Fortress Maximus
359 posts
IDW-based Fortress Maximus; Independent Selective RP/Ask blog penned by Steel
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maxfortress · 11 months ago
reblog if it's okay for mutuals to just tag you in random meme replies. this means you might not have sent one in but your mutual could see a prompt from a meme, think of your muses together, and write a response to the meme for you as though you did you send it in. "@[user] did not send "[meme]" from [link to meme] but here is a reply anyway" style.
this does mean you need to be ok with a little bit of godmodding in this context as the other mun has to choose what your character says/does to be able to write the response!
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maxfortress · 11 months ago
Muse Reactions!
Send an icon and I'll respond with my muse's reaction to...
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❤ - A compliment
💔- An insult
👊 - A threat
⏰ - Their past self
⌛ - Their future self
🌌- Their alternate universe self
😆- Getting pranked
💘 - Being told "I love you"
🛡 - Being told "I'd die for you"
🍼 - Being asked "Where do babies come from?"
😓- Their most embarrassing/regrettable moment
🥤 - Their snack or drink getting stuck in the vending machine.
💥- Their favorite thing being destroyed/discontinued/cancelled
🩸 -Seeing blood
💀 -Seeing a dead body
👻- A jumpscare
🎲 - Random!
❗ - Add your own!
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Fortress Maximus rumbles his engine, gazes down at Glit; his expression softens further. "I love you too." He responds, and one hand lifts to gently stroke the side of Glit's face with one careful hand.
Glit leans into the kiss, pressing his mouth against Max's and letting it slacken a little. "I liked that," he says when they part. "I love you, you know."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Fortress Maximus rumbles, and cradles Glit closer-- kisses Glit again, field relaxed and fond.
".... There." He thrums.
"... How would you feel if we... took a few days off?" Max asked, stroking Glit's shoulder.
Glit turns around in his arms. "I would love that," he says, looking up at his bigger partner with a soft expression. "We could even...go somewhere else, if you wanted? I've always wanted to go to Eukaris, and it seems like you might enjoy going there, too."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Max leans in, just a little, and obliges, kissing Glit squarely between the ears.
His field tinged with amusement-mischief.
"... How would you feel if we... took a few days off?" Max asked, stroking Glit's shoulder.
Glit turns around in his arms. "I would love that," he says, looking up at his bigger partner with a soft expression. "We could even...go somewhere else, if you wanted? I've always wanted to go to Eukaris, and it seems like you might enjoy going there, too."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
"I had a few reports to fill out-- but nothing with a deadline." Max relents. "... We can take the morning off. Do you... Do you want to go get breakfast yet?"
He pets Glit's shoulder more.
"... How would you feel if we... took a few days off?" Max asked, stroking Glit's shoulder.
Glit turns around in his arms. "I would love that," he says, looking up at his bigger partner with a soft expression. "We could even...go somewhere else, if you wanted? I've always wanted to go to Eukaris, and it seems like you might enjoy going there, too."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
"... I was planning to." Fortress Maximus admits. "He's more of a level head than Red Alert, and he's calmer around Decepticons."
He blinks slowly at Glit, affection clear in his field.
"... How would you feel if we... took a few days off?" Max asked, stroking Glit's shoulder.
Glit turns around in his arms. "I would love that," he says, looking up at his bigger partner with a soft expression. "We could even...go somewhere else, if you wanted? I've always wanted to go to Eukaris, and it seems like you might enjoy going there, too."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
"You said we should go out that way soon." Fortress Maximus points out, mild. "I... I think I'm ready. And Red Alert and the others can handle things here for a little while, at least."
"... How would you feel if we... took a few days off?" Max asked, stroking Glit's shoulder.
Glit turns around in his arms. "I would love that," he says, looking up at his bigger partner with a soft expression. "We could even...go somewhere else, if you wanted? I've always wanted to go to Eukaris, and it seems like you might enjoy going there, too."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
"Anywhere you want." Maximus rumbles back, his own red optics soft, his field and voice affectionate. "... I've never actually been to any of the colony worlds. If you want to go to Eukaris... Then we can go there. And... And maybe Sanctuary, on the way back? So you can see your siblings?"
"... How would you feel if we... took a few days off?" Max asked, stroking Glit's shoulder.
Glit turns around in his arms. "I would love that," he says, looking up at his bigger partner with a soft expression. "We could even...go somewhere else, if you wanted? I've always wanted to go to Eukaris, and it seems like you might enjoy going there, too."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
high pain tolerance starters
“[Name], you’re bleeding.”
“How long has it been like that?”
“Did you dislocate a finger?”
“You’re slurring.”
“They say you almost died. You left it that late.”
“You’re snapping. Headache again?”
“You’re in a bad mood. Are you in pain?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Hey, why are you walking like that?”
“That’s a lot of swelling.”
“Where did you get that bruise?”
“Whose blood is that?”
“When you say your pain’s ‘4 out of 10′, that’s a normal person’s ‘8 out of 10′. We’re going to the hospital.”
“How did you not notice?!”
“If it hurts, it hurts.”
“I know you can manage it, you just don’t *have* to.”
“Holy shit, how long have you had this?!”
“[Name]? [Name]! Hey!”
“We’re a team. You need to tell me about this sort of thing.”
“That’s … a lot of blood, is that - oh, fuck.”
“Hey! Hey! Stay awake, okay? Stay awake.”
“It would have been a lot easier to treat if you’d mentioned it sooner.”
“You can’t keep hiding this stuff.”
“I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you’re hurt.”
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Max | Mirage | Red
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
@cerebrosurgeon | as discussed
The hallways flickered, dimly lit and in some places, clearly in disrepair. Some hatchways appeared forced open, or even broken through the closed door, while others were left open, or only half closed.
Battles had been fought in some places, judging from scorches on a few walls, spattered energon on others.
Silent, the small Titan drifted aimlessly through space in ship mode.
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
@mnemoiisms started following you!
He remembers you.
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Max | Mirage | Red
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Today is a good day. The suns are shining, and he slept well last night.
He's even managed to coax Red Alert out of his fortified security center.
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Fort Max absorbs all this, and then nods. "... That... Makes sense. Rung said something like that, too." He offers quietly. "... He said finding somewhere calm, or somewhere I like, is helpful to settling."
A pause. "... I like being with you. And... Outdoors is different from there. It helps too."
"That's how dissociation works. You're triggered. You had to dissociate to survive there, as anyone would--and the suggestion sent you back there, and your defence mechanisms are all active."
Glit ex-vents slowly. "I am not a therapist, but I know how it all works medically. You've routed stimuli from the outside world to bypass your conscious awareness."
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maxfortress · 1 year ago
Fortress Maximus forces another vent cycle, shakes his helm just a little. "I..." He starts. Stops.
"... It doesn't hurt." He offers. "... Not much does."
"Why are you apologising to me? I suppose you could apologise for hurting someone I love very much, but the natural consequences are going to make themselves known in due time, and...I don't mind caring for you. As long as we're trying to get better, things will work out."
Glit nuzzles his cheek. "When I'm satisfied with your ventilation rate, we're going to go inside and clean that up. You're dissociating."
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