Damn it! They blew it. He was sure he could hack the mainframe of the technodrome but once he was in he was hit with alien language and firewalls he had to breach at lightening speed. He failed and now Krang has invaded. His thoughts were interrupted when he had heard an unfamiliar noise coming from inside the warehouse he was a top. Pulling his goggles down he searched the area around for looters or worse, Krang. Seeing all was clear he radioed Leo. “I’m in section B of the city, I think there’s movement in the warehouse I’m scouting from, I’m going to check it out and rummage for supplies.” Leo’s voice came back through his ear piece, “It’s looks clear here in section G, I’ll get the others and we’ll meet up there. Be careful Don.” Neither of them bothered to say goodbye knowing the word could mean more than just ending communication.
Leo had decided after the invasion they would devide the city up into sections, split up and patrol. Don was responsible for gathering what supplies he could get his hands on while Raph and Mikey handled taking out as many thugs they could. Leo was scouting for Krang and anything related to invasion and taking it out.
He entered silently through a broken window, finding a high beam he, in full ninja mode, made his way to perch on it. Scanning the shelves and endless boxes he could see how valuable the content was. It was food. He sat strategizing a plan to hit as many shelves and boxes as he could when he again was interrupted by the noise. Zooming his googles in he could see rats and almost chalked it up to the rodents making the noise when he caught sight of a form. It was definitely human and judging by the stature, a female. He swallowed thickly knowing this could be a situation that turns bad in a blink of an eye. He decided to watch her from his perch, observing has always giving answers to the question, ‘friend or foe’.
“Community” ~ Closed RP with donatello-donnie-don
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* Alex squinted up at the various shelving, tying to make out the labels of at least a hundred cans and boxes above. Batteries were starting to be as rare a commodity as anything else, anymore, and though her building was thankfully one of a handful that still had working power ( likely thanks to a hydroelectric source somewhere ) –rechargeable or not, she wasn’t going to chance wasting the pair lodged in her flashlight. Once her eyes had adjusted, however, the girl was duly pleased to have been rewarded for such thrift… There were cases of ravioli, juice boxes, and even cereal on the lower levels alone–still wrangled by an industrial length of cardboard and cling-wrap; each.*
* These days, warehouses were far more reliable than the ‘mom-n-pop’ shops, anyway. The closest one to her place, had its window smashed-in, within the first week of the invasion. And the last time she’d opted to pass it, the brunette was quite certain it was previously lit on fire, as well– the coffeepots perhaps blazing out of control; if the looters hadn’t beaten it to the punch. Meanwhile ( thanks largely to the lack of logos, or any markings aside from the address ) , these enormous structures dotting the industrial district, were virtually abandoned–in comparison;  save for a soft scuttling of rats.*
* She’d thus look off and into the corners, even as she climbed up , the darting action of their ample feet– too quick and frantic to be overlooked; even for a second. Being too small, and too simple of creatures, to be worth abducting ( and easily outnumbering any ‘natural’ predators )– in her opinion; the rodents likely hadn’t had this fruitful of a reign since well before the Plague Years…And likewise, she certainly wasn’t going to be the one human in 4 months time,  that was going to get between them and their dinner--if she could help it .*
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*whistles at her* Looking Good Tammy. Of course you always do. *winks*
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New glasses! I love them so stinkin much. 💜💜
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the anon fairy is here! *waves a wand and poptarts appear* bye!
POPTARTS?!?! *takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes before putting them back on* Thank you anon fairy!”
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How do you feel about body/facial piercings?
I really don’t mind the body piercings at all. I mean, they do serve a purpose. *blushes darkly at his own thought* However, the facial piercings would be difficult for me to overcome if in access. A lip piercing or nose and eyebrow piercings are really cute.
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what type of girl can you see ur bros dating
Hey anon, that’s a good question but one I can easily answer. *snorts* Leo’s s/o would be as disciplined as he is. Someone to meditate with and maybe do some training and read books with. Raph.... Oh boy. *adjusts his glasses* Ralph’s s/o would be a scrapper, not just smart but also street smart. Someone who wouldn’t take his shit and put the hot head in his place. Mikey’s s/o would be as care free as he is. But don’t let that fool you. They both can turn completely venomous when it comes to messing with their mates.
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( Hi, sorry to bother you, but I was just looking for someone to RP with. Could you let me know when you get this? And If you have any rules to follow? D: My computer is rather old, and it won't load some main pages, so I can't always find the necessary sections beforehand . Sorry for any inconvenience in advance )
No inconvenience at all, dear. Sometimes my work keeps me away from tumblr but I will try to always answer. I do enjoy rp so message me with your ideas.
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I am really glad to see your posts on my dash. I do hope to see you being more active. Who's doesn't love Donatello in their feed?
I’m so sorry I’m answering this so late, dear. Thank you for such kind words. *blushes darkly*
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I’m ready.
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No Raph, don’t! Stay away! I happen to think you are perfect for me.. errr... Donnie. *smiles awkwardly* @tur-nerd-tle-girl
Would the guys have a hard time having an s/o who was a confident BBW who’s out spoken, out going and super encouraging to everyone they meet?
You legit just summed up Raph’s dream girl.
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*sips the seducing liquid*
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The walls aren’t painted, but I do have some equations I’ve written in purple chalk pen and some purple lighting. The lab I like to keep neutral tones so I don’t get distracted.
Hello Donnie! Love the blog!! I wanted to ask a question if you’re open for them still. We know you like purple, obviously, but what shade is your favorite?
Thank you, dear!! That made my night. I’m always open to getting asks, so ask away!
Yes, I do like purple but I like the darker shades or metallic shades. The lighter shades just don’t appeal to me.
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Hello Donnie! Love the blog!! I wanted to ask a question if you’re open for them still. We know you like purple, obviously, but what shade is your favorite?
Thank you, dear!! That made my night. I’m always open to getting asks, so ask away!Yes, I do like purple but I like the darker shades or metallic shades. The lighter shades just don’t appeal to me.
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what’s a lullaby you like listening to? could you sum up your childhood with your brothers?
Thanks for the ask anon.I don’t know who sang it, all I remember is hearing it through one of the grates while napping. A woman sang it to her fussy little one. I don’t know the name of the tune but I have never forgot the words. Also, I’m sure she was from the southern states, Oklahoma or Texas, she had a thick southern accent that was soothing. I still hum the tune occasionally when I’m stressed or tired. Growing up with my brothers was difficult before Dad found glasses for me. My brothers of course would help me when I needed them. We were and are still very close.
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Hi Donnie I love learning new things .I'm always curious What do you think causes global warming?
Hello sweet Niki! It’s always good to continue to learn through out life. Ah, global warming. It’s caused by the ‘greenhouse effect’. This is caused when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, the radiation would be released back into space but all the pollutants trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. The worst part is the pollution can last upward into centuries so the radiation isn’t going anywhere soon.
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Uhhh.. no, I would not! @tur-nerd-tle-girl Have you forgotten my staff can taze the crap out of anything? They would be gone. POOF!
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I dunno these robots,cuz wrote roughly.😬
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Poor turtle! 😂
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I dunno these robots,cuz wrote roughly.😬
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Finally have a break!
Wheeww, work can can definitely push you over the edge when you’re dog tired. I have a week long break and plan to use it wisely. *snort*
Thanks for understanding guys!
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