#i want good valeska twin fanfics so bad
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valeskadoer · 10 months ago
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when when you want to see content but you are the only one who can create it
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trumpetnista · 6 years ago
CMW2/Trumpetnista: Not You, Too
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Summary from FFN: CANON COMPLIANT AU WITH HEAVY SPOILERS FOR THE END OF SEASON 4 AND THE FIRST EPS OF 5. POSSIBLY A FUTURE FIC; Gotham breaks all the rules all the time, especially now. Thankfully, the one about cats having 9 lives? That still holds. Bruce thinks Selina is dead. Everyone does until she walks into the GCPD the next morning.;Rated for language and imagery;1st in my 2019 SSS Project
Words from the Hooded GOTHAMITE: As I said last time, what keeps me watching GOTHAM (other than the awesome writing, dope ass cast, and the lovely fandom...) are Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. They hooked me like a fish and I fell in love with the rest of the show in the process. Season 5 has been excellent as always yet bittersweet. It’s supposed to be the last one (I hope not. I hope the show gets picked up or we get a movie or something! It can’t be over yet! Come on!) and I have a feeling that B and Grumpy Cat aren’t gonna be together in the endgame. Not outright, anyways. I don’t think they’ll be enemies but together? As in Helena Wayne showing up levels of together? Nah. 
That’s what fanfic is for. There is a follow up to Positive planned, BTW.
Anyway, this one is another canon complaint AU set in the current season. All you really need to know is that The Eviler Evil Valeska Twin shot our girl, she was paralyzed and now she’s not thanks to Ivy Pepper Version 3’s reluctant help, and Gotham is now divided up into Zones, most of them insane and wild and chock full of yikes. Oh, and Bruce loves Selina but that’s always been pretty fucking obvious. LOL! Enjoy the latest. 
Disclaimer: “Honestly, it’s not mine!”
"What's up, 5-0? Beautiful day, isn't it? The sky is smoggy blue and the birds are singing..."
He was hallucinating.
He had to be.
There was no way that what he was hearing was possible.
No matter how much he ached to, there was no way that he was hearing Selina Kyle's voice.
She was dead. Truly dead. She had gone on one of what she called her "shopping trips" for The Haven and Jeremiah Valeska had finished what he had started that horrible night in the Study. He and his demented girlfriend had trapped her in a warehouse, knocked her out, and blown her up. Not only had they done it, Jeremiah had turned himself in, battered but proud. He claimed that it had been for the best. Selina was nothing but street trash. She was his downfall and utterly unacceptable as a companion for him. Gotham needed its Dark Knight to be with someone who truly understood what reality was. Someone like...
Bruce Wayne hadn't let him finish. Before anyone could stop him, he had picked up a chair and gone after him, much to the shrieking horror of Ecco. It had taken several officers and someone, likely Alfred Pennyworth, sedating him to make him stop. He had woken up in Jim Gordon's office and had stayed on the couch. He didn't want to see anyone. Nobody knew what to say to him. Everyone knew how much Selina meant to him. That was why she had been targeted twice.
Bruce had managed to help her. He had gone straight into the belly of Ivy Pepper's foliage covered beast to get the root to fix her severed spine. Selina had gotten back on her feet immediately and hit the ground running. Shocking everyone, she had opted to wait to get her revenge against Valeska. She was going to play the long game. Valeska wasn't going anywhere. He was just as trapped as everyone else, thanks to the bridges being gone and the Travel Ban.
When asked why, she had sadly explained that Tabitha Galavan, her Mentor turned Sister, had been impatient for revenge and it had taken her life. She had allowed anger and hurt to cloud her judgement. She had dropped her guard and Oswald Cobblepot had promptly murdered her. Bruce had seen it happen. It had been expected. After all, both Galavan siblings had done great harm to the man but hearing Barbara Kean's devastated rage? Knowing that Selina would have to mourn her? It had hurt deeply. It was all a goddamned waste.
Instead of seeking out Valeska or his followers, Selina had opted to use her skills as a thief to help The Haven and its refugees. She would pick a small gang's turf within a Zone, typically Penguin's, and go in for 12-36 hours. She would bring back people, ammunition, medicine, and meaningful things like blankets or feminine hygiene products. She had quickly gained a reputation for being utterly ruthless to any who tried to stop her, which had concerned him greatly. Ivy had warned him that the root would not only fix her spine but amplify the darker aspects of her personality. Bruce had tried to reel her in, leading to several arguments, and eventually, they had reached a stalemate.
She would do what she liked. He would stay out her way or at least keep his judgement to himself while he helped her. Gotham was a madhouse. It always had been but now? It was a free for all. It was survival of the fittest and she would be damned if she let someone who crossed her walk away. She had made that mistake in the past and it had cost her dearly. She had been screwed over one too many times. It would not be happening again. If there was a Hell, she was already going to it so what did it matter, anyways? Self defense wasn't murder, neither was saving people's asses.
Plus, she didn't know about him but she was in no mood to deal with the same group of psychos 10 years from now. She wanted to deal with new psychos.
But, now she wouldn't because she was dead and gone. She was as dead and gone as his parents.
His Selina was gone and Bruce would never see her again, not in this life.
But, the hallucination...she wasn't...she couldn't be...
Could she? Please?
Her mane of golden chestnut curls wasn't singed and pulled up into a messy bun. She wasn't standing in the 12th precinct's main entryway. She wasn't wheezing softly from a partially blocked nose. Her tactical suit wasn't unzipped to reveal a stained gray sports bra and bruised torso. She wasn't looking at the stunned occupants of the room with her usual dismissive amusement, even with a black eye. She wasn't limping and her whip wasn't wrapped around her bruised shoulder like a coil of wire as she drank straight from a bottle of what appeared to be Everclear.
She couldn't be...could she? Was it possible? She couldn't...why was the room spinning? Why was his chest hurting? Bruce stood in the office, speechless and shaking, watching as the Selina hallucination sat on the receptionist desk. It was so real...
"What's the matter? You guys never seen a 7 lives having bitch before?"
"My God..."
"Jesus Christ, Gordon! Get the hell off of me! You, too, Alfred! Bad touch!"
The hallucination looked like her. It definitely sounded like her but it couldn't...she wasn't...but Jim was smiling at it. Alfred was too. Both were still hugging the hallucination and Harvey Bullock had taken its bottle of liquor away, taking a deep swig. She snatched it back from him and shot him a lethal look, making him grin.
"Buzz off, gumshoe. This is mine. I earned it. Plus, it's the closest thing we've got to morphine, which I kinda need right now. I need some morphine, a shower, a nap, maybe take a crap before all of that..."
"Kid, we all thought you were done for. Valeska and his crazy Terminator bitch said you were."
"I'm not a kid. Yeah, I definitely got shanghaied by those goddamned freaks and it sucked but their bomb didn't kill me like they wanted it to. It just made me fly away, which was totally fun until I landed face, ribs, and tits first into the side of a delivery truck. Don't do that, by the way. It hurts. I managed to get it started and it has some good stuff in there. Ammo, some cases of water, and those military TV dinner things and I think there might be meds. I'm not sure. Speaking of meds, I'm still looking for Lee. She was the best, bravest doctor in the city and if I can find her, you can get The Narrows under control real easy. Everybody loved her because she legit gave a shit so they're looking for her. There's a big T.P. and blankets reward for anyone who finds her. She might be across the river, I dunno. Maybe someone could swim over through the subways to go check and to ask for help in person since using the radio obviously doesn't goddamned work..."
"It's too dangerous. The damage from the bridges blocked or flooded the tunnels."
"Dammit. You can't rig something up, Foxy? You're like the better version of that tech dude from the James Bonds movies. The hell's his name again? X? Y?"
"Right...whatever. Where's Bruce?"
"Where. Is. Bruce? Alfred, where is he? Did he...where the hell is he?! What happened?!"
"Valeska showed up here gloating and he snapped. He took a chair to him and...he was in Cap's office but..."
"Get out of my way. Now."
"Selina, I know you're worried but..."
"Harper, I really like you but if you don't get the fuck out of my way, I swear to God, I'll..."
Bruce stepped out of the office and all eyes went to him. All he could see was Selina. He was still shaking and breathing was getting more difficult by the second but he couldn't look away. He didn't even want to blink because then, she would disappear and...
"Oh, no."
As soon as she touched him, reality hit him all at once.
She was real.
She was alive!
"Bruce. Bruce? Come on, baby, look at me...you need to breathe...look at me!"
His first instinct was to obey her and he did just that. His Selina wanted him to breathe. She wanted him to look at her and he was going to. He was going to do any and everything she asked.
Baby? That was new. Selina usually called him B or by his full name. Either that or she called him a douchebag or something else along those lines but fondly. Never a pet name. She had always cringed at pet names and other conventional romantic relationship things like them. But, she was alive. She was alive. She was battered and bruised and didn't smell very good but she was alive. Selina was alive! She wasn't gone. Jeremiah hadn't taken her away from him. Gotham hadn't stolen her away from him. He hadn't lost her. She was alive. She was right in front of him. He wasn't dreaming. He wasn't hallucinating.
"Hey, Bruce."
"You're alive."
"...y-you're alive?"
"Yeah, I'm alive. I'm right in of- ow!"
Bruce knew that he would have to do some serious groveling later but he didn't care. He hauled Selina flush against him and squeezed as hard as he could, uncaring of her injuries. The noises escaping him could be called crying or maybe screaming, he wasn't sure. As if let loose from a puppeteer's strings, he slumped against the wall and surprising him, Selina wasn't fighting him.
She was holding onto him just as tightly. She was crying like she had after her failed suicide attempt and he loosened his grip enough for her to look up at him. She had to look up at him, now. She had to stand on her tiptoes to give him a proper kiss when they were standing. He remembered when she was taller than him. He remembered when they first met. Every memory he had with her, good and bad, was running through his mind at warp speed.
Cupping his face, she kissed him deeply and he responded immediately, mindful of her cut lip. His second hug was much gentler and he smiled at a beaming Alfred, a crying and grinning Jim. They loved her just as much as he did. They were her family, along with Barbara Kean, and...
"As soon as the Travel Ban lifts, I'm going on vacation and I'm taking you with me. I don't give a shit about your Mission or whatever the hell you call it. We're going someplace warm where we can get falling down fucked up drunk legally and I can have my tits out."
Bruce tried to laugh but he kept sobbing, drinking her in greedily. She was alive. His best friend, his heart, his Selina was alive! She wanted to go someplace warm? Done. She wanted him with her? Done. Whatever she wanted, whatever she needed, he would do it. Even if (when) it compromised his moral compass, he would do it anyway because Selina Kyle was alive. She was alive and he wasn't going to question how. Okay, he would because that was how he was. He always wanted answers but the universe had granted him a most precious gift and...
"...not you, too?"
His voice was small and the smile, the look she gave him was the softest he had ever seen.
"Not me, too. Not today. Not ever. You're stuck with me, Bruce Wayne. Get used to it."
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thefandomdirtymind · 7 years ago
Sister in Love
Jeremiah Valeska x Reader
Request:  You should write a fanfic where the sister of Jim Gordon falls in love with Jeremiah Valeska (pre-spray)
* I really like that Idea and I hope that you will like it as much as I do. Let me know if you want a part 2.
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Living at Gotham city never be really totally safe. Between the insane criminal and the corrupt cops, showing to your brother that your a strong and a independent woman who’s can handle herself isn’t a easy task. And,like in your case, if your brother is Jim Gordon, the mission is almost impossible.
You was ready and already in the car waiting to leave for going home when Jim had receive the call of a mysterious M. Valeska.
"I coming right now M. Valeska" He said before hanging up.
" Valeska, like...Jerome Valeska ? " You ask. “ The criminal ?” 
Nodding of the head, Jim close his phone before start the car. 
“ Another Valeska, his brother Jeremiah. The guy is a genius who’s can helps that city, but Jerome had found is location few days ago and now he his scare for his life  So, we will try to see if it’s a false alarm and go home and then at the restaurant like I promise you.” You brother answer, trying to find the best of both world between his job and you.
“ Okay, but you will buy me some cake for that” You joke, watching the light of the building passing quickly in your window. 
“ Deal” He laugh. 
The bunker of the man was in a part of the town you’re not use to go.
" Y/N stay in the car it will not be long" Gordon say opening his door.
"What no no no ! I come, you never see any horror movie ? The lonely girl in the car always die !" You retort, already pushing your door.
"We're not in a horror movie , the car is more safe" He try to explain, knowing that he probably not win this.
"More safe that you and your gun ? I don't think so, come on, let’s get in there, show that guy that it have no monster under is bed, and the more quick we will be at the restaurant. I almost can smell the chocolat of my cake. " You say passing the portal, letting him no choice to let you come with him.
" You become really stubborn with age" Jim finish to tell once you both reach the door of the bunker.
" It's a part of our family charm, the stubbornness of the Gordon family"
The sound of an heavy lock being remove make you jump a little, making you wonder what kind of man need that kind of protection. Probably this Valeska is the older brother and have a long list of ennemi he need to be protect of.
Stepping in the maze of corridor you follow Jim, trying to remember each turn you take. Suddenly, a woman seem to appear from a corridor you didn't notice. Blonde and svelte, she was through, really cold and stoic. The kind of woman you wonder if she had once laugh in his life but mostly the kind you don't want to piss off.
Without a word, your brother start to follow the blondie, giving you a look to calm you. Apparently the woman isn't a danger for the guest of this mister Jeremiah.
“ Come in” A calm voice say, inviting your trio to step in, what it seem, the main office. 
You discovers really fast, how much far of the reality you was. The brother, or more the twins of the psychotic maniac was in fac, as young as you, maybe few year older. Tall, with short ginger hair, he was wearing glasses and a really classy suit, putting the more difference as he could of the other well know Valeska.  
“ Jeremiah “ Gordon greeting, shaking the hand on the man who’s salute him of a nod of the head before turning his gaze on you. “ It’s my little sister, Y/N Gordon”
“ Nice to meet you M. Valeska”  You answer, trying to doing a good impression. 
“ Nice to meet you too, Y/N, call me Jeremiah.” Jeremiah answer, shaking your hand, keeping it a little bit more longer that usual. 
His eyes on you, warm and fascinate, seem to scrutinize you, like if you were a really particular enigma he can’t easily resolve.  Both in your bubble, you almost heard it pop when you brother interrupt it with a fake cough. 
“ You call saying that you have caught something strange with the outdoor camera “ Jim say. 
“ Yes, I watch it over and over again. It could be nothing, but It’s look like one of my brother lunatic new friend. I had prefer to inform you.” The man say, reaching his computer, putting on the many screen the security video showing a small view of the outdoor and what it’s look like a shadowing shape. 
“ It’s too dark to see well. I will call some agent to take a look of the surroundings and maybe doing some supervising during the night” Gordon say, taking his phone. “ Y/N stay here I will make my call and I come back.” 
“ Okay” You simply say, watching your brother leaving the office. 
“ Please take a sit “ the calm voice of the charming man say. “ Do you want something to drink, I have a really good scotch, but I have some sparkling water or I can even find some soft drink if you prefer. “ He offert you. 
“ A glass of scotch seem a great idea” You say, taking a sit at the end of the caramel leather sofa. 
A small smile on his lips, he walk to his little personal bar, pouring a small amont of liquid in two glasses.  
“ Here” Jeremiah say, handing you your own tumbler.
“ Thank you” You answer “ My brother say that your a genius, what a brillant brain do for living ?” You ask curious.
Taking a sip of his drink, he sit at your side. 
“ I’m an engineer, but my job isn’t really interesting, well it is, but for most of the people it’s a subject who’s can put them to sleep in less that two minutes . You, what are you doing for living ? “ He returning you the question.
Passing your hand on your hair, you try to not to blush under his gaze. 
“ I working at the reception of the GCPD. It’s not a big job, I greeting people, take calls, take notes when they have a meeting...this kind of things. I could find another job, but I think that letting my brother keep an eyes on myself, help him to not worried to much about me” You reply. 
“ That’s very noble of you, you look like to be a good sister.”
“ I try, but it’s not always easy... “ Lost in you through, you suddenly feel his hand on yours. 
“ I can’t really relate because, well you must know my brother...but I’m sure that your do it, because, you seem like a wonderful woman and people like you had to be protect at all cost...” 
“ I...” You start, abruptly interrupt by Jim, his phone on his hand, following by two policemen. 
“ Jeremiah, we have search outside and Echo had watch inside. Nobody was there, it’s must be a coincidence. But to be sure, the agent Malory and Johnson will stay outside in case.”
Getting up of the couch, the genius sadly remove his hand of your. 
“ Thank you , M.Gordon but it will not be necessary, I live in a bunker after all ” Jeremiah say, shaking his hand.
“ I insist M.Valeska, just to be sure.” Jim, say, giving you a strange look. 
“ If you think it’s a necessity” Jeremiah give up. 
“ Great, Y/N we can go now “ 
Getting up of the sofa at your turn, you finish your drink, taking the time to give the empty glass to Jeremiah, raising one last time your gaze on his and offering him a last smile.
“ Thank you for the drink, I hope we will meet again soon M. Valeska.” You confess. 
“ I hope me too Miss Gordon” Jeremiah say, smiling. 
Following Jim outside,you didn’t dare to gave a look back, but you did not really need it. You feel the man watching you leave his humble office. 
Once in the car, Jim was still giving you his strange look. 
“ Y/N, can you please explain me what’s happen between you two down there, because as a brother, i’m almost afraid to already know the answer” Jim finally ask. 
Lost in your memory of this meeting, you give a look to your brother. 
“ Nothing bad, but I hope we will see more often Jeremiah Valeska now “ 
Sighing, Jim turn his gaze on the road again. 
“ Well, that’s what I was thinking...first look and boom, I lost my sweet sister.” 
“ Don’t be stupid and don’t forget that you owne me a cake.” You say, trying to resist at the urge of smiling. But, down there, you knew that you were probably not the only one that night at smiling like a idiot.    
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anna-omens13 · 7 years ago
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“Gotham - Traumatic Connection”
In honor of Gotham’s “One Bad Day” tonight, I give you my class final that I worked so hard on this semester!! It’s been a really long time since I’ve posted any artwork so I thought this was a good choice for starting up again! :D
The project was called “Story Illustrations”; we had to come up with a short story told in drawing form while using the art style or at least aspects of the style of the artists we researched for a presentation. My artist was Greg Capullo, famous for his work in comic books like Spawn, Batman: Death of the Family, and Dark Knights: Metal. I incorporated his use of pitch black shadows into my illustrations.
The story is basically a Gotham AU where Jerome is still alive and with no Jeremiah twin-twist. It’s also based/connected to my Gotham: Valeyne/Batjokes Halloween Fanfic I wrote last year. I plan on making a full story to go with the drawings later this summer; I’m not completely sure whether I’m gonna go with a general story or make it a Valeyne/Batjokes fanfiction, however, the story can be taken in either direction. Maybe I’ll make two versions!
Plot Summary: “It’s close to midnight; Bruce Wayne, cladded in his prototype vigilante outfit, patrols the city from the rooftops when he is spotted by Jerome Valeska. Having loved and permanently dawned the Joker persona since their Halloween adventure, the clown stands under a streetlight happily waving up at Bruce. The young hero asks what he’s doing out and about openly on the streets, to which the criminal replies that he’s having a night on the town and looking for something fun to do.“Fun” finds the two of them in the form of a small gang of former Haly’s Circus workers and former lovers of Jerome’s mother, Lila. Wanting revenge for her death, Bruce and Jerome agree to a team-up.They take to the streets against the carnies and end up on the rooftop of a nearby building. As the fight progressed and leaned in their favor, one of the men’s comments begin to get under Jerome’s skin and caused him to lose control of himself. He takes out a knife, interrupting the up-until-then hand-to-hand combat, and nearly kills the man before Bruce finally steps in to stop him.Frustrated by Bruce’s lack of understanding and unyielding need for justice that doesn’t allow bloodshed, Jerome unburdens his abusive childhood memories and how they shaped him into the insane villain he is now. In a state of emotional hysteria, tears flooding from his eyes, Jerome attempts to inflict self-harm. Bruce moves quickly to knock the knife out of his hand and instead of resorting to a violent means of subduing the young criminal, the boy embraces Jerome in an unexpected hug; something the mad man hasn’t received for a long time if not ever in his life.“I’m screwed up Brucie…” Jerome states. “…So am I…” Bruce replies. Their traumatic childhoods give them an understanding of each other that can only be shared between the two of them.“ The End
Inspiration for this story came from my love of the relationship between Bruce and Jerome; no matter what’s been happening on Gotham, they will always be my favorite enemies! Another source of inspiration are the rare occasions when they have to work together; I love me a Batman/Joker team up!! Some of my favorite examples are Batman: Europa and Batman: The Brave and the Boldepisode “Game Over for Owlman”! Finally, I’ve always loved the compassion Batman has for even the most hardened, insane criminals; he’s one of the only superheroes who treats them as people who had “a bad day” and need help getting their lives back together. I think it’s sweet to think that Bruce had that quality even as a kid. Batman and Joker, Bruce and Jerome; they’re both two sides of the same coin and can understand each other in a way no one else can. Let’s face it, they both had "a bad day”; Bruce could have ended up just like Jerome if he had chosen the path of evil instead of good.
Hope you guys enjoy them and enjoy tonight’s episode of Gotham!! XD
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