darligvane · 14 hours
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I had to
(This would be before Harvest betrays Gage btw! Wayyyyy before Nuka-World)
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darligvane · 2 days
Wish I had more drawings of Harvest that I was more confident in and wouldn’t get deleted off here 😔
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darligvane · 2 days
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So about Harvest…
He’s always been very “bull centric” if that makes sense. He’s a brute and a fucking asshole- amongst other things. He also has a tattoo of bull horns on his pelvis so this fits. Beastkin AU in which he’s a longhorn bull.
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darligvane · 2 days
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renton and his A cups ❤️
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darligvane · 2 days
Gage headcanons
I have these all written down in a google doc (plus way more) so I figured I might as well throw some here now that I'm getting more comfortable using tumblr lol. I'm very open to discussion about these! I might post more in the future if someone finds it interesting.
CW for: Minor mentions of addiction and some general trauma stuff. Nothing too bad I don't think but don't hold me to that.
A lot of these mention The Harvester by the way, sorry. Lore makes my brain itch.
● While he is a part of a minority of raiders who can actually read and write‐ (as evidenced by him leaving messages to Colter on his terminal) -he is dyslexic. It takes him a while to write things out coherently, and reading anything more than a few short sentences is often frustrating.
● ^ because of this, he prefers / genuinely enjoys comic books. They're light on reading and he can usually tell whats going on even without dialogue. He had a small collection of comic books back when he lived with The Harvester, and still gets kind of pissed he never got those back.
• Regarding comics, his least favorite character is the Silver Shroud. He just pisses him off.
● His eyepatch being so large is actually functional! (Somewhat) I like to think he lost his eye by getting shot in the face with a plasma round, which corroded and destroyed a large area of skin around his eye and down his cheek. So the large metal plating on his eyepatch covers the large scar.
● He actually lost his eye when he first joined The Harvesters gang when he was younger. One of Harvests gang members pulled the trigger on him when he initially approached them, thinking he had ill intentions. It sucked- but hey, at least they let him in.
● He made his own cage armor and designed it particularly around his needs rather than protection. He uses the cage to hold tools, parts, a rag, etc. while he works on things like Colters power armor or other mechanical things he fiddled with. Definitely doesn't make him very bulletproof, but following the boss around keeps him away from most combat situations anyway.
● Colter had a tendency to use Gages armor like a big handle to drag him around a lot, which he didn't particularly enjoy.
● His favorite colour is yellow, which is why his cage armor is the colour it is. He painted it himself :')
● Has the most horrific trust issues in all of mankind. (Thanks for betraying him Harvest, he will absolutely not recover from that.) He won't eat anything he doesn't see prepared himself, won't set down his drink unless he's alone, he can't sleep around other people, etc. When Colter dies and the new Overboss takes over, he doesn't even tell them where he sleeps until he trusts them entirely. He'll just dissappear at night unless you call out for him.
● These trust issues leak into his behaviors during relationships also. Down to the more simple things. He prefers to hug his partner from behind or be big spoon, he prepares food for them both, takes the night guard when camping, etc. Anything that puts him in the more advantageous position, even if its subconscious.
● The Harvester haunts him. He still sees and hears him in the shadows or corners after however many years its been. Has nightmares of him coming back and finally finishing the job, killing him. Feels the cold metal of a scythe against his throat when it isn't there... its endless. Even something as common as the sounds of distant gunfire make him paranoid, since it reminds him of the betrayal. Absolutely ruined him.
● Has tattoos inspired by / centered around The Harvesters. Covers them with his armor though. Hes got some trauma to unpack man, idk. (Should I do a tattoo tour for him?)
● One of the reasons he hates chems is from a previous addiction. He doesn't like to talk about it, but he made a few of his worst life decisions on chems and it just put a bad taste in his mouth. He'd prefer it if his Overboss / partner was in a rational state of mind, thank you.
● He is surprisingly good with animals for the most part. Particularly cats. Does the old man / dad thing where he says he doesn't like them or calls them mean names while secretly petting them or letting them hop in his lap when he's alone.
● Not usually a big fan of the more "exotic" wasteland animals though. Totally got jumpy one day and shot a Pack molerat on accident.
Thats probably enough for now. I'm happy to answer questions or expand on these more if asked, and I'll probably share more in the future. (Maybe some 18+ ones too? We'll see.)
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darligvane · 2 days
the fear in gages eyes seeing the harvester is amazing, i really can’t wait to see more pieces of him and/or gage if you get around to it!! :))
Thank you!!!! And absolutely- I plan on posting a lot more of them in the future and going more in depth with the whole crazy story between the two :) some drawings are already in the queue!
I do have a bit of a bad habit about starting multiple drawings at once then taking forever to finish them though :') so I don't have as many finished and ready to show off as I would prefer. Still, more are definitely coming!!
Howeverrrr I will use this as an excuse to show off Gage being scared again- heres some art by @porcelllio of him and Harvest :)
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darligvane · 3 days
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This started out as a kind of joke between a friend of mine about Harvest wearing a cowboy hat but it quickly turned into an actual piece lol.
Don’t say howdy to him though, he’ll kill you.
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darligvane · 4 days
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Gages pov, him and McCoy had a long night.
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darligvane · 5 days
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Wow this is old and could look a lot better. Okay.
Scenario in which Gages old boss “The Harvester” makes it through the gauntlet at Nuka-World and kills Overboss Colter. Gage hasn’t seen Harvest since he betrayed him so many years ago and presumed him dead, but unfortunately for him Connor tracked him down and is ready to resume his position as his boss.
Connor was only mentioned like… once… in Gages dialogue, but me and @porcelllio have taken that and run with it. Expect lots of art of him.
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darligvane · 5 days
red leader
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just a fanart to my childhood fandom <3
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darligvane · 6 days
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McCoy in her vault suit
She does not wear this thing often at ALL. She changed almost immediately after exiting vault 111 and only wears this in emergencies or when alone.
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darligvane · 6 days
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never posted anything here, but i thought i should just share it with you guys. gage is such a babygirl i can't...
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darligvane · 6 days
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i don’t know why i keep getting attached to characters mentioned once, anyways have gage and connor “the harvester”. i love you gage fallout 4 nuka world dlc
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darligvane · 7 days
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McCoy is my Overboss Sole Survivor, I have a few drawings of her coming up since I haven’t been posting stuff as I draw it on here lol. I have a backlog of stuff. Gage is just a guy, man idk. (I am very very very very obsessed with him, but I’m trying to be cool about it.)
I initially wanted to do an intro as my first post but I’ve come to realize that I will procrastinate that forever, so take art instead. These are older pieces, so the quality is not up to par with my more recent stuff. Expect a few more pieces of older stuff coming up.
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