#Utmv agedre
utmv-agereverse · 1 month
Outer! (Age dreamer!)
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transcript beneath cut! ^^
Outer! (Age dreamer!)
Age dreams 2 - 7! Caregiver is Ccino! Eyes shift to stars when age dreaming! Loves star gazing! Likes drawing stars. Prefers to nap at day! Wears cape for pretend. Pretends to be astronaut. Floats when napping! LOVES fluffy things! Special interest? Stars!
Also the reason I picked those ages, is because of the creators name! (2mi127) It starts with a 2, ends with a seven! ^^ ALSO it's now Canon that Outer and Dream are friends in this AU! :D
(Reposts not allowed! Reblogs appreciated! ^^)
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
Me getting to note down the UTMV fans who are are also part of the agere community:
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But seriously! Love interacting with you guys!! I wish there was more content for it! ^^
[If you are comfortable with it, reblog to let others know you're in the UTMV Fandom and the agere/petre community!]
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littlestlustsans · 3 months
Before we begin, let's make this clear: There will be no kink content on this or any of my blogs. Heavier topics, yes. But agere is and will always be SFW. Yes, I'm aware what AU Lust is from and his origins, but keep in mind, in this interpretation, Lust regresses do to his trauma from the underground. Please be respectful, do not sexualize this, or you will be blocked.
With that out of the way, welcome! This is an RP/Ask blog, featuring Regressor Lust! Or his little name, Lu, or Lulu!
I'll be posting headcanons, interacting with other UTMV Agere blogs, and more!
I'm more than happy to talk with other UTMV age/pet regressors, age/pet dreamers, caregivers/babysitters, and allies! ^^
Lust will speak in this colour! (It's #e6c0fd! the purple colour on the newer agere flag!)
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Inspired by @l1ttl3-l0tus-fl0w3r!
Main blog: @thelunarsystemwrites!
Other agere blogs: @utmv-agereverse and @littlelunarislavender!
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luccathelirium · 3 years
Hey, welcome to my blog! You can call me Lucca.
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About my blog:
Here I'll post and reblog things about:
My hyperfixations (currently Ghibli studio, UTMV, tea, witchcraft, angelcore/cleancore/labcore and general beautiful aesthetics, and nature stuff like mushrooms and jellyfishes!
Mlm/nblm & VERY cheesy gay stuff
Things about neurodivergency and dissociative disorders
Witchy tips
Comfy aesthetics/moodboards/stimboards and self-care & agedre posts
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About me:
My name is Lucca, but I also go by Lótus, Ethan and Haze!
I'm genderqueer, aromantic and gay.
I'm latino.
I have ADHD, DPDR, C-ptsd and undiagnosed (official diagnose in progress!) autism.
I'm otherkin. I may post something about my kintypes eventually, but I'm still quite nervous talking openly about that.
I'm an Eros devotee💘.
My personality is almost 100% based in me being gay & dramatic & a frog lover so be aware.
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About requests:
I do moodboards/stimboards, gender coining, mogai flags and sometimes joke/meme flags for fun! Feel free to request anytime my bio says they're open! I'll be also doing free rune casts!
What I'll do (flags):
- Xenogender flags
- Flag redesigns (they can be character/pallete/aesthetic inspired!)
- Joke/meme flags that don't have any racist/ableist/fatphobe/lgbtqia+phobic, truscum and hateful intents, or otherwise unconfortable to me.
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Please don't follow/interact if:
Terf (or lgbtquia+phobe in general), truscum/transmed, racist, ableist, fatphobe, ace/aro and/or pan/poly/omni exclusionist, "anti-mogai", "MAP"/MAP supporter, apologist (of any kind)
Pro-ed, thin/spo
Dd/lg, self/harm or NSFW only blogs
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Since my blog is strictly sfw and safe for minors, any post that contains sexual content (but it will never be stong or explicit, usually it'll be slightly suggestive stuff or mentions of sexual acts). These posts will be tagged as #spicy tag, and general cursing will be tagged with #cursing cw. Be safe everyone!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
(An undertale AU all about agere, petre, etc!)
After monsters were sealed underground, many fell into despair. They all had to grow up and face the reality—They'd never be free again.
It was dull, a hopeless and bland land. Monster children were forced to give up their childhoods to help research a way out, and the adults were stressed out of their minds.
Everything was so tense, so serious...
Until a human fell.
The human was a teen, messy brown hair with fair skin and soft pink eyes. Rosey cheeks and stress visible on their face.
Their son Asriel found them, and brought them home. The human... acted childish, after they awoke. At first it confused the royal family, but not necessarily... made them feel bad?
No, no... if anything, it awakened a new sort of emotion in them.
Care, they wanted to care for them.
The human's SOUL was a soft pink, the same colour as their eyes. It had a warm glow.
Wonderous. It had the trait of Wonder.
And from that day forward,monster kind was shown a new way to cope.
Age regression, or dreaming. Petre as well, along with their caregivers. There suddenly wasn't such a rush to grow up, and everyone seemed more than happy to exist while enjoying the joys of youth.
Years went on, and while progress on a way to break the barrier was slow. It was much easier to handle, now that they had some sort of escape.
Extra lore under cut!
In AgereTale, age regression/dreaming, pet regression/dreaming, caregiving—It's all very much normalized! Shops that carry baby supplies also keep adult/teen sized little/middle gear!
Another thing, Monsters have hearts on their face, each meaning a different role!
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Pink means the monster is an Age regressor!
Blue means the monster is a Pet regressor!
Purple means the monster is an Age dreamer!
Green means the monster is a pet Dreamer!
And yellow means they're a caregiver/babysitter!
Monsters can have all five at once, or a mixture of various colours!
The hearts come and go as suited. So a monster that recently became a caregiver will have a yellow heart appear on their face!
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Here's an example of having all five hearts, like Papyrus!
Also, the fallen human Frisk is a teen as well! And they also have the pink trait, Wonder!
@zombiestar1934 figured you'd wanna see the Paps drawing!
And yes, this is a Canon part of the UTMV Agereverse! ^^
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
UTMV agere!verse masterpost!
Ageretale here!
@utmv-agereverse the official blog!
(Don't know what agere is? Info can be found here! ^^)
You in the undertale Fandom? Are you ALSO an age/pet regressor? Maybe a dreamer, caregiver, babysitter, flip?
Well, I've made an AU specifically for Sanses, as part of the agere community! Which, can be found in the following list!
Here's the Sans made specifically for this AU, Binky/Agere Sans!
Bad Sanses!
Nightmare! (Caregiver!)
Cross! (Flip!)
Killer! (Middle!)
Horror! (Little!)
Dust! (Little!)
Star Sanses!
Ink! (Caregiver!)
Blue! (Flip!)
Dream! (Flip!)
Other Sanses!
Lust/Lavender! (Little!)
Error! (Petre!)
Runo! (Little!) Unofficial character! Though if requested by owner, I would make him one. /gen.
Classic Sans! (Caregiver!)
Fell! (Little/Petre!)
Freeze! (Little!) Unofficial character! Though if requested by owner, I'll make him canon! ^^ /gen!
Geno! (Flip!)
Alter! (Flip!)
Farmer! (Flip!)
Fresh! (Flip!)
Outer! (Agedre!)
I'll update the list as I post more content for the AU! You'll also find Writing here as well!
Written works!
Nightmare Headcanons!
A speck of Dust. (Fanfic.)
Art that's just for the AU in general! ^^
"I didn't even do anything!"
I'm always taking suggestions for Sanses in the AU! And yes, that includes Sanses from your OWN AUs as well!
For example! "Could you do Fell as a dreamer?" Or, whatever other ones you could think of! (Note, if you suggest your own Sans, please give me a reference for them, and a loose/detailed idea of what you want them to look like and like to do!)
Classic Sans and Papyrus owned by Toby Fox.
Dream and Nightmare owned by Jokublog.
Error owned by LoverOfPiggies.
Ink owned by Comyet.
Blue by owned AU community.
Cross owned by Jakei95.
Killer owned by Rahafwabas.
Horror owned by Sour-Apple-Studios.
Dust owned by Ask-Dusttale.
Lust owned by AU community.
Runo owned by @kiyo-void!
Fell owned by Fella.
Binky owned by me!
Freeze owned by @zombiestar1934!
Geno owned by Loverofpiggies.
Fresh owned by Loverofpiggies.
Alter owned by friisans.
Farmer owned by GuinongTale_AU.
Outer owned by 2mi127
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
Nightmare the caregiver headcanons!
(Just me ranting abt undertale au agere, featuring the bad sanses! This is gonna be a new AU-)
Nightmare: Caregiver. Very calm and sorta stoic, occasionally tired of the nonsense but has a good habit of keeping his cool. He may seem uninterested, but knows where all of his boys are, at all time. It's almost scary-
Killer: Middle. He's on the younger side of a middle, being 9 - 10 when regressed. He likes annoying Nightmare, and being playful. Calls nightmare "Pops" or "Dad"! He likes gaming a lot when regressed, which can be anything he can be chaotic in. (Mostly minecraft, but sometimes older games like COD.) He also occasionally slips younger, around 6? And when he's that young, he follow Nightmare just about everywhere, VERY talkative little.
Horror: Little. He's a toddler essentially, 3 - 4. And a very spacing out, unaware one at that. Nightmare absolutely has to keep an eye on him at all times, due to the fact that he will try to chew on anything and everything. To combat this, Nightmare shape shifts one of his tendrils into a harness, keeping Horror secure. Also, he goes completely non-verbal while regressed!
Murder/Dust: Little, very tiny. We're talking he goes 0 - 1, maybe 2. He's an Involuntary regressor, as he believes he doesn't really deserve it. When he's regressed, he's very clingy, and wants to be carried at all times, since he misses Papy's hugs and carrying him. Speaking of Paps! He often helps encourages Dust to ask for things he needs, like a binky, or bottle, blanket, so on!
Cross: Flip. He's not really the regressing type, so he's more of an age dreamer/partial regressor! When regressed, he's pretty quiet, likes to read, or bake (with supervision) he really can't tell his regressed age, which nightmare will reassure him that, it's okay! And, really Cross prefers being a babysitter, mostly to watch Killer. He's better with older kids!
And with that... i feel like I should be writing a story about this, huh.
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Outer! (Age dreamer!)
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^^Outer! (Age dreamer!)
Age dreams 2 - 7!
Caregiver is Ccino!
Eyes shift to stars when age dreaming!
Loves star gazing!
Likes drawing stars.
Prefers to nap at day!
Wears cape for pretend.
Pretends to be astronaut.
Floats when napping!
LOVES fluffy things!
Special interest? Stars!
Also the reason I picked those ages, is because of the creators name! (2mi127) It starts with a 2, ends with a seven! ^^
ALSO it's now Canon that Outer and Dream are friends in this AU! :D
Other things canon:
Is autistic.
Likes to have out with Error.
Loves starfish, sea bunnies, and sea angels!
(Reposts not allowed! Reblogs appreciated! ^^)
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Fells WIP!
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littlestlustsans · 3 months
Hi friends!!
so me and @l1ttl3-l0tus-fl0w3r have made agere related UTMV blogs! Like to do agere related RPs or stuff!! If anyone else wanted to join in, we'd love that! Just make an agere blog based off a sans (or ship kid!) It can be a flip blog, cg blog, petre, agere, petdre, agedre, etc!!
Please only tag people if you know they're out as regressor in the UTMV fandom!! ^^ otherwise, rather be safe than sorry and don't tag anyone specifically, but reblog and spread the word!! It'll find them eventually! ^^
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
New Introduction!
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^ Sona! ^
Salutations, I welcome you to my page! My name is Lunar! (If you're also Lunar, you can call me the LunarSys!)
This is a safe space for those who are Queer, POC, any sort of disability, Agere/Petre/Agedre/Petdre, neurodiverse, alterhuman/non-human, mentally ill, religious, and or any sort of minority or majority! In the end, as long as you're not hurting anyone or making them uncomfortable, you're welcome here! (Yes, this includes Systems, HPD, NPD, Bipolar, BPD, etc!)
This place isn't a space for: Proship, fakeclaiming systems, or any disorders really, harassment. You will be blocked, but obviously I'm not gonna harass you.
I use Lua/Luan/Luar neos, however They/Them is perfectly fine too! (Any pronouns but she/her are okay! ^^)
Please avoid using fem terms on me! (Girly, gurl, sis, dudette, etc!)
Amateur artist. Platonically obsessed with Lust Sans, Donnie from Rottmnt, Hunter from Toh and Jax from TADC!
Neptunic. Ambiamorous. Demi-Ro. Aegosexual/Ace. Lunarian. Qouiromantic.
Biblically inaccurate bunny lore!
How to use Luar/Luan/Lua pronouns?
What is age regression?
Agere terminology!
Hit 40 followers!
Hit 100 followers!
Art requests! (Open!)
Previous masterpost!
UTMV agere!verse masterpost!
Facade Sans!
Matcha Sans!
Infectious love tale Lust! And Infectious Love Tale masterpost!
Berry Grove AU masterpost!
Cressatale Lust!
Crestatale Lust! And CrestaTale Lust redesign!
Biblically inaccurate bunnies!
Superhero UTMV AU!
And here's my other blogs!
@littlelunarislavender - agere blog!
@lustsansisnonbinary - RP/Ask blog!
@sleepyslenderthem - RP blog!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
Hey, Steven universe lovers who are in the agere community!
So me (I run a blog called @baby-blue-pearl) and @mama-opal have well, those two RP blogs for agere stuff! Amd I've posted about it before. But it'd be AWESOME to get some more Steven universe themed agere RP blogs!
Also, me (@littlestlustsans), @l1ttl3-l0tus-fl0w3r and @littlealters are all UTMV agere blogs! (+RP!) So if you're wanting to make an agere related blog, like for a UTMV sans/ship kid, go for it!
Just saying, it'd be awesome to expand these communities!! (And ofc this includes flips, caregivers, babysitters, petre, agedre, petdre, etc!)
Alsoooo I have a ROTTMNT agere blog! @littlegeniusdonnie! (<- where well, I'm Donnie!)
ANDDD an agere/petre The owl house one for Hunter! @little-prince-hunter (<- still setting up!)
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