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cebozcom · 11 months ago
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Keeper Security Enhances Cybersecurity with Integrated Passphrase Generator | www.ceboz.com
Keeper Security introduces an integrated passphrase generator for enhanced cybersecurity protection.
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scienza-magia · 1 year ago
Dimenticata la passphrase di 7.002 Bitcoin
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235 milioni in Bitcoin intrappolati in una chiavetta USB, il proprietario rifiuta l'aiuto degli hacker. La strana storia dell'imprenditore che non vuole recuperare le chiavi del suo portafoglio da 235 milioni di dollari in Bitcoin. Un team di hacker crede di poter sbloccare la chiavetta, ma il proprietario rifiuta. La storia di Stefan Thomas, imprenditore svizzero residente a San Francisco, ha dell'incredibile. Nel 2011 ricevette 7.002 Bitcoin (circa 235 milioni di dollari ai valori attuali) come pagamento per aver realizzato un video divulgativo sulla criptovaluta, ma negli anni successivi perse la password per accedere al portafoglio contenente questa incredibile fortuna. Thomas ha conservato le chiavi di accesso su un'unità USB crittografata IronKey S200, un dispositivo sicuro progettato per cancellare definitivamente il contenuto dopo 10 tentativi di accesso falliti. Dopo aver perso il foglio con la passphrase corretta, Thomas proverà per anni a ricordarla, senza successo. Ora gli rimangono solo due possibilità prima che il portafoglio e il suo contenuto vadano persi per sempre. Quando hai 7.000 Bitcoin ma non puoi usarli La vicenda è nota da tempo nella comunità crittografica e negli anni diversi hacker hanno tentato di "scassinare" il wallet, finora invano. Ma un team di esperti della startup Unciphered ritiene ora di aver trovato il modo di violare la sicurezza dell'IronKey, come dimostrato in test con un dispositivo identico. Il loro metodo consentirebbe un numero illimitato di tentativi per indovinare la passphrase.
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Tuttavia, dopo aver contattato Thomas, si sono visti opporre un rifiuto. L'imprenditore un anno fa aveva stretto un patto con altri due team, dividendo con loro l'eventuale bottino in caso di successo. E intende mantenere l'impegno, dando ancora tempo a quei gruppi prima di accordarsi con altri. La decisione lascia gli hacker di Unciphered in una posizione paradossale: possedere forse la chiave per aprire uno dei "forzieri" di criptovaluta più ghiotti al mondo, ma non hanno alcun lucchetto su cui provarla. Sbloccare il mistero dell'IronKey e dei milioni perduti si sta rivelando più difficile del previsto. La vicenda evidenzia i rischi legati alla conservazione sicura delle chiavi d'accesso ai portafogli di criptovalute, un problema che coinvolge complessivamente portafogli dimenticati per 140 miliardi di dollari. Al tempo stesso, solleva interrogativi etici sull'opportunità di forzare crittografie protette per recuperare fondi altrui, seppur inattivi da tempo. Read the full article
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iastrobeing · 2 years ago
In this video I go over the facts that I have researched  around the recent Ledger Hardware Recovery service.
Last week there this service was announced and caused a lot of controversy in the Ledger community. I am bringing you the FACTS that I have researched and share my opinion on this subject. Always do your own research.
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selamat-linting · 2 years ago
everytime someone on tumblr says their favorite guy looks exhausted/tormented i feel like a pack of starving hyenas. and then i reblog 2000000 gifsets of that same guy.
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fledermoved-too · 2 years ago
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Did you know that many caves were damaged during the 1800s from over-mining of bat guano?
Bat guano is an extremely valued resource for the components within it. It contains high amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and contains living microbes, which makes it an excellent fertilizer.
It also contains saltpeter, which is the main ingredient in gunpowder.
Because of this, during the Civil War, extravagant amounts of the substance were being mined from caves to the point where restrictions were soon placed on the harvesting of guano, as it was harshly affecting the chiroptera populations and the caves themselves. Both the Union and the Confederacy utilized bat guano during the war.
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ryniadora · 7 months ago
I'm grieving on behalf of my babygirl Gwyn, who unless I rewrite her involvement in the airport sequence entirely (not happening because I'm really happy with my base outline for it and was in the process of getting her tf out of there) will now have to watch the man she loves die right in front of her face.
When she can't help because her ability is broken and she is severely wounded.
Oh Gwyn baby, you're gonna SUFFER.
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q3techzone · 7 months ago
How to Find your WiFi Password Windows 10 WiFi Free and Easy [Tutorial]
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constellationcrowned · 1 year ago
Veve of the Shining Drops!
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((I appreciate you being thorough Ver, thank you!))
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infosectrain03 · 1 year ago
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works-of-magic · 1 year ago
🔑: a password to an unspecified account
[THIS USER HAS BEEN HACKED] Send an emoji to receive... }}
{{ Answering OOC, as Jess wouldn't reveal this in character!
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saintse · 2 years ago
ev's shadier clientele ranges from petty thieves to the grandest of art thieves, but in general, she tends to move high-risk items so she can take a much higher cut. if you have a stolen rembrandt, a stolen van gogh... she's your girl. her customers are always looking for ways to get publicly displayed art into private collections.
that being said, to become a procurement contact, you have to be referred. like every exclusive club, you must be endorsed by an established contact of at least two years: each contact is given a different pass phrase, and they give this phrase to their referral. that is how ev knows who referred who.
it's not the most efficient system, but it has its advantages. if one referral turns out to be a bad apple, so to speak, the entire chain is put on notice and dealt with at her discretion.
there is one particularly powerful phrase that will get someone immediately into her good graces; 'for neither lady draws.'
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ms-demeanor · 1 month ago
for college i frequently have to use "lockout" anti-cheat software like respondus lockdown that totally seizes control of my computer (which is bullshit, but i digress) and i've adopted the three word password method to deal with it with the relevant accounts i have to use with that type of software. i struggle with adhd so this has been the most efficient method for me because i can remember "blast fish motorcycle" with some numbers or characters tossed in versus a long 20+ jumbled string of characters i would NEED a post-it note or a password manager for.
one of my professors suggested the three word method WRT linux command line work with expediently logging in and managing a server while having a modicum of security that isn't just "name1234", with the idea that if we're setting up a machine or can't access the internet while we're working, it's not an inaccessible disaster.
in the event of situations like this what's your recommendation? if this is an annoying ask i'm sorry btw, i'm trying not to throw a curveball at you.
There are good reasons sometimes to use a passphrase rather than a complex password and you've given a couple good examples, though I would say for the server example especially you shouldn't be doing "correct horse battery staple" or "blast fish motorcycle", you should be doing "fulminate igneous dodecahedron" (words that are not in any lists of those most commonly used in the English language) AND you should be having a randomizer select the words - aaaand even then I'm more likely to do something like the " Atss"twotpawotsw64 " lyric initialism example. I've got one of those for my password manager for work and it's really automatic to type now while still being long and complex.
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dpocparadeevent · 1 month ago
Welcome to the Parade!
What is the DP OC Parade event? The DP OC Parade event is an event built specifically around Original Characters made by artists in the Phandom from their love to the show! We know how few of them there are, but hopefully with this event we can spark the imaginations of the talented artists of this community to create characters of their very own!
How does it work? Follow the daily prompts for the week and use the tag DP OC Parade or DP OC Parade Event (with or without the year is fine) and this blog will repost your submission should they be fitting of the rules of the event (see below). These prompts will change from year to year, as this is year 1 we are just testing the waters.
Does the event have a Discord server? Yes we do! Join here: https://discord.gg/jfeuZebcHV
What OCs are accepted into this event? Specifically we're looking for Danny Phantom related OCs, but you may also enter other characters you have created that would fit within the realm of Danny Phantom too! These characters can be ghosts, citizens of Amity Park, self-inserts, anything really! As long as if you were to drop the characters into the show nobody would bat an eye then they're good to go!
Can I use multiple characters for this event? As this is the first time this event is taking place, no. The first and last prompts of this event is meant so you introduce your character and at the end of the event other artists may use that first prompt to pick from any submissions into this event. HOWEVER this rule may change next year depending on how many people may join.
I don't have an OC yet, can I make one and join? Of course! Your character doesn't need to be fully fleshed out before joining this event, they can just be a goofy little blob that needs further development. Maybe this event will get you to want to make more art with them or make them into a more fleshed out character? This event isn't made just for people who have OCs, we want people in this community to make even MORE of them!
Can I draw someone else's OC from outside of the event for the final prompt? No, the last prompt is strictly for participants within this event, this rule may change next year but for now please keep that last prompt solely for those in this event ONLY. You can find OCs to use from the event by searching for the event tag or looking through this blog.
As with any event, they come with rules, don't let Walker catch you breaking them!
No AI-generated images will be accepted in this event, this event does not approve of AI 'art' and any submissions to the event will not be put through.
Please use YOUR OWN OC in this event and not your friends, this rule may change later but currently we'd prefer it if people made/used their own characters in this event, it's to share your characters. If your friend would like to have their characters used in this event they're welcome to participate. Artists of all skill levels are accepted! ^^
Do not insult or negatively compare anybody else's OC's, these guys were made out of love for the show, we shouldn't be putting down any artist's creations.
Do not make art of any OCs that the creator would not approve of (gore, squicks etc), the last prompt is to draw someone else's OC, don't draw anything someone wouldn't want their character to be in.
No problematic-ship next-gen OCs, I'm talking MinorxAdult / Incest kids etc, ghost fusions are fine.
Do not harass other participants to draw art of your characters for the final prompt, this event isn't just so you can get free art of your OC, it's meant to help you build on your character and appreciate other people's creativity.
If you agree with these rules, in your Introduction post please add the passphrase "Blorbo" at the end of your post, this will let us know you've read the rules and are willing to abide by them.
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aquamarinemarie · 6 days ago
Solas: Killer or Murderer?
Since finishing my first read of Masked Empire, I've been thinking a lot about Solas' decision to take Felassan's life; and that got me thinking about Varric's death as well.
So, is Solas a murderer? Many within the fandom seem to think so. Or were the killings justified?
To answer the question I think a friendly reminder is in order of the distinction between these two acts.
Killing refers to the act of causing ones death. It can occur within various circumstances, such as in self-defense, by accident, or in pursuit of justice by an authorized individual, such as police officers or soldiers during war.
It does not necessarily imply wrongdoing or criminal intent.
Murder however, is the intentional and unlawful killing of another person. It involves premeditation, malice, and a conscious decision to end someone's life without legal justification.
Was killing Felassan an act of self-defense? In part, arguably, yes. Felassan was one of Solas' agents and undoubtedly privy to sensitive information. He could not simply let him go.
Was killing Felassan an accident? No. It was an intentional act.
Was the decision to take Felassan's life in pursuit of justice by an authorized individual? Yes. Felassan is an agent of Fen'Harel. Solas is Fen'Harel, as he was once Second to Mythal. Mythal who was judge, jury, and executioner of the People.
Felassan, an agent of Fen'Harel, had just refused a direct order from Fen'Harel himself.
"I'm sorry. I will not take the eluvians from her." - Felassan
Solas didn't kill Felassan because he wanted to. He killed him because he could no longer trust him, for his betrayal, and for refusing to follow orders.
I am reminded here of Gaspard's decision in Masked Empire to kill his ally Remache for breaking the fragile truce he temporarily shared with Empress Celene.
"He was mine," the grand duke said, "and he broke our truce to strike an ally from behind in the heat of battle. His death wasn't just allowed. It was demanded."
"A slow arrow breaks in the sad wolf's jaws." - Cole
Felassan knew he would die for refusing to obtain the eluvian passphrase. And still he chose not to run.
Solas did not have to kill one of his oldest friends. He could have been merciful. He could have spared himself the regret and allowed his friend to become his enemy.
Celene spared Michel after all. She could have demanded her champion' death for his betrayal, but chose instead to let him go. She kept her hands clean--of this man's blood at least.
Now, Varric.
Varric knew the risk ahead of time and still took the chance. Solas himself says Varric's death was an accident.
We hear with our own ears Solas warn Varric away, we see with our own eyes Varric attack in desperation, and then we see, as the two struggle, Solas, regrettably, stab Varric in the chest.
An accidental killing born from self-defense and raw desperation. There was no malice, no premeditation.
An accident.
Neve, however, believes Solas could have stopped Varric another way; that he didn't have to kill him. Is she right? Could Solas have delt with Varric another way? Maybe. Maybe not.
My thoughts? My grand verdict concerning whether I believe Solas is a murderer or not?
The answer is, frustratingly, yes and no.
Solas prefers to kill with justification. But if pushed... I certainly believe he could be moved to murder.
He's a killer for sure, without question. He's been a killer for thousands of years. His first instinct, when cornered or hurt, is likely going to be kill.
Regret comes afterwards.
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A headcanon about the Green Lantern's Oath
The most insulting thing you can say to a Green Lantern is to call them an "Oathbreaker."
To a true Green Lantern, the oath is more than just a passphrase they must recite to recharge their rings. Truthfully, the words themselves don't matter much, that's why there are many variations of the oath. Regardless of how they say it though, when a Green Lantern charges their ring it is a declaration of their most sacred promise to uphold the highest of ideals, that their power is a responsibility and that it will be used to protect the innocent and bring justice.
Green Lantern's powers are fueled by willpower, and you have to really mean it when you swear to fight evil no matter where or when or what the cost to yourself, to pull the power forth from your battery with the same unyielding strength of mind that you use to make light tangible. This is the reason that they recite their oaths when they need to strengthen their resolve. It may not be directed to a god, it may not even be intended as religious, but it is a prayer nonetheless.
Oathbreaker is a damning accusation reserved for the worst of the worst, those who have forsaken what it means to be a Green Lantern and turned against their own family by betraying the very ideals that their Corps was built upon
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commodorez · 1 year ago
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Got a "new" laptop: Toshiba T4900CT!
Presumably this is the highest end machine they made in this color scheme before moving onto the gray plastic computers, like what @aperture-in-the-multiverse has. This machine is technically not a Satellite, but it's Satellite-adjacent.
Pentium I at 75MHz 40MB of RAM 8GB CF card for a hard drive VLB video chipset driving an SVGA 640x480, 64K color 10.4" active matrix TFT-LCD Analog Devices AD1848KP & Yamaha OPL3 audio Windows 95B (originally shipped with 3.11)
And a broken floppy drive!
Seriously, you have to disassemble the entire computer to get at the floppy drive itself, and I'm pretty sure the belt is busted. So far I've worked around it, but it's getting to be annoying. The good news is that the hard drive is accessible from a separate bay, unlike other contemporary Toshiba laptops that bury it just like the floppy drive.
Oh, and Toshiba was really intent on protecting their highly proprietary Toshiba Card Manager 3.0 software (which I'm sure this post will poison that search term for all others, it always happens when I talk about technical things here -- sorry). I'm betting that they only had it installed on machines from the factory, but if you needed to reinstall it, things got complicated. Turns out you had to get a passphrase from some convoluted bullshit on their website back in the mid 90s, and this only applied to a select handful of machines that were even compatible with it in the first place. I don't imagine I will be able to use that for PCMCIA hotswap management, which sucks.
Another fun bit is that despite being released in 1995, this machine is clearly intended to run Windows 3.1. None of the drivers I was able to locate for the hardware are the expected VXD or INF files.
For the moment, I've got a Backpack external floppy drive connected via the parallel port, but all other file transfers involve me removing the CF card from the hard drive bay. It's faster that way. Hopefully I can get this thing configured well enough to use it.
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