#Undertale Elementals
theriverperson · 1 year
Headcanon: Elemental Biology
Some headcanons I had about how elementals work. Open to adjusting this, and obviously not every elemental will fit in such neat boxes. There will always be variations or unique monsters or even groups of monsters that do not conform to these things.
There are many different types and subtypes of elementals, the main categories of which change depending on the local cultures and mythologies. The four basic categories most will be familiar with, known as the classical elements, are fire, earth, air, and water. Some cultures added void or aether to this list. Some classified air instead as wind. Some cultures did not have this sort of concept at all.
China's Five Phases system, for example, had a generative cycle and a destructive cycle using wood, fire, earth, metal, and water that they used to explain how various interactions and other things occurred instead of as a means to describe the makeup of various substances.
For the sake of simplicity, I will be confining myself to the four commonly agreed upon classical elements.
Being creatures either inspired by classical myths or that inspired them, monsters and elementals alike tend to vary a bit based off of their local culture. In a way, we see this the best in what I imagine what River calls 'conceptual' monsters (such as Temmies, Tsunderplanes, and other 'meme' based monsters). How they function and what they look or act like changes based off of how they are thought to function or act (which ties into a completely separate theory about how human SOULs influence their surroundings but I'll likely write more on that later).
Fire is generally considered hot and dry, but some cultures associate it with destruction whereas others consider it to be the opposite, creation. Or sometimes even change, wisdom, passion, or kinship.
Earth is thought to be heavy, stable, and solid. The ancient Greeks also considered it cold. Some others think of it as sheltering, loyal, or strong.
Air is associated with freedom and breath and sometimes also communication, intellect, or energy.
Finally, Water is wet, obviously. Ice and snow for some, the warm tropical waters to others. Emotion and intuition, sometimes even fertility.
All of them have an association with life in one culture or another, which makes sense considering that elemental monsters are indeed alive and not simply their element animated.
Types of Monsters in the Underground
Which brings me to the point: most elementals likely have needs that are a bit different from the common, everyday monster. Have you noticed the kinds of monsters you see in the Underground? Fire monsters? Everywhere, practically. Makes sense, considering the mountain is a volcano. Earth monsters? A few yup, with a lot of mixing with the fire elementals. Also makes sense.
Water? Yeah sure there are plenty, but they're mostly fish or other more biological creatures instead of more elemental type monsters and almost all of them live in Waterfall or Snowden.
And Air? I couldn't find any, could you? Just a few birds, which is a bit of a stretch in my opinion when we're talking about elementals.
Elemental Starvation
My aforementioned statement about elementals probably having different needs from your average monsters? That all is what spawned the idea.
I posit that most elementals probably need their element to be around. That association earlier I mentioned, that air is sometimes called wind in some cultures? The Underground doesn't really have wind, does it? The air that it has is probably fairly stale, and I'm certainly not seeing much in the way of freedom down there.
This means most air elementals would be missing both a core feature of their element itself and a very common cultural association. Any air elementals that did make it to the Underground probably didn't last long, and the ones that did likely didn't have to worry about that sort of thing, but clearly there's something going on.
It isn't even that elementals themselves are uncommon because again, fire elementals are practically everywhere. Mount Ebbot is a volcano. Fire elementals? Doing fine. Earth, not as common but seem to be doing alright. Water, restricted to mostly one or two spaces and not very many monsters one could call an actual elemental. Air? Nope.
So what if most elementals had a basic need to be near their element, like how us humans need oxygen? You see this a bit in the show Avatar: the Last Airbender in how firebenders who are locked in the 'Coolers', away from their element, are unable to firebend (except for Zuko who knew a secret, but that's beside the point). What if elementals sort of starved without it?
Obviously this doesn't apply to all of them because Grillby stands as a rather strong counterexample, living surrounded by snow and ice, but one or two outliers are possible. This brings me to my last bit of rambling regarding this headcanon.
Elemental Magic and the SOUL
So, assuming all of the above stands true this takes us in an interesting direction: how does this affect their magic? Well first off I imagine they likely recover much more quickly when surrounded by their element and probably expend more magic than usual with away from it. Likely with some, but not all, elementals even suffering crippling effects when without their element or effectively slowly 'starving' without it.
I also imagine each elemental has a teeny bit of what they consider their 'home' elemental source all tied up in their magic. Maybe even in their SOUL. This probably influences what their magic or they themselves look like.
River's grandmother, for example, was from the deeper, bottom waters of the Sporades basin in the north Aegean Sea. As a water elemental of dark, deep waters she tended to be a bit shadowy and strange herself. River actually takes after her a bit.
One's 'home source' would probably be important to them. Of course one can survive without it, but it would be more compatible with their natural magic. Something their SOUL is more used to, which could have all sorts of minor influences on them.
I wonder what that would mean for elementals born in the Underground?
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steampoweredwerehog · 2 months
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That one room in True Lab has haunted me for 8 years
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qiinamii · 1 year
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darkner Xiao, lightner lumine 👹✨
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shimmershy · 2 years
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The 'C' in Chara stands for 'Cool'.
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gammija · 2 years
[CECIL]: "So, as we move into the final hours of the competition, vote! Whether it's for your favorite, local, Night Vale community radio host or some... pile of bones, don't let your voice go unheard.
Also... Well, this might be a little bit outside the rules, but you could even make a second account to show a little more support for whoever you think should win. You probably won't get caught. As City Council declared in a recent press release, "Voter fraud doesn't exist."
"There is no such thing as voter fraud," City Council said last Wednesday, their many mouths moving as one. "No one can vote more than once. We certainly can't. Ha, ha." Some of their feet shuffled. "We definitely did NOT commit voter fraud by using the recently developed cloning technology to make copies of ourselves, force them to vote for us, then bus them into the Whispering Forest where we threw them out. That. Never. Happened," they added emphatically.
Immediately after the press conference they disbanded the City Council's, 'Night Vale committee for Fair Elections', by eating them."
[A door creaks.]
[CECIL]: "Listeners, someone has just entered my studio.
Uhm, excuse me! You're not allowed to be in here!
It looks like it's a small man, with a smoothly bald head, and dark empty eyes...
Oh no. They're sockets. This must be him, this 'Snas' the skeleton. He's coming to defend his title...
Listeners, as I prepare myself for what will surely be a fight to the death, seeing who takes who out first, I take you... To the weather."
[CECIL]: "Welcome back. I know you're all dying to know whether I won the Tumblr sexyman poll, and if I defeated the small skeleton. Well...
I was all ready to fight, getting into a stance, when the skeleton held up his hands. He said that he didn't want to fight, and that he'd come here to concede and hand me the title.
I'll admit, I was a bit taken aback by this at first. Of course, I had to protest. Wouldn't that be unfair to the few people who voted for him, I asked?
But he explained that, since he already won last year, he wasn't really looking forward to all the attention and hassle from winning a second time. And seeing as it apparently meant a lot to me, he'd rather just let me win than miss his wedding.
Yeah, apparently he's about to be wed to someone named Komaeda in a few days? Good for him.
Dear listeners, after his heartfelt plee, I felt I had no choice but to accept the win.
Which means I am now, officially, Tumblr sexyman of 2023. Yay!
Stay tuned next for muffled sounds of celebration, overheard from a neighbour's house nearby.
Good night, Night Vale. Good night."
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howlonomy · 6 months
What would a species swap of the cast look like? Like we already go Monster Clover, but how about Human Ceroba, Starlo, and Marlet? Possibly a Human Kanako (Would she still be an Amalgamate??)
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a fun lil exercise :3
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copper-skulls · 7 months
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i think grillby should have an entire collection of photos in his bar actually. one of them is definitely with fuku
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atomi-cat · 1 year
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Dark blue is done! Gimmie some purple! Previous parts: Red Orange Yellow Green Light Blue
Characters shown: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney) Sans (Undertale) Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) Wade Ripple (Elemental) Kaito (Vocaloid)
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absurdumsid · 8 months
So we have a idolverse and a magicalgirlverse I can’t wait for the merchaverse or a strempunkverse
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i think. u expected a sans. but if anyone makes a sans these guys can fix em up
Steamverse! Grillby and Gaster belong to me ! (my brother named their [multi]verse ! insane)
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parniathedevil · 1 month
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And yes she is a new oc for Dreamtale Reborn AU ^^;
Details update later
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
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| FRANSWEEK Day 5 — Fancy | WDYW-YWIW Underfell Frans AU — The Judge and his Witch | ❤️‍🔥⚜️
| Day 1 🍷 | Day 2 💎 | Day 3 🏵️ | Day 4 🔪 | Day 5 ⚜️ | Day 6 ✨ | Day 7 💖 |
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theriverperson · 1 year
Headcanon: Primordial Elementals
(For more of my ramblings about elementals, see here.)
So we've established the basics on how I see elementals working, which brings me to a different type of elemental altogether, one we don't really see represented in the Underground at all.
That is, the idea of what I call primordial elementals. By necessity, every one of them would be a boss monster but that still leaves the question of what are they?
Simply put, they are elementals who are their home source. Not an elemental who simply has their home source wrapped up in their magic or even their SOUL a bit, because even they can still leave. It might suck for those elementals with source connections, but still. They could leave. Go somewhere else and then come back to recharge.
Primordial elementals can't leave like that because they are their own source. We're talking places like Mt. Fuji or Krakatoa, who probably have pretty damn impressive fire elementals inside them, or the Black Sea, which would probably have a hell of a water elemental associated with it.
A primordial elemental need not be related to so impressive a location though, or even an entire sea for example. River's grandmother mentioned before is one of these. She is the deep sea waters of the Sporades Basin in the Aegean Sea. Is she powerful there? Certainly, but she'll never be able to leave it because you can't simply relocate an entire sea basin.
I imagine this comes with its perks and downsides. I mentioned one downside already, but perks? Elementals of this type are likely extremely long lived. A primordial volcano elemental will not die until their volcano does. A primordial river elemental will live until their river dries up.
This also means primordial elementals are far more sensitive than usual to negative things happening to their homes, and what they see as negative might not be the same as what humans do, or even what another elemental does. Pollution obviously would be one, but while a mountain pool might see a powerful storm that refills it as a good thing, the mountain itself (who just got hit with numerous bolts of lightning) might be a bit annoyed.
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tai-janai · 1 month
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i think i Am God
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nikki-tine · 7 months
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Man. Bori's ecto-body is so fun to sketch,,,
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humunanunga · 1 year
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next round of photos from San Japan, ft. me as Gaster! I'm gonna save myself for last because I want to touch up my Gaster pictures first! 😤
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naberrius · 3 days
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Next set of moth designs because I can't stop making these 💀
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