#security best practices
17 Essential Steps to Fortify Your AI Application
Master AI security with these 17 essential steps! #AISecurity #DataProtection #CyberSecurity
In today’s digital landscape, securing AI applications is crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring data integrity. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the 17 essential steps for fortifying your AI application. 1. Encrypt Data Ensure that all data, both in transit and at rest, is encrypted. Use industry-standard encryption protocols like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for data at rest and TLS…
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infradapt · 2 years
Why Passwords are Your Business’s Weakest Point
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In today’s digital world, safeguarding your organization’s online assets is critical. Unfortunately, poor password hygiene practices by some employees cause problems for many small businesses, leaving them vulnerable to hackers.
  Cybercriminals are constantly trying to find new ways to break into business systems. Sadly, too often, they succeed thanks to weak passwords. In fact, nearly 50% of cyberattacks last year involved weak or stolen passwords.* This calls for small businesses like yours to step up and take password security seriously and implement strong password policies.
  Fortunately, there are a few best practices that you can follow to protect your business. Before we get into those, here are the top 10 most common passwords available on the dark web that you should avoid at all costs:
  Password best practices
  When your team is aware of password best practices, they can significantly ramp up your cybersecurity.
  Use a password manager
One of the most important things to keep your passwords safe is to use a password manager. A password manager helps you create and store strong passwords for all your online accounts. Password managers can also help you keep track of your passwords and ensure they are unique for each account.
  Implement single sign-on (SSO)
Single sign-on is a popular password solution that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of credentials. This means that you only need to remember one password to access all your online accounts.
  While SSO is a convenient solution, remember that all your accounts are only as secure as your SSO password. So, if you’re using SSO, make a strong, unique password that you don’t use for anything else.
  Avoid reusing passwords on multiple accounts
If a hacker gains access to one of your accounts, they will try to use that same password to access your other accounts. By having different passwords for different accounts, you can limit the damage that a hacker can cause.
  However, avoid jotting down your passwords on a piece of paper and instead depend on a safe solution like using a reliable password manager.
  Make use of two-factor authentication (2FA)
One of the best ways to protect your online accounts is to use two-factor authentication (2FA). In addition to your password, 2FA requires you to enter a code from your phone or another device. Even if someone knows your password, this method makes it much more difficult for them to hack into your account.
  While 2FA is not perfect, it is a robust security measure that can assist in the protection of your online accounts. We recommend that you begin using 2FA if you haven’t already. If you use 2FA, make sure each account has a strong and unique code.
  Don’t use the information available on your social media
Many people use social media to connect with friends and family, stay up to date on current events or share their thoughts and experiences with others. However, social media can also be a source of valuable personal information for criminals.
  When creating passwords, you must avoid using information easily obtainable on your social media accounts. This includes your name, birth date and other details that could be used to guess your password. By taking this precaution, you can help keep your accounts safe and secure.
  An IT service provider can help you
  As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, you may not be able to devote sufficient time and effort to combat them. As an IT service provider, we can ensure your team creates strong passwords, stores them securely and changes them on a regular basis.
  Schedule a no-obligation consultation with us today to learn more about how we can help protect you from poor password hygiene.
  Now that you know how to keep your passwords safe, download our infographic by clicking here to learn how to keep your email inbox safe.
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chipistrate · 1 year
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Because it could never get out.
I think about Candy Cadets story a normal amount....
Cassie and Gregory having a sleepover when Cassie catches Gregory having a tier five Boy Moment™ with zero context
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lurafita · 6 months
Battle Mages
Doesn't it seem, at least in the series, that warlocks are kinda easy pickings for the circle? I mean, they have magic.
They should be able to put up more of a fight. Should be way harder to kill or kidnap.
Unless offensive magic, magic meant to use in a fight, is something that needs to be learned and mastered. (just like humans - and shadowhunters - need to learn how to fight and train that ability.)
Maybe magic that is meant for fighting is hard to learn and master. Or it's something many warlocks don't wish to learn as the aggressiveness that is part of fighting is too close to their demonic origins (something I think almost every warlock detests.) (Or, you know, just like not every human learns to fight, because they simply don't want to)
So Magnus being able to use battle magic, and being damn good at it, is actually one of the reasons he is High Warlock?
And also the reason why the New York Institute tries their best to have a good work relationship with him?
Maybe even to the point where they encourage Alec to reciprocate interest? (in case of series re-write)
And there are obviously magics that warlocks can specialize in. Like Catarina, who is allegedly the best healer. So the same should be true for other magics as well. Including fighting magic.
And someone like Magnus who has a tremendous power base thanks to who his father is, simply has a larger pool to take from for learning. But that still requires him to learn this kind of magic.
And then there is the fact that Magnus knows how to fight the mundane way as well, as seen in his sparring match with Alec.
So this is something that Magnus willingly studied in order to be able to fight. So he also willingly studied magic that would enable him to fight. Through those little memory flashbacks we saw him in a uniform during a war, so again there is the proof of Magnus being no stranger to battle.
Magnus is a fighter. But it is something he chose to be.
Obviously for good reasons.
But it's also understandable that other warlocks would choose not to be fighters. Not to learn how to use their magic in offensive ways. So they are more easily attacked by circle members.
Dot, too, was no match for the circle. Whereas Magnus killed those that came for the hideout
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villainanders · 1 month
Marketing is in many ways the biggest translation of my skills and interests to a job that actually makes money. However I hate corporations and advertising is a blight upon the world and I spend my days at best making the CEO rich while contributing nothing else to society
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princeanxious · 2 years
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I sketched out some profiles for the boys last night so I could have a solid reference for how I wanna draw them, I still have to do eclipse but I figured I'd share smth so yall know I'm not dead lol (expression practices are next💕)
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cementcornfield · 2 months
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Cincinnati Bengals' Stars Not Worried About Ja'Marr Chase's Missed Practice Time
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notmoreflippingelves · 6 months
Shi Long Lang insisting all of his agents identify themselves as "1" during team countoffs, and Manfred von Karma setting his bank PIN to #1 have the same and yet opposite energies.
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
I genuinely love how terrible Tuvok is as a leader. The two times he's in charge the people under his command try to mutiny against him. Chakotay has to threaten to beat people up for the Maquis to go back to his lessons and the only reason Harry Kim didn't start a mutiny is because Kes got him to change his mind about going back to get the captain. He was literally like one second away from being forced to walk the metaphorical plank.
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They just wanna talk Tuvok :) Neelix literally said it best in 'Learning Curve'
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The theme of him being too rigid to lead a wide variety of people is so interesting. I assume that as a security head it's easier because you're supposed to be able to unemotionally carry out tasks...there's a certain personality I'm sure that gravitates towards that line of work and perhaps that personality is the kind that Tuvok works well with but I find his claim that he's 'never had an issue' with teaching others before in Learning Curve to be him being oblivious to those issues. In 'Repression' the Maquis crew are all talking about how they can't trust Tuvok because he's a traitor and there's no real push back against this. No one brings up anything Tuvok's done to make up for this betrayal or soothe these clearly festering bad feelings because he hasn't. He's done literally nothing. This is season 7. He's spent SEVEN YEARS just letting that whole 'I betrayed half this crew' thing mellow because I doubt he even thought to do anything about it. I love this man - he's gonna get stabbed!!!
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Chakotay & Neelix forced to do PR for Tuvok as he just obliviously marches forth, unaware that anyone might dislike him or why he should care if they do.
#Tuvok: -Harry's holding a gun to his head- I just want everyone to know that I'm turning around because /I/ want to.#I genuinely do like this <3 It's an interesting character flaw and aspect of his personality#Especially when you contrast it with say B'Elanna as head engineer. She probably has to work with a wide variety of people#personalities and ideas and judge what's best - what to do - it's a more 'creative' job and the fact she does it so well shows that#despite what she thinks she IS good with people! At least in a familiar work setting! She has it in her!#It makes the fact she was practically forced out of Starfleet even sadder...if she'd just been encouraged more !!! AGH!!#anyway Tuvok should not be a captain in Picard and I hate that he is#it's not his personality it's not in his character it was never a stated goal of his it's stupid#not every character needs to be a captain or an admiral to show they've 'made it'#Tuvok needs to be contained to Security he needs to be in there HEHEH#oh another terrible leadership thing is his whole episode with B'Elanna#Tuvok is only good at nurturing people who want to become 'Model Vulcan' or 'Model Starfleet Officer' and only in one particular way#Tuvok#st voyager#Tuvok: I've always taught people this exact way and I've never had any problems with it#Me: X#literally the only thing Chakotay or B'Elanna can say when the Maquis crew say they don't trust Tuvok is like 'hey...c'mon man....'#Janeway isn't doing PR for Tuvok bc she doesn't think he needs it
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dashflashy-arts · 1 year
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Contained into a sealed glass case
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6 Vital Steps to Bulletproof Your Software Security #security #cybersecu...
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i4technolab · 1 year
In today's digital age, where communication and efficiency go hand in hand, Microsoft Outlook has become an integral part of business and professional lives. It has a vast user base and impeccable features which makes it a preferred choice for business communication and marketing.
Microsoft Outlook provides hundreds of add-ins that streamline email communication and seamlessly manage thousands of emails, whether they are marketing, or advertising, saving professionals huge time and effort.
Outlook Add-ins often require access to user emails, calendars, and contacts. This eventually creates security risks and threats to data privacy. Therefore, it’s critical to consider and implement security best practices while custom Outlook Add-ins development.
In this blog article, we'll go through the best practices for boosting security, protecting data, and reducing risks while Outlook plug-in development.
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supercantaloupe · 3 months
roommate asked me tonight if i could get her and her girlfriend "backstage tickets" to the concert on thursday to see one of the performers. Girl no?
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theautumnriverleaves · 4 months
literally every therapist ive ever had has had absolutely no concept of how difficult it is to find a job that pays a livable wage
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theskoomacat · 2 years
don't give a single fuck about picard and wes' potential father/son relationship, going hog wild about picard and data's father/son relationship
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ophiuranesque · 2 years
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spent all last night creating a fictional disease so i might as well post this (insane ramblings in tags)
#my art#ocs#fuck backgrounds this is the best youll get from me#scroll down if you wanna see me ramble ab this#its called BHCD-1#its the product of a major corporation going unchecked and neglecting the bare minimum safety requirements for hazardous waste#basically this huge company that owns practically everything#controls all the food production in an america that is under a food scarcity crisis#this was brought ab due to temperatures being too high for regular food growth#but theres a limited ammount of space where food can be produced since it has to be in a controlled enviroment#so even this company is having trouble producing enough food to satiate enough people for there to not be regular cases of starvation#the company finds this backrooms esque place#which seemingly stretches endlessly#and figure thats a good place to utilize for food production as its a steady temperature with little variation#however they find this place filled with large quantities of this dark tarry waste product that they cant identify#maybe someone outside of their company would be able to but they keep it under wraps out of fear of getting shut down#they begin to recruit people with various environmental science degrees to dispose of the waste#figuring that they will be able to handle it better and that they can not have much competition or kickback this way#bc more people who've signed ndas means less people to dispute them once they eventually leave the company#also the company promises food security to the families of these prospective employees given they live on site and continue working#so new employees come in like crazy bc everyone is starving#and about a month into the cleaning operation someone gets sick#theyre discovered bc they seemingly had a nervous breakdown#the company realizes this is not the case and takes the person for observation#they die#the company is like oh shit and gives everyone pto#under the guise of training more employees#they dont tell anyone the person has died#they cut the person open and find their lungs are caked in the tarry substance they've been removing from the location#and had begun to leech to nearby tissue
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