#Valentin Ciobanu
goalhofer · 13 days
2024 olympics Moldova roster
Dan Olaru (Chișinău)
Alexandra Mîrca (Chișinău)
Serghei Marghiev (Chișinău)
Andrian Mardare (Nemțeni)
Zalina Nichișenco (Chișinău)
Dimitriana Bezede (Chișinău)
Alexandra Emilianov (Chișinău)
Serghei Tarnovschi (Chișinău)
Daniela Cociu (Chircăiești)
Maria Olărașu (Mingir)
Alisa Glinka (Chișinău)
Mihail Latișev (Chișinău)
Denis Vieru (Chișinău)
Adil Osmanov (Chișinău)
Anna Dulce (Chișinău)
Pavel Alovațki (Chișinău)
Tatiana Salcuțan (Tirapol)
Table tennis
Vladislav Ursu (Chișinău)
Marin Robu (Nisporeni)
Radu Lefter (Chișinău)
Valentin Petic (Chișinău)
Maxim Saculțan (Chișinău)
Victor Ciobanu (Florești)
Mariana Drăguțan (Strășeni)
Anastasia Nichita (Tătărești)
Irina Rîngaci (Leova)
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Vânzările de poliţe pentru asigurarea locuințelor au crescut semnificativ după cutremurele din Turcia și Gorj
„Vânzările zilnice de poliţe facultative pentru locuinţe emise de Generali România s-au majorat de până la cinci ori în perioada imediat următoare evenimentelor din Turcia şi ulterior a celor din România, din judeţul Gorj”, a declarat pentru Agerpres Valentin Ciobanu, director Departament Asigurări Generale Retail şi IMM Generali România. El a explicat că, în urma analizei solicitărilor primite…
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bmhasdeu · 3 years
4 MAI — Chișinăul de azi
4 MAI — Chișinăul de azi
Evenimente: 1814 — A fost semnat ucazul sinodal care permitea mitropolitului Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni de a deschide o tipografie eparhială.1843 — Are loc deschiderea oficială la Chişinău a primei tipografii particulare din Basarabia – tipografia lui Akim Popov. S-au născut: 1828 — Constantin Stamati-Ciurea, scriitor, prozator, dramaturg și publicist născut la Chișinău, fiul scriitorului…
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ryttu3k · 3 years
Last did this in 2017! My top five (in no particular order, first place aside) for each year since 2006, which is when I started watching seriously! Italicised name is my favourite for that year.
Mihai Traistariu (Romania) - Tornero
Lordi (Finland) - Hard Rock Hallelujah
Sibel Tuzun (Turkey) - Superstar
LT United (Lithuania) - We Are The Winners
Dima Bilan (Russia) - Never Let You Go
Marija Serifovic (Serbia) - Molitva
Eric Paplaya (Austria) - Get A Life Get Alive
Verka Serduchka (Ukraine) - Dancing Lasha Tumbai
Natalia Barbu (Moldova) - Fight
Koldun (Belarus) - Work Your Magic
Laka (Bosnia-Herzegovina) - Pokusaj
Pirates Of The Sea (Latvia) - Wolves Of The Sea
Jelena Tomasevic (Serbia) - Oro
Dima Bilan (Russia) - Believe
Euroband (Iceland) - This Is My Life
Malena Ernman (Sweden) - La Voix
Svetlana Loboda (Ukraine) - Be My Valentine! (Anti-Crisis Girl)
Nelly Ciobanu (Moldova) - Hora Din Moldova
Flor-de-Lis (Portugal) - Todas As Ruas Do Amor
Noa & Mira Awad (Israel) - There Must Be Another Way
Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) - Playing With Fire
Sun Stroke Project & Olia Tira (Moldova) - Run Away
Vukasin Brajic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) - Thunder And Lightning
maNga (Turkey) - We Could Be The Same
Hera Björk (Iceland) - Je Ne Sais Quoi
Getter Jaani (Estonia) - Rockefeller Street
Giorgos Alkaios & Friends (Greece) - OPA!
Dino Merlin (Bosnia & Herzegovina) - Love In Rewind
Eric Saade (Sweden) - Popular
Kati Wolf (Hungary) - What About My Dreams
Loreen (Sweden) - Euphoria
Buranovskiye Babushki (Russia) - Party For Everybody
Mandinga (Romania) - Zaleilah
Kaliopi (FYR Macedonia) - Crno I Belo
Pasha Parfeny (Moldova) - Lăutar
Cezar (Romania) - It’s My Life
Emmelie de Forest (Denmark) - Only Teardrops
Aliona Moon (Moldova) - O Mie
Koza Mostra and Agathonas Iakovidis (Greece) - Alcohol Is Free
Margaret Berger (Norway) - I Feed You My Love
Conchita Wurst (Austria) - Rise Like A Phoenix
Aram MP3 (Armenia) - Not Alone
Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) - Miracle
Pollaponk (Iceland) - No Prejudice
Softengine (Finland) - Something Better
Bojana Stamenov (Serbia) - Beauty Never Lies
Mans Zelmerlow (Sweden) - Heroes
Guy Sebastian (Australia) - Tonight Again
Maraaya (Slovenia) - Here For You
Ann Sophie (Germany) - Black Smoke
Mans Zermerlow & Petra Mede (Sweden) - Love Love Peace Peace
Okay no that was totally the best song of the night fight me. Next four in no particular order because you scientifically can’t beat Love Love Peace Peace.
Laura Tesoro (Belgium) - What’s The Pressure
Dami Im (Australia) - Sound Of Silence
Poli Genova (Bulgaria) - If Love Was A Crime
Barei (Spain) - Say Yay!
Ilinca feat. Alex Florea (Romania) - Yodel It!
Naviband (Belarus) - Story Of My Life
IMRI (Israel) - I Feel Alive
Jana Burceska (FYR Macedonia) - Dance Alone
Tijana Bogicevic (Serbia) - In Too Deep
Netta (Israel) - Toy
Eleni Foureira (Cyprus) - Fuego
Jessika feat. Jenifer Brenning (San Marino) - Who We Are
Saara Aalto (Finland) - Monsters
Yianna Terzi (Greece) - Oniro Mou
Only four here. This was... not my favourite year.
KEiiNO (Norway) - Spirit In The Sky
Kate Miller-Heidke (Australia) - Zero Gravity
Miki (Spain) - La Venda
ZENA (Belarus) - Like It
Måneskin (Italy) - Zitti E Buoni
Go_A (Ukraine) - Shum
Blind Channel (Finland) - Dark Side
Efendi (Azerbaijan) - Mata Hari
Destiny (Malta) - Je Me Casse
Top three years by number of favourite songs (songs I rated 8/12 or higher) are now 2008 (16 songs), 2014 (13 songs), and 2021 (14 songs), and honourable mention to 2016 for the best hosting in the history of the show (10 songs). Least favourite was 2019 (four songs. Four).
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human-turmoil · 4 years
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Crâmpei din definiția iubirii
Tremuratoare-i umbra dulce-a vieții ce omul o învață prin iubire din fașa cea de fragedă pruncie și din sărutul mamei, din privire!
Ce e iubirea?
Râul care curge ...precum o apa... limpede izvor .. chiar daca uneori curge prin sânge ca un venin amăgitor.
Pe drumul vieții vin și valuri, se mai ivesc niste furtuni!
Tot ce contează e iubirea și să rămânem calzi și buni!
Ce este dorul?
Depărtarea de sufletul care-l iubesti,
Îmbrățișarea spusă prin cuvinte sufletești!
(Valentin Ciobanu)
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mesagerulneamt · 6 years
Valentin Ciobanu- incompatibil în Consiliul Local, perfect la Publiserv, o societate a municipiului
Valentin Ciobanu- incompatibil în Consiliul Local, perfect la Publiserv, o societate a municipiului
Ceea ce știau și curcile, că Valentin Ciobanu a făcut afaceri cu societăți ale municipalității sau cu instituții subordonate, a anunțat acum oficial Agenția Națională de Integritate. Ales consilier pe lista PNL, Ciobanu s-a făcut remarcat prin ieșiri grobiene la adresa presei care-i amintea de aceste contracte. Când era clar că nu mai poate continua, partidul l-a trimis pe un post călduț, bine…
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mexicaneurolover · 6 years
Eurovision 2009 my top 42
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of this ESC top series, and I go back to May 12, 14 and 16, 2009, when the 54th edition of the contest was held in Moscow, Russia, after Dima Bilan’s victory in Belgrade last year. 42 countries took part, while San Marino withdrew and Georgia was disqualified because of a breach of the contest rules, Slovakia returned to the contest after their last showing in 1998. This year is known as the one when the juries returned, making 50% of the final score together with the televote, this year it was only implemented on the final, but in next years they were introduced on the semis as well. The contest was won by Norway and Alexander Rybak with the song Fairytale, making this their 3rd win overall and also he set a record number of points and a record for the most 12 points, so it was a very smashing victory. Also the stage was so stunning and big, I love that stage so much. And now, let’s review the songs!
1st Place: NORWAY/Alexander Rybak-Fairytale (Real Placing: 1st-387 points)
This guy has one of my favorite songs of all time, and it’s timeless, the music is so pretty, the lyrics resume my love life and he’s so cute, the performance is a truly fairytale and after many listens throughout the years, I never get tired of it. 
2nd Place: FRANCE/Patricia Kaas-Et si’l fallait le faire (Real Placing: 8th-107 points) 
This is such a masterpiece, her voice is so wonderful, I’m in love with it and her pronunciation, the music is like something out of a French movie, and it’s stunning, the performance is perfect and she’s such a classy singer. A lot of passion and feeling in this song, 
3rd Place: ICELAND/Yohanna-Is it true? (Real Placing: 2nd-218 points)
Well, this song is so heartbreaking because of the lyrics, her voice is so good, the performance is cute with that dress and the background, the music is so pretty and it’s a very enjoyable song, such a precious ballad and Yohanna is so beautiful as well. This in 2010 would’ve been better, sadly, that’s just a fairytale, and she was beaten by a fairytale as well. 
4th Place: UNITED KINGDOM/Jade Ewen-It’s my time (Real Placing: 5th-173 points) 
A magical ballad out of a Broadway musical, her voice is simply angelic, the music is stunning, beautiful, the staging is gorgeous, she’s beautiful and it’s the best UK entry of the decade for me. This has a very nice building and it finished with class and elegance. Simply beautiful. 
5th Place: AZERBAIJAN/AySel & Arash-Always (Real Placing: 3rd-207 points)
This is what I call an Azerbaijani song, this mends the damage they did to myself last year, this song is catchy, modern, dancy, it’s such a perfect song and it has ethnic sounds as well. They sing nice, the performance is so wonderful and I’m in love with it. 
6th Place: ESTONIA/Urban Symphony-Rändajad (Real Placing: 6th-129 points)
This is one of the songs I use to concentrate before my studies, the music is so magical, her voice is so beautiful and calm, it’s like a fairy, the staging is pretty and wow, I always feel out of this dimension with this song, it’s so relaxing as well. It’s one of the best Estonian entries in the world. 
7th Place: SWEDEN/Malena Ernman-La voix (Real Placing: 21st-33 points)
LA VOIIIIIIIIIIX, this lady is such a charming person, her smile is pretty and the song is so good, it’s one of my fave songs from Sweden of the late 00′s and her voice is such a delight to listen. The music is so schlager and that’s what makes me love it. Her dress is so beautiful and yeah, Sweden was underrated that year. 
8th Place: TURKEY/Hadise-Düm tek tek (Real Placing: 4th-177 points)
Wow, this song has an ethnic style to it and Hadise is such a perfect singer, also she’s stunning, the performance is everything and the düm tek tek part is very catchy and I enjoy it so much, I loved it since the first time I heard it and wow, it’s charming. 
9th Place: SPAIN/Soraya Arnelas-La noche es para mí (Real Placing: 24th-23 points)
Oh come on, this song is very good and finished second last, the music is enchanting, her voice is good, wish I could say the same to the backing singers, but it’s a nice song, the lyrics are good, and the performance is okay, surely this is a very catchy song. 
10th Place: ARMENIA/Inga & Anush-Jan jan (Real Placing: 10th-92 points)
Armenia again serving quality, this entry has a lot of ethnic sounds, the dancing is perfect, they sing so well together and this feels like something out of the desert, the staging is so clever and effective and it’s such a lovely song, JAN JAN 
11th Place: GREECE/Sakis Rouvas-This is our night (Real Placing: 7th-120 points)
Again the Greek god is back, and with an amazing song as his last attempt in 2004, not the result he wanted but this song is so good, I love the music because it’s very modern for the time and the performance was so good and epic. 
12th Place: ISRAEL/Noa & Mira Awad-There must be another way (Real Placing: 16th-53 points) 
A very powerful song with a deep meaning, these ladies surely have nice harmonies and the music is so beautiful, also ARABIC AGAIN IN ESC, it’s so nice. I enjoy so much the bridge before the last part, it’s simply stunning. 
13th Place: PORTUGAL/Flor-de-lis-Todas as ruas do amor (Real Placing: 15th-57 points) 
A cheerful and happy song, also the stage is so colorful and beautiful, her voice is calm and sweet and that makes the song so enjoyable, the music is so stunning and it’s one of the most calm songs ever. 
14th Place: MALTA/Chiara-What if we (Real Placing: 22nd-31 points)
Aww Chiara is back for a third time, and even if I think this is her weakest song, it has a lot of beauty and the music is so perfect and good, her voice is, as always, stunning and out of this world and she’s the only one that can fill a big stage with only a beautiful voice.  
15th Place: MONTENEGRO/Andrea Demirović-Just get out of my life (Real Placing: 11th SF1-44 points) 
Why this failed to qualify, the music is so good, her voice is amazing and the performance is simple but charming and effective, I always dance to this one and IMO one of the best Montenegrin entries on the contest. 
16th Place: BELARUS/Petr Elfimov-Eyes that never lie (Real Placing: 13th SF1-25 points) 
Another epic and nice rock song, his voice is so cool and the music is so powerful and inspiring, the performance is amazing and full of lights, also THAT STEADICAM SHOT IS EPIC AND PERFECT. It’s one of my favorite songs that year and IMO this deserved the final, but there were many amazing songs. 
17th Place: MOLDOVA/Nelly Ciobanu-Hora din Moldova (Real Placing: 14th-69 points) 
SUCH AN ENERGETIC SONG AND I LOVE IT, her voice is such a pleasant trip, the performance is happy and catchy and the music is perfect, one of my favorite Moldovan songs ever. This makes me want to go to Moldova and dance there. 
18th Place: ROMANIA/Elena-The Balkan girls (Real Placing: 19th-40 points)
Wow, this song is so nice, it has a fresh feeling to it and the music has nice elements, also she has a nice voice, it’s a very cute song and I love the Balkan girls.  
19th Place: FINLAND/Waldo’s People-Lose control (Real Placing: 25th-22 points/last) 
Why this finished last? I love this song so much, but maybe I love more the studio version, the performance here is so cool and I love the projections. Their voices are good but not the best, but the music is so epic and I like it. An undeserved last place. 
20th Place: CROATIA/Igor Cukrov & Andrea-Lijepa tena (Real Placing: 18th-45 points)
Hey Igor... I mean, this is a very lovely song, the music is so charming and he has a very nice voice, also Andrea is a very talented singer and I’m so amazed by this song, at first I thought it was boring but now I like it, such a nice entry. 
21st Place: ALBANIA/Kejsi Tola-Carry me in your dreams (Real Placing: 17th-48 points) 
The music here is one of the best things ever from Albania, I enjoy it so much, her voice is so special and the performance is quite weird but I like it, I’m hypnotized by that bridge and also, I feel so guilty because this is very low on my top. 
22nd Place: UKRAINE/Svetlana Loboda-Be my valentine (Real Placing: 12th-76 points)
SVETLANA <3 she’s so stunning, the music is so nice, it’s so powerful and memorable, also her voice is so good and the performance is quite weird because there were many things happening at the same time, still, I like this song and it’s one of the entries that I always remember from this year. 
23rd Place: GERMANY/Alex Swings, Oscar Sings-Miss Kiss Kiss Bang (Real Placing: 20th-35 points)  
One of my guiltiest pleasures ever, this entry has everything, a nice singer, the performance is so pretty and cool, the music has a mix of classic elements and modern touches and Oscar is cute. I don’t know why but I can’t stay still while listening to this song. 
24th Place: BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA/Regina-Bistra voda (Real Placing: 9th-106 points)
THE INTRO OMG <3 it’s so good, the music is so relaxing and beautiful, his voice is so amazing and it’s a very nice entry, love the Balkan elements and everything here blends perfectly. I’m so mesmerized by this song, and I feel so bad because of putting this so low. 
25th Place: ANDORRA/Susanne Georgi-La teva decisió (Get a life) (Real Placing: 15th SF1-8 points)   
This song is so good, the music is charming, her voice is very nice and the whole package is so pleasant to hear, I’m so happy because of this song, it’s so nostalgic as well and sadly this is the last Andorran song to date, which is a shame because they were very good. 
26th Place: CYPRUS/Christina Metaxa-Firefly (Real Placing: 14th SF2-32 points) 
Another lovely and cute ballad, she’s so beautiful and cute, the music is subtle and the performance is beautiful, her voice could’ve been better and the last part it’s so epic, I love this song as well. 
27th Place: POLAND/Lidia Kopania-I don’t wanna leave (Real Placing: 12th SF2-43 points) 
A lovely ballad, her voice is so stunning, as well as the performance, the music is so cool and wow, I’m in love with her, this is a beautiful song and I’m in love with this song as well. 
28th Place: SLOVENIA/Quartissimo feat. Martina-Love symphony (Real Placing: 16th SF2-14 points) 
The music here is so cute and lovely, which makes the 80% of the song and I like it, maybe her voice was a bit off key here, and it’s very sad because it could’ve lifted this song to the sky, overall this entry is very enjoyable and I can imagine it being played live instead of a backing track. 
29th Place: RUSSIA/Anastasiya Prikhodko-Mamo (Real Placing: 11th-91 points)
WHAT A VOICE DOES SHE HAS, the music is so deep and the meaning of the song is very sad but I like it, the performance is quite creepy but it’s effective, I can’t place it higher because I like more other 28 songs. Also Ukranian on a Russian song... interesting. 
30th Place: DENMARK/Niels Brinck-Believe again (Real Placing: 13th-74 points)   
This entry isn’t bad, but I’m not so fond of it, also this reminds me of another song, his voice is quite good and the music is nice, sadly I can’t connect with it and it’s a bit flat though. 
31st Place: SERBIA/Marko Kon and Milaan-Cipela (Real Placing: 10th SF2-60 points)  
Oh this is such an interesting song, his voice is so deep but enjoyable, the music is lovely and catchy, also the performance is so colorful and cool, it’s one of my guilty pleasures ever. 
32nd Place: SWITZERLAND/Lovebugs-The highest heights (Real Placing: 14th SF1-15 points)  
This is a very lovely song, the music is cool, but the voice of the lead singer could’ve been better, also the staging is stunning, it’s one of the songs I can’t decide properly which place will it be on my top, I like it. 
33rd Place: IRELAND/Sinéad Mulvey and Black Daisy-Et cetera (Real Placing: 11th SF2-52 points)
Awwww pure nostalgia, this song is like the music I heard those years, her voice is good and the music is so perfect, but still I struggle to remember this song at all. 
34th Place: HUNGARY/Zoli Ádok-Dance with me (Real Placing: 15th SF2-16 points)
Oh of course I’ll dance with you.. ehem... well this song is interesting, the disco sounds are nice but his voice could’ve been better, also that outfit it’s quite hideous, not one of Hungary’s best attempts ever.  
35th Place: FYR MACEDONIA/Next Time-Nešto što kje ostane (Real Placing: 10th SF1-45 points)
This is a very decent song, but I can’t remember it instantly, I love the music and the voice of the lead singer is good, still, I think this needed a better hook. A nice average rock song. 
36th Place: THE NETHERLANDS/The Toppers-Shine (Real Placing: 17th SF2-11 points)
A entry with potential ruined by a mediocre beat and the performance isn’t very good.They could’ve been better. The only thing I remember about this one is the DJ behind because it’s adorable. The rest... meh.  
37th Place: LITHUANIA/Sasha Son-Love (Real Placing: 23rd-23 points)  
I see why this is a nice song, the music is lovely and the verses are good, but the chorus ruins this song, also it’s a bit boring after many listens and that makes me feel sad about this one. 
38th Place: CZECH REPUBLIC/Gipsy.cz-Aven romale (Real Placing: 18th SF1-0 points/last)
This entry is funny? The music is interesting and the staging is very good, sadly I’m missing something in this one and turns annoying after a while into it, his clothes are lovely, I want that costume so badly. 
39th Place: LATVIA/Intars Busulis-Probka (Real Placing: 19th SF2-7 points/last)
This performance is the proof you need to never drink energy drinks before hitting the stage, the music is interesting and the chorus is very good, but the verses ruin this and overall makes this entry messy and weird. 
40th Place: SLOVAKIA/Kamil Mikulčík and Nela Pocisková-Let’ tmou (Real Placing: 18th SF2-8 points) 
A sad return for Slovakia, the music is charming, but I’m not fond of her voice so much because I think it’s a bit annoying and screamish, also I think that the chorus has a messy melody and progression, that doesn’t match the verses. 
41st Place: BELGIUM/Copycat-Copycat (Real Placing: 17th SF1-1 point)
Oh an Elvis tribute, but sadly this is a bit bad actually, the music is quite good but this didn’t work on stage, because it felt empty and cheap, his voice is nice, but I can’t put this entry higher. 
42nd Place: BULGARIA/Krassimir Avramov-Illusion (Real Placing: 16th SF1-7 points)
Oh this song is a complete mess from top to bottom, the voices are very bad, the music sounds a bit cheap and the staging is so weird, I always want to forget this song because it’s very bad, nothing here connects with me. 
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xartero · 3 years
Alexandr Litvinov, Alexandra Maiakovski, Diana Kaiiazan, Dimitar Velicichov, Dmitri Murahovschi, Dragos Bojin, Druba Mazumder, Dumitru Macovei, Evgen Sudin, Gheorghe Coman, Gheorghe Zvarici, Glodeanu Dumitru, Ihor Hilko, Iurie Matei, Jan Albu, Josan Eusebiu, Kata Rudakova, Lucia Juncu, Maria Jarda, Mugur Popa, Pavlova Inna, Radu Negru, Sorin Bargaoan, Valentin Caisin, Vali Irina Ciobanu, Victor Covalciuc, Victor Frimu, Vitalie Butescu
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actualitate · 3 years
Naționala olimpică de fotbal a României s-a reunit la cantonamentul de la Mogoșoaia
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Conform FRF, reprezentativa olimpică se va pregăti la Centrul Național de Fotbal de la Mogoșoaia în regim închis până la plecarea în Japonia, programată la 15 iulie. „Deși inițial a acceptat ca Denis Ciobotariu să fie prezent la Jocurile Olimpice, clubul CFR Cluj s-a răzgândit, motiv pentru care jucătorul nu s-a mai prezentat la reunire. De asemenea, cu toate că se afla la București și era pregătit să intre în cantonamentul de la Mogoșoaia, George Pușcaș a fost chemat de clubul Reading. Fotbalistul a anunțat staff-ul tehnic de acest lucru și s-a întors în Anglia”, a transmis FRF. Prin urmare, selecționerul Mirel Rădoi a decis să apeleze la Andrei Sîntean, fotbalistul care în sezonul trecut a bifat 20 de meciuri pentru FC Hermannstadt. Lotul selecționatei României la Jocurile Olimpice este următorul: Portari: Marian Aioani (Farul Constanța), Mihai Popa (Astra), Ștefan Târnovanu (FCSB); Fundași: Andrei Rațiu (Villarreal/Spania), Ricardo Grigore (Dinamo București), Andrei Chindriș (FC Botoșani), Virgil Ghiță (Farul Constanța), Alexandru Pașcanu (Ponferradina/Spania), Radu Boboc (Farul Constanța), Denis Ciobotariu (CFR Cluj); Mijlocași: Andrei Ciobanu (Farul Constanța), Marius Marin (Pisa/Italia), Marco Dulca (Chindia Târgoviște), Dragoș Nedelcu (FCSB), Alexandru Dobre (Dijon/Franța), Valentin Gheorghe (Astra), Ion Gheorghe (FC Voluntari), Tudor Băluță (Brighton/Anglia); Atacanți: George Ganea (Farul Constanța), George Pușcaș (Reading/Anglia). Read the full article
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smartseo4you · 4 years
Bucovina Rădăuți a disputat deja primul amical al perioadei de pregătire
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/bucovina-radauti-a-disputat-deja-primul-amical-al-perioadei-de-pregatire/
Bucovina Rădăuți a disputat deja primul amical al perioadei de pregătire
Bucovina Rădăuți a disputat un prim meci amical al pregătirilor de iarnă în compania juniorilor de la Liceul cu Program Sportiv din Suceava, la finele săptămânii precedente. Partida s-a încheiat nedecis, scor 6-6, constituind un bun prilej pentru antrenorul Iulian Ionesi de a-i vedea la lucru pe toți jucătorii avuți la dispoziție, inclusiv pe fundașul central Vasile Vitu, care a decis să se antreneze cu Bucovina până când va lua o decizie fermă în ceea ce privește viitorul său fotbalistic. De asemenea, au fost testați și o serie de tineri de perspectivă, precum Moloce, Popescu sau Irimescu.
Rădăuțenii vor mai disputa alte 11 partide de verificare până pe data de 13 martie, când va debuta sezonul de primăvară, după cum urmează: pe 20 ianuarie cu Aerostar Bacău, pe 23 ianuarie cu Juniorul Suceava, pe 27 ianuarie cu Hușana Huși, pe 30 ianuarie cu Șomuz Fălticeni, pe 13 februarie cu Juniorul Suceava, pe 17 februarie cu Hușana Huși, pe 20 februarie cu Șomuz Fălticeni, pe 24 februarie cu Dante Botoșani, pe 27 februarie cu Ceahlăul Piatra Neamț, pe 3 martie cu Dante Botoșani și pe 6 martie cu FC Botoșani, juniorii de elită.
De asemenea, între 3 și 13 februarie Bucovina va efectua un stagiu de pregătire centralizată într-o locație ce urmează a fi stabilită.
Lotul de bază, din 22 de jucători, este alcătuit din portarii Ionuț Puianu, Cristi Butnariu și Paul Rotar, fundașii Florin Antonesei, Mugur Florescu, Vasile Chirilescu, Alexandru Ciobanu, Marius Puha, Abel Coajă și Iulian Coroamă, mijlocașii Vasile Dănilă, Daniel Bejenar, Valentin Vatamaniuc, Alexandru Irimescu, Ionuț Plămadă, Alexandru Pitic, Mihai Nistor și Cătălin Coroamă, și atacanții Ionel Stoian, Iulian Ionesi, Robert Ciobanu și Adrian Stroe.
Bucovina Rădăuți ocupă locul al treilea al clasamentului Seriei I din Liga a III-a, având acelașI număr de puncte cu celor două formații de pe primele două locuri, Știința Miroslava și Foresta Suceava. După disputarea a 10 etape, inclusiv una din retur, cele trei formații sunt la egalitate de puncte, 22. În prima etapă Bucovina Rădăuți va întâlni gruparea CSM Pașcani.
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ryttu3k · 6 years
Last time I did this was just before the 2014 semis, so time for an update! My top five (in no particular order, first place aside) for each year since 2006, which is when I started watching seriously! Italicised name is my favourite for that year.
Mihai Traistariu (Romania) - Tornero
Lordi (Finland) - Hard Rock Hallelujah
Sibel Tuzun (Turkey) - Superstar
LT United (Lithuania) - We Are The Winners
Dima Bilan (Russia) - Never Let You Go
Marija Serifovic (Serbia) - Molitva
Eric Paplaya (Austria) - Get A Life Get Alive
Verka Serduchka (Ukraine) - Dancing Lasha Tumbai
Natalia Barbu (Moldova) - Fight
Koldun (Belarus) - Work Your Magic
Laka (Bosnia-Herzegovina) - Pokusaj
Pirates Of The Sea (Latvia) - Wolves Of The Sea
Jelena Tomasevic (Serbia) - Oro
Dima Bilan (Russia) - Believe
Euroband (Iceland) - This Is My Life
Malena Ernman (Sweden) - La Voix
Svetlana Loboda (Ukraine) - Be My Valentine! (Anti-Crisis Girl)
Nelly Ciobanu (Moldova) - Hora Din Moldova
Flor-de-Lis (Portugal) - Todas As Ruas Do Amor
Noa & Mira Awad (Israel) - There Must Be Another Way
Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) - Playing With Fire
Sun Stroke Project & Olia Tira (Moldova) - Run Away
Vukasin Brajic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) - Thunder And Lightning
maNga (Turkey) - We Could Be The Same
Hera Björk (Iceland) - Je Ne Sais Quoi
Getter Jaani (Estonia) - Rockefeller Street
Giorgos Alkaios & Friends (Greece) - OPA!
Dino Merlin (Bosnia & Herzegovina) - Love In Rewind
Eric Saade (Sweden) - Popular
Kati Wolf (Hungary) - What About My Dreams
Loreen (Sweden) - Euphoria
Buranovskiye Babushki (Russia) - Party For Everybody
Mandinga (Romania) - Zaleilah
Kaliopi (FYR Macedonia) - Crno I Belo
Pasha Parfeny (Moldova) - Lăutar
Cezar (Romania) - It’s My Life
Emmelie de Forest (Denmark) - Only Teardrops
Aliona Moon (Moldova) - O Mie
Koza Mostra and Agathonas Iakovidis (Greece) - Alcohol Is Free
Margaret Berger (Norway) - I Feed You My Love
Conchita Wurst (Austria) - Rise Like A Phoenix
Aram MP3 (Armenia) - Not Alone
Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania) - Miracle
Pollaponk (Iceland) - No Prejudice
Softengine (Finland) - Something Better
Bojana Stamenov (Serbia) - Beauty Never Lies
Mans Zelmerlow (Sweden) - Heroes
Guy Sebastian (Australia) - Tonight Again
Maraaya (Slovenia) - Here For You
Ann Sophie (Germany) - Black Smoke
Mans Zermerlow & Petra Mede (Sweden) - Love Love Peace Peace
Okay no that was totally the best song of the night fight me. Next four in no particular order because you scientifically can’t beat Love Love Peace Peace.
Laura Tesoro (Belgium) - What’s The Pressure
Dami Im (Australia) - Sound Of Silence
Poli Genova (Bulgaria) - If Love Was A Crime
Barei (Spain) - Say Yay!
Ilinca feat. Alex Florea (Romania) - Yodel It!
Naviband (Belarus) - Story Of My Life
IMRI (Israel) - I Feel Alive
Jana Burceska (FYR Macedonia) - Dance Alone
Tijana Bogicevic (Serbia) - In Too Deep
Good luck, 2018 contestants!
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centrulreduta2019 · 4 years
Oameni și datini, 2020 - Adunare, fotograf Ciobanu Valentin
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Oameni și datini, 2020 - Adunare, fotograf Ciobanu Valentin
Fotografia a fost realizată în ianuarie 2020, la Măgura, jud. Brașov și a fost surprinsă într-o plimbare în weekend.
Secțiunea MOMENT
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
Directorul Publiserv anunță: ”Niciun angajat nu va mai fi disponibilizat iarna aceasta!”
Directorul Publiserv anunță: ”Niciun angajat nu va mai fi disponibilizat iarna aceasta!”
De foarte curând directorul societății Publiserv, Valentin Ciobanu a prezentat vineri, 28 octombrie, o informare cu privire la activitatea firmei de lucrări de casă a Primăriei Piatra Neamț, cea care are în grijă asfaltările și reparațiile de drumuri, plus niște intervenții de natură edilitar-urbană.
Precizând că are doar trei săptămâni de când a ajuns șef la Publiserv SA, dl. Ciobanu a explicat,…
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radioromania · 5 years
TNR, la Reuniunea Teatrelor Naţionale Româneşti de la Chişinău
(6 septembrie 2019)
Teatrul Naţional Radiofonic - Radio România participă în perioada 16 – 29 septembrie la cea de a cincea ediţie a Reuniunii Teatrelor Naţionale Româneşti - eveniment organizat de Teatrul Naţional Mihai Eminescu din Chişinău cu sprijinul Ministerului Culturii, Educaţiei şi Cercetării din Republica Moldova, al Ministerului Culturii şi Identităţii Naţionale din România şi al Institutului Cultural Român.
Organizatorii subliniază că evenimentul marchează deschiderea celei de-a 98-a stagiuni. Reuniunea adună iubitorii de teatru într-o Horă a Unirii făcând abstracţie de frontierele fizice şi oferind spectatorilor bucuria de a aprecia montări recente, realizate de colectivul teatrului gazdă dar şi de către alte prestigioase colective din România, Serbia şi Republica Moldova. Şi-au anunţat participarea: Teatrul Naţional I.L. Caragiale - Bucureşti, Teatrul Naţional Marin Sorescu - Craiova, Teatrul Naţional Vasile Alecsandri - Iaşi, Teatrul Naţional Radu Stanca - Sibiu, Teatrul Naţional Târgu Mureş (cu ambele trupe, română şi maghiară), Teatrul Naţional Strija - Serbia, Teatrul Naţional Vasile Alecsandri - Bălţi, Teatrul B. P. Haşdeu - Cahul, Centrul de Arte Coliseum, Teatrul Naţional Radiofonic – Bucureşti şi Teatrul la microfon (Radio Moldova 1).
O secţiune aparte a evenimentului o constituie audiţiile publice ale spectacolelor realizate şi prezentate de Teatrul Naţional Radiofonic - Radio România, în Sala Antract a Teatrului Naţional Mihai Eminescu din Chişinău.
Participant chiar de la prima ediţie a Reuniunii, organizată în anul 2015, Teatrul Naţional Radiofonic din Bucureşti s-a remarcat ca o prezenţă inedită, cu un program de audiţii şi dezbateri care au stârnit interes şi au impresionat prin tematică şi realizare. Anul acesta va prezenta cele mai noi spectacole-document realizate în cadrul proiectului Biografii memorii, producţii, având în distribuţie nume sonore ale teatrului românesc, dedicate unor personalităţi ale vieţii culturale româneşti şi unor evenimente istorice marcante:
Stalin mi-a furat copilăria. Scenariu de Raisa Radu, după volumul omonim de Boris Vasiliev. Adaptarea radiofonică: Magda Duţu. Regia artistică: Petru Hadârcă. În distribuţie: Ion Caramitru, Rodica Mandache, Ghenadie Gâlcă, Anatol Durbală, Angela Ciobanu, Petru Hadârcă, Ana Tkacenko, Tinka Mardari, Valentin Zorilă, Annemary Ziegler, Ion Mocanu, Ioana Calotă, Orodel Olaru, Marcelo Cobzariu, Daria Stoenescu, Ioan Pavel, Ilinca Sterpan. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Regia muzicală: Luiza Mateescu. Regia tehnică: ing. Mirela Georgescu. Redactor: Ion Costin Manoliu. Coordonator de proiect: Magda Duţu. Spectacol realizat în colaborare cu Teatrul Naţional Mihai Eminescu din Chişinău.
Anastasia Dicescu - Bucuria muzicii - premieră absolută. Scenariu radiofonic de Magda Duţu şi Manuella Popescu. Regia artistică: Petru Hadârcă. În distribuţie: Gabriela Popescu, Anatol Durbală, Adrian Păduraru, Ghenadie Gâlcă, Ana Tkacenko, Orodel Olaru, Petru Hadârcă, Annemary Ziegler, Ioana Calotă, Alexandru Pleşca, Mircea Constantinescu, Patricia Prundea, Stelică Muscalu, Marcelo Cobzariu, Ion Arcudeanu. Fragmente din arii de operă interpretate de soprana Angela Gheorghiu. Regia de montaj: Dana Lupu şi Radu Verdeş. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Regia muzicală: Patricia Prundea şi Stelică Muscalu. Regia tehnică: ing. Mirela Georgescu. Redactor: Ion Costin Manoliu. Coordonator de proiect: Magda Duţu. Spectacol realizat în colaborare cu Teatrul Naţional Mihai Eminescu din Chişinău.
Anastasia Dicescu - Aria destinului - premieră absolută. Scenariu radiofonic de Magda Duţu şi Manuella Popescu. Regia artistică: Petru Hadârcă. În distribuţie: Gabriela Popescu, Rodica Mandache, Ana Tkacenko, Ion Arcudeanu, Ghenadie Gâlcă, Orodel Olaru, Adrian Păduraru, Marcelo Cobzariu, Petru Hadârcă, Annemary Ziegler, Anatol Durbală, Ioana Calotă, Ioan Pavel, Alexandru Pleşca, Mircea Constantinescu, Patricia Prundea, Stelică Muscalu. Participă: Manuella Popescu – strănepoata lui Pavel Victor Dicescu. Fragmente din arii de operă interpretate de soprana Angela Gheorghiu. Regia de montaj: Dana Lupu şi Radu Verdeş. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Regia muzicală: Patricia Prundea şi Stelică Muscalu. Regia tehnică: ing. Mirela Georgescu. Redactor: Ion Costin Manoliu. Coordonator de proiect: Magda Duţu. Spectacol realizat în colaborare cu Teatrul Naţional Mihai Eminescu din Chişinău.
Lumina rugului aprins. Scenariu radiofonic de Ion-Costin Manoliu. Regia artistică: Dan Puric. În distribuţie: Mihai Bica, Dan Puric, Constantin Codrescu, Petru Hadârcă, Ovidiu Cuncea, Mircea Constantinescu, Damian Victor Oancea, Gavril Pătru, Adrian Păduraru, Alexandru Nedelcu, Amalia Ciolan, Orodel Olaru, Silviu Biriş, Ion-Costin Manoliu, Paul Simon Esperando. Regia de montaj: Dana Lupu, Bogdan Golovei, Robert Vasiliţă. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Muzica originală şi regia muzicală: Paul Simon Esperando. Regia tehnică: ing. Mirela Georgescu. Redactor şi coordonator de proiect: Magda Duţu.
Hronicul şi cântecul Marii Uniri, după Hronicul şi Cântecul Vârstelor de Lucian Blaga. Scenariu de Rodica Mandache. Adaptarea radiofonică: Felicia Pinte şi Magda Duţu. Regia artistică: Gavriil Pinte. În distribuţie: Marcel Iureş, Vlad Zamfirescu, Damian Victor Oancea, Mihai Constantin, Dan Aştilean, Mircea Constantinescu, Rodica Mandache, Amalia Ciolan, Niculae Urs, Eugenia Barbu, Crina Mureşan, Bogdan Dumitrescu, Vasile Toma, Adelaida Perjoiu, Tomi Cristin, Ana Maria Bălescu, Valentin Uţă, Felicia Pinte, Magda Duţu, Mirela Georgescu, Silvia Creiniceanu. Regia de montaj: Radu Verdeş şi Florin Bădic. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Regia muzicală: Andrei Miricescu. Regia tehnică: ing. Mirela Georgescu. Redactor: Magda Duţu.
Ileana – Principesă de România: Călătorie pentru Maica Alexandra. Scenariu de Edith Negulici şi Liana Ceterchi. Adaptarea radiofonică: Ion-Costin Manoliu. Regia artistică şi rolul titular: Liana Ceterchi. Regia de montaj: Radu Verdeş. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Regia muzicală: Patricia Prundea. Regia tehnică: ing. Mirela Georgescu. Redactor şi coordonator  de proiect: Magda Duţu.
Pe lângă spectacolele prezentate de teatrele naţionale invitate şi spectacolele radiofonice de la Bucureşti şi Chişinău, programul Reuniunii cuprinde şi conferinţe, concerte, expoziţii, întâlniri cu regizorii şi actorii invitaţi.
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Adăugat de Luciana Gingărașu
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Forbes Lists The Brightest 30 Young Romanians Under 30
Positive News Romania
Forbes Magazine has recently published the Forbes 30 under 30, which is a list that highlights the best entrepreneurs and leaders in the business world in Romania. Forbes Magazine publishes an international list every year and this year the Romanian magazine has decided to create also a list for Romania. The list contains exceptional individuals from diverse areas such as business, music, art, IT and sports. The magazine selects the individuals from hundreds of diferent categories. They are taking into consideration different factors such as the impact of individuals on the market, their creativity and their adaptability.
This is the list:
Alexandru Bogdan Moraru – Associate Macquarie Capital
Paul Lungu – Senior Manager Audit KPMG România
Paul Badea – CEO BADSI Ana Consulea – Founder Zexe Braserie Lucian Bădilă – Cofounder and manager of 5 to go Simone Tempestini –  WRC Junior World Champion, Raly national champion Alex Dadoo – Founder Maison Dadoo Tică Darie – Founder Made in Roșia Montană Alexandra Butmălai – Founder Fabrica de Experimente Petre Crăciun – Founder Hummingbird Bike Simona Crăciun – Founder Tort de bezea Marian Olteanu – Administrator Casa Olteanu Diana Cavallioti – Actress Ruben Perju – Founder Noah Iosif Harasemiuc – Founder Noah Alin Matache – Cofounder Ground Zero Beer Șerban Cazan – Musical producer HaHaHa Production Cristina Popescu – Vicepresident of Barclays Tudor Georgescu – General director of  Prodplast Simona Chimișliu – Founder of Cămara cu merinde and Associaton Zâmbete pentru toți Anca Drăgan – Professor at UC Berkeley
Vișinel Bălan – Activist Edmond Niculușcă – President of Romanian Association for Culture, education and normality Dan Lazăr – Cofounder Tennis Hero Carla Rebecca Georgescu – Cofounder Tennis Hero Andrei Morariu – Actor, Founder Optimef Beatrice Cord – NY Director Lateral Inc and Director & Partner Unfinished Festival Patricia Vlad – Head of Operations and Tutor Carfax Education Sabina Ciofu – Policy Advisor  for the EU Parliament Cătălina Ponor – Gymnast TECH Ana-Maria Udriște – Founder Avocatoo David Timiș – Manager of Atelierul Digital, Google Flavia Oprea – Product Manager ENTy, Project Manager Academia Cisco UPB Giorgiana Vlăsceanu – Cofounder of Codette Cristian Tamaș – Cofounder of Typing DNA Alexander Marcu-Stoica – Innovation Manager Evonomix Daniel Ilinca – Managing Director Cornerstone Technologies Internaional Matei Dima – Founder of BRomania și Managing Partner Global Entertainment Mihai Ivașcu – Founder and CEO Moneymailme Roxana Danteș – Founder and CEO Orbis Learning Daniel Teodoriu – Cofounder and CTO Accelerole
Elena Filip – Cofounder and CMO Accelerole
Laurențiu Ion – Digital Marketing Team Leader IBM
Teodor Cătăniciu – Founder Restart Network and Turing Society
Gheorghe Sârbu – Community Manager Innovation Lab Dan Cearnău – Founder Under Development Office Ioana Frîncu – Founder Under Development Valentin Maior – Cofounder Romanian IT Oana Bouraoui – Cofounder Romanian IT Ana Stamatescu – Digital Education Coordinator Asociația Techsoup Laurențiu Ion – Cofounder and CEO Intersect Sorin Moldoveanu – Founder Sir Ludovic Alexandra Roată – Cofounder Softlead
Doina Ciobanu – Blogger Dan Oros – Country Manager Bla Bla Car Ștefan Neculai – Cofounder Froala.com Diana Neculai – cofounder Froala.com Roxana Prisăcaru – Manager FTDS (antifraud) EY România Lucian Cramba – Founder FastOrder Claudiu Butacu – President  Solar Decatlon
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oderoil · 6 years
EXPLOZIV! Roxana Iliescu a sarbatorit cu prefectul si dizidentii din PSD Timis decizia de blocare a excluderii sale din politica
Tinuta aproape fortat in functia de vicepresedinte al Consiliului Judetean Timis de prefectul Eva Andreas, care refuza sa emita ordinul de incheiere inainte de termen a mandatului de consilier judetean, demisionara Roxana Iliescu pare sa nu mai ascunda faptul ca a fost “adoptata” de PSD.
Odata devoalat acest secret a lui Polichinelle, tanara avocata nu rateaza niciun moment pentru a le multumi salvatorilor sai, reprezentanti ai taberei Grindeanu din PSD Timis, care o mentin infiltrata intr-un partid de opozitie, chiar fortand limitele legislatiei, dar si intr-un job bine platit de la varful judetului.
In zadar, PMP Timis cere demisia prefectului Eva Andreas, acuzata de abuz de putere, in conditiile in care reprezentanta Guvernului in teritoriu nu face altceva decat sa joace asa cum canta PSD.
Cu siguranta, i s-a interzis sa excluda din politica o colega din aripa Grindeanu, mai cu seama ca noua speranta a social-democratiei timisene sapa de zor, din interior, la decredibilizarea celui mai vocal partid din Opozitie.
Cum altfel ar putea fi interpretat mesajul mincinos postat de Roxana Iliescu pe Facebook, dupa ce PMP a cerut demisia prefectului, in care a afirmat ca a discutat cu presedintele Traian Basescu si ca au stabilit impreuna sa amane decizia privind demisia din partid.
“Nu este adevarat ca presedintele PMP ar fi discutat cu Roxana Iliescu pe aceasta tema. Este vorba despre o jalnica incercare de manipulare a opiniei publice. Aseara, la sediul partidului, in cadrul unei discutii cu toti parlamentarii PMP, Traian Basescu a infirmat faptul ca ar avea o intelegere cu Roxana Iliescu si a accentuat faptul ca aceasta nu mai este membru PMP. Cerem, in continuare, demisia prefectului Eva Andreas pentru nerespectarea legii”, ne-a declarat liderul PMP Timis, deputatul Cornel Samartinean.
De altfel, grupul de sustinatori cu care Roxana Iliescu a sarbatorit, la restaurantul Donna Ana, decizia prefectului de a nu emite ordinul la care o obliga Legea 393/2004 si de a o mentine in politica spune totul despre culisele acestui troc politic.
Toti oamenii lui Grindeanu, o tabara tot mai vizibila in PSD Timis, respectiv fosta sa sefa de cabinet de la Guvern, Eva Andreas, finii sai de cununie, Eugen Dogariu si Ioan Mateescu, strategul sau de campanie, Valentin Korman, fostul sau subaltern de la firma defunctului Ghita Ciobanu, SC Delpack SRL, Adrian Pau si, ultima intrata in acest grup select de dizidenti, fosta sa partenera de protocol, Roxana Iliescu. (G.I.)
vezi sursa: http://www.impactpress.ro/2018/05/15/exploziv-roxana-iliescu-a-sarbatorit-cu-prefectul-si-dizidentii-din-psd-timis-decizia-de-blocare-a-excluderii-sale-din-politica/
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