#Upward Movement
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FINALLY FINISHED THE ITERATORS I CAN FINALLY SHOW. Outfits need work but eh. Anyway, here's Forward Movement and Upward Movement! A pair of maybe a little bit really fucked up guys. Lore and whatnot under the cut!
So! FM and UM, often referred to as FU or FUM, was an INCREDIBLY experimental iterator. Largely because half of their purpose was not only trying to solve the Great Problem, but also solve the problem of the rains that were starting to drown places. To do this, they ended up making a very, VERY odd iterator. FM was an iterator built to, quite literally, WALK to find what they need. His can is a quite small one, forced to try to cut down on weight to be able to move. Due to her size, she actually doesn't even reach over the clouds, and instead has been heavily reinforced to deal with it. However it was BECAUSE he couldn't reach the clouds that UM was made and proceeded to be plonked down right on top of him. UM, as you might imagine considering the name, was an iterator built to FLY. The idea for her was, more or less, to gather and recycle the clouds to let them out in much smaller bursts so less rain would form. She is also built to have massive wind power that allows her to blow entire storms in a different direction. Her cloud gathering was also an integral part to FM, as the two are connected and the water she takes in is also used to power him. FUM was,,,,,not that big a success. It worked a bit, but in the end it wasn't enough to make any more like them. Normally this would get them shut down and taken for parts. HOWEVER. Despite not fixing the problem, FM specifically was an INCREDIBLY serious and devoted iterator. She took the job very seriously, and despite all the oddities of the structure, was one of the most devoted to finding the triple affirmative period. UM not as much, but she was a very big part of FM and the two could not work without each other. The ancients decided this devotion was a good enough reason to keep them going, so while they could not built any cities on top of them or anything, they kinda just. Let the two go. NOW. Personality wise? These two are disliked by many, and it is,,,,,rlly not for no reason. FM is an incredibly serious, workaholic, callous, and kinda mean iterator. His immense devotion has not petered out in the SLIGHTEST despite the ancients being gone, completely believing that it doesn't matter and they need to fulfill their purpose, ancients or not. Generally does Not Care what other people think or what they are doing. Also frequently steals people's water, and does not care if you are ok with that or not. FM is also equipped with canons and other combat things to use against predators that try to attack them, and have used these things to quite literally take out probably a non zero amount of iterators. Despite being generally cordial, FM is beloved by nobody.
UM meanwhile is a catty, gossipy, flamboyant, reckless, generally bitchy kind of gal. Also kinda very creepy. Loves to get in other people's business, doesn't care what they think, and is incredibly manipulative for no real reason other than liking having control. Unlike FM, she thinks finding the solution is a useless waste of time, and will actively have fun sabotaging work anybody is doing, including and specifically FM's. As you can imagine, the two are polar opposites. And, frankly? They hate each other's guts. They frequently threaten each other with mutually assured destruction, FM threatening to shoot down UM, and UM threatening to just fly away with all the water. They work shockingly well together, but are constantly at odds. This is not helped by the fact they share a lot of amenities like overseers, experimentation chambers, and such things like that. Both are convinced the other will kill them, and honestly they are correct. UM thinks FM is a uselessly devoted hardhead workaholic, and FM thinks UM is a stupid conniving waste of space. Both love to get on each other's nerves, and half their time is spent sabotaging the other in various petty ways. Unfortunately when they work together they do AMAZING work, and give stupidly good advice about various things like water conservation and stuff like that which they will surprisingly tell you willingly. Whatever the case, they are very fucked up and skrunkly. Open for questions if anyone cares to!
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
He led them through thickets and wastes of brambles; sometimes round the lip of a deep cleft or dark pit, sometimes down into black bush-shrouded hollows and out again; but if they ever went a little downward, always the further slope was longer and steeper.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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conceptofjoy · 4 months
shut up and listen to hal's theme with me
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
I think it’s interesting that despite Shanks being more of a pirate in the traditional sense (fleeting from place to place never staying long ) and Mihawk being the one with an actual consistently used home base (cause god knows he does not live on that tiny coffin boat for more than a week at most)
In the context of their relationship though it feels like Mihawk is the one that comes and goes at will while Shanks is the one that is found, he’s the more reliable presence even though he will rarely ever be in the same location for too long.
It’s a nice little inversion of the usual trope
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this-doesnt-endd · 3 months
A little appreciation post for my dad for fathers day cause i love him and im very greatful to have a dad who loves me and is in my life and one of my favorite memories is that when he bought his first house two years ago he wanted me to be the first person to step foot in the house aside from him cause i always believed in him and he knows hes not perfect and has made mistakes but i couldnt ask for a better dad.
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squidkid15 · 2 years
ghost au ;_; why must you hurt me ths tuesday morning.................
can wukong interact with anything? or is he strictly incorporeal?
Because it's been beating me up for the past few days and I gotta share the agony.
As for Wukong, he can interact with small and lighter objects! Stuff that fits in his hands and isn't more than a couple pounds he can lift, and he can interact with most objects to some degree if he chooses, and theyre not too large/heavy for him. Like uhh...if a cat could move the object, he could. If a cat couldnt, he probably can't.
He can also be fully incorporeal, phasing through things. He doesn't do it super often though, and actually engages in surprisingly few "ghosty" abilities, and usually acts relatively "normal" whenever he can. He can float, but walks most places.
All his senses still work, he can feel and smell and all that. He can't eat, but he can taste! Seen here after discovering a peach stash. (His love of them was not forgotten.)
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pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
the entire story of Harry Kim is if on your first day of work you had to drive three hours and, in the process of driving there, you ended up in China.
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Upward Movement (Dave Owns)
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Album: Homestuck Vol. 2 Composer: Kalibration Leitmotifs: Upward Movement Characters: Dave Strider, Lil Cal
You may know this from:
[S] Dave: Ascend to the highest point of the building.
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c-119 · 1 year
Behold: Concept 1 of the Jumper Vest
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Where’s the fifth smokejumper, you might ask? Well.. they got the best seat in the house
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Hello! I’m in the ensemble for BAC’s BMC and I thought you would appreciate this edit I made of our beloved Rich Goranski
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SDJFDKSFJD YOU WERE RIGHT omg your editing is beautiful... the dynamic motion of this one still image... the kitsch in me is rejoicing and i wish this was a sticker i could stick on the cover of a little lisa frank brand composition notebook
But ALSO I cannot BELIEVE you'd just send this without telling the context. please pls PLEASE enlighten us or i will have to make it up myself i stg /lh
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lambentplume · 2 months
ok i need to make my life better starting with me. i have bought vegetables and green curry paste
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Uhhh funney little fun facts abt FM and UM cuz heehoo.
-FM will occasionally transport creatures or supplies across the land if asked. Built for cargo carrying.
-UM thinks it is very funny driving her can into vultures and turning them into meat paste. Her fans and turbines look rusty because of this.
-FM isn't beyond firing warning shots at people. Extremely good shot though, won't hit until he wants to.
-If you see just random scugs or colonies with mark, they probably ran into FUM.
-FM holds the braincell but is NOT beyond being a little shit on occasion.
-When UM is pissed she makes her dockings purposefully hard on FM. Their ports are a bit damaged because of this.
-FUM Does keep track of entrances to the void sea and will point most creatures they come across to the nearest point. If only on principle.
-They can't live with each other. But they also can't live without each other for more than reasons abt water and whatnot.
-FM goes down first. UM spends her last cycles sending forced messages that will never be received, even knowing he is gone.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
This upward spiral can, however, be reversed by abuse or neglect.
"The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma" - Bessel van der Kolk
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localsundeity · 8 months
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“Like constellations imploding in the night
Everything is turning, everything is turning
The shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light
And everything you thought you knew
Will fall apart, but you'll be all right”
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eigengrauone · 1 year
roommate’s gone you know what that means (gets to listen to music without headphones)
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Upward Movement (Dave Owns) - Crustacean
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