanting to embrace his royal duties) is now showing up, directly to Zegnautus, and immediately saying "I'm sorry. I was weak." before willingly stepping right into the Crystal. and that just doesn't make sense to me at all.
i still believe it is Ignis' fantasy. it's the version of Noctis he never got to know. the one who recognizes everyone's sacrifices and has the self-awareness to make the right choices without having to be pushed. in the canon storyline, we don't get to see this Noctis until the night before the final battle. and it makes more sense to me that Ignis would want to imagine a world like that, than believing Noctis as a character could just do a complete 180 in maturity in such a short amount of time.
also, i continue to find the final scene of Noctis on the throne to be very unsettling.
the room is completely empty and has a distinct blueish tone that makes it seem cold (as opposed to other scenes featuring the Citadel's throne room, where there are people and you can see warm light streaming through). it is silent. even Ignis' words are silent. and Noctis looks far too serious.
i don't think it's really Noctis at all.
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claratenebris · 6 months
@cc-naruto-s-rank-shinobi ♥
The first thing Sakura did upon returning home from her journey was sleep. She arrived back at Konoha at sunset, fell face first onto her bed for the first time in four years, and slept until late the next morning. The next thing, after a well deserved long bath, was to go get something to eat. Her fridge and pantry were completely empty, after all.
Oddly enough, Sakura found herself missing and craving the ramen Naruto always raved about and made her way to Ichiraku. The village had changed in her absence, but she was still able to find the establishment easily enough. Sakura was not surprised to find Naruto already there.
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She brought a finger to her lip before Teuchi could greet her and stood behind Naruto, then her hands reached around to cover his eyes. "Guess who."
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theaccursedninth · 2 months
The sound of something flaming in the sky could be heard, something rushing in the sky towards the ground. Someone yelling in whatever it was can also be heard, mostly yelling "HOLD ON! STEADY, STEADY, AT LEAST MAKE THE LANDING-" before the abrupt crash, a loud echo as a crater forms. Landing outside of the crater is a male figure, who quickly stands, running towards the center of the Crater. "Blimey blimey..." He whispers, shaking as he checksthe damage of the item...a Blue Police Box, the figure scanning it with a device. "...self repair. Dammit, I'm locked out.." He hears someone approaching, immediately flicking the Sonic Screwdriver up to aim at whoever was coming. "Don't come closer! I've...got a... screwdriver!"
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He saw the wreck-in-progress even before it hit the ground, hurdling towards the ground in a brilliant ball of fire and sparks. Malekith took off after it, blue eyes trained on the trail of smoke following behind the lightshow. His hearts thumped hard in his ears and one hand dipped into his leather jacket, curling around the sonic screwdriver he kept tucked away. A crash site usually meant injury or worse, depending on speed, force and numerous other factors.
He slowed to a stop when the world shook upon impact, bracing himself against a cluster of nearby rocks. Not the safest move, perhaps, but he was still unfamiliar with this planet and losing his balance would aid no one here. Least of all himself.
When his surroundings stilled, he took off again, not at all surprised by the sudden smell of smoke in the air...or the large crater in the center of the open clearing. When he saw the source, however, his eerie glowing eyes nearly popped out of his head. It can't be. Malekith felt the color drain from his already ashen face. A blue police box lay in the center of the crater, dusty gray clouds spiraling up and around it. I know that box, he thought, but it couldn't be. He hadn't seen the TARDIS in over a billion years...
The sudden voice--and face--caught the Accursed off-guard. The shock dropped from his face, replaced by cautious skepticism. Oh, but if the past hadn't already come back to haunt him, the sound following this stranger's declaration sent a cold shiver down his spine. The sound of a sonic screwdriver.
Malekith stared down at him, this time unable to keep the wide-eyed look from his expression this time.
"You..." he managed at last, then said it again, louder. "You are not...in danger, here." Malekith paused. Then he pulled out his own sonic screwdriver, holding it down by his side. "I mean you no harm."
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maxfortress · 8 months
@cerebrosurgeon | as discussed
The hallways flickered, dimly lit and in some places, clearly in disrepair. Some hatchways appeared forced open, or even broken through the closed door, while others were left open, or only half closed.
Battles had been fought in some places, judging from scorches on a few walls, spattered energon on others.
Silent, the small Titan drifted aimlessly through space in ship mode.
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mollys-garden · 1 year
"Someone tell me who's shooting arrows at people."
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"I'd like to join them."
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pokimoko · 1 year
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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