#VIN corrections
thinktradeinc · 2 years
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Hello truckers! If you haven’t e-filed form 2290 HVUT for this tax season yet. E-file form 2290 at Tax2290.com and reduce your penalties today! 
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the-clay-quarters · 16 days
thinking abouuuut Vincent and gender
I write them with they/them but you can pick any pronouns and won't be corrected. Is this them using any pronouns? Kinda but not really. Vincent's gender is "please don't ask me that", they're mid ongoing gender crisis but don't have the time for that and simply do not think about it. They'd much rather you just assume something instead of being put on the spot (with what is frankly a reasonable question that they've gotten too worked up about).
Vin is afab, originally named Agnes. Their gender Situation started when they were quite young; they were always close to their father and interested in his work*, it's simply easier to convince your colleagues that your son is interested in your studies and is perfectly allowed to join you, rather than your daughter.
(*Researcher and university teacher, they get their penchant for academia and Weird Interests TM from him)
This then evolved into taking them on work trips, where it's less hassle to be a young man in a foreign country. Enrolling them in the university as a man just made sense and was easier for everyone involved.
They still go by Agnes with their family, and in certain circumstances will use feminine terms for themself, but they've also been publicly going by Vincent since they were a child, and are used to using masculine terms on the regular. They never really saw themself as a man or woman, but it was never really something to question.
The Neath is very accepting, much more than they're used to, and it is now in fact something to question. The option to simply pick whichever gender they want is very freshly introduced, the option to be neither is even more so. Someone early on addressed Vincent by they, and they liked it more than they expected, which threw a wrench in their relatively stable gender balance.
They'll figure out what they actually want eventually, maybe when they're less busy.
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thebirdqueen · 3 months
Ok seriously I love Vincent and the many ships he has and all but one thing that does kinda suck is when many will automatically think you pair him with Cid. And like, I like Valenwind as much as the next person but I'm not the biggest fan when people bring him along the conversation when sometimes I just want a Vincent only talk or read/see something of him only. Without bringing him along. It's sort of a similar problem I have with some people who ship Cloti. Can't talk about Tifa without bringing out Cloud like he's some accessory to her character and vis versa.
People really do seem to forget that more ships exist then Valenwind with Vincent. Seriously he's so shippable to many characters. Similar to Cloud as well. And outside of shipping he's so rich with character....
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syl-stormblessed · 1 year
reblog for a bigger sample size!!!!!!!!
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the more i read mdzs the more i’m convinced that 1) cql is an amazing adaptation, yes, even with the
and 2) that they queercoded that shit like the fucking cirque du soleil
i just got to the part when wei wuxian rescues the remaining wen clan members in the novel, and compared to cql i think it’s, dare i say, better in cql
adding lan wangji confronting wei wuxian as he’s leading them off?
having wei wuxian say “if i’m to die, i want it to be by your hands”??
having lan wangji step aside despite everything that tells him not to (society, the lan clan rules, his principles)???
like how can you watch that and not think that’s gay??? hello???
where’s that tweet again? ah yes
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titsthedamnseason · 8 months
i might be stupid. but i have completely convinced myself that sazed is somehow actually the hero of ages. i’m probably clowning because then i don’t actually know who the announcer and stuff is but im just saying the pieces are really lining up for this one
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justpostsyeet · 1 year
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noctuatacita · 7 months
whyyyyyyy do people want to put AI into more things when it is known that it fucking sucks
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Lookism x Reader: Boyfriend Moments
G/N. Fluffy scenes. Yes, this bitch delulu. Sammy, Vin, Goo, Jake, Ryuhei, Gun. Masterlists
Samuel Seo
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"Try this," you offer to Samuel your tea.
That is delicious, by the way. And the way he pulls a face at the milky concoction mildly offends you.
You continue to wave the cup in your boyfriend's face, straw close to being shoved up his nose, drink splashing perilously against the lid.
He gives in. Because your dedication for annoying shit like this knows no bounds.
Steadying your hand and leaning forward, he takes a gulp from your drink. It's actually not bad. Better than he thought but-
"Too sweet," Samuel says, straightening and pushing his glasses back up his nose.
"Suit yourself," you shrug, appeased that at least Sammy has given it a go and you take a sip yourself. Then, with a grin- "It's like we just kissed."
He arches an eyebrow at you pointing at the straw, can't help rolling his eyes even as he chuckles at your silliness.
"Here,"  Samuel leans down again and kisses you. Tasting the tea on your lips except this time it is much much nicer. Delicious even. "Now we've actually kissed."
Vin Jin
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Vin is undeniably cringe, according to Mary. And also a simp, according to-
Everyone, actually.
But he reasons that everyone must be jealous because if they found someone like you, they would also be all over them too.
Much like Vin is.
He's a lot more PG-13 than you expected though, less handsy. Even with his reputation, cool and cocky and honestly a bit of an asshole, Vin loves simply holding your hand, your fingers intertwined with his. Walking down the street and everyone knowing you're together.
Maybe it's a bit childish to like this one simple gesture so much. But he doesn't care. Sometimes he likes to just look at your hand in his, comparing sizes, touching your palm against his, and feeling the softness of your skin.
It doesn't stop there though.
He gives you loud obnoxious smooches on the cheek, rests his chin on your head, forces you to share a seat, squished together with your legs draping over his.
Vin wants you close by all the time. And he used to be annoyed when Mary would call him embarrassing, tell him to get a room. 
Has tried to keep a little distance at first yet continues to be drawn to you like a magnet. In the end, he has stopped caring. Besides, he thinks having you by his side automatically makes him a lot cooler.
Goo Kim
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Goo knows what comes out of his mouth is gold, it’s just a shame that other people don't.
Gun tells him to shut up frequently, Crystal's eyes glaze over as she hums politely, and he knows Kouji tunes him out.
He takes it as a challenge sometimes, to see how long he can keep talking before he makes them awkward and uncomfortable, wasting their time, hoping to drive them insane.
It hasn't happened yet, but he's proud to say he's been close.
"And then what happened?" you ask Goo, leaning forward eagerly to hear the end of his story.
His brows knit together, puzzled. "Huh?"
"You can't stop there. What happened next?!"
Goo blinks. This (or 10 minutes ago) was usually when everyone told him to shut up. "You actually wanna hear the rest of it?"
You give a look to say 'duh' and nod.
Huh. Goo feels himself tearing up, dramatically thumps his hand against his heart and tells you you're the best.
"I know. Now finish the story."
Jake Kim
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Jerry can recite all your key facts. Where you were born, your date of birth, blood type, horoscope.
Jason sometimes corrects him on the MBTI though.
Brad knows your favourite foods and favourite drinks, Lineman your favourite clothes and brands.
Lua knows that you prefer colder weather, although there's nothing like a sunny day to brighten up your mood. Or hiding somewhere warm and cosy when the rain pitter patters outside.
Sinu can recite your's and Jake's anniversary off by heart. The gifts that you have bought him, and what he has bought for you. He also knows what Jake was considering buying for you but decided not to in the end, for one reason or another.
Fact of the matter is, Jake slips you into all his conversations with everyone. It's a bit of a talent, to be honest. Even if the conversation isn't remotely related to you, Jake still finds something to mention that involves you.
It was a headache, at first. Jake derailed discussions and Big Deal meetings with anecdotes and tidbits when you first got together. Over time it became barely noticeable, only off hand comments or throw away remarks here and there.
This worked out well for the crew, because no one had the heart to tell Jake to shut up. How could they when his face lights up, eyes soft and crinkling. and he smiles so sweetly talking about you.
Ryuhei Kuroda
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"Hey," you murmur, kissing Ryuhei on the cheek as his eyes flutter open.
He's looking at you bleary eyed, smile spreading as he comes to. You both sport matching pillowcase wrinkles on your face, and Ryuhei's cowlick is even more outrageous than usual.
"That was good," he says, stretching his hands overhead, elongating his limbs and arching his foot.
"The best nap," you agree.
Intimacy used to mean sex to Ryuhei. All physical.
Now, well it still means that because it is Ryuhei after all. But it also means deep conversations into the night with you. Sharing opinions and thoughts and vulnerability. Having another half (a better half, if you asked him) to be with, share experiences with.
And one of his favourite experiences that he recently discovered, is napping with you.
Ryuhei had expected his favourite experiences to be all manners of lewd and explicit things. But nothing can beat the soft domesticity of him curled around your back, both your breaths starting to deepen as you drift to sleep in his arms and he follows closely behind.
Gun Park
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You wouldn't say Gun is a feeder, but the fact that he cooks and feeds you so well came as a surprise.
"Nutrition is important," he would tell you, prepping in a frilly apron that you bought for him as a joke but wore anyway because why wouldn't he? It's from you.
You also don't understand what role nutrition plays when he prepares the food in cutest ways. Carrots in the shape of flowers, octopus cut sausages, onigiri with faces made from nori.
Tonight, you peer down at your katsu curry, with a bear shaped out of rice lounging in it.
You can't help the burst of laughter, thinking of your boyfriend - the fearful Gun Park, the Shiro Oni, in the kitchen cooking this for you.
"What?" Gun asks, seated across the table, a spoonful halfway to his mouth.
"It's too cute," You grin at the black eyed menace, the guy that was supposed to be all about fighting but has a terribly soft spot for you.
You glance down at the bear again, in an adorably relaxed position with steam rising around it reminiscent of an onsen. It seems almost a shame to eat it. "I can't believe you made this."
Gun gives you a matter of fact answer, "You like it more when it's cute." 
The fact he goes to all this effort, just because you like it more, makes him the cutest of all.
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cosmerelists · 22 days
Cosmere Characters Get Asked Their Pronouns
As requested by @dewypeach :)
I'm weirdly anxious about contradicting other people's pronoun headcanons, ha ha. But then...I guess the thing about headcanons is that everyone can have different ones... Anyway, here's how I think Cosmere characters might respond if asked their pronouns!
1. Shallan
Shallan: She/they. Adolin: Just out of curiosity, is the "they" a gender thing or an alters thing? Shallan: Yes.
2. Adolin
Adolin: I like to say that I use whatever pronouns are fashionable! Adolin: I like to say it around Sadeas. Adolin: It makes him shudder. Shallan: You should collect pronouns like swords. Adolin: You say that like I don't already.
3. Kaladin
Kaladin: I use he/him. [Adolin & Shallan look at him] Kaladin: What? I'm just a simple guy!
4. Syl
Syl: I use neopronouns! Kaladin: Y-You do? I thought you went by "she/her"! Syl: Yeah, exactly! Syl: I use the neopronouns that humans invented!
5. Pattern
Pattern: Cryptic pronouns are unpronounceable in the human tongue! Shallan: Are they...a math thing? Pattern: They're a math thing, yeah! Shallan: What do you want us to use in human speech? Pattern: You always use "he" which is mmmm an interesting lie!
6. Harmony
Harmony: As a being that is male, female, both, and neither, I let my followers refer to me however. Harmony: Privately, I think "they/them" fits the most these days.
7. Wayne
Wayne: Like, what I'm using right now? Wayne: It obviously depends on the hat, mate. Wax: I still can't believe you got he/him-ed yesterday. Wayne: I know! In THAT hat?!
8. MeLaan
MeLaan: [currently in the body of a tall, handsome man] MeLaan: She/her. Why?
9. Vin
Vin: I've always used whichever pronouns are safest in the moment. Elend: And if you were safe to use any of them? Vin: ... Vin: I still think I'd put on and off pronouns like a fancy dress, to be honest.
10. Vasher
Vasher: As far as you're concerned, I don't use pronouns. Vasher: How dare you refer to me
11. Dalinar
Dalinar: As a man who reads and writes, it's important to me to use "he/him." Navani: We're having to invent new forms of written pronouns in real time. Dalinar: Doing my part for change.
12. Nightblood
Nightblood: Oooh, what are pronouns?? Szeth: They're how people refer to you, Sword-nimi. Nightblood: My pronouns are Nightblood! Szeth: No, Sword-nimi. Like how they refer to you without using your name. Nightblood: My pronouns are screams! Szeth: ... Szeth: That does seem oddly correct.
13. Lift
Lift: Haven't got a gender. Wyndle: B-But mistress (Mister? Mastress?), how should refer to you? Lift: Sounds like a you problem.
14. Painter
Painter: ... Painter: ... Painter: YOU CAN CHOOSE?!?
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zuntoshere · 8 months
List off all funny player books from the library ( stream from the 3rd / third of February 2024, QSMP 2024 return ) .
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English-speakers :
BadBoyHalo — 100 Recipes Sweeter than Candy FitMC — Getting a Brazilian Boyfriend for Dummies Foolish — 101 Facts about Sharks Jaiden — Animation Techniques Philza — He & She: An Archaeology Marvel Slimecicle — Correct Usage of Mouse Buttons Wilbur Soot — From a Fallen Country to a World Tour Ironmouse — A complete guide to Cinnamonroll Nihachu — Ghost Hunting: A Guide Teana* — Dating as a Demon Tubbo — 101 Ways to crash a server
Quackity — Cómo no morir a las moscas Luzu – Binario: para tontos ElMariana — Cómo ser un buen papá Missa — Cómo detectar nubes de lluvia Roier — Como casarte con un brasilieño Vegetta777 — El arte de la simetria en minecraft WillyRex — Como poner 100 minas en un dia Carre — TÁCTICAS PUNKY
Cellbit — Como traumatizar seus jogadores de RPG ** — Dirigindo Grandes Navios Mike — Ter uma Deusa como Esposa Pac — Ser um bom Padrasto Bagi — Encontrado seu gêmeo perdido
Antoine — Techniques de méditation Aypierre — Grands Vins Français Baghera — Manuel d’utilisation de la tronçonneuse Etoiles — Être le meilleur * Not a mistake, just Tina's pseudonym. ** The plate had no name, but we all know it was Felps.
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heartsforvin · 7 months
hey bestie, could you do a vinnie imagine where the reader do the "asking my boyfriend questions so i can start an argument" trend 💖
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thank you for the request !! i hope you like it <33 (ps. vin in his lil snoopy shirt is so cute 🥹)
pairing; vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings; cussing, use of pet names, bit of angst, arguing, if i missed anything lmk !!
summary; you try a trend you saw on tiktok on your boyfriend but it does not go as planned
today was not the day you expected to start an argument with your boyfriend, but once you saw the video of a new trend going around, you just knew you had to do it.
you watched a few videos, seeing that girlfriends were asking their boyfriends random questions just to start an argument.
you giggled at the reactions the girlfriends got out of their boyfriends, some genuinely taking the questions a bit too serious. 
you decided to look through the videos and pick out a few of the questions others had asked.
once you had a handful down on a notepad, you smiled to yourself as you walked with your phone and the notepad into vinnie’s room.
“baby!” you exclaim, smile on your face as you see the blonde on his bed with hera in his lap.
“what’s got you so excited?” vinnie asks as he averts his gaze to you, still petting the cat.
you don’t reply right away. you sit on his bed, making vinnie sit up, hera eventually running off in the room as he does.
vinnie sees the notebook and phone in your hands and puts two and two together.
“another trend?” he asks, and you give him a wide smile.
you let out an ‘mhm’ before placing your phone against the lamp on vinnie’s bedside table and starting up the tiktok app to record the two of you.
pressing the record button, the two of you situate yourselves next to each other, vinnie looking at you, ready for what you’re about to get him into.
“i feel like starting an argument,” you tell the camera, averting your gaze to smile at vinnie. “you ready?”
vinnie sighs but doesn’t protest, he just leans back on his hands and waits for you to ask a question.
“if we were to break up, would you date again?” you ask with such seriousness in your tone of voice, making vinnie almost laugh.
you wait for your boyfriend to respond, you hear a quiet, “oh shit, you’re for real.” before he speaks up.
“not right away, but yeah.” he replies.
“wrong,” you immediately say before he can get another word out. “why would we break up?”
vinnie furrows his eyebrows at you. the question was more rhetorical, but you watch as he starts to speak up.
“wrong?” he asks. “how’s that the wrong answer?”
“because we wouldn’t break up, that’s how.” you tell him, a smile on your face as you watch his turn into aggravation.
you kiss his cheek to try and soften his mood before you go onto the next question.
“if you tell me you’re hungry but i say im not, would you still order me something?” you decided to ask a bit of a trick question to see if he picks up on it.
vinnie chuckles. “yeah, you’d steal all my fuckin’ food then claim you weren’t hungry after you ate it.” he replies.
you laugh. “correct,” you kiss his cheek again before moving on. “i’m on my period — what’s the one thing i need?”
it takes vinnie half a second to answer. “me, easy.” he replies, and you chuckle.
“what?!” he dramatically asks, making you laugh even more. “you’re always like, ‘vin come here! vin i want cuddles!’”
“the answer is hera, but i’ll give you a half point.” you reply, watching as vinnie rolls his eyes.
you fake scoff. “don’t roll your eyes at me, you know i’m right.”
“yeah okay, well next time your period comes, don’t come whining to me.”
you let out a quiet laugh as you watch your boyfriend cross his arms over his chest like a child who didn’t get his way.
“next question!” you try to rid the tension in the room, only to definitely have more to come soon.
“one of the guys asked me out to the club but it was only me and them, not you. what would you do?”
you can tell vinnie’s getting frustrated at you and doesn’t want to answer the question, but does anyway.
“they’re your friends too, i’d say go ahead.” he responds, to which he already knows you’re about to say he’s wrong.
“i’m wrong, aren’t i?” he asks once he doesn’t hear you reply.
you nod and watch as he scoffs and rubs his hands over his face. vinnie stands up and turns to face you.
with the look in his eyes you can tell he’s aggravated either with you or just with the questions you had asked.
you quickly turn off your phone so the video catches none of the words that are about to be thrown out of vinnie’s mouth.
“what the fuck is this?” he asks you, arms thrown into the air. “are you tryna fuck with me? ‘cause it’s workin’”
your mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out. you didn’t think he’d be so upset with you about this.
you stand, eye level with vinnie’s chest without looking up at him. “ baby, i’m sorry.” you stand on your tip toes, giving him puppy dog eyes.
it doesn’t work, though. vinnie backs away from you, arms folded over his chest as he stares down at you.
you try so hard to not run into his arms, you know he’s upset with you, but you just thought it’d be a silly trend to do.
“vinnie, please,” you plead to him, trying to get him to crack so he can stop being mad with you. “it was just a dumb trend, c’mon, you of all people should know that.”
he scoffs, walking away from you. sighing, you sit back on his bed and just wait for him to cool off.
about twenty minutes later vinnie comes back and sees you curled up on his bed with hera in your arms.
“princess,” vinnie crouches down, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear as he whispers softly. “i know you’re not asleep, my love.”
you smile when you hear him say that sentence. rolling over, you face him with that same smile.
“can i talk?” he asks ever so softly, not wanting to make you upset again.
he knew his outburst, the tone in his voice, made you upset, and he didn’t want that to happen again.
nodding, you sat up slightly, just enough for vinnie to sit beside you. you rested your head on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“i’m sorry for getting upset with you. im sorry i ruined what was supposed to be a harmless and funny video.” he apologized to you.
he stroked your hair as he kissed the top of your head, whispering words of affirmation as he does so.
you melt into his touch, soaking up every single word he says to you, along with his apology.
“i really am sorry, sweetheart,” vinnie apologizes again. “to be fair, you do always need me when you’re on your period.”
smacking his chest, you both laugh at what vinnie says, even if it is true.
“it’s okay, vin. you’re right, though,” the two of you giggle. “and hera, so you weren’t totally off.”
both of you hug it out, vinnie apologizes profusely once more before you tell him it’s really okay and everything will be fine.
vinnie kisses you softly, both of you melting into the touch of each other. he cups your cheek and strokes it softly as he leaves kisses all along your face.
“i love you, sweet girl. forever n’ ever, alright?” he tells you, kissing the back of your hand.
you smile and lean in to kiss him again. “i love you more, baby. forever n’ ever.”
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happy ending cus i don’t know a life without it !!
i hope you all liked this !! i’m tryna post consistently but work has been busy busy <\3
also i PROMISE the next few posts will be the part two of the cutest thing, im just trying to make it great for yall so its takin a bit !
taglist: @anqeliclust , @cosmicanakin , @forevergirlposts , @bernelflo , @visualbutterflysworld , @louloulemons-blog , @st4rswrld , @lovingsturniolo , @leqonsluv3r , @hallecarey1 , @kriissy4gov , @laylasbunbunny , @supabhad , @slvthrs , @violet0182 , @kayleiggh
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visualbutterflysworld · 4 months
girl you write sub!vininie so good i love it 🫦
gotta request for you !!!
if you haven’t already, how about one where vin & reader get into an argument because some girl commented on vinnies insta post (reader and vin have been together for a few months, but they’re relationship is private), so no one knows he’s not single.
the girl is so obviously hitting on / flirting w vin but he tells reader it’s not like that and that he swears up and down he only wants her
reader doesn’t fully believe him so she takes matter into her own hands and shows him who he’s with and who he belongs too
it’s to the point where she’s got him moaning and whining n callin her mommy (need this man like that rn thank yewww 😇)
I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE , im not used to requesting stuff but i feel like you would do an amazing job w this idea !!! <33
Streets | Vhackerr
warning: smut, low-key rough?, sub!vinnie, argument?, jealousy, organism denial, unprotected(birth control),
I gotcha !! This was supposed to come out tmr but I felt nice today.
Rage. Rage was what filled you. Vinnie had just posted on instagram and the comments were just him getting hit on and it pissed you off more today than usually.
Maybe it was because Vinnie decided to respond to one. This blue eyed bitch decide it would be cute to flirt with Vinnie in the comments and to him it seemed innocent but to you it wasn't.
This was one of the problems Vinnie and you faced since being in a private relationship. You knew how his fans could get and you liked your privacy. You not being in the limelight at all made things easier for you guys but, it was times like this where you wished he would make it public.
"Y/n? Are you even listening to me?" Vinnie shouted. "No, because you're just coming up with excuses on why she wasn't flirting with you." I said plainly. Vinnie sighed before wrapping his arms around you. "Baby, does it really matter? I only want you, you know that." "Really?" I scowled at him.
"Yes, tell me what you want, love. Do you want me on my knees?" I watched as Vinnie slowly began to fall to his knees. His hands resting on the back of my thighs. "I'll do anything you want to make you believe I'm yours." Vinnie said giving me puppy eyes.
I ran my fingers through his hair. "Touch yourself." I commend. "W-what?" Vinnie asked. "Touch yourself. Right here. Right now." I demanded. I heard the faintest whimper before Vinnie unbutton his pants and pulled out his number. He slowly began to stroke himself. "Like this mommy?" Vinnie stared up at me without stopping. I hummed in approval. I let him do this for a few seconds before telling him to speed up.
His head thrown back in pleasure. "Mommy, I'm about to come." "You are?" "Mmh." "Stop." I told him. Vinnie's eyes shot open as he paused his actions. "You don't get to come." I shrugged. "What? But. I." Vinnie stumbled his words. I kneeled down so we were eye to eye. "Good boys get to come and you haven't been a good boy now have you?" I asked.
Vinnie pouted, tears building up in his eyes almost. "I-I guess not." He swallowed. "That's correct. So you won't come unless I tell you so." I stood up and took a mental picture of this version of Vinnie. "I have work to do so find something to do."
Listen, I know it was mean but he had to learn who he belong to and he needed a good reminder. "Y/nnn." Vinnie whined. It had been a few hours and we were now in bed. "Y/n please. I need to come. I've been a good boy these past few hours. I even delated her comments, mommy." He kissed my neck.
“Is that so.” I move my hand down his waistband, slowly rubbing him. Poor thing had soaked his boxers. He moaned loudly from the contact. “Y-yes.” He began to claw at my beasts. Rubbing and squeezing them.
“I want one.” He whined. “What do you want baby?” “One of your boobs.” I smiled at his neediness. I stop stroking him. He pouted and whined but I quickly undressed him and myself. “Fuck, mommy. You’re so pretty.” He reached for me but I smacked his arms away. “No. No touching until I say.” I slowly crawled onto him and slowly lowered myself. Both of us moaning at the contact. I began to slowly move up and down.
“Fuck, m-mommy.” “Tell me, who does this dick belong to?” I place my hands on his chest holding myself up. “You, mommy! All you! Please, let me touch you.” He cried. I began to move faster. “Say it again! Who fucks you this good? Who gets you this hard?” I asked. “You, Y/n! Mommy! Fuck i-.” He threw his head back. “Please let me touch you.”
I leaned down and kissed his neck. “Touch me baby. Touch mommy wherever you want.” I whispered and a bunch of thank yous came out as he began to touch me all over. “Fuck mommy, I’m gonna come.” I fasten my pace. I moved my hand around his neck. Giving him a good squeeze.
“You’re gonna come?” He nods. “Look at me.” He struggles at first but looks at me. “I’m the only one who makes you come! You understand that?” He wraps his arms around my back fucking back into me. “Yes, mommy. Only you can make me come!” He yelled out.
I kiss him roughly and fasten up. “Gonna be a good boy and come with me?” I ask. He nods furiously. I kiss him roughly. “Then come baby. Come with me.” I whisper in his ear and let out a moan as I feel my climax take over me. He moans out and I feel him shoot a large load inside me. He fucks us through our high before he falls back on the bed, taking me with him.
We lay there awhile trying to catch our breath. Him still inside me. “I think we should let the public know you’re taken.” I lay my head on his shoulder. “Sounds good.” As he tightens his hold on me. “Good.”
🧍🏽‍♀️ ummm hope y’all enjoyed?
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turttastic · 1 year
Was just struck by the overwhelming urge to rate Stormlight characters on their driving ability. I have no evidence I'm going off of vibes alone. Here they are in no particular order:
Dalinar- I think he's generally a fine driver now, though still prone to bouts of road rage when someone won't let him merge. Very bad driver in his youth. 5/10
Jasnah- I think she would be a shockingly bad driver. She seems like the kind of person that believes the rules of the road apply to everyone other than her. The type to run a red light because the meeting she's going to is important. Never uses her turn signals because if shes in the left lane it should be obvious shes making a left turn. Despite her lack of care she always arrives safely and without a ticket, somehow. Would fit right in in Northern Virginia. Also the worst backseat driver ever. 3/10
Sadeas- Good driver but employs bad practices. When traffic is heavy he uses the shoulder of the road as his own personal lane. Only person capable of surviving New York traffic. 6/10
Kaladin- Fantastic driver but kind of slow. Won't make a left turn unless there is literally no other car on the road. Always follows the speed limit and uses his turn indicators. Also the type to yell at everyone to shut the fuck up and let him drive when he's in heavy traffic. 8/10
Syl- Cannot be allowed to drive under any circumstances. Bridge 4 let her drive once and she backed the car into a mailbox. 0/10
Shallan- Shes a bad driver but better than Jasnah. Her following distance is atrocious and she frequently rear ends people, but she does at least try to follow the rules of the road. 4/10
Veil- Worse than Shallan but says she's better. Will take a turn at 60 to try and make the car drift. 2/10
Radiant- Fantastic driver who follows the ruled perfectly. Not great at responding to unexpected situations though. 8/10
Venli- Drives like a psychopath. Weaves in and out of lanes to get there 30 seconds faster. If traffic is bad she will dead ass make a U turn in the middle of the road over a double yellow to leave. 1/10
Rock- Great driver, but hates driving. Not much more to say. 8/10
Sigzil- Best driver in bridge 4, only slightly held back by the fact that he knows every obscure rule and expects everyone else driving does also. 9/10
Moash- Believes the rules of the road are stupid and there to hold him back. The kind of guy who will not let you merge in front of him like his life depends on it. Would go 100 in a school zone for fun. 2/10
The Lopen- The guy that tells you he's a great driver but starts playing pokemon go while behind the wheel because he can absolutely do both. 4/10
Szeth- Mediocre driver prone to shocking episodes of road rage. The kind of guy who would slam the brakes to make the car behind him rear end him out of spite if they were following too close. 5/10
Navani- Fantastic driver. Always has the newest lane correcting tech and such installed on her vehicle. 10/10
Adolin- Cannot stay focused on the road. Type of guy who will look over his shoulder for like 15 seconds to carry on a conversation until Shallan yells at him to look at the road. Horrible speeder. Usually manages to avoid crashing though. 3/10
Wit- Shockingly competent driver. I mean he had all that experience with Wax, so... 10/10
Gavilar- The kind of douche who lifts his truck and has his mufflers removed so he can rev his obnoxious engine whole going through neighborhoods. 1/10
Renarin- He's a good driver in small towns and on winding, narrow country roads, but cannot handle big city traffic. Luckily he knows and readily admits this. 7/10
Rlain- I feel like he's just a typical good driver. Follows the rules as best he can, goes a few miles over the speed limit on the freeway, but nothing crazy. 8/10
Kelsier- It's a miracle he's survived this long with the way he drives. He would make a left on red without hesitation. Vin screamed the first time she rode with him. 1/10
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Burn Out the Day, Burn Out the Night
Pairing: Vincent Bauer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Allusions to masturbation; Poorly written smut; Mentions of pornography
*Some of reader’s physical appearance mentioned
Summary: Maybe you are a little closer with Bauer than you originally thought.
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“Christ, Bauer, I need to pee!” You kicked your right heel against the door, still padding around barefoot after waking and stretching. Your legs were already starting to get chilly from the air conditioning, your sleep shorts not providing much coverage in that area. You already knew that your nipples could cut glass behind the fabric of your thin camisole and the man on the other side of the door would hone in on them immediately. Even before you began the job, you had never known someone to be so ridiculously, insatiably horny. 
You, Bauer, and Cartwright had grown close over the years. 
Several years. 
Four hours per year.
Maintenance engineers, the three of you. Keeping up with mundane, routine tasks to ensure that the special individuals on the levels below you survived until the world’s air was again breathable. It wasn’t much of an existence and was a choice you questioned constantly during your four hours per year. Still, you did what needed to be done. The tasks were divided between the three of you and you completed them within the time frame—
—which was counting down minute by minute while you had yet to even empty your bladder. “Bauer!”
You heard Cartwright chuckle behind you as his fingers clacked away over the keys at the control station. “He does give us the opportunity.”
“Don’t you dare take his side!” You leaned against the wall and  pounded a fist against the door. “I’m removing this lock instead of eating today, I swear to god!” The toilet flushed behind the metal, but you knew the man enough to know he was at least hygienic and would wash his hands, likely even going the extra mile to prepare his toothbrush before granting you access—simply to be extra annoying. Just when you thought about grabbing the garbage can beside the control panel, the door flew inward to reveal Vincent Bauer, still longjohn clad, with his precious Playboy folded beneath his arm and his toothbrush nestled in his cheek.
“Mornin’, C-cup.” He grinned around the tool, blue eyes flitting down to your breasts and back up. You had called it. You’d never tell him he had got the size correct. 
“Get outta the way!” You grabbed his ratty t-shirt and pulled him forward only to shove him to the side, rolling your eyes at the sound of his chuckles while you disappeared into the bathroom. The moan that vibrated from your throat as you finally felt the relief of an empty bladder, well—it was borderline erotic. There came a goddamn from the other side of the door that had you stifling your own laughter. You sat on the toilet for a few more moments, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and just contemplating life or rather, the lack thereof. You wondered if you’d ever see the sun again, feel the rain, smell a flower. It was a futile train of thought but one you found yourself boarding every cycle. With a heavy sigh, you finished up and washed your hands, avoiding the mirror as you always did. Quickly brushing your teeth, you rinsed your mouth and flung open the door. 
“You sure you were just takin’ a piss in there?” Bauer didn’t look away from his damn magazine, but he had an eyebrow arched. The man reminded you of a teenager, the way he was perched on the table, swinging his legs while he scanned the pages. “Sounded like somethin’ else.”
“Not everyone feels the need to be in a constant state of orgasm, Vin.” You shook your head fondly, crossing in front of him to make your way to your locker, his foot stretching out to tap against your ass as you passed by. Cartwright would never get away with calling him that. You had insisted upon it when Bauer had stopped using your last name. He’d tried to backpedal but absolutely not. Even when he had reverted to your last name, Vin had stuck. Eventually, you had both settled on a first name basis, even if you used a variation of his. 
“Well, that’s boring.” He casually replied.
Another roll of your eyes as you pulled your clothing from the locker and traipsed over to the small medication storage unit that was kept on the maintenance level. You hated your injections. It was a battle to convince yourself to continue to use them when they always hurt so badly. The pain was fleeting but still intense. The cocktail all but shut down your reproductive system, dissolving the lining of your uterus, thus avoiding the need for a monthly cycle and any concern of pregnancy should you enter into a sexual relationship with one of your coworkers. It was that or a hysterectomy when you accepted the job. 
Why were they so worried about your body deciding to function properly for two hours anyway? It was like being in a state of cryogenic sleep, it was unlikely your uterus would ever work properly, even IF the world became inhabitable again. 
You couldn’t be honest and say you hadn’t thought about it, with Bauer. Cartwright, something was just off about him, no matter how much you enjoyed his company. Vin, though, was a completely different story. It was undeniable that he was attractive. Built sturdy with lean muscle and shoulders for days, he was definitely the one to handle the heavy lifting that was required. You didn't mind watching him do it either. 
Dirty jokes aside, he was respectful toward you, never touching you in a way you didn’t mind. In the world before, he would have been a walking sexual harassment charge, but not there. You didn't mind his verbal advances, though you couldn’t be sure he even meant them. The two of you were family, which was a dilemma because you shouldn’t picture family piledriving your cunt with the thick cock you knew hung behind the fabric of his work pants. 
“Y/N.” The man that was just unknowingly responsible for the ache between your thighs was snapping his fingers in front of your face. Shaking your head, you blinked at him. “I asked if you wanted me to do it.” Vincent had given you the injection a few times, when you just had lacked the nerve to do it yourself. Even if he didn’t perform the task, he always stood nearby and offered an arm or a shoulder for you to squeeze during the peak of the pain. A few times, he’d caught you when your legs gave out. 
Licking your lips, you considered him before nodding and handing him the alcohol prep and syringe. “No jokes, okay?” Your voice shook when the cold pad was swiped over the skin of your abdomen, just to the left of your navel. Bauer nodded and pulled the cap from the auto-inject syringe, pressing the end into your flesh and watching your eyes, waiting for permission to activate the device. “Do it.” A click hiss signaled the cocktail entering your system. It was painless at first, but you knew what was to come, a hand already on Vincent’s bicep. A quick glance at his face revealed his lips moving in a silent countdown. He had this down to a science, knew exactly when to expect the onslaught.
When the burn of the chemical inside you struck, seconds felt like hours. You knew you had shouted. Bauer had told you with a stricken expression once that you always cried out. In reality, it was over as quickly as it started, leaving you trembling with a grip tight enough to bruise the man. It was one of the times you had gone boneless, finding your face pressed against his sternum and his arms hooked beneath yours.
“Already over. On your feet.” He urged, encouragement in every syllable. It was easy to go back to business as usual, his palm clapping your shoulder before he had strode over to slip his work attire over his shirt and longjohns. Zipping up the outer layer over his torso, he smirked at you. “You got somethin’ against bras? Not that I’m complain’ but the ladies are always lettin’ us know when it’s too cold in here.”
“Shut up, Vin.” You laughed, stepping into your pants. Glancing at the clock, it read 1:42.
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You could hear Bauer belting out some song from down the hall, likely off key and with more enthusiasm than you ever seemed to be able to conjure in that life. When you came down for the job, you had passed the physical and psych eval with flying colors; no substantial family history, no red flags. You had been a perfect candidate before those doors had sealed. Nothing could have prepared you for floating through time, losing years without aging. Even with the two other individuals keeping you company, you had never felt so lonely, trapped, starved for human touch. More than the occasional pat on the back from Cartwright or even the hugs from Bauer. 
You adjusted your weight a little more evenly on the rickety old step-stool, balancing the vent grille in one hand and the new filter in the other. Switching to free up one hand, you plucked the old filter out and made to toss it over your shoulder to grab afterwards. With the sudden shift, the stupid stool tilted beneath you, gravity deciding that it would no longer be your friend and down you tumbled. “Shit!” 
Expecting the hard metal of the grated floor, you were quite surprised to land against something firmly soft with an oomf beside your ear. You clutched the grille and filter to your chest like treasure, blinking big eyes up at Bauer while he arched a brow in return. “If you wanted me to hold you, all you had to do was say so.” He chuckled, already letting your legs slide off of his arm. God, he was warm. 
“Thank you.” You said softly before clearing your throat and stepping out of his space. “Hey, would you—” With a quick gesture of your hand, you indicated the duct that he could easily reach without the deathtrap stool.
Vincent snorted and moved the toolbox to the other hand. “Give it here.” He didn’t even sit down his burden before positioning the filter and holding his hand out expectantly, wiggling his fingers for the grille. You passed it over and sighed in defeat when he popped into place with an ease that made you sneer at him. With that smug grin of his, he turned down the hall toward the other door. “You’re welcome!” He called over his shoulder. 
“Asshole!” You smiled. You picked up the discarded filter and reached for your tool box, the cold handle instantly making you feel the warmth of the body you had just been pressed against. He felt so nice. God, it would have been like heaven to just stay there for the next—
You sighed. There was still so much to do. You still needed to—
The pulse between your legs happened so suddenly that you gasped. Biting your lip, a rush of warmth came with the next one. You couldn’t remember that last time you had been aroused but it was definitely before those doors had sealed. Maybe you could make an excuse to go back up and hide in the bathroom, take a page from Bauer’s book. Not literally. Those magazines were filthy. 
No way. There wasn’t time for this shit. You had a job to do and there was no way you were gonna let a little thing like sex-brain get in the way of that. Lifting the box, you hadn’t taken two steps before that door opened and Bauer traipsed out, wiping sweat from his brow with his free hand. He had his head bobbing to the music in his headphones—much too loud since you could hear it. 
Watching him move, you pictured him how you saw him every time you woke up. T-shirt with the sleeves loose around biceps that flexed when he did his pushups. Longjohns that were loose enough to only provide a teasing glimpse of an outline. He always talked a big game but you wondered if he could back it up. 
You blinked, the thoughts dissolving as quickly as you allowed them to intrude. Bauer was looking right at you with an arched brow and a mischievous grin. 
He reached up and moved the headphones to sit around his neck. “You’re starin’. Somethin’ on your mind?” 
God, he was attractive. A rush of heat traveled from deep in your belly straight to your core. You shook your head minutely. This was Bauer. Vin. Sure, he was a huge flirt but you doubted he was really interested. 
“Still starin’.” He chuckled. 
Maybe if you came off as playful, he would give you some sign that you could get a little more serious. “Oh, just wondering if those magazines really get the job done.”
With a tilt of his head, he bent sideways to place his toolbox on the floor. “You got my attention.” He crossed his arms, hands tucked into his armpits, and stood impossibly straighter. 
You shrugged, shooting for nonchalant. “Just seems like it’d be a constant disappointment. Jerking off like a teenager when a real pussy would be so much better.”
He chuckled. “You offerin’, C-cup?”
It took all you had to keep your voice from shaking. “Maybe.” It was almost comical the way his expression morphed into something between shocked and hopeful. You took a step toward him but he closed the distance in just a few long strides. 
“Maybe isn’t yes or no.” He was a hair’s breadth away, the proximity making your skin burn and your heartrate accelerate. 
“Yes.” You whispered, hating how it sounded more like a question. Still, Bauer made no attempt to advance. 
“Gotta be sure, doll. We live together in a place where it’d be difficult not to see each other if we make a mistake.” The sight of his tongue raking across his lips made you weak in the knees. 
“I don’t want to fuck up our friendship, you know.” You chewed your bottom lip for a moment, reaching out to toy with the zipper on his uniform jacket. “But I’ve—noticed you for a long time now. Well, as long as four hours a year allows.” You laughed. He didn’t, but the corners of his mouth lifted. “Yes. Yes, I’m sure.”
His lips were on yours within a heartbeat, large hands cradling each side of your neck. There was absolutely no stopping the moan that slipped so easily from your mouth and into his, providing the opening he needed to slide his tongue past your teeth. The two muscles tangled, battling. He tasted of the cigarettes he always somehow managed to find, along with the mint toothpaste that was well stocked in the supply closet. 
You were pulling at the zipper of his pants when he caught your wrists and pulled back to free your lips enough to watch you pout. 
“Not here.” Bauer looked up at a camera that was conveniently placed right at the end of the hall. “Don’t want Cartwright playin’ with the wizard’s staff while he watches us.” With a pointed look toward the camera that would have made you laugh at literally any other time, Bauer grabbed your waist and hoisted you up, your legs anchoring around his midsection. Your arms wound around his neck to hold yourself securely to his body while he twisted the wheel lock to open the door of the room he had exited only moments before. He pulled the door closed behind him and pressed you against it. You maintained your hold on him until he pushed on your thighs, urging you to drop your boots to the floor. 
It was a frenzy of sloppy kisses as you removed your jacket—leaving your camisole—and shed your work pants and sleep shorts. Bauer was less interested in removing his clothes, simply pulling down his pants and the longjohns underneath just enough to free his cock, stroking the already hard length as he stepped toward you.
“Sorry about the quickie, C-cup. Time isn’t exactly on our side here.”
“Less talking.” You lifted your right leg and curved it over his hip, driving the heel of your foot against the back of his thigh to bring him flush against your body. Kissing you with a hunger that ignited a fire in your belly, Bauer bent his knees slightly so he could obtain a firm hold on the backs of your thighs and lifted you to your previous position. You could feel the heat of his cock through the thin fabric of your panties, the hardness pressed against your folds. “Fuck me already, Vin.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” Gripping his shaft, he used his pinky to shove your panties to the side and entered you in one swift thrust that had you both moaning lewdly. “Christ fuck.”
It felt like he was splitting you in two. True, it had been a long time since you’d felt a cock inside you, but it had never felt like this. The first thrust punched a sound from you that you couldn’t even accurately describe. The fullness was a feeling you hadn’t even realized you had missed so intensely until he was moving inside you, his lips attached to your neck, your collarbone. 
“Goddamn, you feel so good.” He grunted, his large hands squeezing your ass, kneading and spreading you open. With your back against the wall and his solid grip below you, it was easy for him to lean back, his eyes locked on where he slid in and out of you with ease. “Come on, baby. Wanna watch you cum on my cock.”
The dark maintenance room was lit by only a single red light, which somehow contributed to the ambience of the moment. Bathed in scarlet as his skin met yours again and again, Bauer was beautiful. Your heavy-lidded eyes watched him, lips parted and brow furrowed in concentration. The perspiration beading on his skin glistened, his hair damp with it. You rewarded his efforts with sounds that had him groaning against your flesh, his thrusts quickening. 
Your hand nearly left his shoulder, the thought of rubbing your swollen clit a mere fleeting consideration once you felt the first vibrations of your climax approaching from his cock alone. The knot in your belly was tight, soon to snap. 
“Cum for me. That’s it, pretty girl.” He cooed, his fingers sliding into the cleft of your ass to spread you impossibly wider. His breathy encouragement was influencing you in all the right ways. 
“Fuck, Vin, I’m gonna cum.” First, your legs began to shake, tingling with the first sensations of your orgasm. “Oh god, oh shit.” Your nails dug into his shoulders, your clit beginning to throb. Without even a single brush to the sensitive nub, you began to cum, shouting his name and pressing your back hard against the door to angle your hips upward. The new angle allowed him to hit the deepest spot inside of you, each thrust prolonging the pleasure coursing through your cunt, your stomach, down to your toes. 
“Fuck, girl. Squeezin’ me like that—I’m gonna—fuck!” His hips stuttered, his grip tightening to borderline painful, only spurring you onward in your blissful journey. Distantly, you felt the warmth fill you, the pressure flowing against each and every nerve deep inside. Vincent pressed himself against you, his head dropping to your shoulder, each breath a heavy pant against your neck. Your hips jerked sporadically as you came down from wherever he had sent you, his cock still pulsing inside of you. “God—goddamn.” He rasped.
You grinned, still catching your own breath. “Better than a magazine?” He didn’t answer, not right away. He remained just as he was until you could no longer feel his heart galloping against your own chest. When he straightened, his blue eyes were thoughtful, with something you couldn’t name twinkling behind the vivid color. His quickly softening cock slipped free of you as he placed you on your feet, pulling up his longjohns and pants with one hand while he bent to snatch up your clothing and hand it to you.
Bauer zipped up his work pants. “Don’t think I’ll be needing Miss 1979 anymore.” He jested while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “This a one-time thing?” His eyes were dancing over your face, hard to read, but you could have sworn you caught a flicker of hope there.
“I hope not.”
When he kissed you then, it felt different and in the best way possible.
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“I’ve got our cocktails ready.” 
Cartwright was loading the mixture into the correct receptacle above each bed. Though you found yourself loath to enter the chamber, there was no avoiding it. At your locker, you peeled off your uniform, the chilly air much more uncomfortable than it had been when it had attempted to cool your body while Bauer had been inside of you. 
Risking a glance, you spotted Vincent at his own storage space, a magazine in his hand. His tongue dragged across his bottom lip, his eyes narrowed in thought. After a moment, he twisted to drop the publication into the garbage can behind him. 
Without moving your head, your eyes slid over to Cartwright, his mouth agape. When your sights moved back to Bauer, he was hanging his jacket inside the locker, a smirk painted over his features. He knew you were watching him, the little shit. 
Glancing at the clock, it read 0:12. 
You always dreaded going back into the chamber, frozen in time, feeling so much older with each emergence though your body hadn’t changed. Now, you wondered if the 6 months of forced sleep would bring about an awkwardness that preceded the dissolution of your friendship with Bauer. Maybe you had made a mistake. You had let your baser needs outweigh logic and reason and at what cost?
“See you soon.” Cartwright was already prepped and lying on the table, his voice muffled by the plastic cylinder. You gave him a soft smile and a nod, turning toward your own chamber as your comrade’s began to close. Your hand had barely touched the metal when your opposite wrist was snagged and you were spun around, your chest pressed snugly against Vincent’s. You heard Cartwright’s exclamations as his chamber closed, the “hey, you two are—oh my god—that’s why he threw away—” making you chuckle against Bauer’s mouth after you were drawn in for a kiss. 
By the time the two of you separated, you were breathless and the clock was at 0:06. You were cutting it close but could you really complain? Hell no. 
“See ya in six months, C-cup.” He damn near whispered, a fingertip fondly tracing your jaw. Your anxiety melted with each tender sweep of the digit, your eyes fluttering closed. “Go on now.” Spinning you, he gave your ass a slap and backed toward his own table. 
“Asshole.” You laughed, climbing up into the chamber. Inserting the needle into your arm and the cannula below your nose, you laid back and shifted to get comfortable. Rolling your head to the side, you watched Bauer do the same before meeting your gaze. 
“Night.” He said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes.
“Night, Vin.” You continued holding his gaze until the metal closed in around you. As you began to feel the effects of the cocktail, your mind growing hazy and your eyes fluttering closed, you could only focus on the image of Bauer’s smile that had been etched into your memory, the ghostly whisper of his hands in your skin. You began to drift off, the uplifted corners of your mouth slowly relaxing. 
Maybe you could enjoy living life two hours at a time after all.  
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doubledeadstudio · 2 months
How are the LI with children? My guess is that Crux would be the best over all because he probably has experience due to his little sister,Black would try his best but would ultimately be a mess and Vincenzo is well...Vincenzo (RIP poor child)
You're correct, anon! Crux would actually make a fantastic dad because he's a very patient and playful guy, and he'll get invested in making learning and communicating fun for his kid, THOUGH he won't be the most cautious... That kid is going to get scrapes and injuries from stupid games they're doing... He'll be the type that'll be like "watch this!" and spin the kid around and it'll look super concerning, but the kid would be laughing the whole time.
Both Black and Vincenzo will feel incredibly guilty about spreading their DNA and having children. Black would be very protective, try to give everything his child needs, but ultimately he'll feel cold to the kid because children need emotional reassurance too.
Vincenzo, I actually know because I roleplayed him years ago as having a kid... and actually, Vin was an unexpectedly good parent LMAO. Vincenzo's the type that's like FUCK children! Little snot nosed brats!! And then he'd get a kid and the kid would remind him too much of everything he needed and never got as a child, and he'd start handling the kid with an unexpected amount of love and care. Super protective, and includes his child everywhere, plays and teases them a lot... Vincenzo's also a mix of protective with his kids and also like, not cautious enough. If another person messes with his kid, he'll cut them into ribbons, but then the kid slams their head on the side of the table and he'll laugh DKSOPDKKD. Vincenzo is not immune to laughing at his kid fucking up/being sad, which will probably mess with them, but they'll always know Vin loves and spoils them, so.
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