100percent-famous · 4 months
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nicksforkicks · 4 months
"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."
- No Man Is An Island, John Donne
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do bad things, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
- Albert Einstein
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
- Sir Edmund Burke
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chick-it-out · 7 months
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I have yet to encounter any discourse surrounding my sweet baby boy Basil, but I imagine there's got to be a small portion of the fandom calling him a master manipulator for showing signs of severe mental illness or something. Not on my watch!!
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jonfazzaro · 2 years
“These moments can sabotage an organization that’s running smoothly.”
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theobviousparadox · 2 years
Review: Upstander by James Preller
Review: Upstander by James Preller
UpstanderJames PrellerFeiwel & FriendsPublished May 11, 2021 Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads About Upstander Girl bullies, internet bullying, and substance use are themes in this James Preller middle grade standalone companion to Bystander Mary O’Malley is tired of keeping secrets. Secrets like her older brother, Jonny’s, drug use. Starting seventh grade is tough enough without the upheaval her…
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saccharinescorpion · 1 month
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When Marcille Met Shuro
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Clark being annoying in the Marvel universe after getting accidentally transported there: well MY billionaire vigilante would never do this—
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fumifooms · 3 months
Rin, smiling, and nagging
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Rinsha Fana’s character is summarized in a couple facts thrown here and there. Because she worries for him, she follows Kabru to help his cause and protect him, and to nag him. She’s a grumpy angry tsundere, but it seems not only rooted in her attitude but on a deep rooted physical level, to the point where any intense emotion she feels will make her frown and scowl even if it’s genuine joy. Her childhood was half spent ostracized in the tallman community her family lived in and half with the elves, where she’s said to have been treated like an animal.
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We don’t know how she was raised exactly or who it even was, but knowing she was "treated like an animal" by the elves taking care of her…
Elves are shown to have a highly hierarchical society, not only with their concern with status such as nobility and the purity of bloodlines but also reflected by its social culture imo. They have high society and etiquette, upmost devotion to the queen, very role-oriented, like cogs in a machine, and as such, it’s a bit skewed since most of what we see of the elves is in a military context with military people but they seem to value having emotions under lock and key to be efficient and not bring dishonor, Flamela is an interesting character on this. Don’t be a bother and do your job until you’re called on, fulfill your role, everything else is extra at best inconvenient at worst.
Personally I do think the canaries kept Rin, it’d make sense that whichever canaries got stuck with the job at the headquarters would be barebones with her and treat her like an ‘impounded article’, they couldn’t find another place for her and this way they can get her report on the events whenever she can speak again in however many years, and this way it makes sense that she could keep in touch with Kabru too. They’re used to prisoners, not kids. Being raised in a military context rather than at some orphanage would shape her further.
All of this to say…
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She’d already seen the world’s harshness to those who don’t conform in her hometown, but with the elves? Her disdain for those who had formal education at a magic school?
Wouldn’t she become very concerned with proving she is not an animal, proving that she’s smart and skilled in her own right on her own merit, even without schooling. And to do this she nitpicks and nitpicks, because even being pristine isn’t enough to be respected, but at least it’s not giving others reasons to disrespect and dehumanize her. Learning to school her emotions, to scowl as a defense mechanism because anything else makes her vulnerable, because they don’t care about her as a person with feelings, because showing other expressions was dangerous or punished in some way: because it was fit in or don’t fit in and that’s the difference between having your house burnt down and being tolerated, between getting her food or having her questions answered and being yelled at to shut up… Because all her life she’s been surviving in hostile social environments and at the mercy of others, but unlike Kabru she doesn’t become a people pleaser but becomes very self-reliant and wary of socializing.
So she nitpicks and nitpicks and nags, because she’s worried. Because flaws are dangerous. So she has a hard time smiling and laughing, because it’s dangerous to allow yourself to feel safe in being authentic.
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It would be nice…
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Is my red, red enough? I'm waiting for your teeth at my throat. It’s only good manners. -Stephanie Valente 
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100percent-famous · 4 months
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theellipelli · 10 months
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fun fact this was drawn while watching both versions of 'all quiet on the western front.' can u tell
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idyllphile · 1 month
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appreciation post for Nacho and his cute little work uniform <3
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Once I figure out how to add tomatoes I’ll be unstoppable.
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elbiotipo · 13 days
To think Kabru will become the Scheming Advisor to Laios, he must be so happy. He would scheme so much.
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oneday-yourside · 5 months
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Harry's world/Bad end
Inspired by Christina's world by Andrew Wyeth
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 2 months
The best part about the bingqiu epic-misunderstandings-era during the jin lan city arc is that it works so well BECAUSE luo binghe is genuinely scary and unnerving at times. I think he should have been SCARIER actually. The dreadful feeling of inevitability that justice will be enacted upon you by the protagonist and his presumably world warping powers and persuasion should be utilized MORE!
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