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scienza-magia · 1 year ago
Dimenticata la passphrase di 7.002 Bitcoin
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235 milioni in Bitcoin intrappolati in una chiavetta USB, il proprietario rifiuta l'aiuto degli hacker. La strana storia dell'imprenditore che non vuole recuperare le chiavi del suo portafoglio da 235 milioni di dollari in Bitcoin. Un team di hacker crede di poter sbloccare la chiavetta, ma il proprietario rifiuta. La storia di Stefan Thomas, imprenditore svizzero residente a San Francisco, ha dell'incredibile. Nel 2011 ricevette 7.002 Bitcoin (circa 235 milioni di dollari ai valori attuali) come pagamento per aver realizzato un video divulgativo sulla criptovaluta, ma negli anni successivi perse la password per accedere al portafoglio contenente questa incredibile fortuna. Thomas ha conservato le chiavi di accesso su un'unità USB crittografata IronKey S200, un dispositivo sicuro progettato per cancellare definitivamente il contenuto dopo 10 tentativi di accesso falliti. Dopo aver perso il foglio con la passphrase corretta, Thomas proverà per anni a ricordarla, senza successo. Ora gli rimangono solo due possibilità prima che il portafoglio e il suo contenuto vadano persi per sempre. Quando hai 7.000 Bitcoin ma non puoi usarli La vicenda è nota da tempo nella comunità crittografica e negli anni diversi hacker hanno tentato di "scassinare" il wallet, finora invano. Ma un team di esperti della startup Unciphered ritiene ora di aver trovato il modo di violare la sicurezza dell'IronKey, come dimostrato in test con un dispositivo identico. Il loro metodo consentirebbe un numero illimitato di tentativi per indovinare la passphrase.
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Tuttavia, dopo aver contattato Thomas, si sono visti opporre un rifiuto. L'imprenditore un anno fa aveva stretto un patto con altri due team, dividendo con loro l'eventuale bottino in caso di successo. E intende mantenere l'impegno, dando ancora tempo a quei gruppi prima di accordarsi con altri. La decisione lascia gli hacker di Unciphered in una posizione paradossale: possedere forse la chiave per aprire uno dei "forzieri" di criptovaluta più ghiotti al mondo, ma non hanno alcun lucchetto su cui provarla. Sbloccare il mistero dell'IronKey e dei milioni perduti si sta rivelando più difficile del previsto. La vicenda evidenzia i rischi legati alla conservazione sicura delle chiavi d'accesso ai portafogli di criptovalute, un problema che coinvolge complessivamente portafogli dimenticati per 140 miliardi di dollari. Al tempo stesso, solleva interrogativi etici sull'opportunità di forzare crittografie protette per recuperare fondi altrui, seppur inattivi da tempo. Read the full article
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creatorbiaze · 7 months ago
Ghdwk dsshduv vzhhw, Olih dsshduv zdub, Wlph dsshduv nlqg, dqg Idwh dsshduv fuxho.
oooh new Ciphered message :D
affine cipher
says "Death appears sweet, Life appears wary, Time appears kind, and Fate appears cruel."
fascinating :>
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devout-khajiit · 2 months ago
Plaintext & Emoji Spell: Warding
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[ID: A plaintext and emoji spell written out. It's within a decorative text box, with the ciphered text reading "P klthuk aoha hss aopunz mhszl huk bupucpalk hyl nvul myvt tf zwhjl". It is surrounded by various emoji, a broken heart, a moose, a siren, a nazar amulet, a firecracker, scissors, and a salt shaker. There is also an upright and inverted pentagram within the box. /end ID]
Like to charge, reblog to cast!
See an alternate casting version of this spell under the readmore.
(For transparency, the cipher text is the Caesar Cipher to the degree of 7, and the plain text is "I demand that all things false and uninvited are gone from my space." As well, it's an image to maintain formatting.)
⛤ TO CAST: Pick one of the following...
printing it out or drawing it by hand onto paper and leaving in the relevant place
putting it onto a flashdrive and leaving the flashdrive where you want it
say the ciphered text to the best of your ability, even if it's just reading each individual letter (or, you can say the unciphered text)
You can see the plaintext here for copy/pasting:
╭ ⚬ ══════════ ♢ ══════════ ⚬ ╮ 💔 🫎 🚨 ⚬ 🧿 🧨 ✂️ P klthuk aoha hss aopunz mhszl huk ⛤ — 🧂 — ⛧ bupucpalk hyl nvul myvt tf zwhjl. ✂️ 🧨 🧿 ⚬ 🚨 🫎 💔 ╰ ⚬ ══════════ ♢ ══════════ ⚬ ╯
I highly suggest putting it into a document and centering it for formatting reasons.
Happy casting!
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butheresthetransitioner · 11 months ago
Got nothin much to do, so i thought to make a lil list of recommendations for niche indie games that i think deserve more recognition.
1) YOMI Hustle
This one might not be quite your cup of tea, as it is a lil complicated. Basically, its a turn based fighting game where you play frame by frame for every actionable frame, kinda like a TAS battle. Its full of strategy and predictions, and the combo engineering is intuitive and very fun The controls might look confusing at first, but watching a few youtube tutorials will help. The cream of the crop, though, are the replays. Once one of the players win, the entire match is played back in real time, and it almost always looks cool as hell. Just watch:
This, of course, is a choreographed battle, but real ones dont look a bit less cooler that this, and trust me, youll be able to do the same, too, so go buy it.
2) Bopl battle
Veeery niche platform fighter one tap party game. You play as little blop guys trying to eliminate the other blops using your arsenal of handpicked abilities. Those abilities range from simple bows and rockets, to platform creation and literal time stop. You can use those abilities to either kill your oponents outright, manipulate the platforms of the stage or do some other crazy stuff. Theres a free demo up on steam, too, so you can go try a little piece of the cake right now! Super fun and super creative, you should definitely try it out.
3) Neon White
Do you like Ultrakill? Then you Have to play this game. Its a speed-oriented movement fps that literaly makes you feel like a speedrunner. You might find the dialouges cringe, but thats kinda the fun of it, knowing that all those lines were written with the utmost intention of giving you a laugh.
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The soundtrack by Machinegirl realy ties this masterpiece together, too. Overall, its a fun, satisfying experience thats soooo worth the purchase in my opinion.
4) Chants of Senaar
Havent personally played this one, but am planning to. Its a very atmospheric, very innovative puzzle game where you have to uncipher languages unknown to you through context clues and deduction. Super dope art style, super dope gimmick, super dope game. Go try it out, you wont regret it.
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
Henriett thoughts
Henriett honestly has such a cool interaction potential, no less than some other NPCs with the hunter, if only devs gave her dialogue. As far as promo materials and merch suggest, the Hunter arrives from foreign land but adapts to Yharnam and starts wearing Hunter Set - same as what Henriett wears, only her set has cape and top hat instead of the cap! This is the type of a normal hunter descending from the one that Gehrman started, as suggested by this set drawing strong inspiration from Old Hunters clothes! They're hunters that still care about the hunt and refuse to abandon it, carrying on the quest of their ancestors...
Henriett easily could work as one of the characters that helps the hunter to get into what the heck is going on, a lot like Alfred, Eileen or Valtr! More importantly? This interaction is basically anti-Alfred. Henriett is a summon against Emilia, Ludwig and Laurence, who are all important Healing Church members, and she uses Church weapons, suggesting she might have once sided with the Healing Church but saw through their bullshit and turned against them! Whereas Alfred talks your ear about "holiness" of the Church and its former leaders, Henriett could instead talk about the opposite! A function that ended up passed to Simon, which is fine, but aside of balancing gameplay and storytelling, just in one's imagination? She is very anti-Alfred encounter for our Hunter x)
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(Source: ( x ))
Interestingly, there is a cut situation where we'd find her dead (presumably that's how she'd become a summon in Hunter's Nightmare). Hunter's Nightmare is also ONLY available after defeating Emilia, so like... hmmm I wonder why? Maybe they were planning to have Henriett actually die or be dying after Emilia is defeated? That Soulsborne thing where you reload the area only to find out that an NPC you liked is dying for a dumb reason or something sfdjhhd
But also imagine if that was Alfred's fault, or even something foreshadowing Bloody Crow (that he waited for her to be weak after Emilia's battle and snuck up on her to backstab like a rat that he is, since blood dregs he is seeking ARE found in the blood of hunters). Former is sure less preferred though since it repeats Simon and Brador situation with the 'church idiot kills a local loredigger that saw through the institution's bullshit despite having once been the staff', sooooo yeah. (On the other hand, since when Soulsborne is opposed to 'history repeats itself' situations?) I think they simply could work as kinda opposing NPCs who are both very open about Yharnam's lore despite everyone else not liking to talk with the outsiders! Maybe even contrasting: Alfred is acting very friendly and warm towards Hunter and turns out to be a deranged fanatic under that mask, so imagine if Henriett, despite providing lore to us all the same, was actually kinda snarky and reeking of 'git gud' attitude, to reveal having been a good person in the end of her questline that doesn't deserve to die?
Her passing the lore-dropper function via Nightmare is of course tricky because, again, we already have Simon to do that... But imagine if whereas Simon follows us down to the Church's most terrible secret, Henriett instead talks with us about Old Hunters stuff, such as Oto Workshop and how it rolled into Powder Kegs instead and why, some legendary ones, how they started and were overshadowed by Ludwig's hunters, all that. She must have studied them a lot to take the mantle of their style despite them going extinct save for few NPCs like Henryk or Djura, and could provide interesting information!
Also imagine Hunterriet shipping as "rival" ship to Alfhunter fdhhfds Bloodborne provides some dilemmas of 'nice vs evil' ships like Hunter x Arianna or Hunter x Adella, Hunter x Simon or Hunter x Brador, etc.
(I will be real though, Eld3n Ring might have spoiled me with more dialogue, interactions and unciphered lore than what I am used to, so that's why I suddenly want her to talk and to be important for the Hunter hahah.)
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kennak · 1 year ago
昨年発生した LastPass の不正アクセスで攻撃者がコピー可能だったとされるパスワード保管庫について、実際にコピーされたデータの一部がクラックされ、暗号通貨の窃盗に用いられているとの見方が出ている (KrebsOnSecurity の記事、 The Verge の記事)。 ブロックチェーンワレットアプリ MetaMask の Taylor Monahan 氏によると、昨年末から 150 人以上が合計で 3,500 万ドル以上の暗号通貨盗難にあっているそうだ。被害者は長年の暗号通貨投資者でセキュリティ意識の高い人ばかりだといい、電子メールや携帯電話のアカウント侵害といった暗号通貨盗難の前触れとなるような攻撃も受けていない。 そのため、Monahan 氏は被害者の共通点を特定するのに苦労していたが、ほぼすべての被害者が「シードフレーズ」の保存に LastPass を使用しており、攻撃者が複数の被害者から盗んだ資金を同じブロックチェーンアドレスに送っているという結論に達したとのこと。 暗号通貨ワレット復元サービス Unciphered の Nick Bax 氏は Monahan 氏らが収集したデータを独自に分析し、Monahan 氏と同じ結論に達した。Bax 氏や Monahan 氏らはこのような特徴から新たな被害者を特定することにも成功している。 Bax 氏によればインタビューに合意した被害者の回答から得られた唯一の明白な共通点は LastPass にシードフレーズを保存していたことだといい、LastPass を使用する家族や知人にはパスワードの変更や暗号通貨の移行を強く勧めているとのことだ。
LastPassから流出したパスワード保管庫、クラックされて暗号通貨窃盗に用いられているとの見方 | スラド セキュリティ
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ariajosheskeeshanwrites · 2 years ago
A Micropoem
By Aria-Joshes Keeshan.
Encryption Encrypt Encrypted
Code, cipher, ciphering.
There's no making sense of your intentions.
There's no making up your mind.
Your love is a trick that's left others walking blind.
Backwards code
Unciphered words.
Your love is no action
Just empty intentions.
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cornflake413 · 2 years ago
I'm constantly surprised by how few people haven't done anything similar. Especially with how easy it is for worried parents to skim through an unciphered diary while their kid isn't looking (and smash their privacy to bits in the process).
anyone else learn to write in tolkien's elvish script when they were like 12, proceed to write 2+ years of diary entries in it and then almost entirely forget how to re-translate them? becos uhhh
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digitalcreationsllc · 1 year ago
Cryptocurrency wallets might be vulnerable to 'Randstorm' flaw | TechTarget
Millions of cryptocurrency wallets created between 2011 and 2015 are potentially affected by an open source software vulnerability and might need to be regenerated, according to new research from Unciphered. While helping a customer regain access to a locked Bitcoin wallet last year, Unciphered discovered issues in the open source JavaScript Bitcoin library BitcoinJS that required further…
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vroooom2 · 1 year ago
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With the power of network effects, almost no product feature is worth delaying launch.
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Major Lazer "Pon De Floor" was sampled by Beyoncé in "Run The World (Girls!)"
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👋 Hi John, my fav L0pht member, because we have so much in common 😁 such as knowing what is like to be the founder of an awesome creative collective 💅
Weld Pond: "If you created a bitcoin wallet before 2016, your money may be at risk. Unciphered details the weak random number generator used in early wallets created in the browser. Note to writers: the library with the vuln is bitcoinjs-lib not libbitcoin"
The largest Coordinated Disclosure in Cryptocurrency to date after 22 months. If you have any questions about your crypto wallet and how to secure it please visit: Randstorm.com
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metamoonshots · 1 year ago
In September, a Seattle startup lab of white hat hackers despatched proof to a senior author at WIRED Journal that they might crack the IronKey S200 thumb drive containing 7002 Bitcoins. However former Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas extremely refused an supply by the Seattle startup, named Unciphered, to entry the USB drive for him. Fmr. Ripple CTO Getting Nearer to His 7002 Bitcoins Thomas advised WIRED that he had already employed one other workforce to work on the issue for him. The previous Ripple Labs chief needs to offer them a good shake at retrieving the 7002 Bitcoins earlier than hiring one other firm. He talked about they may subcontract the Seattle agency if they will’t get a workable resolution collectively. The cybersecurity agency that cracked IronKey S200 shouldn't be revealing its technique. They did, nonetheless, produce three randomly generated passphrase phrases for the reminiscence stick with out it being revealed to them. They are saying it solely took 200 trillion tries utilizing a high-performance laptop to get three right passphrase phrases. It might be a chilling preview of how quantum computer systems could disrupt cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ripple. The Perils of DIY Banking with Bitcoin It’s not solely on account of his expertise working with Ripple Labs but in addition his private expertise with locking up 7002 Bitcoin on a thumb drive since 2011 that qualifies Thomas to offer a vital evaluation of the “be your individual financial institution” narrative that goes together with Bitcoin: “This entire concept of being your individual financial institution – let me put it this manner: Do you make your individual sneakers? The explanation we've banks is that we don’t need to cope with all these issues that banks do.” Ripple is a blockchain-based digital funds platform and forex trade service utilized by monetary establishments worldwide. Bitcoin is the originator of hash-based blockchains to shortly settle funds and operates on an open, peer-to-peer community. Ripple was buying and selling at $0.55 on the time of writing. Bitcoin traded at $34,000. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Provide: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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virtualcurrencyspace · 1 year ago
Bitcoin Owner Uninterested In Cracking Code To Locked Hard Drive
Unciphered, a cryptocurrency recovery startup says it’s figured out how to crack an encrypted hard drive containing $235 million in bitcoin that has been locked for 12 years. The only problem is, the drive’s owner doesn’t want it to.
As reported by Wired, the Seattle-based company says that after eight months of research, it’s managed to develop a process that allowed it access to a so-called IronKey USB thumb drive sent to it by Wired.
Now, Unciphered says it’s ready to use the same technique on a drive that’s currently locked in a Swiss vault along with 7,002 bitcoin.
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
The cryptocurrency hardware wallet provider Trezor has announced its latest product, the Trezor Safe 3. But it has surprised the community by ditching the touchscreen and moving back to physical buttons. The ideal, and arguably the safest, way to hold cryptocurrency is self-custody, meaning only you have access to it. Hardware wallets are considered one of the best means of self-custody, as access to crypto remains offline. Trezor Safe 3 Aims to Target Wider Audience Wallet maker Trezor has announced the launch of three new products to mark its 10-year anniversary. Trezor Safe 3, supporting over 7,000 cryptocurrencies, Trezor Safe 3, supporting Bitcoin only, and  Trezor Keep Metal, for protecting recovery seeds Read more: Ledger vs. Trezor: Which Hardware Wallet Is Best in 2023? Trezor Safe 3 | Source: X (Twitter) Trezor Safe 3 is the latest model of hardware wallet after the Trezor Model T, launched in February 2018. While the Trezor Model T had a touchscreen, the latest product has returned to physical buttons, similar to the first model of the hardware wallet, the Trezor Model One. A community member questioned Trezor’s decision to bring back physical buttons in the latest model through an X (Twitter) post: “Trezor One: physical buttons. Model T: touch screen buttons.  Trezor 3: physical buttons.  I wonder if the past few years of supporting the Model T taught some lessons…” A cybersecurity firm, Unciphered, posted a video in May 2023 claiming that they hacked a Trezor Model T. However, the hardware provider clarified that there is no issue with Model T’s touchscreen. It wrote: “No issue with Trezor Model T’s touchscreen. “Trezor Safe 3 is an affordable and user-friendly hardware wallet for everyone” Indeed, the Trezor Safe 3 is affordable, costing $79, while the Trezor Model T costs $219. Through this strategy, it can onboard more users with a limited budget. Interestingly, Apple adopted a similar strategy with the iPhone SE in 2020, bringing back the old design. While the flagship iPhone cost over $799, the entry-level iPhone SE, at that time, cost around $399. iPhone SE had the design of 2017’s iPhone 8 and the processor of iPhone 11. Read more: Best Hardware Wallet Picks (2023) — Ultimate Guide Do you have anything to say about this article or anything else? Write to us or join the discussion on our Telegram channel. You can also catch us on TikTok, Facebook, or X (Twitter). Bitcoin (BTC) analysis, click here.
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ericvanderburg · 2 years ago
Security Firm Unciphered Posts a Video Showing a Hack of Trezor T Wallet – 24/7 Wall St.
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vorobey-sergey · 2 years ago
⚡️Новости криптомира 📎Компания Unciphered нашла способ физического взлома кошелька Trezor T. Специалисты заявили, что использовали "неисправимую аппаратную уязвимость в чипе STM32", что позволило им сбросить настройки девайса. Unciphered сняли на видео демонстрацию взлома кошелька Trezor T и получили seed-фразу и пин-код. 📎Разработчики раскрыли подробности запуска мейн-нета Base от Coinbase. Основную сеть запустят после активации обновления Bedrock в сети Optimism. Документ "Путь к мейннету" содержит 5 критериев, необходимых для запуска. Два выполнены - активация хардфорка Regolith в тестовой сети и позитивный итог анализа инфраструктуры командой Optimism Labs. 📎Децентрализованная автономная организация BitDAO завершила миграцию форума на платформу Mantle Network в рамках слияния.Mantle унаследует процессы децентрализованного управления и казначейство ДАО. В рамках концепции «один бренд, один токен» единым активом в экосистеме станет MNT. 📎Губернатор Флориды Рон Десантис, который уже начал свою президентскую кампанию, сказал, что защитит биткоин, если его изберут президентом в 2024 году. В конце марта он выступил за запрет CBDC во Флориде, представив соответствующий законопроект. Десантис заявил, что внедрение CBDC задушит инновации. 📎Чан��эн Чжао заявил, что после того, как Центральное телевидение Китая транслировало сюжет о криптовалюте, "весь Китай буквально гудит" и "исторически подобные события приводили к бычьему тренду". CCTV показал сюжет о появлении в Гонконге криптомата, на котором была надпись "Купить биткоины". Также в сюжете демонстрировались NFT. #новости #биткоин #криптовалюта
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sheyearns · 2 years ago
❛  are you always this straightforward with strangers ?  ❜ In truth, Thoma is sounding happy about this fact. @scarletooyoroi​
        IF SHE COULD COUNT for the amount of times her tongues slipped, deceived words dripping one by one, calculated into unciphered sentences, she’d won an award… or of some sort of place of being known for her mysterious -i-don’t-care- attitude. Adultery kept up with her body, however the mind was a different case. She needed to satisfy her inner child, even at the age of twenty five years old. 
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        “Mostly.” Lacie said. “I have no reason to hold back my thoughts~” It was how it always went. She’d head out of her tower, venture through town and pick on people. This wasn’t just out of sheer boredom, it was also out of broadening her views and settling her opinions through a wide-awakening. “You can say I’m honest to a fault. I’ve heard it many times so hearing it again from you doesn’t bother me.” It was half-truth, half-lie. In the beginning it bothered her, deep in the core, behind the walls of brick upon brick. 
       Lacie forgot she was still a human being. She was a human before she was a sister, before she was a Baskerville and especially before she was a Child of Misfortune. She was not a puppet but she felt like a monster wandering with soulless existence.
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