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darligvane · 6 days ago
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⬇️⬇️⬇️ Details below the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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darligvane · 8 days ago
I love how Porter Gage is one of the ones that didn't change. He's already woke'd
Woke DEI Fallout companions be like
Girlcade Trannon
Rose of Transgender Lessidy
Craig Goone(r)
Raul Tejada
Lily Butchen
Girlgeant RL-H3
Butch DeLesbian
ED-They-shE (Lonesome Rode)
Porter Gage
John Handoncock
Deanette Girlmino
Veronica Santagelo
Christine Royce
Star Paladin Queer
Waking Gender
Girlshua Graham
Robette Girlseph TranCready
Nick Tranentine
Piper Notwhite
Old Girlfellow
Paladin DEInse
Gayston Gargay
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darligvane · 9 days ago
I cannot deal with the white-ification of Porter. I CANNOT. He's lightskin, sure, but some people look like they're drawing some guy named Parker Gabe instead of Porter Gage 😭 You see the tan skin, flatter nose, and those DENSE ASS CURLS ON HIS HEAD and think "yeah hes a paper plate" FUCK man oh my god. It makes me so sad when people erase those features off of him or bleach him. He's not a white guy covered in dirt holy shit. You cannot wash off that mans melanin.
The eyepatch thing makes me more disappointed than angry. Once again, yes his in-game model doesn't have anything under there- but what other characters have defining features like that?? Almost all of the other companions models are made with the regular character customisation options and just have unique outfits. (and not all of them even have that) The only companions with somewhat unique body models is Nick and maybe Hancock but idk if thats just the normal face sculpting with the ghoul skin over it. Everyone else is just the normal human, super mutant, or robot models. They don't get unique scars or anything.
The reason Gage has nothing under his eyepatch has nothing to do with him trying to "look tough" because hes trying to prove himself or something. Its because Bethesda is LAZY. Fallout 4 is particular is extremely lacking in unique character design features compared to the other games.
All of the main factions are exclusively human aside from the institute- and the synths are humanoid already and half of them are indistinguishable from regular people on top of that. The railroad has an assaultron that doesn't even look unique compared to other assaultrons other than the text on her chest. The only really unique designs we get is DiMA, Swan (boat arm), the drinking buddy (?), and maybe a few others. Not even important story characters like Kellogg get distinctive scars or other features that aren't available to the player. EVERYONE JUST GETS FUNKY CLOTHES. GAGE IS THE ONLY ONE WITH AN EYEPATCH. WHY WOULD THEY GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO GIVE HIM AN EYEPATCH IF HE DIDN'T ACTUALLY NEED IT.😭😭😭😭
i started ranting about porter gage again sorry guys
this is not directed at anyone because i see this all the time (i use “you” as a general thing) but it is SO annoying seeing people call gage ugly all of the time, in fanart and posts and whatnot. i love that he’s a grimy little raider as much as the next person but that man is not ugly! unconventionally attractive sure but who isn’t in the apocalypse. and it’s fine if you think he IS ugly because people are sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with it, but why is that the only thing you can call him..
seeing people bash on him for being unattractive mixed with how often people draw him without any of his defining features also feels so GROSS and not in the “i should block and move on way”. you find the black raider character and decide actually he’s a white man with a straight, more “attractive” haircut with a beard, he doesn’t have his big downturned nose, and decide that’s how you’ve “cleaned” him up and then talk about how gross he is in game. does this feel weird to you?
even if we ignore the possible racist undertones because it really does feel like no one realizes that… that is not a white man. it’s still so frustrating. why don’t we talk about the things we like about the character we like!! no im not liking your fanart when the caption is calling him a ugly fucking freak. i don’t even wanna talk about how ppl just assume that because his ingame model doesn’t have a unique texture under his eyepatch means that. his eye is just fine under there? where is your creativity or just draw the eye patch because its CUTEE and yes its “stupid” yes his outfit/armor is “stupid” because he’s a FUCKING RAIDER!!! you choose to just ignore the things he wears because they’re unconventional instead of thinking about how he went through the effort to paint them a bright yellow because maybe that’s his favorite color. maybe he wears that big cage because it’s convenient to hang things off of when he’s working on colter’s power armor or other mechanics. maybe he keeps his hair in that short little mohawk because he doesn’t wanna go through the effort of dealing with his curls.
where is your fucking whimsy people. call gage a nasty raider because he’s an asshole and doesn’t shower but leave all the fun about him alone. that right there is a big beautiful dorito-shaped southern man and obviously no one knows how to behave around one of those so i will be keeping him in my house
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darligvane · 16 days ago
Should I start posting my abandoned wips every now and then so I'll get the motivation to finish them... bc honestly you guys are missing out on a lot because im scared to post unfinished stuff
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darligvane · 16 days ago
His ass is sponsored by wrangler jeans
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Sometimes i feel like my art of him looks so... off. Then i realize it's just because he doesn't have his facepaint on.
Pre-betrayal (maybe even before he met Gage? He looks really young here)
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darligvane · 17 days ago
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darligvane · 20 days ago
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HAPPY 5 YEARSSS of having inappropriate workplace relationships and strange and unusual sex!! to my lovely lovely husband and muse and my favorite schizophrenic army man <33
speedpaint for the occasion :)
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darligvane · 1 month ago
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without fail i will always throw my favorite guys into the hybrid/beastkin blender and then drink them like a smoothie. and it’s always so delicious but no one Gets me. don’t worry about where the rest of this drawing went btw
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darligvane · 2 months ago
Also, I AM alive. But remembering to post is a big responsibility I cannot be trusted with.
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darligvane · 2 months ago
When we two were in love.
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I have such a soft spot for miss Molly, she deserved a last dance. (Even if she's already dead at this point, hush.)
I've been getting really into RDR2 so expect more of this nonsense. I have a mental problem and its called Dutch Van Der Linde.
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darligvane · 2 months ago
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darligvane · 4 months ago
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MORE post-betrayal Harvester because I love a sadistic fuck thats greying a little. Also plz appreciate the longhorn belt buckle I have one like that irl and think its just perfect for him.
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darligvane · 4 months ago
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Little sketch of post-betrayal Gage and Harvest.
I unfortunately cannot stop drawing Harvest no matter what i do.
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darligvane · 4 months ago
Tell us more about McCoy 👀
HI I'm SO sorry it took me so long to answer this. (It's been literal months and i've had this drafted for a second ouf...) I dissappear off the internet for months at a time pretty frequently.
I tried to write out some stuff about her without making it too long… this is just going to be a really bare-bones timeline of her story.
A decent bit of her lore aligns with Nora's canon lore. She's still a lawyer (particularly a criminal prosecutor) and her husband was still in the army. However, Shaun is her adopted nephew rather than her son. She's also a trans woman and takes estrogen.
Personality wise she wasn't exactly the “norm” pre-war. She was quiet and standoffish, and a bit bitchy; so much so that she didn't feel like she entirely fit in within the bubbling extroverted personality of Sanctuary Hills. Her distant personality led to people frequently pushing her boundaries when interacting with her.
Post-war, she gets dragged into leading the minutemen for the first year or so despite only really wanting to find her nephew. She quickly grows to detest the group, since they kept piling on more people for her to help- rather than helping her find Shaun as they promised. (Though she's still relatively nice to the settlers she assists.)
Upon entering the institute and discovering the status of her nephew, she pretty much immediately loses her composure and kills him. She manages to escape the institute without being detected, and promptly flees the commonwealth entirely- following the instructions from the Nuka-Cola family radio broadcast.
Although nearly dying in the Gauntlet, she quickly thrives as Overboss. The freedom being a raider provides her makes the more callous side of her personality blossom, and her connections with the commonwealth settlements make it easy for her to enslave and exploit the people there. The Pack and The Operators receive the most of her grace, leading to the eventual riddance of The Disciples (although she keeps Savoy alive for Gage) ((I have something going on between them a little bit its complicated))
I don't want to go too in depth here since I'm planning a whole post (and a painfully long fanfiction but who knows if I'll actually finish that) of her personality and story. All this also completely leaves out the stuff with her and Gage which is what I have ironed out the most ironically enough. I'm so happy to have someone ask stuff about her!
+sketch for a wip as extra compensation
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darligvane · 5 months ago
Wips on the train today :) still working on that comic.
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I also have an ask or two I need to answer soon but it might take a second 😭 going to be a very busy next few days. If you asked something I promise I'll get to that at some point ✌️
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darligvane · 5 months ago
Creepy asshole smiling gif
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Animating on procreate is a real pain in the ass, you know that? Trying to get used to it though.
—————— Pretentious rambling below here 🔻
One of my favorite things about Harvests design is his smile. He's a sick individual with a complete lack of morals, arguably one of the worst raiders out in the wastes. The suffering of others is just a byproduct of his existence and often just a result of his impulse rather than actual malice.
He’s perverse, manipulative, overly indulgent on plenty worse things than chems (though he loves to shoot up psycho) and I like to think his smile is representative of that. It’s over the top, too wide, too straight for a raider, sickening even. It would look unnatural or uncanny on most other people but it suits him fine even in situations where smiling is inappropriate (even for a raider) because there’s something distinctly inhuman about him. He’s unpredictable.
He could be smiling because he likes you, sure. It’s nice to imagine he approves of you in some sense so maybe he won’t kill you- but more likely than not he doesn’t really care about you one way or the other. (He doesn’t think about most people that hard) He’s just smiling to make you feel something, to make you think something, because it’s simply entertaining to control someone like that. To put thoughts in their head. Or, he could be thinking about skinning you alive. You never really know. His smile doesn’t actually tell you anything because he’s almost always wearing it, or at the very least willing to put it on without much reason. It’s just what he does.
I could talk about this jackass forever if you can’t tell. To be cringe is to be free.
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darligvane · 5 months ago
18+ only — Gage x McCoy 🎉
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Hi, yeah I draw nsfw sometimes. (More often than not, honestly.) Gage turned out way better than McCoy did but I’m proud of this one so you get to look at it.
Link to full is in read more 🔻
Full is linked here
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