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darligvane · 9 days ago
I cannot deal with the white-ification of Porter. I CANNOT. He's lightskin, sure, but some people look like they're drawing some guy named Parker Gabe instead of Porter Gage 😭 You see the tan skin, flatter nose, and those DENSE ASS CURLS ON HIS HEAD and think "yeah hes a paper plate" FUCK man oh my god. It makes me so sad when people erase those features off of him or bleach him. He's not a white guy covered in dirt holy shit. You cannot wash off that mans melanin.
The eyepatch thing makes me more disappointed than angry. Once again, yes his in-game model doesn't have anything under there- but what other characters have defining features like that?? Almost all of the other companions models are made with the regular character customisation options and just have unique outfits. (and not all of them even have that) The only companions with somewhat unique body models is Nick and maybe Hancock but idk if thats just the normal face sculpting with the ghoul skin over it. Everyone else is just the normal human, super mutant, or robot models. They don't get unique scars or anything.
The reason Gage has nothing under his eyepatch has nothing to do with him trying to "look tough" because hes trying to prove himself or something. Its because Bethesda is LAZY. Fallout 4 is particular is extremely lacking in unique character design features compared to the other games.
All of the main factions are exclusively human aside from the institute- and the synths are humanoid already and half of them are indistinguishable from regular people on top of that. The railroad has an assaultron that doesn't even look unique compared to other assaultrons other than the text on her chest. The only really unique designs we get is DiMA, Swan (boat arm), the drinking buddy (?), and maybe a few others. Not even important story characters like Kellogg get distinctive scars or other features that aren't available to the player. EVERYONE JUST GETS FUNKY CLOTHES. GAGE IS THE ONLY ONE WITH AN EYEPATCH. WHY WOULD THEY GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO GIVE HIM AN EYEPATCH IF HE DIDN'T ACTUALLY NEED IT.😭😭😭😭
i started ranting about porter gage again sorry guys
this is not directed at anyone because i see this all the time (i use “you” as a general thing) but it is SO annoying seeing people call gage ugly all of the time, in fanart and posts and whatnot. i love that he’s a grimy little raider as much as the next person but that man is not ugly! unconventionally attractive sure but who isn’t in the apocalypse. and it’s fine if you think he IS ugly because people are sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with it, but why is that the only thing you can call him..
seeing people bash on him for being unattractive mixed with how often people draw him without any of his defining features also feels so GROSS and not in the “i should block and move on way”. you find the black raider character and decide actually he’s a white man with a straight, more “attractive” haircut with a beard, he doesn’t have his big downturned nose, and decide that’s how you’ve “cleaned” him up and then talk about how gross he is in game. does this feel weird to you?
even if we ignore the possible racist undertones because it really does feel like no one realizes that… that is not a white man. it’s still so frustrating. why don’t we talk about the things we like about the character we like!! no im not liking your fanart when the caption is calling him a ugly fucking freak. i don’t even wanna talk about how ppl just assume that because his ingame model doesn’t have a unique texture under his eyepatch means that. his eye is just fine under there? where is your creativity or just draw the eye patch because its CUTEE and yes its “stupid” yes his outfit/armor is “stupid” because he’s a FUCKING RAIDER!!! you choose to just ignore the things he wears because they’re unconventional instead of thinking about how he went through the effort to paint them a bright yellow because maybe that’s his favorite color. maybe he wears that big cage because it’s convenient to hang things off of when he’s working on colter’s power armor or other mechanics. maybe he keeps his hair in that short little mohawk because he doesn’t wanna go through the effort of dealing with his curls.
where is your fucking whimsy people. call gage a nasty raider because he’s an asshole and doesn’t shower but leave all the fun about him alone. that right there is a big beautiful dorito-shaped southern man and obviously no one knows how to behave around one of those so i will be keeping him in my house
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doing-something-unholy · 3 months ago
Role reversal what manner of man where vane is the priest and ardelian is the vampire 👀
Father Vane as an older, disillusioned priest. He's seen enough "possession" cases to not believe in it anymore, all of them needing a doctor instead of exorcism. He's even beginning to wonder if being ordained was a mistake, feeling increasingly lonely over the years...
Lord Ardelian is an ethereally gorgeous hedonist, spending his immortality with throwing lavish parties. Playing the part of a self-absorbed party boy. Being so dazzling helps keep anyone from looking too closely to find the hurt and loneliness underneath...
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purrvaire · 10 months ago
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black sails + tumblr text posts I have on my phone
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superkooku · 1 month ago
Me ranting about the Dorian Gray Netflix adaptation
Today, instead of complaining about Greek mythology adaptations, I'm ranting about this one ! In general, I think adaptation ≠ original story inspired by some existing work. In the latter case, I'm 100% for artistic freedom. Do what you want, if your character is female you can inspire yourself from male chatacters, I don't have the right to tell you anything.
But I think adapting a work requires, well, adapting TO said work and respect it. Which gets me to Netflix's future adaptation of The picture of Dorian Gray.
I know, there's not any news since August/September 2024 but I read the book relatively recently and have a lot of thoughts about it. And I hope this project is cancelled because... oh boy is that a mess !
So, in short, there's not a lot of material, which makes the fact that they ruined the whole story in ONE SENTENCE even more impressive ! I expect more of this kind of changes, unfortunately.
Basically, Dorian and Basil are now siblings ! Because... idk. We're in 2025. The freaking 2009 version got away with a kiss between them just fine, so why just remove Basil being a simp this important plot of the book ?
I have a brother, we're on very good terms but it's obvious that I never looked at him like Basil does Dorian, I'd never compare him to Adonis or Antinous (Hadrian's lover, not the one from the Odyssey), I'd never spent time painting him in all those poses or defend him like an angel. Siblings just don't do that 🤣.
Portraying sibling affection is fine and adorable but Basil's fascination is NOT brotherly and I thought it was obvious for everyone. Or they'd go in a weird incest direction, idk. Otherwise, the relationship and character interactions of the book will lose their charm and what made them so tragically interesting.
Another change that's kinda iffy is the "Doran" thingy. I'm hoping it's a typo and not genderbending Dorian into a woman. Because no, it's not feminist at all to do that, there are tons of stories about feminine beauty and Dorian's just isn't one of them. Plus there's just no point in doing that other than doubly killing the gay.
Want to make beautiful women relevant? Give Sibyl Vane and the other female characters more screen time. How about Gladys for example? She appears pretty late and is underused. Let her have more time !
Want sibling interactions ? Sibyl and James are literally RIGHT HERE. Give them more interactions that don't focus on Dorian or stuff. More about the Vane family, the sibling's career ambitions, living without a father and in more poverty than the rich main characters, how Sibyl's death affected James and his mother, how he festered his hate towards the "prince charming" for years and his feeling when Dorian got away. This could translate well in a modern setting too.
Or small stuff like making Lord Henry's wife divorce him on screen, this moment would be SO delightful to watch (fanservice for me).
In general, there are tons of better ideas that would flesh out secondary characters and keep it faithful to the book. How about more scenes with Alan Campbell, who's pretty mysterious?
Or adding OCs ! Since there's a lot of room to do that in the time skip where Dorian meets a lot of people (and ruins their lives).
Heck, coming back to the 2009 version, adding a time skip and the concept behind Emily isn't bad. Though the ending of this movie is also a mess and it makes questionable changes in general, it'd be way better and faithful than whatever I'd expect after reading this stuff.
As for the "modern beauty industry aspect", I can't really say anything since I don't have enough material.
Anyways, there's a lot of potential by adapting this simple story and fleshing out secondary characters other than the core three (that obviously need to stay at the center of the story, especially our eponymous golden boy, but maybe not exclusively them). This cast of characters is just so delightfully flawed that there's a lot of drama material.
Though I say that as someone who read and loved the original novel, which I don't think is the case for the people in charge of this adaptation 😅
What do you think ? I'd love some answers!
Edit : I spelled Sibyl's name wrong
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1dklikesthings-moved · 3 months ago
MY SPOTIFY WRAPPED IS OUTTTTT (more screenshots + thoughts under cut)
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1) HOWLING AT CCCC BEING 4 OF MY TOP 5. I HAVENT LISTENED TO CHONNY IN LIKE 2 MONTHS /lighthearted, i still love his music <3
2) im surprised that muse is still in my top 5?? i feel like i rlly didnt listen to them much this year
3) what the fuck are the seasonal genres. what does indie sleaze rhythm games british rock mean. ive barely listened to kaiser chiefs or tenacious d or gnr this year
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chestersbraincell · 2 months ago
“Failed to recognize warning signs,
And I let it happen thrice,
You’re once more lead astray.
Something I’ve never understood,
The question I’ve overlooked,
Am I the one to blame?
*the literal mechanical warning sirens in the instrumental ending*”
is SO Curly coded omfg how has anyone NOT used this part of Vane’s “Lamentations” for a mouthwashing animatic STOPPP
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demure-ladys-library · 11 months ago
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The Picture of Dorian Gray // Oscar Wilde
I absolutely loved it, I enjoyed annotating a lot of things. It really captures the subject of 'decay' / 'corruption' really well since it was very realistic/humanistic as I would say it. I fucking hate lord henry, the thoughts and opinions on the book would really get you to stop and take a moment because wtf. As someone who's 20 and feels like time is going way too fast and feels afraid to grow older, this book helped me understand that 'growing old' is something natural and way beyond the physical aging of our body. It is actually my most annotated book because I really enjoyed and related to some of the thoughts and opinions.
Finished Reading: April 12, 2024
Rating: 5/5 ⭐️
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radiokbox · 3 months ago
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i love how the single cover matches with the background its so funny
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daringdoombringer · 11 months ago
“why are so many English Vocaloid songs so edgy” ok but like, have you heard them.
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cyanophen · 4 months ago
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i’ve been listing to the song Butcher Vanity by Vane Lily over and over and over again
so like a normal person i had to draw this
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doing-something-unholy · 4 months ago
I found an older version of the same dracula ballet (different cast, same choreography) i watched, in case anyone wants to see it!
The scene i was talking about that gives strong wmom vibes starts about 5 mins in <3
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akuma-tenshi · 10 months ago
woke up, saw that evelyn's trailer dropped, and immediately opened capcut. i swear i'm normal about her (i'm really not)
once again i am attached to a woman who is heavily associated with something i don't like, once again i will be annoying everyone around me about her. this isn't my best work but i really needed to make this, i had a vision (matthias edit soon i promise <3)
song is devil's casino by vane lily w/ gumi english
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aurillio-thoughts · 1 year ago
poseidon being my favorite pirate captain james flint is actually the best thing to ever happen to me
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knightofmordred · 10 months ago
yk....the people who 'won' in black sails were the people who weren't really expected to 'win' and the ones we really did expect to succeed, didn't.
in the end, max, silver, anne, jack, and adele all triumphed. technically flint did too because he was reunited with thomas again but in the context of nassau he didn't really.
max was a prostitute trying to find a way to gain some sort of power after being rejected by eleanor, but you never really thought she would succeed because of the lack of resources on her side, being punished by vane + his pirates and generally the circumstances weren't on her side. yet she gained power in nassau.
silver was basically a nobody who just wanted money. looking at where he began you would never expect to see where he ended. he gained the trust and lowkey control of his crew, he found a purpose in his life which was something other than money and himself.
jack wanted to become someone, yet he always felt so far from his goal, esp with being the shadow of vane but he absolutely became someone!
adele was also a prostitute and honestly we didn't really know much about her yet she became featherstone's wife! the wife of the governor of nassau!
eleanor was of course in charge of nassau, she was powerful and people feared her. the knowledge and skills she had, even when the british took over, there was not reason to think she wouldn't succeed. because after everything that happened, things always usually eventually fell her way but she died before she could see any real change.
vane was also one of the strongest and most powerful pirates. he didn't really have a particular goal other than being an arse but you kinda knew that the control he held would remain.
the thing is that people like max, silver and jack weren't exactly hiding in the background. they were very much identified as threats from those in power in different parts of their stories. but ultimately, i think that's one reason why they succeeded. because of their lack of power.
but it's also because of their lack of power that we didn't really think they would succeed. we knew max and silver were incredibly smart and manipulative people, able to twist things to their own benefit yet to get as far that they did is so positively mind boggling!
and i mean it's also mentioned in the show too but they were able to learn from those in power. max learnt from eleanor, silver learnt from flint, and jack learnt from vane. they quite literally saw the mistakes they made and vowed to do better. yet their education in others didn't make them who they are. eleanor didn't make max who she was, neither did flint with silver or vane with jack. they certainly became a part of them, but it didn't make them whole. and i think that is also why they won.
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honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe · 7 months ago
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
oOoOO this a good question I'll answer with songs that are perpetually stuck in my head ones that I could back to because their just that good to me
First up I got is
This song is so catchy for some reason I always find myself going back to it also helps me realize I'm not the only one sometimes with unrealistic expectations in men 😭
Second one I got is
This song is so good honestly like the vocals and lyrics just hit manage to scratch a part of my brain I didn't know I had I also love the alternate version they posted for the anniversary
I put these two in the same category cause their technically the same song just sung by different people/characters but both versions are absolute fire 🔥
The Third one I got is
I just recently found this one but ever since I did I've been having it on loop for who knows how long I'm just a sucker honestly for songs with symbolism and themes in them especially if they talk about more dark and taboo topics like this one
The Fourth One I got is
When I said I was a sucker for songs with stories and symbolism and themes behind them I wasn't kidding especially when they discuss more morbid and unnerving topics to be honest anything produced by biz is bound to be something I enjoy their whole "love it" track has been my absolute favorite of all time I love the way their are actual stories behind their songs like a whole narrative and characters you can dissect especially with the songs their releasing the lyrics exploring more dark and twisted relationships unhealthy on both sides (so far we have yet to see what they publish next and it may be something different that sticks out from the theme cause so far all the songs released in the "love it" track talk about a relationship where both parties involved are unhealthy and toxic and unhinged in some way shape or form) exploring a completely complicated web of love and toxicity all while being absolute bangers back to back overall I absolutely suggest biz as an artist if you enjoy songs talking about fucked up relationships and dynamics like their is so much nuance and analysis you can do on each song and the characters presented in each song that it keeps me coming back to them (this has honestly just divulged into me shamelessly trying to get other people to listen to this artist but let me tell you something they are super underrated in my opinion and more people need to talk about them)
And for the Fifth and Last One I got is
I love this song so much I was introduced to Frank Sinatra by my Father and have ever since become a huge fan of him it just gives such wonderful vibes Frank Sinatra is in my all time favorite artists
So that is all the songs I have listed I hope my ramblings will have convinced to check them out and their respective artists if you haven't already I left out a lot of other artists and songs I love mostly because these are the ones I am most obsessed with as of the moment but if you want you can always ask me more questions about any other songs or artists I might like I don't really have a set or specific music taste honestly I just listen to anything I like
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chestersbraincell · 5 months ago
I have this extremely specific visualisation of how to animate certain parts of “Distortionist” by Ghost and Pals but:
1. No character to make it with, I mean, I guess I could just do Crispy themselves but I prefer to usually do fandom yk?
And probably, more importantly, 2. I just don’t have the skill to pull off to what I envision in my mind
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