#Velvet scarlatina
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aliavian · 7 months ago
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A few random interaction ideas between Teams RWBY and CFVY in Vacuo. 🥰
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chaikachi · 4 months ago
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Team CFVY (or is it Selfie?)
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sirazaroff · 6 months ago
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Girls day out 💅🛍️ 🤗
Unfortunately the best part of this was cut out cause velvets got a big ass head with bigger ears 😞
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Died 2024- coco’s abs
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juanarc-thethird · 7 months ago
Sorry but I already have plans.
Jaune: *Eating breakfast*
Suddenly Team Rwby arrives for breakfast too.
Yang: Oh but look who decided to wake up early for once.
Jaune: I would have preferred a "Good morning"
Yang: Sorry~
Ruby: Since we found you here. We were thinking of going with everyone to check out that new Ramen restaurant that opened up by the park. Do you want to go?
Jaune: Sorry but I already have plans.
Weiss: Don't tell me, a new game came out.
Jaune: *Ugh!* (Not good! If this keeps up, they will think I'm an adult who act like a man child! I must act like a proper adult here...) Well... Actually... *Gulp* I'm going on a date.
At that moment all the girls of Team Rwby went numb.
Jaune: Well... I have to go so... SeeYouLater! *Runs away*
Moments later
Jaune is walking down the road, feeling a big pressure on his shoulders.
Jaune: (They're totally following me...)
Behind hime Team Rwby is watching him closely while trying, and I mean really trying, to keep themselves hidden.
Jaune: (What should I do? At this rate they'll think I lied out of a bizarre sense of pride. They'll see me as a pathetic adult!. But I still want to buy that game... and besides, I don't even have a date.)
At that moment he bumps into someone.
Jaune: Oh, sorry... Prof Goodwitch?
Glynda: Oh Jaune, what a surprise to find you here.
In the kitchen today it's Penny, Pyrrha, Bleiss and Ciel's turn to clean.
Bleiss: *Jumping over and over again* Why can't I clean Jaune's mug?!
Pyrrha: *Holding the cup as high as possible* Because you’ll end up licking it!
Bleiss: Of course not!
Ciel: Can you two stop?! The faster we finish, the more time you'll have to spend with Jaune.
Suddenly Penny starts vibrating like a cell phone.
Penny: Emergency. Jaune is not available at the moment.
Ciel: What do you mean?
Penny: According to the information gathered, Jaune is on a date.
Ciel/Bleiss/Pyrrha: DATE?!!!
Meanwhile Meanwhile
In the evil's lair (Service Closet). Cinder is on the phone while Neo and Emerald are resting.
Cinder: Are you saying someone broke the truce?!
Neo: 🤨
Emerald: What happen?
Cinder: And on top of that Jaune is on a DATE?!!
At that moment the three of them become serious and begin to prepare to fight.
Cinder: That bitch is gonna pay.
Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile
In a cafeteria, Neo, Reese, May and Arslan are having coffee.
*Ring, Ring!*
Neon: Hi Bleiss, were you able to get Jaune's mug?
Bleiss: Forget the mug! Code Red! Code RED!!
Neon: What are you talking about?
Bleiss: Glynda is on a date with Jaune right now!
At that moment the atmosphere became dark and heavy. And the faces of the four girls became serious.
Neon: I see
Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile
At the park
Coco: *Sitting on a bench* What a nice day
Velvet: *Running towards Coco* Coco! Coco! Coco!!!
Coco: Wow! Calm down, what happen?
Velvet: Something terrible just happen!
Coco: *Worry* What is it?!
Velvet: Jaune is on a date with Glynda!
Coco: *Her eyes turned dark and soulless*... Excuse me?
Back with Jaune
Glyda and Jaune are walking together to their destination.
Glynda: So you're on your way to buy a game?
Jaune: Y-Yeah. (Is she going to judge me because I play video games?)
Glynda: It's good that you have a method to de-stress after your missions.
Jaune: You don't think it's bad to play video games at my age?
Glynda: Why should I? Everyone has their own methods, for me it's knitting, believe it or not. So I don't see anything wrong with you playing video games.
Jaune: *Hugs her* Professor!!!
Glynda: *Worry* Jaune?!
In the distance you could hear the voice of a very angry girl.
Bleiss: Code Black! CODE BLACK!!!
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arc-misadventures · 4 months ago
It Was That Easy?!
Jaune, and Coco:
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Velvet: That was fucking it?!!
Coco: Yeah...
Velvet: You two have been dancing around each other for months! And, what finally gets you two to start dating was the fact that you two wouldn't hang out as much if you started dating other people?!
Coco: Yes...?
Velvet: We tried to set you up for months! A simple conversation got you together?!
Coco: You tried to set me up?
Velvet: We locked you in a closet!
Coco: Oh, I remember that closet... That was quite cramped...
Velvet: The time we stole all his clothes so you would walk in on him naked!
Coco: My man looks like a marble statue. Mmmh~! Those abbs~!
Velvet: The tickets you gave you guys to go to that resort in, Vaccuo! You two were all alone, and you didn't do anything?!
Coco: We defiantly had plenty of beach suit fashion shows. For the record: Speedos do not word on, Jaune. That bulge... I have various mixed feelings after seeing that...
Velvet: We spiked your food!
Coco: You spiked our food?!
Velvet: There was faunas grade aphrodisiacs in your food! And, nothing happened?!
Coco: Wait, was that in the fish dish you made us. Because we had the runs after eating that.
Velvet: All that planning, all that work, all our scheming, and none of that work?!
Coco: Sorry...?
Velvet: That's it! You're going to the closet!
Coco: What?
Velvet: Get in there!
Coco: Whoa hey, Vel, what are you...?! Ooph!
Jaune: Uhh... Hey, Coco...?
Coco: Jaune...?
Velvet: This time you better do it!
Nora: Or, I'll spike your food again!
Jaune: ...?
Coco: ...?
Jaune: So... I take it, Velvet let you know about her schemes to get us together too right?
Coco: Yeah, apparently she was the reason why were locked in a closet for the first time. And, she stole all your clothes so I would walk in on you naked. Got us those tickets so we could stay at that resort. And, she spiked out food.
Jaune: Oh, it was , Velvet who did that. Nora told me a different story about what she did.
Coco: What did she do?
Jaune: That resort we were staying at actually had two beds in it, Nora some how got rid of one of them.
Coco: What? The bed was made into the wall; How did she do that?
Jaune: Best not ask. She actually go that distress call from when we got stuck in the cabin in the mountain.
Coco: She did?
Jaune: Yeah, she wanted us to... mingle to stay warm before she rescued us the next day.
Coco: Posing naked in furs was certainly a way to mingle...
Jaune: And, she spiked our food...
Coco: And, after she learned that we got together because we didn't want to stop hanging out, she shoved you in the closet as well...
Jaune: Yeah... And, while i wouldn't mind us having some fun here in the closet~!
Coco: Oh, really~?
Jaune: But, they put us in the wrong closet...
Coco: Eh?
Jaune: It's too cramped, I can't move...
Coco: Grr... come one. I can...?! Grrrr...! I'm stuck too...
Jaune: Can you reach my scroll?
Coco: Nope, my hands our stuck here feeling up your broad chest~! You?
Jaune: Maybe...? Let's see if I can... Ahh found it! Uhh... Password?
Coco: 0-2-2-4.
Jaune: Okay... Calling...? Glynda...
Coco: Good choice.
Glynda: Hello, Coco do you need something?
Coco: Hi, Triple G! Uhhh... So, Jaune, and I started dating...
Glynda: You two started dating?!
Coco: Yes... and...?!
Glynda: Fucking finally!
Coco: ...
Jaune: ...
Coco: We should have started dating months ago...
Jaune: Yeah...
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craziechwiv · 12 days ago
Ren: *Walks over to where Jaune's workout at* Hey Jaune, I got a question for you.
Jaune: *Finishing a pushup before getting up* Hm? What's up Ren?
Ren: *Looks at the card given to him, then back up at Jaune* First off, I'm so sorry.
Jaune: Huh?
Ren: Which do you prefer; Breasts, Ass, Thighs, Affection, Personality, or all of the above?
Jaune: ....Why-
Ren: *Whispers* Look at the entrance but don't make it obvious.
Jaune: *Looks over to see team RWBY+ others watching them * Ah...you got a pen?
Ren: Alright I got your answers.
Weiss: Well, what are you waiting for?! Hurry up and read them!
Ren: Right, right. The answers are. Breasts-
Ren: Breasts go to Yang.
Yang: Wait what?
Ren: Thighs go to Ruby or Harriet.
Ruby: Huh?! Why not only me?!
Harriet: Hehe, you're not the only one with 'squish' rosebud.
Ren: Ass goes to Blake or Coco.
Coco: Damn right it does!
Blake: Okay I can understand Coco, but why me also?
Yang: Cuz that 'cake' you got us lethal of choking someone out!
Blake: *Flustered* Yang!
Ren: Affection is Nora or Velvet
Nora: Aww yeah! Up top Bunny!
Velvet: *High fives Nora back* Woo!
Ren: Personality is Weiss.
Weiss: He- He couldn't think of anything else?!
Ren: Trust me, it was either you or Jessica.
Weiss: I- erm...fine. I'll take it, but I won't be happy.
Ruby: So that's everyone right?
Ren: Not quite.
Weiss: Huh? What else is there?
Ren: And all of the above is...Penny.
RWBY+RNCVH: *They all turn to face Penny*
Penny: *Waves at them* 😁
Ruby: Yeah, I can see why.
Yang: No contest there.
Velvet: She's adorable even without trying...
Harriet: A tactical genius through and through.
Weiss: I guess I can take the loss at that.
Nora: Yeah...so Renny no hard feelings about, 'all this', right?
Ren: Oh of course. More so over what Jaune named me.
Nora: What are you?
Ren: Bromance option one.
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howlingday · 24 days ago
Jaune: (Whacked in the head)
Coco: Jaune... How many feet are you from Velvet?
Jaune: Um... Not enough?
Coco: Not enough. Good morning, Bun-Bun.
Velvet: Um, good morning, Coco.
Fox: Don't tell me you're trying to get into the whole "Jaune Harem" thing.
Coco: Of course not! But I don't want Velvet to get involved, either. Whatever is going on around Jaune isn't worth it. Do you know how many girls I've caught climbing around our dorm to get to his?
Jaune: What are you guys talking about?
Velvet: You mean you haven't noticed the large amount of girls crawling around your dorm, both inside AND outside of it?
Jaune: Hm... Well...
Ruby: (Inside the walls) Do you think he's onto us?
Blake: (Inside the ceiling) No! That's impossible! We're masters of stealth!
Pyrrha: (Outside the window) Everyone, shut up and make bird noises! KA-KAW~!
Ruby: UM- UH- M-MOO?
Yang: (Inside the closet) Aw, you totally nailed it, Ruby! You're the best bird! Argh! You're so pretty and smart~!
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howi99 · 3 months ago
A Knight second chance 9
Blake: *glaring daggers at Jaune*
Ren: ... Jaune, what did you do?
Jaune: *shrug* I stated the obvious. *Point to the cat ears* It's not like she even TRIED hiding her identity. *Doing a little wave at her, with a smile*
Blake: *looking furious*
Ren: ... But why the antagonisms?
Jaune: If i told you it keeps her from thinking about running away from here, you'd believe me?
Ren: ... Does it have anything to do with what happened at the docks?
Jaune: ... No?
Team RWBY: *arriving at the docks after Blake was "forced" to explained her backstory to her team*
Blake: What the-
Jaune: *speaking with one of the White Fang which is already in handcuffs* Oh don't get me wrong, i don't like the SDC one bit, but-
Ruby: *perplexed to see her friend here* Jaune?
Jaune: *turning to see them* Oh, hey gang!
Yang: *looking at the bunch of White Fangs being arrested by the police* What... Happened here?
Jaune: *shrug* They tried stealing a shipment of Dust. And hey, i'm the first person to say that the SDC suck-
Weiss: Hey!
Jaune: *smiling* Weiss, your father is the main reason why Vacuo is dirt poor. And they refuse to send dust to Menagerie.
Weiss: *pointing at the faunus on the ground* Because of them!
Blake: *frowning at Weiss*
Weiss: *rolling her eyes* The terrorist, not the faunus.
Jaune: *taking a pamphlet from his pocket* Actually, the embargo debuted BEFORE the White Fang was even a thing. So it's totally because of segregation, Weiss.
Weiss: B-but-
Jaune: *cuting her with a smile* Anyway, that's not important for now. What's important is that the situation was de-escalated and that nobody was hurt.
Blake: How!?
Jaune: ... I called the authorities? *Shaking his head* Blake, they are civilians, not trained soldiers. Heck, it wasn't even hard to explain to them that if they cooperated, they wouldn't be tried as terrorists, but as thieves.
Black: *who had a "perfect" speach ready* Uh!?
Grunt: ... He also knocked out most of our heavy hitters while WALKING to them with a smile. And we were shooting him! So uh... Yeah, we aren't dealing with that.
Yang: That's badass.... *Smirk* And frightening.
Jaune: *Sigh* It also hurts like a bitch. *Chuckle* I wouldn't recommend it. *Picking up one of the guns* The only reason it worked was because they were using subsonic ammunitions of 9mm.
Grunt: *sigh* The guy, Roman, said it was for discretion. If it wasn't of that, we would have been fine.
Ren: You did steal her moment, no?
Jaune: *shrug* Meh, it's not like that's going to be the last time... Also, duck.
Ren: *perplexed* Duck? *Get hit behind the head by a creampie Blake tried to throw at Jaune* !?
Silence in the cafeteria
Nora: *jumping on the table* I'LL AVENGE YOU! *Throwing a fish at Yang by mistake* Oops...
Yang: *her semblance activating with a grin* FOOD WAR!!!
Velvet: *under a table with Coco and Russel* You want Coco expertise?
Russel: Yeah!
Coco: ... Your team did bully V, why should i help you?
Velvet: *frowning* Coco, Russel's a good guy. And even the rest of his team aren't really that bad. *Sigh* Cardin was mainly angry because the white fang kept attacking his mother's store.
Coco: ... *Sigh* You are too good, V. *Looking at Russel* What do you want?
Russel: W-well, i-
Dove: *taking cover* Oh, hi you Velvet. You were still interested in coming to the arcade with us?
Velvet: *smiling* Hey Dove and yes! But i was wondering if my team could come?
Dove: Don't see why not. *Cardin falls next to him* Hey big guy, Velvet wants to know if she can bring her friends with her to the arcades?
Cardin: *shaking off the food from his head* Uh? *Looking at Velvet with a slight blush* Oh uh, yeah, sure. *Picking up a plate as a shield, going back into the melee*
Dove: *looking for a "weapon", picking up a breadstick and following his leader*
Coco: uh... They do seem a lot nicer. *Looking back at Russel* So back to my help.
Russel: *picking up invitations to a nice restaurant from his pocket* W-well i was planning to ask my girlfriend out, but i don't really have anything nice to wear and-
Coco: Say less, i'll help you out.
Russel: *smiling* Thank you! Now if you excuse me *picking food for the fight* My team needs me! *Leave the cover to follow his friends*
Coco: ... By the way, the big guy totally has a crush on you.
Velvet: Pfft, Cardin? That's ridiculous!
Coco: Uh-huh, if you say so.
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blessedsage99 · 3 months ago
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i've been thinking about The Weeping Hearts like all week ungh
friendship w weiss and coco was so peak im literally never recovering
some implied whiterose and crosshares... as a treat ofc.... dies
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reashot · 2 months ago
Tis' The Season.
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Wolf Ruby: Woof! Woof! Woof! 🐺
Velvet: *Scared whimpering*
Ruby: Get down here you little slut! Get down so I can tear your limb from limb for smelling like that! ☠️
Velvet: Help someone. Please help me. Ruby has gone feral!
Ruby: Who are you calling feral you dumb bunny!? Why I ought ta.... Arf? 🐕
*picks up Ruby like the naughty puppy she is*
Jaune: Ruby! What's gotten into you?
Ruby: It's all her fault. She smells like a whore in heat!
Jaune: Ruby. Language!
Ruby: *whimpers* I-I'm sorry Jaune but my nose is sensitive and her whorish scent keeps triggering my hunting instinct.
Jaune: Okay that's it, Ruby you need to go right now.
*carry Ruby in his arms*
I'm sorry Velvet. I'll make sure it won't happen again.
Velvet: You better keep your hound on a leash!
Ruby: Great idea, cunt. Jaune, I would love to wear a softer collar while you put me on a leash. 🐶
Jaune: Ah, ha, ha... Nice joke, Ruby. So funny... We gotta get out of here.
Velvet: Wait, Jaune. Before you go do you want to meet up sometimes later. Maybe alone? 💕
Jaune: Oh, okay Velvet. Maybe after I give Ruby some snacks and her naps.
Ruby: *growl*
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Faunus Mating Season Arc Begin.
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epic-arc · 3 months ago
Idea Girl Types!
Dog Type.
Ruby: Let's go outside! Come on let's go!
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She comes running straightaway.
Gets excited so easily.
She loves getting active.
Cheerful, With no trace of malice.
Cat Type.
Weiss: If you insist that much, I guess i can go with you.
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A Tsundere by nature.
Stirs up mischief and provokes others.
She acts spoiled after warming up to people.
Hedgehog Type.
Emerald: Stray away from me.
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Looks Fashionable.
Usually by Herself.
Shy and Reserved.
Will show her vunerable side after getting comfortable with others.
Rabbit Type.
Velvet: You're leaving already...?
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She gets lonely easily.
Very Clingy.
She's quiet and reserved.
Has a tomboyish side after getting to know her.
Sheep Type.
Pyrrha: There there... You did great today.
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Has a big heart.
Likes companionship.
A Caring Onee-san.
Owl Type.
Cinder: How strange... I dont feel uneasy around you.
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Knowledgeable and Wise.
Cool and Reserved.
She's actually every earnest.
Cheetah Type.
Neo: ''What's got you down? Wanna talk about it?''
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A Cool Beauty.
Very Fashionable.
A kind Older Sister.
Tends to do things on her own.
Hamster Type.
Nora: Whoa! This watermelon is so tasty~!
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Small. but she has a big appetite
Curious and full of energy
An airhead
She ropes in others but her lovable personality makes it endearing.
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aliavian · 10 months ago
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I had a vision and I had to draw it…. 😂
Anyone who knows the reference, you’re awesome. 😎👍
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months ago
Mother's tongue
Coco: А ну ка чики ьрики в дамку! (A Nu Ka Cheeki Breeki V Damku)
Velvet: You're the only one with Bullets Coco!
Coco: блять (Blyat!)
Weiss: What's going on with Coco?
Velvet: When she gets angry enough she starts talking in her mother tongue, just like you.
Weiss: I do not!
Velvet: ...
~Flashback transition~
Weiss: Hurensohn! Arschloch! Brot kann schimmeln, was kannst du, Du Karussellbremser!
~Flashforward transition~
Weiss: Alright, fine, I do,but I thought she spoke french!
Velvet: She got this from her uncle.
Weiss: Huh ... Can we calm her down?
Jaune: Coco! Ce qui s'est passé?
Coco: идиот Cardin- *ahem*
Coco: Cardin a vaporisé de la colle pailletée sur mes vêtements juste avant de partir en mission!
Jaune: ... ça ne tiendra pas. Le tuer?
Coco: Oui.
Jaune: Enfin!
Cardin, Somewhere in a forest: ... I feel as though I am in grave danger. Eh. It's probably nothing.
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
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We are SO fuckin back
Original by @/soup-erb
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juanarc-thethird · 10 months ago
Learn to lock the door!
Blake: *Enters Jaune's room* Hey Jaune, have you seen my... book?
Jaune is naked, with his cock deep inside a girl on all fours who looks just like Blake. But seconds later she transforms back into Emerald.
Jaune: We can explain.
Blake: *Horny* Fuck that, I'm in.
Moments later
Ruby: Hey Jaune have you seen... Blake?
Blake is on top of Jaune, balls deep, while Emerald is putting on her clothes so she can leave.
Jaune: Is not what it looks like!
Ruby: I don't care what it looks like, I'm in!
Moments later
Weiss: Hey Jaune, did you...
Ruby is fucked from behind by Jaune while he holds her by the neck with a bit of pressure. While Blake is fully dressed putting on her shoes.
Jaune: *red* Blake is a bad influence!!
Weiss: I'm next.
Moments later
Yang: Jaune, did you eat my…!
Jaune has Weiss in a Mating Press and hitting her little pussy hard like a piñata with his big cock. Ruby, on the other side, is dressed, recording what is happening.
Jaune: Your sister dared me to do it!!!
Yang: And I have another one for you~
Moments later
Pyrrha: Jaune, it's time for our tra- Eh?!!
Yang is on all fours while Jaune fucks her from behind while he pulls her hair. In the corner of the bed, Weiss is putting on makeup again to look presentable.
Jaune: She is came to me first!
Yang: *Giggles* Yes I did~
Pyrrha: Your form is wrong, let me help you.
Moments later
Nora: Jaune, have you seen- HOLY MOLLY!!!
Pyrrha has Jaune lying on his back and pressed against the bed without him being able to move, while she bounces on his cock like an animal in heat. On the other side Yang is sitting on a couch, watching what's happening while she touches herself.
Jaune: Help! My pelvis can't take it anymore!
Nora: Oh I give you a hand~
Moments later
Neon: What's up with the noise? Are you guys having a par-TYYYYY!!!!! *Shock*
Nora has Jaune against the wall while she fucks him using her big ass. Jaune can only hold onto her hips. Pyrrha, on the other side, is brushing her hair.
Jaune: This is not a party!!
Neon: *Takes a pic on her phone* It is now~
Moments later
Reese: Neon, are you here? What do you- HOLY SHIT!!
Jaune is sitting on the bed with his back leaning against the wall while Neon moves her hips slowly and sensually while they fuck. Nora is still naked talking to someone on her phone.
Jaune: Reese, what are you doing here?!!
Reese: *Smug* Duh, I came for the party~
Moments later
Arslan: *Ready to fight* Reese, I'm here! Why do you need... *Wide eye* Backup?
Reese is on her tiptoes leaning against the wall while Jaune fucks her intensely. Neon meanwhile is taking selfies with them two in the back.
Jaune: Wait, this is 100% completely consensual!
Arslan: In that case, I also consent.
Moments later
Velvet: Jaune? Nora told me to come see y-y-y-WHY?!! *Angry*
Arslan is hanging onto Jaune with her arms around his neck and her legs hanging in Jaune's arms, supporting her ass while he fucks her. Reese, meanwhile, is on a video call with someone showing how Arslan is getting fucked.
Jaune: Velvet?! Why are you angry?!
Velvet: I gave ya all the bloody signs 'n ya fucked her?! That Dick is mine!
Moments later
Coco: Hey Jaune, is Velvet here? She said she was going- HOLY FUCK!!!
Velvet is being bred with her legs hooked around Jaune, who is on top of her fucking her like there is no tomorrow with cum coming out of her. Arslan meanwhile is putting her bandages on her arms and hands.
Jaune: It was her idea! I swear!
Coco: Whatever her idea is, I want it too~
Moments later
May: Jaune? Nora told me to come her of- *GASP!!!* I-I-I!
Coco looks a mess, her makeup ruined, her hair messy, all thanks to Jaune. He is fucking her with her on top of him, close to his body, while his cock is hitting her insides in all the right places, giving her great pleasure. Taking this opportunity, Velvet uses her camera to take photos of all of Coco's lewd expressions.
Jaune: Wait! Please don't scream!
May: *Red* I WON'T LOSE!!
Moments later
Penny: *Smiling* Hello friend Jaune! I came here to get fuck!
May is bouncing on Jaune's lap while he sucks on the nipples of her huge tits. Coco, meanwhile, is taking some selfies, liking the new look.
Jaune: You what?!!
Penny: *She removes her clothes* I'm sex ready!!!
Moments later
Ciel: Penny, I know you are here! General Ironwood is calling- WHAT THE FUCK?!!
Penny is on all fours with her hand pressed against the bed while Jaune puts all his weight to fuck her from behind. Meanwhile, May is sleeping next to them in the bed covered with a sheet.
Jaune: Please don't tell Ironwood!
Ciel: If you convince me, maybe I won't do it~ *She licks her lips*
Moments later
Ciel is curled up with a pillow while lying on her side with her ass on the edge of the bed where Jaune is fucking her hard. Penny is currently on a video call with Ruby talking about her recent experience.
Jaune: *Panic* Prof. Goodwitch! It's not what it looks like?!
Jaune saying her name made the two girls panic as well.
Glynda: You girls get dressed and go to your rooms immediately!
The two girls do what they are told and run out of the room.
Glynda: And your Mr. Arc…
Jaune: *Worry* YES!!
*Click* Suddenly the sound of the door being locked is heard.
Jaune: Prof. Goodwitch?
Glynda: Now you're all mine~💕
Moments later
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arc-misadventures · 4 days ago
The Blond Stepson
Blake: Hey, Jaune.
Yang: Sup vomit boy!
Jaune: Hey, Blake what's up?
Blake: So... we have a question.
Jaune: Oh, what is it?
Yang: We've met, Weiss's family. Her sister, and her mother. But, then you went up to her mother, and said, 'hi mom,'
Jaune: Yeah, so?
Blake: You have blond hair, and deep blue eyes, Weiss, her sister, and her mother have snow white silver hair, and ice blue eyes. How is she your mom; Shouldn't you have any matching visible traits, how are is she your mom?
Jaune: Oh that, yeah I can understand why you'd be so confused. Yeah, no, Willow, that's, Weiss's mom name. Yeah, she not my birth mom, she's my stepmom.
BY: Stepmom?!
Jaune: Yep, Willow Schnee is my stepmom.
Blake: Does that mean, Weiss is your stepsister?
Jaune: Yep, she's my younger stepsister.
Yang: Oh, I guess we never realized you were siblings because you don't share the last name?
Jaune: Well, technically speaking when my dad married my stepmom, we took the, Schnee family name as our own. My full name is, Luna Jaune Arc-Schnee. But, after my dad died a few years after marrying into the, Schnee, I decided to go by the last name, Arc to honour his legacy. That, and because of my appearance most people wouldn't believe I was a, Schnee just as you guys pointed out.
Blake: Oh that makes sense.
Yang: Wait, your first name is, Luna?! Hahaha! Why do you have such a girly name?!
Jaune: Several reasons. The origin behind my first name revolves around some clever name trick involving my last name, Arc. An arc is part of a curve, an arc has a crescent in part of it. Legends say that there was once a thing called a crescent moon before it became the, Shattered Moon we all see in the nights sky today. And, lastly another name for the moon is, Luna.
Blake: Ohhh~! An etymology lesson~!
Yang: Cool story bro, but it's still a girly name.
Jaune: True, it is a girly name, and it was going to be the name of my younger sister.
Blake: W-Was...?
Yang: What do you mean by that?!
Jaune: Miscarriage.
Blake: M-M-Miscarriage?!
Yang: O-Oh... I'm sorry to hear that... I'm sorry I made fun of you, Jaune... Uhh... Luna...?
Jaune: It's alright, you didn't know, and I've long since come to terms with what happened. And, please just call me, Jaune. Only, Weiss calls me, Luna. But, only when she's angry at me...
Blake: But, isn't, Weiss always angry at you?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Only, when she is really, really angry with me...
Yang: Hehehe~!
Blake: That's a shame, Luna is a nice name for you.
Jaune: Thank you, Blake.
Yang: But, how did your dad marry, Willow Schnee? Isn't she married to that, Jacques Schnee guy?
Jaune: Blake?
Blake: ...
Yang: Did you kill him, Blake?!
Blake: What, no! The White Fang killed him!
Yang: Oh...!
Jaune: Yep, members in the, White Fang killed him via a suicide bomber. Mom was soooo distraught with his death. But, good thing that he died, Jacques may have been making money, his antics were causing all hell to everyone.
Blake: Yeah, things we're really hard on us faunas. But, after his death a lot of reforms we're made, and things got better.
Jaune: Yep, and while those reforms were happening, Willow met my dad, and they eventually got together, and I got my a new mom, a older, and younger sister.
Blake: Okay so, Willow Schnee is now your, Stepmom, and that is your stepmom.
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Jaune: Yep that's Willow Arc-Schnee my lovely stepmom.
Blake: Oh, so all of you are called, Arc-Schnee?
Jaune: Yep.
Yang: So, that means your older sister, Winter. Full name is, Winter Arc-Schnee?
Jaune: Yep, that's my sister right there!
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Blake: And, lastly, Weiss Arc-Schnee is your little sister.
Jaune: Yep, Weiss is my little sister.
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Blake: So, what's it like have a family like them?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Blake: You've been a family since you've been what...?
Jaune: Five. I was five years old when my dad married into the, Schnee family.
Blake: So, what has it been like to be a part of the, Arc-Schnee family for thirteen years?
Jaune: Oh, well having a mom like, Willow is...
Jaune: M-M-Mom?!
Willow: Yes dear~?
Jaune: I c-can bathe by myself, I don't need your help!
Willow: Oh~? But, can't your mother bathe with her precious little boy like she did in the past~?
Jaune: M-M-Mom?! I'm not a child anymore, and the last time we bathed together you weren't naked?!
Willow: Oh, but I don't have any swimsuits anymore, and I don't want to get water on any of my clothes. Besides...
Jaune: EEP?!
Willow: I can't do this to you~!
Jaune: M-M-Mom?!
Willow : Willow~! I told you to call me, Willow, Deary~!
Jaune: W-Willow?! Y-Your chest i-i-is... Oh no?!
Willow: Oh no? Ohh~! My my my~! It's so big~! Don't worry, Jaune, i'll take care of it~!
Jaune: Ahh, Willow?!
Willow: Oh my~! It's so hot, and long~! Why, it's even poking out from between my breasts~! Which means I could even~?
Jaune: Ahh-ha-haa?!
Willow: Mmmm~! My, don't you taste delicious~!
Jaune: W-Willow?!
Willow: Now come on deary~! Mommy, wants you to give her another taste from the tap~!
Jaune: Oh gods... T-They're so warm...
Willow: Yes~! That's it, Jaune~! Give, Mommy her facial cream~!
Jaune: I think, Willow always wanted a son, so she accepted me on as her son with no hesitation. And, I liked that she did that. It was really nice to have a mom again.
Yang: Yeah, I know how it feels to live without a mom...
Blake: Did your sisters also accept you into the family?
Jaune: Uhh well... I'm never sure about, Weiss. Winter on the other hand.
Winter: Ahh~! Fuck!
Jaune: Ahh!
Winter: Come on, Jaune~! You're not giving up now are you?
Jaune: Not in the slightest! But, damn, Big Sis! You're really going at it! What kind of bastard did you have to deal with today?
Winter: Ahh fuck~! I had to deal with a bunch of stuck up assholes with, General Ironwood! Fuckers pinched my ass!
Jaune: What?! This is my ass! Only I'm allowed to pinch it!
Winter: Ohhhhh fuuuck~! Pinch my fat ass! Remind me who it belongs to!
Jaune: We've had angry sex before! But, damn you're furious! What else happened?
Winter: So deep~! I had to... Ahh~! I had to deal with... Ohh~! I had to deal with some pompous fucker trying to force a marriage with me! Again! Thinking that I'd marry that fat boar, when I have a real man taking care of me right here!
Jaune: Ahh~! You're so fucking hot, Big Sis~!
Winter: Don't I know it~! Now come on, Jaune~! Dump a fat load into me, remind me why you'll become my future husband~!
Jaune: As you wish, Big Sis~!
Winter: Come on! Come on! Come on! Fill me up! Fill me up! Fill me...?!
Jaune: HERK!
Winter: UuuuuuuuUP~!
Jaune: Ahh... Fuck...
Winter: So... so warm...
Jaune: Ahhh... Feeling better, Winter?
Winter: No... Maybe another load will help~!
Jaune: Alright~! But, please... Don't scratch up my back again...
Winter: Oh, Jaune~! You know you love it~!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Yeah... yeah I do...
Jaune: Winter tends to dot on me a lot. Honestly she tends to spoil me a lot. But, she did teach me how to use my fathers sword, we still spar together when ever we met. Though, to say it's a spar is a bit of a lie... It's usually a one sided slaughter as she vents out her frustrations out on me.
Blake: Well considering how angry we've seen, Weiss get. Her anger must be on a whole another level.
Yang: What do you expect from, Weiss Squared?
Jaune: Weiss Squared? Winter isn't...?!
Jaune: ...?
Jaune: Winter's taller, more developed, more skilled... Shit, Winter is, Weiss Squared...
Yang: Haha! Told yeah!
Blake: You best not tell her that, she'll probably lose it if you did.
Jaune: Yeah, Weiss doesn't like to be compared to, Winter, even me at times. Weiss has a bit of an inferiority complex.
Blake: Really?
Yang: It's because she's short.
Jaune: Yes.
Yang: So, what's like having, Winter Square Root as a little sister?
Jaune: Boo.
Blake: Yeah that was bad.
Yang: Tough crowd... Anyway, what's it like having, Weiss as a little sister?
Jaune: Well...
Weiss: J-J-Jaune...?!
Jaune: Hmm?
Weiss: Y-You're hand... Mmph~!
Jaune: What of it?
Weiss: J-Jaune... W-We're in the middle of class... Ahh~!
Jaune: So?
Weiss: W-We can't do this~! W-We'll get... Ohh~! Caught~!
Jaune: Oh, Weiss~! You, and I both know you like to do it in public~!
Weiss: B-But, in front of all our classmates~!
Jaune: You're complaining about that now? Didn't you hide under the desk for a snack~?
Weiss: T-That was... Mmmm~! Jaune~! Your fingers~!
Jaune: You feel quite moist~! You enjoying yourself~?
Weiss: MmmmmmMmm~! J-J-Jaune~!
Jaune: Just a little more~!
Weiss: Mmm... Ahhahhhuhhhh~!
Jaune: Make sure you keep quiet, Snow Angel~!
Weiss: EEP... MPHH?!
Jaune: Pity, you couldn't make a sound. I do love to hear you sing~!
Weiss: N-Not... Ahhh~! In public... P-People would hear.
Jaune: Don't worry, you were quiet no one heard you, you were quiet. Unless...
Weiss: U-Unless what...?
Jaune: Unless you're a bunny faunas with large ears who has a habit of eaves dropping on people.
Velvet: Eep!
Weiss: Gods dammit, Luna!
Jaune: While we don't get along in public, it's actually a ruse to trick people. We get along just fine. In fact, Weiss loves it when I dote on her, she likes to be pampered. Actually, if you ever get, Weiss, angry, like really angry. Throw white chocolate at her, she has an insane sweet tooth when it comes to white chocolate.
Yang: That's good to know.
Blake: Yeah, and thanks for telling us who, Luna is!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: W-What do you mean?
Yang: We over heard, Weiss mentioned someone named, Luna. Or, well, Blake did.
Blake: Even in the shower, Weiss can sing pretty loud~! Luna~!
Jaune: ...
Yang: Yesterday, Blake, overheard her moaning out that name when she peaked~!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Damn faunas hearing... If you'll excuse me, I need to make a call.
: Hey, Lulu, what's up?
Jaune: Hey, Coco, yeah I need to take care of, Snow Angels needs. You know any good love hotels?
Yang: They're going where?
Blake: Kinky~!
Coco: Oh~? You want to hear you little, Snow Angel sing~?
Jaune: Something tells me she needs to let lose.
Coco: Well, that doesn't surprise me. You know how pent up my little BunBun get's~! So, a good love hotel, I'd recommend the, Golden Lotus. It's posh enough for the little princess.
Jaune: Thanks, Coco I owe you one.
Coco: Let's go on a shopping trip then~!
Jaune: I'm not paying this time.
Coco: Phooey... Alright, I'll leave you two be. Have fun you two~!
Jaune: Thanks, Coco. Talk to you later.
Jaune: Okay, one more call...
Jaune: ...
: Jaune, what is it?
Jaune: Weiss? Opera house. Landing pads. Now.
Weiss: Y-Yes, Sir!
Jaune: Okay then...
Jaune: Now then... does anyone else know about the two of us?
Yang: Just, Ruby.
Jaune: Okay, I'll have, Weiss explain our relationship to you further. Till later then.
Yang: Bye!
Blake: Have fun!
YB: ...
Blake: They have a booty call codename!
Yang: Fuck that's hot!
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