#Valkyrie dnd
dragonborndigitalart · 11 months
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We have fun during our Friday Night DND Sessions
Drawing 1:
Our Patoo variant Owlin rogue Reginald signaling to the rest of the party that there are 3 goblins in the cave and the collective +0 Int of my human variant Paladin Valkyrie and sister’s half-orc Barabrian Razura clearly misreading the signal. Then our gnome bard of the group Berror staring up at our muscles. Meanwhile, the Dragonborn fighter Chaddington the 88th is the only one to piece together what Reginald actually meant.
Drawing 2:
Razura rages as three thug patrons don’t pay their tab at the bar and insult her. She cuts their arms off and makes them pay their tab before they pass out from blood loss.
Drawing 3:
NPC Collinsworth returning to the banker he serves from the tavern Razura made a mess in with blood on his shoes. We’re definitely adopting him.
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smashdraws · 4 months
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My Oath of Glory paladin, Ragna 💘 She's only had 1 piece of reference art since her creation, so this was a long-awaited glow up!
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mollish-art · 4 months
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Hale is a character who means a lot to me, being one that I have sort of grown up with by cosplaying her at various Ren Faires with some IRL friends whom I've known for years.
She's a revenant valkyrie of sorts with some storm/lightning powers and various raven motifs (she adorns her armor with feathers, can manifest wings, and the markings on her forearms/legs are reminiscent of the leg scales on a corvid).
Hale favors her massive battleaxe when it comes to combat, but she has an emotional attachment to a seax with a feather-shaped blade that was gifted to her by a close childhood friend. She's also aro/ace! 💜 🩶 🖤
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howlingday · 9 months
just for fun paladin jaune au) jaune is a paladin of the arc ancestors. his abilites are the standard fare for a paladin with some ancestral gifts, namely a belt of physical might +4 (con and str) a ring of evasion, and a cape of resistance that levels up with him (starting at +1) the thing is jaune is a min maxed paladin so while his charisma is a maxed out 20 at level 1 and his str is 18 and con 16 his dex int and wis are all 7. ie he's a clumsy himbo. how does he end up on a team with the worlds greatest fighter (pyrrha aldori an Aldori defender fighter) a dwarf barbarian (nora) and the greatest martial artist in the world? (sensei monk lie ren with maxed out wisdom) and why are the all looking at him to lead?
======================== Jaune Arc Paladin Oath of Ancients STR 18 DEX 7 CON 16 INT 7 WIS 7 CHA 20 ========================
Jaune: What are you guys looking at?
Pyrrha: ...You're the leader.
Jaune: What?!
Pyrrha: All in favor? (Raises her hand)
Nora: (Raises hand, Jumping) Aye~!
Ren: (Raises hand) Aye.
Pyrrha: All oppose?
Jaune: Er, n-nay?
Pyrrha: The motion passes. You are now our leader.
Jaune: Uh... Okay? So, what do I do now?
Nora: Carry my on your back!
Jaune: What?
Nora: Uppies! I want uppies!
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blackknight300 · 7 months
Nora Perception Check
Team RNJR playing DND waiting for Qrow to wake up before Vol. 5 …
Jaune - "On the horizon of this forest path, you see a group of dark-cloaked figures slowly trudging towards you. What do you do?"
Ruby - "My half-orc barbarian braces her greathammer and- That's a one"
Jaune - "Critical fail. Ren, what do you do?"
Ren - "Well, I believe in anticipation, my rogue would try and hide behind a tree- ...Okay, I rolled a one"
Jaune - "That's another critical fail. Nora, what does your human bard do?"
Nora - "Active Perception Check"
Jaune - "...That's a natural 20"
Nora - "Let's fucking go" ( Starts playing a flute and singing)
I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
These muthafuckas mean to harm us
And they got to go
So come on, get 'em now!
You picked the wrong day to fuck around with my
Tight crew
There's no escaping it
I can perceive you
Here's what we're gonna do
Me and my boys gonna mess you up
Ruby - I rolled a one
Ren - I rolled a one
Nora - Fuck!
My boys are otherwise engaged
So I'm gonna bring it all myself
Nora - "Hey, I forgot, you're supposed to tell me what I see, right?"
Jaune - "Yes, thank you. Let's just slow it all down a bit. So, you notice that one of the hooded figures is a little shorter-"
Nora - "I cast Vicious Mockery, nat 20, let's go!!"
You're a short muthafucka
And nobody likes you
Everybody says "Look how fucking short that guy is"
And that stops you from forming meaningful relationships
When you were born, everybody thought that you were just a head
But then the doctor said
Nora - "Wait, this stupid muthafuckin' tiny short ass baby got a tiny little itty bitty body and I hate it"
Jaune - "Your attack lands and absolutely shatters the mind of the cloaked figure. Perception check, please"
Nora - "Nat 20, let's go!"
Jaune - "You perceive the figure was so short because it was a CHILD"
Nora - "It's always a kid..."
Jaune - "Specifically, the child you've been looking for for the last 15 days game time and 5 days of our actual lives"
Nora - "Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't know, I'll be better. His body's just lying there, right? ...Right?"
Jaune - "Yes...? Don't-"
Nora - Loot that body
Gotta loot that body now
Loot that body!
Gotta loot that muthafucka!
Play my flute when I loot that dead kid's body
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jaybeepixels · 2 months
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I made Team JNPR from RWBY in Baldur's Gate 3!
(Watch here)
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lightningmonarchda3 · 3 months
here me out. AU where all the maradures era characters (even the slytherin skittles) are just huge nerds playing DnD twice a week together
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didyoutrydynamite · 6 months
For DnD au, how many people in the world know of the chosen one, Pyrrha, having feelings for Jaune?
On the Mortal Plain, Nora and Ren. Nora is wingmanning it hard and Ren doesn't really care.
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tabletopresources · 5 months
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Valkyrie By OmeN2501
Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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thornaelle · 1 year
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Freyja Einarsdottir for @commandersarah!
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midnightcmedia · 5 months
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Four prisoners find themselves loosed upon a dying world. What is it that awaits them out there? Angels? Devils? Men? The first episode of 30 Candles is out now at Rolling Midnight wherever you listen to podcasts!
Art by Addie Lillard
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softseaside · 10 months
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Golden Valkyrie ☀️⚔️🪽 decided to make a full illustration out of a doodle I made a while ago :D
Valtyra is my partner’s DnD character who is in a relationship with Ni’onthe (my DnD character) :3
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alienrascal · 24 days
Massive confession: I miss my dnd ocs :(
I wasn't very good at playing and had a lot of anxiety including roleplaying in the games, but I still very much miss my characters. I recently gave away all my books though, holding onto them while only dreaming about plans was painful af
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pilot-boi · 1 year
If the main cast of RWBY played D&D, what classes would they choose to play as? Who’s the DM?
I’ve always thought Jaune would be the DM. He’s the strategist, so he’d be the best at running combats. Also he’s a theater kid (trust me Miles Luna told me) so my dude has the right vibes for storytelling
As for what classes they’d all play as, I can go easy or hard. Easy is just giving them whatever class is closest to what they are in real life. Hard is choosing what I think THEY would pick
For example, Yang.
Easy mode: Yang is a barbarian. She relies on her strength, has little to no armor, and her semblance is basically Rage
Hard mode: Yang is a paladin. Yang at her core is a protector, she’s the resident mom friend of the group. She would pick a class where she can fight, but tired of her friends getting hurt, she can also protect and heal them. She’s INCREDIBLY devoted to a cause and loyal to a literal fault so ya know… paladin
Easy mode is as I said, easy. Ruby is a fighter/cleric, Weiss is a wizard, Blake is a rogue, Yang is a barbarian/fighter. Jaune is a paladin/bard, Pyrrha is a fighter, Nora is a barbarian, Ren is a monk/ranger, Oscar is a warlock. Emerald is a rogue, and Penny is a sorcerer/artificer
Hard mode is… harder. Yang, like I said, I think would be a paladin. Ruby is a sorcerer, Weiss is a barbarian, Blake is a monk. Jaune is a warlock, Pyrrha is a cleric, Nora is a druid, Ren is a blood hunter, Oscar is a fighter. Emerald is a wizard and Penny is a barbarian
But that’s just my opinion
I’d be happy to expand on any of these if you want :]
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howlingday · 5 months
Team JNPR encounter a Red Dragon during a mission, and not just anyRed Dragon, but D&D’s chonkiest boi Themberchaud.
After taking a wrong turn in a cave, thanks to somebody not sharing the map, Team JNPR found themselves on an unusual sight. Seated deep within the caverns below rested a very large, bulbous, hefty, fat dragon with scales as fiery red as lava. Beneath it was a mass of glittering gold and steel.
"Ooh~! Look at that!" Nora cooed, pointing at the dragon.
"Nora, don't point." Ren took her hand with the extended finger down to her side, only for her other hand and finger to take it's place.
"What should we do, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked her leader.
"Well..." Jaune looked to the parchment in his hands. "The map doesn't say anything about passing a dragon to reach the treasure, so we should be completely fine up here, right?"
"Mhm!" Pyrrha nodded.
"I agree." Ren agreed.
"Well, there's just one problem, Jaune."
"What's that, Nora?" He looked to Ren's partner, only to find she was no longer on the cliff above the dragon. In fact, she was sliding down the chain dangling from the cliff to a platform leading to the dragon. "NORA?!"
"Shhhh!" She shushed, already at the bottom of the chain. She then turned and skipped ahead towards certain death while the rest of Team JNPR scrambled to stop her, descending the chain as swiftly as possible.
Ren carefully swung from platform to platform around the chains, reaching the bottom with little effort on his part.
Pyrrha jumped from platform to platform, rolling on each landing to mitigate harm to herself from each great leap.
Jaune undecidedly dismissed the platforms and fell to the ground with a thud. Thankfully, his aura had taken the brunt of the damage. Mostly.
Nora was almost at the gargantuan garnet glutton of a guardian when it began to stir. It's heavy eyelids lazily lifted from their task of obscuring the golden eyes of the massive maroon monster-muncher from observing the trespassing party placed preceding the portly poppy patriarch pigging out.
"Dinner?" Rumbled the tired titan of- "It's not often I get a meal from the surface." The dragon rudely interrupted my alliteration. "And what are the names of my snacks?"
"We're Team JNPR, and we're here to kick your fat butt!" Nora challenged from behind Jaune, whose face paled as if he were staring down death itself. In a way, he was, and death has embers spilling from it's mouth.
"Such insolence!" Snapped the bellowing Wyrmsmith. "I will dine on an appetizer of your screams before consuming the remains of your roasted flesh!"
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centii-art · 3 months
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TW: scars
I'm IN LOVE with how this turned out. I still have a bit to learn, but this was a super fun learning experience! This is one of the PC from my curse of strahd group
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