#Ultra dolphines
fruitsofhell · 2 years
Just told a friend “Splatoon is Metal Gear Solid for people who like colorful shoe brands instead of military jets”
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scentedpoetrywitch · 6 months
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compared to these bottlenose's ! which one is more unique !?!
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drawtheblank · 1 year
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fairyboygenius · 17 days
rip johnny mactavish you would’ve loved the saddam hussein hiding spot tiktok’s
rip simon riley you would’ve loved playing the super graphic ultra modern girl instrumental against dramatic monologues in shows
rip kyle garrick you would’ve loved going “donatella VERSACE 💜”
rip john price you would’ve been very confused and concerned about the lisa frank dolphins
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dr-spectre · 3 months
You mentioned something about Splatoon 4 thoughts earlier today, and I really wanna hear you ramble about that. But I also really wanna listen to you ramble about a Hypno Callie rewrite lmao. So if you haven't already, since there's a good chance I missed it lol, what would a Spectre Hypno Callie rewrite look like?
OH DUDE NOW YOU'RE GETTING ME ALL PUMPED UP TEHEHEHEHE! ITS TIME FOR ME TO RAMBLE!!! Imma go ultra autism on you!!! It's gonna border on fanfiction territory! (Not the creepy or romantic kind...) Don't say that I didn't warn you...
Splatoon 4 Ideas.
Now here's the thing right. I only have a few ideas on a Splatoon 4 so I don't think I can do a giant ramble about it yet. But so far I got the idea of Splatoon 4 taking place in a giant futuristic city near the beach. So you get this cool plaza area near the beach and I got that idea from the AMAZING Project Splatoon 3. Seriously go check that out, it is amazing!!!!!!!
But you can also go into the city and explore some of it. And you can ride a bike to different shops and have your own apartment!!! I know people want apartments for the next game and yeah I agree. We NEED an apartment maker, it's the next logical step from lockers!
Also for weapons... I would LOVE to have a flamethrower weapon but instead of fire it's mist. A crank operated shooter made out of bike gears where you gotta keep spamming the ZR button, kind of like the Octoshower's weapon. A Wii Zapper charger!!! PLEASE NINTENDO! A saw blade Splatana. Maybe a pool noodle Inkbrush? That would be funny. Maybe a Painbrush that has a fan on it? Man... I'm starting to sound like Sheldon HAHAHA!
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For the new Idols, it would be a duo instead of a 3 Idol group because oh my god 3 team Splatfests are so unbalanced sometimes. They would have the colors red and cyan. I don't have much on what they would look like, but I imagine one of them is a female Inkling with a cyan color and the other is a male octoling with a red color. It's time we have a proper God damn male Idol that isn't a giant manta ray!!! Now since I cannot draw for shit and I don't have the desire to draw (drawing has made me so angry so multiple times so I stick to writing and rambling) so I'll just show some pics to show you what kind of vibe I'm going for.
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(Yes I'm not fucking joking. I've gotten inspiration from Silver the Hedgehog and Spider-Punk...)
I think it would be an interesting dynamic to have a fancy, highly teched out character paired up with a grungy and punk character who's loud and funny. I can imagine their music to be futuristic and techno while including segments of rock. Basically techno rock with romantic elements in it.
I would like some quality of life improvements and just general improvements as well, like being able to customize EVERY part of your look without having to go through that annoying character creation menu in the crater. Faster levelling up for abilities, ability drinks and food actually giving you which ability you want instead of a chance at it. Way more pants and a pants shop. WAY MORE hairstyles, eye colors with an option to select from a color wheel, eyebrows, scar and tattoo options too with a new tattoo vendor. (the tattoos are explained in game to be temporary ones even though they secretly aren't, to make sure parents don't get the wrong idea lmao)
Maybe some gameplay tweaks too? like including very slight momentum when going downhill? It has to be very slight though for balance. I would like to add a dolphin dive like mechanic where if you press the jump button in the air in your swimming form, you'll quickly stomp to the ground, and that speed will be carried over when swimming in ink for a little while. Maybe faster horizontal wall swimming too? Basically make the gameplay a little bit faster is all I'm trying to say, Splatoon doesn't need a giant gameplay overhaul, just small tweaks to make the last game seem worse to play lmao.
Um... anyways!
Now, in terms of story.... I would have 3 parts, one is the main campaign while the other two are DLC. The main campaign is focused on the Salmonids. You play as a new agent (Agent X or something, i think that's a cool name) as you explore these islands Super Mario 64 style where you do missions and try and stop the Salmonids from getting out of control as they gone on a rampage from an unknown cause. You have to complete enough missions on an island to go to the next.
Basically, think of Salmon Run maps and areas found in Mario games but they are WAY LARGER and more complex areas to go through with NPCs to talk to. I really want Splatoon 4 to expand on the concepts found in the hub worlds in Alterna and go fully into a 3D Mario sandbox style game.
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You also have to team up with Frye, Big Man, Neo Agent 3 and Marie who join up with a new cast of characters who are in charge of guiding you to new islands (haven't thought much about what these characters are) to figure out what's going on. Callie doesn't appear in the story as it's explained in a Sunken Scroll that Callie is helping Octavio figure out what to do with the Fuzzy Octarians that are still trapped in Alterna. And yes Octavio has now fully joined the New Squidbeak Splatoon which Callie is very ecstatic about.
Cuttlefish is fully retired and doesn't appear, and Captain is taking a break from captain duties, leaving Marie to watch over Frye and Big Man as she is their boss anyways. Now, where is Shiver in all this? Well... here me out... she's the villain. And no she doesn't have any sort of bullshit evil headgear on. She's a villain due to being corrupted by greed and wanting more power. She has become addicted to the high she gets from winning and feeling powerful and has teamed up with the Salmonids to gain even more power and cash. She's been fully consumed by power and cash and Frye and Big Man are not on board with her plans as Shiver doesn't wanna give back to the people in Splatsville anymore. So Shiver leaves the group and gathers up the Salmonids and commands them.
However it's revealed that Shiver is doing these things because she had a bad family upbringing in her clan and was always talked down to and treated as weak. So all that trauma and resentment is finally on the surface and Shiver is lashing out at everyone because her pain is so much for her. There could be some themes about found families and healing trauma with the people that you love and stuff like that. Haven't thought too deeply about it. But I would really love to see Deep Cut forgive Shiver and just hug and cry it out. I'll cry alongside them lol.
Now, the second story is focused on the Squid Sisters and takes place before the events of the main campaign. You play as Agent 4 and Callie finds you lying on the floor and tells you that Inkopolis Plaza has been covered in a strange fog and a weird green substance that looks like gooey moss. The buildings have changed and there's all this weird plant life and dust everywhere. Callie escorts you to the tower found in Inkopolis Plaza to figure out where Marie went and that's where you meet Octavio who got shot down in his mech from a laser.
The three go inside and the building looks very similar to the aesthetics of Side Order but with a hospital liminal space edge to it. It looks like a twisted dream hospital environment with a giant lobby in the middle.
This kind of vibe but more open and less hallway like. It should invoke the feeling of going to a hospital as a kid.
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However, instead of an elevator to go higher, it's a giant spiraling staircase that grows after each floor Agent 4 completes. Basically the gameplay is the same as the rogue like gameplay found in Side Order but its heavily expanded upon with new enemies, objectives, color chips, etc. However... during the first 12 floors you hear these weird whispers and voices that sound very similar to Marie's voice.... Callie says she's getting major Deja Vu, and then Marie's voice is fully clear and echoes throughout the building, telling Callie in specific to leave her alone and to get out of here. They don't listen and continue forward.
When you reach the 12th floor, you go inside a giant white chamber and you see Marie in a new outfit that's similar to this outfit found in the Splatoon 2 artbook. Basically this but with a cool cloak and squid tentacle patterns on it and a gas mask instead of shades.
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She's standing on some kind of green gooey moss and looks angry. Marie attacks Agent 4 with her charger and its a stealth boss where you gotta sneak around and get up to Marie and knock her down from the moss pile. Evil Marie has always been a beloved fan concept in the community, like Hypno Marie has so many cool fan designs out there and i think that could work honestly.
Callie manages to knock the mask off of Marie with a splat bomb but she's still angry. Callie grabs onto Marie and Marie calms down and cries. Agent 4 looks at the gas mask and its just filled with regular oxygen, nothing special about it. No hypnosis gas or anything. Just regular oxygen... Marie says she's sorry and explains that stuff from her past is catching up to her and making her unwell (you can guess on what I'm referring to wink wink.) She was unable to sleep for several days and was being manipulated by someone...
The thing behind Marie's manipulation appears from the ceiling and it's this giant white metallic squid that has transparent glass on some of it's body and arms, which shows this bright green goo flowing inside it. (think of Overlorder but he's a squid). I don't have a lot of information for this guy but this villain was created to cure Fuzzy Octarians, but due to unknown circumstances it went out of control and its coding was changed to "heal" people's pain by covering the planet in a modified and twisted version of Marie's low tide ink which now has evolved to be very similar to plant life. This goo/ink neutralizes certain parts of the brain, leaving the victim completely unfeeling and depressed, unable to feel anything, even physical touch or sensation. The villain manipulated Marie by going inside her head, analyzing her memories and telling her that all she has to is to get rid of "the intruders" and he will "heal her pain."
After the Marie boss fight, you have to travel up to 40 floors instead of 30 and during the downtime you get to learn about the Squid Sisters. Stuff like Callie and Marie before they blew up, who came up with their outfits, more info about their parents and managers, Marie talking about how she has trauma and nightmares from the events of Splatoon 2 and is terrified that one day Callie may leave and never come back again, Callie diving into her time in the Octo Canyon and finally clearing up what happened to her, Octavio showing remorse and sorrow for the actions he has done over the past 100 years. Basically Side Order but with the Squid Sisters, Octavio and Agent 4. I know it's a lot like Side Order but Side Order is so damn good so why not do it again but improve upon the gameplay you know?
That's all I got for this story and it's probably gonna change and be tweaked over time.
Now for the third story of Splatoon 4. I barely have anything for this but it will star the new Idol duo of the game, Off the Hook, Eight and Captain. I think it'll be like Octo Expansion in terms of gameplay and difficulty, but also expanded and longer to complete.
Hypno Callie Rewrite.
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Honestly, the way I would go about rewriting Hypno Callie is very simple... Remove the Hypnoshades. That's it. She can still have them as an aesthetic part of her outfit, but i would make it so Callie is no longer hypnotized and it's WAY MORE clear to the audience that Callie is suffering from mental illness and that she left with the Octarians, not "kidnapped, overpowered and brainwashed into being a mind controlled slave." Splatoon 2 was always about the separation of the Squid Sisters and their eventual healing and reunion, it was always gonna be about that but due to time constraints probably, they rushed it and introduced bullshit shades to make it easier and simpler, they then tried to fix it later with an obscure post with a relationship chart that no one even fucking talks about, even timeline explainers fail to fucking mention it... ugh...
Making Callie an actual antagonist that has been manipulated by Octavio, whispering to her and playing into her insecurities and pain is way more compelling and makes more sense for Octavio to do as a character. Like how the fuck did he come up with the Hypnoshades and why did he only use it on Callie? He can just make hypnosis tech out of nowhere? Huh? It makes way more sense for Octavio to just manipulate her as he is a master of words and propaganda.
So what I would do is introduce a new mandatory collectable in the Splatoon 2 Hero Mode called "Callie's diary." At certain moments in the campaign Agent 4 and Marie find pages from Callie's diary as she explains her feelings and pain from being overworked and feeling some resentment as Marie has stopped calling or texting her. Marie looks so ashamed and disappointed and starts blaming herself for Callie's disappearance. Some of the diary entries include the photos found in Sunken Scrolls 21 and 22. The last diary entry found in Sector 4 is an emotional rant from Callie the day she went missing. She rants about how she can't take working anymore and how she's so lonely. Her last line is "if no one truly cares for me up here... Then... Maybe..." And there's a small tear stain at the bottom of the page.
Now for the final boss, the main plot points would occur sorta the same way, you fight Octavio and Callie, after a bit Marie comes in and shoots her in the eye, Callie calms down, blah blah blah. I actually really do like the idea of the "low tide ink" that the English translation team introduced. I think it's a neat idea that Marie has this special ink that calms someone down so I'll keep that for the rewrite.
However, during the final boss, i would make it to where Marie is really trying to reach to Callie and trying to convince her that she is loved and she matters, she tries to apologize for her actions and explains that Octavio is just manipulating her for the Octarians' goals. Callie fights back and doesn't wanna listen to her, constantly trying to shut her down. Marie even reminds Callie of their childhood and it almost gets to Callie, but she becomes more emotional and angry, she's so confused because deep down she knows Marie is right, but she's so scared to listen to her because she doesn't want to get abandoned again.
However what really gets to Callie is Marie collapsing on her knees and crying, just begging her badly to come back to her. And Marie says "I love you...." Callie is in shock and starts getting flashes of good memories with her and Marie. She holds the shades in her hands and destroys them. Callie leaps into the air and collides into Marie's arms, and they cry their eyes out and say sorry to each other.
The battle plays out the same but i would like to add another cutscene after Octavio gets his shit kicked in, Callie and Marie are on Sheldon's van and they look at the sunset together. I think that would be really sweet and connect beautifully with the credits and Fresh Start.
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I took a lot of inspiration from the game Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and two boss fights in particular. The Miles vs. Peter fight, and the Spider-Man vs. Scream/MJ fight. In those boss fights, it's sort of like a therapy session for the characters in that the people under the symbiote are venting about their issues and expressing their anger they have kept hidden for so long, and the person on the other side is trying desperately to reach for them and save them from themselves. It's really powerful shit honestly and it made me feel emotional seeing Peter go "ALL I WANTED WAS TO SAVE EVERYONE! MJ! MAY! NOW THE CITY THINKS I'M THE PROBLEM! you think I'm the problem." Like i know it's kind of crazy to take inspiration from a game made for adults and take some of it into Splatoon but... I really don't give a shit. Children's media can show powerful scenes of characters struggling with their inner demons. They can do it and have proven to be successful. Children can handle it, they can.
Now... i have worked on a Splatoon 2 finale rewrite and I'm pretty much almost done with it, i need to finish the last bit of it and then go over it again so I'm fully happy with it. However i don't know how to present it as it's in the form of a script and idk how that's gonna work on tumblr, i mean i could put it on AO3 but idk if i wanna make an account just to post one thing on there and idk how many scripts get posted onto AO3 anyways...
It's like I'm a chef and I'm cooking something, but there's no waiter to deliver the food lmao.
ANYWAYS! Thank you for reading my autistic ass ramblings! I got so much free time that i just so much of it just writing down fan concepts for things on different games and stuff (I have a 42 page and counting document on a potential Sonic Frontiers 2.) Yeah... I got THAT kind of autism, not the maths and science one... Again, thank you for reading!
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max1461 · 6 months
I don't know. Occult stuff and new religious movements just wig me out immensely, I don't want anything to do with them. It's not just because I think they're bullshit (although I do). But lots of stuff that I think is bullshit doesn't wig me out. But this stuff does.
This is I think related to my strong distaste for 50s-60s-70s aesthetics. These two things feel related to me. Certainly there were a lot of new religious movements in that period. It all feels like one big milieu to me, like Woodstock and Scientology and MK Ultra and the Stanford prison experiment and the Beatles and those guys taking LSD and trying to talk to dolphins... that shit is all the same to me. It's the same kind of milieu, it's one big cultural/aesthetic/epistemic milieu that just gives me hives.
On the other hand I'm aesthetically and... well, not so much culturally, but maybe at least somewhat intellectually, a huge fan of like the 1910s-1940s. Man I love that shit. The greatcoats... the mahogany desks... writing Important Math Equations while on a maritime journey across the Pacific (that was just how you got places in those days). Oh man that shit is my jam.
Well anyway. What's the essential difference here? What's the core element this distinction is getting at?
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
These are The Best News of Last Week
1. Brazil’s new president Lula vows to halt Deforestation.
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For many Brazilians, Bolsonaro’s defeat represents a rejection of the explicit anti-Indigenous, anti-environmental agenda he enacted while in office.
Lula has promised to update Brazil’s climate goals to steer the country back in line with the Paris Agreement. He has also committed to a list of climate proposals put forth by Marina Silva, the most prominent environmental activist in Brazil who served as his former environment minister. In his first speech as president-elect late Sunday night, he reiterated his strong support for zero deforestation in the Amazon. “Brazil is ready to resume its leading role in the fight against the climate crisis”
2. All-terrain wheelchairs arrive at U.S. parks: ‘This is life-changing’
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For anyone who has to use a wheelchair, the state says it will soon be easier to be able to enjoy several parks, historic sites and wildlife centers because these locations will provide free all-terrain wheelchairs.
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources said it has partnered with the Aimee Copeland Foundation to provide high-mobility, all-terrain track wheelchairs at 10 different locations across the state. DNR said the initiative “encourages those with mobility impairments to reconnect with nature, explore nature trails, go fishing and attend adaptive hunts.”
3. Electricity-generating windows? Swiss scientists design more efficient transparent solar panels
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All that natural light flowing through your windows may one day do much more than brighten your mood. Scientists in Switzerland have reached a new efficiency record for transparent solar cells, paving the way for electricity-generating windows that could help power our homes and devices.
Also known as Grätzel cells, dye-sensitised solar cells (DSCs) are a type of low-cost solar cell that use photosensitised dye attached to the surface of a semiconductor to convert visible light into energy.
4. In France all new large parking lots must now be covered in solar panels starting in july 2023
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The new provisions are part of French president Emmanuel Macron’s large-scale plan to heavily invest in renewables, which aims to multiply by 10 the amount of solar energy produced in the country, and to double the power from land-based wind farms.
Starting July 1, 2023, smaller carparks that have between 80 and 400 spaces will have five years to be in compliance with the new measures. Carparks with more than 400 spaces have a shorter timeline: They will need to comply with the new measures within three years of this date, and at least half of the surface area of the parking lot will need to be covered in solar panels.
5. Car horns replace gunfire as Ukraine’s troops return to jubilant Kherson
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Ukrainian soldiers swept into the southern city of Kherson on Friday, seizing a major symbolic and strategic prize from the retreating Russian army and dealing a bitter blow to President Vladimir V. Putin.
Just weeks after Mr. Putin declared the Kherson region a part of Russia forever, his troops were forced to abandon its capital city, their third major retreat in the war. The setback further dented the once-formidable reputation of an army that has mismanaged logistics and sent unprepared and unmotivated soldiers into battle.
Jubilant crowds poured into the streets, greeting Ukrainian soldiers and waving flags
6. Lab-grown blood given to people in world-first clinical trial
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Tiny amounts — equivalent to a couple of spoonfuls — are being tested to see how it performs inside the body. The bulk of blood transfusions will always rely on people regularly rolling up their sleeve to donate.
But the ultimate goal is to manufacture vital, but ultra-rare, blood groups that are hard to get hold of. These are necessary for people who depend on regular blood transfusions for conditions such as sickle cell anaemia.
7. A pod of dolphins got stuck in the mud at low tide — here’s how a N.S. community saved them
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According to the Digby Fire Department, there were 16 Atlantic white-sided dolphins, of various sizes, stranded. People of all ages rushed to the scene in Digby on the afternoon of Nov. 4 after it was discovered that 16 dolphins were stranded in the mudflats of an area known as The Joggins.
“We are happy to report that all 16 dolphins eventually were ushered into the water,” the department posted on its Facebook page late in the afternoon. “We are hopeful once the tide keeps rising, they will safely make their way back out to sea.”
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That’s it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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y2klostandfound · 2 months
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sarkos · 4 months
Lilly was a sort of Midwestern ideal type of the Lovecraftian protagonist: born in St. Paul to wealthy parents, he studied chemistry and philosophy from an early age. His undergraduate career at Caltech (1933-1938) almost exactly overlaps the period of the alchemist-Crowleyite John Whiteside Parsons’ GALCIT rocketry program there, and both were chemistry students. (Lilly and Parsons almost certainly met, Caltech not being that big a world in the Thirties, but what happened — or Happened — during that Trail of Cthulhu time slot has managed to go un-recorded in their various biographies.) He entered Dartmouth medical school in 1938, then transferred to Penn where he continued his Lovecraftian development by conducting various medical experiments on himself and writing a forbidden text: a book (this was 1942) called How To Build an Atomic Bomb. He conducted postgraduate work under pioneering biophysicist (and putative Majestic-12 member) Detlev Bronk and at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), doing research for the Air Force — among other things developing early electro-encephalograms and, in 1954, the first sensory deprivation tank. According to his memoirs, he was approached by the CIA to work on such things as animal-activated surveillance and explosives, and (perhaps) on the MK-ULTRA mind-control project. According to Lilly, he refused, nobly insisting that his work remain open for all. He loudly resigned from NIMH in 1958. Having boldly proclaimed his independence from government control, Lilly founded the Communication Research Institute Inc. (CRII) on the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. CRII was, of course, funded by NASA, the U.S. military, and possibly other shadowy figures. Lilly had become interested in the question of dolphin brains: much like those of humans, cetacean brains are very large in ratio to their bodies and have an even higher density of neurons. Lilly set up dolphin tanks and pools, and began to experiment on dolphins, most notoriously when his dolphin Peter fell for researcher Margaret Lowe Howitt while she tried to teach Peter to speak English. It wasn’t all dolphin grabass in the islands, though: Lilly also dissected and probed the brains of the cetaceans, in between drug experiments (on them and himself) and attempts to decipher dolphin communication by floating next to them in sensory deprivation tanks. James Wade’s terrific 1969 short story “The Deep Ones” provides a fictionalized Lilly in the form of Miskatonic hippie guru Alonzo Waite, and in the form of his opposite number, dolphin researcher Dr. Frederick Wilhelm. Most impressively, it casts the dolphins as one more intermediary between man and Cthulhu, cousin or evolutionary stage of the Deep Ones. Wade mentions the ancient Greek myth that dolphins were pirates turned into beasts by Dionysos, tying it wonderfully into the deeper Mythos truths of Dagon and human-oceanic interbreeding of the Innsmouth sort. Any Fall of Delta Green Handler has a whole mini-campaign just lying there between Wade’s fictions and the CRII’s madness. But it doesn’t end there. Wade doesn’t even bring in Lilly’s involvement in SETI, which (likely again via NASA back channels) wound up connecting Lilly and the CRII with astrophysicist Frank Drake, who considered dolphins a template for alien life on Earth. Lilly presented his dolphin theories at the Green Bank astrophysics conference in 1961 where Drake coined his famous equation for the probability of alien life. He was such a hit that Drake, Lilly, a pre-turtleneck Carl Sagan, and biologist J.B.S. Haldane all made up the “Order of the Dolphin” and wore dolphin lapel pins when they were wearing lapels, which wasn’t often in St. Thomas.
Call of Chicago: John C. Lilly, One-Man Mythos – Pelgrane Press Ltd
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scentedpoetrywitch · 1 year
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look how cute ! like father like son and did you know ultra magnus is right now a daddy to ultra ditus !?!
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bugattieb111 · 2 months
votre eminance charles 3
vous trouverez votre reponse bientot
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En echange de belotti 18 lateral droit #tommy #hilfinger hat green et kane tottenham substitute felipe anderson 10 milieu offensif lazio (-) courrier Einfild way rose 4 .. blu sky ... plus " le cadre de cr7 red devils adidas black (+) lines x 3 oranges epaulieres signer original one only one ... the special < One >
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2 costumes color bordeaux 300 € - 180 € and black 450 € / 250 € performances 2 chemises blanches avec emoticon (+) 2 chemises 44 elastane noires cravates plus pinces a cravates chaussure 43 stop
Society waikiki and best mountana lacoste shoes ... stan smith copy reebook ?, i have the right !
You' ll should be happy grand father ... the paquets posted returns into france ... why sir ... lord Biren... isn't unfortune ... yes we can !
Gamete igor + gamete harry dobble fecondation 2G gravity fuzion twins
I beleave in you mind uncle .... sam ( usa )
Oichi first .... Peter 2nd .... godfroy & arthur 3rd and 4th ...I wait into dobble soon as twins samely ... bref tu m' inspires la serenitude et le calm ... le plus grd ennemy que tu es c' est ta propre bouche si tu veux eviter d' avoir des problemes apprends a la fermer ...
On ne peut pas vendre le 107.5 fm on a les serbes qui deviennent fou ... le foutu four 4th war world orthodoxe versus europe !! Moi aussi ils m' ont douiller (tarifer,) 75kg /100 d'or mes etudes en ingeniery du son sound priver private tomber a l' eau !
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pepites d' or ! #luxembourg on vous les echange a condition d' obtenir la mignolette de la world cup adresser a Materrazzi 2006... pour iomatrix-23 [, he took my name on tweeter ] i am exiged the beauty boop... the trophy => italia rend the le double col du cou plus les lanieres lacet a tirer la tete de nos joueurs attendez notre reaction ... puis rosebiff twickenam 7-56 pour le maillot du dragon ... ... SF PARIS ils se sont fait terasser ok !
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@pentagon-net : recupeared thx a lot ... the cadre usa five monnay of paris ... excelent choice versus 1.200.000 $ (0.78£) . ok men ?
Price => 750.000 £ exchange acrylic peint 970.000 $ x 0.78 = 760.000 £ ...
Other point (1) BD clean shit. Soon as the tri tri nations will existing we aren't been both three ... team (8) rugby... football (7) .... basket (5)... the same in all sports category ... interrested for a confrontation direct between England France Italia 2 partys x 3 sports .. each will be played as RSA - Australia - New Zeland !
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Be careful when Doc gets the flu. His sneezes can be explosive. It got even worse when he started doing dad sneezes.
He had a phase of trying to figure out how to make his sneezes into an ultra efficient rocket propelled transportation system, but as explosive as they are, they are awfully hard to do on command. And awfully hard to aim. After a few rounds of exploded building materials, he decided it was best to just stick to piston bolts and dolphin's grace tunnels.
~ Mod Shade
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pjunicornart · 3 months
The Robinsons and Mario Kart Wii
Floating around Tumblr now is the headcanon that the Robinsons are a Nintendo household. I agree! So I'm gonna share something I've had written down in a notebook for a while now: What each Robinson mains in MKWii!
Why MKWii and not MK8? Because MK8 is painfully average and boring. Where's the jank? The standalone mini turbos? The busted stats? THE PROPER INSIDE DRIFT?! Everything in MK8 is balanced and boring. Therefore, no competition. MKWii is chaos, and therefore perfect for a Robinson game night!
Because I'm extra, as well as including their favorite characters to play, I will also include: Preferred vehicle, fav track, and fav OST. Plus a little paragraph of how they play. Listen, MKWii was one of my hyperfixations when I was little. I know this game by the back of my hand. LET'S GET INTO THIS!
Bud - Koopa Troopa: Standard Bike S Fav Track: Koopa Cape Fav OST: Koopa Cape (Pipe) - He's not the best at the game by a long shot, but he'll play it for the grandbaby. At least he gets the chance to play on his favorite track from when Neil would want to play with him back in the day.
Lucille - Toadette: Mini Beast Fav Track: DS Yoshi Falls Fav OST: N64 Sherbet Land - Same point for Bud can be said about Lucille. The Sherbet Land OST reminds her of her first Christmas with Neil.
Fritz/Petunia - Daisy: Wild Wing Fav Track: N64 Mario Raceway Fav OST: No Trophy For You! - Beginner level skills. Fritz plays for fun, but Petunia plays for competition! Daisy reminds him of her.
Laszlo - Baby Luigi: Jet Bubble Fav Track: Coconut Mall Fav OST: Coconut Mall - Intermediate level of skills. He can perform some easy shortcuts, like the Mushroom Gorge and DK Summit gap jumps. He also holds the opinion that Coconut Mall is the GOAT. He's not wrong.
Tallulah - Rosalina: Honeycoupe Fav Track: Moonview Highway Fav OST: Daisy Circuit - Casual player with an intermediate level of skills. She can perform certain shortcuts, she just doesn't because she's not overly competitive... unless she's playing against Laszlo.
Joe - Birdo: Classic Dragster Fav Track: DS Delfino Square Fav OST: DS Peach Gardens - Purely casual player. However, he might secretly get a leg up on you in the race. Why? He's lucky with the item RNG.
Billie - Dry Bones: Tiny Titan Fav Track: Wario's Gold Mine Fav OST: DK Summit - Competitive casual type. She is in it to win most of the time, but she's the type to not really want to improve her skills.
Gaston - Waluigi: Wario Bike Fac Track: GCN Waluigi Stadium Fav OST: GCN Waluigi Stadium - Speed is key for him, and he loves all the tracks where he can go ham and perform a bunch of tricks. Speed is his key, but he doesn't have the knowledge of which character and kart combos will allow him to gain that speed.
Art - Toad: Blue Falcon Fav Track: Rainbow Road Fav OST: Online Boss Theme - Back in MKWii's hay day, he played all of the online content. Like the boss battles and competitive races. It's because of this that he has knowledge of all the tips of the trade.
Carl - Baby Mario: Bullet Bike Fav Track: Mushroom Gorge Fav OST: Block Plaza - Really only plays it when Wilbur wants him to. He's programmed to be a decent challenger. So... not like the CPUs in the game, lol. Even in Mirror Mode, the CPUs are a joke.
Spike/Dmitri - Diddy Kong: Dolphin Dasher Fav Track: Moo Moo Meadows Fav OST: N64 DK's Jungle Parkway - They don't play often, which is why they tend to stick to the easier cups and engine classes.
Wilbur - Bowser Jr.: Sneakster Fav Track: Bowser's Castle Fav OST: Maple Treeway - He's made it his life mission to upstage his father in skill. Good luck to him, because Neil knows the ultra shortcuts and all of the hidden stats.
Franny - Yoshi: Wild Wing Fav Track: GCN Peach Beach Fav OST: Maple Treeway - Keeps it casual when asked. But otherwise? You're going down. Her weakness is the jankiness of the game.
Cornelius - Mario: Mach Bike Fav Track: Rainbow Road Fav OST: Rainbow Road - The master of jank. He can perform ultra shortcuts like the Grumble Volcano rock hop/respawn glitch and the Mushroom Gorge cliff ride. He's beaten every fast staff ghost. He's got the item RNG on lock. He has no respect for the key checkpoints. He knows which bikes to use and what characters are best. He shows no mercy. Side note - The RR OST gives him an eargasm every time with its nods to Super Mario Galaxy (his favorite Mario game).
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
Thank you letter: The End
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Image commissioned to @andengeu <3 Thank you so much for this amazing Eren and Mikasa from Rotten Judgement!
If you’re reading this, it means you have wrapped up your reading on Rotten Judgement. First of all, thank you so much. Whether you have liked your reading or not (although I hope you have), thank you for making it up here: to know that you’ve considered my story worth it of finishing, among so other many stories that there are (so other distractions in our daily life) makes my heart flutter and gives me a sense of plenitude.
When I started writing this story, I wanted it to be an amiable rom-com, that kind of fanfiction that people read to disappear from real life. I think I was pulled by the attraction of gaining a readership. However, as the story began forming in my head (in December, 2021!), I realized that these characters and their stories and their problems were much bigger than my not-so-down-to-earth ambitions. Why was I writing, firstly? Did I want to write just for exposure, or did I want to tell something that worried me in my writing? The second won, as you have all seen: I believe that we do not live in a kind world, that we have to fight endlessly, and that everything is politics. Excerpts from Fritz’s speeches were taken from Donald Trump and Santiago Abascal (the chief of the ultra-right party in Spain), although I could have cited many others. The demonstration of the last chapter was inspired by the massive demonstrations we’ve had in Spain in the last few years, too. As I wrote, I realized how important it was to me to show all the love, the friendships and the families in a political context. I won’t pretend I have discovered something new in this fanfiction, of course. If anything, I hope that it was mildly enjoyable, despite being the complete opposite of what I envisioned from the first time. It has surprised me to know the number of people who have read this: mainly because my chapters were long, and dense, and chapter by chapter you were here, commenting. I truly have no words.
This story wouldn’t have been the same without the world of Isayama, of course, but also Disney, and most particularly, Hercules. Without reading, either, since I read all the time, professionally and also in my spare time: I believe that reading takes us places, whatever we read. It makes us more empathetic and sets us up for healthy debate. So, despite the bans in libraries, in books, censorship all over, and morality police, do not stop thriving for books, and do not stop reading.
Some people have been very important throughout this year. In real life, my boyfriend and friends. In the virtual world: Sam, Ris (@liquorisce), KB (@irememberthedark), Jo, Kami, Anna, Hannah, Heart (@heartvu), Rotten (@rottenlover), Rae (@staraesea), Lys (@sunlightandsuffering), Ashley (@r-brauns) Shon (@wlshond), Onigiri (@onigiri-dorkk), Chaos (@chaosisbeauty23), Nuri (@nuri148), Bry (@bryhaven), Sam (@shenanigansam) (I hope I don't forget anyone)—thank you for the beautiful conversations, for giving me a place when I felt disheartened, for commenting on other fanfictions and readings with me. Special thanks to Ro (@dead-dolphins), for being her genius and creating self, full of empathy and altruism and making such beautiful banners for Rotten Judgement. All the covers for the different parts are her doing. And special thanks to Nina (@sinigangsta-ao3): for lending her ears whenever I was wrong, for her interactions with series and books and politics, for her effort in beta-ing some of the parts in this fic and giving me the vocabulary to talk about things I didn’t know how to express, but most of all, for being an extraordinary friend.
I am thankful for a lot of other people, too: especially some of you, commenters, who have been following my stories since I did not live until today, or even those who have discovered me with Rotten Judgement but have, without fail, left a comment someday. I know some of your usernames by heart, but I trust that you all know already who you are. Without your engagement, I would have felt discouraged to write some days. Coming here was a safe haven, and so I thank you deeply. For the ones that read, left kudos I thank you all, truly, for the motivation and encouragement you left along this 500 pages of story.
Some images of this past year and the making of Rotten Judgement. Thank you again.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Trick or Treat is coming to 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray from Red Shirt Pictures and Synapse Films, as revealed by The Spooky Picture Show. A release date has not been set, but they’re aiming to have it out later this year.
Charles Martin Smith (Dolphin Tale) makes his directorial debut on the 1986 slasher from a script by Michael S. Murphey, Joel Soisson, and Rhet Topham. Marc Price and Tony Fields star, with cameos by Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne.
Trick or Treat is being restored in 4K from the original camera negative. Special features will be detailed at a later date, but you can look forward to new interviews with cast and crew, behind-the-scenes content, and more.
Trick or Treat tells the story of a high school outcast named Eddie Weinbauer, who is obsessed with heavy metal music and his favorite rockstar, Sammi Curr. When Sammi dies in a hotel fire, Eddie discovers a mysterious unreleased record that Sammi made before his death. As Eddie plays the record backwards, he unwittingly unleashes the vengeful spirit of Sammi, who returns from the dead to wreak havoc on the town and its inhabitants.
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six-costume-refs · 8 months
For the introduction and masterpost, click here.
PALETTES Note on brands Most of the North American queens use Juvia's Place at this point. It is a Black-owned brand that Six initially added to help create more options for queens of color, but by now most queens use it regardless of race. As of Oct 2023, most of their palettes are on-sale. Most of the UK queens use Makeup Revolution palettes, although there's quite a bit more range in which they use and some other brands in the mix.
Queen-specific palettes
Aragon: Juvia's Place Rebel Honey, Doja Cat Elements (Gold), Juvia's Place Warrior, Morphe 9R, De'Lanci Leopard
Boleyn: Juvia's Place Rebel Army, Nicka K Lucky Charm, De'Lanci Avocado, De’Lanci Green 15,  Coloured Raine Wealthy Chic, Makeup Revolution Color Book, Makeup Revolution Billie, Beauty Bay Earthy (16 color), Beauty Bay Earthy (9 color)
Seymour (also black and silver alt): Juvia's Place The Rebel Greys, Doja Cat Elements Quad (Silver), Colourpop Blowing Smoke, Juvia's Place i Live i Love, De'Lanci Panda, De’Lanci Silver Smokey, Beauty Bay's Neutral (16), Morphe 9W, Makeup Revolution Color Book, Colourpop Blowing Smoke
Cleves: De’Lanci Flame Rose, De'Lanci Red Apple, Makeup Revolution Color Book
Howard: Juvia's Place The Sweet Pinks, Juvia's Place The Berries, Juvia's Place the Mauves, Beauty Bay Berries (9 color), Beauty Bay's Tropical (16 color), Beauty Bay Berries (16 color), Makeup Obsession Kisses, De’Lanci Pink Peach, Makeup Revolution Britney, Makeup Revolution Color Book
Parr: Juvia's Place Olori 2, Nicka K Ocean Eyes, Juvia's Place I Live I Love, Beauty Bay's Midnight (16 color), De’Lanci 15 color
Teal alt: Makeup Revolution Ice, Makeup Revolution Color Book, Colourpop Blue Moon, De’Lanci 15 color, De'Lanci Dolphin
Orange alt: De'Lanci Sweet Orange, De’Lanci Orange 15 color, Juvia's Place The Nubian Glow,
Pink alt: Juvia's Place The Mauves, Juvia's Place Blushed Rose, Makeup Revolution Color Book, Makeup Revolution Britney, Juvia's Place The Candy Shop
Multi-queen/colored palettes:
Beauty Bay's Bright 2.0 (16 color) ($20) - Smaller, but great range with mattes and glitters for Aragon/Boleyn/Howard/Parr/orange alt
Nicka K Fifteen Color Palette ($5) - Wild Matte palette has decent options for just about every costume (principal and alternate). However, it's not as versatile in how flattering it will be on every skin tone/undertone.
LaRoc Circus ($30) - Great for Boleyn/Howard, options for Aragon/Cleves/orange and pink alt
NYX Ultimate Shadow Palette ($20) - I Know That's Bright has several good options for Aragon and Howard, as well as one or two good shades each for Boleyn/Cleves/Parr/potentially alts. - Warm Neutrals has shades that could work for Aragon and potentially Seymour/black and silver alts.
De'Lanci Mysterious Queen ($50) - This one is expensive but huge (72 colors). Very comprehensive with good colors for just about every queen and alt.
Juvia's Place Warrior 3 ($20) - best for Boleyn/Cleves/Howard/teal
Juvia's Place Wahala 2 ($36) - best for Seymour/Cleves/Parr/black/silver, with good options for Boleyn/Howard/orange too
Juvia's Place Culture ($36) - best for Boleyn/Howard/orange/pink, with good options for Parr and some silver/black alt
Juvia's Place Culture 2 ($38) - particularly good for Boleyn, but has some options for most others
Jessica Gallant's PEI Palette ($25) - Neutrals plus a base for Boleyn/Cleves/Parr
MAC Paintstick ($25) Colors: Landscape Green (Boleyn), Basic Red (Cleves), Process Magenta (Howard), Marina Ultra (Parr)
Made by Mitchell Gel Glaze Cream Eyeshadow (UK link, US link) ($14) Colors: Sparky (Boleyn), For A Grey Day or Silver Fox (Seymour), For A Grey Day (Cleves) Pink Monday (Howard), Ocean Eyes or Ecliptic or Denim Dood (Parr), For a Grey Day or Silver Fox (black or silver alt), Ocean Eyes or Denim Dood or Dreaming of You (teal alt), Peachy Keen (orange alt), Sweet Beat or Peach Dusk (pink alt) - not all colors are available in every country
Danessa Myricks Colorfix Liquid Metals ($20) Colors: 24K (Aragon), Platinum (Seymour/black alt/silver alt), Gilded (orange alt)
Danessa Myricks Colorfix Foils ($20) Colors: Cosmic (Cleves), Blossom (Howard), Cosmic (black or silver alt), Mermaid (teal alt), Petals (pink alt)
Danessa Myricks Colorfix Metallics/Cream ($20) Colors: Goldmine (Aragon), Limesickle (Boleyn), Titanium or Iconic (Seymour), Magnetic or Fireworks (Parr), Titanium or Obsidian (black or silver alt), Magnetic (teal alt), Romance or Ballerina (pink alt)
Danessa Myricks Colorfix Matte ($20) Colors: Primary Yellow (Aragon), Secret Garden (Boleyn), Lift (Seymour), Primary Red (Cleves), Latte or Valentine (Howard), Primary Blue or Colbolt (Parr), Beaches (teal alt), Carrot Top (orange alt), Latte (pink alt)
Haus Labs Hy-Power Pigment Paint ($24) Colors: Charcoal Shimmer or Silver Shimmer (Seymour), Scarlet Matte (Cleves), Fuchsia Matte or Magenta Shimmer (Howard), Charcoal Shimmer or Silver Shimmer (black/silver alt)
Maybelline Tattoo Studio Gel Pencil ($9) Colors: Polished White or Sparkling Silver (general/Seymour/black and silver alt), Ultra Pink or Punchy Pink (Howard), Navy Bling or Deep Teal (Parr), Blue Disco or Arctic Skies (teal alt), Orange Flash (orange alt)
Fast Stroke Crystal Liner ($4) Colors: Funk (Aragon), Glitz (Seymour/silver and black alt/general highlight) - Several UK queens use this as some highlight and to fill in their glitters.
Designer Dust Co. Face Sparkles ($2) Colors: Green (Boleyn), White/Crystal (Seymour), Red (Cleves), Pastel Pink or Glow Pink (Howard), Blue (Parr), White/Crystal/Black (silver/black alt), Glow Blue (teal alt), Orange or Glow Orange (orange alt), Pastel Pink (pink alt) - Many of the mainland US actors use these. Keep in mind that these require a glue to apply.
Makeup Rhinestones from Amazon ($10) - I’ve seen a few of the alts use this set or a similar one. The glue is included. Has colors for all principal costumes and potentially all alt, although it depends on your preferences.
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