#Unova mystery dungeon
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wooglebear · 8 months ago
Sorry for not posting for a while. I got a major blog overhauling!
thinks about a gen 5/gen 7/team rr/pmd mashup where Courtney (a skitty) and Tabitha (a pikachu) meet Maxie, an eevee who thinks that him and the admins are a rescue team
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retrogamingblog2 · 5 months ago
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theletterwsartflap · 5 months ago
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Team Gator Gang searches for some unlikely allies.
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pillowbugs · 4 months ago
finished chapter 9 of pokémon super mystery dungeon the other day. without going into spoilers, the main takeaway of the chapter is that in this game, rather than souls, litwick feeds on fear.
which has some... interesting implications if ported over to the main series continuity.
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bonus: on the other end of chandelure trainers...
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(PSMD screenshots below cut, but minor spoiler warning! yes, it's an old game, but i recommend anyone to experience the plot themselves if possible. it's certainly a trip.)
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they're sooo cute i support litwick wrongs
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oncillamoltres · 6 months ago
aight so! PMD-inspired Tao Trio thoughts!
mainline Reshiram and Zekrom...their whole deal is that they're trying to create a better world, yeah?
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They fight alongside those who embody their respective idioms to change the world's path and create a better future. However, there's one thing both are missing: foresight. They act recklessly, either of them gladly throwing in their lot with Team Plasma purely on the strength of N's convictions. In the past their conflict destroyed the kingdom that they and their partners worked so hard to built. They fight without thinking of the long-term consequences of their fighting.
PMD Kyurem, on the other hand, has foresight in spades--it sees the future. But it lacks its siblings' drive to change things and create a better future, and even though it means the destruction of its world:
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Three parts of a whole, all looking to the future--one who fights for ideals without regard for consequences or the true nature of the world, one who fights for truth at the expense of foresight and ideals, and one who has knowledge of the future, but no dreams of a better world or knowledge that not every truth is a bitter one.
It almost makes PMD Kyurem a better counterpart to mainline Reshiram and Zekrom than mainline Kyurem is, frankly.
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kagooleo · 1 year ago
holy shit kalos real?
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thedragicloudluigi · 11 months ago
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💧The Distant Deep Traveler💧
Not much else to say other than how much I love my Kaoto
Kaoto and I have been on a journey, we started out as living under lies and now we’re embracing reality despite the pain that it had to offer.
That necklace of his translates to “Ai” - meaning “Love”. it was gifted to him by a very wonderful partner.
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blaise-recolors · 1 year ago
Gift Recolors || Private
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These were recolors I made and gifted to: https://www.deviantart.com/hf978rh7834hru4r43
NOT FREE TO USE. Will not make alternative sprites for request in inbox unless requested by gited.
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eternapocalypse · 7 months ago
The Reverie started twenty years after the Great Calamity, within Unova's Castelia City (or at least its remains). It was founded by an Espeon with the same name, and he had argued to the people of Unova that Eevees were the closest regular species to Mew. After all, they could adapt much like it, and they could even morph so similarly to it, with some specimens mimicking the faces of the now extinct humans.
Hence, Reverie started the Reverie to spread this claim to his fellow Eeveelutions, culminating in what is now here— A criminal gang and a cult. What was once a small group had grown into a dangerous organization deep beneath Castelia City's sewers, with the only stopping them being the city's Guild. They terrorise the city, striking at night and stealing resources from its citizens, and even ocassionally killing individuals (especially Ditto) in cold blood.
The current leader (which they dub Champion) of the Reverie is Inferno, a Flareon. The original heir to his position was Sino, his first-born son, but after attempting to escape the Reverie with a few fellow Eevees, his right to rule the Reverie was revoked and given to his half-brother, Apple. Under Inferno's rule, the Reverie has grown more brutal, more bold, more ambitious.
There are rumors of the cult leader meeting up with a strange Hydreigon on occasion, but the exact identity of this Pokemon remains uncertain. All that is known is that whatever is brewing is dangerous.
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texinfinitearts · 1 year ago
I listened to the Entralink Theme, and inspiration for a new OC struck. Meet The Chosen of The Entree.
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I still need to figure out most things about her. She didnt exist Two Hours ago after all.
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claitea · 1 year ago
oh god pokemon day is today i'm so scared... also the livestream is at 1am my time and i have work tomorrow but i'm stupid and i'm absolutely staying up anyway 👍
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wooglebear · 8 months ago
Okay, I am just gonna do a full masterlist for the pmd au on who’s which pokemon because i’m in a rut! cool! its subject to change (especially for most of the Team RR characters)
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Courtney: Skitty
Tabitha: Pikachu
Shelly: Shiny Eevee
Matt: Blastoise
Team RR
Giovanni: alolan persian
Archie: Primarina
Maxie: Eevee
Cyrus: Sneasel
Ghetsis: Slyveon
Lysandre: spritzee?
Faba: Hypno
and for some of the Gen 5 and 7 characters (most of them the gym leaders, the trial captains and the Aether Foundation)
Cilan, Cress and Chili: Pansage, Panpour and Pansear
Burgh: dustox (shiny)
Lenora: Furfrou (Pharaoh Trim)
Clay: drilbur
Skyla: Sensu form Oricorio
Elesa: Emolga
Byrcen: Snorunt
Drayden: Haxorous
Iris: Axew
Marlon: floatzel
Roxie: Toxicriticty (Low Key)
Illima: Diggersby
Lana: Frillish
Mallow: Lurantis
Kiawe: Alolan Marowak
Sophocles: Togedemaru
Acerola: Mimikyu
Ryuki: appletun
Mina: Ribombee
Lusamine: Clefable
Wicke: alolan muk
Colress: Rotom
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chowmoon2 · 10 months ago
For something non Kirby related for once,I have a silly Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fan story that I have been thinking about for a long time
(Technically two but I will get to that one in a later post)
Unlike in the games,this takes place in a main game region which is Unova (or atleast a region very similar to Unova) and it is a different universe from the canon Mystery Dungeon games
The main protagonists are Freyr the timid and curious Deerling (He/Him) and his partner Mal the sneaky and rebellious Zorua (They/She/Xe) together,they make Team Haunted Forest (team name might change) and help Unova against their newest upcoming threat
Things get pretty crazy with the plot so please tell me if you are interested in hearing the abridged story that I have!
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out-of-pokeballs · 2 years ago
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aquaticneki · 2 years ago
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A Rescue Team that causes as many problems as it solves!
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localobsta · 2 years ago
Woooo! I present to you part 1 of ArtFight attacks that I’ve done so far!
From left to right:
1- @/nonexistentbees (Tumblr)
2-@/Screeching_Leech (Instagram)
3-@/cavemgaming (Toyhouse)
4-@/Oreobuggers (Twitter)
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And last, but not least, I present to you my boy Ponvi! He looks like he’s seen a lot…👀💧
Disclaimer: He’s a custom that I received from Glossoholic on Toyhouse!
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