#Uncanny Annie
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year ago
I tried watching all of those Into the Dark movies on Hulu, and a lot of them aren't really that great of horror movies, losing my interest quick. But there are some really good ones I recommend:
Uncanny Annie
A Nasty Piece of Work.
Genuinely good movies that hold my interest, feature some great themes, and sometimes made me feel uncomfortable in the right ways.
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wedonthavemuchtime · 4 days ago
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Into the Dark - season 2, episode 1: Uncanny Annie / 2019 — IMDb, TMDb
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stuff-i-watched · 1 month ago
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Into the Dark - season 2, episode 1: Uncanny Annie / 2019 — IMDb, TMDb
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graphicpolicy · 4 months ago
New Two-In-One Variant Covers Homage The Thing's Classic Team-Up Series
New Two-In-One Variant Covers Homage The Thing's Classic Team-Up Series #comics #comicbooks
Throughout the 1970s, Marvel Two-In-One teamed up the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed Thing with a different Marvel hero in each action-packed issue! Celebrating over 50 years of this beloved series, new Marvel Two-In-One  Variant Covers hitting stands in November will homage classic Marvel Two-In-One covers, including pieces by industry legends like George Perez, Sal Buscema, Gil Kane, and more. In 12…
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roger-elizabeth-debris · 1 year ago
watching Annie for the first time in awhile and like, yeah crying because miss hannigan being just like my mom was not on my 2024 bingo card
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psychedelic-charm · 5 months ago
I'm leaning more towards crittercore. Realistic animals dressed like humans are pretty uncanny if you ask me. Have you seen the White Rabbit in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland? UGH!
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Internet people, I summen thy knowledge once more:
I need the name of this aesthetic so Ivan indulge myself in it properly, like God intended: sulking on pinterest whilst making a Spotify playlist.
The aesthetic wiki couldn't help me.
Y'all know Annie Montgomerie? (If not, look up her work and you'll get it.) It's where critters wear vintage clothes and live in a world that resembles the 19th century. I found multiple term for this. It was either Beatrix Potter awsthetic (cuz Peter Rabbit obvi) and crittercore. (The latter got a lot of calico critter results which is not what I want specifically.)
But I need these in a dark, unsettling vibe. Like not horror-y or gory or anything like that. It just has that uncanny feeling to it.
Not dark fairycore nor is it dark cottagecore. I specifically need the animals and that uncanny fairytale vibe.
//also little off topic but did you know that traumatized people like these unsettli aesthetics? Like I'm also on love with liminal space and weirdcore. My friends dislike them however cuz "it rubs them the wrong way". Before it creeped me out too, but after events, they make me feel comforted? Idk. Having nostalgia to a place and time I never lived in.//
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rascal-rose · 2 months ago
Being fr rn? Your version of evil Anton is genuinely kinda creepy to me (as of writing this)
I get the vibe that he'd start out as a sort of friendly, if off-putting, parallel to Anton that visits brulos occasionally (for non alcoholic drinks ofc)
Then he just kinda starts. Slowly creeping into anton's life until he's basically standing over Anton and Annie while they sleep, just. Watching.
I think it's the eyes. They look fucking Soulless to me./pos
now thats a dude I havent thought about in awhile
tbh kinda what I was going for with his vibe, dude that's so nice and patient in a city full of jerks that it becomes uncanny now that I've played the full game, I'm 100% steadfast in making evil anton just a Guy that's a lil jolly with it
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^ hes just making sure they get a good rest
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months ago
Started watching Aot Junior High as background noise while I was doing some cleaning yesterday and nothing could have prepared me for how absurd it is. And also for how uncharactetistic it is as an AOT series? It's so much closer to your regular anime with tropes and fanservice and so on.
It's a lot of fun to watch but just... a bit uncanny! I'm honestly happy to see more of Annie so I'm not complaining🫡
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onlyymirknows · 4 months ago
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Does anyone have any thoughts about this line from Reiner? It implies that the reason Annie did all of the dirty work as a spy was because only she had access to Mitras. Hence joining the military so Reiner and Bert could join her as MPs.
But why was access limited to her? Because she’s female? (I can’t even say a woman since she’s ~13 here. Still a girl.) There’s no elaboration but this is part of the reason I never subscribed to “Reiner made Annie do his dirty work because he was lazy/didn’t want to dirty his own hands.”
Reiner’s a hard worker and he clearly puts effort into his busy work while Annie is off being a spy. I say clearly because he gets jacked and doesn’t stop working on uprooting a tree during this whole scene. (He’s ~14 here and while Isayama says he gets some of his physique from his dad, I don’t think you get like this doing the absolute bare minimum?)
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I also don’t think he’s against dirty work when he literally busted open Wall Maria. He goes with Annie to kill Sawney and Beane, too.
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The main reason I think Bertholdt busted into Trost is because the colossal titan evidently has the uncanny ability to instantly dissolve its physical form. That allows for a much safer operation. (Side note: I bet this ability is a plot contrivance for this exact moment much like consciousness transference because it doesn’t come up again lol)
Even with killing Marco he does indeed make someone else do the dirty work. But if it came down to it, if Annie didn’t show up, I don’t think the outcome would’ve differed. Reiner was so deep in Warrior mode that Marco was gonna die even if Reiner had to do it himself. That’s my belief at least.
Don’t get me wrong, Reiner is a total asshole to Annie on Paradis. (Reiner’s also an asshole to Bertholdt but to a much lesser degree.) He doesn’t take her feelings into account and pushes all of them to continue the mission for his own tragic but selfish reasons.
Despite being a huge Reiner fan, this isn’t a “Reiner did nothing wrong” post. This is a “Reiner is a manipulative asshole, just not a lazy manipulative asshole” post lmao.
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frc-heraldofdoom · 6 months ago
Look at all this goodness 🥺
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AVENGERS #19 Doom Variant Cover by Todd Nauck​​​​​​​ DEADPOOL #7 Doom Variant Cover by Amanda Conner IRON MAN #1 Doom Variant Cover by Mike McKone​​​​​​​ MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #25 Doom Variant Cover by Annie Wu​​​​​​​ SPIDER-GWEN: THE GHOST-SPIDER #6 Doom Variant Cover by Gleb Melnikov UNCANNY X-MEN #4 Doom Variant Cover by Rod Reis​​​​​​​ SPIDER-BOY #12 Doom Variant Cover by Edwin Galmon STORM #1 Doom Variant Cover by Marco Checchetto​​​​​​​ VENOM #38 Doom Variant Cover by Carlos Magno WOLVERINE #2 Doom Variant Cover by Francesco Mobili X-MEN #6 Doom Variant Cover by Roge Antonio​​​​​​​ Source Marvel.com
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hamartia-mmff · 1 month ago
the pack | dog breed edition
Fand es witzig die einzelnen Crewmitglieder einer Hunderasse zuzuordnen, nachdem Vi als Käpt'n ein dog theme hat :') Sagt mir gerne, ob ihr der Meinung seid, dass ich die Hunderasse eures OCs getroffen habe oder ob ihr vielleicht eine bessere Idee habt :D
Vi | mixed-breed dog
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Vi sehe ich als einen Mischlingshund mit spitzen Ohren und schwarzem Fell. Bild zeigt (glaube ich) einen Kreuzung zwischen Husky und einem Groenendael und aber so in etwa stelle ich mir auch immer Vi's Hunde vor :3 Liebe einfach wie perfekt die Heterochromie zu Vi's Auge passt.
Rhys | golden retriever
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Rhys gibt mir einfach peak golden retriever boyfriend energy :') Für mich persönlich ist diese Hunderasse auch immer so freundlich, happy und etwas aufgedreht, was zu Rhys passt :D
Zelos | doberman
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Der Dobermann ist für mich so ein "eleganter" Hund und mit dem Wissen über Zelos Hintergrund passt der Vibe für mich einfach :') Die Hunderasse hat so etwas fancy, athletisches, gepaart mit etwas Arroganz.
Bastet | American Cocker Spaniel
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Wenn ich an Bastets Haare denke und wie sie beschrieben sind, dann kommt mir sofort Susi von Susi und Strolch in den Sinn :') *little nostalgia vibe* und Susi ist eben ein American Cocker Spaniel, not much brain went into this :')
Liri | Vizsla
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Der Vizsla oder der Kurzhaarige Ungarische Vorstehhund (was so viel uncooler klingt xD) ist eine Rasse die u.a. vielseitig als Jagdhund eingesetzt wird. Die Hunderasse oder Vorgänger davon sollen von den Hunnen nach Ungarn mitgebracht worden sein und wenn ich mir Liris kulturellen Hintergrund so ansehe, der an die Hunnen und Mongolen angelehnt ist, fand ich diese Hunderasse sehr passend.
Der Prophet | Xoloitzcuintle 
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Ich schwöre, ich war hier so kurz davor, dass ich einfach einen Hund mit Kapuze hinsetzte, weil keiner der Leser weiß wie der Prophet unter seiner Kutte aussieht :'D Aber dann bin ich über den Xoloitzcuintle oder Xolo gestolpert und fand diese Rasse ganz cool. Sie stammt aus Mexiko und geht auf Azteken zurück. Sein Name bedeutet so viel wie "Hund des Gottes Xolotl ", welcher wiederum die Gottheit des Blitzes, des Todes und des Unglücks ist. Der Xolo soll die Seelen der Verstorbenen ins Jenseits begleitet haben und der Hund gibt mir etwas ein uncanny feeling, je länger ich ihn anschaue, deswegen hat er einen guten Propheten-Vibe :'D
Fly | Pomeranian
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Pomeranian ist einfach super cute okay? :') Nein aber ehrlich, Fly ist natürlich eine kleine süße Hunderasse, aber meiner Erfahrung nach können die kleinen Wauwaus auch ganz schön laut rumbellen und knurren oder auch aggro werden, also auch wie die kleine Fly, sollte man sie nicht unterschätzten und nur als süß abstempeln.
Askuka | Afghanischer Windhund
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Für Asuka wollte ich einen hübschen, eher "feminin" wirkenden Hund haben und ich bin der Meinung, dass der Afghanische Windhund einfach gorgeous aussieht (: Der gibt mir so richtige Modelallüren xD
Jay | Portugiesischer Wasserhund
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Für Jay musste ein wasserliebender Hund her, da kam diese hier gerade recht. Der Wasserhund war früher in Portugal in der Fischerei essenziell. Er bewachte Boote und half sogar beim Fischfang indem er Fischschwärme erschnüffelte, in Wasser sprang und Fische ins Netz trieb etc. Außerdem liebe ich es, dass Jays leicht wellige etwas das Fell/die Ohren des Wasserhundes widerspiegeln :'D
Sune | Katze, die denkt sie wäre ein Hund
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Bitte auf die Katze achten, nicht auf den Hund xD Ich glaube Annie hatte diese Referenz bereits schon mal auf ask gebracht, aber ich finde die es passt einfach so verdammt gut zu Sune und seinem Verhalten, dass er sich für einen Hund hält und versucht das Rudel/die anderen Hunde nachzuahmen, obwohl er eine Katze ist. I just love it :D
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kalinara · 17 days ago
So I was reading some posts talking about superhero comics and status quos, and the static element of characterization that results.
And I've realized that I don't entirely agree with that idea. I don't entirely disagree with it either, but I think a lot of times it depends on the character and the execution.
Unsurprisingly, I'm going to bring up my favorite character. Scott Summers/Cyclops has been a mainstay in X-Men (or satellite) comics for sixty years. (Even when he's dead, some version of him tends to be pretty prominent.)
He's got some very recognizable traits, and in my experience, even writers who I'm not really a fan of, or who aren't really a fan of him, seem to be able to give us a version of the character that's mostly recognizable.
Let's take Chuck Austen for example. His run on the series is generally pretty maligned for a lot of reasons. A LOT.
But when I think of Cyclops during this time, I think of this bit from Uncanny X-Men #412:
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Scott looks at this woman who is awkwardly asking after his brother, and clearly clocks the reason why. And then, with all the bluntness of a sledgehammer tells her: Alex is already in a relationship.
It's hilariously awkward and a bit harsh. But it's also a bit like ripping the band-aid off. By bluntly telling her, before she says anything too overt or embarrassing, he's saving her dignity. If only the storyline ended here.
(And we can relate it back to early X-Factor and his own difficulty with telling Jean about Madelyne. Is he doing for Alex, what he'd really hoped someone would have done for him?)
I think about this scene a lot when I think about Austen's run. I also think about Scott hiring a shapeshifting stripper for Alex's bachelor party and having her take Annie's form...you know, rather than point out to his brother that Alex probably should figure his shit out before breaking Lorna's heart and leaving her at the altar.
That honestly also feels in character. Fuckhead.
But anyway, I am not a fan of Chuck Austen's run for a whole lot of reasons. But I do think he wrote a good Cyclops. And I feel like a lot of other writers, whose take I don't particular care for, also tend to write a fairly decent Cyclops.
I remember being a little anxious about Raid on Graymalkin because Gail Simone rather infamously jokes about her dislike of Scott. But honestly, I thought her Scott was fine. And during the points of conflict, I thought he remained generally very reasonable and recognizable.
There's just something about the concept of the character that I think most writers seem to get intrinsically. At worst, he might be a bit bland or wooden, or there might be a scene or two that I don't like, but the general take is usually pretty decent.
That said, I don't think Scott's a static character at all. I actually think that he's one of the most dynamic and reactive characters in the franchise.
If we look at Scott in the sixties vs. the Scott of early Claremont, the Scott of X-Factor vs. the Scott of late Claremont/Lee era, the Scott that we had after Apocalypse, to the Scott of Utopia, the Scott after AvX to the Scott after his resurrection. Krakoa Scott and the guy we have now...
They're all very distinct takes on the character with a very clear progression. You can eyeball a distinct arc, like Whedon's Astonishing and realize pretty quickly that we're dealing with the post Morrison/pre-Utopia era version of the character.
All of the versions are consistent and recognizable, but they're all distinctly rooted in the events of their particular era. It's really fun and fascinating to me.
To be fair, though, I don't think every character is as lucky.
Poor Kitty/Kate Pryde, for example, ends up having god knows how many coming of age type stories, because they keep retconning her age back and forth. (I keep joking that writers need to remember the lesson of Pete Wisdom: be careful hooking your self-insert up with Kitty Pryde, because he may end up accidently retconned into an ephebophile.) I credit Jubilee and Shogo for why they finally stopped doing that. As long as Jubilee has a baby, she can't be reverted TOO young, and Kitty's always supposed to be older than Jubilee. But it was touch and go for a long time.
And then there's Logan. He's tricky. I think there IS some clear progression: the guy we saw in early Claremont who was incredibly stab-happy is not exactly the errant knight we see in the more modern takes. But he does tend to a lot of inconsistency.
I blame the sheer amount of content for him. Don't get me wrong, as a fan of a character who isn't Logan, I do envy Logan fans all that content. But I think it does impact the general cohesion of the character.
Does Logan approve of kids in battle or not? It generally depends on whether or not the story involves kids in battle. Is Logan someone who at least tries to be an attentive parent and atone for his failures? Sure, when the writers want to go that way. Until another writer introduces yet another long lost biological or adoptive child Logan lost track of. Is he a team player or a loner? Who's the love of his life?
Hell, does he love or hate Krakoa? You can find panels for both positions.
Now of course, you can make this work. But it's harder sometimes, and pretty much requires a Watsonian "sometimes Logan's a fucking hypocrite" interpretation to make it all function. I think it might be his most consistent trait, actually, besides liking to stab.
And it does mean that Logan, I think, doesn't get to be as dynamic as others. He's got to be recognizable across so many comics, and not every comic is going to want to reference the same events. Some writers get really attached to certain versions of the character, so we end up with lone wolf cowboy Logan during a time when all of his known kids are alive, well, on the side of good, and perfect for bonding! There's a lot of regression and it can be frustrating to read.
(Disclaimer: while I like Logan, I wouldn't consider myself a big fan and a true fan of the character may have a very different take on him.)
So yeah, I think the idea of superhero comics having static characters is an oversimplification that really depends on who exactly we're talking about.
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racefortheironthrone · 10 months ago
So in the early days of the X-Men, was Jean both telekinetic and telepathic? Or just the former and the latter was locked away, I think is what I've heard. And has Xavier ever showed any telekinetic abilities, or is he just a super strong telepath?
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(credit to Kirby Without Words)
So this is an area in which there have been a LOT of retcons, some I like better than others. When Jean Grey first appears in Uncanny X-Men #1, she's a telekinetic pure and simple. During the Silver Age, at one point Jean's telepathic abilities additionally manifested as part of a complicated plot involving her being the one student aware that Professor X had faked his death once again, and she became one of the first mutants to have two powers.
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Then in 1981's Bizarre Adventures #27, there was a major retcon that Jean Grey's telepathic abilities were actually the first to awaken long before her telekinesis. Her childhood friend Annie Richardson was fatally struck by a car while playing with Jean at their suburban street in Annandale-on-Hudson nearby Bard College. This event caused Jean's telepathic powers to activate as she experienced her friend's death from the inside, which caused massive crippling depression and an inability to control her psychic powers that eventually motivated her (horrible) parents to bring in Charles Xavier to help - and he ultimately decided on a strategy of installing psychic blocks to suppress her telepathy until she became older and better able to handle it.
I have very mixed feelings about this retcon. On the one hand, the Annie Richardson event is a classic traumatic backstory and one that advances a lot of interesting themes for Jean Grey in terms of her otherworldiness and her unique perspective on mortality. On the other hand, I feel like the whole business around Professor X installing psychic blocks leads to a pattern of midreading of the Dark Phoenix Saga as one of flawed and corrupt patriarchs unable to handle the cosmic feminine - when the whole point was that Jean established the psychic blocks as a way to control the Phoenix Force while remaining human, and it was the elimination of those blocks at the hand of greedy, self-interested, gaslighting, manipulative, sexual predators that ultimately brought the Dark Phoenix into being.
Professor X has occasionally demonstrated telekinetic abilities, mostly in the Krakoan Era.
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patrickdiomedes · 6 months ago
Rating Marvel's Disco Dazzler variant covers, as someone who knows practically nothing about disco or fashion.
Because why the hell not?
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Amazing Spider-Man #55 and #56, covers by Luciano Vecchio. I have no strong feelings one way or the other on MJ's outfit on issue 56, but disco ball spider man? Hell yeah. I don't even mind the round spider symbol belt buckle here, and I usually prefer the symbol to be less round, and more like an actual spider.
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The Avengers #17, cover by J. Scott Campbell.
I would like this a lot more if anyone other than J Scott Campbell drew it. God I fucking hate his art style so much. Still, Storm looks great, Thor looks like a member of the BeeGees (and I mean that in a good way) and Tony wearing an outfit OVER his iron man suit? A+
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Avengers Assemble #1, cover by Anand Ramcheron. Perfect, no notes, 10/10.
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Captain America #12, cover by Elizabeth Torque. I feel like the shield should be sparklier, but I dig the outfit.
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Daredevil #12, cover by Scott Godlewski. Oh my god I didn't notice until just now that Matt has the Daredevil logo shaved into his chest hair, that's fucking perfect.
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Deadpool #5, cover by Annie Wu. The fact that the red portions of the suit aren't sequinned is disappointing. Come on Wade, commit to the bit!
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Doctor Strange #18, cover by Marguerite Sauvage. Oh, this one is fucking phenomenal. The colors, the patterns, the oversized collar and Eye of Agamotto on Steven? All absolutely perfect.
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Fantastic Four #23, cover by Ben Su. Incredible Hulk #15, Cover by Todd Nauck. Miles Morales: Spider Man #23, cover by Karen Darboe. Don't really have anything to say about these, they're fun. Though Hulk should have chest hair.
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Incredible Hulk #16, cover by Edwin Galmon. Ms. Walters, please crush me with your sequinned thighs.
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Immortal Thor #14, cover by Lee Garbett. I actually bought this one, because hell yeah disco ball Mjolnir. Also because Immortal Thor is incredible. Al Ewing don't miss, y'all.
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Scarlet Witch #3, cover by Jessica Fong. This one is absolutely stunning. The disco balls for her magical aura around her hands? The pattern on her clothes? The fucking stars? 100/10.
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Uncanny X-Men #1, cover byPablo Villalobos. Dig the outfit, but I think the Soul Sword should've been disco ball-ified.
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Venom #36, cover by Rickie Yagawa. Looks good, but I feel like they should've gone farther with the theme. Come on, give him some wide lapels!
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Vengeance of the Moon Knight #8, cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli. Absolutely fucking perfect. The Mr. Knight look needed very little work to disco-ify it, and god it looks cool.
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Werewolf by Night: Red Band #1, cover by Jeremy Wilson. X-Men #2, cover by Olivier Vatine. These two are pretty cool, but I dont' really have anything substantial to say about them.
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X-Force #2, cover by Phil Noto. I am always a slut for Phil Noto, and I love how dynamic this cover looks.
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X-Factor #1, cover by David Lopez. This one's alright, but honestly I can't help but think how cool Warren could look in a disco version of his Archangel form.
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moonspirit · 10 months ago
TOP 10 favourite AA fanfics? (if you have one)
Oh hello xD That's a great blog name! Does that mean more questions will follow ._.?
Anyways, my reading speed has taken a nosedive as of late; too many things have been going on and I'm trying to stick to my own writing schedule too... so my recs remain mostly the same as the previous times I've been asked. Still, here are a few of my faves:
Bury Me in the Shadows of Spring & My Yellow Light in Your Soft Whispers by @annawayne . Features some of the most compelling story-telling I've ever seen. The former is a historic AU set in the 1920s and holy shit the immersion? Anna comes armed with a deep, impressive knowledge base of history and so the fic takes you straight back in time, as if you were standing in the time period itself. BMSS is a story carrying very heavy themes, and the dive into the character's psyches is simply stellar.
As for the latter, a post-canon fic set 10 years after the Rumbling, MYLYSW is a story that takes an in-depth study into the ways that an intensely traumatic event can affect people - both the victims and of those around them. It's a wonderful telling of grief, heartache, unresolved ghosts from the past, with stunning imagery and descriptive writing. :3
Black Water & everything else in @distortedclouds 's collection. BW is, as another reader very aptly put it, the single best take I've seen on Annie's relationship with her father, and how it affects Aruani's relationship. Clouds' mastery in prose and narration is on a whole other level, and every chapter literally hurts your bones. Aside from that, all the other fics in the collection are simply wonderful reads, with everything ranging from fluff to angst to smut and everything in between! My wife is very talented you see :3 Unparalleled!
Little Bird by @aquietjune . Simply a fantastic Annie-centric post-canon story, with writing skills that simply leave you in awe. June takes a deep dive into many of Annie's issues and problems that are still left unresolved, though the world may be rid of titans. Her dedication to period-appropriate research, and the how's and why's of in-world problems make the story a truly delightful experience, and coupled with her talent of being able to tell so much in so few words, this remains one of the best post-canon fics I've ever read. Please also check out her other works, she has an uncanny ability to make you laugh until your sides hurt xD
Coveted by @honeytheriot . One of the first aruani fics I read after the S4 P3 P1 dropped in March 2023, and holy shit xD Every chapter is a smut-filled goodness and delight, and honeyriot makes it WORK with her writing!
Children of War by @/SeaTempest . Primarily a Jeanpiku fic with Aruani as a side-couple, this fic features some of the best writing I've ever seen. Smooth prose and convincing post-canon world-building, plus very good character monologues?? Hell yeah. Hasn't been updated in a while, but has plenty of content, absolutely worth a read.
Tater Tots & Heavy Thoughts by Anonymous and everything in this collection. TT&HT is a modern AU Aruani fic primarily from Armin's POV, dealing with some very dark and heavy subject matter. The writing is really good, and while I haven't caught upto later chapters, I highly recommend it. The other fics in the collection are great too :3
There are many more tbh, but my head is mushy for the moment xD However, I'll add some fics I've been following as of late!
on the path that led me to you by @the-last-thread-of-my-sanity & By Each Crime and Kindness (I'm bound to you) by @aruanimess - two Cadet Aruani fics taking place that are an absolute delight to read! Wonderful writing, wonderful characterization, lots of fluff, and the impending doom of angst~
Who painted the sky? by @dudewhy3 & Hiding in Plain Sight by @midnightraine131, two Modern AU fics that take a look into the issues Aruani deal with from their past, in a modern real-world setting. Engaging and fun, with sprinkles of heavy angst now and then.
A Force To Be Reckoned by @luciensdefenseattorney . Inspired by Bridgerton, this is a wonderfully written and highly engaging Aruani fic set in the regency era. You just want Armin and Annie to kiss and find out all about each other already.
Legends by @mimiwrites2000-fun . Canon-divergence and wonderfully written, this is an Aruani fic spanning 32 chapters and counting! Lots of emotional, heart-wrenching moments, Mimi is a writer who embraces angst with a passion and doesn't shy away from hurting you T^T
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xplainthexmen · 8 months ago
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Episode 450 - Live at the Clinton Street Theater
In which we celebrate our tenth anniversary by X-Plaining what may be the most reviled X-arc; you should not try this at home; Mystique is so much better than this story; Azazel is a really boring devil; Nightcrawler should probably be missing a hand; the Xavier School definitely does not have an HR department; and we would prefer that you not pee on Iceman.
Nightcrawler’s (most recent) parentage
Uncanny X-Men #428-434
X-Men Blue: Origins #1
The X-Men, like, in general
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
Some narrative choices
Baron Christian Wagner
Marvel Europe
Church sex
Isla des Demonas
Foibles of Warren Kenneth Worthington III
Annie and Carter Ghazikhanian
Kiwi Black
The Cheyarafim and Neyaphem
Bad times with psychic therapy
Post-traumatic supervillainy
Uncool Hell
A miracle of magnetism
The only cool thing in Uncool Hell
A very elegant retcon
Characters who deserve more page space
Miles’s favorite X-Person
What the Worthington Corporation does
A character who could reasonably be Azazel’s kid
NEXT EPISODE: Back to X-business as usual!
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