#the vest doesn’t restrict his wing movement much!
c-119 · 1 year
Behold: Concept 1 of the Jumper Vest
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Where’s the fifth smokejumper, you might ask? Well.. they got the best seat in the house
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
You're So Vain - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You wear a Rob Zombie dress to your boyfriend's double headliner concert. This article of clothing has a certain effect on him, and it’s not good.
Notes: Heaven Upside Down era! I just banged this one out fast (that's what she said) and figured it's passable enough to post. Takes place in the same timeline as "Just For Me." Enjoy the light dom/sub jealous!Manson quickie! ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN HIS NEW HAIR FROM THE OSCARS PARTY??? 
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His eyes meet yours through the mirror as he shadows his eyes. You can tell immediately upon your entrance into the room that he’s not pleased, and you can’t wait to hear why this time. 
"What's that?"
You look at your boyfriend, to see where he's looking now. His eyes are on your clothing. "What do you think it is? It's a dress." 
"Don’t need your attitude. Is that really what you're wearing? For the show?"
You sigh. He always has a way of making you feel special. "Yes." You spin around in your black and red dress, adorned with symbols, splatters and big "Rob Zombie" logos on it. "I think it's perfect, since you're playing the show with Rob, Twins of Evil, yada yada." 
"I'm sure Rob’s going to love that," Manson says in a low voice, and the undertone of irritation does not go unnoticed by you. He sucks in his cheekbones to dust them with a powder puff of blue, and you dissect the darkness in his eyes. You can’t say you didn’t know this was going to happen, when you wore a dress with his co-headliner’s name all over it. You know how possessive your boyfriend can get. 
Provoking? Of course that’s not what you’re trying to do...
You smirk, walking over to smooth your hands down his chest. "Jealous?"
"I’m not jealous. But you've got his name emblazoned over your tits."
"And whose tits are they?"
"The correct answer there would have been "yours," but the jury will accept it."
Manson grumbles some more. "When did you even get it?" 
"I ordered it."
"With my money?"
"Look, I'm supporting my friend. He's in the band."
"In case you don't remember, Ginger was my drummer for 15 years."
"Well, he's not anymore. What do you want me to say?! I'm not gonna wear a dress with you on it! I've got you on my body every other night of the year, I don't need it tonight."
"You don't think I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight?" 
"Not at the rate you're going," you tease. 
“Watch yourself.”
“Make me.” It’s a clear invitation, up in the air. 
Manson looks like he's about to literally growl, but turns back to finish his makeup, sulk, and down his three "complimentary" glasses of stadium beer. It’s not worth it to start anything with you ten minutes til showtime, and you have to say, you’re disappointed he doesn’t make a sport of it. 
When your boyfriend goes out on stage first, Zombie's band comes in through the backstage, along with your best friend from when you two worked in Vegas together. "Kenny!" you grin, jumping into his arms. He picks you up in a hug, that drummer strength useful in boosting you up. 
"Ah, (y/n)! Glad you could come on this leg of the tour. I was so excited when I heard we were playing with Manson again, couldn't wait to see you."
"We're definitely meeting under calmer circumstances this time," you smile, arms wrapped around him tight.
He laughs, remembering all the backstage shenanigans from the late 90s touring days with you along for the ride. "Yeah, it's much more chill with Twiggy and Pogo gone. And Manson's toned down a little I guess."
You cock your head. "In a manner of speaking."
"It's kind of nice. It's like we've grown up, you know?"
"I don't think Manson will ever grow up," you laugh. Ginger pulls away to look at your dress, finally noticing it.
"That's super cool... what did he think of it?"
You giggle. "What do you think he thought of it?"
Ginger shakes his head, remembering the fiery look of pure rage his ex boss had given that one guy from the pit at that one concert in 1999. The guy’s never gonna change, I swear.” 
Rob comes in, punching the air. "Ready to fucking ROCK!?”
"Totally!" John calls from a distant room.
"Woah," Rob says, "You must be (y/n). Ginger's told me all about you."
"All bad?"
"Jesus, yeah. Heard about the time you got plowed on stage in '99. Typical Manson. Cool dress." Rob looks at your outfit. "Really cool. Hey, what's up with your bf?"
"What? What about him?"
"He's crashing and burning out there. Crowd's pissed, whiiiich means I'm gonna have to save the show."
"Bad day?"
You sigh, and walk out to the wing. Rob's right. The crowd is practically rioting, and they're not the only ones who are pissed. Manson seems to be out of his mind, singing Kill4Me with a particularly hard edge and apparently a version that skips every third lyric. He then launches into an overly aggressive rendition of The Beautiful People.
You know exactly what this is about.
Rob jostles your shoulder as he prepares to go out, wishing you luck when you should really be the one wishing him luck. Ginger gives you a low five, and you take a deep breath as Manson comes stumbling off stage, makeup trailing down his face and neck from the water he always spits upward.
"Could you be anymore of a child about this whole thing?" you demand, crossing your arms. He points a wavering finger at you, letting the security carry him properly toward the hall.
"Don't. Even."
"Oh, don't what? Don't what? I can't wear a dress now?"
"Wear whatever the fuck you want, I don't care." Piggy D hurries between you two awkwardly to run out on stage.
"You are being such an asshole."
"Whatever. You wanna misinterpret how I... what I'm..."
"I know you, you're jealous."
He shoves the security off, coming back over. "I'm not fucking jealous."
"It's a dress. What, you think I wanna fuck Rob?!"
This time, he does growl. His tall, imposing form advances on you, and despite his debauched appearance, the intense darkness in his eyes is unmistakable for anything other than hunger. Real fear flickers through you for a split second.
"Wanna try that, little girl? Hm?" You shiver, breath quickening, but you've known your boyfriend for far too long, and you're not about to back down now. You want him hard and fast, and it’s your turn to get him back for making you wait.
"Maybe I do," you whisper defiantly. That does it. He tears the straps on your dress. You moan, letting him reach in and grab your thighs, and lift you against the wall with ease, pinning you there. 
"You want me to drag you out on that stage, and fuck you in front of the crowd again?” 
“You only teased me in front of the crowd,” you have the nerve to reply, “You never actually fucked me out there in front of anyone.” Manson holds you by the neck as he roughly marks you down your jawbone. 
“That’s because you're mine," he mutters, hurrying to get his dick out, "You're fucking mine. Only person gets to see these tits, see this pussy? Is me." He leans in to hiss: “Only one who gets to see you gush is me.” 
You can't protest, caught up in a rush of arousal as his stage pants rub dangerously close to your clit. You grind your hips forward, desperately seeking his touch. You’ve never wanted him so bad, his stupid fucking feral expression covered in pink and blue gloss driving you wild. 
"Fuck me," you gasp, not stopping to wonder if the roadies were around or minding their own business.
"Oh, I'm going to, baby," Manson whispers, finally getting himself out of his briefs, "You need to remember who you fuckin' belong to." He tugs your hair back sharply, and sinks his teeth into your shoulder. You scream from the shock of it, and wetness starts to drip down your thigh.
"Ah," you hiss, pussy clenching desperately to be filled, "Do it again."
Manson bites down your flesh to the tips of your nipples, leaving pink marks across your chest. He reaches up, letting your leg fall slightly as he slips two fingers inside you. 
You gasp again, louder this time over the beat of Rob performing Superbeast, and clutch tighter to your handsy boyfriend. He comes back up to suck your neck, nipping slightly at the sensitive spots where he marked you before.
"Fuck me, come on," you chant, “Fuck me like you did that day.” He grabs you again by the neck, dragging you in for a rough, sloppy kiss. A hard pound, and your back hits the wall in rhythm with his body. He doesn't wait for you to adjust, and you both know you don't need him to. He slides in deep, with you very ready to take him, and he pulls back easily before thrusting back in harder, the weight of his body pounding against you heightening the thrusts. His belt buckle jangles with his every movement. 
"How much do you love this cock?”
“I love it, I want it--”
“Can Zombie do this?" 
"Could he make you cum like this?"
You whine. "Only you can make me cum." 
"That's right. Don't ever forget it, or I’ll fucking remind you again." He kisses you again, all sloppy tongue, and your hair falls forward between you two as he puts every ounce of effort into bouncing you on his cock. He thrusts one more time with a low grunt, and the pain in your scalp as he tugs again sends you over the edge into a much needed climax. He freezes too, deep inside of you, and you feel him finish.
Manson lets you down, groaning as he rubs the sweat and shiny makeup off his face. Adrenaline shooting through him from both his show and the sex, he’s spoiling for a fight as was usual in these moods. He glares at a stage tech who had been coiling ropes. “Fuck you staring at?” The poor guy looks down in terror, carrying on with his job. Yep, Ginger was right, you think with a smile. He’s never gonna change. No matter how long it’s been, he’s still the same Manson you’re stuck with.  
Manson zips up his pants again and unbuttons his restricting black stage vest. Breathless and rubbing your hands around and down your boyfriend’s chest, you pout at your ruined dress in the mirror, straps dangling down your arms. 
"Look what you did to the dress, baby.”  
“Looks better this way. Now you can’t see his name, you can just see your tits,” he smiles lazily, sucking on his bottom lip lasciviously. 
“You’re a dirty old man, always looking at my tits.” 
“What am I supposed to do? They’re tits, they’re attached to your chest, and I think you’re hot.” 
You hide your flushed smile as you turn your nose up, sighing for show. “You do realize it's not normal that the best sex we have is when you're jealous."
"Since when are we normal?" He looks at you through the mirror, tired and grinning. "And I told you. I'm not fucking jealous." 
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orange-positivity · 4 years
Hi, I'm an Asian with very little background of Slovenian politics - could you please help me understand the situation on the ground and how's it come about?
Hi! I'm not the best with politics but I'll try my best
I'll first do a run through and then I'll put in bold what's happening right now but before I start, the main thing right now is that they want to shut down independent media
Just putting this first because it's the most important, okay now for the run through
Pretty much our former prime minister, Marjan Šarec resigned and so Janez Janša was elected by the National assembly in March, which is also when the coronavirus outbreak started in Slovenia. Now a lot of shit went on while we were in lockdown and I honestly can't tell you much about that because I wasn't really following politics at the time, but there was a thing with ordering unsuitable masks and respirators and also during the whole corona crisis, they tried to pass laws completely unrelated to the epidemic (because they knew all media attention was on the virus). Janez Janša and his political party (SDS) are also very right wing and corrupt (Janša actually went to jail for corruption a few years back)(he's also good friends with Orban, the Hungarian prime minister and I think he [Janša] owes him [Orban] some money?) and there were just a lot of allegations of corruption flying around during that time as well as bribing other parties into teaming up SDS to form the government (members of the parties who connected with SDS got promotions and raises). The government also gave themselves the highest paycheck possible, but they offered very little financial support to small businesses during the lockdown (as far as I know, the only thing small businesses got was that they can pay their taxes with a delay or something?). They also passed an amendment against the conservation of nature, but thankfully that's been put on hold by the constitutional court.
That was lockdown and the protests started in early April with people banging their pots and pans on the balcony. In late April, the bike protests started. So every Friday, people would ride their bikes on the streets around the parliament. There was a lot of shit with the police at the beginning, putting up fences on our protesting space for no good reason and writing people up or arresting them for BS. At this point I'd like to say that the protesters have never gotten violent. The most "violent" thing they did was throw massive paper airplanes across the fence.
But I feel like shit really hit the fan on the 24th of June. For context, 25th of June is Slovenian independence day.
So Slovenian Antifa organized an anti celebration on Prešeren square in Ljubljana (Slovenian capital) on the 24th, as to say "we don't support this government and what it's doing to our country". That's when the Nazis roll in. They saw what the antifa was trying to do and they said "okay, we'll go to Prešeren square as well as to show our support to the government". There were about 50 of them and they were all wearing neon yellow vests (no correlation with the Yellow Vests movement in France btw - they just stole their symbolism). Some (I think 11) of those "Yellow Vests" had Nazi tattoos and some of them were identified by other people as active members of the Slovenian neonazi group called Blood&Honour.
On the 24th, the police also put fences around half of Ljubljana city centre. People couldn't get to their homes, cars, bikes because the police wouldn't let them through... They [the police] did that so that the government officials could have their own private independence day celebration (on the Congress square which is about 200m from Prešeren square) without having to listen or look at the protesters.
After that, the nazis came to three more protests before deciding to "leave us alone" by mixing into our crowd (their words not mine), taking pictures of us and trying to expose us on their twitter account (@/RJopici). They call this "yellow monitoring" and they said they specifically target middle aged people employed in the public sector, NGOs and or on RTV (RTV is radio television Slovenia basically like the BBC)
What's happening right now
Janša is pushing to shut down RTV (the biggest independent media house in Slovenia). He says it's a leech to the Slovenian budget and not even necessary (because most of his voters watch Nova 24 TV anyway which is Janša's TV company and it's basically like the Fox news). Shutting down independent media is simply unacceptable. Hungary and Serbia already shut down most (if not all?) independent media and idk about Poland? But Janša looks up to those countries and wants Slovenia to be like them. So yeah, Janša and SDS are pushing to shut RTV down entirely or at least cut its funding. This on it's own is a bad thing, but it's really put in perspective when you see just how shitty and biased the reporting of politically owned media like Nova 24 or Planet TV is. They lie and turn everything around to cater to their agenda.
The other thing that's happening is we have an increased number of corona cases. We were down to only 6 active cases so the borders opened and a lot of Slovenians went to Croatia (which is a popular tourist destination for like most of Slovenians). So people brought in new cases from abroad and as of 25.7. we have 241 active cases (which isn't a lot compared to other countries but we are pretty small). Despite that, the government still doesn't want to shut down the borders again or at least put Croatia on the red list because putting Croatia on the red list would mean people returning from there would have to go into a two week self isolation period and that would mean people would be discouraged to travel to Croatia, obviously. But I'm pretty sure our government gets a share of the money Croatia makes from Slovenian tourists, which is why they don't want to restrict travel to Croatia just yet. Probably once the tourist season is over, they will restrict travel immediately.
Instead Nova 24 TV is blaming the protesters for the rise of infection numbers, which isn't true. If the new infections were in fact caused by the protesters, then Ljubljana would be the epicenter of the epidemic (since that's where the biggest protests are), but as of right now, Hrastnik is actually the epicenter and Hrastnik is in a whole different region than Ljubljana.
There's also now talk about stepping away from the Istanbul convention (just like Poland did) - but right now it's just some of the right wing politicians tweeting about it. As far as I know, Janša's government is also looking to privatize healthcare (rn we have free public healthcare). Obviously they won't do that in the middle of the epidemic, but it's one of their interests.
That's not even counting all the racists, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic comments our politicians make on twitter daily.
Oh and if you're wondering where our president (Borut Pahor) is amidst all of this, he's posting selfies on Instagram and refusing to acknowledge the situation at all.
TLDR: our government is corrupt and wants to shut down independent media and just all in all make our country more like Poland or Hungary and people aren't happy with that
If anyone is from Slovenia, feel free to fill this in if I've missed anything or got anything wrong
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Links 8/2/19
Digital Elixir Links 8/2/19
Curving – Dog Body Language Silent Conversations
Just 10% of fossil fuel subsidy cash ‘could pay for green transition’ Guardian (original).
Greenland Is Melting Away Before Our Eyes Rolling Stone
The Bizarre, Peaty Science of Arctic Wildfires Wired (Re Silc).
Hawaii Extends Thirty Meter Telescope Permit Amid Protests NPR
U.S. preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan in initial deal with Taliban WaPo
UK faces potential ‘consumer panic’ and ‘security gaps’ under no-deal Brexit, says government document Sky News. With handy, hitherto unpublished chart prepared for the May government.
Gilets Jaunes gather for third “Assembly of Assemblies” ROAR
Emmanuel Macron’s Place in French History? Are You a Yellow Vest? This seems to be the only English-language site focusing exclusively on the gilets jaunes; I’d be interested to know what local readers think of it. (The contrast between coverage of the Hong Kong protesters and coverage of the yellow vests and is remarkable, considering that the latter are at “Acte 37.”)
Inside the Yellow Vests: What the Western media will not report (Part 3) The Saker
Trump says Hong Kong ‘riots’ are a matter for China FT
Hong Kong government warns employees to remain neutral or face consequences on eve of civil servant rally over extradition bill crisis South China Morning Post
Nudge theory:
China's Hong Kong PLA garrison releases video with scenes of 'anti-riot' operations https://t.co/6alAYJ2KQp pic.twitter.com/jFwYa5MUPK
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) August 1, 2019
On the question of whether the Hong Kong protests are a US-sponsored “color revolution,” alert NC reader MsExPat threw this over the transom:
The line about foreign interference is Beijing boilerplate. Everyone here knows it’s bullshit. Laughable. Beijing is parroting it over and over again for two reasons:
1) It diminishes the agency of and infantilizes Hong Kong people. They are misguided and deluded poor children that couldn’t possibly challenge China unless they had outside help.
2) It’s aimed at the domestic China audience, to pump up China nationalism, which is what the CPC does to keep itself in power. You know, economy slumps, let’s start Japanese bashing.
Is there any chance that there could be some truth in it? It’s a ridiculous thought, but let’s assume it isn’t for the sake of argument. Well, I do live here. We (I mean the US) really are not that good as Lambert has pointed out. On the ground what that means is that we don’t have the kind of deep bench that would give us any ability to maneuver inside the protest movement. The US (and certainly not the CIA) doesn’t have enough young, colloquial Cantonese speakers for one thing. Canada would have a much easier time “directing” the pro dem movement just because their links to Hong Kong are much more recent and stronger! So let’s blame the Canadians haha.
Let’s look at some other evidence: Just before he left for a new post in June, the US Counsel in Hong Kong, Kurt Tong, planned to give a farewell speech highly critical of the current HK government. He was throttled by Trump and ended up having to place his speech somewhere as an op ed instead. That hardly speaks to US involvement in the protests!
The only US connections that the protest movement has consistently been able to count on are a handful of principled anti-Communists in the House and Senate, led by Marco Rubio, who has been a champion for Hong Kong for years now. I respect him for that. He may be a turd in other ways, but he clearly has one or two unwavering principles that don’t relate to donor money or votes. I’m sure supporting Hong Kong is not going to get him any votes in Florida.
The only place that “foreign influence” might be helping Hong Kong protesters is through financial support. But it would not be much $ and it would be funneled through Hong Kong anti-Beijing businessmen like Jimmy Lai, who donates to the pan-Dems generously anyway.
The biggest source of foreign money involved in the protests, though, is coming from Beijing. It’s Beijing who pays for the triads, pays for the cooperation of Hong Kong’s business tycoons, pays for the propaganda and dirty tricks of the DAB (the proxy Beijing party in Hong Kong), pays for the propaganda on TVB (the top broadcast station) pays to control the print media (although Jack Ma bought the SCMP, he’s just their puppet). Any tiny trickle of money that might be going to protesters from small US or UK donations is a piss in the ocean compared to the floods of cash that Beijing pumps in to get its way in Hong Kong. And yet still the Hong Kong people are fighting, and successfully. Doesn’t that tell you something?
* * *
What China’s defence paper tells us about Beijing’s regional ambition The Interpreter
Trump says he’ll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports AP
K-Pop’s Big China Problem Foreign Policy
Puerto Rico
Trump administration to place new restrictions on billions in aid for Puerto Rico amid island’s political crisis WaPo
Leading indicators. Thread:
I'm seeing a lot of English-language retrospectives of the #RickyRenuncia uprising that leave out two incidents that, in my estimation, were key. First: the fire in front of Fortaleza the night of the 15th.https://t.co/PrFTOiyDCi
— midnucas #PierluisiTraidor (@midnucas) July 28, 2019
New Cold War
Trump Calls Putin To Offer Help Battling Siberian Fires Radio Free Europe
Has a Color Revolution Come to Russia? Probably Not. The National Interest
Landmark US-Russia arms control treaty is dead AP
Pillars of nuclear arms control are teetering FT
The rise and fall of superhero Robert Mueller Matt Taibbi, UntitledGate. “The whole narrative is the brainchild of Clinton hacks, a handful of overzealous intelligence nuts, and a subset of the Democratic Party’s weakest elected minds, in particular murine ex-prosecutor Schiff, a man who should be selling Buicks back in his hometown Burbank.” You hate to see it.
Here Are 5 Big Holes in Mueller’s Work Aaron Maté, RealClearInvestigations
Justice Department Declines to Prosecute Comey Over Leaked Memo Bloomberg. Of course they did.
Trump Transition
Divided Senate passes 2-year budget deal with military boost Defense News (Re Silc).
Pentagon puts $10B contract on hold after Trump swipe at Amazon Politico
Hacked Emails Show GOP Demands on Border Security Were Crafted by Industry Lobbyists The Intercept
Border Patrol Detained a 9-Year-Old American Girl on Her Way to School for 32 Hours GQ. She had her passport with her.
Opinion: Trump’s cuts to food stamps are indefensible, economically and morally MarketWatch
‘Should Send Shockwaves Across the Nation’: Grave Warnings as McConnell Accelerates Right-Wing Takeover of US Courts Common Dreams (DK).
Democrats in Disarray
Democrats: ‘Moscow Mitch’ would take blame for clearing Trump of impeachment charges McClatchy. “Moscow Mitch,” ffs [puts head in hands].
Demography and the Populists’ Destiny The American Conservative
Imagining a Warren-Buttigieg, or Buttigieg-Warren, Ticket Nicholas Kristof, NYT
Tim Ryan told Bernie Sanders that Medicare-for-all would be bad for unions. Major union leaders disagree. Vox
Canadians worried by plan to let Americans import drugs Business Insider (Re Silc).
Our Famously Free Press
In Rejecting DNC Lawsuit Against Wikileaks, Judge Strongly Defended First Amendment Rights of Journalists Shadowproof (Furzy Mouse).
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch
AI lie detector developed for airport security FT. “One challenge is false positives: a machine might register as suspicious a microexpression if someone is in pain or confused.” Highly unlikely in airports.
Cops Are Giving Amazon’s Ring Your Real-Time 911 Caller Data Gizmodo
L’affaire Joffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein Shows No Sign Of Injuries, Could Spend A Year In Jail Before Trial Forbes
Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing New York Magazine. From two weeks ago, still germane. Not sure the hedgies are right, though!
America’s DIY Phone Farmers Vice
Class Warfare
California’s largest teachers union spent $1 million a month to restrict charter schools Sacramento Bee
High Profile Labor Leader Has a New Gig Fighting Against Teacher’s Unions Portside. Andy Stern. Of course. I remember how hard Stern’s SEIU fought against single payer in 2009-2010.
Weaponized Interdependence: How Global Economic Networks Shape State Coercion International Security
Antidote du jour (via):
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
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Links 8/2/19
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2GIsBpH via IFTTT
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alcyone2305 · 8 years
The Kingsglaive + Their Appearance (Spoilers?)
And here I am once more, trying to pick apart the armor the Glaives have available to them. I’ll be honest: I always thought they have two outfits, the black coat one with black boots and their battle uniforms.
But since I took my time to find every little bit of clothing, I’m wiser than before. Read More if you want to!
We’ll kick it off with the shirts they wear beneath their typical black coats:
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I’d consider this one to be the most basic one as we’ve seen numerous Glaives wearing this plain shirt with a sword pattern on its front part.Most of the time the Glaives are wearing their coat over the shirt so we only get to see small bits of the sword. It’s obvious the sword is a reoccuring symbol on the clothes. The most prominent sword would be either on the back of the black coat or on bits of the armor.
Anyway, we also get to see this type of shirt:
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I’m still unsure. Is Luche’s shirt part of his outfit or not? Because it’s of the similar color and fabric. There’s also a pattern reaching all across his chest down to the hem. But I’ll settle with “Not part of the uniform” as the wing pattern on the side sticks out too much and tends to be covered by the coat anyway.
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The female uniform is more.. delicate. I mean the whole construction with the red crystal makes it seem like it. There’s not really much I can say though except for the male and female uniforms are different. We never get to see a female Glaive sliding into a Niflheim soldier’s DMs and fuckin’ shit up, so I don’t know whether Crowe’s outfit is a mage or female specific outfit.
Side note (and a spoiler for FFXV!): It’s possible for Ignis, Gladiolus and Prompto to wear the uniform of the Kingsglaive, with and without the coat! This is where we get to see another piece of clothing, a vest. Its sword pattern spreads over the entire front of the shirt and doesn’t just go down to the hem. It doesn’t have sleeves. We know that because Prompto only wears the vest and no shirt in game.
EDIT: Would you look at Nyx though in the following picture:
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Nyx is indeed wearing the vest the Chocobros are wearing in game. So there are different pieces for the upper body and Luche’s might be just a variation. Maybe he was on a different duty that day? (Thanks to @honeyflavour-blog for telling me it’s not a shirt, but a vest!)
To back it up, have a look at this concept art inspecting every layer of clothing of Nyx further (and backing up my claims):
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Carrying on!
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Of course it’s the uniform we most likely see them wearing when we mention the Kingsglaive. (I think I won’t lose too many words about this part.) I’m wondering: Are they wearing another long sleeved shirt beneath the heavy coat? Because I’d say the sleeves of the coat are pretty short, covering only half of the upper arms. Or is this bit connected to what I’d consider to be the second shirt? It seems just (or almost) as thick as the coat itself.
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The boots, mhmmmmmm, good stuff!!! The sound of those boots being put on and the buckles being closed.. Yas, yaaaaas. If you inspect the shoes, you’ll also notice a small metal plate protecting the heel of each boot. Extra protection maybe? I like to imagine it gives them more support and more strength to run/kick stuff in certain situations.
The female boots though.. They must be pretty uncomfortable to wear. I mean, just look at them!
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Reaching all the way up to the thighs. Wouldn’t that restrict your movements? Who cares, it looks damn fine. If we further look into the concept art of Kingsglaive we get this “full set up” of the female Glaives:
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The first thing I can think of is ASSASSIN! And what a pity we never realy get to see Crowe kick some ass. This outfit makes her look even more badass, if not intimidating.
I’d consider the pants to be.. less interesting so let’s move to the gloves!
Whenever you see pitchblack gloves like the following one, it tends to be (or even always is) just a minor character.
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Why am I saying this? Because Tredd and Luche for example do not wear those thick gloves. Instead they wear those: (brown - Tredd, black - Luche)
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I guess our main characters are too cool for school, idk.
I won’t try to justify their usefullness in battle and instead only claim “Hey, they’re different from the rest because they’re much more important than other Glaives”. Of course Nyx also has different gloves.
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And Libertus’ gloves could probably knock out anyone since there are even small metal (glass? I don’t know) attachments.
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Let’s get to the more juicy stuff: Their battle armor they select for missions. This is where I was genuinely surprised. I won’t argue about the practicality of the pieces we’ll inspect. In fact I’d consider most of them.. impractical. Oh well.
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Notice how the usual uniform doesn’t have Bahamut’s symbol like we can see here. It’s clearly a seperate piece and being worn on top of the coat. (I’ve actually gone back and checked which uniforms have such a symbol on them. As long as I’m not entirely mistaken, the movie can’t settle with a clear option anyway. Some uniforms have this symbol, some don’t.) 
This is also where the hood they wear on missions comes from. It’s a seperate piece they choose to wear.
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The metal visor thing and the bandana covering their mouth are attached to the hood and guarantees protection from dust. Furthermore they also cover up their faces which might confuse enemies. If Tredd didn’t get rid of his hood, we wouldn’t have got to see he was one of the betrayers. And today’s lesson we learned is: If you want to remain unnseen, make use of masks and similar objects and doN’T REMOVE THEM. It’s always wiser to just keep yourself covered up. Anyway, I’m getting carried away.
Instead I’d like to pinpoint a similarity: For some reason I’m reminded of Bahamut when the Glaives are wearing their masks. Only Bahamut’s eyes are visible, the rest is entirely covered. Just like when the Kingsglaive is out on a mission. Coincidence? I don’t think so since Bahamut seems to be damn important entity. Maybe the Glaives are supposed to be Bahamut’s swords..? I don’t know where I’m going with this.
Let’s get to the armor in particular.
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The metal plate with Bahamut’s symbol is probably the most recognizable as we’ve seen it almost everywhere and anywhere. It typically covers a part of the chest. If I’m not entirely mistaken, we’ve seen Glaives wear them on both sides.
And then there are three bits of shoulder protection. The first one is the one we see in the picture above. Its pattern is similar to a wing (Bahamut’s wing?)
Just noticed Mr. Unknown up there makes it clear they are indeed just wearing their usual uniform and just pile everything else up on top on it... C’mon, that should get uncomfortable at some point! Aren’t they supposed to be quick and deadly? Whatever.
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Luche is wearing the wing as well. And Axis went for the second kind of shoulder protection we get to see. Sonitus should be wearing it as well. And Tredd doesn’t need to be wearing a fuckin’ hood, okay.
Nyx has the third and last one and probably the most useless one.
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Thin metal pads. I have nothing else to say. If someone understand the structure of the Kingsglaive outfit, please enlighten me.
@laciewhy came up with an interesting idea when it comes to the protection, though it sadly doesn’t seem to fit for every single Glaive: Maybe the different parts indicate the Glaive’s preferred fighting style. Heavy, thick armor implies brute force and heavy impact while the lighter parts are worn by people who move fast like assassins and don’t want to decrease the speed they move forward.
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I sadly can’t get solid screenshots of the reoccuring daggers wielded by the rather unimportant members. The one we see in the picture above is rather.. untypical. But then there are people like Nyx and Luche with different daggers.
LIES, ALL LIES! Of course you can get good pictures of their daggers. Would you look at that:
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The typical daggers have a slightly curved shape. I guess it makes it easy to ram the blade into either the enemy or an object. 
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This is the one Luche is using and it’s even more curved than the one before. (Sadly hard to see.) And then there’s Libertus with something more of an axe/butcher knife than a dagger, holy shit. I never noticed that before!
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Since @the-galahdian-warrior wanted to have Drautos’ outfit as well, let’s go for Daddy Drautos, no? 
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His first appearance in the movie. (I’ll directly assume the producers/animators/whoever forgot to add Drautos’ medals to his chest but I’ll get back to those later.)
Whenever I look at a shot of Drautos’ whole body, I get this sense of sheer authority and force. You really don’t want to mess with this guy. It’s obvious he’s part of the Kingsglaive. Just look at the back of his coat (Bahamut’s sword) and at his chest (similar to the Glaive’s shirt with Bahamut’s sword). But overall it’s vastly different. First of all, his color (of course), but also the collar is more impressive. But the outfit is also asymmetrical. A cape which actually consists of two layers over his left shoulder, but not his right. Chains on his right side, but not his left. You see him and you just know this guy means business.
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I don’t know about the quality but of course there’s also a concept art of his outfit. Definetely check it out! There’s one last thing I want to inspect though: His medals and his sword.
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While the Glaives stick to daggers and similar, short weapons, Daddy D has a real sword, distinguishing himself further from the members. Now the medals.. If I’m not mistaken, he wears each medal twice. So let’s cross fingers and try to find a medal similar to his. Since the production team of FFXV has stated they directed the game towards the Western audience I think it’s fine to check Army Medals and Ribbons.
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I’ll simply let good, old wiki speak: “The medal was created in the aftermath of the Second World War to recognize those who had performed occupation service in either Germany, Italy, Austria, or Japan. [...] The Navy and Marine equivalent of the Army of Occupation Medal is the Navy Occupation Service Medal.”
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“The NATO Medal is an international military decoration which is awarded to various militaries of the world under the authority of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).”
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“The Commendation Medal is a mid-level United States military decoration which is presented for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service.”
Listen, I’m not saying that’s what Drautos’ medals represent, but it’s either thought through or a fitting coincidence. The pendants beneath the ribbons seem to be a Lucian/Insomnian inspired medal referring to the shape of Insomnia’s walls.
EDIT: Thank you so so much for all the active support! Because of you guys, this post grew even further and even more beyond of what I had in mind.
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stagnantmako · 7 years
His cries have only ever been soothed by sedatives. Nero knows that he is a killer before he understands what it means to kill. They teach him through SND and train him from afar, drug him so that they can test him and then throw him away in a chamber meant for isolation. He knows only that people vanish around him, that he robs the world of something good merely by being in it. He does not know what a mother is, only that he had killed her, and that it was a great loss to them all.
And that they are unsure if he is a blessing or a curse.
Nero is four and has never known a touch softer than fingers probing for a vein. A needle is as close to a gentle kiss as he’s ever received. The scientists hold him at arms length, guide him from place to place with a leash and keep him numb and senseless when they handle him, and to him this is normal.
It is painful, but this must be how life is.
He can count his fingers and toes but he cannot tell what the color of the sky is, nor can he articulate what it means to feel something beyond fear and apprehension. He does not know - cannot articulate - what it means to be hopeless because at four, that is all he’s ever known. He knows that the boy watching him through the glass of the examination room is his brother, and he has heard that family means a bond and warmth and affection, but all the times he reaches out are met with a cold stare.
For he is a killer.
There is a commotion that day as he discovers the ability to teleport. Nero slips away from the guards on a whim, unsure of where he’s going only that he wants to go somewhere and that is enough to send all of DeepGround into a panic. They find him on the surface, in the office of President ShinRa. The President is furious and he is unsure of what he did, but as he leaves the scientist and President exchange words.
“I want more like that,” he says. “More like that and this bloody war with those backwards traditionalists would be over,”
Nero sleeps in a bed too big for him in clothes far too small - restricting his movement, allowing them to keep an eye on him even when there are none to spare. He cannot walk without someone unbinding his feet, and he cannot crawl as his fingers are bound to the point that they are broken. He lays there when he is not needed, and, at four, he suspects that perhaps if this is what it means to be alive then he should not be.
The door opens and he sits up in reflex.
The first touch he receives that is not a clinical examination is that of his brother. An open palmed slap across the face. He’s startled, afraid, Oblivion screams but cannot do anything against the binds. Time stops as both of his brother’s hands come up to cup his face and those blue-gold eyes bore into his. They’ve met a few times, he’s told Weiss had even held him when he was small, but the older brother has no interest in the younger.  His brother is nine and he is four and to a four year old, nine may as well be an adult.
"You really can’t do anything at all, can you?” In a voice not unkind. A tone he doesn’t understand, they’re words he’s heard before but said in such a way that it sounds like another language. “It’s okay. I’m not mad anymore.”
Weiss hugs him and Nero does not know what to do. Something warm bursts in his chest and before he knows it, he’s pressed close and begging for affection and love with every fibre of his being.
He is of DeepGround and they are all killers, and from that moment on nothing in life matters more than the tenuous bond between them.
o o o
They call him Weiss’ shadow. It is as close to affectionate as the doctors get, chuckling behind clipboards as they watch him trip over feet he’s unused to in a struggle to keep pace with his older brother. Nero clings to his pantleg as they traverse the halls of the compound, weaving through constructions sites to head the the simulated skies.
“The real world is bigger,” Weiss says, more to himself than anyone else. Nero doesn’t care about the skies. He is six and he barely understands that there is a world above their heads, the sky is the sky and the handful of books they’re permitted to read tell him that there is only space above it. “Someday, I’ll see the real thing again.”
And then, as an afterthought, “and you’ll see it too.”
The simulated sky fades to dusk and Nero wants nothing more than to give him the stars.
o o o
They do not send Weiss on surface missions because at seventeen, he’s tried to escape far too many times. Nero is easier, Nero knows no better, and so long as Weiss remains in DeepGround he will always return without a fuss.
.He becomes too old for hugs somewhere between twelve and thirteen. Nero serves missions above-ground every now and again, bound so tight he ends up with nerve damage to his hands. The Restrictors thump him harder when he complains so he learns to mind his tongue, nursing injuries of varying degrees and phobias of varying severity as he makes the treacherous walk into adolescence. They say that they cannot keep binding his fingers and hands specifically and search for another means, while he traces the line of his brother’s nose with a fingerpad that feels nothing.
Weiss pushes him off, but doesn’t shove him away or object as he rests at his feet and stares up. And that is enough. Nero settles against his brother’s legs and breathes a contented sigh, for he is home, and home is easier to understand than the world above.
o o o
Project G defects and things change. Nero is fifteen and suddenly he is banned from traversing the compound unwatched. He tries to leave his room without permission and ends up with a broken jaw and a shattered hip. The Restrictors say nothing, but he knows.
Their fear is growing.
His surface missions end as the war does. Instead he is drugged and goes under the knife for the thousdenth time in his young life, waking up with half of his head shaved and new instructions about what he is and is not allowed to do. They tell him that they’re controlled now - really controlled. His visits are numbered, and more importantly, monitored. Weiss and Nero are banned from private conversations. Weiss sees the damage to him and angrily rises from his throne, only to sit back down as the Restrictor commands it.
He sits on his brother’s lap and Weiss does not shove him off and away, just pets his hair soothingly and in that action is a promise that he will be avenged.
It never occurs to him that perhaps it was an act of possession, rather than an act of compassion.
o o o
The two of them are sent up to retrieve the escaped experiments themselves a few weeks after his nineteenth year of his life. DeepGround wants Project G, and some have a vested interest in the two from Nibelhiem. Their orders specifically pertain to Genesis - they are told that he will be their brother and that he will make them stronger, and while Weiss seems to delight at this idea - Nero shrinks from it.
SOLDIERs are Restrictors.
Genesis could easily join the ranks of their oppressors. He is already “perfection” in the eyes of DeepGround, an even greater assest than Sephiroth thanks to his adaptive mutagenic genes - there is no reason for them to put him through the torment that the Tsviets face.
Then what? Then another, even more powerful foe that they cannot hope to match. Nero hopes that his regenerative cells kill him before they reach him. He does not share the hope that his brother does - nor does he share this desire for freedom. He has become apathetic to his own suffering, choosing to feel nothing as they slice him open and pour poison into his body, but if it would make Weiss happy, he would do anything.
They find him alive, to his displeasure. They are unguarded and unchecked. They do not spy the other convicts, and chose to accept this as a victory.
Genesis refuses them and slips away, burying himself in the caverns beneath Midgar where DeepGround cannot reach.
Yet not before he gives them one final brotherly gift. Gift of the Goddess passes from his bloodstream into theirs.
Oblivion goes out of control and decimates the Northern Wing. Nero does not, can not, calm down for several days.
They say he is not the same after that. His hands are bound, his legs are bound, his face is bound - but it’s too much. Oblivion has grown too strong and their fear shifts from a well placed caution to a life or death trial. He is years worth of expensive research, he is worth much more alive than dead.
Nero spends the next three years of his life wishing they had picked the other choice in his lonely prison.
He wishes that he had never felt at all.
o o o
Weiss cuts him down from the pillar himself, his booming voice declaring that they have won.
Nero is out of it, starved and weary and wanting for little more than death. What sanity he has left has rotted and withered along with the rest of his body, but as soon as his brother’s arms wrap around him he knows he is home again. He buries his face in his brother’s shoulder and weeps until he runs out of tears.
They do not have time for rest.
Their freedom has a price he could never imagine. Weiss has three days, and those three days are not enough time. Nero would love nothing more than to sit at his side and console him as his body begins to shut down, but he cannot. He refuses. He refuses to lose him to this.
When he finds the answer he sets to work immediately. There is no hesitation, no question. Nero rests their foreheads together and strokes his brother’s wild mane of hair, murmurs that he loves him, that this is temporary, that he will fix this.
Because he loves him.
And Weiss would do the same for him.
o o o
He does not sleep until the job is done.
He does not sleep until OMEGA’s ascension is nigh, and when he manages to drift off for even a few moments he is informed that there are intruders and Valentine now poses a threat. Rosso and Azul are dead.
Nero does not consider their similarities worth noting. He simply grabs his weapons and goes to stop this game from progressing any further.
o o o
He stumbles into Weiss’ arms, bleeding out and all too aware of the damage done to him. It will be fine, he has survived worse. He tells himself this as he reaches for his brother, the way he had so many times before in their youth.
“Dear… Weiss…”
The smile upon Weiss’ face is something he had never seen before. At first, he thinks euphoria. They are reunited, they are finally free.
He does not register the pain of being impaled until the burn of OMEGA’s purity cuts through him. Nero reaches, his hands gently touching the side’s of his brother’s face. There is a plea upon his unseen lips that goes unheard, a question that he struggles to ask.
“You actually thought I cared about you?”
He does not comprehend.
Weiss throws him aside like trash. His body shatters on impact, shards of metal flying every which way. Nero takes a rattling breath and knows only one thing.
That cannot be his brother.
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