#Utah Open Primary
nerdygaymormon · 11 days
Sometimes you mention that you've lived long enough to see changes in the church on LGBTQ topics. What are some of the major changes you've experienced in church?
I feel like I've lived in 3 eras of the LDS Church.
When I was a child, it was an era that now seems very far away. Black people weren't allowed to go to the temple or have the priesthood (which also limited which callings they could have in church). Church met twice on Sundays, once for Sunday School (children attended Jr Sunday School) and I think priesthood quorums met prior to Sunday School, and then we came again later that day for Sacrament meeting. This part is fuzzy to me, but I think youth activities were on Tuesday, and Primary was on Wednesday (and I think Relief Society was also on Wednesday). In addition to paying tithing, my parents were asked to contribute to the local ward budget, and we raised money to build the local church building. I remember my family working on the local church farm (I'm not sure if it was part of the welfare system or was a fundraiser for the local stake/ward budgets, perhaps both). There was a BIG emphasis on food storage. Social life revolved around church as there were many activities such as the annual Gold & Green Ball (dinner and a dance for the married folks, it was a big deal, they'd dress fancy for it). The church members were socially and politically conservative.
My teens and young adult years were spent in a different era. The church had undone the restrictions on Black members. Church was now consolidated to a 3-hour block on Sundays (except for youth activities on Wednesdays). Temples started getting built in big cities outside of Utah but still were a far drive for many members, instead of going on a temple trip once a year, as a youth we could go twice a year when a temple was built a few hours away. There were still a lot of activities, especially for the teenagers, such as big stake/regional dances, sports competitions, road shows, and a big youth trip in the summer. The ward budgets came from the church (from the tithing) and not from individual members of the ward giving more, and we no longer had to contribute (either money or labor) for local church buildings to get constructed. We didn't work on farms anymore, but worked in the cannery (I remember hearing adults talk about operating machines that bottled ketchup). While the membership was still very conservative, a more moderate approach was being taken by top leadership, and President Hinckley made big steps towards being more open with the world.
I'd say that President Nelson has ushered in another era. Two-hour church on Sundays. Wednesday youth programs being less rigorous or programmed. Temples within a relatively short drive of members and encouragement to go often. Teenagers can have their own temple recommends. No home or visiting teachers and instead a conversation and informal friendship counts as ministering. Few church activities outside of those for youth and our regular church meetings. More accommodation for differences in beliefs of what were considered core doctrines & principles (this started before the Nelson era). The internet has caused the church to be more open about its past, including some issues which are hard like racism and polygamy (again, this predates the Nelson era). There's also been steps to undo some of the patriarchy in the church structure (like women can serve as witnesses and changes to the temple ceremony).
I definitely would not want to go back to the era of the 1970's when I was a child. While there are things I miss from the era of Hinckley & Monson, I don't think I'd like to revert back. The one effect I worry about from the recent changes is people have weaker social ties to their church community. I've heard leaders say that church isn't a social club, but for a long time it was and I think the church underestimates the importance of social connections.
As for LGBTQ history in the LDS Church, Nathan Kitchen, the former president of Affirmation, did an excellent job in describing the changes in the church on these topics. I have lived through 5 eras of the church on LGBTQ issues.
The era from when I was a child was brutal. Even saying you're gay was seen as sinful. You were expected to fight with everything you had to completely erase these feelings. Attempts to remove these “tendencies” included electro-shock therapy at BYU. Most families would reject the queer family member.
The death of President Spencer W. Kimball in 1985 led to the next era for LGBTQ members. Rather than insist on complete erasure of homosexual feelings, gay members were to behave like straight people--get married and have kids and DON'T TELL ANYONE. This is the invisible generation who felt isolated and alone, hidden from other members and each other. Every so often we still hear about a former mission president or stake president who finally comes out after decades of living as a straight person. Most of the mixed-orientation marriages failed, the queer person eventually spoke their truth, picked up the pieces of their shattered dreams, and moved on and out of the church.
In 1998, President Gordon B. Hinckley did a widely-viewed interview with Larry King in which he said said we love "so-called gays and lesbians" and put forward the idea that gay thoughts aren’t a problem, but gay actions are. The church's view was that some of us are struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions, much like people who have other addictions. Even as the church led a major effort to defeat marriage equality, queer members no longer had to remain hidden, so they found each other and attended conferences together and encouraged each other. Members would admire queer members for their wrestle against their attractions. Because they were trying to make this path work and were admired for it, these queer members mostly didn’t share their struggles & mental health challenges with their family, friends, or other members. They were visible, but largely were silent. A generation seen but not heard.
Beginning in the early 2010's, a growing number of gay members receive media attention, and groups like Mama Dragons and North Star are formed. By the mid-2010's the church shifts its approach and starts highlighting and celebrating gay and bisexual members who are single & celibate, and also a few who are in mixed-orientation marriages. The church starts softening its former positions as it officially rejects conversion therapy, advocates for no violence and doesn't require members to deny their queer identities. As long as you are single & celibate, you are welcome. This is also when trans members start entering the consciousness of the church as in 2015 Emmett Claren (now Emmett Presciado) starts a YouTube channel where he documents his transition and in 2017 Kris Irvin makes national news for having a bishop threaten to withhold a BYU ecclesiastical endorsement if Kris receives top surgery. LDS families no longer automatically reject their queer children, but tend to leave the church together if their queer child doesn't feel welcome or safe at church. One last effort to pull membership back occurred in 2015 with a policy against gay couples and their children, and it received a LOT of pushback and generated a wave of members leaving the LDS church.
I think we entered a new era in 2019 as the Handbook policy of 2015 is reversed. In 2020 the now-publicly available Church Handbook softens the approach to gay and bi members but puts in more rules and restrictions of trans members. It's the beginning of a dichotomy where we see progress for people who aren't heterosexual and regression for people who aren't cisgender. In 2024, there are now married gay couples quietly attending church and not being excommunicated (which wasn't a thing even just 2 or 3 years ago), and trans members are facing severe restrictions due to more changes in the Handbook. It's hard not to believe more positive changes for gay and bi members will be coming, even as the church ratchets up its fight against trans members.
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2007 fairy tale mansion in Orem, Utah has 4bds, 9ba, $7.8M + $2,500yr. HOA fee. Look at all the chimneys- 1 for each of the 4 fireplaces.
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Aren't the 3 balconies lovely? Aren't the twin fireplaces magnificent?
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The view from the balconies.
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And look at this gorgeous conservatory.
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For $7.8M, they mention the appliances, but what about this other stuff?
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The conservatory is open to the kitchen. What an interesting rustic ceiling, it looks like something out of an old mine. The stove is huge, and it has a sculpted cement exhaust hood, plus there are 2 big islands, each a different style.
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I have never seen an armoire in a kitchen. Love the matching pizza oven, too.
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There's a lovey dinette/breakfast room off the kitchen.
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Here's sitting area on the mezzanine by one of the balconies. Beautiful beams in the ceiling.
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The primary bedroom looks like a castle room with it's ceiling beams and large fireplace.
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Huge en-suite.
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This home is a crafter's dream. Look at this craft room.
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I'm not sure what they do in here, I don't know what the hood is for, but it looks like an art studio. If it's not, it would certainly make a nice one.
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Cement stairs to the next level.
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Or, if you prefer, take the elevator.
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Very rustic home theater.
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Plus an exercise room with sauna.
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I can't tell if this is an old architectural salvage sink, or if it's just made to look old.
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The the spacious powder room there's another ancient looking sink.
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Looks like terrariums in this room.
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Incredible pool with cabanas.
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Plus an indoor pool, as well.
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Outdoor kitchen.
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The gardens are amazing.
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Grand entrance to the estate.
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I wouldn't mind living in the guest house.
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Look at the kitchen in the guest house- this is crazy.
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The only reason John Arthur is able to be a public school teacher is because his wife makes much more money than he does.
Arthur — the 2021 Utah Teacher of the Year — testified on Thursday at a hearing in the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on the challenges facing public school teachers.
Arthur, who is also a member of the National Education Association and holds National Board Certification, pointed to pay as the main reason for both teachers leaving the profession and parents not wanting their children to become teachers.
“The No. 1 solution to addressing the issues we face must be increasing teachers’ salaries,” said Arthur, who teaches at Meadowlark Elementary School in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Gemayel Keyes, a teacher at Gilbert Spruance Elementary School in Philadelphia, told the committee that even as an educator, he still has an additional part-time job.
The special education teacher spent most of his career in education as a paraprofessional. At the time he moved into that role, the starting annual salary was $16,000 and the maximum was $30,000.
“It’s still pretty much the same,” he said.
Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, introduced a bill in March 2023 that would set an annual base salary of $60,000 for public elementary and secondary school teachers.
“We understand that the children, young people of this country, are our future and there is, in fact … nothing more important that we can do to provide a quality education to all of our young people, and yet, for decades, public school teachers have been overworked, underpaid, understaffed, and maybe most importantly, underappreciated,” Sanders said in his opening remarks.
“Compared to many other occupations, our public school teachers are more likely to experience high levels of anxiety, stress and burnout, which was only exacerbated by the pandemic,” he said.
Sanders said 44% of public school teachers are quitting their profession within five years, citing “the extremely low pay teachers receive” as one of the primary reasons for a massive U.S. teacher shortage.
For the 2023-24 school year, a whopping 86% of K-12 public schools in the country documented challenges in hiring teachers, according to an October report from the National Center for Education Statistics.
But a minimum annual teacher salary of $60,000 is not far off for every state.
In Maryland, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future raises the starting salary for teachers to $60,000 a year by July 2026.
William E. Kirwan, vice chair of Maryland’s Accountability and Implementation Board, said the multi-year comprehensive plan, passed in 2021 in the Maryland General Assembly, “addresses all aspects of children’s education from birth to high school completion, including most especially, the recruitment, retention and compensation of high quality teachers.”
Kirwan said the “Blueprint’s principle for teacher compensation is that, as professionals, teachers should be compensated at the same level as other professionals requiring similar levels of education, such as architects and CPAs.”
Sen. Bill Cassidy, ranking member of the committee, dubbed Democrats’ solution of creating a federal minimum salary for teachers as a “laudable goal.”
But he noted that “the federal government dictating how states spend their money does not address the root cause of why teachers are struggling to teach in the classroom.”
“More mandates and funding cannot be the only answer we come up with. We must examine broken policies that got us here and find solutions to improve,” the Louisiana Republican said.
Nicole Neily, president and founder of Parents Defending Education, a parents’ rights group, argued that “schools don’t have a resource issue” but rather an “allocation issue.”
“There’s a saying: ‘Don’t tell me where your priorities are, show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.’ Education leaders routinely choose to spend money on programs and personnel that don’t directly benefit students,” said Neily.
Neily pointed to a 2021 report from the Heritage Foundation, which found that “standardized test results show that achievement gaps are growing wider over time in districts with (chief diversity officers).” Such staff members commonly encourage efforts at diversity, equity and inclusion in schools.
Robert Pondiscio, a senior fellow at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute, said “higher pay does not ease the burden we place on teachers or add hours to their day.”
“By all means, raise teacher pay, but do not assume that it will solve teacher shortages or keep good teachers in the classroom. Poor training, deteriorating classroom conditions, shoddy curriculum and spiraling demands have made an already challenging job nearly impossible to do well and sustainably,” he added.
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gwydionmisha · 7 months
Presidential Primaries are ongoing:
NOTE: There is now a call for people to vote "uncommitted" in the Democratic primary as a protest against Biden's Israel policy, I have voted that way in my up coming primary. The time to pressure Biden with your vote is now, not in November. The more of us who do this the more likely he'll actually do something.
North Dakota: (Republicans), 3/4/24
Alabama, Alaska (Republicans), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa (Democrats), Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, American Samoa (Democrats): 3/5/24
Hawaii: (Democrats): 3/6/24
American Samoa (Republicans): 3/8/24
Know your state's schedule and where to vote. Make sure you and your friends are registered. If you are voting in person, plan how to get there.
If you live in an open primary state consider voting strategically. Otherwise, vote your heart in the primary. Remember how all those votes for Sanders and Warren pushed Biden and the party platform further left?
Remember to vote in all the races, not just the top of the ticket even if it's in a separate primary (as it is in my state). Who runs congress, your state, and your local government really matters. In some states this is a separate primary. Check the rules for your state.
Never, ever sleep on a chance to vote.
It is always better to vote for someone who will listen to us than to let someone who is actively trying to kill us.
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hannahssimblr · 8 months
Chapter Eighteen (Part 2)
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There are no family photos on the walls of this house, which is entirely different to my home. My mother framed everything, because I was the only child, and therefore everything I did and every milestone I achieved was wonderful and amazing. There’s a photo of me, eight and smiling on the day of my first communion that has pride of place on the mantelpiece next to my parents wedding photos, as though my first reception of the body of Christ (a wafer) was as important as their vow to each other. I was cute back then, but it’s easy to track my progression from cute child to awkward teenager by simply following the path of photos on the wall above the television, where I am immortalised forever in my school uniform, picture day after picture day, year after year until they mercifully stopped taking them at the end of primary school and I was free to duck away and hide my braces and acne from any and all cameras.
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There are no such records in the Turner house. There are no notches on the door frames that measured the growth of the children, no ancient crayon drawings still stuck to the fridge, or, for the extra special ones, framed on the wall where visitors can see them. There’s no sad, punctured football in the back garden, or Ribena stain on the carpet, and I can’t see what’s inside the cupboard under the stairs, but I guarantee there’s no outsized roller skates or fad toy from Christmas 2002 stuffed in there either. This house is like somebody opened an interior design magazine and bought everything on the page.
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Jude climbs on a chair to reach a box, way up high on the very top of a bookcase.  He settles next to me on the sofa and lifts the lid without any of the reverence or intentionality I feel it deserves, and hauls out a handful of photographs. 
“There are before me.” He says, and I don’t care about those ones. His mother is very beautiful, and when she’s young even more so, but Collette Turner is of about as much interest to me as I am to her. When he hands them to me I just leave them on the coffee table and poke my fingers around in the box with him until we find the ones from November 1991. 
“There I am.” He says, and rightly so, there he is. A tiny baby screaming in his mother’s arms as she, looking like a child herself stares bemusedly down at the pink, squirming thing in her arms. “Apparently all I did was make noise.” He says. “Nothing has changed there. I also wasn’t cute.”
“You weren’t.” I agree, but I like the photo anyway. Even in these first minutes of his life there’s something furious and uncompromising about him, all clenched fists and red face. He’s so tiny. My heart swells for him. 
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“I did get cute though.” He says, putting another photo into my hands of him at maybe two years old, wearing nothing but a nappy and a pair of cowboy boots. He’s standing on wobbly little legs on some dirt path, while sandstone pillars and jagged rock formations soar up into the sky behind him. It’s the kind of landscape that you only see in cartoons. 
“Did you see the road runner when you were there?” I deadpan. 
He smirks. “That’s Bryce Canyon. My great aunt brought me along on a trip with her kids. I think I was two.” He flips it over to where Sept. ‘93 is scrawled in blue biro. “Almost two. Her kids were in college at that point. I think there’s photos of us all.” He has a quick shuffle through the stack and withdraws several more from Utah, mostly of him being held, or cuddled or kissed on his chubby cheeks by four twenty somethings who look like extras from Seinfeld. Looking at their faces, their patterned jumpers, their floppy haircuts brings back a sense-memory of what it felt like to exist in the nineties. That pervasive smell of cigarettes and the old, brown plastic ashtray on my uncle’s table. The cuffs of light wash jeans and the creases in my cousin’s white sneakers as I tied and untied his shoelaces beneath the kitchen table, and Paul Simon’s Obvious Child, and our old TV that spit out white noise and wobbled until someone banged it with their fist to set it right again. I feel as affectionate towards those snippets of memory as I do about this tiny, cowboy boot wearing Jude, perched high on his cousin’s shoulders.
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“Is that your great aunt?” I wonder, pointing to a ruddy cheeked woman in her early forties that crouches down with her arms around him at the base of a sandstone pillar. 
“Yes, Maureen.” he’s mentioned her before in passing. I know that her husband was in the military, and that they lived all over the world for years. When he retired they settled in New Mexico, and she and her family were in the picture a lot when Jude was a child.
“When’s the last time you saw her?” 
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“When I was fifteen, but it’s not always easy to find the time anymore. She calls me every Christmas and on my birthday, and sometimes she sends me gifts.” He brushes his thumb thoughtfully over the photo. “You know, I miss her. She was kind of like my other-mother for a while.”
“Maybe you should go and visit again.”
“Yeah, I’d really like to.” He digs through the box and pulls out a more recent one of them both from 2007. They’re standing in her kitchen with their arms around each other, and she’s short and round, and he’s so tall and gangly with a wooden beaded necklace on, and they both have the biggest smiles. “Maybe I’ll go in the autumn.”
“Definitely! I think that’d be amazing.”
“It’s just weird because it’s hard to know where I’m going to be then, you know? Now that I’m graduating from college I’ll have to, like, look for a job.” He says it like it’s a dirty word, and there is the tiniest twinge of anxiety in my belly.
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“Something will work out.” I say passively. I’ve tried not to think about what’s going to happen after college, and whether or not he’ll decide to move back to Ireland again once he finishes his final project. We’ve just avoided the conversation, even though sometimes during our long talks we bring us right up to the knife’s edge of it before we stealthily change the subject, but I soon have to acknowledge the elephant in the room, and it’s that we don’t know where he’ll be in six months. We don’t know what things might look like between us, and neither of us knows yet what he wants. 
“Yeah, definitely.” He says hopefully, and I take the photo of him and Maureen so that I can take a closer look. 
“2007.” I murmur. “You were so dreamy. I wish you’d seen what I looked like in 2007, it’d be like a jump scare.”
He chuckles. “No way, Evie.”
“I had cystic acne and braces,” I confess. “I was so ugly.”
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“You haven’t even brushed up against ugly in your entire life. And I had braces once too, believe it or not.”
“Oh I’d believe it.” I feast myself on the view of his immaculate teeth. “Did your dad do that?”
“He did, and funny you should mention him, because he’ll probably be home soon. Do you want to endure an awkward, socially inept conversation with him or do you want me to take you home?”
“Oof, tough choice.” 
Jude takes all of the photos from my lap and from the table and taps them gently into formation before stacking them back into the box where they’ll no doubt sit there unbothered for another few months or years, dusty and forgotten atop the bookcase. 
“Let’s get moving.” 
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Jude’s car idles outside my apartment for half an hour, because every time I try to get out I look over my shoulder at him and feel compelled to kiss him goodbye, just one more time. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re a great kisser.” I say as his lips slide from my mouth to the curve of my jaw, and his fingers caress the nape of my neck. “Where did you learn to do that?”
“Back of my hand.” He murmurs. “Glad you’ve noticed, I’ve actually never kissed a girl before.”
“Oh shut up.” I snicker. 
“You know, if you think I’m good with my mouth you should see what else I can do with it.”
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I breathe out a laugh, and my body shivers so intensely from head to toe that I have to twist out of his grip. This is full-on dirty talk. I don’t know how to do that. I should probably give him a slow, seductive smile and say something like “Well why don’t you come upstairs and show me?” But I obviously don’t. I say “Oh.” and then laugh way too loudly which completely dissolves the sexual vibe and he goes from looking flirtatious to amused. “What?”
“I mean, you can come in if you like, I know I owe you one but full disclosure I haven’t shaved in days.”
“Are you trying to lure me in with handjobs and hairy legs?”
“Feeling enticed?”
“You bet.”
I lean back against the passenger door and wrap my arms around myself. “Well, whatever you want to do is fine.”
His expression is funny as he takes me in, my body language, the metre of space I’ve managed to carve between us, and his eyebrow twitches sceptically. “I don’t want things that you don’t. You know that?”
I nod. 
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“When you want me to come in, I’ll come in, but you don’t have to do things for me just because you think you owe me.”
“I will want to.” I say. “Just later.”
“Well lucky for you I’m busy the next while. I’m in the last weeks of my thesis and I really need to buckle down, so if we’re fooling around it will probably not do wonders for my concentration.”
I pout. “But I’ll still see you?”
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“Of course, I’ll always make time for you.” He pulls me into him by my wrists and kisses me one last time, and I’m starting to  wonder how I’ll ever be expected to kiss another man again when he pulls away from me. “It’s time for you to get out of my car. I’m wasting diesel.” He teasingly shoves me away and I scramble for the handle and scurry out onto dark streets wet with rain as he springs forward to smack my arse.  
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“Later, alligator.” He says, and I shut the door behind me with a thunk. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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byler-alarmist · 7 months
For several states, you must submit your ballot BY TODAY (March 5th) (Alabama, American Samoa Democratic presidential caucuses, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa Democratic caucus mail vote, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah Democratic presidential primary and Republican presidential caucuses, Vermont, and Virginia)
Here is where you can find the deadlines to cast a ballot (local times)
Vote down the ballot with special attention paid to your local offices and ballot measures!
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hellstobetsy · 3 months
Elections Today!
In New York:
Anti-Israel congressman Jamal Bowman is facing a primary challenge from AIPAC-backed George Latimer
Various downballot races in New York, in which Hochul decision to block congestion pricing plays a big role
Pro-cop District Attorney David soares, is facing a primary challenge from the Working Families Party-endored Lee Kindlon
In Utah
Right-wing governor Spencer Cox is facing a primary challenge from righter-wing challenger Phil Lyman, who was pardoned by Trump after being convicted for driving an ATV through a bunch of Native American Artifacts
In Colorado
Police-abolitionist Elisabeth Epps is facing a non-abolitionist primary challenger
Dave Williams, far-right anti-gay nutjob who got in notice for "God hates Pride" posts, is running for Congress in Colorado's fifth district. He's in a primary race against a marginally less far-right crank, literally named Crank. This district is so red that the GOP Primary is basically the election.
Polls are open in all these places still, so if you live in these areas you have a chance to vote!
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brothermouse · 1 year
Extended cast for my Mormon/Disney/Pixar movie idea about some kids who turn into seagulls and fly around Utah dealing with *emotions*
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Here who’s who. Some names I haven’t decided yet, but that’s okay.
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Emma: The primary protagonist, I think the story will be mostly from her perspective. She’s brave, bold, and filled with confidence in herself. Unfortunately that’s only when she’s actually in control of the situation. When things are out of her control, her confidence falters, so she’ll often try and remain in control in whatever way she can, even to her own detriment. She’s not super jazzed that her mom is getting remarried because the whole situation is out of her control. It reminds her of when her parents got divorced.
Eli: the secondary protagonist. Eli is initially standoffish, but is eventually revealed as a deeply kind and loving person. He’s not happy about his dad remarrying because he’s still hurting from the death of his mother and he’s worried that opening his heart to someone new will only lead to more pain.
Nigel: Nigel is a seagull the kids meet after they get transformed. Nigel contributes nothing to the plot. His only purpose is to do bird things in the background.
Orrin: Eli’s Dad. He’s a networking specialist and no matter the situation he always somehow “knows a guy”. He met Minerva at a work thing and they hit it off. He’s kind, outgoing, and loves his family deeply. In some way he still feels guilty about inadvertently neglecting Eli shortly after his first wife’s death.
Minerva: Emma’s mom. She’s an inventor/scientist/borderline man scientist (she’s not robbing banks with a ray gun, but the phrase “rue the day”is part of her daily vocabulary. She separated from Emma’s dad after he came out, but is still on good terms with him. She encourages her daughter’s self confidence, even though she finds herself lacking in confidence. She know that she didn’t “turn her husband gay” but she can’t shake the nagging thoughts that things would have been different if she was “more feminine”.
Emma’s dad: he still is on good terms with his ex-wife Minerva and his daughter. He tries to give good advice whenever he can.
Emma’s dad’s boyfriend: He’s really good at cooking and is planning to make a verity of jello deserts for the wedding reception.
Eli’s Grampa LaVerne: Orrin’s dad. A self confessed “character and a half” LaVerne has a huge personality and is known to spin a tall tale or two, though he’ll insist that they’re all true. He never sets out looking for shenanigans, but nevertheless, shenanigans find him.
Eli’s Uncle Bill: Orrin’s brother. He owns a company that sells snowboarding and skiing equipment. Beyond that all I got so far is that he has the personality of a store brand saltine cracker.
Eli’s Aunt Wanda: Former Ms. Kanab 4 years straight (3 years she ran unopposed and the forth year her opponent got disqualified for robbing a bank because that’s just how small town drama works). Has opinions, will share them, loves attention.
Eli’s cousin Nephi: Bill and Wanda’s son, Lehi’s twin, loves basketball, BYU fan
Eli’s cousin Lehi: Bill and Wanda’s son, Lehi’s twin, loves basketball, U of U fan.
Eli’s Aunt Zipporah “Aunt Zip”: Orrin and Bill’s sister. Former rodeo lasso champ (I plan to use that in the climax). She’s a self described old maid (she’s in her mid-thirties) and is convinced she will “whither and die alone”. She copes with this by writing western themed romance novels and working as a wedding planner (neither of which helps, but she’s too stubborn to admit defeat). She’s handling the planning for Orrin and Minerva’s wedding.
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inkandguns · 7 months
So if you’re crossing the border illegally Utah is the best state to head to. It’s so beautiful and apparently welcoming. I might have to show up as a migrant from Washington for these benefits.
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stcrdoms · 2 years
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𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 pinterest / spotify / long bio / stats
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀alexandra savior.  25 . demi woman.   she/they.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   elise “elise eden” taylor   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the   keyboardist   in   monarchs  and have been signed with the label for   four years.   they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @edensgarden.  fans know them for being   whimsical   but i swear they’ve got an   intelligent   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   warm summer afternoons, large grassy fields in the open country,  and  a used deck of tarot cards.   stan twitter even voted them most likely to   start a solo career.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
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full name: elise sophia brown taylor preferred names: elise eden, elise nicknames: fur elise, ellie, sophie, tay, eden age: twenty five d.o.b. : july 12th 1998 gender: demi-woman pronouns: she/they birthplace: bearwood, england education: bachelor's of music education at NYU occupation: keyboardist in monarchs & owner of spiritual shop and studio in a small space in NYC
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• elise was born in bearwood england to two loving parents john & marianne taylor. john being much older than marianne a former hippie and touring musician turned music teacher. marianne an artist and spiritualist. to constantly question and never settle. also a cultivated space that their love of music and the arts. elise was exposed to views and ideas that more often than not are not understood by the main populace. • constantly traveled mainly due to both their parents desire to find some new inspiration and to escape the static nature of life. elise's parents constantly viewed their lives as an adventure. a trait which was carried on to elise. • has lived in several places across americas and the uk from the time she was twelve. has lived in phoenix , utah, washington state, california, and currently new york. • went to nyu to study music education, wanted to teach others the joys of music. its there where she met the other members of monarchs. • is generally the forgotten member of the group by fans mainly due to their nature as a keyboardist. nobody really notices the person behind the keys with a mic.
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compared to the others in monarchs elise has a gentler personality. they consider themselves to be the anchor of the band. the level head, the voice of reason when everything seems to go to shit. it seems elise is just seen as the girl on the side with the keyboards more than anything. though despite that she never complains and plays their part well. the keys depending on how they're implemented can either clash with the music or create something harmonious . elise would consider themselves to be one of those more sensitive players. she doesn't just bang keys and notes to see whatever works, instead she plays it by feeling. getting a feel for the song and trying to work with it rather than against it .although to the fans elise may seem as unimportant her keys are another part of what brings monarchs their unique sound. the way it brings out another color and life to the song to contrast against roxie's vocals. while most of the time they are seen on the far side of the stage with their keyboard elise has much more talent to offer. besides being the band's primary keyboardist elise can also play guitar, write lyrics, and even contribute backing vocals. in this way she's seen as the hidden gem of the band. and while she is more than content with her role in monarchs there is a part of them that often years for more. though there's this fear, not many people make it after splitting from their band. plus she's not as charismatic or charming as roxie. in their eyes it would never work. with all their drama and scandal the music makes it worth it. with their fourth album in the works elise wonders how much time until everything bursts again.
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• elise is the mediator in monarchs, compared to the other band members she'd rather take life as it comes and not get involved in conflict • she's a cat person, owns two cats • after the band has some personal conflicts elise offers them all a healing session to clear any negative energies, it usually works. most of the time anyways • elise would say the organ was their first love, while not classically trained they did recieve lessons from their father • speaks with a distinctive birmingham accent from growing up in the area • with the money from monarchs she opened a small pyschic shop & studio where she sells crystals, tarot decks, etc. but also a place where she can conduct readings and do deity work. • is an apprentice under the goddess hectate, has an altar and offerings to use while contacting hectate. • is probably the more approachable of the six members of monarch, appears to be quite homely. genuine a good head on their shoulders and not much of an ego. • looks up to other great keyboardists in rock like christine mcvie, jon lord, ray manzaek, john paul jones, etc. • their favorite albums include Fleetwood Mac's Rumors, Led Zeppelin IV, Beatles Rubber Soul among others • grew up listening to a lot of classic rock and hard rock influenced by their father & mother. • practices wicca and paganism, is known for keeping a deck of tarot cards on hand and a crystal pendulum in hand.
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• mentor - perhaps an older more paternal figure who could offer elise some guidance as she navigates the music industry? someone who looks after them, advises them, and in general looks out for them. • assistant - elise would consider themselves to be fairly kind . they have no need for an assistant and is seen as being far too nice to order anyone around. this would be an awkward relationship. in which said person wants to do their job and help, but elise can't bring themselves to let someone. .to all the hard work alone. • collaborators / industry friends - i figure that elise might not always be playing keys for monarchs. sometimes they'd likely do session work for other artists in the label or help someone write lyrics and produce a track . • role model- someone who elise looks up to and admires? doesn't have to be a musician in the label, can also be an employee. but overall someone who inspires elise to be better. • other ideas? i'm open to any other ideas if you have them or if anything about elise inspires you!
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mariacallous · 1 year
so it looks like Becky Edwards, the Utah Republican who voted for Biden (openly) and got Utah to be the only Red State to recognize climate change is gonna win the primary to fill Utah's open 2nd Congressional seat, she failed to unseat Mike Lee in a primary last year but is likely headed to Congress this year
and I just... I find people like her puzzling because like she seems okay? like this is on her website and it sounds like any Democrat
"Everyone should have a seat at the table. I am committed to expanding opportunity and improving the quality of life for all Utahns, especially those who have historically been left out of the conversation. Race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors should not limit opportunities or access to education, employment, housing, and healthcare. Together, we can make significant progress toward our nation’s highest ideal of “liberty and justice for all” as we consider steps to expand opportunity and leave a better legacy for the next generation of all Utahns."
and I just... like.... the Republican Party is so rotten I get confused when people like this pop up and its like if you had any human decency how can you end up with these people, idk we'll see.
Utah is also weird which is a factor here.
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FNaF AU Inspired Pizzeria Simulator
Okay so, now that I’m at my computer, I can share that idea:
So basically, the opening cutscene would be a lot like the opening cutscene of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator, but it’s narrated by Charlie as she recaps her character arc up to this point, up to and including the fact that she killed William Afton TWICE.
But now she’s inherited the IP, the ruins of the original location, and the original animatronics.
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza carries a bit too much baggage in Hurricane, Utah to run it there, and so Charlie heads out of town to try and reclaim her legacy.
At the end of the cutscene, the tutorial begins, with Charlie purchasing a vacant building to turn into the new and OSHA compliant Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. In the set-up phase, Charlie can make changes to the Pizzeria, purchase items from the catalog, restock food and merchandise, hire and/or fire staff, playtest games, stuff like that. (Note: Catalogue Animatronics cannot Free Roam.)
After you click the “Open for Business” button, you then play as Charlie in her office as she has to deal with problems as they arrive (equipment malfunctioning, accidents need to be cleaned, etc.) and try to resolve problems as they arrive. Golden Freddy followed Charlie from Utah, and will use his ghostly powers to break things and try to drive Charlie out of business, serving as the primary antagonist of the campaign. Additionally, Charlie will periodically have to change the settings on the “Global Music Box” to keep the patrons from getting irritated by the same songs playing all the time. Charlie can also run Showtime to make the Animatronics perform. From Day 2 til the end of the story, Charlie can also use her computer to research each of the MCI victims, to try and figure out how to lay their souls to rest.
It is impossible to die here, but the Pizzeria may close early if someone is injured during business hours.
When closing time rolls around, everyone cleans up shop and heads home, where Charlie either Settles or Disputes any lawsuits the Pizzeria might have acquired, and if she’s done enough research, she can choose to salvage one of the haunted animatronics she inherited.
Charlie can choose to salvage any Animatronic as long as she’s done enough research regarding the child haunting it, and this is where the horror elements come in. In a combination of the Salvage Sequences from Pizzeria Simulator and the Parts & Service Minigames from Help Wanted, Charlie has to try and appease the ghost haunting the animatronic so she can free their soul and dismantle the animatronic for parts. These serve as the boss battles.
Failing a salvage results in Charlie getting jumpscared and injured, necessitating that the player pay a hospital bill. Success, however, results in a cutscene where the murdered child provides some closure to the story arc presented by Charlie’s research, giving us an idea of what they were like in life, and providing some context regarding Golden Freddy. After they depart, Charlie unlocks the corresponding Toy Animatronic.
These animatronics can be customized to a greater extant than the catalogue animatronics, complete with having unlockable alternate suits AND potential free roaming. However, all behavioral upgrades must be tested and debugged BEFORE they can be implemented during Business Hours. Charlie can be Jumpscared while Debugging, necessitating a trip to the hospital and leaving the Business Hours to be handled by an NPC.
The more popular the pizzeria gets, the more aggressive Golden Freddy becomes during business hours, causing more workplace incidents.
After Charlie has salvaged all four animatronics and met some other requisite (5-star Pizzeria?), her house is visited by none other than Fredbear, the source of the Golden Freddy apparition.
Fredbear serves as a bit of a boss rush at first, forcing Charlie to repeat some of the mechanics from the Salvage Sequences, before Charlie is able to escape him and hide in her panic room, where she must keep herself safe from 12AM-6AM, all the while Fredbear is giving her a “Reason You Suck” Speech for reopening Freddy’s and trying to revive the brand, and also astral projects Golden Freddy to have him act like one of the Phantom Animatronics from FNaF3. If Fredbear catches you at any point, hospital bill. After 6AM rolls around, Charlie is actually able to speak with Fredbear and, the other spirits vouch for her. With that, the final spirit is laid to rest, and Golden Freddy will no longer sabotage your pizzeria.
Sandbox Mode is unlocked, as is the option to replay any of the Salvage Segments you wish.
If Charlie’s funds dip into the negative (be it from Lawsuits or Hospital Bills), she’ll go Bankrupt, resulting in a Game Over. If the Hazard Level goes too high, the Pizzeria will be closed due to OSHA violations, and Charlie will be arrested for Criminal Negligence, resulting in a Game Over.
In the closing cutscene viewed when wrapping up the story, however, Charlie narrates how far she’s come, and even notes that, if William Afton does come back, she’ll be ready for him.
What do you think?
I love this so much actually. It’s a greaat rundown of what I wanted to happen between games!
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The prices of homes in the ski resort town of Park City, Utah are insane. This 1912 2bd., 1ba artists cottage is priced at $3.5M! The real estate is calling it a "tiny gem." Well, b/c it's an artist's home, it is colorful, but not $3.5M worth.
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Enter thru a small foyer that is papered in complementing patterns.
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Through the foyer enter a living room that was opened up to the kitchen.
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This is nice- the kitchen island is made from an antique safe with a marble top.
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I like the vintage office stools painted gold.
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In the kitchen is an opening to this sort of sun porch. There's an odd little platform on one end, so I get the impression that this room was something else at one time.
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This is the single bath and it has an ornate Oriental motif.
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A walk-in closet was made, possibly out of a smaller bedroom.
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They aren't showing a 2nd bedroom, so this is the primary. It's not very big for a $3.5M home.
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The fenced in yard has a cement patio and the rest of the space is stone, but description calls it "zero-scaped." (I've never heard of that.)
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There's no garage, but there's some extra land back here.
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Aerial of view of the neighborhood.
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hi im so sorry to dump this in your inbox i got super carried away w the utah hate but i am a former utah citizen and you are SO right utah is easily the worst state in the entire country bar none. the primary exports of utah have been a) missionaries like u said and b) the new weird trend of all these tech companies opening up in slc like the entire city isn't a festering poisonous cesspool. literally poisonous, the area surrounding slc is primarily factories quarries etc. just the UGLIEST industrialized shit you've ever seen, miles and miles and miles of it, and the way the topography of the land works the mountains and the lake make a bowl out of the city so all of that pollution just sits, festering, until a good storm rolls in, and it SUCKS. straight up think utah was ranked in the top 5 most polluted states in the country if not #1 on that list and for good reason. not to mention the cult church controls literally everything - they own the ROADS for christ sake - and is so deeply entrenched in the entire culture that being non-mormon (or god forbid exmo or smth) means you literally start getting actively discriminated against, like within the legal definition of the word. denied jobs housing etc, and ofc they're literally no legal protections for actual minorities of any kind outside of what's federally mandated (and even then those won't be enforced.) even if you're christian in some capacity!! it's significantly worse if people find out you're Not christian ofc but just being Not Mormon is enough to have everyone do their damnedest to try and make u suffer. don't get me wrong there's some really great communities and subcultures out there, i've always chalked it up to minorities having to stick together more than ever just to survive in the oppressive climate, like the lgbt+, latino, asian, polynesian, etc etc communities are Amazing out there, but they're so constrained, the second you step out of your community it's literally hell. like u mentioned utah having no good mexican food?? 100% correct unless u can hunt down really good small ma n pop shop restaurants and it's because straight up there's almost no fucking mexicans or latinos period. hand to god knew TWO mexican american ppl (not including their families) the entire decade i lived there, and i am not white i wasn't some insulated rich white kid only associating w other rich white kids or smth the population out there is just So Overwhelmingly White, period. it sucks so much. utah's biggest redeeming quality is like the geography and environment and they keep destroying it w industrialization. texas meanwhile has great food, great culture, impeccable geography and environment, i have a lot of relatives living in texas who i love dearly and who are sincerely great people who love the state; like obvs it had its rougher patches and places that are awful to be if you're a certain type of person, and ik the current state government sucks mega ass, but by GOD it's no utah. ohh my god. if any of these mfers actually lived in utah for any real amount of time they would understand how much it SUCKS. anyways that's all im so sorry you don't even have to publish this if it's too much i just got carried away reading your tags/responses on that poll and got so fired up abt how much i hate utah. thank god i don't live there anymore good fucking riddance
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gwydionmisha · 7 months
Presidential Primaries are ongoing:
NOTE: Michigan Republicans are having a Schism so are running competing primaries.
Michigan (other Republicans), Idaho Republicans, Missouri Republicans: 3/2/24
District of Columbia: (Republicans), 3/3/24
North Dakota: (Republicans), 3/4/24
Alabama, Alaska (Republicans), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa (Democrats), Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, American Samoa (Democrats): 3/5/24
Hawaii: (Democrats): 3/6/24
American Samoa (Republicans): 3/8/24
Know your state's schedule and where to vote. Make sure you and your friends are registered. If you are voting in person, plan how to get there.
If you live in an open primary state consider voting strategically. Otherwise, vote your heart in the primary. Remember how all those votes for Sanders and Warren pushed Biden and the party platform further left?
Remember to vote in all the races, not just the top of the ticket even if it's in a separate primary (as it is in my state). Who runs congress, your state, and your local government really matters. In some states this is a separate primary. Check the rules for your state.
Never, ever sleep on a chance to vote.
It is always better to vote for someone who will listen to us than to let someone who is actively trying to kill us.
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How to Prepare for Your First Visit at Therapy Associates Utah
Starting therapy can be a significant step toward improving your mental health and well-being. If you're considering your first visit to Therapy Associates in Utah, it's essential to prepare adequately to make the most of your initial session. This article will guide you through the steps to prepare for your first visit, ensuring you feel comfortable, informed, and ready to embark on your therapeutic journey.
Understanding the Purpose of Your First Visit
What to Expect
Your first therapy session is an opportunity for you to discuss your concerns, experiences, and goals with your therapist. It is typically focused on building rapport, understanding your background, and establishing a plan for treatment. Knowing that the first session is primarily about gathering information can help alleviate any anxiety you may have about being put on the spot.
Establishing Goals
Before your first visit, take some time to think about your goals for therapy. Consider what you hope to achieve through this process. Whether you're looking to manage anxiety, navigate relationship challenges, or work through trauma, having clear goals can help your therapist tailor their approach to meet your needs.
Steps to Prepare for Your First Visit
1. Gather Necessary Information
Before your appointment, it’s essential to gather relevant information that may be helpful for your therapist. This can include:
Personal Information: Be prepared to share your name, contact details, and insurance information if applicable.
Medical History: Consider any past medical conditions, medications you are taking, or previous therapy experiences that may be relevant to your current situation.
Current Concerns: Reflect on the specific challenges you are facing that led you to seek therapy. Jot down notes or examples that illustrate these issues.
2. Reflect on Your Goals
As mentioned earlier, think about your goals for therapy. Write down your primary concerns and what you hope to achieve. This reflection will not only help clarify your thoughts but will also provide your therapist with valuable insight into your motivations and expectations.
3. Prepare Questions
It’s normal to have questions about the therapy process, your therapist’s approach, or what to expect in the coming sessions. Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask during your first visit. Examples of questions might include:
What therapeutic approaches do you use?
How do you measure progress in therapy?
How frequently should we meet, and how long will therapy last?
4. Understand the Logistics
Make sure you know the details of your appointment to avoid any last-minute confusion. Consider the following:
Location: If your appointment is in person, confirm the address of Therapy Associates Utah and any parking options available.
Timing: Arrive a few minutes early to allow yourself time to check in and settle before your session starts.
Virtual Sessions: If your session is online, ensure you have a reliable internet connection, a quiet space, and a functioning device (computer, tablet, or phone).
5. Consider Your Comfort
Therapy can be an emotional experience, so it's essential to prioritize your comfort. Dress in a way that makes you feel relaxed and at ease. If you're attending in person, bring along any items that help you feel comfortable, such as a water bottle or a favorite sweater.
What to Expect During Your First Session
Building Rapport
Your therapist will likely start the session by welcoming you and explaining the structure of the appointment. They may begin by asking open-ended questions to encourage you to share your story and experiences. Building rapport is a crucial aspect of the therapeutic process, so be open to sharing your thoughts and feelings.
Assessment and Evaluation
The therapist may conduct an initial assessment to gather more detailed information about your background, current situation, and mental health history. This process helps them understand your needs and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Be prepared for questions about your family history, relationships, and any previous experiences with mental health care.
Establishing a Treatment Plan
By the end of the session, your therapist may start discussing potential goals and strategies for your therapy journey. Together, you can establish a plan that outlines your objectives, frequency of sessions, and preferred therapeutic approaches.
Addressing Common Concerns
Feeling Anxious or Nervous
It's completely normal to feel anxious before your first therapy session. Remember that your therapist is there to support you, and they understand that opening up can be challenging. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that this is a safe space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Therapists are bound by strict confidentiality laws, which means that everything discussed in therapy is private. If you have concerns about confidentiality, don’t hesitate to ask your therapist about their privacy policies during your first visit.
What if I Don’t Click with My Therapist?
If, after your first session, you feel that the therapist is not a good fit for you, it’s okay to seek someone else. The therapeutic relationship is crucial for effective treatment, and it’s important to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and understood.
After Your First Visit
Reflect on Your Experience
After your session, take some time to reflect on your experience. Consider how you felt during the session, the insights you gained, and whether you feel comfortable moving forward with therapy. Journaling about your thoughts can be a helpful way to process your feelings.
Set Aside Time for Self-Care
Starting therapy with Therapy Associates Utah can be emotionally taxing. Make sure to prioritize self-care after your appointment. Engage in activities that relax you, such as reading, going for a walk, or spending time with loved ones.
Preparing for your first visit with Therapy Associates in Utah is an essential step toward a successful therapeutic journey. By gathering information, reflecting on your goals, and understanding what to expect, you can approach your initial session with confidence and clarity.
Therapy Associates Utah is dedicated to providing a supportive and welcoming environment for clients. Taking the time to prepare for your first visit will not only enhance your experience but also set the foundation for meaningful progress in your mental health journey. Remember, seeking help is a courageous step, and your commitment to self-improvement is the first stride toward a brighter future.
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