#Vanitas Ep 14
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docholligay · 9 months ago
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Loving everything about this! Why do I love this?
A) You know when I talk about how I'm not going to accept anything as being gay unless it's explicit, I don't actually need people fucking in front of me. Don't get me wrong, I am annoyed that I have to watch Jeanne and Vanitas suck face but I know we'll never see Dante and Johann kiss, but THIS, to me, is explicit. We see hearts around Johann and Dante, and I would take a lot of that, but this seals it. Dante is in danger, but Johann is too, and he does not give one half of one shit. If you touch HIS FAMILY, hell itself won't be able to hide you. Dante is his man, and he loves him, and he will dare all.
(also loving Vanitas' "I see no difference love is love" willingness to kill them both)
B) I ADORE when the cheerful or silly one is going to fucking kill you. LOVE IT. Top character beat of mine. That's part of the reason Mina and Lena are, in my worlds, so deadly and dangerous underneath it all--I just think it's neat that the funny lighthearted one will kill you! Though Johann is also a bit of a fop, so, slightly different. Still love it.
that is the fun of having me liveblog this, please let it be fun for EVERYONE by not confirming denying, hinting, saying things like “oh just wait til episode x’, telling me about outside interviews, or anything that is cultural or historical that I’m not picking up on! PLEASE LET ME BE A STUPID PIECE OF SHIT
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coredrill · 1 year ago
perhaps my most insane collection of brvn thots yet
do we think lulu is from the moon. i think this for three reasons. one: when she told superbia she was going to ride him the moon was quite large and prominent in the shot. symbolism. two: when she got her fancy hairdo, she had two little buns that looked like moons. three: “lulu” could come from “luna” the same way it could come from the first syllable of smith’s name. why would she become spanish? don’t worry abt it. also if she’s from there then maybe the “final battle” which obari allegedly said would take place in an unexpected location will indeed be on the moon (pls dont ask for a source on this bc i don’t think i could find it again but it was one of the like. EARLY early interviews iirc. or it was just a rumor. this part of the post is a joke anyways LMAO). however this IS a super robot show so i feel like the moon in general is actually a more expected location for me than like. idk. cleveland
everyone pointing out the animation differences maybe indicating different timelines is so funny to me cause like. if it’s NOT intentional, the fans are putting together a list of fixes to make for the bluray on a silver platter LMAO. also god i hope we get a western bluray release, i honestly am considering getting the jp one if it somehow winds up w eng subs though just cause i know it’s such a long shot for CRUNCHYROLL of all motherfuckers to put one together 🥲 discotek ur our only hope………………
i keep thinking abt the like. pacing of the previous fight scenes being reused in ep9 in such a smart way…………like with smith/lulu v superbia - isami/bravern v cupiridas AND with smith/lulu v knuth - isami/bravern v pessimism/vanitas they kept doing the quick jumps between each of the two fights in a way that made it clear that isami and smith were in conversation even if they were doing completely different shit, and then bringing that completely to the forefront this ep while isami is asking smith why he died and at the same time smith is refusing to die bc of his promise with isami. BLEW MY FUCKIN MIND to see the pattern reused like that, i swear to GOD everyone talks about how fun and hype this show is but it’s so damn GOOD too 😭😭 and then after that the fuckin. symmetrical docking ass cut and then later the gattai which has been held off for SO long bc they are no longer separate conversations. JESUS
called my shots too early tho w smith not melting ppl’s minds in a kaworu manner where they convolute the story x1000 to try to make him seem straight 😭 congrats white boy, your days are numbered until ppl start saying you love isami like he’s your pet dog……….also in a related fashion the giant naked smith fanarts are taking me out LMAO
you can tell idk shit abt fuck when it comes to time travel fuckery cause i rly am just here like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ atp LMAO, the serious theorizing is GONE. i trust the show to finish out in a satisfying manner and also in a way that my pea brain can understand and i’m rly looking forward to savouring these last 3 episodes :] and then rewatching the whole thing from the beginning once the remaining twists have been revealed and i Know :3 like not to get way too sentimental w 3 whole episodes left but we are so lucky to be following this story in real time you guys 😭 like i’m just gonna put the same post i made back after episode ONE here cause it’s true but times a million with what we’ve seen so far, truly this is such a special experience to have and i’m so glad this show waited until i got into mecha to get made so that i could like. Understand it yknow. anyways good for january 14 2024 version of me, you are so excited andyet still have NO idea the kind of treat you are in for 😭
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“lewis” jumpscare tho omg. i forgot it took me like a week to figure out what the hell was goin on with all the characters first and last names LMAO. anyways everybody go look at sumiisa sekiha love love tenkyouken right now i am no longer asking
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vanitasuu · 3 years ago
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baekugos · 3 years ago
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VANITAS ♡ EP.14: ❝The Witch and the Young Man❞
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shiruba-tsuki · 3 years ago
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Vanitas ✧ Vanitas no Carte ep. 14
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ianime0 · 2 years ago
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Vanitas no Carte | Ep 14 | This is bad. No, it's terrifying.
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serenato2 · 3 years ago
I’ve just realized…
Ep 14 title: the witch and the young man
It is perfect!!! I didn’t realize that it refers to Jeanne and Vanitas as well. I always thought just about Chloe and Jean-Jaques but now that these two chapter will be one episode…
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echothagram · 4 years ago
VNC Episode 8 Reaction
It’s Vanitas Friday, which means another reaction post from me! (Albeit, several hours late ;;;)
As many have already said, Vani’s secret talent seems to be pissing off vampires XD
Episode 8 covers chapter 13 & 14
The special effects during Vani’s monologue about the Queen were suuuper cool! The best scene in the episode in my opinion.
I didn’t really like Johann in the manga, but anime Johann is great lol
Once again, I don’t have much to say (I’ll save my paragraphs for my review post once the anime’s over). This episode, like the others, does a pretty good job adapting the material
Roland’s voice is just,,,, ~nice~ it definitely fits him
Some things I noticed:
I am tired of far shots part 19238293
Ep 8 skips Domi & Noe’s convo at the beginning of ch13 (part of their convo was in the previous ep)
Anime skips the first few pages of ch 14 and stars with Noe’s narration
Extra chibi and Murr moments :D
Noe & Riche moment gone :(
The Pandora Hearts reference 👌
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Occasionally, in some frames, Roland’s drill-spear thing looks like a surfboard 🏄
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drink-n-watch · 3 years ago
The Case Study of Vanitas ep.14 - Cabin Fever
The Case Study of Vanitas ep.14 – Cabin Fever
You may not believe this but I have a number of friends who refuse to watch The Case Study of Vanitas no matter how much I assure them they will love it. Which once again makes me think that reviews may just not be my strong suit. And to them, I say…you guys are missing out!!! ‘Cmooonnn, you’ll like it! Probably… I actually have a note about this week’s episode that just says “Oh that’s sooooo…
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laulink · 3 years ago
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The Case Study of Vanitas' cast is amazing because it's the only anime I've ever watched where the yaoi, yuri and straight ships are all as adorable as the others.
Jeanne x Vanitas : light and dark, Bourreau and Saviour, ennemies to lovers who's relationship heavily hinges on the desire they have for Jeanne to drink Vanitas' blood because of how good it tastes/feels for both of them, which is basically the vampire version of hate fuck/sex buddies. 10/10, wish we'd see more of this kind of dynamic well done.
Noe x Dominique : childhood friends to lovers with one of them having been in love with the other since they first met and the other being denser than a brick about it, and since they are both vampires, we get the "loves to drink the other's blood" trope x2. Sweet and adorable and pretty hot tbh, 10/10
Dominique x Jeanne : the scene where Dominique tells Jeanne that nothing is more important, in that moment, than to be close to and dance with her to admire and appreciate her beauty instantly sold me to this ship. A Bourreau and a vampire from House de Sade serving the Queen, that's basically commoner x noble and I love this kind of story. 10/10
Noe x Vanitas : honestly didn't see much going for this ship before ep 7 but Noe lamenting about not being the first to taste Vanitas' blood because it smells so good and not realising he's jealous opened up an ocean of possibilities. He's just so dense and Vanitas is a smart little shit who gets confused and angry and flustered and even crazy when his feelings become too much for him to handle and I think their dynamic would be extremely fun, were it to turn romantic. Also the fact that Vanitas isn't interested in someone who would fall in love with him *chef's kiss*. Watch Noe's dense ass head shatter all his barriers and make him accept his love because damn him, Vanitas, this man is going to love you whether you like it or not ! 10/10
I have less thoughts about Jeanne x Noe and Dominique x Vanitas but since it's basically cinnamon roll x cinnamon roll and smart ass little shit x smart ass little shit I'm sure the first would be extremely fluffy and cute while the other would be the funniest thing ever where love rhymes with constant bickering and competing (even in the bedroom).
I don't usually like poly ships because I always have my favourites in the relationships, but in this case ? I'm begging the creator to put these four together. They'd be the most powerful and iconic unit the world has ever seen and also the sweetest and stupidest one since they're all well-meaning morons. This would be hysterical.
61 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 21:25:46 GMT
Something I just realised about Hazel using light dust : 
He showed us that, even in its raw form, light dust makes a shield around him, it's not a technological application of the dust, it's literally its natural power. 
Which means that VELVET is the technological genius here, for managing to use light dust in such a different way to its natural form. Making it pick apart the weapons she takes a picture of and replicate them must have been helluva hard. 
63 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 10:50:57 GMT
A. N. : This is totally random, so don’t ask where I got the idea. The only thing I will say is this : Penny Polendina would absolutely ADORE being a mother and she’d be a wonderful one.
Penny, holding a random baby who’s mother asked her to keep an eye on for a second and gently cooing at it, looking like maternity personified : Hello there little love~
Ruby, looking at her with hearts in her eyes : ... You know, I think having one or two kids might not be so bad.
Yang, who’s heard Ruby say she’d never have kids since she was 4 : *spits out her coffee*
79 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 19:29:06 GMT
Also I feel so much for Winter right now.
In 5 minutes, she just lost both of her little sisters
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The way her voice breaks while screaming Weiss’ name... I have a sister, an older one instead of a younger one, true, but still a sister, and I can imagine so well the pain Winter was feeling
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The grief is so great she can barely fly herself back on the bridge before collapsing
And now she can barely look her mother and brother in the eye
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She can’t bear the thought of having to announce that Weiss is never coming back
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Instead she throws herself in the fight, she puts all her energy in doing something other than thinking about what she’s just lost and her grief.
I hope team RWBY+J’s trip doesn’t last for months in Remnant, because I am not sure in what state they will find Winter (and their friends) when they come back if it does.
1319 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 16:23:19 GMT
The Summer Hound theory always seemed just a tad too much to be true, and RT managed to find the exact balance to make it fit perfectly in this point of the story.
Make it true, but with another SEW. Just as horrible, just as terrifying, and it means a big chance to see the Summer Hound later in the story, closer to the final act.
It also means that Ruby and Yang will undoubtedly at least wonder if that’s what happened to their mother and why no one ever found her body.
Now, every time they face a Hound, they’ll wonder “Is this Mom ?”
That’s even worse than if Summer had been the one inside this first Hound.
1460 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 16:32:37 GMT
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docholligay · 9 months ago
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I hate when Vanitas and I have anything in common, but I am 100% the person who's like, "Stop yakking and let's move, we're burning daylight!" when we need to help someone, and regrettably it becomes clear I actually do care about them.
I have never seen this show and know absolutely nothing about it! As that is the fun of having me liveblog this, please let it be fun for EVERYONE by not confirming denying, hinting, saying things like “oh just wait til episode x’, telling me about outside interviews, or anything that is cultural or historical that I’m not picking up on! PLEASE LET ME BE A STUPID PIECE OF SHIT
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interstellix · 3 years ago
hello idk how to message u any other way but i miss u and also i’m catching up on vanitas no carte (i’m on ep 14 of s1) but whAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON
also miss u love u ❤️❤️
jdkfkd isn't s1 12 eps or am i mixing it with another anime-
BUT ANYWAY HI MAX GJSLGKD imyttttt FR IM SORRY I SUCK WITH DISCORD but yeah hi ilysm :'( 💕💕💕💕💕
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symeraid-s · 3 years ago
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I was very pleasantly surpised with the first episode of Vanitas no Carte.
As of now, it seems to be a faithful adaption, the light effects look great, the character designs look great, the Soundtrack is very pleasant and the pacing (at least in this episode) was fine. But after the trainwreck that was the Pandora Hearts Anime, things can only go uphill from here, right?
There are two things I didn’t like though. The OP and ED for example, are very misleading and kinda make it look like a Slice of Life, when the Manga is anything but that.
The second thing is Vanitas’ voice. Hanae Natsuki is a good Seiyuu, no question, but I don’t really think his voice suits the character. It sounds a bit too rough and makes Vantias sound a bit like an edgelord. I don’t know if this makes sense or not, but his voice needs to be way smoother. Honestly, if it were up to me, I would have probably cast Saito Souma, because he has a silk like voice, that’s very nice to listen to and he recently did a killer job as Moriarty (Additionally, he has a great chemistry with Ishikawa Kaito, Noe’s Seiyuu).
26 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 13:59:11 GMT
My Top 10 TanBunn Moments (Spoilers!)
Before I start, let’s be honest: every moment could be on here. Tan and Bunn are just really adorable together. I tried to compile it to only 10 moments though and really was hard work.
Number 10: The Shower Scene (Ep.10)
The intimacy of this scene is off the charts. There is very little dialogue, but the actions speak louder than words. The way Tan touches Bunn, like he is the most precious thing in the world, just seems so soft. How he carasses his face and pulls him into a kiss and how Bunn kinda melts against him, really make it look, like we are intruding something very private. This is why MaxTul are the superior pairing.
Number 9: The Prison Scene and the Aftermath at Tan’s House (Ep.9)
I couldn't decide which scene I wanted in this spot, so there are two. The first is the conversation Tan and Bunn have, while Tan is in prison, with Bunn getting worried over Tan's injuries and promising to save him, all while Tan stares at him, like he's the f**ing sun. The second one is in the same episode, when they are back at Tan's house and just cuddling on the couch. Bunn is proud of himself, because he was able to protect Tan for once, but the other promises, that it'll be the only time he would have to protect him. Bunn leans against him, completely content for a moment and Tan just presses a kiss against his forehead and... this scene is just very soft.
Number 8: The Make-Out Scene™ (Ep.7)
It was honestly not the perfect moment to pull a move like this, but holy shit, it's pretty hot. The moment, when Tan caresses Bunn's face only for him to hold his hand, smelling his fingers, uttering the line that somehow was cut out of the episode for no apparent reason, is very intimate. The make out that follows is also very hot and I pray for Tul's scalp. This is the reason, why you get MaxTul in your drama. It seems way too natural.
Number 7: The Proposal (Ep.14)
The complex approach Tan decides to take for his proposal is insane, but at the same time really on brand for his character. He tests how much Bunn trusts in him and then flees with him to the ideal spot where he wants to propose. There, he gets Bunn to open the box for him and read the, actually very sweet, cards he prepared. This is where Bunn realises just how much of an impact his presence had on Tan. He doesn't only love him, he wants to spend the rest of his life with him and this seems to be the first time, Bunn has felt this way about someone too. Because even after all the shit Tan just put him through, he says yes. I still can't comprehend how he got M to tag along for the plan, but it's a very sweet scene nevertheless.
Number 6: “The First Meeting” (Ep.1)
The "first meeting" between these two goes about as well, as one would expect. Tan continously tries to flirt with Bunn and lets him know, that he remembers him from the night before, while Bunn panics at the thought that his childhood friend's boyfriend would flirt with him like that. He backs away a bit and doesn't look him in the eyes, especially when he comes closer. He tries to look at him, when Tan picks the confetti out of his hair, but he only ever glances at him shortly. Still, he gathers all of his courage, to essentially ask him, if he remembers the kiss and Tan confirms it. Tan then turns away and it's very obivous that Bunn was going to call something after him, but in that moment, Jane and Pued ruin the mood. It's a really masterclass of a scene, that really shows off the chemistry between Max and Tul, who can even make the smallest act look intimate.
Number 5: The Cliff Scene (Ep.10)
When Tan points the gun at Bunn, it's like the world stops for them for a few seconds. Bunn calls out for him in a mixture of desperation and fear and Tan just utters those magical words, like an apology. Before Bunn answers, he gives him a small reasurring nod and tells him that he loves him too. With that the world starts turning again and Tan pulls the trigger, watching as the love of his life disappears over the edge of the cliff. He walks to the same spot, as Inspector M walks out of the forest to hold him at gunpoint and Tan looks at him, like he's ready to be with Bunn, so M doesn't hesitate and shoots him of the cliff too. It's all staged of course, but the emotions are still there and still raw.
Number 4: The One in which they aren't interrupted by the Danger Children (Ep.12)
The awkward flirting of these two just seems to get worse as the show goes on, but this scene really hits a homerun with it. Starting with Tan explaining that he's the ugly duckling of his family and Bunn "reasurring" him, that while they are similar he's not the ugly duckling, but also not the swan of the family. It just gets cuter from there. Bunn suggests that he's more of a flamingo then a swan, which Tan seems to take way too literally and just tells him, that if he is, he's Bunn's. It's pretty hilarious. But when he pulls him into his arms and Bunn just kinda... nestles into him, it turns into adorable mush, as Tan tries to get some, because the last time they tried that in this episode, they were interrupted by the danger children and he just wants some quality time with his boyfriend. And then they discover the MacGuffin of the show and it's over. This whole scene also really encapsulates what I love about this show: the dialogue.
Number 3: The Drunken Couch Scene (Ep.5)
It comes a bit out of nowhere, but it's just so great. The way Tan shakes him awake and how Bunn turns to look at him, almost challenging is just really well done. As well as Tan's explanation for why he thinks he's drunk. That little self-depricating line of "How can people like me seduce other people?" is also really in character with Bunn, especially when it's followed up by Tan trying to focus on his eyes, but glancing down at his lips again and again. When Bunn takes the initiative and kisses him, he looks so taken aback, it's almost funny and Bunn just laughs it off. Tan really has to stop himself from kissing him back, instead asking if he was aware of what he just did. And when Bunn confirms it and just walks out, he has that look of pure adoration on his face. It's really just a small scene, but it's so well executed and comes so naturally.
Number 2: The Hospital Scene (Ep.8)
Seeing Tan at Bunn's bedside, begging for his forgiveness is just really hard to watch without getting a bit choked up. The way he holds onto Bunn, like he might die is also heartbreaking. It's really the first time, we see just how much Bunn actually affected Tan and maybe changed him for the better. And Max really shines in this scene.
Number 1: The Return of the King/The Staircase Scene (Ep.10)
The pure desperation in Bunn's voice, when he calls out for Tan and how he holds onto him, like he's afraid he might vanish if he lets go is simply heartbreaking to witness. And Tan does everything to reassure him, that he's there for him. Also, the look on his face, when Bunn asks him if he's okay is just... pure adoration. Like he can't fanthom how this man can still be worried for him after what he put him through. It's simply amazing and Tul really knocks everything out of the park here.
38 notes • Posted 2021-02-22 20:24:53 GMT
So, my sister and me binge-watched Manner of Death, after it was trending on tumblr for... plot reasons and it's actually really good.
The two lead actors have great chemistry, the plot is interesting, and the dialogue, Oh My God, the dialogue! I really f***ing adore the banter and very awkward flirting attempts between Bun and Tan.
One of the only problems I have with it, is that I have to wait a week for the next episode. Why couldn't I find this show when it was completed? I want to know what happens next!
46 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 15:43:19 GMT
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In other news, I’m happy and sad at the same time.
I’m happy for Yuma, because he skated really good and deserves his medal, but I’m also sad for Yuzuru because, holy shit, that was a bit of a mess.
He somehow got less points than Nathan for the step sequence, which I can’t comprehend and somehow botched both his 3A’s, which is even weirder. I’m not that much of an expert, but I believe he over rotated them. I don’t know why though, because he usually can do this shit asleep. The judges also gave him a very negative GOE for it, that I don’t think was that justified.
Also, while I’m writing this I went to check the results on the webpage and:
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Apparenty Yuzuru was worse in the FS than Shoma. Though this panel also leaves me wondering how in the world Shoma got a 0.00 GOE for the 3S+3T combo, because it looked fine.
Anyways, in conclusion: This worlds were a mess and I’m gonna cling onto the memory of Shoma and Stéphane’s hug to brighten my day up and pretend the rest didn’t exist.
49 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 14:31:09 GMT
Opening tumblr in the morning only to find out that GOT7 didn't renew their contracts with JYP:
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52 notes • Posted 2021-01-10 10:13:38 GMT
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handfulofsighs · 8 years ago
a list of good things  (in no particular order)
1. wes anderson movies, specifically moonrise kingdom
2. angels by chance the rapper
3. vanitas, book of poems 
4. that photographer guy i like who’s name i can’t remember but he says nice things too
5. the sierras
6. violet by hippo campus
7. san francisco
8. the fact that ryan ross might be Doing Things soon
9. my dog, the love of my life
10. my not-close-friend’s dog who is also the love of my life
11. the movie trainspotters (both actually)
12. the entire self titled fleet foxes album +helplessness blues and the shrine/ an argument     also the sun giant ep the more i think about it
13. the fact that some people actually might like me
14. the new yorker covers
15. ally’s outfits
16. my spanish class
17. cause i’m a man by tame impala
18. lost by frank ocean
19. just, hiatus kaiyote, as a whole
20. conan grey
21. the beatles
22. how are you true by cage the elephant also thats right and spiderhead and ain't no rest for the wicked and telescope
23. buttercup, way it goes, monsoon, and epitaph by hippo campus and sophie so and suicide saturday too
24. loving someone by the 1975
25. that one kid 
26. my hair, sometimes
27. matty fucking healy ugh (no pun intended)
28. black mirror though i may never look at a pig the same way
29. elsa schiaparelli and her autobiography 
30. an abundance of katherines by john green
32. the first two stories of let it snow
33. lorde’s new album oh boy
34. corrine bailey-rae’s music
35. lisa sayer by leon bridges (fUck)
36. from a mountain in the middle of the cabins by panic! at the disco
37. nearly witches by panic!
38. dont you evah by spoon
40. same drugs, summer friends and blessings by chance
41. under pressure (the album) by logic and not really any of his other stuff lol
42. troye’s blue neighborhood trilogy thing and also for him. and fun 
43. saturated // the dunes by the getaway dogs (go check em out on iTunes or spotify or bandcamp or youtube or soundcloud!!)
44. fob and mcr cuz ,,,yep I’m actually emo trash u guessed it
45. christian leave? akridge?? oh my god what a boy
46. nana by the 1975
47. the 1975′s heart out music vid and love me and the music vid
48. this video
49. fluorescent adolescence (the album) by arctic monkeys
50. all the last shadow puppets music vids
gonna stop at 50 cuz i could go on (FUCK WAIT I FORGOT MARISA MONTE AND HER BEAUTIFUL FUCKING VOICE ok done) forever and that actually makes really happy and that was the whole point of this! yay!
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docholligay · 9 months ago
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Oh man, I would argue even further, that this kind of 'discussion' is the only kind Jeanne understands!
This is what she was made for, to offer peace at the end of a blade, and so to her this is the perfect way to 'ask' for what you want. This is why she's so totally at sea when it comes to having an actual discussion about the things she may or may not want, and why she barely understands herself or her own feelings, and even with them she has to take a militaristic strategy based approach. She's not even good at THAT, because those are weapons she understands only in an ABSTRACT way. They are not sword and fist.
I mean I know some of it is the story wanting her to be innocent and blushy for Vanitas but I hate that so I'm going to ignore it. Because if I allow myself to ignore that, then she gets to be a great example of how violence does not HAVE to disclude naivete
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docholligay · 9 months ago
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THISA is your takeaway??? Noé never change and yet also, please change immediately
I have never seen this show and know absolutely nothing about it! As that is the fun of having me liveblog this, please let it be fun for EVERYONE by not confirming denying, hinting, saying things like “oh just wait til episode x’, telling me about outside interviews, or anything that is cultural or historical that I’m not picking up on! PLEASE LET ME BE A STUPID PIECE OF SHIT
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