#Veronica Micle
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romaniasweetromania · 1 year ago
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fatafaravise · 1 year ago
" Te iubesc!"
Dar Veronica Micle a zis:
"Te vei convinge că din mii de fiinţe, abia una poate iubi cum te iubesc eu pe tine; şi dacă m-ai ucide, te-aş iubi şi în minutele agoniei."
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xsennsy · 1 year ago
“Te vei convinge că din mii de fiinţe, abia una poate iubi cum te iubesc eu pe tine; şi dacă m-ai ucide, te-aş iubi şi în minutele agoniei.”
-Veronica Micle
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 1 year ago
I have made the decision to refer to Mihai Eminescu as Veronica Micle's boyfriend since the Romanian school system is so adamant on reducing her to his love interest and erasing her artistic works in favour of uplifting him further as Our Best Poet Ever!!!!™
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jurnaldebucovina · 1 year ago
     În fiecare an, în preajma lui 15 ianuarie, îmi place să-l re(descopăr) pe Eminescu. Având în vedere moștenirea culturală colosală pe care ne-a lăsat-o, consider că măcar atât putem face, noi, oamenii și cititorii de rând, pentru el, să ne alocăm timp pentru a-i (re)citi poeziile și proza, a-i (re)descoperi povestea de viață, a-i afla opiniile politice și sociale, a ne parfuma cu romantica,…
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acumtv · 1 year ago
Delgaz 8.12.2023
Stimaţi clienţi,  În scopul efectuării unor lucrări în instalaţiile electrice va fi întreruptă alimentarea cu energie electrică în judeţul Bacău: – în data de 12.12.2023, între orele 08.00-16.00, comuna Răcăciuni, localitatea Fundu Răcăciuni, zona PTA 1 Fundu Răcăciuni, circuit 2, strada Toporaşilor; – în data de 12.12.2023, între orele 09.00-17.00, municipiul Bacău, străzile: Veronica Micle,…
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rygacripto · 2 years ago
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shiteminescusaid · 3 years ago
The year 1880
My Dear Veronica,
That I don’t write to you, it’s understandable. Ill, unable to sleep at night and still having to write daily, I also lack the mood that’s necessary to write to you, to whom I’d write prayers, not simple words.
But you who have time and you’re not sick not writing to me is less explainable. You must be lenient with me, more tolerant than with any other, because I am one of the most damned people in the world.
You know the doom I am talking about. I’m unpractical, I’m a speaker of the truth far more than I’d allow myself to be, many hate me, and nobody loves me except you. Maybe even you would have loved me at all, If it wasn’t for this extraordinary thing in my life which is also a great damnation. For it’s good for a man to be treatable, malleable, adaptative to the happenings from around him and able to catch in time the little luck a short and tormented life gives him, and I’ve done none of these, but I’ve pulled you in my catastrophic circle, I’ve made you accomplice to the hate people honour me with as well. For this is the only support of my character – their spite honours me and I cannot picture myself any other way but hated by them.
But for this you must not suspect me, you stay the way you’ve been and write to me. My constant need shall be to sooner of later fulfil my promises, but better later than never.
I am so sad and my life is so deprived of joy, that only your letters cheer me up. Suspending them or decreasing their number would hurt even if you wouldn’t have loved me.
Writing with the fingers that I’m kissing.
[1880 February]
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melidonium · 3 years ago
Iubind în taină: dragostea dintre doi mari poeţi, Mihai Eminescu şi Veronica Micle,  semnat de eminescologul Nicolae Georgescu
Iubind în taină: dragostea dintre doi mari poeţi, Mihai Eminescu şi Veronica Micle,  semnat de eminescologul Nicolae Georgescu
La Editura MUȘATINIA, a apărut volumul   Iubind în taină: dragostea dintre doi mari poeţi, Mihai Eminescu şi Veronica Micle  semnat de eminescologul Nicolae Georgescu ,,Povestea de iubire dintre Mihai Eminescu și Veronica Micle a fost de la început o poveste rău croită, pentru că a plecat din mai multe puncte deodată. Mai întâi s-a ticluit în mintea și în relațiile dintre prietenii și cunoscuții…
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nox-scrie · 4 years ago
Poate alcoolul era doar un pretext pentru dragoste tot timpul asta
In sfarsit m-am tinut de promisiunea de a scrie ceva cu Mihai Eminescu si Ion Creanga. Initial voiam sa fie ceva foarte edgy in care se joaca Among Us si Creanga era ca un fel de Corpse de Romania, insa dupa niste EXTENSIVE research mi-a venit o idee mai buna.
Un Bar AU. Sau, mai degraba, un Carciuma AU.
Povestea are momentan un singur capitol publicat pe AO3, pe care il puteti gasi pe acest link https://archiveofourown.org/works/2834829, dar vor urma mai multe odata ce termin cu sesiunea si angoasa existentiala. Bafta la citit si sper ca scrisul meu sa va bage intr-o stare de ebrietate literara. Ily!!
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miorita · 4 years ago
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Am citit cateva chestii despre Viorica Micle si…. facem si noi o petitie sa nu mai lasam barbatii sa scrie pagini wiki, sau articole in general…

Copila de 14 ani, orfana de tata, probabil saraca, vede o scapare in barbatul de 44 de ani care se tine dupa curu’ ei. 

Femeie de 29 de ani, satula sa fie ignorata de amantul ei (care evident nu o iubeste asa de mult cum am fost mintiti sa credem ), isi gaseste altul.
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videostory · 4 years ago
Veronica Micle-Muza
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forsoothsayer · 7 years ago
Poem by Veronica Micle
O, beautiful and sacred Poetry, You who were my only God, How great a price my soul has put On your too sweet futility.  
How grand I seemed to be For choosing You to be my Idol. O, with what an ardor and adoration for you An homage have I made so frequently.   
And on the altar of your own too sweet futility When it had bound itself to your own myths My deep devotion Had sacrificed my soul and laid it down as offering for you.
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a-killer--queen · 8 years ago
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Doomed Couple: Mihai Eminescu and Veronica Micle
Veronica, sweet Veronica, the moment you stop loving me, I will die… You gave me golden days… you are the God to whom I pray.
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eugendoga · 8 years ago
Sing Ana Maria Donose. Liric by Veronica Micle. Concert "Dedication to Mary Bieshu". The National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Moldova in Chişinău. 18.09.2016. XXIV International Festival of Opera and Ballet "Maria Biesu". Orchestra and Chorus of the National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Сonductor - Dumitru Kyrchumaru, choirmaster - Oleg Konstantinov, scenography - Iurie Matei.
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giorgio52fan · 4 years ago
Mihai Eminescu
(January 15, 1850 - June 15, 1889)
Today marks 171 years since the birth of Mihai Eminescu.
I know that all the sites have filled the Internet with articles about his biography and some of his works, but I think that for a blog that promotes education in Romania it is imperative to continue appreciating the most important figure of Romanian literature in the nineteenth century. century, also nicknamed "The Morning Star of Romanian Poetry ".
What do I wish you, sweet Romania What do I wish you, sweet Romania, my land of glory, my land of longing? Nervous arms, weapon of strength, To your great past, great future! Boil come in cups, foam the cup, If your sons are proud I feed them; Because the rock remains, although the wave dies, Sweet Românie, that's what I wish you. ...
Biography of Mihai Eminescu :
Mihai Eminescu was born in Botoşani, being the seventh of the 11 children of Gheorghe Eminovici and Raluca Eminovici, born Juraşcu. He spent his childhood in Botoșani and Ipotești.
He attended school in Chernivtsi, between 1858 and 1866. After graduating from the 4th grade, he took 2 high school classes. Starting with 1866, the first literary manifestations of Eminescu appear.
On January 12, 1866, after the death of his Romanian language teacher, Aron Pumnul, he and his colleagues published the pamphlet, " Lăcrămioarele invăţăceilor gymnasţi ". " At the tomb of Aron Pumnul " was the first published poem, under the name of M. Eminovici, among almost 500 poems and prose.
At the tomb of Aaron the Fist Dress in mourning, beautiful Bukovina, With green cypress-ancient belt your forehead; C-now from your golden and serene pleiad A star has gone out, a light has gone out, A white star has gone out! ...
In February, 1866, he debuted in the magazine " Familia ", by Iosif Vulcan, with the poem " De-aş avea ". Iosif Vulcan calls him Mihai Eminescu for the first time, and later, the other members of his family will use this name as well.
Eminescu's first poem - If I had If I had a flower Proud, sweet, rapacious, Like the flowers of May, Sweet daughter of a plai, Plai laughing with green grass, What swings, gets lost, Waving softly, Whispering whispers of love;
For three years, he practiced the profession of blower and copyist for roles in Iorgu Caragiali's troupe, then as blower and copyist at the National Theater. He continues to publish poems, dramas and fragments of novels in the magazine " Familia ". At the same time, he translates from German.
Between 1869 and 1862, he studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Law in Vienna, but also participated in the courses of other faculties. In Vienna he met Veronica Micle and became friends with Ioan Slavici. In " Memories ", Slavici said of his friend that: "As soon as he received the money from home, he bought his books and, for a few days, no one saw him. He would take her to the coffee he had cooked in the alcohol machine and in the sausages he had bought in a hurry. Although he cared a lot about his library, the need forced him to start selling some of the books he read at the antique shops and he ended up having no more coffee, he spent days without eating and asked for one more pie from one, more from another. He never took notes, but when he received the money from home the first thought was to pay his debts and it was impossible to forget someone .
Also now, he starts collaborating with " Literary Conversations " and makes his debut, as a publicist, in the newspaper " Albina ", from Pesta.
Between 1872 and 1874, he studied for two semesters in Berlin to obtain a doctorate in philosophy, supported by a scholarship, awarded by Junimea. However, he does not take the exams and returns to the country.
Between 1874 and 1877, in Iași, he became director of the Central Library, substitute teacher, school auditor for Iaşi and Vaslui counties and editor of the newspaper " Curierul de Iaşi ". The collaboration with " Literary Conversations " continues. She befriends Ion Creangă, whom she introduces to Junimea .
In 1877, he moved to Bucharest, where he was editor, then editor-in-chief of the newspaper " Timpul ". He carries out an exceptional publishing activity, but his health deteriorates. Now he writes his successful poems ( Letters , Luceafărul , etc.).
Letter I When with weary eyelashes the breath in the candle jumps, Only the clock follows the long path, For the curtains to one side when you give them, and in the room The moon pours over all its voluptuous flame, She from the night of remembrance an eternity- The whole paincomes out, but we all feel like we are dreaming. ...
Luceafarul Once upon a time, like in a fairy tale, It was like never before, From great royal relatives, A too beautiful girl. And she was one to her parents And proud in all things, Like the Virgin among the saints And the moon among the stars. ...
In June 1883, overworked, the poet became seriously ill. He was hospitalized at Dr. Şuţu's hospital, then at an institute near Vienna. In December, he published the volume " Poems ", with a preface and texts selected by Titu Maiorescu (it is the only volume printed during Eminescu's life).
In the years 1883-1889, Eminescu wrote very little or practically nothing.
Mihai Eminescu died on June 15, 1889, in the health house of Dr. Şuţu. He is buried in Bucharest, in the Bellu cemetery.
I have one more longing I have one more longing: In the silence of the evening Let me die At the edge of the sea; ...
The complete works of Mihai Eminescu:
Works, vol. I, Poems printed during life ;
Works, vol. II, Poems printed during life ;
Works, vol. III, Poems printed during life ;
Works, vol. IV, Posthumous Poems ;
Works, vol. V, Posthumous Poems ;
Works, vol. VI, Popular literature ;
Works, vol. VII, Literary prose ;
Works, vol. VIII, Original and translated theater ;
Works, vol. IX, Publicistics 1870-1877, Albina, Familia, Federațiunea, Convorbiri literare, Curierul de Iași;
Works, vol. X, Journalism , November 1, 1887-February 15, 1890, Time;
Works, vol. XI, Journalism , February 17 - December 31, 1880, Time;
Works, vol. XII, Journalism , January 1-December 31, 1881, Time;
Works, vol. XIII, Publicistics , 1882-1883, 1888-1889, Timpul, România liberă, Fîntîna Blanduziei;
Works, vol. XIV, Philosophical, historical and scientific translations . Huruzaki. Rötscher. Kant. Leskien. Bopp. Articles and excerpts;
Works, vol. XV, Fragmentarium , Addendum to the edition;
Works, vol. XVI, Correspondence . Documentary;
A volume from M. Eminescu's intimate correspondence, about Veronica Micle, My Sweet Lady / My Beloved Emin .
" When I think of you, my eyes fill with tears and I can't find words to tell you what I've told you a thousand times: that I love you… Dear Veronica, we weren't too happy in a world in which happiness cannot exist? Is there enough room in this world for as much love as we have? Is not our love an anomaly in the order of the things of the world, an anomaly for which we should be punished? Does our love and suffering fit into a world where bass, envy, and evil reign everywhere and forever ? ”
My sweet Lady / My beloved Emin
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