#Uugghh so good!!
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ray-jaykub · 2 years ago
I'm always such a big fan of your mob!turtles XO you're writing is amazing!!
The Fall part 1
Mob!Donnie childhood AU
Summary: Donnie is young and hasn't quite learned to hate the world yet. He's fighting for his and his family's freedom but when you're locked in chains, do you bite the hand that holds the keys? Who can really be trusted?
Warnings: dark, mentions of being held against your will, violence, child abuse ect. Just dark, so take caution.
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Plink... Plink...
One pebble after another, thrown against the concrete wall of their bedroom. But, to call it a bedroom was an act of kindness. Four walls, a ceiling and a dirt floor. Cots laid with threadbare blankets that scratched their delicate skin as they lay upon them. There was hardly a morning Donatello didn't wake up with some kind of nasty, many legged thing crawling under his clothes- cockroaches, beetles, spiders... All searching for warmth in the soft no-man's-land between his skin and the fabric of his thin T-shirt.
"Will you shut the fuck up?" Raph's voice came harsh in the silence of the room but, Mikey was feeling bold and threw another pebble at the wall. Plink. That was the game. See how perfect of a noise you can make the stone sound against the stone wall. Grey pebble, grey walls, dirt floor. Sometimes Donnie wondered if the whole world was such a depressing shade of tedious. There had to be more, out there, the world he knew so little about but was so close to he could taste it. Had he had the vocabulary for it at the ripe age of 6, he would have named this place the ninth circle of hell although, he was not sure what treachery him and his brothers had committed to be there. Maybe this was Judecca, where those who had betrayed their lord could be found, the sin rubbed off on them from their creators- the scientists who formed the mutigen that made them. Years later, when they are all free of this place, Donatello would find himself repeating "the sin of the father is not the sin of the son" but, those words could hold no comfort now as he had not yet read them.
For now, they had each other and their games during the day to busy themselves for nightfall held a far different story for them. This place, this pit of hell that they were kept in, was no more than a part of an underground freak-show that boasted the most monstrous of acts that money could buy and Donatello and his brothers were the main attraction.
They came every night, five days a week, from 6pm to 11pm to sit in the audience and watch and cheer. Well... Only cheer on the nights they felt generous. Mostly it was a cascade of abuse and bottles being thrown, smashing around their feet or even against the the thin skin of their bony temples. They would perform, one by one, by demonstrating humiliating and meaningless tasks. Balancing a giant ball on their noses like a seal and an aquarium, dancing, fighting... This was all well and good but the crowd was always hungry for more. The boy's fear was like wine to them, they became drunk on it. Wanting to see more, feel more, be truly alive in that moment by witnessing others be torn down. It would get to the stage where the dancing bears or lions were set on them, turning their quaint little freak-show into a Colosseum where they would have to fight for their lives. But, tonight, they are safe and together and in the protection of their bedroom while Splinter, their father, performs.
Although they cannot see him as there are no windows in the room, they can hear the crowd screech out for more. It is a hideous sound, disembodied and almost alive in the way it carries throughout the camp. Donnie can sit there idly no longer and decided to get some fresh air.
The manacles that bind his feet together, the same as his brothers, do not allow his strides to be wide but he is fast nonetheless. Weaving between the carnies and jugglers and their fire pits with ease, watching as they rub their hands together for warmth and turn away from him. No one there looked at them, not even the other acts. They were united in the freakdom but, whatever the him and his brothers were could not be understood and therefore not tolerated. He would catch them, though, looking out of the corners of their eyes and he would smile (a childhood nervous habit) before their eyes darted away and they would spit and curse him under their breath. Donnie could feel something in his being chipped away each time this occurred, he would not know until years later that this was his empathy being stripped away.
Past the fires, past the trailers and the cages where the animals were housed in better conditions than he and his brothers were kept, towards the line of trees. There he sat and looked up at the night sky, it was far away enough that the calls of the vile audience were muffled like the buzzing of a fly kept under a glass. The moon was crescent shaped and the stars shone around it in patterns he was still trying to learn. Splinter has told him once "That is Orion, the hunter. You see those tree stars there, that is his belt. Scorpio will be near by". It was rare that Splinter was allowed outside alone with the boys, too much fear that he would break free of his chains and escape with them, but on the rare occasion they were together he would impart words of wisdom and comfort.
The breeze was cool against the skin of his cheeks and he looked around at the bustling camp, all preparing for their turn on stage. It was a different story for them, they were not captives of this travelling freak-show but willing participants. They could come and go as they please but most stayed, it was food and board and a chance to be around the other "undesirables" of society, a chance at acceptance. Donnie watched as bearded ladies combed out their moustaches and tightrope walkers went through their routines when his eye caught on a new face in the crowd. He has sandy blond hair and thick stubble about his chin, he was positioned under the hood of a truck, clanging at its insides and muttering to himself. This would not normally catch Donnie's attention if it weren't for the fact that the man looked right at him, smiled and waved before returning to his business. There was a look to his green eyes that crinkled around the edges- folded where thousands of other smiles had come before it, it stirred something in Donnie because he recognised the look. It was the same as his brothers would give him after he offered them another bite of his bread or pressed a cold compress to their fevered foreheads. It was kindness.
It knocked the breath from him, no one ever looked at him but much less smiled. The man was new here, he didn't understand the hierarchy of the show with the ringleaders at the top and him and his family at the very bottom. Soon this man would learn to downcast his eyes when Donnie passed and move away if he stood too close lest the turtle boy's lack of status stain him in some way. Unless Donnie thought I can make him see that I am not so different to him now, before they get to him! Had he known the word, he would have said "befriend", but he did not have any friends, nor know there was a word for it. All he had was his brothers and his father.
Meekly, Donnie rose and walked over the the man, keeping a watchful eye on the other show members to make sure they were not looking and would not interfere. The closer he got the more he could make out, there were tattoos on his arms, a pinup girl wearing a sailors hat, a black panther crouching, the ink was faded and had a greenish tinge to it where he had guessed it was once solid black. He smelt like sandalwood and tobacco and there were twinges of grey in his sandy hair.
"D-do you need any help" Donnie's voice came out small and frightened, this brought a warm smile to the man's face.
"Well, I'm not sure how much you know about cars, but hey, pass me that bolt tightener. The one that looks like a fork without the middle prongs" His voice was syrupy and smooth but deeper than he had expected it to be.
A fork? Donnie didn't know that word and it showed. The man frowned a little, as if in thought and pointed to the tool he was asking for on the ground by Donnie's left foot. He gratefully took it when Donnie handed it over and thanked him.
He was a lion tamer, by the name of Frank, and had moved here from a south. He liked to hum while he worked and would point out different parts of the engine to Donnie while he adjusted them. He was patient and often patted Donatello on the back when he said something Frank found amusing.
Eventually the truck was fixed despite the lack of light the flashlight was giving in the dark of the night and the engine purred like he imagined the panther on Frank's arm would, had it been real. He had instructed Donnie on how to help and where to put his slim, 6 year old fingers that could slip into smaller parts of the engine than Frank's could. He would smile with pride when Donnie did was well and patiently instructed when he fell short. The sky had darkened further in the 30 minutes they had stood talking and working so that Donnie guessed his father would be returning back to their room at any moment. He paused before hastily wishing Frank a good night and almost running back to the concrete cell where he spent most of his day.
"Hey, kid!" Frank called after him. "I appreciate your help. Why don't you swing by tomorrow and you can help me feed the lions?"
An invitation, an extension of kindness. Donnie's face lit up just thinking about it. His bare feet were dry and dusty and beginning to really feel the chill in the air but he agreed to meet Frank tomorrow and ran back to his brothers.
That night he would tell his family about the events of the evening and Splinter's eyebrows would knot. He would warn his young son to be careful, that humans are not to be trusted. Donatello would not listen, riding high on the waves of the friendship that was blossoming. It lit a fire in him, one that was almost warm enough stop the chill setting in his bones as he lay beneath his thin covers. But the cold did not upset him tonight, and for the first time he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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moonverc3x · 1 year ago
the fashion designs for palestine post u rbed is ai, just fyi!
aahhh nooo!! cant believe I didn't notice- thank you for pointing it out! omw to delete the reblog
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valeskadoer · 10 months ago
releast tags ever
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when when you want to see content but you are the only one who can create it
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vanillashusband · 2 years ago
i made cringefail cookies and i am. so so sad about it OTL hjghfg
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anna-the-undertaker · 9 months ago
What Levi invisioned when FemMC revealed she was a Gamer-
MC in a weird e-girl voice: Babe, please come heal me! They're gonna get me! Babe! Thank you 😘
MC: Uugghh we lost! Its okay, baby, I know you were carrying us the whole time.
MC: Babe, can I have a stack of cobblestone? I want to build us a little minecraft house and put our little minecraft beds together.
The reality-
MC: Babe, I clearly said: Andisite for the foundation, diorite for the columns. It's not my fault that you dont understand basic minecraft geology.
MC: Guys, get the Reinhardt off me so I can - GUYS! GUYS- Okay... I hope one of your family members is in a car accident this week!
MC: You know what guys... good effort... is what I would say if I didnt have GOLD DAMAGE AS MERCY!
MC: Guys, get on the objective! Get on the- *starts beating her hand against the table* AAAAAAHHHHHHH!
Also MC: Hey babe, can we put our minecraft beds together?
Based on this:
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fangirlstorycreator · 2 months ago
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Alastor X Reader:
Context: When you discover it's Alastor's birthday, you want to suprise him with a thoughtful gift. But would it be one he'd like? And how would he show his appreciation?
Part 1/2
Shouting, swearing and things being thrown and broken had just startled you awake after a terrible nights sleep. Just like every other morning in the hotel. Why did Angel and Husk always have to be at eachothers throats? Just once, you'd like to wake up normally, without being disturbed. But, it wasn't like your afterlife was easy, it was hell. Groaning as you sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing the tiredness from your eyes, still hearing Angel and Husk argue like an old married couple.
"Uugghh, please shut up you two"
This was the 5th time this week they'd done this. They didn't listen to Charlie when she asked them politely to stop, well, with your eye bags and pounding headache, they were about to be asked in a more aggressive tone. Once you were dressed, you made your way down the hallway, with a face like thunder, not wanting them to fuck up your sleep anymore. When you reached the top of the main staircase, you see Angel and Husk at the bar, Charlie desperately trying to calm them down, Vaggie struggling to get Nifty down from the curtains, and Alastor is sat on the sofa with Lucifer and Pentious.
"Angel, come on, let's just go for a walk huh?"
"Why the fuck would I wanna do that Charlie?! I ain't leavin till Whiskers hear says sorry to me!"
"I already told you! Don't call me Whiskers!"
"Then don't call me fake you stupid moth'a-"
You scream down the staircase, making everyone go silent. The only ones who look slightly impressed are Alastor, Lucifer and Vaggie.
"For the love of god! You guys haven't let me get a decent night sleep all fucking week! I don't care what started this stupid little argument, but it's ending now! And I swear, if you wake me up with this stupid little war of yours one more time! I'll shove a vodca bottle so far up your asses, you'll be tasting it for a month!"
"There uh, there ain't no need to be like that toots-"
"Oh really Angel? There isn't? Tell that to my fucking headaches! You've both been asked by Charlie nicely to stop, but neither of you listened. Well now, your getting it from me! Both of you, grow the fuck up!"
".............I'm sorry toots"
Angel and Husk both say, embarrassed and unable to look you in the eye, Alastor and Vaggie just chuckle under their breath.
"Good. Now, I suggest you both make yourself useful and help Charlie by doing that project she wanted you both to help her with"
"Aww! But toots-"
"(Sturn look, raised eyebrow)"
"A'right, fine. C'mon Husk"
Charlie looks so relived, she mouths the words thank you before taking Angel and Husk to the activities room down the hall. When they leave, you exhale, rubbing at your temples walking to the bar, and grabbing a drink. In fear of you still being angry, Vaggie, Nifty and Pentious slip up the stairs. Alastor on the other hand, stands up from the sofa, leaving Lucifer and sitting on the bar stool infront of you.
"Bravo my dear! I am rather impressed. I won't deny, I came very close to doing something along those lines myself. But you beat me too it! And dare I say, in a much more entertaining fashion"
"Those two have been driving me crazy! Charlie's sweet, but those two need something more firm"
"I absolutely agree. I must say, it was quite possibly one of the most enjoyable moments I've experienced for quite some time. Even more entertaining than when Charlie's little father came along"
"Eh! I'm not little"
"Aha! You keep thinking that"
Lucifer scoffed, turning away and playing with a little yellow duck in a kings crown.
"I say my dear, you do look rather exhausted. Might a nap be beneficial to you?"
"I would if I could. Even when I was alive, no matter how hard I tried, I could never nap unless I was ill or on holiday"
"Well, why not imagine your on your holiday?"
"Alastor, have you seen where we are?"
"Hm, quite right. You have a point. Ah well, at least you mother'd those two imbesils into stopping their squabbles. They shouldn't make that same mistake again, not if they want to remain unharmed"
"I'm not usually like that. Just with a lack of sleep, I don't know what came over me"
"Worry not my dear, all of us hear know your not a spiteful or nasty person. In fact, since I've known you, I have often wondered on many occasions, why you ended up in hell rather than heaven"
"That's a story for another time Alastor"
"Of course, I wouldn't want to cross your boundaries. Ah! Would you look at the time, I must take my leave. I have a scheduled time to see my good friend Rosie. You remember Rosie don't you?"
"Yeh, the nice overlord from Cannibal Town"
"That's her. I'll tell her you said hello. I do hope you have a pleasant day my dear. (Kisses your hand) And Lucifer...eh..."
Alastor flips Lucifer the middle finger as he leaves, pissing him off, his horns slightly showing when his eyes glow red. They're relationship was just as bad as Angel and Husk.
"Just ignore him Lucifer, he just wants to get a rise out of you"
"Yeh, well it's fucking working. Hey? You mind grabbing me a drink?"
"Sure, what are you having?"
"Uuuuuuuumm? I'll have an old fashioned. Oh oh! And can you put it in a wide glass? I wanna float my little ducky in there"
You giggle at his cute request, he loved his ducks. After making him a drink, he sits next to you too, floating his little duck in the drink with a giddy smile and big shiny eyes.
"Hey, can I just say, Alastor wasn't the only one who liked the way you spoke to those two"
"I kind of guessed you did. Your eyes were darting back and forth between me an them. Like a child trying to listen in on a conversation he's not supposed to"
"Can you blame me? Other than the red asshole who lives hear, your the only sinner I've seen who has the balls to raise your voice in the hotel. And heck! I remember seeing you have a shouting match with that overlord Valentino a few months ago too!"
"Yeh, well, he hurt Angel. I'll always protect my friends"
"I know. We all know that. I think that's why those two listened to you when you scolded them. Your their friend, but you can be a stern mother figure if needed to be"
"That's so weird, both you and Alastor both said the word mother, I honestly never thought that word would be used to describe me"
"Well, it is now. I think this place needs a motherly figure. Even if it's to stop the everyday chaos that happens in this place. I mean, you remember when Charlie made that birthday celebration for Nifty?"
"Oh hell yeah, I remember. (shudder) Nifty's birthday was the definition of disaster"
"Yeh, thank golly that only happens once a year. But then, Charlie wants everyone to celebrate their birthday down hear, and that's probably gunna be even worse"
"Well, I doubt Husk won't try dousing his birthday cake in bleach like Nifty did. Isn't is Husk who has a birthday next?"
"Hm? I have no clue. The calendars behind the bar"
You grab the calendar behind the bar, flicking through it as you lean on the counter, Lucifer playing with his little duck as you read.
"Hm? That's interesting. Turns out the next person to have their birthday is Alastor"
"What?! Why do we have to celebrate HIM?! He's such an ass! Every single time he's hear, he always does something to piss me off!"
"Not everyone in hear hates him Lucifer. I know you and Husk do, it's understandable why Husk does, and with you, I think he just enjoys making you angry"
"Who the hell does like him then?!"
"Charlie does. Nifty, Angel enjoys trying to get a rise out of him sometimes. I like him too"
"Why?! He's a dick!"
"He's a dick to you. He hasn't behaved that way with me since we've met. If anything, he's been a real gentleman"
"Yeh, gentleman my ass!......Although, you do kind of have a point. I've seen him be nice to Charlie and Nifty, definitely more with you. You never know, he may have the hots for you. Don't fall for his bullshit if he does!!!"
"Lucifer, relax. You do know Alastor's Asexual right?"
"He's not into sex"
"Not into!!-How the hell can someone not be into that?! Sex is awesome! I mean, me and Lilith back in the day, eheh, bow chick'a wow wow!"
"That's you Lucifer. Not everyone can like the same things"
"I just didn't know that about him. Right! I'm gunna tear him a new one about it!"
"Your not gunna do that"
"But why not?! I'm the king of hell! I can do whatever I like! Why-why'd you say no?"
"Think about it Lucifer. You'll be lowering yourself to his level"
"Oh shit, yeh"
"And your own daughter said this hotel is about bettering yourself. Don't copy Alastor's behaviour, rise above it. Have you ever heard of the phrase, kill them with kindness?"
"Well yeh, but how can-oooooooooohhh! I see what you mean!"
"Anytime he wants to make you angry, be positive. Because in failing to wind you up-"
"It'll drive HIM crazy! Yes! I love it! Thank you sweetie"
"Don't mention it. And, don't give him something condescending for his birthday either"
"Not even a duck in the shape of a big-"
"I know what your about to say, and it's a firm no"
"Nnuugghh ok. I'll....be nice to him or whatever"
"Good. Hey? Did I just hear your name?"
"Hm? Oh, I hear it too. Sounds like Charlie. I'll go see what she wants. See you later Y/N"
"See you Lucifer"
You can't help but chuckle, watching Lucifer jump down and dance towards the hallway, little duck in hand. Now it was just you, in blissful silence, ah it was wonderful. You knew it wouldn't last long, but it's nice to have it while you can. As you enjoy the peace, you look back at the calendar, seeing Alastor's name written on the page. You did wonder to yourself, what he would like, or even if he wants a gift? And his birthday was happening tomorrow, it was time to have a think. Later that afternoon, Alastor came back from his morning with Rosie, and saw you sitting on your own in the hotel lobby.
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"Good afternoon my dear! How has the day been for you?"
"It's been nice thanks, Pentious and Nifty came through a few times, but everyone else seems to be busy doing their own things. How was Rosie?"
"Ah she was delightful, a lovely morning was had by all, haha! (Sits down next to you) What are you reading?"
"This? It's The Great Gatsby"
"Ah! I read that book before I died! I do believe it was published about 10 years before I ended up hear. It was a great read if I remember correctly"
"Did you know they made a film of it?"
"But of course! In 1926"
"Not just in 1926"
"I beg your pardon my dear?"
"Yep. They made it into a film two more times. The second time in 1949, and again in 2013"
"I say! One might think they would like to leave a classic alone once it's been put on the noisy electronic box. But they truly did it 3 times? I never witnessed any of them myself. The book shall be my only knowledge of the classic tale"
"To be honest, you weren't missing anything. I saw the latest film before I died, but I wasn't a fan. I much prefer the books"
"Aha! And that is why I truly enjoy your company my dear. Ahh, I sometimes believe you are the only person in this whole building whose company I genuinely like"
"Of course!"
"That's so sweet Alastor, thank you"
"Don't mention it. Actually, now that I have you hear for a moment, I did have a subject I wished to bring up with you"
"Oh? What's that"
"It's something I was waiting the right time for. More specifically, a time where none else was around to listen in on us. As you well know, I like to keep my life private, unless I choose to share it"
"I do"
"Well......as you are aware, aswell as a few of the sinners in this hotel....my....passions....desires.....they are not.....exactly the same, as everyone else. Case in point, my desires are almost on the opposite spectrum of someone like Angeldust"
"Yes. I remember when you told me about that"
"And while I do not enjoy or wish to take part in any form of sexual affection....it does not mean I retain from all forms of showing my appreciation. I don't know if you were aware, of me kissing your hand goodbye whenever I leave your company? And noticed that I do not do that with any other lady"
"I...may have noticed, yes"
"Well, that is my way of showing my affection to you. But there are times, I wish....I wish for your hand...to be your lips...."
"Alastor...I'm flattered"
"Thank you....but my question to you is....is this feeling...reciprocated?"
"(Blushing, tucking hair behind ear) It might be"
"My darling, if it pleases you, I would never much like to show you how much you mean to me. But as you know, being the radio demon and a powerful overlord hear in hell-"
"You'd rather keep what might happen between us, private"
"Indeed. But please understand when I say, it is not that I do not wish to be seen with you in public as my partner, I very much do. But if Vox or the other V's see you at my side as my partner, you may be at risk of being targeted by them, and you may be in danger because of me. I need to make sure I am strong enough to protect you against any of the V's"
"It's ok, I understand. To be honest, I'm not one of those people who loves to parade around the streets with a boyfriend. I'd rather spend my time with them, enjoying their company"
"Absolutely! But I promise you this, if this is something you wish to be a part of, we will walk hand in hand, side by side after a sensible amount of time. Once I know I am strong enough to take on and win against all the V's, I will not have to worry about your safety. Because your safety, my dear... is my highest priority"
"That's very considerate of you"
"(Chuckles lightly)"
Alastor's smile looks genuine right now, you can tell by how gentle his eyes were. Taking your hand, he places a kiss on the back like he always does.
"I think you have a new target....don't you think?"
".....Aahh....my pleasure my dear"
Feeling his fingers delicately hold your chin, he looks deep into your eyes. Looking desperately at your lips, but lovingly into your eyes. He leans in closer, you can almost feel his lips, so close-"
"Hi guys!!"
You both sit back a little, a little spooked by Lucifer barging through the hotel doors, loud and proud.
"Whatcha both up to?"
"We were enjoying a peaceful conversation before you very rudely interrupted us! One might say, it was very inconsiderate to barge in on someone's conversation, without adequate reason"
"Ah get over yourself! This hotel's a free place! And my daughter runs it, so yeh! Hey hey Y/N! Wanna see the new little ducky I made today! Look look!"
Lucifer bounds over to you and Alastor, but only speaks and looks at you.
"Isn't he just adorable!!"
"Well, yes he is Lucifer. But uh? Why does he have a bottle of whiskey?"
"That's because I'm making little ducks of everyone in the hotel! It was Charlie's idea, but I like it! This one's the bartender"
"You mean Husk?"
"Oh! That's his name! I keep forgetting-"
"Excuse me! If you wouldn't mind, me and Y/N were actually in the middle of a rather important discussion"
"Oooooh! I'm so scared! What are you gunna do? Talk me to death?"
"Something like that can surely be arranged-"
Very quickly, you intervene, standing between them both when Alastor stood up, eyes darkening, and Lucifer smirking.
"Woh woh woh! That's enough! Both of you!"
"My dear, if he insists on causing an issue, I am in more than happy to deal with it"
"Awww! Is someone a little tetchy? Knowing your becoming an old man getting to you huh?"
"What?! How did you know I am to be-"
"It's on Charlie's calendar, dipshit!"
"That's it-"
Again, having to push them apart, this time, Alastor really looked like he was going to attack Lucifer.
"Alastor! Alastor look at me!"
You say calmly, taking his face in your hands, making him look at you.
"Look at me. Take a deep breath, in....and out...in....and out..."
If anyone else had asked him to do that, or touched his face, he'd push back. But because it was you, he didn't mind, and it was genuinely calming him down, even his eyes had changed back from black to red.
"That's it. Ok, we can finish our chat another time, but for now, why don't you just take some time to calm yourself in your radio station? You've told me thats your happy place. Please Alastor, please don't let this escalate anymore"
"........Alright my dear.......I'll take some time.....I shall see you soon"
His shadow engulfs him, sending him up the stairs and on his way to the radio station.
"Ah man, can you believe that guy? He gets so-"
"You know what Lucifer? I can't believe you!"
"Wait, what?"
"Didn't listen to a word I said today? About not lowering yourself to that level? Not doing to him what he does to you?"
"But I-"
"But nothing! You agreed to have a better attitude when your around Alastor and you've just thrown all of that out of the window!"
"I can argue with whomever I want Y/N! I'm the king of hell after all!"
"And your in this hotel to support YOUR daughter! Have you forgotten that? Stop acting like a child and at least try to make something work with Alastor"
"Why? Because you'll be disappointed?"
"Because this is Charlie's dream! You can't see how hard she's working to actually help people, and instead of doing what a father should be doing, your picking fights with Alastor! Stop acting so childish and help you daughter! I shouldn't have to tell you that!"
You can't talk to him anymore, and storm up the stairs.
"But Y/N wait! I...I AM trying to help Charlie"
"Then pack in whatever this is with Alastor, or at least try. Because it's going to be Charlie who's going to be affected. Just think about that"
Lucifer just stood there, frozen, feeling guilty, because he knew you had a point about Charlie and how hard she's been working to make this hotel what it is.
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You on the other hand, slammed your bedroom door shut behind you, running your hands though your hair, headache pulsating in your head. This place would drive you insane some days. You throw yourself onto your bed, snuggling up with your pillow, wanting just 5 minutes of peace. But again, you lived in a hotel with many others. Three gentle knocks came to the door.
"Nngguuhh! Please go away....."
"(Muffled voice behind the door)....Toots? It's me. Can I come in?"
His voice sounded so innocent, sweet. Normally, Angel would be all proud, sometimes seductive with the way he spoke, but this sounded genuine.
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"Yeh. Come in"
You say, sitting up on your bed, seeing Angel enter your room with a little smile.
"Hey. How yah doin?"
"I've been better. I just can't shift this headache"
"Well hear. (He says pulling out a packet of paracetamol) Maybe these will help?"
He sits down next to you on your bed, handing you the tablets.
"Thanks Angel"
"It's no problem. Hey uh...I just wanna say sorry for the way I've been actin recently. I dunno, I guess Husk just brings out that side of me. I swear, I didn't know I was wakin yah up"
"It's fine Angel. I feel like I should say sorry too for the way I spoke to you and Husk"
"Oh no no toots! What you did was great!"
"Wait, seriously?"
"Hell yeh! Me and Husk both said it was like a moth'a tellin off her kids! And I think we both needed that. Honestly toots, you didn't do nothin wrong"
"Ok, that's a worry off my mind"
"Can I uh.....can I share somethin with yah?"
"Of course"
"Having someone moth'a me like that.....I actually liked it. Not cuz I'm into strong, independent women, well, I am but that's not the reason. Since I died, I hadn't really had that feelin of being around family, and well......my moth'a used to keep me and my sister from having fights like that too.....you kinda.....remind me of my mom"
"....I do?"
"Yeh....and it's nice. It feels like with you, I've got part of my family down hear that cares about me. I know that's probably stupid of me to say-"
"Angel. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I feel honoured that you see me like that"
"(Sighing in relief) I'm glad toots. Thanks, for everything"
"Come hear"
You and Angel share a sweet and tight hug, all 8 of his arms held you.
"I'll always be hear for you Angel"
"So will I toots, I promise"
A good 20 minutes had passed, just chatting with Angel in your room. Talking about the afterlife, his fights with Husk, and you take some paracetamol in that time too.
"Hey toots! Have yah thought about what your gunna get smiles for his birthday yet?"
"I'm not sure to be honest. He's a tricky guy to buy for, I'm not sure if he'd even like receiving gifts"
"Well.....you could always.....wait in his room, wearing nothin but a little bow around your neck..."
"Angel! That's-wait? Why would you-"
"I maaay have been walking past the lobby when Alastor and you were talking"
"Don't worry toots, your secret's safe with me. But dayum babe! You've got the radio demon himself wantin yah! You've gotta admit, that's awesome!"
"It is lovely being around him, I can't deny that"
"So? You gunna take my advice?"
"I would, if Alastor was into that"
"Oh yeh! He ain't is he? Damn it. Well, I have no clue what to get him. I don't know him that well"
"I've been trying to think of things that would remind him of happier times, or his memories when he was alive. Something like that, but I've had no luck just yet"
"Hm? That's interesting. Wait! Didn't he live in new Orleans?"
"Yes! He did!"
"Sweet! I'll think of something to do with that! Listen toots, I've gotta go now, but I'll catch up with yah lat'ah"
"Alright Angel, see you soon"
When he left, you tried to have a good long thing about what to get Alastor for his birthday. He was sometimes fond of trinkets, eh, not good enough for a birthday present. Come on think. He enjoys his radio, taking long strolls through pentagram city, spending time in his room that's also part swamp-huh! That's it! Angel had a point about New Orleans, Alastor lived there, and you were the only one he confessed to about his life before he died. And he had the swamp in his room for a reason, to remember. The perfect idea came to your mind, and that was it, you knew exactly what to get him. Getting out your phone, you search for any place you can go to 'acquire' this suprise gift. Hm? The only place that could have some luck is in the Wrath Ring. Somewhere called Rough 'N Tumbleweed Ranch, well, it's better than nothing. The next day was Alastor's birthday. And down stairs in the lobby, you walk up to Charlie, who was bouncing with excitement.
"Oh hey! Hey Y/N! What are you up too?"
"Just on my way out to get Alastor his gift. What about you?"
"Ooooooh! Exciting!! Well, I'm just trying to plan the theme for Alastor's party tonight. I'm not quite sure what to go for. What do you think? (Shows you her note book) big blue and sparkles? Or big red and sparkles?"
"Umm, somehow, I'm not sure Alastor is a sparkles kind of guy"
"Yeh your right. Ugh, I just don't know what theme to do, I'm stuck"
"I know, why not do a 1920's theme? Get everyone to dress up in clothes from that time, and maybe serve his favourite food? Jambalaya. And don't forget, he isn't a fan of sweets, so he wouldn't eat a normal cake. Try putting a candle on a roasted duck? He's said before that he likes that meat, and carving a slice would probably make him happy. And maybe the party food could be similar to the 1920's too? Like deviled eggs, waldorf salad, dutchess potatoes, shrimp cocktail, canapes, olives, or maybe oyster rockefeller?"
"Yes yes YES!! Oh thank you Y/N, your a genius! I'm writing everything you've just said down! (Squeaks) This is going to be perfect! Thank you thank you!"
"I can give you a hand later, but for now, I need to get going"
"Yes! Of course! Go go! Me and the others can make a start on this party, thank you again Y/N! See you soon!"
"Bye Charlie!"
And with that, you were off. Leaving the hotel as Charlie bounds with joy in the background. Taking a walk to the streets, you flag down a taxi and give him the directions to the ranch you saw online. It was a fair distance away, but you were happy when you arrived there, seeing the sign as the taxi pulled over.
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After paying, you headed in and looked around for anyone, apparently, this place was owned by an imp family, who had many things in and around their ranch.
"Hey there! Can I help ya'll?"
"Hi! I'm Y/N. I hope you don't mind the drop in, but I saw your ranch online, and see that you sell things to people who offer a good price?"
"Thats right, what're yah wantin today? We've got vehicles and animals available"
"Can I look at your animals please?"
"Sure thing darlin, follow me"
This lovely imp lady takes you to a fenced area, with 2 types of animals already.
"Hear yah go darlin, we've got horses and hogs hear, I'll haggle the price depending on which size you choose"
"These are lovely animals, but I was just wondering if you had something that prefers to stay close to water? Or swampy areas?"
"Ah! I hear yah. Let me take you to the edge of the ranch, we've got a few little critters back there for sale too"
A short walk later, a marshy tree covered green pond, that's also fenced in securely, seems to have many more animals.
"A'right, we've got Hattie over there. She's a water snake, a little bitey though. Over there we've got Wade, the snapping turtle. Be careful around him, he'll snap your fingers off before you can say fuck! And over there we've got Dutchess, she's actually just had a new litter of babies about 2 weeks ago. Their quite cute when they're youngens, and surprisingly easy to train. So all these little thangs are perfect for swampy areas, just take your pick"
"Would it be ok to buy one of Dutchess's babies?"
"Of course yah can! We've got little animal carriers too for yah to take one home. Ya'll fussed about the sex?"
"If it's possible, could it be a female?"
"Absolutely. She only had one boy outta 5 girls. Let me just grab one, yep, this ones definitely a girl. She's at least 2 pounds, and a healthy one too. I'll give her to yah for 200 bucks"
Link to part 2
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lonelyghostty · 6 months ago
I had sm fun reading this
I yap in tag bc its fun hehe👍🤌✨️
That time I got reincarnated as an Aeon (Series)
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What the fuck.
That was the first thought that came out of you once you found out what you were in the vast expanse of space you had woken up into. The Aeon of Elation seemed pleased with the reaction they got out of you, as incomprehensible as your form may have been.
They laughed and then left you there by your lonesome, without a clue to what your path even was and how the fuck you were even meant to function.
You groaned, guessing you’ll really just find that out yourself.
You spent your time thinking in the first short years of your existence in the little plane you resided in, happy to at least know where you ended up in and what you were. You were reincarnated in Honkai Star Rail, and you were an Aeon. From which path you were even on, you don’t know, at least not yet.
It had taken some time, a VERY long time, to get an inkling of what path you treaded on. And in those years the other Aeons; like Lan, and even Fulli did find you— you have yet to meet Xipe, but you have met Yaoshi.
It was… something to say the least. Herta had been right in calling them a lonely romantic.
It was a little eerie, remembering them speak to you with such care and joy— a new life, they called you. They didn’t seem to mind much when you didn’t have a voice, you weren’t even sure yourself if you had one, thinking at the back of your mind that maybe you were like The Nihility.
That thought had been cut short when Yaoshi somehow figured out where your lips were, and shamelessly kissed you.
It was only then you had managed to find a voice, as meager and as cracked and strange as it sounded. They only cooed in response to you, mumbling as they gently touched your form.
“You are new, and yet you are familiar.” They told you. “I have felt you somewhere before.” Their arms stretched wantonly as their many eyes looked at you. “I know you, and yet I do not. I wonder why that is.” They smiled, and you can hear the branches stretch— a sound rather unnerving, it sounded more like bones and flesh rather than wood. If Yaoshi noticed your unease, they don’t tell you.
It took a while for them to leave, promising you that they will come back here again to visit but not without leaving another kiss, and the light sting of their tail on your body— a spot that became the back of your neck once you managed to acquire a more.. comprehensive image of yourself at some point after the encounter.
You never really quite recovered from that.
But at least you discovered your voice.
It was your arms that had come next, and it was unfortunate that a few planets have met their demise in your discovery. You still mourn them to this day, somehow feeling bad even with the absence of a human heart.
The rest of your body had come to you easily, and once you acquired it, people had discovered you. You remained elusive though, not wanting an accidental repeat of the planets you destroyed, and yet they still sought you out anyways.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, not that it mattered; you couldn’t die, you couldn’t age nor did you need to rush.
In those years, again your cries echoed in the cosmos once more— you see, you ate an Aeon, actually no, you ate two.
You didn’t mean it, and your panic had been embarrassingly broadcasted for everyone and everything to hear.
(You didn’t know it then but your entire cries were heard across the cosmos and needless to say people were more terrified than concerned as it either manifested as a power outage with your incomprehensible voice, or manifesting through television in the form of disembodied static.)
It had been an experience to say the least, figuring out who the hell you accidentally ate. One of them had been Akivili, and the other? Mythus.
Could an Aeon even sweat bullets?
You immediately made the connection that they were unfortunate casualties of your circumstances— as someone who once resided outside of the world of the imaginary tree. You didn’t know Mythus, but you do know Akivili was precious to the Express.
And you just ate them.
You sulked in your little corner for a few years, and at some point you could have sworn Aha laugh at you— you swatted them away in your regret, the Elation still again laughing at your misery.
It had taken a while for you to stand up (could you?) and take on a more… mortal friendly form, because the last time someone had tried going near you, they got reversed.
In a sense that their body simply deconstructed itself into strange, geometric shapes then nothing. If you had been human, you think this would have been utterly horrific for you.
But somehow you knew it would happen to anyone who came close enough to your real form.
You figured that having a human form would be less fatal for the others— convenient too, it was smaller, and arguably easier to look at without fearing madness or turning into shapes.
So you project yourself as one in front of the Express once you spotted it at a stop.
“Hello?” You softly greeted the residents of the Express, you noticed it was only Himeko and Welt at this point in time, but even so, they looked like they were going to shit themselves from seeing you.
Pompom had weirdly enough hid behind a flower pot.
Seeing this made you immediately sulk.
Himeko hesitantly approached you. “Hello… what can we help you with?” Himeko was unsure of what to do too, and honestly you can’t blame her. It wasn’t everyday the equivalent of a God walks into your door to say hi.
It was a shame they were afraid of you, you had dressed for the occasion— a semi formal attire consisting of a long coat, a dress shirt with a bolo tie, a vest, shorts and formal shoes.
“I came here to apologize.” You said, it came out flatter than you would have liked and you internally cringed.
“Come again?” Himeko blinked rather awkwardly.
You took a deep breath (you swore you could see the Finnish old man beside her tense) and exhaled. “I’m sorry for eating Akivili.”
“I didn’t mean to.” You added, sulking even more. Your mood was so damp that Pompom couldn’t resist but try to comfort you.
“Come in and take a seat please.” The little conductor said a little shakily, handing you a napkin that you politely refused. You were obviously sad, but you couldn’t physically produce tears for some strange reason.
Since you couldn’t cry, Pompom gave you a glass of water instead.
It was surreal to be able to taste things again after needing technically nothing.
But back on Himeko and Welt, they don’t really know what to make of you, as evident by the confused stare that they gave to each other while you were stuck on your seat posed like you were thinking of the Roman Empire.
You were rather expressive and close to human for a cosmic entity, and for you to apologize for accidentally eating their Aeon? Unheard of.
It wasn’t like you could spit Akivili out of you either.
While you were admittedly a stranger, there were no signs or feelings of hostility from you, you were genuinely sorry and upset for eating their Aeon. Himeko recalled the static from the broadcast and came to the realization that it had been you who they had heard crying, as terrifying as it sounded.
Himeko and Welt did ended up talking to you again in the end, reassuring you it was okay that you did what you did because you didn’t mean it anyways, and that ended up with you saying you’re going to bless the Path of the Trailblaze because there was no way you were going to leave the express to be parentless.
You had other agendas aside from that of course, but they didn’t seem to mind.
However a discussion was made to keep your identity secret when you had told the three people in the crew you didn’t like the attention the scientific community was giving you.
Being observed like a specimen in a National Geographic™️ documentary wasn’t really your thing, as natural as it was.
In the express, you weren’t an Aeon, you were simply [Name]. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Though, how the fuck did they even figure out you were an Aeon immediately?
Guess you’ll never know.
Part I [Here], Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI…..
Thanks for giving this a read! This was inspired by the shitposts made by @pixiatn!! More will be incoming, though posts will be a bit delayed (unfortunately I’m a busy little bitch).
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bigmpregnm · 4 months ago
Five-Star Pecs - Part 5
[Story Collection] | [Part 4] [●] ✅
Steve tilted his head back and softly moaned, trying not to scare or disturb the babies suckling on his nipples. Due to the size of his belly and the outstanding size of his milky pecs, he hadn’t been able to reach his dick in a few months. He had used some creativity to get some release every once in a while, but the sensation of Jack’s hand and mouth working on his hard dick made Steve pant heavily and long for more.
“How are you so… good at this?” Steve asked, between moans and gasps. “I… should’ve come earlier.”
Jack only moaned and fitted as much as he could of Steve’s 9.5-inch-long girthy cock. Jack firmly stroked the fuck tool while using his tongue to tease the glans. He savored some pre-cum that escaped Steve’s dick slit and groaned with delight, enjoying how tasteful it was. Jack had given head to some guys in the past, but none of them had been as big as Steve, and their cums hadn’t tasted so good. Also, looking up and only seeing Steve’s massive belly was very different from the usual blow job, in a good way.
Even from Jack’s position between Steve’s legs, he could see the three remaining babies in Steve’s belly moving and kicking a lot. Also, Steve’s shallow breathing made his huge belly rise and fall rhythmically, accentuating all the moments and the impending continuation of labor. Jack continued his ‘handy’ work, and as he heard Steve’s groans and moans grow louder, he managed to swallow the entire shaft while his hands rubbed and squeezed Steve’s overproductive balls.
“Uugghh… Oh, I’m so close. Jack�� So… Ugghhhhh… Fuck!” Steve said, crying out and pushing his hips upward as his dick started shooting a torrent of cum into Jack’s mouth.
Jack swallowed the huge load, marveling at its delicious taste. “Wow, that was a large load! I didn’t even know a person could cum that much. You’re really full everywhere,” Jack said when he let go of Steve’s dick. He kept his hand on the still-hard dick, playfully stroking it.
“Uggghhh… Jack! The next baby… is in position. I need to push! I really need to push!” Steve cried out, snapping Jack out of his trance. Beads of sweat glistened on Steve’s forehead and belly; his groans announced that contractions had started and the third baby was on the way. “Please help me get in position. This baby is coming out so fast.”
Jack immediately shifted into action and helped Steve get in position to push. “Deep breaths, Steve. You’re doing incredible,” Jack said, gently massaging Steve’s abdomen and applying soothing pressure to help alleviate the intensity of the contraction.
Even though Steve groaned loudly, the babies in his arms stayed silent as they dozed off with full tummies. Steve held them tight against his pecs as he got in position to push and felt the third baby entering the birth canal. The sensation of Jack’s hands caressing and rubbing his belly made Steve feel better, but the pain was still unbearable, so he loudly groaned as he started pushing.
“Fuck! This hurts so much! Ugghh…” Steve said as he pushed really hard and felt the baby’s head crowning. “It burns like hell!”
“Well, next time you have sex with a guy, you should be more careful,” Jack said as he continued massaging Steve’s contracting belly. “Unless it’s me, I’d love to see you doing this all over again.” Jack chuckled and playfully winked at Steve.
“SHUT UP! Uugghh… This baby’s so big!” Steve panted heavily as the head of the third baby emerged, giving him a few seconds to catch his breath. “I’m not getting pregnant again. Neither from you nor from anyone!” Steve firmly said and continued pushing.
“I was just saying,” Jack said, leaning forward and kissing Steve’s belly and reaching between his legs to hold the third baby in his hands as the first shoulder popped out. “If you ever do this again, I hope I’m more involved in the beginning of the process,” Jack added, playfully trying to make Steve laugh and relax at least a bit.
“Okay. You’re the first one on my list anyway,” Steve managed to say between moans and groans as he felt the second shoulder coming out. “So you’ll be the first on my list of possible daddies,” he added as the rest of the baby slid out of his hole.
Steve pushed hard once again and felt the third baby boy, as big as the first two, finally leaving his body with more fluids. The baby started crying immediately, even before Jack got to clean him up. Jack was a master at handling newborns by this point. He cleaned the first baby with relative ease before cutting the cord. Jack held the baby against his body, and even though he knew he wasn’t related to the kids, he couldn’t help but feel attached to them.
“He’s perfect. Another big and handsome boy, just like their daddy,” Jack said as he approached with the baby in his arms, and Steve couldn’t hide his tears of joy.
Steve looked at the two sleeping babies in his arms and carefully placed them beside him in bed. With a much smaller belly, still housing two big babies, Steve managed himself into a sitting position, extending his arms to hold his third baby. As soon as he had his baby in his arms, Steve couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. Even though it was the third baby, the emotions were as strong as the first one.
“You’re so handsome and so big,” Steve said, caressing the newborn’s face. “I can’t believe you were inside me. 9 months later, and I still can’t believe this,” he added, moving the newborn and offering the tiny mouth access to his engorged nipple, which had a constant flow of milk running out of it.
“Again, next time, you should be more careful unless you want a whole soccer team’s worth of babies coming out of you.” Jack laughed and sat next to Steve to rub his still-big belly. The gentle pressure, applied with careful moves, helped Steve’s abdominal wall relax even in the middle of the long birth process.
Steve smiled as he enjoyed the massage and looked at his third baby boy swallowing a lot of milk as his tiny hands caressed around the nipple. The room was silent for about a minute; only the sounds of sucking and the occasional coo disturbed the silence. Then, Steve looked up and smiled at Jack.
“Unless they’re yours, right? I heard what you said,” Steve said, making Jack blush.
“Oh… I-I… Well, I was just saying. It would be cool,” Jack replied, leaning forward and kissing Steve’s belly again.
“It would. And I meant it when I said you’d be the first man on my list,” Steve said, reaching for Jack’s hand to hold it tight. “But this not… uuuff… this is not happening again… uugghh,” Steve cried out, releasing Jack’s hand to clutch his belly.
“Contractions? So soon?” Jack asked as he felt Steve’s belly contracting.
“Yes! The next one is ready. I can feel it. I can feel how big it is… uugghh!” Steve screamed out in pain as he adjusted his position to push while the third baby suckled on his nipple, and the first and second ones slept peacefully on the mattress. He could feel the familiar movements and the pressure taking over his belly and moving down to his hips. His hole squirmed and contracted as the fourth baby descended quickly through the birth canal.
Steve took a deep breath and pushed as the baby progressed. He felt an increasing pressure, and the unmistakable movements signaled that the baby’s head was crowning. The burning sensation was as terrible as the moment the first baby’s head was crowning, so the process wasn’t any easier, even though it was happening much faster. Jack synchronized his massage with Steve’s contractions, alleviating their intensity and making the process more manageable.
“Almost there; the head is almost out. You’re doing great. You were born for this,” Jack said, encouraging a tired Steve to keep going.
“Ugghh… just… take him out!” Steve continued pushing and finally freed the whole head. “This shouldn’t have happened, and it’s not happening ever again,” Steve firmly said as the baby started turning and the shoulders started coming out.
With several strong pushes, the fourth baby left Steve’s body and started crying out loud while Jack cleaned him. The process was quick this time because Jack knew what to do, and when he placed the baby in Steve’s arms, the pregnant guy couldn’t avoid crying again. He blamed his emotional reaction on the pregnancy hormones, but both knew it was a natural reaction to a sweet moment.
However, the sweet moment didn’t last long as contractions restarted even before Steve had placed the fourth baby into position to feed him. Steve took deep breaths as he felt the final baby moving really fast down his birth canal. His breathing was short because the contractions were on top of each other, not leaving him any chance to catch and control his breath. He wasn’t doing much to help the baby enter the world, but his body was doing the work alone.
“Oh, fuck! He’s coming fast. The baby is coming so fast, but it hurts so… oooohhhh… much!” Steve said as the fifth baby’s head crowned and his entire body felt about to burst.
The pressure of the contractions was so intense that his abdominal muscles tensed and relaxed so hard that he thought his abdomen would tear. He had never felt such intense pain, not even when he had the five babies inside him, and his belly was so incredibly stretched.
Simultaneously, his pecs started getting plumper, and the pressure within them also intensified. His nipples felt like a cork on a champagne bottle about to explode. The pressure was so high that when his nipple started shooting milk uncontrollably, the third baby, who was sucking on Steve’s nipple, had to let go of the nipple because he couldn’t swallow fast enough. Steve’s milky pecs had overflown once again, and there was nothing he could do to stop them.
“Wow! Wow! What’s happening?” Jack asked as he saw and felt the milk raining upon him since Steve’s nipples had turned into geyser-like fountains. Everything was coated with milk as the fifth baby’s shoulders came out. “Make it stop. You’re getting the babies all wet.” Jack said, looking at the babies, who were unharmed but covered with milk.
“I can’t! I can’t stop it! Just take the baby out of me! Now!” Steve shouted out as his pecs continued making milk rain all over the bed.
The pressure in his belly decreased while most of the baby was out of Steve’s body, but a new intense sensation moved to his crotch, where his dick was harder than ever, and his balls felt ready to burst. Then, as the feet of the baby slid off his body, Steve moaned loudly as his dick started shooting massive globs of cum that landed on the wall behind him, on his soft abdomen, and on the mattress. Jack watched in awe and counted 21 huge shots and 10 smaller ones before Steve’s dick started softening, and the overflowing milk flow also decreased.
Steve heavily panted as he felt his body relaxing and expelling the placenta without doing anything. His eyes were blank after the most intense experience he had ever had. Steve could barely believe the pregnancy was over, hearing his fifth baby crying in Jack’s arms. He couldn’t believe he had given birth to five big babies. Looking around the room, he couldn’t believe he had caused such a huge mess.
“What was that?” Jack asked as he approached with the fifth baby in arms, already cleaned and the cord cut.
“I… have no idea. I thought I was about to explode,” Steve said, weakly smiling and looking down at his massive milky pecs and his engorged nipples that still leaked milk but were much more manageable. “I guess I actually exploded,” Steve added, looking at the cum on the wall and on his remaining belly.
“You owe me a new room! It’s not only the mattress anymore,” Jack said, laughing as he sat next to Steve with the last baby in his arms.
“I’ll give you a new apartment if you want; I owe you so much,” Steve said as he moved into a sitting position to look at his babies more closely and to take the fifth one in his arms. “I’m a single father of five now, though, so I don’t think my finances will be the best for a while.”
“I’m kidding; you don’t have to do anything. I’ve seen worse; I’ll clean this and... I know how you’ll pay for all of this, and it’s not money, so don’t worry,” Jack said, taking baby number three from Steve’s arms and placing the fifth in his place.
Steve carefully helped babies four and five to his nipples so they could latch on them, and as soon as their tiny mouths reached the nipples, they started suckling on them. A broad smile graced Steve’s face as he marveled at the tiny beings nestled against his chest. His entire body was sore, and he didn’t know if he could ever fully recover after the pregnancy, but the love for his baby boys and the sense of accomplishment made all the pain and effort worth it.
Meanwhile, Jack placed the third baby in bed next to his older brothers and cleaned them up again after the early milky rain. Jack carefully cleaned their faces and played with their tiny hands, smiling and chuckling as the babies cooed.
“They look just like you,” Jack said as he played with the first three babies. “You’re like tiny copies of your daddy, all five of you. I’m sure one day you’ll be studs just like him,” Jack added, softly caressing the babies’ cheeks.
“What a compliment, especially considering I have enormous tits, wide hips, and a massive fat ass. I don’t think I fit the definition of stud,” Steve said, looking down at his massive pecs. “But they have great genes from the other dad, so they’ll be fine either way.”
Jack silently stared at Steve for a few seconds and then reached for the soft remaining belly that made him look due with a baby. “Steve, may I ask... How did all of this happen? How did you get pregnant?” Jack asked, caressing Steve’s abdomen.
Steve sighed and looked at Jack. “It was a random guy at a party I wasn’t even invited to. A friend convinced me to go with him and his girlfriend to this kind of frat party, and things got out of hand,” Steve began, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. “I saw a tall, muscular man, and he was attractive. We started making out and then moved to a room on the house’s second floor. We didn’t use protection, and well, here we are. I don’t even have a way to contact him. It was a one-time thing, and even though I also fucked him, I don’t think he’s facing the same consequences I’m facing.”
Jack leaned forward and kissed Steve’s cheeks. “Well, you’re not alone anymore. You have me, and you have these five wonderful babies. What would you need?” Jack gave Steve’s cheek another kiss and smiled.
A week had passed since the birth of Steve’s quintuplets, and even though the challenges of the massive pregnancy had passed, his once quiet apartment had turned into a symphony of coos, cries, and sucking sounds. Steve had gotten used to his new routine of newborn care, but having five babies to handle made every task extra demanding.
With the dawn of a new day, Steve found himself in the familiar setting of his breakfast table. Only now, the lively presence of his babies made the scene very different. Four babies cooed in their strollers with full tummies while the fifth one suckled on Steve’s nipples for his first feeding of the day. On his other nipple, one of his breast pumps sucked on his nipple and quickly filled up the bottle attached to it. Since the birth of the quintuplets, his pecs had grown even fuller, and the milk production had gone wild.
With the baby, Ethan, in his arms and the pump attached to his other pec, Steve started eating his breakfast, still marveling at his own body. His chest was now the most prominent feature on his frame. Without the belly to take most of the attention, his pecs dominated the frame of his upper body. His once-muscular physique had adjusted to the demands of lactation and caring for five hungry babies. His chest’s skin stayed permanently taut due to the pecs’ fullness, even though the babies had frequent feeding sessions.
As Ethan sucked and swallowed milk, Steve’s attention turned to the other babies in the strollers. Noah, Tyler, Ezra, and Ryder cooed and moved their hands and legs, making Steve smile. He started talking to the babies while he ate his toast, the scrambled eggs with bacon, and his regular tea. The babies, still adjusting to the world outside the womb, responded with wide-open curiosity and the occasional gurgle of contentment. Steve’s routine had changed a lot, but he was more than happy with the outcome of his unexpected pregnancy.
As the breast pump filled the bottle attached to it, Steve removed it and put on a new one. Steve placed the filled bottle on the table with three other milk-filled bottles. His pecs produced so much milk that even though he constantly fed his five hungry boys, he needed to pump milk to fill at least six bottles three times a day.
Once the fifth baby was full, Steve placed him in the stroller with his brothers and attached a second pump to his overproductive pec. As the rhythmic hum of the pumps filled the room, Steve finished his breakfast, and all the babies fell asleep.
As the pumps filled another pair of bottles, Steve heard steps approaching. He smiled as he felt Jack’s arms wrap around his torso. Jack leaned forward and gave Steve’s cheek a kiss. Then Jack reached down and gave Steve’s bare hips a firm squeeze, a playful way to say hi. Jack had been staying with Steve since the birth of the babies because of the mess in his room at his apartment and the fact that Steve needed help with the babies.
“Good morning. How are you all doing?” Jack said, looking at the sleeping babies in their strollers. “It seems like I arrived on time for breakfast.” He sat next to Steve.
“Yeah. The five of them are already full, and I prepared eggs, bacon, and toast for two,” Steve said, pointing at a full plate on the table. “And your morning cereal is over there... and the milk… well, you know…”
“Wait, why did you do all of this? I’m here to take care of you, not the other way around,” Jack said, surprised that Steve had prepared breakfast for both of them. “You don’t have to cook for me. I should be doing all the cooking.”
“It’s just to say thank you once again,” Steve said, smiling at Jack.
“You’ve said thank you many times already, and I’m receiving my payment every day, several times a day.” Jack took one of the bottles of Steve’s milk and drank it whole in a few gulps. “Delicious as always. This is better than money or anything else,” Jack winked at Steve and playfully reached for the massive milky pecs to squeeze them. Steve smiled and enjoyed Jack’s touch as he realized that even though the journey had been complicated, the result was better than he ever anticipated.
Jack quickly emptied a second bottle of milk and winked at Steve, ready to drink all the available milk in the apartment with his breakfast. Steve laughed as he saw Jack drinking and thought about the recent feeding session with the babies. Five babies and a grown man, and even then, his pecs felt ready to burst.
The End
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pollux-starsz · 26 days ago
a very close online sibling of mine told me how slasher moon and kalamela reminded him of the song "prom queen" by Insane clown posse so i drew it!!! Buttttt i saw wyervan's post about how sun would maladaptive daydream and i switched moon out to be sun instead because it for some reason fit better!
Art under the cut + Dca slasher au belongs to the wonderful, lovely, super duper kind and sweet @wyervan ! Check them out and send love<33 happy early valentines day to ya, wyervan🎉🎉
Your honor, I love them💔
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Also I absolutely loved how Sun puts people on a pedestal if he genuinely, truly, likes them. As a friend or not! Wonder what Moonie does then?
The whole answer to the ask was so well thought out hsosndod :3
Again!! Happy early Valentine's wyervan!! I think ur super coollll, love your art sosos much and those yuletide and slasher boys UUGGHH them <333 sending good vibes ur wayyyy💓💖
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simplydannie · 8 months ago
Previous: Separate Ways
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After being banished from Rageous, the twins decided to go on their separate ways…
The thought of her brother clouds her mind as Velvet tries to move forward, soon, she finds herself at the hands of…Rageons? Outside Rageous?
While a Veneer finds himself at the hands of tiny little friends.
She didn’t know how far or how long she walked… before she knew it, night turned into morning. Velvet looked behind her shoulder…. No one. Veneer really hadn’t followed her. He was gone.
Velvet moved herself from the dirt rode and into the forest near her. She found a shade under the trees and curled herself into a ball. Velvet finally let the feeling sink in…. She was alone. For the first time in her life, she was TRULY alone.
“Don’t Velvet, don’t go back.” She told herself, “You can do this alone. You can do the is without your idiotic brother.” But the more she told herself, the more she could feel it was a lie. Everything she did, Veneer had always been there…. He was her other half…. He was the only there through thick and thin…
“AAHHHHH!!!!” Grabbing a clump of leaves she tossed them away from her, her fists pounding and pounding against the dirt. Anger surged through her veins… her eyes glowing pink… “I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!! THIS IS ALL HIS STUPID FAULT!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs…. She screamed and screamed and screamed…. Then her lungs gave out. She fell sideways hugging her knees, finally allowing herself to cry…. As the poisons effects subdued, the feeling of fear finally entered her.
She was alone and didn’t know where to go. As far as she knew there no other Rageons outside of Rageous. The Bergens? They terrified her. Vacationers? They were too relaxed for her own liking. Trolls?… No, no she’d die before EVER seeking help from one of these things. Velvet finally sat up and looked into the woods… she had two options, continue down the dirt road, or risk exploring to see what she could find inside the dreaded woods. She let out a long heavy sigh. Taking a sharp object from her duffle bag, she marked up a tree… that way she knew where she had been.
“….. I HATE nature.” She said as she proceeded forward.
Veneer had found a small clearing to call it a night. He couldn’t sleep at all much…. He felt alone, he felt abandoned, he felt hurt…. He missed Velvet. The presence that was always with him was now gone. Veneer spent the night tossing and turning. There were sounds that scared him, so he’d wake up. By the time morning came, he had hardly gotten any sleep. Veneer awoke with the darkest circles he had ever had under his eyes.
“Uugghh I probably look dead.” He murmured to himself. He awoke with a yawn. Veneer put his hoodie back on, grabbed his duffle bag, and proceeded with his journey.
The young Rageon took out the directions Floyd had provided… the thing is, Veneer was not good with the sense of direction, so when he needed to go left, Veneer went right…
“AHHHH!!! How big is this stupid forest!!” Velvet yelled has she kicked and threw rocks. “I should’ve stayed on the stupid rode!!! AHHHHHH!” She kicked and screamed, her voice echoing through the woods. It felt like it had been hours. The over brush was so think, she couldn’t even tell what time it was by looking at the sky.
Velvet sat near the base of a tree, running her hands through her hair…she was hopeless.
She heard the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs… something was near, something was moving…Velvet remained quiet, maybe it was nothing…
Again. There was the sound again…
Was that an…animal noise? Carefully Velvet peeked over the tree she leaned upon. There at the center of a clearing was some sort of creature. Velvet wasn’t too familiar on wildlife. Rageous was scarce of them, so there really was no need to care… except if you ventured through the Rageous woods. This creature was spotted with fur, it had feline features, yet canine features at the same time. It seemed to be struggling, as if stuck.
“That thing is big. I’m getting out of here.” She turned away ready to leave.
Come on Vels! We have to help it!
Her brothers voice rang through her mind, “No! Dammit!” She told herself, she was not going to let this happen. Velvet was finally free of her mushy hearted brother, he shouldn’t be trying to influence her at all right now.
It’s hurt! It’s trapped. We’re not doing that anymore. We HAVE to help it Vels. Please.
His voice rang again.
With a bothered grunt in her voice, she turned and began to slowly approach the creature. It saw her and began to back away fearfully.
“Calm the heck down. I’m not going to hurt you.” She carried a hint of annoyance in her voice. Velvet got close until she got a grip of the rope that entangled the creature…. A trap? And a decent size one at that… that means there were people out here, or close enough. With quick movement, Velvet cut the creature loose from the trap. In a hurried scurry it ran past Velvet knocking her over.
“AH. Sheesh. You’re welcome!” She called out after it.
Thanks, sis.
“Shut up.” She said to no one. As she headed back to grab her duffle bag is when the sounds came in… At first she thought they were creatures crying out again, but the closer it got the clearer she heard… it was a vehicle. Velvet ducked in time as a vehicle rushed over head. Covering her head she coughed at the smoke and dirt it kicked up. As it began to clear she began to get glimpses of what it was… she gasped…. Rageons?
“What the hell!!! Skeet! What happened??”
A Rageon with orange skin, glowing markings, hair, and eyes looked down at a small device he had in his hand…A Strobe? Velvet eyes the other Rageon…They were Under Rageons…but Under Rageons….out here?
They hadn’t seen her, not yet. She quietly moved towards a brush that provided her cover, only peeking through the openings to catch glimpses of these Rageons.
“It caught it. The sensor said it was caught! And look it was!” Skeet pointed towards his activated trap…with the glasses covering his glowing orange eyes, she couldn’t help but think of her brother…there was a small resemblance…and innocence to this Rageon.
“Then were the HELL IS IT!” The other yelled. This one had horns coming of his head, spikes running along his black…a Goyle. The Strobe Rageon neared his trap to observe what possibly could’ve gone wrong….That’s when he saw it…
“…It was cut…”
The Goyle Rageon neared him, “What?”
“Look…It didn’t break free. Someone cut it. Someone LET it free.”
The Goyle Rageon perked his ear as he looked around the clearing, “Trolls. You think Trolls did this? There would be good money there if we found them again.”
So these guys were after Trolls too, no different than what went on in Under Rageous…No difference at all. Which means, these guys were bad news. Velvet saw the Goyle sniff the air…
“Were you right? You smell Troll?” Skeet asked.
“No. No…Not Troll….another….another Rageon?” He even questioned himself. A small gasp escaped Velvet’s mouth. She covered it, afraid that even her breathing would be heard. The sound of broken twigs and snapping branches was heard from behind her.
“Looky what I found here!” Another voice boomed. She peeked through the openings the bush provided her to see….a Bergen? What the hell, she thought to herself. Bergens AND Rageons? The last Bergens she had known were an absolute nightmare…these guys didn’t look any different, only that they were younger. The Bergen that spoke tossed something to the ground….Crap, her duffle bag.
The Goyle Rageon approached. He opened it and dug around, tossing and throwing all her belongings off to the side. He smirked when he saw her underwear, “Looks like we have a female hiding somewhere out here boys….Maybe if we’re lucky, she’s alone.”
Velvet began shaking in her boots. It would only be a matter of time before….SNAP! The small shift in her weight caused a twig to break…but it was obvious enough for the others to hear. A pair of hands reached in the bush and grasped her by the arm, pulling her out of the bush and tossing her to the ground. She landed on her elbow with a cry of pain.
“Oh! What did I tell you? A female, alone…and kinda cute.” The Goyle smirked. As he neared her his face turned into a curious glance, “….You’re a Rageon?”
“What else do I look like you to you idiot?” Velvet retorted. The Goyle turned to his friend. The Strobe Rageon marked up something in his small little device. He neared Velvet, appearing to scan her. His big glowing eyes staring at her from behind his glasses.
“She’s a Rageon…but…I’ve never seen one like her before.”
The Goyle looked down at Velvet who still lay on the floor, “What kind of Rageon are you? You from the so-called Mount Rageous?”
She was hesitant, but her only way to stay safe was to cooperate of some sort, “Yes and no….It’s a long story.”
The Goyle looked at her then at the trap that once held the creature captive, “You let loose the thing we caught?” He pointed to the trap.
“No.” She lied, “My brother did.”
“I don’t see him anywhere.”
“He…” Her face dropped, “We fought, we went our separate ways…not too long before you idiots showed up.” The Goyle studied her for a moment…She wasn’t lying, not really, she was just telling events out of order. She knew Veneer was far off by now, they would never find him…
“Okay…..Bag her.”
“What!” Velvet had no time to protest as a bag was put over her head. She kicked and screamed as her hands were tied behind her back, “What the hell!!”
“Swiv?” The Strobe Rageon looked at his Goyle friend, “What…what are you going to do to her?”
“Don’t worry, Skeet.” Swiv responded, “We won’t hurt her. At least not yet. I think the boss would be interested to find out what little friend we found out here.”
“But the creature is gone.”
“Not that. The girl.”
Velvet continued to put up a fight as she loaded in the back, “LET ME GO!”
“Gosh, she’s a yapper.” The Bergen responded. They drove off..
“But, she’s just a girl.” Skeet said. Swiv smirked, he tossed him an identification card he pulled out of her duffle bag. The Strobe read the name, “Velvet? Wait. As in THE Velvet. Of Velvet and Veneer!”
“One of the two idiots of Mount Rageous.”
“They….They were able to use Troll essence!”
“That’s right. Something I think the boss will find very, VERY interesting.”
“Alright guys! Come on let’s keep it going!” Branch declared as he lead a group of small Trolls onward through the forest.
“How much longer man? We’ve been hiking for hours!” John Dory whined.
“Aren’t you the adventure man?” Floyd asked skeptically.
John took a seat on a small rock, “Yay! When my brother is in danger of course. Now I am retired.”
Branch rolled his eyes joining his brothers by their side, “Come on. Poppy said she saw a hurt swerval run off this direction.”
“If we don’t find it now, then we’re not finding it at all. Let’s go back. We tried bro.” John Dory exclaimed. Floyd hated to leave something hurt running off into the wilderness, but he had to admit his older brother was right.
“True Branch. We can spend months looking for it. We tried, we really did.” Floyd placed an arm on his brother’s shoulder, “We can’t save all of them unfortunately.”
A solemn look came across Branches face. His brothers were right….As Trolls, he felt it was their duty to help protect whatever wildlife they could…but it was true…sometimes they weren’t always successful.
“Okay….Let’s go back…” A tone of defeat in Branches voice….That’s when they heard it…a small cry…Branches ears perked. “You hear that?”
His brothers looked at him curiously, “What?” Floyd was the first to ask….again, another cry, “Wait…wait I heard something too?”
John Dory perked his ears up, “That doesn’t sound like an animal though….it sounds like…an actual persons voice.”
….The cry came again…
The Trolls took off running, their ears guiding them in the direction they needed to go. The sound was getting closer and closer. The Trolls came across a clearing…there in front of them was the injured swerval.
“We found it!” Branch neared the small creature, but only to see that it had been bandaged up.
“Looks like someone already helped him.” Floyd glided his hand across the creatures bandaged leg….The cry came again…
“…Um….guys….You might want to see this.” John Dory said looking down towards a pit covered by brush. Floyd and Branch made their way to their brother, the swerval limping behind them.
“…You have got to be kidding me…” Was all Branch said, but a small smile was creeping up Floyd’s face…
There, in the pit below, holding his knee, crying out in small pain was a familiar swoop of green hair….
“Veneer!” Floyd cried out happily.
“Great. How are we going to get the big dude out of there?”
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 2 years ago
this is so unbelievably inconceivably amazingly astonishingly big brained of you, you genius talented bastard (affectionate)...now i need a 200k+ word AU of this asap
Doctor Who - Series 10 Episode ???: The Oswald Anomaly
The Whouffaldi WandaVision au that nobody asked for but exists now anyway!
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Idk what or why this is exactly...I would love to write this as a fic, too...but idk how interested anyone would be in that XD
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caterpillarinacave · 4 months ago
imagine a little natm bit where one night the tablet malfunctions and jed and oct wake up normal sized instead of miniature. their tiny clothes ofc don’t fit so they have to borrow stuff from larry (who upon first seeing them big he literally thinks he’s dreaming) and jed is head over heels for the way octavius looks in jeans and a tight white t-shirt. both find it incredibly amusing that they’re taller than larry and tease him about it all night, rexy isn’t nearly as scary at this height and they’re actually able to throw the bone for him instead of needing the car, and they’re able to interact with their normal sized friends without the scary thought of accidentally being squished but most importantly they’re able to explore a whole lot more than when they were little. with a whole lot of negotiating and promises, Larry let’s them go outside for a little bit and like the cheesy saps they are they turn it into something romantic. jed swears octavius looks like a handsome roman statue underneath the moonlight and oct finds a white flower and tucks it behind jed’s ear. uugghh these two are so cheesy and I’m so surprised there’s not more fics of them turning big and going on romantic adventures outside
Yessss this would be adorable! They find out it’s a lot easier to be sneaky when you’re three inches tall. Time to figure out how to lock doors behind you guys.
It would be hilarious if the other miniatures also were full sized so the museum is absolutely overrun with Roman soldiers and cowboys. Poor Larry. Or maybe the next night everyone is back to normal size- except for just Jed, or just Octavius. Whoever is human sized now has to walk around with his boyfriend on his shoulder.
I like to think that Jed and Octavius might want to go out into the city as full sized people to see what they see. They wouldn’t go very far but it would offer the chance for so many cute lines.
I’m thinking a lot of “sitting on the curb in the city in semi-normal clothing they stole from Larry “I bet the lights in Rome didn’t have shit on this place” “the lights here don’t have shit on your eyes” “😳” and oh look at that they’re making out messy on the subway steps now good for them”
Maybe I will write something for that damn 🥺
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coyotetatertot · 5 months ago
No but the way Fiddleford toned himself down and made himself more palatable for others. Do you understand how fucking difficult it can be to speak Appalachian English and be taken seriously, ESPECIALLY for Fidds' generation, and in his field. And you can see he was holding back because his accent 📈📈📈 as he degrades on-camera. Imagine leaving the sticks and going to college with city kids who either see your culture as funny or pity you for it — and that part of you is viewed as an impediment rather than your FUCKING CULTURE. Oh he's so smart DESPITE being a poor country boy, look at how he plays banjo isn't that neat! ...do speak properly though you sound like a dumb hillbilly djznskskksw. I say all this as someone who has been IN that situation a good amount.💧it is brutal and it's so easy to lose that part of yourself, even if you really like it. You wanna be taken seriously don't you??? You gotta assimilate then.
I feel like Fiddleford is the kinda guy who might take the middle ground. Cuz clearly he did tone down his dialect but he refused to give up big parts of himself. Banjo + chew + hamboning. Things that give him joy / are ingrained into him, he doesn't erase. He might remove some of his dialect but he won't be deep cleaning his psyche to assimilate. You can't break him that much.
And this STILL isn't enough for Ford btw, the way this fucker (/affectionate) was annoyed by these little vestiges of Fiddleford's culture. The civilized, subtle distaste in Journal 3. Condescending-ass "I can't get mad at him cuz he grew up on a hog farm." No banjo playing after 8 — SIR YOU ARE LETTING A DEMON POSSESS YOUR BODY, YOU SHOULD HAVE OTHER CONCERNS YOU DUMB FUCK (/AFFECTIONATE)
It hurts but in a good way. That's just the reality of your culture being a fucking pariah for the rest of the nation. Appalachia is synonymous with "dumb and annoying." And yes even your best friend thinks that. 💕
And then the way Fiddleford just.. devolves. Into the wild man stereotype. One of the biggest and most negative stereotypes people associate with Appalachia — he BECOMES THAT. In a giant metaphor for addiction (HELLO??????? PURDUE EAT MY ENTIRE ASS). He collapses without a support system, just trying to cope with the pain of shit he has seen and had done to him. For that he must pay dearly. Wasting away as the monster of his nightmares. He does kinda feel like a stand in for Appalachia itself sometimes. I like that they introduce him first as the stereotype, then delve into who he was, and who he is. Cuz it's easy as fuck to look at Appalachians as poor, uneducated, drug-addicted hillbillies — so easy and popular you can run for vice president on that bullshit‼️‼️‼️ But when you learn more about it / are actually Appalachian you become familiar with the (in)humanity behind it, and the unceasing sorrow and hopelessness Fiddleford met in that fucking junkyard.
Also the little things... Fiddleford raiding the mining display for weapons like this is fuckin blair mountain fjsnzkalal. And that he only seems fully comfortable being authentic when he's lost his goddamn mind — how deeply-ingrained must that repression be??? Uugghh. I like to think he's able to deconstruct and at least be completely himself in the aftermath of all this.
And I crave writing Tate reconnecting with that, too. Not just his dad. But with the culture he can see traces of all around him, but was robbed of when fate took his father away.
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bitchboi-gogurt · 4 months ago
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my pins arrived!
and woahg very cool packaging!
I knew this type of packaging could come in different colors but never expected it to come in with a design like this!
already a neat introduction
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and here is Dev! Love how supportive this guy is, and his pin is also really nice! colors are spot on, and there's nothing more i can say that isn't a positive!
one thing to note is these pins are single pin post (the sharp thing on the back of the pin), something to consider if that's a concern of yours when purchasing these pins (for when the store reopens OOP-)
Last one of the pair
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RAY!!! the good vibes good boi! His pin is also very nicely done, very cute!
overall, I'm happy with my purchase! they're a little more on the pricey side being $15 (USD) per pin, but taking into account the store is open for brief periods, I'd say it's wort-
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oh hell yeah!
look at them! they're so cute!
uugghh, i don't know where to stick them oh my goddd
but yeah, I'd recomend giving the store a glance when it opens again, at least to see what might interest you!
they have a few other things apart from pins like beanies, shirts, prints, etc.!
happy with my purchase!
I recommend also giving the webcomic a glance as well!
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danikamariewrites · 2 years ago
Family Time
Ruhn x reader
A/n: Ruhn would be such a good dad like uugghh
Warnings: none just kinda cheesy
Running around the kitchen you hear a little voice call out from the living room, “Auntie y/n!” “Yes!” You yell back. “I found the goldfish! They were next to the couch.” You let out a sigh of relief. Walking back to the living room your niece, Louise, was sitting on the floor coloring, happily munching away at her goldfish.
Your brother called you last minute asking you to babysit for the night. He and his wife are healers at the hospital in Lunathion and were called into work. You never minded watching your niece, you loved your family, they're the most important thing to you.
As you plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV you couldn’t help but feel like you were forgetting something. Louise had everything she needed, you had dinner planned, what were you forgetting?
A knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts. “Who’s that?” Louise asked, tilting her head like a curious cat. “I’m not sure.” You get up, opening the door to Ruhn holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
Fuck. It was date night. That’s what you were forgetting.
“Hi sweetheart, ready for dinner.” He kisses your cheek and enters your apartment. He stops short, noticing Louise by the coffee table. The Fae child looking between the two of you with a mischievous look. “Ooohhh Auntie y/n you didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend.” She says tauntingly. Ruhn let out a laugh, crouching down to Louise’s level.
“And who’s this young lady?” Louise holds out her hand for Ruhn to shake, “Louise, y/n’s niece.” “Well it’s very nice to meet you.” He shakes her hand as they lock into an intense staring contest.
Breakin the growing tension between the two you cut in, “Louise, this is Ruhn Danaan, the crown prince of the Valbaran Fae. And yes, he’s Auntie's boyfriend.” Louise lets go of Ruhns hand, crossing her tiny arms over her chest. “Hhmm, not impressed.” Ruhns expression turns to shock and you laugh a little.
“Louise, why don’t you hang out here while we go talk in the kitchen.” Louise nods and goes back to her coloring book.
Once in the kitchen Ruhn hands you the bouquet. You take it, standing on your tiptoes and peck his cheek. “Thank you baby, they’re lovely.” You set about to put them in a vase. “Louise is a funny kid. Looks like it’s gonna take a lot to impress her.” You set the vase on the table, “Oh, don’t mind her. She just likes messing with people.”
Facing him, your expression turns into a sad smile. “I’m so sorry, I forgot about date night and I said I could babysit.” Ruhn comes up to you rubbing your arms soothingly. “Hey, it’s fine. I understand completely. If you don’t have dinner plans already, we can go out. All three of us.”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do that, Ruhn.” “I want to. Your family is important to you, so they’re important to me. So please let me take you and your niece out.” You let out a sigh, “Ok, let’s go.”
The whole walk to the restaurant Louise grilled Ruhn, asking question after question. By the time you were seated the Fae Prince was her new best friend.
Once dinner was over Louise slumped back in the booth. You hear Ruhn in your mind. Perking up, you let him in. “Is it ok if she has ice cream?” “Yeah of course! Ice cream sounds nice.” Ruhn smiles at you and slumps back like Louise.
“Gosh, I am full.” He rubs a hand over his stomach for emphasis. “But you know what I could go for?” He turns his head towards Louise who gives him a curious look. “Ice cream!” She starts bouncing up and down in her seat, excited by the thought of the sugary treat. “Are you serious Ruhn! Can we really get ice cream!?”
He laughs at the child’s excitement, “Ask your Aunt first.” Louise looks at you, her wide eyes hopeful that you’ll say yes. “Let's do it.”
Sitting in the ice cream parlor watching your boyfriend and niece get along so well your mind starts to wander. Ruhn would be such a good dad. You know he didn’t have the best upbringing with his father and all, but he grew up to be a kind and caring male.
You’d talked about what the Oracle had told him and you both said that you didn’t want kids. But one day you might change your mind. The thought of starting a family with him took over your mind.
Ruhn notices you lost in thought out of the corner of his eye. He asks you mind to mind, “You ok sweetheart?” “We could change our minds one day right?” You ask shyly. He looks at you, eyes full of love and says, “We absolutely can.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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iceb4gw-c · 2 months ago
I've already been through FIVE of these O'sadley fuckers-
what the FUCK are in these things..uugghh..
I dont feel so good-
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